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The Fluid Mechanics Laboratory covers practical aspects of fluid flow for both compressible and
incompressible fluids and its properties. It features the following equipment: Bernoulli's apparatus,
Osborne Reynolds Demonstration unit, Multi Pump Test Rig, Fluid Friction Measurement unit,
Fixed and Fluidized Bed Equipment, centrifugal fan and centrifugal pump

Equipment in Fluid Mechanics Laboratory

S. No. Name of Equipment Mode/Model Number Quantity
1 1
2 1
3 1
4 1
5 1
6 1
7 1

1|Department of Civil Engineering

Before beginning the experiments, read carefully and take note of the followinginstructions:

1. When conducting or observing experiments, eating, smoking, playing, andsleeping
are NOT ALLOWED inside the laboratory.
2. Do not let any person who is not enrolled in this laboratory course enter thesaid
3. Students who are absent during the performance of the experiments willobtain a zero
mark in the corresponding experiments.


1. Recognize possible hazardous locations especially if the experiment
involvesoperation of the larger equipment. Watch out for edges in the equipment.
2. Do not overload of overfill equipment such that it exceeds its maximum
3. Take special precaution in minimizing spillage of water or of any other liquidsnear
electrical outlets.
4. Do not play with the various valves and switches present on the equipment.
5. Waste papers and other garbage should not be thrown into the various water tanks in
the laboratory.


1. Minimize the spillage of water inside the laboratory. Water used by the equipment
should not be used for any other purpose.
2. Determine first the nature of the liquid before disposing. If not sure, ask the
laboratory technician to verify it.
3. When handling mercury, take precaution in preventing spillage and accidental
disposal. Do not prolong exposure of your hands and skin to the mercury.
4. For liquids that are to be re-used, store them back on their previous containers after
the experiment. Do not transfer them to other containers.


2|Department of Civil Engineering

1. Reports and observations should be written in ink and should be submitted in a
bounded note-form, identical to the engineering field note.
2. The following should be included in the report:
i. Experiment Number and Title
ii. Materials and Equipment/ Apparatus
iii. Tabulated Data and Results
iv. Computation
v.Sketch and/or Layout
vi. Discussion and/or Analysis
vii. Conclusion
viii. References
3. In the discussion, the results of the experiment should be interpreted in the light of
existing theories and facts. Reasons for discrepancies should be given.
4. Conclusions should be in the student’s own words and it must be related to the
objective of the experiment

3|Department of Civil Engineering



Density is an elementary physical property of matter. It is defined as the ratio of mass to

volume of a substance as shown in the following:

Numerically it represents the mass per unit volume of matter. The SI unit of density is
3 3
always expressed in the unit of kg m or . As the temperature increases, the density of a
substance will be decreased, this will be discussed later in discussion. When thermal expansion
occurs, the volume of the substance increases while its mass is remained. By referring to the
formula given, the density of the substance decreases as the temperature increase. The density of a
substance is varies with the change of temperature at surrounding.

 To determine the density of the liquid by volumetric method.

(a) Graduated cylinders
(b) Meter stick
(c) Liquid
(d) Weighing balance

1. Weigh the empty graduated cylinder.
2. Get a liquid just enough to fill the graduated cylinder to its desired neck level.
3. Weigh the graduated cylinder with liquid in it.
4. Read and record the volume of the liquid.

1. Discuss the theory pertinent to the experiment performed.

4|Department of Civil Engineering

2. Explain the importance of the property/ theory under investigation to the study offluid

5|Department of Civil Engineering



This method was based on Stoke's law on viscosity. It consists of a long vertical
container which is filled with the liquid whose viscosity is to be determined.

The time taken by the fall to fall through known distance L, after a constant velocity
has been attained by the ball, is observed. Thus, the constant velocity is:

The viscosity of the liquid with relation to the other is given by the equation:

V = velocity of the sphere
L = distance of the fall
t = time of the fall
D = diameter of the sphere
(Ws – W) = submerged weight of sphere in the liquid

 To determine the viscosity of a liquid by falling sphere method.

(a) liquid of unknown viscosity
(b) spherical ball
(c) stopwatch
(d) meter stick
(e) caliper


6|Department of Civil Engineering

1. Determine the density of the sphere.
2. Determine the unit weight of the fluid.
3. Install the set - up of the experiment as shown in the figure.
4. Drop the spherical ball with the initial position of the ball just near the liquid surface.
5. Mark the point where the velocity of the ball starts to become unifrom. This will be the
initial point of the measurement of the distance.
6. Simultaneously set the time on as with procedure #5.
7. Set the time off when the ball reaches the bottom of the cylinder.
8. Measure the distance dropped from the initial marked point to the final position of the
9. Repeat the procedure for two more trials using the same set-up.
10. Repeat using different unknown liquid.


(Sample Data Sheet)

The liquid used here is _____________________________.
Weight of the empty beaker Wb = _____________________________.
Weight of beaker with liquid W1 = _____________________________.
Volume of liquid V1 = ______________________________.
Unit weight of liquid W = _______________________________.
Diameter of the sphere Ds = ______________________________.
Weight of the spherical ball Ws = ______________________________.

Liquid A:
Trial No. Distance (L) Time (t) Velocity (V) Viscosity (U)


7|Department of Civil Engineering

1. Discuss Stoke's law on viscosity.
2. Derive the formula used in the experiment.
3. Explain the importance of the property/theory.

1. Use a funnel in pouring the liquids.
2. Remove any trapped air inside the tube by tapping.
3. Do not throw away the liquid especially the mercury. Let the laboratory assistant do the
cleaning. In removing impurities from the mercury, dip some tissue paper in the
mixture to cling to the paper.

8|Department of Civil Engineering


1. The pressure at any point under a liquid is proportional to the depth from the surface to the
point in consideration.

2. The pressure head at any point is the sum of the heads of the liquid/s expressed in their
equivalent head to a single liquid. Adding of heads is positive when going down, and negative
when going up.

Pressure measuring devices using liquid columns in vertical or inclined tubes are called
manometers. One of the most common is the water filled u-tube manometer used to measure
pressure difference in pitot or orifices located in the airflow in air handling or ventilation system.

 To determine the specific gravity of an unknown liquid using a U tube-manometer.

(a) Liquid of unknown specific gravity
(b) manometer stand

9|Department of Civil Engineering

(c) plastic tubing
(d) meter stick
(e) water
(f) beaker
(g) funnel
(h) glycerin

3. Pour a quantity of water into the U – tube.
4. Pour a quantity of unknown liquid on the other side of the U – tube.
4. Measure the difference in liquid level of each liquid.
5. Conduct three trials for this procedure.

1. Pour some amount of glycerin inside the U – tube.
2. Pour some amount of liquid in one side of the U – tube.
3. Pour some amount of water in the other side.
4. Measure the difference in the liquid level of each liquid.
6. Conduct three trials.

Sample Data Sheet

Liquid A:
Trial No. H Figure:

10 | D e p a r t m e n t o f C i v i l E n g i n e e r i n g
Liquid B:
Trial No. H Figure:

11 | D e p a r t m e n t o f C i v i l E n g i n e e r i n g

Frequently in hydraulic problems, the difference in pressure at two points inpipeline or between
two pipes is desired without necessarily knowing thepressure in either one of the pipe.

 To determine the difference in pressure between two pipes using the pressure gage meter.

(a) meter stick
(b) two pipes of different energy potentials
(c) pressure – gage meter

1. Open slowly the gate valve. Observe the reading of the pressure from the pressure gages.
2. Measure the differences in elevation between the centerlines of the two pipes, between the
3. Observe and records the readings.
4. Perform three trials.

1. Sudden opening of the gate valve will tend to push away the mercury to the interior part of
the pipe, thereby losing the mercury liquid.
2. Remove the presence of any air bubbles inside the plastic tubing. This can create error in
the computation of the difference in pressure between pipes.

1. Discuss the theory pertinent to the experiment performed.

12 | D e p a r t m e n t o f C i v i l E n g i n e e r i n g
2. Explain the importance of the property / theory under investigation to the study of fluid

13 | D e p a r t m e n t o f C i v i l E n g i n e e r i n g

Figure 5.1 is a sketch of the device used to measure the center of pressure on a submerged
vertical surface. It consists of an annular sector of solid material attached to a balance beam. When
the device is properly balanced the face of the sector that is not attached to the beam is directly
below (coplanar) with the pivot axis. The solid sector and the balance beam is supported above a
tank of0020water.

(a) (b)
Figure 5.1 (a) Apparatus for measuring the location of the center of pressure.
(b) Detailed nomenclature for locating the center of pressure.

Figure 3.2 shows the submerged surface viewed from the left side of the tank in Figure 3.1.
Thedepth of the centroid below the surface of the water is h. The x-y coordinate system has its
originat the centroid. The y-direction position of the center of pressure, yR, is (Munson et al., §2.8)

Where Ixc is the moment of inertia of the surface about the x-axis, and A is the surface area.

The location of the center of pressure can be measured using the apparatus sketched in
Figure 5.1.The counterweight is adjusted so that the beam is horizontal when there is no water in
the tankand no weight in the pan. When the tank is filled with water the unbalanced hydrostatic
forcecauses the beam to tilt. Adding weight W to the pan at a distance L from the pivot O exertsa

14 | D e p a r t m e n t o f C i v i l E n g i n e e r i n g
moment WL that counterbalances the resultant moment due to the hydrostatic forces on thequarter-
annulus-shaped body ABPQ.

When the water level is as shown in the figure, there are hydrostatic forces on surfaces
AB,BS and AT. Since BS and AT are concentric cylindrical surfaces with the common axis
passingthrough O, the hydrostatic forces on BS and AT do not exert any moment about O. As a
resultWL is equal to the moment due to the hydrostatic force F acting on the vertical plane surface

15 | D e p a r t m e n t o f C i v i l E n g i n e e r i n g
In this experiment the force F is not measured. Instead the theoretical value F =  ghA
isassumed, where h is the depth of the centroid of the surface. The moment due to F is
measuredand the theoretical value of F is used to compute the location of the center of pressure.
Balancing the moments about O gives

Substituting F =  ghA and solving for yR yields

 To determine the hydrostatic pressure on a submerged surface.

(a) hydrostatic pressure apparatus
(b) weights
(c) scale ruler

1. Adjust the counterweight so that the balance the beam is horizontal with no water in thetank.
2. Add water up to some level. During the lab you will use at least four water levels. Make
suresome water levels leave part of the vertical face exposed.
3. Add weights to the pan to restore the beam to a horizontal position. Record the
weight.Measure H.
4. Measure and record h.
5. Calculate yR,th and compare to yR,m. If the values are not reasonably close, check
yourmeasurement procedure.
6. Return to step 2 and repeat the measurements using at least three other water levels.

1. Discuss the theory pertinent to the experiment performed.
2. Explain the importance of the property / theory under investigation to the studyof fluid
3. How does the design of the apparatus enable the resultant force on the vertical surface
to bemeasured? Are any significant forces being neglected? Does the section of the
vertical surfacethat is above the water surface contribute any error to the measurement?
16 | D e p a r t m e n t o f C i v i l E n g i n e e r i n g
4. Compare the experimental and theoretical values of yR and explain any discrepancy.
Pick onepoint in the middle of the range of measurements. For that data point, how
much of a changein the measured yR would be caused by an error of 10 grams in the
weight measurement?

17 | D e p a r t m e n t o f C i v i l E n g i n e e r i n g

 To determine the metacentric height of a floating body
 To illustrate the relationship of the metacentric height of a floating body and its stability.

(a) metacentric height apparatus

The unit shown inFigure6.1 consists of a pontoon

(1) and a water tank as float vessel. The
rectangular pontoon is fitted with a vertical sliding
weight (2) which permits adjustment of the height
of the centre of gravity and a horizontal sliding
weight (3) that generates a defined tilting moment.
The sliding weight scan be fixed in any positions
using knurled screws. The positions (4, 5) of the
sliding weights and the draught (6) of the pontoon
can be measured using the scales. A heel indicator
(7) is also available for measuring the heel angle.

Figure 6.1 Different parts of experimental apparatus

(b) Weight
(c) Basin of water

1. Measure the dimensions of the scow.
2. Determine the weight of the scow together with the set of weight.
3. Observe the angle indicator reading from the normal position and the titled position.
4. Measure the depth of floatation of the block in water for the different magnitude of load.
Make sure that the plumb line is vertical.

18 | D e p a r t m e n t o f C i v i l E n g i n e e r i n g
5. Move the load in a quarter distance going to the centre edge of the block. Observe and
record the offset from the center or the angle of inclination or tilt.
6. Move again the load a quarter distance or place it three – four distance from the centre
going to the edge. Observe and record the inclination or tilt.
7. Repeat the procedure for two more trials.

1. Discuss the theory pertinent to the experiment performed.
2. Explain the importance of the property / theory under investigation to the study fluid
3. What will happen if the center of gravity and the center of buoyancy of a floating object
are the same?
4. When and why will the floating object become unstable? Compare theoretical
expectations to your lab observations and discuss any differences.
5. Derive and measure the buoyancy force exerted to the experimental setup when the
vertical weight is at the bottom and the horizontal weight is at the center.

Sample Data Sheet

Angle of
No. of Displacement
Rotation CM
Observation of weight

19 | D e p a r t m e n t o f C i v i l E n g i n e e r i n g

To determine the coefficient of discharge of a given venturimeter

(a) venturimeter
(b) manometer
(c) measuring tank
(d) stop watch

1. Measure the diameter of the inlet of the venturimeter. The diameter for the throat is given
2. Open the supply valve. The observations are taken when the flow becomessteady.
3. The liquid is collected. The time is determined with the help of a stopwatch.
4. Determine the difference in pressure between the inlet and throat using the pressure gage
5. The procedure is repeated using different discharges by regulating the supply valve.


Figure 7.1 Ideal Conditions in a Venturi meter

20 | D e p a r t m e n t o f C i v i l E n g i n e e r i n g
D1 Diameter of inlet: 3.78 cm
D2Diameter of throat: 1.98 cm

Diff. in
Trial No. Pressure Volume Time Cd
(P1 – P2)

Average Cd = _________________________

Formula to be used:

Q = volume flux
AA and AB = cross sectional areas
hAand hB= heights in the piezometer tubes

1. Discuss the theory pertinent to the experiment performed.
2. Explain the importance of the property/theory under investigation to the study fluid

21 | D e p a r t m e n t o f C i v i l E n g i n e e r i n g


Fig. 8.1 Wholly submerged orifice

An orifice is an opening with a closed perimeter through which water flows. Orifices may
have any shape, although they are usually round, square, or rectangular. Flow in an orifice can
either be discharge into free air or through a submerged orifice. For this experiment, a set-up with
a submerged office is to be used.
The discharge in a submerged orifice is given by:

= actual discharge collected
= coefficient of discharge of the submerged orifice
= difference in water level at the upstream and downstream
= area of the orifice

 To determine the coefficient of discharge C of a submerged orifice

(a) flume
(b) orifice
(c) measuring tank
(d) caliper
(e) stopwatch


22 | D e p a r t m e n t o f C i v i l E n g i n e e r i n g
1. Measure the diameter of the orifice.
2. Install the plate with the orifice across the flume.
3. Open the supply valve. The observations are taken when the difference in water level is
already constant.
4. The liquid is collected in the measuring tank. The volume is taken by volume on a scale
indicator installed at the side of the collecting tank. Record the time, which is taken
simultaneously with the collection of water.
5. Measure the difference in water level.
6. The procedure is repeated for different discharges, which is obtained by regulating the
supply valve.

Diameter of orifice d = ____________________ cm

Trial No. h1 h2 h1 – h2 Volume Time Q C

Average value of C

1. Choose the appropriate size of the orifice such that for a certain discharge it will create a
noticeable difference in head.
2. There should be no seepage of water along the sides of the walls of the channel.
3. Specific gravity of water must nearly equal to 1.0 if not it should be measured by a
hydrometer in case there are water impurities.
4. Stopwatch should be operated instantaneously with the volume reading in the tank.


23 | D e p a r t m e n t o f C i v i l E n g i n e e r i n g
1. Discuss the theory pertinent to the experiment performed.
2. Explain the importance of the property/theory under investigation to the study of fluid

24 | D e p a r t m e n t o f C i v i l E n g i n e e r i n g

(n.d.). Retrieved 21 05, 2015, from

(n.d.). Retrieved May 20, 2015, from

(n.d.). Retrieved May 21, 2015, from

(n.d.). Retrieved May 21, 2015, from

25 | D e p a r t m e n t o f C i v i l E n g i n e e r i n g

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