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What are communicable diseases?
• A communicable or infectious disease is any
illness that you can “catch” or can be passed
from one person to another.

• How can it be transmitted?

- Contact transmission is the most common
form of transmitting diseases and virus. There
are two types of contact transmission: direct
and indirect.
What is Direct and Indirect
• Direct contact transmission occurs when there is
physical contact between an infected person and
a susceptible person.

• Indirect contact transmission occurs when there

is no direct human-to-human contact. Contact
occurs from a reservoir to contaminated surfaces
or objects, or to vectors such as mosquitoes, flies,
mites, fleas, ticks, rodents or dogs.
Acute Respiratory infections
• Infection in the upper/lower respiratory tract
that prevents normal breathing.
• Signs & Symptoms: Congestion in nasal
sinuses/lungs, runny nose, cough, sore throat,
body aches and fatigues.
• Treatment: rest well, increase Fluid intake,
Cough & Cold medications may reduce effects.
• Infection of the lungs where in air sacs are
filled with fluid which limits oxygen intake.
• Signs & Symptoms: Chills, High fever, Chest
pain by deep inspiration, cough, crackles and
wheezes heard on breathing sounds.
• Treatment: antibiotics; Hospitalization in
severe cases or in infants.
• Inflammation of the Bronchial tubes ( the air
passages between nose and lungs).
• Signs & Symptoms: Cough lasting for weeks,
wheezing, chest pain, low fever and chills,
sore throat, body ache, blocked nose.
• Treatment: Take a rest, drink fluids, breath
warm and moist air, medications for
cough/pain, antibiotics for bacterial infection.
Influenza (Flu)
• A highly contagious viral infection affecting
the respiratory system.
• Signs & Symptoms: Sudden High Fever lasting
3-5 days, headache, muscle ache, joint pains,
dry cough, chills, fatigue, nasal congestion.
• Treatment: Bed rest, take plenty fluids,
antiviral medications are prescribed for sever
• An infection bacterial disease that commonly
affects the lungs.
• Signs & Symptoms: Cough (worse in the
morning, lasts 3 weeks or more, w/ blood),
chest pain, breathlessness, night sweats,
pneumonia, weight loss, fatigue.
• Treatment: Standard Six-month course of four
• A mosquito-borne disease mostly occurring in
tropical and sub-tropical areas.
• Signs & Symptoms: Fever up to 41’C, headaches,
body pain, pain behind the eye, widespread rash,
nausea and vomiting, minor bleeding from
• Treatment: Rest, drink plenty fluids, pain
medication can be taken except when it can
increase bleeding complications, hospitalization
for severe cases.
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
• Infections that can be acquired predominantly
through unprotected sex. Example is Herpes.
• Signs & Symptoms: Unusual discharge from
genitals, pain during sex/urination, sores, blisters,
warts, rashes in genital area; fever/flu-like
symptoms; abnormal vaginal bleeding, pain in
testicles, lumps and bumps on genitals.
• Treatment: Antibacterial and antiviral
HIV and AIDS pt.1
• The Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome is
a chronic, life-threatening condition caused by
the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. HIV
weakens the immune system by destroying
important cells that fight diseases and
infections. AIDS is the final stage of HIV.
HIV and AIDS pt.2
• Signs & Symptoms: Fever and night sweat,
tiredness, quick weight loss, headache,
enlarged lymph nodes, diarrhea, vomiting,
mouth/genital sores, dry cough, rash/flaky
skin, short-term memory loss.
• Treatment: There is no treatment but there
are medications that can slow down the
progress of the disease.
How are Common Communicable
Diseases Prevented??
• Wash hands Regularly
• Avoid sharing personal belongings
• Stay and rest home when sick
• Handle and prepare foods hygienically
• Cover mouth when sneezing/coughing
• Avoid touching animals that can give diseases
• Make sure to get vaccinated
• Properly disinfect and clean surfaces
Short Activity!
• Get ½ crosswise
• Write name, grade/section, and group
• MAIN INSTRUCTION: (essay) write 3 – 5
sentences (Not less than 3, but can be more
than 5 sentences).
• 5 – 10 minutes
• When Finish pass your paper and leave.
Choose and Explain!
• Which one is better.. TO

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