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UE16ME401: Mechanical Vibrations, Unit II Question Bank

PES University
Department of Mechanical Engineering
UE16ME401: Mechanical Vibrations
Question Bank

Unit II Chapter 3: Harmonically Excited Vibration of Single-degree-of-

Freedom system

Type A:
1. Distinguish between transient, steady-state, and total solutions
2. Define magnification factor
3. Write the graphical representation to indicate the variation of the amplitude ratio and
frequency ratio for a undamped harmonically excited vibration system
4. Write the three types/cases of responses of a harmonically excited vibration system
based on frequency ratio
5. Write the graphical representation to indicate the variation of the amplitude ratio and
frequency ratio for a damped harmonically excited vibration system
6. Write any four important characteristic of the magnification factor of a damped
harmonically excited vibration system
7. Distinguish between displacement transmissibility and force transmissibility
8. Write the graphical representation to indicate the variation of the displacement
transmissibility ratio and frequency ratio for a damped harmonically excited vibration
9. Write any four important characteristic of the displacement transmissibility of a damped
harmonically excited vibration system
10. Derive an expression for response of a single-degree-of-freedom undamped
harmonically excited spring-mass system
11. Derive an expression for response of a single-degree-of-freedom underdamped
harmonically excited spring-mass system
12. Show that giving excitation to the base is equivalent to applying a harmonic force of
magnitude A to a mss

1 Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, PES University, Dr. Chandrashekara C V, Professor

UE16ME401: Mechanical Vibrations, Unit II Question Bank

Type B:
1. A mass of 10 kg is as shown in Figure 1. The stiffness of spring is 10 N/mm. The viscous
damping causes the amplitude to decrease 1/10th of initial value in four complete
oscillations. If a periodic force of ૚૞૙ ‫ ܛܗ܋‬૞૙࢚ N is applied at the mass in vertical
direction, find the amplitude of forced vibration and its value at resonance

Fig. 1 spring –mass system

2. The natural frequency of vibration of a person is found to be 5.2 Hz while standing on a

horizontal floor. Assuming damping to be negligible, determine the following:
a. If the weight of the person is 70 kg, determine the equivalent stiffness of his body in
the vertical direction.
b. If the floor is subjected to a vertical harmonic vibration of frequency of 5.3 Hz and
amplitude of 0.1 m due to an unbalanced rotating machine operating on the floor,
determine the vertical displacement of the person.
3. A machine part of mass 4 kg vibrates in a viscous medium. A harmonic exciting force of
40 N acts on the machine and causes resonance amplitude of 15 mm with a period of 0.2
sec. Determine the damping co-efficient. If the system is excited by a harmonic force of
frequency 4 Hz, what will be the percentage increase in the amplitude of forced vibration
when damper is removed?
4. A spring-mass system, with m = 100 kg and k = 400N/m, is subjected to a harmonic force
F(t) = F0 cos ωt with F0 = 10N. Find the response of the system when ω is equal to
(a) 2 rad/s,
(b) 0.2 rad/s, and
(c) 20 rad/s. discuss the results

2 Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, PES University, Dr. Chandrashekara C V, Professor

UE16ME401: Mechanical Vibrations, Unit II Question Bank

5. A spring-mass system with m = 10 kg and k = 5, 000N/m is subjected to a harmonic force

of amplitude 250 N and frequencyω. If the maximum amplitude of the mass is observed
to be 100 mm, find the value of ω
6. A spring-mass system consists of a mass weighing 100 N and a spring with a stiffness of
2,000 N/m. The mass is subjected to resonance by a harmonic force ‫ܨ‬ሺ‫ݐ‬ሻ = 25 cos ߱‫ܰ ݐ‬.
Find the amplitude of the forced motion at the end of
a. ¼ cycle
b. 2 ½ cycles and
c. 5 ¾ cycles
7. A spring-mass system consists of a mass weighing 120 N and a spring with a stiffness of
1,800 N/m. The mass is subjected to resonance by a harmonic force ‫ܨ‬ሺ‫ݐ‬ሻ = 22 cos ߱‫ܰ ݐ‬.
Find the amplitude of the forced motion at the end of
d. 1¼ cycle
e. 2 ¼ cycles and
f. 3 ½ cycles
8. A mass m is suspended from a spring of stiffness 4, 000 N/m and is subjected to a
harmonic force having amplitude of 100 N and a frequency of 5 Hz. The amplitude of the
forced motion of the mass is observed to be 20 mm. Find the value of m

9. Find the total response of a single-degree-of freedom system with m = 12 kg, c = 22 N-

s/m, k = 5, 000 N/m, ‫ݔ‬଴ = 0.01 ݉ ܽ݊݀ ‫ݔ‬ሶ ଴ = 0 under the condition, an external force
‫ܨ‬ሺ‫ݐ‬ሻ = ‫ܨ‬଴ cos ߱‫ ݐ‬acts on the system with ‫ܨ‬଴ = 100 ܰ ܽ݊݀ ߱ = 10 ‫݀ܽݎ‬/‫ݏ‬

10. A flywheel of mass moment of inertia 0.1 kg-m2 is suspended from a thin wire of
stiffness 1.2 N-m/rad. A periodic torque having a maximum value of 0.6 N-m at a
frequency of 4 rad/s is impressed upon the flywheel. A viscous dash pot applies damping
couple of 0.8 N-m at an angular velocity of 2 rad/s. Determine
a. Maximum angular displacement
b. Maximum couple applied to the dash pot
c. Critical damping coefficient and
d. Angle by which the angular displacement lags the torque

3 Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, PES University, Dr. Chandrashekara C V, Professor

UE16ME401: Mechanical Vibrations, Unit II Question Bank

Total response of a System

11. Consider a spring-mass system, with k = 4, 000 N/m and m = 10 kg, is subjected to a
harmonic force ‫ܨ‬ሺ‫ݐ‬ሻ = 400 cos 10‫ܰ ݐ‬. Find and plot the total response of the system
under the following initial conditions:
a. ‫ݔ‬଴ = 0.1 ݉, ‫ݔ‬ሶ ଴ = 0
b. ‫ݔ‬଴ = 0, ‫ݔ‬ሶ ଴ = 10݉/‫ݏ‬
c. ‫ݔ‬଴ = 0.1 ݉, ‫ݔ‬ሶ ଴ = 10݉/‫ݏ‬

12. Find the total response of a single-degree-of freedom system with m = 10 kg, c = 20 N-
s/m, k = 4, 000 N/m, ‫ݔ‬଴ = 0.01 ݉ ܽ݊݀ ‫ݔ‬ሶ ଴ = 0 under the following conditions:
a. An external force ‫ܨ‬ሺ‫ݐ‬ሻ = ‫ܨ‬଴ cos ߱‫ݐ‬ acts on the system with
‫ܨ‬଴ = 100 ܰ ܽ݊݀ ߱ = 10 ‫݀ܽݎ‬/‫ ݏ‬and
b. Free vibration with ‫ܨ‬ሺ‫ݐ‬ሻ = 0
Base excitation
13. The landing gear of an airplane can be idealized as the spring-mass-damper system
shown in Figure 2. If the runway surface is described y (t) = y0 cos ωt, determine the
values of c that limit the amplitude of vibration of the airplane (x) to 0.1 m. Assume m =
2,000 kg, y0 = 0.2 m and ω = 157.08 rad/s. [Assume the value of k = 5(106) N/m]

Fig. 2 Landing gear of an airplane

4 Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, PES University, Dr. Chandrashekara C V, Professor

UE16ME401: Mechanical Vibrations, Unit II Question Bank

14. Figure 3 shows a simple model of a motor vehicle that can vibrate in the vertical direction
while traveling over a rough road. The vehicle has a mass of 1,200 kg. The suspension
system has a spring constant of 400 kN/m and a damping ratio of ζ = 0.5.If the vehicle
speed is 20 km/hr, determine the displacement amplitude of the vehicle. The road surface
varies sinusoidally with amplitude of Y = 0.05m and a wavelength of 6 m.

Fig. 3 simple model of a motor vehicle

15. A precision grinding machine shown in Figure 4 is supported on an isolator that has a
stiffness of 1 MN/m and a viscous damping constant of 1 kN-s/m. The floor on which the
machine is mounted is subjected to a harmonic disturbance due to the operation of an
unbalanced engine in the vicinity of the grinding machine. Find the maximum acceptable
displacement amplitude of the floor if the resulting amplitude of vibration of the grinding
wheel is to be restricted to 10-6 m. Assume that the grinding machine and the wheel are a
rigid body of weight 5000 N.

Fig. 4 Precision grinding Machine

5 Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, PES University, Dr. Chandrashekara C V, Professor

UE16ME401: Mechanical Vibrations, Unit II Question Bank

Machine on Resilient Foundation

16. A heavy machine, weighing 3,000 N, is supported on a resilient foundation. The static
deflection of the foundation due to the weight of the machine is found to be 7.5 cm. It is
observed that the machine vibrates with amplitude of 1 cm when the base of the
foundation is subjected to harmonic oscillation at the undamped natural frequency of the
system with amplitude of 0.25 cm. Find
a. The damping constant of the foundation,
b. The dynamic force amplitude on the base, and
c. The amplitude of the displacement of the machine relative to the base
17. A heavy machine, weighing 2,500 N, is supported on a resilient foundation. The static
deflection of the foundation due to the weight of the machine is found to be 50 mm. It is
observed that the machine vibrates with amplitude of 8 mm when the base of the
foundation is subjected to harmonic oscillation at the undamped natural frequency of the
system with amplitude of 2.5 mm. Find
a. The damping constant of the foundation,
b. The dynamic force amplitude on the base, and
c. The amplitude of the displacement of the machine relative to the base
Response of a Damped System under Rotating Unbalance
18. A single-cylinder air compressor of mass 100
kg is mounted on rubber mounts, as shown in
Figure 5. The stiffness and damping
constants of the rubber mounts are given by
106 N/m and 2,000 N-s/m, respectively. If the
unbalance of the compressor is equivalent to
a mass 0.1 kg located at the end of the crank
(point A), determine the response of the
compressor at a crank speed of 3,000 rpm.
Assume r = 10 cm and l = 40 cm

Fig. 5 Air compressor

6 Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, PES University, Dr. Chandrashekara C V, Professor

UE16ME401: Mechanical Vibrations, Unit II Question Bank

Deflection of an Electric Motor due to rotating unbalance

19. An electric motor of mass M, mounted on an elastic foundation, is found to vibrate with a
deflection of 0.15 m at resonance (Figure 6). It is known that the unbalanced mass of the
motor is 8% of the mass of the rotor due to manufacturing tolerances used, and the
damping ratio of the foundation is ζ = 0.025. Determine the following
a. The eccentricity or radial location of the unbalanced mass (e),
b. The peak deflection of the motor when the frequency ratio varies from resonance,
c. The additional mass to be added uniformly to the motor if the deflection of the
motor at resonance is to be reduced to 0.1 m.
Assume that the eccentric mass remains unaltered when the additional mass is added to
the motor

Fig. 6 Electrical motor

7 Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, PES University, Dr. Chandrashekara C V, Professor

UE16ME401: Mechanical Vibrations, Unit II Question Bank

Unit II Chapter 9: Vibration Control

Vibration Criteria

20. An automobile moving on a rough road, in the form of a sinusoidal surface, is modeled as
a spring-mass system, as shown in Figure 7. The sinusoidal surface has a wave length of
5 m and an amplitude of Y = 1mm. If the mass of the automobile, including the
passengers, is 1,500 kg and the stiffness of the suspension system (k) is 400 kN/m,
determine the range of speed (v) of the automobile in which the passengers perceive the
vibration. Suggest possible methods of improving the design for a more comfortable ride
of the passengers.

Fig. 7
Helicopter Seat Vibration Reduction
21. The seat of a helicopter, with the pilot, weighs 1,000 N and is found to have a static
deflection of 10 mm under self weight. The vibration of the rotor is transmitted to the
base of the seat as harmonic motion with frequency 4 Hz and amplitude 0.2 mm. What is
the level of vibration, amplitude of velocity and acceleration felt by the pilot?

Whirl Amplitude of a Shaft Carrying an Unbalanced Rotor

22. A shaft, carrying a rotor of weight 60 kg and eccentricity 3 mm, rotates at 1,000 rpm.
a. The steady-state whirl amplitude and
b. The maximum whirl amplitude during start-up conditions of the system. Assume
the stiffness of the shaft as 337.5 kN/m and the external damping ratio as 0.1.

8 Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, PES University, Dr. Chandrashekara C V, Professor

UE16ME401: Mechanical Vibrations, Unit II Question Bank

23. A steel shaft of diameter 2.5 cm and length 1 m is supported at the two ends in bearings.
It carries a turbine disc, of mass 20 kg and eccentricity 0.005 m, at the middle and
operates at 6,000 rpm. The damping in the system is equivalent to viscous damping with
ζ = 0.01. Determine the whirl amplitude of the disc at,
a. Operating speed
b. Critical speed and
c. 1.5 times the critical speed. Assume ‫ = ܧ‬207 × 10ଽ ܰ/݉݉ଶ
24. An electronic instrument is to be isolated from a panel that vibrates at frequencies
ranging from 25 Hz to 35 Hz. It is estimated that at least 80 percent vibration isolation
must be achieved to prevent damage to the instrument. If the instrument weights 85 N,
find the necessary static deflection of the isolator.

Vibrations Isolations: Spring Support for Exhaust Fan

25. An exhaust fan, rotating at 1,000 rpm, is to be supported by four springs, each having a
stiffness of K. If only 10 percent of the unbalanced force of the fan is to be transmitted to
the base, what should be the value of K? Assume the mass of the exhaust fan to be 40 kg.
If the stiffness of the springs is increased by 30%, what would be the percentage of
unbalanced force that transmitted to the base?

26. An exhaust fan, having a small unbalance, weights 800 N and operates at a speed of 600
rpm. It is desired to limit the response to a transmissibility of 2.5 as the fan passes
through resonance during start-up. In addition, an isolation of 90 percent is to be achieved
at the operating speed of the fan. Design a suitable isolator for the fan. [Note: Problem
with NO unique answer]
27. A dishwashing machine weighing 80kg operates at 300 rpm. Find the minimum static
deflection of an isolator that provides 60 percent isolation. Assume that the damping in
the isolator is negligible.
Design of an Undamped Isolator
28. A 50 kg mass is subjected to the harmonic force ‫ܨ‬ሺ‫ݐ‬ሻ = 1,000 cos 120‫ ܰ ݐ‬. Design an
undamped isolator so that the force transmitted to the base does not exceed 5% of the
applied force. Also, find the displacement amplitude of the mass of the system with

9 Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, PES University, Dr. Chandrashekara C V, Professor

UE16ME401: Mechanical Vibrations, Unit II Question Bank

29. A washing machine of mass 50 kg operates at 1,200 rpm. Find the maximum stiffness of
an isolator that provides 75 percent isolation. Assume that the damping ratio of the
isolator is 7 percent.

30. It is found that an exhaust fan, of mass 80 kg and operating speed 1,000 rpm, produces a
repeating force of 10,000 N on its rigid base. If the maximum force transmitted to the
base is to be limited to 2,000 N using an undamped isolator, determine (a) the maximum
permissible stiffness of the isolator that serves the purpose; (b) the steady-state amplitude
of the exhaust fan with the isolator that has the maximum permissible stiffness; and (c)
the maximum amplitude of the exhaust fan with isolation during start-up.

31. A printed circuit board of mass 1 kg is supported to the base through an undamped
isolator. During shipping, the base is subjected to a harmonic disturbance (motion) of
amplitude 2 mm and frequency 2 Hz. Design the isolator so that the displacement
transmitted to the printed circuit board is to be no more than 5 percent of the base motion.

32. An electric motor, of mass 60 kg, rated speed 3000 rpm, and an unbalance 0.002 kg-m, is
to be mounted on an isolator to achieve a force transmissibility of less than 0.25.
a. The stiffness of the isolator,
b. The dynamic amplitude of the motor, and
c. The force transmitted to the foundation

Isolator for Stereo Turntable

33. A stereo turntable, of mass 1 kg, generates an excitation force at a frequency of 3 Hz. If it
is supported on a base through a rubber mount, determine the stiffness of the rubber
mount to reduce the vibration transmitted to the base by 80 percent

10 Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, PES University, Dr. Chandrashekara C V, Professor

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