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School Alfonso National High School Grade Level 8

Teacher Ma. Charlota C. Pel Learning Area ENGLISH

Teaching Dates and December 9,2019 Mabolo – 7:30-8:30; Zara – 1:00- Quarter 3rd
DAILY LESSON Time 2:00; Lansones – 2:00-3:00; Macopa – 3:20-4:20

A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of: Southeast Asian literature as mirror to a
shared heritage ; coping strategies in processing textual information; strategies in
examining features of a listening and viewing material; structural analysis of words and
propaganda techniques; and grammatical signals for opinion- making, persuasion, and
B. Performance Standard The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering a persuasive speech based on
an informative essay featuring use of properly acknowledged information sources,
grammatical signals for opinion-making , persuasion, and emphasis, and appropriate
prosodic features, stance,and behavior.
C. Learning Competency/Objectives EN8G-IIIh-3.6: Use modals appropriately.
Write the LC code for each. Integrative Approach – Scaffold- Knowledge-Integration
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)portal
B. Other Learning Resource Proficiency in English pp. 10-12
A. Reviewing previous lesson or
presenting the new lesson
B. Establishing a purpose for the ACTIVITY
lesson Choose the letter of the correct answer for each situation.
1. You are standing in front of your parent’s room, hesitant to enter because you think you broke the
television. What do you think you should do?

a. I must say sorry and admit my mistake.

b. I will deny that I broke the television.
c. I should buy another television.
d. I can try to fix the television.

2. You are in charge of maintaining the cleanliness of your classroom but your classmates don’t
seem to notice that they are making a mess. What are you going to do?

a. I should cry.
b. I will politely say “Can you throw your garbage to the trash can?”
c. I must report my classmates to our adviser.

3. During class, you feel that you need to pee but your teacher is talking in front. What should you

a. I can leave without telling her.

b. Say “May I go out?”
c. I will shout and distract the class.

4. The movie starts in half an hour. I wonder where my friends are.


Kathryn is sick.
Sunny is on the way.
Jessica agreed to watch the movie with us.

________ will arrive any time soon.

________ won’t be able to join us in watching the movie.
________ must join us.
Analyzing the following words, do you have any idea what will be our topic for today?
C. Presenting examples/Instances of ANALYSIS
the new lesson 1.
a. I must say sorry and admit my mistake.
b. I will deny that I broke the television.
c. I should buy another television.
d. I can try to fix the television.
a. I should cry.
b. I will politely say “Can you throw your garbage to the trash can?”
c. I must report my classmates to our adviser.
a. I can leave without telling her.
b. Say “May I go out?”
c. I will shout and distract the class.
Sunny will arrive any time soon.
Kathryn can’t join us in watching the movie.
Jessica must join us.

What have you notice in our activity?

How about with the italicized words?
What do you call them?
D. Discussing new concepts and Modal verb - is a type of auxiliary (helping) verb that is used to express ability, possibility,
practicing new skills # 1 permission, advice, futurity, obligation and suggestion. The simple or base form of the verb and of
be are used with modals. (modal + base form of verb).

Examples: can dance, must go, shall be, may come

Modal verbs include:

Can/Can’t Could
Will Would
Shall Should
May Might
Must/ have to Had to
E. Discussing new concepts and The modals express a variety of meanings (types):
practicing new skills # 2 TYPE MODAL VERBS
Ability Can, Could
Permission Can, Could, May
Advice Should
Obligation Must, Have to
Possibility Might, May, Could, Can
Futurity Will
Suggestion Shall

 I can peel a banana. (ability)
 She could work for hours. (ability)
 Can I borrow your pen? (permission)
 Could you turn off the radio? (permission)
 May I walk with you? (permission)
 You should see a doctor. (advice)
 I must wash the dishes. (obligation)
 I have to clean the room. (have to)
 The ship might sink in the high seas. (possibility)
 It may rain tomorrow. (possibility)
 Traffic could be heavy. (possibility)
 Lavinia can design invitations. (possibility)
 My mother will buy me a cellphone.
 Shall we start?

F. Developing mastery ABSTRACTION

(leads to Formative Assessment Complete each sentence with the right modal. The intended meaning or type of modal is given in the
3) parenthesis.

1. Malia ____ celebrate her birthday next week (futurity) - WILL

2. Daniel ____ try to lose weight. (advice) - SHOULD
3. Too much radiation from gadgets ___ harm people. (possibility) - CAN
4. _____ we leave tomorrow morning? (suggestion) - MAY
5. We ____ pay taxes. (obligation) - MUST
G. Finding practical application of APPLICATION
concepts and skills in daily living Each group will write sentences with modal verbs as many as they can for 90 seconds. The most
number of correct sentences will be declared as the winner. (Pointing System)
H. Making generalization and 1. What is a modal verb?
abstraction about the lesson 2. What are their types?
I. Evaluating learning Directions: Choose the word group that best describes the sentence. Write the letter that
corresponds to your choice.

1. Lisa is engrossed in reading her books. She has a test in English tomorrow. She _____.
a. will study c. must be studying
b. might study d. should be studying
2. When Joshua is tired, he _____ all afternoon.
a. can sleep c. should be sleeping
b. would sleep d. must sleep
3. We have to be in the plaza before the program starts. We ______ get going.
a. can c. may
b. might d. should
4. It _____ rain tonight. Why don’t you bring an umbrella just in case?
a. might c. can
b. must d. should
5. You haven’t eaten since yesterday. You _____ be really hungry.
a. might c. can
b. must d. should
6. _______ you hand me the chalk, please?
a. should c. must
b. will d. can
7. We need a president who is qualified and ______ make the Philippines a better place.
a. should c. must
b. will d. can
8. There’s a law that tells us that we _____ throw trash on the streets.
a. don’t have to c. must not
b. will not d. might now
9. I have finished answering the test. ____ I leave the room now?
a. may c. will
b. should d. must
10. The class _______ go on a field trip next year.
a. have to c. will
b. can d. may

J. Additional activities for application Using the appropriate modal, write 3 sentences to answer each question. Write your answers on 1/4
or remediation sheet of paper.

1. What are the duties of every Filipino citizen?

2. What abilities do you have?
3. Ask permission to attend a concert.
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which
I wish to share with other

Prepared by:
Ma. Charlota C. Pel
Checked by:
Ms. Ma. Alexandra R. Cruz
Cooperating Teacher

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