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What is Faith? Is it something what extremist holds onto, or the people of old age used to follow?

question remains ambiguous. As a person of logistic and practicality, I for one used to believe that these
religious notions were just carried by enthusiastic with no cognizance of whatsoever of advance sciences

It’s not easy to accept a divine ruler controlling everything without encountering his presence at all. This
makes us question everything. I used to consider that placing trust in God is the easiest way out to any
difficulty; it’s like denying that difficulty even exists. Especially when things are not going our way, and
we have heard this from the priest, religious scholars and abiding believers, “God knows better” or “God
has a plan” therefore I used to name it to be the go-to reason for not having the answer. Little did I
know that trust is far greater than denial. The thing is we human beings tend curiosity so much that
sometimes when things seem incomplete, due to habit we name it to be false (failure). Take it from
practical life when a family or friend take a major decision in their lives with no results whatsoever for
success, we try to convince them on other options. If the same person after a couple of years achieves
success, over their choice, we then support them. We judge through results, statistics, and success, but
we fail to realize that sometimes all investments require is time. Being impatient makes us hasty and the
easiest way out is denial hence we deny the fact that God exists that Faith really can help us. My point
here is not to point, out our weaknesses, but to make us realize our mistake because all salvation
requires is to first admit the mistake. Like any other objective whether sports, studies, wealth and
Success all faith require is some baby step then gradually it makes you wonder about your existence,
 your purpose. After that, it tests you with huddles and finally no-matter the result it makes you grateful
for the journey rather than results. In the following passages, I’ll discuss the truth of faith, how such
beliefs help us practically, mentally and spiritually with research evidence and stories to reflect onto.

Some people regard confusion to be negating beliefs and faith. To some extent they are right, an
unresolved question can cause further drift from belief, but on the other hand, many strong foundations
of faith were perceived in people who queried a lot. The key to strong faith is seeking till queries no
longer remain because incomplete knowledge is much more lethal than ignorance itself. It is perfectly
normal that you may encounter quivery while following faith. Then the question arises what if these
confusions remain unanswered than haplessly it only lead to fragmented faith. To avert this from
happening we must struggle perpetually never let a query or mystification about faith just gets away
due to indolence, the answer is always there just that sometimes we are looking in the wrong places for
the right answers. We all have heard this phrase one way or another “Hard work always pays off”-Dustin
lynch. In this case and acquiring other achievements in life, this statement just fits all right in.

With over Seven billion people over the globe, how many do-follow faith and How come one Faith can
be useful in this era? We as humans have a nature to work in a group. We are incline to judge right, and
wrong through majority and minority but that doesn’t justify what is right and wrong. To conclude about
faith we must first analyze it to dept. It is well-kenned that faith brings hope, comfort, and courage. But
the question arises, people who don’t have faith do they acquire these exact traits? Well, evidently they
do Hope is something which is embedded to our core. This sanctions us to survive and even evolve.
Comfort can be possessed through different sources. Sometimes people who are close to us become our
comfort and even if nothing works (out) than time patch our wounds. Courage is something gained from
experience. It arises from caged doors; those circumstances where every possibility seems worthless
and the only door to prosperity emanates from courage then truly a person acquire this trait. Again, it
pulls us back to start then what does faith provide? The answer is simple peace. It took me a while to
deduce out for myself, but after figuring it out it seems too preposterous to me that the answer that I
have been looking for was right in front of me all the time. Peace doesn’t require a certificate or address
to whom it will reside. You achieve peace as a result of faith. To put this on a test, a person following
true faith will exhibit these qualities: No matter how difficult calamity they are stuck in, they are still
optimistic about the future. Grateful for what they have already. All the self-centered phrenic
conceptions vanish and the desire to avail others kick in. It prevents them from all the things which
demoralize their soul. They have the ambition to strengthen their conscientious. Even in dolefulness and
grief, they found jubilance. You may ask yourself does your faith provide you with these reaping benefits
. We live in the most advanced era till now, things our ancestors could only dream about we conquered.
Technology advancing to its peak, and everything at the tip of our finger filled us with pride for what we
already accomplished. Its pride which lets us believe that faith is something desperate people carry. It’s
pride that led us to believe we control all and can transmute anything. While in fact we can’t even
control what happening inside our own flesh. Pride has made us so full of our-self that we forget the
most depression and anxiety is faced by this era. Students are stressed over studies, tensed whether
they will get into their desired colleges or not. Parents are stressed over how their children may
accomplish success they never get to. Couples are apprehensive whether their partners are honest with
them. Employees are stressed over workload, Employer is worried about making enough profit to
stabilize their firms. The list goes on. All of these problems, it seems that the world we have built for our
-self has just trapped us inside it. If we try to fill these void and emptiness through a desire from this
world. It makes us even more vulnerable to our previous state, and than we try to compensate that
emptiness through more worldly pleasure. The cycle keeps on and on until we are tired or shattered till
the ground. It is reported that from the past couple of years suicide rate has incremented exponentially.
Faith let us believe in our self believe in other, it create trust, compassion and love toward other human
being. Most importantly it unite us stabilize us therefore even in failure there still is a smile on the face.

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