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Forgotten Memories (Available in all PPC store)

by mechanic_lady

"What's wrong with you?"

Naningkit ang mga mata ni Alex. She wanted to shout at him, that everything is
wrong! Pero naawa siya na makita ang halos paiyak na mukha ni Gin. She drew a
deep breath.

"Try to understand Gin, we are not going to work. You is you, one day you'll see
what I am saying is all true."

Eugenio Carlos or Gin is perfect. He is tall, handsome and he has money. He is

the only son of Governor De Villa. And not to add he will inherit the throne of his
father as governor someday.

But love is not the reason why she chose to be with him. She doesn't have a heart
to fall in love with anyone else.

He is a bet.

In exchange of her car she lost in a race.

And the bet she will regret for the rest of her life.


Forgotten Memories
"What's wrong with you?"

Naningkit ang mga mata ni Alex. She wanted to shout at him, that everything is
wrong! Pero naawa siya na makita ang halos paiyak na mukha ni Gin. She drew a
deep breath.

"Try to understand Gin, we are not going to work. You is you, one day you'll see
what I am saying is all true."

Eugenio Carlos or Gin is perfect. He is tall, handsome and he has money. He is

the only son of Governor De Villa. And not to add he will inherit the throne of his
father as governor someday.

But love is not the reason why she chose to be with him. She doesn't have a heart
to fall in love with anyone else.

He is a bet.
In exchange of her car she lost in a race.

And the bet she will regret for the rest of her life.


The Orphan

Alexandra's POV

I nearly scream from the top of my lungs when I saw the group of Carmi waiting for
At kasama pa ang maniac na boyfriend nito na si Fredrick. Fredrick is flirting
with me for some time now, and Carmi was oblivious from her boyrfriend's
misbehaviour. I hate their group. Masyado silang mahilig gumimik. And in this
university, I have a name to protect. I must not be a snob to the clients. After
all, mga kilalang tao ang mga magulang nila.

Hindi naman nakakapagtaka na magka interes sila na kaibiganin ako.

My parents own the university. At least the 68% of shares of St. Michael's
University belongs to my family.
"Hi Bella!" nakangiting sigaw ni Carmi. I tried not to show a frown in my face
when I heard what she called me. I really hate that name. Nag sisirko sa utak ko
ang Twilight Saga kapag tinatawag ako na ganon. I am no Bella.

Isabella Alexandra Monterverde.

I prefer to be called Alex. It's more simple. Walang arte. Hindi katulad ng
Bella o Isabella. Feminine, extravagant, capricious, elegant....
I don't feel like I am precious to be called by such.

Carmi walked towards me and give me a slight cheek-to-cheek greeting. I fake a


"Hey. What's going on?" kunwa'y nakakunot ang noo kong tanong. Bumaling ang mga
mata ko kay Fredrick and saw how he assessed me maliciously. Ang mga mata ay
humahagod sa kabuuan ko. And I wanted to punch him hard when he stopped at the
slight swell of my breast na lumalabas sa low-neckline blouse ko. The nerve of
this guy!
I threw him a sweet smile. He smiled back na para bang sinasabi na maghubad na ako
sa harap niya. I just lifted a brow.

Cool ka lang, this guy will going to pay someday.

"We are going to a party Bella! Birthday ni Governor De Villa, and his son's
welcome home party. I think, we should go and check it out this weekend.
Fredrick's family is a very close friend of the Governor," Carmi giggles.

I look at the rest of the group. Chele, the daughter of a businessman, she is
pretty alright, but her hairdo is quite absurd. Katabi nito ang equally weirdo
boyfriend na si Raymond Chua. There is Arianna, the spoiled rich girl na mag mamay
ari ng mga well known hotels sa city. Someday. And there is Louella and her
boyfriend Jack.

They only resemble in one thing.

They are more of play and pleasure.

I don't.

But I have to endure. My governess is asking me to be nice and be a role model to

these students who happened to be enrolled at our school.
I hate the idea.

I am no role model.

"A-Ah..I have so much things to do eh, some other time maybe?"

Carmi rolled her eyes upward and tug my hand. Napatingin lamang ako don.

"C'mon Isabella! And it's an open opportunity to recruit the son of a very
influential man, don't you think?" she raised her thin eyebrow.
Natigilan ako. "Son?"

Ngumisi si Fredrick. "Yes, Bella girl. Eugene Carlos De Villa, I have heard he is
looking for a university."

I drew a deep breath.

This must be a one hell of a night I have to endure!


Nang makauwi ako sa mansion, nag diretso ako sa kwarto at nag shower. I easily
removed my dress and put myself under the shower. I sighed in relief ng maramdaman
ko ang malamig na tubig na bumuhos sa katawan ko.

I am just barely 20. And soon to graduate from college. I have no boyfriend. But
no one knows I am a certified virgin. They have labeled me as playgirl.
Mas mabuti na ang ganon. I am my mother's daughter after all!

Iniwan ng mommy ko ang daddy ko for another guy! And my father was too weak to
absorb the idea and there---he killed himself.

And as young as 13 I was fatherless.

I was taken care by a hired-help. Si Nana Belen na siyang tumayong
mayordoma/governess ng mansion. My mother is MIA since day 1 na iniwan niya si

I am all by myself until now.

Who do I need anyway?

I don't need a parent. Least of all, a mother.

I am better by myself.

I easily put on my robe bago lumabas ng banyo. Hindi pa ako halos nakakalapit sa
life size mirror nang marinig ko ang buzzer sa may gate. Maya maya lamang narinig
ko na ang paghimpil ng sasakyan sa front door. Kumunot ang noo ko. Hindi pa
ngayon ang briefing namin ni Attorney Galvez. Siya ang legal guardian ng assets and
properties ng Papa. And he is also a trusted friend of my late father.
Agad na lumabas ako ng kwarto wearing a flimsy robe at mula sa itaas ng hagdan
nakita kong pinapasok ng katulong si Fredrick. Naningkit ang mga mata ko. What

"What do you want?" inis na tanong ko. Pareho silang napatingin sa akin. Agad na
nagpaalam ang katulong. Si Fredrick naman ay agad na ngumisi ng makita ako. His
eyes feasted on my almost naked body na natatakpan lamang ng manipis na roba. I
shrieked from his stare. But I have to pose that he is no threat to me.
"Hi beautiful. Mind if I dress you?" there is devilment on his smile. Ang mga
mata ay umakyat bumaba sa katawan ko. At kulang na lamang ay mangilabot ako sa
klase ng mga titig nito na para bang nagsusumirko na sa utak ang mga nais gawin sa

He is a our varsity. With his looks and status hindi nakakapagtaka na parang tanga
si Carmi na nakakapit palagi sa no-brain na ito. His brain, napunta sa pagitan ng
hita nito.

I smiled sweetly. "Sure, as long as my two dogs will accompany you in my room
lover boy."
Namutla ito. He knew about my two loving boyfriends. They are fierced doberman
dogs which have been loyal to me since I was fifteen.

And will fiercely tear apart anyone who they smelled that has a bad intention to

He cleared his throat. "I am just kidding Bella. Well, I came here because I have
to pick you up. May national drag racing sa Pampanga this evening. Carmi thinks
this will be the best time to own the Ferrari that you have," ngumisi ulit ito.
The nerve of that bitch!

Alam kong matagal ng gusto ni Carmi ang red ferrari na binili ko a month ago.
She's been dying to win it over a bet but I refused. I love that car! I told her
to buy her own but I know she can't. Her father is very strict over her spendings.
Unlike me, I have full control over my money.
I smiled bitterly.

A rich orphan like me can own anything in this life.

Except for a family.

I laughed wryly. The irony of it. I don;t need a family.

It will hurt you and burn you straight down to your core.

"So? Are you chickening out?" nang aasar na sabi.

I drew a deep breath. I am not afraid. Never.

Not Isabella Alexandra Monteverde.

"Alright, I'll just get dressed."

He laughed. "You could go to the race with just your robe baby."

Tumalikod ako and lifted my middle finger.

Dinig ko pa ang tawa nitong nakakaloko. Naningkit ang mga mata ko, no way I will
ever let that bitch own my favourite car.
Not ever.


so what do you think guys? haha vote and comment

and be a part of our new group mechanic_lady@wattpad

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welcome to the new readers and followers

Next of Kin

Gin's POV

I tried not to grit my teeth in anger when I heard what he said. He wants me back.
After throwing me out of the country for five years, now he will call me up and
tell me to come home.

Gusto kong tumawa ng malakas ng may halong pang uuyam. I wanted to tell him that I
don't want to come back!
But I can't.

My grandfather is one of the legal authority at the house that I cannot go up

against with. Mas higit na kinakatakutan ko ang senor kumpara sa sarili kong ama.

"If this is a big joke senor, you should have inform me so I could laugh out so
loud," may halong pang uuyam na sabi ko. Matapos niya akong ipatapon sa LA five
years ago now he wants me back! And maybe he doesn't have the courage to tell me to
come back kaya ang Lolo ang pinatawag niya sa akin.
"Mind that tone, young man," he reprimanded seriously. "He is your father! You
are a De Villa!"

Naningkit ang mga mata ko. "After he threw me out of the country with just my back
pack on and with no money at all, ngayon ay ipapatawag niya ako and asking me to
come back? Hindi ko alam na nagiging komedyante na ang Papa. Bakit? Ayaw na ba
ng Mama na tumakbo sa susunod na governatorial race? And now suddenly he needs
me?" I couldn't stop the lace of pain and bitterness on my voice.
Oh hell yeah. I am Eugene Carlos De Villa, the only son of Governor Edmundo De
Villa and the heir of the throne of my father in politics. My family is all about
politics. Mula sa lolo ko na retired PNP General and ex-Senator and down to my
father who is running his last term as a Governor on our province. My mother, who
has no interest in politics became his replacement every time na natatapos ang
termino niya.

Ganon tumatakbo sa dugo ng mga De Villa ang pulitika.

But my mother is not a born politician. And maybe she got tired of replacing my
father to the position and find the reason to make me come home to replace him.

I hate politics.

I was not born for it. Bata pa lamang ako namulat na ako sa pulitika, mula kay
Lolo at sa mga tiyuhin ko na nasa pulitika rin. And at my age of 11 I know I will
never enter the politics.
I want to be a lawyer.

And that's why from LA I transferred to Massachussets so I could study at HLS

taking up law.
"Carlos! You cannot deny the fact that you are a De Villa, you have a
responsibility to our name!"


As if it is the only air to breathe.

"Baka nakakalimutan mo Lolo na I am taking up law and this is my second year now!
I cannot give it up!" I said indignantly. Pero alam ko na wala naman akong
magagawa oras na gustuhin iyon ng senor.

I wanted to live away from my birth right.

Dahil kahit kailan hindi ko gugustuhin na luminya sa kanila.

O sa maduming laro ng pulitika.

Ilang saglit na katahimikan.

The man on the other line sighed. Malumanay na ang boses nito ng magsalita.

"You are going home, Carlos. And you will be here at your father's birthday or a
batallion will carry you back to the Philippines!"

Namatay na ang linya.

I clenched my jaw.

How I hate them!

The domineering authorities that happened to be my family!


Hanggang makauwi ako sa tinutuluyan kong bahay malapit sa HLS ay mainit na mainit
ang ulo ko. Hindi ko akalain na sa isang iglap lamang ay mawawala ang kalayaan na
matagal kong natamasa mula ng ipatapon ako ng Papa sa LA.

He told me I was a nuisance. That I was a total disgrace to the family. That I
should redeem myself by living on my own and understand the value of commitment and
I must admit na wala akong ginawa noong high school kung hindi pasakitin ang ulo ng
Papa at ng Lolo, my mother always cry because of me. Barkada dito, gimik doon
gimik dito.

Alak. Babae.

And drugs.
I experienced all of it. When police authorities raid a pot session, I was one
being held captive. My father almost broke my ribs when he saw me. He was very

Kulang pa daw iyon sa kahihiyan ko na ibinibigay sa pamilya ng De Villa.

I was traumatized about what had happened. I have experienced police brutality
under the command of the Governor.

And he is my father.

I couldn't accept na nagawang iutos iyon ng Papa para turuan ako ng leksyon. And
the next thing I know, I was being transported to the airport with my passport and
a back pack and totally penniless.
Daig ko pa ang may nakakahawang sakit ng ipatapon ako ng Papa sa ibang bansa. And
I was only 16 then.

I sighed remorsefully.
And now.

Kailangan niya ako.

Ganoon lang yon.

Walang sorry. Walang kumusta ka na anak? Buhay ka pa ba? Walang ganon sa loob ng
limang taon.

Ni hindi nga nila alam kung may kinakain ba ako sa araw araw o kung saan ako
nakakakuha ng ikakabuhay ko.

I lived on my own.
Sa tulong ng ilang kaibigan ng pamilya sa LA, I was being sheltered with warmth and
food. Later on, they enrolled me at one of the school in LA. And I finished my
senior high school. I took the courage to do a lot of source of living. Lahat na
nga yata pinasok ko para may maitustos ako sa pag aaral ko at pagkain ko. After
awhile, knowing that I can feed myself I have lived on my own.

"Hey," angat ang kilay na sabi ni Shanie when she saw me sitting on the sofa. I
looked at her. Shanie is my classmate at HLS, she is half Danish half Italian.
She is very pretty, like a living magazine.
Yumuko ito upang halikan ako sa labi. I did not respond but I smiled back. "Have
you eaten?" we have been living together three months ago. She is very
understanding about our open relationship. We started as friends and then became
lovers. Everything is smooth-flowing.

Umiling ito. "I am waiting for you babe, so how's school?"

I shrugged my shoulder. "Fine."

Kumunot na ang noo nito. Marahil naninibago sa malamya kong pagsagot samantalang
everytime na uuwi ako ay palagi akong excited about things I do at school. Aside
from the fact that I am working part time sa isang judicial clerical pool. Thanks
to the influence of my grandfather that I am using as a part time job my own course
of study.

"Problem?" she asked softly. Naupo ito sa tabi ko. I sighed heavily. Hinapit ko
siya sa buong pagkabigla nito.

"Carl?" nagtatakang sabi.

Nanatiling nakasubsob ako sa kanyang buhok, she smells so good. "My family wants
me home."

Natigilan ito.

"Then it is good to-----."

"They want me to stay for good."

I could feel my own heart tightening in a firm grasp.

She was shocked. Her body became rigid.

"Y-You're kidding.." there was astonishment in her voice na pilit akong tinitingnan
sa mukha, her eyes focused on me na para bang binabasa nito ang katotohanan sa mga
mata ko.

Nangilid ang luha nito ng mabasa ang katotohanan na hinahanap nito.

"Y-You are leaving! How about school? Oh God, Carl you are not going to waste
your dreams!" it was more of a plea than a question and it hurt me more.

Shan is my first girlfriend after I moved here in Massachussets. Girlfriend dahil

siya lamang ang natagalan ko ng tatlong buwan, at kahit na may mga pagkakataon na
nagkakama pa rin ako ng ibang babae palagi na lamang sa kanya ako bumabalik.

We are friends.
That's why I became guilty everytime na may gagawin akong evil deeds sa likod niya
kagaya noong nag party ang tita niya and they invited me. That while she was busy
talking to them, I was busy with her cousin Alyssa. The girl was hot and we make
out. Buti na lamang may biglang dumating sa may dulong bahagi ng kitchen kaya
naputol ang dapat sana ay mangyari sa amin.

But it didn't stop from there.

From time to time, I had some series of flings and one night stand with classmates
and workmates. At my age of 21, I believe that my experience when it comes to
women had been in triple more than my age.
But Shanie has always been loyal to me. Kaya nga higit akong na g guilty. But
what can I do? I was born to give pleasure to women in needs. Especially beautiful
women. Sino ako para tumanggi.

But I will still be with Shanie. At kung siguro nasa Pilipinas kami pareho baka
malaki ang chance na siya na yung babae na mag stay ako ng matagal.

Agad na nakabig ko ito ng makitang umiiyak na ito. I closed my eyes painfully.

"Shan please. Don't cry."

She cried in silence.

"You know I love you Carl. I really love you!"

Nagsisikip yung dibdib ko. But I couldn;t do anything but to hug her even more.

My father must not do something that will force me to go away this time.
Dahil hindi ako mag dadalawang isip na bumalik ng Amerika oras na hindi ko
magustuhan ang trato ng Papa.


next is my first restricted chapter, will post within this week

comment and vote guys


The Race

sensya na late posting, busy sa room renovation haha next ud will be around 8 or 9
pm hopefully!

Alex's POV

I sit in silence habang palapit na kami sa pagdarausan ng drag racing. I decided

to ride with Fredrick.

At sa buong biyahe papunta ng Pampanga ay kulang na lamang tapalan ko ang bibig

nito sa sobrang daldal. He is trying to impress me and win me over by his sweet
tongue, malas niya na I know what he is. He is good for nothing debonaire na
ikakama ka at iiwan kapag nagsawa na.
At ang gumagawa non ay mga babaeng walang laman ang utak kung hindi hangin.

Like Carmi the bitch.

And the rest of her pack. Napaismid ako. Para naman kasing hindi ko alam ang
ginagawa ng grupo. They f**k each other behind their boyfriend/girlfriend's back.
Like Carmi had sex with Chele's boyfriend at the back of the library. I saw them.
Napailing na lamang ako. Kasi even Fredrick is having sex with Chele. Bakit hindi
na lamang kaya sila mag conduct ng group orgy. Tutal naman they are f**king each

"You know what, Bella---."

"Alex," I reiterated coldly as I dare not to look at him. Nanatiling nakatutok sa
daan ang mga mata ko.

He laughed shortly as he threw a glance across me. "Okay, even if I like to call
you Bella. It suits your body baby, and I wonder when can I have the chance to
lick that beautiful body of yours," he asked softly.

Kulang na lamang literal na manindig ang balahibo ko sa sinasabi ng lalaking ito!

Matalim na tinitigan ko siya.
"In your dreams, Fredrick."

Natawa ito ng marahan. Tila natutuwa sa nakikitang reaksyon ko. "I will assure
you that you are going to enjoy every second my tongue will lick your soft and
sweet-scented p*ssy of yours," he looks at me sabay kumindat.
I swear, kung hindi lamang may 20 percent share of stock ang pamilya nito sa
unibersidad kanina pa ito tumilapon sa kotse! The nerve of this guy! Who the hell
he thinks he is!

I lifted a brow and faked a seductive smile. My hand slowly traced the hard
contour of his pants, at kahit nasusuka ako sa ginagawa ko I have to make him
realize I am a very experienced girl. I saw him swallowed hard na tiningnan ang
ginagawa ng kamay ko sa zipper ng pants niya.

"Hmm..I don;t know about you, but I have a very explicit way of fu**ing my guy. I
want him tie into a rope then his legs being pulled apart by metal grip while both
of his hand tied tightly on his back. Do you like it?"
Kulang na lamang maduwal ako sa nakikita kong pag iinit sa mga mata ni Fredrick.
It must be my cue to stop what I am doing but this is not the point to stop. I
unzip his pants I have heard his laboured breathing.

"Go on, touch it.."he ordered sa paos na tinig ang mga mata ay hindi malaman kung
sa daan itutok o sa ginagawa ko sa pantalon niya.
I laughed throatily. "You are very naughty, Fredrick. I can touch you here and
there, but I might you know, tell it all about to Carmi. Alam mo naman Carmi could
be quite murderous at some point di ba?" malambing na sabi ko habang pinapadaan ko
ng daliri ko ang ibabaw ng hita niya niya.

Natigilan ito.

Kunwa;y nag isip ako. "Di ba siya yung sumugod kay Philip dati? Her ex boyfriend
and caught him cheating with the cheerleader of your varsity? ANo na nga bang
ginawa niya don? Binuhusan ba niya ng kumukulong tubig ang harapan ni Philip?"
inosenteng tanong ko.
Muntik na akong matawa ng makita kong namutla ito. Agad na umayos ng pagkakaupo at
kulang na lamang lumayo sa pagkakadikit ng mga balat namin.

"She did not. Aksidente lamang na natabig iyon ni Carmi," pagtatanggol nito. I
smirked as I get back to my seat. What a loser!
"We don't have to tell it to her, you know?" agad na bawi nito ng makita na lumayo
na ako sa kanya at inihinto na ang ginagawa ko. Umangat ang kilay ko na tinitigan

"Wala akong balak na aksidenteng matabigan ng kumukulong tubig, Fredrick."

Napahampas ito sa manibela out of frustration. "Goodness Alex! You have a very
beautiful body that needs a lot of attention! We are wasting our time talking here
inside the car instead of engaging in some wild and passionate sex we both shall
never forget!"
Nanayo balahibo ko sa sinasabi nito but I held still. "But I am not horny at this
moment Fredrick, so you better keep your member inside that pants!"

Nagbago ang tono nito. He looks at me pleadingly. "Well, I can promise I can make
you horny baby girl. Just give me chance to show you how will I make you cry out
in pleasure."

I smiled sweetly.
"Maybe later, if and when, I win over that race."

Nanlaki ang mga mata nito at malakas na napasigaw sa tuwa.

Para tuloy gusto ko na lamang ipatalo ang Ferrari ko kesa makipag sex sa unggoy na

Carmi's POV

Naningkit ang mga mata ko ng makita ang papalapit na pamilyar na sasakyan.

Kasalukuyang dito kami naghintay ng grupo malapit sa pagdarausan ng drag racing.

Hindi ko akalain na magsasabay sa isang sasakyan si Alex at si Fredrick. Matagal

ko ng napapansin na nag f-flirt si Alex sa boyfriend ko. At kahit na alam ko na
player din si Alex, ayoko din naman na i-share ang boyfriend ko sa babaeng iyon.
I don't like her that much. But she is a very powerful authority sa unibersidad.
She is a very rich heiress.

An orphan.

Di ba swerte?
Walang pipigil sa kanya sa kahit na anong gustuhin niya. Unlike me, I have parents
to ask permission when it comes to my spendings. Matagal ko ng gusto ang Ferrari
ni Alex, I envy her. Kaya nga dinadaan ko sa pustahan ang lahat para lamang makuha

And I'll make sure she'll lose that expensive car tonight.

"Hi babes," agad na lumapit ako at hinalikan sa labi si Fredrick. I smiled secretly
when I saw the look on Bella's face. Alam ko na inggit na inggit siya sa akin. At
bagamat nabigla si Fredrick ay madiin sinagot ang halik ko.
"Miss you," I said to him seductively after I let go of his lips. He smiled back.

"And I miss you as well, baby. C'mon, magsisimula na ang drag racing."

Nakaangat ang kilay na binalingan ko si Bella na nakahalukipkip sa pagkakasandal sa

kotse ni Fredrick.
"So, are you ready to lose that car of yours Bella?"

She looks at me. "Alex," she corrected. I smirked. Ang arte lang talaga ng
babaeng ito.

"Okay, Alex," I repeated. "Go and place your bet, mine is the silver Pontiac
firebird. Montejo is driving that little devil," I said na itinuro ang sasakyan na
bet ko na mananalo. I have known Sean Montejo since his high school and he is
nothing but a daredevil. I am sure he will win it again. Kagaya ng mga naunang
drag race na sinalihan nito all over Asia.
Napaismid si Alex nang tiningnan ang tinuturo ko na sasakyan. Napangisi ako. Alam
ko na si naunahan ko siya sa bet na sasakyan. Kilala rin nito Sean Montejo at ang
reputasyon nito.

"Nice choice. Since he is your bet, then I'll chose that car."

She pointed the silver Chevrolet Camaro.

"ZL1, 6.2L supercharged engine, 580hp and 556 lb-ft of torque the latest Chevvy
edition and will be driving by Dejardo is my bet."

Kumunot ang noo na napatingin ako dito.

She shrugged her shoulder as she walked towards the rail.

"I was about to buy that car but I have chosen Ferrari. So if I lose this one, I
might consider buying that one."

Naningkit ang mga mata ko.

And I'll make sure she'll lost her car!


The Race 2


1st part ng ud ko, so the 1st part is public and the second one will be in private
Alex's POV

I know I almost trip off my seat when that Pontiac took over the finish line 0.05
sec ahead of my Camaro bet.

Sunod sunod na hiyawan ang narinig sa field but I was more of stunned from my loss.
I lost my Ferrari!

Shit and damnation!

I couldn;t believe it. Sa isang iglap nawala sa akin ang pinaka paborito at bagong
bago kong kotse.
"I won! I won!" nagtutumalon sa tuwa si Carmi habang niyakap ng niyakap si Fredrick
and when I looked at them parang gusto kong matawa sa kabila ng pagkatalo ko.
Dahil kulang na lamang maiyak sa frustration si Fredrick. I smirked.

Hindi naman ako totally natalo.

Dahil hindi ko gugustuhin na makipag sex sa Fredrick na to. Over my dead body!
"So, Alex," nakangising baling sa akin ni Carmi. I put on my sad face. Kesa naman
ipakita ko na balewala lang sa akin ang pagkatalo ko sa Ferrari ko. "Kailan ko
kukunin ang kotse?"

I sighed. "Can you give me at least a week? Alam mo na, I love that car! And
it's quite expensive," kunwa'y nanghihinayang kong sabi.

Si Fredrick lamang ang mukhang namatayan sa grupo. I wanted to laugh so hard.

Umismid si Carmi. "Ang daya mo naman."

"Oo nga Alex! You should follow the rules, you lose!" ganting sagot ni Chele.
"Wala kang isang salita!"

"Wala naman tayong pinag usapan kung kelan makukuha yung kotse di ba? But
nevertheless, it will be yours Carmi. I just need few moments to enjoy the
Ferrari," sa nakikiusap kong tono.

I must act well.

O malalaman nila that I really don't care. Not even a bit.

Mas mahalaga sarili ko kesa sa kotse na yon no?

She rolled her eyes upward. Parang naawa sa akin. "Okay! After a week I will
collect my prize! You better accept it na natalo ka!"

I sighed kunwari in relief. "Oh thank you Carmi. You are an angel," angel na
pwede kong sukahan anytime, I wanted to add.

"Let's celebrate!" sabi ni Arianna na obviously kanina pa gustong umalis sa

racetrack. She is bored with this kind of stuff, mas gusto nito na mag hang out sa
bar. "I know a place where we could enjoy your victory Carmi," she said in excited

"And you are very much welcome to come with us, Alex," ani Fredrick.

Tatanggi sana ako pero maagap na inakbayan ako ni Raymond. "C'mon Alex. Don't
sulk like a petulant child. Be sport and celebrate with us."
Naningkit ang mga mata ko. Ano pa nga bang magagawa ko?


Fredrick's POV

Kulang na lamang ay mabasag sa kamay ko ang pagkakahawak ko sa baso habang

pinapanood ko si Alex na sumasayaw sa gitna ng dance floor. She is lifting her
above the knee dress while dancing with other guys. Her soft curly hair bouncing
off her beautiful face. The guy she is dancing with ay kulang na lamang ay
lingkisin si Alex at nanggigil ako sa inggit.
Dahil eto ako, nakaupo habang si Carmi ay panay ang halik sa leeg ko. Oh hell
yeah, I am horny but my mind is elsewhere. I wanted that girl who is dancing
wildly on the dance floor. Umaakit na ng atensyon sa mga naroon ang ginagawang
sexy dancing ni Alex. She is not wearing a bra kaya naman makikita ang outline ng
nipples nito.

I groaned in frustration.
Nilipad ng hanging ang natitira kong pag asa na maikama ko si Alex nang matalo ang
Camaro. Kulang na lamang murahin ko si Montejo kanina ng bumaba ito sa Pontiac. I
wanted to kill him right away.

Sinira niya ang pangarap ko na maangkin ngayong gabi si Alex.

I clenched my jaw. Hindi ako papayag na hindi ko makuha ang Alex na ito. Maybe
not tonight, but there will come a time that I will enjoy having a wild sex with
her. Sex as wild as her dancing tonight.
Bahagya akong napaigtad ng maramdaman ang kamay ni Carmi sa ibabaw ng pants ko.
Napatingin ako dito. Namumungay na ang mga mata ni Carmi. "Let's get out from
here," bulong nito.

I moaned in response. Her expert hand moving up and down my shaft. At kahit may
pantalon pa ako ay nabubuhay na unti unti ang pagkalalaki ko. This woman is a
temptress. She claimed my lips, agad na sinagot ko iyon. Matagal na naglapat ang
mga labi namin, at naglaro ang mga dila. Hindi namin alintana na nasa publiko
kaming lugar. We both love doing things in public. Ganon kami ka explorative when
it comes to our sex lives.

"And Alex?" sabi ko na napapapikit na sa ginagawa ng kamay ni Carmi.

"I bet that guy will take her home," she said.

Nakaramdam ako ng inis pero tumayo na ako at hinila si Carmi. Mas mabuti pa ngang
kalimutan ko muna sandali ang babaeng iyon.

But I promise I will own her!

No matter what!


Alex's POV

I wanted to laugh and laugh.

Masama bang maging masaya?

Nakaligtas ako sa hudyong Fredrick na yon!

At kung hindi pa nga dumating si Carmi ay baka hindi ako tantanan non. I lifted my
brow when I saw them leave the bar. I shrugged my shoulder. Bahala sila kung
saan sila pupunta. I can go home alone!.
Hell I care.

"You are so sexy and hot," the guy I am dancing with whispered in my ear. I
smirked. I looked at him. He is goodlooking.
And he is no other than the driver of the Pontiac that makes me lose my baby.

Sean Montejo.

I didn't know that Carmi invited him here. I smiled at him.

"I already know that," nakangising sabi ko na patuloy sa pagsasayaw sa maharot na
tugtugin. I placed my hands behind his neck and move my body to his. I could feel
his hard arousal. He even move it closer to my being. Bahagya ko siyang naitulak.

Takang napatingin ito sa akin.

I lifted my brow. Tumigil na ako sa pagsasayaw.

"I have to go."

There is sudden fire that glint behind his eyes. "Then I will take you anywhere
you want to," he offered huskily. "Let's go to my place."

Nag isip ako saglit. Pagkuwa'y I smiled sweetly at him.

"I guess not. Kung hindi mo tinalo ang Camaro I might have join you tonight in
your bed, Montejo."

Napakunot ang noo nito. Tumalikod na ako. I have to find way to get home in one
piece. Yung walang lalaki na mag o-offer sa akin na dadalhin ako sa kama.
"Wait! Anong kinalaman ng Camaro sa pagsama mo sa akin?" he shouted.

Saglit akong natigilan bago nilingon ito.

"Simple lang. I lost because you won in that race, Montejo. And I just lose my
Ferrari," I said sweetly bago tumalikod na dito at naglakad palayo.
I have to get home to Manila!


maikli lang ang ud na to kasi hinati ko, so yung susunod na part will be in private

ayoko kasing ma restrict yung FM so ipa private ko na lang yung next ud

posting will be 3 hours from now----


One Day, Someday---Extra

Alex's POV

Naiiritang ibinato ko ang celphone ko ng tuluyang tumunog ito tanda ng pagkaubos ng


"Shit! Useless!" iritableng nahampas ko ang pavement kung saan ako nakaupo at
naghihintay ng dadadaang bus o kahit na anong sasakyan para maka hitch. And I
thought I could call my driver the time I left the bar. Malay ko bang ma lo lowbat
ako! Shit and damnation!
Napakalayo ko na sa bayan. I am so tired walking back to the bar. I have walked
for more than a kilometer I guess! And wearing this stilleto is a curse.

Buwiset na Fredrick yon! If it wasn't because of him I wouldn't mind staying so

late in the bar. I was apprehensive na baka sa sobrang kalasingan nito balikan ako
sa bar and finally make his own way to lure me to bed. Sa klase nag nakikita kong
frustration sa mukha niya mula pa sa racetrack I know he wouldn't stop his
intention to bed me.
I sighed heavily as I looked up at the sky. It's past 2 am already. At nasa gitna
ako ng kawalan. Napalingon ako sa palgid. Pulos palayan ang nakikita ko at isang
mahabang kalsada na wala man lamang dumaraan. I couldn't even find any single
light that will signal na may bahay nga sa paligid.

Na f-frustrate na napahawak ako sa buhok ko at napayuko.

I am really tired and sleepy.

Bakit ba ako napasok sa ganitong sitwasyon?

Napakurap ako at agad na nag angat ng tingin ng makarinig ako ng papalapit na

sasakyan. Shit bahala na, I have to go home. Pero paano kung matandang amoy alak
at rapist ang nag d drive non? Sa naisip ay parang gusto ko ng bawiin ang kamay ko
na sumenyas na makikisakay.

At paano kung madami silang nakasakay? At raypin ako? Shit, ang tanga mo talaga
Alex! Hindi ka nag iisip! Napalingon ako sa paligid. I can run. Pero walang
kasiguraduhan na hindi ako maabutan ng mga yon.

Papalapit na ang sasakyan.

Gusto ko ng tumakbo!
Pero na stuck ang paa ko sa kinakatayuan ko hanggang tuluyang humimpil ang kotse.
I swallowed hard. Tinted ang sasakyan. So this is it. I was more than ready to
see those barbaric faces na mang r -rape sa akin when the window open slowly.

Napakurap ako dahil hindi kagaya ng inaasahan ko ang makikita ko.

I have known so many guys who are good looking. Fredrick is one of them, Sean
Montejo who's been dancing with me all night and many more who looks like picture
from magazine that became real, and yet hindi ako naakit man lamang.
But this guy...

Is a demi-god came down to earth.

Napakurap ako uli.

"Hi. Are you lost?" his baritone voice spilled like a cold water under my spine.
Saka pa lamang ako nagising.

Napatango ako.

Hindi ako makapagsalita.

Ngayon lamang ako natulala ng ganito sa isang lalaki.

He smiled.
Muntik na yatang malaglag ang panga ko.

He is---.

"Hop in. Delikado sa isang babae na kagaya mo ang nasa gitna ng kalye," he said in
a low voice. Kahit ang boses niya ay kasing ganda ng itsura nito. Mula sa mataas
na tangos ng ilong at makapal na kilay, sa pangahang mukha na nagbibigay ng
kakaibang awtoridad.
Who is he?

Wala sa loob na napatango lamang ako na sumakay ng buksan nito ang pintuan ng

He looked at me. "Are you going to Manila?"

"Y-Yes," saka ko pa lamang natagpuan ang boses ko. Napatingin ako dito at
bahagyang nadismaya ng makita ko ang daliri nito. May wedding ring.

Ang swerte naman ng babaeng napakasalan nito.

He smiled na ini start ang sasakyan. "Well, I guess you better stay in my house
and I'll bring you as early as the first bus will come to the station," he said.

Panic rose up.

Shit, ang guapo nga! Pero may balak din palang masama sa akin! And he is married!
Di bale sana kung walang asawa!
Tila naman naramdaman nito ang tumatakbo sa isip ko at natatawang iniangat ang
isang kamay.

"Hey, don't worry miss. You are perfectly safe with me, hindi rin ako mapapalagay
na iwan ka na lamang sa kalye sa ganitong oras ng gabi. By the way, I am Gabriel.
And you are?"

Namamalikmata na lamang na tinanggap ko ang palad na iniaalok niya.

"A-Alex," tipid kong sabi. His large hand shook my hand lightly. Nawala ang
nararamdaman ko na pagkailang.

"Hi Alex. Keep still, my wife would be happy to accomodate you. Bihira lamang
kasi kaming magka bisita sa bahay," he said lightly.
Napaangat ang kilay ko. Hindi kaya dapat magselos ang asawa nito instead na matuwa
na may kasamang maganda at halos hubad ng babae ang napaka guapo nitong asawa?

Unless na bakla ito. Kaya hindi magseselos ang asawa nito. Napakunot naman ang
noo ko sa naisip. Sayang naman ang lalaking ito kung bakla.

Ang guapo at ang laking bakla naman nito. Well-muscled pa. Yung tipong hindi
naman nag g-gym pero well build up ang mga muscles.
Sumasakit ang ulong sumandal na lamang ako sa headrest ng upuan. I feel safe with
this man. Marahil dahil wala naman akong nakikitang bad persona niya. Mula kanina
na nakita ko siya, he has the look of being one of the nice guys you can take home
and show off to parents.

Ilang sandali lang at humimpil kami sa isang may kalakihang bahay. Umangat ang
kilay ko. Hindi pa ganoong ka fully furnished ang bahay but from the look of it
mukha siyang elegante. Bumusina ito and the gate open automatically. Impressive.
Kahit pala sa bundok high tech na.

"C'mon, I bet you are hungry and tired."

Napatingin ako dito, and I sighed. Binuksan ko ang pintuan ng kotse. Malaki at
maluwang garden ng bahay. Bumukas ang malaking pintuan ng kabahayan. Napatingin
ako doon. Iniluwa noon ang babaeng naka night dress na. She is pregnant from the
look of her swollen womb.

"Hey, wife. Why are you still awake at this unholy hour?"
Natigilan ako when I heard him. Bigla nakaramdam ako ng inggit when I have heard
how he lovingly adore his wife. He walked towards her in three long strides and
kissed her on the lips.

Hindi siya bakla.

In love lang ng sobra sa asawa. Agad na sumibat ang tingin ko sa babeng buntis.
The woman also look back at me. Napakurap ako. May mga ganito din palang
kagagandang babae kahit sa bundok. She never look less without a make up and even
with her swollen figure. Not to add na gulo ang buhok na halatang naalimpungatan
sa pagkakatulog.

"You know I can;t sleep without you," she said pero nanatiling nasa akin ang mga
mata nito. Napatikhim yung Gabriel.

"Ahm, wife this is Alex. She had no bus to ride going back to Manila kaya isinakay
ko na and probably stay here until the first bus comes around the station," anito
na inakbayan ang asawa. "Alex, this is my pregnant wife, Jeri."


"Oh!" tila saka pa lamang ito nakabawi sa pagkabigla. "I am sorry. Na mesmerized
lamang ako since I haven't seen any girl from this town wearing dress like that,"
she laughs shortly. "Me and my being conservative. Come inside, malamig dito."
Pakiramdam ko napahiya ako sa sinabi niya na bagamat wala naman siyang ibang ibig
sabihin, dahil she looks nice. Kakaiba sa mga kagaya ni Carmi at ng grupo nito.

Para tuloy gusto kong takpan ang sarili ko sa kahihiyan.

Natawa lamang si Gabriel. "Don't mind my wife, Alex. It's her funny way saying
you look beautiful in your dress," anito and wink at me playfully.
I tried to smile. Hindi ako sanay sa mga estranghero na mabait na agad sa akin.
Kahit hindi naman nila ako kakilala. Hindi nila kilala na isa akong Monteverde.

But they are nice to me.

Unlike the rest of the people that I know, na nire respeto lamang ako kasi isa
akong Monteverde.

May mga kagaya pa rin pala nila na kahit hindi nila ako kilala will treat me nice
and good.

Dinala nila ako sa itaas ng bahay matapos na magpahanda si Jeri ng light meal sa
isang katulong. Pinadala nito iyon sa kwarto ko. Si Gabriel ay nagpaalam na mag
s-shower muna dahil maghapon daw ito sa konstruksyon. Doon ko lamang nalaman na
engineer pala ito.
"I am sure you are equally tired Alex. So, mas mabuti pa na dito ko na ipinadala
ang pagkain mo. And there are new dress in that closet in case you want to shower
and change. Hindi ko pa naman nagagamit iyon, kasi nga lumaki na ang tyan ko," she
said lightly.

Napatango na lamang ako and uttered small thank you.

Nakangiting tumango lamang ako.

"Sleep well."

Patalikod na ito when I called her. Lumingon ito. Bigla akong nalito. Hindi ko
rin kasi alam bakit ko siya tinawag. Marahil na c-curious ako.

Nalito ako. "Ah--can I ask something?"

Kumunot ang noo nito saglit.


Hindi ko naman maapuhap ang sasabihin ko. Natawa ito ng marahan.

"Are you confused why I don;t mind seeing a beautiful and almost naked woman
together with my husband?"
Namula ako. Nasapol niya kasi ang gusto kong itanong at ayun napahiya na naman ako
sa pagkakasabi niya na almost naked woman.

Pero imbes na mainis ay ako pa yung napapahiya. Sabagay, she looks innocent.
"Y-Yeah. Is he gay?"

Nanlaki ang mga mata nito pagkuway tumawa ng tumawa.

"Oh I am sorry, Alex. Kasi naman nakakatawa na naiisip mo na bakla ang asawa ko ng
dahil lamang sa hindi ako nagseselos na makita kayong dalawa," tumatawa pa rin
nitong sabi. "Tingin ko magkakasundo tayo. I like your sense of humor."
"I am serious."

Nahinto ito sa pagtawa. Nangingiti pa rin ito. "Well, sabihin na lang natin na we
have came from a far more complicated love story that seeing him with another
beautiful girl will never cause a stir to me, that he is cheating on me. We
surpassed that kind of problem already, and that was I guess 10 years ago."
Napakurap ako.

10 years?

She smiled when she saw my confusion.

"We are best friends turned to lovers, turned to husband and wife," she answered.

Napakurap ako. Kaya pala.

She smiled at me. "I guess, you'll know when you found your own love story to
tell. And when you do, come back here and tell me all about it. Sleep well, Alex.
Mahaba pa iba biyahe mo mamaya," anito na lumakad na palabas ng pintuan.

Naiwan lamang akong natitigilan.

My own love story to tell?

I smirked.

There is no love story that will ever create for me. Nagtuloy na ako sa banyo and
took a quick shower.

Jeri's POV

Nangingiti pa rin ako ng pumasok sa kwarto namin. I couldn;t believe that there is
a strong willed person such as her who will have the courage to ask the wife why
she is not jealous of her!

She must be full of confidence.

I smiled. Well, she is very beautiful. Kahit sinong lalaki will be attracted to
her. And even my husband will throw her some glance.

But there will be an only man who will see her inside and out.

And it is not my husband.

Hindi pa lamang niya marahil nakikita kaya hindi niya alam what bond we shared by
my husband.

"Why the smile on your lips, wife?"

Napatingin ako dito na kakalabas lamang ng banyo. He is toweling himself to dry.
I walked towards him and help him to dry his hair. He smells soap and his after

"Wala lang. Did I tell you already that I love you?" I asked slowly habang
pinupunasan ng towel ang hubad na dibdib niya.

Napaubo ito.
I laughed.

"Wife, you are going to pay for all of your teasings," he warned seriously na
masuyong hinalikan ako sa labi. "I love you."
I giggled. Iniyakap ko ang dalawang braso sa leeg niya. "And I love you Gabriel
Sandoval. How I love you so."

He groaned and pick me up. He kissed me lingeringly and lay me down to bed. He
put his shirt on and his boxer and slid next to me.

"Sleep and let's count few more months before I make love to you again
passionately, wife. And I promised na hindi mo na uli uulitin na biruin ako when I
couldn't even lay a hand to your delectable body," he murmured huskily.
Namula ako.

Kahit na ganitong kami lamang ang nakakarinig sa sinasabi niya namumula pa rin ako.

He chuckled when he saw it. He kissed me. I answered. "I love you, wife."
So how will I ever thought about him cheating on me?

Natahimik na ang buong paligid.

50 votes for my next ud haha sige nga ilan nga kaya ang readers ko na nagbabasa


The Prodigal Son

Gin's POV

Naningkit ng bahagya ang mga mata ko ng makita ang pamilyar na mukha na naghihintay
sa akin. Agad na napatuwid ito sa pagkakatayo sa benz ng makita ako. Nanlaki ang
mga mata nito.
"Sir Carlos!" tuwang sabi ni Mang Damian. Ang matagal ng family driver ng mga De
Villa. Bata pa lamang ako ay ito na ang personal na driver ng lolo.

Ngumiti ako na kinamayan ang matanda. "Kumusta na kayo, Mang Damian? Hindi ko
akalain na hanggang ngayon ay kayo pa rin ang personal na driver ng Lolo," I said.
"Mukhang hindi kayo tumatanda."

Natatawang napakamot ito sa ulo. "Nauubos na nga ho ang buhok, senyorito. Asan ho
ang bagahe nyo?" takang tanong nito ng makita na ang hawak ko lamang ay handcarry.
I grimaced. Binuksan ko ang harapan ng kotse. "Wala ho akong dala, dahil wala rin
naman akong dala ng ihatid nyo ako sa airport limang taon na ang nakakaraan. Sakay
na kayo Mang Damian, ako ang mag d -drive," sabi ko na inilagay sa loob ang dala
kong bag.

"Ho? Naku-."

"Sakay na ho," sabi ko na kulang na lamang ay itulak ito sa passenger's seat.

Walang nagawa na napahinuhod ko na rin ito.

Nasa kalagitnaan na kami ng traffic ng magsalita ako uli. "Wala pa ring pagbabago.
Saksakan pa rin ng traffic," I said in a bored tone. Binalingan ko uli ang
matanda na nasa hulihan ng sasakyan.

"Kumusta ang Papa, hindi talaga sila nag abalang sunduin man lamang ang ipinatapon
nila," I smirked. "Sabagay, what do I expect? A welcoming embrace samantalang
ipinatapon nga ako ng Papa sa ibang bansa."
Bitterness is searing down my spine, and there is no excuse for that. Natural na
maramdaman ko iyon at ngayon na guguluhin nila ang pag aaral ko para lamang
mapagbigyan ang kapritso ng Papa.

"S-Senyorito, mawalang galang na ho. Nagkataon lamang po na panahon ng eleksyon

ngayon. At ang Papa nyo ay tumatakbo sa huling termino niya. Masyado lamang din
malakas ang kalaban niya ngayon," mababang sabi ni Mang Damian.

Napaismid ako.
"Para naman na hindi ko alam iyon Mang Damian. My father is a good politician but
not as a father," may halong sarkasmo na sabi ko.

Hindi na kumibo ang matanda. Napabuntonghininga ako.

"Pasensya na ho Mang Damian, I am not very keen coming back lalo na at pulitika
lamang naman ang dahilan ng Papa."

"Wala ho yon senyorito. Pero hindi naman ho sa nakikialam pero matagal na ho

kayong gustong makita ng Papa ninyo."

Hindi ko na lamang sinansala ang sinabi ng matanda.

Pero hindi ako naniniwala sa sinabi niya.

Hindi ang Papa ko ang nanaisin na makita ang anak na ipinatapon niya.

My mother almost cried a river the moment she saw me entering the mansion. My
grandfather was equally delighted but he didn't say a word.

My father is in his office.

"Oh iho! I am so happy to see you back home," my mother said teary eyed habang
kulang na lamang ay pupugin ako ng halik.

I rolled my eyes. "Parang hindi tayo nagkita last month Mama, nang bumisita ka sa
Massachussets," I said drily. Kahit kailan ang Mama talaga ay drama queen.

She glared at me. I only smiled. She still look the same. The same elegance of
being the Forst Lady of this province. My mother is an epitome of beauty and
brains. Kaya nga siguro sa kanya ko inihuhulma ang mga babaeng nauugnay sa akin.
Like Shan.

Well, I am missing her already.

"We should eat now, I know you are hungry. And tell me all about school," she said
happily. "Ang Papa mo ay excited na makita ka dito."
Kulang na lamang ay mapa ismid ako. Sa sobrang excited mas pinili na makipag
kumperensya sa mga pulitikong tao kesa sa salubungin ang anak niya.

"Have you decided what school are you going to enroll?" tanong ni Senor De Villa na
naupo sa kabisera ng hapag kainan.
Nothing changed for the past five years.

Same aura ng mansion and same authority that I always fear of.

Naupo ako. My mother sit in front of my table. Napatingin ito sa akin.

"You have decided to continue your studies, dont you Carlos? After all, we need a
lawyer in this family. A politician who is very---."

I coughed. Pakiramdam ko nagsikip na lalamunan ko sa sasabihin sana ng Mama.

Takang napatingin sila sa akin.

I tried to smile. "Look, Ma. Kadarating ko lamang di ba? I really want to enjoy
this meal that is my first time sharing with you after five years. Politics can
wait, di ba?" I said lightly. Kinindatan ko ang Mama.

Umirap ito.
"Hindi sa lahat ng oras ay pwedeng maghintay ang pulitika, Carlos. You must know
your place in this family and in politics," seryosong sabi ni Lolo. I shrugged my

"Let's eat, shall we?" I said playfully.

I started telling them what I did for the past five years.
Nauwi na sa masayang kwentuhan ang kanina lamang ay pressured na pag uusap at
pagpipilit nila tungkol sa pulitika.

"Am I late for lunch?"

I felt my whole body stiffened when I heard the familiar voice.

And yet, it feels like a stranger's voice.

Tumayo si Mama para salubungin ang dumating.

"Hmm, half of Carlos' story you already missed. But I am sure he will tell all of
it over again, don't you Carlos?" anang Mama.

I did not move.

Napatingin ang Lolo sa akin.

I sighed. This is what I hate the most. The pretence. Tumayo ako at sa unang
pagkakataon ay nakita ko ang mukha ng taong sa loob ng mahabang panahon ay hindi ko
man lamang nakita.

He looks the same.

He maybe gets older. Older than what he looks like the last time I saw him. And
that was five years ago.

Same hardness still edge on his face. A typical politician.

"Sir," I greeted. I simply nodded at him.

Ilang saglit na nakatitig lamang ito sa akin. Then he sighed. "Come here and give
me at least a hug, son. It's been long since the-----."

I walked and give him a hug. But there was no warmth on it.

At bago pa ako nayakap nito ay kumalas na ako. "I guess, I have to go to my room.
I am quite tired already. It's good seeing you, sir."
I politely excused myself. My mother looked at me pleadingly but I just pick my
bag and go upstairs.

I hope he will do something to make me lose my temper so I could have the reason to
leave this house again.
I ddin't belong here.

I have never been.


next ud po i'll try later and if not bukas na lang, tagal mag upload ni watty

night peeps!

Save by the Bell


nang dahil kay Labuyo hindi ko tuloy ito na post haha

dedicated to:

all Ian Somerhalder fans

Alex's POV
I sighed in boredom.

After meeting the couple in Pampanga, and I after I lose my Ferrari---I am stuck
here at the library. Ito lamang kasi ang lugar na hindi pupuntahan ng grupo nina
Carmi. I look around. Kokonti ang estudyante, palibhasa tapos na ang midterm.
Tapos na ang hapitan sa review.

I remembered the couple in Pampanga. I smirked. I don;t believe there is such

thing as what she talked about the day I left.
Na makikita ko din daw ang lalaking ilalagay ko lahat ng tiwala at pag ibig ko.

I laughed.

How corny.
I haven't allowed myself, not even once to fall in love. It's a myth.

All I know about categorized in cheating, lies and pretence.

There is no such thing as love.

I heard the bell.

I sighed as I looked at my watch. It's already five in the afternoon, at madalas

wala na ng ganitong oras ang grupo nila. I stood up and pick my things. I have to
go home now.

Nasa hallway na ako when someone startled me from behind. Nanlaki ang mga mata ko
ng makilala na si Fredrick yon.

He smirked. "Mukhang iniiwasan mo kami Alex. Especially me and I wonder why?" he

said as he roamed down my body.

Naningkit ang mga mata ko. Naglakad ako uli. Sumunod ito.
"Matapos mo akong iwan sa Pampanga! What do you expect me to feel towards you
Fredrick? Magtumalon sa tuwa?" I said sarcastically.

"Bakit hindi ka ba inihatid ni Montejo? That guy almost drag you to his feet the
way you danced with him that night! Bakit hindi ka man lamang ba niya dinala sa
isang mamahaling hotel? Nakontento na lamang ba kayo sa kotse niya ha?" patuyang
sabi nito.

Naningkit ang mga mata ko lalo na nilingon siya. "Wala ka na don! Now, get lost!"
Galit na hinablot nito ang braso ko at hinila ako sa isang bakanteng room. Pilit
na hinihila ko ang kamay ko pero tila bakal ang kamay ni Fredrick.

"Fredrick ano ba! Let me go!"

He looked at me angrily. Fire and passion glinting his eyes. Pasipa nitong
tinulak ang pintuan.
“I am tired of your being coy, Alex! I know you like me and I like you too,”
halos itulak na ako ni Fredrick sa may pader, madilim pa naman ang buong paligid ng
classroom palibhasa maaga na nawawalan ng klase sa building na ito.

I tried to push him but I know I am not going to win. At higit na matutuwa lamang
si Fredrick knowing I am losing this battle. Hindi na ako nanlaban pa but instead
I put my hands around his neck at sa buong pagkabigla niya ay madiin na hinalikan
ko siya sa labi. I swear I really had to close my eyes in horror of knowing his
lips and mine are now intertwined. I nipped his lower lip and he
groaned. Suddenly I could feel his smile while he answered my kiss. Halatang
nagulat and yet alam ko na nagugustuhan niya na lumalaban na ako ng halikan sa
kanya. He opened my mouth at kahit nanlalaban ang kalooban ko ay hinayaan ko na
lamang siya na ipasok ang nagpupumilit niyang dila sa loob ng bibig ko. I could
feel his hard arousal beneath his denim pants. At lalo lamang akong nandidiri.

I moaned in protest when his mouth traveled down my throat, his breathing
ragged. I know he is enjoying every minute of it. “Hmm, you are so hot. I told
you wag na natin patagalin ang nararamdaman natin towards one another Alex. I would
like to strip your clothes off and own you at this very room,” sa tinig na namamaos
na sabi nito. Naninidig yung balahibo ko sa sinasabi niya. This guy is so
I tried to push him a little and smile at him. “Bakit dito pa? Hindi na lamang sa
kama ko kung saan ako mas magiging komportable na paligayahin ka?” I asked
seductively. I lick my lower lip. Napalunok ito. His color is fading. And I
know he is dying to have me now. Pero kukuha lamang ako ng pagkakataon at sisipain
ko ang siraulong manyak na to!


“She’s right.”
Nanlaki ang mga mata ko kasabay ng pagsikdo ng dibdib ko sa biglang nagsalita na
iyon. Maging si Fredrick ay muntik ng mapatalon sa gulat. Sabay na hinanap namin
ng tingin ang pinagmulan ng tinig.

Sa dulong bahagi ng kwarto ay may nakaupong lalaki na malamang kanina pa kami

pinapanood! And he is grinning devilishly. Na para bang nakapanood ito ng
libreng porn show!

Agad na nagsalubong ang kilay ko . Hindi ko siya kilala. But I am sure he knows
me very well! At pati si Fredrick!

“Who the hell are you!” galit na sigaw ko. Shit! He saw everything! At paano na
lamang kung ikalat nito ang ginawa kong paghalik kay Fredrick! I must expel him
from this university first thing in the morning! I will call tonight Dean Vidanes
para mapaalis automatically ang kung sinumang Poncio Pilatong estudyante na ito.
He lifted a brow at my outburst. Naningkit ang mga mata ko. Impertinente! Hindi
ba niya ako kilala?

“Why you want to know? Don’t worry I am not interested in your little
‘exploration’,” he said maliciously na saglit na pinadaanan ng tingin ang kabuuan
ko. Nangigigil ako sa reaksyon na nakikita ko na para bang pinagtatawanan ako ng
mga mata nito. May ngisi pa sa labi. Siraulo talaga!

“Get the f**k out of here!” inis na sabi ni Fredrick. “At bakit hindi ka naka
uniporme? Gusto mo bang kinabukasan ma expel ka ha?!”

Saka ko pa lamang napansin na hindi ito naka uniporme. All of the students of this
university wear proper uniform. Isa iyon sa mahigpit na pinapatupad ng
eskwelahan. Kahit ako ay hindi ko ini-exempt ang sarili ko dahil sabi ng
tumatayong governess ko I must set an example.
Pero ang lalaking ito ay paano nakapasok sa eskwelahan ng hindi naka
uniporme. Unless...

He shrugged his shoulder. “I could cancel my enrollment. Sayang lang ang pag b-
build up sa akin ng unibersidad na ito. They said it is one of the top 3
universities in the Philippines when it comes to Political Science and Law. I
guess, they are wrong, dahil hindi naman makatao ang sistema ng eskwelahan na ito,”
akmang tatalikod na ito pero agad na napasunod ako. Pinandilatan ko si
Fredrick. He just rolled his eyes na sumandal na sa white board at humalukipkip.

“W-Wait. Of course not! I am sorry, you just caught us in a bad moment. Look,
kung anuman ang pag b-build sa yo about this university. It’s all true. And if
you want to be a good lawyer I better suggest you finish it here. By the way, I am
Alex,” I said sa mababang tono as I extended my hand. This is the part where ,my
governess trained me very well. How to accommodate clients.

Ilang saglit na nag isip ito but he shrugged his shoulder. Inabot niya ang kamay
ko. “Gin.”
Napakurap ako. “Short for Eugene?”

Lumuwang pagkakangiti nito. “How did you know?”

Natigilan ako. Ang guapo pala ng antipatiko na to. Lalo na kapag

ngumingiti. Nawawala ang mga mata nito at lumalabas sa kabilang pisngi ang dimple
niya. He has the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen, ang tiim ng titig and yet
it’s full of sincerity. He has a hawk-like type of nose and a thin upper lip while
his bottom lip is fuller. Ngayon ko lang din na napansin na mahaba ang buhok niya.

Fredrick is much good looking than he is. Kaya lang there is something about this
guy that quite caught my attention. Maybe because, his looks ay mas subtle kumpara
kay Fredrick. Si Fredrick kasi ang mukha niya ay guapo na parang lagi na lamang
may kamanyakan na dala, this guy is different.

He has good looks na ang dala ay kapilyuhan.

Napakurap ako. Ano bang iniisip mo, Alex! Asik ko sa sarili na agad na binawi ang
kamay ko. Umangat ang sulok ng labi nito ng hinila ko ang kamay ko na para bang
napaso. Napatingin ito kay Fredrick na bugnot na nakasandal sa white board.

“And your boyfriend is?”

“H-He is not my boyfriend!”

Awtomatiko na napatingin sa akin ang itimang mga mata ng kaharap ko na para bang
sinasabi na,’Oh.’ And I wanted to die in embarrassment dahil base sa ekspresyon
niya ay naalala nito ang naabutang sitwasyon namin ni Fredrick.

“He is a ---,” wala akong maapuhap na sasabihin. Ano ko nga ba siya? Hindi ko
naman siya kaibigan.
Tila natatawa pa ito sa pagkalito ko and he lifted his hands. “I get the
idea. Anyway, nice meeting both of you. See you around,” he said na sumaludo pa
bago lumabas sa dulong pintuan. Naiwan lamang akong nakatanga dito.


Ang guapong antipatiko.

“So where were we?” Fredrick said na nakahalukipkip pa din. Inis na nilingon ko
“Instead of thinking about the bulge of your pants, you better warn whoever that
person is na huwag malaman ng iba kung anuman ang nakita niya and least of all,
huwag malaman ni Carmi. Coz I am sure higit pa sa kumukulong tubig ang ibubuhos
non sa yo,” inis na sabi ko. Nakita kong nawalan ng kulay ang mukha nito, marahil
ngayon lamang niya naisip yung impact ng nangyari. Tumalikod na ako at dire-
diretsong lumabas sa kwarto.

Pag mamalasin ka nga naman!


Haha so are you happy guys? Sa first meeting nila? Well, i really hope so.
tingin ko i have so many readers na for this FM, so i think 200 votes for the next
ud is not bad? what do you think?


First Day High


kahit hindi ko n reach ang quota na 200 votes, i posted my ud earlier for saying
thank you for making FM at the # 3 spot on Non-Teen Fiction and Romance genre

for voting and giving your comments those are the reason why FM achieved that
spot----maraming salamat
Gin's POV

I wanted to laugh when I saw that girl turned from a lioness to a mouse. Parang
gusto kong humagalpak ng tawa. Maganda pa naman kaso ang taray. And to think na
napaka promiscuous na babae, hindi niya boyfriend pero nakikipaghalikan. At sa
eskwelahan pa! And from what I saw she was an expert. I smirked. Bakit ko ba
iniisip ang babaeng iyon. She was the ever first girl that caught my attention
mula ng bumaba ako sa eroplano at makipag lunch sa pamilya. At kesa naman pag
usapan ang pulitika ay pinuntahan ko na lamang ang eskwelahan na sinabi ng lolo na
siyang pag e enrollan ko dahil bukod sa kilala ang eskwelahan ay kaibigang matalik
nito ang isa sa mga board of directors ng school.

Naalala ko na naman ang babaeng promiscuous. Well, she is a stunner. Mula sa

maganda pero palaban na aura nito, her soft curls that contradicts everything about
her, to her captivating eyes na para bang may lungkot na tinatago---I smirked.
Lungkot? Marahil dahil wala itong boyfriend!
Pero sa ganda niya, imposible. She can get whoever guy she fancies. Kagaya ng
lalaki kanina. Pero di ba sabi nga niya hindi niya ito boyfriend. Sabagay
malamang madaming girlfriend ang kagaya nito.

Wala rin pinagkaiba sa yo, tila tukso ng utak ko. Kumunot ang noo ko. Pero at
least ako naman alam naman ni Shan na we are not committed to each other, and to
think na kulturang kanluran ang kinalakihan ni Shan pati na rin ako kaya okay
lamang sa amin na may mga one time fling. Pero syempre sa Pilipinas, hindi pa
naaangkop ang westernized culture. Bina-value pa rin ang dating tradisyon na
faithful ang babae at lalaki sa isat isa lalo na kung nasa isang relasyon.

At kung ako ay may girlfriend dito sa Pinas, I am sure na naka steady lamang ako sa
isa. I value Filipino women because my mother is a Filipina. So kung ano ang
values ng nanay ko, I make sure it is the same value I expect from the woman I want
to be with.

Gin, tinatakbo ng utak mo.

Psshh! Nang dahil sa babaeng promiscuous na yon ay kung anu-ano tuloy ka kornihan
na iisip ko. Mas dapat kong isipin ay kung paano ako makaka survive na kasama sa
iisang bubong ang Papa.
“So how’s the university? Did you like it?” agad na salubong sa akin ng Mama
pagkababang pagkababa ko sa kotse. Mukhang kanina pa ako inaabangan.

I shrugged my shoulder. “Fine. But are you really sure, it’s one of the best
here?” I said doubtfully.
“Oo naman. Pero don’t compare it from HLS, syempre iho Harvard yon. They have a
very high standard when it comes to competency. Hindi ko naman sinasabi na hindi
ganon dito sa bansa but its quite different, so I hope you will give it a chance
and a good try,” malambing na sabi ng Mama. I rolled my eyes upward. I hugged her
and kissed her on the cheek.

“That’s why you are my mother. You know how to rule your son,” biro ko na
natatawa. Magkaakbay na pumasok kami sa sala.

She laughs. “Natural. You are my only son, iho. And I know you very well.”
“Ah, that I cannot contradict.”


Maaga pa ay naligo na ako at nagbihis, I want to attend class today kesa sa mag
stay sa mansion buong maghapon. Some friends way back in high school called me up
the time they have learned I was in the country. Pero ilan lang naman ang talagang
naka barkada ko don. One of them is my best buddy, Michael. He told me he will
drop by to my new school.
Hindi ko inaasahan na makikita ko ng ganito ka aga ang Papa sa dining room. It was
too late to go back dahil nakita na niya ako.

“Carlos, come and join me for breakfast,” he said. Ibinaba nito ang newspaper na

Walang nagawa na sumunod ako at naupo. “Ang Mama at ang Lolo?”

“Ang Mama mo ay maagang nagtungo sa isang political campaign. Ang lolo mo naman ay
maaga rin na nasa Kapitolyo.”

Hindi na ako kumibo at naglagay ng pagkain sa plato ko.

“So tell me about your new school, did you like it?”
Napatingin ako dito. “Why you want to know? There is nothing that I can do if I
like it or not. Dahil nagawa nyo na akong pigilan to continue my further studies
in one of the best school in the world. It doesn’t matter anymore,” I said drily.

Natigilan ito. Pagkuwa’y napabuntonghininga. “I know you are upset, but this is
for your own good.”

I smirked. “For my own good? Kagaya ng ginawa ninyo five years ago? Itapon ako
palabas ng bansa? That’s for my own good?” the bitterness is present. Hindi ko na
iyon mapipigilan pa. I hate him for pushing me away when I needed him the most.
And the way he is taking away what I have build for myself for the last five
Pakiramdam ko ginagawa niya akong robot. Na bawat maibigan niya ay mangyayari.

My father looked at me. His jaw clenched.

“Did you not inflict that to yourself Carlos? And I thought living far away from
this comfort will help you to be matured and responsible. I guess, I was wrong. I
was wrong when I sent you back home at inakalang pwede mo na akong palitan!” he
said angrily.
I wanted to laugh. The pain of his words is nothing compared to what I went
through for the last five years.

“And who says I want to replace you Pa? Ni minsan hindi mo tinanong if I want to
be in politics or not. You and Lolo have the habit of assuming I will inherit your
political throne! But for the peace of your mind and mine, I am saying this loud
and clear. Wala akong balak pumasok sa magulong mundo ng pulitika!" I said
furiously. Hindi talaga kami tatagal ng isang minuto na magkaharap. Akmang tatayo
na ako pero maagap na nagsalita ang gobernador.
"Iyan ba ang natutunan mo sa matagal mo na pagkakatigil sa Amerika? Ang maging
bastos sa harap ng pagkain at sa iyong ama?" he asked sa pinipiit na emosyon ng

My jaw clenched. Nakuyom ko ang kamao ko.

"No Pa. Ikaw ang nagturo sa akin," I said grimly.

Tumayo ito at akmang pagbubuhatan ako ng kamay but I just held my head up.

"Go on sir. Kagaya ng ginawa mo sa akin five years ago, when you and your men
broke every bones of my body," punum puno iyon ng galit at pagkamuhi. Dahil wala
naman yatang ibang pupuwang sa puso ko kung hindi galit para sa sarili kong ama.
Natigilan ito. I saw him swallowed hard bago unti unting ibinaba ang kamay.

I smirked. Agad na hinablot ko ang jacket ko at umalis sa harap niya.

And I was controlling my deep anger.

Alex's POV

Napakurap ako ng makita ko kung sino ang lalaking papasok sa loob ng Dean's office.
That guy.

Agad na napalapit ako sa pintuan ng makita ko na masinsinan na itong kinakausap ni

Dean Vidanes. He is not wearing a uniform at mahaba pa rin ang buhok niya.
Napasimangot ako. Ang yabang nito. Hindi marunong sumunod sa policy.

Maya maya pa ay palabas na ito ng opisina ni Dean. Agad na lumayo ako sa pintuan
at tumayo malapit sa may hagdan.
And when he emerged and saw me, napaangat ang sulok ng labi nito.

"You again," he greeted. Napatingin ito sa dala kong libro. "I didn't know that
you are the nerdy type of student," he said mischievously. Naglalaro na naman sa
labi nito ang kapilyuhan.
Nag init ang pisngi ko. Kung hindi lamang new student ito hinalibas ko na ito ng
dala kong libro. But instead I smiled at him.

"At ikaw? Bakit hindi ka pa naka uniporme? Alam mo bang mahigpit na pinagbabawal
dito ang civilian clothing?"

Napaangat ang kilay nito.

Napatingin ako sa buhok niya. "And your hair, it must be a little short."

Napahawak ito sa buhok. "I like it long. May ganon palang policy dito."

"Hindi ka ba nagbasa ng blue book?"

He grinned. He waved at me the blue book. Napa ismid ako. "Meron ka naman pala
eh. Better read it."

"I might. Kapag hindi na ako busy."

Napaismid ako. Tumalikod na ako at akmang bababa na sa hagdan ng tawagin niya ako.
"Hey! Wait up, san ka pupunta? I guess, is it only proper to tour me around the
school right? Besides ikaw lang kilala ko dito at yung boyfriend mo."

Biglang nilingon ko ito and glared at him. He grinned widely. Nag peace sign.
Inis na tinalikuran ko ito.
Humabol uli ito. "Okay, okay. Hindi mo nga pala boyfriend ang kahalik-----."

"I swear kapag hindi ka tumigil-----."


Nahinto ako sa sasabihin when I heard the warning and the familiar voice from
behind. Napasimangot ako ng makita na si Ms. Luchi ang nasa likod ni Gin. Taka
naman na napatingin si Gin sa babae.

Ms. Luchi happens to be my guardian/governess when it comes to the university. At

hindi ko siya gusto dahil napaka sungit nito at pakialamera sa night life ko.

"Is that the proper way to treat our students here, Isabella?" nilingon nito si
Gin. "I am deeply sorry iho for her misbehaviour. By the way I am Luchi Silva,"
she extended her hand. Agad naman na inabot ang kamay nito.
"Gin ma'am. And it's okay with me," he grinned at me.

Nanatili lamang ako na nakatingin dito. Pagkuwa'y ikinibit ang balikat. "I have
to go. May klase pa ako. And if you want a tour, you could ask her," bagot kong
sabi sabay bumaba na sa hagdan.

Gin's POV

Taray naman. Pati yung matanda na mukhang principal ay tinarayan. Mukhang bully
ang babaeng iyon ah!
Alanganing napatingin ako sa babae na halatang namula sa inasal ni ms. promicuous.
"Ah--Ah, you don't have to tour me around. I am sure you are busy," I said.

She sighed.

"It's okay. I guess this is the job that I signed when I agree to be her
Natigilan ako. Governess?

She must be that rich para magkaron ng governess na susundan pa siya sa eskwelahan!
"No, ma'am. I am sure your employer----."

She looked at me. "She is my employer. She owns this university."

Napatanga ako.
Yun babaeng promiscuous na yon ang may-ari ng eskwelahan na to?!


vote and comment, and the next ud still @ 200


Hey, Ms. Promiscuous


di ako makatiis hahaha na i post ko na ito for your own pleasure para ganahan kayo
mag vote for the next chapter
Alex's POV

Napasimangot ako ng makita na nasa parking lot pa ang kotse ni Carmi. Lalo pa
akong nabadtrip ng makita na ang Ferrari ko iyon! Shit and damnation!

Agad na inilayo ko yung tingin ko kasi nabubwisit lamang ako. Hindi ko matanggap
na nasa kanya ang Ferrari ko.

I drew a deep breath bago babalik na sana sa nilabasan ko na hallway ng pagharap ko

ay ang nakangising si Gin ang nakita ko. Muntik ng mabunggo ng mukha ko ang dibdib
niya. I tried to ignore the manly scent of his cologne. Shit and damnation.
Bakit ba ang bango ng lalaking ito?

"Ikaw na naman!" inis na sabi ko. I walked past him. Nilinga ko uli ang grupo
nina Carmi na nasa isang shed. I am sure they are waiting for me.
"Sungit mo naman Ma'am President," he said jokingly. Naningkit ang mga mata ko.
Hindi ko siya pinansin.

"Di ba boyfriend mo yon?" anito na nilinga yung nasa parking lot bago humabol sa
akin. Magkasabay na kaming naglalakad.

Inis na inirapan ko lamang ito.


"Bakit ba ang taray mo? Sabi ni Ma'am Luchi dapat maging mabait ka daw sa mga
estudyante mo dahil kliyente mo kami."

Sukat sa sinabi nito ay napabalik sa kanya ang mga mata ko. Lumuwang ang
pagkakangiti nito. I wanted to scream. So she told him! Naiiritang humalukipkip
ako na hinarap siya.
"Ano bang kailangan mo sa akin? Bakit mo ako ginugulo?"

Umangat ang kilay nito. He crossed his arm as well na sumandal sa pader. Wala
halos taong dumadaan sa hallway don.

"Sino naman may sabi na ginugulo kita? Hindi ba responsibility mo as the owner of
this university to accommodate your clients nicely? Aba, pwede kitang ireklamo!"


I drew a very deep breath. "Look,-----."

He grinned. "And maybe show me some kind of VIP treatment like the way you kissed

"You kissed who, Alex?"

Napalingon kami pareho. And I wanted to roll my eyes in annoyance when I saw the
group of Carmi at katabi nito si Fredrick na namutla ng marinig ang sinabi ni Gin.

Nanlaki naman ang mga mata ni Gin at napangiti ng maluwang ng makita si Fredrick.
"Hey it's--."

Agad na sinansala ko ang sasabihin ng siraulong ito. I looked at Carmi. "Just a

stranger I met on the bar. Are you going somewhere?"
But Carmi's eyes focused on Gin. Halatang na attract ito kay Gin at kahit na
katabi nito si Fredrick she flirted with her smile. Naningkit mga mata ko. She is
a real bitch.

"And who is this handsome guy? Your boyfriend?" Carmie queried. Sina Chele naman
ay interesanteng nakatingin din kay Gin.
Naningkit ang mga mata ko. Binalingan ko siya na nakangisi sa akin. Hinihintay
ang paliwanag ko.

"He is a new student," Fredrick answered. Inakbayan nito si Carmi. "Let's go

babes. I am quite hungry," anito.

I saw that interesting kind of look in Gin's face nang marinig ang sinabi ni
Fredrick. Nanunukso na napatingin ito sa akin na para bang sinasabi na, 'ah siya
pala ang girlfriend,' kind of look. Buwiset lang talaga.
Hindi pa rin inaalis ni Carmi ang tingin kay Gin. She extended her hand sa buong
pagkabigla ko.

"Carmi. This is Fredrick, Chele and Arianne," she said demurely. I rolled up my
eyes in boredom. This is so lame. Napaka flirt lang talaga ng Carmi na to.
Naiinis kong bulong sa sarili.
He grinned na inabot ang kamay nito. "And I guess Isabella is your friend too?" he
queried. Awtomatikong lumipad ang tingin ko sa kanya ng marinig ko ang sinabi
niyang pangalan.

"It's Alex!" inis na sabi ko. "And if they are my friends or not wala ka na don!"
iritableng sabi ko na tumalikod na. Nasisira ang araw ko!

Hindi na ako hinabol ng Gin na yon. Mabuti naman!

Carmi's POV

"Why she is so upset with you?" I asked as I look at the guy curiously. No doubt,
he is a very attractive specie. At kung hindi lamang kasama ko si Fredrick, I
could flirted with him a little.

He lifted his shoulder and smiled. "Maybe she likes me," biro nito. He looked at
Fredrick and extended his hand. Nagulat ang boyfriend ko. Para pa ngang namutla.
"Gin. I haven't catch your name yesterday," he said.

Kumunot ang noo ko. "Magkakilala na kayo?"

"Ah--er. Itinuro ko sa kanya ang registrar's office," anito.

Lumuwang ang ngiti ni Gin. "Yeah right. Anyway, I have to go."

"Go? Why don;t you join us? Birthday ni Chele," ani Carmi. Nakita ko na parang
tutol si Fredrick pero binalewala ko, minsan kasi seloso din ang lalaking ito.

Nag aalangan na napatingin si Gin sa grupo. "But, is it okay? Hindi nyo pa ako
ganon kakilala," anito.

Agad na kumawit sa braso nito si Arianne. "No worries. We recruit new faces.
Especially, the handsome one."
I lifted a brow. Mukhang uunahan pa ako ng bruha na to. But I only smiled at Gin.
"Join us."

Walang nagawa na sumama na lamang ito.

Alex's POV
Pagal na iniitsa ko ang katawan sa kama. I am so tired! Dami ko pang gagawing
reports! Nakaka asar talaga. Hindi ko tuloy mapuntahan ang gusto kong gawing
solitary place for a week. Nasa Palawan kasi ang place na yon. Kung bakit naman
kasi kailangan ko pang mag report sa eskwelahan pwede namang hindi!

Nakarinig ako ng warning knock. At ilang saglit at sumungaw si Nana. "O ba't
hindi ka pa magbihis? Nagpahanda ako ng merienda," anito.

I closed my eyes. "Mamaya na lang Nana. Pagod ako. Asan na ba sina Vin at
Diesel," sabi ko na ang tinutukoy ay ang dalawa kong doberman.
Pinangalan ko talaga kay Vin Diesel. Ang sisiga kasi ng mga aso ko. Pero mabait
at malambing sa akin.

"Ayun, at pinapakain ni Berto. Maanong magbihis ka na at bumaba Isabella, hindi

ako mapakali na naka uniporme ka pa! Ang baho na niyan," anito.
"Nana naman eh," sumimangot ako pero ng akmang hihilahin ako ay napatayo na ako.
"Eto na po! Kahit kelan Nana ang gulo mo," sabi ko na lamang na kinuha ang towel
sa closet at nag diretso sa banyo.

"Bilisan mo dyan Isabella!"


ito for real na haha @ 250 votes next ud will be posted

hmm---ano nga kaya mangyayari sa party na sinamahan ni Gin? may magaganap kaya?


The Coldhearted

Gin's POV
Wala naman akong balak sumama sa kanila pero since wala naman akong gagawin at
huwag ng isama na ang gaganda ng mga babaeng nag aya sa akin.

Kesa naman umuwi ako ng mansion.

Sa may Forbes Park ang bahay ni Chele. Wala namn masyado tao kung hindi ilang
college students lang na nag s-swimming sa malaking pool. May nag ba-barbeque at
nag iinom din. Most of them are wearing swim wear.
Nagulat pa ako ng abutan ako ni Arianne ng isang bote ng beer. Nakangiting inabot
ko iyon. I looked at her. She is pretty even she is five feet flat. Her body is
sexy enough for her height. At huwag ng isama ang kutis porselana nito.

"Want to change?" she asked. Kumunot ang noo ko. She looks at my body. Napakurap
ako. "I--I don;t have a swim wear," sabi ko.

She shrugged her shoulder. "Chele has plenty of collection," she grinned. Kumunot
ang noo ko.
"Pang regalo nya sa mga lalaki na dinadala niya dito," she laughs. Natawa ako.
Kakaiba din ang grupo na to. Mas malala pa sa westernized culture ng mga
teenagers sa Amerika.

"C'mon, hindi mo ma e-enjoy ang birthday ni Chele, kung hindi ka mag s-swimming.
Don;t worry, I'll accompany you," she winked at me. I swallowed hard. Mukhang
mapapalaban ako sa isang ito.

Nagpahinuhod na rin ako. Inaya niya ako sa ikalawang palapag ng bahay at sa isang
kwarto ay hinalughog niya ang gamit sa closet. Pagkuway inabot sa akin ang isang
black na boxer short. Inabot ko iyon.
"Want me to undress you?"

Napaangat ang mukha ko sa sinabi nito. Nakangiti ng pilya ito.

Nagulat kami ng bumukas ang pintuan at iluwa si Carmi. Napakurap ako dahil she is
wearing a flimsy bikini. My eyes focused on her breast na halos lumuwa na sa suot
nitong bikini top. And I admit, she is one hell of a sexy lady. Aba, hindi lugi
ang kahalikan ni Ms. Promiscuous. Napangisi ako, malamang walang ganitong body ang
babaeng iyon kaya number 2 lang.
Kumunot ang noo nito. Si Arianne naman ay nawala ang ngiti sa labi. Lalo na ng
makita ang suot ni Carmi na halos hubad na sa harap namin.

"Get downstairs Arianne, kanina ka pa hinihintay ng boyfriend mo," bahagyang diniin

nito ang pagkakasabi ng boyfriend.
Napasimangot na nagpaalam si Arianne.

Nang makaalis ito ay saka ako hinarap ni Carmi. She smiled. "There is a bathroom
here, you could change if you want to join us for a swim."

I nodded. "Yeah. Thanks," sabi ko na hindi inaalis ang mga mata sa magandang
tanawin. She smiled seductively.
"You should know what you are missing," anito na nakangiti ng nang aakit bago
lumabas ng kwarto.

I inhaled deeply Mukhang kadarating ko pa lamang ng Pilipinas ay mapapalaban na


Fredrick's POV

Kinakabahan ako na nandito lamang sa party na ito ang bagong estudyante na yon.
Baka mamaya kung ano pa ang sabihin kay Carmi. Patay na!
Agad na kinuha ko ang celphone sa bulsa ng pantalon ko. I dialled a number.

"Hello. Alex, it's Fredrick," napapikit na lamang ako ng marinig ang tila pasigaw
ng, 'what do you want this time'. I sighed deeply.
"You must come here over Chele's house, birthday niya ngayon."

"And so?" sabi ng nasa kabilang linya. Kahit kelan talaga ang taray ni Alex kaya
naman lalo akong na ch-challenge sa kaniya. Not to add she is one of the beautiful
faces na nakita ko. At kahit na marami pang ibang magagandang mukha na nakikita
ako iba si Alex.

I sighed again. "Alam ko na wala kang pakialam, but this time you have to be here
and this is your concern too."
Natigilan ito.

"What do you mean?" mababa na ang boses ng nasa kabilang linya. Halatang nakuha ko
na ang atensyon niya.
"Andito ang bagong estudyante mo at nakikipag bonding kina Carmi. And the longer
he stays within our radar the deeper the trouble he'll get us into," there is
frustration in my voice. Paano na lamang kung madulas ang ingliserong hilaw na
yon. Mahirap na baka kung ano pa ang ibuhos sa akin non!

She expelled a breath. "It is not my problem if he bonds with your girlfriend."
Bigla akong naalarma sa kawalan ng emosyon ng kausap ko.

"It's yours too! Look, kapag nalaman ni Carmi na ikaw ang kahalikan ko malamang
dalawa tayong buhusan ng kumukulong asupre!"

Alex's POV
Naningkit ang mga mata ko. I looked up at the ceiling in frustration. Bakit ba
ako napasuong sa ganitong problema? I am resting at may asungot na tatawag sa yo
at magbibigy ng problema!


I drew a deep breath. "Hindi maniniwala si Carmi. Okay?"

"Hindi? Eh alam na alam sa university na ikaw ang playgirl. Na kahit na sinong
lalaki sa bar ay pinapatulan mo at iniuuwi sa mansion mo," he said.

I gritted my teeth.
Shit and damnation.

Me and my own defense system.

Oh hell yeah. I go out, I make out and I have created an image of being a
And it was a wall that I created so no one will ever fall in love with me.

Mas mabuti na iyon kesa naman malaman nila that I am a certified virgin. Na walang
lalaki na nakayang tibagin ang nagyeyelo kong puso.
Sila na lang ang umiyak kesa sa ako.

Ayokong magaya sa daddy ko. Na hindi kinaya ang panloloko ni mommy at


Wala naman talaga akong pakialam kahit malaman iyon ni Carmi. Pero kahit ganon ang
imahe ko sa unibersidad hindi iyon nakakaapekto sa akin.
Pero ang mang aagaw ng isang boyfriend ng isang 'kaibigan', it is a big no no. And
to think I own that university.

I drew another deep breath.

"Okay. I'll be there in 15 minutes."

Nakahinga ako ng maluwag.

Nang bigla kong maalala.

"Hey grab a pair of swimwear will you?"

Carmi's POV

I swear I almost lost my balance while swimming from one end to another when I saw
Gin emerged from the mansion. I know he is a god.
But I didn;t know he is this hot.

Wearing a plaid board short and yet the air become heavy when he walked towards the
pool. I swear, I saw those interesting looks from the girls who are in the party
nang makita si Gin. Bakit hindi?
His hot body plus good looks. And the abs. Geez. I like Fredrick. He is hot.
Especially in bed. But this man...

He is different. Ewan ko ba. O siguro naakit lamang ako sa maganda niyang mga
mata. I swallowed hard.

I want him.
Ngayon pa lamang gusto ko ng malaman if he is a good kisser or not. If he is hot
in bed or not.

But I bet he is.

"Am I late for this party?"

Nawala ang atensyon ko sa maganda kong nakikita when I heard the familiar voice
above where I stood.

Nanigkit ang mga mata ko.


She lifted a brow. "You forgot to send me an invitation so I invited myself," she
said with her head held up high at naiinis ako na nandito ang babaeng ito. But I
just smiled.

"I was about to call you," I lied.

She smiled at me. "Oh! Kaya pala si Fredrick ang tumawag sa akin. Asan na ba
siya? Oh there he is!" at agad na umalis ito at lalapitan ang boyfriend ko.

Nanigkit ang mga mata ko. Bitch! Agad na umahon ako sa pool. Wala akong balak na
magpatalo sa babaeng ito!
Gin's POV

Napaangat ang mukha ko ng makita ko ang babaeng iyon na sumugod sa may pool. At
hinanap pa ang Fredrick na boyfriend ni Carmi. Aba, malakas na pala loob ng number
2 I thought na natatawa.

Sinundan ko ng tingin si number 2. Dumiretso siya kung saan nakaupo sa may mini
bar si Fredrick. I saw them greeted each other, and the way she smiled at him and
kissed him on the cheek.
Kumunot ang noo ko. Akala ko ba tinatago nila ang relasyon nila pero bakit parang
pinapamukha na nila kay Carmi na may namamagitan sa kanila?

I looked at her. She is smiling sweetly while her hands on his back and slowly
moving up and down his spine. He is not wearing a shirt so basically she is
touching him skin to skin. I could feel my blood started to boil hindi ko alam
kung para saan. I smirked.
She is a flirt.

A bitch. To think boyfriend ito ng kaibigan niya. Anong klaseng kaibigan yon?

Inis na inalis ko sa kanila ang tingin at nagtungo sa kabilang dulo ng bar kung
saan hindi nila ako makikita at kumuha ng beer. Agad na tinungga ko iyon. Gumuhit
ang mapait na lasa sa lalamunan ko. This is my first liquor since I came back.
Naiinis ako.

Shit na babae yon.

Damn flirt!

i post it kahit wala pang 250 votes haha, pls vote and comment and the next ud will
be posted @ 150 votes


The Diversion


i am a bit nice i posted even it didn;t reach my expectation haha sunday marathon
of ud exclusively for you guys

Alex's POV

"Just be still Fredrick," I scorned at him when he stiffened at my touch knowing

Carmi is around. I slowly move my hand up and down his spine habang kunwari ay
nakadikit ang labi ko sa tenga niya.

"How can I be still Alex? Andyan lamang si Carmi," sa piit na tinig ay sabi nito.
Tingin ko nga ay namumutla na.
I lifted a brow.

Yumuko ako upang kunwari ay magdkit ang labi namin. "When I came she is eating Gin
by her looks, I stole that stare away when I came and look for you my darling."

Napakurap ito. Napatingin sa labi ko na halos dumikit na sa labi niya. He

swallowed hard.
"If it is'nt Carmi, I swear---."

Naputol ang sasabihin nito when suddenly Carmi came to our sides and pulled his
face away from me. Parang gusto kong tumawa ng tumawa.

Ang magnanakaw galit nga sa kapwa magnanakaw. Umayos ako sa pagkakaupo sa stool
and smiled at Carmi.
Naniningkit ng bahagya ang mga mata nito. Bagamat nakangiti. Ngiting aso.

"So where is the birthday girl?" I asked as I looked around. Natigilan ako saglit
ng magtama ang mga mata namin ni Gin na nasa di kalayuan ng bar. Kumunot ang noo
ko sa madilim na mukha niya.
Iniwas ko na ang tingin. Kanina pa lamang pagbaba ko ng kotse ay siya na agad ang
nakita ko at ang---shit and damnation! Bakit ba kailangan nakahubad ito pagdating


He is perfect. Ikaila ko man iyon but he is so perfect. Ilang beses na ipinilig

ko yung ulo ko bago ako naglakad papunta sa kanila trying to ignore this attraction
that I am starting to feel.

Nang dahil lamang sa hotness ito ay na a-attract na ako?

Tigilan mo nga kalokohan mo Alexandra!

"She is entertaining some friends inside the house, why don;t you greet her first?
I am sure she will be delighted," ani Carmi na hindi naman masyadong halatang
tinataboy ako.

I smiled and stood up.


Nagawa kong ilayo ang mga mata niya kay Gin.

And my mission, ilayo ang presensya ni Gin sa grupo nila ngayong gabi!

Secret will be safe, everything will be okay!

And I could go home and get back to my sleep!

Hindi ako nag diretso sa loob instead I stopped by where he is. Nakatalikod ito sa
pool at nakaupo sa may mini bar. He is drinking beer. Goodness I could see some
firm muscles of his back.

"I didn't know you are the newest member of this group," I said a little loud para
marinig niya sa kabila ng ingay ng pumapailanlang na musika sa kabuuan ng maluwang
na garden ng mansion.

Napalingon ito sa akin. Umangat ang sulok ng labi nito as he looks me from head to
foot. Parang gusto kong mamula sa nakikita kong paghanga sa mga mata niya when his
gaze stays a little longer on my long legs na natatakpan lamang ng maigsing short.

Ibinalik na uli nito ang tingin sa iniinom. "And I didn;t know you have the
courage to flirt with other woman's boyfriend! At sa harap pa niya," he said sa
nanunuyang tono. Nagsalubong ang kilay ko.
Why the tone?

Naupo ako sa stool na katabi niya at tinawag ang bartender. I asked for a
lemonade. Napatingin ito sa akin at napangisi.
"Lemonade doesn't suits you, sweetheart."

It is an insult. I know it. But the endearment makes me uncomfortable.

I shrugged my shoulder. Inabot sa akin ang lemonade. "I hate alcohol tonight."
He just watched me sip my lemonade at naasiwa ako sa paraan ng pagtitig niya.
Nanunuot kasi. Parang binabasa niya ako at naasiwa ako.

No man has ever look at me this way and live to tell that story.
All men whenever they saw me, asked me to their bed and show off. The guy from
Pampanga is an exemption. He is in love with his wife. And loyal too.

This guy doesn't.

It bothers me.

Kung ako lang masusunod, uuwi na ako. But I have to stay so I could guard him off
being with Carmi and the group.
Nang mapatingin ako sa kanya ay nakatitig pa rin ito sa akin. Muntik ko ng maibuga
ang iniinom ko.

"Bakit ka ganyan makatingin?" tanong ko.

He shrugged his shoulder. Inalis na sa akin ang mga mata nito. "Wala lang.
Nagtataka lamang ako sa 'yo bakit ka pumapayag na maging panakip butas ng lalaking
iyon samantalang I am sure makukuha mo ang bawat lalaki na gustuhin mo."
I blushed.

Yung literal na namula ako sa hindi ko malaman na dahilan.

Is it an insult to tell me I am a player?

Na isa akong ahas? Na mang aagaw ng boyfriend ng iba sa likod nito?

O namumula ako dahil sa hindi man tuwiran niya sinabi pero parang lumalabas na
napakaganda ko na kahit sinong lalaki ay makukuha ko. I was used to telling me I
am beautiful and the likes of that compliment, but it never made me feel this kind
of warmth from my feet up to my cheeks. That I was more than glad that he
recognized me as a beautiful girl.
This guy is impossible.

"Including you?" I asked na nakaangat ang sulok ng labi. Napabalik sa akin ang
tingin niya. Muli, sinuma niya ako.
Then he laughs shortly.

"I don't fall for a leftover."

And this time, daig ko pa sinampal sa sinabi niya.

Nawala ang mapaglarong ngiti sa labi ko.

"Excuse me?" biglang nagpanting ang tenga ko. Hindi pa ako nainsulto sa tanang
buhay ko. Ngayon pa lang!
Umangat ang kilay nito na ibinalik sa akin ang mga mata. He saw my outburst.

"I like my women hot and wild. And exclusively for me. You, Isabella, will never
be exclusive with anyone. You are every man's girlfriend. Including the taken
one," nilingon nito sina Fredrick na ngayon ay naghahalikan na sa mini bar sa
kabilang side ng pool.
Piniit ko ang temper ko. Nag aalsa na kalooban ko sa panlalait ng lalaking ito.
Pero naalala ko na teka nga muna...

Di ba iyon naman talaga ang image ko? Eh bakit ako naapektuhan sa mga pangit na
iniisip niya sa akin?

I am a heartbreaker. A playgirl.
And is not exclusive for anybody.

I drew a deep breath.

I smiled at him. "My bad. Sayang, type pa naman kita. But it's your loss not
mine, sweetheart," ginaya ko ang pagkakasabi niya noon. At saka tumayo. Shit,
wala na akong balak na mag stay pa at bantayan ito para hindi makausap nina Carmi!
I really dont care anymore kahit sabihin niya na nahuli niya kaming naghahalikan
ni Fredrick!

Akmang aalis na ako pero maagap na nahila niya ang braso ko sa buong pagkabigla ko.
Takang napatingin ako dito.
He looks at me intently. Pagkuwa'y maluwang na napangiti.

Napakurap ako. Shit and damnation! Bakit ba kailangan pa niyang ngumiti ng


"I said I don't fall for a leftover. Wala akong sinabi that I don't like to have
you as my company tonight, I am sure that guy cannot show you some attention
because he is very occupied," he said drily.

Matagal na nagtama ang mga mata namin then I felt some kind of heat when his gaze
lower down my lips. Ilang saglit na nasa labi ko lamang ang tiim ng titig niya.

It made me feel nervous.

Ngayon lang may nakapagpa nerbyos sa akin ng ganito.

Sanay ako na tinititigan na kulang na lamang ay hubaran ako. But this man, he
never looked at me the way other guys looked at me.
It's different.

Pakiramdam ko pinag iinit niya ang bawat daanan ng titig niya. That I am literally
burning slowly with a warm light.

Wala sa loob na binasa ng dila ko ang lower lip ko, it feels completely dry.
Wrong move.

I saw how his gaze burned in two flaming ambers. And I was expecting he will pull
me and kiss me right there and then but instead he released my hand abruptly na
tila ba napaso ito at tinawag uli ang bartender.

Tila saka ko pa lamang naramdaman na maraming tao sa paligid. Na hindi kami lamang
ang tao doon.
"Give the lady a margarita and I'll take that brandy you offer me awhile ago,"
narinig ko na sinabi niya sa lalaki. He looked at me.

Wala na ang nakita ko sa mga mata niya kanina.

"Hey sit and join me," he said in a playful voice. Like the Gin I know since I met

Walang nagawa na naupo na lamang ako uli.

Carmi's POV
"So what does she wants with you?" tanong ko nang maiwan kami ni Fredrick. I
looked at her at napakunot ang noo ko ng makita na nilapitan nito si Gin.

Napaismid ako.
Mukhang may bago na naman na boy toy si Alex.

"Ha? Wala, she only say hi," Fredrick answers.

Napatingin ako dito. May pagdududa pa rin sa mga mata. "You like her dont you?"
Namutla ito. Shit, alam ko naman yon bakit ba tinanong ko pa! Agad na kinabig ko
ang ulo niya and kissed him so hard. NAbigla man ito ay sinagot nito ang halik ko.
I opened his mouth and plundered my wet tongue inside his mouth. Naglaro ang mga
dila namin. He groaned hotly. His warm hand is now moving up and down my back. I
nipped his lower lip playfully. My breasts flattened to his chest. I moaned.

I looked at him. Inalis ko ang labi ko sa labi niya. "She will never respond to
you the way I can Fredrick, she can never bring you to any heaven of pleasure," I
said drily. Tumayo na ako at nagtungo sa pool. I have to think.
I have to think kung paano ko ilalayo ang atensyon ni Fredrick sa babaeng iyon.

"Carmi!" he called me but I did not look back.

There is no way I will ever let her take away my man.

And not even the newest student of her university.

I must do something.


Gin's POV
I didn't know what went through my head telling her to stay. Naiinis ako sa kanya
hindi ba? Kasi flirt ito.


And yet I want her company. Palihim na sinulyapan ko ito habang binibigyan ng
bartender ng margarita. She is wearing a simple loose shirt na off shoulder,
showing she is wearing a bikini under her t shirt. I swallowed hard. Napainom ako
ng wala sa oras. Her flawless skin exposing from her shirt, her shoulder is
perfect. Bahagyang bumababa kasi lalo ang damit nito.
The moment I saw her walked in, I took back what I have said na wala siyang hot
body. She is hotness.

Her long and shapely legs, the flawless skin, the flat stomach and her sexy nape
that I want to sink my teeth in.

Napaunat ako sa pagkakaupo. Shit.

What's got into you, Gin? She is a left over hindi ba?

So bakit ngayon parang nabubuhay ang hormones mo sa babaing katabi mo?

Ipinilig ko yung ulo ko. This isn't good. I saw her kissing someone else's
boyfriend! At sa isang eskwelahan pa, anong klaseng babae ang ganon?

"So what brought you here?"

Nagulat ako ng marinig ko ang boses niya. I looked at her. She lifted a brow when
I didn't speak.
"Saan school ka galing bago ka lumipat sa St Michael?" niliwanag nito ang tanong.

I drank from my glass. "HLS," I simply answered. I don't think she'll bother to
ask personal stuff such as my former school.

No one does.
Maliban sa kagaya ni Shan who is equally intelligent as I am. I am missing her
already. Her wits and her being sweet to me.

When I looked at her nakatanga na ito sa akin, kumunot ang noo ko. "Are you
feeling sick?"
She laughs so hard. Hawak nito ang tyan kakatawa. Naiiritang pinanood ko ito.
Humalukipkip ako habang pinapanood siya na halos maiyak na sa kakatawa. Her
laughters echoed and it is quite irritating! Ano ba kasing nakakatawa? Hinawakan
ko ang mukha ko, baka naman may dumi ako sa mukha kaya siya natawa. Wala naman ako
na makapa.

Tawa pa rin siya. Ikinumpas nito ang kamay na para bang sinasabi na give her time
to recover. Naningkit ang mga mata ko. Nakakatawag na kami ng atensyon ng ibang
"Is there something funny about my face? You are laughing to death!" inis na sabi

Napapayuko na ito sa bar, hawak ang tyan. Bahagya ng tumigil ito sa pagyugyog sa
tawa. "Oh you?! Galing ka sa Harvard Law School?" sa tinig na hindi
makapaniwala. Nanlalaki na ang mga mata nito na pinipiit pa rin ang pagtawa.

Natigilan ako.
And when it sinks in, naningkit ang mga mata ko.

"Bakit? Hindi ba kapani paniwala? I am taking up law," I said proudly.

"Ows?" her eyes dilated in shock habang sinusuma ang kabuuan ko. Shit, I am
blushing! Buwiset na babae na ito at daig ko pa hinuhubaran sa klase ng tingin
At tumigil sa mukha ko na madilim na madilim na talaga sa pagkakatingin sa kanya.
"Ikaw? Galing ka ng Harvard? Tumatanggap na pala sila kahit mga kagaya mo,"
nawala na ngiti nito sa labi. Napahawak ito sa chin nito habang tinitingnan ako

"Anong kagaya ko?" kunot ang noo kong tanong.

She shrugged her shoulder. Bumalik na ito sa pagkakaupo ng maayos sa stool at
tinawag ang bartender.

"Kagaya kong ano?!" inis na sabi ko.

Napakurap ito sa pagsigaw ko. "Kagaya mo na no-brain. Your parents must be

really, really, really rich Gin," balewalang sabi.
I swear I lost color. And my chin almost reach the floor sa pagkakabigla.

Napatingin lamang ito sa akin.

Pero hindi talaga ako makapaniwala! Tingin niya sa akin....B-O-B-O?!

Etong mukha na to?!

Eh may problema yata ang mga mata ng babaeng promiscuous na to eh!


haha next ud will be by tuesday, keep on voting and giving comments


The Bet

Alex's POV
O ano problema nito at parang lobong maninila sa sobrang pagkakapula ng mukha? Did
I say something wrong?

"Problema mo?" sabi ko na kinuha ang inorder ko na margarita. "Beer?" alok ko sa


He glared at me angrily. "Tingin mo sa akin, bobo?!" galit na galit na sabi nito.

Kumunot ang noo ko. "Wala naman akong sinabi na bobo ka. Ang sabi ko no brain."

Tila lalo itong nagalit. Napainom na lamang ako sa margarita ko ng kulang na

lamang ay magmukhang sumisingasing na tigre ang kaharap ko. Ano bang ikinagagalit
"At anong pinagkaiba non!" singhal nito.

Bahagya ko siyang tinulak kasi halos nakalapit na nguso nito sa akin. "Well, for
one I firmly believe na walang taong bobo. Slow lang talaga ang comprehension.
Pero kapag no brain ka, it means wala talagang brain," I saw him reddened even
more at gusto kong humagalpak ng tawa. Ang sarap pala asarin ng lalaking ito.
Akalain mo patulan ang pagkakasabi ko na mukha siyang no-brain?! But I am quite
impressed, HLS? For real?! Hmm, hot and with brain huh?! Not bad.

Nakakatuwa lang siyang inisin. Salubong na salubong ang kilay at pulang pula mukha
nito. Halatang napikon sa sinabi ko. I tried to hide my laughters ngayon lang ako
tumawa ng ganito. Na para bang tuwang tuwa ako. Nakakatuwa naman talaga ang no-
brain na to eh.

"Eh kasi kung may brain ka bakit ka aalis sa Harvard, di ba?" kunway pambobola ko.
I looked at him innocently.

Salubong pa rin ang kilay nito pero bahagya ng naapula ang pag iinit ng ulo nito.

Naupo na ito uli sa stool. "It's personal at wala ka na don," inis na sabi.

Carmi's POV
"Is that Alex?" kunot ang noong tanong ni Chele.

Napatingin ako sa itinuturo niya sa may bar. Naningkit ang mga mata ko. Tawa ng
tawa si Alex na para bang wala ng bukas. Katabi nito si Gin na halatang naiinis.

Napakurap si Chele. "I have never seen her laugh that hard," wala sa loob na sabi.
"Is that--Gin?"

Nagkukutkot ang loob ko. Bakit ba palagi na lamang mga the best ang napupunta kay
Alex? At kung hindi ko pa nga ginuwardyahan na mabuti si Fredrick malamang isa ito
sa mga nagkakandarapa sa babaeng iyon.
"He is," bagot kong sabi.

Umangat ang isang kilay nito. "Mukhang close na sila ng new student na yon. I
have heard he came from HLS," she said impressively.

Napakurap ako. Napatingin ako kay Chele. "He is?"

She nodded. "Yep. Quite impressive huh? And to think he doesn;t look like any
nerd on this school. Yummy and brainy."
I drew a deep breath.

I think I know what to do.

Alex's POV

I shrugged my shoulder. "Ah okay. So, you have a girlfriend na naiwan don?" I
asked. Baket ko ba natanong yun? Ang adik mo Alexandra!
Hindi ito kumibo. Uminom lamang ng beer.

I shrugged again my shoulder. Gusto niya ng silence treatment so be it! Itsura


Maya maya ay tumayo ito at hinila ako. Nanlalaki ang mga matang napasunod ako
dito. "Hoy Gin! San mo ko dadalhin!"

"We are going to swim," anito. Nanlaki ang mga mata ko.

"What?! Oh no! I can't!" piglas ako ng piglas. Ang lamig no? And I am not into
taking a dip tonight. But oh yes, underneath my dress is a pair of bikini.
He glared at me. Napakurap ako. Mukha kasi siyang nakakatakot. Salubong na
salubong ang kilay.

"Bakit? Aftraid to show your body? Baka naman kasi marami kang tinatagong bilbil
kaya ayaw mo na mag swim wear," nakangising sabi.

Nanlaki mga mata ko. Aba't! Sabihan ba ako na may bilbil? Bulag yata to eh!
Inis na ipiniglas ko ang kamay ko at hinawakan ang laylayan ng suot kong t-shirt.

Napaangat lamang ang kilay ni Gin na humalukipkip at pinanood ang pag aalis ko ng
Humanda kang Gin ka kung sino ka mang Poncio Pilato ka. Kakainin mo mga sinabi mo,
gigil na sabi ko sa sarili habang hinuhubad ang suot na t shirt.

At ng mahubad ko iyon ay parang balewala lamang na umangat ang kilay nito habang
sinusuma ako. Pero naririnig ko ang pag sipol ng ilang tao roon.

"Hmm...a little bulge on the stomach, but will do," napapatangong sabi nito.
"Hurry up," he said na nag dive sa pool.

Ano daw? Bulge on my stomach? Napatingin ako don? Asan?! Nasisiraan ng ulo ang
lalaking iyon?!
Inis na inalis ko na lamang ang short ko at lumusong sa tubig. Geez! I really
hate night swimming!

Gin's POV

Inihilamos ko ang isang kamay sa mukha to wipe the water. I saw her coming down to
the pool after stripping off her clothes. And I didn't imagine she would undo her
short! Shit, she is so sexy. Huwag ng isama ang dibdib nito na perpektong laki
para sa body built nito. Small waist and I am just kidding about her tummy. It's
perfectly flat. And to think she is not that thin.
I saw the looks that most of the guys throwing at her but she is oblivious. Ang
tanging concern lamang nito ay------.

Napakurap ako. It looks like she hates the water. Nakasimangot kasi ito. So if
she does, why stay?

She could go home. Sabagay nandito ang lalaki nito. Sa naisip ay nainis na naman
ako. I saw him looked at her at kung pwede kong dukutin ang mga mata ng gago na
yon ginawa ko na. I saw him stood up, and I easily swim to her side.

Nagulat ito ng bigla akong sumulpot sa harap niya. Sa sulok ng mga mata ko nakita
ko na hindi na tinuloy ni Fredrick ang pagtayo. I smirked.
"Hindi ka ba marunong lumangoy? I can teach you," I offered na nakangiti sa kanya.
Inirapan ako nito.

"I can swim Gin. I just don't like to go on swimming tonight. I just want to drop
by and-----."

I smirked. "And see him di ba?"

Napatingin ito sa akin. Hindi ito sumagot. She afloat while resting her head sa
pavement ng pool. I looked at her. Her proud nose and the soft curve of her
I drew a breath sharply. Mukhang naparami na ako ng inom at pati ang babaeng ito
ay pinagnanasaan ko na halikan. Napatingin uli ako sa labi niya na bahagyang
nakaawang. I want to know how soft it is or how sweet her mouth is.

I smirked. Inilayo ko na sa kanya ang tingin ko. I am sure na madami ng lalaki

ang nakatikim ng labi na yan. And the guy across the pool who is looking murderous
ay isa sa mga yon.

"Are you going to stay the whole night here?"

Napatingin ako sa kanya. She opened her eyes and looked at me. "San ka ba
"In my parent's house," walang gana kong sagot.

Umangat ang kilay ni Alex. Curiousity is on her two almond brown eyes. "Wala
kang condo?"

"My mother is against living me alone since I have been away from them far too
long," ni hindi ko alam bakit ko sinabi iyon. I never open my life to anyone else
let alone stranger.

Nangalumbaba ito sa pavement. "Ah mama's boy ka pala."

Naningkit mga mata ko. "Hindi ako mama's boy! Saka bakit ba lagi kang tanong ng
tanong sa personal na buhay ko? Stalker ka?"

Pinandilatan ako nito. "Stalker ka dyan! Natural na magtanong ako bagong

estudyante ka, malay ba namin kung may criminal instinct ka!" nakangusong sabi.
Kulang na lamang masunog ito sa klase ng titig ko. Kanina tinawag akong no-brain!
Tapos ngayon ginawa pa akong kriminal! Ganito ba talaga ka psychotic mga babae sa

Sumosobra na talaga ang babaeng ito!

"Ako nga dapat mamrublema kung may matutunan ako sa eskwelahan mo eh mukha kang
psychotic!" inis na sabi ko. Ni minsan hindi pa ako nakasigaw sa isang babae
ngayon pa lang! Inuubos kasi nito pasensya ko!

Umirap ito. "Kung wala ka man matutunan sa eskwelahan eh kasi nga no brain ka!
Dyan ka na nga!"
"Eh di umalis ka tinakot mo!"


Nanggigil sa inis na pinanood ko lamang na umahon siya sa pool at nag martsa

papasok sa loob ng mansion. Bitbit nito ang hinubad na damit.

Kuuu! Nakakagigil talaga!

Alex's POV
Parang sira lang yon! Sabihin ba naman na psychotic ako?! Baka nga hindi niya
alam ano ibig sabihin ng psychotic! Buwiset talaga! Makauwi na nga lang!
Nagdiretso ako sa powder room sa ground floor ng mansion.

May ilang nag re retouch ng pumasok ako. Napatingin sila sa akin at agad na
lumabas. I smirked. Mabuti naman alam nila san sila lulugar, agad na nag diretso
ako sa isang cubicle don at nagsuot ng damit, sa mansion na lamang ako mag shower.

I heard someone enter the room. Buti na lamang tapos na ako. Paglabas ko hindi ko
inaasahan na si Carmi ang nasa harap ng salamin. Nagtama ang mga mata namin sa
salamin. Agad na ngumiti siya.

"O nakabihis ka na? Uuwi ka na?" she asked na nakaangat ang kilay.
Kahit kelan antipatika ang babaeng ito.

I smiled. "Oh yeah. I need to shower and change too. Send my regards to
Arianne," I said na akmang lalabas na when she speaks again.

"Wala ka na bang balak bawiin ang Ferrari mo?"

I froze.

Naningkit ang mga mata ko. Pero pilit na ngumiti ako. "It's okay with me. I can
buy another one."

She laughs slowly. She walked towards me. May naglalarong pilyang ngiti sa mga
labi nito.

"What if I say that I will give you back your car in exchange of a little bet? A
bet for a bet? What do you think?" she said slowly na mataman na tinititigan ang
reaksyon ko. And she was satisfied to see the interest na nagsisimulang gumuhit sa
mukha ko.
"Bet? You'll bet my car?"

She nodded. "Hindi ka na lugi. I mean, sayang ang Ferrari right? Saka I have
heard na it has a sentimental value to you already, sayang naman di ba?" she said

She succeeded having my full attention now.

"If I win?"
"You'll get your car back."

"And if I lose?"

She shrugged her shoulder. "Sa akin pa rin Ferrari mo."

Kumunot ang noo ko. "Ganon lang? You already won my car why you still want to bet
on it," nagdududang sabi ko.

She lifted a brow. "Sabihin na natin na this is another chance for you. I mean na
g-guilty din naman ako na kinuha ko yung car mo eh so para fair lang let's bet on
it again."

Hindi naniniwalang nakatingin lamang ako dito.

But of course, I want it back! I am missing that car.

But I don;t trust this woman. She is a first class bitch.

I sighed. Hindi ako interesado whatever it is. Why should I have to endure myself
with any agony or despair about any bet samantalang kaya ko uling bumili ng isa.
But for the sake of curiousity..

"What are we betting on?"

"The new student."

Napakurap ako.

Ano daw?

"I bet you can;t make Gin fall in love with you within two months," may halong
paghamon ang mga ngiti nito.

I was stunned for a moment.

"Y-You want me to make him fall in love with me?" nakanganga kong sabi.

She nodded. Pilyang nakangisi ito sa akin.

"Foolishly in love with you, Alexandra Monteverde!"

Napakurap ako. Kasabay ng paglalapat ng labi ko.

I was right thinking she is a first class bitch!


next ud will be on thursday, vote and comment!


The Bet 2


pls vote and comment on this chap. What do you think about my ud?
Gin's POV

Nagtungo na lamang ako sa bar. Malamang umalis na ang babaeng iyon! Bahala nga
siya, ano bang pakialam ko kung umalis siya! Maganda nga yun walang nambabara sa
akin, nakakaalibadbad na talaga mga sagot non! Parang nang aasar lang. At ako
naman naaasar talaga! Eh nakakaasar naman kasi talaga!

Inis na inubos ko ang laman ng baso ko. Tinawag ko uli ang bartender at humingi
pa. I look at my watch. It's past 11 pm na. Maybe another hour I will also
leave. Boring na ang party na ito. At wala na ako sa mood makipagkilala at
makipag usap sa kung sino sino. Kanina pa may mga lumalapit sa akin and out of
courtesy kay Chele pinakiharapan ko sila ng maayos. But I am not in the mood more
than hi and hello and how are you.

Aminin ko man o hindi sinira na ni Isabella Alexandra ang mood ko. Sirang sira!
"Tequila please."

Natigil sa ere ang pag inom ko sa baso when I heard the familiar voice. Takang
lumingon ako and there she is, in her two-piece bikini and she grinned at me.
Kumunot ang noo ko. Kasabay ng hindi napigilan na excitement.


Gin, tumigil ka.

"Akala ko ba uuwi ka na? Bakit andito ka pa?!"

She pouted. Napakurap ako. She looks cute when she pouts. Iniiwas ko ang tingin.
Pero sa sulok ng mga mata ko ay nakikita ko na kinuha lamang niya ang hininging
alak. She looks at me. Patay malisyang kunwari wala siya doon.

"Let's dance."

Muntik ko ng maibuga ang ininom ko. Nanlaki ang mga mata ko na napatingin dito.
Ano daw?!
Pero walang ka ngiti ngiti lamang ito na nakatingin sa akin bago sinulyapan ang
grupo ng nagsasayaw sa may bandang gilid ng pool. Napatingin ako doon. May mga
sumasayaw nga na mga naka swimwear at halatang nakainom na nga. Malayo sa daan
kaya mukhang secluded ang lugar. Mabilis ang tempo ng tugtog. Kumunot ang noo ko.

"In there?"

She shrugged her shoulder. "I want to dance Gin," she looks at me. I swallowed
hard. Ano bang nakain nito? Napakurap ako kasi tingin ko nag papa cute siya sa
akin. Muli, napalunok ako.

"If this is another trick Bella--."

She smiled.

I was stunned. That was the most beautiful smile she ever gave me since I have met

She holds my hand. Napatingin ako doon.

"Come," anyaya nito na tumayo na bago ininom ang hawak na margarita. She gently
tug my hand at napatayo ako na parang robot na de susi. Hinila na niya ako sa mga
nagsasayaw at pumuwesto kami sa gitna noon. She danced gracefully, she is lifting
her hand to her head habang umiindak sa mabilis na tugtog.

I just stood there, immobilize. She moved perfectly. Her small waist is simply
moving hotly to my eyes. Napalunok ako and looking at her face she is enjoying the
dance. She looks at me and smiled, and she holds my hand and urge me to dance with

I pulled her to my body and we dance together, I saw the appreciation in her eyes
as I moved rythmically with her.

"Hmm, not bad for a no brain," she teased.

Magagalit sana ako pero all I can see in her eyes are sweet teasings. And that she
enjoys it as much as I do.

It's my turn.

My hand encircled her small waist and I heard her gasp.


Hindi lamang yung ako ang naapektuhan.

"Enjoying it so far?" I whispered to her ear, my lower body started to moved on

her. I could feel her tension. I laughed throatily. She was about to push me but
I held her even more.
"Is this how you teased your guy, Isabella?!" I asked in a dangerous voice. I do
not know why all of the sudden thinking she danced like this with any man irritated
me this much!

Alex's POV

I wanted to push him away and to stop my seduction.

Naapektuhan ako ng presensya niya. Now that he is holding me this close, nagugulo
ang utak ko. Hindi ako makapag isip ng maayos.
This is all new to me.

I feel fear.

"Is this how you teased your guy, Isabella?"

I heard him and it made me even more confused. Bakit nahihimigan ko ang galit sa
tinig niya?
Guni guni ko lang yon. I held my composure as I put my hands around his neck.

I smiled at him, my eyes not leaving his dark ambers.

"Why, Gin? Are you going to succumb to my teasings like all those men did?" I
asked sweetly. Seductively.

I wanted to gasp when I saw the darkening of his gaze as it smothered my face.
Hindi ko alam ano ang mga emosyon na nakita ko pero ngumisi lamang ito.

"Why not? I like to see the murderous look on his face, o pinagseselos mo siya?"
I swallowed hard.

I don;t like the feeling of this.

I was fearing that he might think the worst of me, at hindi ko maintindihan kung
bakit ayoko na pag isipan niya ako ng masama.

Napayuko ako. Gather yourself, you silly stupid girl.

"None of your business, Gin," tumigil na ako sa pagsasayaw at akmang aalis na ng
hatakin niya ako.

Gulat na napatingin ako sa kanya.

He looks serious. "Where the hell do you think you are going, Isabella?"

I swallowed hard.
I am in panic.

Hindi ko nagawang ipiglas ang braso ko. I sighed, nakalimot ako sa usapan namin ni

I just agreed to bet. For my car.

"Are you afraid?" nakangisi si Carmi. "Sabagay, a guy like him will never fall for
you Alex. He came from HLS!" she exclaimed.
Nag init ang mukha ko. At ano ang tingin sa sa mga nagkakagusto sa akin? Mga
tanga lang? At ang isang kagaya ng no brain na yon na galing Harvard ay hindi ko

I held my head proudly. I smiled at her. "This time, you placed your bet at the
wrong option. Don't use the car until the bet is over becuse this time I will take
it back!"

She lifted a brow. "Hmm, work hard on it this time, Alex."

Lumabas na ito ng powder room, naiwan akong nagpupuyos ang loob.

I sighed ng maalala ko ang eksena kanina sa powder room.

But I am not yet starting my greatest seduction ever pero natatakot na ako sa
response na nakukuha ni Gin sa akin.

He is turning the table.

Against myself. And this isnt good.

"Going home. Want to give you a ride home? Or you have a car with you?"
He lifted a brow. "Going home? Now? Oh no, Isabella. You and I are going to
know each other very well," he grinned.

I swallowed hard. Do something Alex!

"Okay," I simply agree and smile at him. It is no use arguing with him. He is
persistent. At tingin ko this is his little way to get back to my teasings.

We danced again. Nagpalit ang tugtog. Nahinto ako sa gitna ng pagsasayaw. And so
was he. Nag alisan na ang iba. Aalis na rin sana ako pero hinila niya ako.
"Dance with me Isabella."

His eyes are the most beautiful part of his face. Nangungusap ang mga mata nito.
And I am melting under his dark gaze. I smiled as I have agreed to his
invitation. Naiwan kaming dalawa sa lawn. He gently pull me closer to his body.
My eyes on his naked chest, his warmth is enveloping my wholeness. I closed my
eyes in frustration. His musky male scent is filling my nostrils and it is sending
me to oblivion

I swallowed hard.

My face reddened. Napayuko ako. Nanlalaki ang mga mata.


He chuckled on the top of my head. "What can I do? Mula pa ng dumating ka kanina,
you are already giving me a boner!"

Namumulang nag angat ako ng mukha at nagtama ang mga mata namin. Bagamat nakangiti
ito ay nag iinit naman ang itimang mata ni Gin. I swallowed hard. Shit and
damnation! I have never seen a man as sexy as him.

"Y-You are drunk!"

He grinned. He kissed my forehead. Natulala ako lalo don.

"I guess I am. Because I am beginning to like the idea taking you to my bed."

Gin's POV

I just watched her drained with color after saying I want to bed her. I am always
frank and direct whenever I want to have sex with someone.

But I never have wanted Bella the way I want her now. Marahil dala ng alak. I

I laughed. "Hmm, if you are thinking I will come to your bed tonight sweetheart,
then rest assured I will not. I always give my woman time to adjust too since we
are totally strangers to each other," I teased slowly.

Nakita ko yung relief sa mukha niya and I am beginning to be confused by her

reaction. Kanina lamang she is a seductress and now she is acting like a scared

Kitang kita ko na namula siya. Natawa ako ng marahan. Hindi ko akalain na ang
babaeng kagaya niya na mapaglaro sa lalaki ay pupwede pa rin palang mamula ng

"Come, let's eat. Hindi pa ako kumakain mula kanina," I said to her na hinila na
siya. Hindi naman ito tumutol.

I smiled to myself.

Hindi ko akalain na ganito ka meek si Isabella. Samantalang alam ko tigreng tigre

ito. Mataray pa. Nambabara pa.

Sabay kaming kumuha ng pagkain sa buffet. Napaangat lamang ang kilay ko ng makita
na halos 1/4 lamang ng plate nito ang may laman.

"You are not hungry?"

Natigilan ito. Pagkuwa'y umiling. I shrugged my shoulder. Kumuha ako ng rice at
nilagay sa plate niya. Nanlaki ang mga mata nito na pinapanood ako.

"Gin! What are you doing?!"

"Making you eat. I don't want my woman starve to death."

I am not your woman!" she said hotly.

Napatingin ako sa kanya. And then I grinned. "Not yet, but you will be Isabella.
You will be."


i did post earlier because the next ud will be on saturday midnight


First Date


thank you sa mga comments and reviews ng readers about my last ud, hope you enjoy
this as much as i did nung ginagawa ko ang chap na to haha
Alex's POV

I yawned. Napatingin sa akin ang professor, inirapan ko lamang ito. Anong

magagawa ko eh sa inaantok ako?

Kung bakit naman kasi umaga na halos ako nakauwi. At ang lokong Gin na yon gusto
pa sa mansion matulog! Ano siya sinuswerte?!
Natigil ang pag iisip ko ng may pumasok. Hindi ko sana papansinin but he looks

Ms. Mendez asked the newcomer to come forward at dahil nasa hulihan ako I did not
bother to throw him another glance.

"Okay class. We have a new student here, and he is taking up English 324 with this
class. He is Eugenio Carlos De Villa. Or well, you can simply call him daw Gin."

Napaawang ang labi ko na awtomatikong napabalik ang tingin sa harapan and there he
is! Wearing the uniform---and he cuts his hair!
He smiled to the class and I admitted he is the most captivating sexy man I have
ever met!

He looked across the room at nagtama ang mga mata namin, I swallowed hard. He
didn;t smile he just stared back at me.

Pakiramdam ko kumakabog yung dibdib ko. Anong ginagawa niya dito? This is a minor
subject and I believe na hindi kasama sa syllabus niya ang English 324.
Naghihintay ako na lumapit siya sa akin pero naupo ito sa may unahan.

Napakunot ang noo ko. I thought he will come to where I am. Nadismaya ako doon.
Pilit na nilalagay ko sa lecture ang konsentrasyon ko pero ang mga mata ko ay hindi
maiwasan na hindi dumako sa kanya. Parang palagi na lamang akong nama magnet sa

Ipinilig ko ang ulo.

Shit and damnation!

Ano bang gayuma meron ang lalaking iyon at nagiging ganito ako whenever that he is
around. I saw him talking to Eliza, halatang binibiro at nagpapa cute si Eliza
dito. Si Gin naman ay mukhang tuwang tuwa. Naningkit ang mga mata ko.
Pagbuhulin ko kaya sila?

At alisan ng eyeballs ang Eliza na yon! Naiinis na naisip ko. I drew a deep
breath na ginawi na ang mga mata sa may bintana. I am beginning to feel irritation
at ayoko na mag walk out ako sa klase.

"He is cute!"

Hindi ako lumingon kung sino man ang nagsalita. Halata naman kasi na nakuha ni Gin
ang atensyon ng mga kaklase namin.
Nang tumunog ang bell, I sighed in relief. Nagtayuan na ang mga estudyante. Agad
na tumayo ako, hindi ko pa last subject ito pero dahil naiinis ako uuwi na ako
agad. Bitbit ang gamit ko ay naglakad ako patungo sa pintuan. Walang lingon

Nadaanan ko si Gin na nakikipagkwentuhan pa sa makulit na si Eliza.

Nang makita ako nito na palabas ay tumayo na si Gin. Nagpaalam kay Eliza.
Halatang na disappoint ang babae. Ako naman ay lalong binilisan ang paglabas sa

"Wait up!"
Diretso lamang ako ng lakad.

Naiinis ako dito.

"Isabella!" sigaw nito na kulang na lamang ay makipagsagasaan sa mga estudyante


Diretso pa din ako. Nagmamadali.

"Kapag hindi ka tumigil sa kakalakad mo Isabella, I will kiss you in front of these

Awtomatiko na napahinto ako sa paglalakad. Nanlaki ang mga mata ko. Napatingin sa
akin ang mga estudyante na kasalubong ko. At ang iba alam ko nakatingin na kay

Nagpupuyos ang loob na nilingon ko ito. Nagulat ako ng makita na marami na rin ang
nakahintong mga estudyante at nakatingin sa amin.
He grinned widely. "So, that's the magic word. Scare you to death, Bella,"
amused na sabi. Naglakad na ito palapit sa akin.

I have something to hit him back with, pero naalarma ako na lalapitan na ako dito.
Napaatras ako.

"Call me Alex! I--I don't want to be called by that name!" I said angrily. Pero
deep inside me I was in panic.

Shit and damnation! Bakit ganito ba ang epekto ng luko luko na ito! Nakakaasar!
Napakurap na lamang ako ng malapit na malapit na ito sa akin.

He looks more charming with his hair short. Napatingin ako doon. Napahawak ito sa
buhok nito ng makita na doon ako nakatingin.

He grinned. "I cut it kasi sabi ng Presidente ng eskwelahan na ito ay bawal daw
mahaba buhok, well I happen to be a very obedient student so I cut it off," he said

Napakurap ako. May naramdaman akong panghihinayang para sa buhok niya.

"P-Pero sayang. You--I mean, y-you could have--,"I stammered. Hindi ko malaman
paano ko sasabihin that I really regret seeing his hair like this, although he
never look less.

He laughs slowly as he hold my hand. "Hey, don;t worry too much about my hair. I
have wear it long enough, this is a new experience. New school, new hair and maybe
a new girl," he grinned as he winks at me.

Nanlaki mga mata ko. Tinulak ko ito. "New girl! In your dreams Gin!" hindi ko
alam why I am denying him where in fact I should be glad hindi na ako masyadong
mahihirapan na paamuin ito. Pero kasi naman nakakaalarma ang pinagagawa nito not
to add he is making me swoon, and no man ever do that, and the worst it, he is also
making me feel afraid.
He chuckled. Natutuwa ba itong makita akong naguguluhan at kinakabahan sa kanya?

Hindi nito binitawan ang kamay ko. "I'll pick you up at your home around 7 pm.
Let's have dinner together," his eyes sparkling.

Napakurap ako.
Kumabog ang dibdib ko. Nakatanga lamang ako dito. "A-Are you asking me for a

He smiled at me. His eyes dancing in amusement. "It's just a dinner date
Isabella, hindi kita re-reypin don so don;t give me that kind of look na para bang
lagi na lang kitang momolestyahin," hindi nito itinago ang pagtawa.

Namula ako.

Am I that obvious?
"Bakit mamaya pa! We could eat right now," inis na sabi ko pero parang na check ko
na mali yata nasabi ko dahil lumuwang ang pagkakangiti ng hudyo!

"Well, for one, may klase pa ako. And secondly, I don;t want to go out on my first
date with you in school uniform! Mamaya hulihin pa tayo kapag sumapit ang curfew
hour," biro nito.

Inirapan ko lamang ito. Hinila ko na ang kamay ko na kanina pa niya hawak. Patay
malisyang binitawan ni Gin yon. Napatingin ako sa dulong bahagi ng parking lot at
nakita ko ang grupo ni Carmi na kanina pa nakamasid sa amin. Si Carmi ay matiim na
nakamasid sa amin. Katabi nito si Fredrick.

I lifted a brow. Hmm...payback time Carmi bitch.

I smiled at Gin at hinila ito. "Come and let;s say hi to Carmi and the group,"
malambing na sabi ko.

Gin's POV

Takang napasunod na lamang ako dito. Pero nawala ang kasiyahan na nararamdaman ko
ng makita ko kung sino ang pupuntahan namin.

Si Fredrick.
So pagseselosin nya ang lalaking iyon. Sa naisip ay parang gusto ko ng huwag
tumuloy pero mahigpit ang pagkakahawak sa braso ko. Kainis na babae to. Ano naman
kaya nagustuhan nito sa lalaking iyon eh di hamak na mas guapo ako don!

I tried to smile at them ng makalapit kami.

"Hi Carmi!" enthusiastic na bati ng katabi ko. Ang OA lang. Naiiritang aalisin ko
sana kamay nya pero humihigpit lalo hawak! Bakal yata ang kamay ng babaeng ito!
Masakit na eh. Napapangiwi na ako.
She smiled at us. "Hi Gin. So, mukhang may date kayo ah," nanunuksong sabi.

Bago pa ako nakasagot ay naunahan na ako ni Bella.

"Well we are. You see, Gin loves to date me. Don't you Gin?" she asked
seductively. I swallowed hard. And then I saw how furious the guy is.

I lifted a brow. "I'm just kidding about the date Bella,"amused kong sabi.
Nakita ko na natigilan sila. Lalo na si Bella na awtomatikong nawala ang ngiti sa
labi. Kumunot ang noo nito.

"W-What?" she asked softly.

Inalis ko sa braso ko ang pagkakawahak niya. "I mean, I don't want to be one of
your plaything Bella," I said politely and look at the group na nakatanga lamang.
Bella looks murderous. Binalingan ko na lamang ang grupo.
"I have to go. See you some other time Carmi."

Umalis ako at hindi ko na tinapunan ng tingin si Bella.

Carmi's POV

Hindi ko malaman kung matatawa ako dahil alam ko na napahiya si Alex. I lifted my
brow. Nakasunod ang tingin namin kay Gin.

"Hmm, I guess you are going to lose again, Alex," nakangising sabi ko sa kanya ng
mawala sa paningin namin si Gin.

Nagtawanan sina Arriane at Chele. "Akala mo ha? That guy is brainy!"

Alex looked at us angrily at natutuwa ako lalo.

"Mahaba pa ang dalawang buwan Carmi. That guy is going to beg me!" at nagpupuyos
ang loob na umalis ito.

Nagkatawanan kami.

Alex's POV

Kulang na lamang ay madurog lahat ng pillows ko sa kwarto sa sobrang gigil!

Buwisit na Gin yon! Inisahan niya lamang ako!

At pinahiya!

I could feel I am closed to tears sa sobrang pagkainis at galit. I have never

humiliated my whole life! Ngayon pa lamang at sa harap pa ng babaeng iyon!

Grrr!!!!!! Buwisit ka Gin! Nagkukumulo ang dugo ko sa inis at pagkapahiya!

Saglit na natigilan ako ng pumasok si Nana. "O bat ganyan ang itsura mo lukot na
lukot ang mukha mo?" takang tanong nito.

Iniiwas ko ang tingin. Dumapa ako sa kama. "Wala ho Nana. Gusto ko mapag isa."

"Babain mo muna ang guappo mong bisita, aba ngayon ko lamang nakita na dumalaw ito
sa mansion," kinikilig na sabi.
Walang ganang hindi ako nag angat ng mukha. "Sabihin niyo wala ako."

"O aba'y bakit ka pumayag na makipag date kung sasabihin ko rin lamang na wala ka?"

Kumunot ang noo ko. Pagkuwa'y nanlaki ang mga mata. Napatingin ako kay Nana.

"Sino daw ho siya," naniningkit ang mga matang sabi ko. Huwag na huwag na
mangyaring si Gin yon at talagang papalapa ko yon kina Vin at Diesel!
Nag isip ito. "Gin daw."

Agad na nag umusok ang ulo ko at napabalikwas sa kama nag diretso ako sa labas ng

Ang lakas lang ng loob!

Naabutan ko ito nakaupo sa sala and he is wearing a formal suit na nasa ilalim ay
t shirt and with his pants and rubber shoes.

And he looks like a Hollywood actor sa kanyang get up. Shit. Ginawan na nga ako
ng kalokohan ay kung ano ano pa naiisip sa siraulong ito. Nakatayo ito at ginagala
ang paningin sa kabuuan ng mansyon.

I folded my arms as I look at him, nasa ikatlong hagdan na ako when I cleared my
throat. Napalingon ito.

"Hindi ko alam na napakalakas ng loob mo na pumunta dito matapos mo akong ipahiya!"

I shouted angrily. Namumula talaga ako sa galit.
Napalis ang maganda sana nitong pagbati sa akin ng marinig ang sinabi ko. He
sighed. He looked at me.

"I don't want to be used Bella."

Natigilan ako. Namutla. Alam na niya ang pustahan?!

I feel guilt.

"G-Gin I--."

He sighed. Napayuko. "Alam ko na pinagseselos mo si Fredrick. I don't want to be

a part of it."
Napatanga ako.

Napakurap. Ano daw?!

"W-What do you mean?" naguguluhan kong sabi.

He looks at me angrily. Napaatras ako sa nakita kong galit sa mga mata niya.
"Hindi ba? Kaya mo ako nilalapitan ay dahil pinagseselos mo si Fredrick?!"
Nakatanga lalo ako.

Pagkuwa'y naningkit unti unti yung mga mata ko. At ngayon lamang ako nagagalit ng

"Ikaw na yata ang pinaka no brain na nakilala ko na nag aral sa Harvard you stupid
moron! I don't like him! He makes my inside churned in distaste! He makes me
sick all of his advances! You stupid, stupid no brain!" galit na galit na sabi ko
na nagmartsa pabalik ng kwarto ko.

Shit nakakagigil lang talaga ang no brain na to!


next ud @ 230 votes


First Date 2


just what i have promised haha,


Alex's POV

Nangigigil ako sa inis. Shit and damnation! Since day 1 hinayaan ko na ang mali
niyang impression sa akin.

Hinayaan ko lamang.

But this time I can't let it go easily. Ipinahiya niya ako dahil sa mali niyang
akala! How stupid! Shit hindi pa ba niya makita how much I hate Fredrick's touch?
Ang bulag niya!

Nagulat ako ng bumukas ang pintuan ng kwarto ko at iluwa siya. Nanlaki ang mga
mata ko. Panic rose up. Napabalikwas ako ng bangon.

"What the hell are you doing here Gin! This is my room!" I said furiously.
Nakatingin lamang si Gin sa kabuuan ng kwarto ko and grimaced.

"I like the ambience of your room. Fresh and sweet, and just like you Isabella,"
he said softly and every hair in my body stood up in sudden heat. Panic is
building up.
He looked at me. "Hindi pa tayo tapos mag usap and you left. You are being
impolite sweetheart. Explain about you not liking him," he commanded.

I swallowed hard. Bakit ba ganito na lamang makapagmando sa akin ang lalaking ito?
Parang pagmamay ari niya ako ah! But I found myself answering his question.

I sighed heavily. Iniiwas ko dito ang tingin. "I don't like Fredrick okay!"

Naningkit ang mga mata ni Gin. "If you don't like him, then why did I found the
two of you kissing passionately at the school room? I don't want to be cynical but
I didn't find you hating the idea of him kissing you Isabella," matigas na sabi

I swallowed hard. Napatingin ako dito. Matiim na matiim ang titig niya sa akin.
I stood up and comb my soft locks nervously. Gumawi ako sa bintana.

"Fredrick is persistent about getting me to his bed. If I will not show him I also
like that idea at natatakot lamang ako dahil may relasyon sila ni Carmi, I swear he
will force himself to me. The only thing that I can hold him off is because I did
not show how much I detest his touch," sa nahahapong tinig ay sabi ko.

It's no use telling him lies.

At least when it comes to my relationship with Fredrick I could always be honest
with him. Dahil sooner or later mararamdaman din niya na hindi ko talaga gusto si


When I looked at him nakatitig lamang ito sa akin. Nakakunot ang noo nito tanda ng
hindi pagkapaniwala. I sighed. "It's up to you if you will believe it or not. I
don't care. Now, will you please leave? I want to rest."

Hindi niya pinansin ang sinabi ko.

"And are you using that trick to me Isabella?" he asked dangerously.

Nanlaki mga mata ko. Napaawang ang labi ko. I could feel ang sunod sunod na
pagkabog ng dibdib ko at pagsundot ng guilt.

I may not be doing it, not the way with Fredricks', pero still may evil scheme
akong binabalak sa kanya.
I couldn't speak.

His eyes grew in slit. "Isabella?" he asked impatiently.

I swallowed hard. Iniiwas ko ang tingin. "Look, Gin. I don't know what you mean

"Are you also making me feel that you want me when you really don't?" he walked
slowly towards me. Nanlaki mga mata ko. Napaatras ako.
"G-Gin! Y-You!" I swallowed hard dahil unti unti na talaga siyang lumalapit! My
heart beats so fast when my back already touched the coldness of my bedroom wall.

He lifted a brow. His two arms banned me from escaping. Nakaharang iyon sa
magkabilang gilid ko. And he lowered his head as if he is going to kiss me! I

"Don't play games with me Isabella. Not when I intend to make you my girl. And
when I say my girl, you are exclusively for my eyes only. Understood?" his voice
become husky as his gaze swept all over my face. Saglit na tumigil iyon sa
bahagyang nakaawang na labi ko. Wala sa loob na I ran my tongue on it. I am
nervous! He is making me nervous for pete's sake!

"Y-You are out of your mind Gin! Wala pa tayong one week na magkakilala for
goodness sake!" I said exasperately. Napaka imposible ng lalaking ito! Kung
makapagsalita parang kilala na niya ako ng matagal na!
Ni hindi nga niya alam na siya ang pinagpustahan namin ni Carmi para sa kotse ko!

Sa naisip ay sinundot na naman ako ng konsensya.

Napayuko ako. "Look Gin, w-we don't know each other yet. Can we--I mean. let us
not rush things okay?" sa mababang tinig ay sabi ko.

He sighed. Tumuwid na ito sa pagkakatayo. Inalis na rin ang kamay at ipinamulsa

na lamang.
"I am not so keen on waiting for a girl to adjust on the idea that I want her!" he
looked up at the ceiling na para bang nag iisip.

Pagkuwa'y he looked at me. "Okay. We will do it nice and slow, as what you want
Bella. But, I am not a very patient man. Baka maghanap ako ng iba," tila
nananakot na sabi nito.

Naningkit ang mga mata ko! Nagpuyos agad ang loob ko. Hindi pa man kami ay may
balak na agad magloko!

He laughed when he saw my expression. Napakurap ako. He is beautiful when he is

He grinned at me. Pinisil nito ang baba ko. "You are so cute, Bella. Go and
change, I will take you to dinner," he commanded.

Naningkit ang mga mata ko sa kabila ng pagdunggol na kakaibang kaba sa dibdib.

"Inuutusan mo ba ako?" I asked hotly.

Lumapad ang pagkakangiti nito. "Hurry up, I'll wait downstairs. Kapag wala ka pa
in 15 minutes, I swear I will dress you myself!" he said bago lumabas sa kwarto.

Naiwan akong nakatanga. 15 minutes?! Sinong babae ang makakapag ayos within 15
minutes! I easily grab my towel and go to the bathroom!

Gin's POV

I couldn;t help myself but to smile habang naalala ko sinabi niya kanina.
Na hindi nito gusto si Fredrick.

It makes me happy. Ni hindi ko nga naisip na nasa loob lamang kami ng kwarto at
kung sa ibang pagkakataon na may kasama akong napakagandang babae ay hindi
pupwedeng walang mangyari sa amin.

I sighed. I am afraid feeling this kind of very alienated emotions towards

Isabella, Bella or Alex, ang naiisip ko lamang ay ang mukha niya na may tinatagong
kalungkutan. And yet, when I heard her laugh for the first time, yun nga lang nang
malaman nito sa HLS ako galing, I have never seen her more beautiful the time she
laughs her heart out.

Nawawala mga mata nito sa pagtawa. Nakakainsulto man pero hindi ko na halos naisip
yon when I saw her laughed. It's like music in my ear.
She doesn't like Fredrick.

Napangiti uli ako.

And I'll make sure I will be the only man to satisfy her needs. Na hindi nito
kailangan ang iba pa. In time, I will show her how much I could give her
pleasure..and so much more.

Natigil lamang ako pag iisip when I heard the someone enters the living room.
Napatayo ako when I saw the old lady who received me when I came. May dala itong
tray ng juice at cookies.

Napakamot ako sa batok. "Nag abala pa ho kayo," sabi ko na tinulungan ito na

ilapag ang tray. She smiled at iminuwestra niya na maupo kami.

"Ngayon lamang kita nakita na nagpunta sa mansion, san kayo nagkakilala ng alaga
ko?" curious na tanong nito.

I smiled. "Sa school ho. Nag transfer ho ako sa school."

Bahagyang nanlaki mga mata nito. "Talaga? So ibig sabihin matagal na kayong
magkakilala ni Alex?"

"Hindi ho. Mga wala pa hong one week."

Napatanga ito.

"B-Bakit ho?"

Umiling lamang ito na bahagyang natawa. "Wala naman. Hindi pa pala kayo matagal
na magkakilala pero nakapasok ka sa kwarto niya."
I tried to smile. Ayokong i-entertain sa utak ko na madaming lalaki na pamilyar
kay Isabella ang nakaakyat sa kwarto nito. Kukulo lamang ang dugo ko.

Pilit na nagpatawa ako. "Huwag ho kayo mag alala, mula ngayon ako na lang ho ang
aakyat sa kwarto niya," I grinned at her.

Umangat ang kilay nito. "Eh ikaw lamang naman talaga ang nakadating sa kwarto niya
maliban sa akin."

Nawala ngiti ko sa labi. Natigilan ako.

Ako pa lamang?

She is promiscuous di ba?

That was before, tila ganting sagot ng utak ko.

Ibig sabihin hindi niya dinadala sa mansion ang mga boyfriends nito dati.

I feel warm inside.

"O andito na pala siya," narinig kong sabi nito na ang mga mata ay nasa puno ng
hagdan. Napatingin ako don.

Napakurap ako.

Gone is the girl that I talked awhile ago na kulang na lamang ay lumabas ang
eyeballs sa sobrang galit sa akin. She was angry that I thought she was using me
to make that guy jealous.
When in fact...she doesn't like him a bit. Tama nga yatang tawagin akong no brain
ni Bella.

Gone is the girl that I have seen in school uniform sitting at the back of the
class as if she didn't care what's going on the lecture. Na para bang may sarili
itong mundo.

And gone is the girl that I saw wearing a very sexy flimsy two piece bikini and
laughing her heart out when she learned I came from HLS.

What I am seeing right now is like an angel that just came down to earth. Wearing
a simple and yet elegant cocktail dress. I swallowed hard. Its the way she fixed
her hair that took my breath away.
She looks an angel to me. I saw the way she nervously pressed her dress as she
found me looking at her nang hindi nagsasalita.

Ni hindi namin namalayan na kami na lamang ang naroon.

"Is this too much?" alanganing sabi.

Napatayo ako. I did not blink, not for a second that I saw her. There is
admiration and appreciation written all over my face.
"I never knew that in 15 minutes a girl could make herself look like what I am
seeing right now," I said huskily as I walked towards the end of the stairs and
waited for her to come down.

Alex's POV

I know I am blushing so hard.

I never blushed this much. Not especially when a guy tells me I am beautiful.
Matagal ko ng alam yon.
But when he speaks that way, it feels like he is the only man who saw me beautiful.

My heart keeps on beating so fast inside my chest. Parang nais ng lumabas.

Ni hindi nito inaalis ang mga mata sa akin. Inabot nito ang palad when I reached
the end of the stair. I swallowed hard as I give him my hand.

He holds it firmly. I could feel the sudden heat when our skin touched. I wanted
to pull away but he never let me. Instead he slowly pull me.

I gasped. "G-Gin!"
He smiled at me. His eyes look directly to mine. And I could feel nausea. This
guy is so impossible!

"You look so beautiful tonight sweetheart. And you also smell good. Para tuloy
iba ang naiisip ko right now," he whispered as he lowered his head to my hair na
para bang inaamoy yon.

And my heart thuds when I felt he softly kissed the top of my hair. Napapikit na
lamang ako.

"I have never like you Bella the way I am liking you right now," he murmured.

Napakagat labi ako.

Guilt overwashed me. And it's unbearable.


He laughed slowly. "I know. It's just dinner sweetheart, just as I promised.
Even if it will kill me to not kiss you," he said with regret.

Napalunok ako.
At aminin ko man o hindi I am anticipating for his kiss!

Oh God! What are you doing to me Gin?


next 2 ud @ monday and @ 500 votes haha so no rush


Girl, Interrupted

post ko po muna ang 1st ud kasi hindi na reach ang 500 waah haha


"Where is Carlos?"

Napatingin si Marcela sa gobernador. She walked towards him and kissed him on the
cheek. Nakita nito na sinenyasan nito ang mga nakasunod na bodyguard na umalis na.
Umalis naman ang tatlong lalaki na naka uniporme.

"Out. I guess your son has gone to a date," Marcela said lightly.
Kumunot ang noo nito. "Wala pa siyang isang linggo sa Pilipinas ay date na agad
ang inaatupag niya. How can he be unresponsible!" maigting na sabi nito.

Marcela sighed. "Look Ed, kadarating lamang ng anak mo. It wasn't easy bringing
him home at iwan ang buhay na nagawa niyang itayo para sa sarili niya. Goodness,
he left Harvard! And for you, kahit na hindi niya gusto. Sinunod ka pa rin niya.
so why don;t you give my son a break!"

Hindi ito kumibo. Pagod na naupo ito sa sofa. Lumabas ang isang katulong na may
dalang tray ng kape. Sinenyasan ni Marcela na iwan na lamang iyon.

"I cannot wait for him to grow up and be responsible Marcie. Ang anak mo ay nasa
tamang edad na para pag aralan ang pulitika, after I finished my term in two years
he will be replacing me as the governor."
Marcela sighed na kinuha ang isang puswelo ng kape at inabot iyon sa asawa. Kinuha
iyon ng gobernador.

"Ed, give your son time to love this place. Kung hindi aalis lamang siya and I do
not want my only son run from away from me nang dahil sa pinipilit mo siya sa mga
bagay na ayaw niya."

Tumayo na si Marcela. She gave her husband a tap on the shoulder. "And please Ed,
don't follow him around with your security as if he is a son of a royalty. Because
he will never like that idea."

Naiwan ito na nag iisip.

Alex's POV

He brings me sa isang mamahaling restaurant. The lady escorts us on our table.

Gin smiled at her and the woman obviously was taken by his charm. Napasimangot
ako. Mukhang pag naging boyfriend ko ito tatakpan ko mukha ng wala ng tumingin pa!

Natigilan ako.

Pag naging boyfriend ko?!

Agad na pinalis ko iyon sa isip. Gin pulls the chair for me, I uttered a small
thanks. Naupo na rin ito. Mukhang naka reserved talaga ang table na yon para sa
amin dahil in an instant may dumating na agad na appetizer.

He asked if I prefer anything at all maliban sa pinahanda nito. Umiling lamang ako.
I am not that hungry anyway.

I am too nervous to feel any hunger.

At iyon ay dahil sa kaharap ko. I sip my wine. He looks at me matapos na maiwan

kaming mag isa. Ayan na naman.

Nakakalokong mga ngiti at ang mga mata niya...

Nag pa opera kaya ito ng mata? Kasi wala pa akong nakita na ganito ka expressive
ang mga mata. I cannot take this anymore!

"Pwede ba Gin, don't look at me like that! Naasiwa na ako," I snapped.

Natigilan ito. Nawala ang ngiti sa labi. "What's wrong with me looking at you?
Alangan naman na nag di dinner tayo eh sa kisame ako nakatingin!"

I glared at him. "Pilosopo!"

He chuckled. Nangalumbaba ito sa mesa habang nakatingin sa akin. "Do I make you
feel nervous? I didn't know you are this grumpy all of a sudden."

Naningkit ang mga mata ko.

"Don't flatter yourself too much."

He laughs. Naiiling na sumandal ito sa upuan. Iniikot ang tingin. "This place is
good. We should dine here more often."
More often?

Does he wants to make this regularly? Dining out with him?

I smiled wryly. "I believe there is much important girl you should be with than to
hang around with me."

Napaangat ang kilay nito.

I feel disappointment sa sinagot nito. Hindi man lamang nambola!

"And she is here with me," he grinned at me.

I could feel the rush of heat coming through my cheeks. Kasabay ng pagkabog ng

Natigil lamang kami sa pag uusap ng dumating ang main course. Natahimik saglit
kami. Pero paminsan minsan nagtatanong si Gin. Sinasagot ko naman ng maiikling
sagot. Ayokong ikwento ang buhay ko.
He is a stranger.

A total stranger.

"How about your mom? Is she living abroad?" curious na tanong nito. Nasabi ko na
kasing patay na ang daddy ko.
I stiffened.

It's like a cold water splashed through my spine when I heard his question.
Humigpit ang pagkakahawak ko sa fork.

"She is dead too," malamig na sagot ko. I drew a deep breath na nagpunas ng labi.
"I don't want to talk about my family."

Gin's POV
Napakurap ako na natigil sa pagkain ng marinig ko ang sinabi niya. Napatingin ako
sa mga mata nito pero mabilis nitong iniiwas.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to---," I sighed. Nakalimutan ko na napaka private na

tao ni Isabella. Iniba ko na lamang ang usapan. Nagkwento na lamang ako tungkol
sa buhay ko sa Amerika kahit hindi siya nagtatanong. I do not want to ruin our
first date.

But she asked if its okay na umuwi na kami. Much to my wanting of having her
company and knowing her, it looks like na nawala na siya sa mood. I have never saw
her feel like this.

She didn't speak when we leave the restaurant. Nasa parking lot na kami when I
hold her hand na pasakay na sa kotse.

She looks at me with those kind of eyes that hold coldness and misery at the same
time. Napakurap ako.

"Hey," I said slowly na masuyong iniangat ang baba niya so I could look directly to
her eyes. "What's wrong? I didn't mean to ask too personal questions."

She closed her eyes and drew a deep breath. I was so close kissing her. Her mouth
is inviting enough for me to possessed it. I sighed.

"N-Nothing. I---I am just tired."

"Are you sure?"

She tried to smile. "Y-Yes."

I drew a deep breath. I look around. May ilang mga taong naglalakad sa baywalk.
I looked at her. "Walk with me."

Kumunot ang noo nito. Nilingon ko ang ilang mga couple na naglalakad. Napakurap
ito na sinundan ng tingin ang tinitingnan ko. Hinila ko na siya. Wala itong
magawa kung hindi sumunod.
Ni hindi ko binitawan ang kamay niya. At hinayaan lamang naman niya na hawak ko
iyon. I filled my lungs with air. I have never felt peace since I came back but

And this is night became more special now that I am with her.

I tried to laugh it off. Napakurap si Isabella na napatingin sa akin.

"What's funny?"
Napapangiti na umiling lamang ako. "Nothing. I don't know but this is my first
time to walk around here, ganito ba ang ginagawa ng mga nag da date dito?" I asked
curiously na nilingon ang ilan mga tao na nasa likod namin na magkaakbay. Yung iba
naman na nakaupo na nadadaanan namin ay nag---.

Napalunok ako. Pati si Isabella ay napatingin sa tinitingnan ko. Natigilan ito at

mabilis na iniiwas ang tingin.

"Malay ko. Ngayon lamang ako naglakad dito," sagot nito na sa iba nakatingin.

Napakurap ako na patay malisyang iniiwas ang tingin. "Hindi ko alam na okay na
pala sa Pilipinas na maghalikan kahit san," wala sa loob ko na sabi.

Hindi umiimik si Isabella. Nilinga ko ito. I saw her blushing. I smiled

secretly. I easily pulled her to my body and put my arms around her waist.
She gasped at gitlang napatingin sa akin. "Gin!"

I chuckled. "What? Malamig eh."

She tried to pushed me and I only held her closer. "Gin! Ang init kaya!"

Natatawang inalis ko na lamang ang kamay ko sa balikat niya at nakontento na lamang

na hawakan siya sa kamay.
Nakangiti lamang na tinitingnan ko siya habang naglalakad kami.

"At least may edge ako against that guy."

She stopped and looked at me. Nakakunot ang noo. I smiled at her warmly.

"You never hide your true feelings when you are with me."

Sleepless in Seattle


dedicated to:


angelene roleda



Alex's POV
Ilang beses na bumaba ako sa kusina para kumuha ng tubig, nagtimpla ng gatas at
kumuha ng cookies.

I can't sleep.

I drew a deep breath.

Ibinaba ko na ang iniinom kong gatas na hindi ko alam kung pang ilang baso ko na.
Pati si Nana ay napapabangon sa higaan nito kapag bumaba ako, malapit lamang kasi
sa kusina ang tinutulugan nito kaya konting kaluskos lamang ay nagigising ito.
Pinapagalitan na nga ako dahil malamang daw madami ako nakain kaya hirap akong
matulog. Hindi ko masabi na wala halos akong nalunok sa dinner namin ni Gin.

Napatingin ako sa wall clock sa kwarto ko. Past 10 pm na. Usually tulog na ako
pag ganitong oras, at kanina pa naman ako naihatid ni Gin.

I sighed again when I remembered him.

That guy...

He is making a way through me and I am more than afraid.

He is a bet.

At kailangan na isaksak ko iyon sa isip. Na isang pustahan lamang si Gin.

At kahit na hindi siya isang pustahan...I should protect myself from him.
Nakakatakot kasi ang binubuhay na pakiramdam niya sa akin.

I have never felt like this.

Not with any other guy.

Nagulat pa ako ng tumunog ang celphone ko. Napakurap ako at wala sa loob na
sinagot iyon.


"Hi sweetheart."
Kumabog ng sobra ang puso ko.

Nanlaki ang mga mata ko ng marinig ang pamilyar na boses.


I heard him laugh. "I am glad you still remember my voice. Why are you still

Because of you! I wanted to shout at him pero napiit ko.

"P-Paano mo nalaman ang number ko?" naguguluhan kong sabi. Ni hindi ko matandaan
na hiningi niya iyon.

"I have asked Carmi. I told her na kaklase kita sa isang subject and I want to
know what are homework.'

Si Carmi!
"And I told her we go out on a date."

Napakurap ako.


He laughs slowly. "She was shocked. To think I just told them kanina na I don't
want to be your plaything."

Sunod sunod ang tahip ng dibdib ko. Bakit ganito kabilis ang tibok ng puso ko?
And this warm feeling...

"But I will never be your plaything Isabella. I'll never consider what I want with
you will be about playing each other. I want you to be my girl."

I could feel my throat is being constricted with something.

The way he will say he wants me to be his girl.

"W-What if I say I don't want to be your girl, Gin?"


I could feel I am anticipating his answer that I hold on my cp as if it is my



Natigilan ako don. Wala ako maapuhap na sagot.

"Don't you like me Isabella?"

My heart started to drum inside my chest like a hammer.

"N-No! I mean---."

He laughed shortly. "f you don't like me you will not go out with me tonight like
the way you always deny him. But let'sa say I am believing tha you don;t like me
jut like you have said, then---I'll make you like me."

Natigilan ako. A warm hand slowly cupping my heart. My eyes grew larger in shock,
"G-Gin! Please, I mean would you stop doing this to me! You are like a mad man na
sinusundan ako and the same time insisting yourself to me!" pakiramdam ko nag ha
hysteria na ako sa panic.

He chuckled besides my hysterical voice.

"Eh anong magagawa ko? I was captivated by your charm sweetheart. Yung charm mo
na mahilig magtaray at mambara."

Nanlaki lalo ang mga mata ko. "Nang aasar ka din eh no! Dyan ka na nga, matutulog
na ako!"
Inis na pinatay ko na ang linya. Inalis ko pa battery! Nakakaasar ang Gin na yon!

At nakakaasar ang puso ko na ayaw tumigil sa pagkabog.

Shit and damnation!

Gin's POV

Gusto kong tumawa ng malakas.

Ang sarap asarin ng babaeng iyon. Natigilan ako ng mag ring ang celphone ko. Si

"Carmi? Napatawag ka?"

"Oh hi Gin. Did I wake you up?"

"No. Gising pa naman ako. What's up?"

"Hindi kasi ako mapakali knowing that you and Alex are dating."

Napakurap ako. "What's wrong about that?"

Nawalan saglit ng imik ang nasa kabilang linya.


"I want to warn you about dating her. I mean hindi mo pa siya kilala, she used to
play around!"
Nawala ang ngiti ko sa labi. "Hindi ba kaibigan niyo siya? Then why telling bad
things about her behind her back?"

"H-Ha? Of course! Kaibigan siya but I am concerned about you Gin!"

I sighed. "I am tired Carmi. But thanks for the concern. Goodnight."

I put down the phone.

I could feel rage sa hindi ko malaman na dahilan.

Kaibigan sila ni Bella.

Pero sinisiraan nila ito sa akin? Ako na hindi nila kilala.

Inis na nahiga na lamang ako. Ayoko na nakakarinig ng hindi maganda about her.

She maybe like that or any worser than what I expected but I don't care.
It will be different now that I am here.

And I intend to be a part of her life.

Whether she likes it or not!

Alex's POV

Nakatanga lamang ako ng makita ko kung sino ang prenteng nakasandal sa kotse at
naghihintay sa akin sa harap ng malaking pintuan ng mansion.
Gin smiled widely when he saw me, inalis nito ang suot na shades. And goodness,
why he wears that uniform with grace? Daig pa niya modelo ng uniporme ng St

"Good morning sweetheart!"

Napangiti na lamang si Nana na kasunod ko na lumabas sa pintuan.

"Good morning ho Nana Belen."

Nakangiting napatingin sa akin si Nana na halatang nanunukso. "Good morning iho,
ang aga mo masyado."

"Ako na ho maghahatid kay Bella sa eskwelahan," nakangiting sabi.

Nakatanga lamang ako dito. "At sino may sabi sa 'yo?!"

Napatingin sila sa akin pareho na parang nagtataka bakit ako nakasigaw.

Magkasalubong na magkasalubong ang kilay ko.
"Sabi ko, eh isa lamang naman ruta natin bakit di pa tayo magsabay di ba Nana?"
anito na kinindatan naman si Nana. Tumawa si nana. Pagalit na tiningnan ko ito at
napakurap ako ng makita ang ilang katulong na nasa likod ng pintuan at halatang
kinikilig kay Gin. Kumaway pa!

"At anong ginagawa nyo dyan?!" galit na sigaw ko na pinadilatan sila ng mga mata.
Agad naman na nawala ang mga ngiti ng katulog at agad na umalis.

Inis na humalukipkip ako at hinarap ko siya. "I am not going anywhere with you!
May kotse ako, may driver ako na maghahatid sa akin!"

Napakamot sa batok si Gin. "Bakit ba ang init ng ulo mo? Pinakain nyo na ba ito
Nana Belen? Mukhang nalipasan ng gutom. Pinakain naman kita kagabi," nagtatakang
Nagpipiit na lamang talaga ako ng inis!

"Eh yun nga pinagtataka ko iho. Pinakain mo nga ba ang alaga ko? Eh hatinggabi na
ay parang pusa na nagkakalkal ng pagkain sa kusina. Ginutom mo lamang yata iho sa
date nyo," natatawang sabi.

Nanlaki ang mga mata ko kasabay ng pamumula ng mukha. Galit na binalingan ko si


Natatawang nagpaalam na ito.

Pulang pula ako ng bumaling kay Gin na akmang sisinghalan siya pero natigilan ako
ng makitang nakangisi na ito na parang nakakaloko.

"Anong tinatawa tawa mo dyan?!"

"Nothing. Come, kumain na muna tayo somewhere bago tayo pumasok."

"What?! Ay---."
Napaurong ako ng humakbang ito palapit sa akin. Tarantang naitulak ko ito. "Gin!"

He lowered his head to me. His eyes darkening. "Next time na sigawan mo pa ako o
ang ibang tao na kaharap ako, I'll swear Isabella, hahalikan kita sa harap nila.
And that kiss you shared with anyone will be just a thing of the past! So beware
your tone sweetheart," he said warningly.

Napalunok ako. Ang lapit na lamang ng labi nito sa akin. At nagpapanic na talaga
ako. Huwag ng isama na kumakabog ng sobrang lakas ang puso ko.!

"Nagkakaintindihan tayo?" he asked.

I drew a deep breath. Bwisit talaga!


"Oo na!" I snapped angrily at him.

Kumunot ang noo nito. "Di ba sabi ko huwag kang sisigaw?"

Namutla ako. Shit and damnation!

"S-Sorry, oo Gin. I understand," mababa ang boses na sabi ko. Shit! Ako ba yon?

Pero napalis ang pag aalinlangan ko ng makita ko ang pagluwang ng ngiti niya. Agad
na hinawakan ang kamay ko at kinuha ang gamit ko. Walang magawang hinayaan ko na
lamang ito.

Hindi talaga ito pumayag na hindi kami mag umagahan sa isang food chain na nadaanan
namin. Coffee lamang naman ang inorder nito pero na i order niya ako ng light meal
na may pancake at hotdog. Sabi niya mas mabuti na daw yung may laman kahit paano
tyan ko kesa mag kape lamang ako.

"A-ayoko na," piit ko sa kamay niya na pinaghihiwa pa ako ng pancake. Ang adik
naman ng lalaking ito!

Takang napatingin ito sa akin. "Busog ka na agad?" dismayadong sabi. "Ni hindi mo
pa nga nakakalahati yang kinakain mo Isabella," reklamo nito.
"Eh busog na talaga ako."

He sighed. "Hindi ka ba makakain ng kaharap ako? Tatalikod ako kung gusto mo,"
anito sa tonong hindi nagbibiro.

Pinanlakihan ko ito ng mga mata. "I am really full Gin," bahagyang binabaan ko
boses ko baka mag adik pa ito at totohanin banta sa akin. Wala akong balak
mahalikan sa publikong lugar!


Uminom na ako ng tubig. "L-Let's go. L-Late na ako sa isang klase ko," sabi ko.
He sighed na tumayo na at inalalayan ako. "Okay. Carmi called me last night."

Napakurap ako. Natigil ang akma ko sanang paglabas ng pintuan. "A-And so?"

Umiling ito. "Wala. Let's go."

Hindi naniniwalang piniit ko ang braso niya. "Gin. Tell me. What did she told
you?" I could feel my blood is starting to boil. Hindi talaga titigil ang Carmi na
He laughs. "Wala nga. Basta sabi ko lang hindi na ako mag e entertain ng iba kasi
ikaw na gusto ko. That no matter what, you will be my girl Isabella," bagamat
nakangiti ito ay seryoso naman ang mga mata nito.

Namumulang inalis ko ang kamay ko na nakahawak sa braso niya. "Pulos ka biro!"

He chuckled. "Feeling ko kasi type nila ako. Kaya agad ko ng binasted. Para alam
nila na naka exclusive na ako sa 'yo," he winks at me.

Hinampas ko ito sa mukha.

"Aray!" nanlaki mga mata nito. "Ano bang masama don? Totoo lang naman sinasabi
ko," napangiwi ito na hinawakan ang tinamaan parte ng mukha. "Sakit non ah!"
"Ang yabang mo!"

Tatawa tawang hinila na ako nito. Hinayaan ko na lamang siya.

I sighed.

Tama ba na ganito ang nararamdaman ko?

Na ang saya saya ko?

Napalunok ako.

This can't be good.


pause po muna---midterm week, i wonder kung maka gain ako ng mataas na votes sa
tagal ko na mawawala sa ud hahaha

god bless!


Despicable Me
Gin's POV

Naningkit ang mga mata ko ng makita ang ilang naka unipormeng lalaki na nag aabang
sa akin sa harap ng gate ng eskwelahan. Naisipan ko lamang na lumabas habang
bakante pa ako dahil naiinis na sa akin si Bella sa kakabantay ko sa kanya sa klase
nito. Sinigawan na nga ako ng prof nila, tawa pa ng tawa ang babaeng iyon!

"What are you doing here? Hindi ba sinabi ko na huwag ninyo akong susundan?" galit
na sabi ko ng lumapit ako sa kanila. Namutla ang apat.

"S-Sir Carlos sumusunod lamang po kami sa utos ni Gov. Mahirap na daw po dahil
panahon na ng kampanya."

I laughed bitterly. Hanggang ngayon walang pinagbago ang Papa. Same old him.
Same old politician that I know na pinoprotektahan lamang ang anak niya para
maging kapalit niya sa posisyon.

Power overwhelms my own father and it hurts me more. Dahil pagmamahal ng isang ama
ang hinahanap ko at ni minsan hindi ko iyon naramdaman sa kanya.

Tumalikod na ako. "Umuwi na kayo. May klase ako at ayoko na susundan nyo pa ako o
bubugbugin ko kayo isa isa," banta ko.

Galit na bumalik na lamang ako sa loob ng campus.

Wala naman nagtangka na sumunod pa sa akin.

Carmi's POV

Inis na tinabig ko ang isang estudyante na nakaharang sa daraanan ko, natapon ang
dalang tray nito. Natapon iyon. Dire-diretso lamang ako sa loob ng canteen. Nasa
likod ko sina Chele na pinagtawanan ang babae. Nakita ko an pinulot na lamang nito
ang tray.

I smirked. What a loser!

Umalis naman ang ilang estudyante malapit sa madalas namin na tambayan na pwesto sa
canteen ng makita na palapit kami.
"Shit! I hate her! She is so flirt!" gigil na gigil na sabi ko na ibinagsak ang
gamit ko sa mesa. Lumikha iyon ng ingay na ikinalingon ng ilang estudyante.

Napaangat ang kilay ni Arianne na naupo. "Do you really think na papatulan siya ni
Gin? Hmp! Nakakainis naman I like him pa naman!" nakangusong sabi.

Inis na tinapik ko ang noo nito.

Inis na dinuro ko ito. "You are damn well flirt too! At kung hindi pa ako
dumating sa kwarto na yon malamang naghubad ka na sa harap niya!" inis na inis na
sabi ko.

Namula ito. Umirap. "Ang cute niya kasi, saka joke lang yon no?! I love my

"You better be! O sasabihin ko yan lahat sa Papa mo!" inis ko pa rin na sabi.
Nakita ko na namutla ito, I smirked. Takot na takot si Arianne sa Papa nito.

I drew a deep breath. Things are not the way I expect it to be.
Naiinis na ako. Pumapabor kay Alex ang lahat. At mukhang nagkakagusto sa kanya si
Gin. And I have to do something kung hindi mababawi ni Alex sa akin ang kotse

And she will have the hottest guy in the campus!

Alex's POV

I sighed in relief ng paglabas ko sa klase ko ay wala na ang kanina pa nangungulit

na si Gin.
Napagalitan pa ito ng prof ko. Ang kulit naman kasi. Panay na tuloy ang tuksuhan
sa loob ng klase kanina. Nakaaasar talaga!


Napahinto ako paglalakad ng marinig ang pagtawag sa pangalan ko. Nilingon ko ito.

Si Fredrick.
"What do you want?" kunot ang noong sabi ko. Himala, wala ang Carmi na susunod
sunod dito.

He walks towards me at ng halos malapit na ito ay saka ako matiim na tinitigan.

"Totoo bang nanliligaw sa yo ang Amboy na yo?"

"At ano naman sa yo?" inis na sabi ko. Akmang maglalakad na uli ako pero mahigpit
na hinawakan niya ako sa braso. Maang na napalingon ako dito at sa pagkakahawak
niya sa braso ko.
"Iwasan mo siya Alex. Hindi ako papayag na maging karibal ko siya sa yo!"

I expelled a breath. Ipiniglas ko ang braso ko. "Pwede ba Fredrick! Hindi mo

siya karibal dahil unang una baka nakakalimot kang girlfriend mo si Carmi! And
secondly, he is not courting me!" well, not formally.

Naningkit ang mga mata nito. "Carmi told us that he is courting you already, Alex.
Na nag date daw kayong dalawa."

Agad na nagkumulo na naman ang dugo ko. Talagang echoserang palaka ang babaeng
"And if we did? Wala na siya don! Your girlfriend is very nosy! Tell her to mind
her own business! Warning Gin about me? Hah! Baka hindi niya ako kilala!" galit
na sabi ko. "Tell that message to your bitchy girlfriend!"


Pero nagmamadali na akong umalis. Naiirita lamang ako.

Fredrick's POV

Napabuntonghininga na lamang ako habang sinusundan ang papalayong si Alex.

Lalo na siyang umiilap.

Mula ng dumating ang Amboy na yon.

Inis na umalis na lamang ako at nagtungo sa madalas na tambayan ng grupo na bar. I
phoned Carmi, hindi ito sumasagot. Wala din ang tropa.

Nakakadalawang bote na ako ng beer ng may marahang tumapik sa balikat ko.

Napalingon ako.

Si Chele.

Nakaangat ang kilay nito habang nakatingin sa akin. "Drinking alone? Asan si
Carmi?" takang sabi nito na naupo sa katabi kong stool.
I looked at her up and down her gorgeous body. She is wearing a very sexy tank top
and skirt, revealing her long and shapely legs. Ibinalik ko uli sa iniinom ko ang
tingin. "I don't know. Andito ba si Raymond?"

"Pinatawag siya ng daddy niya. He flew to Singapore kaninang umaga."

Interesanteng napatingin ako dito and smirked. "Kaya ka pala andito."

She called the bartender and asked for a drink. Nang mawala ito ay saka ako
tiningnan. "At ikaw bakit ka naman andito? Nag away ba kayo ni Carmi? I guess
she is too busy with Gin-Alex thing," may halong iritasyon na sabi.

Walang imik na uminom lamang ako. Nangalumbaba ito sa table. Inilapag na ng

bartender ang alak nito.

"Bakit ka pumapayag na ganunin ka ni Carmi? She is interested with Gin!"

Napatiim ang labi ko.

Mukhang dalawang babae na gusto ko ay naakit sa Amboy na yon. Pati ba naman si

But I know Carmi very well. Interesado siya kapag hindi pa niya nakukuha pero pag
nakuha na niya ay balewala na.

We are both using each other. Patas lamang.

I slowly move my hand up to the hem of her skirt. Napaawang ang labi ni Chele na
napatingin sa akin. Nanlalaki ang mga mata. I smirked.
"Let's forget about other people. Hindi mo ba na miss ang ginawa natin when we
spent our vacation in Iloilo?" malambing na sabi ko.

We had a great sex in the woods. Habang tulog sila. We went to the woods and have
sex. Chele is very wild too. Mas wild pa kay Carmi.

She opened up her legs and I smiled. "I bet you miss it too," bulong ko sa tenga
niya. Napasinghap siya ng marahan kong kagatin ang dulo ng tenga niya.

"Fred! We are on a public place!" she said horribly at sa piit na tinig. But I
heard her moan softly when my finger slids inside her panty. I smiled devilishly.
She is wet instantly.

"Let's go to my place," bulong ko.

I heard her soft gasps and she nodded. Agad na hinawakan ko ang kamay niya matapos
bayaran ang bill.

Halos sa kotse pa lamang ay panay na ang halikan namin ni Chele. No doubt na hot
na hot ang babaeng ito. Siya na nagkusang ibaba ang zipper ng pants ko and touched
my private part. I groaned. She is an expert. Ako naman ay hinila ang suot
niyang underwear at malayang naglaro ang daliri ko sa ilalim ng skirt niya. Panay
na ang ungol niya. I bit her skin. Iniawang ko ang hita niya. She is so wet. I
groaned in satisfaction.
I did not wait any moment.

We have a rough sex in my car!


next ud @ 11 pm so pls vote and comment



sa mga naghintay kagabi pasensya na nakatulog po ako haha


Alex's POV

Ilang beses na napatingin ako sa pintuan.

Sa celphone.
Iritableng ibinalik ko ang tingin sa binabasa kong magasin.

Wala naman don ang utak ko.

Bakit ba kasi hindi nagpaparamdam ang Gin na yun! Inis na bulong ko sa sarili.
Napatingin ako sa orasan. It's already 7 pm. Kanina pa tapos ang klase ko kung
saan nagpa kyut ng nagpa kytu ang siraulong Gin na yon. Tapos ngayon....

Shit and damnation! I could feel the churning and twisting of my stomach in
Kulang na lamang tawagan ko siya. I text.


Ano bang nangyayari sa yo, Alexandra!

Nagulat pa ako ng may maglapag ng tray ng pagkain sa lamesita.

"Ganyan na ba ang pagbabasa ng magasin? Pabaligtad?"

Natigilan ako at sa unang pagkakataon ay saka pa lamang na pokus ang mga mata ko sa
binabasa kong magasin.

Baligtad nga!
Namumulang naihagis ko iyon. Nakita ko si Nana na tatawa tawa habang iniaalis sa
tray ang isang baso ng juice at cookies.

"Hmm..mukhang malalim ang iniisip mo Alexandra, at hindi ka magkakaganyan kung

hindi," nanunuksong sabi.

"Nana!" namumulang sabi ko na iniiwas ang mga mata. "Wala po akong iniisip!" kaila
ko na binuhay ang tv.

Natawa ito. Namumulang nanood na lamang ako. Nainis tuloy ako bigla! Bakit kasi
bigla na lamang nawala ang lalaking yon. Di man lamang nagpaalam!


Mag-ano ba kami?

Pssh! Inis na pinalis ko ang lalaking iyon sa utak ko. Nakakainis lamang talaga!
Pero bigla rin ako nag alala.

Baka kung ano na nangyari don! Kinabahan naman ako bigla. Napatingin ako sa
celphone ko. Tawagan ko kaya?

Kaya lamang nakakahiya!

Ako? Isabella Alexandra Monteverde tatawag sa lalaki?!

No way!

Pero naglalaban na loob ko.

Shit na Gin yun! Pinag ra rumble niya utak ko!

Baka naman may kasamang babae! Sa naisip ay nahinto ang pagdampot ko sana sa
celphone ko.

Agad na naningkit ang mga mata ko sa naisip. Oo nga. Baka naman may kalantaring
ibang babae ang lalaking iyon! At sa galing niya mambola ay hindi nakakapagtaka!
He is a flirt! Sa naisip ay kulang na lamang ibato ko ang celphone ko.

Nakakainis kasi.

Pilit na itinututok ko ang isip ko sa pinapanood ko.

Para mamaya makatulog ako ng hindi siya iniisip!

Gin's POV

Bagot na ngumiti lamang ako sa mga ilang kakilala ng Papa sa pulitika at ngayon ay
narito sa mansion para sa isang dinner.

Pupwede kong isa isahing bugbugin ang mga bodyguards ng Papa pagkaalis ng mga
Matapos nila akong bitbitin pauwi ng mansion! Mamaya mga mata lamang nila ang
walang latay! Inis na inis ako. Paanong hindi nila ako maiuuwi eh nagtawag ang
apat na gunggong na mga yon!

Pssh! Buwisit talaga! Sa susunod na linggo mag e-enroll ako sa gym. Para naman
may ilaban ang katawan ko sa mga maskuladong bodyguards ng Papa. Hindi ko nga alam
kung saang beerhouse pinagdadampot ng Papa ang mga bodyguards nito, mas mukha pang
bouncer sa isang beerhouse kumpara sa isang private bodyguards.

"Are you so bored na hindi mo na magawang ngumiti man lamang sa mga bisita ng Papa
mo ng hindi umaasim yang mukha mo Carlos."

Nawala ang pagkakakunot ng noo ko ng marinig ang Mama. I kissed her on the cheek.
Ibinaba ko sa beranda ang hawak ko na baso ng alak. Napasilip ako sa ibaba. Ang
daming bantay. Buwiset talaga.
"Ma, alam mo na ayokong nakikipag dinner na pulitika ang pinag uusapan," I said
drily. "At kanina pa ako naiinitan sa suot kong amerikana!"

She laughs slowly ng makita akong halos hilahin na pababa ang suot na tie. Inayos
nito ang kwelyo ko. "Yun nga kaya? Or you want to go somewhere?" nanunuksong sabi

Napakurap ako.

"I have heard you went on a date," she giggles. Nanlaki ang mga mata ko.
"Pinapa espiyahan mo din ba ako Mama?" manghang sabi ko.

Natawa ito. "Masama ba na alamin ko kung bakit kulang na lamang eh ibuhos mo sa

katawan mo yung pabango noong isang araw? Eh dati rati naman kuntento ka na sa
amoy mo," humahagikhik na sabi. "Nagbibinata na ang anak ko, and I am glad na
Pilipina siya."

Napakamot ako sa batok. "Ang Mama talaga. It--It was nothing okay?" iniiwas ko
ang tingin dito. Pati ba naman yung pagpapabango ko nakita pa ng Mama! Nakakahiya!

She laughs. "Ah nothing. Oh, okay. Kaya pala nakita ko yung girl may kasamang
ibang guy," seryoso ng sabi.
Agad na nagsalubong ang kilay ko. Napatiim ang labi ko.

"May ibang kasama si Bella? Imposible! She is not dating anyone but me!"

Napakurap ang Mama sa akin kasabay ng pagluwang ng ngiti. Napalis ang pagkakakunot
ng noo ko.

"Bingo! Hahaha! You are so easy to fool, son. I am just kidding, I don't know
who she is. But bring Bella here so we could meet her," she teased as she winked
at me bago tumalikod.
Napapikit na lamang ako sa inis. Ang Mama talaga kahit kailan!

Inis na bumaba na ako. Niluwagan ko ang tie at iniitsa ang suot kong amerikana sa
sofa. Diretso akong lumabas sa malaking pintuan. Kinuha ko sa bulsa ang susi ng
kotse. Tumunog ang alarm ng kotse na nasa malapit ng mga nagbabantay na body
guard. Naglingunan agad sila.

"Get out of my way or I swear sasagasaan ko kayo isa isa!" inis na sabi ko ng
makita kong humanda na sa daraanan ko ang mga ito.

Parang walang balak na mag sialis ang mga ito pero ng makita nilang talagang
gagawin ko ay tumabi rin.
Sumakay ako sa kotse at pinaharurot iyon.

Alex's POV

Napabalikwas ako ng makarinig ng sunod sunod na pagbusina. Maang na napatingin ako

sa orasan, pasado alas nueve na at wala pang 15 minutes na nakahiga ng makarinig ng
maingay na busina.

Agad na tumayos ako at kinuha ang roba na nakasabit sa poste ng aking kama.
Ipinatong ko iyon sa suot kong manipis na nighties at sumilip sa bintana kung saan
kitang kita ko ang harapan ng malaking pintuan ng mansion.
Nagsimulang tumahip ang dibdib ko ng makilala ang lalaking umibis sa kotse. Wala
sa loob na napahawak ako sa aking dibdib at tila may sariling isip ang aking paa na
tinungo ang pintuan at bumaba. Nakasalubong ko pa si Nana na mukhang paakyat na sa
kwarto ko. Nanunukso ang mga ngiti nito.

"O andyan na ang dahilan ng pagbabasa mo ng baligtad," anito na hindi na dumiretso

paakyat sa halip ay bumalik na uli sa kusina, narinig ko na tinawag nito ang
katulong para magdala ng maiinom sa sala.

I easily checked myself and combed my hair with my bare hand. Bigla akong na
conscious sa itsura ko. Alangan naman na magbihis pa ako! Nakakahiya naman na
paghintayin ito.

Walang magawa na bumaba na ako and when I saw him waiting on the living room, my
heart starts to drum even faster.
He stood up when he saw and he never leave his eyes off me. Nagsimula akong ma
conscious. Pilit na inaalala ko ang galit at inis ko kanina na hindi ito nagpakita
sa akin pero sa isang iglap hindi ko na maramdaman iyon.

All I feel is relief when I saw him.

My eyes roamed at him, up and down. He looks handsome in his white long sleeves he
rolled up to his elbow. Napakurap ako. I dont see a 21 year old but a man of a
world who is ready to take the world into his hand. He looks handsome and

Alanganing ngumiti ito. "Did I wake you up?" he asked huskily na ilang beses na
nag taas baba sa kabuuan ko ang mga mata nito. I could feel the sudden heat in my
"N-No," finally I found myself answering him. Natahimik kami. Lumabas ang
katulong na may dalang tray, inilapag nito iyon sa mesita. Gin thanked her and the
hired help giggles.

"W-Why are you here?" pilit na nilalagyan ko ng kalamigan ang boses ko pero tingin
ko excitement lamang ang naroon.

He sighed. "Can we eat? Hindi pa ako nag di dinner and I am really hungry,
sweetheart. May pagkain pa ba?" anito na nagdiretso sa kusina. Nanlalaki ang mga
matang natulos yata ako sa pagkakatayo ko at ng ma realize ko na pupunta na nga
siya sa kusina ay nagmamadaling hinabol ko ito.

"Gin! What are you doing!" sigaw ko na naabutan siyang nagbubukas ng ref.
He smiled wryly na sinilip ang ilang frozen food na naroon. "I am hungry."

Kinuha nito ang natirang pork adobo na nasa ref. Kumuha rin ito ng kanin sa
lagayan. Napapatangang nakatingin lamang ako habang naghahalungkat siya doon at
naupo na sa mesa matapos makapaglagay ng kanin.

Napatanga na lamang ako at ng ma realize na kakainin nito ang frozen food ay

dagling kinuha ko iyon. Takang napatingin siya sa akin.

"I'll heat this up," namumulang sabi ko habang hawak ang mangkok ng ulam. He
"Thank you sweetheart."

Namumulang binuksan ko ang turbo cooker at inilagay iyon. Katahimikan. Pati ako
hindi ko malaman ano sasabihin ko sa kumag na ito.

Kung bakit kasi dumarating ng wala man lamang pasabi!

Nag iinit ang pisngi ko dahil nararamdaman ko ang mga titig niya sa likod ko. I
sighed in frustration.
"B-bakit ba hindi ka sa inyo kumain! Wala ba kayong pagkain?!" tila inis kong sabi
na nilalabanan ang pagka asiwa.

"Gusto ko na makasama kang kumain, masama ba? Saka parang gusto ko ng dito lagi
mag dinner kasi inaasikaso mo ako," nanunuksong sabi.

Namumulang sisibatin ko sana ito ng masamang tingin pero nakita kong nakangiti
lamang talaga siya na parang tuwang tuwa. Inis na binawi ko ang tingin.

Nang mainit ko iyon ay inilapag ko sa kanya. Tuwang naupo naman ito at naglagay ng
ulam. Inalok niya ako umiling lamang ako. Kumuha na lamang ako ng juice sa ref at
naglabas ng dalawang baso. Ipinagsalin ko na rin siya.
He grinned na hinila ako sa isang upuan. "Sit sweetheart, don't treat me like a
baby at baka masanay ako," biro nito na sumasayaw ang mga mata sa kalokohan.
Namumulang tinampal ko ang kamay nito.

"Kumain ka na nga lang at pagkatapos mo kumain umuwi ka na!" singhal ko.

"Grabe ka naman. Hayaan mo naman muna na bumaba yung kinain ko. Sino nagluto
nito? Si nana Belen ba? ANg sarap ah! Sana mamana mo ito sweetheart para pag
kinasal na tayo eh maipagluluto mo ko ng masarap!"
Napakurap ako at pakiramdam ko nag unahan na naman sa pagtibok ng mabilis ang puso
ko. Nakatanga lamang ako dito. He grinned at me. Iniiwas ko ang mga mata.

I hate this feeling overwhelming me when he said about---marriage.

Shit and damnation.

Bakit ba ganito na lamang ang epekto sa akin ng lalaking ito?!

He is a bet for goodness sake!

And a bet or not, kailangan ko ng alisin ang lalaking ito!

Or I will be in trouble.

In deep trouble.

next ud @ 300 votes


(500) Days of Summer

Alex's POV

Nakahalukipkip lamang ako at pilit na nilalabanan ang antok. Kanina pa ako

nakatayo sa gilid ng terasa habang hinihintay na maubos ni Gin ang kape.

Nakuha pa talagang magkape!

Kumunot ang noo nito ng makita akong nakatayo. Tumayo ito sa pagkakaupo at hinila

"Sit, bakit ba ang layo mo sa akin?" kunot ang noong sabi.

"Bakit kasi hindi ka pa umuwi?" inis na sabi ko na sumiksik sa kabilang dulo ng

divan. Si Gin naman ay naupo at kumunot ang noo.

"Kadarating ko pa nga lamang papauwiin mo na ako."

"Bakit hindi na lamang yung ka date mo ang puntahan mo at bulabugin mo!" sa naisip
ay lalo lamang akong nainis. Imposible naman na galing ito sa pagkakatulog sa
klase ng suot nito!

Maang na napatingin ito sa akin. Pagkuway napatingin sa suot na damit at muntik ng

maibuga ang iniinom na kape nang makita na doon nakatutok ng matalim ang mga mata

"It was a family dinner sweetheart. No need to be jealous of," nakangiting sabi.

Namula ako. "Jealous ka dyan! Pwede ba Gin, wag mo nga akong ma sweetheart
sweetheart! Hindi kita boyfriend!" singhal ko.

Inilapit nito ang mukha sa akin, tarantang napaurong ako. He grinned. "Eh di
gawin mo akong boyfriend, problema ba yon?!"
Namula ako. Hinampas ko ito sa mukha. Napasigaw ito habang hawak ang mukha.

"Bella! Nakakasakit ka na talaga! Na-flat yata ilong ko!" reklamo nito.

Natawa ako sa itsura nito. Ang epic ng mukha.

Galit na tiningnan niya ako ng masama ng makitang tumatawa ako. "Nakakatawa pala
Napakurap ako. Inilapit nito ang mukha sa akin. Napaurong ako uli. "Gin!"

He lifted a brow when he heard my panic. Kumabog na naman ang malakas ang puso ko.

His dark eyes stared mine. Napalunok ako. Shit and damnation. He has the most
sexy eyes that I have ever seen. Unti unti na nawala ang mapaglarong ngiti sa labi
nito at napalitan ng kaseryosohan.

"You are so beautiful Bella. Kaya siguro maraming lalaki na nahuhumaling sa yo,"
he said na may bahagyang diin ang pagkakasabi. Napakurap ako.
I wanted to say I don;t care about them.

All I care is how I look on his eyes.

That's all that matters.

I swallowed hard.

I cannot ignore this anymore. This kind of attraction that we both feel towards
each other.
I am so confused.

Bahagyang naitulak ko ang dibdib nito pero maagap na hinawakan lamang nito ang
palad ko na nasa dibdib niya at kinulong sa mga palad nito. I gasped. His hands
enclosed mine and all I feel is warmth.

My heart is beating fast again.

He smiled slowly. Masuyong hinawi nito ang buhok na tumatabing sa kabilang mukha
ko and gently tucked it behind my ear. His eyes starting to heat me up.

"Tell me honestly, wala bang chance na magustuhan mo ako Bella? Because right now,
all I want is to be with you. To know how it is to be your man," he said huskily.
I gasped. Wala sa loob na I ran my tongue tip on my lips. Pakiramdam ko nanunuyo
na iyon.

He moved his gaze towards it and I cried out sharply when I saw the darkening of
his eyes.

"You keep on doing it deliberately sweetheart," he said with regret. Nanlaki ang
mga mata ko. But all I can do is to stay still while he is pulling me towards his
I could feel panic but I also feel excitement.

He lowered his head towards me and I easily closed my eyes. I know he is going to
kiss me. And for sometimes I have been dying to feel his lips.

Aminin ko man iyon o hindi.

"Sweet Bella," he murmured bago tuluyang lumapat ang labi nito sa akin. I moaned
when finally his soft lips captured my lower lip. I could feel that my heart is
drumming so fast habang hinihintay ang paggalaw ng labi niya sa labi ko. I could
smell his sweet breath at naliliyo akos a sari saring emosyon na nararamdaman ko.
Pakiramdam ko nalulunod ako unti unti. He kissed my upper lip, as if he is taking
all his time in the world to kiss every skin of my lips. And I wanted to cried out
to kiss me for real.
I have never felt this kind of rush feelings to anyone.

But only with him.

"G-Gin," I gasped at sinamantala niya ang bahagyang pagkaka awang ng labi ko and
kissed me fiercely. I moaned softly habang nakakapit ang kamay ko sa braso niya at
hinahayaan na halikan ako ni Gin ng buong init. He opened my mouth and kissed me.
He groaned hotly habang inaangkin ang kabuuan ng labi ko.

His kiss is different.

I sighed as I started answering his kisses. He groaned my name and hold my face so
he could kiss me more. Hindi ako tumutol. Nagsimulang gayahin ng labi ko ang
ginagawa niya and I must admit I am enjoying his kisses.

His tongue slowly make its way inside my mouth. I let it in shyly habang ang mga
kamay ko ay nakayakap na sa batok nito. My tongue played with his.

He groaned.

"Sweetheart," he said huskily. He slowly pulled his mouth away from my lips,
malamlam na malamlam ang mga mata nito ng magtama ang mga mata namin. Namumula
ako. Hindi ko alam kung saan ako titingin.
He laughs low. Masuyong iniangat ang mukha ko. Nagtama ang mga mata namin.

"You will never kiss anyone but me. Or I swear maghahanap ng mukha ng aso ang
lalaking hahalik sa mga labi ng girlfriend ko," he said possessively.

Nanlaki ang mga mata ko kasabay ng mainit na kamay na humaplos sa puso ko.


"G-Gin! Girlfriend ka dyan!" namumulang itinulak ko ito. He laughs but held me

Kumunot ang noo nito. "Me angal ka? O hahalikan kita uli! Sabagay, mas maganda
umangal ka na lang para mahalikan kita," pilyong sabi nito na nakangisi.

Hinampas ko ito sa dibdib. He chuckled.

"Pulos ka biro! Umuwi ka na nga!" pagtataboy ko dito. Namumula pa rin ako ng ma

realize ko na we shared a kiss! Oh goodness! And I never felt this kind of
feelings he aroused in me ng dahil sa simpleng halik lamang!

"Ayoko nga!"
Napatili ako ng hilahin niya ako at kabigin uli. Naglapat ang mga labi namin. I
sighed as I answered his kiss.

Gin's POV

My heart is filling with so much joy right now while I am kissing her the second
time. She has the most soft lips I have ever tasted.

And she is addicting. And arousing so many emotions deep inside me. Masuyong
hinapit ko ang baywang niya para maglapat ang dibdib namin while I am nipping her
lower lip, then the upper. My tongue runs seductively on every skin of her lips.
She moaned. I slowly open up her lips so I cound delve my searching tongue again.
She has also stirred this kind of desire to brand her mine. And I am close doing
it right now, my arousal beneath my pants is growing by the second I am kissing
her. And it is unbearable.
I slowly played with her tongue and when I couldn't take it anymore I slowly suck
it, she gasped. Na para bang hindi niya inaasahan na gagawin ko iyon but I wanted
so much more right now.

"Gin," she moaned softly when my lips began to moved to her jawline. I could feel
she shivered. I sighed as I stopped and looked at her. I saw how uncertain and
confused she was.

"S-Sorry, sweetheart. I didn't mean to go overboard. You just make me ache deep
down," I said huskily na nakontento na lamang na yakapin siya. Hindi siya tumutol.

Ang tagal na katahimikan. Magkayakap lamang kami. I closed my eyes habang

masuyong hinahalik halikan ang ibabaw ng buhok niya.

Umungol ako.

"W-Why do you like me? Marami naman dyan iba," mahina nitong sabi.

I opened my eyes.
Hindi ko alam ang sagot.

Wala ako maisip.

I sighed.

Nagulat ito ng kunin ko ang palad niya. Nagtama ang mga mata namin, inilapat ko
ang palad niya sa ibabaw ng puso ko.
I could see more and more confusion and that emotion I cannot describe na
nagpapalit palit sa mga mata niya.

"This is how I feel when you are near me. I feel peace. I feel completely
alienated to myself, and it is a good feeling. It feels like I am a new me," I
said slowly na hindi kumukurap. Corny. But I am just telling her the truth.

It makes me feel afraid somehow.

Hindi ko pa siya kilala.

Hindi niya pa rin ako kilala.

Unti unting nanlaki ang itimang mata ni Bella. "Gin!" she gasped.

"I like you Bella. And I want to be your boyfriend. Period."

Alex's POV
Hindi ako nakatulog ng maayos kagabi. Kaya kahit na anong gawin kong tapal ng make
up sa mukha ko hindi maitago yung ebidensya na napuyat ako.

Hindi pala.

Hindi pala ako nakatulog.

Kakaisip kay Gin.

"Hi Alex!" masiglang bati ni Chele nang mag abot kami sa comfort room.
Kasalukuyang ni re retouch ko ang make up ko ng pumasok siya.

I tried to smile at her. She just look at me sideways. Inilabas nito ang compact
powder. She brushed her cheeks slowly habang nakatitig sa akin sa salamin.

Kumunot ang noo ko ng makitang nakatitig lamang siya sa akin. "Any problem?"

She shrugged her shoulders na itinutok na ang mga mata sa sariling repleksyon.

"You look different."

Napakurap ako. Pilit na tumawa ako to hide my discomfort.

"Different? In what way? Anyway, asan sina Carmi?" pag iiba ko ng usapan. "I
thought she is inviting us sa party ni Governor De Villa? I miss going out on a
party," sabi ko. Totoo naman, mula ng makilala ko si Gin nawalan ako ng night
life. I want to bring it all back. Yung nagpa party, inuumaga sa sayawan,
nakikipagsayaw sa mga estranghero, nag e enjoy kasama ang ibang tao. I want it
all. At umuwi na hindi na magkakaroon ng panahon para mag isip ng kung anop ano
dahil sa kalasingan.

"Hmm, oo nga. Pero sabi niya kasi baka this week, na i move yata dahil sa busy si
Gov. I'll inform you when. Baka by that time, umuwi na si Mond."

I did not speak.

She looks at me again in the mirror. "Well, you could bring Gin with you at the
party," she suggested.

My stomach suddenly sommersault the moment she mentioned his name. Iniiwas ko ang
tingin. She stared at me.

"I--I am sure he is busy. He has things to do on his own kesa sumama sa mga

Napakunot ang noo nito. Natigil ang pag ba brush nito sa pisngi.
"Ha? Ganun na ba ang uso ngayon kapag mag boyfriend na? Kanya kanya muna?" OAng
nanlaki ang mga mata nito.

Napamaang ako dito. "Boyfriend?!"

She smiled. "Mukhang ikaw na ang panalo sa pustahan ninyo ni Carmi."

Naguguluhang napatingin ako dito. "What?"

She laughs. "Well, he is announcing very early in the morn to the whole campus
that Alexandra Isabella is his girlfriend so guys should be back off. Quite
possessive huh?!"

Namutla yata ako kasabay ng pagdunggol ng kaba sa dibdib.

Shit and damnation!


next ud by Sunday na po siguro haha pls vote and comment


No Reservations

No Reservations is a 2007 American romantic comedy-drama film directed by Scott

Hicks. Starring Catherine Zeta-Jones, Aaron Eckhart andAbigail Breslin, the
screenplay by Carol Fuchs is an adaptation of an original script by Sandra
Nettelbeck, which served as the basis for the 2001German film Mostly Martha, and
revolves around a hard-edged chef whose life is turned upside down when she decides
to take in her young niece following a tragic accident that killed her sister.

Alex's POV

Hindi na ako nag isip pa agad na hinanap ko kung saan ang classroom ni Gin.
Kumukunot ang noo ko kapag nakikita ko ang mga nakakasalubong kong estudyante na
nag bubulungan at nag ngingitian. I drew a deep breath in anger.

Nang makita ko ang room 214 ay agad sana akong sisilip pero muntikan ko ng mabangga
ang isang estudyante na lalaki na palabas naman ng room. Nagulat ito ng makita
ako. Nagulat din ako. Pero bago pa ako naka react para singhalan ito ay agad na
sumigaw ito sa loob.
"Gin! Andito ang girlfriend mo!"

Namula ako bigla. Kasabay ng tuksuhan sa loob ng klase. At sa gitna noon ay

tumayo si Gin mula sapagkakaupo at halatang hindi inaasahan na ako ang makikita.
Nanlaki mga mata nito pagkuway lumuwang ang pagkakangiti.

"Hi sweetheart!"

I tried to focus on my anger but my heart is in chaos when I saw his face. He is
smiling warmly at me and his eyes are really dancing in sweet laughters.
Panay ang hiyawan sa klase. At sa pagkapahiya ko ay hinila ko ito palayo sa room.
Hindi naman ito tumutol at sumunod lamang. Nang makarating kami sa dulong pasilyo
na walang tao ay saka ko siya hinarap.

"A-Ano yung pinagsasabi mo na girlfriend mo ako?"

Kumunot ang noo nito.

"Mali naman yata ang pagkakasabi ng kung sinuman na nagsabi sa yo. Ang sabi ko,
Alexandra Isabella and I are officially on so I am warning every guys that no one
will come to you closer or I'll kill the one who dares," he said proudly.
Lalo akong napatanga.


Tila nagtaka pa ito sa outburst ko. "What's the matter? Mas gugustuhin mo na may
lumapit pa sa yo na lalaki kahit na mag boyfriend na tayo?" galit na sabi nito.

Napatanga ako.

"It's not what I meant! I mean w-why you have to say that we---we are on, wala
naman yata akong natatandaan na sinagot kita Gin!"
Napangiti na ito ng maluwang na walang sabi sabing inakbayan ako. Nanlaki ang mga
mata ko at pilit na umaalis sa pagkakaakbay niya pero bakal yata ang braso ng
lalaking ito. Walang nagawang napahawak na lamang ako sa dibdib niya ng iharap
niya ako sa kanya.

His eyes are more serious now when he looks at me. "I already brand you mine,
sweetheart. Nahalikan na kita," he winked at me.

Namula ako. "Madami ng humalik sa akin!"

Nawala ang pilyong ngiti nito. Agad na tumalim ang mga mata. "Don't ever remind
me that a lot of guys already kissed you Bella. I am not a very lenient person
para ma tolerate that my girl is playing around! You understand? From now on,
there will only be me, and me only!"

I swallowed hard.

I have never felt this kind of fear from anyone but him. Nanuyo lalamunan ko.

But there is warmth engulfing me when he said there will only be him.

Napayuko ako. He held my chin up. Wala na ang galit sa mga mata nito. Pero
naroon pa rin ang kaseryosohan.
"Tell me you are mine, Isabella," he urged in a husky but determined voice.

Nanlaki ang mga mata ko.

"Gin!" my mind is saying no, but my heart is----.

I closed my eyes. "Y-Yes."

He drew a deep breath at bago pa ako nakaimik ay mariin na hinalikan na ang labi
ko. I answered his kiss. He nipped my lower lip then kiss me fiercely.

Nagpalakpakan ang mga naroon. Nanlaki ang mga mata ko na naitulak ko si Gin.
Namumula ako talaga. Samantalang ang luwang ng ngiti ng lalaking ito!

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"

Kumaway lamang si Gin. At hinila na ako paalis sa building na iyon. Naghihiyawan
pa rin ang mga estudyante.


Hindi ko alam kung tama nga ba na mag cutting classes kaming dalawa. Andito kami
sa mansion matapos ang napaka dramatic na ginawa namin kanina sa eskwelahan.
Nanood lamang kami ng movie habang nakahiga siya sa lap ko.

I feel different. I slowly combed his hair habang nanonood siya ng Iron Man.
Hawak naman nito sa dibdib ang isang kamay ko.
He is my first.

My ever first real boyfriend.

Part of me is--kinikilig, aminin ko man o hindi. But there is also a part of me na


"We should spend a lot of time with each other," I heard him say. Natigil ang
ginagawa kong paghaplos sa buhok niya. Tumingala siya ng maramdaman na natigilan
ako. He saw the confuson in my eyes.
"We should. I want to know you better, sweetheart. Maliban sa alam ko na mataray
ka at ikaw ang may ari ng St Michael, wala na akong iba pang alam. You can start
by giving me some info," he said na kinabig ang ulo ko para maglapat ang labi
namin. Napapikit na lamang ako. Nasasanay na ako sa labi niya na lumalapat sa
aking labi. Sa maghapon na ito ay hindi mabilang kung ilang beses niya akong

He opened my mouth. I sighed. Gin loves to give me a french kiss. Palibhasa

galing sa westernized country. Sa naisip ay bigla ko siyang naitulak. Takang
napakunot ang noo nito.

Naningkit ang mga mata ko. "You are expert on kissing me like--that! Sino naman
babae ang nagturo sa yo non!" nakasimangot kong sabi. Biglang bigla nairita ako!
Nakakagigil isipin na may hinahalikan siya ng ganon!

Napatanga ito pagkuway natawa ng marahan, pilit na inihaharap sa kanya ang mukha ko
pero naiirita talaga ako.
"Sweetheart, hindi ko alam na napaka selosa mo."

Umalis na ako sa pagkakaupo. Natatawang pilit na hinihila niya ako ng umupo ito ng
maayos. Wala akong nagawa na napaupo na lamang sa kandungan nito.

He nuzzled my neck, I gasped. I could feel his hot breath fanning my collarbone
habang ang kamay naman nito ay nakayakap sa aking baywang. I moaned when I feel
how hard he is beneath me. Nanlalaki ang mga matang nilingon ko ito. Namumula ako.

"Gin! Y-You---." di ko magawang maituloy ang sasabihin kasi pulang pula na ang
mukha ko. His hard member is poking my butt. And it is growing by the minute that
I am sitting on it.

"Yes," he said huskily na isa isang binuksan ang suot ko na uniporme. Napaungol na
lamang ako when his lips kissed the back of my neck. Nanayo ang mga balahibo ko sa
ginawa niya. No man has ever come close to me like this, or this intimate.
Si Gin lamang.

"Sweet," he said habang hinahalikan ang batok ko. Hindi ko namalayan na nabuksan
na niya ng tuluyan ang blusa ko and when i opened my eyes, I saw our reflection sa
malaking salamin sa kwarto ko. Namula ako. I look wanton while sitting on his
lap, his both hands unbuttoning my blouse and now iniaawang nito iyon, I couldn;t
see his face dahil nakayuko ito sa batok ko.

His warm hand now touching my stomach, I moaned softly. Nag iinit na ang
pakiramdam ko sa ginagawa niyang paghaplos sa ibabaw ng aking tyan.

"N-No," pakiusap ko ng magtangka ang kamay nito na bumaba sa ibabaw ng suot kong
palda. But he wants to know me intimately, he slowly touch my womanhood kahit
natatakpan pa iyon ng tela. I called his name hotly.
"You are mine sweetheart," he groaned as he slowly touch it sa ibabaw ng aking
palda. Caressing me intimately. I let him. Bago sa akin lahat ng ginagawa niya.
Nag iinit ako. I could feel wetness in my underwear and it makes me feel
frustrated, as if I want something more than his touch.

That I want his bare hand on my skin. With no clothes.

No reservations.

Hindi ko na namalayan na naipasok na ni Gin ang kamay sa loob ng palda ko and now
he slowly caressed me. Napasinghap ako. This is all new. I want it. I want him
so bad!
He rubbed it gently kahit sa ibabaw ng underwear ko.

"Soft like a silk," he murmured. Naging mabagal na paghinga nito marahil

naapektuhan sa ginagawa niya sa akin. At kahit ako ay nabibitin sa paghinga. When
his finger tried to insert on the inside of my panty I felt panic. I stiffened.

"Gin!" nagpapanic kong sabi. "Y-You tell me you want to know me, b-but is this
how you are going to know me?" I said in haste. Natatakot ako. Natatakot ako kung
saan ako dadalhin ng ginagawa niya sa akin. Everything is all new! At natatakot
ako. Natatakot ako ng sobra.

Natigilan ito. Humnto ang daliri nito sa binabalak na pagpasok sa loob ng panty
ko. I heard him sighed. Na para bang may hinuhugot itong lakas mula sa
kailaliman. Nakahinga ako ng maluwag ng tuluyang alisin nito ang kamay sa ilalim
ng palda ko at masuyong iniharap ako dito. I saw how red he is and so am I. Na
pakiramdam ko na napektuhan siya ng sobra.

"You make me ache so bad sweetheart," sa garalgal na tinig ay sabi nito. Isinubsob
na lamang nito ang mukha sa leeg ko. "Sorry, baka sabihin mo ito lamang ang gusto
ko Bella."

Napakagat labi ako. "H-Hindi nga ba?" I feel uncertainty.

Maang na napatingala ito sa akin. Bakas ang hindi pagkapaniwala sa mukha nito.
"Of course not! Goodness, sweetheart. If I want to have sex I can have it with
anyone I fancy nang hindi ako pinipigilan na kagaya mo, but I lost interest having
sex with them when I realized you are the sweetest wine I have ever tasted. At
ayoko na ng iba pa," he declared sa matigas na tinig.

Namula ako uli.

Pero binabaha din ang puso ko ng kaligayahan.

"And I want you as well, Gin. B-But this is too early for us," bulong ko sa
nahihiyang tinig. Goodness, Gin made me a prude virgin!
Natatakot ako. Natatakot ako na baka hindi ko lamang siya nagugustuhan.

Na baka higit pa doon ang maramdaman ko sa kanya!

He didn't expect it and I saw those emotions sa mukha niya na hindi ko na nabigyan
ng pangalan dahil mabilis na kinabig nito ang batok ko at mariin akong hinalikan.
I easily opened my mouth at hinayaan na maglaro ang mga dila namin. Ang sarap ng
ginagawa ni Gin. Natutong makipaglaro ang dila ko sa ekspertong dila niya. Ang
kamay ko ay nakahawak sa batok niya habang nagtatagisan ang aming mga labi. I
nipped his upper lip that caused him to groan. Mas hinapit niya ako sa katawan
nito. I moaned softly.

"Gin," I called his name. Naliliyo ako sa mga emosyon na dinadala sa akin ni Gin.
Kakaiba ang kanyang mga halik at kakaiba ang mga damdamin na hindi ko pa
naramdaman kahit kailan.
"Sweetheart, we should stop or I will make love to you at this instant," hirap na
sabi nito na pilit na inilalayo sa akin ang labi nito. Nagtama ang mga mata namin.
I saw how dark his eyes are. At natutupok ako unti unti ng init na iyon.

Napayuko ako. I wanted to say I want him to make love to me.

Pero nauunahan ako ng takot.

Takot para sa sarili ko!

next ud @ 300 votes


50 First Dates


50 First Dates is a 2004 American romantic comedy film directed by Peter Segal and
written by George Wing. The film stars Adam Sandler as a woman-
chasing veterinarian and Drew Barrymore as an amnesiac, along with Rob
Schneider, Sean Astin, Lusia Strus, Blake Clark, and Dan Aykroyd.

Most of the film was shot on location in Oahu, Hawaii on the Windward side and the
North Shore. Sandler and Barrymore won an MTV award. This is the second of their
two films to date as costars, the first being The Wedding Singer.

The fictitious memory impairment suffered by Barrymore's character, Goldfield's

Syndrome, is similar to short term memory loss and Anterograde amnesia.

Gin's POV
Pilit na inilalayo ko sarili ko kay Bella kahit iyon na yata ang pinakahulihulihang
gusto ko ngayon! I sighed in frustration, I am having a boner right now!

At hindi nakakatulong na pasulyap sulyap na ginagawa sa akin ni Bella habang

nanonod pa rin kami ng Iron Man. Para tuloy gusto ko na umuwi! She is tempting me
to do it!

Nakontento na lamang ako sa pagkain ng tortilla. Buhay nga naman oo.


Napakurap ako. Wag mo muna akong kausapin, Bella! Parang awa na!
Umungol lamang ako. Hindi ko siya nilingon.

Naramdaman ko ang pag isod niya palapit sa akin. Napalunok ako. Para tuloy gusto
ko umurong palayo. Alanganing umurong ako ng konti na nilinga ko siya. I
swallowed hard. Her eyes look like pleading right now. Shit, imagination mo lang
yan Gin!

"G-Galit ka?"

Napakurap ako. Ang amo amo ng mukha ni Bella, parang guilty ito na hindi niya
pinayagan ang gusto ko mangyari sa amin. At sa totoo lang, si Bella pa lamang ang
tumanggi sa akin.
At girlfriend ko na siya!

I sighed at pilit na ngumiti. "Bakit naman. I am not angry, manood na tayo," sabi
ko na lamang na pilit na nilalabanan ang discomfort sa ilalim ng pantalon ko.

Natigilan ito. Tila napahiya na itinutok na lamang ang mga mata sa tv. I sighed.
Hinapit ko siya palapit sa akin. I felt how her body become rigid dahil sa

"Sorry, sweetheart. But I have to go, I'll pick you up by dinner time, let's dine
out," masuyo kong sabi,
"Ayoko. Pagod ako," nagtatampong sabi. I tried to laugh. Hinalikan ko ulunan
niya. Hindi pa rin siya kumikibo.

"Sige, dito na lamang tayo maghapunan mamaya."

"Walang pagkain dito," nakangusong sabi.

Napakamot ako sa batok. "Magdadala ako ng food."

"Hindi ako kumakain ng pagkain s food chain," mataray na sabi.

I chuckled. "Eh di ako na lamang kainin mo."

Nanlaki mga mata nito and when she looks at me I simply winked at her.


Lumakas na tawa ko. "Manyak na agad? Halika nga at ihatid mo na ako sa baba, baka
kung ano pa maisipan kong gawin sa yo."

Namula ito. Bumaba ang tingin sa pantalon ko. I groaned na napatingin sa kisame.
"Sweetheart, you are not helping staring at it! Lalo lamang akong nag iinit!" I
said in frustration.
Namula ito. "Gin!"

Tumayo na ako at hinila na siya. Mariin na hinalikan ang labi nito. May hingal pa
ng maghiwalay ang mga labi namin. "Don't tempt me, I'll just clear my head then
I'll pick you by dinner time. I told you, I want to know you sweetheart. Knowing
you intimately is a bonus part, although I must admit I find it hard keeping my
hands off you. Nakakagigil ka," I whispered the last word.

Kinurot niya ako. I chuckled.

Magkaakbay na lumabas kami ng kwarto.

Alex's POV

Wala na si Gin ay tulala pa rin ako. Napahawak ako sa labi ko. It felt sore from
his kisses. Maghapon ba naman na walang ginawa kung hindi halikan ako ng halikan!
Sabagay, I enjoyed his kisses. I smiled.

Namula uli ako ng maalala paano niya hinawakan yung ano ko. Shit, nakalimutan ko I
felt wetness nga pala kanina. Agad na nagdiretso na ako ng banyo at nag shower.

Paglabas ko ng bathroom ay narinig ko na tumatawag sa akin si Nana Belen. Pumasok

na ito.
"O andyan si Fredrick sa ibaba."

Naningkit ang mga mata ko. Ano naman kaya ang kailangan sa akin ng lalaking iyon!

"Sige ho Nana magbibihis lamang po ako," bagot kong sabi.

Nagpalit lamang ako ng short at t shirt na maluwang. Hindi na ako nag balang i
blow dry ang buhok ko.

Naabutan ko siya na nakaupo sa sala at palabas na ang katulong na nagdala ng juice

s akanya.
"What do you want?" sabi ko ng makababa.

"You lied to me! " he said angrily. "Kayo na ng Amboy na yon! The whole school

Napakurap ako. Naalala ko bigla ang halikan namin ni Gin sa pasilyo. I drew a
deep breath.

"Oo kami na nga. What's the matter with that Fredrick?" malamig kong sabi.
"Single ako single siya and we both like each other,"

Tumayo ito at ngumisi. "Like?"

Napakurap ako.

He laughed mirthlessly. "Maybe he likes you but I doubt it if you like him really
Alex. It's because of the bet, baka nakakalimutan mo. At ano kaya ang
mararamdaman ng Amboy na yon oras na malaman niya na pinaglaruan lamang siya ni
Alexandra Monteverde para sa kotse nito! Hah! Tingin ko higit na galit ang
mararamdaman niya!"

Namutla ako.
The bet.


"Tapos na ang pustahan, ako na panalo. I will tell Carmi to call it off!" inis na
sabi ko. "Pwede ba umalis ka na Fredrick!" galit na pagtataboy ko dito.

Ngumisi ito. "Goodluck with that Alex. Alam mo na hindi papatalo sa yo ng ganun
ganun na lamang si Carmi."

Wala na ito sa harap ko ay nanggigil pa ako sa inis. Kailangan na makausap ko na

si Carmi!
Bago pa malaman ni Gin ang lahat!


Gin's POV

Napatigil ang pagnguya ko ng makitang nakatulala lamang si Bella at nilalaro ang

pagkain. Nakakunot ang noong tiningnan ko ang plate niya, hindi man lamang niya
nagagalaw iyon.
"Hey, any problem?" kunot ang noo kong tanong na hinawakan ang kamay niya. Tila
saka pa lamang ito nagising na kaharap pala niya ako.

"N-No. I am okay."

Umangat ang isang kilay ko. "Okay? Eh hindi mo man lamang nagagalaw ang pagkain
mo Isabella. Don;t you like it? Akala ko favourite mo yang steak," sabi ko.
Napilitan din ito na sumama sa akin na mag dine out na lamang sa isang pamosong

Napatingin ito sa plate nito. Parang napahiya na hindi pa pala nito nagagalaw iyon
mula ng i serve ang main course. She looks at me apologetically na binitawan na
ang fork at kinuha na lamang ang tubig.

"Sorry Gin, h-hindi pa lang yata talaga ako gutom."

"But you have to eat, halika susubuan kita," sabi ko na pinaghiwa ito ng steak. At
ng isusubo ko na sa kanya ay nakatanga lamang na itinutulak ni Bella ang kamay ko.

"Gin! Ano ka ba, nakakahiya!" she said na napapalinga sa paligid.

Kumunot ang noo ko. "Anong nakakahiya don? Come, sweetheart. Open your mouth or
I'll kiss you right here and then," banta ko.

Lalo itong namula. "Hindi ka pa ba nagsasawa kakahalik sa akin? Maghapon mo na

akong hinalikan Gin!" nandidilat ang mata nitong sabi.

"Magsasawa?" napatanga ako dito. "Sweetheart, I can't get enough of you. At kung
pwede ka lamang halikan every second ginawa ko na. Stop talking and eat," I

Nang makita niya na hindi mababali ang desisyon ko ay napasimangot na lamang.

Pinandilatan ko ito ng mga mata at walang magawa na iniawang ang labi. Isinubo ko
ang steak. Tinanggap naman niya iyon at ngumuya. I watched her eat.

"Ano masarap?"

Tumango lamang ito. Satisfied na naghiwa uli ako ng panibagong steak at sinubuan
uli siya. After awhile sinabihan na niya ako na siya na ang kakain ng kanya para
naman daw makakain ako.

We chatted about herself. Nagkwento naman siya. And I confirmed na hindi naman
pala talaga mga totoong kaibigan nito ang grupo ni Carmi. Now I understand why.
Bella is a powerful figure at the campus, natural lamang na kaibiganin ito ng mga
kagaya ni Carmi.
"I want you to come with me this Sunday," she said. Napatingin ako dito.

Lumuwang ang ngiti ko. "I da date mo ko sweetheart? Sure. San ba?" I grinned at

She shrugged her shoulder habang sa pagkain nakatuon ang pansin. "It's just a
party that Carmi invited me in, I thought of not coming but well, why not? We
could enjoy partying with other people."

"Ah sige, mga what time?"

"Hmm, around 8 maybe."

Napaisip ako. Party nga pala sa mansion sa Sunday. Di bale pupuslit na lamang
ako. Kesa naman makipag party ako sa mga political party ng Papa ay sasamahan ko
na lamang si Bella.

"Ano bang party iyon? At napaka importante naman yata," sabi ko na dinampot ang
baso ng tubig at uminom.

She looks at me. Pagkuwa'y napatingin sa itaas. "Hmm, it's the party of Governor
De Villa? Funny, kaapelyido mo siya," she said hastily.

Muntik ko ng maibuga ang tubig na nainom ko. Nasamid ako. Takang napatingin ito
sa akin. Agad na inabutan ako ng table napkin. Sunod sunod ang pag ubo ko.

"Dahan dahan kasi," paninisi nito na kulang na lamang ay siya ang magpunas ng labi

Alanganing napangiti lamang ako na inabot iyon. "A-Ako na. B-Bakit nyo naman
gusto pumunta don? K-Kakilala niyo ba ang P--si Gov. De Villa?" nagkandasamid kong

"I can't remember kung si Arianne or ang boyfriend ni Chele ang may kakilala kay
Gov. De Villa. Pick me up at around 7 pm, okay?"
Wala sa loob na napatango na lamang ako.

Patay. Paano ko ba sasabihin kay Bella na anak ako ng pupuntahan nila? Nakaka
dyahe naman kasi na sabihin na ako ay anak ni Gov De Villa.

Kung bakit kasi kailangan pa nilang pumunta sa party na yon!


next ud @ 250 votes


The Perfect Man


The Perfect Man is a 2005 romantic comedy film directed by Mark Rosman and written
by Gina Wendkos. It stars Hilary Duff, Heather Locklear andChris Noth. Filming of
the movie began in May 2004. The film received mostly negative reviews from critics
and did not live up to box office expectations, making little above $19,000,000

Teenager Holly Hamilton (Hilary Duff) is tired of moving every time her single mom
Jean (Heather Locklear) is through with her latest mistake of a man. To prevent her
mother from making another bad decision, Holly has an idea: create a secret admirer
who is the perfect man. But things spin out of control and Holly has to improvise.

Alex's POV

"Let's talk," mariin na sabi ko kay Carmi. Kasalukuyang nakatambay ang grupo sa
mansion nina Carmi. I did not waste any time at agad na pinuntahan ko ito sa
mansion. Ilang araw na kasing hindi ko sila nakikita sa eskwelahan.
Umangat ang kilay ni Carmi. Umahon ito sa pool. She wiped her face with a towel
habang nakatingin lamag sa akin. I saw Fredrick na naroon din.

"What about?"

"About the bet. Call it off. I already win this time, where is my car," malamig
na sabi ko.

Tila hindi ito makapaniwala sa sinabi ko. Pagkuway tumawa ng malakas. Iritableng
pinanood ko lamang ang malandin niyang pagtawa.
"Come again? You win? In what way? Dahil lamang sa kayo na ni Gin, panalo ka na?
Well, I have to refresh your cloudy mind my dear Alex. If I remembered very well
ang sinabi ko ay, make him fall in love with you Alex. In love na ba si Gin sa
yo?" tila nang aasar nitong sabi.

Natigilan ako. Walang sinasabi si Gin about loving me. And I am not expecting him
to. Bago pa lamang kami magkakilala. He may feel that attraction pero hindi pa
iyon pagmamahal.

She laughs. Nanunuyang nakangiti lamang ito sa akin. "See? Come back here when
he declares his undying love to you, Alex."

Tumalikod na ito. Inis na nagtungo na ako sa kotse ko at pinaharurot iyon.

Hanggang sa makapasok ako sa eskwelahan ay inis na inis ako.

Nagulat pa ako ng biglang sumulpot si Gin sa klase ko. Sumenyas ito sa prof
napatanga na lamang ako ng walang ano anong pinapasok ito ng prof ko. He grinned
at my classmates na tinutukso kami. I glared at them Ayun, tumahimik. Naupo ito
sa tabi ko.

"What are you doing here? Ginugulo mo yung klase ko," sita ko sa kanya.

"I was looking for you kanina pa, hindi mo naman sinasagot cp mo. San ka galing?"
"Kina Carmi," maikli kong sagot.

Kumunot ang noo nito. "Why?"

I just shrugged my shoulder. "Nothing important. Wala ka bang klase at andito

ka?" takang sabi ko sa kanya.

Lumuwang ang ngiti nito na prenteng sumandal sa upuan. "Wala eh. Pag daw na
exempt ka sa exam pwede ka ng di pumasok," he winked at me.

Nanlaki ang mga mata ko. "So anong balak mo ngayon?"

"Eh di tumambay sa klase ng girlfriend ko," balewalang sabi. "Ano bang subject
to?" kumunot ang noo nito na pinakinggan ang sinasabi ng prof sa unahan.

Nakatangang tinapik ko ito sa balikat. He looked at me. "Pwede ba wag mo ngang

guluhin klase ko."

Umangat ang kilay niya. "Paanong ginugulo eh wala naman akong ginagawa? Nakiki
seat in nga lang ako eh."

Pinandilatan ko ito ng mga mata. "You are the distraction to me Gin!"

Napakurap ito pagkuway lumuwang ang ngiti. "Well, it's not my fault that I am
charming sweetheart," pilyong sabi na kinindatan ako uli.
Naiiling na ibinaling ko na lamang sa iba ang tingin. ANg kulit lamang ng lalaking
ito. Hindi na naman ito nangulit mukhang na engrossed sa pakikinig sa prof ko sa
major subject ko sa financial accounting.

Palihim na sumulyap ako sa kanya. My features softened as I looked at his handsome

face. Mula sa makapal na kilay sa mataas na ilong and down to his seductive lips
na ilang beses na umangkin ng labi ko---I couldn;t believe he is my official

And I don;t regret it.

If I will only listen to my heart, it will say he is the perfect man.

I closed my eyes regretfully when I remembered the bet.

Pinagpustahan namin siya para mabawi ko ang kotse.

And I couldn;t care anymore about my Ferrari.

I could buy another one---but I cannot find another Gin.

I looked at him again. I could see the interest in his eyes habang nakikinig ito,
nakapangalumbaba pa na parang na a-amaze sa lecture.
Hell yeah. I can never replace this guy and the empty hole he is filling within

And yet...I have to make him love me para matapos na ang lahat ng ito. Ang laro na
inumpisahan namin laruin.

"Sweetheart, don't stare too much. Baka maubos ako," anito sa pabulong na tinig
bagamat hindi inaalis ang mga mata sa harapan.

Namula ako. Iniiwas ko agad ang tingin sa kanya.

He chuckled. Hindi ko na lamang siya pinansin. Nakinig na lamang ako. Hindi
naman ito nanggulo maliban sa paminsan minsan na paghawak nito sa kamay ko wala
naman siyang ibang ginawa.

Nang matapos ang klase ay nagkayayaan kami na kumain at manood ng movie. The
Conjuring pa ang trip ng lalaking ito. Naiiling na pinagbigyan ko siya kahit na
corny na corny ako sa The Conjuring. Hindi naman nakakatakot.

Pagdating namin sa loob matapos makakuha ng upuan sa pinakataas, marami pa rin ang
nanonood kahit na over a week na yatang naka showing sa sinehan.

Pagkaupo namin ay sakto naman na mag uumpisa na kaya naman nakatutok agad ang
tingin namin sa screen. Pero habang nagpo progress ang movie ay papahigpit naman
ang kapit sa akin ni Gin. Kunot ang noong tinapik ko siya.
Napakurap ito sa akin. Pinandilatan ko ito ng mga mata. "Nananching ka lang yata
eh," ingos ko na tinapik ang kamay niya na nasa hita ko na.

Patay malisyang inalis nito ang kamay at inginuso na lamang ang big screen.
Napasigaw na lamang ako ng biglang tumalon yung babae mula sa itaas ng cabinet.
Sumigaw din ang mga tao sa loob.

Shit! Napahawak tuloy ako sa dibdib ko sa gulat, tatawa tawang kumain ng popcorn
si Gin, inis na hinampas ko lamang ito.

Past 11 pm na ng matapos iyon, magkaakbay na lumabas kami ng sinehan.

"Sleepy?" untag nito ng hindi na ako umiimik. I just nodded.

Inihatid niya ako sa mansion, tulog na ang mga tao pati si Nana Belen nang pumasok
kami sa salas.

"Mukhang tulog na mga tao sweetheart, I have to go too," sabi nito na masuyong
hinalikan ang noo ko. Napahawak lamang ako sa braso nito na nakahawak sa
magkabilang side ng mukha ko.

"Stay," wala sa loob na nasabi ko. I felt him stiffened. I bravely looked at him.
"Just stay with me for awhile, Gin."
And this is the first time I felt so alone. That I want someone to be with me.

He sighed na muling hinalikan ang noo ko. "Okay. I'll leave after you sleep," he
agrees na hinawakan na ang kamay ko.

I could feel excitement.

I want to spend my night with him.

With my perfect man.

Gin's POV

Binuksan ko lamang ang malaking tv sa kwarto ni Bella habang hinihintay ito na

makapag palit ng pantulog. Napapapikit na rin ako. Nagulat pa ako ng mag ring ang
celphone ko. Ang Mama tumawag para alamin what time daw ako uuwi mula sa pakikipag
date. Natatawang sinabi ko na after an hour ay nasa mansion na ako.

Napamulat lamang ako ng makitang lumabas na mula sa banyo si Bella wearing a tank
top and a pajama. I smiled. She looks pretty and enticing enough even in pj's. I
tap the side of the bed where I sit. She reluctantly climb the bed. Masuyong
hinapit ko lamang siya sa katawan ko. Yumakap ito sa akin at nanood kami ng tv.

"Is that your mom?" she asked.

I laughed. "Yeah. Hinahanap na ako. You'll meet her soon, don't worry," I
assured her. Napatingala ito sa akin. Nakikita ko ang bahagyang takot sa magandang
mukha niya. "Don't worry my mother is a very nice woman, you'll like her," sabi ko
para alisin ang pangamba sa mukha niya.

She sighed na humigpit lalo ang yakap sa akin. I kissed her hair habang pinalipat
lipat ko ang channel.


"M-May naiwan ka bang girlfriend sa America?"

Natigilan ako. AT bigla parang ngayon ko lamang naalala si Shan.

Hindi ako agad na nakasagot.

"Meron no?" sa pilit na tawa ay sabi nito.

I sighed. "I've had a girlfriend before I came home, but we talked about me
staying here so maintaining our relationship will be difficult."
"P-Pero kayo pa rin?"

"Paanong kami? I mean, we have lost communication for a month na nandito ako sa
Pilipinas. Besides I believe it is a mutual agreement on both of us na wala na

Hindi ito kumibo.

Masuyong iniangat ko ang mukha niya. I sighed when I saw pain in her beautiful
face. "I am a free man to be with you sweetheart. Just you," bulong ko na maingat
na hinalikan ang bahagyang nakaawang niyang labi. She answered it.

My tongue tip slowly caressed her upper lip, then the lower. Unti unti
nararamdaman ko ang pag iinit. Ang lambot kasi ng labi ni Bella, ang bango pa ng
kanyang hininga. Dumiin ng konti ang paghalik ko. Hindi naman tumutol si Bella,
nanatiling nakahawak lamang ito sa braso ko habang ang kamay ko ay nakahawak sa
mukha niya habang hinahalikan siya. She moaned my name habang sinasagot ang bawat
halik ko. Iniawang ko ang labi niya. I want to taste all of her mouth. And when
she opened it shyly ay agad na nagtagpo ang mga dila namin. I gently teased it
with my own tongue. Napahawak na lamang ito sa uniporme ko ng i suck ko ang dila
niya. She moaned softly.

I released her swollen mouth after a few minutes and looked at her hotly. Her face
is red too. And I feel feverish. I slowly traced her swollen mouth with my
fingertips. She breathed sharply. My eyes move down to her neck and I lowered my
head to plant sweet little kisses on her neck. She moaned again. Hinawi ko lamang
ang buhok niya para lalo kong mahalikan ang leeg niya. Nipping and biting on it
gently, she whimpered.

"Gin," there is fear behind her word and I assure her that everything will be okay.
I kissed her mouth again and she answered it with fire. Mas naging mainit ang
paghahalikan namin habang inihihiga ko siya sa kama at iniangat ang kanyang kamay
sa ulunan niya. Hindi siya tumutol, I pressed her softness to the mattress and she
could feel how hard I am. Mas nag iinit ako lalo. My hands are now busy pushing
her tank top upwards so I could cup the fullness of her breast. My breathing
become ragged. No other woman has ever made me feel like this.

Na e excite ako na hindi ko maintindihan habang masuyong kumubkob ang isa kong
palad sa ibabaw ng kanyang dibdib. She moaned. "Gin!"

"Hmm?" I said huskily habang masuyong pinipisil iyon. "Soft, so soft," bulong ko
paulit ulit sa tenga niya. I gently nipped her skin. She gasped.
I was beyod reason.

I want her so bad.

"I want you sweetheart. I want you, oh please help me but I really want you,"
padaing kong sabi na muli siyang hinalikan ng mariin.


next ud @ 500 votes hmmm kayanin kaya?


Step Up


Step Up is a 2006 American dance/romance film directed by Anne

Fletcher starring Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan.[2]

Set in Baltimore, Maryland, the film follows the tale of the disadvantaged Tyler
Gage (Channing Tatum) and the privileged modern dancer Nora Clark (Jenna Dewan),
who find themselves paired up in a showcase that determines both of their futures.
Realizing that they only have one chance, they finally work together.

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1. Forgotten Memories 1 Love at First Fight Part 1 of 2

2. Forgotten Memories 1 Love at First Fight Part 2 of 2

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sensya na matagal ang ud, kinda busy so pls continue to vote and comment i will try
my best to post a ud as possible as I can


Meet the Parents


Meet the Parents is a 2000 American comedy film written by Jim Herzfeld and John
Hamburg and directed by Jay Roach. Starring Robert De Niroand Ben Stiller, the film
chronicles a series of unfortunate events that befall a good-hearted but hapless
male nurse while visiting his girlfriend's parents. Teri Polo, Blythe Danner,
and Owen Wilson also star.

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The Ugly Truth


The Ugly Truth is a 2009 American romantic comedy film starring Katherine
Heigl and Gerard Butler. The film was released in North America on July 24, 2009
by Columbia Pictures.

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Gone With The Wind


Gone with the Wind is a 1939 American epic historical romance film adapted
from Margaret Mitchell's Pulitzer-winning 1936 novel and produced byDavid O.
Selznick, of Selznick International Pictures. Set in the 19th-century American
South, the film tells the story of Scarlett O'Hara, played byVivien Leigh, and her
romantic pursuit of Ashley Wilkes (Leslie Howard) who is married to his
cousin, Melanie Hamilton (Olivia de Havilland), and her marriage to Rhett
Butler (Clark Gable). Set against the backdrop of the American Civil
War and Reconstruction era, the story is told from the perspective of white

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Shutter Island

Shutter Island is a 2010 American psychological thriller film directed by Martin
Scorsese. The film is based on Dennis Lehane's 2003 novel of the same name.
Production started in March 2008. Leonardo DiCaprio stars as U.S. Marshal Edward
"Teddy" Daniels, who is investigating a psychiatric facility on the titular island.
Positively cited by movie reviewers, the film grossed over $128 million in its
initial domestic theater release,[2] as well as an additional $166 million

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Away From Her

Away from Her is a 2006 Canadian film which debuted at the Toronto International
Film Festival and also played in the Premier category at the 2007 Sundance Film
Festival. The feature-length directorial debut of Canadian actress Sarah Polley,
the film is based on Alice Munro's short story "The Bear Came over the Mountain",
from the 2001 collection Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage. It
was executive produced by Atom Egoyan (Polley's director in both Exotica and The
Sweet Hereafter) and distributed by Lionsgate Films.

The film stars Gordon Pinsent and Julie Christie as a couple whose marriage is
tested when Christie's character begins to suffer from Alzheimer'sand moves into
a nursing home, where she loses virtually all memory of her husband and begins to
develop a close relationship with another nursing home resident. The cast also
includes Michael Murphy, Olympia Dukakis, Wendy Crewson, Alberta Watson, Lili
Francks and Kristen Thomson. The film was shot primarily in Hamilton,[2] with some
location shooting in Brant, Kitchener, and Paris

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Mr. Jealousy

Mr. Jealousy is a 1997 romantic comedy film written and directed by Noah
Baumbach and starring Eric Stoltz and Annabella Sciorra.

Aspiring writer Lester Grimm (Stoltz) starts going out with Ramona Ray (Sciorra)
after being introduced by Lester's friend Vince (Carlos Jacott) and Vince's fiancee
Lucretia (Marianne Jean-Baptiste). They immediately hit it off, but Ramona mentions
on their first date that one of her ex-boyfriends is famous writer Dashiell Frank
(Chris Eigeman). Lester becomes slightly jealous

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'Til There Was You


'Til There Was You is a 1997 American romantic drama film directed by Scott Winant.
The screenplay, written by Winnie Holzman, traces thirty-odd years in the parallel
lives of two people whose intertwined paths finally converge when their mutual
interest in a community project brings them together. The film starred Jeanne
Tripplehorn, Dylan McDermott, Sarah Jessica Parker and Jennifer Aniston.

Gwen Moss (Jeanne Tripplehorn) has spent the better part of her life waiting for
the man of her dreams, unaware she briefly bumped into him at school as children
and has had several close encounters ever since

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What A Girl Wants


What a Girl Wants is a 2003 American film starring Amanda Bynes, Colin Firth, Kelly
Preston and Oliver James. Directed by Dennie Gordon, the film is based on the 1955
play The Reluctant Debutante.[1] It is the second adaptation for the screen of this

Daphne Reynolds (Amanda Bynes) lives a comfortable but unsatisfying life as a young
American girl with a bright future. She has never met her father. Believing it his
best interest, her mother Libby (Kelly Preston) left Daphne's father seventeen
years ago because his family disapproved of their relationship.

dahil its more than 300 votes in just some hours after i posted the last ud, natuwa
naman ako so even wala pang 500, i posted this one

hope you all enjoy it

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Bella is a 2006 film directed by Alejandro Gomez Monteverde starring Eduardo

Verastegui and Tammy Blanchard. Set in New York City, the film is about the events
of one day and the impact on the characters' lives.

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2. Forgotten Memories 1 Love at First Fight Part 2 of 2

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Love Happens

Love Happens is a 2009 romance drama film written and directed by Brandon Camp and
starring Aaron Eckhart and Jennifer Aniston.

Burke Ryan (Aaron Eckhart), is a successful Ph.D. and author of a self-help book
that gives advice about dealing with the loss of a loved one. He writes the book
after his wife dies in a car accident as a way to deal with the grief. While giving
a workshop in Seattle, where his wife was from, he meets Eloise (Jennifer Aniston),
a creative floral designer who owns her own flower-shop. It seems, however, that
Burke has not been following his own advice, and in fact has not been dealing with
the loss of his wife. In the end, he confesses to an audience that he was driving
the car, and not his wife, as he previously maintained. Due to this, he blames
himself for her death. Eloise, along with his wife's father (Martin Sheen), help
Burke move past his wife's death. Burke goes to Eloise, telling her that she had
spent the last few days getting to know the part of him that was not available and
wondered was she interested in getting to know the part of him that was available.

dahil po sa ilang araw na number 1 ang Forgotten Memories nina Alex at Gin, I have
made this one for you na alam ko na matutuwa kayo

thank you for supporting for voting and for being a part of GinLex tandem

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Just Like Heaven


Just Like Heaven is an American romantic comedy fantasy film released on September
16, 2005, in the United States and Canada. Set in San Francisco, it was directed
by Mark Waters, starring Reese Witherspoon, Mark Ruffalo, and Jon Heder. It is
based on the novel If Only It Were True(Et si c'était vrai...) by Marc Levy. Steven
Spielberg acquired the rights to make the film out of the book.[2

Elizabeth Masterson (Reese Witherspoon), a young emergency medicine physician whose

work is her whole life, is in a serious car accident while on her way to a blind
date. Three months later, David Abbott (Mark Ruffalo), a landscape architect
recovering from the sudden death of his wife, moves into the apartment that had
been Elizabeth's, after 'discovering' it in what seems to be a 'fateful'

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2. Forgotten Memories 1 Love at First Fight Part 2 of 2

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Love Actually


Love Actually is a 2003 British Christmas themed romantic comedy film written and
directed by Richard Curtis. The screenplay delves into different aspects of love as
shown through ten separate stories involving a wide variety of individuals, many of
whom are shown to be interlinked as their tales progress. The ensemble cast is
composed predominantly of British actors.

Set primarily in London, the story begins five weeks before Christmas and is played
out in a weekly countdown until the holiday, followed by anepilogue that takes
place one month later.

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Forgotten Memories 1 is already out in the market as

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2. Forgotten Memories 1 Love at First Fight Part 2 of 2

grab your copies to keep a remembrance of Gin and Alex love story

Imagine Me and You


Imagine Me & You is a 2005 British-American comedy-romance film written and

directed by Ol Parker. It centres on the relationship between Rachel (Piper Perabo)
and Luce (Lena Headey), who meet on Rachel's wedding day.

The movie takes its title from the first line of the song "Happy Together".
Writer/director Ol Parker reveals on the DVD audio commentary that the movie was
originally titled Click, after the French term for love at first sight, but
conflicts with the 2006 Adam Sandler film Click necessitated the name change.

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Monster In Law


Monster-in-Law is a 2005 romantic comedy film directed by Robert Luketic and

starring Jennifer Lopez, Jane Fonda, Michael Vartan and Wanda Sykes. It marks a
return to cinema for Fonda, being her first film in 15 years after Stanley & Iris.
The screenplay is written by Anya Kochoff.

Charlotte "Charlie" Cantilini or (Jennifer Lopez) is a temp from Venice

Beach, California, who meets surgeon Kevin Fields (played by Michael Vartan). She
thinks he's gay at first, based on a lie Fiona (Kevin's ex-girlfriend) told her.
But then Kevin asks her out, and Charlie believes that she's finally found the
right man.

Things start to go wrong when Kevin introduces Charlie to his mother, Viola Fields
(Jane Fonda). Viola is a former newscaster who has recently been replaced by
someone younger, and is in the midst of a meltdown. Loathing Charlie from the
outset, Viola becomes even more distraught when Kevin proposes to Charlie. Fearing
that she'll lose her son the same way she lost her career, she sets out to destroy
Kevin and Charlie's relationship. With her trusted assistant, Ruby (Wanda Sykes)
who is secretly working against her, she tries everything possible to drive Charlie

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and to all readers, followers na natuwa sa bs nila haha

Forgotten Memories 1 is already out in the market as

1. Forgotten Memories 1 Love at First Fight Part 1 of 2

2. Forgotten Memories 1 Love at First Fight Part 2 of 2

grab your copies to keep a remembrance of Gin and Alex love story


Author's Corner

haha me ganun na ang FM, syempre dapat bida din ako kaya may space ako for my
thoughts :)

first thing first......

thank you for making GinLex @ # 1 spot for 5 consecutive days at Romance and Non
Teen genre, nakakatuwa po na this never happened in my previous work such as SAKNL,
WY and ODS. Ito yata yung nag iisa kong story na inabot ng 5 days sa # 1 spot

i owe it all to all of you na hindi nagsasawang bumoto and mag comment, thank you

as for those readers na nagagalit, natutuwa kinikilig--honestly im proud na kaya

kong gawin yung mga emotions na yon by just reading FM

sa lahat po ng pumupuri sa gawa ko sa talent ko sa sipag ko na mag ud, how can i

ever say thank you in a big word? flattered as i am, i can only smile and
acknowledge all your praises silently, although nag iisip ako minsan kung binobola
nyo lang ako haha

as for the pacing of the story of Gin and Bella (Alex), i am sorry to say na it
will take a long ride kasi planned na po talaga in some way san papunta ang story
kaya sa mga naghihintay kelan matatapos, mukhang ma di disappoint ko kayo because

i am planning to have a book 2 kahit wala pa sa half ang story, na p predict ko na

po na mag b book 2 ang FM, this will be the first too

thank you for loving my characters, although nung time ng With You, ayaw pa ng iba
na basahin sila kasi daw naiisip nila si Zach and Rome
as for dedic, of you want one i better suggest to use my inbox so i can recall, may
problema po ako sa pag re recall kaya you have to remind it to me frequently

at kung hindi man po ako nakakpag ud agad kahit may quota, pagpasensyahan na at si
joy natividad minsan ay nag t trabaho, nakikipag mingle sa ktrabaho, nag-aaral, nag
re review, nanonood ng hunter x hunter, nagbabasa ng story sa wattpad at trip niya
basahin ang mga story ni KanyeInterruptedMe in short tao siya in real world at na i
imbyerna na sa akin dahil lagi akong nakaharap sa laptop (wala kasi akong ibang
alam kung hindi mag ud sa FM at mag imagine)

i love you all guys and thank you for making me a part of your day to day routine

until the next issue!


It's Complicated


It's Complicated is a 2009 American romantic comedy film written and directed
by Nancy Meyers. It stars Meryl Streep as a successful bakery owner and single
mother of three who starts a secret affair with her ex-husband, played by Alec
Baldwin, ten years after their divorce – only to find herself drawn to another man:
her architect Adam (portrayed by Steve Martin).

i posted because you have made it possible that FM stayed for 6 consecutive days,
although nasa #3 na siya ngayon still, the fact you made it to the number 1 spot
for 6 days really made me very happy

Clarissa's POV

Hindi ko alam kung paano ako nakaalis sa harap ng mansion.

7 years.

Seven long years that passed since my last step on the house. When Sebastian died.
Napayuko ako kasabay ng pagpahid sa luha ko. It has the power to hurt me still.
Dahil dinala ko sa dibdib ko lahat ng masakit na nangyari sa akin at sa anak ko.

Napahikbi ako. My poor baby.

Ni hindi ko man lamang siya nagawang hawakan bago ako umalis.

Sebastian, what have you done? I asked wearily.

Hanggang ngayon, patay ka na pero sinasaktan mo pa rin ako!


I swallowed hard when I heard the excited voice came from the door the moment my
car stops at the doorway.

I looked up and found the adorable man, Hector, even with his 45 years of age looks
like on his thirty. He looks anxious as he found my wary face trying to force a
"Hey. Kumain ka na ba?" I asked sa pilit na pinapasiglang tinig.

He lifted a brow na agad na hinila ako sa tabi nito and planted a soft kiss on my
forehead. "I should be the one to ask you if you have dinner already, darling.
How is it?" he asked gently that it brought fresh tears to my eyes. "Have you met

Napayuko ako kasabay ng mahinang tango. "And she still hate me, Hector. Galit na
galit pa rin siya sa akin," naiiyak na sabi ko. Hindi ko na napigilan at
napasubsob na ako sa dibdib niya at doon inilabas lahat. I have waited for this
moment, pero hindi ko inakala na higit pa sa pagkamuhi ang nararamdaman sa akin ng
sarili kong anak.

If she could kill me with her look, I probably dead by now. She is full of rage.
Full of hatred. At lahat ng iyon ay naka sentro sa akin.

"Hush," naawang sabi ni Hector na hinaplos ang buhok ko. "Akala ko pa naman
magiging masaya ka sa pag uwi natin sa Pilipinas."

I bit my lips. "But I am happy. Kahit paano ay nakita ko ang anak ko. Oh Hector,
she is very beautiful," I said proudly and with tears in my eyes. "She grows up
strong willed and pretty."
He laughs slowly. "Just like her mom, I presume."

Umirap ako. "Nambola ka pa. Syempre, mas maganda siya sa akin because she is
young and pretty."

He lifted a brow. His eyes feasted on my body that I am literally burning from it.
"There is no joy other than to take a ripened fruit in my bed darling, and much
that I craved for it right now, I know we should eat first," nakangising sabi
sabay punas sa mga luha na naglandas sa pisngi ko.

My heart filled with happiness na niyakap ko siya. Pero higit na malulubos ang
kaligayahan ko kung mapapatawad na ako at tatanggapin na ako uli ng aking anak.

Miss na miss ko na siya.

He sighed as he kissed me on the forehead. "I really want to marry you Clarissa,
how long should I wait?" there is regret sa boses nito and I looked up to him.

"Please Hector let's wait a bit longer. It's complicated right now. But there is
nothing that I want too besides being forgiven by my own daughter, is to be married
to a wonderful and the most loving man I have ever met," my eyes shone of love for
this man.

Oh yes. I love him. More than ever.

He rolled his eyes upward. "Halika na nga at talo na naman ako sa pambobola mo,"
anito sa nagbibirong tono bagamat alam ko na he is happy hearing me those words.

He loves me that much. And I will never let him go.

Magkaakbay na lumabas kami ng kwarto.

Gin's POV

I called my grandfather that something came up and I can't come home. Hindi naman
tumutol ang mga ito. I sighed as I watched Bella sleeps. Nakahinga ako ng maluwag
ng humupa na rin ang pag iiyak at galit nito.

Naupo ako sa tabi nito at masuyong hinawi ang buhok na tumabing sa mukha niya. I
was sorry that I slapped her. She was being hysterical and I didn;t recognize that

Naaawang niyakap ko ito at nahiga sa tabi niya. Bumaling si Bella paharap sa akin
at siniksik ang sarili sa dibdib ko. Halatang nagising sa paglapit ko sa kanya.

"Don;t leave me," she murmured huskily. Nakapikit ang mga mata nito.
"No, but you have to remove this uniform sweetheart. Or do you want me to undress
you?" I asked hoarsely. Kahit sa kabila ng nangyari kanina, I am having a boner
just keeping her at my side. I sighed in annoyance, since the time I discovered
the pleasure in her arms, I became addicted. She is like a drug in my veins.

A small smile tugged her lips. Her eyes still closed. "As long as you will kiss
every part of my body that is being exposed to your eyes," she said playfully.

Napakurap ako. Agad na nag riot ang mga senses ko sa sinabi niya. Agad na
inapuhap ng kamay ko ang butones ng pang itaas na uniform niya. Tinanggal ko iyon
isa isa while I am suppressing my indrawn breath as I saw the glimpse of her
swollen breast being held by a flimsy bra. Hinayaan lamang niya ako na alisin ang
damit niya. I stood up to get a nightdress, pinili ko ang cotton na hanggang tuhod
niya. I slid unto her head. My hand found the fastening of her bra. I could hear
her soft gasp, when I undid it.

"You can;t breath properly with this thing on," I whispered as I slowly removed her
bra. She gasped slowly when I lifted her nightdress.

"And as for the kiss.." I said habang hawak paitaas ang nightdress niya at masuyong
inikintalan ng halik ang magkabila niyang dibdib. Napaungol na siya. I only
flicked on it slowly bago marahang hinalik halikan nag tuktok na iyon. My tongue
found the hardness of her nipples. I was so close sucking on it. But I suppress

And my hand found the opening of her skirt, agad na ibinaba ko ang zipper noon at
hinila pababa. I could hear her soft gasp, when my hand slowly skimmed her long and
shapely legs. I really wanted to open her legs wide so I could taste her feminine
scent. But I am afraid that if I will do that, I cannot stop myself from plunging
deep to her sweet core.

Her eyes suddenly lit in raging fire as I looked at her, my breathing is suppressed
by desire. "I want to make love to you right now, but this can wait. I want you
to have a proper sleep, and please cry no more," I said huskily na marahang
hinaplos ang pisngi niya.

Natigilan ito. Pagkuway ipinikit ang mga mata but her hands grasp my neck and I
bend down to her. She lifted her mouth so it could touch mine. I swallow hard bago
inangkin ang naghihintay niyang mga labi. She murmured on my lips.

"I love you so Gin."

My heart melt in tenderness. I kissed her forehead. "Not as half of how I love
you sweetheart. Sleep, bago pa magbago ang isip ko," nagbabanta kong sabi.

Alex's POV

I know I am down right now, I was angry earlier.

But I cannot deny the fact that I still want him. I want him so bad. I sighed as
I pulled hom down to me before kissing him hard. I opened my mouth so he could
delved his tongue he groaned aloud.


"I love you,"

He smiled na masuyo na akong niyakap. Nahiga ito sa tabi ko. "Hmm, why are you
sudden sweet to me, sweetheart? I love you more."

I giggled. And with another kiss, we sleep while he is securing me in a tight



"Iha," agad na bungad sa akin ni Nana Belen ng makita niya ako sa hapagkainan.
Nanatiling nakatungo lamang ako sa pagkain.

"Ayoko siyang pag usapan Nana. At ayoko rin na papasukin nyo siya dito sa
Napabuntonghininga na lamang si Nana.

"I am sorry Nana. Alam nyo naman how I hate---."

"Nanay mo pa rin siya, iha."

Napaangat ako ng tingin sa madiing pagkakasabi ni Nana Belen. Napakurap ako. Ni

minsan hindi ako pinagtaasan ng boses ni Nana.

"Hindi kita pinalaki para tuluyang mawalan ng galang sa iyong ina. Mas
magugustuhan ko na kakausapin mo siya at papakinggan," anito sa seryosong tinig
bago lumabas.
Naiwan akong natitigilan.

Bakit biglang nagbabago sa akin si Nana nang dumating ang babaeng iyon.

Napahigpit ang hawak ko sa kubyertos.


In The Mood For Love

In the Mood for Love is a 2000 Hong Kong film directed by Wong Kar-wai,
starring Maggie Cheung and Tony Leung. The film premiered on 20 May 2000, at
the 2000 Cannes Film Festival,[1][2] where it was nominated for the Palme d'Or.

The film's original Chinese title, meaning "the age of blossoms" or "the flowery
years" – Chinese metaphor for the fleeting time of youth, beauty and love – derives
from a song of the same name by Zhou Xuan from a 1946 film. The English title
derives from the song, "I'm in the Mood for Love"
thank you for patiently waiting for Gin and Alex

Gin's POV

I sighed as I looked at Bella na kanina pa walang kibo habang nagsusulat. As

usual, andito kami sa library na mukhang naging paboritong tambayan ni Bella.
Napasimangot ako. Paano ba naman, halatang umiiwas na magsolo kami! Sabagay,
naiintindihan ko naman. I sighed. Nangalumbaba ako. Alam ko pa na may problema
siya. I can;t help her. This is her own battle.

Ibinalik ko na nga lamang ang atensyon ko sa binabasa ko. Napasimangot na lamang

ako dahil mas advanced pa dito ang napag aralan ko na sa HLS. Useless na ulitin ko
pa ito. Kaso wala naman akong ibang magawa.

"You can leave me here, Gin and it's ok with me."

Napaangat ang tingin ko sa binabasa ko ng marinig ko ang sinabi niya. Nanatiling
nasa sinusulat ang atensyon nito. Napaunat ako sa pagkakaupo ko.


She looks at me. "I mean, you can go if you want to. I'll be fine."

Napakunot na talaga ang noo ko. "Are you fed up having me around?"

She looked at me. "I am sorry Gin but I can never be a good company to you right
Napatiim ang labi ko. "I know you are not feeling okay having your mom----."

Tinakpan nito ang magkabilang tenga. "Please! No more talks about her!" she
almost scream. Natigilan ako. I put her hands away from her ear grimly.

"Walang ma so solve if you are going to be stubborn Isabella!" madiing sabi ko. I
sighed as I saw her bewildered eyes na parang iiyak na. I easily check myself. I
shouldn;t be so hard on her.

"I am sorry sweetheart," mababa na ang boses ko na agad na lumipat ng upuan sa tabi
niya and kissed her forehead. "But I hate seeing you like this. It is tearing me
apart," I said in an agonized voice.

She just closed her eyes. "Please Gin. Ayoko muna siyang isipin. Please," parang
bata itong umiyak.

My heart is being ripped apart. I held her closer. I held her firmly until I felt
her whole body is shaking in pain and anguish. "Hush, sweetheart. I am just
I looked at the ceiling wearily. Hindi ko din kasi alam paano ko tutulungan si
Bella. This is something I shouldn;t meddle with.

Pauwi na kami ng hapon na yon ng banggitin ko uli ang dinner sa mansion. She
simply nodded. I told her it will be okay if hindi na lamang ito pumunta. Making
me remember the time she was embarrassed by my family. Kaya hindi ko alam kung ano
na naman ang drama ng akingPapa at ng lolo.

"Sweetheart, wag mo pilitin ang sarili mo kung ayaw mo," I said at her nang
makarating kami sa condo ko. Inaya ko siyang doon muna mag meryenda.

She tried to smile habang hinaplos ng marahan ang pisngi ko. I held it with mine.
"I am going to be fine. At ayoko naman na pahindian ang magulang nga lalaking
mahal ko," she said proudly.

I smiled widely. Dumukwang ako para halikan siya ng mabilis sa labi. Malapad na
malapad ang ngiti ko. " kept on saying that. I should believe it," I said

Umirap ito. "You should because its true."

Nakangiting kinulong ko sa mga palad ko ang maamong mukha ni Bella. Nagtama ang
mga mata namin.

"And I love you more, Isabella Alexandra Monteverde. Don't ever doubt that."

Napakurap ang bilugang mga mata nito. "Y-You are making me swoon, Eugenio Carlos."

I chuckled. "Now, this is the first time na may nagsabi sa akin na babae na nag s-
swoon siya sa akin. At girlfriend ko pa!"

She rolled her eyes upward. She smirked. "Natuwa ka naman!"

I laughed na masuyong dinampian ng halik ang nakangusong labi ni Isabella. Her

lips feel so soft. I brushed it with my lips. She gasped but she didn't close her
eyes as she looked at me while our lips entertwined. It was hot. Looking at each
other while kissing. While my lips brushing her lips softly, and she is answering
it shyly. My eyes glint in amusement when I felt she opened her mouth. I flicked
my tongue on her upper lip. I saw her astonishment. As well as the desire in the
depth of her eyes. I love the touch of her lip on my tongue. Erotic. I nipped
slowly her lower lip. It it so soft. I wanted to kiss her more and more but I want
to enjoy this. This erotic play with her soft lips while watching her reaction. I
heard her moan in protest when my tongue nibbled on her lower lip while it is being
held captive by my lips. Her hand gripped my arm. I wanted to smile.

Nagpatuloy sa paglalaro ang labi ko. Ginawa ko naman iyon sa itaas na labi niya.
Inulit ko. Pinadaan ng dila ang kalambutan ng pang itaas na labi niya.

I could feel she wanted to pull away but I held her firmly. Nanlaki ang mga mata
niya, nagpoprotesta ang itimang mga mata nito but held her firmly. My eyes held

And I plunged my tongue inside her half-parted mouth. Nanlaki lalo ang mga mata
nito but she almost close her eyes in langour but I look at her fiercely while my
tongue kept on assaulting her mouth. She moaned. Our tongue met. Her hand on my
arm is now in my chest, clasping and unclasping as if she is in turmoil. And so am

I sucked her tongue. Napasinghap na siya ans she sat there motionless habang
nakatitig lamang sa akin. My eyes smiled and held fire as I looked back. At ng
naramdaman ko na pangangapusan na kami ng hininga ay saka ako huminto paghalik sa
kanya. She gasped for breath habang nakatitig lamang sa akin ang itimang mga mata

I grinned.

I chuckled. Napaangat ang kilay ko. "Don;t you like it sweetheart?" nanunuksong
bulong ko.

Umirap ito kasabay ng pamumula ng magkabilang pisngi. "Ang pilyo mo! Kung ano ano
ang natutunan mo sa Amerika!" asik nito. Natawa na ako ng malakas. Ang cute
tingnan ni Bella habang nakasimangot.

"Halika na nga at magmeryenda, at baka kung ano pa magawa ko,"nakangising sabi ko.
Napaaray na lamang ako ng malakas ng kurutin niya ako sa tagiliran. Tatawa tawang
inakbayan ko ito patungo sa kusina.

Alex's POV

Nakangiting pinapanood ko lamang si Gin habang nagkukwento. He is a born comedian

but a bright one. He is full of wits. And he loves me.
My heart melt.

I know I am not in my usual self right now, when my mom came. But he is so patient
with me. Trying to understand my mood and being silent about my current situation.
Hindi siya nakialam. He just let me be.

Nahihiya ako sa kanya. Pero nagpapasensya pa rin siya. Naghihintay.

"At alam mo ba sabi nung lalaki, "Go ahead! Don't let the driver insult your
baby---I'll hold this little monkey for you!" he laughed so hard.

Napakurap ako. He is beautiful.

Natigilan ito ng makitang nakatitig lamang ako sa kanya. Napakurap ito na sumubo
ng chips. "Hindi mo nagustuhan? Sabagay--."
I touched his lips with my finger. Natigilan ito. Nagtatanong ang mga mata sa

"I love everything about you," and with that ay dumukwang ako para halikan siya ng
mabilis sa labi. He tasted cheese and chips and its more addicting to me. I
slowly released his lips after we kissed.

I saw how his eyes darkened with fire. He slowly licked his lips with his tongue
and I was mesmerized. He looks so hot. I swallowed hard. This is the first time
that we are left alone and with this feeling na---.

"Isabella Alexandra," he breathes heavily as his eyes roamed all over my face.
"You never failed to amaze me. You, love of my life," he said na masuyong hinila
ako at hinalikan sa labi.

I smiled. Iniyakap ko na lamang ang mga kamay ko sa leeg niya habang sinasagot ang
halik nito. At kagaya ng maraming beses na naglalapat ang labi namin, nawawala ako
sa aking sarili. I am drowned by his sweet kisses.

"I love you sweetheart."

Napangiti ako na nag angat ng tingin. Puno ng init ang mga mata ni Gin. I
swallowed hard. I could feel the frantic beating of my heart.

"Tell me you love me, Isabella Alexandra," he urged huskily. His eyes not leaving
mine. Napangiti ako. Kahit kelan trip na trip nitong minamanduhan ako.

"What if I don't?" I teased him.

Naningkit ang mga mata ni Gin. Halatang hindi nagustuhan ang pagsansala ko sa
gusto niya.

"Isabella," he said warningly.

I lifted a brow. "I don't love you Gin."

Pero bago pa magsalubong ang kilay nito ay natatawang dinampian ko ng mabilis na
halik ang labi niya.

"I love you very, very much Gin. You are my only love," I said huskily.

He groaned, not expecting it. Agad na hinila ang kuwelyo ng uniporme ko at

inilapit sa kanya ang mukha ko. I gasped.


His eyes ablazed in desire. Napalunok ako.

"Isabella Alexandra."
Napakurap ako.


Grabe naman kasing makatitig ito!

His lips is forming a slightly curve.

"I am going to make love to you again and you will not deny me!"
Nanlaki ang mga mata ko. Kasabay ng pagtahip ng dibdib!

Pero bago pa ako nakapagsalita ay mariin na akong hinalikan.

Napapikit ako.

Parang wala naman akong magagawa sa bagay na ito.

Dahil ang puso ko ay nagmamahal para sa lalaking ito.


next ud @ 300 votes


License to Wed


License to Wed (spelled Licence to Wed outside the United States) is a 2007
American romantic comedy film starring Robin Williams, Mandy Moore and John
Krasinski, and directed by Ken Kwapis. The film was released in theaters on July 3,
Alex's POV

Ni hindi na ako nakaimik ng maglapat na uli ang labi namin. I sighed. Wala naman
akong magagawa kung hindi pagbigyan ang lalaking mahal ko. Ikinawit ko na lamang
ang kamay ko sa leeg niya at sinagot ang mainit niyang halik.

I could hear his heavy breathing habang lumalalim ang halik namin. I bit my lips
when he picked me up and put on the counter top, nanlaki ang mga mata ko. He
grinned at me. Napakurap ako na iginala ang tingin sa kabuuan ng dining room niya.

"D-Dito?" nanlalaki ang mga matang sabi ko.

He winked at me habang isa isang inaalis ang butones ng uniporme ko. "I want to
make love to you on the counter top with me fully dressed," he said huskily at nag
iinit ang mukha ko sa pinagsasabi ng lalaking ito. Ang adik!

"H-Hoy Gin! Y-You! A-Ang manyak mo!"

He lifted a brow but his attention ay wala na sa mga mata ko kung hindi ay nasa
dibdib ko na natatakpan ng manipis na lacy bra. Namula ako lalo.

"Perfect," anas nito na yumuko upang halikan ang leeg ko at balikat. Napapikit na
lamang ako dahil nakakaliyo ang masarap na sensasyon na nararamdaman ko ngayon.
Aminin ko man o hindi pero nasasabik ako sa nangyari sa amin ni Gin noong
nakaraang linggo. He was so hot. His tongue licked every exposed skin and I can
only moan in pleasure. Napahawak ako sa balikat nito.


He groaned. He moved his hand to my bosom, he cupped one left breast and knead it
unto his palm. Napaungol ako uli. His hand slowly cupping and kneading it na para
bang ingat na ingat sa akin.

"I want you now sweetheart," he said huskily. Nanlaki ang mga mata ko. Agad agad?

And I couldn't believe it when he entered me in one full thrust. Napaungol na

lamang ako kasabay ng panlalaki ng mga mata. Ni hindi ko namalayan na nagawa na
nitong hawiin ang panty ko so he could thrust his stiff manhood inside me

And he is fully dressed!

"G-Gin?" I bit my lips and moaned kasabay ng pagpo protesta ng magsimulang gumalaw
ito sa kalooban ko. I looked at him. My eyes are dark with passion and so is he.
Naroon ang init at apology why he entered me so fiercely.

"I have been dying not to do this sweetheart," sa garalgal na tinig ay sabi nito
while his hips continue to move deep within me. Napapasinghap ako sa bawat pagdiin
ng pasok niya. "And I have been controlling myself so hard. I can't control this
anymore," he said with regret habang hinahalikan ang leeg ko. Napaungol na lamang
ako. I hold his head and kissed his cheeks.

"I understand. Love me Gin! Love me," I moaned. And in that instant, his pacing
changed. He moved fiercely while moaning my name. Napatingala na lamang ako.
This is amazing. He is amazing.

He is my first lover.
And yet I feel like I have known him for a lifetime. That he knew my body too
well. My needs and my pleasure. He doesn't have to asked what or how. He just
knew. By simply looking at me he knew what I wanted. What I need.

And I need him.

Everything about him.

"B-Bella," his breath is fanning my ear as he moved deeply. His breathing

laboured. His accurate thrust is sending me to my own peak of pleasure. "D-Dont
come just any time yet, I want you more," he said to my ear huskily as his hands
cupped my bottom as if trying to meet his deep and powerful thrust.

Nanlaki ang mga mata ko kasabay ng pagsinghap sa gusto niyang mangyari. Is he

crazy? I want to come now! Oh this is too much! Tila maiiyak ako sa frustration
and in pleasure as he pushed and almost pulling his cock away from my sweet wet
"N-No, no, Gin," singhap ko sa nagpo protestang tinig, I could feel he is teasing
me and I looked at him pleasingly. His eyes are darkened by passion and pure heat.
Napahawak ako sa braso niya na nakatiin sa counter top as if urging him to
continue his fierce pacing. Hndi yun ganito. Na para bang nanunukso siya.

I couldn't believe this.

Me and him. On this position. He is in between my legs standing in front of me,

fully dressed up while I am on the counter top my blouse opened and my skirt
upwards, with legs apart and almost pulling him to my heated body.

His face is contorted with desire as he watched my agony. "You are mine, Bella."

Napakagat labi ako. His manhood is teasing my sweet core, gliding and almost but
not quite, entering it with small thrust.
"Gin, please."

He bit on my neck before plunging it deep. I cried out. "Oh Gin!" I moved my hips
as he started meeting my movement with forceful thrusts.

He groaned. He pushed my legs apart as he looked down to our bodies intertwined.

"Shit, so hot."

Napaawang ang labi ko. This is too much pleasure. There is sweet and almost
heavenly feeling being filled by his stiff and long member. As if it is meant to
be there. To fill me. Oh goodness. Nahahawa na ako sa kamanyakan ng bf ko.

"G-Gin, ohh Gin!"

He pushed.

Napapasinghap ako sa bawat pagpasok niya. I will come any moment. Napakagat labi

"G-Gin, please! Please!" daing ko.

And he understood perfectly. "Hush baby, you are so freaking hot I want you more
and more," padaing na sabi as he slammed his cock deep within me, I moaned. My
inner wall is holding him firmly, contracting and filling me up. I called his
name. And this time, he stopped teasing me and continue his sweet and powerful
thrust, my hips moving forward and meeting every deep thrust.


I screamed wildly when I have reached my sweet climax. Its like the sweetest
moment I could have ever imagined. And Gin was equally apalled to see me clutching
his arm while I reached the big O. He groaned. "Sexy temptress," he said huskily
as he continue pushing and pulling his stiff cock.
I could feel he is becoming hard and hard inside me. I know he is going to come
any moment. Napapikit ako when he threw his head in anguish kasabay ng pagtapon ng
likido nito sa kalooban ko.

"Ohhh Bella! Shit, sweetheart!" padaing na sabi nito as he spilled every last drop
of his semen inside me. He shook uncontrollably.

He is so perfect.

I swallowed hard. He looked at me with his eyes unguarded.

"I love you baby. I love you so," bulong nito sa hapong tinig. Sumubsob ito sa
balikat ko. I smiled. He is calling me baby when we are making love. It sounds
more erotic. Masuyong hinaplos ko ang buhok niya. I could hear his laboured
breathing. Na para bang may pinapayapa itong kung ano.

"I love you too Gin."

He looked at me. "Let's get married."

Napatanga ako.


He grinned at me. Ang lakas ng tahip ng dibdib ko. "I am afraid na baka mabuntis
kita agad. At least kung kasal na tayo, okay lang ganituhin kita araw araw,"
pilyong sabi.

Namumulang hinampas ko ito. "Hoy Gin! Baka nakakalimutan mo, estudyante pa lamang
tayo! A-Anong papakain mo sa amin ng mga anak mo," nauutal kong sabi. I feel so
warm inside knowing he will father my children.

Lumuwang ang ngiti nito. "Ah, so you planned to have a big family?" nanunuksong
Lalo akong namula. "Gin!"

He chuckled as he kissed me on the lips. "Sweetheart, I want a big family too.

Pareho tayong nag iisang anak. I never knew how to have a brother or a sister,"
he said slowly na masuyong hinahawi ang buhok ko. "But I am sure that will be

I sighed. Pagkuwa'y naasiwang napatingin sa posisyon namin. "G-Gin."

Natawa ito ng mahulaan kung bakit. He zipped his pants. Napatili ako ng buhatin
niya ako.

"Ssshh! Let's take a shower together," bulong nito.

I bit my lips. Kinawit ko na lamang ang kamay ko sa leeg niya. Mukha ngang dapat
na niya akong pakasalan.

Kasi mukhang mabubuntis ako sa ginagawa niya!

Gin's POV

I chuckled when I saw her blushing fiery red when I came to join her in the tub.
Kahit kailan napaka prude pa ng mahal ko eh samantalang ilang beses na namin

I grinned when I joined her in the tub. Napasiksik ito sa dulong bahagi ng tub. I
lifted a brow. "Are you scared of me? Halika nga I want to sponge your back," I
said huskily na hinila ito. Walang nagawang pinatalikod ko ito sa akin and started
to roll the sponge unto her back.

Her skin looks so soft. I smiled. I saw some love bites sa may bandang balikat
nito. No doubt, it will mark again buti na lamang at sa may tagong bahagi ng
balikat nito at matatakpan ng damit na isusuot ni Bella.

"Is it okay if I make you pregnant sweetheart?" sabi ko.

Ilang saglit na hindi ito kumibo. "Bella?"

"I--I am not so sure Gin," anas nito. Napakurap ako.

I could feel this kind of frustration nang marinig ko ang sagot niya. "Why."

I slowly moved the sponge lower to her back. She gasped slowly.

"You don't want to get married to me?" I asked grimly.

Napasinghap si Bella. "Gin! Hindi yon ganon! I mean--."

Hindi ako kumibo. Ipinagpatuloy ko lamang ang pagsasabon sa kanya. Hanggang sa

magawi sa leeg niya. She gasped again when my hand went down to her breast.

"You mean exactly what?" may galit na sabi ko. Naiinis ako na nag dadalawang isip
siya na pakasalan ako. Samantalang yung kung sino man na tinanguan niya dati ay
parang hindi naman siya nag alinlangan!
Now my two hands begin to cup both of her breast and soap it. Minsan dumidiin ang
paghagod ng sponge sa dibdib niya and that caused her to moan slowly. In protest
or what I don;t know, kasi nagagalit ako. Naiinis ako.

I want to marry her.

And she is having second thought!

It hurts deep.

Kahit na anong rason pa. The fact she is having second thought pained me.

The sponge started to rub fiercely on her nipples. It hardened under my assault.
But I am oblivious. Oh hell yeah, I can make her body yearned for me, to ached
for me. But her heart is another matter.
Na para bang hawak hawak nito ang puso nito pagdating sa akin.

Nakasimangot pa rin ako ng humarap siya sa akin. Napakurap ito ng makitang

nagagalit ako. She smiled. Lalo akong nairita.

"You are cute when you are angry Gin," she teased na kinuha ang sponge sa kamay ko
at ito naman ang nagsimulang sabunan ang balikat ko. "You are so perfect," anas
nito. Hindi pa rin ako kumikibo. Kahit na anong praise niya hindi basta mawawala
ang inis ko.

She sighed and in pleasure when she started to move the sponge to my arms and back
to my chest. Her eyes not leaving the trail of where the sponge traveled. And she
is doing it slowly and deliberately! Napaubo ako na akmang aalisin ang kamay niya
na gumagapang sa katawan ko pero pinalis niya iyon.

"Bella!" iritableng sabi ko. Naiinis talaga ako.

She lifted a brow. And goodness, she is a temptress!

"Be still," she commanded.

Naningkit ang mga mata ko.

I drew a deep breath at hinayaan siya. Matatapos din naman ang pagsasabon niya

I gasped kasabay ng panlalaki ng mga mata when the sponge began encircling my
member! And she is smiling and her eyes held amazement habang nagbaba taas ang
sponge sa kahabaan ng pagkalalaki ko. And oh sweet heaven! I am starting to feel
this languor na parang gusto ko ng pumikit sa ginagawa niya.

"Y-You are so hard and long, Gin," nauutal na sabi niya. Napapikit ako ng mariin.
If she is seducing me then she is succeeding! With flying colors!

Napahigpit lamang ang kapit ko sa magkabilang gilid ng tub. Pilit na tinitigasan

ko ang loob sa ginagawa niya. Kasi nga naiinis ako.

"Finish it now, Isabella," malamig na sabi ko. But deep inside me I wanted to
groan aloud.

Tila hindi niya inaasahan ang pagalit na sabi ko. Napahiya yata na nahinto ang
ginagawa and I am so close in begging her not to stop! Tumigil na ito at bumalik
sa pagkakaupo sa gilid. I sighed. Now, this is the problem I cursed silently as I
looked down and see how hard I become! Nakakainis. She had given me a boner and I
was angry! I was torn making love to her hard in this bath tub or ignoring her
because she doesn;t want to marry me.


I stood up. I looked at her na nakayukong sinasabon ang sarili. Kinuha ko ang
towel at binalabal sa katawan bago nag diretso sa kabilang side ng banyo kung
nasaan ang shower. I closed the glass door at binuksan ng todo ang shower. I
closed my eyes as I started to drowned myself in, trying to kill my boner. Pero
hindi yata mawala sa isip ko ang ginawa niya kanina. At kung hindi ako nagsalita
ano pa kaya ang magagawa niya?
Maybe she will do it again.

Napapikit ako when I remembered what I am thinking. When she sucked me for the
very first time. Damn!

How her sweet mouth enclosed my long ang hardened shaft. I sighed in frustration!
Bakit ba kasi pinapairal ko nararamdaman ko. Natural lamang magdalawang isip siya
ngayon, I sighed. I wanted to go back to her. To bury myself in her sweet hole.
Pero ano naman sasabihin ko?

Baka sabihin pa eh dahil sa hindi ako makapagpigil eh okay na lang na hindi niya
ako pakasalan.

Parang gusto kong matawa. Mas mukha pa akong nawalan ng puri kumpara kay Bella!

Stupid Gin.
I sighed na akmang papatayin na ang shower when the door opens. Napalingon ako and
gasped when I saw her standing at the door naked. My gaze smothered to her full
breast and hardened peaks, down to her flat stomach and shit---her sweet and
beautiful womanhood, and her long shapely legs.

She is a goddess.

Pakiramdam ko tumutulo laway ko sa pagkakatingin sa kanya. Nanlalaki mga mata ko.

At kung kanina gusto kong palamigin ang boses ko ngayon yata hindi ko na kaya.

"W-What are you doing here?" pakiramdam ko nauutal ako. Stupid Gin!

Napakurap siya na unti unting lumapit sa akin. I swallowed hard.

"I'll marry you as soon as you replaced your father as the Governor."
Napatanga ako. Saglit na nawala sa kanya ang atensyon ko when I heard what she

Naningkit ang mga mata ko. "You are not serious!"

Hindi siya kumibo.

Napapikit ako. I started to count. Hindi ako pwedeng tumakbo hanggat hindi pa ako
tapos mag aral!

Napamulat ako ng maramdaman ang pagyakap niya sa leeg ko at pagdantay ng katawan

niya sa katawan ko. I swallowed hard.

"I love you Gin and I want you to father my children, and there will be nothing on
this earth that will make me happy but you marrying me," she saild huskily. Unti
unting nawawala ang inis ko at napapalitan ng masayang pakiramdam. Parang gusto
kong tumalon sa tuwa!
"Pero alam ko what are you and who are you. Fulfill it and I will be at your side,
all the way."

Napalunok ako. I like the picture in my mind.

The hell I care if I am the next Governor.

As long as she is standing beside me when I finally bethroted as the next

replacement of my father in politics.

Goodness, Bella is changing my every views. Because I want her to be on my side.

"I love you," bulong ko. Masuyong hinalikan ko ang noo niya. I am filled with so
much love for this woman.
If my candidacy as the next Governor will be my license to marry her, then be it.

I love her. Nothing else matter. I am in love. Deep as the Mariana Trench.

She smiled when she saw my features softened.

"Now, make love to me and let me do the things that I want to do with you Gin," she
whispered seductively. Nanlaki ang mga mata ko. Sweet heaven, she is a temptress!

And my imagination happened.


haha enjoying aren't you guys?

vote and comment!


He's Just Not That Into You


He's Just Not That Into You is a 2009 romantic comedy-drama film directed by Ken
Kwapis, based on the self-help book of the same name by Greg Behrendt and Liz
Tuccillo, which in turn was inspired by a line of dialogue in Sex and the City. The
film features an ensemble cast that includes Ben Affleck, Sasha Alexander, Jennifer
Aniston, Drew Barrymore, Jennifer Connelly, Kevin Connolly, Bradley Cooper,
Ginnifer Goodwin, Scarlett Johansson, and Justin Long.

Gin's Point of View

"Mukhang masaya ka pa sa tumama ng 2 million kagabi sa who wants to be a
millionaire ah!"

Nawala ang pagkakangiti ko ng tapikin ako ni Dean. Kasalukuyang

nasa mansion nila ako at nagkayayaan sina Ricky pero nauna kami.

"Ano bang nginingiti ngiti mo dyan?" ungkat nito na naupo sa

katapat kong upuan. Binuksan nito ang isang beer in can at nilagok.

"Wala," nakangiting sabi ko. Hindi naniniwalang tiningnan ako


"Wala eh para kang nahipan ng hangin dyan!"

I shrugged my shoulder. "Naisip ko lamang na bata akong

magkakaroon ng anak."

Nanlaki ang mga mata nito. "Ano! Nag iisip ka ng magka anak!"

Kumunot ang noo ko. "Oo, bakit naman? I want to father Bella's
children," I said proudly.

Natawa ito. "Ang corny mo dude! Yan ba nagagawa ng pag ibig? At

sigurado ka na agad eh sasandali mo pa lamang kakilala si Alex."

I lifted a brow. "She is the best girl I have ever met and not to
add, I love that girl."

Ilang saglit na titig na titig lamang si Dean sa akin pagkuway napangiti na

napailing. "You are a hopeless case dude. Mukhang si Alex na nga ang magpapatino
sa 'yo," nakangising kantyaw nito. "Anong sabi ni Ricky?"

I shrugged my shoulder na kinuha ko ang bukas na beer in can at uminom. "Ano naman
sasabihin niya?"

He rolled his eyes upward. "Alam mo na pinsan niya ang ex non! Eh

kung balikan niya si Alex?"

I looked at him grimly. "Wala siyang babalikan. She is already

mine," mayabang kong sabi na nakangisi.

Muntik ng maibuga nito ang iniinom. "Y-You mean--."

Naningkit ang mga mata ko. "Exactly what you mean," balewala kong
sagot. Natigil lamang kami pag uusap ng makarinig kami ng busina sa gate.
Malamang sila na ang mga dumating.

"Here they are," sabi ni Dean na napasulyap sa suot na relo. "And they are 1 hour

I smirked. "Kung makareklamo ka parang hindi ka na la late," sabi

ko na nakatingin sa tatlong kotse na sunod sunod na pumasok.
Agad na sinalubong ni Dean ang mga dumating. Napakunot ang noo ko
ng makarinig ng mga boses ng mga babae. Nanlaki ang mga mata ko. At kailan pa sila
nagsama ng babae sa boys night ng tropa?

"Sorry we are late, dinaanan pa kasi namin sina Corine," sabi ni

Ram na pinagbukas ng pintuan ang nasa likod ng kotse.

Napakurap ako ng marinig ang pangalan na sinabi ni Ram. Hindi ako

tumitinag sa kinauupuan.

Tinapik ako ni Ricky. "Okay lamang naman na may bisita tayong iba di ba? They
were excited to see you Gin."

Hindi pa ako nakakapagsalita ng lumabas ang ikalawang babae sa loob ng sasakyan.

Napakurap ako. She is more beautiful now. Gone is the girl in

ponytails and big eyeglasses. The woman standing outside the car is smiling shyly
at me.

"Hello Gin."

Nanlaki ang mga mata ko. "Lian?" I couldn't believe it na napatayo

na sa pagkakaupo.

She smiled. "I am glad you still remember me Gin," nangingislap

ang mga matang sabi.
Hindi makapaniwalang nakatitig lamang ako sa kanya habang
nakangiti. Agad na lumapit ako at tinitigan siya ng malapitan.

"You look different!" I exclaimed na nakangiti at di makapaniwala.

She laughs. "I just don't do ponytails anymore Mr. Hearthrob."

I laughed. I missed the way she said it during high school.

Nawala ang ngiti namin ng may tumikhim.

"Maybe you should mind you are not alone here," nakaangat ang kilay
na sabi ni Corine. Naiiling na nakangiting tinapik lamang ako. "Nice seeing you
again Gin," anito na nagtungo na sa terasa.

Nagkatinginan lamang kami ni Lian at nagkatawanan.

"So how are you?" I asked her nang medyo naiwan kaming dalawa sa
terasa at kumuha ng maiinom ang iba. SI Corine naman ay nagpunta sa powder room.

She shrugged her shoulder. "Fine, I guess. I am soon to finish my

schooling. I am taking up education," she said proudly.
I smiled na napapatango. "It doesn’t make any surprise. You
really love to teach and spread the good words during high school," natatawa kong

She laughs again. She looked up at the ceiling. Then look back at
me. "How you've been Gin? The last time I knew you've been transfered to HLS and
now, you came back. What's going on?" naguguluhang sabi nito.

Napayuko ako kasabay ng pagngiti. Lian was my safety net during

high school. My saving grace. She was my little angel.

"I studied at HLS then my father decided he needed me here so I

came back," I shrugged my shoulder.

Nakatingin lamang ito sa akin. Parang na a amaze. Natawa ako.

Tinapik ko ang pisngi nito. "Baka mahipan ka ng hangin."

Napangiti ito na bahagyang napapailing. "Are you here for good?"

Tumango ako. "Yes. Kumusta na ang tita?" I asked na ang tinutukoy

ay ang mommy nito. Madalas kasi na napupunta ako sa bahay nila noong high school.

"Okay lamang naman. They knew na nandito ka na, nagtatampo nga at di mo man lamang
kami naalala," may himig tampong sabi.

Napakamot ako sa batok. "I am sorry Lian. Naging busy ako agad
pag uwi, naghanap ng school."
"Sa St Michael ka daw nag enroll. It’s a good school," komento


"O mukhang nagkakasarapan magkwentuhan ang magkaibigan," biro ni

Corine na naupo sa tabi ni Lian.

Natawa ako. "Nagulat lamang ako seeing you both."

Napatingin si Corine kay Lian. "Hay naku si Lian nagtatampo at

nakalimutan mo daw siya agad," nanunuksong sabi.

Natawa ako na ginulo ang buhok ni Lian. "Sorry Lian. I'll catch
up. I'll visit your parents sometime."

Namilog ang mga mata nito. "Talaga? Kailan? My mom will be delighted to see
you!" excited na sabi. Corine rolled her eyes upward. Natawa na napatingin lamang
ako kay Corine then I looked back at Lian.

"Saturday lunch. I'll bring Bella with me."

Napakurap ito. Maging si Corine ay natigilan. "Bella?" ulit ni

Corine na natawa ng marahan. "Sasandali ka pa lamang dito may bago ka na naman
babae! And for how many days are you going to stay with her?" angat ang kilay na
sabi ni Corine.

Pero bago ako nakasagot ay lumabas na si Dean at si Ricky na may

dalang beer. Si Dean ang napatawa ng malakas nang marinig ang sinabi ni Corine.

"Anong days? Kung gaano na siya katagal dito sa Pilipinas ay ganon

na rin sila katagal ni Alex! Inlababo na yan!" kantyaw nito na tumatawa.

Natatawang binato ko ng throw pillow si Dean. Nakailag ito.

Napatingin si Corine sa akin. Nakakunot ang noo. "Bella tapos

Alex?" naguguluhang sabi.

"He called her Bella but she is none other than Alexandra Isabella
Monteverde," sabi ni Ricky sa balewalang tinig. Naupo ito sa kabilang divan katabi
ng inuupuan ko.

Ilang saglit na natahimik sila. Pagkuwa'y nanlaki ang mga mata ni

Lian. She looked at me. "M-Monteverde? Ang may ari ng St Michael at--ang
girlfriend ni Lance?"

Parang gusto kong mainis sa paulit ulit na naririnig ko na pangalan ng Lance na

yon. Sinabi ng matagal na silang tapos!

"Ex, wag mo kalimutan Lian dahil magwawala na naman yan," sabi ni

Ricky na lumagok ng beer.
Dean and Ram chuckled. Tiningnan ko sila ng masama. Sumalampak ako
sa pagkakaupo. "Pwede ba, kaya tayo nandito ay para magsaya hindi para pag usapan
ang lovelife ko."

Ram laughs na tinapik si Ricky. "Give him your blessing dude. At

mukhang hindi na talaga papaawat ang isang yan. Baka pag pinigilan ay sa mental
institution bumagsak yan!"

Nagkatawanan sila. Maliban kay Lian na nakatingin lamang sa akin.

Naiiling na lamang ako na natatawa sa kanila. Si Ricky ay inabot ang kamay sa akin.
Nagtatakang napatingin ako dito.

"My blessing. You are my friend since high school kaya alam ko na
this time, you are hook."

Napatingin ako dito. Napangiti ako na inabot iyon.

"Thanks dude at kung pwede," I looked at him seriously. Kumunot

ang noo nito. "Sabihin mo sa pinsan mo huwag ng bumalik," seryosong sabi ko.

Naningkit ang mga mata ni Ricky. Samantalang pinipiit nina Ram at

Dean ang pagtawa. Si Corine ay natatawa din.

"Grabe ka Gin! Pagbabanta na yan ah!" nanlalaki ang mga matang

sabi ni Corine.
I never looked away from Ricky's stare. "I am dead serious."

Ilang saglit na nakipagtitigan si Ricky pagkuway sumusukong

napailing na lamang. "Alright. I hope makahanap na nga ng iba sa US ang pinsan
ko," sabi nito.

I grinned.

Mukhang mapapayapa na kalooban ko sa wakas. Wala ng asungot.

At ang iisipin ko na lamang ay paano gumawa ng maraming baby! Sa

naisip ay parang gusto kong humalakhak ng malakas!

Lian’s Point of View

"You should let him go."

Napatingin ako sa nagsalita. Si Corine na naawang nakatingin sa

akin. Iniiwas ko ang tingin dito. Muli kong itinutok sa lalaking mahigit na
limang taon na hindi na nakita. Pero sa kalooban ko ay umaasa ako na muli ko itong

Mr Hearthrob ng St Claire High School.

My best buddy. Knight in shining armour. The one who defended me

kapag maraming nang aalipusta dahil sa masyado akong nerd at madalas gawing
kalokohan ng buong eskwelahan.

Si Gin ang dahilan bakit tumigil sila sa pambu-bully sa akin noong

2nd year high school.

Dahil iniisa isa ni Gin ang mga lalaking nang bu bully sa akin.

Naging close kami at totoong naging mabait si Gin sa akin.

Kahit ibang iba ako sa mga nakakasalamuhang babae nito.




Eh ako?


With big eye glasses.

In ponytails. Kipkip ay libro instead of make up kit. Always a

candidate in school competition. Pero hindi sa cheerleading o sa beauty contest.
Kung hindi sa mga Math and Science competition.

At NBSB. No boyfriend since birth.

Pero hindi ibig sabihin hindi ako na inlove. Dahil na inlove ako
ng sobra. Ng palihim.

Sa lalaking hindi naman lalagpas ang tingin sa akin bilang isang


next ud @ 400 votes


How To Deal


How to Deal is a 2003 film directed by Clare Kilner and starring Mandy
Moore, Allison Janney and Trent Ford. It is based on two novels by Sarah
Dessen, That Summer and Someone like You.

Halley Marie Martin (Mandy Moore) is a 17-year-old high school student who is
disillusioned with love after seeing many dysfunctional relationships around her.
Her parents are now divorced and her father, Len Martin (Peter Gallagher), a radio
talk show host, has a new young girlfriend that the entire family despises; mainly
because she's the reason for the divorce. Her mother, Lydia (Allison Janney), is
now always alone while her sister, Ashley, is so overwhelmed by her upcoming
wedding with Lewis Worscher that she barely exists in the house anymore. On top of
that, the shallowness of all the girls and guys at her school convinces Halley that
finding true love is impossible.


@ teeshie93

@thess ramos and her husband lambert ramos, and their child named Yannis happy

Alex's POV
Napakunot ang noo ko ng humimpil sa harap ng malaking pintuan ng mansion ang kotse.
Napatingin ako sa suot kong relo. It's past 10 pm already.

Bumaba ang lalaki. Nanlaki ang mga mata ko. Si Gin. Pero hindi niya kotse iyon.


Halos pangisi at pasuray na kumaway si Gin sa akin. Napakunot ang noo ko. He is

"Hi sweetheart!"
Pero bago pa ako naka react ay bumaba na ang siyang nag d drive ng sasakyan.
Natigilan ako ng makitang isang babae ang iniluwa noon.

At hindi basta babae.

A beautiful girl in her shirt and jeans and yet, she looks like a model. Hindi ko
alam kung bakit bigla akong nakaramdam ng kakaiba.

Alanganing ngumiti ito. Si Gin naman ay lumapit na sa kinatatayuan ko at bago pa

ako nakaimik ay inakbayan na ako.

"Sweetheart, let me introduce you my angel during high school. Lian. Lian, this
is Bella."
Hindi ko alam pero nagseselos ako.


Nakakaramdam ako ng kirot. Sino ba ang babaeng ito! And by the look on her face
alam ko na naaasiwa siya.

"I--I am sorry, but he insisted na dito ko siya dalhin," she said in a small voice.

I am trying not to feel this jealousy.

Napatingin ako kay Gin na nakangisi lamang na napapapikit na.

He is drunk no doubt.

I sighed. "Thank you. I'll take care of him," sabi ko sa bahagyang madiing tinig.
Napatingin ang babae sa akin. Halatang naintindihan ang nais kong iparating.

Napatango lamang ito at ilang sandali pa ay naglakad na ito pabalik sa kotse.

Akmang aalalayan ko si Gin ng pumiglas sa akin at hinabol ng tawag ang babae.


Natigilan ako. Pati ang babae. Nilingon kami.

He chuckled. "Nakilala mo na future Mrs. Gin Carlos De Villa!" he said proudly na
ngumisi. "Ganda ng sweetheart ko no?!"

Natigilan ako lalo. Wala sa loob na nabalik sa babae ang tingin ko. And there.

I saw it.

No doubt.

That woman loves Gin.

Gin's POV
Napahawak ako sa noo ko. Shit.

Mukhang napadami talaga nainom ko kagabi! Iinot inot na bumangon ako at napakurap
ng makita ang silid na kinalalagyan ko. Hindi ito kwarto ko.

Napatingin ako sa suot ko. Ngayon ko lamang napansin na wala na pala akong damit
maliban sa boxer ko.

"I am glad you are awake, akala ko bubuhusan kita ng mainit na tubig para magising

Napatingin ako sa pintuan. Si Bella ay nakahalukipkip doon, wearing her pj's.

Pero nakasimangot ito.

Mukhang bad mood. Napakamot ako sa batok.

Ngayon ko lamang naalala na dito nga pala ako nagpilit na magpahatid.

Pagkatapos wala na akong matandaan.

"Sorry sweetheart. Nagkatuwaan lang kagabi. Did I disturb you?" apologetic kong
sabi sa bahagyang paos na tinig.

Naningkit ang mga mata nito. "Mag shower ka na at kumain. At umuwi ka na."

Nag martsa palabas ng kwarto. Napakamot uli ako sa ulo. Mukhang may monthly
period ang sweetheart ko.

Mukhang malabo akong maka iskor, nanghihinayang kong naisip.

Di bale, ilang days lang naman yun! Agad na tumayo na ako at nagtungo sa banyo
baka masigawan pa ako ng wala sa oras.


Pero nasa hapagkainan na kami ay wala pa rin itong imik. Pati si Nana ay
sinesenyasan ako ng lagot. Nagtatakang napatingin ako kay Nana na nagtatanong pero
hindi nagsasalita.

Hindi ko na tuloy malunok ang kinakain ko. Ano bang nagawa ko?

Maliban sa sumama ako kina Ricky kahapon. Nagpaalam naman ako sa kanya. Pumayag
naman siya.

Eh bakit ngayon nakabusangot ito? May ginawa ba akong hindi maganda? Napaisip
ako. Baka naman nagtangka ako kagabi?!
Napalunok ako.

Wala ako matandaan. Kung may nangyari sa amin, at nagalit siya eh di sana
nakahubad ako?

Hindi naman ako nakahubad kanina paggising ko.

Kulang na lamang mapakamot ako sa ulo. I sighed na tumikhim. "Sweetheart, pwede

pakiabot ng water?" I asked slowly.

Hindi ito nag aangat ng mukha. "Donna, abutan mo nga siya ng tubig," anito sa
katulong na palaging nakangiting sumasalubong sa akin pag dumadalaw ako sa mansion.
Nasa edad bente otso o early thirties ito na maputing maputi ang mukha na parang
binabad sa suka.
Natigilan ako. Nagtataka man ay hindi ako kumibo ng abutan ako ng Donna na yon ng

"Senyorito Gin, eto na ho tubig nyo," magalang na sabi nito na kumikindat pa.
Alanganing nginitian ko ito.

"Salamat Donna."

Bumalik ang katulong sa pagkakatayo sa may dulong bahagi ng dining room. Parang
guwardya lamang.

Napabuntonghininga na uminom ako habang hindi ko inaalis ang tingin kay Bella.
Seryoso ang mukha.

Napalunok ako. "Ah, sweetheart. Mamaya na yung dinner sa mansion," alanganing

paalala ko. "But I'll pick you up before 12 noon. We are going to lunch out
somewhere," nakangiting sabi ko. Gusto ko na makilala ni Lian at ng tita Mildred
ang babaeng gusto kong pakasalan.

"Where to?" balewalang sabi as she drank from her glass of water.

I grinned. "I'll introduce you to my long time high school girlfriend, I mean not
romantically," I corrected eagerly. Baka kung ano pa isipin. "Her name is Lian

Her mouth formed a thin line but she never said anything. Nagpunas ito ng labi.
"Can I say no?"
Nawala ang ngiti ko.

"But why? I want you to meet my friends," I said seriously. "Ayaw mo ba?"

Hindi ito kumibo.

"I don't know who she is," malamig na sabi.

"Ay senyorita! Yun po yung naghatid kay senyorito Gin dito kagabi di ba?!"
nagpapalatak na sabi ni Donna. "Yung tinawag ni senyorito na my angel?"
Pareho kaming napatingin kay Donna na agad na natutop ang bibig ng makita ang
matalim na titig ni Bella.

"Donna!" she said warningly.

Napaawang ang labi ko. Nagpahatid ako dito kay Lian? Hindi ko na matandaan.

"Y-You've met her?" nakanganga ko pang sabi kay Bella na halatang nagpupuyos na ang
mukha sa galit kaya nanakbo na palabas si Donna.
Tumayo na ito. "I have a meeting with my attorney this morning. I'll text you if
I will be available by lunch," at nagdiretso na itong lumabas ng dining room.

Naiwan lamang akong nakatanga.

Alex's POV

I sighed heavily habang nakatingin sa relo ko. It's past 10 am. Kanina pa kami
tapos mag usap ni Attorney Galvez sa dating opisina ng Papa sa Makati at ngayon ay
inookupahan ko na kapag may mga pinag uusapan kami tungkol sa MGM.

Pang isang daan na yatang text messages ni Gin sa loob lamang ng 30 minutes at
hindi ko siya ni reply ni isa man lang. Kahit ang mga tawag nito ini ignore ko.

Naiinis ako eh!

My angel?!

Ano ba tingin niya don? Bata?

She is a very beautiful woman! And not to add na may gusto sa kanya!

Shit and damnation! Kaibigan pa niya! Baka nga naging ex ni Gin yon! No doubt,
ang ganda niya. Imposible na hindi man lamang naakit sa kanya si Gin.

Tinawag pa niyang girlfriend! Not romantically daw! Nakakainis talaga!

Natigilan ako ng may nag text na naman, naniningkit ang mga matang binasa ko iyon.
Sweetheart, ano na? Should I pick you at Makati? Or I'll wait for you at the your
house? Please reply, I miss you!

Napairap ako.

I miss you daw! Tse.

Bahala siya. Hindi ako sasama.

Pero kapag hindi ako sumama eh di magkasama yung dalawa?! Napaunat ako sa
pagkakaupo sa swivel chair. Nginangatngat ang puso ko ng selos kahit na i imagine
ko pa lamang!
Baka nga magtawanan sila, magkwentuhan! Dakilang flirt pa naman si Gin!


Naiinis na nireply ko siya na sunduin ako dito! Mahirap na!

I have never been insecured my whole life when it comes to physical appearance.

Until I have seen her last night.

And knowing she was a part of his past, that worries me even more. I do not know
how to deal with a rival.

Hindi kasi ako lumaki na may karibal.

Lahat nakukuha ko.

Pero kay Gin...mukhang ang dami kong karibal.

I'll fight for my man.

Even to that beautiful creature he called his angel.


Hindi ako umiimik habang nagba byahe kami kahit paminsa minsan ay napapapitlag ako
dahil panay ang tsansing sa akin ng driver. Naka mini skirt kasi ako. Nakangisi
pa ito habang panay ang himas sa tuhod ko. Pinapalis ko nga ang kamay. Patay
malisyang nakangiti lamang ito.

"Sweetheart, lumiko kaya muna tayo," suhestyon nito.

Napakunot ang noo ko. Napatingin ako sa kalsada. Wala naman akong makitang
intersection. Diretso lamang ang daan.
"Sira ka ba? Wala naman lilikuan dito," asik ko.

Lumuwang ang ngiti nito. "What I mean is," he said slowly na sinulyapan ako.
Nagtama ang mga mata namin. Napaawang ang labi ko ng makita ang kapilyuhan sa mga
mata niya.

"H-Hoy Gin! Pulos ka kamanyakan! Araw na araw at nasa---nasa EDSA tayo!" I said

He chuckled. Halatang natutuwa sa OAng reaksyon ko. Eh sino ba naman ang hindi
magugulat eh pulos ka berdehan ang laman ng utak ng lalaking ito. Pati tuloy ako

"I am just saying. Pwede naman natin i cancel yung lunch and instead...we'll lunch
on our own," kumindat ito ng papilyo.
Namumulang inirapan ko ito.

"Nakakahiya naman na paghintayin ang angel mo."

Nawala ang ngiti ni Gin at nanlalaki ang mga matang napatingin sa akin. "When you
sound like that, you give me the impression you are jealous sweetheart!"

Tiningnan ko ito ng masama. "Hindi ako nagseselos!"

He laughs na pilit na kinukuha ang kamay ko habang nagmamaneho siya. Tuwang tuwa
"Sweetheart! There is nothing to be jealous of! She is like a sister to me!"

Naningkit ang mga mata ko. "Hoy Gin! No man will consider as beautiful as she is
as a sister!" asik ko sa naiinis na tono.

"Well sorry to inform you that I am not considering her more than a friend or a
sister! C'mon, sweetheart, don;t be jealous of anybody where in fact I am very,
very much in love with you," he said huskily na hinalikan ang likod ng palad ko.

A warm hand touched my heart. Kinilig naman ako bigla.

He looked at me momentarily. "If you are not convinced yet, I can show you instead
how much in love I am with you," he whispered. Malamlam na malamlam ang mga mata
Namula ako.

"P-Pervert! Mag lunch na lang tayo sa kaibigan mo!" namumula kong sabi na hinigit
ang kamay ko.

His laughters roared inside the car. Bumulong pa kasi ito ng, "we can do it after
lunch anyway," sabay kindat!

Namumulang hinampas ko ito.


next ud by sat night, please vote and comment

Things You Can Tell Just By Looking At Her


Things You Can Tell Just by Looking at Her consists of five stories or vignettes,
tied together loosely to envision the complexity of incomplete communications about
life, family, and love. We glimpse the lives of five women, each facing problems
such as loneliness, dissatisfaction, longing, and or desire. Rodrigo Garcia, in his
first-time directing, assembled this film with a loaded cast of actresses who can
tell you everything you need to know just by their body language and facial
expressions. Their individual stories show us what “things you can tell just by
looking at her”.

Alex's POV

Napahigpit ang hawak ko sa braso ni Gin when we arrived at his friend's house.
It's a two storey bungalow type sa isang kilalag subdivision sa Ortigas. Agad na
sinalubong kami ng Lian ang pangalan.

I want to go home and get dressed properly now that I am seeing her dressed in an
above the knee crew neck chiffon, and it complemented her figure. Samantalang ako
naka simpleng casual loose long batwing top knit dress mini skirt lamang.
She smiled at us. "Hi there. I am glad na nakarating kayo," anito sa pinasayang

I tried to smile while Gin looked at her admiringly. "You look lovely Lian. Oh, I
want to introduce to you my---."

"W-We've already met," ani Lian as she looked at me sa naasiwang tinig. "L-Last

She extended her hand at wala akong ibang choice kung hindi abutin yun. I tried
to smile.

Kahit pa nga wala itong ginagawa I feel not comfortable with her.

Napatango si Gin na napakamot sa ulo. "Sorry I was really drunk. Ni hindi ko

namalayan na ikaw pala ang naghatid sa akin kay Bella. Anyway, where is tita?"
"Nasa loob at busy sa paghahanda, alam mo naman yon," natatawang sabi. Ibinalik
na nito ang buong atensyon kay Gin.

He laughs. "Oo, I remember very well. I love her adobo!"

Tumawa si Lian. "And she cooked it for you."

Nagsisimula ng uminit.

Uminit yung ulo ko.

Baka nakakalimutan nila na andito ako!

Napatikhim ako. Nahinto ang pagtawa nila at namula ang babae. "Oh we are being
rude, sorry Alex. G-Gin and I way go back--."
Agad na inakbayan ako ni Gin and kissed me on the forehead. "Bella knows that
already. C'mon, let me see tita Mildred," he said na sa akin nakatingin si Gin.
Na para bang sinasabi na huwag akong magselos. Inirapan ko lamang ito.

Napakurap si Lian and tried to smile. "Y-Yes, come in. Nasa dining room siya,"
anito na nagpatiuna na sa pagpasok sa bahay.

Kinurot ko ito ng pino kaya napaigik. "Bella!"

Inirapan ko ito uli. "You behave or you will never kiss me again!"

Nanlaki ang mga mata nito. Na para bang hinatulan ko siya ng kamatayan niya.
Serves him right! Hinding hindi talaga ito makakahalik sa akin kapag hindi umayos
sa paningin ko!

Lian's POV

I should have wore a different dress. I looked formal. While that girl looks very

Maybe that's why Gin loves her.

She is not boring. She looks fire and spice. And the glare she's been throwing to
Gin are deadly and yet...
She loves my knight.

She is very much in love with my knight.

These are the potent truth that you can tell just by looking at her.

The way she looks at him.

And he loves her just the same. Buong biyahe kagabi habang inihahatid ko siya sa
mansion ni Alex, he kept on talking about her. About how lucky he is na umuwi siya
ng Pilipinas at nakilala niya ang babaeng nagpatibok ng puso niya.

Kulang na lamang mapaiyak ako kagabi habang sinasabi niya yon.

I wanted to say that I love him more than she could love him.
Walang makakapantay sa pagmamahal ko para sa kanya. I have waited for him a long
time ago.

I know he will come back.

For me.

His damsel in distress.

But my knight have found his princess.

At hindi ako iyon.

"Grabe tita masarap pa rin ang adobo niyo," narinig kong tuwang sabi ni Gin habang
panay ang subo. Si Alex na nasa tabi nito ay napapatango lamang sa pag sang ayon.

My mother laughed. "Thanks iho. Hanggang ngayon bolero ka pa rin. Kain ka lamang
iha, naku ngayon alam mo na kung ano ang paborito ng boyfriend mo," nakangiting
biro nito kay Alex.

She smiled. "Matagal ko na hong alam kasi one time, in the middle of the night, he
travelled to my house just to eat dinner at yung frozen adobo ni nana ang
nilantakan," she rolled her eyes upward.

Nakaramdam ako ng kirot.

Pati ba naman ang mga ganoong bagay na dapat sana ay ako lamang ang may alam ay
alam na rin ng iba.

He chuckled. "Ah. Well, kaya sumarap sa panlasa ko ang adobo ni nana ay kasi
pinagsilbihan mo ko," tatawa tawang sabi.
I tried to ignore the piercing stab of pain that is killing me slowly. Pakiramdam
ko ako ang naging outsider sa hapagkainan.

Maging kay mommy ay magaan na agad ang loob nito kay Alex.

At si Gin who is smitten by this girl.

Na mukha naman na hindi pa natalo kahit saan. She is just like from those girls in
high school.



Hinahabol ng mga lalaki.

At nagbibilang ng lalaki.

I wanted to smirk in distaste. Pang ilan kaya si Gin sa buhay ng babaeng ito? I
am not that judgmental but when it comes to Gin, I think he deserves the best.

The ever best girl around.

Hindi yung pinagpasa pasahan na ng kung sino sinong lalaki.

Alex is no exception.

Her ex, I knew him. He is a player. At walang babae na lumalagpas kay Lance ng
hindi nito nakukuha.

"You are silent," puna ni Gin na pinitik ang daliri sa harap ko. Napapitlag ako
don at saka pa lamang nabalik sa reyalidad ang isip ko.

Nakangiting nakatingin sila sa akin. I tried to smile. "W-Wala. Naisip ko lamang

yung mga gagawin ko sa school."

He laughs. "Until now, you haven't changed Lian. Still the old Lian that I knew,"
naiiling na sabi.
Natigilan ako.

Old Lian that he knew?

Naningkit ang mga mata ko.

Maybe all I need is some show off.

That I am not the old nerd and loser Lian he always saved from being humiliated
from other people.

That I changed.
One thing that doesn't changed in me, though.

This aching love that I feel for him.

It didn't change.

Not in a million years.


Dangerous Beauty

Veronica Franco (Catherine McCormack) is an adventurous, curious, slightly
tomboyish young woman in Venice. Her lover Marco (Rufus Sewell) cannot marry her
because her family is not wealthy enough to provide a good dowry. Marco, a future
Senator, marries a foreign noblewoman instead. Veronica's mother (Jacqueline
Bisset) must think of the future and her family's financial security, as she still
requires dowries for her younger daughters and money for her son's commission.
Rather than go to a convent, Veronica's mother suggests she become a courtesan, a
highly paid, cultured prostitute like her mother and grandmother before her. At
first Veronica is repelled by the idea, but once she discovers that courtesans are
allowed access to libraries and education, she tentatively embraces the idea.

Gin's POV

I blushed when I saw all the pictures that Lian and I had in high school. I looked
weird! Gel na gel ang buhok ko.

Hawak na ni Bella ang tyan kakatawa habang pinapakita ni tita ang album sa kanya.

"OMG! Look at this Gin! Ikaw talaga to?" nanlalaki ang mga matang sabi na
tinuturo ang isang picture namin ni Lian noong prom night. Napasimangot ako. Ano
naman problema don? Ang cute ko nga eh!

Natawa si tita. "He really likes to wear hi hair that way! Parang nadilaan ng 10
baka!" she said in a horrific voice.
Muntik na akong malaglag sa kinauupuan ko. "Tita naman! Uso yan noong mga time na
yon!" depensa ko.

Bella giggled. Tiningnan ko ito ng masama. She is grinning from ear to ear.

"I didn't know na ganito ka ka fashionable during high school! Buti na lang hindi
pa kita kilala niyan!" kantyaw nito.

Pinandilatan ko ito ng mga mata. "As if naman hindi ka nagsuot kagaya ng sinusuot
ni Lian!" pang aasar nito.

Napatingin ito sa picture. She shrugged her shoulder. "But I don't wear this long
skirt at all," she commented.

Natigilan ako. Agad na napatingin kay Lian. Alanganing matawa ako. "Sweetheart,
Lian is a very conservative girl. Palibhasa noong high school naka skirt ka na!"
She pouted. "If you have it show it," she said proudly. Napasimangot ako uli. Sa
naisip na marami ng nakakita ng legs ni Bella noong high school parang gusto ko
silang sapakin isa isa.

"You must be thankful we didin;t know each other that time kung hindi malamang
hiniram ko ang saya ng nana mo at itapal sa legs mo," inis na sabi ko.

Natawa si tita. "O siya tama na yan, baka mag away pa kayo," nakangiting sabi.

Nakangiti lamang si Bella na parang nakakaloko. Naiiritang pinagtitingnan ko na

lamang ang nasa album. Masayang nagkwentuhan na sina tita at Bella. Si Lian naman
ay nakiupo sa harap ko at nakitingin na rin, maya maya ay nagtatawanan na kami ni
Lian ng makita ang ilang kaklase namin.

Tawa ako ng tawa ng makita ko ang itsura ni Dean, ang sagwa! Naka brace pa.
Napahalakhak ako maging si Lian ay natawa.
Biglang nawala ang ngiti ko.

Pakiramdam ko pinagpawisan ako ng sobrang lapot. Nanlalaki ang mga matang

napatingin ako kay Bella na nakikipag usap kay tita. Nakatawa ito at kay tita

Napayuko ako and gulped. Her hand is playing erotically in my crotch! Napapikit
ako ng mariin! She is pissed! The way she playfully run her finger on my zip alam
ko she is doing it on purpose!

"Gin? Are you okay? Nahihilo ka ba?" nag aalalang sabi ni Lian na concerned na
nakatingin sa akin.
Takang napatingin din sina tita at ang temptress sa akin. Gusto kong pandilatan
ang temptress at inosenteng inosente ang mukha! Na para bang hindi nito alam kung
ano ang nangyayari sa akin sa mga oras na ito!

I tried to open my eyes. "H-Ha? Ah yes. I--I am fine," napamura ako ng mahina ng
maramdaman ko na marahang pinadaanan ng daliri nito ang kahabaan ng pagkalalaki ko
na nag uumpisa ng mabuhay sa ilalim ng pants ko. I shifted my leg. I wanted to
open up so she could caress me freely but at the same time, I am nervous knowing
there are people around!

She is so going to pay for this! I whispered to myself in gritted teeth.

Alanganing mapangiti si Lian na binalik na ang tingin sa picture. Ako naman ay

naninigas na sa pagkakaupo. At matigas na rin ang parteng iyon ng katawan ko!
Shit. I dare not look at her. Coz I might take her right here and in broad
daylight! With people around!
She is so freaking hot.

Buti na lamang at malalim ang mesa hindi makikita ang ginagawa ni Bella sa akin.
Nagpaalam sandali si tita ng tumunog ang telepono sa salas. I sighed. Ibinaba ko
na rin ang kamay ko habang kunway nakikinig kay Lian sa sinasabi nito.

I her her small gasp when I found her softness in between her legs at marahas na
ibinuka ang hita nito. Nanlalaki ang mga matang naramdaman ko na inalis niya ang
kamay sa ibabaw ng zipper ko at tinampal ang kamay ko.

Patay malisyang nakatingin lamang ako sa kanya. Hindi natinag ang kamay ko.

"Naalala mo ba ito Lian? Di ba nakakatawa to?" I said sa natatawang boses habang

ang kamay ko ay masuyong dinadama ang pagkababae niya. I wanted to breath heavily
to find her moistness. Is she affected too? Good.
Hindi na nagawang manlaban pa ni Bella and when I looked at her she is biting her
lips ng palihim and I wanted to chuckle.

I found her slit. Shit. She is so wet. This is so freaking hot. Playing with her
sweet **ssy while I am talking to someone! Shit.

I wanted to lay her down and make love to her fiercely and in full abandon. I want
her. So bad.

"Gin? Are you listening?" takang sabi ni Lian.

Napakurap ako. Nabalik kay Lian ang tingin ko. But my finger cannot move away
from her sweetness. I found her nub. I slowly rub it. Shit.

"Ha? Ah yes! Ah--."

Pero bago pa ako nakatapos sa sasabihin ay tumayo na si Bella. Napakurap ako.

"I--I--," she swallowed hard. Her face is fiery red. "C-Can I use the bathroom?"

Napakurap si Lian. "S-Sure. It's on the far right of the dining room, I'll show
you," anito na tumayo na.

I sighed slowly ng umalis na silang dalawa. Napatingin ako sa ibabang katawan ko

and cursed.

This boner is killing me now!


Tahimik lamang kami habang nasa biyahe. I cursed. I wanted to touch her again.
Napatingin ako sa traffic. Shit naman. Kung kelan nagmamadali!

After she emerged from the bathroom I told Lian that we have to go. Nagdahilan na
lamang ako na kailangan namin makaalis dahil darating ang attorney ni Bella.
Nagulat man si Bella ay nakiayon na lamang.

I know how wet she is before she went to the comfort room.
She is very wet indeed. My "little guy" started to twitched under my boxer. Damn!

Kulang na lamang paliparin ko ang kotse patungong condo ko. Hindi umimik si Bella
ng doon ko siya dalhin.

We are silent.

I sighed as I held her hand at napilitan na siyang tingnan ako. I gasped when I
saw her need. Agad na hinalikan ko siya. Madiin. Nagmamadali.

She answered. I pushed her down at the sofa at agad na pinaglayo ang hita niya. I
still want to touch her so bad. And there I found her moistness again. She

"You make me ache so bad sweetheart, pinahirapan mo ko ng sobra kanina," I accused

at her as my hand is now cupping her softness. She moaned and arched her body
towards me.

"Y-You deserved it! Y-You were flirting with her," she said sa pautal utal na
salita kasabay ng paglalim ng bawat paghinga.

Naningkit ang mga mata ko na mas binilisan ko ang paghagod sa ibabang katawan niya.
Nanlaki ang mga mata nito. Then closed her eyes, trying to ignore whats happening
right now.

"I am not flirting with a friend, Bella. Stop being jealous about her or any other
woman, coz there is no one, living or non living, that can make me feel like this,
and I can't even start to describe what is this," I said seriously. My finger
slowly found her nub and now I am rubbing fiercely on it. She moaned hotly.

"You are driving me out of my sanity sweetheart. I can;t take you off my mind,
every minute and every second of my existence since that I have met you, hindi ka
na naalis. You are like a drug being injected to my veins that I have to breathe
out so my system will not go out of hand. God, Bella. Feel, feel what you do to
me," padaing kong sabi na kinuha ang palad niya and place it where it throbbed the
Her eyes grew larger than life as she found how hard I am. That I will burst any
moment. I kissed her hard. I opened her mouth and she eagerly obliged, I groaned
in satisfaction when our tongues met.

"Hmmm Gin," she moaned in pleasure na iniyakap ang dalawang kamay sa leeg ko. She
playfully teased my tongue by sucking on it. Napaungol ako lalo. Her mouth tastes
so sweet. I plunged my tongue even further kulang na lamang galugarin ng buong
dila ko ang kabuuan ng bibig niya.

"And you can make me feel like this," I whispered huskily as her hand slowly easing
my boner out of my pants. I looked at her. Nagtama ang mga mata namin. "And it's
more satisfying knowing it is you who can make me feel like this, you, whom I love
the most," I bit on her shoulderblade.

Bella moaned and cried out softly. "I love you Gin. Y-You are the only person who
can make me feel wild and wanton. I am s-shy kasi I d-don't normally behave like
this," nahihiyang sabi nito. And yet her face is lit up by lust.

Lalo iyong nakapagpainit sa nararamdaman ko. She is making me hot all over.
Pakiramdam ko pa nga nilalagnat na ako sa sobrang init. Goodness. Bella is the
only existing person on earth who can make feel like this. Even my past
relationships wala akong matandaan na nagawa akong dalhin sa ganitong estado ng
pagnanasa ko.

Even those one night affairs I've had in America.

Or the frenzy experimentation of sex during my high school days.

Those women that I've had erotic sexual encounters.

Wala ni isa.

Not even with Shan.

Kulang yung edad ko kung bibilangin ang mga sexual encounters ko. Hot. Steamy.
Wild. And experimental kind of sex.
Lahat yon nasubukan ko na.

Pero walang ma imprint sa utak ko na tatapat sa ginagawa ni Bella sa akin.

Like I am losing my control when it comes to her. That I want to do this wonderful
coupling of our bodies and soul every minute of my life. That, this is my
connection to her, heart, body and soul.

A dangerous beauty.

But I know why is that.

Bakit ganito kainit ang sex namin.

I love her.

She loves me.

We love each other.

That's the spice that has been missing in my previous sex experiences. Ni minsan
hindi ko naramdaman yung pagmamahal sa bawat pakikipag sex ko sa iba.

Not with Bella.

Being in love with her that makes me fee like this.

Like being drugged by her.

Na para bang hindi ako matahimik kapag wala siya sa tabi ko. Kayakap ko.

"And there will be no one on this earth breathing his air whom you will feel like
this except me. I'll kill him right away, sweetheart," I said grimly. At hindi
ako nagbibiro. I will never bear to see her in the arms of any other man!


I'll die first bago mangyari yon. At kahit patay na ako babalikan ko ang lalaking
ipapalit sa akin ni Bella.

I swear!

"Your mind is elsewhere, maybe I should do something to get all of your attention,"
naniningkit ang mga mata ni Bella sa akin. Saka pa lamang nabalik ang isip ko sa

Napakurap ako.

I don't like the look on her face.

Mukhang malabong makaabot kami sa dinner!


next ud @ 400 votes


The Right Girl


The Right Girl lets us in on the story of childhood best friends, Mickey and
Lauren, who are perfect for each other. The catch Mickey's promise to a young
Lauren that they would never date. So Mickey, ever the obtuse male, doesn't realize
that eight years later Lauren has changed her mind. Now she has to get Mickey's
attention before she gets her dream job in New York City or he gets a date with
Susan, the sharp ad exec he's determined to impress. They are aided in their quest
with a group of steady friends and their unique takes on relationships. Comedy,
rock'n'roll, romance, and 4 cheese pizza. The Right Girl - When it comes to love,
every man has a blind spot.




"I want to be with my daughter, Attorney."

Napatingin si Attorney Galvez kay Clarissa. He could see the determination on her
face. He sighed.

"I wish ganon lamang kadali yon Clarissa. You and your daughter is not in good
terms, how can that be possible?"

Napayuko si Clarissa at pagkuway litong tumayo at nagpalakad lakad sa loob ng

opisina ni Attorney Galvez.

"I--I don't know! But you have to help me here, Carlito! Alam mo kung ano si
Sebastian!" she said in hysterics.

He clenched his jaw. "This is between an attorney-client contract that I cannot

break, Clarissa. And my old friend Sebastian is my client."

"He is dead, Carlito! I have been suffering all my whole life living with him! He
wrecked me, Carlito. At ngayon naman ay anak ko. She is feeling remorse towards
me, ako na sarili niyang ina! And for what? Nang dahil lamang sa maling kaisipan
na naimulat sa anak ko. Oh God Carlito," naiiyak na sabi nito.
He sighed heavily.

Napatungo ito.

"Clarissa, as a parent I know what you are going through. And I feel sorry for it.
But you must understand, Sebastian Monteverde is not just a friend but my client
too. Kasama ang kanyang anak sa property that I have to protect," sa mababang
boses ay sabi nito.

Clarissa laughed bitterly.

"Property? Tao ang anak ko Carlito. Hindi siya isang building o isang pirasong
lupa na pag mamay ari ni Sebastian!"

He sighed again. Napatingin sa mga papeles na nasa mesa. "I do not know how can I
help you Clarissa. Your suggestion of talking to your daughter and telling her
things she doesn;t know will eventually create hatred towards Sebastian. Patay na
si Sebastian. Make him rest."
Naiiyak na napailing iling lamang si Clarissa habang sapo ng palad nito ang noo.
"At ano Carlito? Ganito na lamang kami ng anak ko? Paano naman ako? I don't care
about her money or his money! He could take it all with him and I don't care!"
sigaw nito. "But, I want my daughter. Siya na lamang ang kulang sa buhay ko
Carlito," sa nagmamakaawang tinig ay sabi ni Clarissa.

Naawang tumayo si Carlito at inabutan ng tissue si Clarissa. "I'll see what I can
do, Clarissa. Nasa yo kung gusto mong kausapin ang anak mo about Sebastian. Kaya
lamang hindi ko alam kung tatanggapin ni Alexandra ang lahat na yan. She loves her
father too much, and loved him even more when he---," he sighed again.

She looked at him. "Kung kinakailangan na lumuhod ako sa harap ni Isabella,

gagawin ko. Pakinggan niya lamang ako."


Carmi's POV
"Wow! Talagang ginagamit mo na ang kotse ni Alex!" nagpapalatak na sabi ni Arianne
ng pumarada ang ferrari ni Alex sa harap ng tinatambayan nilang bar. Doon namin
napagkasunduan na gumimik ngayong Sabado. Nakaka boring na kasi sa mansion.
Besides, umalis na naman si Fredrick kaya I want to hit on someone.

I need some attention right now!

Makabawi man lamang sa ginawang pag ayaw sa akin ni Gin. Agad na nainis na naman
ako sa naisip. Naniningkit ang mga matang nagpatiuna ako sa pagpasok sa loob ng
bar. "Asan si Chele?"

"Susunod na lang daw."

Nagtungo kami sa may counter at humingi ng maiinom. May ilang tao na rin sa loob
ng bar kahit ganito kaaga pa. I hate crowded place that's why dito ko inaya sila.
And besides the guys na pumupunta dito ay mga professional and rich.
I hate boys.

I want a man right now. Who can manhandled me in bed. I smiled slowly.

The last man that I go out with maliban kay Fredrick was someone that I have met on
my skiing in Batangas. We had a rough sex on the sand. I smiled mischievously.

Maybe I could have the same one tonight. Who knows?

"Am I late?"
I rolled my eyes annoyingly when I heard Cheles' voice. "You are always late!
Lagi mong inuuna ang boyfriend mo!" inis kong sabi. Tinawag ko uli ang bartender
para bigyan si Chele ng maiinom.

"Grabe naman. Traffic eh. So no boys tonight?" Chele asked.

Tumawa si Arriane. "Wala kasi wala din si Fredrick," tudyo nito.

Inirapan ko si Arriane. "I just want to party without the boys."

"And no hook ups?" angat ang kilay na sabi ni Chele. "That is not you, Carmi."

"Are you insulting me?" nag iinit ang mukha kong tanong.
Natawa ito. "I am just saying," she asked for a tequila.

"I hope Alex is here," Arriane commented. Napakurap ito ng pareho kaming
napatingin ni Chele sa kanya. "W-Why not? We always go in four, di ba?"

Naiiritang hinawi ko ang buhok ko. "That girl chose to be with Gin all the time!
Nagka boyfriend lang hindi na tayo kilala," iritableng sabi ko.

Chele laughed. "C'mon, Carmi. Alex knew you are after Gin. Kaya inilalayo niya
sa yo," tatawa tawang sabi.

Naningkit ang mga mata ko. "You are not funny anymore Chele!" gigil na sabi ko.
"He is nothing to me! Bet lamang siya and I won! I've got her Ferrari now!"
She smiled. "And she has Gin for real."

Lalo yatang kumulo yung dugo ko sa inis. I tried to calm myself. She did not win.
I won. I've got her car.

And I can still ruin her.

Napangisi ako ng marahan.

I am sure until now, Gin did not tell her about his own knowledge about the bet and
that he did on his own accord.
He agreed to fool Alex.

And she fell for his trap.

Napangisi ako. Hah! I know how will I hurt Alex and I will make sure Gin will
surely pay for ignoring me!


Alex's POV

I tried not to look at Gin across the table. I know he is grinning non stop.
I am sitting next to his mother. Habang sa magkabilang dulo ng mahabang mahogany
table ay ang kanyang Papa at ang kanyang Lolo.

"I am glad you two both make it," nakangiting sabi ng Mama ni Gin.

I tried to smile. I wanted to say muntik ng hindi.

Pag-uwi ko talaga mamaya I will sleep like a log.

I am really tired. Adik kasing Gin na to. Goodness. Ngayon ako mas natatakot. I
forgot to monitor my period. I hope not to get pregnant this early. Pakiramdam ko
hindi pa ako handa.

At wala pang 6 months na magkakilala kami ni Gin.

That worries me even more.

"So iha, how do you manage the MGM? Nag aaral ka pa din hindi ba?"

Napaangat ang mukha ko. Ang lolo ni Gin ang nagtanong. Pati si Gin ay napatingin
sa agwelo.


I swallowed hard. "I have legal attorney to settle business matter na iniwan ng
daddy, sir. Until I am at my legal age, those will be under my guardian."

Napatango ito.

"I hope na hindi ninyo agad maisipan ni Carlos na magpakasal," ang sabi ng kanyang

"Oo nga iha, mga bata pa kayo. You know, unwanted pregnancy is not----," segunda
ng Mama ni Gin.

Nasamid ako.
Ngingisi ngisi lamang si Gin.

"Ano naman masama Mama kung magpakasal ako at this age?" nakangising sabi nito.

Napatanga lamang ako kay Gin.

"Carlos! That is not a good joke!" ang sabi ng kanyang Papa.

Maging ang mama ni Gin ay napatingin sa anak. Pilit itong tumawa.

"C'mon Carlos. Nag aaral pa kayo pareho ni Alexandra. I am sure gusto nyo
makatapos ng pag aaral," alanganing sabi nito.

"N-Nagbibiro lamang po si Gin," mahinang usal ko.

He lifted a brow.

Pinaglipat lipat nito ang tingin sa mga naroon and he rolled his eyes in boredom.
"Alright, I am just kidding. I need to finish of course, dahil that's one of the
requirement to run for a governatorial race isn;t it?"
Agad ang pag rehistro ng pagkabigla sa mukha ng Papa nito at ng lolo nito.
Halatang hindi inaasahan ang sinabi ni Gin.

Ang Mama nito ang nakabawi sa pagkabigla. "S-So you decided to replaced your
father?" manghang sabi nito.

He shrugged his shoulder. Itinuloy ang pagkain. "As long as I have a wife to
stand by me when I finally bethroted."

Namula ako.
Lahat sila napatingin sa akin. Napakurap lamang ako.

Siraulong Gin talaga.

I announce ba ng ganito kaaga!

Nag angat ng tingin si Gin ng wala isa man nagsalita.

"So you don;t have any objections right? It;s a win-win situation for you already.
Get me back here in the country and make me run. And so its official, I am
running to replace my father," he said drily.
Nanatiling tahimik sila.

Pati ako kinakabahan.

"And what makes you decide to run in your own accord?"

Ang boses ng papa ni Gin. He said in a much authoritative voice than his
grandfather. He is looking very grim too. Halatang hindi nagustuhan ang tono ng

He looked at me. I tried to warn him not to say anything. He just smiled at me
and looked back to his father.
"The right girl agreed to marry me after I win that election."

Napapikit na lamang ako ng mariin.

I should be proud and happy.

But I feel nothing.

Dahil alam ko na hindi ako ang babaeng gusto nila para kay Gin.

friendly reminders:

I know i have been putting so much sex encounters between Alex and Gin and this
couldn;t help simply because it is a non-teen genre, there is a reason why i have
put it not under the romance genre dahil naka public ang mga sex scenes nila

i hope na you wouldn't think i encourage pre-marital sex, i know i have a wide
variety of readers already, and i don't intend to stimulate your sexual appetite by
reading this

we are all responsible readers so i know this is just a matter of fiction and you
can assimilate what part of the story you should take in and what should not

so to my readers under 21 years of age, please be a critical thinker and reader,

there are certain consequences in real life that i don;t put into writing

when i write, i only mean to inspire the romance in our hearts, to believe in love
and to accept that loving has another face
i don;t encourage premarital sex, just for the record and i don;t judge those who
did it, we have our own option to choose from

do what you want but be responsible for it


Shakespeare in Love


Shakespeare in Love is a 1998 British romantic comedy-drama film directed by John

Madden, written by Marc Norman and playwright Tom Stoppard. The film depicts a love
affair involving playwright William Shakespeare (Joseph Fiennes) while he was
writing the play Romeo and Juliet. The story is fiction, though several of the
characters are based on real people. In addition, many of the characters, lines,
and plot devices are references to Shakespeare's plays.

Shakespeare in Love won seven Oscars, including Best Picture, Best Actress (Gwyneth
Paltrow) and Best Supporting Actress (Judi Dench).




@princesschini (dahil nauna siya mag comment haha)

Alex's POV


That's the only term to fit to describe the dinner.

I looked down as the car stopped. Napatingin ako sa labas. Nasa harap na kami ng
mansion. Napatingin ako sa walang kaimik imik na si Gin.

I sighed na akmang bubuksan na ang pintuan ng kotse when he talked.

"You will not turn back to what you have promised," he said seriously.

Napakurap ako na nilingon siya. He is not looking at me. Nakatingin lamang ito sa

Hindi ako nakakibo.


I tried to clear my throat. I wanted to say yes. But I do not know anymore.
Piniit ko yung nagbabantang luha. Ayokong makita niya how weak I am.

Masyado na akong na o-open kay Gin.

"You don't know what you are saying Carlos!"

Tila naririnig ko pang sabi ng dating senador.

Napayuko ako. How much and how long should I endure the animosity of his family
towards me? Nang dahil sa nangyari sa pamilya ko.
Gin looked at his grandfather grimly. "You invited us into this dinner and now you
want to humiliate her at ako na rin! What do you want from me? You want me to run
right?" madilim na madilim ang mukha ni Gin and I wanted to gasp. I have never saw
him so angry kagaya ngayon.

I didn't know Gin has his own battle with his family.

Tila ngayon ko lamang naintindihan lahat.

They want him to run for governor. To replace his father in politics.

But Gin doesn't want to run.

Napakagatlabi ako. Kaya pala ganun na lamang ang reluctance niya nang sabihin ko
na magpapakasal lamang ako sa kanya kapag nanalo na siya.

Pumayag siya para sa akin.

Para pakasalan ko siya.

My heart throbbed painfully.

"C-Carlos, hindi ganon ang ibig sabihin ng lolo mo. Oh please, pwedeng huwag
tayong magtalo sa harap ng pagkain? At nakakahiya kay Alexandra!" his mother said
in a low voice.

But Gin was adamant. Napailing lamang ito. "You know I don;t want to come back
here. Pinilit ninyo akong umuwi. I was more than okay living from away from you,
from this bullshit politics! Forcing me to run when I told you even before I hate

"Carlos! You are losing your manners!" madiing sabi ng Papa niya.

Pakiramdam ko na estatwa ako sa pagkakaupo.

Ni hindi ko alam ano gagawin ko.

And all of a sudden, napasapo ang dating senador sa dibdib nito. Napatayo agad ang
Mama ni Gin.


Pati ang gobernador ay agad na napalapit sa ama at pilit na tinatayo. Sumigaw ng

tubig ang Mama ni Gin at hangos na nagtakbuhan ang mga katulong.

Si Gin ay parang tinulos sa kinauupuan.

At ako rin.

It's like we are both in trance.

Trapped in a world we do not know.

Nang sumigaw ang Mama ni Gin ay saka pa lamang natauhan si Gin at takbong
tinulungan ang kanyang lolo.

They rushed him on the hospital.

Napapikit ako ng mariin.

Naguguluhan ako.
Iniwan namin ang lolo ni Gin sa hospital na stable na ang lagay. Tahimik na ang
mga magulang ni Gin pero hindi makausap ang kanyang Papa.

I know he is very angry towards Gin.

Ngayon ko lamang nalaman na ayaw pala niyang bumalik dito sa Pilipinas. I do not

Wala pala akong alam sa buhay ng lalaking mahal ko.

And to think I agreed to marry him right after he wins the election.
Pareho kaming na trap sa mundo na ginawa namin para sa sarili namin.

Yung akala namin kami lamang ang tao sa mundo, na the world only evolve between the
two of us.

Pero ang dami palang ibang tao.

His parents. His grandfather. Whom he owes to run and take the full
responsibility as a De Villa. He is the only heir. May tungkulin ito bilang isang
De Villa.

Nakalimutan ni Gin yon.

At ako.
I am Alexandra Isabella Monteverde. The daughter of the late business magnate
Sebastian Monteverde.

My father had run his empire of businesses alone. And when he died, it was
automatically become my responsibility.

Before I have met Gin, my life is coordinated to what my father planned for me.
That I will run his business one day. That I will be the top CEO of MGM.

When I reached my 21st birthday, 50 % of the controlling stock of the MGM will be
under my supervision. When I reached my 24th birthday, the 75 % will materialize.

It means I have the full authority to run the MGM alone. With no guardian. The
legal counsel that my father prepared for me will be around for advices but never
to influence the decision of the CEO of MGM.

Napayuko ako.
Nakalimutan ko ang part na yon ng pagkatao ko.

Na isa akong Monteverde.

When I have met Gin, I became an ordinary girl in love. I was trap in our little
world with just me and him.

In fact, pakiramdam ko I was a young Bella again.

Before the tragic incident happened.

At my age of nearly 13 years old, I was just a young and bubbly teen. Palaging
nakadikit kay mommy. My mom was so beautiful and very loving. She used to fix my
hair and she told me how much----.
Napailing ako ng marahan. This isn't the time to remember all those bittersweet
memories of her.

Napapitlag ako ng bigla akong yakapin ni Gin. Napapikit ako.

"Bella," he said achingly.

"I love you Gin. But right now, your family needs you," I said in a slow voice.
Pakiramdam ko nahihirinan ako. I need him too. I need him when I feel like this.
When I feel all alone.
But he has to be there.

For his family.

He swallowed hard na kinulong sa palad nito ang mukha ko. Nagtama ang mga mata
namin. I wanted to stop the tears from flowing pero hindi ko na kinaya. Napaluha
na ako.

Agad na hinalikan iyon isa isa ni Gin. Then claimed my mouth. I answered.

His lips nibbled on my lower lip bago ako madiing hinalikan na para bang kapag
ginawa niya iyon makakalimutan namin what happened tonight.
"I will marry you sweetheart. Kahit isang daang tora tora pa ang iharang ng lolo
at ng Papa sa akin," he said firmly.

Napakurap ako. Binabaha ng kaligayahan ang puso ko. "T-Tora tora?"

Napakurap ito at natawa. "Tangke sweetheart. Palibhasa pulos magasin binabasa mo.
Try mo kaya magbasa at manood ng news," pang aasar nito.

Naningkit ang mga mata ko. "Malay ko ba don!"

He lifted a brow. "Dapat alamin mo na, kasi three years from now you will be the
wife of the next governor," he said huskily at yumuko para halikan ako uli.
Napangiti na lamang ako. I answered him again.

"Dapat lamang. You took my virginity," nakangusong sabi ko.

Natawa ito ng malakas. "I wonder kung kailan mo isusumbat yan. Mas maganda nga
sana kung nabuo na sweetheart, para mas maaga," he winked at me.

Namula ako. Kinurot ko ito ng pinong pino napaigik ito. Naalala ko na naman ang
ginawa namin after na manggaling kami sa kaibigan nito.

Gin is very much into experimentation when it comes to sex.

Namumulang iniiwas ko tingin dito kasi bigla na naman nakikita ko mga pinagagawa
namin kanina.

He laughed throatily na para bang nahulaan ano ang pumasok sa isip ko. He

"Hmm, you liked it don't you?" he said na ang tinutukoy ay yon! Namumulang
hinampas ko ito.


He chuckled. Hinapit ako at bumulong. Namumulang tinulak ko ito.

"U-Umalis ka na nga! Kung ano ano sinasabi mo!"

He laughs. Bumaba na ako ng kotse.

Nang makababa ako ay binaba nito ang windshield. Namimilyo na naman ang mga mata.

"Think about it tonight baby," he said huskily bago nag flying kiss at pinaandar
ang sasakyan.
Namumula talaga ako.

Ang adik naman!


Halos pa alas dos na hindi pa rin ako dalawin ng antok. Gin texted me na okay na
daw ang lolo nito. Nakahinga ako ng maluwag.

I told him to sleep. Ayaw kasi tumigil kakatext. Nangungulit pa about what
happened sa condo nito kanina.

At kahit wala ito sa tabi ko namumula ako. I closed my eyes na binaba na ang
celphone ko sa sidetable. Hindi na nag reply kanina si Gin malamang nakatulog na.
I looked up at the ceiling.

I love him so much.

I want to spend the rest of my life with him.

And I don't think anyone will ever make me feel those emotions he stirred in me.

And made me wanton and wild. Namula ako. What happened kanina, it's like a new me
and him. I bit my lips slowly.
"I love it when you command."

Yun yung binulong niya sa akin kanina.

Napapikit ako uli.

Nakakainis talaga.

Hindi mawala sa isip ko ang mga ginawa namin. Tinakpan ko ng unan ang mukha ko.

Naku Gin, patulugin mo ko!

Gin's POV
I flex my back as I opened my eyes. Nakatulog ako sa sofa sa sobrang pagod, hindi
ko nagawang umabot sa kama. Tumayo ako at dinampot ang celphone ko. Nakita ko ang
last two messages ni Bella sa akin. Agad na tinext ko ito and apologize dahil sa
nakatulog ako kagabi.

I was really tired.

Emotionally and physically. Agad na nagtungo ako sa banyo at nag shower. I need
to see my grandfather at the hospital.

Hindi kami nag uusap ng Papa.

Napayuko ako sa ilalim ng shower, when all the water is dripping onto me.

I didn't mean to act like a brute last night.

He is still my grandfather.

And he is still my father.

Pagbalig baligtarin man ang mundo, isa pa rin akong De Villa.

I know I have a responsibility to fulfill. A name to look up to.

And I have my own dreams too.

I want to be a lawyer someday.

But these last few months, I forgot who and what am I.

Nakalimutan ko na kaya ako nasa Pilipinas ay para tumakbong kapalit ng Papa. Sa

ayaw at sa gusto ko.

Nakalimutan ko na ang balak ko lamang ay inisin ang Papa at pabalikin ako sa


Nakalimutan ko na gusto kong bumalik ng HLS.

Nakalimutan ko lahat ng dahil kay Bella.

I sighed. Sa kanya umikot ang mundo ko sa nakaraang kulang kulang limang buwan.
Sa kanya lamang.

I became a boy.

Umibig ng sobra.

As if this is my first time to see a girl. And be hooked by her charm.

And asked her to marry me.

Napatingala ako in frustration.

I forgot a lot of things.

Because of her.

But there is nothing that I can do right now.

Because I am very much in love.

For the first time.

She is the only woman that I'll ever want for a wife.
And my family should start accepting that idea.


Pagkatapos ko mag shower ay agad akong nagbihis. I looked at the celphone at

napakunot ang noo ng wala akong makitang reply. Malamang tulog pa ang sweetheart
ko. Yung last message niya around 2 am na. Napailing ako na nangingiti.

Dadaanan ko na lamang siya after na manggaling ako sa hospital.

Nag ring ang phone. Agad na sinagot ko iyon.

"Gin? It's Lian."

"Oh hi Lian. What's up?"

"Wala nangungumusta lamang. Are you busy?"

"I have to go to the hospital right now. Sinugod kagabi ang lolo."

"Ha?" biglang sabi nito. "Oh what happened? Can I see him?"

"Sure why not? I'll pick you up?"

"Yes. I'll just shower and change."

"Okay. Bye."

Nang maibaba ko ang phone ko ay bigla ko naisip na baka magalit si Bella. Ang
selosa pa naman non. Pero saglit lamang naman ako sa hospital then I'll go and see

I am sure na hindi rin ito magiging komportable kung sasama siya sa hospital.
Knowing what happened.

Agad na kinuha ko ang susi ng kotse at lumabas.


next ud @ 300 votes




Obsessed is a 2009 American thriller film directed by Steve Shill. The Screen
Gems production stars Idris Elba, Beyoncé Knowles and Ali Larter.Obsessed tells the
story of Lisa, an office temp played by Larter, who falls in love with her boss,
Derek Charles (Elba), and attempts to seduce him. Derek's wife, Sharon (Knowles),
learns of Lisa's obsessive behavior, and suspects an affair.

Gin's POV

Napatingin ako sa orasan.

8 PM na.
Kanina ko pa ka text si Bella.

Textmate na kami ngayon.

Pssh! Naiiritang naihagis ko ang cp sa sofa. Sa lahat pa naman ng ayoko ay

magpipisa sa screen ng cp ko. Nakakabanas!

At ito na ang ginagawa ko since the first minute I entered my grandfather's room.

I grimaced ruefully habang bagot na pinapanood ang pagtatawanan ng lolo at ni Lian.

I forgot, she is his favourite among my friends. May manners daw kasi si Lian
unlike sa mga barkada ko noong high school.
Natural eh babae si Lian. Lahat ng barkada ko ay lalaki.


Napakurap ako ng marinig ko ang boses ng Mama. I looked at her. Nakaupo lamang
ito sa kabilang sofa at nanonood ng tv.

"Hindi kaya mas mabuti na mag dinner na muna kayo ni Lian? I bet she is hungry,"
anito sa bahagyang nag uutos na tinig.

I stood up. Mabuti pa nga ayain ko na si Lian na umalis para naman makapunta na
ako kay Bella. I want to see her. I missed her. I sighed.
Napatingin si Lian kay Mama. "I am not hungry tita. Besides, I want to talk to
senator, kung hindi naman ako kaabalahan sa kanya," napatingin ito kay Lolo.

Natawa ang lolo. "Of course not! Sige ituloy mo na nga yung kwento mo."

I rolled my eyes in disbelief. Hindi pa kami aalis?


Naiinis na naupo ako uli. Pasilip silip sa akin ang Mama, halatang naiintindihan
bakit ako nagkakaganito. Kunot na kunot na ang noo ko.

"In that case, ang driver na lamang ang maghahatid kay Lian."
Lahat kami ay napatingin kay Mama.

Pati ang Lolo.

Napakurap ako.


Si Lian ay hindi rin inaalis ang mga mata kay Mama. Halatang hindi inaasahan ang
sinabi nito.
"I bet he is off to somewhere, don;t you Carlos? At kesa makita kitang na bo bored
dito sa loob ng hospital, you can go now. I'll ask the driver to pick Lian here if
she wants to go home."

Hindi pa rin ako makapaniwala.

Pero totoo.

Pinapaalis na ako ng Mama!

Napatingin ako kay Lian. I saw yung pagtutol niya pero agad na ngumiti. "I--I see.
You don;t have to worry about me tita. I could ride a taxi on my way home."

"Oh no. It's okay iha. It is my son's responsibility to take you home but since
he wants to go somewhere, okay lamang ba na sa driver na lamang kita ipahatid?"
She swallowed hard bago ngumiti.

I wanted to shout for joy pero nagpiit ako. Tumayo na ako at baka magbago pa isip
ng Mama. Agad na dinampot ko ang celphone ko at nagpaalam sa kanila.

Kulang na lamang ay paliparin ko ang kotse papunta sa mansion.


"Hindi ko nagustuhan ang ginawa mo kanina Marcela."

Napatingin si Marcela sa matanda. She sighed. Nakaalis na si Lian. Ilang sandali

pa na nakaalis ang binata ay nagpaalam na si Lian.

Pauwi na rin siya sa mansion.

"Papa, alam mo na hindi dapat paasahin si Lian kay Carlos kahit gusto mo pa si Lian
para sa anak ko. Noon pa man, ay pagtingin bilang isang kapatid lamang ang kayang
ibigay ni Carlos kay Lian. Kahit pa nga malayong malayo na ang itsura niya ngayon
sa dati. Hindi pa rin iyon sapat para pag ukulan siya ni Carlos ng pagtingin higit
pa sa kapatid."

Napatiim ang labi ng matanda.

"At sino ang gugustuhin mo na kasama ng iyong anak? Ang anak ng isang babaeng
mahilig sa lalaki?"

Napahumindig si Marcela. "Papa! Wala tayong alam sa buong pagkatao ni Clarissa

Monteverde. Hindi nararapat na paratangan siya ng mga bagay na ganyan. At isa pa,
walang kasalanan ang anak niya sa kung anuman ang nangyari sa kanyang mga magulang.
I see that girl is nice. Spoiled rich girl but she is like a frightened child
Napakumpas ito ng kamay. Halatang hindi nagustuhan ang ginawang pagsagot ng

"You are forgetting who you are talking to Marcela! Carlos is the next Governor of
our province and nothing will ever change that destiny. He needs someone---."

"Like her."

Napatingin uli sa manugang ang dating senador.

"You will never make my son run without her. If you and my husband will not agree
marrying off that girl, I don;t think you have a replacement for Ed as Governor.
Not in a hundred years, Papa."

Alex's POV

"Bakit naman kasi kabuong gabi na eh dito ka pa nag diretso?" sabi ko kay Gin
habang kumakain kami. Dinner time na sa mansion ng dumating ito at gutom na gutom.

Nagtataka lamang ako bakit hindi pa siya kumain sa hospital and to think na
maghapon siya don.

"Kumusta ang lolo mo?" I asked habang umiinom ng tubig, Patapos na ako kumain pero
si Gin ay mukhang gutom na gutom pa.

He swallowed his food bago sumagot. "Fine."

"So anong napag usapan nyo don?"

Napatingin ito sa akin na para bang nagtataka sa tanong ko.

"Natural na mag usap kayo hindi ba? Eh buong araw nagbantay ka don."

Napalunok ito uli.

"Wala naman. Tulog siya," maikling sagot nito.

Kumunot ang noo ko. Tulog? Eh kung tulog lamang maghapon ang lolo nito bakit
hindi niya ako magawang tawagan lamang at nakontento kaka text?

Hindi ko na lamang pinansin.

Inabutan ko ito ng tubig. He drinks. Pagkuway nagpunas na ng labi. "Nana, ang

sarap mo talagang magluto," nakangiting sabi ni Gin kay Nana na kakalabas lamang
mula sa dirty kitchen.

Natawa ito. "Naku nambola ka na naman."

"Hindi Nana! Pramis. Turuan nyo nga ho si Bella magluto para naman maipagluto
niya ako ng masarap kapag nagpakasal na kami!"
Napamulagat ako na sinipa ko sa ilalim ng mesa ang paa ni Gin. Napahiyaw ito sa

"Bella! What was that for!" sigaw nito sa sakit habang inaabot ang binti.

"Anong kasal! H-Hindi pa ako um-oo sa yo no!" namumulang sabi ko na iniiwas ang
tingin kay Nana.

Ang adik na Gin na ito.

Pinandilatan ako ni Gin. "Anong hindi ka pumayag? Pumayag ka na di ba? Sabi mo

papakasal tayo kapag tumakbo akong governor. I just agreed to run hindi ba! You
are turning your back to your promise?!"
Natahimik ako.

Oo nga pala. Alanganing napangiti ako. "A-Ah oo nga pala no?"

Inirapan lamang ako nito. "Ang sakit mong sumipa Bella! Hindi kaya pinaglihi ka
sa kabayo?" he asked seriously.

Sinipa ko nga uli.

Tatawa tawang lumabas si Nana.


"So why don't you invite Gin to accompany you sa dinner party na yan?"

Napatingin si Lian sa ina. Pagkuway ibinalik ang invitation sa sobre at inilapag.

"I don't know if he would. He seems so busy nowadays."

Natawa ang mommy ni Lian. "Dati rati ay sinasabi mo na kapag dumating na si Gin
you would be very happy and will go back to your old friendship with him. O eh
bakit ngayon na nasa Pilipinas na lamang ito ay hindi ka man lamang excited?"

She sighed slowly. "I am excited mom. Kaya lamang he is pre-occupied with
something else," malungkot na sabi.
Napabuntonghininga ang ina nito na naupo sa tabi at hinaplos ang buhok ng anak.

"Because of that girl?"

Hindi ito kumibo. Napayuko lamang.

"He loves her. H-Hindi ko iyon matanggap mommy. Buong buhay ko hinintay ko ang
araw na ito na magkikita uli kami ni Gin. Pero hindi ko inaasahan na sa sandali pa
lamang na nasa Pilipinas siya ay nagkaroon agad ito ng seryosong relasyon."

Masuyong hinaplos nito ang buhok ng anak.

"You are still young anak. Many romance will come along your way. Hindi lamang si
Gin. I am sure about it. You are beautiful anak. Hindi lamang si Gin ang
mamahalin mo," mahinang sabi nito.

Napailing ng marahan si Lian.

"Mommy, I want him. Siya lamang. He is not supposed to fall for any other girl.
At sa isang babae pa na bago lamang niya kakilala. Maiintindihan ko pa kung
matagal na niyang ka relasyon pero mommy, ngayon lamang niya nakilala ang Alex na

Napabuntonghininga ang mommy nito. "Anak, hindi naman sa haba o sa ikli ng panahon
nalalaman o nasusukat ang pagmamahal sa isang tao. Lian, anak, ayokong masaktan ka
kaya dapat lamang na hayaan mo na lamang si Gin sa babaeng minamahal nito."

Nanatili lamang na tahimik si Lian.


Alex's POV
"Sweetheart, what do you want to do this Saturday?"

Hindi ako nag angat ng mukha sa ginagawa kong pagsasagot sa assignment ko. Paano
naman kasi antok na antok na ako kagabi kaya hindi ko tuloy nagawa. Ayan, nag a-
assignment tuloy ako ng alanganing oras.

"Saturday? I don't know. I don;t have any particular in mind," wala sa loob na
sagot ko.

"Hmm. Why don't we go out of town? Sa province ni Dean, he is inviting me and the
group. I want you to come. What do you think?"

"Ha? Bahala na, ikaw sige," ang hirap naman ng isang ito na sagutan, naiinis kong
bulong sa sarili. Hindi ko yata maalala na tinuro ito.

"Yes! I'll pick you up around 7 am, kasi medyo malayo ang biyahe natin. We'll
take roadtrip instead na mag flight tayo. It's exciting don't you think?"

"Oo," sagot ko. Ayun! Malapit na ako matapos. Hay, buti naman.

"Wow! Ito ba ang usong bonding ng mag boyfriend?"

Napaangat ang mukha ko. I saw Chele looking at us na nakangiti. Naupo ito sa tabi
kong upuan.

"Hello Gin," bati nito kay Gin. He smiled.

"Hi Chele. Wala bang klase? And where is the rest of your group?" he asked lifting
one corner of his mouth.

She giggles. "Well, for one, wala na akong prof during this hour and secondly,
Carmi left early. Magpapagawa pa daw ito ng gown na gagamitin niya next month."
"Next month?" kunot ang noong tanong ko na sinarado na ang notebook ko. "Ano

She rolled her eyes upward. "Nakalimutan mo na agad? Next month na ang
anniversary ng parents niya di ba?"

Natigilan ako. Oo nga pala. At ang MGM ay nakatakdang magbigay ng recognition sa

Papa ni Carmi bilang isa sa mga top shareholder ng MGM. Napailing ako ng marahan,
mukhang nawala sa isip ni Ms. Luchie na i remind ako about it. Or maybe na miss ko
ang schedule ko for next month.

"Are you going to attend?"

Napatingin ako kay Gin.

Natawa si Chele na lumingon din kay Gin. "But of course Gin! Your girlfriend will
give some kind of recognition to Carmi's father. Top shareholder ng MGM ang
pamilya ni Carmi. And you should come too, to escort your girl," anito na
kinindatan si Gin.

Hindi kumibo si Gin.

"You don't have to be there Gin, if you don't want to. Chele is right, I have to
be there," alam ko naman na ayaw ni Gin kina Carmi at hindi ko naman siya mapipilit
na pumunta kung ayaw nito. As for me, I have to be there for the corporation.
Nothing more.

He smiled. "At kailan pa kita hinayaan na pumunta sa party na wala ako? I will
escort you sweetheart kahit san part pa yan."

Chele giggled. "Wow! How sweet! Baka langgamin kayo dyan, sige I have to go. I
just came to say hello. Bye guys," anito na tumayo na.

Nang makaalis ito ay saka ko tiningnan ng seryoso si Gin.

"You don't have to go."

He lifted a brow. "Stop worrying about me sweetheart. I can manage their company
besides I will be there for you, not because of them," he assured me. I smiled

"Isa pa, yun na ang kapalit ng pagpayag mo na sumama sa akin. I'll just return the

Napakunot ang noo ko. "Kapalit? Ng?"

Kumunot ang noo nito. "Sa pagpayag mo na sumama this Saturday sa province ni

Napamulagat ako. "What? Wala naman akong natatandaan na pumayag ako or may sinabi
ka about the trip?"
Naningkit ang mga mata nito. Napakurap ako. Did I miss something? May sinabi ba
siya kahapon? Or baka naman last week pa niya sinabi?

"You just agreed awhile ago. When you are so busy making your assignment," he said

Napatanga ako. Parang wala naman akong natandaan!

"You are too engrossed making your assignment na hindi mo napansin na um-oo ka na
sa proposal ko na mag spend tayo ng weekend sa province ni Dean," inis na sabi

Napakurap lamang akong nakatingin dito. Wala talaga ako matandaan.

Napabuntonghininga na lamang ako.

Ano pa bang magagawa ko?

"You even agreed to sleep in one room," nakasimangot na sabi.

Nanlaki na mga mata ko.

Pati doon pumayag ako?

I looked at him sa hindi naniniwalang tingin. Nakasimangot pa rin ito.

Pumayag ako?
Sinipa ko ito.

Napahiyaw ito sa sakit. Naglingunan ang ilang estudyante.


"You and your conniving way Eugenio Carlos isn't funny anymore!" ingos ko na tumayo
na binitbit ang gamit ko.

Agad naman na hinabol ako at inakbayan nito habang napapangiwi pa rin sa sakit.
"I am just kidding sweetheart. But the trip is real and you agree!"

Inirapan ko lamang ito.

He grinned and kissed me.


I am really disappointed now that I have confirmed that the reason why we can't
find FM at What's Hot is because the story rating changed from PG-13 to Restricted

but just what I have said @ fb group, babawi na lang tayo sa FM 2 and this time,
para makaiwas sa restriction i am going to make every chapters with BS in private,
hindi ko po na i private ang ilang BS ni Alex at ni Gin knowing that I have read
some stories in Wattpad na mas malala pa and yet hindi naman under Restricted

i hope that we all continue to support the story until FM 2

as for those who are asking ilang chapters pa, i think i can do more 15-20 chapters
bago mag end ang book 1

thank you sa lahat ng naki sympathy kay Gin and Alex.


What Women Want


Nick Marshall, a Chicago advertising executive and alpha male, who grew up with
his Las Vegas showgirl mother, is a chauvinist. He is skilled atselling to men and
seducing women, including local coffee attendant Lola. However, just as he thinks
he's headed for a promotion, his manager, Dan, informs him that he is hiring the
talents of Darcy McGuire instead, to broaden the firm's appeal to women.

Also, his estranged 15-year-old daughter Alex is spending two weeks with him while
his ex-wife Gigi goes on her honeymoon with her new husband. Alex is embarrassed by
Nick, and resents his being protective when he meets her boyfriend.
Alex's POV

"Isabella, please."

I did not look at her. Nagtuloy tuloy lamang ako sa paglalakad.

A warm hand stopped me. Malamig na napahinto ako at tiningnan ang hawak niya na
kamay ko. Agad na na piniglas ko iyon.

I saw her hurt expression. I wanted to smile bitterly.

"I do not know where did you get this kind of bravery to see me after seven years,"
I said coldly. "I thought you are dead."

Napahumindig ito at tila hindi makapaniwalang nakatitig lamang sa akin. I will not
take my words back.

Kulang pa yon sa masakit na pinagdaanan ko.

When she left with another man.

When my father killed himself because of what she did. Of all the embarrassment
she caused.
And when I grew up all alone.

Yung walang magulang na tatakbuhan kapag may nang bu-bully sa eskwelahan. O kapag
alam mo na pinagtatawanan ka ng mga tao dahil sa kahihiyan na dinanas mo.

I have nobody at my side.

Maliban kay nana Belen.

And we didn't even have blood relation. Pero andyan siya at umaruga sa akin.
Pero kulang.

Dahil alam ko hinahanap ko ang presensya ng sarili kong ina. Pero asan siya?
Andon kasama ng lalaki niya!

She tried to smile, trying to ignore my painful words. "I--I want to see you. And
I am proud to see you well, Isabella," naroon ang sincerity sa boses niya but I
cannot find in my heart the feeling that I must feel for her.

Pinatay ko iyon sa mahabang panahon na wala siya.

Patuyang natawa ako.

"My father left me enough to take good care of myself. Pero paano kaya kung wala
ang pera ng daddy? Malamang matagal na akong nasa kalye at namamalimos!" may galit
na sabi ko. This pain is like a torch in my heart na unti unting nabubuhay.

She bit her lips na napayuko. "Anak,--."

"Don't call me that!" I hissed furiously. Napatanga lamang siya sa akin. Marahil
nagulat sa pagsigaw ko at sa galit na nasa mukha ko lamang.


"W-Wala kang anak! Y-You killed me when my own father killed himself because of
you!" I lashed out angrily.
Nakatulala lamang siya sa akin.

Galit na umalis ako sa harapan niya.


Naiwan lamang siyang umiiyak. I drew a deep breath. I shouldn; t be guilty. She
deserved it.

She really deserved it.

Gin's POV

"What the hell re you doing here Carmi?" galit na sabi ko ng makita ko ito na nasa
pintuan ng condo ko. Buti na lamang at naihatid ko na si Bella sa mansion. "And
where did you learn about my place?"

She smiled mischievously. Agad na kumapit sa braso ko habang binubuksan ko ang

pintuan. I easily removed her arm but she insisted.

"I just want to pay a visit to a friend, and I have my ways to know your whereabout
Gin," sa nang aakit na tinig ay sabi nito.

Naningkit ang mga mata ko na inihagis ang hawak ko na susi ng kotse. She roamed
her eyes around at bago nakangiting naupo sa sofa. She looks at me.

"This place is awesome. I bet dito mo dinadala si Alex?" she teased.

Napatiim ang labi ko. "Kung wala kang sasabihin you can leave now Carmi. I am
tired and I want to sleep," bagot kong sabi.

She looks at me with a smirk on her face. "I wonder Gin if you have told her about
the bet." nakangising sabi. Naningkit ang mga mata ko.

Her face lit up when she saw me looking at her grimly. "So! Hindi mo pa sinasabi
Gin! You are so much trouble!" tumawa pa ito na parang nang aasar.

Galit na hinablot ko ang kamay niya. "Stop messing with us Carmi! Or I'll---."

She moved closer to me, her mouth is just an inch away from me. Napaurong ako pero
bago pa ako nakagawang umiwas ay mabilis na kinabig nito ang batok ko and give me a
kiss. Nanlaki ang mga mata ko. Pilit na tinutulak ko siya pero ang higpoit ng
pagkakakapit nito. Ilang segundo bago ko siya nagawang itulak palayo sa akin. She
fell on the sofa.
"What the hell Carmi!" galit na sabi ko. I wiped off my mouth tainted with her
lipstick. Shit! This woman is so annoying and troublesome! I should have kicked
her out the moment I saw her in my doorsteps!

Natawa lamang ito ng marahan na hinawakan ang labi. There is a playful stare in
her eyes as she roamed her eyes to me.

"I want more than kisses Gin," anito sa mapaglarong ngiti.

Napatiim ang labi na binuksan ko ang pintuan. "Out. Kung hindi ka lalabas
mapipilitan akong itulak ka palabas Carmi, at kalimutan na isa kang babae." malamig
na sabi ko.
Naiiling na tumayo lamang ito. "So rude," she smoothened her dress. She walks
toward me. I look away. Napangiti lamang ito.

"See you around Gin."

Nagpupuyos ang loob na binaldak ko pasarado ang pintuan ng makalabas ito.

Kailangan na makagawa na ako ng paraan to tell it to Bella. Kung hindi, baka

makaisip pa si Carmi ng kung anong plot para mapaghiwalay kami ni Bella.

That, I cannot allow.

Not ever.


Halos wala ako sa mood kinabukasan. Carmi kept on pestering me. Kahit sa celphone
ko panay ang text at tawag! Next time papalitan ko na number ko!

Tumunog ang celphone ko. Inis na kinuha ko iyon sa bulsa ko at binasa.

I am going to lick every part of you Gin.

Napatiim ang labi ko. She is not going to give up.

"Why the long face?"

Natigilan ako ng naupo sa tabi ko si Bella. May hawak itong ice cream na nasa


Napaangat ang kilay nito.

"Nothing? Eh sumasayad na yung baba mo sa floor. You want?" anito na ang
tinutukoy ang ice cream.

Umiling ako. Ibinalik ko ang tingin sa pinapanood ko.

I have to do something. Yung tipong makakapagpatigil sa babaeng iyon! Nakaasar


Napapitlag ako at nanlalaki ang mga mata ng lumapat sa labi ko ang malamig na

Bella grinned. Napaawang na lamang ang labi ko ng iduldol niya ang ice cream sa
bibig ko.
Napapangiwi ako sa sobrang lamig. "Isabella!"

She laughs.

Naiiling na natatawa na lamang ako sa ginawa niya. She slowly wipe the sides of my
mouth. My features softened as my eyes focus on her.

"You should talk to your mom."

Nawala ang ngiti nito sa labi. Her mood suddenly changed up the moment that I
mentioned her mother. I sighed as she removed herself from me at naupo ng maayos.

"In time Gin. In time. But I must admit that right now, there is nothing but
remorse," she said slowly.

Napabuntonghininga na lamang ako.

As long as she is willing.

Kahit matagal pa.

As long as she is good when it comes to forgiving.

Agad na hinila ko ito palapit sa akin. Masuyong hinalikan ko siya sa noo. "I love

Hindi ito kumibo. But I feel her whole body relaxed.


Umungol lamang ako.

"Don't get tired of me."

Napangiti ako ng marahan.

"I will not. Promise me you won't give up on us."

Yumakap ito sa akin. "No. Never. Puputulan ko ng mga daliri ang kukuha sa yo
from me," determinadong sabi.

I laughed.
Tumataba ang puso ko.

Knowing my girl is this possessive.

Yeah. She is my girl.

My only girl.

I lowered my head and kissed her passionately.

And telling her how much I love her.

And I really do.

Love her so.


Lian's POV

"Y-You can;t go with me?" bakas sa mukha ko ang disappointment. Kinapalan ko na

nga lamang ang mukha ko para ayain siya ng personal na samahan ako sa dinner
engagement ko.

Napakamot ito sa batok. "I can;t Lian. This weekend I will go to Dean's

Napakurap ako. "Oh! Ah--you and the group?" I asked hesitantly.

Tumango ito. "Yes. And I have asked Bella to come with me."

Natigilan ako.
Ang babae na naman yun. I sighed. Kailangan ko na makasama sa trip na yon.

No matter what.


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thanks to wattpad for reviewing FM and thank you all for supporting FM


The Other End of the Line


The Other End of the Line is a romantic comedy film released in 2008 starring Jesse
Metcalfe, Shriya Saran and Anupam Kher. James Dodsondirected the project. The film
is based on an employee at an Indian call-center who travels to San Francisco to be
with a guy she falls for over the phone. The tagline is "Two countries. Two
cultures. One chance at love."[3]

It is the first combination between the Indian powerhouse production

house, Adlabs with their American counterpart MGM. The film was co-produced by the
Indian-American producer Ashok Amritraj and Patrick Aiello.It was a low-budget
film,which reportedly cost $2.5 million.[1]

Filming began in October 2007 in Mumbai, and continued in San Francisco during
2008.[4] The film was released on October 31, 2008.[5]


Napatanga si Corine sa sinabi ni Lian. Muntik na itong masamid. Agad na ibinaba

sa mesa ang frappe. "You are not serious about this crazy plan of yours, Lian? Ano
naman gagawin natin sa getaway nilang magkakabarkada?!" mulagat na tanong ni Corine
kay Lian na tahimik na nagbabasa ng notes nito.

"What's wrong about it? We need a break. I will call Ricky later on so we could
jump in."
Napailing na lamang si Corine. She rested her back to the sofa habang nakamata
lamang sa kaibigan.

"You are not being so desperate, Lian. Ibang klaseng babae ang kakalabanin mo oras
na ituloy mo ang plano mo na agawin si Gin sa kanya. She is Alexandra Monteverde,
for pete's sake!"

Napatiim ang labi nito. She stared back to Corine's eyes. "I am his old friend.
She maybe the girlfriend but I knew him too well."

Natigilan si Corine. "Look, Lian. Masasaktan ka lamang sa gagawin mo," puno ng

concern ang tinig ni Corine. Halatang hindi ito sang ayon sa nais mangyari ni
Lian. Alam kasi nito na hindi naman flirt si Lian at matinong babae ito.

Napayuko si Lian. "You don't understand. Ang tagal ko na hinintay na bumalik si

Gin Corine, and now that he is here I have to do something. Na kahit masaktan ako
sa huli at least may ginawa ako para sa nararamdaman ko."
Corine sighed heavily. She muttered under her breath bago dinampot ang celphone.
She dialled.

"Hi Ram! It's me Corine," she laughs a little. Napakurap si Lian na napatingin
kay Corine.

"W-What are you doing?" Lian asked in aghast. Corine did not mind her maliban sa
sumenyas ito na tumahimik.

"Ram, I have this research about cultures. May alam ka ba na province na pwede ko
Nanlaki ang mga mata ni Lian.


"Oh! Talaga? Pupunta kayo sa province ni Dean! San nga ba yon? Ah yes, I
remember! I-Is it okay na sumama ako? Ha? Really! Thank you Ram! You are an
angel! Kelan nga ba uli yun?"

Nakatanga lamang si Lian.

"Ah ok this coming Saturday? Okay! San ang meet up? Ok, gotcha! Thanks again!
Ibinaba na nito ang celphone.

Nanlalaki ang mga mata ni Lian. "What was that for?"

Napaangat lamang ang kilay ni Corine. "Hindi ko magugustuhan na magpakababa ka ng

ganon para kay Gin. I have snake our way in nang hindi sila maghihinala, knowing I
have asked for a favor," balewalang sabi na itinuloy na ang ginagawang pagbabasa.

Lian swallowed hard. "T-Thanks Corine."

She looked at her. "But promise me one thing. That you wouldn't do stupidity too
much for him. When it's about to give up, give him up. Okay?"
Lian looked at her pagkuway napayuko. She is biting her lips.

"Lian," naiinip na sabi ni Corine.

"I--I'll try Corine. I'll give it up when all the hope dies."

She didn't answer. Andun man ang hesitation sa mukha ni Corine dahil sa hindi
konkretong sagot ng kaibigan, so far, mas okay na yun kesa ipagpilitan nito na
isang araw ay makukuha nito si Gin.
"Alright. That's good enough for me."


Gin's POV


Napahinto ako sa pag-akyat sa mahabang hagdan patungo sa ikalawang palapag ng

mansion ng marinig ang tinig ng lolo. I looked at him. Nakaupo ito sa mini bar na
nasa dulong bahagi ng living room. Hindi ko siya agad nakita pagpasok ko.
I looked at him blankly. Hindi pa rin kasi kami nag uusap ng maayos mula ng
mangyari ang atake ng lolo noong dinner. Ang Papa ay hindi rin ako kinakausap.
Maliban sa dumarami ang nagbabantay sa akin at alam ko na sa bawat paglabas ko ay
may mga asong nakabuntot sa akin, I didn;t mind. As long as they do not interfere
in my business, wala akong pakialam. Hanggat walang magtatangkang magbitbit sa
akin pauwi o bigyan ako ng curfew o mga bawal na puntahan, hindi sila
magkakaproblema sa akin.

His face is serious. Sa edad na 75, ang lolo ay isang prominenteng awtoridad sa

"Come here."

Ilang saglit akong natigilan bago bumaba uli sa ikalawang baitang ng hagdan at
nagtungo sa kinauupuan niya. I did not sit down. I merely look at his glass of

"Have you eaten your dinner lolo para makapag brandy ka this late?" I asked non-
Ikinumpas nito ang kamay. "Are you going to make a sermon, young man? Sit, and
join the old man."

Natigilan ako. But obliged. Hinila ko ang isang stool and sit. I am half-facing
my grandfather.

Ilang saglit na katahimikan. Pagkuway ito ang bumasag ng katahimikan na iyon.

"Do you hate us?"

Natigilan ako. I felt my whole body stiffened from the question of my old man.
I tried to laugh it off.

"Is this a tricky question senor?"

He sighed. Napatingin ito sa basong hawak. "Minsan Carlos, nakakalimutan ko na

ikaw ay nasa early twenties lamang. Maybe it's because you grew up with
politicians. And we never treated you as a child even if you were, indeed, a

Napatiim ang labi ko. Ayokong balikan sa alaala ko kung paano ako lumaki sa piling
ng mga kagaya nila. And he is right.
Ni minsan hindi nila ako itinuring na bata. Hindi ako lumaki na kinalong ako ng
Papa dahil sa gusto ng isang ama na kalungin ang kanyang nag iisang anak.

He scooped me everytime there were photographers and media who were ready to
covered his candidacy.

O kapag may mga political rally and meeting na kailangang daluhan ng Papa at
isinasama ako.

Para lamang makita kung gaano siya kabuting ama.

I smirked.

But the truth is, kapag nasa bahay kami at kami-kami na lamang, tanging ang yaya at
ilang katulong at bodyguard ang nagbabantay sa akin. My mother was also out to
support him. At ako naiiwan sa loob ng malaki at malungkot na mansion na ito.

I started getting used to it.

Yung wala sila everytime I received some stars from school. Or trophies whenever
that I've won contests. They were not there to appreciate me.

To even say, 'ang galing naman ng anak ko'.

No one to appreciate everything that I worked hard at school. At an early age, I

was an achiever already. Blame it to my blood. A blood of a leader being born
from a political family.



I've had all of it.

Ang kulang lamang ay emosyon.

Yung affection ng isang magulang sa kanyang anak.

All that I know was, one day, ako ang magiging kapalit ng Papa at ng lolo sa

Ako ang magdadala ng pangalan ng De Villa.

Nasa high school na ako when I gave up that they will appreciate my achievements.
Doon ako nakakita na baka ibang paraan ang dapat kong gawin para mabigyan ako ng
atensyon ng mga magulang ko.

Nagsimula akong bumarkada.

I've tasted all of it.

At doon nagsimula na mapansin ako nila.

In a wrong way.
Yung napapaaway ka at dadamputin ka na lamang sa police station pero oras na
malaman na ako ay apo ni Senator De Villa, agad na pinapalabas ako.

Lalo akong nakaisip ng kalokohan.

Kaya ko palang gawin ang lahat. I have all the power and money. Isa akong De
Villa. No one dares to touch me.

Until that day na nakasama ako isang raid sa isang pot session. My father---, he
almost killed me. Using his 'little army', nagawa nila akong dalhin kung saan at
doon pinahirapan ng tatlong araw.

I used to be willed by strong discipline. Pero ang ginawa ng mga bodyguards niya,
it almost killed me. At hind ko akalain na darating sa ganoong sitwasyon ang galit
ng Papa sa akin.
Broke a rib or two and dumped me at the airport. A backpack and penniless.

He pushed me out of the country and out of their lives.

Now, should I hate them?

I smirked.

"I should shot back it at you senor. May dahilan ba para magalit ako sa inyo?" sa
tuyot na tinig ay sabi ko.
The Ex-Senator sighed.

Lumagok ito. Pagkuway ibinaba na uli ang baso. Nagsalin ito.

"Bata ka pa nga, Carlos. Ang isang tanong ay babalikan mo ng isang tanong. You
don't even have the backbone to admit the harsh reality to yourself."

Naningkit ang mga mata ko.

"If you grew up with full of hate because you are part of this political clan,
marahil hindi ka isang De Villa."
Agad ang naramdaman ko na galit sa dibdib.

"Matapos ng pinagdaanan ko sa bahay na ito ay saka ninyo sasabihin na baka hindi

ako isang De Villa? This is not going anywhere," sabi ko na tumayo na. The rage
in my heart is occupying every fibre of my skin.

I used to live with that name.

For a long time.

Kung pwede ko lamang burahin at palitan ang apelyido na iyon ay ginawa ko na.

Baka noon pa nagpunta na ako ng NSO at pinabago ang apelyido ko.


I sighed in annoyance. "Lolo, please. Kung ang usapan na ito ay mauuwi sa

pulitika at tungkol kay Isabella, spare me the long sermon. Ginawa ko na ang gusto
ninyo hindi ba? Umuwi ako ng Pilipinas. Iniwan ko ang buhay ko sa Amerika. Kahit
ang pangarap ko na makatapos ng law sa HLS, kinalimutan ko noong oras na pinabalik
ninyo ako dito. Pumayag na rin ako sa gusto ninyo na tumakbo ako bilang kapalit ng
Papa. Ano pa ba ang gusto ninyo?" I tried to sound calm pero tingin ko hindi ko
nagawa iyon. In my own ears, I sound like a bitter child.

And I hate that I reached this age para ilabas ko lahat ng ito.

Ilang saglit na hindi kumibo ang lolo. I was about to leave when he spoke again.
"When you run as the next governor you know that a wife is a necessity. An epitome
of a good and honest woman, pure and clean and came from a good family background.
A wife whom your detractors and media cannot harm."

Natigilan ako sa kinatatayuan ako. Napakurap ako.

Napatiim ang labi ko.

"Your point exactly, Lolo."

He sighed. "Alexandra Monteverde is not a qualified candidate for that position."

It feels like a lump constricting my breathing. I feel this pain squeezing my
heart painfully. To regard someone that I love is not qualified to be my wife.

My wife.

I smiled bitterly.

I have no qualification when it comes of choosing a wife.

But, it must be Alexandra Isabella Monteverde.

And nothing else matters.

Napatungo ako. When and if I raised my own family, Bella and I, I will not let my
children suffer what I suffered.

I'll shower them a paternal love that I failed to have from the men of this house.

"And she is the only qualification that I'll ever need. Goodnight, lolo."
Agad na umalis ako sa harapan ng matanda.

When I reached my room ay tila hirap akong huminga, agad na niluwagan ko ang suot
ko and stared blankly at the window. Agad na kinuha ko ang celphone sa bulsa ko.
I dialled.

The moment a voice answered at the end of the line, I felt that everything became
the same again. Now, that I hear her voice.

"What happened?" a sleepy voice answered the line. I smiled suddenly. I must have
waken her up.

"Nothing," I simply answered. Yung marinig ko lamang ang boses niya, its all
enough to calm every nerves in my body.
"Gin," she said warningly. Halatang nagising na ito ng tuluyan. I wanted to
chuckle. Kilala na niya talaga ako.

"Wala," ulit ko sa masuyong tinig. "Tell me you love me," I commanded huskily.

Natawa ito.

"Tumawag ka lamang para manduhan ako ng sabihan ka ng mahal kita?" sa boses na

hindi pagkapaniwala.
I laughed. "C'mon, say it."

Ilang saglit na katahimikan pagkuway napabuntonghininga ang nasa kabilang linya.

"Alright," she drew a deep breath. "Eugenio Carlos De Villa, the next Governor, I
love you with all my heart," she whispered on the phone. I could feel a warm hand
enveloping my heart when she declared it.

I love her so.

I love her so damned much.

"Now, tell me what's bothering you?" tanong nito. "Hindi mo ako tatawagan ng
ganito ka alanganing oras para lamang utusan ako na sabihan ka niyan. Hindi ka
ganon ka cheesy Gin," anito sa natatawang tinig.

I filled my lungs with air. Nahiga na ako sa kama ko and closed my eyes. I could
imagine her beautiful face full of concern and there is nothing that I want right
now but to pull her in a warm embrace.

She is my other half.

I will never be whole if she and I will not be joined in matrimony. Siya lamang
ang babaeng nakalaan para sa akin.
"I love you Isabella. And I want to marry you right now," I barely whisper.

Nawalan ng kibo ang nasa kabilang linya.

I heard her small gasp.

Oh how I want to hear her gasp when I make love to her.

I chuckled.

Even her voice on the phone is potent enough to give me a boner!


I laughed throatily. "Sweetheart, believe it or not. You are giving me a boner

right now," I teased.

She screamed sa pagkakagulat sa sinabi ko.

I laughed.

I chuckled.

"If I am there, I will make love to you Isabella," I whispered. I could imagine
her right now. I closed my eyes. I want her so bad. Her sweet lips, soft skin
and even her soft whimper of desire and lust. She is all I need.

"Gin! A-Ang manyak mo talaga! Pati sa telepono!" she said in horrific voice at
kung naandon lamang ako alam ko namumula na siya. I smiled.

"What can I do? I really am, totally, taken by your charm baby," I said slowly.
She sighed, tanda ng pagsuko. "I love you Gin."

I smiled.

"And I love you even more, sweetheart."


A Silent Love

Through an Internet service, a Montreal professor arranges for himself a Mexican
bride. But both husband and wife, even with their good intentions, are in for a
bumpy ride toward marital harmony.

dedicated to:


Alex's POV

I glared slowly at Gin when I saw the pair emerged from the last car na dumating sa
meeting place.
His best friend and another girl.

And I thought na walang ibang kasama.

Si Gin naman ay parang hindi talaga inasahan na makikita ang mga bagong dating.

"Lian, Corine! I didn't know na kasama kayo," sabi ni Gin.

The girl smiled slowly. Napatingin ito sa kasamang babae. "Corine asked me to.
May research daw siya na gagawin and perfect yung province ni Dean. Is it okay?"

"But of course! Mas maganda nga yon madami tayo, di ba sweetheart?" baling nito sa

I tried to smile. Alangan naman na sabihin ko hindi di ba? Magmumukha naman akong
masyadong kontrabida sa isang telenovela.

Si Gin ang leading man. At mas mukhang kontrabida ako kumpara sa kaibigan nito.

Angel nga daw di ba.

I lifted a brow.

I don;t have any fibre in my skin to say at least na ako yung mukhang bida.

Alex Monteverde is no angel.

But she is. That girl.

I tried to ignore this jealousy creeping under my skin.

"Let's go sweetheart," napapitlag ako ng akbayan ako ni Gin. I sighed na sumunod

sa dalang sasakyan ng mga ito.

The other guys took the baggage of those girls. But I saw her looking at Gin. I
smirked. She likes him. No doubt.

I see how she looks at him. At mukhang hindi alam ni Gin na may pagtingin sa kanya
ang kaibigan nito.
And I don't have any plan in telling him.

Baka magka idea pa siya and give her a second look.

Napakurap si Gin ng tumingin sa akin and found me staring at him. "Bat ang sama
mo makatingin sa akin sweetheart?"

Bago pa ako nakasagot ay may lumapit sa amin na lalaki. He is not smiling at all
pero there is nothing to fear from his features.

"Maybe you should formally introduce us to your famous girlfriend, Gin," the guy
said at him. Napatingin din ang ilang lalaki na naroon. And its one word to
describe them. They are all gorgeous on their own way but it can never match Gin's

Natural. Boyfriend ko yun eh.

Gin looked at them at inakbayan ako. "Alright, meet Isabella. She prefers to be
called Alex," he grinned at me. "Meet my friends sweetheart, this is Ricky, that
one is Dean," itinuro nito ang lalaking nakangiting sumaludo sa amin. Yung Ricky
na tinutukoy nito ay ang siyang unang lumapit sa amin. "And that is Ram," he added
na tinuro ang lalaking naka baseball cap.

I smiled at them. "Hello."

Dean and Ram aproached me easily at kinamayan ako. Tinanggap ko iyon. "It is nice
to finally meet the girl that made our man ran back to Manila!" Dean exclaimed
habang nanunuksong tiningnan nito si Gin. Takang napatingin ako kay Gin pero
sinibat lamang nito ng nagbabalang tingin ang lalaki. Tatawa tawang itinaas nito
ang kamay.

Ang lalaking nasa tabi ni Gin ay nakatingin lamang. "I believe we have already
met, Alex," sabi nito.

Napakurap ako. I don't believe na kilala ko ito.

He smirked. "At the party when my---."

"Ricky, that's enough," agad na sabi ni Ram na apologetic na tumingin sa akin.
Takang napatingin lamang ako dito and back at Ricky's face. He looks familiar

"Y-Yeah," natitigilang sabi ko. "Lance," wala sa loob na usal ko. At the party
when Lance announced that he is going to marry me.

He lifted a brow. "Yes. I am glad you have a sharp memory Alex."

It made me feel uncomfortable. Ni hindi ako makaapuhap ng sasabihin. Naramdaman

ko na lamang na hinapit ako ni Gin sa katawan nito.

"I am sure that my girlfriend can remember good memories and forget the bad ones,"
he said grimly na bahagyang diniin ang pagkakasabi ng girlfriend.

Tila naman natauhan si Ricky at napakurap. "Y-Yeah, I am sorry. We have to move,"

anito na sinulyapan pa ako muna bago nagdiretso sa sasakyan. Agad naman na
nilapitan ng dalawang lalaki si Ricky.

He is Lance's cousin. Ang sinasabi ni Gin na kaibigan nito na pinsan ni Lance ay

si Ricky.

"Sweetheart, let's go," anito na hinawakan ang kamay ko. His face is grim. Wala
sa sariling napasunod lamang ako dito.

Buong biyahe ay ukopado ang isip ko sa nangyari kanina. Bigla naalala ko si Lance.
I closed my eyes na sumandal sa headrest ng upuan.

Lance Miguel Genares.

I have met him during my first year. He is a total jerk. Like Fredrick. And he
kept on pestering me until I have agreed to have a date with him.

That led to another date.

And another.

I did like him.

I liked a bad boy image. I fell for it. Until one day, I saw him flirting with
another girl from another school. I was angry. And I was devastated. Hindi ko
alam ano gagawin ko. I like him yes, but we were not official.

It was like a dating couple. Nothing more. He told me he went after another girl
because I cannot give him what he wants.

And he wanted to bed me.

Bigla para akong nagising sa isang masamang panaginip.

I am pushing myself to be into a relationship because of this likeness that I felt
for him. Pero it turned out the joke was on me.

Dahil hindi pa man kami ay niloloko na niya ako.

I expelled him from my school. And he was begging me to give him another chance.

He did some crazy stuff to win me back pero I didn't give in.

Once a cheater will always be a cheater.

Hindi ko tinanggap ang proposal niya when he announced he is going to marry me. I
was so shocked that night. Hindi ako dapat pupunta but Ms Luchie asked me to dahil
isa rin sa prominenteng tao ang mga Avila.
Wala akong kaalam alam na gagawin ni Lance ang announcement na iyon.

He knelt on the floor sa buong pagkabigla ko and asked me to marry him. A ring on
his hand.

Nagpalakpakan ang mga tao.

I was oblivious about what's happening around me.

At hindi ko rin inaasahan ang gagawin ko na pagtakbo palayo sa harap nito.

I looked at him one last time and saw how hurt he was. But my feet were like
having a mind of its own. Nanakbo ako palayo sa kanya.
At sa harap ng maraming tao ng gabing iyon.

And the day after that party I have heard he flew to US. Doon na daw mag aaral.
Hindi ko alam ang mararamdaman ko but I was hurt too.

It's like a love that came out wrong.

And when I came back to school I was a different girl. Partying around and
flirting with anyone I fancy.

Just to forget him.

O yung regret na baka maramdaman ko para sa pag alis niya.

Sinaksak ko iyon sa isip ko. And after awhile, I finally erased him out of my

"You are thinking about him."

A cold voice stopped my trail of thoughts. Takang napamulat ako ng mga mata and
found Gin staring darkly at me. Napakurap ako at pilit na ngumiti.

"About who?"
"Don't lie to me Isabella," he said grimly. "I am not so good in pretending I am
okay when in fact I am not."

I sighed. I lifted a hand and touched his mouth. "I like it when you are jealous
Gin," sabi ko sa namamanghang tinig. He is more handsome up close. His eyes
feasted darkly at me sa sinabi ko.


I smiled as I leaned forward to kiss him lightly. "One day, I'll tell you about
him and why you shouldnt feel any jealousy towards him or any other men," I

Naningkit ang mga mata nito pero halatang natuwa sa sinabi ko.

"And why is that?" nakasimangot pa ring sabi nito.

I looked up at him. Our eyes met. "Because you are the only man meant for me,
Eugenio Carlos De Villa. Just you," nangingislap ang mga matang sabi ko.

His eyes spark intensely and claimed my mouth.

"You bet I am," he said firmly.

I giggled.

Lian's POV
"You should look away."

Saglit na inialis ko ang tingin sa dalawa na magkayakap sa may unahang bahagi ng

sasakyan. I could feel the sudden pain twisting inside of me.

Nalingon ko si Corine na nakatakip sa mukha ang dalang libro.


Inalis nito ang libro sa mukha and look at me. "Masokista ka din ano? Sleep,"
utos nito.
I swallowed hard na sumandal na lamang sa upuan at pilit na inilalayo ang mga mata
sa dalawa. Hindi ko alam bakit pa sumama ako hindi ko akalain na masasaktan lamang
ako ng ganito.

Gin is very much in love with her.

Pero babaguhin ko iyon.

I will make him remember us.

The way he protected me.

I can make him remember us.

And I'll make sure he will forget her.

That woman.


sorry for making you all wait...

vote and comment next ud @ 500 votes


My Summer of Love

My Summer of Love is a 2004 British drama film directed by Pawel Pawlikowski and
co-written by Pawlikowski and Michael Wynne. Based on thenovel of the same
name by Helen Cross, the film explores the relationship between two young women
from different classes and backgrounds.Working class Mona (Natalie Press), whose
once-hotheaded brother Phil (Paddy Considine) became a born-again Christian in
prison, meets upper middle class Tamsin (Emily Blunt) who suffers from a lack of
love in her family. Filmed in West Yorkshire, the film went on to win a BAFTA.

this is the sad part of loving a friend and doesn't know you exist...- mechanic

Gin's POV

Natatawang hinila ko lamang si Bella ng makitang nagagalit na ito. Paano ba naman

sabi ko ng huwag ng magpalit ng damit para maligo. Ayokong makitang naka display
ang katawan niya. Ayun nagalit. Alangan naman daw na mag saya ito habang nag sw
"You are not being funny anymore Gin," nakasimangot na sabi ng sabihin ko na
palitan niya ang two piece swimwear na suot nito.

Pinandilatan ko ito. "Sa banyo ka na lang maligo," sabi ko.

Nag martsang lumayas ito sa harapan ko. Nakangisi lamang ako na bumalik sa
pagbabasa ko ng magasin. I smelled fresh air. Iba na talaga sa probinsya. Ang
katiwala lamang ang sumalubong sa amin pagdating dahil ang tita Consuelo ni Dean ay
nasa kabilang bayan at doon naglagi sa isang anak nito na kakapanganak lamang.

"Gin, meryenda," nakangiting sabi ni Lian na naupo sa kabilang upuan. I smiled na

tiningnan ang dala nito. Bahagyang kumunot ang noo ko ng makita ang dala nito.

"O, don't tell me na hindi ka na kumakain ng biko ngayon? Eh yan ang paborito mong
bilhin sa eskwelahan?" nakaangat ang kilay na sabi ni Lian.

Napakurap ako pagkuway tumawa. "Oo nga! Wow! Ngayon lamang ako uli makakatikim
nito," tuwang sabi ko na agad na kinuha ang tinidor at kumuha ng biko. Agad na
tinikman ko iyon.

Nakangiting tinitingnan lamang ni Lian ang reaksyon ko habang kumakain. "Well?"

Napapatango ako sa sarap. "Superb. I missed this one! Sino nagluto?" sabi ko na
kumuha uli. Nakakamiss talaga ang pagkaing Pilipino.

"Yung kasambahay ni tita Consuelo. Ibinilin naman daw kasi tayo na darating," sabi
nito na kumuha na din ng biko.

"Madami pa ba?" nakangising tanong ko.

Natatawang nanlaki mga mata ni Lian. "Ang takaw mo talaga! Hindi mo pa nga
nauubos yang nasa plate eh," anito.
I chuckled. Tuwang kumain na lamang kami habang nagkukwento ito tungkol sa
eskwelahan. Nagkwento din ako what happened to me in America.

"I am sure na madami kang iniwan na babae don," kantyaw nito.

Alex's POV

Natigil ang pagbaba ko sana ng hagdan ng marinig ko ang sinabi ni Lian. Nagkubli
ako. I could feel my own heart beating so fast.

"C'mon, Gin. I know you since childhood. Ikaw ang lalaking hindi pupwedeng iisa
lamang ang babae," narinig ko na sabi pa ni Lian. Kumunot ang noo ko. Kahit pa
nga wala sa mukha ni Gin ang pagiging santo parang hindi ko matanggap na ganon
kakilala ni Lian si Gin.

"Grabe ka naman Julianna Christie!"

"Eww! Pwede ba Gin, huwag mo nga akong matawag tawag sa buong pangalan ko!"

"Bakit ba? Eh yun naman talaga pangalan mo! Hahaha! Ayaw mo maalala ang Lola
no?!" humahagalpak na tawa ni Gin.

I swallowed hard.

Nakita ko na dinampot ni Lian ang throw pillow at hinampas kay Gin. Napakurap ako.
Para silang bata na naghampasan ng unan.

Kumikirot yung puso ko. Ngayon ko lamang naramdaman ang ganitong klaseng selos.
Napayuko ako at saka tumalikod. Hindi ko na magugustuhan na marinig pa ang masaya
nilang tawanan.

Nagkulong ako sa kwarto na ibinigay sa amin ng katiwala ng tita ni Dean.

Napatingin ako sa labas, may azotea kanugnog ng kwarto at paharap sa dagat na
malapit sa bahay bakasyunan. Doon ako dinala ng mga paa ko sa azotea. Naupo ako
sa divan and drew a deep breath.

What's happening to me?

Pakiramdam ko bigla akong naduwag.

Seeing him and that girl na para bang kilalang kilala na nila ang isat isa. I
smiled wryly. Kababata nga pala niya ito. Natural na kilala na nila ang isat isa.
I bit my own lips kasabay ng pagkirot ng kalooban ko.

This is all new to me.

Yung makaramdam ako ng selos.

At takot at the same time.

Kasi alam ko na kilala nila ang isat isa. Mas higit pa sa pagkakakilala namin ni
Gin. Napayuko ako.

"Do you mind if I join you?"

AGad na napaangat ang mukha ko ng marinig ang boses. Nakita ko si Ricky na paakyat
sa azotea. May hagdan pala sa gilid na iyon.

Napakurap ako. "N-No."

He smiled a little na umakyat at naupo sa kabilang divan. We are both facing the

"I want to apologize about my behaviour," mahinang sabi nito pagkuway tumawa. "I
do not know what's got into my head para sabihin yon. I am sorry," sinserong
paghingi nito ng paumanhin na saglit akong sinulyapan.
Pilit na ngumiti ako. "W-Wala yon. Naiintindihan ko ang reaksyon mo," sagot ko.

Napatango ito. "Salamat," itinutok na nito uli ang tingin sa kalayuan. Ako man ay
nakuntento na panoorin ang laot. Payapang payapa ang dagat.

"H-How is he?" I asked after a long silence. Hindi ko alam bakit ko nasabi yon.
Marahil dahil after two years ay wala akong naging balita kay Lance.

Napatingin ito sa akin, pagkuway ikinibit ang balikat. "The last time that I
talked to him was last year. He is doing fine I guess. He is finishing his
Management course and eventually babalik na siya sa Pilipinas to run some business
na ipinamahala sa kanya ng mga magulang niya."

Napakurap ako na ibinalik sa kanya ang tingin. "P-Pauwi na siya?"

He shrugged his shoulder. "Hindi ko pa alam kung kelan at isa pa wala nga akong
balita sa kanya. All I know, is that, he will fulfill his promise to come back for
you," matamang tinitigan niya ako.

Napalunok ako. Pagkuway marahang natawa.

"Bata pa kami non. And his decision to fulfill his promise will not materialize
right now. Marami ng nagbago."

"Including your feelings for him?"

Natigilan ako. Iniiwas ko ang tingin.

"I don't want to talk about it," I said.

He sighed. "I am sorry for asking too personal question. But I am concerned, Gin
is my friend. Hindi ko magugustuhan kung paglalaruan mo lamang ang kaibigan ko,"
nagkaroon ng bahagyang diin ang pagkakasabi ni Ricky.

I lifted a brow. "Are you saying that I am a player?" nag iinit ang mukha kong

Iniangat nito ang dalawang kamay na parang sumusuko. "It's not what I meant. But
you must admit, after my cousin you have made a reputation for yourself,"
makahulugang sabi nito.

Natigilan ako.
Oo nga. Nakakalimot ako. Na isa nga pala akong playgirl. Papalit palit ng fling.
Iba iba pero walang nagtatagal.

Pero hindi na nila dapat pang malaman na lahat ng iyon ay palabas lamang.

Sasagutin ko sana si Ricky ng biglang sumulpot sa may hagdan si Dean. Naka suot na
rin ito ng plaid boardshort at halatang kakagaling lamang sa tubig.

"O hindi pa ba kayo mag s swimming?" takang sabi. "Andun na sina Corine at Ram.
Asan na ba si Lian? At ang boyfriend mo Alex?" tanong nito.

Pero bago pa ako nakasagot ay lumabas galing sa kwarto si Gin. Napatingin ako
dito. Bakit ang sama ng tingin nito? Hindi ko naman huhubarin ang suot kong t
shirt na white kahit nasa ilalim ng damit ko yung swimwear na inaayawan niya

"Kayo na lamang magswimming. Nagpapasama sandali si Lian pagkuha ng mangga sa may

farm," sabi nito na ang mga mata ay nakatutok sa akin.

Napatingin sa akin ang dalawang lalaki.

Napakurap ako. Pero hindi ako kumibo. Kung gusto niya ang company ng kaibigan
nito eh di fine!

I smiled sweetly. "Ah okay. I'll join them," sabi ko na tinuro si Dean. Nanlaki
naman ang mga mata ni Dean na parang sinasabi na ayaw niya. Maging si Ricky ay
"Err--hindi pala kami mag s-swimming! M--Magba-basketball kami!" agarang sabi ni
Dean. "Di ba Ricky!"

"Oo. Kaya sumama ka na sa kanila Alex," segunda ni Ricky.

Naningkit ang mga mata ko. Wala akong balak na panoorin ang paglalampungan ni Gin
at ng kaibigan kuno nito. Magsama sila!

Naiirita talaga ako.

"Eh di manonood na lamang ako," sagot ko na tumayo na. Napatingin ang dalawang
lalaki kay Gin.
Madilim lamang ang mukha nito pero hindi sumagot.

Ikinibit ko ang balikat ko na susunod sana sa dalawa pero nagmamadaling nanakbo.

Takang sinundan ko lamang sila ng tingin.

"Hoy!" sigaw ko na nanlalaki ang mga mata. Anong problema ng mga yon!
Napahalukipkip lamang ako na nakatingin sa dalawang adik na ambibilis tumakbo
parang hinahabol ng kung ano.

Napakurap na lamang ako ng ibaling ang tingin ko kay Gin na wala pa ring kakibo
kibo sa pagkakatayo. "Y-You go ahead. I'll read na lang the book na dala ko,"
sabi ko na akmang tatalikod na pero nagsalita ito.
"Kanina pa kita hinihintay sa baba, andito ka lamang pala at nakikipagdaldalan sa
kanila," matigas na sabi nito.

Natigilan ako. He never used this kind of tone with me. Ngayon ko lamang narinig
iyon. Bahagyang nakaramdam ako ng kaba. Ang dilim na kasi ng mukha nito.

I wanted to smirked. Siya pa may ganang magalit eh samantalang naglalandian sila

ng Lian na yon!

"Sorry to keep you waiting but I am sure someone will entertain you when I am not
around," I said sarcastically.

Natigilan ito pagkuway naningkit ang itimang mata ni Gin. Hinablot nito ang braso

"You are being unreasonable, Isabella," galit na sabi nito. Halatang nagpipiit na
lamang ito base sa paglalapat ng bagang ni Gin.
I smiled in annoyance. "Really now? Ako pa ang unreasonable!" I almost shouted at
him. Naiinis ako na nagmumukha akong kontrabida sa kanya!

Natigilan kami ng biglang bumukas ang pintuan. Iniluwa noon si Lian na agad na
napahinto sa pagpasok ng makita kami ni Gin. Inis na ipiniglas ko ang hawak nitong
braso ko.

"Oh! I--I just came to confirm if you are ready to go, Gin," anito sa naasiwang

Galit na tinapunan ko ng tingin si Gin. How dare this girl to come up here and
claim him?

He sighed na napahawak sa batok bago tiningnan si Lian. "Susunod na lamang ako

Lian. Isabella and I---."

"Off you go. I badly needed a swim," I said coldly na agad na lumabas.
Kulang yung salitang kumukulo ang dugo ko to describe what I am feeling right now!

I wish I could throw a pail of hot water to both of them!


"Nag away ba kayo?" alanganing tanong ni Lian habang namamaybay sila sa kahabaan ng
farm ng pamilya ni Dean. May ilang katiwala na sumalubong sa kanila at siyang nag
guide para marating nila kung saan naroon ang mga malalaking puno ng mangga.

Pilit na ngumiti si Gin. "Don't mind it."

Lian looked at him. "I--I should have not asked you at all. I mean, you should go
and talk to her," she said.
He shrugged his shoulder. "It should be better to cool it off for awhile. Teka,
mukhang nasa dulo yung madaming hinog na mangga," agad na pag iiba nito ng usapan.

Napatingin si Lian sa tinuturo ni Gin. "Oo nga! Grabe ang dami! Buti na lamang
may dala tayong basket," tuwang sabi ni Lian na agad na hinila si Gin papunta sa
isang puno.

Si Gin na ang nag prisintang umakyat ng hindi nila makuha gamit ang panungkit ang
mga mangga na hinog. Tuwang tuwa naman si Lian na sinasalo ang mga nakukuha ni

"Hoy Gin! Tama na! Ang dami na nito!" reklamo ni Lian. Puno na kasi ang basket.
Bumaba naman si Gin.

"Ang dami na nga," sabi nito na kinuha na kay Lian ang basket. "Ako na."

Nakangiting tiningnan ni Lian si Gin. "Remember our high school days? Palagi din
tayong kumukuha ng mangga."
Napangiti si Gin. "Yeah. And there was one time na hinabol pa ako ng aso dahil sa
pinapakuha mong mangga ng kapitbahay," naiiling na natatawang sabi nito.

She giggled. "Yeah! I remember," naglakad na sila pabalik ng resthouse. "I am

glad na umuwi ka na Gin. I really missed you," she said slowly.

Napatingin naman si Gin dito. His eyes stared back at her then smile. "And I
missed you too, angel. We should hurry back, padilim na pala," anito na tumingin
sa relo.

Lian nodded. A sad smile forming her lips.


My Sassy Girl

My Sassy Girl (Korean: 엽기적인 그녀; literally, That Bizarre Girl) is a 2001 South
Korean romantic comedy film directed by Kwak Jae-yong. It tells the story of a
man's chance meeting with a drunk girl on the train which changes his life. It is
ostensibly based on a true story posted on the internet in a series of blog posts
written by Kim Ho-sik,[1] which was later adapted into a novel.

The film was extremely successful in South Korea and was the highest grossing
Korean comedy of all time.[2] When My Sassy Girl was released throughout East Asia,
it became a mega blockbuster hit in the entire region,
from Japan, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, as well as Southeast Asia, to the point where
it was drawing comparisons to Titanic.








and to trishia gianan na pinadedicate ni ChiarellaAngeles

sa mga followers na nagagalit kay Lian, maki payback time tayo kay Alex

Gin's POV

Agad na nag diretso ako sa kwarto at nag shower, hindi na muna ako nag abalang
hanapin si Isabella, I am sure na galit na galit pa rin ito. I sighed as the cool
water hit my body. Napapikit ako ng mariin when I heard her asked about that guy.

I smiled bitterly when I felt this unfamiliar ache deep within.

Hindi ko alam bakit ako nagseselos.

Wala naman akong dapat na ipagselos. Pero andito lamang yung ganitong pakiramdam.

Why she asked about him? Does it mean, she still care for him? Nami-miss ba nito
ang pinagsamahan nila ng lalaking iyon?
I drew a deep breath to calm myself.

I feel so possessive when it comes to Bella. Hindi ko nagugustuhan na may ibang

lalaki itong pinag ukulan ng pansin maliban sa akin.

Nagtalo pa tuloy kami.

Hindi ko naman sinasadyang pagtaasan siya ng boses. Nagagalit lamang talaga ako at
narinig ko pa mismo sa bibig niya na hinahanap niya kay Ricky ang pinsan nito.

And she didn't answer when Ricky asked about what she feels for him.

She tells me she loves me.

Pero bakit parang kulang.

Nag aalinlangan ako.

At hind ko alam kung bakit.

Alex's POV

Hindi ako sumama kina Dean ng ayain na nila akong bumalik sa resthouse. Padilim na
kasi pero andito ako sa tabing dagat habang yakap ang dalawang tuhod at nakatingin
sa laot.
I didn't know what happened earlier. Bakit namin kailangan na humantong sa

At kung bakit kailangan na magpatalo ako sa Lian na yon.

He is my boyfriend!

And I should protect my own turf. Hindi iyong hayaan ito sa kamay ng kaibigan nito
na lihim na nagmamahal sa lalaking mahal ko.

I smiled wryly. She is not going to win this battle. If she dares to take him
away from me, then I promised on my father's grave that she is going to pay.

Big time.

No one dares touch my man.

And Gin is mine.

At dapat na maipamukha ko iyon sa Lian na yon nang magising siya sa katotohanan.

Gin will never be hers.

Agad na tumayo ako at pinagpag ang suot kong short.

It's payback time.

Lian's POV
Tawa ako ng tawa habang nakikinig sa kwento ni Ricky. Kasalukuyang nasa
hapagkainan kami at naghahanapunan. Nakaupo sa tabi ko si Corine at sa kabila
naman ay si Ricky at Ram, nasa magkabilang dulo ng mesa si Dean at Gin.

Ang saya ko. Kasi naman para kaming nag get together. High School reunion. I
looked each one of them and I smiled. They are the best people that i have ever
met. Hindi ko na alintana na wala ang babaeng iyon. Malamang nagmamarakulyo pa sa
away nila ni Gin. I didn;t mind at all na wala siya sa harapan namin. Mas maganda
nga kung mag walk out ito at umuwi na lamang sa Manila.

Napasulyap ako kay Gin. Bagamat nakangiti ito ay halatang kanina pa sumisilip sa
hagdan. Narinig ko na sabi ni Ricky na nagtuloy sa kwarto si Alex at nag shower.
Nahuhuli ko na nag uusap ang dalawa pero hindi ko naman maintindihan.

"Hey, am I late for dinner?"

Napaangat ang mukha ko ng marinig ang boses na iyon na pababa ng hagdan.

She is smiling from ear to ear and wearing a simple dress and yet she looks
beautiful. Halatang nagbihis ito to make an impression. Nahuli ko na lahat sila
ay nakatutok lamang kay Alex. Si Corine naman ay napatingin sa akin.
I saw Gin na akmang tatayo but she signalled na maupo na lamang ito.

Lahat kami ay napatanga ng walang anu anong yumuko si Alex at bigyan ng mabilis na
halik sa labi si Gin. I felt my face drained with color.

How dare...

Kitang kita ko na nanlaki ang mga mata ni Gin pero hindi inalis ang kamay ni Alex
na nakapulupot sa leeg nito.


Napaubo si Ram. "Wow! I should have bring my girl with me para hindi naman ako
naiinggit," tukso nito ng sa wakas ay maghiwalay ang labi ng dalawa.
Nakita ko na namula si Gin samantalang ang babae ay tumawa lamang ng mahina na
pinunasan ng daliri ang lipstick na bumakat sa labi ni Gin.

Pulang pula ako sa pagka asiwa at inis na nararamdaman.

She is declaring what she owns.

In front of me.

Tumawa sina Dean. "Ang tanong ay sino sa kanila?"

The girl smiles. "Oh sorry. We had a row awhile ago and I want us to kiss and
make up," she said demurely na tiningnan si Gin na halatang nalunok ang dila. Ni
hindi makasalita.

"Wow! I didn't know that Alex could be this sweet," sabi ni Dean. "I should have
courted you before you met this lucky man," nakangising sabi.

Natawa si Alex while Gin glared at him warningly. "Back off," he said.

Pakiramdam ko kailangan ko na lumunok ng paulit ulit to swallow the lump

constricting my throat.

"Well, I am this sweet kapag behave siya," she said as she threw him a glance. Gin
looked at her.
"You know I always behave even when you are not around," sagot nito na hindi
inaalis ang tingin sa babae.

Umangat ang kilay ni Corine. "Wow! Good boy," biro nito.

Ricky smiles na kumuha ng tubig at uminom. "Mabuti pa kumain na tayo at lumalamig

ang pagkain. At kayong mag love birds ay maghiwalay muna at baka kayo langgamin
dyan," natatawang sabi nito.

I saw the girl was about to pull a chair pero maagap na naunahan ito ni Gin at
inilagay ang upuan sa tabi niya,

"Sit sweetheart, at baka malayo ka lamang ng konti ay maging tigre ka na naman,"

anito sa seryosong tinig.
Nagkatawanan ang mga naroon maliban sa aming tatlo. Natigilan ako when she looks
at me at para bang naghahamon.

At nagsasabi na hinding hindi maagaw si Gin mula sa kanya.

I could feel my blood rising.

The war is on.

I accept the challenge.

I'll get him. No matter what!


"You are silent," puna ni Gin sa dalaga ng maiwan sila sa terasa. Pareho pa silang

Hindi kumibo ang dalaga. Gin sighed na sumandal sa barandilya at saka hinila
palapit sa katawan nito ang dalaga.

"I am sorry about what happened earlier," mababa ang boses na sabi nito.

"I--I was sorry too," anito.

Gin pulled her and kissed her forehead. Alex didn't object.

"I love you, sweetheart."

Alex put her arms around his body habang nakalapat ang noo nito sa dibdib ng

"I am jealous of her," wala sa loob na sambit nito.

Napamaang si Gin. Agad na iniangat ang mukha ng dalaga. He gasped when he saw the
truth on her eyes.

"B-But there is nothing to be jealous of. Kaibigan si Lian. Sweetheart," tila

walang maapuhap na sabihin at ipaliwanag pa si Gin kaya masuyong hinalikan na
lamang nito ang labi ng dalaga. Isang magaan at mabilis na halik.
Napapikit lamang si Alex.

"You are my only woman and the only one that I should give my name to. Walang
iba," masuyong sabi ni Gin while his lips brushing hers.

She smiled. "You should keep that promise or you'll be sorry for the rest of your
life, Gin Carlos De Villa," she warned.

Natawa ng malakas si Gin. Nakalimutan na ang nangyaring away sa pagitan nila.

"Hmm, when you threatened me like this, I feel I have to secured my future
already," biro nito. "Marry me now," he urged playfully.
Natawa si Alex kasabay ng panlalaki ng mga mata. "You and your conniving way Gin!"

He chuckled. "Ikaw lamang naman ang may ayaw," anito sa nagtatampong boses.

Inirapan ito ng dalaga. "You promised me you are going to fulfill their dreams for
you," sabi ni Isabella.

He sighed. "I know. Now, give me a good kiss. Makabawi man lamang," he said na
itinuro ang labi.

Pinandilatan ito ni Isabella. "Ayoko nga! Kanina ka pa nga nakakahalik ah!

Sumosobra ka na Gin!"
"Sumosobra? Eh ikaw nga hinalikan mo ako sa harap nila!" he smiled devilishly.
"Ikaw ha, masyado kang agressive. Sabagay--."

Kinurot ko ito ng pino. Tatawa tawang hinapit lamang ako nito na itinuro uli ang
labi. Inirapan ko lamang ito.

He chuckled. "Ang damot mo. What did you do kanina nong umalis ako?" he asked.

Alex's POV

Umiling lamang ako. "Just hang around. Ayaw akong isama nina Dean kanina,"
nagsusumbong na sabi ko.
Natawa ito ng marahan na masuyong hinalikan ang noo ko. "Hmm, they knew me. They
are my friends after all!"

Napakunot ang noo ko na tiningala ito. "Meaning?"

Ngumisi lamang ito. "Nothing. Marami nga pala kaming dalang mangga. Gusto mo?"

Bigla na naman akong napasimangot. Tiningnan ko ito ng masama. "Ano naman ginawa

Napakamot lamang si Gin ng batok. "Sweetheart, kung ikaw ang kasama ko kanina sa
farm malamang may ginawa tayo," pilyong kumindat ito.

Napalitan ng pamumula ang buong mukha ko. Hinampas ko nga ito.

"Aray naman! Bakit ba?" anito na sinasangga ang hampas ko.

Nakangusong pinisil ko ang dulo ng ilong nito. "Ang pilyo mo! Pulos ganon na
lamang ba ang laman ng utak mo Governor?" pang aasar ko.

Ito naman ang sumimangot ng marinig ang tinawag ko sa kanya. "I hate it when you
address me like that. Mas maganda kung ang tawag mo sa akin ay love or honey, or
baby," anito.

"Baby!" tumawa ako. Lalo itong naasar. "Ang laki laki mong baby," natatawang sabi
ko na binelatan ito.

Naningkit ang mga mata nito. "Ah ganon! Halika nga and I'll show you why you
should call me baby," he said huskily na bahagyang bumaba ang mga mata sa low
neckline ng suot kong damit.

Napakurap ako kasabay ng pamumula. Napatingin ako sa tinitingnan niya at saka

nanlalaki ang mga matang pinalo ito sa braso. "Bastos!"
"Aray! Ano bang ginawa ko! Aray naman! Isabella!" he said warningly. "Matulog
na nga tayo," anito na hinila na ako.

Pinandilatan ko siya. "Oy Eugenio! San mo ko dadalhin?"

"Eh di sa kwarto natin," pilyong kumindat ito.

Tinapik ko ang noo niya. "Ayun! Talagang may balak ka eh no! At dito pa sa bahay
ng kaibigan mo," I said horribly.

He smirked. "Well, we could do it on the beach," he winked playfully.

I rolled my eyes upward. Hinila ko braso ko. Takang napatingin ito sa akin.

"I will sleep with the girls and you sleep with your friends," I declared na
humalukipkip. Napamaang ito.
"What?! Kaya nga tayo sumama sa kanila para masolo kita tapos hindi tayo
magtatabi?" simangot na simangot ito.

"Ah ganon! Pwes, mag isa ka dyan!"

Napakamot sa batok si Gin. "Ang damot! Halika na nga, let's scout the area before
we go to sleep," masuyong sabi nito na hinila na ako uli.

Hindi naniniwalang tiningnan ko ito.

"Are you sure? No monkey business?" naninigurado kong sabi.

He glared at me. "Oo na! Come," he said na hinila na ako pababa ng hagdan.

Napahinuhod na rin ako.


"O san pupunta dalawang yon?" takang sabi ni Dean ng makita ang magkasintahan na
bumaba mula sa terasa at binabaybay ang tabi ng dagat.

Corine sighed. Napatingin ito sa gawi ni Lian namalungkot na nakatanaw sa dalawa.

"Date under the pale moonlight," tatawa tawang sabi ni Ram na kakalabas lamang
galing kusina. Nakitanaw din ito sa may bintana. "I didn't know Gin would be this
romantic! As if he is totally head over heels with Alex," naiiling na sabi.
"He is," sabi ni Ricky na hindi nag aangat ng tingin mula sa pagbabasa. "Do you
agree Lian?"

Lian bit her lips. Itinatago nito ng pilit ang nararamdaman. "Who knows? Gin
doesn't stay with a girl for such a long period. Who knows he will get tired of
her eventually," she shrugged her shoulder na hindi lumilingon sa kanila.
Nanatiling nakatutok ang mga mata nito sa labas.

Kumunot ang noo ni Dean. "Maybe you read it all wrong Lian. Didn't you all know
that Gin already agreed to run for politics in one condition that Alex will marry

Lahat sila ay napatanga kay Dean. Maging si Ricky ay nag angat na ng tingin.
Nakakunot ang noo nito. Alam na alam kasi nito na ayaw na ayaw ni Gin na tumakbo
bilang Governor.
"D-Did he said that to his family?" Lian asked in aghast. Nanlalaki ang mga mata

Tumango si Dean. "Yup! Kaya nga naisugod sa hospital si Ex-Sen gawa ng ginawang
declaration ni Gin."

Kumunot ang noo ni Ram. "Wait, wait. Ang gulo. Kung pumayag na si Gin na tumakbo
eh di wala na siyang problema sa pamilya niya! Yun lamang naman ang gusto ng lolo
at ng Papa niya."

"Alex is not the ideal wife for Gin," konklusyon ni Ricky na nakakunot ang noo.
"Knowing her background, tututol talaga ang parents ni Gin. Lalo na si Ex -Sen."

Napatanga si Corine. "Ang hirap naman ng kalagayan nila! Parang love against all
odds! At ang masama sa pamilya pa ni Gin magkakaproblema!"
Matamang nakikinig lamang si Lian. She smiled wryly.

"Gin deserves someone better," anito na umalis na.

Takang sinundan lamang ito ng tingin ng grupo.

"Anong problema non?" takang sabi ni Ram na naupo at kumuha ng chichirya na nasa

Corine shrugged her shoulder. Hindi nito pwedeng sabihin ang nararamdaman ni Lian.
But sooner or later ilalabas na rin nito ang nararamdaman para kay Gin.
Lalo pa at nakakita na ito ng higit na dahilan para mapaglayo ang dalawa. Corine

Ang nagagawa nga naman ng pag ibig.

Kahit may masasaktan.

Kahit may masasagasaan.


next ud at 300 votes


P.S. I Love You


P.S. I Love You is a 2007 American drama film directed by Richard LaGravenese. The
screenplay by LaGravenese and Steven Rogers is based on the 2004 novel of the same
name by Cecelia Ahern.

sometimes, we all have to face the harsh reality of falling in love...

Alex's POV
Napalingon ako sa pinanggalingan namin. Halos hindi ko na makita ang resthouse.
Napatingin ako kay Gin na tahimik lamang na hawak ang kamay ko habang naglalakad
kami sa dalampasigan. I sighed as I continue walking with him.

Naalala ko si Lian. I smiled wryly. That girl will cause trouble. Bukas na bukas
ay ipapatawag ko si Attorney para malaman ang background ni Lian. I don't usually
do this kind of background checking sa kung kanino pa man. But this particular
girl is an exemption. She will steal Gin away from me using her friendship with
him as her tool.

I should agree to marry him now.

He is asking me many times already ako lamang ang umaayaw.

I have so many things to do.

Hindi lamang bilang isang nag iisang tagapagmana ni Sebastian Monteverde.

But as a human being, I want to achieve something big for myself.

Alam ko na isa na akong Monteverde at wala ng kailangang patunayan pa. But my

wealth and my name, I owed it to my late father. He built that wall for me. I
haven't done anything yet.

I want Gin in my life. He is a part of my life already.

But it can wait.

Marami pa rin naman itong kailangan gawin para sa pamilya. He has to solve his own
problems too. Lalo na ang desisyon niya na tumakbo sa pulitika.

Napatingin ako sa kanya na bahagyang hinila ang kamay nito. Napatingin ito sa
akin. "Ang layo na natin sa resthouse Gin," sabi ko.
Napalingon ito. Pagkuway sumalampak sa buhanginan at hinila ako paupo. "Gin!"

He chuckled. Masuyong tiningnan niya ako ng magkatabi kami at hinawi ang ilang
hibla ng buhok na tumatabing sa mukha ko. "I want to see your face sweetheart," he

Napakurap ko. Pakiramdam ko matutunaw ako sa klase ng titig ni Gin sa akin. And
he is looking at me as if I am the only person that matters to his eyes. I could
feel the harsh beating of my heart. I wanted to laugh, dahil kahit may relasyon na
kami, he could make my heart beats this fast.

Hindi niya inaalis ang mga mata sa akin, slowly his eyes moved from my eyes down to
my lips. I wet my lips with my tongue kasi pakiramdam ko nanunuyo na iyon. His
jaw moved as he followed the gesture.

"Temptress," he accused softly na masuyong pinadaanan ng thumb nito ang labi ko.
Mas nahirapan akong huminga sa ginagawa niya. Ano ba naman kasing lalaking ito at
ang galing mang akit?
Pinanlakihan ko ito ng mga mata. "Temptress ka dyan! I am not tempting you----."

He lifted a brow at my sudden outburst. His eyes still fixed at my lips pero
bahagyang gumalaw iyon patungo sa mga mata ko na para bang sinasabi na I am lying.

"Come," he said after awhile na masuyong hinila ako palapit dito at sa buong
pagkabigla ko ay hinapit ang batok ko para bigyan ako ng ng isang magaan na halik.
Napapikit ako na pinagbigyan ang labi niya na lumapat sa kalambutan ng labi ko.
His lips slowly brushing mine na para bang nilalaro niya ng labi ko. I wanted to
moan in protest so he could kiss me for real. Pero nanatili ang masusuyong
pagdampi ng labi nito sa itaas at ibabang labi ko.

"Kiss me," tila pagpoprotesta at pakiusap na sabi ko. He looked at me. His eyes
blazing with wild desire as he saw my need. At sa isang iglap ay hinila niya ako
para mapaibabaw sa kanya while he lay down on the sand.

He pulled my head to him at doon ay pinagbigyan niya ang halik na hinahanap ko. I
moaned. He is kissing me with hunger and passion. He is kissing me deeply habang
ang mga kamay nito ay nakapulupot sa baywang ko at ang kamay ko ay nakatuon sa
dibdib niya. His kiss is heaven. Lahat ng bagay sa utak ko ay nililipad kapag
hinahalikan ako ni Gin. His mouth is good in possessing my own lips. He groaned
in pleasure when I opened my mouth and our tongue began to fuse. Napahigpit ang
hawak ko sa damit niya as if any moment I will fall.
"G-Gin," I murmured as his lips began to move to my jawline and down to my nape. I
could feel fire started to ignite sa ginagawa niya.

"I wish we have some time alone such as this," he whispered as he looks at me

Napaangat ang kilay ko as I looked at him. "Bakit kulang pa ba ang mga oras na
magkasama tayo?"

He grinned. "What do you think?" he winked at me.

Natawa ako. "Gin! Sa school magkasama na nga tayo tapos hinahatid mo pa ako sa
bahay, sinusundo. Kulang na lang magkasama tayo sa bahay at 24/7 na tayong
magkasama," I said sa nababaghang tono.
Ngumisi ito. "Yun nga gusto ko para pwede na nating gawin 'yun' any time of the
day," pilyong ngumiti ito.

I blushed na hinampas ang dibdib nito. "Ang manyak mo!"

Tatawa tawang umilag ito sa mga hampas ko hanggang sa nagawa nitong hawakan ang
dalawa kong kamay. Pinandilatan ko ito.

"Stop it sweetheart! Ang kulit mo!" angal nito na pinipigilan ang mga kamay ko.
Pilit na pinipiglas ko iyon pero parang bakal ang kamay ni Gin.

"Ako pa makulit eh ikaw tong ang manyak! Kung ano ano sinasabi mo dyan!"

"Totoo lang sinasabi ko," anito na mabilis na hinalikan ang labi ko.
I sighed in pleasure na hindi na tinutulan pa ito.


Napatingin si Lian sa dalawa na kakapasok lamang. Napatiim ang labi niya. Ramdam
niya yung selos. Halos mahigit isang oras din na nawala ang mga ito.

Nakita pa niya ng ihatid ni Gin ang babae sa kwarto nila. Naghihilahan pa.
Nakasimangot si Gin samantalang ang babae ay halatang pinapagalitan si Gin. Maya
maya ay nakita na niyang pumasok na sa loob ang babae at nanatiling nakatayo sa
labas ng pintuan si Gin. Ilang saglit pa at umalis na ito at bumaba na sa living

Nanlaki ang mga mata nito ng makita niya na nakaupo si Lian sa sofa.
"Lian! Kanina ka pa ba dyan?" takang sabi nito na gulat na gulat.

Tipid na ngumiti si Lian. "Hindi naman. Mukhang napasarap ang kwentuhan nyo ni
Alex at ngayon lamang kayo bumalik?"

Natawa ng marahan si Gin. "Oo nga eh. O bakit di ka pa matulog? Maaga pa tayo
bukas," sabi ni Gin.

Umiling si Lian. "I am not yet sleepy. Ikaw inaantok ka na ba?"

"Ha? Hindi pa naman," sabi nito na naupo na sa kabilang sofa. "Ano bang binabasa
mo?" tanong nito na napatingin sa librong hawak ni Lian. Napakurap ito. "Mga
suspense-thriller pa rin pala type mo na basahin," sabi nito.

Lian smiled na iniangat ang hawak. "What can I do? I am a Dean Koont'z fan."
Gin laughed.

Saglit na natahimik sila. Si Lian ay nakatingin lamang kay Gin habang si Gin naman
ay binubuklat ang ilang libro na naandon. Lian sighed heavily.

"They told me na kaya na ospital si Sen ay dahil kay Alex."

Napaangat ang mukha ni Gin. Kumunot ng bahagya ang noo nito. "Who told you?"

She looks at him. "Totoo ba?"

Napatiim ang labi ni Gin. "It's because of me. I told them I want her for a wife.
And I'll run in politics after I finish my studies as long as Isabella would be
the girl standing beside me in marriage."
Every words hurt.

Every stroke has created the kind of pierced-like sharp needles pointing towards
her heart.

Nanatiling nakatingin lamang si Lian kay Gin. Tila ba ito yung kauna unahang
pagkakataon na nakita niya ang lalaki.

She wanted to ask where is the Gin she used to know?

That Gin who adores her so much. She wanted to cry.

Napayuko lamang si Lian, there is a bittersweet smile in her lips.

"Why do you love her that much, Gin?" she whispered.

Natigilan si Gin. "Lian."

She looked at him bitterly. "Hindi siya gusto ng pamilya mo and yet you are
willing to defy your own family for that girl. Even to sacrifice your own
grandfather's life for her," every words stung in him. Pakiramdam ni Gin ay bigla
siyang sinusundot ng konsensya.

"L-Look, Lian. It wasn;t like that," he started to explain.

Napailing si Lian. "You are being rude to your family Gin. Ngayon ka lamang nila
nakasama and you are drifting away from them at ng dahil sa babaeng yon."

Gin clenched his jaw. "Lian! Stop it."

Lian bit her lips as she looks up at the ceilingtrying to hold back the tears that
are trying to escape.

"I have waited for you. For a long time. Why? Why you can't love me?" she asked
bitterly bago tumayo at nagmamadaling umalis.

Naiwan si Gin na natitigilan.


But she never looked back.

Alex's POV

Napatingin ako kay Gin ng makitang hindi man lamang nito nagagalaw ang pagkain.
Kanina pa kami magkaharap sa dining table pero para naman akong walang kausap.

"Are you not feeling well?" takang sabi ko kay Gin na hinawakan ang kamay nito na
naglalaro lamang sa tinidor na hawak.

Tila saka pa lamang nagising si Gin sa mahabang pagkakatulog. Napaangat ang mukha.

"Ha? N-No. I mean I am fine. Kumain ka lamang."

He tried to smile.
Nagdududang nakatingin lamang ako dito. Mula ng bumalik kami sa bakasyon sa
probinsya ni Dean ay ganito na ito. Dahil kaya sa hindi ako pumayag na sa beach
kami mag--namula ako. Sira kasi eh, ayain ba naman ako sa isang public place at
doon gawin! Pssh!

Hindi na uli ito kumibo. Tinuloy ko na lamang ang pagkain ko. Maya maya ay nakita
ko ito na kinuha ang celphone at ilang saglit na doon nakatingin.

Uminom na ito ng tubig and wipe his mouth. "I think I have to go Bella. There is
something that I have to do, about school."

Napatingin ako dito at tumango. "Okay. Drive safe," paalala ko.

He smiled na tumayo na at marahan akong hinalikan sa noo.

Narinig ko pa na nagpaalam ito kay Nana bago lumabas.

Sinundan ko lamang ito ng tingin.

There is something wrong with him.

Bahagyang nakaramdam ako ng kaba.


Head Over Heels


Head Over Heels is a 2001 American romantic comedy film directed by Mark
Waters about a woman, Amanda Pierce (Monica Potter) living in New York City who
works at Metropolitan Museum of Art restoring paintings.

Early in the film, she moves in with four supermodels and falls for a man living in
an apartment that they can see across the street. After the models try to help
Amanda get the man, they find out he might not be what he appears to be.


--natakot si Gin sa banta mo kaya nilabas na niya agad ang POV niya, wag ko daw
siya igaya sa mga naunang characters kagaya ni Dominic na maraming naging haters sa
ginawang pagtalikod kay Stephanie


Gin's POV

It's been a week and she never answer any of my calls. Kahit kapag pinupuntahan ko
siya sa bahay nila ay hindi man lamang ito nagpapakita.

Alam ko na iniiwasan niya ako.

Nasasaktan ako sa kaalaman na nasasaktan siya.

I rested my head on the headrest of my car. Kanina pa ako nandito sa harap ng

bahay nila at hinihintay siya. Alam ko na ganitong oras ay darating na iyon mula
sa eskwelahan. Kaya nga nagpaalam na muna ako ay Isabella.

I wanted to talk to her.

Bigla pumasok sa alaala ko ang nakaraan namin ni Lian. She is very sweet girl.
And I am equally protective of her.

She used to hang around with us. One of the boys.

"Why can't you love me Gin?"

Tila paulit ulit na nag re replay sa utak ko ang sinabi niya. Napapikit ako lalo.

I didn't know.

Alam ko na close kami. We were very close then. She used to go to my home and
play chess with my grandfather. My mother equally adores her.

Lian is the suited wife that my grandfather is looking for.

I smiled wryly. Now I know. Bakit gusto nila na magkita kami ni Lian. My
grandfather was arranging family dinner and engagement na gusto niyang isama ko si

Siya pala ang gusto ng lolo para sa akin.

I swallowed hard.

I picture her in my mind. She is more beautiful now. Pero maganda na naman talaga
si Lian even when her heavy eye glasses and braces during high school.

I like her then. I like her now.

But my heart belongs to only one woman.

At walang iba yon kung hindi ang babaeng nagmamay ari ng MGM.

I am, in fact, head over heels with Isabella Alexandra Monteverde.

Napakurap ako ng makita ko na may tumigil na taxi sa harap ng malaking gate nila.
Umibis si Lian. Agad na bumaba ako sa kotse ng makita ko siya.

Natigilan ito ng makita ako.

"W-What are you doing here Gin?"

I looked at her grimly. "You have been avoiding me since we left from the
resthouse. Care to tell me why."

She stared at me. Pagkuway napangiti ng marahan. "I know you are not stupid Gin.
I just told you that I love you, didn't I?"

I feel this kind of feeling when she declared it clearly. It's almost tearing me
apart knowing no matter what I can never returned the feeling.


She smiled bitterly.

"Alam ko. Alam ko na hindi mo masusuklian ang nararamdaman ko, but I am willing to
take my chances na baka one day magawa mo din akong mahalin," she said in
determined voice.

I swallowed hard.

Titig na titig lamang ako sa kanya. Hindi ko kasi alam paano ko sasabihin na every
effort she will do, whatever it is, will be fruitless.
Nagmamahal ako.

She tried to smile. "Don;t worry about me Gin. Time for us will come, I am sure
of it. Come, let's have dinner," alok nito.

I swallowed hard. Paano ko siya tatanggihan? Higit siyang masasaktan kung

tatanggihan ko pa. Tumango na lamang ako na sumunod dito.

Masayang hinawakan niya ang braso ko at tumuloy kami sa bahay nila.


Pilit na tinututok ko ang mga mata at atensyon sa kinukwento ni Bella pero mukhang
hindi ko na kayang pigilan pa ang pagpikit ng mga mata ko.
Nagkaayaan sina Lian ng isang swimming kagabi sa bahay nina Corine. Hindi ako
tumanggi, nagdahilan na lamang ako kay Bella na pinapauwi ako ng maaga sa mansyon
dahil sa isang political dinner.

I am being guilty of lying to her but I have to do it to ease the guilt of hurting

"But of course ayoko nga ng ganon, so next week I might go to my attorney to settle
things with the Zulueta. Well, I am sure I am going to win this one," Bella said
in a heated voice.

"Ah, okay," I answered sleepily. I yawned.

Nagtatakang napatingin si Bella sa akin. "What time ba natapos ang dinner sa

mansion at inaantok ka ng ganyan?" kunot ang noong sabi.
"H-Ha?" bigla yata akong namutla. "Ah ano, ano. Mga 2 am," agarang sabi ko sa
bahagyang nabubulol na boses.

She looked at me suspiciously. "May dinner na inaabot ng 2 am? Gin--,"

nagbabantang sabi nito.

Napakamot ako sa ulo. Agad na hinalikan ko siya sa pisngi. Hindi agad nawala ang
pagkakakunot ng noo niya. Halatang naba badtrip.

"Sorry, I am no use sweetheart. I am really out," I said apologetically. "Why

don't we go to your room and let me sleep," I winked at her.

Tinulak niya noo ko. "Aray!" pinandilatan ko siya ng mata. "Hindi mo na nga ako
pinagbigyan sa beach, tapos ayaw mo pang magtabi tayo," nakasimangot kong sabi. I
yawned again. Goodness, I am really tired and sleepy.
Tumayo na ako at hinila siya. "Gin!" she screamed.

Pilit na hinihila ko siya paakyat sa hagdan. Panay ang piglas nito. Naiinis na
binitiwan ko siya at agad na binuhat.

She screamed again. Mas malakas.

"Gin! Ibaba mo ko! Hindi pa ako inaantok!"

"Ako inaantok na. And please will you shut up? Magigising lahat ng tao sa mansion
sa ingay mo sweetheart. Pati si Vin at si Diesel na pinakain ko pa naman ng tig
isang steak," I said sa nangangaral na tono.

Mula ng maging kami ni Bella naging alaga ko na rin ang mga alaga niya na sobrang
tatapang. Suhulan ko ba naman lagi ng mga karne araw araw eh di umamo sa akin.

Panay pa rin ang piglas nito. At ng makarating namin ang kwarto niya ay agad na
binuksan ko iyon habang hawak ko siya at pasipang sinara ang pintuan.

Ibinagsak ko siya sa kama at hindi pa siya nakakabangon ay agad na sumampa ako don
and buried my face to her neck. I sighed sleepily. Niluwagan ko ang suot kong
uniform bago kinulong siya sa bisig ko. My legs wrapped her lower body preventing
her from wriggling.


I groaned. "Stop struggling beneath me sweetheart at may binubuhay ka na," pilyong

sabi ko habang nakapikit. Mas hinigpitan ko pa ang pagkakayakap sa kanya.
I sighed in contentment ng tumigil ito kakapiglas. I smiled. "Good girl. Now, let
me sleep," I whispered as I held her even more.

She smelled soap and shampoo and she is more intoxicating now. Holding her so
close its quite an agony already.

Ilang saglit na katahimikan. Nagsimula ng maging banayad ang tibok ng puso ni

Bella, halatang hindi na tututol pa. Kuntentong siniksik ko pa mukha ko sa leeg
niya. I bit on her skin slowly.

She gasped.

"H-Hoy Gin," sabi nito sa mahinang tinig.

I chuckled. I did not open my eyes. "I am just teasing you a little, masyado kang
apektado," biro ko. "Masyado na siguro akong irresistable sa mga mata mo

"A-Ang yabang mo din eh no!"

I chuckled.

Kahit hindi ko nakikita ang ekspresyon niya ay alam ko na namumula siya.

I missed her so bad.

I sighed in contentment.
Having her this close made me realize even more how much I wanted her in my life.

I sighed. Saka ko na lamang iisipin paano si Lian and her feelings for me. Right
now, all I want is to be with my girl.



"C-Can I ask you something?"

"Anything, sweetheart."

She sighed. I kissed her nape again. "Tell me."

"W-What if, let's say---ano, ah. What if someone admitted to you that she loves
you, what will you do?" she asked hastily.

Napamulat ang mga mata ko.

Napatingin ako sa kanya, she looks at me with doubt.

Does she knows?

About Lian and her declaration? Bigla akong nakaramdam ng pagkaasiwa.


I tried to laugh it off. "Sweetheart, sino naman magsasabi sa akin ng ganyan eh

alam na alam sa buong school na tinalian mo na ako sa leeg," biro ko.

She glared at me. I swallowed hard.

"Answer the question."

I sighed na saglit na tinitigan ito pagkuway tila sumusukong nag isip. "I will
tell her that my heart belongs to only one woman. That she should stop pestering
me around."

I swallowed slowly.

Of course, I cannot do that.

Not with Lian.

At hindi ganon ka direct.

I was afraid hurting her even more.

Pero hindi ko rin naman kayang sabihin kay Bella na hahayaan ko lamang baka magalit
pa ito sa akin.

Alam ko naman na nagseselos ito kay Lian.

I wanted to close my eyes in despair. Bakit ba ako napasok sa ganitong kagulong
sitwasyon. Magulo na nga ang relasyon namin dahil sa pamilya ko at huwag ng isama
pa ang pagbabanta ni Carmi, huwag na ring isama na nagseselos din ako sa Lance na
yon. Tapos eto nadagdag pa si Lian.

Tila sasakit ang ulong napabuntinghininga na lamang ako.

"You'll send her away?" hindi naniniwalang sabi ni Bella.

"I'll kiss her first," I joked.

Nanlaki ang mga mata nito na pinaghahampas ang dibdib ko.

"Ah ganon!"

"Aray! Aray! Sweetheart! Nagbibiro lamang ako!" napapangiwing sabi ko na

pinipigilan ang dalawa niyang kamay. Pero hindi nagbabago ang ekspresyon ng mukha

"Siguro type mo din!"

Nanlaki mga mata ko. "Eh hindi ko nga alam kung sino yung mag co-confess! Maganda
ba? Kung maganda hahalikan ko. Aray! Tama na! Joke lang yun! Aray masakit na
mukha ko eh!" umaangal na sigaw ko ng tamaan niya ang noo ko.

Umirap ito. Sa wakas huminto rin. "You better behave Gin! Puputulan ko ng paa ang
babae mo!" nakangusong sabi.

Napakamot ako sa batok. "Bakit naman paa?"

"Para di makalapit sa yo!" singhal nito na tumalikod sa pagkakahiga sa akin. Hinila
nito ang comforter. Napatanga ako. Nahiga na ako at pilit na hinahatak ang dalaga
pero nagmamatigas ito sa pagkakatalikod.

"Sweetheart, payakap naman. Ang lamig eh," reklamo ko na pilit na hinihila ang

"Yakapin mo mag isa sarili mo!" asik nito.

Napakamot ako sa batok. "Paano ko naman gagawin yon. Mas masarap kang kayakap
kesa sa sarili ko," biro ko na sumiksik pa rin sa kanya. Pilit naman na lumalayo
ito. Kumunot na ang noo ko.

Agad na niyakap ko ito ng hita ko at saka sumubsob uli sa leeg niya.


My hand easily grab her waist and slowly kiss her nape. I smiled when she stopped
from struggling. "I love you sweetheart. Please don;t doubt my love. I am
breathing this life because of you, woman. You should know that by now," I
whispered lovingly as I pulled her face towards me at nagtama ang mga mata namin.

Ilang saglit na nakatingin lamang ito sa akin bago hinapit niya ang leeg ko and
kissed me. Nanlaki ang mga mata ko and smiled as she continue kissing me. Her
eyes close while her mouth possessing mine. She looks so hot. Napasinghap ako ng
maramdaman na bahagyang kinagat niya ang ibabang labi ko. Napaawang ang bibig ko
and gasped as she slid her tongue.


Napapikit na ako ng maramdaman ang bahagyang paglalaro ng dila niya sa loob ng

bibig ko. My tongue easily fused with hers. This woman never fail to seduce me,
every minute in her arms are quite a bliss. I rolled her and pinned her down to
the mattress before claiming her mouth fully. Nang pangangapusan na kami ng hininga
ay agad na bumaba ang labi ko sa leeg niya at doon nagtagal, giving her sweet love
bites. She moaned in pleasure.

My hand slowly moving down her body and found her stomach, I ease up her nightdress
and grasp her naked stomach, I could feel the tensed muscles.

"G-Gin," she said in an anticipated voice.

"Sshh," nawala na ng tuluyan ang antok ko. I could feel the boner is starting to
twitched under my boxer. I cursed.

My mouth travelled down her nape while my hand slowly easing the buttons of her
nightdress. I smiled when I found she is not wearing any bra. I looked at her.
Namumula siya.

Yumuko ako upang halikan siya uli.

She easily answered.

Nagtaka ito ng alisin ko ang labi ko.

"I will make love to you woman, until you are convinced there is no other woman for
me," I breathed heavily habang isa isang inaalis ang suot kong damit.

She gasped.

"Gin! Naghuhubad ka na!" tili nito.

I lifted a brow. I throw my uniform on the floor. "This time, I want to be naked
when I am making love to you."

She swallowed hard.

"Tongue-tied?" I teased.

She looks at me. Her eyes burning with desire. "You are all talk, Governor."

I looked at her grimly and kissed her once more.


next ud @ 400 votes


National Security


National Security is a 2003 action comedy film, directed by Dennis Dugan,

starring Martin Lawrence and Steve Zahn. In addition to Lawrence and Zahn, National
Security boasts an additional cast of Bill Duke, Eric Roberts, Colm Feore, Matt
McCoy, and others.

The film was released in January 2003 and went on to gross over $50 million
worldwide at the box office. The film was shot at various locations inGreater Los
Angeles, including Long Beach and Santa Clarita.

Alex's POV
Napakunot ang noo ko ng hindi ko ma kontak si Gin. Operator ang sumasagot sa
kabilang linya. I sighed. It's either lowbat ito or out of coverage.

Nagpaalam siya sa akin the other day na pupunta sila ng pamilya sa La Union. He
said it's family matters. I shrugged my shoulder and asked him when he will come
back, sabi niya ay by Saturday pa.

Huwebes pa lamang ngayon. I looked at my notes. Na mi miss ko na agad ang

lalaking iyon. I wanted to smile. Kagabi lamang ay magkausap kami sa phone at
kahit sasandali lamang ay masaya kaming nagkwentuhan.

He told me how much he missed me.

I smiled.

Kung hindi lamang sa madaming kumplikasyon namin sa pamilya nito ay baka naisipan
ko na sumama. Pero syempre kung aayain niya ako.
But I have to understand him.

He has a family. He has a responsibility.

Alam ko na kahit ayaw sa akin ng pamilya nito he will do everything to make me feel
accepted. Na hindi niya ako hahayaan na mawala sa kanya.


Natigil ang pag iisip ko ng makita kung sino ang lumapit. Si Fredrick. He is
smiling from ear to ear. Mula ng maging kami ni Gin, he distanced himself from me
which is syempre kinatuwa ko dahil nababawasan ang makukulit na tao sa paligid ko.
And Fredrick is equally busy with his family's business. Madalas itong ipadala ng
magulang sa Macau kung saan naka base ang isa nilang corporation.
"Hindi ko alam na dumating ka na pala," I said drily na tiningnan ito habang
humihila ng upuan sa harapan ko.

He lifted a brow. "Paano mo malalaman eh you are always busy with that Amboy," he
smirked. Luminga ito sa paligid. "And where the hell is he?"

Tinutok ko na uli ang mga mata sa pagbabasa.

"He is with his family sa La Union," I said na hindi tumitingin sa kanya.

Kumunot ang noo nito. "Who's member of his family? Last night his grandfather and
Governor De Villa were with my uncle sa White Plains, they have been discussing
political business na hindi ko naman maintindihan," he shrugged his shoulder. "I
hate politics."

Awtomatikong napaangat ang mga mata ko sa pagbabasa and looked at Fredrick na

nakakunot ang noong binabasa ang mga libro na nasa mesa.

Napatingin ito sa akin. "What?"

"Anong sinabi mo?"

Kumunot ang noo nito. "Sabi ko kasama ng uncle ko ang family ni Amboy sa White
Plains. Akala ko nga kasama yung Amboy na yon," may halong iritasyon na sabi nito.

I swear there is faint doubt na nagsisimulang mabuo sa kalooban ko ng marinig iyon.

Yung pagbundol ng kaba sa isipin na nagsisinungaling si Gin sa akin.

Agad na kinuha ko ang celphone ko at nag dial uli ng number. Iritableng napatingin
lamang ako sa cp ko ng wala pa ring sumasagot maliban sa operator.
Nagsisimula na akong kabahan.

Na baka wala naman sa La Union si Gin at narito lamang sa Manila. Pero bakit
kailangan nito na magtago sa akin kung asan siya?

Is he hiding something?

I swallowed hard.

I will definitely hate the idea of him hiding something from me. Mula't sapul ay
hindi ako nagsinungaling kay Gin.

Not even once.

I also expect the same thing from him.

I will be devastated knowing he is lying behind my back.

Pilit na kinakalma ko ang sarili. No. Gin will never lie to me.

Baka ibang member ng pamilya nito ang kasama sa La Union.


Baka nga iba.

Gin's POV
I sighed heavily ng makitang halos magmukhang mga bata ang mga ito na naghahabulan
sa tabing dagat.

Nag aya si Lian na mag beach sa Batangas. Hindi na ako nakatutol ng daanan nila
ako sa mansion.

Nakapagsinungaling pa ako kay Bella. I looked up at the sky wearily. Kapag

nalaman ni Bella na hindi pamilya ko ang kasama ko, she will be angry.

I swallowed hard. Ngayon pa lamang natatakot na ako sa kakalabasan ng ginawa kong

pagsama kina Lian.

Natigil ako sa pag iisip ng lapitan ako ni Lian. Napakurap ako when she stood
before me wearing a very skimpy two piece bikini.

Lian is looking hot and sexy.

I sighed.

"Gin," humihingal na sabi nito. "Why don;t you join us?"

Umiling ako. "I think mauuna na akong bumalik ng Manila, Lian," I declared wearily.
Sumasakit na ang ulo ko sa ginagawa kong pagsisinungaling kay Bella. Ang saya pa
naman niya kagabi sa pagkukwento tapos ako eto kasama ang babaeng pinagseselosan

Pakiramdam ko pinagpapawisan na ako ng malamig.

Napakurap si Lian. Halatang hindi inaasahan ang sasabihin ko. I sighed. I know
she wanted my company right now but I have to be honest with Bella if ever I am
going out with her.
Ayoko na mag isip ng hindi maganda ang girlfriend ko. Agad na dinampot ko ang
celphone ko and cursed ng makitang lowbat na iyon. Tumayo na ako at balak na
pumunta ng resthouse para mag charge when Lian speaks.

"Sasama na rin ako umuwi," she said.

Napatingin ako dito. "L-Lian. You dont have to. Andito ang mga kaibigan mo, you
should be with them."

"B-But I wanted to be with you," she said pleadingly. Her eyes shown of pain and

Sinundot ako ng awa.

Napahawak lamang ako sa noo ko na hindi malaman kung ano ang sasabihin sa kanya.

Nagulat ako ng yakapin niya ako mula sa likuran. Manghang aalisin ko ang kamay
niya pero lalong humigpit ang pagkakayakap niya sa akin. Napapikit na lamang ako
in frustration.

"Please, dito ka na lang muna. It's Thursday na naman, just two more days."

I could hear her desperation and I am feeling more and more guilt.

Pilit na inaalis ko ang kamay niya at ng magawa ko ay humarap ako dito. I cursed
when I saw her crying.
"Lian please. Don't cry. I don;t deserve these tears," nahahabag kong sabi as I
clenched my jaw while wiping the tears from her face.

She continues crying silently.

"Lian," sa nagpapaunawang tinig na sabi ko. I held her face with my two hands.
Nagtama ang mga mata namin.

"I am not the man for you, believe it or not. Someone who deserves your love will
come your way in the right time. Don't waste your precious time with me. I am in
love with somebody else," I could feel the heaviness in my heart, knowing I am
hurting her even more.

But I can't lie thru my teeth to Bella.

Not this one.

She'll be pissed.

"Lian, one day I am going to marry that girl," I said achingly.

I saw how her eyes grew in sudden pain and agony. Napailing ito. "Gin, please."

Nabigla ako ng hatakin niya ako at lumapat ang labi niya sa akin. Nanlalaki ang
mga mata pilit ko siyang tinutulak habang nakapikit siya at hinahalikan ng labi ko.

"Lian!" I said angrily ng sa wakas ay magawa ko siyang itulak palayo sa akin.

Galit na tiningnan ko ito. "What the hell are you doing!"
Napayuko ito at umiyak. "I love you Gin, please. Love me, kalimutan mo na siya.
Hindi ka magagawang mahalin ng Monteverde na yon kumpara sa pagmamahal ko. I have
been loving you for so long!"

Tila hindi ako makapaniwala na titig na titig lamang sa kanya. I wanted to kick
myself hard na hinayaan ko pa siya na maging malapit sa akin samantalang alam ko
naman ang nararamdaman niya. Mas pinalala ko pa ang sitwasyon dahil mas umaasa
siya ngayon.

But I cannot love her more than a friend. Hanggang doon lamang ang pagtingin ko sa

"Gin, is there any problem?"

Napatingin ako sa pinagmulan ng tinig. Si Ricky iyon na kunot ang noong nakatingin
sa amin. Napatingin ito kay Lian ng makitang umiiyak ito. Takang napatingin ito sa
akin, nagtatanong ang mga mata.

I sighed heavily. My heart is being filled with sadness and pain, knowing I am
hurting a very dear friend.

"I have to go back to Manila alone. Thanks for inviting me anyway," I said na
tumalikod na bitbit ang gamit ko.


Hindi ko na pinansin ang tawag ni Ricky.

I have to drive all the way to Manila in a matter of two hours.

Bahala na kung anong klaseng paliwanag ang gagawin ko kay Bella.

Na i charge ko ang celphone habang nasa biyahe at iniisip kung paano ko kakausapin
si Bella, I cursed when I saw some text messages after na mabuhay ang celphone ko.
Magtetext na sana ako when someone called me.


"Sir Gin," bati ng nasa kabilang linya na halatang na te tensed. Kumunot ang noo
ko ng mabosesan ang private secretary ng Papa.
"Melanie. What's wrong?" kunot ang noo kong tanong.

"You have to come home, sinugod sa ospital si Governor," she said sa pilit na
pinapakalmang boses. "Someone shot him at the political engagement."

Nanlamig ang buo kong katawan. Agad na pinutol ko na ang tawag at agad na
pinaharurot ko ang sasakyan.


"Ma," hangos na nilapitan ko ang Mama na noon ay umiiyak sa tabi ng Intensive Care
Unit. My heart is skipping a beat when I ran to her.
Nag angat ng mukha ang Mama at nang makita ako ay tila nakakita ng kakampi, umiiyak
na tumayo ito at sinalubong ako ng yakap.

"Oh Carlos! Ang Papa mo! He's been shot!" she exclaimed in hysterics.

Napatiim ang labi ko kasabay ng pagdagsa ng takot sa dibdib. "H-How is he?" sa

kinakabahang boses ay tanong ko na napasulyap sa ICU.

She sobbed. "Mas stable na siya ngayon. Buti na lamang at hindi sa vital parts
tumama ang bala because if that happens," she shook uncontrollably. I held her

"Hush Ma. Everything will be okay," I said sa matigas na tinig. "Nahuli na ba ang

Umiling ang Mama.

"He killed himself. At mas natatakot ako ngayon dahil hindi malaman ng mga pulis
kung sino ang lalaking iyon. Ang lolo mo ay nasa police headquarters at kinakausap
ang officer nila don. He was equally devastated."

Napatiim ang bagang ko. Gusto kong makilala kung sino ang lalaking iyon pero
makakapaghintay ang mga bagay na yon, tutal patay na ang bumaril kay Papa.

"Pwede ko bang makita ang Papa?" I asked hesitantly.

"Pinagbabawalan pa ng mga doktor but they assured me that he is going to be

alright. We could pay a visit to him by tomorrow provided that he will be
transfered out from the ICU."
I sighed in relief.

Ang importante sa ngayon ay ligtas na ang Papa.

Umiyak lamang ang Mama sa dibdib ko. I sighed. This is the part of the politics
that I hate the most.

Yung kaligtasan ng pamilya na hindi magagawang bantayan ninuman.


Blood and Chocolate


Blood & Chocolate is a 2007 film directed by Katja von Garnier, produced
by Lakeshore Entertainment and distributed by MGM. It is very loosely based on the
young-adult novel of the same name by Annette Curtis Klause, which was adapted into
a screenplay by Ehren Kruger. The movie was released on DVD on June 13, 2007 in the

Vivian is a nineteen-year-old werewolf. She was born in Bucharest, Romania to

American parents who then moved back to America. When Vivian was nine years old,
her parents and siblings were killed by two hunters and she moved back to Bucharest
to live with her aunt Astrid, then the mate of the pack's leader, Gabriel (Olivier
Martinez). To Astrid's distress, Gabriel left her after seven years in accordance
with pack law to choose a new mate. The culmination of another seven years is only
a few months away and Gabriel wants the reluctant Vivian as his mate.

sensya na sa tagal ng ud medyo naglilibang si author haha and because of madaming

comments then i'll post some------



@thess_ramos and her husband Lambert and her child Yannis



Gin's POV

"Gin! What happened?" hangos na sabi ni Lian as she rushed towards me. Napaangat
ang mukha ko and saw them at the hallway. Lahat nag aalala.

I stood up. Ricky approached my side and hold my shoulder, I tried to smile to
reassure them.

"Nothing to worry now. He is okay. Pero hindi pa namin pwede na kausapin. He'll
have a rest for awhile."

Nakahinga sila ng maluwag. "Thank God!" Lian exclaimed na nilapitan ako. "Where
is Ex-Sen? We rushed here after we heard it on the news."
I sighed slowly. "Nagawa namin na hindi papuntahin dito ang media and instead my
grandfather will have the conference, later. But of course, it will be on the news
that early. Nasa isang private political campaign ang Papa ng mangyari iyon, pero
still nalaman pa rin ng media."

Dean smirked. "Wala ka naman maitatago sa media, even your personal whereabouts
ay alam na alam nila. They also knew we were in Batangas!"

Natigilan ako. "W-What?"

Ram looked at me. "Apparently may isang reporter na nasa La Union tayo and spotted
who you are."

Napatiim ang labi ko. This is quite irritating. Those media who will not stop
gossiping and following us around na akala mo ay artista kami.

There is one time news na pinangalanan pa ako na Prodigal Son. I smirked. Mukhang
ang alam lamang nila ay naisipan ko na mag migrate sa Amerika and decided not to
come back. Na nagpapasarap lamang ako sa pera ng pamilya habang nagpapakahirap sa
pagtatrabaho ang aking agwelo at ama sa pulitika.

They did not know the reality behind the story.

Napakurap ako ng maramdaman ko ang kamay na humawak sa braso ko.

Lian smiled. "We are here for you Gin. You should know that."

I smiled slowly. "I know."


Napahawak na lamang ako sa noo ko sa pagod. Inalalayan ko ang lolo na makababa sa

hagdan. Kakatapos lamang ng conference na ginanap dito sa isang restaurant sa
Makati. Pabalik na rin kami ng hospital.

"Call Melanie, tell her to arrange a meeting with Colonel Fajardo," sabi ng lolo.
Agad na kinuha ko ang celphone ko and cursed when I saw how many times Bella
called me. Nakalimutan ko siyang tawagan kanina dahil maya't maya ang datingan ng
mga media na pilit na kinukunan ng statement ang lolo.

Ida dial ko na sana ang number niya ng sabihan ako ng lolo na kailangan namin
magmadali dahil kahit nagdaos na ng conference ay marami pa rin mapipilit na
reporters na lumalapit kay lolo.

Agad na tinawag ko ang security ng lolo para maalalayan ito na mailabas sa exit.

I phoned Melanie.

Pag nakauwi na lamang kami ako tatawag sa kanya.

Ngunit pagdating namin sa hospital ay mas marami pa rin mga media ang pilit na
kinukunan ng statement ang mga staff na naroon. My grandfather seeks help from his
old friends in the military to put the media away from the vicinity of the

"These silly reporters are quite irritating," galit na sabi ni lolo habang matamang
nakatitig sa ibaba ng hospital kung saan naroon pa rin ang ilang media at nag
aabang sa kung sinuman sa amin ang bababa. Nagawa sa wakas ng mga security na
papasukin kami ng hindi dinudumog ng media.

I sighed heavily na pagal na isinandig ang ulo sa sofa. Napapikit na lamang ako sa
pagod. Ang Papa ay bumubuti na sa wakas ang kalagayan at inalis na rin ang ilang
aparato na nakakabit sa katawan nito kahapon. Nang ilabas ito sa ICU ay kalmante
na ang Mama. I asked her to have a rest and go home pero matigas ang ulo ng Mama,
ayaw nitong iwan ang Papa. Nakiusap na lamang ako na hindi ako aalis sa tabi ng
Papa ngayong gabi basta magpahinga siya kahit na 4 na oras. Pumayag din siya.

"You must be ready when the time comes."

Napamulat ako ng marinig ang tinig na paos. Nanlaki ang mga mata ko ng makita na
gising na ang Papa. Napatayo ako bigla. Maging ang lolo ay karakang lumapit sa
kamang kinahihigaan ng Papa.

"Papa! I'll call the doctor," agad na sabi ko pero sumenyas ito na huwag na. He
looked at me at sumenyas na lumapit ako. Parang robot na lumapit ako sa Papa.
Naupo ako sa upuan na katabi ng kama nito.

"Don't stress yourself, magpahinga ka na lamang," nag aalalang sabi ng lolo na

matamang tinititigan ang Papa. "We will handle this one."

He tried to smile. "You can handle everything," mahinang sabi nito. He stared at
me. This is the first time we see each other eye to eye. Literally.

I swallowed hard. "H-How are you feeling?"

He closed his eyes momentarily. "Don;t worry too much. Malayo sa bituka."

Naningkit ang mga mata ng lolo. "You almost got killed Eduardo. Huwag mong gawin
He opened his eyes at napatingin sa lolo. "Dad, you have to laugh it off
sometimes. Can you give me and my son some time alone?"

I could feel the sudden tightening of my chest.

I give my own father a strange look.

My son.

This is the first time I have heard him call me his son.

Kumumpas lamang ang kamay ng lolo na para bang sinasabi na bahala nga kayo.
Lumabas na ito. Nang maiwan kami ay muli akong tinitigan ng Papa.
"You must be very angry at me Carlos."

Napakurap ako. I never heard him talk like this. Na para bang sising sisi siya sa
kung anuman ang ginawa niya.

Na para bang alam nito kung ano ang nararamdaman ko.

He closed his eyes and open again. "I was sorry five years ago. For what I did,"
he barely whisper.

Muli naramdaman ko yung kirot sa dibdib. Pinuno ko ng hangin ang dibdib ko.
"Don;t talk too much Papa. Makakasama sa yo."
Yun lamang tangi kong masasabi.

Pilit na ngumiti ito.

"I was devastated when I sent you away. But I have to. Bukod sa marami ang
peligrong naghihintay sa pamilya ko, I am not molding my only son into a good
citizen," ngumiti ito ng mapakla. "I was trying to help a lot of people but I know
I failed to be a good father."

I could feel the lump constricting my breathing. "Papa."

"I was consumed by the tradition of politics running through our blood and the
thirst of power and fame overwhelmed me. Nakalimutan kong maging ama," he said
I swallowed hard. "You were a good man. To your people, to the country," I said
slowly. My chest is now beginning to hurt.

He smiled wryly.

"But never a good father," he said.

I swallowed the lump of emotion that constricting my breathing. Pakiramdam ko I am

turning to be a boy in front of my father. The boy who wants nothing but a
fatherly attention. To praise my achievements at school. To hug me affectionately
or tell me he is proud of me.

"Carlos, I never told you but I am proud of you. You stood on your own and became
a man."

My profile wavered. My eyes become misty trying to control the surge of emotion
that overwhelming me right now.
Napatungo ako. "I--."

I felt his hand touched my shoulder. "If you don't want to run, I will not insist

Napamaang ako na bumalik ang tingin sa aking ama. "Papa?"

"I understand now the feeling of almost losing something so important to me. When
I was shot, I told to myself ito na ba ang katapusan ng lahat?" napailing ito.
"Parang hindi ko matanggap. Na matatapos ang buhay ko sa pulitika, nang hindi ko
man lamang nababawian sa pagkukulang ang aking pagiging ama. You see son, I also
want to be a normal father. My political blood overruns my responsibility as a
father and I was so sorry for it," may regret sa tinig nito that hurt me even more.

Agad na niyakap ako ng isang kamay ng aking ama at sa balikat niya naramdaman ko na
sa mahigit na 21 yrs ko sa mundo ngayon ko lamang naramdaman na ako ay may isang

"Papa," tila isang bata akong nagpakupkop sa kanyang balikat.

Naiiyak rin siya dahil bahagyang nanginginig ang kanyang tinig ng muling magsalita.

"I am really sorry son."

I cried.

"I am sorry too Pa."

Yun lamang ang tanging salita na kailangan namin bigkasin. At alam ko ng mga oras
na iyon, buo na ang loob ko na tumakbo sa eleksyon at palitan ang aking ama.

Hindi lamang dahil hiniling ito ni Bella.

Kung hindi dahil alam ko na nananalaytay sa aking ugat ang pagiging isang De Villa.
And being the Governor one day will make my father happy.

And I want to make him happy.


Alex's POV

I saw it on tv.

His father has been shot the other day. He just texted me once telling me he will
call once his father has been transfered back to their home.
Ganun lang.

"Ligtas na sa tiyak na kapahamakan si Governor Eduardo De Villa matapos mabaril ng

isang di kilalang lalaki sa dinaluhang political dinner party na ginanap sa isang
executive village sa Manila. Napabalitang isang kalaban sa pulitika ang siyang
naging utak sa tangkang pamamaslang sa gobernador. May report si Catherine

Nakatayo ako habang pinapanood ang balita. Ni minsan ay hindi ako nanood ng balita
pero mula ng malaman ko ang nangyari sa ama ni Gin ay tila isang panatiko ako ng
teleserye na sinusubaybayan ang buhay ng isang artista.

My heart began to thump widely when the camera flash on his face. Kasalukuyang
lumalabas ito ng hospital at hinaharang media.

Gin looks like a different man as he faced the reporters. I felt the sudden
unfamiliarity when I saw his face.

No doubt, he is a very captivating and promising man.

I missed him.

I missed him that I ached so bad. I bit on my lips.

"Totoo ba na may kinalaman sa pagtakbo uli ni Gobernador De Villa ang dahilan ng

pagbaril sa kanya?"

"I cannot comment on that. My father will answer your questions once he is able to
hold a conference. Thank you."

Gin talked with so much confidence.

I swallowed hard.
A man who is ready to take his father's place one day.

Ngayon pa lamang kinakain na ang puso ko ng takot.

Napatingin ako sa larawan na hawak ko. I smiled bitterly. Kuha iyon sa isang
beach kung saan may isang lalaki at isang babae na magkayakap.

I filled my lungs with air. Ilang araw ko na kasing dinadala ito sa dibdib.

But I decided to fight for my man.

I looked at the tv once again.

Mukhang hindi lamang ang babaeng iyon ang magiging kaagaw ko kay Gin.

Ngunit pati ang pulitika!


Gin's POV

Napakurap ako ng makita ko si Lian na naghihintay sa akin sa mansion, Umuwi muna

ako sandali dahil kailangan ko na magpalit g damit bago uli bumalik sa hospital.
Pero balak ko ng dumaan saglit kay Isabella. She did not reply from my text
message and even I don't want to think about her dahil sa present situation ng
Papa, huwag ng isama na nakakuha na ng lead ang Lolo kung sino at kaninong kampo
nanggaling ang bumaril sa Papa, hindi ko pa rin maiwasan na hindi mag alala.

I am trying to kill my longing to be in her arms. I have to be with my family at

alam ko na maiintindihan niya ako.
Tuwang sumalubong si Lian sa akin. "Gin! Oh I am glad you are here, sabay na
tayong pumunta sa hospital," anito.

Napatingin ako ng wala sa oras sa mayordoma ng mansion na si Manang Gina.

Nakatingin lamang ito na bahagyang nakakunot ang noo. Iniwan na kami.

I tried to smile. "Kauuwi ko lamang Lian. Pwede ka naman dumiretso doon at naroon
ang Mama," I said politely. Napahawak ako sa batok ko. No doubt, I was really
tired the whole time.

She pouted. "Gusto ko sabay na tayong pumunta," maktol nito.

I sighed. "I will drop by to see Bella before I go to the hospital."

Nawala ang ngiti nito. Ilang saglit na nakatitig lamang sa akin and I want to
cursed when I saw she was close to tears.
"L-Lian, please. Let us not do this now. I have so many things on my plate
already," pakiusap ko.

Pilit na ngumiti ito. Ilang saglit na hindi kumibo.

"O-Okay. Sige I have to go," mahinang sabi nito.

Ni hindi ako nakakilos ng tumalikod na ito and even I wanted to run after her alam
ko na mali. Kahit nasasaktan ako na nasasaktan ko siya.
May ibang babae na nakalaan na para sa akin. Kung may magagawa lamang ba ako para
hindi ko masaktan si Lian...

Nagtungo na ako sa kwarto para maligo.


Nakatingin lamang si Alex kay Gin habang nagkukwento ito ng nangyari sa Papa nito.
Mahaba ang naging kwento ni Gin tungkol sa nanyari at si Alex ay tumatango lamang
at nakikinig.

Gin stopped abruptly when he saw how detach she is. Na para bang nasa ibang mundo
ang katabi nito.

"Sweetheart? Are you okay? Kanina ka pa walang kibo. Galit ka ba?"

Nag aalala ang boses ni Gin.

Napatingin lamang si Alex dito. Ilang saglit na nakatitig lamang ito.

Naasiwang napakurap si Gin. "Sweetheart, talk. Tinatakot mo na ako niyan."

She never looked away. "Is there something that I should know?"

Kumunot saglit ang noo ni Gin pagkuway alanganing tumawa ng mahina.

"Nothing. What do you mean?"

Umiling ito. She filled her glass with juice. "Nothing."

Hindi naniniwalang hinawakan ni Gin sa kamay ang dalaga at pilit na hinuhuli ang
mga mata.

"Are you sick? Ilang araw lamang tayong di nagkita nagkakasakit ka na," biro nito.
Wala sa loob na napatingin si Alex sa binata. "Kaya nga di ba sabi ko let's get
married so you can be with me all the time," mayabang na sabi.

Nakatitig lamang si Alex sa kanya.

"Do you really wanted to marry me?"

Napakurap si Gin sa tanong.

"But of course! Ano bang klaseng tanong yan? Ikaw lamang naman ang may ayaw," sa
himig nagtatampong sabi.

She looked at him intently that Gin became uncomfortable on his seat.

"Then, don't run for governor."

Tila bombang sumabog iyon sa pandinig ni Gin


next ud @ 500 votes, comment and vote for Gin and Alex!


In Love and War


In Love and War is a 1996 romance drama film based on the book, Hemingway in Love
and War by Henry S. Villard and James Nagel, starringMackenzie Astin, Chris
O'Donnell, Sandra Bullock, and Margot Steinberg. This film takes place during World
War I, and is based on the World War I experiences of the writer Ernest Hemingway.
It was directed by Richard Attenborough. The film was entered into the 47th Berlin
International Film Festival.[1]

special dedication to Irish Orosco for making a fan video of Gin and Bella and
posting it on you tube
pls watch it nakakaiyak haha kasi gumagalaw ang mga characters ko hihi

Gin's POV

Nakatanga lamang ako sa kanya ng marinig ko ang sinabi niya. Tinitingnan ko kung
nagbibiro siya pero she looks very serious.

Alanganing ngumiti ako.


"I am serious Gin. I don;t want to have a husband who is into politics, I have
realized it now. When I saw it on tv how dangerous the life of a politician, I
decided not to be a part of it," seryosong sabi nito.
Hindi ko alam paano ko inisa isang ipa rehistro sa utak ko ang sinasabi ng kaharap
ko. Pakiramdam ko kasi na dumbstruck ako ng sobra. Natamaan ng kidlat. Nahulugan
ng bato.

She doesn't want me to run.

I swallowed hard. Nararamdaman ko na yung pagtutol sa loob ko dahil naipangako ko

na sa sarili na papalitan ko na ang aking ama pagkatapos ng isa pa niyang termino
bilang gobernador. I even told my family that I am willing to be into politics.

For Bella.

And later on dahil na rin sa aking ama.

Ngunit ngayon..
"B-But you did want me to run hindi ba? Sabi mo you will marry me once I decided
to take my rightful place in politics," I said slowly.

She drinks her juice bago sumagot sa akin. Tila balewalang naghiwa ito ng cake at
pinaglagay pa ako sa plate ko. Nakatingin lamang ako sa ginagawa niya.

"Oo nga.Kaya lang ayoko ng asawa na mayat maya ay mag aalala ako kung nasaan na
siya o baka napahamak na siya," nagkaroon ng bahagyang pag aalala ang boses nito.

"There is nothing to worry sweetheart, I will text you everytime," I tried to put
humour on my statement so we will both laugh it off.

Pero nanatiling seryoso ang mukha niya.

I could feel my own frustration.

Na ayaw ni Bella na tumakbo ako. I want her to change her mind na hindi magmumukha
na gusto ko na talagang tumakbo.

"Y-You know I have already announced it to my family, sweetheart."

Hindi ito kumibo. I wanted to swore heavily when I feel the sudden headache. Tila
halo halo na lahat.

I sighed. "L-Let's talk about it some other time, I have to go back to the
hospital. Kailangan ko na palitan si Mama don," sabi ko na lamang na nagpunas ng

She did not speak. I kissed her on the cheek. Tumango lamang ito. I was waiting
if she would accompany me to the door pero mukhang wala ito sa mood.
Napabuntonghininga na lamang ako uli bago tumayo at umalis.
Alex's POV

Matagal na siyang nakaalis ay nanatili pa rin ako sa pagkakaupo sa dining room. I

smiled wryly.

I have to do something or I will lose him.

Alam ko na ayaw sa akin ng pamilya nito.

Hindi ako ang babaeng maaring iharap ni Gin sa pamilya bilang asawa ng isang bagong
Mapait akong napangiti.

I have a family scandal na makakasama sa reputasyon ng mga De Villa kaya hindi ako
ang nararapat na babae para kay Gin.

But Gin is mine. SIya ang nakalaan para sa akin. And I am such a fool kung
hahayaan ko na mawala siya ng ganun lang o makuha ng iba.

Naningkit ang mga mata ko. Tiningnan ang larawan na nasa kamay ko. Ang balak ko na
ipamukha sa kanya ang kasinungalingan niya ay hindi ko nagawa. I practiced my
every word that I will lash out once I saw him, but when I saw him on my doorsteps
mas nangibabaw ang pangungulila ko sa kanya. So I did not go according to my plan.

I'll show off.

As a Monteverde, I don't give a good fight just to lose in the end.

Agad na dinampot ko ang celphone at nag dial.


"Ang tanga mo din eh," inis na sabi ni Corine habang inilalapag ang isang baso ng
tubig sa harap ng umiiyak na si Lian.

Kanina pa ito nagtungo sa bahay ni Corine para lamang umiyak ng ganito.

Tahimik lamang na umiiyak si Lian.

"Pwede ba tumigil ka nga kakaiyak dyan! Ikaw itong matigas ang ulo. Dineklara mo
pa na mahal mo siya eh alam mo naman na may mahal siyang iba! Naku Lian! Ang utak
mo nga paganahin mo!" naiinis na sabi ni Corine na hindi malaman kung paano aaluin
ang kaibigan. Nahahabag ito kay Lian dahil mula ng maging magkaibigan sila wala na
itong bukambibig kung hindi si Gin. Noon pa mang high school ay patay na patay na
ito sa kaibigan nito. And Gin was not a snob. He was totally the epitome of
knight in shining armor to Lian.
Kung hindi lamang mukhang lola basyang si Lian that time she would think that Gin
likes her a lot. Paano ba naman hindi eh kulang na lamang maging guardia civil ito
ni Lian na laging nakabantay na baka may mang api na naman sa kaibigan.

Kasabay pumasok, kasabay umuwi at kung minsan ay kasama sa breaktimes. Huwag ng

isama na very open sila sa pamilya ng isat isa.

Sinong hindi ma i inlove sa ganoong sitwasyon?

Of course, Lian falls. At kung nag stay nga si Gin at mag transform si Lian from
nerd to sexy goddess, of course, Gin will fall for her eventually.

Kaso umalis si Gin at nanirahan sa Amerika. Lian was devastated and brokenhearted.
Ilang buwan na iyak lamang ito ng iyak ng mawala si Gin at malaman na doon na ito
mag aaral sa Amerika.

Awang awa siya noon sa dalaga. Alam niya kasi na first love ni Lian si Gin. At
mahirap itong kalimutan. Then, Lian changed her appearance when they stepped into
college. Napatanga siya doon kasi alam naman niya na maganda ang kaibigan but
never she considered that she is a goddess. Pina rebond niya ang buhok, nag
contact lens, she removed her filthy braces and changed her clothing.
Akala niya lumabas sa screen si Elena Gilbert ng Vampire Diaries when she first saw
her after her make over. And boys began to notice her. She attracts a lot of boys
from their college years but her heart remained closed to everyone except from one
person she waited to come back.

But when he came back she never expected he will be attach to some girl na sa
Pilipinas lamang niya nakilala. To worsen the situation ay isang socialite at born
heiress ng MGM ang babaeng iyon.

Ano nga ba ang ilalaban nito sa babaeng kasing powerful, elite and sophisticated na
kagaya ni Alexandra Monteverde.

She is a goddess with a fang.

The kind of woman who airs elegance and power. Every turn of her head, every
movement of her hips, every curve of her smile spells money and power.
You will never want to be a rival of Alexandra Monteverde. Life will be over kapag
ito ang nakatapat mo.

And during their weekend at Dean's province, she may not openly declare her vicious
personality dahil na rin siguro sa kaibigan si Lian ng boyfriend nito but as a girl
alam niya na naghihintay lamang si Alexandra sa wrong move ni Lian and she will do
necessary actions.

Lalo na at alam nito na may gusto si Lian sa boyfriend nito.

Halikan ba naman si Gin sa harapan nila, what does it means?

It's an open warfare between two women.

Territory owned, a boundary was set.

Walang lalagpas or else...

Napatingin ito kay Lian na namumugto na ang mga mata kakaiyak. "Hindi ka ba talaga
titigil dyan?"

She sobbed. "He kept on pushing me away, Corine. Wala na siyang inisip kung hindi
ang babaeng iyon samantalang nasa ospital na nga si tito."

She rolled her eyes upward na masuyong pinunasan ang luha ng kaibigan. "Natural.
Girlfriend niya yon! Alangan naman na mas maging importante ka sa babaeng iyon
Lian! Gumising ka na nga sa kagagahan mo. Pinapahirapan mo lamang si Gin," she
said sa naninising tono.

Tumigil ito bigla sa pag iyak. Napatingin sa kaibigan.

"Pinapahirapan? What do you mean?" she asked in a husky voice.

She sighed. "Ayaw ni Gin na masaktan ka that's why he is treating you so kind,
look, he was consumed with family problem right now, and you keep on insisting to
be on his side samantalang kinakain siya ng guilt feeling."

Nakatingin lamang si Lian kay Corine. And Corine saw how fragile she was.

"Gin loves you. No doubt about that. Pero hindi iyon ang pagmamahal na inaakala
mo Lian," Corine said gently. "Let him go Lian. Give him up. Gin loves that
girl," she said with a heavy sigh.

And she saw how hurt she was. Her eyes become misty again at tumulo na ang mga
luhang pinipigil.

Naaawang niyakap ni Corine si Lian at hinayaan na umiyak ito. "Let him go, Lian.
Or you will lose him as a friend too."

She cried silently.

Gin's POV

I do not know what happen why she is acting so weird. I sighed na napahawak sa
celphone ko. Kakatawag lamang ni Bella and asked me to tell to my parents na hindi
na ako tatakbo kapalit ng Papa.

Napatingin ako sa ama ko na kasalukuyang pinapakain ng Mama. Ilang araw na mula ng

lumabas kami sa hospital at sa bahay na lamang nagpapagaling ang Papa, madalas na
nasa mansion lamang ako. Marami kasing nagtatangkang dumalaw sa Papa at dahil sa
pultika ay kailangan na halis pagbigyan ng Papa ang mga nais na dumalaw nito.

Karamihan ay sa pulitika. Masabi lamang na dumalaw sa Papa at kahit na hindi naman

kaalyado ng pamilya. But we all have to be polite.

Napatingin ako uli sa Papa. Masayang nakikipagkwentuhan ito sa Mama, and my mother
is equally happy too. I sighed with happiness.

Natigilan ako ng mag ring yung hawak ko na phone. Si Bella. Saglit na natigilan
ako pagkuway tumayo at lumabas ng kwarto.
"Sweetheart," I said.

"Sinabi mo na ba na hindi ka tatakbo?"

I swallowed hard. I was more expecting she would ask the condition of my father
pero yun lamang naman pala ang itatawag niya. I tried not to feel the irritation.

"Look, Bella. My father is still recovering? Can we wait until he is fully

recovered?" sa mahinang boses na sabi ko. "Why are you nagging me about this? Is
there something wrong?" kunot na ang noo ko. Nagtataka na ako dahil parang nag iba

"I hate those news telling you are going to replace your father! I wanted to tell
them you will not run!" she yelled.

Napamaang ako. "Isabella! Please calm down! What's wroong with you?"
naguguluhang tanong ko na lumayo na mula sa kwarto ng Papa dahil mayat maya din ay
may dumadaan na tao. Nakabantay lamang kasi sa labas ang security nito at ang staff
nito sa opisina.

"Everything is wrong! You are not coming here, and all these media telling you are
running! I hate to hear those assumptions because it will never happen!"

Napahawak na lamang ako sa noo ko. "Look, I'll go there just please calm down

Hindi na ako nagpaalam at agad na sumakay ng kotse.


Pero ngayong magkaharap kami ay hindi naman ito kumikibo. Napahalukipkip lamang
ako habang nakatayo malapit sa kama niya at siya ay walang emosyon na nakatingin
lamang sa tv.

"Now, what's wrong?" mahinang tanong ko. This must be good or I will lose it.
Hindi ito kumikibo.

Naningkit ang mga mata ko. "Isabella."

Pero nanatiling sa tv nakatutok ang mga mata niya.

Pumasok si Nana Belen na may dalang pagkain. Napakurap ako dahil ang dala niya ay
pang breakfast. Napatingin ako sa orasan ko, it's past 5 pm already. Nagtatanong
ang mga mata ko kay Nana Belen pero hindi ito kumibo na inilapag lamang sa side
table ang pagkain at saka lumabas.

"Ngayon ka pa lamang kakain?" maang na tanong ko.

Hindi pa rin ito nagsasalita.

Inis na kinuha ko sa kamay niya ang remote ng tv at pinatay iyon. Paitsang hinagis
ko iyon sa sofa and looked at her. Hindi pa rin nagbabago ang ekspresyon ng mukha
niya. Nakatulala lamang ito sa tv.

Napakunot na noo ko na naupo sa kama.

"Shit Bella! Talk!" pasigaw kong sabi.

Tila nagulat siya sa pagsigaw ko. Pati ako ay nagulat rin but I was really losing
it. Naiinis ako sa inaakto niya, sa demand niya, nap pressure ako sa problema sa
pamilya, sa pagkakabaril sa Papa.

Lahat nasa utak ko na.

"Don't shout at me when you are in my house," madiin pero galit ang tinig na sabi
Naningkit ang mga mata ko. "At may matutuwa ba sa ganyang inaakto mo? You called
me, demand of my time and now that I am here ganyan ka pa rin! Ano bang problema

Nakatulala lamang ito sa akin. Pagkuway galit na pinaghahampas ang dibdib ko.

"I hate you! I hate you!"

Hinawakan ko ang kamay nito at pilit na inaawat sa ginagawa. Pero patuloy pa rin
ito sa paghampas sa dibdib ko.

"Stop it! Stop!" sigaw ko. "What's the matter with you!"

Umiiyak na sumubsob na lamang ito sa palad. I sighed na napahawak sa batok ko.

She cried. I tried to hold her pero pinapalis ang kamay ko. Nang sa wakas ay
magawa ko siyang ikulong sa bisig ko ay saka pa lamang ito tumigil sa panlalaban.
Umiyak lamang ito.

"Sshhh, sweetheart. Stop crying. Tell me what's wrong?" naguguluhang sabi ko.

"Don;t go Gin. Dito ka lamang sa tabi ko, dito ka lang," hikbi nito. Naawang
hinaplos ko ang buhok niya.

"Okay. Pero kumain ka na, didn;t I tell you already na ayoko na hindi ka
kumakain?" mababa na ang boses ko.

Tumango lamang ito. Kinuha ko ang tray ng pagkain niya at sinubuan ito. Hindi
naman ito tumutol.
I sighed as I watched her eat.

Binantayan ko din itong matulog. Nag text ako sa Mama na uuwi ako pero baka late
na. She just reminded me to take care dahil fresh pa nga ang nangyari sa Papa. I
assured her that I am okay. 11 pm na ng tumawag sa akin ang lolo na kailangan ko ng
umuwi o ipapasundo ako sa security nito. Napabuntonghininga na lamang ako na

I looked at my side. Payapang natutulog si Bella. I kissed her forehead matapos

hawiin ang ilang hibla ng buhok niya na tumabing sa mukha nito.

Kahit sa pagtulog ay may kunot ang noo ng dalaga. Agad na inunat ko iyon sa
pamamagitan ng daliri ko. Napalis naman agad ang kunot ng noo nito.

Maingat na tumayo ako sa kama.

"Don't go."
Her sleepy voice halt me from leaving her side. Napatingin ako dito,

"Sleep sweetheart," I said na yumuko upang halikan ang noo niya. She did not open
her eyes.

"Can't you stay?"

I sighed. "Much that I want, this is not a good time. My grandfather will send
his men to pick me up kapag hindi pa ako umuwi sa mansion in 30 minutes."

Hindi na ito kumibo. I sighed ng mag ring uli ang phone. Si Melanie.
Sinagot ko iyon. "Call it off Melanie, I am going home."

Pumikit na lamang si Bella. Napabuntonghininga na lamang ako.

"Babawi ako sweetheart, I promise. I really have to go."

Hindi na ito kumibo.

"Sweetheart, ayokong umalis nang hindi ko alam kung okay lamang sa yo."

"Kahit hindi naman okay, aalis ka pa rin."

Walang halong panunumbat pero tinamaan ako.

Kasi totoo ang sinasabi niya. I will still go. I cannot be with her at this
moment na nasa ganitong kalagayan ang Papa.

"Try to understand, Bella."

She did not speak.

At umalis akong mabigat ang loob.

Knight and Day


Knight and Day,[4] (formerly titled Wichita[5] and Trouble Man[4]) is a 2010 action
comedy film starring Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz. The film, directed by James
Mangold, is Cruise and Diaz's second on-screen collaboration following the 2001
film Vanilla Sky.[6] Diaz plays June Havens, a classic car restorer who unwittingly
gets caught up with the eccentric secret agent Roy Miller, played by Cruise, who is
on the run from the Secret Service.

The film's investors offset funding costs by paying Cruise a lower advance fee and
providing him a share of revenue only after the financiers were repaid their
investment in the production.[7] Filming took place in several locations, mainly in
several cities located in Massachusetts, while other scenes were filmed
in Spain and parts of Austria.

"Bat ang tahimik ngayon ni Alex?" kunot ang noong sabi ni Chele habang
pinagmamasdan si Alex na nag iisang kumakain sa canteen. They all have heard about
what happened to Gin's father. Ilang araw na rin na absent si Gin at palaging nag
iisa si Alex.

Carmi looked at her without interest na nag sip sa frappe na iniinom nito. "Gin
must have been broken up with her," balewalang sagot,
Natawa si Arianne. "Si Gin? Baka si Alex pa makipag break sa kanya," anito na
tiningnan siya ng masama ni Carmi. Arianne shrugged her shoulder. "I am just
telling the truth. Kung may mang iiwan man ay si Alex yon. Gin is such a fool for

"She is right," Chele agrees. Napatingin ito kay Fredrick na may iniisip. "What's
bugging you Fred?"

He tried to smile. "Wala. I have to go, may klase pa ako," tumayo na ito at
kinuha sa mesa ang gamit.

Carmi pouted. "Pwede ka naman na hindi pumasok don ah! Please stay babes," ungot
nito na hinawakan ang dulo ng uniform ni Fredrick.

"I can't. I have an exam today. See you later."

Walang nagawa na sinundan na lamang ng tingin ni Carmi ang boyfriend. Pilit na

tinatago ni Chele ang pagtawa. Mukha kasing batang iniwan ng tatay niya ang itsura
ni Carmi.
Carmi is a player but she was hook by Fredrick's charm.

It just happened that Fredrick is not exclusive to Carmi.

She shrugged her shoulder. Matagal na niyang napapansin na may gusto si Fredrick
kay Alex. Different from the rest of the girls na nilalabas ni Gin.

Different from them.

She sighed slowly. What they had was a rough interlude of sex. No feelings
involved. And even how great he is on bed, he is not her type.

Masyado siyang arogante at brusko.

But he has a soft spot with Alex.

Napatingin ito uli kay Carmi. Mukhang kahit si Carmi ay alam na attracted si
Fredrick kay Alex.

"Nakakainis! I have plan pa naman to go to Rockwell tapos papasok pa siya," maktol

na sabi.

"We could go with you!" excited na sabi ni Arianne.

Sumimangot si Carmi. "Never mind!"

Arianne pouted in disappointment. Naglaro na lamang ito sa hawak na IPAD.


Fredrick's POV

"Alex! Wait!" habol ko sa palabas na si Alex. Inabangan ko ito mula sa klase

nito. Halos magkapareho ang schedule namin pag Friday.

Lumingon ito at kumunot ang noo. "What are you doing here Fredrick?"

Agad na lumapit ako sa tabi niya. "Wala naman, I just thought you need a company
right now," sabi ko.

She lifted a brow.

"And why is that?"

I smirked. "You did it. Didn't you?"

Kumunot ang noo nito. "Did what?"

"You made someone to follow Gin's whereabouts when I told you his father was having
a political campaign sa White Plains."

Natigilan ito. Pagkuway balewalang ngumiti. "I trusted him."

Natawa ako ng mahina. "Ah. Kaya pala pati buhay ng isang Julianna Christie
Marquez ay pinagkaabalahan mo na hukayin."

Maang na napatanga ito sa akin pagkuway sa hawak na folder kung saan nakalagay sa
labas ng folder ang pangalan na sinasabi ko. Agad na itinago niya iyon sa likod.
I wanted to laugh.
"I--I am not!" she said heatedly.

I shrugged my shoulder. "It's okay if you dont want to admit it. That's fine with
me. But I just want to warn you, if she is important to that Amboy, you better not
hurt her, Alex."

I saw how paled she became.

I tried to smile. "Why don't we have a dinner instead of standing here?"

I smiled when she simply agreed.

Parang gusto ko ng tumalon sa tuwa. Akalain mo ba pumayag na sumama sa akin na

mag dinner si Alex!

Sa isang japanese restaurant ko siya dinala. Hindi siya kumikibo but she warned me
that no moneky business. I grinned at her and do a boy scout's promise.

Pagkasabi namin ng order namin ay natahimik kami. Nakatingin siya sa labas na

parang may malalim na iniisip.

"Alam ba ni Carmi na kasama mo ako?" she looks at me. Nagulat ako. I shrugged my
shoulder. Napatingin ako sa cp ko. Madami ng text messages don na alam ko naman
kanino galing.

"She's been texting me non-stop. If I will tell her that you are with me, in a
minute ay narito na iyon. But I really wanted to have dinner with you, Alex."
Matagal na napatitig sa akin si Alex na para bang binabasa niya ang sincerity sa
mukha ko. Nang wala itong makitang malisya ay kumunot ang noo.

"If you want to lure me in your bed Fredrick---."

I laughed na itinaas ang kamay.

"I will not lie about it Alex. Who will not want you in their beds?"

Naningkit ang mga mata nito.

"But I also want to get to know you better. Malas nga lamang at mas binigyan mo ng
pansin ang Amboy na yon," may regret kong sabi.
Nakatingin lamang ito sa akin na para bang iniisip kung bakit ako ganito.

"Are you on drugs?"

She asked so innocently that I cannot stop myself from laughing.

"Being nice such as this lead you to think I am on drugs!" I said horribly sa
pinipiit na tawa. "It hurts!" reklamo ko.

Umirap ito na nag sip sa lemonade na nasa mesa. Her eyes not leaving mine.

"Why are you being nice to me then?"

I shrugged my shoulder. "I am always nice Alex. You are just a complete snob when
it comes to me," I smiled at her.
Natigilan ito.

Then she sighed as she rested her back sa sandalan. "That's not entirely my fault
Fredrick. You were a flirt. You are flirting with me while you are having a
relationship with one of my girlfriends," she said drily.

Napakurap ako. Pagkuwa'y napakamot sa ulo. "Well, I will not deny that. You kept
on avoiding me, you made me very interested everytime na umiiwas ka. Akala ko you
were being coy but then that Amboy came and became your boyfriend. That hurts my
inflated ego."

Natahimik ito.

She sighed. "I told you Fredrick, I am not the girl for you. I am in love with
somebody else."

I simply nodded. "Alam ko. Your Amboy looks nice and harmless. But you don't
know him that much. Kasi kung kilala mo na siya you will not dig on his past and
those people included on his past," I looked at the envelope on the table. "Like
the girl you've been spying on."

Naningkit ang mga mata nito. "She is a nuisance. I'll deal everything or everyone
who will be a nuisance to me, Fredrick," malamig na sabi nito.

I lifted a brow.

"If I will be greedy, I will say go on and ruin that girl. Because he will be
angry when he learned you hurt that girl," I looked at the envelope. Naningkit
lalo ang mga ni Alex. "But I will not. So I will tell you to forget that girl and
dont hurt her."

She looks at me angrily. Halatang hindi nagustuhan ang sinabi ko. I raised my
hands in total surrender.

"Don't be mad. But it's all up to you. If you are going to risk everything
because you are jealous of her."
"I am not!" she denied derisively. "I don't feel any jealousy to any woman,
Fredrick. I am Alex Monteverde!"

I lifted a brow.

"Then don't act like one. Spying and hiring a detective for a certain girl your
boyfriend has a soft spot on. Now, why don't you tell me all about this girl,"
sabi ko nang makitang palapit na ang magdadala sa amin ng pagkain.

She sighed. "Nothing much. Except that her father owns the Elite Marble."

Hinayaan ko muna na makaalis ang waiter at mailapag ang dinner namin at saka ako
napatingin sa kanya. "Elite Marble? Why is it so familiar?"
"Elite Marble is the supplier of one of our sub-contractors," she said drily.

Napaangat ang kilay ko. "Oh. The business must be doing good, para maging supplier
sila ng mga contractors ng MGM," I shrugged my shoulder as I put some food on her

Takang napatingin ito sa akin.

"Why?" I looked at her innocently. "Si Amboy lamang ba ang pwedeng maglagay ng
pagkain sa plate mo?"

Alex's POV

I felt a sudden pain that creeps in my skin sa sinabi niya.

I wanted to push that thought away. Yung si Gin ang naglalagay ng pagkain sa plato
ko. Yung pilit akong pinapakain, yung ayaw ako na malipasan ng gutom.

I smiled wryly.

He's been a busy man after the incident. And becoming a total stranger to me.
Paunti unti.

Pakiramdam ko unti unti na nagbabago si Gin.

Hindi ko alam pero natatakot ako sa magiging epekto ng nangyari sa Papa nito.

Gin will turn to be a son of a political family.

Malayo sa Gin na palagi na lamang nakadikit sa akin.

Napatungo ako.

Fredrick is right. Hindi ko siya ganon kakilala and yet I fell in love with him.


Bakit nga ba ako na in love sa kanya? Not because he is goodlooking.

Marami ang lumapit sa akin na higit pang guapo kaysa kay Gin.
Napailing ako.

Maybe because he has a lot of confidence whenever I am around. Yung para bang
umaakto ito na pag aari niya ako.

I smiled wryly. I still do not know why he had that kind of confidence. I sighed
slowly. I could feel the headache that is trying to build up. Ilang araw na rin
kasi ako na halos walang tulog.

"Hey," untag ni Fredrick. Napaangat ang mukha ko and saw his face na nagtataka
bakit ako natutulala.

I tried to smile. "Nothing," sabi ko na uminom ng tubig. It seems I dont have the
appetite again. Napapadalas na wala akong ganang kumain.

Fredrick was about to say something when someone caught my eye. Natigilan ako
kasabay ng pagtahip ng dibdib when I saw him on tv. May malaking monitor kasi na
naka locate sa kinauupuan namin.
"Is it true na ikaw na ang papalit sa iyong ama na si Governor Eduardo De Villa sa
susunod na halalan?"

I felt my whole body trembled in anticipation nang marinig ko ang tanong ng isang

Now Gin, tell them you are not going to run, tila piping bulong ko sa sarili habang
matamang naghihintay sa sasabihin ng lalaki sa harap ng camera. He looks handsome
wearing a white polo shirt, his hair is gently combed.

He smiled at the reporter.

I patiently waited.

"Ang aga pa para sa ganyang usapin, Dianne. Baka naman sabihin ng iba ay
namumulitika ako." ani Gin sa natatawang tinig.
Nagtawanan ang ilang media.

He drew a deep breath and looked at the camera in front of him. And by doing that,
it feels like he is looking directly at me.

I smiled at his image. I know he will choose to be with me.

After all he loves me so much.

"But yes, I will be running after my father's term is finished."

Tila bombang sumabog iyon sa pandinig ko.

I felt numb all over.

"Alex?" takang sabi ni Fredrick na napatingin sa pamumutla ko.

He is running...

"Are you okay?" nag aalalang sabi ni Fredrick na hinawakan ang kamay ko. Tila wala
sa sariling nahila ko iyon at pilit na tumayo.

Pinili niya ang pulitika.

I wanted to laugh mirthlessly.

Oh hell yeah..

I am no good.

I am no good...

Nararamdaman ko ang pag ikot ng paningin ko pero pilit akong lumalakad. May
tumatawag sa akin pero hindi pinapansin.

Pakiramdam ko lumulutang ako at parang napakagaan ng paglalakad ko.

Then darkness washed all over me.


next ud @ 500 votes


Knight and Day 2


dinugtong ko lang kasi ayaw mag load sa wattpad yung last part ng Knight and Day,
just to make sure na nabasa nyo lahat yung ud

Alex's POV
I felt a sudden pain that creeps in my skin sa sinabi niya.

I wanted to push that thought away. Yung si Gin ang naglalagay ng pagkain sa plato
ko. Yung pilit akong pinapakain, yung ayaw ako na malipasan ng gutom.

I smiled wryly.

He's been a busy man after the incident. And becoming a total stranger to me.
Paunti unti.

Pakiramdam ko unti unti na nagbabago si Gin.

Hindi ko alam pero natatakot ako sa magiging epekto ng nangyari sa Papa nito.
Gin will turn to be a son of a political family.

Malayo sa Gin na palagi na lamang nakadikit sa akin.

Napatungo ako.

Fredrick is right. Hindi ko siya ganon kakilala and yet I fell in love with him.


Bakit nga ba ako na in love sa kanya? Not because he is goodlooking.

Marami ang lumapit sa akin na higit pang guapo kaysa kay Gin.

Napailing ako.

Maybe because he has a lot of confidence whenever I am around. Yung para bang
umaakto ito na pag aari niya ako.

I smiled wryly. I still do not know why he had that kind of confidence. I sighed
slowly. I could feel the headache that is trying to build up. Ilang araw na rin
kasi ako na halos walang tulog.

"Hey," untag ni Fredrick. Napaangat ang mukha ko and saw his face na nagtataka
bakit ako natutulala.

I tried to smile. "Nothing," sabi ko na uminom ng tubig. It seems I dont have the
appetite again. Napapadalas na wala akong ganang kumain.
Fredrick was about to say something when someone caught my eye. Natigilan ako
kasabay ng pagtahip ng dibdib when I saw him on tv. May malaking monitor kasi na
naka locate sa kinauupuan namin.

"Is it true na ikaw na ang papalit sa iyong ama na si Governor Eduardo De Villa sa
susunod na halalan?"

I felt my whole body trembled in anticipation nang marinig ko ang tanong ng isang

Now Gin, tell them you are not going to run, tila piping bulong ko sa sarili habang
matamang naghihintay sa sasabihin ng lalaki sa harap ng camera. He looks handsome
wearing a white polo shirt, his hair is gently combed.

He smiled at the reporter.

I patiently waited.
"Ang aga pa para sa ganyang usapin, Dianne. Baka naman sabihin ng iba ay
namumulitika ako." ani Gin sa natatawang tinig.

Nagtawanan ang ilang media.

He drew a deep breath and looked at the camera in front of him. And by doing that,
it feels like he is looking directly at me.

I smiled at his image. I know he will choose to be with me.

After all he loves me so much.

"But yes, I will be running after my father's term is finished."

Tila bombang sumabog iyon sa pandinig ko.

I felt numb all over.

"Alex?" takang sabi ni Fredrick na napatingin sa pamumutla ko.

He is running...

"Are you okay?" nag aalalang sabi ni Fredrick na hinawakan ang kamay ko. Tila wala
sa sariling nahila ko iyon at pilit na tumayo.
Pinili niya ang pulitika.

I wanted to laugh mirthlessly.

Oh hell yeah..

I am no good.

I am no good...
Nararamdaman ko ang pag ikot ng paningin ko pero pilit akong lumalakad. May
tumatawag sa akin pero hindi pinapansin.

Pakiramdam ko lumulutang ako at parang napakagaan ng paglalakad ko.

Then darkness washed all over me.


next ud @ 500 votes


She's Having A Baby

The film portrays a young newlywed couple, Kristy and Jake Briggs played
by Elizabeth McGovern and Kevin Bacon, who try to cope with being married and what
is expected of them by their parents. Jake must also deal with the fantasy woman of
his dreams. The film is about traditional 1980s suburban life and the cultural
expectations that come along with it. To a large extent what Jake experiences could
be described as a form of culture shock, with his best man Davis (Alec Baldwin) as
a reminder of his former culture as a single man, and feeling alienated when he
overhears his neighbors converse about mundane suburban topics. He feels he has
left the culture of single men, and has entered the culture of a married man, and
doesn't appear to have a sense of belonging to either.

we have our own flaws, maybe it's all because we are, after all, human..

i posted the song because Jeff Gutt sang this song and made my heart swoon hehe

Gin's POV

Nakangiting kinamayan ko lamang ang ilang political comrades ng Papa. Lahat ay

bumabati at natutuwa sa desisyon ko na palitan ang aking ama sa pulitika. Maging
ang mga pinsan ng Papa na nasa pulitika din ay nagpunta sa mansion para personal
akong batiin.
It's been straight 5 hours since I declared to the media that I am going to run.

My whole family is celebrating and it's another phase in our political career.

Ako ang pinakabatang De Villa na tatakbo once I graduated from college two years
from now. I am excited but at the same time, I am also afraid.

Bigla pumasok na naman sa isip ko si Bella. Napatingin ako uli sa celphone ko.
Kanina ko pa siya hindi matawagan. I am sure she knew it already. My declaration
is all over the news.

I sighed na napahigpit ang pagkakahawak ko sa celphone. Alam ko na magagalit siya,

Pero kailangan niya akong unawain. She knew that I have a responsibility to
fulfill. At hindi ko matatalikuran yun kagaya ng hindi ko rin ito mahaharap kung
hindi siya ang makakasama ko.

I love you sweetheart, piping bulong ko sa sarili. Napatingin at agad ang

pagrehistro ng ngiti sa mukha ko ng makita ang ilan pang bisita ng Papa. No doubt,
this will be tiring. Yung palagi kang nakanagiti na para bang wala kang dinadalang

Ibinulsa ko na ang celphone ko at agad na kinamayan ang bagong dating na sina

Congressman Peralta at Vice-Governor Nina Pineda.

Sa isip ko ay nabubuo ang balak na tumakas mamaya para makausap si Bella.

Alex's POV

Napabalikwas ako ng bangon ng maalimpungatan ako sa tila mahaba kong pagkakatulog.

Iginala ko ang paningin ng mapansin na hindi iyon pamilyar na kwarto. Napatingin

ako sa suot ko, iyon pa rin ang suot ko sa dinner namin ni Fredrick.

Agad na napaupo ako sa kama at akmang tatayo ng biglang bumukas ang pintuan at
iluwa ang taong hindi ko inaasahan na makita.

Agad ang pag aalala sa mukha nito ng makita ako.

"Oh thank God you are awake, Isabella!" tuwang sabi ni Clarissa na agad na
napalapit sa kama pagkalapag ng hawak nitong tray ng pagkain. "How are you
Naningkit ang mga mata ko. "Where is Fredrick? And where am I?" malamig kong

She smiled. Parang nais kong mapaismid sa ngiti niya. Na para bang napakabait

"Fredrick was so worried when you collapsed. He didn;t know what to do kaya
tinawagan niya ako and I decided na dalhin ka sa bahay ko."

Tila lalo akong nakakaramdam ng galit. Kailan pa nagkakapalagayang loob si

Fredrick at ng babae? At bakit kailangan na dito pa niya ako dalhin!

Akmang tatayo na ako pero maagap na nahawakan niya ang braso ko. Malamig na
tiningnan ko ang hawak niya at papiksing hinila ang braso ko. Tila naman napahiya
ito at hindi na nagtangkang hawakan ako.

"Aalis na ako. Don;t bother to stop me," I said coldly na tumayo uli at nagtungo
sa pintuan.
Ilang saglit na hindi ito kumibo I shrugged my shoulder and about to leave when I
heard her voice again.

"I am worried about you anak," malungkot na sabi nito.

I stiffened.


Tinawag niya akong anak? I wanted to laugh so hard. Kailan pa niya ako naging

I smirked as I looked at her and I almost saw her flinch from my cold stare.
"Anak? Kailan pa kita binigyan ng karapatan na tawagin ako niyan?"
Kitang kita ko na namula ang babaeng kaharap ko. And I saw how hurt she was but I
will never take back what I have said. She deserved it.

She smiled bitterly. Napatungo ito at ilang saglit na hindi kumibo.

When she looks at me there is tears behind her eyes and I wanted to scream at her
to stop toying my feelings. I will never be fooled again by someone who hurt me
and left me all alone.

"Forgive mommy, Isabella," naiiyak na sabi and my heart turned colder.


Ang alin?
Ang pagpapakamatay ni Daddy dahil nanglalaki siya?

O ang pang iiwan niya sa akin at pagsama niya sa lalaki niya?

I smirked. How cruel.

"I dont have time for your drama, spare me!" at nagmamadaling lumabas ako ng kwarto
hindi ko na pinansin ang pagtawag niya.

Nasa maluwang na balkonahe na ako ng malaking bahay ng muntik ko ng mabunggo ang

malapad na dibdib. Napaatras ako.

Takang napatingin si Fredrick sa akin. May hawak itong isang baso ng juice,
"Alex! Gising ka na pala! But are you okay now?" tanong nito na hinawakan ako sa

Napatingin lamang ako sa pagkakahawak niya sa balikat ko bago marahang kumawala sa

hawak nito. "Kailan ka pa naging kaibigan ni Clarissa Monteverde?" malamig kong

Napakunot ang noo nito.

Napatingin ito sa puno ng hagdan. Pagkuway binalik sa akin ang tingin. "Mommy mo
siya Alex," sa seryosong tinig ay sabi nito. "You must show some kind of respect."

I laughed mirthlessly. "At abogado ka na pala ngayon ng Clarissa Monteverde na

yan! Well, magsama kayo!" gigil na sigaw ko bago akmang tatalikuran ito.

Maagap na nahawakan ni Fredrick ang kamay ko, I looked at him angrily.

He sighed. "Look, I'll drive you home. I am sorry kung dito kita dinala. But I
guess, it is really necessary na dito kita dalhin lalo na sa kalagayan mo ngayon,

Kumunot ang noo ko. "Kalagayan ko na ano?"

Ilang saglit na hindi ito kumibo bago concern na tinitigan ako. I could feel that
something is going to erupt in front of me.

"Fredrick, no!"

Napatingin ako sa napasigaw na si Mommy. I saw fear in her eyes. At lalo lamang
nadadagdagan ang kaba na nararamdaman ko. I looked at Fredrick angrily.

"What is it? Tell me!" I demanded.

Nakikita ko ang pag aalinlangan ni Fredrick, tila humihingi pa ito ng permiso na
tumingin sa likod ko.

He sighed.

Maingat na hinawakan nito ang balikat ko. "Please don't stress yourself. Baka
makasama pa sa baby mo," he said softly.

Napakurap ako.

May kabang bumundol sa dibdib ko.

"W-What?" mahinang sabi ko. I could feel I am shaking literally. Nanginig bigla
ang tuhod ko at agad ang takot na naramdaman ko.
"Y-You are 3 weeks pregnant, anak. Oh God, Isabella!" naiiyak na sabi ni Clarissa
at hindi ko pinansin ang pagtawag niya sa akin ng anak dahil halo halo ang
nararamdaman kong takot, kaba--antisipasyon.

Natakot ako.

Wala sa loob na napahawak ako sa tiyan ko habang ang mga mata ko ay hindi inaalis
sa pagkakatingin kay Fredrick.


Ang lalaking dapat sana kaharap ko ngayon ay ang lalaking siyang dahilan bakit ako
nasa ganitong kalagayan.

Pero si Fredrick na iniiwasan ko, sinusupladahan ko at kulang na lamang bastusin ko

kapag nagkakaharap kami, ay siyang umaalalay sa akin ngayon.
"You should tell him," nagkaroon ng halong katigasan ang tinig nito ng makita ang
papalit palit na emosyon na dumaan sa mukha ko.

Hindi ko na nagawang manlaban ng maramdaman ang pagyakap sa akin ni Clarissa.

Natulala ako.


"N-No," iling ko ng ilang ulit. I can't be pregnant.

I can't be.
"Don't worry anak, mommy is here," she said as she sobs above my head.

I wish her words will be enough to pacify the fear that I am feeling right now.

All that I want is to believe this is nothing but a dream.

A bad dream.

Gin's POV

"Where is Bella?" pagod na sabi ko ng dumating ako sa mansion at maabutan ang

kasambahay sa mansion.
Pagkagaling ko sa isang political meeting na nai-arrange ng lolo para sa akin at sa
ilang kaalyado sa pulitika ay pilit na nagdiretso ako sa mansion. Ilang araw ko
siyang hindi ma kontak at kahit nag aalala ako hindi ko naman magawang iwan ang
ilang kompromiso ng lolo para sa akin.

Lalo pa at nag desisyon na ako na tumakbo.

"Naku wala po dito si senyorita Alex."

Napahinto ako sa pagpasok ng maluwang na sala ng marinig ko ang sinabi niya. Kunot
ang noong napatingin ako dito.

"Wala?" napatingin ako sa relos na suot ko. Pasado alas dies na ng gabi. Surely,
dapat nakauwi na si Isabella sa bahay. "May pinuntahan ba siya?"

"Eh hindi ko po alam. Si Nana Belen naman po ay umuwi sa anak niya sa probinsya
kaya kami kami lamang po ang andito. Upo po muna kayo senyorito Gin, paghahanda ko
po kayo ng maiinom," at agad na nagtungo ito sa kusina.
Nakakunot pa rin ang noo ko ng maupo at agad na hinagilap ang celphone sa bulsa ng
pantalon ko.

I dialled her number and frown even more when I found out it is out of coverage. I
sighed in frustration na naupo na lamang at sinandig ang ulo sa headrest ng sofa.
i really feel so tired. Bukas ng umaga ay ang ka partido naman ng lolo ang
haharapin ko sa isang meeting sa Makati.

My father is very supportive and my mother is at peace. Knowing na for the next
three years, Governor Eduardo De Villa is running his last term and she will be the
plain housewife to an ordinary husband after that three years.

I knew she is happy. After all, buong buhay ng Mama ay kahati na niya ang pulitika
sa buhay ng Papa.

It's her time to have him as an ordinary husband. Yung walang staff na nag u-
update palagi ng mga trabaho sa opisina o mga meeting na kailangan na daluhan,
walang private securities na bubuntot buntot hanggang sa banyo.

I closed my eyes. My mother will be very happy. At okay na ako don. I'll make
sure that Bella will be always at my side every step of my way as a politician.
And as much as possible I will give her all the time that I can.
She and the children we are going to make in the future.

I smiled slowly. A picture of her and our children crossed my mind. Cute girls
and boys that look like her. And I promised from the day she will bear my name
that our children will be loved by their parents.

That I shall shower them with love and affection that I did not feel when I was
young. Or the pain that Bella experienced will never happen to them.

We are going to love them just as much.

Napamulat ako ng makarinig ng sasakyan na papasok sa lawn.

Pero dagling napalis ang katuwaan ko ng makita kung sino ang lalaking naghatid sa


sorry guys for making you all wait, but just what i have said i'll make sure to
give you ud na sulit at sakto sa panlasa nyo haha

i might be finishing this FM 1 this vacation so i could start writing FM 2 by Jan


thank you for all your patience, God Bless!


She's All That


She's All That is a 1999 American teen romantic comedy film directed by Robert
Iscove, starring Freddie Prinze, Jr. and Rachael Leigh Cook. It is amodern
adaptation of George Bernard Shaw's play Pygmalion and George Cukor's 1964 film My
Fair Lady. It was one of the most popular teen filmsof the 1990s and reached No. 1
at the box office in its first week of release.[1]



and thank you once again for praising my work and loving this story, happy holidays
to all of you!

Alex's POV

Halos hindi ako makatinag sa pagkakaupo ko sa loob ng kotse ni Fredrick. I was


I swallowed hard when reality comes flooding in.


I am pregnant.

I wanted to laugh so bitterly. I do not know what to feel.

I am just barely 20 years old.

If my father is still breathing as this hour he will skin me alive.

Matagal nang nakalaan ang pwesto ng CEO ng MGM para sa akin. He had those big
plans for me. After finishing my studies he would like to send abroad for further
study. Ganon niya ako inilalaan para sa MGM. And there is nothing that I want but
to fulfill my father's wish.
But now..

How can I do that?

I am pregnant. I am carrying a life inside my womb. And no matter how much I deny
it to myself, I am afraid.

So afraid.

That I am not ready for this kind of responsibility.

Gin marrying me will not appease this fear.

Even if he married me in million of churches around the globe, still, my fear is
real and it is eating me alive.

"Alex, you should tell him."

The gentle voice of Fredrick has woken me up sa pagkakatulala. Napatingin ako sa


Tell him?

Where is he?

He is busy doing politics! I wanted to scream aloud. He is busy fulfilling his

father's dream while I am wrecking my own...

I felt bitter tears.

And how I hate myself from being so weak.

Asan na yung Alexandra Monteverde na mahigit pitong taon na namuhay mag isa. A
strong girl that can weather anything. Had went through a lot of bitter memories
and surpassed them all.

I tried to assure Fredrick by smiling. Pero alam ko I failed to do so.

"I am fine. Thanks for bringing me home," I said slowly na hinawakan na ang
bukasan ng pintuan and opened it. But the moment I step outside the car, my heart
starts to drum like a hammer inside my chest, nanlaki ang mga mata ko when I saw
his grim face staring darkly at me.

"G-Gin," mahinang usal ko. Bigla nakaramdam ako ng takot sa pagkakatingin niya sa
"Where the hell have you been, Isabella?" matigas ang tinig na tanong niya and in
three long strides he was beside me while Fredrick stepped outside the car.

Wala sa loob na napahawak ako sa noo ko. Nausea is building slowly right now. I
do not want to collapse in front of him. At matuklasan niya that I am pregnant.

Oh God.

I should be throwing harsh words at him for bringing me down. For deciding to run
whereas I asked him not to.

But I am so full with misery, fear and all those mixed emotions I cannot name.

Nilingon ko si Fredrick. Ayoko na marinig ng ibang tao na nagtatalo kami. "It's

okay Fredrick. I--I can handle this," I looked at him na piping nakikiusap na
hayaan na lang muna ako.

Kumunot saglit ang noo nito. Halatang ayaw akong iwan. I wanted to smile bitterly
why it feels like Fredrick is who I feel comfortable with. At natatakot ako sa
lalaking nakikita ko ngayon.

I swallowed hard.

"Please Fredrick."

Napatiim ang labi nito na tiningnan lamang si Gin na kapareho nito ay madilim ang
mukhang nakatingin sa amin. He did not speak na sumakay na sa kotse at umalis.

When I looked at him, he is staring darkly at me. "I am asking a question,

Isabella. San ka galing? At bakit kasama mo ang lalaking iyon," mahinahon pero
matigas ang boses na tanong ni Gin.
I looked at him, ngayon ko lamang napansin na he is wearing a formal suit. It
suited him perfectly.

The look of a new Governor.

I felt this searing pain in my heart.

He turned me down. Mas pinili niya ang pangarap ng magulang niya kumpara sa akin.

And for the first time, I do not want to see him right now.

He is the last person I want to be with at this moment. All I want is the secured
four corners of my room. To give in to my tears that I am supressing since I have
heard that I am carrying a child.

Gin's child.
I should be happy.

He loves me and I will love no one but him.

But I have to shed tears for those dreams that my father will never see even on the
other side, the dreams he wanted for his only child.

I sighed and with pain inside my heart I speak slowly. "I am tired Gin. I want to

Akmang lalagpasan ko siya pero maagap na nahawakan niya ang braso ko. I almost
winced in pain when I felt the tightness of his grip.

"Tired? San? Bakit? San ba kayo nagpunta ng Fredrick na yon? Don't tell me
another vacant classroom where you could tease him and made him believe you like
him?" he sneered harshly.
Napamaang ako sa kanya at tila hindi makapaniwala sa sinabi nito. I felt my face
drained with color.

Galit na ipiniglas ko ang brasong hawak niya. Tiim bagang na nakatingin lamang ito
sa akin. My chest rose up and down sa pinipiit na galit.

"H-How dare you to accuse me of such!"

He smirked as he looked at me from head to toe and I wanted to hide from his dark

"And I bet he enjoyed it as much as I do!"

My hand comes flying across his left cheek.

I saw how red his face became where my hand landed. And the anger that I am seeing
in his eyes are enough to make me run away from him but I am beyond any fear.

Who am I to be accused of such things?

Definitely not Alexandra Monteverde who willingly have given herself to him with
all her heart.

And definitely not the mother who is carrying his child!

"Go! Just, go!" I almost shouted at him angrily as I point him towards the gate.
My eyes ablazed with anger. I could feel my own tears welling up and how I hate
myself from crying.

Halo halo na emosyon na nararamdaman ko. Galit, takot---

Tila naman natauhan si Gin na ilang saglit na napatitig sa akin ng matagal, nawala
na ang galit sa mukha nito when he saw me broke down to tears and sit down to the
step of the stairs.

"Sweetheart," his voice suddenly low with supressed emotion. He didn't know if he
would approach me or let me cry on my own. I covered my face with my own hands as
I cried silently.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean---," his voice faltered as he sat beside me and yet he
did not touch me. "Please, don't cry. I can't bear to see you cry," anito sa
nahihirinang tinig.

I just continue to cry. "I hate you, I hate you," I sobbed. I feel this pain and
this is something I haven't feel for years.

I did'nt cry for years such as this.

But he is hurting me unbearably.

Gin's POV

My heart is tearing apart hearing her say she hates me. I want to kick myself so
hard for hurting her. But what can I do? I was overly jealous of that guy. When I
first saw him and her kissing on a vacant room the first time that I visited the
school, I want to throw punches already.

I was jealous the moment I saw him kissing her. And to think I didn't know her.

And he never fail to show everytime how much he wanted her! That makes me furious
even more. So arrogant of getting her to bed and I was more than glad that she
didn't like him at all.

But eventhough she didn't like him, I hate seeing her with him.
Or anyone. Any man should not come anywhere near her.

I swallowed hard when I saw her still crying. I cursed and I slowly turned her to
me. She resisted but I held her. Wala na itong nagawa. Sa balikat ko siya
umiyak. My heart is tearing apart.

"Sshh. I am sorry baby," I whispered huskily. "I am so sorry. Please

sweetheart," I almost beg of her. Ayoko siyang makitang umiiyak.

Nasasaktan ako ng sobra.

Mahina na ang pag iyak niya. I sighed as I kissed the top of her hair. I missed
her so. And suddenly I feel so tired and being in her arms soothe every fibre of
my emotion.

"Let me bring you upstairs," I said na masuyong pinahid ang luha na naglandas sa
magkabila niyang pisngi. She is still as beautiful as ever even with her face full
of tears.
She just stared at me. I lowered my head and kissed her lips. Hindi siya tumutol.
I looked at her again, my heart is filled with emotion.

"I love you, sweetheart," masuyong sabi ko. Tumayo na ako at binuhat siya. She
just rested her head in my shoulder and I sighed in relief.

I can't bear if we are going to quarrel.

We never have this kind of quarrel. At ayoko na maging ganito ang scenario namin

I love her.
So bad that it aches.

Wala kaming imikan hanggang makarating kami sa kwarto niya, I gently unbutton her
dress and she didn't resist. She just watched me undressing her and when she is
into her two flimsy underwear I lifted her again and bring her to the bathroom. I
gently placed her on the tub and filled it with water. I rolled my sleeves up to
my elbow and picked the sponge and started to wash her.

I sponged her nape, lathers are producing while I sponge her body. I moved it to
her shoulder and to her arm, she didn't speak. She just stared at me. My eyes not
leaving every skin of her that the sponge travels. Her soft skin glows in my eyes,
she feels like satin. I moved it to her other shoulder, slowly washing her. I
could hear her soft moan as the wet sponge travelled her skin. I know she is
relaxing already. Sinandal niya ang likod sa tub and closed her eyes. I wet my
hand with shampoo and lathered her hair. I slowly massage her smooth hair and her
small gasp of pleasure is an assurance she is comfortable with it. I picked again
the sponge and continue lathering her body.

I could hear her slow breathing when the sponge travels to her soft breast, her
nipples hardened on instant and I tried not to waver from my supposed task. All I
want is to clean her and make her comfortable and relax. I moved it down to her
stomach and further.

Her legs slowly opened up when the sponge is slowly making it way to her womanhood
but I resisted, instead I moved it to her legs and lathered it. I could see from
her expression, with her eyes closed, that she is disappointed. I smiled.
How I love this woman. She is everything that I'll ever want. She is passionate
and hot, and sometimes she is being a stubborn woman. It irritates me sometimes.
But knowing that she is everything that I'll ever want, it makes me patient and
more understanding.

I sponged her knees and behind her knees, her calf and her toes, I parted her thigh
and put her left thigh up to the side of the tub and started to rub every skin.
She moaned softly.

Sexy temptress.

I could feel the tightening of my pants and I wanted to smile ruefully. This woman
never fail to make me feel horny as a greenhorn.

She is making sweet movement and my breathing became ragged. I throw away the
sponge and cupped her womanhood. She gasped and opened her eyes in awe. My eyes
are burning with desire and need.

And her eyes shows those feeling as well.

She bit her lips when I moved slowly my hand in between her thigh. I found her
moist and hot.

My breathing is laboured.

She is perfection.

She moaned my name. And when I was about to kiss her fiercely she opened her eyes
and looked at me.

I saw something in her eyes but I cannot describe what it is.

Was it fear?
For what?

I will erase whatever it is, I said to myself and moved my hand even more
purposeful, she gasped and hold each side of the tub.

"Gin, I am--."

"Hmmm?" I know what she needs. And I am going to give it to her.

Her eyes grew large when she realized what I am trying to do to her. She moaned
and gasped but she tried to push me and slap my hand. Kumunot ang noo ko.

"Hush baby, I am going to give you a stress reliever," I said huskily as I wink at
her playfully. Oh, how I missed her. Her moan and sweet gasps when I plunged
deeper in her core.
She moaned and yet she darted a killer look. "What?" I said in a heated voice. I
cannot wait anymore. Ilang linggo na rin na hindi kami--, I sighed and that's
because I was busy with family and politics. But tonight, she is the only thing
that matter.

"Gin!" she shouted at me. Napatingin ako dito na napahinto sa pag aalis ng butones
ng suot kong long sleeves.

"I want to make love to you now," parang batang sabi ko na nakasimangot.

She rolled her eyes upwards bago ilang saglit na titig na titig sa akin.

Naiinip na naghintay ako sa sasabihin niya. "It must be quick," I warned her.

Naningkit ang mga mata nito.

Eh anong magagawa ko? I am in a hurry and excited to brand her mine again and

She sighed as she looks intently at me.

"I am pregnant."


next ud @ 400 votes and it is exclusive for followers.


While You were Sleeping

While You Were Sleeping is a 1995 romantic comedy film directed by Jon
Turteltaub and written by Daniel G. Sullivan and Frederic Lebow. It starsSandra
Bullock as Lucy, a Chicago Transit Authority token collector, and Bill Pullman as
Jack, the brother of a man whose life she saves, along withPeter Gallagher as
Peter, the man who is saved, and Peter Boyle, Glynis Johns, and Jack Warden as
members of Peter's family.







thank you for appreciating The Sex and The City private chapter, for those who are
not followers, I posted the first part of it para hindi maligaw sa story

Gin's POV

Ilang saglit na tumigil sa pag ikot ang mundo.


Nakatanga ako sa kanya.

Did I hear it right?

But her face is serious. She looks---uncertain and afraid.

"What?" tila hindi ko iyon magawang ilabas sa bibig ko at baka mali ako ng

She drew a deep breath. "I said I am pregnant Gin."

Ayun. Inulit uli.


We are having a baby?

Ang pagkakatanga ko sa kanya ay napalitan ng unti unting pagluwang ng ngiti.

Hanggang hindi na ako nakapagpigil at agad na napasigaw ng YES!
Napatili si Bella ng tuwang buhatin ko siya at inikot ikot. I am laughing with so
much joy. Akalain ko ba naman na matutupad agad ang pangarap ko!

"Yes! Yes! I did it!"

"Gin! Hoy! Ibaba mo ko!" tili ni Bella.

Humahalakhak na binaba ko siya at mariing hinalikan sa labi habang ang kamay ko ay

masuyong hinaplos ang tiyan niya. I looked at her gently while her eyes mirror
with astonishment. I smiled and move my eyes to her still flat tummy.

"Oh God! I am so happy sweetheart! You made me very very happy," I felt my voice
cracked suddenly in an emotion. I have never felt this kind of proud and happiness
overwhelming me knowing my child is growing inside her body.
She did not speak but her trembling hands touched and smoothened my hair.

I looked at her. My eyes filled with love and happiness. "Will you marry me
sweetheart? A sophomore Law student, an aspiring politician who will replace his
father one day? A good for nothing politician if he will not have the woman he
loves standing at his side? A man who can only love and cherish one woman, and her
name is Isabella Alexandra Monteverde. Will you marry that kind of man?"

Alex's POV

I feel my throat is being constricted with so many emotion that i am trying to

suppress and keep it all inside me. But I failed. My lips trembled and my eyes
become misty.

I still have those fear. Oh yes, it is still all here.

I just told him that I am pregnant but I did not tell him how much I am afraid of
this sudden change in my life. That I am not ready for it.

I am not ready to be a mother.

Or to be a wife.

But I love this man.

And when he professed humbly he will be nothing without me, my heart being ripped

I cried as I looked at him, waiting for my answer.

"Oh yes Gin! I'll marry you, I'll marry you of course, you stupid moron! Binuntis
mo na ako alangan naman na hindi mo ko pakasalan!" naiiyak-naiinis na sabi ko.
Paano naman kasi makakaayaw pa ba ako! At paano ko tatanggihan ang lalaking mahal
na mahal ko?

He laughed as he kissed me. I answered. He looked at me tenderly while both of

his hands framing my face. His eyes dark and luminous with love and desire. I
sighed. We will have each other for the rest of our lives.

I feel safe.

I love him.

"At kung aayaw ka naman sweetheart, mapipilitan ako na kidnapin ka at iharap sa

sinumang pari na makikita ko sa daan. You are mine, from the very beginning I set
my eyes on you, you belong to me already," nangingislap ang mga mata nito.

Nanlaki ang mga mata ko. "You are so arrogant!"

He lifted a brow. "And you are a stubborn woman, sweetheart. You need someone who
can reprimand or even do some spanking at your butt every now and then."

Alex's POV

I opened my eyes drowsily and found Gin sleeping beside me. I felt my cheeks
burned when I remembered how he loved me last night.

I felt his warm hand enclosing my stomach possessively, na para bang sa kalagitnaan
ng gabi ay mawawala ako. I sighed as I watched him sleep. I could see some dark
rings around his eyes na para bang ilang gabi na hindi ito nakatulog ng maayos.
Naawang hinaplos ko ang pisngi niya. No doubt, this politics will going to
exhaust him even more.

He looks peaceful in his sleep. My eyes roamed on his sleeping figure. I sighed
contentedly, I looked at the clock, its almost 5 am. Maingat na iniangat ko ang
kamay niya na nakahawak sa baywang ko. I sighed in relief nang hindi ito magising
at maingat ako na bababa sana sa kama when his hand grabbed me again. I scream in
"Sshh, magigising mo ang mga tao sweetheart," he murmured huskily. Awang ang
labing nilingon ko ito. His eyes still close.

He opened his eyes and looked at me directly. I blushed.

He smiled. His grip tightened and pulled me closer to his body. "Gin!"

He laughed throatily. "Where are you going, sweetheart? It's still early, we
still have time to do one or two more rounds," he winked at me.

I blushed again na pinandilatan ko ito. "Gin!"

He laughed. He popped his head on his arm as he looks at me. Maingat na hinawi
nito ang comforter na tumatabing sa katawan ko and lowered his head on my stomach.
"Good morning, baby. Did I wake you up last night?"

Namula ako. Sira talaga ang lalaking ito. Dinadamay pa sa kalokohan ang anak.

I felt warm inside.

He smiled at me. "Maybe he needs more enhancement," he joked.


He shrugged his shoulder as he came face to face with me. "I believe our first
born will be a he," he said proudly.

Natawa ako. Mukha kasing siguradong sigurado na siya. "And what if not?"
"It doesn't matter if she's a girl, I know she will be as beautiful as her mother,"
he said slowly. His eyes not leaving mine.

My heart filled with so much joy right now. Ilang saglit na nagkatitigan lamang
kami. Then he sighed as he lowered his head so he could kiss me. "I still
couldn't believe it. You are pregnant with our child. I must talk to my parents
today. I couldn;t wait to tie you to me," he said seriously.

Nakaramdam ako ng pangamba. And Gin is not oblivious about my feelings. He sighed
na masuyong hinalikan ang labi ko. "Don't worry sweetheart. My parents will be
delighted about your pregnancy and they will, believe me, rush me to marry you!
They do not want scandal, which will be on my advantage. They will rush us to get
a marriage certificate," he said playfully.

I hope so, tila bulong ng nasa kalooban ko. I know I am not the girl they want him
to marry.

That Lian is.

He lifted a brow when he saw my uncertainty in my face. "So what is it this

Napakurap ako. "Ha?"

"Nakakunot na naman ang noo mo, sweetheart. And when you frown I know there is
something going on in there," anito na masuyong na i-point ang noo ko.

I pouted. "Wala. I am just hungry," sabi ko.

Sumilay ang pilyong ngiti sa mukha nito. Nanlaki ang mga mata ko ng makita ang
kaberdehan na naman ang naroon.

"Gin!" I said warningly.

He laughed throatily as he nuzzled my neck, I squirmed in delight. "Hmm, this is
your erogoenous zone sweetheart, I wonder if there is another," he said huskily as
his hand began to travel downwards.

I bit on my lips when he found what he is looking for, I can only sigh in pleasure.

Natahimik uli ang buong kwarto.

Gin's POV

Hindi ko alam kung kailangan ko ng magtayo ng kandila sa harap ng hapagkainan.

I know this isn't the right time to announce that I am getting married, but I have
to tell my parents. Pumayag si Bella na sabihin sa parents ko provided na hindi
namin muna sasabihin na she is pregnant.

Ang Mama ang naunang bumasag ng katahimikan. "I-Iho, bakit naman parang biglaan
ang plano mo na pakasalan si Bella? Is there something wrong?" nagtataka nitong
tanong na hindi itinago ang pagkabigla sa sinabi ko.

I smiled at her. "Ma, wala. I just feel this is the right time for both of us.
Isa pa, ayokong isipin ng Mommy niya na I am taking advantage of her daughter
since I came to her house very often."

Nagkatinginan ang Papa ko at ang Mama. Si Lolo ay tahimik lamang na kumakain.

"Have you met her mother?"

The formal voice of my grandfather made me look at him. "Yes, I did sir. But not
formally. I will come to see her after I told you about my intention in marrying
her," I said in a determined voice.
Napabuntonghininga ang Papa. "Paano ang pag aaral ninyo?"

Napatingin ako sa Papa. "We don't have any plans to stop schooling Papa. Even if
I made her pregnant---."

"Pregnant!" my mother exclaimed. "Oh my God, Carlos! Do you know what you are
saying? Both of you are only in your twenties! I mean, hindi kaya instead of
thinking about marriage, you should think about your future!"

Agad na hinawakan ng Papa ang kamay ng Mama, trying to calm her.

"Marcie, your son is old enough to know what he wants. He already live on his own
for five years so, I am sure na whatever his decision right now is the best for

Napakurap ako sa pagkakatingin sa Papa. He only smiled shortly at me.

"Just tell us when we are going to meet Alex's mother," sabi ng Papa.

Lumuwang ang ngiti ko. "Yes Pa."

"P-Pero Eduardo--."

Masuyong hinawakan ng Papa ang kamay ng Mama. "Let your son do his own wishes.
It's time that we should understand him and trust him."

Umaapaw ang katuwaan sa kalooban ko ng marinig ang pag sang ayon ng Papa. Alam ko
na malambot naman ang puso ng Mama at makukuha ko din ang loob niya.

Napatingin ako sa lolo. "Lo?"

He looks at me seriously. "I will not interfere with your decision to marry her.
As long as you will replace your father as he finished his term, there will be no

Kulang na lamang magtatalon ako sa tuwa.

Akala ko mahihirapan ako na kunin ang loob nila.

Now, isa na lamang ang kailangan kong gawin.

Kilalanin si Clarissa Monteverde.

Lian's POV

Pakiramdam ko pinagsakluban ako ng langit at lupa ng marinig ko ang sinabi ni


Malungkot na tumango si Corine. "Dean called me up and said there will be a party
for Gin. He is getting married."

I could feel my heart being torn apart. Pakiramdam ko ang sakit sakit ng puso ko.
Paano nangyari ang lahat ng ito na iba ang papakasalan niya?

Paano ganito naging kabilis matatapos ang lahat sa pagitan namin?

Ni wala pa nga kaming nauumpisahan.

Napayuko ako kasabay ng pagtulo ng luha.

Naawang nilapitan ako ni Corine. Niyakap ako ay ang tangi kong nagawa ay umiyak
lamang ng umiyak.

"Sshh, tama na Lian. Let him go. Give him up," naiiyak ring sabi ni Corine.

"Mahal ko sya Corine, mahal na mahal ko siya."

Hinagod lamang ni Corine ang likod ko. Trying to calm me, but this pain in my
heart will never go away. Never.

Hanggang sa bahay ay dala ni Lian ang sama ng loob. Ayaw man niya umuwi ngunit
nahihiya na siyang mag stay sa bahay ni Corine. Maghapon na siyang umiyak doon.

She tried to put up a smiling face pagpasok ng bahay pero hindi niya inaasahan na
naroon ang kanyang mommy at umiiyak. Napakurap ito at agad na nilapitan ang ina.


Nag-angat ng mukha ang kanyang mommy at ng makita siya ay lalong nangilid ang luha.

"W-What's wrong?"

Agad na pinahid ng mommy niya ang luha na naglandas sa magkabilang pisngi nito.
She tried to smile.
"Your father called up, h-he said we are going to shut down the business, we have
lost some big clients," naiiyak na sabi nito.

Nanlaki ang mga mata ni Lian at agad na niyakap ang ina. "P-Pero paano nangyari?
Did we lose on client because of bad business mom?" hindi ako makapaniwala. It is
only a small business pero matagal nang naitatag ng Papa ito. Isa pa, malalaki ang
contractors ng Papa. Hindi ako makapaniwala na magsasara ito ng dahil lamang sa
isang kliyente na lumipat sa iba.

Napailing lamang ang mommy niya. "Hindi ko alam. Ang Papa mo ay inaasikaso ang
ilang trabahador sa Pampanga dahil biglaan ang magiging shutdown nito at marami ang
mawawalan ng trabaho."

Napapikit na lamang si Lian.

In weary.

Kasi hindi ko alam bakit nagkasabay sabay lahat ng pangyayari.

Ang pagpapakasal ni Gin.

Ang pagsasarado ng kumpanya.

Napayuko na lamang si Lian at niyakap ang ina. Naiiyak na niyakap na lamang nito
ng mahigpit ang ina.

Ngayon pa lamang pakiramdam ni Lian pinagsakluban siya ng langit at lupa.


next ud @ 400 votes and posting will be tomorrow


Cruel Intentions

Cruel Intentions is a 1999 American drama film starring Sarah Michelle Gellar, Ryan
Phillippe, Reese Witherspoon, and Selma Blair. The film is an adaptation of Les
Liaisons dangereuses, written by Pierre Choderlos de Laclos in 1782, but set among
wealthy teenagers attending high school in modern New York City.

The film started as an independent film with a small budget, and was later picked
up by Columbia Pictures. It was released on March 5, 1999 and was followed by
two direct-to-video films: a prequel, Cruel Intentions 2, and a sequel, Cruel
Intentions 3.

if we all have the power in this world, we will do anything, almost everything---to
get hold of something the most important to us

---and if i have that power, i will be at any bar in Detroit Michigan so I could
hear this amazing talent of Jeff Gutt

Alex's POV

"It wasn't necessary!" I almost shouted at him in disbelief.

Gin looked at me and frowned. Ibinaba nito ang hawak na baso at mataman akong
tinitigan. "What is not necessary at all? Ang makilala ko ng pormal ang ina ng
magiging asawa ko? And what do you expect? You will march down the aisle with no
family at your side?"

I tried to calm down. I know that will be the weirdest thing a husband can know
about his future wife. Yung gustuhin nito na rumampa sa altar ng walang pamilya.

"I don't want her to be a part of my wedding," madiin pero mahinahong sabi ko.

Naningkit ang mga mata ni Gin. "Look, Bella. Whatever war there is in between
your mother and you, I guess this is a high time you take your pride down even just
for this day. Pagpipyestehan ng media ang kasal natin ng wala ang magulang mo."

I sighed in frustration. "So iyon lamang ang inaalala mo? Na pag usapan tayo ng

Napabuntonghininga lamang si Gin. Mababa na ang boses nito ng magsalita.

"Sweetheart, try to understand. People will talk. And we don't need that kind of
talk on our wedding day. I just want to have a smooth and happy wedding ceremony.
And we could achieve that once your mother will show at the wedding."

I smirked.

"As if they will stop talking even if she is present or not. C'mon Gin, you know
how it is in politics and the media will have a field day knowing you are going to
get married. The next governor will going to get married at his early twenties!
Sa palagay mo, it isn't enough for them to dig some more?"

He sighed slowly. Trying to digest what I said and maybe yung ayaw niya na sabayan
ang inis ko.

"Alright. But I want to meet her. As a courtesy to your mother, which is, my
future mother in law, I guess I have to see her at once. Afterwards, my parents
would love to meet her too to talk about the wedding plan."
I could feel my own disapproval about the whole thing. Maybe, maybe..if Clarissa
Monteverde is not my mother, things will be okay.


Even if she is not Clarissa Monteverde, and the scandal still happened...

I will still be like this.

Afraid, uncertain and non-commital.

I changed little by little, when Gin loves me.

But still, my anger towards Clarissa Monteverde and the past that hurt me, are
still potent like a strong brandy down my throat.
He sighed as he held my hand. "Sweetheart, we have to do this way. This is the
traditional kind of wedding here in the country. I would like to meet your mother
and tell her------."

"She already knew," malamig kong sabi.

Natigilan si Gin. Napakurap. "How?"

I drew a deep breath. "When I collapsed and Fredrick was there, he broght me to
her house," walang emosyon kong sabi. "Apparently they have asked a doctor to see
me and told them I was pregnant."

Natahimik si Gin. I saw how he clenched his jaw.

Pagkuwa'y mapait na napangiti. "So mas nauna pang nakaalam sa akin ang ibang tao."
I didn;t answer.

Naiinis ako na kailangan namin gawin ang traditional wedding plan. If only we
could get married on the civil registrar! Mas gugustuhin ko pa. But Gin expresses
his wish to see me to the altar tied in the bond of marriage with him.

If I will press the idea na mag civil wedding na lamang kami, he would object.

And kahit itago pa ang wedding, when it comes to media ay wala kang maitatago. I
know, kasi minsan na nilang ginawang carnival ang buhay ko at ng pamilya ko.

May sasabihin sana ito pero biglang nag ring ang celphone ko. Hindi ko sana
sasagutin pero ng makita ko na ang Technical Services Director at siyang humahawak
ng material procurement at expansion ng mga malls ng MGM, agad na sinagot ko iyon.
"Mr. Cuerdo," napatingin ako kay Gin na halatang nawalan na ng ganang kumain. "No,
it's okay. What is it?"

Napakurap ako at agad na nagsalubong ang kilay. "What?!" napatingin si Gin sa akin
but I moved away my gaze and walked past him. Nang malayo na ako sa kanya ay saka
ako nagsalita sa madiing tinig.

"Look, you try to fix it as soon as possible! This should not resolve in a week or
so! Call me immediately after you talked to them!"

Pinatay ko ang linya. My chest rose up and down in emotion. I could feel panic.
How come it happened? Napatingin ako kay Gin na nagbasa na lamang ng newspaper
habang hinihintay akong bumalik.

I am sure na wala pa itong alam sa nangyayari. Tila sasakit ang ulong napahawak na
lamang ako sa noo ko. I didn't know this would have happened. If I just ....

I dialled a number.
It has to be fix as soon as possible.

Or I will lose everything.

Lian's POV

Nagitla ako ng maramdaman ang pagtapik sa aking balikat. I looked up and my eyes
began to swell again when I saw Gin. Naiiyak na niyakap ko siya.

Tiim bagang lamang ito na hinaplos ang buhok ko. "I am sorry ngayon lamang ako

I cried in relief. Knowing he is here, that's enough.

"H-How is he?"

Napatingin ako sa natutulog na si Papa sa hospital bed. He's been here since the
other day, sabi ng mga doktor ay stress at high blood ang dahilan bakit nag
breakdown si Papa. I couldn't believe it na iindahin nito ng sobra ang nangyari sa
kumpanya nito.

But that is understandable. Buong buhay ng Papa ang ginugol niya para maitayo ang
maliit na business ng pamilya at doon niya kinuha ang pagtatayo sa bahay at sa pag
aaral ko.

Dugo at pawis ng Papa iyon at sa isang iglap lamang, nang dahil lamang sa
pagasulpot ng kakumpetensya ay ganito ang mangyayari. Tatalikod ang malaking
contractor ng Elite Marble para sa isang baguhang kumpanya.

"Hush, everything will be okay Lian. Stop crying, your mother needs your strength
right now," pang aalo ni Gin sa tinig na parang bata lamang ang kausap niya.
Iginiya niya ako na maupo sa sofa.
"My mom went home for awhile. I told her to sleep even for four to six hours.
She's been here since last night at hindi na siya umalis sa tabi ng Papa."

Gin sighed na sinulyapan ang natutulog kong ama. Pagkuway binalik sa akin ang
tingin. "My grandfather wishes your father well. Inatake na naman si Lolo ng
rayuma kaya hindi siya makaalis ng mansion. But he wants to know what happened.
Baka daw makatulong siya. And even me, Lian. If there is any help that I could
extend to you and to your family, I would be willing to help."

I tried to smile na marahang umiling. "Nothing that we can't handle Gin. Tell Ex-
Sen that we are doing okay. Baka right after na maka recover si papa, iuwi muna
namin siya ng Cebu. My grandmother will be delighted to accomodate us."

Napakunot ang noo ni Gin. "Aalis kayo? Paano ang pag aaral mo?"

Pilit na ngumiti ako. "I could sacrifice a sem, Gin. My father needs me right

Gin's POV
I could feel the admiration for Lian's dedication to her family.

She is always been a very nice kid ever since.

But I didn;t know how much she adores her family this much. Na willing ito na mag
sacrifice for her family's welfare.

Bihira na lamang ang ganoon.

And I remember how I also held my own sacrifices for my family.

In some cases, Lian and I are more alike.

Bigla naalala ko si Bella. Napatiim ang labi ko. I couldn;t understand why she is
still refusing to talk to her own mother. Pati ang kagustuhan ko na makilala ng
personal si Clarissa Monteverde ay naantala dahil sa pagmamatigas ni Bella.

I couldn't accept that the woman that I love has a heart carved from a stone.

Sobrang tigas. And I sometime wonder how could she ever love the child of our own
kung sarili niyang ina ay hindi niya magawang mahalin?

Agad na tinaboy ko yon sa isip.

But Lian is quite the opposite of Bella, I thought as I looked at the girl I held
in my arms na patuloy na umiiyak ng mahina. She is fragile and with so much love
to share to anyone, I sighed.

Bella is a born snob.

A heiress with a crown on her pretty head.

And if it is not because of the bet that Carmi and she pulled with me, hindi ko
kahit kailan siguro magagawang lapitan si Isabella Alexandra Monteverde.

I wonder what if she didn't fall for my strategy and all that lunacy that I managed
to pull off. Baka hindi magiging kami. Baka matagal na akong nag drop sa

At baka matagal na rin akong bumalik sa Amerika.

I sighed again.

She is the main reason why I stayed. I was mesmerized by her and it was all true
when I said to her that the first time I saw her she belongs to me.
"Help me Gin."

Natigilan ako ng marinig ko na magsalita si Lian.

Napatingin ako dito. "I want to know who is the competitor of Elite Marble na
bigla na lamang sumulpot and stole away our clients. I want to know how it managed
to lower down the price in the market whereas what we have is the lowest than the
standard price in the bidding already."

With compassion, I touched her chin and smiled. "Alright. Whatever that could
give you peace," I assured her.

She smiled back sa kabila ng lungkot sa mukha nito.

Alex's POV

Tulala lamang ako habang nakatingin kay Fredrick. Nasa loob kami ng pribadong
opisina ng Papa sa MGM Makati. I called him up when I told him I have some matter
that's bothering me. I felt like since he knew my pregnancy, Fredrick could be

"I didn't know that the contractors will believe about the idea of these prices,
these are bullshit," ani Fredrick. Ilang saglit pang pinadaanan ng mga mata ang
nasa contract ng bidding.

I wanted to laugh bitterly.

"Apparently, the representative that the Technical has sent to the bidding is a
newbie and grab these numbers without hesitation and dropping without consideration
the oldest supplier of the MGM when it comes to construction projects."
Tahimik lamang si Fredrick na hawak ang ulo sa pagkakaupo sa malaking conference

"And it happened that it is the Elite Marble," I said less-humorously. "Ang

kumpanya ng Papa ni Julianna Christie Marquez."

Tahimik lamang si Fredrick. He rested his head on the swivel chair and closed his

"Mr Cuerdo admitted that there was an instruction given to his department that
whatever new bidding prices to come out will be entertained," said Fredrick. He
looked at me. Iniiwas ko ang mga mata ko.

"But I didn't tell them to grab them first-hand!" I said desperately. All I want
is to slowly pull out our contract from the Elite Marble. Subtle. But not this

My intention might be cruel, but never to the extend of shutting down other
business just because I am jealous of her.

Fredrick can only stare at me with concern on his eyes. "Where is the
representative that they have sent into this bidding?"

Naningkit ang mga mata ko. "I fired her! She should be fire immediately for being
so impulsive! She didn't think twice before accepting that bogus offer!" iritableng
sabi ko. I looked away. I saw the skyscrapers building here in Makati. I could
feel the nausea building up.

"Don't stress yourself too much, Alex. Remember, you are pregnant," he said as he
looked at me intently. Napatingin ako dito. I drew a deep breath and sighed.
Naupo ako sa katapat nitong upuan.
"I am worried Fredrick. I have heard that Ramon Marquez have been sent to the
hospital because of it. And not to add that he had already shutting down the
operation. That representative was a total idiot telling they will lose a five-
year contract with us!"

Fredrick drew a deep breath.

"We should contact the Elite Marble and get them back to business, that's simple."

I looked at him grimly.

"I already asked the Technical to do that, it happened there was no response since
Mr. Marquez has been hospitalized."

"Then let's wait until he gets better and talk to them, tell them there was a
misunderstanding regarding this matter. Don't worry yourself too much, Alex. I
would ask Mr. Cuerdo to personally handle this matter," he said assuringly.
I bit my lips. I didn't know that a simple shake up to the company her father
owned would turn out like this. It was a stupid move.

And what I did was even the most stupid thing that I have done.

I was the one who created the "competitor" for Elite Marble. But I didn't know the
bidding would happen this week. I was about to pull it off, but the pregnancy news
was overwhelming that I totally forgot.

I just hope that she will not come to him for help.

Because if Gin would help, he will discover what I pulled off.

I could feel fear. Pero pilit na kinakalma ko ang sarili.

He loves me.

He loves me.

And I should fix this before she will run to him for help.

I should.

next ud @ 500 votes, posting will be later (if i can't, that will be tomorrow


The Devil Wears Prada


The Devil Wears Prada is a 2006 comedy-drama film, a loose screen

adaptation of Lauren Weisberger's 2003 novel of the same name. It stars Anne
Hathaway as Andrea Sachs, a college graduate who goes to New York City and gets a
job as a co-assistant to powerful fashion magazine editorMiranda Priestly, played
by Meryl Streep. Emily Blunt and Stanley Tucci co-star, as co-assistant Emily
Charlton, and Art Director Nigel, respectively.





kahit wala pa pong 500 votes, i posted as a token of my gift this christmas hehe
merry christmas to all of you! God bless

Lian's POV

I looked up at the folder na inilabas ng sekretarya ng Papa. I have visited his

office after he was sent home. Napayapa ang kalooban ko knowing he is out of
danger. Agad na nagbiyahe ako pa Pampanga para makita ko ang previous contract
namin sa isa sa pinakamalaking contractor sa bansa.

Ten years that they have been choosing us as their supplier for their construction

"Do you need a hand?" a voice entered from the room at nakita ko ang nakangiting si
Gin. May hawak itong two canned pineapple juice. I smiled at him. I was more
than glad that he is here and extend his help for me.

"Sure, sa dami nitong folder ay baka hindi ko ito agad matapos. Besides, I am not
that good when it comes to business, I am glad I have an expert with me,"
natatawang sabi ko.

Bahagyang itinaas nito ang kwelyo ng suot na white polo. I smirked. We both

He pulled a chair at kinuha ang nasa ilalim na folder.

"Does your mother knows you are here?"

Umiling ako. Nagsimula na akong tingnan ang nasa folder. I frowned when I saw one
folder dated last year. I couldn't believe it na may mas bababa pa sa pricelist ng
Elite Marbles.

"What are these numbers Gin?" I asked at him. Kinuha naman iyon ni Gin at binasa.

"These are the cost estimates by the construction company of how much it costs and
the quantity of the materials they need from its subcontractors. And in this
matter, your father's company is the subcontractor."

Napatango ako. Tiningnan ko uli ang papel na hawak niya. "And this is the

Tumango ito. "Yes. This Engr. Glen Benitez is representing the EDF Construction."

Napatango ako. "Ah okay."

Binalik na ni Gin ang tingin sa hawak na folder halatang naging interesado ito.

Gin's POV

Napakunot ang noo ko ng makita sa isang folder ang latest na bidding ng Elite
Anne Lee Caringal, Technical Staff LandMark Development Inc.

Napakunot ang noo ko.

I know the contractor.

Sister company ito ng MGM. Or in a most appropriate term, it is one of the

affiliates ng MGM.

Ang kumpanya ni Bella.

I could feel my own heart raced. Posible na hindi alam ni Bella na isa sa supplier
ng construction materials ng LandMark Development Inc., ay Elite Marbles.


But I cannot shake off this feeling. This kind of doubt.

But of course, kung alam man ni Bella the more na mas dapat pinaboran ng LandMark
Development Inc., ang Elite Marbles.

"A-Ah, Lian. Do you know this company?" I asked her na pinakita ang folder.
Saglit na tiningnan nito iyon at napatango.

"Yes, although hindi ko kilala yung representative ng contractor. LandMark

Development Inc., is one of our oldest client."

"How old?"
Nag isip ito saglit. "I don't know the specifics eh. Bakit?" takang tanong nito.

Pilit na ngumiti ako . "Ah wala. Just curious, medyo familiar lang kasi sa akin
ang name ng company."

"Ah. It's because the LandMark Development Inc., ang may hawak ng mga malalaki at
prestigous condominium sa Metro Manila. Even the One Omega ay sa kanila."

Napatingin ako kay Lian. Kung ganon ay hindi nito alam na ang MGM ay siyang nasa
likuran ng LandMark Development Inc.

"I am still confused bakit mas pinaboran ng contractor ng ganon na lamang ang
bagong competitor ng Elite Marbles."

I sighed. "Maybe they have presented the most affordable pricelist. Nagkataon na
malaki siguro ang naging diperensya ng bidding and it won."
"I need to know kung anong company ang nag down sa pricelist ng Elite Marbles.
Hindi kasi nasabi ng Papa kung ano company ang nag conduct ng bidding."

I swallowed hard. Napahigpit ang hawak ko sa folder. Kung malalaman ni Lian kung
anong company iyon at ma trace niya....

Ay ano?

I swallowed hard. Ayoko na isipin niya na may kinalaman si Bella sa nangyari dahil
lamang sa affliate nito ang LandMark Development Inc.

I have to know.

Tumayo ako at nagpaalam sa kanya na lalabas muna. I dialled the contact number ng
LandMark Development Inc.
I asked for the person that represented the LandMark Development Inc during the

Napakurap ako. "What? She no longer works there?" maang na tanong ko. Parang
wala pa naman 4 days na nangyari at biglaan na nag resign ang babae.

There is something wrong.

Hindi na nagbigay ng ibang detalye ang kausap ko. I looked at my celphone in


I must know what happened beforehand.

Pagbalik namin sa Manila.

Alex's POV

I tried not to walk out the moment that I saw her.

Mahigpit na mahigpit ang hawak sa akin ni Gin. I looked at him angrily. He just
ignore me instead halos hilahin ako palapit sa mesa kung saan nagpa reserve si Gin
ng dinner para sa amin.

She is wearing a simple black chiffon dress. Mas lumutang ang porselanang kutis ng
babae and I was astounded to find there is a man sitting beside her. Hindi ko siya
kilala. I smirked. May bago na namang lalaki si Clarissa Monteverde.

"Good evening Mrs. Monteverde, sir," magalang na bati ni Gin. Tahimik lamang ako.
The man looks at me with interest in his brown eyes. I must admit he is quite a
stunner himself.
Tumayo ang lalaki at inabot ang kamay na inilahad ni Gin. "Good evening iho. So
this must be the beautiful daughter of yours, Claire. Isabella," nakangiting bati
nito. There is friendly smile in his face but I ignored it.

Hindi ko siya kilala.

Naramdaman ko ang pagpisil ng palad ni Gin sa kamay ko. I drew a deep breath and
smile. Yung tipong ngiti na maasim.

"Yes, Hector. Meet my only daughter Isabella. And this is Hector--."

"New boyfriend?" I queried non-emotionally. I pulled a chair in front of them. Si

Gin naman ay napabuntonghininga na lamang na naupo.

Natigilan si Clarissa.
The man laughed. "I didn't know there was someone before me, Claire," tudyo nito
sa babae. Naningkit ang mga mata ko.

Sinaway naman ni Clarissa ang lalaki. She looks at me. "Respect people around
you, Isabella. Especially those people you don't know anything about," she gently

I blushed.

Ngayon lamang ako napahiya at sa harap pa ni Gin at ng estranghero na ito.

Nagpupuyos ang kalooban ko.

"Then you better not bring people that I know nothing about," I said sarcastically.

I saw how paled she become but she didn;t speak. Natahimik din ang lalaking katabi
nito. Akmang magsasalita sana pero pinigilan ni Clarissa.

Gin is very silent. I could tell he was not pleased to what I did. But this is
his fault! Kung hindi niya ako pinilit na makipagkita sa babae nang dahil lamang
sa gustong pormal na makilala nito.

"I am sorry for whatever behaviour that Bella is displaying right now. You see,
she is pregnant," hingi ng paumanhin ni Gin sa mababang tono. I did not speak.

Ngumiti lamang ang lalaking katabi ni Clarissa. Tinapik nito sa balikat si Gin.
"Nothing to worry."

Inilahad ni Gin ang kamay sa babae. "I believe I haven't introduce myself to you
properly ma'am, the first time that we've met. Eugene Carlos De Villa, ma'am,"
magalang na sabi nito.
Pormal na inabot iyon ng babae. "And we formally meet under this circumstances,"

Napakamot sa batok si Gin and managed to laugh. "Yes. And I do not know if I
would say sorry about it, ma'am. I am delighted to marry your daughter whether she
is pregnant or not."

Napaangat ang kilay ng kasamang lalaki ni Clarissa. Halatang natuwa sa sinabi ni

Gin and for the very first time, I was really proud that it is Gin that I have to
introduce to her as my husband to be.

Saglit na hindi kumibo si Clarissa.

"Does your parents know about your intention?"

Gin nodded. "Yes, Ma'am. And they have given me blessings. All that I need is
the date when can we formally ask for your daughter's hand in marriage."
Nag isip saglit si Clarissa. Tumingin ito saglit sa akin but I moved my gaze away.
She sighed.

"The 25th of the month will do. Is that okay with you Isabella?" baling nito sa

Hindi ako kumibo. Gin saved the answer. "I guess that would be okay with her,

She sighed. "We are too formal, you can call me tita, Gin. I may not know you
that well, but I can tell you are an honest man. Thank you for making a good woman
out of my daughter."

I could feel the tightening of my chest from what she said. I wanted to laugh
bitterly. I didn't know she has so many drama in her life.

Nang dumating ang dinner nakahinga ako ng maluwag. As much as possible I want to
end this boring dinner.
Sila lamang ang nagkukwentuhan and I could feel jealousy that Gin hits home with
Clarissa and that man.

Inis na nagtungo ako sa comfort room. I powdered my nose as I exhaled deeply.

This is quite infuriating already. Nakaramdam ako ng nausea. I hold on my tummy
desperately. I have been not into perfect shape since the day I have discovered I
am pregnant. Lagi akong may morning sickness. I went to doctor together with nana
Belen to ask for anything to pacify this weakness. The doctor assured me that the
baby is fine.

I sighed. I looked at myself. Still, I couldn;t believe that I will be a mother


I smiled ironically.

How could I ever be a mother?

Sarili kong ina hindi ko kayang patawarin?

How could I ever love this child?

I closed my eyes wearily. I am afraid.

Afraid that I will fail to love our child the way that my own mother failed to love


"You should respect your own mother, Isabella."

The firm and almost angry voice halted me from taking a step upstairs. I was
really tired from all the pretence. And tired from this battle I have inside me.
It feels I have so many demons inside that I was afraid to show to Gin.

I wanted to laugh bitterly.

But I have.

I did not speak. Nagdiretso ako na humakbang paakyat.


I paused. I looked at his angry face.

"Don't preach about how I treat her. You don't know what kind of hell I went
through because of her," I said coldly.

I saw he stiffened.

He never knew I would turn out to be this cold.

But there is nothing and no one would ever make me feel okay towards what happened
to me 7 years back.

Even him.

I could feel the bitter distaste in my mouth. That I could be this cold. That I
could be this hard.
And even if I try not to, I just cant.

I was deeply hurt.

And even at this moment, I am still hurt.

I am still in pain.

He smiled bitterly. "And I do not know how could you ever love when you have this
kind of hate towards the woman who put her life in danger just to give birth to
you, Isabella," malungkot at mapait na sabi nito bago tumalikod.

I wanted to cry. I wanted to go after him.

I wanted to make him stay.

But all I can do is watch him leave. It makes me afraid the creep out of me.

Dahil pakiramdam ko unti unting nawawala si Gin sa akin.

I cried silently.


next ud by dec 27--no ud tomorrow

pls vote and comment


Black Swan


Black Swan is a 2010 American psychological thriller horror film[3][4] directed

by Darren Aronofsky and starring Natalie Portman, Vincent Cassel, and Mila Kunis.
The plot revolves around a production of Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake ballet by a
prestigious New York City company. The production requires a ballerina to play the
innocent and fragile White Swan, for which the committed dancer Nina (Portman) is a
perfect fit, as well as the dark and sensual Black Swan, which are qualities
embodied by the new arrival Lily (Kunis). Nina is overwhelmed by a feeling of
immense pressure when she finds herself competing for the part, causing her to lose
her tenuous grip on reality and descend into a living nightmare.





Lian's POV

Tulala lamang ako ng palabas sa bahay ni Ann Lee Caringal.

I couldn;t believe it.

LandMark Development Inc. ay affiliate ng MGM.

The company that Alexandra Monteverde owned.

Apparently she was axed from the LandMark Development Inc for approving the
"competitor's" pricelist.
Na hindi naman pala existing.

I wanted to laugh mirthlessly. The woman was confused and at the same time
embarrassed to admit to me that after she turned down the ELite Marbles pricelist
in the bidding, she was stunned she was being called by her superior and
immediately ask for her resignation.

Hindi ito makapaniwala. That instead na mabigyan daw siya ng promotion from
choosing a cheaper price for the contractor ay inalis pa ito sa trabaho.

Then later on, she found out that the competitor that we faced during the bidding
was a bogus. Hindi rin ito makapaniwala na hindi naman pala nag e exist ang ka
kumpetensya namin. At nagtataka siya bakit hindi nagkaroon ng background check sa
subcontractor before proceeding sa bidding.

I smiled bitterly.

I think I know.
That kind of important detail will never skip in a big company and contractor such
as LandMark Development Inc.

Unless the command came from the top.

From the office of a big boss.

Such as the CEO.

Alexandra Monteverde.

Nakuyom ko ang palad ko. Gin was acting so strange that day, he must have realized
it first that LandMark Development Inc. is actually an affiliate of MGM Group of
Companies. He did hide what he knew.
Dahil malamang naiisip niya na sa iisang tao babagsak ang puno't dulo ng lahat.

My father almost put his life in danger because we lost it sa isang kalaban na
hindi naman pala nag e exist.

She is nothing but a bitch. Agad na nagtungo ako sa kotse ko at pinaandar.

Magtutuos kami ng Alex Monteverde na yon!

Alex's POV

Napaangat ang kilay ko ng makita ko ang kotse na papasok sa loob ng gate ng

mansion. It's not Gin's car.
Agad na bumaba ako. I've been feeling awful since last night, and this morning
sickness is killing me that I have to skip school this morning.

Pababa na ako sa hagdan ng pumasok si nana Belen. "May naghihintay sa yo sa baba.

Lian Marquez daw."

Bigla akong natigilan.

Agad na sinundot ako ng konsensya. I cursed. Kung bakit kasi hindi pa nagrereply
sa akin si Mr Cuerdo! Wala tuloy akong alam kung ano na ang nangyayari.

And I was also busy because of the wedding.

I drew a deep breath. "Sige nana, ako na hong bahala."

Nagtungo na sa kusina si nana Belen. Agad na bumaba ako at nagtungo sa lanai kung
saan siya naghihintay.

Lumingon ito ng marinig niya ang mga yabag ko. I tried to smile. "Lian right?"

She did not smile back.

She looks at me from head to toe at gusto kong mainsulto. I saw how she smirked.
Naningkit ang mga mata ko. Hindi ko gusto kung paano siya makatingin.

Binalik niya sa mga mata ko ang tingin. There is a slight curve of smile in the
corner of her lips.

"Alex Monteverde. The owner of MGM," she greeted.

Nawala ang ngiti ko sa labi.

"And of course the owner of its affiliates such as LandMark Development Inc."

Tuluyan ng napatiim ang labi ko.

Ang kaba ko kanina ay lalo lamang nadadagdagan.

I tried to hide that. "I didn't know you have researched my companies, Lian."

Naningkit ang mga mata nito.

"I should have studied it a long time ago since we are supplying your company the
construction materials you needed," sabi nito.
Namutla ako.

Does she knew already?

My heart beats so fast under my shirt.

She smiled na naupo. "Do you mind if I sit down? Napagod kasi ako. I just
travelled from Cavite, doon kasi ang bahay ni Anne Lee Caringal. You know her?
She belongs to the technical staff of Landmark Development Inc. Oh! Baka hindi
mo kilala because you are the CEO and maliit na tao lamang naman si Ms Anne Lee
Caringal," dire diretso nitong sabi.

I swear I am sweating under my nose.

I tried to calm every nerves. Nausea starts to build up. Humila ako ng upuan and
sit down. My eyes not looking away from her.
"Hindi ko alam na hindi lamang pala company ko ang pinag aaralan mo, but the
employees who are working for the company---."

"Worked," she cuts sharply.

Napakurap ako.

She lifted a brow. "She was fired from the job already," she looks at me. "Oh!
Perhaps hindi mo rin alam na hindi na siya nagt trabaho sa kumpanya mo,"
sarkastikong sabi nito.

Napahumindig ako.

No one dares to talk to me like that.

Not even this nobody who claims to be my husband to be's friend.

I lifted my brow. "And your point exactly?"

Tila lalo itong nagpuyos sa galit. "Ikaw! Ikaw ang may kasalanan bakit na turn
down sa bidding ang Elite Marble! Ang kumpanya ng papa ko na nag su supply sa
kumpanya mo for over some years now!" she lashed out angrily.

I did not move.

"Y-You almost got my father killed!" sigaw nito.

Hindi pa rin nagbabago ang ekspresyon ng mukha ko. Malamig na nakatingin lamang
ako sa kanya.
Humihingal sa galit si Lian na napatayo na. "Bakit! Why did you do that!"

I relaxed. I looked at her coldly habang sinasandal ang likod ko sa upuan.

"Because of you. I don't want you near Gin," I said flatly. There is no point
hiding the truth from her. She did have the courage to research about the bidding
and the staff that I fired immediately. Sooner or later malalaman din niya na ako
ang gumawa ng 'non-existing competitor' para sa Elite Marble.

Natigilan ito.

"W-What?" tila hindi ito makapaniwala. Her eyes grew in shock.

I smirked. "It should be just a shake up I didn't know your father is too weak to
shut down his operation instead of knowing what went wrong," seryoso kong sabi.

Namula ito. Her eyes ablazed anger. "H-How dare you to talk to my father like
that! Muntik na siyang mamatay sa ginawa mo! You, bitch!" akmang susugurin niya
ako at sasampalin pero maagap na nahawakan ko ang kamay niya.
Nagpupuyos ang mukha nito. I looked at her coldly. Tinulak ko siya. Muntik na
itong sumubsob sa upuan.

"Don't dare lay a finger on me when you are in my house," galit na sabi ko. I
tried to hide my discomfort, nakakaramdam ako ng sakit sa may puson ko. I drew a
deep breath. I have to push her away now so I could go back to my room and rest.

Tila hindi ito makapaniwalang nakatitig lamang sa akin ang nag aapoy na mga mata

"You are a bitch!" she cried out.

I smirked. "And you are a damned flirt! Stay away from Gin. Stay away from my
husband or I will inflict more damage than you could ever imagine," banta ko pa.
Bahagya akong napangiwi sa nararamdaman ko na sakit.
Hindi ito nakakibo. Matapos akong titigan ng matagal ay saka nagmamadaling umalis.

Pagod na napaupo ako. I cried for Nana Belen. Agad naman na dumating ito at halos
hindi pa ito nakakalapit ay nagdilim na ang paligid ko.

Gin's POV

Kulang na lamang makuyom ko ang palad ko ng makita at mabasa ko ang report ng

inupahan kong investigator tungkol sa Concrete Marbles na siyang nakalaban ng Elite
Marble sa nakaraang bidding sa LandMark Development Inc.

The company is non-existing.

How come this kind of matter ay makakalusot sa LandMark DEvelopment Inc.?


They are the most prestigous, most trusted and the biggest company when it comes to
realty. Imposible na mag conduct sila ng bidding ng hindi sila nag ba background
check sa mga bidder.

Unless someone from the top management has something to do with this.

Pero kung isang simpleng emplyedo lamang ng LandMardk Development Inc. ,ang gagawa
non ano ang purpose? ANo ang makukuha niya kapag kinalaban niya ang Elite Marbles?
Kung lehitimong subcontractor ang Conrete Marbles, of course may dahilan kung
bakit. Para mapunta sa kanila ang kontrata sa LandMark.

Pero since bogus nga ang kumpanya...

Ano ang dahilan ng sinuman sa likod nito para hindi papirmahin ng kontrata ang
Elite Marbles.

I swallowed hard.

I hate to think about the idea that Bella has something to do with it.

Hindi ko iyon matatanggap.

But what will be her reason?

Nagseselos nga ito kay Lian, tila asik ng isang bahagi ng utak ko.
I frowned deeply at tila sasakit ang ulong napahawak lamang ako don.

She is jealous but not to the extent na gagawin niya yon.

I wanted to believe that.

I sighed. I grabbed my car key. I need to see Lian. I have to know that she
will stop searching about what happened in the bidding.

Much to my own peace of mind, I was more afraid to know that my wife to be has
something to do with the bidding.

It will hurt me deeply.


I swallowed hard when I saw Lian crying. She's wiping her tears and she still
oblivious about my presence. Dito ako sa garden tinuro ng kanyang Mama after she
failed to answer her phone.


Napapitlag siya. Agad na nagpunas ng luha at tinago ang mukha sa akin. I was
standing four to five feet away from her.

"W-What are you doing here Gin?" she asked hoarsely.

I frowned when she refused to look at me.

"You are not answering your phone Lian. I have been calling you numerous times.
What's wrong?" I asked in confusion.
"N-Nothing. I just don't want to talk to you for the meantime," she said slowly.

Pakiramdam ko nabingi ako sa sinabi niya.

"But why?" kunot na ang noo kong tanong. "Is something that I did?" I asked na
pilit na hinaharap siya sa akin.

And then I saw how much she did cry. Her eyes swollen. May mga bakas ng luha ang
mukha nito. It looks like she's been crying for ages.

Umiling ito. Pilit na inaalis ang kamay ko na nakahawak sa balikat niya. She
stood far away from me.

"I--I guess it must be better if we don't see each other from now on, Gin."
Napatanga ako sa sinabi niya.

I want to think she is joking but her voice is serious. And so was her face.

"Lian," I protested as I tried to hold her but she moved away.

"Please Gin. Para sa ikakatahimik nating lahat. S-Stay away from me."

Natulala ako don.

i did post kasi baka bukas po ako hindi makapag ud, next ud @ 600 votes

im running my last 5-7 chapters of FM, so asahan nyo na po na paakyat ng paakyat na

ang voting haha,

hope we could all make it, reaching the quota


Secrets in the Snow


On this particular Friday morning the students of Eastbrook High are arriving at
school to complete their final exams before the Christmas Holiday. But what began
as a December snowfall quickly becomes a threatening winter storm, and school is
dismissed for the day. The students who are unable to arrange transportation before
the storm grows are forced to remain in the school gym. The six familiar strangers
are the only students remaining as the outdoor conditions worsen and the doors are
locked. Wills are tested, friendships are created, and secrets are revealed as they
realize they must rely on each other to make it through the nigh

"Did you all hear the news?"

Napaangat ang mukha ni Carmi sa pagbabasa ng magasin at kumunot ang noo kay Chele.

"About what?"

Nanlalaki ang mga mata ni Chele. "Well, Gin and Alex are engaged! They are
getting married!" she exclaimed.

Napamaang si Arianne. "What?!"

Naningkit ang mata ni Carmi. Napatayo ito. "And where the hell did you get that

Naupo si Chele sa sofa at iniangat ang paa sa sidetable. "Well, I did bump with
someone from the media, you know my cousin is a model. Then she spilled that she
saw the son of Governor De Villa the other night meeting with Clarissa Monteverde.
Alex is with them too!"
"Nasa Pilipinas na pala ang Mama ni Alex," sabi ni Arianne.

Inis na tinapunan ng tingin ito ni Carmi. "Kakasabi nga lamang di ba? Kailangan
mong ulitin! Stupid mo talaga!" inis na sabi nito. Nag pout naman si Arianne.

Inis na binalingan ni Carmi si Chele. Umismid. "Nang dahil lamang don? That a
lousy reporting!"

Chele expelled a deep breath. "Well, I think its all true because the lady
reporter heard Clarissa Monteverde musing to the guy she's with that her daughter
will get married first before she walks down the aisle herself," she shrugged her
shoulder. "It must be a joke right?" nang aasar na sabi nito.

Nagpupuyos ang loob na natahimik si Carmi.

Halatang hindi nito nagustuhan ang narinig.


Alex's POV

When I opened my eyes nasa loob na ako ng isang hospital suite. There is dextrose
attached to my left arm. I tried to remember what happened.

Lian came to the house and we argue. I closed my eyes.

And everything went black.

I swallowed hard na iminulat ko uli ang mga mata. I gasped when I saw there is
someone sitting beside me and sleeping.
Clarissa Monteverde.

I wanted to ignore this bitter taste in my mouth. Why is she here? Did Nana Belen
called her after I collapsed? I warned nana Belen never to call Clarissa
Monteverde for help.

Naalimpungatan na ang babae. Agad na ipinikit ko ang mga mata ko.

I felt her move. I wanted to flinched away when I felt her hand on my head.

And even more, when she planted a soft kiss in my forehead.

I wanted to shove her away but I held myself altogether.

Narinig ko ang pagbukas ng pintuan. "Clarissa, naku pasensya na natagalan ako.
Ang dami ko kasing binilin sa mansion."

Boses ni Nana Belen.

"Wala yon Nana," narinig kong sagot ng babae. "Mabuti nga ho at kahit paano
nababantayan ko ang anak ko ng hindi siya nagagalit sa akin," nasa himig ng babae
ang lungkot.

I felt a sharp needle pointed sharply at my heart.

Na para bang sobrang hirap na hirap na siya.

I wanted to get angry at myself. Hindi ako dapat makaramdam ng awa sa kanya.
"I am glad na tinawagan mo ako agad nana. I would never forgive myself even more
kapag may masamang nangyari kay Isabella at sa dinadala nito. I should have been
there for her."

I could feel a lump building up and constricting my throat.

Damn, what is she saying?

She should stop acting like a victim herself!

She killed----.

"Bakit kasi ayaw mo pang sabihin sa kanya ang totoo Clarissa? Karapatan mo din na
maging masaya."


Anong totoo?

I could feel the harsh beating of my heart inside my chest. Pilit na pinapakalma
ko ang sarili. Hindi nila dapat malaman na gising ako.

Narinig ko ang tila tuyot na tawa ng babae. Naramdaman ko uli ang kamay niya na
humahaplos sa buhok ko. I tried to blot out the memories. She used to do this
when I was about to sleep.

When I was still a child.

She will touch my hair and sang me lullabye to make me sleep. Kahit nasa around 12
years old na ako she still used to sing a song for me to help me sleep.
I wanted to smile bitterly.

I was so happy then. I loved her so much.

"Hindi ko magagawang pasamain ang imahe ng kanyang Papa sa isipan niya Nana. She
used to idolize her own father."

Anong ibig niyang sabihin...

May kabang unti unting bumabalot sa isipan ko. Pilit na hindi ako tumitinag. It
looks like if I will stay like this, pretending that I am fast asleep, I would hear
some more.

"Iha, hindi naman sa nakikialam ako. Pero sa tagal na nagsilbi ako sa inyong mag
asawa, alam ko ang hirap na pinagdaanan mo," puno ng simpatya na sabi ni nana
Narinig ko ang marahan pero pagak na tawa ng babae.

"It didn't matter how much pain that I went through. Yung makasama ko lamang ang
anak ko sa mansion ni Sebastian, it was a treasure already."

"Kahit inaabuso ka na niya? Sinasaktan ka niya Clarissa!"

Nanunuyo ang lalamunan ko.

Nanlaki ang ulo ko sa narinig.

I tried to recalled her image when I was growing up. She was happy. She always
was. Whenever that I came home from school, she was ready to give that big smile
and merienda. And I will storytell to her what I did in school.

And when my father came home, he was enthusiastic to join our little chit chat.
His arms around my mother while they listen to me. My father was so happy.

And so was she.

And so was I.

I didn't know what went wrong.

And my father hurting her? That was impossible!

I never heard them arguing over something.

Or maybe hindi lamang pinaparinig sa yo, tila asik ng kabilang bahagi ng utak ko.

"As long as hindi ang anak ko ang sinasaktan ni Sebastian nana Belen. At don
bumawi si Sebastian, he really loved my daugther, knowing he is not the father of
Isabella. Minahal talaga ito ni Sebastian."

Pakiramdam ko nanlamig ang buo kong katawan.

Lamig na nanuot mula sa dulo ng paa ko paakyat sa buong katawan ko.

I became paralyzed lying in this bed. At literal na huminto yata sa pagtibok ang
puso ko.


I could feel the welling of tears behind my throat.

It's not true.

Ang sinungaling niya.

"Pero patuloy ka niyang pinaparusahan Clarissa," may awang sabi ni Nana Belen.
"Patay na siya at lahat pero pinarusahan ka pa rin niya. Hanggang buo ang galit
at pagkamuhi ng anak mo sa iyo, paulit ulit ka lamang ginagantihan ni Sebastian,"
tila maiiyak si Nana Belen.

I closed my eyes firmly.

Shit and damnation.

What the hell is this?!

What are the things that I do not know...gulong gulo ang utak ko. Pakiramdam ko
manhid na manhid yung buong katawan ko.

This can't be true.

I have to know...
Napaiyak ako ng mahina.

Gin's POV


She cried na naupo sa swing. I walked towards her.

She smiled bitterly.

"I know what happened in the bidding Gin. I know who was responsible for what
happened to Elite Marbles," malungkot na sabi nito habang nakahawak ang kamay sa
magkabilang chain ng swing and her feet slowly pushing on the ground.

I could feel my own heartbeat raced in frantic beating.


She looked at me bitterly and I wanted to closed my eyes in frustration. I know

who is that person. Kahit hindi pa niya sabihin.

"I-Its your wife to be Gin," she cried. Napayuko ito.

Nakuyom ko ang palad ko.

She continues to cry. "I--I talked to her, I asked her why," she laughed bitterly.
"And you know what she said to me? She told me its because of me! Because I was
flirting with you, Gin!" she cried out na napasubsob na ang mukha sa dalawang palad
I was stunned.


I wanted to deny it.

That Bella could be this hard. Could be this inconsiderate.

Naawang lumuhod ako sa harap ni Lian. My jaw clenched in deep anger.

"I am sorry Lian," I said hoarsely. There is undeniable pain in the pit of my

Ni hindi ko alam kung paano ko papayapain ang kalooban niya. Hindi ko alam kung
ang sorry ba ay sapat na para maalis yung sama ng loob niya.

I drew a deep breath. "H-How could I ever make it all up to you? For what Bella
did?" I asked almost wearily. My heart is being ripped apart.

Paano nagawa ni Bella na saktan ng ganito si Lian? She is a friend!

She tried to laughed it off.

"There is nothing that could make me feel alright, Gin. M-My father almost got
killed because of what she did. And if I just only knew that my friendship with
you will put him in danger..."napailing ito na hindi na nagawang ituloy ang

Napatiim ang labi ko. I could feel this pain inside. "What Lian? You will not be
a friend to me anymore? Iiwasan mo ko ganon ba?" I asked painfully.

She looks at me. There is pain in her swollen eyes. "I--I don't know anymore Gin.
I don't know. Y-You are getting married," she said slowly.

I clenched my jaw. I stood up at naupo sa katabing swing. I drew a deep breath as

I looked up at the sky.

"S-She is pregnant Lian," I said. There is smile tugging my lips sa kabila ng

lungkot. I heard her sharp indrawn of breath. Nanlaki ang mga mata nito.

Napayuko ako. "But with or without the baby, I am still marrying her. I love her
Lian. I love her and I was sorry that I cannot make her forget all the pain she
went through and she kept hurting people around," I almost said in a crack voice.
Sarili nga nitong ina nagagawa nitong saktan.

Ibang tao pa kaya.

My heart ached inside my chest.

Kasi mahal na mahal ko siya.

Sa kabila ng lahat.
Lian's POV

I become paled.

Napapikit ako ng mariin.

Even she did horrible things to me or to other people, he would still marry her.

That hurts.

Napayuko ako kasabay ng pagtulo ng luha.

Ganon siya kamahal ni Gin.

Ang swerte naman ng babaeng iyon. Sa kabila ng kasamaan nito ay minamahal ito ni
Gin. Ang swerte naman niyang masyado.

Nakuyom ko ang palad ko nasa kandungan ko.

"S-She isn't that bad, Lian."

I looked at him disbelievingly. Natawa ako ng marahan. "You are blinded by your
love, Gin. But I will not contradict you. It seems you really want to marry her.
Sa kabila ng ginawa niyang masama---."

"She is also hurting her own mother Lian," he said with almost sadness in his eyes.
He looked at me and smiled wearily.

Napayuko ito. "For what her mother did to her own father, she was seeking revenge
for it. Ganon siya ka broken, Lian."

I tried not to gasp when I heard how almost he broke down to tears.

"And the sad part, I was afraid. And I have never been afraid but now," he looks
at me. I almost gasped in sympathy when I saw the reality in his eyes. "I was
afraid that I could never make her forget her painful childhood and start a life
with me. With our child."

I swallowed hard.

He is a fool.
To love that kind of woman.

Alexandra Monteverde is better off alone.

So she would never hurt anybody.

But this man...

This man whom I love the most, is taking every chances to change that woman.

I tried not to show him how much I was affected by his words.
I looked up at the sky and drew a deep breath.


Author's Corner

hi there!

lol, let's breath out from Gin and Alex love story at mukhang lahat tayo ay
affected na knowing how this FM 1 will end (of course binigyan ko na kayo ng
maagang spoiler which already has a 20k reads thanks for that)

thank you for making FM @ our top list under romance and non-teen genre

thank you for voting and giving comments on every chap

and as for the record i have been writing at wattpad for a year now--(applause,
Sana Akin Ka na Lang (Stephanie and Dominic) was written and published last
November 2012 followed by One Day Someday (Jerina and Gabriel) na nag start Feb
2013 (i can't recall na napagsabay ko pala sila) then With You (Romina and
Zacharias) and now this Forgotten Memories (Alexandra Isabella and Eugene Carlos)

Madami pa din nagtatanong bakit daw Forgotten Memories--well, straight from my

heart sasagutin ko na yan haha

As you can see and imagine knowing the last few chapters of FM and the spoiler of
FM 2, they will break apart, all those memories they have together will be
forgotten by certain circumstances whether it is because of pain and self defense
well, malalaman natin lahat yan as we progress FM 2

Bakit ba sila maghihiwalay?

a. because of what Alex did

b. because of Lian

c. because of Gin

d. because of Gin's family

e. because if Clarissa

f. because of Fredrick

g. because of Carmi

haha, malapit na naman sa finale so i guess its all up to us to find out why
as for those who cannot access the private chapters

1. go to the book cover

2. click more info

3. from table of contents as you scroll down you will see those chapters with
private at the end of the title

--for pc users and for those who are followers

i do not know how in mobile so you could ask other followers who are using mobile

thanks to the 14k followers hindi man lahat nakakabasa na or nakaka vote, knowing
you are out there and enjoying what i love doing, that's a relief to me already

when should i stop writing in wattpad...

i dont want to declare but i guess my goal right now is to finish FM 2 since this
is my first time to do a second book

i appreciate every kind words and praises, nakakataba ng puso but i cannot please
everybody for those who are complaining na bitin ang ud naiinis man ako natatawa na
lang ako, kasi paano hindi mabibitin eh on going pa lamang naman talaga so kung
ayaw mabitin, dont read until i finished it writing tama? haha

and if there is one chapter here in FM na pinag isipan ko talaga ay walang iba kung
Save by the Bell (the first meeting)

and the conversation of Gin and Alex where Alex found out he came from HLS, natawa
talaga ako sa reaction ni Alex (haha)

thank you sa lahat ng nagalit na naman at kinilig sa mga naunang encounters ni Gin
and Alex, i know we were happy when the two of them were happy too

as for Lian character, she is a sweet little thing that Gin treasures, sino ang
hindi? She is a friend just like Jerina to Gabriel in ODS, and Alexandra is like a
replica of Eunice from ODS dont you agree? ang kaibahan nga lang, Eunice is the
antagonist while Alexandra is the protagonist in this story but their character ay
hindi nagkakalayo

matagal ko na talagang gustong gumawa na bitchy ang protagonist, i hope i did

justice in Alexandra's character

if you want to be updated about me or the story, follow me at my twitter account,



True Lies


True Lies is a 1994 American action comedy film co-written and directed by James
Cameron and starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jamie Lee Curtis. True Lies is an
extended remake of the 1991 French film La Totale!,[3] which was directed by Claude
Zidi and starred Thierry Lhermitte andMiou-Miou. The film was nominated for
an Academy Award for Best Visual Effects and Curtis won a Golden Globe for her
comedic portrayal of Helen Tasker and also the film won three Saturn Awards and
thirteen other nominations.

True Lies was the first Lightstorm Entertainment project to be distributed under
Cameron's multi-million dollar production deal with 20th Century Fox, as well as
the first major production for the visual effects company Digital Domain, which was
co-founded by Cameron. True Lies was the only feature film collaboration outside of
the Terminator series to feature Cameron, Schwarzenegger, and Brad Fiedel as
director, actor, and composer respectively.

Upon its release, True Lies was one of the most expensive films ever made, costing
$100[4][5]–120[6] million, and grossed about $400 million worldwide (1994).[2]

Alex's POV

Natigilan ako ng makita ko kung sino ang hangos na pumasok sa kwarto ko.

Si Gin who really looks in a hurry and his face shown of concern.

"B-Bella? Oh God! Are you okay sweetheart?" puno ng pag aalala ang boses nito na
hindi malaman kung paano ako hahawakan. His gaze moved from my blank face to my
"The baby?" he queried looking so pale.

I wanted to ignore the bitter taste in my mouth.

He only care for this life inside my womb. He never cared for me.

"Its fine," walang gana kong sabi. "Buti naman naalala mo pa kung saan ako
nakatira," may halong panunuya kong sabi.

It's been three days mula ng lumabas ako ng hospital and I have never heard
anything from him.

I wanted to smile bitterly.

But of course.

He's been with Lian the whole time.

I tried not to show how hurt I am. As if I will never know.

Natigilan ito. I could see the guilt overwashed his features and I want to laugh

Alam ko that Lian would burst out to him what happened between us. I wanted to
throw those angry words that I have been keeping all inside me.

I was in the hospital for four days and he didn't bother to show up, to even call
when I needed him the most. When I was feeling so low.
I tried to stifled my sob.

Four days and I have learned who am I.

I am not the person I think I am.

I am not.

I bit my lips painfully. How could this all happen?

"S-Sweetheart," Gin tried to touch my hand but I pushed him away. Lalo itong
"I hardly knew why you are here Gin," sa basag na boses ay sabi ko. "Y-You've been
with her all the whole time! And I was suffering because of this!" I lashed out

I saw how shocked he was. He clenched his jaw as he looks at me with disbelief.

"You had me followed?" tila hindi ito makapaniwala.

I keep silent. My chest is moving up and down sa pinipiit na emosyon.

He frowned. Bakas sa mukha nito ang hindi pagkapaniwala na magagawa ko iyon. But
hell yeah! I have someone spying on him since the time I knew he was with her!

"Y-You don't trust me?" he asked almost in disbelief. Napahawak ito sa noo na
hindi malaman kung paano ako titingnan. "Wala kang pinagkaiba sa lolo na kulang na
lamang pasundan ako sa mga bodyguards! Nakakasakal Isabella!"
I glared at him angrily. May pagrerebeldeng bumabangon sa dibdib ko sa sinabi
niya. Agad na tumayo ako mula sa pagkakaupo at nagtungo sa drawer and pulled a
folder and throw at him. Tumapon ang mga larawan na nasa loob ng folder.

"How could I ever trust you! You were nothing but a liar! I hate you!" tili ko sa
kanya. Nag uumapaw ang galit ko sa dibdib and I think I am closed to tears.

He gritted his teeth in anger habang tinitingnan ang mga larawan na nagkalat sa
sahig sanhi ng pagkakabato ko ng folder. Pinulot niya isa isa iyon. Kunot ang noo
nitong tiningnan iyon.

Kuha nila ni Lian sa La Union.

Hindi makapaniwalang tinititigan lamang iyon ni Gin. Tiim ang labi nito.
"When you told me you were in some family meeting out of town I did believe you. I
really did! Until someone told me he had seen your father in a political campaign
here. I do not want to believe that you could lie to me," sa mahina pero sa galit
na boses na sabi ko. "And I confirmed you did lie to me."

He didn't speak. But his hand almost ripped the picture apart.

"Still you did not trust me," he barely whispered.

I looked up at the ceiling trying to control my tears.

Napailing ako ng ilang ulit.

"You failed to give me reason why should I trust you," I said brokenly. Napaupo
ako sa kama. I am still not in perfect fit. The doctor warned me not to stress
myself too much because the baby has the possibility to miscarriage.

Everything is lost.

I knew everything about me and Sebastian Monteverde.

Napaiyak ako ng maalala kung paano na i confirm sa akin iyon ni Nana Belen.


Oh God!

All along...
All this time..

While I was enjoying and carrying the name of Monteverde, I was not in fact, a

Apparently, Clarissa was pregnant already when their parents decided to bond them
in marriage. For business.

That;s why Sebastian Monteverde despised her repeatedly. Hurting her physically.
Humiliating her when I was not around.

Nana Belen was a witness to that.

I closed my eyes painfully.

How could I ever lived with that?

All this time I am living a lie.

I am not a Monteverde. I despised the person whom I have a blood relation, I

looked up at the person believing he was the victim where in fact he was the
perpetrator of all the lies.

And I was pregnant.

Undergraduate and pregnant.

I am in love with a man whom at this moment seems like a stranger to me.
Because right now, I don't feel like he loves me. Pakiramdam ko na o obliga na
lamang siya dahil buntis ako. Na kailangan niya akong panagutan. Na siya ang
nakauna sa akin.

Ilang saglit na hindi ito kumikibo. I was more of waiting he would say sorry but
he kept his silence.

"You are so cold Isabella. Hindi ko alam how did you manage to say that you love
me," there is weariness and sadness in his voice.

I wanted to laugh bitterly.

"Yes, I lied to you. I went to La Union with Lian. But it doesn't mean I cheated
on you," naiiling na sabi nito habang hawak ang batok. He looks so tired.

He is tired understanding me.

Sabagay sino ba ang makakaintindi sa akin?

No one.

"I just hope you have a little trust on me. We are going to get married. We

I smiled bitterly as I looked at him. "Did you really want to marry me?"

Natigilan ito.

Iniiwas ko ang mga mata ko. Tumayo ako at gumawi sa bintana.

"I am not feeling well Gin. I want to have a rest. This pregnancy is tiring me

Ilang saglit na nakatayo lamang ito doon. Akala ko hindi siya aalis pero maya maya
lamang ay narinig ko na ang marahang pagsarado ng pintuan.

Saka ko pa lamang pinakawalan ang luha na kanina ko pa pinipigil.

I am going to lose everything. One by one.

Agad na sumagi sa isipan ko ang nangyari mula ng marinig ko ang pag uusap ni nana
Belen at ni Clarissa.

I looked at nana Belen na busy sa pag aayos ng kwarto ko. She changed the bed
cover and the comforter. Ako naman ay nakaupo sa sofa.

"G-Gaano ka na katagal dito nana?"

Napatingin sa akin si Nana Belen. "Mga 25 years iha. Wala ka pa non," nakangiting

I tried to smile.

"K-Kilala mo na talaga sina P-Papa at si Clarissa?"

Natigilan ito. Pagkuway ibinalik ang tingin sa ginagawa. "Hindi kaya mabuting
tawagin mo siyang Mama? Kagaya noon?"

Hindi ako kumibo.

Npabuntonghininga na lamang si Nana Belen.

"Iha hindi naman----."

"Hindi nga ba ako anak ni Sebastian Monteverde?"

I asked bravely.
I did try my very best not to choke at the question.

Kitang kita ko na nanlaki ang mga mata ni Nana Belen na napatingin sa akin. Tingin
ko pa nga ay namutla ito.

"A-Ano ka ba naman bata ka. Kung ano---."

My face is set. "Don;t lie to me nana. I overheard you and Clarissa talking at
the hospital. I heard what she said. Na hindi ko ama si Sebastian Monteverde.
Totoo ba?"

Tila naumid si Nana Belen at hindi ito makakuha ng kahit na anong salita. Nang
makita nito na hindi nagbabago ang ekspresyon ko ay tila naiiyak na napaupo sa
kama. May awang nakatingin ito sa akin. I gritted my teeth.
Natatakot akong marinig ang katotohanan. But I am not that coward not to hear it.

"H-Hindi kaya dapat ang Mama mo ang kausapin mo iha?" her voice trembled.

Napakurap ako. Trying to hold back the tears that are trying to escape. "Ikaw ang
nandito Nana. Clarissa and I will definitely talk. Pero sa ngayon gusto ko sa
inyo marinig ang lahat. You owe it to me nana. You've been with me since I was a
baby!" my voice cracked. Hindi ko matanggap na nagawa nila akong paikutin sa mga
kasinungalingan nila.

Nagawa nila akong paikutin for almost 20 years of my life...

How could they?

Naiiyak na tumango si Nana Belen. "T-Totoo lahat ng narinig mo Alex. Hi-Hindi si

Sebastian ang ama mo."
Pakiramdam ko pinagsakluban ako ng langit at lupa. My mouth trembled in emotion as
I tried to hold back the tears pero nag uunahang umalpas na iyon sa magkabila kong
mga mata.

I bit my lips as I cleared my throat. "P-Paano nangyari yon Nana? Sino ang ama
ko!" I shouted angrily, crying.

Napaiyak na si Nana Belen. Umiling ito.

"Ang bagay na iyan ay hindi ko na alam Alexandra. Ang Mama mo ang tanging
nakakaalam ng bagay na yan."

I cried. Napaiyak na lamang ako sa palad ko.

"Iha," naawa-naiiyak na sabi ni Nana Belen na agad na lalapitan ako pero umiwas
ako. Nanatili lamang sa may paanan ko si Nana.

"W-Wag ka ng umiyak, makakasama pa sa baby mo yan Alex. Alalahanin mo na maselan

ang pagbubuntis mo," umiiyak na sabi nito na hindi malaman kung paano aaluin ako.

Pero there is no amount of word that can pacify these feelings hurting me badly.

Wala ni isa.

"I hate you! I hate all of you! Mga sinungaling kayo!" humahagulgol na sabi ko na
agad na nagtatakbong palabas ng kwarto.

I want to get out of here. And fast.

Umiiyak na hinabol ako ni Nana pero mabilis na nakababa ako ng hagdan at sumakay sa

Hilam ng luhang pinaharurot ko ang sasakyan. Walang direksyon kung saan man ako

Dinala na lamang ako ng paa ko sa hantungan ng Papa.

Mapait na napangiti ako habang nauupo sa damuhan.

Tahimik na tahimik na ang buong memorial park. Maliban sa security na nasa bukana
ng libingan ay wala halos tao na naroon.

Hinaplos ko ang lapida.

In Loving Memory of

Sebastian Monteverde

June 15, 1965-December 16, 2002

I'll surely miss you, Papa


Napaiyak ako.

You are not my father, why did you lie to me?

I wanted to shout at him angrily. Pero ang tanging nagawa ko lamang ay umiyak ng
umiyak doon.

Paano mo nagawa sa akin ito Papa?

How could you all lie to me...


Napaiyak na lamang ako uli sa palad ko.

I never have enough courage to ask things to her. It will come. But right now,
all I want is the secured four corners of my room.

I want to shed all of it.

All of this heaviness inside me.

Kasi parang hindi ko na kaya.

Ang bigat bigat ng dalhin lahat sa dibdib...


Pain and Gain


Pain & Gain is a 2013 American crime-comedy film directed by Michael Bay and
starring Mark Wahlberg, Dwayne Johnson and Anthony Mackie. The film is loosely
based on a story published in a 1999 series of Miami New Times articles written by
Pete Collins and compiled in Collins' 2013 book Pain & Gain: This is a True Story,
which details the kidnapping, extortion, torture, and murder of several victims by
an organized group of criminals that included a number of bodybuilders affiliated
with Sun Gym.[4][5] The film is Michael Bay's fourth film to be rated R by
the MPAA. The film's title is a play on the common exercising adage of No pain, no
gain. The adage is used for the French title of the film.

The film was released on April 27, 2013 and received mixed reviews, praising the
direction, acting and script but criticizing the violence, the comic chemistry and
the historical differences with the real events. The film grossed more than $85
million worldwide, more than tripling its budget.

Bad things do happen; how I respond to them defines my character and the quality of
my life. I can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of my
loss, or I can choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift I
have - life itself.Walter Anderson
Gin's POV

Gulong gulo ang isip ko.

I clenched my jaw as I watched her door closed. I wanted to stay where she is, to
know is she is okay.

I have almost fly my way through her from a political dinner when I have heard she
has been hospitalized.


I can never forgive myself if something bad happened to her or to our baby and I
wasn't there. Nakuyom ko ang palad ko ng maalala ang sinabi niya.
That I was with her.

I swallowed painfully.

I have to arrange the flight that Lian and her family will do after her father has
been released from the hospital. Kahit yun man lamang ay makatulong ako.

Not to add, my family was very busy with our political move since I decided to run.
My father was already giving lectures, introducing me to his comrades in politics
whom I can rely on once I assumed the position.

But I must admit I want to breathe out.

From what happened, from what she did to my friend.

I want to run away from the reality that she has the power to hurt anyone she
wishes to hurt. Anyone who will threaten her secured life.

Like Lian.

Napatungo ako. Until now, sinusundot ako ng konsensya. When we were in high
school, I used to be her knight in shining armour. I used to defend her to those
who bullied her from being different.

And I was proud that I could help her in such little way.

She was and is a treasure to me.

She is a good friend..

But right now, hindi ko siya kayang ipagtanggol.

Laban sa babaeng pinakamamahal ko. Yun ang masakit.

I smiled bitterly when I remembered she had me followed.

Goodness. Nakalimutan ko who she is.

She is Alexandra Monteverde.

A soon to be CEO of MGM Group of Companies. She has power.

And she displayed it when she needed it. Even to me, she used that power.

To protect what she owned. At yon ang hindi ko matanggap. Na para bang gamit
lamang ako na pag aari ni Alexandra Monteverde. I cannot be out of sight.


Natigilan ako ng marinig ko ang nag aalangang tinig. I looked up and saw Nana
Belen. I tried to smile.

"I am sorry Nana that I wasn't there when it happened," I sighed wearily na bumaba
sa hagdan and join her in the living room. Tila pagod na pagod na naupo ako habang
hawak ang batok ko. "What happened Nana?"

Napabuntonghininga si Nana Belen na naupo sa katapat kong upuan.

"Maselan ang pagbubuntis ni Alex. Sabi ng doktor hindi siya dapat na s-stress o
nagagalit. Kung paulit ulit daw na sasakit ang puson niya baka daw makunan," anito
sa mahinang tinig

I swallowed hard. Pakiramdam ko may matigas na kamay na humawak sa puso ko ng

marinig ko iyon.

"M-May nangyari ba noong ma ospital siya Nana?"

Nag isip ito saglit. Pagkuway napailing. "Ang alam ko lamang hindi siya
makakapasok dahil padalas nga ng padalas ang pagsama ng pakiramdam niya. Noong
bago magtanghali nagkaroon siya ng bisita. Lian Marquez. Narinig ko lamang sila
na nagtatalo."
Natigilan ako.

I swallowed hard.

Nang araw na sumugod si Lian. Nang araw na pinuntahan ko siya, she was in the
hospital suffering. I closed my eyes in guilt.

I should have been with her.

Naihilamos ko ang kamay sa mukha ko.

"Gin, iho. Intindihin mo si Alex. Alam ko hindi ito magandang panahon para sa
pagbubuntis niya," she said na tinapik ako sa balikat. I looked at her wearily.
"Hindi ko alam Nana paano ko siya tutulungan. She was full of hatred!"

I could see the concern and compassion na nagpapalit palit sa mukha ng matanda.
Tila may nais itong sabihin pero nanatiling tikom ang labi.

"Nagseselos ang alaga ko sa kaibigan mo. Mas maganda siguro na sundin mo muna ang
gusto niya habang nasa maselan na bahagi siya ng pagbubuntis," payo nito.

Napatango ako ng marahan kasabay ng pilit na pagngiti. "I will do everything nana
para hindi siya sumama ang loob, kahit hindi ko alam paano ko gagawin yon."

Nakakaunawang hinawakan nito ang palad ko at ikinulong sa palad niya. She looks at
me tenderly.
"Basta mahalin mo lamang ang alaga ko iho. Masyado ng masakit ang mga pinagdaanan
niya at nang dumating ka sa buhay niya, nabuhay siya uli. Naranasan niya na
magmahal. Natuto siyang magmahal."

Mapait na napangiti ako. "Pero hindi niya kayang patawarin ang kanyang sariling

Napabuntonghinga si Nana Belen.

"Ang pinagdaanan ni Alex ay hindi madali iho. Ang kabataan niya ay pulos ligaya
lamang. Nag iisang anak ng isang mayamang pamilya, namulat sa pagmamahal ng mga
magulang at nang mamatay si Sebastian at malaman na ang kanyang ina ay---," hindi
nito nagawang ituloy ang sasabihin. "Hindi ganon kadali na matanggap lahat.
Masakit para sa kanya, matagal siyang nabuhay na walang magulang. Ang pagkamuhi
niya para kay Clarissa ay hindi matatawaran pero hindi ibig sabihin hindi siya
makikinig sa kahit na anong paliwanag. Lalo na at--," muli hindi nito nagawang
ituloy ang sasabihin.

She tried to smile. "Ang hinihiling ko lamang, alagaan mo si Alex. Mabait na bata
si Alex. Masyado lamang siyang nasaktan sa mga nangyari sa kanyang pamilya."
Napakurap ako.

Bakit nga ba kailangan ko na husgahan si Bella. I've had my own share of demons.

I was angry with my father. Despised him for such a long time.

Even hate being a De Villa.

Who am I to judge her? She has every demons running to her trying to make her
succumb to its darkness.

I drew a deep breath.

Its my responsibility that my wife will never go dark side or something.

Our child and me will definitely pull her to our side.


Alex's POV

Napakurap ako ng tumunog uli ang celphone ko. Another text message.

Si Gin. Asking me if I have eaten. I cant count kung pang ilang text na niya ito
ngayong umaga para lamang malaman kung kumain na ako.
I did not reply.

Napatingin ako sa pagkain na ipinasok ni Nana sa loob ng kwarto ko. Halos tatlong
oras na iyon na naroon at hindi ko siya ginagalaw. Wala akong ganang kumain.

Natigilan ako ng makarinig ng mahinang pagkatok. Malamang si nana Belen.

When I allowed her to open the door I gasped when I saw him standing in the
doorway. Hawak nito ang celphone.

"You are not eating," tila nagagalit na sabi nito ng makita na hindi ko nagalaw ang
pagkain. Iniiwas ko ang mga mata.

He sighed na pumasok sa loob and closed the door.

"Sweetheart, alam ko galit ka. And I was sorry. I am sorry, really. For lying,
and for being with Lian when I am supposed to be with you," mababa ang boses na
sabi nito.

I swallowed hard.

I wanted to tell him a lot of things but I am caught up with my own pain and

And its eating me alive.

Naramdaman ko ang unti unting paglapit nito sa akin. He knelt on the floor and
slowly touched my hand, I have no time to pull it back dahil ikinulong nito ang
kamay sa dalawang palad and kissed it.

"Can you forgive me?"

Nararamdaman ko pa rin yung sakit.

For lying to me. And for being with her.

And I wondered why he is not angry at me? I am sure he knew about what I did.

"Did she tell you something."

Natigilan ito.

Pagkuway napayuko. "Yes."

I smiled bitterly.

"You believed her?"

Ilang saglit na hindi ito kumibo. I looked at him, still bowed his his head and
saw him nodded. I swallowed painfully.

I tried to laugh but it came like a sneer.

"How naive. Are you not going to throw angry words at me? For what I did to her?"

He swallowed hard.

"Please, sweetheart."
I looked at him bitterly. "I can do so much more Gin. I can hurt her even more
kapag hindi siya tumigil kakaaligid sa yo," there is coldness behind my words.

I saw him stunned. Ilng saglit na napatitig ito sa akin na para bang hindi
makapaniwala na magagawa ko iyon.

I saw him clenched his jaw.

"She is not here anymore Isabella. Umalis na sila ng pamilya niya," tiim ang
labing sabi. "So don;t stress yourself too much at baka makasama pa sa bata."

I saw him getting angry.

I wanted to cry.
He was furious and yet he can;t show it because of this child. Inilayo ko sa kanya
ang tingin.

"Lumabas ka na. I am not in the mood for sweet talk," I said.

Naglapat lalo ang labi nito. "I'll leave once I have seen you eaten," matigas na
sabi nito.

I glared at him at ng makita na hindi ito matitinag ay padabog na tumayo ako at

kinuha ang pagkain ko. Nakita ko na kumuha siya ng upuan at naupo malapit sa akin
na para bang binabantayan niya talaga ang pagkain ko.

I eat in silence. He did not even bother to talk. I wanted to cry wearily. Bakit
ba ako nagkakaganito? I should be thankful that Gin was not angry even knowing what
I did to his friend. Naiiyak na tahimik lamang akong kumakain.

When he saw me finishing my food ay agad na tumayo ito para iabot sa akin ang
tubig. Kinuha ko iyon at uminom. Kinuha niya ang tray sa kandungan ko. Nang
matapos akong uminom ay kinuha niya iyon. Ilang saglit na nakatitig lamang ito
ngunit ng hindi makaapuhap ng sasabihin ay lumabas na.

Napakurap lamang ako when the door closed. I wanted to call on to him, but I was
more scared that I cant do this anymore and break down.

I cried silently.


Gin's POV

I rested my back on the closed door in weariness. Napapikit ako kasabay ng masakit
na pagguhit ng kung ano sa puso ko.

Parang hindi ko na kilala ang babaeng nasa loob ng kwarto.

Parang hindi na rin niya ako kilala.

I wanted to smile bitterly.

Pilit na kinakalma ko ang sarili. Dala lamang marahil ng pagbubuntis niya ito. I
swallowed hard. Kailangan na kausapin ko na sina Papa at Mama at sabihin ang
totoong kalagayan ni Isabella para mabantayan ko na lamang siya palagi.

Pero tatapusin ko muna yung week na ito dahil examination week sa eskwelahan.
Ilang araw din akong hindi nakapasok. I sighed na bumaba na ng hagdan.
Magpapaalam muna ako kay Nana at bukas ng gabi ay babalik uli ako para bantayan si

I looked at the door once again then leave.

And a promise to comeback and take good care of her.


Body Of Lies

Alex's POV

I tried to fix myself this morning to go to school. Examination week and I have to
finish it kahit sabihin na ako pa ang may ari ng eskwelahan and that I can take the
exam anytime, I have standard to follow too.

"O, nakabihis ka? Kaya mo na bang pumasok?" nag aalalang sabi ni Nana Belen nang
makitang naka uniporme ako sa harap ng hapagkainan.
Binigyan niya ako ng juice at french toast. "I am fine nana. I have to go to
school, exam na kasi. W-What time umalis si Gin kagabi?" alanganing sabi ko.

I missed him.

I sighed. Hindi ko alam but I was irritated, I was angry but then I missed him.

These hormones are killing me.

I promised to myself last night that I will try to understand him more. I know he
is busy.

He told me wala na si Lian.

Nakahinga ako ng maluwag but yes, sinusundot pa rin ako ng konsensya.

I sighed. I'll fix myself and I will be the same Bella he used to know. Ayoko na
mawala sa akin si Gin. I love him so. And we are having a baby. Alam ko hindi
magiging madali para sa amin lahat ng ito but we will hold on.

Napahawak ako sa tyan ko. Hindi pa iyon masyadong halata but in some weeks or so
lalaki na iyon.

Natatakot ako but I have to be strong.

Para sa amin ni Gin.

For the life we both created together.


Chele's POV

Napaangat ang kilay ko ng makita si Carmi na nasa library at nag-aaral. Aba himala
yata at anong naisipan ni Carmi na mag library.

"O anong naisipan mo at nag library ka bigla? You must be sick," nang aasar kong
sabi kay Carmi.

She only glared at me.

Naupo sa katapat niyang upuan. "Asan sina Arianne? And Fredrick?"

Naningkit ang mga mata nito. "Don't mention that piece of sh*t!"

Napakurap ako. "Nag away na naman ba kayo?"

Gigil na sinara nito ang binabasang libro. "That bloke broke up with me!" sa piit
na tinig ay sabi nito. Her face furious like hell. At sa ganito ko kalapit saka
ko pa lamang napansin she's been wearing her make up heavily.

Gusto kong matawa pinipiit ko lamang. Kunwa'y nagtaka ako.

"Really? And why is that? Fredrick can't do anything but to follow you around
Carmi," OANg sabi ko.
She smirked. "He'll regret it. Nakakainis talaga!"

"Another girl?" I asked. But if it is another girl Carmi will fix it easily.
Besides, Fredrick could have another girl without breaking up with her.

"Bite me," inis na sabi nito. "He just spilled it like he's telling me he is going
abroad or something. That inconsiderate brute! I'll find out who he is after!
And I will make his life miserable!" nanggagalait ito sa galit. Lumalabas na
litid nito sa leeg.

Nag isip ako. "Paano yan? Sa kasal ni Alex, ikaw lang ang walang partner. Well,
you could have ask anyone from your boy toys Carmi," I joked.

She glared at me angrily. "Are you insulting me Chele because right now I am not
in a good mood I could kill you anytime! Bitch!"

Nanlaki ang mga mata ko na itinaas ang dalawang kamay. "Hey! Hey, no name calling
here, I am just kidding."
Inis na iniikot nito ang tingin sa paligid.

"I will make sure there will be no wedding! Alex should not be happy! Ako dapat
ang maging masaya!"

Napaangat ang kilay ko. "As if naman na mapipigilan mo ang kasal! Well, I saw Gin
today. Mukhang pumasok na siya from his long vacation."

Napatiim ang labi ko. "Really? And Alex? Magkasama ba sila?"

I shrugged my shoulder.

"Hindi ako PA nila para alamin ko yun Carmi."

Inis na tinapunan ako nito ng tingin. "Wala ka talagang silbi. Asan ba ang
Arianne na yon! I told her to come here pero halos isang oras na wala pa rin siya

I shrugged again my shoulder.

"Let her be with her man, malamang kasama ang boyfriend," sabi ko na kunwa'y patay
malisya. Nang aasar lamang ako. Gusto kong mapahagikhik dahil lalong sumama ang
itsura ni Carmi. Halatang nakanti na naman ang ego nito since wala siyang
boyfriend ngayon.

And I am really surprised to know that Fredrick has the balls to break up with her!
Well, that's the first time I have heard that Fredrick stood up against Carmi's
wishes. Palagi na lamang kasing takot kay Carmi ito.

And I really wonder what push him to.

Para tuloy may hinala ako.

But I ignored it.

Nakita ko na tumayo na si Carmi. Takang napasunod ako dito. "Hey! Where are you
going?!" takang sabi ko na hinablot ang bag ko.

She did not look at me. "I'll have some fun of my own."

I lifted a brow.
I do not like the sound of it.

Alex;s POV

Gusto kong mairita ng makita kung sino ang naghihintay sa akin sa dulong bahagi ng

Kakabalik ko pa lamang ay sira na agad ang araw ko.

Napaunat sa pagkakasandal sa wall si Carmi ng makalapit na ako. Si Chele naman ay

nasa likod nito.
"Wow. I did not know you are here already Alex. Ilang araw kang wala ah! Is it
true you are getting married?" she asked mischievously.

Naningkit ang mga mata ko. I saw Chele paled. Hindi na ako nagtataka. I saw some
reporters during the dinner that the four of us had last week. One of them has a
connection with Chele's cousin. Her cousin is a well known ramp model.

I looked at Carmi again na hindi nawawala ang ngisi.

"And if I do, what's it with you Carmi?" I asked coldly. "If you are wondering if
you will be one of my bridemaids then don't bother to think about your gown, you
are not invited."

Namula ito.
At galit na galit.

Si Chele naman ay nagpipiit ang tawa. I looked at her coldly na kulang na lamang
ay sumigaw sa galit. But she held her composure. Instead she tried to smile.

"Aren't you being rude Alex? Well, ganun ba talaga kapag na i-inlove ang isang
kagaya mo? Nakakalimot ng mga kaibigan?" sa nanunuyang tinig ay sabi nito.

I drew a deep breath.

"Let us not fake what is already fake between us Carmi," sa tuyot na tinig ay sabi
ko. "First, we are not friends. We never were, okay? So don't push into your
twisted head that I did ever consider you as a friend because I know I am your
greatest competitor in everything! I am not naive. Don't treat me like one."
Kitang kita ko na namutla si Carmi. Nanlaki ang mga mata nito sa pagkapahiya.

"H-How dare you!"

Chele on the back seems enjoying the show. I did continue.

"And stop flirting with Gin. He will never ever fall for the likes of you Carmi.
So back off!" inis na sabi ko na tumalikod na.

I should have done this with her a long time ago para hindi matagal ang pinagtiis
ko pakikisama sa babaeng iyon!
"Alex! You think Gin fell for the likes of you?! Think again!" tili nito sa galit
na galit na tinig.

I stopped.

Malamig na tiningnan ko siya na nagpupuyos ang mukha sa galit habang si Chele naman
ay pinipigilan ito.

"Stop wasting your breath Carmi! You are making yourself pathetic," sabi ko.

She laughed sarcastically. Inis na ipiniglas nito ang brasong hawak ni Chele. She
looks at me with hatred in her eyes.
"You think so? Or you should say that to yourself, my dear? Did you really ever
think that Gin will fall for you instantly?" she sneered. "You better think

Napatiim ang labi ko.

She is useless. Inis na tumalikod na ako. Nakakaawa lamang siyang tingnan.

Gin's POV

I smiled when Bella texted me saying she is in the school. At last, I think she is
in good mood. We could talk. And I will tell her my plan to tell my parents her
situation so I could move into her house or she could move in to my unit. But I
doubt if she would move into mine. Sanay ito na nasa tabi lamang si nana Belen at
mas maganda nga siguro kung kasama nito si Nana Belen sa ganitong panahon ng
kanyang maselan na pagbubuntis.

Napatingin ako sa orasan ko. Last 15 minutes na ng klase ko and I could see her in
her class. Buti na lamang at this week ay ito na ang pinaka last na exam ko.

Tapos na sem.

I sighed.

I want to see her again. I missed her.

Nang matapos ang exam ko ay agad na lumabas ako. Nasa kabilang building ang klase
ni Bella.


Natigil ang paglalakad ko ng marinig ang pagtawag sa akin. Nilingon ko ito.

Si Carmi.

I drew a deep breath. Ilang araw na rin na kinukulit ako ni Carmi kung totoo ba na
ikakasal na ako. Nagtataka ako paano nila nalaman iyon samantalang hindi pa naman
namin ina-announce.
"I am in hurry. What do you want?"

She smiled. "Bakit ba ang lamig mo sa akin Gin? Parang wala naman tayong
pinagsamahan," she said sweetly. Her hand landed on my chest.

Napatiim ang labi ko na agad na inalis ang kamay niya. Napalinga ako sa paligid.
Buti na lamang wala halos tao doon.

Galit na tinitigan ko siya. "Pwede ba Carmi. I don't have time to play with your
dirty little game."

She laughed throatily. Hindi na ito nagtangkang hawakan ako. "Hmm, unlike before.
You had time to play with your-so-called my dirty little game," she said slowly.
Her eyes held mischievous grin.

Napatiim ang labi ko.

"Pwede ba Carmi, what do you want? Tigilan mo na ako. Tigilan mo na kami ni

Bella!" gigil na sabi ko.

She laughed. Halatang natutuwa ito sa galit ko.

If I could only throttle her neck I want to do it right now.

"Natatawa naman ako sa yo Gin. You were nothing to us but since you became the
subject of our dirty little game, you got to know Alex Monteverde."

Napatiim ang labi ko. "Can't stop bragging about that bet you pulled on me, ha
Carmi? Now, its over get lost," madiing sabi ko na tatalikod na pero nagsalita uli

"I really wonder how Alex believed all your lies."

Natigilan ako.

Madilim ang mukhang tiningnan ko siya. She smiled moschievously ng makita ang
matalim na pagtitig ko sa kanya.
"Di ba? I mean, everything between the two of you are nothing but lies. Dahil, oh
let me remind you darling. You agreed on the bet," she said with her eyes grew in
shock. "And the worst thing is you made her believe you knew nothing about it!
Pero ang totoo, you knew it all along that she was playing with you! Now, how
about that?"

I became paled under my tan.

I swear, if I could kill her right now, I will.

Pero bago pa ako nakapagsalita ay nakita ko na lumbas sa pinagkukublihan niya si

Bella. Her eyes mirror shock and pain. Namumutla ito habang nanlalaki ang mga
matang nakatingin sa amin.
Napakurap ako kasabay ng pamumutla ko.

"B-Bella," tila nanlalaki ang ulo ko ng makita ang walang kaimik imik at at
tulalang si Bella. I cursed silently.

Carmi smiled triumphantly.

She smiled bitterly bago nagmamadaling tumakbo.

"Shit!" I cursed as I saw her running. I glared at Carmi who is smiling her heart
out. "I could kill you for this Carmi, I swear!" galit na galit na sabi ko at
tumakbo na ako at hinabol si Bella.
I heard Carmi roared in laughters.

Lost in Translation


Lost in Translation is a 2003 American comedy-drama film written and directed

by Sofia Coppola. It was her second feature film after The Virgin Suicides (1999).
It stars Bill Murray, Scarlett Johansson, Giovanni Ribisi, Anna Faris, and Fumihiro
Hayashi. The film revolves around an aging actor named Bob Harris (Murray) and a
recent college graduate named Charlotte (Johansson) who develop a rapport after a
chance meeting in a Tokyohotel. The movie explores themes
of loneliness, insomnia, existential ennui, and culture shock against the backdrop
of a modern Japanese city.

Lost in Translation was a major critical success[2] and was nominated for
four Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Actor for Bill Murray, and Best
Director for Sofia Coppola; Coppola won for Best Original Screenplay. Scarlett
Johansson won a BAFTA award for Best Actress in a Leading Role. The film was also a
commercial success, grossing almost $120 million from a budget of only $4 million.

Alex's POV

"If you really want to know who the hell he is, be at his classroom before 4 pm.
And I'll show you his true color!"

Umaalingawngaw ang boses ni Carmi sa hallway. I ignored her. She is nothing but a

"Tama na Carmi! Oh please stop ruining other people!" galit na sabi ni Chele.
"Stop?! How could I stop if everything is working out for her while I was a total
shipwreck! No! Never she'll ever be happy!" parang nasisiraan na ito sa sobrang

I stopped. And look at them grimly.

"Alright Carmi," sigaw ko na ikinatahimik nila. Galit na tiningnan ako nito

samantalang nanlalaki naman ang mga mata ni Chele na napapailing. "I'll be there
but once it was nothing but treachery I promise the only thing you could ever do is
to cry for help!" galit na sabi ko bago tumalikod.

Narinig ko pang sinabi nito na, goodluck.

What a bitch.

I came to his classroom I have heard them quarrel.

But what I cannot believe my own ears when I did not hear him denying all of
Carmi's accusation.

Nangilid ang luha ko.

All along alam niya ang tungkol sa pustahan! He agreed on the bet to make me fall
in love with him!

I smiled bitterly.

All those sweet gestures, those idiotic ways of making me feel like in a dream--
those were lies. Those were nothing but a fantasy created to maneuver me, to make
me believe--to do nothing but to succumb to him.

Mapait akong napangiti.

I feel my heart is being twisted with something hard.

How cruel.

And then he saw me, and I ran. I saw the truth in his eyes.
I ran.

I saw him running after me and thank God many student came rushing when the alarm
hits off. I went straight to the dean's office and order those people to get out.
I do not care if there was a meeting or that there were at least 6 people talking
in there and maybe planning about the future of St Michael.

All I want is to be left alone.

And breathe...

I closed my eyes in pain when I felt the familiar ache down my pit. Wala sa loob
na napahawak ako sa puson ko. Shit! It's happening again, napapaiyak na I drew a
deep breathe to calm myself. Oh God!

I gripped the armrest as if it is my lifeline.

Oh God! This pain is unbearable! I cannot take this anymore and this fear is
eating me, I grabbed my phone but it fell. I cursed as I try to stood up and the
moment that I did, I looked down and saw blood coming in between my legs.

Nanlaki ang mga mata ko ng maramdaman ang likidong dumadaloy sa mga binti ko.


I scream so loud before it all went black.

Gin's POV
I did not bother to change my clothes as I hurried to the hospital where Bella was
being rushed after she lost consciousness. I thought she ran home but when the
dean called for ambulance I know its her.

And my heart never stop from beating so fast.

They might have hidden the situation to all the students and school's personnel but
I know better. I know her situation and I know what happened that caused her to be
like that.

I saw Nana Belen na nasa labas ng ICU at napapaiyak. Namumutlang lumapit ako dito.

"N-Nana Belen?" I couldn't even find my voice. I was afraid. I have never been
afraid my whole life but now.
Naiiyak na napayakap sa akin si Nana Belen.

"Gin! Nasa loob pa siya, hindi pa----."

"Nana! Where is my daughter?!" humahangos na sabi ni Clarissa Monteverde. Her

face is nothig but concern.

Pinunasan ni Nana Belen ang naglandas na mga luha. Pilit na kinakalma nito ang
sarili ng harapin ang mommy ni Bella.

"Nasa loob pa siya Clarissa. Hindi pa rin lumalabas ang mga doktor na tumitingin
sa kanya."

I gritted my teeth as I looked at the closed door.

I wanted to kick myself from what happened.

It was all my fault. Litong lito na napaupo na lamang ako sa mga upuan doon and
covered my face with my two hands.

"What happened?"

Napailing lamang si Nana Belen habang ako ay lumalakas ang tahip ng dibdib.

"Hindi ko nga alam Clarissa. Nagulat na lamang ako ng ipatawag ako ni Ma'am Luchie
at sinabing isunugod nila sa ospital si Alex at dinugo. Hindi ko alam bakit
nagkaganoon samantalang napagsabihan na siya ng doktor na mag ingat dahil maselan
ang kanyang pagbubuntis. Okay naman siya kaninang umaga at siya pa ang nagsabi na
papasok na siya para matapos niya ang kanyang eksamin ngayong linggo at masimulan
na niyang asikasuhin ang kasal," bakas ang panlulumo sa boses ni Nana Belen.
Napatiim ang bagang ko. I swallowed hard.

"I-It was my fault. W-We had a misunderstanding I---," napayuko ako. Nagtagis ang
bagang ko sa pinipigilang emosyon. "I am sorry."

Nanlaki ang mga mata ng mommy ni Bella. Napatayo ito at lumapit sa akin.

"What? Oh please! You shouldn't let her feel any anxiety she's pregnant!" she

"I know. And I was really sorry," my throat constricted. I feel I couldnt breath
properly. I cannot forgive myself kapag may masamang nagyari kay Bella o sa
magiging anak namin.
Napabuntonghininga si Nana Belen na inawat si Clarissa Monteverde at inilayo sa
akin. Gulong gulo ang isip na napatungo ako. When I looked up I saw them talking
and then her mom became silent kasabay ng paghawak nito sa sariling bibig.

Napakunot ang noo ko.

I saw her broke down to tears.

I was about to stood up and walk towards them when the doctor came out from the
door where Bella is. Agad na lalapit sana ako dito pero nilapitan ito agad ng
mommy niya. Napahinto ako sa paglapit. Pakiramdam ko wala akong karapatan sa
kanya sa ngayon dahil sa kung hindi dahil sa akin ay hindi ito sasapit sa ganito.

God. To think I could almost our baby!

I sighed. Naupo ako uli. Maghihintay ako hanggang matapos na kausapin ng doktor
sina Nana Belen. Si Nana Belen na lamang ang kakausapin ko.


Fredrick's POV

"She could have died!"

Napalingon si Carmi sa galit na pinanggalingan ng tinig. I burst out angrily as I

walked towards her. Nagkataon na nag iisa itong nag s-sun bathing sa malawak na
lawn ng mansion nila.
She is wearing a two piece flimsy bikini and she removed her shades when she saw

She smiled. "Hi babes! Care to join me?" tumayo ito and walked towards me.

Nagsalubong ang kilay ko na tinabig ang kamay niya na nakahawak sa polo shirt ko.
I stared at him angrily. "What have you done Carmi! Sinugod sa ospital si Alex!"

Balewalang naupo uli si Carmi sa lounge chair and stretch herself lazily.

"Who told you that? Not my problem," she shrugged her shoulder. I swear if I could
kill her with the way I am looking at her she's be dead by now!

"What's the matter with you! You are a bitch!" I lashed out with hatred.
Galit na tiningnan ako nito. She rushed towards me and angry throw punches on my
chest. Mariing hinawakan ko ang dalawa niyang kamay.

"Asshole! And you are nothing but a jerk! You break up with just to be with her
lawyer?! Stupid!" galit na galit na sabi nito. Her face flamed in anger.

"Stop it! You crazy Carmi! I have been fed up by your attitude! As if you own
me!" I said furiously na nagawa ko siyang itulak.

Hindi makapaniwalang nakatitig lamang ito sa akin. Tila hindi inakala na magagawa
ko na gawin yun sa kanya.
"And you are mine Fredrick," she declared furiously. "And if you wish to be a
rebound once she called off the wedding, then you are real loser! She can never
have you, I'll ruin everyone who will---," hindi na nito nagawang tapusin ang
sinasabi when my hands gripped her neck. Her eyes grew in shock.

She screamed but I gripped her more. My eyes in angry slit. "Do anything stupid
again Carmi. I'll swear I will never mind spending my life in prison just to kill
you, you crazy bitch!" at pasalya ko siyang binitiwan.

Napaubo ito na halos habulin ang hininga. Napaupo ito sa lounge chair. Her eyes
mirror fear and shock na napaatras ng humakbang ako palapit dito.

I smirked.

I felt satisfied that she feels fear.

"Y-You'll gonna pay for this!" she said in a low voice na makikita sa mukha nito
ang takot.

I lifted a brow.

"No, Carmi. You are going to pay every single wrong deed you have done against
Alex," mariing sabi ko na iniwan na ito.

Narinig ko pa ang malakas na pagtili nito.

Gin's POV
Napakurap ako ng marinig ang sinabi ni Nana Belen.

Hindi makapaniwalang alanganing matawa ako. "P-Pero Nana, you told me I could see
her today," I said in disbelief.

It's been three days since I came here rushing at the hospital when she was
admitted on the first day. I did not have any chance to talk to her dahil hindi pa
pinayagan ng doktor.

I waited the day after. I did not go to school but go straight to the hospital. I
did not even sleep properly, thinking and worrying about her.

But then Nana Belen told me she was'nt fit yet to accept any visitor. I plead to
her na baka pwede ko man lamang siyang makita pero hindi pa daw maari. Nagbantay
ako sa labas ng private room niya for the whole day and Nana Belen told me na baka
bukas pwede na ako bumisita.

Napahinuhod ako ng marinig ko ang pangako sa boses ni Nana Belen.

Pumayag na din ako na umuwi na muna.

And now...

While I was excited and apprehensive seeing her, saka sasabihin ni Nana Belen na
hindi ko pa rin siya pwedeng makita.
Ibinaba ko ang hawak kong bulaklak sa upuan at naupo. "Nana gusto ko na hong
makita si Isabella," nasa boses ko ang pakiusap. "Baka naman ho pwede na makausap
ko siya kahit makita man lamang kahit sandali."

I sound desperate. But I am desperate!

Yung hindi ko makita siya it makes me worried sick.

Napahugot ng malalim na paghinga si Nana Belen na naupo sa katabi kong upuan at

hinawakan ako sa balikat.

"Alam ko ang nararamdaman mo iho. Pero wala tayong magagawa ngayon kung hindi
maghintay sa pagpayag ng mga doktor sa mga bisita."
"Pero is she okay? I mean, ang anak namin? I-Is he okay?" I do not know but I
feel our first born will be a he.

I saw ang tila pag aalinlangan sa mukha ni Nana Belen. My heart thuds faster.

"N-Nana, please. Kumusta ang dinadala ni Bella? He is okay, isn't he?" I asked in
a much agitated voice.

Ilang saglit na hindi ito kumibo. Pagkuwa'y marahang napailing. Napayuko ito.

I lost all color.

My eyes grew in shock and disbelief.

My heart beat is beating frantically under my shirt.

And I have never felt my eyes become misty but now.

When I saw her moved her head sideways.

"N-No, Nana Belen," tila maiiyak kong sabi in gritted teeth.

"W-Wala na ang baby nyo."

My whole body shook uncontrollably at bago ko pa napigilan, I felt some tears that
fell down my cheeks.

Not our baby..

Not our baby...

Napapikit ako ng mariin kasabay ng mga luhang hindi ko na napigilan pa.


Mad City


Mad City is a 1997 hostage thriller film written by Tom Matthews and Eric Williams,
directed by Costa-Gavras, and starring Dustin Hoffman, John Travolta, Mia
Kirshner, Alan Alda, Blythe Danner, Ted Levine, Raymond J. Barry, and Larry King.
Alex's POV

I did not move when the door opens.

I just stared my eyes at the window. The sun slowly entering the room, and for the
5th day that I was here in this house, its like a new day to me.

New but dark days.

"Kailangan mo ng inumin ang gamot mo Isabella."

Hindi ako nag angat ng tingin.

I do not know why Nana Belen became persistent to bring me here in her house.

Clarissa Monteverde's house.

I was too weak to protest.

And Nana Belen was blackmailing me to tell Gin the truth if I will not obey her
Napatiim ang labi ko.

Naramdaman ko ang pag upo sa gilid ng kama ng babae. There is compassion and her
eyes misty as she looks at me.

I look at her coldly. "There is no point feeling sorry for me," malamig kong sabi.

I am way too passed from the stage na kinaawaan nila ako.

Ng mga tao. From the things that my family was involved.

From the scandal.

I would kill anyone if what happened to me will spill out of the four corners of my
own sanctity.

What happened to me will be a secret.

No one will know why I collapsed that late afternoon at the Dean's Office.

And no one...
No one will ever know that I had almost lost the baby.

And the lie that I fabricated just to punish the person who hurts me the most.

Nakaramdam na naman ako ng pangingilid ng luha.

And for the first time, it dawned to me why I am like this.

Its because I have never wanted this 'life' all along.

From the moment that Gin and I had wonderful 'lovemaking', I have never considered
wanting a baby.

I guess I was too afraid for it.

Too afraid.

Because I have this big hole in my heart, this darkness that lies within me and now
I am going to mother a child...

How could that be possibly real.

And for the first time, kasalanan man sa Diyos, I resent this 'life' in my womb.
I have no right to take good care of this where in fact I cannot fix my own life.

"Isabella, anak. Please, eat. Y-You have to think about-----."

I looked at her angrily. "What? What should I have to think about? This?!" tili
ko na tinuro ang sinapupunan ko. I smiled bitterly. "I do not care about this!
All I want is to have my life back!" galit na galit na sabi ko.

This rage is filling me and eating me.

I hate them. All of them..

Lahat sila sinungaling!

Si Clarissa Monteverde.

Ang Papa.

Even the devil incarnate Carmi who lied to me behind my back so she could win that
foolish bet of her.

My lips trembled.
Even the only person that I grew up with, Nana Belen also lied to me.

And Gin...

The only man whom I feel this kind of strange emotion, this person that I thought
has a big heart, believing he did not mind the bet that Carmi and I pulled on

Yun pala, alam pala niya lahat.

Pinapasakay ako.


And I was a big fool. And I have given him enough entertainment already!

Na naniwala ang isang Alex Monteverde sa mga pambobola niya.

So stupid stupid.

I will make him pay...

And I just did.

I smiled bitterly.

I just did.

Nanlaki ang mga mata ni Clarissa. "A-Anak hindi mo alam sinasabi mo, oh please
don't take it on your baby. K-Kung anuman ang nangyari sa inyo ni Gin please not
your child," naiiyak nakikiusap na sabi nito.

I looked at her bitterly. My eyes held that kind of ironic gaze.

"How could you ever advised me on things such as that, when in fact you did exactly
seven years ago what I am doing right now," mapait na sabi ko. A bitter smile
tugging the corner of my lips when I saw her lost color. I felt satisfaction.

I want to let her know what kind of emotion I have been storing inside my heart for
the last seven years.

So she will have the picture in her mind what I was seven years ago.

When she left me.

Napayuko si Clarissa. Halatang hindi inaasahan ang narinig sa akin.

"O-One day iha, I'll tell you all about it----."

"Bakit hindi pa ngayon?" I shot back.

She looks at me with compassion.

"At the present state of your mind and your body I do not want to stress you more.
In few days, once you are stronger, and once you get over from what you are
feeling right now, I will tell you all about it. Every details of it."
I smirked.

"I didn't know you have that in you," I said coldly as I prepare myself to lie
down. "Please leave, I want to have a rest. And don;t worry I'll eat so don't nag
me about eating."

Ilang saglit na hindi ito kumilos but after few minutes she stood up and left. She
closed the door firmly.

Nang makalabas siya ay saka ko pinakawalan ang mga luhang kanina ko pa pinipigilan.
I sobbed painfully in my bed.

How could all this happen to me?

I wish this is nothing but a bad dream.

Gin's POV

Napatanga ang Mama ng makita akong pasuray na pumasok sa kabahayan. I smiled at


"Ma! I am so glad to see you! Are you okay?" sinuma ko saglit ang suot niya.
"Are you going somewhere?" sa pinipilit na ituwid na salita na sabi ko.
Nagtatakang napatitig sa akin ang Mama. Bakas sa mukha niya ang pagkabigla.

"Carlos! Where the hell have you been! Ilang araw ka ng hinahanap ng Papa mo and
you are nowhere to found!" she exclaimed.

Bago pa ako nakasagot ay hangos na bumaba na ang Papa mula sa ikalawang palapag ng


Sumaludo ako. "Pa! Sorry ha! Hindi ko napuntahan yung---political dinner mo," I
laughed. "Got some big--big--as in big problems!"
Napakurap sila sa akin na halatang nagtataka sa inaakto ko.

I smiled bitterly.

Bella is hiding from me.

Ilang araw na pala siyang nakalabas ng ospital at ako naman si tangang naghihintay
sa kanya araw araw sa pinid na pintuan ng kanyang pribadong kwarto!

Pero hindi ko siya masisisi.

All my fault.

Aminado ako.

But she should have known me better.

That I love her really.

I loved her damned too much.

May pustahan o wala.

May bata o wala.

And she might have all the twisted and dark childhood, I do not care the very

Ipatapon man niya sa kung saan lugar ang mga babaeng umaaligid sa akin.
Saktan man ang mga kaibigan ko....

Napahigpit ang hawak ko sa boteng dala dala ko mula sa bar.

I love her.

I love her to death.

And I am nothing without her.

Just nothing....

I cried.

Napatanga na lamang ang Mama na hindi malaman kung paano ako lalapitan when I broke
down to tears as I knelt on the floor.

Napaupo ako.

"C-Carlos? My God iho! What happened?" naiiyak na sabi ng Mama.

But I can only cried and smiled thru my tears. A bitter smile.

"I-Is it Alex?" she asked gently sa kabila ng pinipigilang mga luha.

"I am the worst person on earth Ma, I am," I said brokenly. Napayuko ako sa braso
ko na nakapatong sa tuhod ko. I looked like a man who have lost everything.

But I think I am.

Naawang niyakap ako ng Mama. "It's not true! You are wonderful person Carlos!"
I laughed mockingly. "Ma, you know what? Alex is pregnant! She is pregnant with
my child!"

Nanlaki ang mga mata ng Mama. Maging ang Papa ay nabigla.

"B-But she lost our baby because of me! Nakunan si Alex Ma! Nakunan siya," my
shoulder shook uncontrollably as I cried in pain.

Nakakawalang gana ang lalaking umiiyak.

But there is no other kind of display that I could use to show how hurt a man is.
And even a man could cry a river.

Lalo at nasasaktan kami.

Lalo na at ang pinaka importanteng bagay sa amin ay mawawala.

Hindi makapaniwalang nakatitig lamang ang Mama sa akin at ilang sandali pa ay

niyakap ako ng mahigpit.

"Oh Carlos! Where is Alex?" nag aalalang sabi nito.

Napailing ako.

"She's been hiding. She doesn;t want to see me."

This pain is killing me like a sharpnel in my heart.

Naawang niyakap na lamang ako ng Mama.

"Sshh. Tama na yan iho, maayos din ang lahat," naiiyak na sabi nito. Napatingin
ito kay Papa na parang humihingi ng tulong.
Si Papa ay nanatiling tahimik lamang. But I know he is equally hurting seeing me
like this.

Alex's POV

I looked at the report coldly.

Gin is following Nana Belen. Trying to see where did I hide.

Nagpunta na rin siya sa mansion ni Clarissa Monteverde. Pero matagal na akong
umalis sa poder niya.

I have made my own move and will even cross any border just to get away from him.

There is nothing left to say.

Everything between us is nothing but lies.

Napahawak ako sa tyan. I smiled bitterly. He badly needed this child, and I
wonder why. Maybe he was feeling nothing but guilt that he made me pregnant
whereas he doesn't even have plan to be with me.
Napatiim ang labi ko. Bigla naalala ko ang punot dulo ng gulo na ito.

Si Carmi.

That bitch.

That scheming bitch,

She is going to pay.

Agad na tumayo ako and go to the bathroom.


"Do you ever wonder where is Alex now?" sabi ni Chele habang nakaupo sila sa
paborito nilang tambayan sa eskwelahan.

Carmi smirked. "I don't care where she is. Baka nagtago na sa ibang bansa. You
know, maybe she ran off. Since there will be no wedding," she said proudly.

Arriane pouted. "I just have already pick up my new gown for that wedding.

Raymond who is sitting beside Chele ay napaangat ang kilay. "She is not the sort
of someone who will run away Carmi."
Naningkit ang mga mata ni Carmi na tinitigan ng masama si Raymond. "Tinatakot mo
ba ako? She ran off. And its because she thought Gin loves her but-----."

"But Gin really loves her Carmi," Chele contradicted. "He warned you many times to
stay away from them and to forget that bet," naiiling na sabi ni Chele. "Ikaw
lamang ang gustong pagpilitan kay Alex na pustahan lamang ang lahat."

Nahihintakutang napatingin si Arianne kay Chele at Carmi. "Baka kung ano ang gawin
ni Alex! I mean, kagaya noong ubusin niya yung buhok ng kaklase natin!"

Inis na tumayo si Carmi. "Nakakainis na kayong kausap! I better go!" anito na

akmang aalis na pero nagulat ng may mga babaeng hangos na napalapit sa pwesto nila.

Angat ang kilay na tiningnan ito ni Carmi. "What do you want! Hurry up!" inis na

May bakas ng takot sa mga mukha nila habang nagkakatinginan. Hindi malaman kung
paano magsasalita.

"Ano ba?! Better talk or I'll cut your throat!" gigil na sabi ni Carmi.

Lalong naumid ang mga dila ng dalawang babae.

"What is it Gina?" Chele asked. "You won't be rushing in the devil's den kung
hindi importante yan."

Galit na tinapunan ng tingin ni Carmi si Chele. Matagal na kasing pinangalanan ng

mga estudyante ng St Michael ang tambayan nila na Devil's Den. Galit na galit si
Carmi ng malaman yon. Sinugod lahat ng mga estudyante na inakala niya na siyang
dahilan ng pagpapangalan sa tambayan nila.

Namutla ito. "Y-Your car Carmi. The red ferrari---."

Pero bago pa ito nakatapos ay napatingin na si Carmi sa kabila ng building kung

saan may mataas na apoy na naroon. Nanlaki ang mga mata nito.

"What the!"
Napatayo din ang grupo ng makita na may mataas na sunog na nagmumula sa kabilang
side ng building.

Tumakbo na agad sila papunta sa kabilang side ng building kung saan naroon ang
parking lot. Ang daming tao na nakapalibot sa parking lot akalain na may bonfire
sa gitna.

Galit na hinawi ni Carmi ang mga tao doon. "Shit, move!" galit na pinagtutulak
nito ang mga estudyante.

Namutla ito ng makita na nasusunog ang kanyang Ferrari. She screamed.

"Why the hell are you standing there! Call firemen to stop this fire! Shit my
car! Ano ba! Kilos!" tili nito. "Where is security!"

Walang gumagalaw ni isa.

Pati sina Chele ay natigilan ng makita na halos pasukin na sa loob ng kotse ang
apoy. And they doubt if there will be a part of it that can be saved.

Agad na umikot pakabila si Carmi and gasped when she saw who is standing at the
back of the car.

Si Alex!
Hawak nito sa kabilang kamay ang lighter.

Nanlaki ang mga mata ni Carmi.

"IKaw! Sinunog mo ang kotse ko!" tili nito na akmang susugurin ang babae.
Nanlalaki ang mga mata nito sa galit.

Alex lifted her hand with a lighter. Napaatras si Carmi.

She looks cold.

Lahat ng mga mata ay nasa kanila.

Pati sina Chele ay nagkatinginan at bakas ang takot na nasa mukha.

"It's the way she looks when she---," nahihintakutang sabi ni Arianne.

"I'll sue you! This is arson! And I'll make sure you are going to jail!" tili
nito na naiiyak napatingin sa kotse. Wala na talagang masasalba. Palakas ng
palakas ang apoy.

She smiled devilishly. "Oh! But I have done nothing wrong with my own car,
Carmi," bahagyang diniin nito ang pagkakasabi. She shrugged her shoulder. "I was
about to start it when there was a spontaneous combustion inside the car, buti na
nga lang hindi ako nasunog eh," she said mock-innoncently.

"Y-You car! This is my car!"

She laughs. "Kelan pa? All papers of this car has a name of Isabella Alexandra
Monteverde. Unless that is your name," she said mockingly.

Nanggagalaiti sa galit si Carmi that all she can do is scream aloud.

Napatingin ito sa mga estudyante. "Alam ko may nakakita sa inyo na sinunog niya
ang kotse ko! Talk!" tili nito. She looks like a mad woman already.
Pero walang kumikibo ni isa sa mga naroon. Ang iba ay nagbubulungan pa.

Napahalukipkip na lamang si Alex habang nakangising pinapanood si Carmi na iniisa

isa ang mga tao roon pero naglalayuan naman sa kanya.

Napailing na lamang si Chele habang pinapanood ang ginagawa ni Carmi. "Carmi is a

fool. Kung natatakot sa kanya ang mga estudyante ng St Michael, mas kay Alex.
Everyone knows she owns the school. Hindi nila gugustuhin na ang may ari ng St
Michael ang makalaban nila."

Natatakot na napakapit sa braso ni Chele si Arianne. "Baka sunugin din niya yung
car ko! Wala naman akong kinalaman sa pinaggawa ni Carmi eh! Siya may gustong
asarin si Alex eh!"

Chele just rolled her eyes upward.

Lumapit si Alex sa babae at buong lakas na tinulak ito. Napaupo si Carmi sa buong
pagkabigla nito.

"Stop bothering me Carmi or the small share that your family has in MGM will melt
in an instant just because their only daughter is nothing but a bitch!" she stared
at her angrily. "You woudln't like to live like a beggar would you?"

Kitang kita sa mukha ni Carmi ang takot na pilit nitong itinatago. Hindi ito
nakakibo. Parang ngayon lamang nito na realize kung sino at ano ang kinalaban

Alex lifted a brow. She smoothened her dress. "And well, consider yourself
Naningkit ang mga mata ni Carmi. "And why is that?"

Ngumisi si Alex bago tumalikod.

"Hindi ka kasamang nasunog ng sasakyan ko."


need your help

can you pls suggest a name for Alex's son? I will post the name and the wattpad
reader who suggested that name, the 1st part of FM 2 will be dedicated to the
wattpad reader na napili ko para sa name ng anak ni Alex..
hoping you would really suggest a very good name haha for Alex and Gin's son!

Last 2-3 chapters, until sunday!


All Is Lost


All Is Lost is a 2013 American survival film written and directed by J. C. Chandor.
The film stars Robert Redford as a man lost at sea. Redford is the only cast
member, and the film has almost no dialogue. All Is Lost is Chandor's second
feature film, following his 2011 debut Margin Call. It screened out of competition
at the 2013 Cannes Film Festival.
Alex's POV

I smirked when I saw her expression before I left her. Tumabi lahat ng estudyante
ng dumaan ako, I could see the shock in their faces. I smiled in satisfaction.

They do not know that I could be a worser bitch compare to Carmi.

Lalo na at tinatapakan ako.

I smiled triumphantly. Its better that they all knew that I can be their worst

I can see the fear in their eyes as I walked past them.

I was about to go where my car is parked when I saw who is standing immobilize as
he saw me. But I was more stunned to see how he looked like.

He looked different from the man that I saw almost two weeks ago. Natigilan ako.
Ganoon na katagal.

But I felt it happened a very long time ago.

When he loves me.

I smiled bitterly.

Or rather when I thought he loves me.

Napakurap ako. Hindi ko kilala ang lalaking nakikita ko ngayon. There is darkness
around his eyes, and he became thinner.

Or maybe dinadaya lamang ako ng paningin ko.

"Isabella," there is wonder sa boses nito na agad na nanlaki ang mga mata ng makita
ako. He stepped forward and I automatically moved backward.

Natigilan ito.

I saw him gritted his teeth as his eyes never leave mine.

"Let's talk. You have been avoiding me! And I am going crazy, Isabella! I knew
what happened to our baby and I have been following Nana Belen, begging her to tell
me where are you but she chose not to. And I know its because you ordered her not
to," may halong pait sa tinig ni Gin.

I felt pain.

And I don't know why. I bit my lips as I tried to hold on to my anger towards him.
I smiled at him bitterly.

I ignored what he said or the pain in his voice, or even the agony in his face.

"Kaya pala..kaya pala ganon na lamang ang kumpiyansa mo na lapitan ako, manduhan
ako, insist yourself in my house and in my life" mapait na sabi ko. Napailing ako.
"It's all because you knew I could never push you away," I laughed with

I saw him paled.

"Did you have your fun already Gin?" I asked bitterly. I tried not to tremble but
I guess I failed because I shook all over. Nanginginig yung buong kalamnan ko sa
galit, sa pait sa dibdib.

"I-Isabella, please. You know how much I loved you," puno ng damdamin ang mga
matang sabi nito.

I laughed bitterly. I looked at him with pain in my eyes. "Really Gin? Oo nga
naman, you really love making a fool out of me," I bit out angrily. Flame are
evident in my eyes as I could feel it burning before me.

Nanlaki ang mga mata nito as he walked towards and try to get hold of me but I held
him off.
"D-Don't touch me!" I scream angrily, bahagya akong napaurong para hindi niya ako
mahawakan. And I want to sneered at him when I saw the pain in his face. I wanted
to shout at him to stop pretending he cares or that he is in pain!

Hindi na niya ako maloloko pa uli.

Tila walang magawa na napahawak na lamang sa batok si Gin na iniiwas sa akin ang
tingin. Kung sa ibang pagkakataon isipin ko he is hiding the tears behind his eyes.


Tanga mo Alex.

Hindi ang tipo ni Gin ang iiyak sa isang babae na madali lamang maloko.
He drew a deep breath and when he looked at me, his eyes looked haunted.

"I admit totoo ang mga sinabi ni Carmi," tila ayaw iyon lumabas sa bibig nito. "I
knew about the bet from the very start."

The truth hurts even more.

My eyes become misty once again.

My heart being ripped apart. And this time, and this time I couldn;t even stop the
tears even how much I try to hold it off.
Gin drew a deep breath when he saw me crying but he can;t come closer to me.
Nanatili ito sa pagkakatayo sa kinatatayuan nito.

"When I agreed I never knew what will happen. And I never knew I will fall in
love. But I did."

He paused.

"I--I didn't have the chance to tell you when you told me about the bet. But I--I
was afraid when you told me and then telling me you love me, I was overwhelmed
because for the very first time I knew I was in love. With you, Isabella."

Napailing lamang ako. Mabilis na pinahid ng likod ng kamay ko ang magkabilang

pisngi ko.
"And you think I will believe everything that you are saying to me now huh?"
sarkastikong sabi ko. My eyes keep on watering and I even hate myself for it.

Don;t be stupid Alex.

Napatungo si Gin kasabay ng pagbagsak ng balikat. He looks like a man who losts
everything. Napailing ako ng makailang ulit. Tama lamang na saktan ko siya kasi
sinaktan niya ako ng sobra!

"What do you want me to do just to prove to you that I really love you. May
pustahan man o wala, pregnant or not alam mong mahal kita," sa tila basag na boses
nito. "Please sweetheart, let's start all over again. You and I, and the children
we are going to make."
I smirked.

"The last thing I want is to have children with you," I said coldly.

I saw him stunned.

Nawalan ng kulay ang mukha nito.

At kitang kita ko yung sakit na dumaan sa mukha nito.

His profile wavered. Tila pilit na sinasaksak sa utak nito ang sinabi ko. But I
was too angry to take it back.

He should be punish.

He should feel what I did feel.

Or what I am right now.

A total wreck.

And shattered into pieces.

Masyado na akong nasaktan at he is still hurting me.

I smiled at him bitterly. "Do you think I would ever want to have another child
with you ha Gin? From the very start you know I do not want to be pregnant. And
when I lost it, you know what I felt ha? I felt relief!" I almost shouted at his

I saw him clenched his jaw. His fist balled in angry fist.

But I was beyond any fear right now.

Even when I saw the murderous look on his face. I do not care!

"Stop it."

Madiin pero mababang sabi nito.

I lifted a brow.

"Why? Totoo naman di ba? I even told you many times I do not want it! And I was
really more than glad that I lost it, dahil kung hindi I will be the one who will
force it out of me!" I said in hysterics.

Galit na lumapit si Gin sa akin and hold my shoulders and gripped firmly. I almost
winced in pain. His eyes angry and murderous.

" I said stop it! You don't know what you are saying!" galit na galit na sabi

I did not show him that I was hurting in his firm grip. I smiled at him with

"Bakit? Hindi kayang tanggapin ng ego mo that I, Alexandra Monteverde doesn't want
your child?" I asked bitingly. "Well I really don't!"
I have never seen him this angry. At itinaas nito ang palad na akmang sasaktan ako
but stopped when he saw how I looked at him.

I just stared at him blankly.

I do not care kung sasaktan niya ako.

He already hurt me in every possible way there is.

Physical pain would be nothing to me.

But this bruises in my heart----nothing and no one could even erase all of it.

Not even him.

And not even my love for him.

Tila napasong binitiwan niya ako at tumalikod sa akin.

Despite everything....

I still love this man...

I just don't have the heart to trust him when he broke the only thing that is left
in me.

Yung puso ko.

Mapait na napangiti si Gin.

"You really are something, Isabella."

And he walked away.

I sobbed.

I still love him...

Broken or not.

This man is the only man that I could ever love.

I touched my own tummy. I bit my lips painfully. May awang humaplos sa puso ko.

Sorry, baby. I am just too broken right now...just too broken.

I cried.

I dare not look when the door opens.

I ignored the 1 million calls that my phone received since I came to St Michael.

"So is this how a pregnant lady should start her day?"

A gentle voice came at the doorway. The woman smiled warmly at me at kahit na
ilang buwan na mula ng makilala niya ito, she looks the same. Pretty and warm.

Only that, she is not pregnant anymore. She gave birth a wonderful baby girl they
named Georgina. When I saw her baby, I never knew something could be so beautiful.
She is the beautiful thing I have ever laid my eyes on.

My eyes became misty when Jeri let me hold her 8 months old Georgie in my arms.
The little girl big brown eyes look at me in wonder while I was afraid holding
this tiny beautiful creature.

Jerina smiled at me when she saw how wet my face is with tears. She told me, just
wait when I hold my own after few more months.

And I wonder if I could ever feel those emotion.

"You should eat," she said na ipinasok at inilapag ang dalang tray sa may
sidetable. Napakurap ako.
With my hired help I dont mind. But with Jeri and her husband, and now that I am
temporarily seeking shelter with them, nakakahiya na asikasuhin nila ako.

"Y-You don't have to do this, Jeri," sa malat na tinig ay sabi ko. As usual, this
is the result of my non-stop crying at night.

She lifted a brow. She lost weight after giving birth to Georgie. "And you should
stop crying Alex. Hindi maganda sa isang nagbubuntis na palaging umiiyak at pati
yung magiging anak mo magiging iyakin din," tila pananakot nito.

I told them my situation. That I am pregnant and when they saw that I was not open
to tell them what happened they did not press the idea.

I do not know why I did run to them.

To think they are perfect strangers to me. Isang beses pa lamang kami nagkita and
I did run during the time that I felt I was all alone.

That there is no one that I could trust.

I smiled wryly.

"W-Where is Georgie?" I asked na kinuha ang tray ng pagkain. Nakakaramdam na rin

ako ng pangangalam ng sikmura at palagi akong pinapaalalahanan ni Jeri na huwag
magpalipas ng gutom dahil dalawa na kaming kumakain.
She laughs na naupo sa kama and watched me eat. "Well, her daddy is very anxious
to hold her! Hindi niya kasi maalagaan sa gabi because he needs to go to work, I
do all the baby stuff at night and during the day, so during weekend he takes every
bit of taking good care of her."

Napakurap ako na nahinto sa pagsubo ng toasted bread. "E-Even changing her


She smiled. "Well, he is very good. Better than I am I guess," she winks at me.

I smiled. Tahimik na akong kumain.

I stopped and look at her.

"I do not know if I could...I could love this child. Or to take good care of him."

There is fear. There is uncertainty in my voice.

She smiled with compassion. She touched my hand.

"Silly girl. You already love the child! The fact you are carrying it on your
womb means you already love the baby and when you love the baby surely, you will do
everything to take good care of him," she sighed. She looks at me gently.
"Whatever that is bothering you, don't ever let it affect the baby. I know you
are a tough girl. And maybe you think motherhood will never suits you," she lifted
a brow.

Napakurap ako.
"But rest assured, motherhood is not about who it will be suited. Its the fact of
how much you are willing to let it live, that's enough already."

I swallowed hard.

I find it hard to digest my food when pain gripped me.

"I---I don't know if I could. I have so many burdens that I carry," napailing ako
kasabay ng pangingilid ng luha. "I hate my own mom, for leaving me and for lying
to me. I hate the man whom I loved the most for fooling me, for making me feel
stupid," I bit my lips painfully. I smirked. "There is no love in my heart
Ilang saglit na nakatitig lamang si Jeri sa akin. Ngayon ko lamang nasabi sa kanya
ang lahat ng ito.

Ngayon ko lamang nasabi sa ibang tao.

Natigilan ako ng marahang punasan nito ang luhang naglandas sa magkabilang pisngi

"Alex, I do not know you. Not even your past. I cannot say to do this or not,
because I do not know the hardship you went through," she sighed heavily. "But all
I can say is, you talk to them. You talk to your mom. I am sure that whatever
your conversation will be, as you open yourself to understand others, see through
their own pain then maybe, all these pain here," itinuro nito ang tapat ng puso ko.
"Will suddenly melt away."
My eyes became misty.


Niyakap ako nito.

"Just try it, Alex. I know there is soft spot in there, even how tough a woman is.
And you are one hell of a tough woman."

I closed my eyes and cried.


i do not know how to express my appreciation for all the recommendations and
suggestions coming from all of you guys, i am overwhelmed!

i am still in the process of choosing the name, sa sobrang dami nahihilo na ako at
kung pwede ko bang gawing 100 ang anak nila Alex at Gin ginawa ko na haha..

just what i have said, i am running my last 3 chaps so until sunday i can post the
finale of Forgotten Memories, maraming maraming salamat uli sa pagsuporta at sa pag
vote, kahit na ayaw nyo na mag vote napipilitan yata kayo haha

and congrats to all of us, for making my fourth story reached a 3 million mark

@greenrose77 ---i have chosen the name Georgina for Jeri and Riel's son na may
cameo role sa chap na ito haha

thank you



Mama is a 2013 Spanish-Canadian[5][6][7] horror film co-written and directed

by Andrés Muschietti and based on his 2008 Argentine short film Mamá. The film
stars Jessica Chastain and Nikolaj Coster-Waldau and is produced by Zandy Federico
and co-writer Bárbara Muschietti, with Guillermo del Toro serving as executive

The film deals with the story of two young girls abandoned in a forest
cabin, fostered by an unknown entity that they fondly call "Mama", which eventually
follows them to their new suburban home after their uncle retrieves them.
Originally set for an October 2012 release, it was released in theaters on 18
January 2013.

Alex's POV
I drew a deep breath as I signed all the necessary papers that I have to turn over
to Attorney Galvez.

I have decided to authorize him for as my representative in my absence. My mother

refused to stay in the Philippines when I told her my plan to stay in Detroit.

I smiled bitterly when I remembered what she told me. About her marriage with my

Hindi ko nga pala ama si Sebastian Monteverde, mapait kong naisip. Pinuno ko ng
hangin ang dibdib ko. Muli itinuloy ko ang naantalang pagpirma sa mga papeles.
There is no point reminiscing or to overly think about my past.

Masakit pa rin.

Its like a wound being scraped over and over again.



Natigilan si Clarissa Monteverde.

After I came home from Pampanga, I go to her house. I want to know everything.

I smiled wryly. "Why did you leave me? Dad died and you were gone. Why?"
I saw her swallowed hard. Her hand on her lap closing the other. She stood up.

"I was...I was shocked and afraid," napailing ito. "I know Sebastian will not take
it all lightly, that night when he confronted me. Accusing me of cheating on

"Did you?"

Napakurap si Clarissa na nabalik uli sa akin ang tingin. Her eyes grew in shock.

"N-No! I never cheated on him!" she exclaimed. Then she sighed as she moved her
head na parang litong lito. "From the very start of our marriage, he knew that I
was pregnant."
My heart thuds faster. "W-Who is--," natigilan ako. "No. I don't want to know
him. Sebastian Monteverde is my father. He will always be," madiin kong sabi.

Sumilay ang mapait na ngiti sa labi ni Clarissa na napatango tango. "I understand.
I don't want to disillusioned you about him anyway. Sebastian, despite of
everything, was a good father to you," this time isang totoo na ngiti ang nakita ko
sa labi niya.

She continued. "He had nothing to worry about that person, because I never wanted
him to be a part of your life. I was young when I got pregnant and a vagabond.
And I fell easily without even thinking who the hell is that person," she shrugged
her shoulder. "And that's when the marriage arrangement came. I have met
Sebastian in some dinner parties na madalas kong puntahan without knowing he was
the man my parents want me to marry."

She drew a deep breath. Naupo ito.

"I thought nagawa niyang tanggapin lahat. But I was wrong. He kept on accusing me
a lot of things, of fooling him that I was innocent," she smiled bitterly. "I did
not leave him despite of hurting me emotionally and physically."

I gasped.

She heard it. "Even when I was pregnant with you he never stop beating me," her
mouth trembled at the horror of it. "But when you came it all changed, he became a
doting father when he first saw you and I cried that finally Sebastian will start
to accept us in his life."

I could feel my eyes watering in an instant.

She smiled at the memory. "Whenever you came home with a star in your hand he was
so proud that he will take you anywhere that you wished. He always say you will be
the next him, handling MGM. And I never knew that he will take it literally. Na
sa iyo ibibigay ni Sebastian ang MGM. To think you were--," napailing ito. "He
must really loved you. And I had no complaints when it comes to that, I was
thankful. I was happy that he was happy."
I could feel my throat constricting with lump of emotions.

"Y-You loved him?" I asked slowly.

She looked at me. Her eyes haunted.

"A different kind of love. Not the kind of passionate love you felt for Gin."

My heart ached when I heard her mentioned his name.

"Sebastian was gay."

I gasped.

Nanlaki ang mga mata ko.

Mapait na napangiti si Clarissa. Tumayo ito at gumawi uli sa bintana. "I want to
love him when we first got married. Gusto ko siyang mahalin because he will be my
husband and Sebastian is a good catch. He has looks, power and fame. What else a
woman could ask for a husband. Only a crazy woman will turn down a Sebastian

"I was hooked. So, when we got married I never understand his anger. All that I
can blame was my idiocacy of thinking I fell in love and gave my virginity to
someone that I hardly knew. Akala ko yun ang dahilan but later on I have realized
why he never want to share my bed. During the time we had a real and crazy fight
he spilled the truth and I was shock and I was laughing so hard, so hard that I
cannot stop. Even he was furious and slapped me I cannot stop from laughing,"
nakangiti nitong sabi pero bakas ang pait sa mukha. "I thought I fell in love and
gave myself, then when I want to fall in love with my husband then I he will tell
me he was gay!"

I heard her laugh.

Nanatili lamang ako sa pagkakaupo ko.

I felt my whole body stopped from moving. Every blood stopped from running.

I couldn't imagine what she went through.

"W-Why did you stay with him? Sinasaktan ka na and you stayed!"

Clarissa saw my confusion.

She sighed. "I cannot take away his only happiness. And with his power I know he
could find us kahit san man ako magtago. He will never allowed us to be separated.
Being tied to a loveless marriage is better than to be hunted like a wild animal.
I held on because---," she swallowed hard. "Because of you."

My mouth trembled sa pinipigilang luha pero I was too weak to hold it. Sunod sunod
na tumulo ang mga luha ko.

How could this be?

How painful...

For her.
Clarissa could only watch me. She is also crying.

"When he killed himself, I know he will put all the blame to me. That night we had
another fight, he accused me of seeing Carlito,"napailing ito.

Napakunot ang noo ko. Carlito? Attorney Galvez?

"Pati ang sarili niyang kaibigan ay nagawa niyang pagbintangan," she smiled wryly.
"I guess that's what his money did to him. When I have learned that his last will
and testament included the restraining order until you have decided on your own I
couldn't believe it! That he was punishing me the most grave punishment a law
could ever devised against a mother."
Napakurap ako. Patuloy lamang ang pagbukal ng luha sa aking mga mata.


"Even I fought it to the law, his accusation that I have committed adultery was
something the law couldn;t prove."

"And you still left," I said almost accusingly.

Napatungo si Clarissa.
"I saw it. In your eyes, your hatred.." she cried at the thought. I swallowed

I remembered that day.

The day my dad buried, she was there from afar. All the media sorrounding us was
overwhelming that they had to put a barricade at least 50-100 meters away from the

And when I saw her its like why isn't she with me? Why it is Nana Belen comforting
me instead of her?

It was on the news that I have heard everything. Even the court order. And the
accusation that she had a lover.
"S-So it isn't true?" I asked hoarsely. "Y-You never went away with another man?"

Umiling ito.

She smiled bitterly. "I longed for a love, I wouldn't lie about it. But during
the time, it was only you that matters. When I lived abroad and I have met Hector,
he was persistent and he is a good man. He really is," she said proudly.

I swallowed hard.

Napatungo ako na parang hindi ko mapaniwalaan lahat ng mga narinig ko ngayong araw
na ito.
"Isabella, I know this is hard for you. A-And I want to tell you that I am leaving
next week, I just don't want to bother you again."

Napaangat ang mukha ko. I was shock.

At nakakaramdam ako ng masakit sa dibdib.

Aalis siya uli?

Iiwan niya ako uli?

"Ayoko na ma stress ka lalo seeing me around and when I am here in the Philippines,
I would only come to see you, because I miss you darling, I really miss you,"
napaiyak na ng tuluyan si Clarissa.

My heart is being torn apart.

I did not realize that I stood up and walked towards her.

I cried.
Clarissa looked up at me and hugged me.

We cried in silence.

I sighed as I finished the papers, everything is set.

I have told her it will take sometime to really forget the past, she said she
didn't care if she will have to wait till a lifetime, as long as we are going to
share every moment of it.

I agreed.
All that is left to me is to start all over. I want to start over with her by my

The child in me wants a mother that I have missed for so long.

Still, I could feel my own heart gripped tightly when I remembered Gin.


I wanted to fix myself. But I was too broken. I was too afraid. And I was....
I felt I have no feelings for him anymore.

I don't want to see him.

I have heard from the news he went to Cebu.

I smiled bitterly. I know who is in Ceb right now.

Its Lian.

He made a choice.
Knowing that I was not pregnant anymore, he became freed from his obligation to me.

I feel my heart tightening that it hurts so much.

I guess this is how our lovestory must end.

Bitter, shattered...

I closed my eyes wearily.

I touched my tummy, it began to swell in weeks that passed.

I'll raise you...

No matter how hurt I am, I will definitely raise you.

Even without him.

Yes, even without him.

I cannot stop the tears from flowing.


The Good Heart


The Good Heart is an Icelandic independent film written and directed by Dagur Kári,
starring Brian Cox and Paul Dano.[1] It debuted at the 2009 Toronto International
Film Festival.

Short-tempered bartender Jacques (Brian Cox) has a heart-attack. Young homeless man
Lucas (Paul Dano) fails in a suicide attempt. They share a room in the hospital.
They agree that Lucas can stay in the bar, and that Jacques will coach him to
become his successor. In the beginning Jacques complains that Lucas is too soft
toward guests.

Lucas allows April (Isild Le Besco) to stay in his room, but Jacques tells Lucas
that he should send her away. However, Lucas and April get married and both leave.
Reluctantly Jacques allows April to come back, because he finds it important that
the bar will stay after his retirement or death, and therefore that intended
successor Lucas stays.

Lucas is jealous about April's interaction with guests, and they break up. Jacques
gets softer and Lucas less so. Lucas is killed after being hit by a car. His heart
goes to Jacques, who has been waiting for a donor for a heart transplant. Although
he always refused to sell his bar, he does so now, and starts living in the
tropics, where he has friends who supplied the coffee for his bar.
pls watch the video made by Yish Orosco, I really appreciate this little token that
you made for Forgotten Memories, its very beautiful and very touching...thank you

and to all the followers readers, those who are following me at my twitter account,
thank you for all the praises, thank you for your tweets they were so sweet, and
you were the reason why I stayed this late to make this ud, because you never get
tired of acknowledging my effort to bring out a best ud even how long it takes

this is my last part for Forgotten Memories, thank you for all your love and

“I understand with love comes pain, but why did I have to love so much?”

Gin's POV

"I am glad you are here Gin," Lian said as she looks at me. I tried to smile.
We are in her grandmother's house.

I visited her after a week of feeling all depression I could ever felt.

I was grieving.

And so broken.

Isabella Alexandra Monteverde broke me apart.

Torn into pieces.

And never I dont know how to redeem myself. I swallowed hard.

"Why are you here Gin, really?" Lian asked in confusion.

I slowly smiled at her na naupo sa divan. I saw how green the place is, very

"I---I want to visit an old friend."

Matagal na nakatitig lamang ito sa akin. Pagkuway naupo ito sa divan. She touched
my arm. I looked at her.

Bakit ba ngayon ko lamang nakita how beautiful she is, how light she is...
Everything about her is beautiful.

The kind of beauty that is refreshing. Like the environment that I am seeing
before my eyes.

Her eyes are the most beautiful part of her face, they tell a million of stories no
one could ever read.

Her lips slighty full and look so soft to taste.

I groaned and without thinking I pulled her and kissed her.

Lian struggled for a minute but she stopped and answer my kiss. I sighed on her
mouth as I deepened my kiss, she put her arms around my neck and we're lost.

Its like feeling a new hope.

A new dream to feel.

Everything is refreshing.

Me and her.

And when I slowly released her, we stared at each other. Her eyes luminous, her
gaze moved to my eyes then down to my lips. She swallowed hard and I was trying to
lessen the palpitation of my heart.

I feel new again.

"W-What was that all about Gin?" she breathed.

I sighed as my thumb touched her half parted lips.

"I think I know where my heart should be," I murmured huskily.

Napakurap ito. "Where?" she asked slowly.

I drew a deep breath and with a muffled groan, I kiss her again.
"Here, with you," I murmured in between kisses.

And she answered.

I know this is my rightful place.

With her.

Lian's POV

I am so happy. That he is here with me, watching all my cousins play in the lawn.
It's Christmas Eve.

And this is my wonderful Christmas that I could ever have.

I do not know why he came here a week ago. He never talked anything but he just
told me he wants to be with me.

Told me he was blind not to see me.

I did not ask about her.

I did not ask...

I do not care.

Nabawi ko na ang akin.

And he will stay with me as he promised.

Wala na akong dapat pang ipangamba. I smiled as I walked towards him and hugged
him from the back. He smiled as he pulled me in front of him and kissed the top of
my hair.


"H-Hindi ka ba hinahanap sa inyo?"

He laughed slowly. "Nope. Alam nila na nandito ako kasama ka, and I know they are
glad. Besides there is nothing that they want but me spending my time with my
future wife to be."

Tumahip ang dibdib ko.

Napatingin ako sa kanya sa nanlalaki ang mga mata.


He smiled thru my eyes. And he is the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen.

My knight.

"Five years from now, you will be Mrs Eugenio Carlos De Villa. Will you marry me
by that time?" masuyong tanong nito na naramdaman ko na lamang na pinupunasan niya
ng daliri niya ang naglandas na luha sa pisngi ko.

I do not know what to say.

Its like a fairy tale na natupad agad ang wish ko sa isang iglap.

Na nandito sa harap ko ang lalaking pinakamamahal ko.

"B-But you don't love me Gin," there is pain and uncertainty in my voice. "You
"Shhh," agad na tinakpan ng daliri nito ang labi ko. He drew a deep breath.
Masuyong hinawi nito ang buhok ko na bahagyang tumatabing sa mukha ko.

He looks at me tenderly.

"But I love you Lian. You are a friend. There is love in here," anito na dinala
ang palad ko sa dibdib niya. "And its at peace when I held you close as this."

Napaiyak na ako. "A-And Alex?"

I have to mention her.

I have to.

I saw how his eyes grew dark. His mouth thinned.

"Let us not include her in our lives Lian. She will never bother you again. And
even me."

Napakurap ako.

He sounds so lifeless.

So dull.
I know there is something wrong.

But the fact that he doesnt want her anymore, that all matters.

"Yes, Gin. I'll marry you," tuwang sabi ko.

Muli bumalik na sa dati ang mga mata nito and kissed me slowly.

I answered.
I sighed.

"I love you Gin," I murmured.

"And I do love you, Lian."

I smiled contentedly.

Nothing else matters.

Alex's POV

"Are you all set?"

Mom asked as she entered my room.

I looked at her and smiled. "Yes. I have asked Nana Belen to bring all my dogs
here, I want to bring them there," excited ko ng sabi.

She laughs. "I do not know what do you like about those two dogs! They are
so---," hindi nito matuloy ang sasabihin.
Natawa ako. "Please, don't hurt my feelings."

Itinaas nito ang kamay. "Alright," she looks at my bags. Then she looked at me.

"Are you not going to talk to him? At least before you leave?" she asked in a
gentle voice.

Nag aalangan na baka makasakit ang sasabihin nito sa akin. O sa pagbanggit ng

pangalan niya.

It was all over the news.

He was engaged to Julianna Christie Marquez, and 5 years from now they will get
I did not move for a moment when I heard it.

I try to feel what it is inside me.

But all I can feel is...


I feel nothing.

I sighed.
Tinuloy ko ang ginagawa kong pagliligpit sa ilang gamit na nasa kama ko.

"There is nothing left to say."

She sighed.

"Tell him at least you lied about not being pregnant?" she suggested slowly.

Natigil ang ginagawa ko.

Wala sa loob na napahawak ako sa umbok ng tiyan ko na bahagyang natatago sa suot

kong maluwang na t shirt.
"N-No. When he realized I was not pregnant anymore, he ran to her," I laughed. I
shrugged my shoulder. "I know she is the right girl for him. Not a twisted girl
like me."

There is compassion written all over her face. "You are not twisted Isabella," she
contradicted gently.

"And what am I?" I asked.

She sighed. Naupo ito sa gilid ng kama at hinawakan ang palad ko.

"You are the most adorable daughter that a mother could ever have. You are
compassionate and you love dearly thats why when they hurt you, you try to show
them you can do without them. And you are tough, but the soft spot of being my
little girl is still in here," masuyong sabi nito na tinuro ang tapat ng puso ko.
"You have a good heart, Isabella."
Napakurap ako. Trying to hold back the tears.

"Then why I can't forgive him?"

She kissed my hand.

"Because sometimes we need time and distance to heal on our own. But when
everything fades, all the pain washed away, you can feel again that love. And that
will be stronger when the time comes," she assured me gently.

I bit my lips.
"A-And what if I was too late?"

Napabuntonghininga si Clarissa Monteverde.

"There is never too late for a love that is meant to be."

I inhaled deeply.

I wish its all true.

And maybe...

Just maybe....

I will be happy again.

One day.

When every pain fades.

When every memories are going to be happy ones.


Me and him...

And our children...

I really wish that will be true.


"Nana Belen," naiiyak na niyakap ni Nana Belen si Alex, ito ang naghatid sa kanila
sa airport. Naroon din si Attorney Galvez at si Ms Luchie.

"Iha, mami-miss kita," umiiyak na sabi nito.

Pinipiit ni Alex ang mga luha. "A-Ako din naman Nana. Mami-miss kita ng sobra."
Malungkot naman na nakatingin sa kanila si Clarissa, Hector at si Attorney Galvez.

Kinamayan ni Clarissa si Attorney Galvez. "Maraming salamat sa ginawa mo Carlito.

I am really thankful."

Umiling lamang si Attorney Galvez. "Its nothing and if there's anything you need
just call me."

Nakangiting umiling si Clarissa Monteverde na pinanood ang anak at si Nana Belen na

magkayakap pa rin.

"There is nothing more that I need, Carlito. I have my daughter," masaya at may
luhang sabi nito.
Napatango si Carlito Galvez. Kinamayan din nito si Hector.

"And I am glad you are happy now, both of you. Goodluck."

Nakangiting tumango si Clarissa.

Nang tinawag na ang kanilang flight ay muling niyakap ni Alex ang kanyang Nana
Belen. Magalang na nagpaalam din ito kay Attorney Galvez at kay Ms Luchie.

"I'll keep in touch attorney. And if there is anything you have to tell me, don't
hesitate to call me," sabi ni Alex.
Tumango ang abogado. "Yes, iha. Good luck to your flight and have a safe trip."

She smiled.

She walked with her mother and Hector.

Nilingon nito uli si Nana Belen at ang mga naiwan roon.

Its a last look.

Yeah...for now.

Memories came rushing into my mind.

When I first met him...

When he saw me kissing Fredrick. The long haired guy who is smiling from ear to
ear as he watched me blush fiery red.

“I could cancel my enrollment. Sayang lang ang pag b-build up sa akin ng

unibersidad na ito. They said it is one of the top 3 universities in the
Philippines when it comes to Political Science and Law. I guess, they are wrong,
dahil hindi naman makatao ang sistema ng eskwelahan na ito."

“W-Wait. Of course not! I am sorry, you just caught us in a bad moment. Look,
kung anuman ang pag b-build sa yo about this university. It’s all true. And if
you want to be a good lawyer I better suggest you finish it here. By the way, I am

And when he smiled at me I almost lost my balance. I have never seen a mesmerizing
smile before. I even compared his looks very different to Fredrick. I was hooked
by those eyes.

And when I laughed so hard knowing he came from HLS.

"Is there something funny about my face? You are laughing to death!"

Inis na inis ito noon and I was just teasing him.

"Oh you?! Galing ka sa Harvard Law School?" sa tinig na hindi makapaniwala.

Nanlalaki na ang mga mata ko kunwari na pinipiit pa rin ang pagtawa.
"Ikaw? Galing ka ng Harvard? Tumatanggap na pala sila kahit mga kagaya mo."

"Kagaya kong ano?!"

Sumisingasing na ang ilong nito sa galit. Natawa ako ng marahan.

"Kagaya mo na no-brain."

Lalo itong nagalit. Natawa ako sa mga alaala.

When we first have our dance, our date...

Our first kiss...our first lovemaking...

Or how he made me believe that he did it all for love. Malungkot na napailing ako
sa patuloy na pagbuhos ng mga alaala. Dahil kailangan kong masaktan palagi kapag
bumabalik sa aking isipan ang lahat ng nangyari.

"You are mine sweetheart, walang makakapagpabago noon."

Tila umaalingawngaw pa sa isip ko ang mga salita niya. Agad na pinalis ko iyon
lahat. Kakalimutan ko lahat. Ibabaon sa limot.

And sorry for everything...

Sorry for bringing with me a part of you...

I promised to take good care of him...

He will be loved by me Gin...kahit gaano kasakit ang mga nangyari sa atin.

And I hope you nothing but happiness with her...tapat kong sabi.

At sana nadala ng hangin ang piping panalangin ko para sa kanya...

Dahil ang nakaraan man namin ay masakit, masaya at puno ng luha.

Nothing could ever change the fact he is still the father of this child.

I drew a deep breath as I touched my tummy.

Forgive me, baby. Forgive day, I will tell you about him.

When every pain in my heart has gone. Mabilis na pinahid ko ang luhang naglandas
sa magkabilang pisngi at nakangiting humabol sa paglalakad nina Mommy at tito

Goodbye Gin.


sa mga late na nagbasa ng FM 1 matagal na pong may book 2 and nasa last chapter na
po ako ng book 2 thank you

Forgotten Memories 2

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