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16 Tenses

Explanation, Definition, Usage Examples

Present Tenses

1. Simple Present Tense

Simple Present Tense adalah bentuk tense yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan
sesuatu yang terjadi saat ini (present) pada suatu spesifik waktu. Karena terjadi pada
waktu sekarang, maka pasti menggunakan kata kerja pertama (verb 1) dalam susunan

Formulas of Present Tense:

(positive) : S + V1 / S + V1 + O
(Negative) : S + do (es) not + V1
(Interrogative) : Do (es) + S + V1 ?
If in the sentence have not another verb, so we use verb to be.
Affirmative (+): S + Be (am, is, are)
Affirmative (-) : S + Be (am, is, are) + not
Affirmative (?): Be (am, is, are) + S

(Positive) :
1. I drink milk.
2. A postman delivers letters.
3. A Man walks with his feet.
(Negative) :
I do not drink milk.
A Postman do not delivers letters.
The Man do not walks with his feet.
(Interrogative) :
Do You drink milk?
Does Postman delivers letters?
Does The Man walk with his feet?
(Affirmative) :
(+) : I am busy.
(-) : I am not busy
(?) : Are you busy?
2. Present Continuous Tense

Present Continuous Tense atau present progressive tense adalah bentuk kata kerja
yang digunakan untuk menyatakan aksi yang sedang berlangsung sekarang (present)
atau rencana di masa depan (future). Karena dapat digunakan
pada present atau future, tense ini sering diiringi adverbial of time.

Formulas of Present Continuous Tense:

(positive) : S + Be (am, is are) + V ing (present participle)
(Negative) : S + Be (am, is are) + not + V ing
(Interrogative) : Be (am, is, are) + S + V?

(Positive) :
I am sitting on a chair.
It is raining now.
We are studying English
(Negative) :
I am not sitting on a chair.
It is not (isn’t) raining now.
We are not (aren’t) studying English.
(Interrogative) :
Is it raining now?
Are you studying English?
Interrogative word “When” (kapan) don’t be used in Present Contionuous Tense if
except is meant express to action which immediately and surely (immediatc future).
When are you coming back?
There are some selected verb which may not be used in Present Continuous Tense
though actions is really done nowadays and is instead weared sentence in Present
Tense. the verbs for example are see, hear, smell, forget, remember, know, understand,
like want, hate, care, etcetera. Examples:
“I know the lesson now” Not “I am knowing the lesson”
“Do you understand now?” Not “Are you understanding now?”

3. Present Perfect Tense

Present Perfect Tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk
menyatakan suatu aksi atau situasi yang telah dimulai di masa lalu dan masih
berlanjut sampai sekarang atau telah selesai pada suatu titik waktu tertentu di masa
lalu namun efeknya masih berlanjut.
Formulas of Present Perfect Tense:
(positive) : S + have (has) + V3 (past participle)
(Negative) : S + have (has) + not + V3
(Interrogative) : Have (has) + S + V3?

(Positive) :
You have told me before.
She has never seen a tiger.
They have been to Japan many times.
(Negative) :
You have not told me about it.
She has not seen that film yet.
They have not been to Japan.
(Interrogative) :
Have you told me before?
Has she met you before?
Have they been to Japan?

4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Present Perfect Continuous Tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan
untuk menyatakan aksi yang telah selesai pada suatu titik di masa lalu atau aksi telah
dimulai di masa lalu dan terus berlanjut sampai sekarang. Aksi pada present perfect
continuous tense biasanya berdurasi waktu tertentu dan ada relevansinya dengan
kondisi sekarang.

Formula & Example :

(+) Subject + has / have + been + verb-ing
= They have been working together since senior high school. / She has been working
at that company for three years.

(-) Subject + has / have + not + been + verb-ing

= It has not been raining for three days / I have not been living in America since 2003.

(?) Has/have + subject + been + verb-ing?

= Have you been eating this egg for an hour? / Has he been playing cricket for two

Past Tense

1. Simple Past Tense

Simple Past Tense adalah kalimat tenses yang digunakan untuk menyatakan
kejadian yang terjadi di masa lampau dan telah berakhir di masa lampau. Berbeda
dengan past continous tense, yakni menyatakan kejadian yang terjadi di masa lampau,
namun masih terjadi di masa sekarang.

Formula of Simple Past Tense:

(Positive) : S + V2 (preterite)
(Negative) : S + did not (didn’t) + V1
(Interrogative) : Did + S + V1 ?

(Positive) :
I walked to school yesterday
The girl ate much ice cream this morning
They had a car last year
(Negative) :
I didn’t walk to school yesterday
The girl didn’t eat much ice cream this morning
They didn’t have a car last year.
(Interrogative) :
Did you walk to school this morning?
Did she eat much ice cream this morning?
Did They have a car last year?

2. Past Continuous Tense

Past Continuous Tense adalah bentuk tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan
bahwa suatu aksi sedang berlangsung selama waktu tertentu pada waktu lampau

Formulas of Past Continuos Tense:

(Positive) : S + was/were + V ing (present participle)
(Negative) : S + was/were + not + V ing
(Interrogative) : was/where + S + V ing?

(Positive) :
I was reading a newspaper
The sun was shining brightly
The children were playing football
(Negative) :
I wasn’t reading a newspaper
The sun wasn’t shining brightly
The children weren’t playing football
(Interrogative) :
Was I reading a newspaper?
Was the sun shining brightly?
Where the children playing football?

3. Past Perfect Tense

Past Perfect Tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk
menyatakan bahwa suatu aksi telah selesai pada suatu titik di masa lalu sebelum aksi
lainnya terjadi.

Formulas of Past Perfect Tense:

(Positive) : S + had + V3
(Negative) : S + had + not + V3
(Interrogative) : Had + S + V3?

(Positive) :
I had seen the film
The man had been sick
They had met her
(Negative) :
I hadn’t seen the film
The man hadn’t been sick
They hadn’t met her
(Interrogative) :
Had you seen the film?
Had The man been sick?
Had they met her?

4. Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Past Perfect Continuous Tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan
untuk mengungkapkan suatu aksi (dengan durasi waktu tertentu) telah selesai pada
suatu titik waktu tertentu di masa lalu.

Formulas of Past Perfect Continuos Tense:

(Positive) : S + had been + V ing
(Negative) : S + had not + been + V ing
(Interrogative) : Had + S + been + V ing?

(Positive) :
They had been living in France
She had been sleeping
They had been meeting
(Negative) :
I hadn’t been living in France
She hadn’t been sleeping
They hadn’t been meeting
(Interrogative) :
Had They been living in France?
Had She had been sleeping?
Had They been meeting?

Future Tense

1. Simple Future Tense

Simple Future Tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk
menyatakan bahwa suatu aksi terjadi dimasa depan, secara spontan atau
terencana. Tense ini juga dapat digunakan untuk membentuk conditional sentence tipe

Formulas of Simple Future Tense:

(Positive) : S + shall/will + V1
(Negative) : S + shall/will + not + V1
(Interrogative) : Shall/will + S + V1

(Positive) :
I shall see you tonight
He will speaks English well soon
They will do their homework tomorrow
(Negative) :
I will not see you toninght
He will not speaks English well soon
They will not do their homework
(Interrogative) :
Will you see her tonight?
Will he speaks English well soon?
Will they do their homework?

2. Future Continuous Tense

Future Continuous Tense atau Future Progressive Tense adalah bentuk kata kerja
yang digunakan untuk menyatakan aksi yang akan sedang terjadi pada waktu tertentu
di masa depan. Aksi tersebut telah dimulai tapi belum selesai pada saat itu.

Formulas of Future Continuous Tense:

(Positive) : S + shall/will be + V ing
(Negative) : S + shall/will + not + be + V ing
(Interrogative) : Shall/will + S + Be + V ing?
(Positive) :
I will be sleeping at 12 o’clock tonight
(Negative) :
I will not be sleeping toninght
(Interrogative) :
Will you be sleeping tonight?

3. Future Perfect Tense

Future Perfect Tense adalah tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu
perbuatan yang akan sudah selesai pada waktu tertentu atau sebelum perbuatan lain
terjadi di masa mendatang.

Formulas of Future Perfect Tense:

(Positive) : S + shall/will have + V3
(Negative) : S + shall/will + not + have + V3
(Interrogative) : Shall/will + S + have + V3?

(Positive) :
You will have spoken English well.
(Negative) :
You will not have spoken English well.
(Interrogative) :
Will You have spoken English well?

4. Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Future perfect continuous tense adalah bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk
mengungkapkan bahwa suatu aksi akan sudah berlangsung selama sekian lama pada
titik waktu tertentu di masa depan.

Formulas of Future Perfect Tense:

(Positive) : S + shall/will have been + V ing
(Negative) : S + shall/will + not + have been + V ing
(Interrogative) : Shall/will + S + have been + V ing?

(Positive) :
He will have been teaching for 30 years next January.
(Negative) :
He will not have teaching for 30 years next January.
(Interrogative) :
Will He have been teaching for 30 years next January?
Past Future Tense

1. Past Future Tense

Past Future Tense adalah bentuk kalimat yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan
gagasan/keadaan di masa depan dari sudut pandang masa lalu.

Formulas of Past Future Tense:

(Positive) : S + should/would + V1
(Negative) : S + should/would not + V1
(Interrogative) : Should/would + S + V1?

(Positive) :
If I were you, I should marry her. (Conditional)
He said that He would go abroad this week (Reported Speech)
(Negative) :
I should not marry her.
(Interrogative) :
Would you marry her?

2. Past Future Continuous Tense

Past future continuous tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja untuk menyatakan
aksi atau situasi imajiner yang sedang berlangsung apabila unreal condition-nya
terpenuhi (present continuous conditional ~ conditional sentence type 2
dengan continuous tense).

Formulas of Past Future Continuous Tense:

(Positive) : S + should/would be + V ing
(Negative) : S + should/would not be + V ing
(Interrogative) : Should/would + S + be + V ing?

(Positive) :
They told us that they would be having dinner.
(Negative) :
They would not be having dinner.
(Interrogative) :
Would they be having dinner?

3. Past Future Perfect Tense

Past Future Perfect tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja untuk membicarakan
aktivitas yang tidak terjadi, mungkin terjadi, atau sebenarnya dapat dilakukan namun
tidak berhasil dilakukan di masa lampau. Bentuk ini biasa digunakan pada main
clause dari conditional sentence type 3.
Formulas of Past Future Perfect Tense:
(Positive) : S + should/would have + V3
(Negative) : S + should/would + have + not +V3
(Interrogative) : Should/would + S + have + V3?

(Positive) :
You would have met a lot of friends if you attended the party last night.
(Negative) :
You would have not met a lot of friends.
(Interrogative) :
Would you have met a lot friends?

4. Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Past future perfect continuous tense adalah tenses yang digunakan untuk
menyatakan kalimat yang akan telah sedang terjadi di masa lalu. Tenses ini mirip
dengan future perfect continuous tense, persamaannya terdapat sama-sama memiliki
lebih dari satu keterangan waktu pada satu kalimat.

Formulas of Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense:

(Positive) : S + should/would have been + V ing
(Negative) : S + should/would + have not + been +V ing
(Interrogative) : Should/would + S + have been + V ing?

(Positive) :
Her baby would have been sleeping for hours when she arrived home.
(Negative) :
Her baby would have not been sleeping for hour when she arrived home.
(Interrogative) :
Would Her baby have been sleeping for hour when she arrived home?

Kelompok 1

Oscariza Aristyas
NIM: F181500351

Muhammad Rizki
NIM: F181500318

Agus Hernadi
NIM: F181500301

Fikri Fadillah
NIM: F181500346

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