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In the Specification and Bills of Quantities the following abbreviations have the meanings
hereby assigned to them
Means the specification issued by the British Standards
B.S. -
C.P. - Means the Code of Practice issued by the B.S.I.
AASHTO - Means the specification issued by the American Association of
the State Highway and Transportation Officials
ASTM - Means the specification issued by the American Society for
Testing and Materials
POM(I) - Means Principles of Measurement International for works of
Construction dated June 1979 published by the Royal Institution
of Chartered Surveyors, 12 Great George Street. Parliament
Square, London SW1 P 3AD, UK amended to suit local practice
and conditions
PD - Means British Standard. Provisional Document
DD - means British Standard Draft for Development
Approved/Approval - means approved by or approval of the Engineer in writing
Submitted/Submittal - means submitted to or submit to the Engineer in writing
Accepted/Acceptance - means accepted by or acceptance of the Engineer in writing
Inspected/Inspection - means inspect d by or inspection of the Engineer
Directed - means directed by the Engineer in writing
Authorised/Authority - means authorised by or authority of the Engineer in writing
Required - means required by the Engineer in writing
Rejected - means rejected by the Engineer in writing
In writing - above shall also mean verbally later confirmed in writing
O.O.E.A.A - means or other equal and approved
mm - Millimetre
Lm - Linear metre
m2 - Square metre
m3 - Cubic metre
Kg - Kilogramme
KN - Kilo Newton
MPa - Mega - Pascal
No or Nos - Number or Numbers
Pc, or Pcs - Piece or number, Pieces or Numbers

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