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Guimbal National High School


Rizal St., Guimbal, Iloilo


A Research Paper

Presented to
The faculty of Guimbal National High School
Rizal St., Guimbal, Iloilo

Geecah Arguelles
Mary Jean Candoleza
EG Leyza Terania

Guimbal National High School
Rizal St., Guimbal, Iloilo

Background of the study

The rise in the use of the internet has led to many changes in our daily life. In
particular, this rise has also led to the rise of online gaming. Online gaming can refer to
any type of game that someone can play through the internet or over a computer network.
Most of the time, online gaming refers to the video games played over the internet, where
multiple players are in different locations around the world.

Today, one can see the impact of computer and video games in politics, television,
popular music and Hollywood. A lot of research is conducted to study its effect on
lifestyle and behaviour of the wow power level gamer especially kids. Online game is the
most sought leisure activity followed by kids nowadays. Computers play a major role in
shaping the future of the kids. Days are gone when children loved to indulge in outdoor
activities, rather than running or playing outside, children spend most of their time
playing online games. Online games surely have an impact on minds of kids.

The online gaming is the addictive hobby that can affect the performance of the
students in the school. We say that if we play online games we feel “It feels so good even
you want to quit playing the game. You just cannot stop because it’s very addictive once
you start there’s no turning back”. Other people may play continuously that cause to
forget they needs like food. And this may affect the social life and the behavior of the
addictive gamer. Based on our own experience we play online games to entertain
ourselves and kill our boredom. The other “techi” or the technology- inclined they spend
several hours in playing instead doing more important things. Online role- playing games,
the site adds, “encourages interaction amongst other people and development of groups,
allowing people to flourish socially online, providing an escape for their struggling social
life”; however the games could also ruin a “successful social life” (StudyMoose, 2020).
Guimbal National High School
Rizal St., Guimbal, Iloilo

In South-East Asian countries, the negative impacts of Internet gaming addiction

have led governments and health care providers to take the problem seriously and to
develop a series of initiatives to curb and alleviate the problem. In South Korea, Internet
gaming addiction is viewed as a significant concern for public health,29 and up to 24% of
children who have been diagnosed with Internet addiction are hospitalized.30 In Japan,
the government has recognized the problem following a study by the Ministry of
Education, which has led to the development of “fasting camps” where individuals
suffering from Internet and gaming addiction are helped by being cut off from technology
completely.31 It has been stated that the higher the Internet penetration and social
acceptance of gaming, the higher the prevalence of gaming problems,32 partially
explaining the higher prevalence rates reported in South-East Asian countries. In addition
to this, there is good reason to think that the lower acceptance of excessive gaming in a
culture, the more distress (not less) gamers experience in engaging in the activity,
potentially fuelling problem perception. Therefore, a lack of acceptance of excessive
gaming and thus stigmatization of the behavior might contribute to higher rates of
addiction and problematic play in some way (PMC, 2013).

Everyone who plays video games has a different reason for playing and the usage
of the game leads to different effects for each individual person. Childhood upbringings,
peer influences, pressures at school, and family issues are all factors that have a strong
connection with the effects of gaming on individuals. So if a person's reality doesn't
counter that which is on the computer and television screen, than a child may aim to
make the game he plays a reality. From this idea we see school shootings, increased drug
usage, and depression. Sure video games maybe therapeutic for some people, but the
small amount of people who are negatively affected by gaming impact many. So just like
one alcoholic can cause a car accident that can kill twenty people, increased promotion of
violence coupled with real life graphics can do the same thing (streetdirectory, 2020).

The issues outlined above also suggest that precise assessment and screening of
the phenomenon is an urgent matter. In order to measure the problematic nature of
gaming, some authors have developed questionnaires based on the general phenomenon
Guimbal National High School
Rizal St., Guimbal, Iloilo

of internet addiction, while others have attempted to operationalize the behavioral

addiction model of Griffiths. However, the limitation of these current questionnaires is
that many of them typically target users of Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing
Games (MMORPG). Though this type of game is the most popular among online games,
the total population of gamers is more diverse and it is therefore necessary to develop a
measure that is suitable for the assessment of other genres and gamer populations such as
those who play online Real-Time Strategy (RTS) games and online First Person Shooter
(FPS) games (PMC, 2012).

Stopping video games for any reason has a long-lasting negative impact on child’s
emotions. He may become depressed, moody, angry, aggressive or violent when he is
unable to play. Child has stolen video games from stores or friends, or stolen money from
others in order to buy video games, more than once. He frequently lies about how much
time he spends playing video games. So what can you do to limit video game playing and
create healthy boundaries around it? So far on this problem, no one can find why this
problem easily happen and relatively difficult to be solved. It’s important to be
investigated to know why are computer games addictive, how common is computer game
addiction in children, what are the effect, so we can keep off or treat this problem well

Theoretical Framework

Through statistics, comparisons will be drawn and will then be applied to the
main statement: Online gaming is becoming the next major addiction of the future. By
looking at studies dealing with endorphin release and general brain function while
playing video games, the research will again show a deep comparison to drug addiction.
Along with the study of endorphin release, the researcher will also call on information
from the psychological and medical communities for studies on the adverse effects this
condition can have on addicts. The researcher will show how online gaming is and has
become an addiction to many through past research on the topic and will make
comparisons to drug addiction statistics (most closely marijuana). A definition of
“addiction” will be set, followed by an outline of how each stage of addiction can be
found in gamers and how addiction effects gamers’ lives (ELON UNIVERSITY, 2020).
Guimbal National High School
Rizal St., Guimbal, Iloilo

Computer game addiction generally refers to an excessive, unhealthy amount of

playing computer games. Rather than engaging in the real world, an addicted user
devotes the majority of his or her time to gaming ( Conrad, 2011). The issue of game
addiction is getting spread widely and uncontrollable. Gaming addiction became a
mysterious problem which is still difficult to treated, more terrifying than alcohol or
drugs addiction. Whereas, in fact, Dr Shumaila Yousafzai (2009) from Cardiff Business
School said popular online video games warned players not to overuse their products
(Academia, 2020).

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know the effects of addiction to online gaming among
youngsters of Guimbal National High School, Rizal Street, Guimbal, Iloilo.

Specifically, this study seeks answers to the following questions:

1. What is the outline of the claimants in terms of:

1.1. Gender
1.2. Grade Level
1.3. Age
1.4. Online games commonly played
1.5. Length of time the gamers play online games (in terms of months)
1.6. Length of time the gamers play online games in a week (in terms of hour)
1.7. Amount of money the gamers spend for online gaming (per day)
2. What are the advantages of online gaming among youngsters?
3. What are the disadvantages of online gaming among youngsters?
Guimbal National High School
Rizal St., Guimbal, Iloilo

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