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PARDs priority Planning Agenda

Short Term Measure

S.No Issues Required Possible Actions to be taken
1. Seasonal Removal of Seasonal grass will be controlled through
Growth at the Grass/Weeds etc following measure:
Campus 1. Immediate weeding out through handy
motorized grass cutter.
2. Weedicides/ chemical spray application if
3. Engagement of all malies on Weekend on
payment basis.
4. Rationalization of malies in lawn and Farm
5. Recall of out of section malies
2. Waste Disposal Disposal of Dried 1. Due to severe rains waste disposal is delayed
in the Campus waste collected in four for the time being.
different sites at the 2. In the existing waste, one portion i-e
Campus decomposed waste will be used as compost
manure in farm while the dried un-
decomposed leaves, grasses and twigs etc
will be burn out in a controlled manner.
3. White wash & White wash of Café 1. White wash of Café Kitchen should be
painting etc Kitchen & other parts carried out.
of the main building 2. White Wash & paint of main VIP room/
kitchen in VIP guest House.
3. Partial white wash and paint of long
Verandah etc
4. Assignments re- 1. Upon retirement of 1. A fresh / young graduate may be appointed
allocation Dr. Muhammad immediately on daily wage basis.
Aslam Khan Farm 2. The duties may be re-assigned as
management will be a. Masjid maktab Project may be look after
an issue. by Dr. Amir Nadeem Research Associate
b. Waralasoona project may be look after by
Dr. Muhammad Bakhsh RA
c. Mr. Asmatullah will look after Farm,
Lawns and ABCD projects
d. Sanitation section may handed over to a
suitable Officer in NIM r PPSA or any other
Official in B-16
3. Farm malies working in other sections be
recalled for duty in Farm and lawn section.

5. Staff Promotion DPC meeting 1. Cent per cent mature cases are presented in
DPC meeting by mid May 2019.
6. Residences Civil , Electrical & 1.Maintenance up to a limit of Rs. 2-3000 may
Maintenance Sanitation related be considered per Bungalow/Residential unit and
maintenance issues so on
needs attention
7. Fumigation As a matter of fact 1. Letter has already been forwarded to WSSP.
spray regular spray against Some times WSSP ask for cost.
Mosquitoes and other If contacted through DG office free of
dangerous insects is cost spray can be arranged. Keeping in
required. view weather forecasts, may be carried
out in next week.
8. Rationalization Undesired, weak in 1. Concerned sectional Heads and Admn of all
of Daily wage duty daily wagers the three institutes jointly look into this issue
staff needs rationalization by end of April, 2019.
9. Publication of 1. JORDA should be published before June 30,
JORDA and 2019. NEWS & views also needs printing
News& Views and publication on immediate grounds.
Medium & Long Term Measure
1. Future of 1. Merger with To discuss the issue a meeting of Executive body
PARD NSPP meeting in May 2019 is desired.

2. Restructuring THE Strategic Frame work for Sustainable Rural

of PARD Development recently submitted by PARD
needs further work in terms of organizational
structuring and financial impacts etc.
BOG being the decision making body and in
position to decides above mentioned solutions
after through deliberation in Executive
Committee meeting.
2. Rationalization Due to financial Concerned sectional Heads and Admn of all the
of 40:40:20 hardships faced by three institutes jointly look into this issue by end
formula PARD, sister of June 30, 2019
organization needs to
review the cost
sharing formula.
3. Loans/Advance PARD has no money Supplementary grant arrangements or pay back
to staff to sanctions Motor car of dues of PARD by NIM and PPSA and the
advances, House available amount should be utilized for this
Building advances purpose by end of June, 2019.

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