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Coterminus Permanent Employees Contract of Service
OFFICE Contractual with the Charge to Maintenance (COS)
Authorized Filled Average Vacant Incumbent (CTI) Fund
Positions Male % Female % Total Age No. Rate Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
Central Office
Department Proper (OSEC) 138 34 44% 44 56% 78 37 60 43% 0 0 0 13 8 21 0 0 0 99 29 31 60
Pooled Field Positions 2,477 287 78% 79 22% 366 58 2,111 85% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 366 0 0 0
Services (9) 772 304 50% 306 50% 610 39 162 21% 0 0 0 137 58 195 0 0 0 805 263 189 452
Bureaus (6) 580 304 61% 198 39% 502 41 78 13% 0 0 0 73 27 100 0 0 0 602 323 81 404
UPMOs (5) 704 240 73% 88 27% 328 39 376 53% 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 330 434 152 586

Sub-total for Central Office 4,671 1,169 62% 715 38% 1,884 43 2,787 60% 0 0 0 225 93 318 0 0 0 2,202 1,049 453 1,502

Field Office (Class A)

National Capital Region 722 427 64% 241 36% 668 31 54 7% 0 0 0 128 17 145 0 0 0 813 2,423 1,466 3,889
Region III 1,193 744 65% 397 35% 1,141 39 52 4% 0 0 0 141 30 171 0 0 0 1,312 2,670 731 3,401
Region IV-A 1,220 617 58% 448 42% 1,065 44 155 13% 0 0 0 95 23 118 1 0 1 1,184 2,155 701 2,856
Region V 1,166 669 61% 430 39% 1,099 46 67 6% 0 0 0 88 36 124 2 0 2 1,225 2,300 698 2,998
Region VI 1,167 611 58% 442 42% 1,053 47 114 10% 0 0 0 107 23 130 1 0 1 1,184 2,825 715 3,540
Region VII 995 511 57% 392 43% 903 47 92 9% 0 0 0 102 46 148 0 0 0 1,051 2,551 715 3,266
Region VIII 1,002 556 60% 366 40% 922 43 80 8% 0 0 0 99 34 133 5 0 5 1,060 3,098 669 3,767
Region X 956 499 57% 380 43% 879 46 77 8% 0 0 0 73 18 91 2 0 2 972 3,097 895 3,992

Sub-total for Class A Regions 8,421 4,634 60% 3,096 40% 7,730 43 691 8% 0 0 0 833 227 1,060 11 0 11 8,801 21,119 6,590 27,709

Field Office (Class B)

Cordillera Administrative Region 958 576 65% 305 35% 881 43 77 8% 0 0 0 62 11 73 0 0 0 954 1,813 539 2,352
Region I 803 472 61% 298 39% 770 45 33 4% 0 0 0 91 24 115 0 0 0 885 1,674 487 2,161
Region II 905 572 67% 285 33% 857 44 48 5% 0 0 0 67 12 79 0 0 0 936 1,596 388 1,984
Region IV-B 776 440 62% 271 38% 711 46 65 8% 0 0 0 73 20 93 1 0 1 805 1,718 443 2,161
Region IX 775 449 63% 262 37% 711 40 64 8% 0 0 0 79 19 98 0 0 0 809 2,456 677 3,133
Region XI 760 445 61% 282 39% 727 47 33 4% 0 0 0 67 18 85 0 0 0 812 2,741 806 3,547
Region XII 721 406 61% 263 39% 669 46 52 7% 0 0 0 72 12 84 0 0 0 753 2,047 560 2,607
Region XIII 759 427 59% 296 41% 723 45 36 5% 0 0 0 48 11 59 1 0 1 783 2,335 618 2,953

Sub-total for Class B Regions 6,457 3,787 63% 2,262 37% 6,049 44 408 6% 0 0 0 559 127 686 2 0 2 6,737 16,380 4,518 20,898

Sub-total for Class A and B Regions 14,878 8,421 61% 5,358 39% 13,779 44 1,099 7% 0 0 0 1,392 354 1,746 13 0 13 15,538 37,499 11,108 48,607

GRAND TOTAL 19,549 9,590 61% 6,073 39% 15,663 44 3,886 20% 0 0 0 1,617 447 2,064 13 0 13 17,740 38,548 11,561 50,109

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