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Maligaya National High School

Buenavista, Quezon


Name:__________________________________________ Date:_______________
I- MULTIPLE CHOICES: Read the statements carefully, then write the letter of your choice on the space
provided before the number.
_____1. Which gland is located in front of the heart?
a. adrenal b. thymus c. pancreas d. thyroid
_____2. Which gland secreted Luteinizing hormone?
a. parathyroid b. thyroid c. pituitary d. adrenal
_____3. Which organ is located within the skull that functions as organizer and distributor of information for the body?
a. spinal nerve b. brain c. cranial nerve d. cerebrum
_____4. How long is a typical human pregnancy?
a. one trimester b. two trimester c. three trimester d. four trimester
_____5. Where in the female reproductive system does fertilized egg develops?
a. ovary b. oviduct c. vagina d. uterus
_____6. Which hormone function in the control of the calcium levels in your body and normalizes bone growth?
a. parathyroid b. thyroid c. thymus d. pancreas
_____7. Which of the following is the large upper part of the brain that controls activity and thought?
a. cerebellum b. cerebrum c. brain stem d. spinal cord
_____8. Which is a nerve fiber that carry into and out of the brain stem?
a. spinal nerves b. cranial nerve c. spinal cord d. brain
_____9. What is the monthly changes that take place in the female reproductive system?
a. pregnancy b. menstruation d. menopause d. fertilization
_____10. Which is a sac of skin that holds the testis?
a. penis b. testis c. scrotum d. urethra
_____11. Which serves as a passageway of eggs from the ovary to the uterus?
a. vagina b. ovary c. oviduct d. uterus
_____12. Which is a science that deals with the study of heredity?
a. Genetics b. Generic c. geneology d. herediology
_____13. What is a double helix molecules composed of two complementary strands of deoxyribonucleic units?
a. DNA b. RNA c. mRNA d. tRNA
_____14. Who established the connection between genes and enzymes?
a. George Beadle and Edward Tatum
b. James Watson and Francis Crick
c. Jean Baptiste de Lamarck and Charles Darwin
d. none of the above
_____15. What is a process by which information in a strand of DNA is copied into a new molecule of
messenger RNA (mRNA)?
a. transcription b. mutation c. translation d. recombinant DNA
_____16. When DNA from different species are joined together, it is called ____________.
a. DNA test b. recombinant DNA c. transcription d. mutation
_____17. Where can most of the fossil commonly be found?
a. black soil b. lava flows c. sedimentary rock d. granite rock
_____18. Which are shallow external molds left by animal or plant tissues with little or no organic material
a. impression b. compression c. a and b d.
_____19. Which is a variety of different life found on earth and the variation within species?
a. diversity b. kingdom b. phylum d. class
_____20. Who are the person that studies fossils?
a. geologist b. meteorologist c. paleontologist d. chemist
_____21. Which is a method used to determine the age of the rocks by comparing them with the rocks in the
other layer?
a. radiometric dating b. relative dating c. carbon dating d. relating
_____22. Which structure may perform in different organisms that are similar in function but different origin?
a. homologous structure b. analogous structure
c. divergent evolution d. convergent evolution
_____23. Which pairs of animals shows a correct example of homologous?
a. human arm and whale finger b. Alligator forelimb and bat wing
c. butterfly wing and whale finger d. bird wing and alligator forelimb
_____24. Who was the first evolutionist to believe that organisms change over time?
a. Charles Darwin b. Jean Baptiste de Lamarck
c. Robert Dietz d. Michael Faraday
_____26. Which of the following structures does NOT secrete fluids that form semen?
a. seminal vesicles b. corpus luteum c. prostate gland d. bulbourethral gland
_____27. What is the function of testis?
a. carries sperm and urine out of the body b. deposits sperms into the vagina during mating
c. produces sperm cells d. provide liquid in which sperm can swim
_____28. What characterize the menopause?
a. the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics b. the start of ovulation
c. the start of menstruation d. the cessation of ovulation and menstruation
_____29. Which two hormones regulates body metabolism, and causes storage of calcium in bones?
a. insulin and Glucagon b. thyroxin and calcitonin
c. androgen and testosterone d. estrogen and progesterone
_____30. Where is the adrenal gland located?
a. between the kidney b. on the top of the kidney c. below the voice box d. in the neck
_____31. Which Nitrogen base in RNA is NOT part of DNA?
a. Adenine b. cytosine c. guanine d. uracil
_____32. Which of the following is usually caused by an extra copy of chromosomes?
a. Cri du chat b. down syndrome c. Edward Syndrome d. Jacobsem Syndrome
_____33. Which of the following heritable traits cannot be influenced by the environment?
a. height b. weight c. earlobe attachment d. skin colour
_____34. Which of the following places the geologic time eras in order to most recent?
a. Precambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozic b. Mesozoic, Cenozoic, Paleozoic, Precambrian
c. Cenozoic, Mesozoic, Paleozoic, Precambrian c. precambrian, Cenozoic, Paleozoic, Mesozoic
_____35. Which of the following pieces of evolution evidences deals with aged and identified fossils?
a. comparative anatomy b. comparative biochemistry
c. comparative embryology d. fossil record
_____36. When would convergent evolution occur?
a. when organism experience a change in their environment
b. when organisms live in similar environments
c. when organisms become increasingly different
d. when organisms share a common ancestor
_____37. Which of the following involves the onset sexual maturity and the ability to reproduce?
a. pregnancy b. menstruation c. puberty d.menopause
_____38. When does the first onset of menstrual cycle happened?
a. between 6-8 years old b. between 10-13 years old
c. between 18-20 years old c. between 40-42 years old
_____39. Which of the following is a process of making copies of DNA?
a. replication b. mutation c. translation d. transcription
_____40. What is the term for the remains of once living things which includes bones, shells, teeth and also
a. fossils b. sources c. evidences d. preserved

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