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Special Feature

U nderstanding Complete Tests

Performed On Induction Motors
William R. Finley, Mark M. Hodowanec, Khursheed S. Hussain, and John Larabee
Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc.

Introduction Locked-Rotor Test at Rated Frequency

When new motors are purchased, complete tests The locked-rotor test at rated frequency is used
can be conducted to verify performance and integ- to determine the locked-rotor torque (LRT) and cur-
rity. These tests are not standard and may add to the rent (LRA). In order to determine the values at rated
motor cost without adding significant value to the voltage, at least three test points of voltage versus
purchaser. The value of the tests depends on criticality current, watts, and sometimes torque are taken to as
of the application, the user’s experiences, motor size, high a voltage as possible and then extrapolated to
motor voltage, etc. rated voltage on log-log graph paper to establish the
There are many standards regarding testing of in- desired values.
duction motors. Standards such as NEMA MG1, IEEE
112, IEC 60034-01 & -02, API 541, and IEEE 841 make Speed-Torque Curve
recommendation as to what tests are required and how
On large motors it is difficult and costly to measure
they should be performed. There are many different
directly torque versus speed at rated voltage. In such
specified methods to performance test induction mo-
cases the test is run first to determine the shape of
tors, all requiring that the motor be loaded (i.e., heat
the speed-torque curve. The curve is then calibrated
run). The different test methods do not necessarily
utilizing the test results from the locked-rotor test to
produce the same results.
establish the actual speed-torque curve of the motor.
Two common test methods are used today to load
A typical speed-torque trace is shown in Figure 1.
motors: coupled load test and dual frequency meth-
od. The coupled load test requires that the motor be
coupled to a load machine and placed under rated
load. The dual frequency test involves applying both
50- and 60-hertz power to the motor at the same time,
simulating full-load heating. It is important the user
understands the test employed and, if comparing mo-
tors from different vendors, that the motors need to
be tested using the same test method in order to keep
values comparable.

A complete test uses a number of individual tests.

These individual tests include:
• Locked-rotor test at a rated frequency
• Speed-torque curve
• No-load saturation curve
• Dual-frequency heat run or coupled heat run Figure 1 — Torque versus Speed Trace

These four parts are detailed as follows.

Summer 2004 1
The speed-torque trace is normally determined Dual-Frequency Heat Run
utilizing a tachometer to measure motor speed as it Dual-frequency heat run is a temperature test of an
accelerates to its no-load speed. The output of the ta- induction machine under simulated load conditions.
chometer is fed into a computer, where it is recorded The test involves using two separate sources of power
as a function of time. The output is then differentiated with two separate frequencies: a primary source of
with respect to time to arrive at the rate of change of rated frequency and a secondary source generally
speed versus time, which is the angular acceleration 10 hertz below the rated frequency. The two sources
of the motor. are set up to supply power simultaneously to the test
This test is normally done at reduced voltages so as machine by being connected either in series or su-
not to damage the test equipment and to get a good perimposed by use of a series transformer. These are
sampling. The resulting curve represents the shape shown schematically in Figure 3 and Figure 4.
of the speed-torque curve but does not yet establish
absolute torque.
The speed-torque trace is then calibrated using the
locked-rotor torque value obtained in the locked-ro-
tor test described above. By assigning this value to
the curve at zero speed, a speed-torque curve is now
accurately defined in absolute values at all speeds.

No-Load Saturation Curve

This test is performed to determine the windage,
friction, and core losses in a motor. The saturation
curve is taken with the motor running without any
load. The test is usually performed after half an hour
or more of the no-load run, to ensure the bearings have
run in and input values have stabilized. Figure 3 — Dual-Frequency Power Sources, 50 and 60 Hertz
At rated frequency, the line voltage on the motor Connected in Series
is varied in steps from 125 percent of rated down to
a value where further voltage reduction results in a
disproportionate increase in the current. Voltage, cur-
rent, power, and winding temperatures are recorded
at each step.
To segregate the losses, power input minus the
stator I2R loss is plotted versus voltage, and the curve
extended to zero voltage. Refer to Figure 2. The in-
tercept on the power axis is the windage and friction
loss. Core loss at rated voltage and frequency can then
be obtained by subtracting the value of the windage Figure 4 — Dual-Frequency Power Sources, 50 Hertz Power
and friction loss from the total loss from the curve at superimposed on 60 Hertz by Use of a Coupling Transformer
rated voltage point.
The frequency that the motor sees changes com-
pletely 10 times per second. This continuous change
causes the revolving magnetic field inside the motor to
change its synchronous speed between that of 50 hertz
and 60 hertz. When the motor is under the influence
of the 60-hertz supply, the motor accelerates towards
the 60-hertz synchronous speed, drawing current in
the process to achieve the acceleration and operat-
ing as a motor under high slip. However, because of
its rotor inertia, it cannot reach that speed instantly.
One tenth of a second later the motor sees 50-hertz
power. The motor then decelerates towards the 50-
Figure 2 — Determination of Windage and Friction Losses hertz synchronous speed. The slip being negative,
the motor now generates current and feeds it back to
supply lines as an induction generator. With proper
adjustments to input parameters, a steady operating

condition can be achieved wherein the motor sees down rapidly after the auxiliary power is removed.
rated root-mean-square (rms) voltage and rated rms IEEE 112 recommends that the vibrations should be
line current. The wave shapes are not sinusoidal, but measured while the motor is within 25 percent of the
tests show that they produce similar heating in the normal operating temperature.
motor. Table 1 lists comparative test results reported Dual-frequency load testing is a cost-effective
by various manufacturers. method for temperature testing of general purpose
and vertical induction motors. The test setup is simple
— no test coupling, rigging, or alignment is required. It
Rise by takes 50 to 60 percent less time to rig and test the motor
Source HP Volts Poles Hz Resist. than by the conventional coupled load method.
Load Dual
A 450 3300 2 60 56.3 64.3 Coupled Heat Run
B 4000 4000 4 60 62.85 63.0 Coupled heat run is the direct-loading method for
B 3000 4000 6 60 51.5 52.6 temperature testing of electric motors. The test ma-
chine is coupled to a dynamometer or a load machine.
A 1500 4160 8 60 62.8 71.1 The load on the dynamometer or the load machine is
A 4000 6900 10 60 45.6 49.1 increased until the test machine reaches rated load.
C 1340 6000 18 50 44.3 45.0 In a coupled load test, the test machine is installed
with a test coupling and then rigged and aligned
Table 1 — Comparative Temperature Rise Between to the load machine as shown. It is important that
Dual Frequency and Load Test the test motor be set firmly on a stiff test bed. If it is
raised on rails or blocks to match the shaft height of the
load machine, the rails and blocks must be perfectly
The rated condition is generally reached when squared off and have adequate stiffness. Similarly, the
the 50-hertz input voltage reaches 20 to 30 percent test couplings, the center spool piece, the coupling on
of the 60-hertz rated voltage as measured at V1 and the load machine, and the load machine itself must be
V2, respectively, in Figure 3.. During the duration well balanced and aligned accurately to assure that no
of the heat run, the terminal voltage and current vibration is introduced as a result of inferior couplings
of the motor are maintained at their rated 60-hertz or rigging. The setup on the test floor is normally tem-
values. Volt, ampere, and kilowatt readings at the porary since motors of all sizes are tested in the same
motor terminals are recorded along with the motor location. The hot vibration readings need to be taken
temperatures. After the machine temperatures (as while the motor is still hot from the loaded run but un-
indicated by stator resistance temperature detectors coupled to remove the effects of misalignment, etc.
or auxiliary thermocouples) have stabilized, the volt- IEEE 112 recommends that the vibrations be mea-
ages of the auxiliary power and the prime power are sured while the motor is within 25 percent of the nor-
reduced. After the motor is stopped and all breakers mal operating temperature. This is sometimes difficult
are opened and locked out, resistance is measured to to do for a coupled heat run test. In this case it can be
evaluate temperature rise. necessary to stop the machine and uncouple it from
During the heat run, the motor is being supplied the load, then start it up again to measure the vibra-
from two power sources at different frequencies, tion. This, of course, is not necessary if the vibration
and is subjected to the oscillatory torques associated and vectorial change from cold to hot is good while
with these frequencies. Consequently, the vibration coupled.
will be abnormal during this condition and may not
meet the normal limits of vibration. For this reason a
no-load cold vibration is measured at rated voltage Determine Performance Characteristics
before the application of the auxiliary power. Then, There are many different ways to determine the
at the end of the heat run after the temperatures on performance characteristics of an induction motor.
the machine have stabilized, the auxiliary power is These characteristics include efficiency, power factor,
removed, and the vibration at rated frequency and load current, and speed. In North America motors are
voltage is measured again to determine the vibration tested in accordance with IEEE 112, although even
of the machine at normal running temperature. This within that there are still many different methods to
is done without stopping the test motor, which al- use, including methods B, C, E, E1, F and F1. These
lows the hot vibration to be recorded quickly since methods do not require the coupled heat run method,
the machine — especially an open machine — cools but it is logical that, if a motor is coupled up for a meth-
od B or E test, it should be a coupled heat run. In ad-
dition, if a method F efficiency test is to be performed
(where it is not necessary to couple up the motor), a
dual-frequency heat run should be performed. Heat

Summer 2004 3
run and efficiency methods should never be implied or IEEE 122 Eff. Test Methods IEC (1) JEC
assumed. Performance will vary significantly depend-
ing on the method used. Efficiency will be accurate and HP B C E E1 F F1
higher if utilizing methods B or E, whereas method <200 M M 1.6% M 1.6% .5% 0
F will normally provide slightly less accurate and 200-1500 M M 1.25 M 1.2% .5% 0
lower efficiency. Nevertheless, economics frequently
outweigh the concern for accuracy, and thus, method >1500 M M .9% M .9% .5% 0
F tests are commonly performed.
Table 3 — Efficiency Different Test Method
In addition to IEEE 112 test methods, the IEC and
JEC also have methods for testing induction motors.
These test methods differ from one another in their de-
tails and arrive at different results. Cummins, Bowers,
and Martiny in 1981 compared in detail these various Conclusion
methods for testing induction motor efficiency. The No matter what tests are chosen, it is important to
JEC and IEC methods tend to be less rigorous, and understand what information is being obtained from
provide less accurate results when compared to IEEE the tests specified. The benefit of having information
methods, albeit they are less expensive to conduct. obtained from rigorous tests must be compared against
Table 2 illustrates the differences in results when the the additional testing cost. Critical applications that
efficiency of a single machine was evaluated per vari- have historically been problematic may benefit from
ous methods. a complete test. Alternatively, noncritical, trouble-free
applications would add unnecessary cost to the mo-
tor if the same tests were specified. By understanding
the information delivered by the many different mo-
IEEE-112 JEC-37 IEC 34-2 ANSI-C50-41
tor tests available, optimal test requirements can be
Stator I2R, kW 13.9 13.1 13.9 13.9 specified.
Rotor I2R 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4
Core Loss kW 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0
Wind & Fr., kW 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0
Stray, kWQ 13.2 0 4.7 11.2
1. Cummings, P. G., Bowers W. D., and Martiny, W. J.,
Total, kW 50.5 36.5 42.0 48.5
“Induction Motor Efficiency Test Methods,” IEEE
Output, kW 932.5 932.5 932.5 932.5 Transactions On Industry Applications, Vol. IA-17, No.
Input, kW 983.0 969.0 974.5 981.0 3, May/June 1981.
Efficiency 94.9 96.2 95.7 95.1 2. IEEE 112 Test Procedure for Polyphase Induction Motors
and Generators, 1996.
Table 2 — Table of Stray versus Test Method 3. ANSI C50.41-2000 Polyphase Induction Motors for
M=Measured Power Generating Stations.
(1)- in this case stray is a percentage of the input, which
makes the levels a little higher. 4. NEMA Standards Publication No. MG 1-1998 (Rev.
1) Motors and Generators, 2000.
5. IEEE 522-1992 Guide for Testing Turn-to-Turn Insula-
A point of interest is the variation in stray load loss tion on Form-Wound Stator Coils for Alternating-Cur-
used in the different methods. Please see Table 3. In rent Rotating Electric Machines.
IEEE 112, one has the option either to test for the load 6. Finley, W. R., Hodowanec, M. M., Holter, W. G.,
loss (such as in method B or the Morgan test — also “An Analytical Approach to Solving Motor Vibra-
known as reverse-rotation test — in methods E and tion Problems,” IEEE Transactions, Vol. 36, No. 5,
F), or use an assigned value to the load loss (such as September/October 2000.
in methods E1 and F1). Tested values of stray load
loss provide the most accurate measurement of the
efficiency as compared to using assigned values, but
the cost could be prohibitive. William R. Finley received his BS in Electrical Engineering
from the University of Cincinnati. Present responsibilities for
Siemens Energy and Automation include being the operations
manager for the NEMA product out of Little Rock, Arkansas, and
manager of engineering for the same NEMA product where he is
responsible for design, development, and quality assurance out
of Norwood, Ohio. He is a Senior Member of IEEE and has previ-

ously published over 12 technical papers, which resulted in one Khursheed S. Hussain received his BS from University of
first place, two second place, and one honorable mention award. Poona, India, and his MS in Electric Power Engineering from
Most of the papers were included in the IEEE transactions. He is Rensselar Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY. Currently, he is the
currently active in over ten NEMA and IEC working groups and principal product engineer for ANEMA induction motors built
subcommittees. He is Chairman of NEMA’s Large Machine Group in the US at Siemens Energy and Automation, Inc., Cincinnati.
and International Standardization Group. He has over thirty-five years of engineering and project manage-
ment experience in motors and generators for industrial, nuclear,
Mark M. Hodowanec received BS and MS degrees in Mechani- and government applications, including ten years in application,
cal Engineering from the University of Akron, Ohio. Currently, he design, and development of ship service generators for the US
is the manager of mechanical engineering for ANEMA induction Navy. He is an IEEE member, and member of the working group
motors built in the US at Siemens Energy and Automation, Inc., on IEEE Std. 112, Standard Test Procedures for Induction Motors and
Cincinnati. For the past ten years he has worked in a variety of Generators.
engineering positions including design, product development,
order processing, shop testing, and field support. He is currently John A. Larabee received his BS in Electrical Engineering
active on various NEMA, IEEE, and API working groups. In from Florida International University, Miami. Currently, he is
addition to his ANEMA motor experience, Mr. Hodowanec has manager of product engineering and testing for Siemens Energy
worked on a wide assortment of induction motors such as NEMA, and Automation, Inc., Cincinnati. He has a background of design
submersible, and MSHA motors. He is the author of numerous engineering, process engineering, and information technology
published technical articles. within Siemens.

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