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Gumaus National High School

Gumaus, Paracale Camarines Norte

4th Quarter Exam

Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on the space provided.

___1.It is a Japanese traditional theatre art that is performed in a stylized manner which combines
acting, singing and dancing.
a. Kabuki c.Wayang Kulit
b. Peking Opera d. Nang Yai Puppet show
___2. A puppeteer and narrator of wayang kulit.
a.Gamelan c.Aria
b.Dalang d. Saron
___3. It is also known as Beijing Opera.
a. Wayang Kulit c.Kabuki
b.Nang Yai d. Peking Opera
___4. It is considered as the highest form of art in China.
a.Kabuki theatre c. Wayang Kulit
b.Peking Opera Theater d. Nang Yai
___5 .A Gamelan ensemble that has two stringed fiddle.
a. saron c.kendang
b. bonang d.rebab
___6. Wayang Kulit is one of the oldest continuos tradition of storytelling of_____________.
a.India c.Indonesia
b. Korea d. China
___7. Who is the important person in a Wayang Kulit performance?
a.puppet c.dalang
b.audience d all of the above
___8.It is a wooden xylophone in gamelan ensemble
a. gambang c.kendang
b. suling d.kenong and ketok
___9. The term kabuki in modern Japanese “ka” means ___________.
a.sing c. acting
b. dance d. none of the above
___10. A full Javanese gamelan ensemble consists of____________.
a. gong and kempul c.tjelempung
b.kenong and ketuk d. all of the above

Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and write the word FALSE if it is wrong.
Write your answer on the space provided before the number.
________11. Kabuki is a high form of play that actors show their wide range of skills in vocal and
visual performances.
________12. Jinghu is a four stringed instrument that is plucked.
________13. In kabuki theatre, the word “ki” means dance.
________14. The dalang prepares the materials used like the cloth and the light for the shadow.
________15. Arirang is one of the popular traditional songs of Japan.
________16. The orchestra of peking opera is different from the western orchestra.
________17. In Japanese theatre, dances and movements are accompanied by gamelan music.
________18. Most music used in the Peking Opera has been work out collaboratively between
actors and musicians.
________19. In Japanese theatre, the most popular shamisen music was called naugata.
_______ 20.Japan and China are countries from middle east.

Choose the letter of the correct answer.

____1. It refers to the female role in Peking opera.

a.Dan c.Qingyi
b.Sheng d.Huadan
____2. It is the main male role in Peking opera.
a.Huadan c. Qingyi
b. Sheng d. Dan
___3. It refers to the male roles in Kabuki theatre.
a. Onna-gata c.Kabukimono
b. Aragoto d. Mie
___4. It refers to the leather contruction of the puppets that are carefully shaped with very fine
a.wayang c.rama
b. kulit d. yana
___5. A platform that raises the performers from below the stage in Japan’s kabuki.
a.Hanamichi c.Suppon
b. Kogakudo d. Mawaro butal
___6. It is the Japanese traditional drama.
a. Nang Shadow puppet c. Wayang Kulit
b. Peking Opera d.Kabuki Theater
___7. It is a shadow puppet of Indonesia.
a.Wayang Kulit c. Kabuki
b.Nang d. Peking opera
___8. The Indonesian shadow puppet theatre shows are based on the stories of_______.
a.Biag Ni Lam-ang c. Nagarakretagama
b. Ramayana and Mahabharata d.The Tale of the Heike
___9. The performance element that includes both acrobatics and fighting with all manner of
weaponry in Peking Opera is________.
a.combat c. speech
b. dancing
___10.Which of the following is NOT a female role in Peking Opera?
a.Daomadan c.Laosheng
b.Wudan d.Qingyi
Three Main Categories of the Kabuki Play
Visual Performance Elements of Peking Opera
Example of Male Role in Peking Opera
Explain the following. 5 points each
Write your answer at the back of the testpaper.
1. What have you learned about Binislakan Folk dance?
2. What have you learned about Sakuting Folk dance?
3. What have you learned about Sua ku Sua Folk dance
4. What have you learned about Pangalay Folk dance?

Choose the letter of the correct answer.Write your answer on the space provided before a

___1.The Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003 is also known as______.

a.R.A 9211 c.R.A.0213
b.R.A. 9212 d.R.A.9214
___2. It is an act states that smoking in public places and public conveyances is prohibited.
a.R.A.8750 c.R.A.8749
b. R.A.8751 d.R.A.8748
___3.The addictive chemical in smokeless tobacco and cigarette is_____.
a. Carcinogens c.Vitamins
b. Nicotine d. Energy
___4.It refers specifically to the smoke that a smoker directly inhales.
a.Mainstream Smoke c.Residual Smoke
b. Secondhand Smoke d. All of the above
___5. The smoke that comes out of the lighted end of a cigarette or pipe.
a.Residual Smoke c. Mainstream Smoke
b. Secondhand Smoke d. none of the above
___6. The plant whose leaves can be rolled into a cigar or pipe and can be smoked is_______.
a.Marijuana c. Shabu
b. Tabacco d. All of the above
___7. It is a substance that can cause cancer.
a.Nicotine c.Carcinogens
b.Stimulant d. none of the above
___8. Which of the following is a harmful effect of cigarette smoking?
a. body odor c.oral cancer
b. bad breath d. all of the above
___9. A group of disease which makes a body cells grow uncontrollably.
a. heart disease c. cancer
b. asthma d. bad breath
___10. It is a colorless bitter tasting substance that humans have been consuming since the ancient
a. alcohol c. shabu
b. cigarette d. marijuana
___11. The process of extracting alcohol from a plant or a fruit.
a. intoxication c. fermentation
b. fertilization d. conservation
___12.It is also called as the beverage of alcohol.
a. methanol c. ethanol
b. isopropyl d. all of the above
___13. The physical effects that gives discomfort to humans who consumed alcohol.
a. extra strength c. headache
b. hang over d. none of the above
___14. Which of the following is an example of fermented alcohol? c. juice d.gin
___15.It is also called as residual tobacco smoke.
a. Third-Hand smoke c. Sidestream Smoke
b. Second –Hand Smoke d. Mainstream Smoke
Write the word True if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is wrong. Write your
answer on the space provided before the number.
_______16.The longer cigarette smoke stays in the body the more it causes damage to body parts.
_______17. Smoking inside the school premises is a violation of Republic Act 9211.
_______18.Second Hand smoke has no harmful effect to one’s body.
_______19. Cigarette smoking and use of smokeless tobacco kill thousands of Filipinos every year.
_______20. Cancer, heart disease, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are just some
diseases caused by cigarette smoking.
Gateway Drugs
Effects of Smoking on the Body
Three Types of Alcohol

Prepared by:
Janice J. Gumabao
MAPEH Teacher

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