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Sponsored by the American Welding Society and the Welding Research Council

ABSTRACT. The possibility of

nitrogen incursion into the arc and
weld pool must be considered in any
application where austenitic stainless
weld metal ferrite content is im-
portant. This is especially true in gas
metal-arc welding (GMAW) and gas
tungsten-arc welding (GTAW) where
turbulence in the arc shielding gas
flow can admit enough nitrogen to ap-
preciably reduce the ferrite content of
The Ferrite Content of Austenitic the deposit. Calculations of ferrite us-
ing filler metal chemistry and either
the DeLong or Schaeffler diagrams
Stainless Steel Weld Metal will usually show a higher ferrite con-
tent than exists in the deposit, be-
cause nitrogen is picked up by the
weld metal during welding.
The effect of nitrogen pickup in GTAW and If the Schaeffler Diagram were the
only calculation tool available the
GMA W and the need for better correlation nitrogen-caused differences in ferrite
between filler metal and weld metal
would often be difficult to explain be-
between calculated and measured cause Schaeffler did not include a
factor for nitrogen in his diagram.
ferrite content leads to a revised constitution However, use of the actual deposit
analysis and the DeLong Diagram,
which takes account of the strong
diagram and an evaluation of experimental austenitizing effect of nitrogen, can
generally explain the significant
and statistical error. differences observed when high
nitrogen pickup has occurred.
Knowledge of the effect of nitrogen
BY C. J. LONG AND W. T. DeLONG and the magnetic measurement of
weld deposit ferrite can be of signi-
ficant help in qualifying GMAW and
GTAW procedures and operators to
minimize pickup of the element and
thereby to provide consistent and ac-
ceptable weld metal ferrite.
The DeLong Diagram has been
revised to convert it to the WRC Fer-
rite Number system and to reflect in-
formation obtained in the study of the
GTAW and GMAW deposits de-
scribed in this paper.
Comparisons between the
calculated and the measured ferrite
contents are made for both the
Schaeffler and the revised DeLong
Diagrams. On Types 308, 308L and
347 the diagrams are essentially
equal in performance except where
high nitrogen levels are involved, in
which case the DeLong Diagram is
better. For the more highly alloyed
W. T. DeLONG is Vice President and
C. J. LONG is Welding Engineer,
Types 316, 316L and 309 the Schaef-
Teledyne McKay, York, Pennsylvania. fler Diagram understates the ferrite
Paper was presented at the 54th content so the DeLong Diagram is
AWS Annual Meeting held in Chicago better for these types.
during April 2-6, 1973. The sources and magnitudes of

W E L D I N G R E S E A R C H S U P P L E M E N T ! 281-s

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
CHROMIUM EQUIVALENT = £Cr+§Mo + 1.5 x-g-Si + 0.5 "rjCb
Fig. 1 — Schaeffler diagram

several variables in the measure- posit cools through a temperature distribution. However, besides being
ment and calculation of ferrite are range just below the delta ferrite c u m b e r s o m e , such a m e t h o d re-
considered, as well as the overall region. The transformation is time-de- quires considerable care to be sure
variation between them. Allowances pendent — i.e., the ferrite does not in- that the section or sections studied
for receiving inspection are recom- stantaneously transform, but does so give a true picture of the volumetric
m e n d e d to p r o v i d e adequate progressively over a short period of ferrite distribution. Also, the etchant
tolerances for variations in ferrite con- time — and theoretically the trans- selected and the degree of etch have
tent between pads. formation could be avoided almost been shown to be among the several
Measured ferrite is r e c o m m e n d e d completely if the deposit could be in- variables in procedure and technique
over calculated for specification pur- stantly quenched from the just-frozen which can influence rather s u b -
poses. state to black heat, which would re- stantially the values obtained. 1
sult in a much higher percentage of In 1949 Schaeffler published his
ferrite in a Type 308 deposit, for ex- Constitution Diagram For Stainless
The Literature ample. Similarly, if the cooling rate Steel Weld Metal, 2 which provided a
The effectiveness of the presence from the molten state is rapid enough, tool for calculating weld deposit fer-
of a small but controlled amount of it is possible to supercool through the rite c o n t e n t b a s e d on c h e m i c a l
delta ferrite in preventing cracking of t e m p e r a t u r e zone in w h i c h delta analysis by graphically combining ef-
austenitic stainless steel weld d e - ferrite f o r m s and to transform d i - fects of the austenitizers nickel, car-
posits is well known. Types in which rectly into austenite. Practically bon and manganese and the fer-
this effect is taken advantage of in- speaking, however, the final amount ritizers c h r o m i u m , m o l y b d e n u m ,
clude among others 308, 308L, 309, of delta ferrite in virtually all weld silicon and columbium; this diagram
347, 318 and sometimes 316 and metal depends only to a rather minor gave a figure for ferrite content which
316L and 317 and 317L. degree upon the cooling rate. was stated to be accurate to ± 4
In cooling from the molten state The amount of ferrite in stainless volume percent (hereinafter referred
austenitic stainless weld metal of nor- weld deposits can be determined in to as %) ferrite for many of the c o m -
mal carbon content solidifies first as a any of several ways. Metallographic mon austenitic weld deposits under
mixture of delta ferrite and austenite; e x a m i n a t i o n of the d e p o s i t c a n cooling conditions present in field
most of the ferrite subsequently provide an indication of the approxi- weldments. An expanded portion of
transforms to austenite as the de- mate ferrite content in terms of area the Schaeffler Diagram is shown as

282-s I J U L Y 1 973
Fig. 1; this diagram has been widely rather accurately known. A more di- of those instruments did produce dif-
accepted and very useful because rect measuring technique is the use of ferent ferrite readings on a given
calculated ferrite is rather easily de- an appropriate magnetic measuring specimen. These readings could
termined. instrument such as an Aminco-Bren- range from 3 to 9% on samples which
In 1956 DeLong et al3 expanded on ner Magne-Gage, which measures we would rate as 5%, and from 7 to
Schaeffler's work and published a the magnetic attraction between the 19% on samples which we would rate
modified Constitution Diagram For weld metal and a permanent magnet. as 10%. The variations were trace-
Stainless Weld Metal (Fig. 2*) which Use of a properly calibrated Magne- able to two primary problems. The
added an austenitizing factor for Gage has been recommended by first was that no scientifically accu-
nitrogen and modified the location of DeLong3 and others 456 and the instru- rate method of precisely establishing
the lines for the more highly alloyed ment is widely used for measuring the quantity of ferrite present in
grades such as 309, 316 and 317 at ferrite in weld deposits. The DeLong various unknowns had been pro-
normal nitrogen levels. The modifi- Diagram was based not upon metal- posed and broadly accepted.10 The
cation increased the amount of fer- lographic examination of welds, as second was that too many in-
rite predicted over that predicted by was the Schaeffler Diagram, but upon dependently calibrated magnetic in-
the Schaeffler Diagram, and sub- magnetic determinations of ferrite struments and/or curves to be used
stantially improved the agreement be- content of over 600 weld metal pads with such instruments had evolved
tween the predicted and measured by use of a Magne-Gage calibrated as over the years, often with appreci-
values for covered electrode de- described in DeLong's 1956 paper.3 able conflict with one another in the
posits of the more highly alloyed There has in the past been signi- ferrite values reported.1-7-89
grades. The DeLong Diagram had im- ficant controversy in welding circles Standardization of magnetic
proved accuracy, stated to be ±2% as to whether what welding people measuring instrument calibration in
ferrite, especially for deposits con- call 5% ferrite is that amount or close the U.S. has recently been accom-
taining higher than normal nitrogen. to it or is significantly more or less. plished by the High Alloys Com-
Of course to use either the Schaef- Simpkinson5 has shown that different mittee of the Welding Research Coun-
fler or the DeLong Diagram the particle sizes of iron in bakelite, or dif- cil through the Advisory Sub-
chemistry of the weld deposit must be ferent orientations of iron flakes in committee on Welding Stainless
bakelite, produce substantially dif- Steels.10 This WRC calibration pro-
ferent calibration curves with a cedure includes the use of the term
Magne-Gage and its number 3 Ferrite Number (FN) instead of the
'Figure 2 as presented has been revised to magnet. Many publications78-9 show- term percent ferrite. For a given
show the WRC Ferrite Numbers and also ed that different magnetic measuring
to incorporate the revisions discussed specimen, the Ferrite Number, par-
later in this paper.
instruments or different calibrations ticularly if it is 10 or less, represents a

by William T. DeLong
revised January, 1973

18 19 20 21 22 23 24
CHROMIUM EQUIVALENT = %Cr + %Mo + 1.5 X %Si + 0.5 X %Cb

Fig. 2 — DeLong diagram


below both the spread found in users' curves have generally been estab-
Table 1 — Conversion — Old McKay % calibrations and the total world-wide lished based on the DeLong or
Ferrite (as measured with a Magne-Gage) spread found in the survey. This rea- Schaeffler Diagrams.
to WRC Ferrite Number (FN)
sonable level of agreement has been
attained in part through the inter-
Old New Use of Bare Stainless
change of weld metal specimens with
%F FN Electrodes and Rods
specific assigned ferrite values, and
Up to 6.0 Same as old % the subsequent use of the specimens In the bare stainless area, attempts
7.0 7.2 as s t a n d a r d s for c o n s t r u c t i o n of have been made to provide deposit
8.0 8.5 Magne-Gage calibration curves, and ferrite control similar to that used with
9.0 9.8 in part through use of either the covered electrodes. These attempts
10.0 11.1 DeLong or Schaeffler Constitution have not been entirely successful,
11.0 12.4 Diagrams. It should be remembered partly because variations in GTAW
12.0 13.7 that despite the fact that not all pro- and GMAW procedures have made it
13.0 15.0
ducers have agreed precisely on the difficult to standardize in a manner
14.0 16.2
percent ferrite in any given weld de- which will produce ferrite readings
posit, the agreement has been close agreeable to a m a j o r i t y of f a b r i -
g o o d average of the ferrite per- enough so that these widely used cators. The result has been that few
centage figures which would be de- tools for d e t e r m i n i n g calculated p u r c h a s e s p e c i f i c a t i o n s for bare
termined for the specimen by present and/or measured weld metal ferrite stainless filler metals have in the past
U.S. and world methods of measuring have been eminently successful in included any ferrite requirement; the
delta ferrite, based on round robins providing crack-free stainless steel apparent feeling of many users is that
conducted by the WRC Advisory Sub- weld deposits for 20 years or more. when the chemical requirements are
committee and the International In- Many users, including the govern- met the deposit will be satisfactory
stitute of Welding Subcommission II- ment, require in some of their pur- from the ferrite standpoint. One ex-
Q 8.9.10 | n V j e w 0 f t h e WRC procedure chase s p e c i f i c a t i o n s that c o v e r e d ception to this approach is U.S. Gov-
electrodes of Types 308 and 308L and ernment Specification MIL-E-19933D,
we have presented all experimental
other f e r r i t e - c o n t a i n i n g austenitic which requires that undiluted weld
data in this paper in terms of FN and
stainless types produce undiluted metals of the 308, 309 and 347
much of the discussion herein is also
weld metal containing a particular families contain from 4 to 9% ferrite
in FN terms. For reference, Fig. 2 and
range of ferrite, often from 4 % to 9% as measured on the top surface of a
Table 1 both present a comparison
or from 5% to 15%, as determined standard pad (Fig. 3) using a cali-
of the percentage figures formerly
with either one of the abovemen- brated Magne-Gage.
used by our l a b o r a t o r y with the
tioned constitution diagrams or a
equivalent Ferrite Number for each.
Magne-Gage or other specified m a g -
netic measuring instrument such as Ferrite in G T A W a n d G M A W
Manufacture and Use of a Severn Ferrite Indicator. This ap- Deposits — the Nitrogen P r o b l e m
Covered Electrodes proach to ferrite control in covered
When we first considered the MIL-
Fortunately from a practical view- electrode stainless weld metal has
E-19933D ferrite requirements years
point, most major U.S. covered weld- been successful primarily because
ago, we used ferrite calculated from
ing electrode producers have set up welding practices and techniques with
bare electrode chemistry by the
their practices in electrode manu- covered electrodes have over the
DeLong Diagram to predict whether
facture so that the differences be- years become generally reasonably
the ferrite in a standard ferrite pad
tween them have not prevented the uniform, so that a deposit produced
would fall within the desired range; in
practical use of ferrite in the general by a trained welder in the electrode
predicting, we assumed a minimum
range of 4 to 9% to provide crack-free manufacturer's test lab according to
change in analysis from electrode to
weld deposits. If converted from our standardized procedures will be gen-
deposit and about 0.5 per cent loss in
prior practice, which generally cor- erally equivalent to one produced by a
ferrite, the latter assumption being
responds to the practices of most similarly trained welder in the pur-
based on our feeling that cooling
U.S. m a n u f a c t u r e r s , 3 t h i s is e s - chaser's facility according to the same
rates in the low-mass GMAW stan-
sentially 4 to 10 on the WRC Ferrite p r o c e d u r e s . Also, the a m o u n t of
dard pads were somewhat slower
Number scale. Round robin data 8 ferrite measured in such deposits with
than the cooling rates typical of most
indicate that the major producers in a Magne-Gage is reasonably close to
production welds.
the U.S. who participated in the pro- the amount calculated f r o m the
DeLong Diagram, for example, using Our experience indicated that it
gram were within approximately ± 0 . 5 was difficult to produce GMAW de-
FN of each other at a 5 Ferrite Num- the covered electrode deposit
chemistry, because as mentioned posits with ferrite contents within the
ber level and ± 1 FN of each other at a predicted ranges; given a heat with
10 Ferrite Number level, substantially above the Magne-Gage calibration
10% calculated ferrite, normally skill-
ed semiautomatic welders following
the MIL p r o c e d u r a l r e q u i r e m e n t s
could produce deposits containing
anywhere from 0 to 9% Magne-Gage
ferrite. Under such circumstances a
8 WELD LAYERS deposit from an ER 308L electrode
(PASSES) with 14% calculated ferrite, for exam-
MINIMUM BUILDUP- ple, might meet the MIL-E-19933D re-
quirements when prepared by one
- MIN AS J welder but might be outside those re-
304 STAINLESS quirements when prepared under
jfMIN PLATE. nominally equivalent conditions by
another welder.
r»-1 APPROX --T^L -3"APPROX- Because of the above described
difficulties in predicting and repro-
Fig. 3 — Standard ferrite pad ducing ferrite measurements, a study

284-s I J U L Y 1 973
Table 2 — Ferrite and Chemistry Variations from Electrode to Weld Deposit Spray Transfer GMAW — 1/16 In. ER 309
Electrode: 99% Argon — 1 % Oxygen Shielding Gas

C Mr, Si Cr Ni Mo N Ferrite number,

calculated' 3 ' measured
1. Electrode .074 1.63 .43 24.61 13.66 .14 .063 11.6
2. Weld deposit, .063 1.52 .31 24.08 13.48 .12 .161 2.4 0.6 W
first check
3. Weld deposit, .058 1.42 .38 23.81 13.48 .12 .070 9.1 6.0
special care

{a) Revised DeLong Diagram (Fig. 2).

(b) Difference between measured and calculated felt at the time to be due primarily to cooling rate effects.

Table 3 — Ferrite and Chemistry Variations from Electrode to Weld Deposit — Spray Transfer G MAW — .045 and 1/16 in. ER 308L
Electrode, Pure Argon Shielding Gas
Ferrite number,

Heat Form C Mn Si Cr Ni N calculated^) measured

465 .045 electr. .019 1.74 .47 20.55 10.15 .029 14.3 —
465 Welder 1
deposit .018 1.62 .54 20.60 10.10 .057 12.6 9.1
465 Welder 2
deposit .016 1.52 .52 20.43 10.42 .319 0 0
055 1/16 electr. .014 1.73 .60 21.00 9.90 .069 15.0 —
055 Welder 1
deposit .020 1.62 .56 21.17 9.95 .112 10.5 7.8
055 Welder 2
deposit .016 1.54 .56 21.08 10.14 .224 0.9 1.0

(a) Revised DeLong Diagram (Fig. 2)

was undertaken to determine the p e r i e n c e d and k n o w l e d g e a b l e in acceptably low level, as shown in

effects of several variables on the stainless steel fabrication, noted that Table 2, Item 3; calculated ferrite on
Magne-Gage ferrite of GMAW and M a g n e - G a g e c h e c k s of their d e - the repeat pad was 9.1 FN and the
GTAW deposits, with primary posits showed ferrite of less than 5 Magne-Gage ferrite was 6 FN. This is
emphasis on changes in nitrogen FN, and in some instances less than 1 acceptable from a cracking view-
content between filler metal and de- FN. Our routine handling of the c o m - point, although not from the view-
posit. Nitrogen was emphasized be- plaint, comprising preparation of a point of good agreement of measured
cause we have found on covered standard ferrite pad with a sample of FN with the FN calculated from either
electrode deposits that if the ferrite of the electrode under conditions closely the electrode chemistry or, to a lesser
the deposit is substantially below our matching those used by the cus- degree, the pad chemistry. Our re-
aim, say from 2 to 6 or more FN tomer, also produced Magne-Gage sults indicated that it was not the elec-
below, the p r o b l e m is invariably readings showing ferrite of less than 1 trode but probably the customer's
t r a c e a b l e to e x c e s s i v e n i t r o g e n FN. welder's procedure which was the
pickup in the deposit due to some- Based on our prior experience with problem. Thus, in spite of the cus-
what lax welding procedures. The covered electrodes we would not tomer's experience, they still had a
standard pad design (Fig. 3) is good have been surprised at a difference of welder whose practices were ap-
from an economics viewpoint but is up to ± 2 . 5 FN from the value calcu- parently poor in GMAW of austenitic
very exposed from the viewpoint of air lated from bare electrode chemistry, stainless steel.
intrusion, and a very short arc must w h i c h w e a s s u m e d w o u l d be The Type 309 experience and addi-
be maintained. equivalent to the deposit chemistry; tional more recent studies with other
In this study, we have used the however, we were unable to explain a types have confirmed that nitrogen
DeLong Constitution Diagram shown drop from 10 FN calculated to as low p i c k u p occurs all too readily in
in Fig. 2 and the Magne-Gage calibra- as 1 FN measured. Chemical analysis GMAW and GTAW. This pickup is un-
tion method established by the WRC 10 of the undiluted weld metal from the fortunately not visually obvious during
as the basis for all of our ferrite ferrite pad revealed that, although or after welding because the deposit
values, whether calculated from average changes in other elements appearance does not change signifi-
chemistry or measured on the actual were minor, the weld metal nitrogen cantly. The only means of detecting
weld deposit. As previously noted, the was more than twice that in the elec- nitrogen pickup are measurement of
ferrite contents are given in terms of trode (see Table 2, Item 2). The nitro- the deposit ferrite level, analysis of
Ferrite Number (FN). gen level was high enough to recon- the deposit for nitrogen, or weld metal
Our own direct studies were also in cile the calculated and the measured cracking if the ferrite is too low and
part due to a customer complaint re- ferrite within the normal spread of the joint restrained.
ceived in the early 1960's. It c o n - ±2.5 FN which we expected. It is well understood that nitrogen
cerned the ferrite content of semi- Because the data showed that our pickup has a very strong influence on
automatic inert GMAW spray transfer welder's procedures allowed nitrogen weld metal ferrite content. The reason
deposits p r e p a r e d with 1/16 in. incursion to the arc zone, we had him is that nitrogen is 30 times as strong
ER309 filler metal from a heat which repeat the test taking special care to an austenitizer as nickel, according to
showed 10 FN as calculated using the hold a short arc and a short gas cup- the DeLong Diagram, so that pickup
electrode chemistry and the DeLong to-work distance. These precautions of very small amounts in the weld
Diagram. The customer, who was ex- decreased the nitrogen pickup to an metal disproportionately lowers the


Effects of Variables on Nitrogen Pickup
Table 4 — Gun or Torch Design Vs. Weld Metal Nitrogen Pickup — Type 308L — Using
Skilled Welder Under Excellent Laboratory Conditions Some of the most important vari-
ables affecting nitrogen pickup and
N pick up n Approx. equiv. the extent of their effects are dis-
weld m etal % calculated fe r r i t e l o s s ( a ) c u s s e d in t h e f o l l o w i n g p a r a -
No. of graphs.
Gun or torch tests range avg. range avg.
Welder Technique. This is un-
GMAW gun A 22 .014/.069 .036 1.1/5.5 2.9
GMAW gun B 12 .012/.027
doubtedly the major influencing var-
.020 1.0/2.2 1.6
GMAWgunC 8 .018/.026 .021 1.4/2.1 1.7 iable. Poor technique, arising either
GMAW gun D 4 .021/.024 .022 1.7/1.9 1.8 from inexperience or inattention, can
GTAW torch E 8 .019/.034 .025 1.5/2.7 2.0 allow aufficient nitrogen pickup,
GTAW torch F either through turbulence or through
(Gas lens) 8 .012/.020 .016 1.0/1.6 1.3 holding an excessively long gas cup-
to-work distance, to eliminate virtually
(a) Assuming 0.015%N = 1.2 FN all ferrite from the w e l d deposit.
Table 3 illustrates the effect that
welder technique can have on deposit
ferrite. This table sets forth the
Table 5 — Changes in Calculated Ferrite Attributable to Changes of 0.2 in Chromium and changes in nitrogen that occurred
Nickel Equivalents at 21 Chromium Equivalent between bare electrode and deposit
in experiments with two heats of
Cumul. c hange in ER308L filler metal; semiautomatic
Approx. Change in ferrite Change in ferrite ferrite cc ntentfor GMAW using spray transfer with pure
ferrite content for a ± 0.2 content for a ± 0.2 + 0.2Cr Eq and - 0 . 2 Ni argon shielding was used to prepare
content, change in Cr Eq change in Ni Eq Eq or vice-versa
all four weld pads according to the re-
FN or % DeLongla) Schaeffler D e L o n g , a ) Schaeffler DeLong ( a ) Schaeffler quirements of MIL-E-19933D. Note
2 0.6 FN 0.7% 0.5 FN 0.65% 1.1 FN 1.35% that except for nitrogen, the deposit
6 0.8 FN 0.65% 0.6 FN 0.6% 1.4 FN 1.25% chemistry was very little changed
11 0.9 FN 0.6% 0.7 FN 0.65% 1.6 FN 1.25% from the electrode chemistry. Ferrite
was measured on all pads with a
(a) Based on revised DeLong Diagram, Fig. 2. calibrated Magne-Gage and calcu-
lated from chemistry using the
DeLong Diagram.
ferrite content; since the source of C. 0.005% 0 combines with Welder 1, who had long experience
nitrogen is air, it is evident that any 0.015% Mn to form 0.02% MnO; in stainless steel GMAW, allowed far
factor which decreases the effective- .015% Mn = .007 Ni Eq. less nitrogen pickup than Welder 2,
ness of the arc shield in GMAW or D. 0.005.% O combines with whose experience had been primarily
GTAW can cause significant loss of 0.004% C to form 0.009% CO; with C 0 2 - s h i e l d e d w e l d i n g using
ferrite from that calculated using the 0.004% C = .12 Ni Eq. tubular electrodes. Welder 2 did not
f i l l e r m e t a l c h e m i s t r y to t h a t recognize that his t e c h n i q u e was
measured in the deposit. As an exam- These losses in silicon, c h r o m i u m poor, in spite of the fact that he was a
ple, referring to Fig. 2, let it be as- and m a n g a n e s e w o u l d hardly be skilled semiautomatic welder. This
s u m e d t h a t e n o u g h air b r e a k s noticeable on analysis, and their emphasizes the importance of the
through the protective gas shield so effect on the ferrite would be quite right kind of experience in mini-
that 0.08% nitrogen is picked up by low. Even the assumed carbon loss mizing nitrogen pickup in GMAW
the deposit. This adds 2.4 to the would only be equivalent to an in- stainless deposits.
Nickel Equivalent (Ni Eq) and will crease of about 0.3 FN. In GTAW also, welder technique
reduce the deposit ferrite level by as The solubility limit of nitrogen in can bring about loss of ferrite. For ex-
much as 8 FN. Associated with this austenitic stainless steel is in excess ample, a heat of 1/16 in. ER309 rod
amount of nitrogen, the deposit could of 0.25% and sets a m a x i m u m on the with a DeLong-calculated ferrite of 15
be expected to pickup about 0.02% amount of nitrogen that can be picked FN was used to prepare a standard
oxygen, which would combine with up during welding; however, an extra GTAW test pad by one of our skilled
the oxidizable elements silicon, man- 0.20% nitrogen added to a 0.05% ni- welders who had not previously been
ganese, chromium and perhaps car- trogen base in the filler metal adds 6.0 trained to avoid nitrogen pickup. Not
bon. The individual loss of any of to the Ni Eq on the DeLong Diagram recognizing the p r o b l e m , he did not
these would be so low that the change and represents a theoretical loss of use the proper techniques, and as a
in their levels in the deposit, and c o n - about 18 FN, so it can be seen that ni- result the pad checked at 6.7 FN by
sequently the change in the calcu- trogen pickup can potentially elimin- Magne-Gage, a drop of 8.3 FN. Such
lated ferrite level, would be negli- ate all ferrite from virtually all c o m - a loss is not at all typical of GTAW,
gible. Also, the small amount of ad- mon austenitic deposits. and we therefore had the welder run a
ditional slag or oxide so formed has repeat pad and asked him to concen-
It should also be restated that ex-
no s i g n i f i c a n t e f f e c t on t h e trate on maintaining optimum gas
c e s s i v e n i t r o g e n p i c k u p is not
appearance of the final weld. If we shielding, which is our normal prac-
ordinarily reflected in changed bead
assume that one fourth of the oxygen, tice when unexpectedly low ferrite re-
appearance or in the loss of oxidiz-
or 0.005% combines with each ele- sults are obtained. On the repeat pad
able elements; one reliable and rapid
ment, the losses would be as follows, the Magne-Gage ferrite was 16.3 FN,
means of detecting substantial in-
rounded off: which agrees very well with the calcu-
creases in nitrogen is a comparison of
A. 0.005% O combines with the weld metal ferrite content as lated 15.0 FN for the heat. We have
0.005% Si to form 0 . 0 1 % SiOi; m e a s u r e d using a p r o p e r l y cali- found that in virtually every similar
0.005% Si = 0.007 Cr Eq. brated instrument with the theoretical case we have e n c o u n t e r e d , t h e
B. 0.005% O combines with ferrite content as calculated from the Magne-Gage ferrite of GTAW de-
0.015% Cr to form 0.02% CrO; filler metal chemistry with the DeLong posits can be brought within the nor-
0.015% Cr = 0.015 Cr Eq. Diagram. mally expected range by the use of a

286-s I J U L Y 1973
Table 6 - - GTAW Rod — Chemical Summary — 71 Heats

No. of
Type heats C Mn Si Cr Ni Mo N Cb
ER308 27
Range .027/.069 1.6/2.06 .35/.61 20.10/21.44 9.40/10.25 .05/.34 .020/.07 —
Avg. .046 1.79 .47 20.68 9.86 .24 .048 —
ER347 2
Range .057/.059 1.58/1.68 .52A55 19.28/19.31 9.50/9.70 .14/.20 .047/.056 .82A88
Avg. .058 1.63 .54 19.30 9.60 .17 .051 .85
ER308L 13
Range .011/.024 1.61/2.02 .34/.57 19.75/21.30 9.60/10.22 .04/.31 .019/.076 —
Avg. .018 1.80 .46 20.48 9.96 .18 .042 —
ER309 15
Range .039/.08 1.56/1.93 .39A63 23.70/24.80 12.80/13.80 .04/.26 .033/.064 82(b)

Avg. .056 1.75 .47 24.16 13.23 .15 .054 —

ER316 8
Range .030/.061 1.42/1.68 .31/.55 18.44/19.40 12.60/13.10 2.12/2.24 .029/.05 —
Avg. .042 1.61 .46 18.91 12.86 2.19 .036 —
ER316L 6
Range .016/.029 1.17/1.81 .38/.58 18.15/19.23 11.90/13.20 2.09/2.24 .025/.035 —
Avg. .020 1.58 .48 18.91 12.75 2.22 .030 —
(a) Excluding one at OS
(b) One heat only

Table 7 -- GMAW Electrode — Chem cal Summary — 28 Heats

No. of
Type heats c Mn Si Cr Ni Mo N Cb
ER308 10
Range .040/.066 1.60/1.94 .37A54 20.10/21.44 9.40/TO.25 .05/.34 .037/.065 —
Avg " .046 1.78 .44 20.71 9.81 .19 .052 —
ER347 2
Range .041/.057 1.66/1.68 .52/.64 19.28/19.50 9.50/9.73 .14/.23 .047/.064 .82/.91
Avg .049 1.67 .58 19.39 9.62 .19 .056 .87
ER308L 6
Range .015/.024 1.54/1.94 .44/.57 ( a ) 19.75/20.80 9.80/10.15 .02/.31 .024/.06 —
Avg .019 1.78 .50 20.43 10.04 .16 .040 —
ER309 7
Range .039/.08 1.64/1.93 .39/.63 23.80/24.75 12.90/13.60 .06/.26 .05/.064 —
Avg .061 1.77 .48 24.18 13.26 .16 .057 —
ER316 1
Range — — — — — — — —
Avg. .040 1.67 .55 18.95 12.94 2.24 .031 —
ER316L 2
Range .019/.029 1.17/1.81 .48/.50 19.10/19.23 12.40/13.00 2.21/2.31 .028/.031 —
Avg .024 1.49 .49 19.17 12.70 2.26 .030 —
(a) Excluding one at 0.S

technique which emphasizes max-

Table 8 — Average Carbon Losses and C Drresponding FN Gain from Filler Metal Analysis
imum gas shielding of the arc and
to Deposit Analysis
molten weld metal.
Optimum welder technique for both Avg.
No. of No. of C, avg. loss, Approx.
GMAW and GTAW includes holding
Type heats tests heat, % C, % FN gain
arc length and gas cup-to-work dis-
GTAW 309 15 23 .059 .018 1.8
tances as short as possible, avoiding
process 308, 347 29 56 .047 .014 1.5
drafts in the welding area, and main-
316 8 14 .042 .011 1.0
taining equipment, particularly gas 308L, 316L
nozzles, clean to minimize turbulence
19 36 .019 .001 —
in the gas shield. GMAW 309 7 8 .061 .007 0.7
process 308, 347 12 14 .047 .003 0.3
Transfer Mode. Insofar as the
transfer mode relates to shielding gas 316 1 1 .040 .002 0.2
turbulence, it can influence nitrogen 308L, 316L 8 9 .020 .000 —
pickup. GTAW, because it involves (a) These figures were deducted from the filler metal carbon when calculating predicted ferrite content, except that no
low gas flow rates and thus relatively deduction was made for 308L or 316L either GTAW or GMAW, due to the low average changes in these types. In addi-
non-turbulent flow and because the tion, when calculating predicted ferrite using the DeLong Diagram .020% was added to the filler metal nitrogen for
GTAW pads and .040% nitrogen was added for GMAW pads. These are equivalent to approximate Ferrite Number
filler metal is melted rather than trans- losses of 2.0 and 4.0 respectively.

W E L D I N G RESEARCH S U P P L E M E N T ! 287-s
ferred across the arc, which mini- Table 9 — Ferrite Data from 53 Type 308 GTAW Pads
mizes exposure of the metal, gen-
erally provides the least nitrogen
Rod Change, Change,
pickup of the gas-shielded processes
diam, Cr DeL. Sch. DeL. Sch. M-Gl" DeL. F N t o Sch. F N t o
and hence the least variations in weld Heat in. Eq (a) Ni Eq ( b l Ni Eq |c| FN (d) FN (e) FN M-G FN M-GFN
metal ferrite content. A l t h o u g h it
would be expected that GMAW with 21.44 14.66 12.35 7.5 8.. 10.0(9> + 2.5 (9> + 1.2<9)
short circuiting transfer might show .030 9.7 + 2.4 + 1.1
.045 12.0 + 4.5 + 3.2
somewhat greater gas turbulence
.045 7.4 -0.1 -1.4
than spray transfer GMAW, it is also + 2.9 + 1.6
1/16 10.4
true that short circuiting arc transfer 3/32 9.8 + 2,3 + 1.0
does not involve the fine particles of 3/32 10.4 + 2.9 + .1.6
molten metal which cross the arc gap 1/8 9.9 + 2.4 + 1.1
in spray transfer, so the overall 5/32 10.1 + 2.6 + 1.3
nitrogen pickup could be either less 21.67 13.67 11.57 11.9 11.7 11.7 , 9 ) - 0 . 2 (3) 0.0 (9»
or greater than with spray transfer; .045 10.2 -1.7 -1.5
our data are inconclusive on this 3/32 10.8 -1.1 -0.9
point. 3/32 13.6 + 1.7 + 1.9
1/8 12.0 + 0.1 + 0.3
Gun or Torch Design. Here again 3 — 21.21 13.30 11.14 11.0 11.7 11.4 <9) + 0.4'9) + 0.7' 9 >
the effect is related to gas turbulence. 1/16 11.5 + 0.5 -0.2
Table 4 summarizes the results o b - 3/32 10.4 -0.6 -1.3
1/8 12.4 + 1.4 + 0.7
t a i n e d in G M A W tests w i t h f o u r _0.2(9)
21.29 13.80 11.70 9.6 10.1 9.9 l 9 ) + 0.3 l 9 )
different gun designs f r o m three
1/16 11.5 + 1.9 + 1.4
manufacturers; the tests covered both
1/8 9.5 -0.1 -0.6
spray and short-circuiting transfer, 1/8 8.6 -1.0 -1.5
using 99% A r - 1 % 0 2 and 90% He- 5 — 20.96 14.13 11.76 7.1 9.3 9.1(9) + 2.0 ( s ) -0.2'9>
7.5% Ar-2.5% C 0 2 shielding gases re- 1/16 9.1 + 2.0 -0.2
spectively, and both 0.045 and 1/16 3/32 9.1 + 2.0 -0.2
in. electrode diameters. Also s u m - 1/8 9.0 + 1.9 -0.3
21.01 13.92 11.52 8.0 10.0 8.2(9) (g> -1.8(9)
marized are the results of GTAW tests + 0 2

with two c o m m e r c i a l l y available 1/16 8.2 +0.2 -1.8

torches, one with a gas lens and the 3/32 8.1 + 0.1 -1.9
1/8 8.2 + 0.2 -1.8
other without. All the tests were run by
7 — 21.51 13.05 11.37 13.3 11. 11.4*9) -1.9.(9) -0.4(9»
the experienced Welder 1 of Table 3 -1.1
1/16 10.7 -2.6
and under c o m f o r t a b l e and c o n - 12.1 -1.2 + 0.3,
trolled laboratory conditions; con- 21.46 13.42 11.92 11.8 10.0 11.6 (9 > - 0 . 2 (9) + 1.6 <gl
sequently, the nitrogen increases in 1/16 12.4 + 0.6 + 2.4
these tests were all relatively low. 1/16 10.7 -1.1 + 0 7
- ,„i
21.57 13.60 11.20 11.6 12.6 13.01a' + 1.4 (9) + 0.4 ( 9 )
The G M A W tests showed very little 3/32 13.9 + 2.3 + 1.3
difference between Guns B, C and D, 3/32 12.0 + 0.4 -0.6
all three guns providing reasonably 10 21.18 14.22 11.82 7.7 9.6 7.5 , 9 ) - 0 . 3 (9) + 2.1 <9)
low weld metal nitrogen pickup; Gun 3/32 7.7 0 -1.9
A performed somewhat less well than 1/8 7.2 -0.5 -2.4
the other three, possibly for the rea- 11 21.74 13.05 11.43 14.2 12.2 12.1 (9' _21(g> - 0 . 1 '9I
sons that (a) it was in poorer overall 1/16 12.9 -1.3 + 0.7
3/32 11.3 -2.9 -0.9
condition than the others, having
been in use in our laboratory c o n -
siderably longer than they, and (b) the the former contained lower nitrogen When the variations in nitrogen
data shown for Gun A represent a in all cases. pickup shown in the data are con-
larger number and variety of test con- Joint Design and Position of sidered, as well as the added varia-
ditions than the data shown for the Welding. Although no tests were run tions which could come from varia-
other guns. As a general rule, it ap- in these areas it seems logical that tions in production welding situations
pears that when all are in equally nitrogen pickup would depend upon due to the influence of the joint on gas
good (or bad) condition no signi- these variables also. Both fillet welds shielding, any assumptions reached
ficant differences will be seen and deep groove welds are obviously must be accepted as being only ap-
between most commercially avail- physically better shielded than welds proximations of the final results. With
able semiautomatic GMAW guns, ex- on a flat plate. Protection against this caution in mind, we assume a
cept that the size and overall drafts would be a variable. Gas pro- GTAW pickup of 0.020% N and a
geometry of the gun may affect nitro- tection could be better or poorer in GMAW pickup of 0.040% N. The
gen p i c k u p to the extent that it the vertical or overhead positions GTAW figure of 0.020% is roughly
prevents the welder from holding a than in the flat position. equal to the average data presented
short gas cup-to-work distance — Recommendations On Average and represents what we estimate
e.g., use of a large, heavy gun to de- Nitrogen Pickup. From a practical would result from good practice in
posit a small fillet weld in tight viewpoint, it is necessary to assume joints more protected than our test
quarters may result in lower deposit some average nitrogen pickup from pads. The GMAW figure of 0.040% is
ferrite than use of a smaller light- filler metal to deposit in order to above the average of the data in Table
weight g u n for the s a m e j o b . In supply a filler metal to a customer 4 but provides a factor of safety for
GTAW, nitrogen pickup can be re- which will give him a reasonable welders less trained in and less con-
duced by use of a torch which in- ferrite level in the weld deposit — scious of the nitrogen problem than
cludes a gas lens. In the set of eight reasonable in the sense of providing the welder who ran most of our later
pairs of weld deposits prepared to enough ferrite to prevent cracking or tests. As our earlier tests show, the
compare the gas lens torch with the to meet some deposit ferrite require- pickup of nitrogen and the loss of
ordinary torch, deposits made with ments or both. ferrite can be quite high.

288-s I J U L Y 1 9 7 3
prepared with covered electrodes
1/16 to V* in. in diam and of three dif-
ferent coverings. Of these, the 308,
Change, Change,
308L, 309 and 347 pads averaged
Cr DeL. Sch. DeL. Sch. M-G DeL. F N t o Sch. FN to
Heat in. Eq Ni Eq Ni Eq FN FN FN M-GFN M-GFN about 6% ferrite on the old scale, and
the many 316, 316L, 317 and 317L
12 12.0*9) _0.6<9) -0.9<9>
pads ranged from 0% up to 6%. Since
3/32 22.08 13.98 11.52 12.6 12.9 11.3 -1.3 -1.6
little data were available at ferrite
3/32 12.6 0 -0.3
11.2(9) -3.6(9) -0.3<9)
levels higher than 8%, the original
13 —
3/32 21.62 12.73 11.53 14.8 11.5 12.1 -2.7 +0.6 ferrite lines at 8% and higher were
1/8 10.2 -4.6 -1.3 primarily extensions of the pattern
14 — 9.0 (8) _2.7<9> -2.2(9) shown by the data in the 0 to 8%
.045 21.77 13.84 11.74 11.7 11,2 7.7 -4.0 -3.5 range. In spite of this, our measured
1/16 10.3 -1.4 -0.9 ferrite did correlate reasonably well
15 — with the limited data which we had
1/16 22.34 13.84 12.13 14,1 11,6 13.0 -1.1 + 1.4 available for higher ferrite levels, and
16 — did support the diagram lines from
1/16 21.46 13.91 11.90 10.0 10.0 10.2 +0.2 +0.2
8% through 14% ferrite.
17 —
3/32 21.77 13.43 11.91 13.1 10.7 9.7 -3.2 -1.0 However, the recent WRC calibra-
18 — tion has increased the assigned
3/32 21.88 13.79 11.60 12.4 12.1 12.4 0 + 0.3 values for ferrite content as pre-
19 — viously described. In addition, it
1/16 21.30 14.67 11.97 7.0 9.5 9.3 + 2.3 -0.2
seemed desirable to utilize the sub-
20 — stantial body of quality assurance
.045 21.32 14.36 11.87 7.9 9.8 7.7 -0.2 -2.1
data which we had collected on
— GTAW and GMAW deposits
1/16 21.59 14.85 12.69 7.5 8.4 9.3 + 1.8 +0.9
22 (presented in the next portion of this

3/32 21.75 13.17 11.31 14.0 12.7 14.3 + 0.3 + 1.6 paper) to further improve the diagram
23 — in the high ferrite areas. This data
1/16 21.67 13.11 11.61 13.7 11.4 11.6 -2.1 +0.2 substantially outnumbered the prior
24 — data from covered electrodes in the
1/8 21.77 12.44 11.12 16.3 13.3 14.2 -2.1 + 0.9 higher ferrite area. The extent of the
25 — revisions can be s u m m a r i z e d as
1/18 21.88 13.60 12.25 13.0 10.1 13.2 +0.2 + 3.1
follows: (1) no change was made in
26 — the 0% (i.e., 0 FN) line, (2) slight
.035 22.18 13.93 11.98 13.1 11.8 8.9 -4.2 -2.9
27 changes were made in the 4 to 6 FN
— area to make a smooth transition to
3/32 21.23 13.90 11.68 9.0 10.1 9.8 +0.8 -0.3
the reduced spacing between lines
above the old 6% level and (3) at
(a) Cr Eq: Chromium equivalent calculated from filler metal chemistry (= % Cr + % Mo + 1.5 X % Si + 0.5 X % Cb); Ferrite Numbers above 8, where the
Same for both DeLong and Schaeffler Diagrams
(b) DeL. Ni Eq: DeLong nickel equivalent calculated from filler metal chemistry corrected per Table 8 ( = % Ni + 30 X %
original covered weld metal data were
C + 0.5 X % Mn•+ 30 X % N) sparse, the m a t h e m a t i c a l l y c o n -
(c) Sch. Ni Eq: Schaeffler nickel equivalent calculated from filler metal chemistry corrected per Table 8 (+ % Ni + 30 X % verted lines were shifted somewhat
C + 0.5 x % Mn)
(d) DeL. FN: Ferrite Number calculated using DeLong constitution diagram toward the 0 FN line so that the new
(e) Sch. FN: % ferrite calculated using Schaeffler constitution diagram (taken as equal to FN) diagram better reflects the ferrite
(f) M-G FN: Ferrite Number measured on pad using Magne-Gage calibrated per WRC procedure
(g) Average for heat when more than one test per heat.
levels found in GTAW and GMAW

Table 10 — Ferrite Data from 3 Type 347 GTAW Pads Inherent Differences Between the
(For Explanation of Column Headings See Footnotes Table 9) DeLong and Schaeffler Diagrams

A comparison of Figs. 1 and 2

Rod Change, Change, shows that the calculated Chromium
diam, Cr DeL. Sch. DeL. Sch. M-G DeL. F N t o Sch. F N t o
Equivalent (Cr Eq) for a given speci-
Heat in. Eq FN M-GFN M-G FN
men will be the same for both the
28 20.78 14.12 11.84 6.3 8.6 8.4 | a ) + 2.1 <a) -0.2 (a)
DeLong and Schaeffler Diagrams, but
1/16 8.2 + 1.9 -0.4 the calculated Nickel Equivalent (Ni
3/32 8.6 + 2.3 0 Eq) will obviously be higher for the
28 20.61 13.64 11.63 7.1 8.7
D e L o n g D i a g r a m b e c a u s e of
045 5.8 -1.3 -2.9
DeLong's added factor for nitrogen.
(a) Average for heat when more than one test per heat
Schaeffler assumes 0.060% N for 308,
which on the DeLong Diagram repre-
sents 1.8 Ni Eq. The objective of this
section is to clarify and compare the
effects of rather small changes in
DeLong Constitution Diagram Number scale for magnetic instru- Chromium and Nickel Equivalents on
Revision ments, specifically for our Magne- the predicted ferrite levels as calcu-
Gages. This is a direct mathematical lated with the DeLong and Schaeffler
The C o n s t i t u t i o n Diagram conversion, as illustrated in Table 1. Diagrams. As base points the points
presented in 1956 3 is presented in a Also, a slight adjustment was made where the 2, 6 and 11 FN (DeLong) or
revised form as Fig. 2, The major revi- in the line locations for the higher percent ferrite (Schaeffler) lines inter-
sion has been to convert the original ferrite areas of the diagram. The sect the vertical line at 21.0 Cr Eq will
magnetically-determined percent fer- original diagram was based on data be used. The individual effects of
rite values to the new WRC Ferrite f r o m over 600 weld metal pads changes of ± 0 . 2 in Cr Eq and Ni Eq


Table 11 — Ferrite Data f r o m 22 Type 308L GTAW Pads c o u n t e r e d in a g r o u p of weJd d e -
posits p r e p a r e d with filler m e t a l f r o m
a given heat and type.
(For Explanation ot Column Headings See Footnotes Table 9)
Rod Change, Change, Procedure
diam, Cr DeL. Sch. DeL. Sch. M-G DeL. F N t o Sch. F N t o
Heat in. Eq Ni Eq Ni Eq FN FN FN M-GFN M-GFN Several approaches were con-
(a) s i d e r e d in a n a l y z i n g t h e w e l d p a d s .
30 21.63 14.10 11.22 10.0 12.6 10.8 ( a ) + 0.8 -1.8 A m o n g t h e s e w e r e (a) t o c a l c u -
1/16 9.7 -0.3 -2.9
late f e r r i t e u s i n g o n l y t h e f i l l e r m e t a l
3/32 9.8 -0.2 -2.8
5/32 13.0 + 3.0 +0.4 heat analysis a n d c o m p a r e the results
31 - 20.96 12.97 11.44 11.0 11.1 W + 0.1 < a)
+ 1.1<»> with the m e a s u r e d (Magne-Gage)
.035 11.3 +0.3 + 1.3 f e r r i t e o b t a i n e d in e a c h p a d ; ( b ) s a m e
3/32 11.3 +0.3 + 1.3 as (a) b u t u s i n g a c t u a l w e l d m e t a l
3/32 10.8 -0.2 + 0.8 analysis including an estimate for
32 — 21.48 12.87 11.43 13.8 11.4 11.4<a» — 2.4 , a > 0.0' a ) n i t r o g e n c o n t e n t of t h e w e l d m e t a l
1/16 10.8 -3.0 -0.6 (since the QA weld metal analyses did
1/16 12.0 -1.8 + 0.6 n o t i n c l u d e n i t r o g e n ) ; a n d (c) t o
33 21.11 12.£ 11.14 12.1 11.3
9.9" -2.2|a) -1.4 ( a > m o d i f y t h e filler m e t a l heat a n a l y s e s
3/32 9.0 -3.1 -2.3
s o a s t o r e f l e c t a n t i c i p a t e d c h a n g e s in
1/8 10.8 -1.3 -0.5
-3.3(a) the critical elements c a r b o n and nitro-
34 — 21.40 14.10 11.40 9.0 11.3 8.0 (a) -1.0(a)
.045 7.3 -1.7 -4.0 g e n , a n d to c o m p a r e ferrite c a l c u -
1/16 8.8 -0.2 -2.5 lated f r o m the resulting analyses
35 21.34 13.48 11.59 11.0 10.6 11.9 (a) + 0.9 ( a ) + 1.3,a» with M a g n e - G a g e ferrite m e a s u r e d on
.035 12.2 + 1.2 + 1.6 the pads.
1/16 11.7 + 0.7 + 1.1
36 11.5 <a) + 2.8 ( a ) + 1.3 (a) A p p r o a c h (c) w a s f i n a l l y d e c i d e d
20.92 13.59 11.31 8.7 10.2
3/32 12.1 + 3.4 + 1.9 u p o n . U s e d as t h e base w a s t h e filler
I/8 11.0 + 0.8 metal chemistry d e t e r m i n e d f r o m the
37 21.85 12.16 10.99 17.7 14.3 + 2.3 a v e r a g e of s e v e r a l t e s t s o n t h e h o t
1/16 14.8 + 0.5 rolled rod a n d / o r d r a w n wire for the
38 21.47 13.03 13.0 11.0 -2.9
11.53 elements carbon, manganese, silicon,
3/32 11.5 + 0.5 c h r o m i u m , nickel, m o l y b d e n u m and
39 21.28 12.71 13.4 11.3 -1.5
11.30 c o l u m b i u m and the supplying mill
3/32 12.8 + 1.5 a n a l y s i s f o r n i t r o g e n . S u m m a r i e s of
40 21.57 13.17 13.1 10.8 -0.6
11.70 the filler m e t a l a n a l y s e s by t y p e a r e
1/8 11.5 + 0.7
41 10.0 -1.6 p r e s e n t e d in T a b l e 6 f o r t h e r o d s
20.96 13.26 11.49 10.0
3/32 10.8 + 0.8 u s e d in G T A W a n d T a b l e 7 f o r t h e
42 14.1 14.0 + 0.8 e l e c t r o d e s u s e d in G M A W . A c o m -
22.36 13.89 11.49
.035 10.0 -4.0 p a r i s o n of t h e a c t u a l w e l d metal
-4.1 analyses with t h e filler metal c h e m i s -
(a) Average for heat when more than one test per heat tries indicated the following:
1. T h e r e w a s a d i s t i n c t p a t t e r n of
l o s s e s in c a r b o n c o n t e n t between
a n d t h e c u m u l a t i v e e f f e c t s of a i n f o r c e e a c h o t h e r , p r o d u c e an o v e r a l l f i l l e r m e t a l a n d p a d , t h e a m o u n t of
c h a n g e of + 0 . 2 Cr E q a n d - 0 . 2 Ni E q c h a n g e of a b o u t 1.1 t o 1.6 F N d e - c a r b o n lost d e p e n d i n g o n w i r e c a r b o n
(or - 0 . 2 C r E q a n d + 0 . 2 Ni Eq) a r e p e n d i n g o n the ferrite level a n d t h e content and welding process; Table 8
s h o w n in T a b l e 5. T h e v a l u e s w e r e o b - diagram used. lists t h e s e f i n d i n g s . In c a l c u l a t i n g
t a i n e d by r e a d i n g t h e d i a g r a m s of " p r e d i c t e d " ferrite w e modified the
F i g u r e s 1 a n d 2 as c l o s e l y a s p o s s i b l e . filler m e t a l c a r b o n c o n t e n t in a c c o r d -
Study of GTAW and GMAW
As w o u l d be expected f r o m ex- a n c e w i t h t h e a v e r a g e l o s s e s s h o w n in
a m i n i n g t h e d i a g r a m s , t h e p a t t e r n is T a b l e 8.
not a c o n s t a n t one b e c a u s e both the The following discussion covers a 2. A l t h o u g h s o m e t r e n d s were
s p a c i n g s a n d t h e s l o p e s of t h e c o n - s t u d y of 129 G T A W a n d 3 2 G M A W seen indicating slight average losses
stant ferrite lines c h a n g e f r o m o n e d e p o s i t s p r e p a r e d by our Quality A s - in M n , N i , C r a n d M o (in t h e M o -
d i a g r a m t o t h e o t h e r . A t a level of 2 surance (QA) Department; M a g n e - bearing grades), which we assumed
F N , a g i v e n c h a n g e in Cr E q a n d / o r Ni G a g e f e r r i t e w a s c h e c k e d o n all t h e to be primarily d u e to vaporization
Eq w i l l p r o d u c e l e s s c h a n g e in c a l c u - d e p o s i t s , a n d o n m o s t of t h e d e - rather than to o x i d a t i o n , w e i g n o r e d
lated ferrite on the D e L o n g D i a g r a m posits chemical analyses were run. t h e m b e c a u s e (a) t h e e f f e c t s w e r e
than on the Schaeffler Diagram; how- The study was undertaken for the l a r g e l y s e l f - c a n c e l l i n g , (b) t h e y w o u l d
e v e r , at l e v e l s of 6 FN a n d 11 F N t h e following listed p u r p o s e s : influence calculated Ferrite N u m b e r
r e v e r s e is t r u e . A l s o n o t e t h a t t h e 1. T o d e v e l o p a p r a c t i c a l m e t h o d b y n o m o r e t h a n a b o u t 0.5 F N if a t all
c h a n g e s in c a l c u l a t e d f e r r i t e a r e for p r e d i c t i n g G T A W a n d G M A W a n d (c) t h e r e w a s a q u e s t i o n a s t o
r a t h e r s u b s t a n t i a l in v i e w of t h e r e l a - deposit ferrite using chemical whether the changes might have been
t i v e l y s m a l l c h a n g e of 0.2 in t h e C r E q a n a l y s i s of t h e f i l l e r m e t a l a n d t h e d u e t o n o r m a l a n a l y t i c a l e r r o r in t h e
a n d Ni E q . A 0.2 c h a n g e in Ni E q c o u l d DeLong Diagram. X-ray spectrographic techniques
b e p r o d u c e d by a c h a n g e of a b o u t 2. U s i n g t h e m e t h o d d e v e l o p e d in u s e d to d e t e r m i n e t h e a n a l y s i s ( r e -
0 . 0 0 7 % in C, 0 . 0 0 7 % in N (if t h e 1, to c o m p a r e t h e D e L o n g and checks using wet chemistry tech-
D e L o n g D i a g r a m is u s e d ) , 0 . 2 % in N i , S c h a e f f l e r D i a g r a m s in r e s p e c t of h o w niques are being m a d e to c h e c k this
or 0 . 4 % in M n ; a 0.2 c h a n g e in C r E q closely each predicts the G T A W and out).
c o u l d b e p r o d u c e d b y a c h a n g e of G M A W deposit ferrite for the m o r e In a d d i t i o n t o m o d i f y i n g t h e f i l l e r
0 . 2 % in C r , 0 . 1 4 % in S i , 0 . 2 % in M o o r c o m m o n f e r r i t e - b e a r i n g g r a d e s of metal c a r b o n c o n t e n t for calculation
0 . 4 % in C b . austenitic stainless steels. of p r e d i c t e d w e l d m e t a l f e r r i t e , w h i c h
T a b l e 5 s h o w s t h a t a c h a n g e of 0.2 3. T o s t u d y t h e v a r i a t i o n s in would apply to calculations using both
e a c h in C r E q a n d Ni E q w i l l , if t h e y r e - M a g n e - G a g e readings typically e n - the D e L o n g and the Schaeffler

290-s I J U L Y 1973
Diagrams, we assumed a constant
nitrogen pickup from the filler metal Table 12 — Ferrite Data from 23 Type 309 GTAW Pads
nitrogen of 0.020% for GTAW cal- (For Explanation of Column Headings See Footnotes Table 9)
culations and 0.040% for GMAW cal-
culations (also listed in Table 8 for Rod Change, Change,
reference). These assumptions were diam, Cr DeL. Sch. DeL. Sch. M-G DeL. FN to Sch. F N t o
based on the data discussed earlier in Heat in. Eq NiEq NiEq FN FN FN M-GFN M-GFN
this paper. 43 24.64 18.45 16.17 8.9 7.0 6.8 ( a ) -2.1 , a > -0.2(a)
Tables 9 through 19 list data on the 1/16 7.1 -1.8 +0.1
129 GTAW and 32 GMAW pads in- 3/32 7.1 -1.8 +0.1
cluded in the study; these data are 3/32 6.7 -2.2 -0.3
summarized by type and process in 1/8 6.2 -2.7 -0.8
44 25.01 17.65 15.28 12.8 9.7 9.7 <a) -3.1(a) 0.0 ( a )
Tables 20 (GTAW) and 21 (GMAW).
.045 8.2 -4.6 -1.5
1/8 11.3 -1.5 + 1.6
A n Overall GTAW and GMAW 45 24.70 18.41 16.13 9.2 7.2 8.8 ( a ) -0.4<a> + 1.6 (a)
Review .045 8.8 -0.4 + 1.6
3/32 8.8 -0.4 + 1.6
Variations From Test To Test On A Single 46 25.61 17.23 15.13 16.4 11.0 14.3<a) -2.1(a) +3.3(a)
.035 13.0 -3.4 +2.0
1/8 15.6 -0.8 +4.6
47 24.96 17.47 15.37 13.3 9.4 12.0<a) -1.3(a» + 2.6 ( a )
The Magne-Gage data from Tables
1/16 10.4 -2.9 + 1.0
9 through 19 have been summarized
1/16 13.7 +0.4 +4.3
and analyzed in Table 22 to show 48 24.94 17.96 15.86 11.7 8.3 10.8 (a) -0.9(a) + 2.5 (a)
statistical data by types and in total for 1/16 13.2 + 1.5 +4.9
all heats on which multiple tests were 3/32 8.5 -3.2 +0.2
run. Each test variance shown was 49 24.86 18.10 15.58 11.0 8.7
calculated by summing the squares of 1/8 10.8 -0.2 +2.1
the differences between individual 50 25.61 18.55 16.15 12.5 9.0
test values and the average test value 3/32 12.6 +0.1 +3.6
for the heat used in each test and 51 24.67 17.58 15.18 11.9 9.2
dividing the sum so obtained by the 1/8 13.2 + 1.3 +4.0
52 25.12 16.94 14.51 15.5 11.6
figure (number of tests minus number
1/16 13.9 -1.4 + 2.3
of heats involved); this divisor c o m - 53 9.4
25.08 17.83 15.43 12.5
bines the usual (n-1) small sample 1/8 13.5 + 1.0 +4.1
divisors for the data from individual 54 24.95 16.70 15.11 15.5 9.8
heats and is the commonly accepted 1/8 9.8 -5.7 0
method of giving an overall variance 55 25.59 16.16 14.57 19.9 12.7
for several small groups of data. Tak- 3/32 18.6 -1.3 +5.9
ing t h e s q u a r e root, of t h e test 56 25.09 17.78 15.38 12.7 9.6
variance furnished the standard 3/32 13.0 + 0.3 + 3.4
57 24.83 16.84 14.38 14.5 11.3
deviation in each case.
1/16 16.3 + 1.8 +5.0
The data in Table 22, being based
on Magne-Gage measurements, are
(a) Average for heat when more than one test per heat
presented in terms of Ferrite Number.
As discussed earlier, the FN can be
r e g a r d e d as e q u i v a l e n t t o t h e
Schaeffler percent ferrite. GTAW Table 13 — Ferrite Data from 14 Type 316 GTAW Pads
data from the several types are ar-
(For Explanation o)' Column Headings See Footnotes Table 9)
ranged in order from the type show-
ing the lowest standard deviation to Rod Change, Change,
diam, Cr DeL. Sch. DeL. Sch. M-G DeL. F N t o Sch. FN to
that showing the highest. The table
Heat in. Eq Ni Eq NiEq FN FN FN M-GFN M-GFN
shows what appears to be a signifi-
cant trend, i.e., that the standard 58 22.29 16.13 14.63 6.3 5.3 5.2 (a) -1.1(a) -0.1(a)
deviation increases appreciably as 1/8 5.7 -0.6 +0.4
the average ferrite content increases. 1/8 4.1 -2.2 -1.2
The combined 316 and 316L tests 1/8 5.8 -0.5 +0.5
show an average ferrite content 5.6 59 22.14 15.96 14.43 6.3 5.4 5.6<a> -0.7(a) +0.2(a)
FN and an average standard devia- 3/32 4.8 -1.5 -0.6
tion of about 0.8 FN. The combined 3/32 6.5 + 0.2 + 1.1
308 and 308L tests average about 60 21.80 16.62 14.79 3.3 3.3 5.4'a» + 2.1(a) +2.1<a>
3/32 4.8 + 1.5 + 1.5
10.6 FN and show an average stan-
1/8 6.1 +2.8 +2.8
dard deviation of about 1.2 FN. Tests 61 22.02 16.18 14.65 5.4 4.5 6 7 (a) + 1.3 (a) + 2.2 ( a )
of the more highly alloyed 309 weld 1/16 6.6 + 1.2 +2.1
metal with about the same ferrite con- 3/32 6.8 + 1.4 +2.3
tent as the 308 show a standard 62 21.19 16.19 14.60 2.4 1.8 2.2(a> -0.2 ( a > +0.4(al
deviation of about 1.8 FN. .035 2.2 -0.2 +0.4
Although the figure for 309 may be .045 2.2 -0.2 +0.4
correct and due to that type's higher 63 21.78 16.42 14.32 3.8 4.7
.045 5.9 + 2.1 + 1.2
alloy content, it is based on only 14
64 21.59 15.81 14.34 4.6 4.0
tests and with more tests the standard
1/16 4.4 -0.2 +0.4
deviation for 309 might come down 65 21.50 16.71 14.91 2.1 1.9
toward that of the 308 family. The 3/32 4.8 + 2.7 + 2.9
overall GTAW g r o u p of 94 tests on 36
heats shows an average standard (a) Average for heat when more than one test per heat


dication that the standard deviations
Table 14 — Ferrite Data from 14 Type 316L GTAW Pads
for measured ferrite at high FN levels
(For Explanation of Column Headings See Footnotes Table 9) are greater than they are at low FN
Rod Change, Change, If the experimental results are
diam, Cr DeL. Sch. DeL. Sch. M-G DeL. F N t o Sch. F N t o assumed to produce a normal dis-
Heat in. Eq NiEq Ni Eq FN FN FN M-G FN M-GFN tribution curve, a range of plus or
minus one standard deviation (sigma)
66 21.67 15.83 14.48 4.9 3.9 7.4 ( a ' + 2.5 ( a ) + 3.5 ( a | from the mean should encompass
.045 6.7 + 1.8 + 2.8
about 68% of the tests, and one of
.045 6.9 +2.0 +3.0
1/16 7.7 +2.8 + 3.8
plus or minus two sigma should en-
1/8 8.4 + 3 . 5 >a» +4.5 compass about 95% of the tests. It is
67 22.26 15.29 13.76 9.0 7.2 8 .2(a) -0.8 + 1.0 (a) obviously desirable that acceptance
.035 8.8 -0.2 + 1.6 tests for material be set so that there
.045 S.2 -0.8 + 1.0 is substantially less than a 10%
1/16 7.2 -1.8 0 chance of rejection due to testing
1/8 8.6 -0.4 + 1.4 error or variation. Thus, if a specifi-
68 21.02 16.00 14.53 2.3 1.3 4.8(a) +2.5(a) +3.5 (a » cation for a GTAW deposit were to be
3/32 3.7 + 1.4 + 2.4 established at 5 to 12 Ferrite Number
3/32 4.8 + 2.5 + 3.5
and the assumption made that mean
1/8 5.8 +3.5 +4.5
69 22.06 15.92 14.48 6.0 5.1
values of 5.0 FN on the low side or
3/32 6.0 0 +0.9
12.0 FN on the high side would be
70 21.85 15.69 14.10 6.0 5.5 acceptable, the receiving acceptance
3/32 6.3 +0.3 +0.8 test limits would require a test toler-
71 21.97 14.87 13.22 9.0 7.9 ance of not less than about 1.5 FN on
3/32 10.2 + 1.2 + 2.3 the low side and about 2.0 FN on the
high side in order to reduce to well
(a) Average for heat when more than one test per heat under 10% the chances of rejection at
the specification limits.
Amendments to specifications MIL-
E-0022200/2 and MIL-E-19933D for
Table 15 — Ferrite Data from 12 Type 308 GMAW Pads c o v e r e d and b a r e a u s t e n i t i c
chromium nickel stainless steel elec-
(For Explanation of Column Headings See Footnotes Table 9) trodes have for several years
accepted this philosophy of broader
Electr. Change, Change, receiving test tolerances to provide
Diam, Cr DeL. Sch. DeL. Sch. M-G DeL. F N t o Sch. F N t o for variations in pad preparation,
Heat in. Eq NiEq NiEq FN FN FN M-G FN M-GFN testing procedure, and the inherent
ferrite variations to be expected from
3 21.21 14.23 11.47 7.9 10.6 6.9 (a) -1.0,a) -3.7( a >
.030 7.3 -0.6 -3.3
pad to pad in the weld metal itself.
.035 6.5 -1.4 -4.1
1/16 6.8 -1.1 -3.8 Variations From Predicted FN To
1 21.44 15.59 12.68 4.8 8.0 Measured FN
.045 6.0 + 1.2 -2.0
2 21.67 14.60 11.90 8.6 10.5 The data from Tables 9 through 19
.045 8.9 +0.3 -1.6 are presented graphically in the bar
6 21.01 14.85 11.85 5.2 9.1 graphs of Fig. 4, which also presents
3/32 4.6 -0.6 -4.5
for comparison a summary bar graph
15 22.34 14.77 12.46 11.0 10.6
1/16 8.1 -2.9 -2.5
of similar data on covered electrode
18 21.88 14.72 11.93 9.1 10.9
weld pads of the same types drawn
3/32 10.8 + 1.7 -0.1 from the work described in Ref. 3. The
20 21.32 15.29 12.20 5.1 8.9 covered electrode graph has been
.045 2.1 -3.0 -6.8 condensed to a scale similar to that of
72 21.77 14.31 11.91 10.0 10.7 the other bar graphs for easier com-
.030 11.0 + 1.0 +0.3 parison. As stated in the note on Fig.
73 21.43 14.13 11.73 9.0 10.3 4, the width of each bar representing
.045 8.5 -0.5 -1.8 covered electrode data based on the
74 21.65 14.96 11.81 7.5 10.7
DeLong Diagram has been expanded
.035 7.4 -0.1 -3.3
15% to compensate for the increase
(a) Average for heat when more than one test per heat in numerical value in going from our
old percent ferrite to the new Ferrite
Number system.
Turning first to the covered elec-
deviation of about 1.2 FN, and an lated FN at high FN levels than at low trode summary bar graph data, it can
average weld deposit ferrite content FN levels (as shown in Table 5 at be seen that roughly 87% of the values
of 9.4 FN. The GMAW data are not ex- levels of 2, 6 and 11 FN), it could logi- were within ± 2.5 FN based on the De-
tensive enough to separate by type, cally be expected that a similar trend Long Diagram versus about 68%
but the overall standard deviation of would be present in ferrite measured within the same range based on the
0.96 FN at an average FN of 7.9 fits in with a Magne-Gage — i.e., a given Schaeffler Diagram; at ± 3 FN the
well with the trend indicated by the change in the factors influencing figures were about 92% and 78%,
GTAW data. measured FN would cause a greater respectively. The DeLong Diagram
Considering that in the DeLong change in measured FN at high FN data were significantly better than the
Diagram a given change in chemistry levels than at low FN levels. This Schaeffler, particularly on the low
causes a greater change in calcu- thesis is borne out by the strong in- side. This was logical because the De-

292-s I J U L Y 19 73
Long Diagram corrected not only for
core wire nitrogen contents, which Table 16 — Ferrite Data from 6 Type 308L GMAW Pads
differed appreciably, but also for the (For Explanation of Column Headings See Footnotes Table 9)
varying nitrogen pickup f r o m differ-
ences in electrode size and covering Electr. Change, Change,
types, ranging from an average 0 . 0 1 % diam, Cr DeL. Sch. DeL. Sch, M-G DeL. FN to Sch. FN to
N pickup on c o m m o n sizes of dc lime Heat in. Eq NiEq NiEq FN FN FN M-GFN M-GFN
type electrodes to 0.05% on some
sizes of special titania types. This 35 21.34 14.08 11.59 8.9 10.6
1/16 8.6 -0.3 -2.0
s p r e a d of 0 . 0 4 % in t h e t y p i c a l
36 20.92 14.19 11.31 6.8 10.2
nitrogen pickups in itself represents a 1/8 7.1 + 0.3 -3.1
change in nickel equivalent of about 42 22.36 14.49 11.49 12.1 14.0
1.2 and a corresponding change in FN .045 9.8 -2.3 -4.2
of approximately 4.0. Appropriate 76 21.52 13.62 11.58 11.1 11.0
corrections for the varying nitrogen .045 9.1 -2.0 -1.9
p i c k u p d e p e n d i n g on e l e c t r o d e 77 21.04 13.38 11.46 10.0 10.2
covering and size plus further correc- 1/16 10.8 +0.8 +0.6
tions in the 316, 316L and 309 fami- 78 21.33 13.52 11.48 10.7 10.9
lies as described in reference 3 logi- .045 10.0 -0.7 -0.9
cally explain the better results o b -
tained with the DeLong Diagram on
covered electrodes.
Table 17 — Ferrite Data from 2 Type 347 GMAW Pads
However, the significant improve-
ment found for covered electrodes (For Explanation of Column Headings See Footnotes Table 9)
with the DeLong Diagram does not Electr. Change, Change,
carry over to the GTAW summary bar diam, Cr DeL. Sch. DeL. Sch. M-G DeL. F N t o Sch. F N t o
g r a p h s . T h e r e , the D e L o n g a n d Heat in. Eq NiEq NiEq FN FN FN M-GFN M-GFN
Schaeffler results are essentially
equivalent in total. On the DeLong 29 20.61 14.57 11.96 4.6 7.9
Diagram approximately 94% of the .045 6.1 + 1.5 -1.8
75 21.15 14.82 11.70 5.7 9.8
calculated values are w i t h i n - i 3 FN of
.045 4.1 -1.6 -5.7
the measured Ferrite Numbers, and
on the Schaeffler Diagram about 9 1 %
are within this range. These figures
are comparable to those cited above
for the DeLong covered electrode Table 18 — Ferrite Data from 8 Type 309 GMAW Pads
summary bar graph, where a ± 3 FN
(For Explanation ->t Column Headings See Footnotes Table 9)
range included about 92% of the
values, and are appreciably better Electr. Change, Change,
diam, Cr DeL. Sch. DeL. Sch. M-G DeL. FN to Sch. FN to
than the Schaeffler covered electrode
Heat in. Eq NiEq Ni Eq FN FN FN M-GFN M-G FN
summary, which showed only 78%
within ± 3 FN. 46 25.61 18.16 15.46 13.7 10.4 11.3<a> - 2 . 4 (a» +0.9(a)
.035 12.4 -1.3 + 2.0
With regard to individual types
10.2 -3.5 -0.2
welded with the GTAW process, the 45 24.70 19.34 16.46 6.5 6.6
Schaeffler Diagram understates the .045 8.5 +2.0 + 1.9
316, 316L and 309 families as it did for 47 24.96 18.40 15.70 10.3 8.7
covered electrodes 3 . The DeLong Dia- 1/16 10.7 +0.4 +2.0
gram has a better balance on these 49 24.86' 19.03 15.91 8.1 8.0
three more highly alloyed types. The 1/16 9.1 + 1.0 + 1.1
slope of the ferrite lines is greater on 50 25.61 19.48 16.48 9.8 8.3
the DeLong Diagram than on the 1/16 7.8 -2.0 -0.5
51 24.67 18.51 15.51 8.8 8.4
Schaeffler, so that the DeLong Dia-
1/8 8.6 -0.2 + 0.2
gram predicts higher ferrite values 57 24.83 17.77 14.71 11.9 10.4
than Schaeffler for types 316 and 1/16 13.0 + 1.1 +2.6
316L at normal nitrogen levels; this
difference between the two predic- (a) Average for heat when more than one test per heat
tions is even more pronounced for
type 309 weld metal. With 308 and
308L weld metal (probably also 347)
the DeLong and Schaeffler Diagrams Table 19 — Ferrite Data from 1 Type 316 and 3 Type 316L GMAW Pads
produce essentially equivalent (For Explanation of Column Headings See Footnotes Table 9)
results. Where the balance is a little Electr. Change, Change,
low as on the 308L, it is low on both diam, Cr DeL. Sch. DeL. Sch. M-G DeL. FN to Sch. FN to
diagrams. The ER308 and ER308L Heat in. Eq NiEq NiEq FN FN FN M-GFN M-GFN
rods average about 0.045% nitrogen
and an 0.020% pickup will yield a 61 22.02 17.05 14.92 3.0 '3.7
deposit average of 0.065% nitrogen, (316) .035 4.3 + 1.3 +0.6
r e a s o n a b l y c l o s e to t h e 0 . 0 6 % 69 — 22.06 15.89 14.48 6.2 5.1 e.i<a> + 2 . 1 <a) + 1.0(a>
(316L) .035 5.4 -0.8 +0.3
nitrogen content which we believe
5/64 6.7 +0.5 + 1.6
was a s s u m e d by S c h a e f f l e r for 67 17.11
covered electrode deposits. Thus the — 22.26 13.76 3.7 7.2 _ —
(316L) 1/16 3.7 0 -3.5
Schaeffler Diagram would be ex-
pected to give reasonable results for (a) Average for heat when more than one test per heat

W E L D I N G R E S E A R C H S U P P LE M E N T I 2 9 3 - s
nitrogen pickup reduces the meas-
Table 20 — Summary of GTAW Ferrite Data ured ferrite significantly and brings it
down close to the general range pre-
dicted by the diagram.
(For Explanation of Column Headings See Footnotes Table 9)

Change, Change, Discussion of V a r i a b l e s in

DeL. Sch. DeL. Sch. M-G DeL. FN Sch. FN M e a s u r i n g or Predicting Ferrite
Item CrEq NiEq NiEq FN FN FN to M-G FN to M-G FN
It is quite feasible to identify a n u m -
ER308, 53 tests ber of variables or groups of variables
Range 20.96 12.44 11.12 7.0 8.4 7.2 -4.6 -3.5
involved in the processes of measur-
to to to to to to to to
22.34 14.85 12.69 16.3 13.3 14.3 +4.5 +3.2 ing or predicting the ferrite content of
Avg. 21.50 13.82 11.75 10.6 10.7 10.6 0 -0.1 austenitic stainless steel weld metals.
Some of these can also be treated
ER347, 3 tests quantitatively, as has been done pre-
Range 20.61 13.64 11.63 6.3 8.6 5.8 -1.3 -2.9
to to to to to
viously in this paper for the variations
to to to
20.78 14.12 11.84 7.1 8.7 8.6 + 2.3 0 between individual tests with the
Avg. 20.70 13.88 11.74 6.6 8.6 7.5 + 1.0 -1.1 same heat of filler metal. The major
categories, with some background on
ER308L , 22 tests
e a c h , a r e d i s c u s s e d in i t e m s 1
Range 20.92 12.16 10.99 8.7 10.0 7.3 -4.1 -4.0
to to to to to to to
through 5 below.
22.36 14.10 11.70 17.7 14.3 14.8 + 3.4 + 1.9 1. Test variations, which include
Avg. 21.35 13.33 11.38 11.5 11.3 11.0 -0.5 -0.3 the variables of welding technique,
pad t y p e , c o o l i n g r a t e , s u r f a c e
ER309, 23 tests preparation, and measurement
Range 24.64 16.16 14.38 8.9 7.0 6.2 -5.7 -1.5 errors. Many of these variables are in-
to to to to to to to to terrelated. Earlier in this paper the
25.61 18.35 16.17 19.9 12.7 18.6 + 1.8 + 5.9
rather substantial standard deviations
Avg. 24.99 17.73 15.50 12.5 9.2 11.3 -1.2 + 2.2
found by types and overall in the
ER316, 14 tests GTAW and GMAW tests have -been
Range 21.19 15.81 14.32 2.4 1.8 2.2 -2.2 -1.2 d i s c u s s e d . C h a n g e s in pad t y p e ,
to to to to to to to to welding procedure or surface prep-
22.29 16.71 14.91 6.3 5.4 6.8 + 2.8 + 2.9 aration technique could further in-
Avg. 21.86 16.23 14.60 4.0 3.5 4.4 +0.4 + 0.9 crease these standard deviations.
A word of caution here: The stan-
ER316L , 14 tests
dard deviations presented for GTAW
Range 21.02 14.87 13.22 2.3 1.3 3.7 -1.8 0
to to tc
do not necessarily correspond to
to to to to to
22.26 16.00 14.53 9.0 7.9 10.2 + 3.5 +4.5 those which are applicable to covered
Avg. 21.76 15.64 14.17 6.0 4.8 7.1 + 1.1 + 2.3 electrodes. If the variables are similar
in magnitude, the standard deviations
for covered electrode deposits could
be e x p e c t e d to be lower s i m p l y
because the average ferrite contents
308 and 308L GTAW deposits. g r a m w a s p r e d i c a t e d u p o n an are lower. For the 308 and 309
For the GMAW comparison less average 0.06% nitrogen in weld families the average covered elec-
data were available to work with. The metal of these t y p e s . W h i l e the trode deposits will contain about 6 FN
summary bar graph shows a much average electrode nitrogen is now as against the 10.6 FN average in the
better performance for the DeLong below this, about 0.045%, our assum- GTAW deposits.
Diagram than for the Schaeffler. All of ed pickup of 0.040% N will produce a Conclusions on the pertinent stan-
the values given for the DeLong Dia- typical 0.085% nitrogen in the deposit, dard deviations for covered elec-
gram are within ± 3.5 FN, while only 0.025% over the figure that Schaeff- trode deposits should await the c o n -
8 1 % of the Schaeffler values are ler assumed. At a multiplying factor of clusion of the study being conducted
within that range. These results are 30, this excess nitrogen is equivalent by the Advisory Subcommittee of the
logical because the average assumed to 0.75 nickel or about 2.5 Ferrite WRC High Alloys Committee. Un-
nitrogen pickup of 0.040% for GMAW Number. Confirming this, the data published data submitted to the WRC
would a p p r e c i a b l y reduce the show that on the average the meas- S u b c o m m i t t e e at their N o v e m b e r
measured values and cause them to ured GMAW results are about 2.5 FN 1972 meeting indicated that changes
fall well below the values calculated lower than the figi/res predicted using in heat input and welding current over
from the Schaeffler Diagram, which the Schaeffler Diagram. The Schaeff- a rather wide range have little in-
does not correct for nitrogen. Using ler pattern with 309, 316 and 316L fluence on measured ferrite content
the Schaeffler Diagram, six of the thir- does not follow the pattern of the 308 of covered electrode deposits, except
ty two tests run are outside ± 3.5 FN family. Although the number of tests that a very low current for the elec-
and all six are negative, i.e., the is not large, the measured values trode size involved can decrease the
m e a s u r e d is well below the c a l - average slightly higher than the cal- ferrite level by about 1.5 FN, p r o b -
culated, as expected. culated, but within the general ± 3.5 ably due to somewhat higher nitrogen
The GMAW pattern by types is FN tolerance. This apparent agree- pickup than normal. A longer than
reasonably normal for all types with ment is due to two opposing influ- normal arc length, of course, can
the D e L o n g D i a g r a m . Using the ences: The Schaeffler Diagram u n - decrease the covered electrode
Schaeffler D i a g r a m , however, t h e derstates the ferrite content of these f e r r i t e level a p p r e c i a b l y d u e to
308, 347 a n d 3 0 8 L t y p e s s h o w types, as demonstrated by both the nitrogen pickup, as is true with GTAW
m e a s u r e d ferrite well below the c o v e r e d e l e c t r o d e data 3 a n d t h e and G M A W welding.
calculated values. The Schaeffler Dia- G T A W d a t a ; h o w e v e r , the h i g h 2. Variations in the chemistry

294-s I J U L Y 1973
values used to predict the ferrite from
a diagram. Analysis for C, M n , Si, Cr,
Table 21 — Summary of GMAW Ferrite Data
Ni, Mo and N is obviously subject to
error which depends upon the skill (For Explanation of Column Headings See Footnotes Table 9)
and experience of the laboratory and
the care exercised in analysis. A Change, Change,
previous paper 3 discussed this point DeL. Sch. DeL. Sch. M-G DeL. FN Sch.FN
and made assumptions which led to a Item CrEq NiEq NiEq FN FN FN to M - G F N to M-G FN
calculated s t a n d a r d d e v i a t i o n of
about 0.55 FN based upon high quali-
ER308 12 tests
ty chemistry by an experienced lab-
Range 21.01 14.13 11.47 4.8 8.0 2.1 -3.0 -6.8
oratory. to
to to to to to to to
This figure seems far too low in 22.34 15.59 12.68 11.0 10.9 11.0 + 1.7 +0.3
view of a much more recent study 11 Avg. 21.51 14.66 11.91 7.8 10.1 7.3 -0.5 -2.8
based on comparing steel mill ladle
analyses on types 308 and 308L with ER347 2 tests
Range 20.61 14.57 11.70 4.6 7.9 4.1 -1.6 -5.7
electrode producers' receiving anal-
to to to to to to to to
yses. Statistical analysis of this data 11 14.82
21.15 11.96 5.7 9.8 6.1 + 1.5 -1.8
showed a standard deviation of 0.164 Avg. 20.88 14.70 11.83 5.2 8.9 5,1 -0.1 -3.8
on the C h r o m i u m Equivalent and
0.165 on t h e N i c k e l E q u i v a l e n t ; ER308L . 6 tests
together these deviations produce a Range 20.92 13.38 11.31 6.8 10.2 7.1 -2.3 -4.2
calculated standard deviation of 0.90 to to to to to to to to
FN on the revised DeLong Diagram. 22.36 14.49 11.59 12.1 14.0 10.8 + 0.8 +0.6
The heats involved averaged around Avg. 21.42 13.88 11.49 9.9 11.2 9.2 -0.7 -1.9
10.5 FN. This later work did not incor-
ER309 8 tests
porate variations in nitrogen analysis
Range 24.67 17.77 14.71 6.5 6.6 7.8 -3.5 -0.5
but probably overstated the variations to to to to to to to to
due to carbon, since the mill analysis 25.61 19.48 16.48 13.7 10.4 13.0 + 2.0 +2.6
was often a ladle and not a check Avg. 25.11 18.61 15.71 10.4 8.9 10.0 ^0.3 + 1.1
analysis, which tends to be higher
than a ladle. The data from the receiv- ER316, 316L 4 tests
ing laboratories involved the average Range 22.02 15.89 •13.76 3.0 3.7 3.7 -0.8 -3.5
of multiple tests on a heat, and the to to to to to to to to
mill ladle analysis was usually also the 22.26 17.11 14.92 6.2 7.2 6.7 + 1.3 + 1.6
average of multiple tests. Avg. 22.10 16.49 14.41 4.8 5.3 5.0 +0.3 -0.3

In both cases, therefore, the stan-

dard deviations cited were lower than
those to be expected from chemical
analysis drawn from a single deter- Table 22 — Summary of Variances and Standard Deviations from all Heats on which More
mination or from analyses obtained Than One Test Was Run
by laboratories less familiar with and
less skilled in stainless steel anal- Item GTAW GMAW
ysis. Almost all typical chemistry re- (a)
Type 316 316L All 308 308L 309 All
sults would have to be considered 7
No. of tests (A) 11 11 94 40 16 14
poorer than the values cited; i.e., the No. of heats (B) 3 36 14 7 6 3
influence of errors in chemical deter- A minus B 6 8 58 26 9 8 4
minations on the calculated ferrite Total variance, FN 4.14 5.56 82.15 36.01 11.43 24.93 3.68
content w o u l d almost always be Test Variance, FN .69 .70 1.41 1.39 1.43 3.10 .92
greater than those estimated here. Standard deviation
FN .83 .83 1.19 1.18 1.20 1.76 .96
As d i s c u s s e d p r e v i o u s l y w i t h
Range of FN on heat 2.2/ 4.8/ 2.2/ 7.5/ 8.1/ 6.8/ 5.4/
respect to Table 5, the spacing 12.4
5.7 8.2 14.3 13.0 12.0 14.3
between ferrite lines at a high level of Avg. FN
ferrite (about 11%) is larger on the of heats 5.1 6.1 9.4 10.6 10.7 10.4 7.9
Schaeffler Diagram than on the De-
Long Diagram. As a result, the stan- (a) Includes one heat of 347. 2 tests
dard deviations in Chromium and
Nickel Equivalents reported in the re-
cent study 1 1 result in a s t a n d a r d
deviation of only 0.64% ferrite by the
Schaeffler Diagram. or better. tors for elements where they may
Another publication12 which Overall, a standard deviation of not have different factors at certain levels
describes a method of determining less than 1.0 FN for either diagram t h a n at o t h e r ( i . e . , n o n - l i n e a r
the ferrite content of stainless steel appears to be a good figure to use for behavior), errors in line location, etc.
castings based upon the Schaeffler chemical laboratories under good Also variations due to residuals not
Diagram shows a scatter band of control. This standard deviation taken into account in the calculation,
about ± 1.8% at an average 5% ferrite applies to ferrite contents of 10 to 15 or inherent variations in response by
content and about ± 2.2% at an FN and could be lower, perhaps one heat versus another. We are not
average 10% ferrite content "due to around 0.8 FN, if the ferrite content prepared to estimate the extent of
uncertainty of c h e m i c a l analysis were below 6 FN. these variations at present.
d e t e r m i n a t i o n s for individual ele- 3. Variations in diagram construc- 4. Instrument calibration. As dis-
ments". It is assumed that the author tion, due to i n c o r r e c t f a c t o r s for c u s s e d in the i n t r o d u c t i o n , this
intended this to cover a 2 sigma value elements, the approximations in fac- variable has been demonstrated to be


tion, and may be too severe. The
GTAW GMAW greatest d i f f e r e n c e between c a l -
DELONG SCHAEFFLER DELONG SCHAEFFLER culated and measured ferrite values
obviously occurs when the measured
value and the calculated value are on
opposite sides of the "true" value, but
10- Fig. 4 treats the data as though the
308, 308, calculated is the "true" value, which is
5- obviously incorrect and tends to
$ ri _n DL -5 0 +5 -5 0 +5
overstate the deviations.
-5 0 + 5 - 5 0 + 5 On the other hand, the difference
between calculated and measured
5 must obviously encompass the total

riTti,^ ™LM
308L v a r i a t i o n resulting f r o m Items 1
o- o , Vrtjh , .rrfh.n, , through 4 above. Thus it is logical to
-5 0 + 5 - 5 0 +5 -5 0 + 5 - 5 0 +5
expect that the overall s t a n d a r d

^fi4 ,309, ,itfh

5 - deviation s h o u l d be significantly
0 + 5 - 5
• . w»
0 +5
larger than any of the standard devia-
tions due to Items 1 through 4 individ-
-5 0 + 5 - 5 0 +5 ually.
0 — , rri.rVri ji L ^ Caution
-5 0 + 5 - 5 0 +5
316, The conclusions reached here are
probably not directly applicable to
0 , rrftfTI ,316 L , , JlTTi, o , ,^n ,3I6L, n fn stainless steel castings, a l t h o u g h
-5 0 ^ - 5 - 5 0 +5 •5 0 +5 0 +5
some of the principles may be. More
importantly, the conclusions cannot
be directly applied to wrought stain-
less steels because such factors as
soaking the billets for rolling, hot
GTAW w o r k i n g , solution a n n e a l i n g , etc.,
SUMMARY have very significant effects on the
20 quantity, size and shape of the ferrite
n - and therefore on its relative magnetic
- GMAW response.
^cf... ", if:
+ 5 + 5
In \wu J * +5 -5 0 +5
1. Nitrogen pickup in inert gas weld-
a. Nitrogen pickup is a significant
factor which reduces the ferrite
ELECTRODE DEPOSITS FOR content of austenitic stainless steel
COMPARISON. DATA FROM weld deposits.
3 0- WORK REPORTED IN REFERENCE b. In GTAW a pickup of 0.02% N
ELECTRODE 3, SCALED DOWN TO THE may be assumed; this is equiv-
20- c. In GMAW a pickup of 0.04% N
EXPANDED 15 PER-CENT HOR- may be assumed, equivalent to
PENSATE FOR THE CHANGE d. The amount of nitrogen picked
TO FERRITE NUMBER. up can be quite variable in both
processes, with much higher
0 —
-5 0
+5 +5
pickup possible if the arc protec-
tion is poor.
e. Magnetic tests for ferrite c o n -
Fig. 4 — Bar graphs showing frequency vs. change from predicted ferrite to measured tent are the most convenient way to
ferrite. Plus sign indicates predicted lower than measured, minus sign indicates predicted determine if excessive nitrogen
higher than measured pickup has occurred.
2. Carbon loss in inert gas welding.
a. Significant carbon losses can
o c c u r w h e n w e l d i n g with filler
a major one in the past8-9 but should how to treat the data to derive a metal having normal carbon con-
be minor after the WRC instrument reasonably valid standard deviation. tents.
c a l i b r a t i o n p r o c e d u r e 1 0 is m o r e The differences presented in Tables 9 b. In GTAW the loss appears to in-
generally accepted. The WRC A d - through 21 are between values deter- crease linearly as the welding r o d
visory Subcommittee program dis- mined by entirely different methods, carbon level increases, from zero
cussed under 1 will provide excellent i.e., direct measurement of FN versus loss at about 0.02% carbon to
information on this variable. FN calculated using chemical analy- about 0.02% loss at 0.06% carbon.
5. O v e r a l l variations from sis. c. The pattern of carbon loss in
predicted FN to measured FN. This The variations shown on the bar GMAW is similar to that in GTAW,
has been discussed previously in this graphs in Fig. 4 probably represent but the amount lost is only about
paper. We are not sure at this time the highest possible standard devia- one f o u r t h the a m o u n t lost in

296-s I J U L Y 1973
GTAW up to 0.06% electrode car- between measured and cal- Single (avg) Est. 2 sigma (95%) tol-
bon. culated ferrite contents when using measured pad erance where the avg
3. Variations in FN measurements on either diagram are greater at the FN compared ferrite content is:
multiple pads of the same filler higher ferrite levels found in GTAW to:
and G M A W deposits than when 0-8 FN 8-14 FN
metal heat.
a. The s t a n d a r d deviation for using the DeLong Diagram at the
Avg measured (see above 3a & 6)
m e a s u r e d F e r r i t e N u m b e r in lower ferrite levels of the covered
GTAW increases as the ferrite con- electrode deposits studied in the more pads of ±1.6 FN ±2.4 FN
tent increases over t h e range original work leading to that dia- the batch
studied. At a measured 6 FN the gram. However, the differences Calculated FN (see above 4, 5,7&
standard deviation is about 0.8 FN are slightly lower than those e n - from good de- 8 but prime data
(Types 316 and 316L) and this in- countered with covered electrode posit chemis- source is Fig. 4)
creases to a b o u t 1.2 FN at a deposits using the Schaeffler Dia- try and dia-
measured 11 FN (Type 308 and gram. With GTAW and GMAW de- gram' 3 '
308L). An average standard devia- posits a spread of up to about Schaeffler
± 3.5 FN or % ferrite can be ex- covered ± 5.0 FN ± 5.5 FN
tion of 1.8 FN was found for Type
pected between measured and bare ± 3.3 FN ± 4.0 FN
309 at about 11 measured FN, but DeLong
this deserves more study. calculated values, versus about
covered ± 3.3 FN ± 4.0 FN
± 4.5 FN or % ferrite for covered bare ± 2.7 FN ± 3.3 FN
b. Based on much less data than electrode deposits using the
were studied for GTAW, the stan- Schaeffler Diagram, (a) The estimated tolerances would
dard deviations for GMAW tests e. In types with inherently lower probably be lower if the average of multi-
were close to those of the GTAW ferrite content, such as 316 and ple measured FN determinations were
tests and the trends were similar. 316L, the range of differences be- used, and would be higher if poorer
c. To provide for test-to-test tween measured and calculated chemistry values were used.
variations in measured GTAW and ferrite seems lower than in the
GMAW ferrite, receiving accep- types with inherently higher ferrite References
tance tests should allow for vari- 1. DeLong, W. T., "Discussion of the In-
levels, such as 308, 308L and 309. ternational Testing Program for the Deter-
ations between the supplier's'tests
mination of Ferrite Content in Austenitic
and the receiving tests, e.g., if the 6. Direct m e a s u r e m e n t of ferrite,
Stainless Weld Metal", IIW Document ll-C-
supplier is required to meet 5 FN although it requires some allow- 331-70.
minimum the customer's re- ance for test variations as de- 2. Schaeffler, A. L., "Constitution Dia-
ceiving test requirement should be scribed in conclusion 3, offers the gram for Stainless Steel Weld Metal",
set at 3.5 FN m i n i m u m . Similarly, if most d e p e n d a b l e a p p r o a c h to Metal Progress, 56, 680 and 680-B (No-
a maximum of 10 or 15 FN is re- determining the ferrite content of vember 1949).
q u i r e d of the supplier the re- weld deposits. 3. DeLong, W., Ostrom, G., and Szu-
ceiving limit should be set at 12.5 7. The variables involved in calcula- machowski, E., "Measurement and Calcu-
or 17.5 FN respectively. These tion seem greater in total than the lation of Ferrite in Stainless Steel Weld
figures represent approximate two Metal", The Welding Journal, 35 (11),
variables involved in measure-
Research Suppl., 526-s to 533-s (1956).
sigma tolerance levels based on ment. 4. Simpkinson, T. V. and Lavigne, M. J.,
the data studied. 8. The reconciling of both calculated "Detection of Ferrite by Its Magnetism,"
4. Uncertainties in the determination and measured ferrite content Metal Progress, 55, 164-167 (February
of d e p o s i t c h e m i s t r y are s i g - within one frameowrk — e.g., 1949).
nificant variables in the calcula- where a specification requires a 5. Simpkinson, T. V., "Ferrite in Auste-
nitic Steels Estimated Accurately," Iron
t i o n of f e r r i t e f r o m any c o n - given ferrite range to be met both
Age, 170, 166-169 (Dec. 11, 1952).
stitution diagram. From various measured and calculated — re- 6. Fleischmann, W. L., "Determination
sources it is concluded that two quires the acceptance of rather of Ferrite in Type 347 Stainless Steel
sigma levels of about 1.6 FN at cal- broad tolerances because stan- Weld Deposit", The Welding Journal,
culated ferrite of 6 FN and less and dard deviations, both known and 33 (9), Research Suppl., 459-s to 468-s
about 2.0 FN at 10 to 15 FN cal- u n d e f i n e d , of both systems of (1954).
culated are reasonable values for rating the ferrite content must be 7. Gunia, R. B. and Ratz, G. A., "The
this variable if excellent chemistry a c c o m m o d a t e d if the r e q u i r e - Measurement of Delta Ferrite in Austenit-
is available. For average to poor ments are to be met on a practical ic Stainless Steels", WRC Bulletin 132,
c h e m i s t r y c h e c k s these values and workable basis. The data show August, 1968.
that the total tolerance in such 8. DeLong, W. T., "Measurement and
should be increased appreciably.
Effects of Ferrite in Stainless Steel Weld
5. Comparison of the Schaeffler and case may have to be as high as Metal, Subcommittee Meeting of Nov. 10
DeLong Diagrams for inert gas ± 3.4 to 4.0 FN for GTAW and in New York" (Advisory Subcommittee of
shielded deposits. GMAW deposits averaging around the High Alloys Committee of the Welding
a. The diagrams are essentially 11 FN. Research Council), IIW Doc. II-C-372-71.
e q u i v a l e n t in the d i f f e r e n c e s 9. Conclusion 8 must not be inter- 9. Rosendahl, C-H, "Ferrite in Austenit-
ic Stainless Steel Weld Metal; Round
between predicted and measured preted to mean that the ferrite con-
Robin Testing Programme 1971-1972",
ferrite in GTAW deposits of Types tent of a weld deposit cannot be IIW Doc. 11-631-72.
308, 308L and 347. measured or calculated to closer 10. "Calibration Procedure for Instru-
b. The Schaeffler Diagram under- limits than ± 4 FN. Pending the ments to Measure the Delta Ferrite Con-
states the ferrite content of the completion of the WRC coopera- tent of Austenitic Stainless Steel Weld
more highly alloyed Type 316, tive program on covered elec- Metal", Welding Journal 52 (2), Research
316L and 309 GTAW deposits. The trode deposits, which will also Suppl., 69-s to 72-s (1973).
DeLong Diagram is better on these cover the influence of pad size and 11. Hebble, T. L., "Statistical Treatment
grades, as is also the case with preparation, we are estimating the of Chemical Analysis Variability", Sup-
covered electrode deposits. following overall tolerances for plemental minutes of November '72 WRC
Advisory Subcommittee minutes and
c. The DeLong Diagram is better m e a s u r e m e n t / c a l c u l a t i o n . The
phone conversation of 1/16/73.
for GMAW deposits due to higher base is the average FN as meas- 12. E. A. Schoefer, "Welding of High
nitrogen pickup in those deposits. ured on a welded pad of the type Alloy Castings", Steel Founders' Society of
d. The differences to be expected defined in this paper. American, Publication 772-5M1.


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