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BATCH: MBA JULY 2019 -2020

SPECIFIC PURPOSE: To motivate my audience to use positive dreams.

Its dark… there is no light…
Is it alright??
No one is awake…
My thoughts sometimes irritate.

There is silence spread outside…

No one is there to show me light…

Night is taking too long to end…

Breeze is flowing towards north end…

Trees dancing on its tune…

Swinging like its fortune…

Birds are waking from their sleep…

Night is ending with bird’s melody…
Sun is coming with its full energy…

Night has ended but it will come…

Moon will replace the sun…

But when will I get sleep and fun??

When will I get sleep and fun?
- Divyanshu shubham
I have seen my grandfather recover from sleep apena after using medical pillow

Positive dreams which is a medical pillow not only provides comfort and support but also
assist with the prevention of several prevalent conditions.
Today I will talk about the need for medical pillow and where could you get it.
TRANSITION: so why do we need medical pillow

A) Did you know that if it takes more than 5minutes to fall asleep it is likely that you are
sleep deprived?
i) All of a sudden you see a shadow dancing horrifically around your room. You
try to rub your eyes try to wake up from your sleep, but your body is frozen.
The dark shadow gets closer and closer you hear it breathing and you feel it
choke your neck .n you find difficult to breath and you twist and turn on your
bed trying to free yourself from the clutches of the dark shadow. All of the
sudden the paralysis clears, and the dark shadow vanishes and you are left
with a sharp pain in your neck.
ii) A lot of people suffer from a condition known as somniphobia which fear of is
falling asleep.
iii) The pillow is the culprit.
B) Disadvantages of sleeping on a bad pillow.
i) Causes neck and back pain.
ii) Decrease quality of sleep.
iii) Acid reflex issues.
iv) Reduced airflow
v) Causes diseases like sleep apena

TRANSITION: In order to overcome this problem, I give you a pillow with strong dependable
shoulders to relax your head on, in peace.
A) Advantages of using of medical pillows.
i) Medical pillows relive from posture discomforts by perfectly aligning the spine
and neck.
ii) Reduces heart burn symptoms and sinus and prevent relapses of benign
paroxysmal positional vertigo.
iii) Eliminates sleep apena and insomnia
iv) Helps to improve airflow
v) Helps to improve quality of sleep according to your lifestyle, work life, age,
gender and geographical area.

B) Innovation in medical pillows

i) Head massage (optional)
ii) It plays deep relaxing music to stimulate sleep. (optional)
TRANSITION: I will tell you now medical pillow has benefited MR. Subramaniyam 70 years old man.
IV) The visualisation step:
My grandfather was able to sleep at night. he use to have depleted energy level during the
day and hardly uses to sleep an hour per day. As result of this one day while he was
driving, he dozed off and lost control of his vehicle and he by a lorry. This not only caused
knee dislocation but also impaired him for life. Today he is unable to walk on his own and
he uses the walker to move around. The doctor did an intense study on him to find out the
reason for his improper sleep pattern and that was then they found that he was suffering
from sleep apena for 20 long years. The doctor advised him sleep on appropriate pillow
and that was when I offered him my very own product the medical pillow now he is able to
sleep for 8 to 10 hours a day and he never fails to notice even a fly around him.
TANSITION: This is the success story of Mr. Subramaniyam who is my grandfather.
Now I will be telling you about where it is available.
A) Where it is available
i) It is available on our Instagram page ID: Positive dreams
ii) Even it is available on our website
iii) And available in medical stores.

B) Price and guarantee:

i) The price of pillow is Rs. 3000 per pillow
ii) Two years guarantee

C) “ Never forget that is the quality and not the quantity of sleep that is is
better to have 6 hours of uninterrupted deep sleep than 10 hours of disturbed painful
sleep “.

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