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At the end of the lesson, the Grade 8 students are expected to attain with 80%
proficiency level the following objectives:
 Identify positions of a topic sentence (EN8RC-IVa-2.21.1)
 Identify details that support the topic sentence (EN8RC-IVb-2.21.2)
 Respond positively in group activities and class discussion


A. Topic: Information Flow in Various Text Types
B. Reference: Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft
C. Learning Materials: pictures, manila papers, chalkboards, chalk
D. Methodology: 4As
E. Concept: A topic sentence is the most important sentence in a paragraph.
Also known as a focus sentence, it is a sentence, sometimes at the
beginning of a paragraph, that states or suggests the main idea (or topic)
of a paragraph.


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Pre-activity
1. Prayer and Greetings
Everybody, stand up for the prayer. (Students stand up and pray)

2. Checking of Attendance
Is there anyone absent from the class? None, Ma’am!
Very good!

3. Review
Class, do you know what a sentence is? Yes, Ma’am!
What is a sentence? A sentence is a group of words or phrases with a
complete thought.
Very good!
Then, what is a paragraph? A paragraph is a group of sentences that relate
to the same main idea.
Very good!

B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
This time, I want you to categorize these flags
into which continent they belong.

2. Activity Proper
2.1 Presentation
Class, what you did was you relate the flag to
the category which was the central idea.  Identify positions of a topic sentence
Relating something to the central idea has  Identify details that support the topic
something to do with our lesson today. Our sentence
lesson is about Information Flow on Various  Respond positively in group activities and
Text Types. At the end of the lesson, you class discussion
should be able to attain the following objectives:

2.2 Activity
Now, let’s have an activity. I will be dividing the
class into four groups. (Students go to their respective groups)

Now that you’re in your respective groups,

here’s what you’re going to do:
I will show you a picture and tell you something
about the picture by giving the first sentence.
Then, each group will take turn in constructing
a sentence which should be related to the first
sentence and the picture.

Is that understood?
Very good! Yes, Ma’am!
Let’s start!

C. Post Activity
2.3 Analysis
Now, in the activity, if the first sentence and the
sentences you constructed were written down a summer vacation at the beach with friends
altogether, they can form a paragraph. And the
topic or the main idea of the paragraph could
be what?

Why did you say so?

Because the paragraph tells about the things that
can be done while taking a summer vacation with
Alright! friends
Class, in every paragraph there is the topic
sentence. In the paragraph, the first sentence A topic sentence essentially tells readers what
is the topic sentence of the paragraph. What do the rest of the paragraph is about.
you think is a topic sentence?

Very good!
- also known as a focus sentence
- A topic sentence is a sentence that
presents the topic or main idea of the
- Qualities of a good topic sentence: brevity,
precision and clarity

What about the sentences that follow the topic

sentence? What do they function? The sentences that follow support the topic
Very good!
Now, take a look at these sample paragraphs.
Kindly read the first paragraph.  Exercise is really good for one’s physical
and mental health. First, it is proven that
aerobic exercise is good for the heart,
which is very important to overall
health. Second, strength training is
important for maintaining muscle mass
and improving bone density. Finally, all
kinds of exercise have been shown to
relieve depression, anxiety, and stress.
Which do you think is the topic sentence of the
first paragraph? in the beginning

Why did you say so?

Excellent! Because it tells us that the paragraph is all about
Kindly read the second paragraph.
 The roads are buried in rubble and many
affected areas are inaccessible. Rescue
efforts are also affected by the numerous
aftershocks that continue to rattle the
region. Then, there is still no power or
adequate food or water. These are the
aftermaths of the earthquake in
Which do you think is the topic sentence of the
second paragraph? In the end

Why did you say so?

Because it acts as a kind of summary. It
Excellent! summarizes the main idea of the paragraph.

2.4 Abstraction
Now, let’s fill in the blanks in the sentence.
A topic sentence is a ________ which
______________. It is usually found in the
_______, _________ or _________ of a
paragraph. It should possess qualities such as
_______, _______ and _______.
2.5 Application
This time, with the same groupings I want you
to do this activity. Each group will be provided
with the same set of materials. You will have to
organize the strips of sentences to form a
coherent and logical paragraph and then,
identify which is the topic sentence and the
supporting details. Whichever group will finish
first will be given additional 5 points. Do you
understand, Class? Yes, Ma’am!

Very good!
You may start now.


A. Directions: Read each text carefully. Identify the positions of the topic sentence in
every passage. Write only the letter of your chosen answer.

Cielo was a little girl who was born black and white. She never had any color except for shades
of gray. One day after the rain, she saw a beautiful rainbow. It turned that strip of the sky into
the colors it never was. The last person who saw Cielo said that she was running fast with a
distant look in her eye, as if chasing a dream that was not there.

1. A. beginning C. end
B. middle D. A and B

First mix together flour, baking soda, eggs, butter, vanilla, and milk in a bowl to make your
batter. Add choco chips into the mixture. Next scoop balls of the cookie dough into a baking
sheet. Then bake the cookies in the oven for 15 minutes at 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Lastly,
take the cookies out of the cookie and serve. That is how easily you can make chocolate chips

2. A. beginning C. end
B. middle D. B or C

I would like to tell you about my uncle. His name is Juma and he is thirty-nine years old. He is
my father’s youngest brother. I really like Uncle Juma because he is very kind and very funny.
He also tells us interesting stories about the places he visits. These are the reasons why I love
my Uncle Juma.

3. A. beginning C. end
B. middle D. B or C

Many people think poetry is old-fashioned and uninteresting. They don’t realize that every time
they hear a song sung, they are hearing poetry in the form of song lyrics. Just like many written
poems, many song lyrics use rhythm, rhyme, and literary imagery. It turns out that poetry isn’t
old-fashioned; it’s as modern as the latest hit song!
4. A. beginning C. end
B. middle D. B or C

I love football! I loved football when I was a small boy, and I love it now. My favorite team is
Manchester United. I go to see our local club team every weekend, and now I play for the
college three times a week.

5. A. beginning C. end
B. middle D. B or C

B. Directions: Read the text carefully. Rewrite the paragraph and encircle the topic
sentence and underline the supporting details.

Salva and the other boys made cows out of clay. The more cows you made,
the richer you were. But they had to be fine, healthy animals. It took time to make a
lump of clay look like a good cow. The boys would challenge each other to see who
could make the most and best cows.

Compose a short paragraph consisting of ten (10) sentences. Encircle the topic
sentence and underline the supporting details.

Prepared by:

Student Teacher

Approved by:


Cooperating Teacher

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