Reviewer - HOA TOA 2016 - With Answers PDF

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Characteristic wall ornament of the Egyptians is

a. Hieroglyphics b. Bead and reel c. Polychrome brickwork d. Papyrus leaves
2. Huge monoliths, square in plan and tapering to a pyramidal summit are
a. Pyramids b. Obelisks c. Espalier d. Columns
3. The Great Sphinx at Gizeh which is in the form of a recumbent lion with the head of a man is said to probably
represent the god,
a. Amon b. Isis c. Horus d. Serapis
4. The famous “hanging gardens” is found in the
a. Temple of Marduk b. Temple of Ninib, Babylon c. Palace of Sargon d. Palace of
5. The Propylaea, forming the monumental entrance to the Palace platform, Persepolis was built by
a. Mnesicles b. Xerxes c. Callicrates d. Callimarchus
6. The intercolumniation of an eustyle is
a. 4D b. 1.5D c. 2.25D d. 3D
7. A long colonnaded building used around public places and as shelters and religious shrines is the
a. Proa b. Stoa c. Exedrae d. Pinacotheca
8. The space between columns is called
a. Interposition b. Intercupola c. Intercapedo d. Intercolumnation
9. The moulding that is often found in the Doric order is the
a. Astragal b. Ovolo c. Torus d. bird’s beak
10. The water cistern found in the center of the atrium is called
a. Aqueduct b. Ljibe c. Impluvium d. spicatum
11. Chief structure of the Early Christian period were the
a. Campanille b. Baptisteries c. Churches d. skene
12. In Early Christian churches, the Bishop took the central place at the end of the church called
a. Nave b. Dais c. Apse d. baldachino
13. A gallery behind an open colonnade or arcade is the
a. Esplanade b. Severy c. Loggia d. chancel
14. In Romanesque architecture, door & window opening have jambs or sides formed in a series of receding
moulded planes known as
a. Orders b. Piers c. Mouldings d. Dado
15. The church with a remarkable narthex believed to have the earliest pointed cross-vault in France built during
the Romanesque period is
a. Abbaye-aux-Hommes, Caen b. S. Madeleine, Vezelay c. Worms Cathedral d. York
16. A type of roof in which four faces rest diagonally between the gables and converge at the top is a
a. Helm b. Mansard c. Gable d. Gambrel
17. The Moorish influence of Muslim features such as horseshoe arch, pierced stone tacery and excessive
ornament in Spanish Gothic was due to
a. Geography b. Climate c. Building Materials d. religion
18. A moulding made up of a convex and concave curve and which could also be applied to an arch is called
a. Fillet b. Cymatium c. Ogee d. egg & dart
19. The most impressive church in Belgium and which has one immense tower with spire reaching to a height of
400 feet is the
a. Utrecht Cathedral b. Beffroi, Bruges c. Antwerp Cathedral d. Cloth Hal, Ypres
20. It is the lavishly ornamented Spanish Baroque style of the early 18th century characterized by a reaction from
the correct and frigid formalism
a. Modernismo b. Moorish c. Arrabesque d. Churrigueresque
21. A style of decoration in architecture and applied art developed principally in France and Belgium toward the
end of 19th century characterized by organic and dynamic forms, whiplash lines and curving design
a. Art Nouveau b. Beaux Arts c. International Architecture d. Colonial Architecture
22. Art nouveau in Germany is known as
a. Jugendstil b. Bauhaus c. Empire Style d. Eclecticism
23. The architect whose works clearly express the principle of functionalism and called the “father” of modern
architecture in Austria is
a. Otto Wagner b. Eliel Saarinen c. Adolf Loos d. Henri Labrouste
24. The architect whose works clearly express the principle of functionalism, and called the “father” of modern
architecture in France is
a. J.M. Olbrich b. Alvar Aalto c. Gunnar Asplund d. Auguste Perret
25. Most prominent Art Nouveau architect whose work includes the Guell Palace in Spain is
a. Antoni Gaudi b. El Cid c. Henri Labrouste d. J.V. Louis
26. The Ifugao house (southern strain) is known as
a. Fayu b. Bale c. Chalanan d. batalag
27. A detached structure from the bahay kubo where palay is kept is the
a. Finaryon b. kamalig c. falig d. dema
28. In the kitchen of the bahay kubo, the table on top of which is the river stone, shoeshaped stove or kalan is
known as the
a. Lowa b. Blaba c. Dapogan d. fayu
29. It is the enclosed courtyard open to the sky and adjacent to the zaguan of the bahay na bato
a. Atrium b. Patio c. Cuadra d. aljibe
30. Declared a national landmark in August 1973, this Iloilo church’s façade is characteristic with profuse
carvings displaying Filipino folk art in the form of stylized coconut tree, St. Christopher carrying the child
Jesus, etc.
a. Molo b. Jaro c. Lambunao d. Miag-ao

Situation: Filippo Brunelleschi was one of the foremost architects and engineers of the Italian Renaissance. In his
earlier days, he lost to his greatest rival in a competition for the design of a pair of bronze doors for the Baptistery
in 1401.

31. Who is his greatest rival?

a. Francisco Bramante
b. Arnolfo di Cambio
c. Lorenzo Ghiberti
d. Michaelangelo Buonarroti
32. He is perhaps most famous for inventing linear perspective and designing the dome of which famous
a. Church of the Holy Wisdom
b. Notre Dame Cathedral
c. Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore
d. None of the above
Situation: Pope Julius ll decided, in 1505, to demolish the ancient St. Peters Basilica and replace it with a
monumental structure to house his enormous tomb and “aggrandize himself in the popular imagination.”

33. Who won the competition for the design of this grandest building in Christendom?
a. Giuliano de Sangallo c. Donato Bramante
b. Filippo Brunelleschi d. Antonio Manetti
34. Who was the immediate successor of the original designer of the St. Peters Basilica?
a. Filippo Brunelleschi c. Michaelangelo
b. Palladio d. Raphael
35. The Saint Peter’s Basilica is an example of
a. Romanesque c. Byzantine
b. Renaissance
36. He reverted the plan of the St. Peters Basilica back to the Greek Cross
a. Baldassare Peruzzi c. Giuliano de Sangallo
b. Fra Giocondo d. Antonio da Sangallo the Younger
37. Bramante’s contribution in St. Peters Cathedral
a. Main building c. Piazza
b. Renovate the Dome d. First Architect
38. Gian Lorenzo Bernini contributed the following at St. Peter’s Basilica except
a. Piazza di San Pietro (St. Peter’s Square) c. Cathedra Petri (Throne of St. Peter)
b. Baldacchino and Niches d. Dome
39. Saint Peter’s square is famous for the 140 statues of Saints at the Colonnade. The Columns are 13m tall and
are arranged in four rows. With the trabeation surmounted by a balustrade, the overall height is 21m.
Berhini built two straight covered wings (Charlemagne left, Constantine right) 120m long, to link with the
basilica’s façade. It is composed by how many columns?
a. 284 Ionic Columns c. 100 Ionic Columns
b. 284 Doric Columns d. 100 Doric Columns
40. St. Peter’s Basilica, often called the greatest church in Christendom, and is also the largest Church in the
world. The dome of St. Peter rises to a height of 136.57m measured from the floor of the basilica. It is the
tallest Dome in the world. Who designed the Dome using ideas from Bramante and Sangallo the Younger?
a. Michaelangelo c. Domenico Fontana
b. Giacomo della Porta d. Gian Lorenzo Bernini

Situation: This building in “Turtle Bay” New York was the result of the collaboration of several prominent
architects from different countries. One architect was pushing for his design dubbed Project 23 and another one
wants his design Project 32. After much discussion and modifications, they finally agreed to scheme 23-32 which
was built and is what can be seen today.

41. What is this structure called?

a. UNICEF House c. UNITAR Building
b. Headquarters of the United Nations d. New York Times Building
42. Who was the Director of Planning for this project?
a. Renzo Piano c. Le Corbusier
b. Oscar Niemeyer d. Wallace K. Harrison
43. The following were deeply involved in the design of this building except for?
a. Renzo Piano c. Le Corbusier
b. Oscar Niemeyer d. Wallace K. Harrison
Situation: This Filipino Architect was known for his use of concrete, floating volume and simplistic design in his
various projects. He was fond of modern painting and a talented Pianist. He studied at the University of Santo
Thomas to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree in Music but later shifted to Architecture just a year before graduating. He
was proclaimed a National Artist of the Philippines for Architecture.

44. What was this Architect’s first project? This project was the first to have a thin shell concrete dome in the
Philippines and was a collaboration of several National Artist. It is now recognized as a National Historical
Landmark and a Cultural Treasure by the National Historical Institute and the National Museum respectively.
a. Philippine Center for International Trade and Exhibitions
b. Folks Arts Theater
c. Cultural Center of the Philippines
d. Church of the Holy Sacrifice
45. He later designed this famous and controversial structure that is now considered as a Center of the Arts. It is
his most recognizable work. The marble façade of the building is cantilevered 12m from the terrace by huge
arching columns at the sides of the building that gives it an illusion of floating. What is this building?
a. National Arts Center c. Folks Arts Theater
b. Cultural Center of the Philippines d. PICC
46. What was his largest single work?
a. Cultural Center of the Philippines c. Istana Nurul Iman
b. Folks Arts Theater d. Ninoy Aquino International Airport

Situation: Art Nouveau linked with Gothic Architecture. Art Noveau was inspired by natural form and structures,
not only in flowers and plans, also in curve lines. The architects tried to be in harmony with the natural
environment; While Gothic Architecture was expressed most powerfully in great churches and cathedrals and in a
number of civic buildings. Its characteristics appeal to the emotions.

47. Which among the ff. has the best statement about Art Noveau and Gothic Architecture?
a. Art Noveau was more expensive than Gothic Architecture
b. Art Noveau used animal skin motifs and Gothic Architecture used them as well
c. Art Noveau used whiplash lines and Gothic Architecture was rude and barbaric
d. Art Noveau was unnatural while Gothic Architecture was characterized by nature
48. Which of the statements is the reason why people stopped the Art Noveau movement?
a. Because of the War
b. Because it was too expensive
c. Modern International Architecture is more practical
d. Modern International Architecture is more expensive
49. Which Art Nouveau inspired structure by Antoni Gaudi remains to be unfinished in Spain?
a. Casa Batlo c. Parc Guell
b. Casa Mila d. Sagrada Familia
50. What is the difference between the Art Noveau in Germany (Jugendstijl) and the Art Nouveau in Catalan,
Spain (Gaudi’s)?
a. Catalan Art Noveau is Organic with Earth colors while Jugendstijl is richly decorated
b. Catalan Art Noveau is colorful and richly decorated while Jugendstijl has more of Perpendicular and
Straight Lines.
51. Who said “Modern Architecture need not be Western?”
a. Ludwig Mies Van de Rohe c. Kenzo Tange
b. Eero Saarinen d. Walter Gropius
52. The ironic term “Maximum Simplicity” is attributed to
a. Peter Blake c. Marcel Breuer
b. Walter Gropius
53. Although not his original aphorism, “Form Follows Function” is widely attributed to this famous architect.
a. Louis Sullivan c. William Jenney
b. Frank Lloyd Wright d. Dankmar Adler
54. Who coined the maximum “Less is a Bore”
a. Scott Brown c. Mies van der Rohe
b. Robert Venturi d. Denise Brown
55. What are the 3 F’s in Architectural Design
a. Form Follows Function c. Fixtures, Furnishings, Fittings
b. Function Follows Form d. Fluid, Fire Protection, Fenestration
56. A set of Architectural Principles known as The “Five Points of Architecture” was formulated by this architect.
These were:
Pilotis – The replacement of supporting walls by a grid of reinforced concrete columns that bears the load of
the structure is the basis of the new aesthetics.
Roof gardens – The flat roof can be utilized for a domestic purpose while also providing essential protection
to the concrete roof.
The free designing of the ground plan– The absence of supporting walls means that the house is
unrestrained in its internal usage.
The free design of facade- By separating the exterior of the building from its structural function the facade
becomes free.
The horizontal window – The facade can be cut along its entire length to allow rooms to be lit equally.

Who was this architect?

a. Frank Lloyd Wright b. Le Corbusier
b. Mies Van de Rohe d. Marcel Breuer
57. It is a long narrow window evident in Villa Savoye.
a. Rose Window b. Tinted Window
b. Ribbon Window d. Slim Window
58. In 1903, architects Barry Parker and Raymond Unwin were tasked to translate Ebenezer Howard’s idea of a
Garden City. This project known as the First Garden City is located approximately 35 miles from London. It is
also called as
a. Welwyn Garden City b. Howard’s Garden City
b. Letchworth Garden City d. Greenbelt Garden City
59. What is the primary purpose why the Great Wall of China was constructed?
60. The Style used for the Paoay Church is
a. Romanesque c. Gothic
b. Baroque d. Byzantine
61. A Style influenced by Geometric Figures
a. Renaissance c. Romanesque
b. Gothic
62. It is a monument erected in honor of a person or group of people whose remains are elsewhere. It is derived
from the Greek words kenos (empty) and taphos (tomb), hence “empty tomb.”
a. Grave stone c. Cenotaph
b. Sepulcher d. Epitaph
63. It is a type of movable bridge used at a castle surrounded by a moat.
a. Collapsing Bridge c. Lift Bridge
b. Turning Bridge d. Draw Bridge
64. Also known as a wall-walk, it is the passage behind the parapet of a castle wall.
a. Alley c. Allure
b. Catwalk d. Crawl Space
65. This famous Architect was the mentor of Frank Lloyd Wright and is considered as the Father of Skyscrapers
a. Henry Hobson Richardson c. Dankmar Adler
b. Louis Sullivan d. John Wellborn Root
66. Ornaments in Philippine Architecture vary in every region, which exerts the greatest influence?
a. Culture c. Availability of materials
b. Religion
67. In Vernacular Architecture, it is where the cups and utensils are kept
a. Banguerahan c. Comedor
b. Cusina
68. Largest Religious structure, beehive shaped towers
a. Angkor wat c. Stupa
b. Borobudur d. Temple
69. The Biggest Stupa is
a. Phra Pathom Chedi Stupa, Thailand c. Jetavana Stupa, Sri Lanka
b. Boudhanath Stupa, Tibet d. Borobudur Stupa, Indonesia
70. What do you call a picture gallery in ancient Greece or Rome?
a. Stucco c. Pausanias
b. Pinacotheca d. Fuggerorum

Situation: You just passed the recent Licensure Examination for Architects and…

71. What do you do next?

a. Go back to your old job and make it better.
b. Look for greener pasture
c. Get ready for the Oathtaking
d. Put-up your own firm
72. Your friend, upon learning that you are now a Registered and Licensed Architect referred his Aunt to you
who as fate would have it was looking for an Architect to design her dream house. You are going to meet
your friend’s Aunt for the first time, what attire will you wear?
a. Business Attire – a suit to show you are a professional and will approach this project in such a way
thereby establishing a professional relation.
b. Clean and presentable and Comfortable – to make the client comfortable and establish a friendly
c. Rugged – to convey to the client that you are easy to talk to and is willing to negotiate and cut cost
d. Any- client will hire me based on my skills as an architect and not on how I look
73. This is an “Alternative” start to a career in Architecture
a. Work as an employee in an Architectural Firm to gain more experience
b. Take a risk and establish your own firm
c. Establish a Firm with your friends
d. Go abroad
74. You want to be updated on the latest trends in Building and Construction. What should you do?
a. Attend social activities of your Professional Organization
b. Be an active member of your Professional Organization
75. When is the Architect’s Creed not recited?
a. IAPOA meeting c. Induction to UAP
b. Mass Oathtaking
76. Due to your excitement at being a new Architect, you misplaced your PRC identification card. You applied at
PRC or a replacement ID. How long will you wait to get your ID card?
a. 1 week c. 1 day
b. 1 month d. 1 year

Situation: An Architect drew up plans for a family…the owners went abroad.. after a year, the owners returned but
instructed the architect to help them find a new lot.. the task would entail the architect’s personal time.

77. What stage in the Architect’s services will the Architect perform?
a. Pre-design Services c. Comprehensive Arch’l Services
b. Regular Design Services d. Specialized Allied Services
78. What will be the ideal method of compensation that the Architect should use if he is to find a new site for
the project?
a. Percentage of construction cost c. MDPE
b. Per diem plus reimbursable expenses
79. What can the Architect suggest to the owners to minimize spending?
80. How much is the Architect compensated after he completed all plans and documents for construction?
a. 65% b. 75% c. 85% d. 90%
81. In 2004, an act to institutionalize the Use of an Alternative Dispute Resolution in the country took effect.
Under this law, Construction Disputes will now go to Arbitration/Mediation instead of the regular courts.
What is this Law?
a. RA 9285 b. RA9262 c. RA 9858 d. RA9255
82. If an Architect is hired to design a Supermarket with construction cost of less than 50M pesos, how much
should he/she charge as minimum basic fee?
a. 7% b. 8%
83. An Architect makes a miniature model of the project for his own design study. Who should pay for it?
a. Architect b. Project manager c. Contractor d. Owner
84. How is the Architect compensated in his capacity as a consultant?
a. Per Diem b. MDPE c. Like a Lawyer d. PCC
85. Your client asks you to determine the viability of a proposed development by providing a detailed analysis of
the project. What are you providing?
a. Consultation c. Site Utilization and Land-Use Studies
b. Feasibility Studies d. Value Management
86. At what stage does the provisions for the Fire Code Requirement adopted?
a. Schematic c. Design Development
b. Preliminary d. Initial Conceptualization
87. At what stage are specifications done?
a. Design Development Phase c. Schematic Design Phase
b. Contract Document Phase d. Project Definition Phase
88. What is covered by Comprehensive Architectural Services?
a. SPP Doc. 201-205 c. SPP Doc. 202-207
b. SPP Doc. 202-206 d. SPP Doc. 203-208
89. Who is NOT liable under Article 1723 of the Civil Code?
a. Architect-of-Record c. Architect-in-Charge of Construction
b. Consulting Architect d. Contractor
90. Who approves the PERT in PERT-CPM chart?
a. Owner c. Contractor
b. Architect d. Project Engineer
91. Who is responsible for preparing the Bill of Materials?
a. Contractor c. Owner
b. Architect d. Project Manager
92. Who prepares preliminary estimates?
a. Architect c. Contractor
b. Project Engineer
93. Who is responsible for shortening the time of construction?
a. Architect c. Engineer
b. Construction Manager d. Foreman
94. Who is responsible for carrying out the Architectural Design Plans and Details in the actual construction?
a. Project Architect c. Project Manager
b. Project Engineer d. Owner
95. IAPOA is an acronym for?
a. Irish American Police Officers Association
b. Integrated and Accredited Professional Organization of Architects
c. Integrated Association of Professional and Organized Architects
d. Integrated Architects of the Philippines Organically Associated
96. The “Prohibition in the Practice of Architecture” in under which section in RA 9266?
a. Sec. 23 b. Sec. 30 c. Sec. 33 d. Sec. 40
97. Which section in RA 9266 is the “Ownership of Plans, Specifications and other Contract Documents?”
a. Sec.13 b. Sec. 23 c. Sec.33 d. Sec. 43
98. It is the housing program of the government only for the underprivileged and homeless citizens
a. National Housing c. Resettlement Program
b. Socialized Housing
99. Who accredits the national organization of architects?
a. PRC b. PRBoA c. President
100. Who is responsible for carrying out the provisions of the Building Code in the field as well as the
enforcement of orders and decisions made pursuant thereto?
a. DPWH Secretary c. Municipal Engineer/Architect
b. Building Official d. PRBoA
101. Who was the architect of the Cathedral of Commerce?
a. Ludwig Mies van der Rohe c. Howard Roark
b. Cass Gilbert d. Frank Lloyd Wright
102. Who designed the original World Trade Center in New York?
a. Minoru Yamasaki c. Skidmore, Owings & Merill
b. Shreve, Lamb & Harmon Associates d. Daniel Libeskind
103. Who is famous for his Aphorism “God is in the Details?”
a. Frank Lloyd Wright c. Le Corbusier
b. Ludwig Mies Van de Rohe d. Marcel Breuer
104. Who said “A House is like a Flower Pot?”
a. Christopher Wren c. Alvar Aalto
b. Eero Saarinen d. Richard Neutra
105. The Petronas Twin Towers was the tallest buildings in the world from 1998 to 2004. Today, it
remains as the tallest “twin” towers in the world. Who was the architect of this famous Malaysian structure?
a. I.M. Pei c. Billie Tsien
b. Cesar Pelli d. Thornton Tomasetti
106. Who designed the interlocking thin shell, shark-like concept that can be seen on the shore of Sydney,
a. Jorn Utzon c. Norman Foster
b. Eero Saarinen
107. Who designed the Sagrada Familia?
a. Antonio Gaudi c. Leon Batista Alberti
b. Pierre Luigi Nervi d. Michaelangelo
108. Who is the Architect of the Kaufmann House aka “Fallingwater”?
109. Who was the architect of the Bank of China, Louvre Pyramid and the Rock n’Roll Hall of Fame?
a. I.M Pei c. Richard Rogers
b. Frank Lloyd Wright d. Victor Horta
110. Dictum of Famous Architect – “I believe that people make natural association with forms, color and
the composition of elements while decoration and detailing help communicate with a building’s purpose.”
a. Michael Graves c. Walter Gropius
b. Philip Johnson d. Buckminster Fuller
111. The structure must be well oriented
a. Juan Nakpil c. Kenzo Tange
b. Caesar Homer Concio d. I.M Pei
112. Who was the First Filipino Architect?
a. Juan Nakpil c. Juan Arellano
b. Tomas Mapua d. Jose Maria Zaragosa
113. The UAP National Headquarters Building is the “Home of the Filipino Architect.” It is every man’s
dream to have a home and it is the architect’s aspiration to realize every man’s dream. Who is the architect
of this building that embodies the character, identity and aspiration of the UAP?
a. Felipe Mendoza c. Teofilo I. Vasquez
b. Yolanda D. Reyes d. Emmanuel P. Cuntapay
114. Who was the 11 UAP Likha Awardee?
a. Yolanda D. Reyes c. William V. Coscolluela
b. Froilan L. Hong d. Manuel T. Manosa
115. Which of the following is the work of Arch. Jose Maria Zaragosa?
a. Meralco Building c. Batasang Pambansa
b. San Agustin Church d. Sandiganbayan
116. Which of the following is NOT a work of Leandro Locsin?
a. CCP c. PICC
b. Coconut Palace d. Folk Arts Theater
117. Which of the following is NOT a work of Francisco Manosa?
a. Coconut Palace c. Amanpulo Resort
b. San Miguel Building d. Church of the Holy Sacrifice
118. Which of the following is NOT a work of Juan M. Arellano?
a. Metropolitan Theater c. Manila Central Post Office
b. Quiapo Church renovation d. Legislative Building (National Museum)
119. Who was the architect responsible for the addition of the dome and second belfry of the Quiapo
a. Juan Arellano c. Jose Ma. Zaragosa
b. Francisco Manosa d. Juan Nakpil
120. By virtue of Proclamation No. 812, President Benigno S. Aquino lll declared this architect, on 20 June
2014, as one of the National Artist for Architecture. Who is this Architect?
a. Leandro V. Locsin c. Jose Ma. Zaragosa
b. Ildefonso P. Santos Jr. d. Francisco Manosa
121. 1979 Laureate of The Pritzker Architecture
a. Philip Johnson c. James Stirling
b. Kevin Roche d. I.M. Pei
122. 1987 Laureate of The Pritzker Architecture
a. I.M Pei c. Zaha Hadid
b. Kenzo Tange d. Oscar Niemeyer
123. 2004 Laureate of The Pritzker Architecture
a. Renzo Piano c. Zaha Hadid
b. Norman Foster d. Tadao Ando
124. 2003 Laureate of The Pritzker Architecture
a. Wang Shu c.Norman Foster
b. Kenzo Tange d. Jorn Utzon
125. 2010 Laureates of The Pritzker Architecture
a. Kazuyo Sejima & Ryue Nishizawa c. Shigeru Ban & Toyo Ito
b. Wang Shu & Tadao Ando
126. 1996 Laureate of The Pritzker Architecture
a. Rafael Moneo c. Alvaro Siza
b. Fumihiko Maki d. Zaha Hadid
127. 2016 Laureate of The Pritzker Architecture
a. Frei Otto c. Alejandro Aravena
b. Jean Nouvel d. Peter Zumthor
128. 2006 Laureate of The Pritzker Architecture
a. Richard Rogers c. Peter Zumthor
b. Paulo Mendes da Rocha d. Thom Mayne
129. 1997 Laureate of The Pritzker Architecture
a. Rafael Moneo c. Sverre Fehn
b. Rem Koolhaas Norman Foster
130. 1983 Laureate of The Pritzker Architecture
a. I.M Pei c. Sverre Fehn
b. James Stirling d. Kevin Roche
131. Handrails are required for ramps, stairs, and dropped curbs at crossings. These handrails should be
installed at what height/s?
a. 700mm and 900mm c. 900mm and 1000mm
b. 800mm and 900mm d. 900mm only
132. What is the minimum width of an accessible parking slot?
a. 2.15m b. 2.50m c. 2.70m d. 3.70m
133. What are the minimum dimensions of a toilet stall for PWD’s?
a. 1.50m x 1.50m b. 1.50m x 1.80m c. 1.70m x 1.80m d. 1.80m x 2.00m
134. What is the maximum travel distance allowed for accessible elevators?
a. 10.00m from entrance c. 20.00mm from entrance
b. 15.00m from entrance d. 30.00mm from entrance
135. What is the minimum clear width for doors according to BP 344?
a. 600mm b. 700mm c. 800mm d. 900mm
136. What is the minimum headroom for walkways according to BP344?
a. 1.80m b. 2.00m c. 2.10m d. 3.00m
137. Maximum distance of the required turning space from a dead end, according to BP 344
a. 2.00m b. 3.50m c. 4.50m d. 6.00m
138. Maximum height of a flush control device for PWD toilets, according to BP 344
a. 800mm from the floor c. 900mm from the floor
b. 850mm from the floor d. 1200mm from the floor
139. Minimum depth of tactile strip that needs to be provided at the top and the bottom of stairs,
according to BP 344
a. 300mm b. 500mm c. 600mm d. 1200mm
140. Maximum crossing speed for pedestrians prescribed by BP 344
a. 0.50m/sec b. 0.70m/sec c. 0.90m/sec d. 1.10m/sec
141. According to the National Building Code, what is the maximum cost of a traditional family dwelling?
a. PHP 10,000 b. PHP 15,000 c. PHP 20,000 d. PHP 25,000
142. Which of the following is NOT true about the building official, according to Rule ll of the IRR of PD
a. The building official must either be a duly registered architect or civil engineer
b. The building official must be of good moral character
c. The building official must have at least five years of diversified and professional experience in building
design and construction
d. All of the above are true
143. Which of the following violations is the most grave, according to Rule ll of the NBC IRR?
a. Failure to post Certificate of Occupancy
b. Use or occupancy of building/structure without appropriate Certificate of Occupancy
c. Non-compliance with work stoppage order for construction or demolition without permit
d. Non-compliance with the work stoppage order for the alteration, addition, conversion, or repair without
144. According to Rule ll of the NBC IRR, which does not fall under civil/structural documents?
a. Roof framing plans c. Seismic analysis
b. Boring and load test d. All of the above are included under civil/structural documents
145. How many sets of plans are required by the NBC for building permits?
a. 3 b. 5 c. 6 d. 7
146. What is the minimum area for habitable rooms, according to the National Building Code?
a. 1.20 sqm b. 3.00 sqm c. 6.00 sqm d. 12.00 sqm
147. For agricultural areas, the NBC requires at least _____ of easement for each side of the waterway.
a. 3.00m b. 10.00m c. 20.00m d. 40.00m
148. The Building Code requires that the owner hire a full-time inspector for the construction, this
inspector must be a:
a. Licensed Architect c. Licensed Contractor
b. Licensed Mechanical Engineer d. Either A or B
149. The provisions of the National Building Code apply to all public and private buildings except for:
a. BP 220 projects c. Projects that only involve non-structural repairs
b. PD 957 projects d. Projects that only involve alteration and renovation
150. According to the NBC, the maximum speed of escalators is
a. 90 feet per minute b. 120 ft per minute c. 36m per minute d. 38m per minute

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