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Classroom Rules and Regulations

1. Arrive on time.
(If a student is 45 minutes late, he/she is not allowed to join the lecture unless
he has a written excuse or allowed by the teacher to join the lecture.)

2. Be organized and come on class prepared to learn.

(with pencils sharpened, pen, paper, books and notebooks)

3. Respect all properties including: school property, personal property, and

other’s property.

4. Raise your hand before speaking.

5. Do your assignments.

6. Do not interrupt other students' learning.

7. Respect all ideas given in class and do not criticize anybody's ideas or

8. No vandalism. Don't write or carve on your desk or in any school properties.

9. Treat computers with care.

a. Absolutely no food or drinks at computer workstations.
b. No illegal copying of ANY materials.
c. Avoid disruptive behaviour.
d. No moving of lab equipment and/or cables.
e. Set the volume on the minimum level.
f. Flash/CD/Cards readers are not allowed to use in the computer lab
without prior permission.

10. If a student causes problems in the classroom, the teacher can send him/her
with a “Student Problem Form” to the Coordinator.
11. The accepted official excuses are the following:

a. A sick leave with the guardian’s signature.

b. An appointment in the hospital with the prescription and the
appointment slip.
c. Death of a close member in the family, i.e. parent, sibling or
grandparent. Death Certificate must be presented.
d. An important issue that can only be scheduled during school hours.
e. If there is any other reason that is not mentioned above, students
must get an excuse form from the Executive Administrator.
12. Do your very best!


It is important to have consequences when students break your classroom

rules. Three very commonly used consequences are referring a student to the
office, calling the parents, or making an empty threat. When a teacher tells a
student of a consequence but does not follow through, it affects the teacher's
credibility. The empty threat is meaningless. Calling home and using the
administration are effective but the teacher should try to handle the problem on
their own.

 Have students write a change of behaviour plan stating three things:
what they did wrong, why they did it and what they are going to do
differently so that they will not repeat it. The behaviour plan must be
acceptable to you, the teacher, or else the student will be referred to
the office. Have the student sign and date this behaviour plan. This can
be useful since the student is writing the documentation and they will
know what they need to do differently.

 Call home and explain the misbehaviour and what changes you would
like to see with their behaviour. Have documentation of their behaviour
so that you can provide the parent/guardian with accurate details.
 Parent /teacher conferences are also a valuable asset. Please be polite
and always approach parents from the point of view that you are
working together with them. Be prepared for the meeting with
documentation, the student's grades on assignments, and even
examples of student work. Your goal of the meeting is to get the
student to correct their behaviour. The parent's goal is to make sure
their kid is going to succeed in your class and is being shown respect.
Having good documentation really helps parents to understand that all
you want is a change in behaviour. Showing parents the change in
behaviour plans discussed above is a valuable tool.

Hypothetical Chart Plan for Students from

Varied Backgrounds

To effectively choose teaching methods and help students learn, we must first know
something about whom we are teaching. Our students will probably come from very different
backgrounds and have various learning needs. We may have students that graduated from
high school when they were 16 and are still minors. Or we may have students that have
been out of school for 20 or 30 years. Some students may have grown up in the college
town, while others may be from across the globe and speak a completely different native
language. Some students may have gone to schools without honours or advanced
placement science and math courses, while others may have never been encouraged to
pursue science or math at all.

Know Your Students' Backgrounds Considerate Communication

-Knowledge about students will -Providing a welcoming environment is not

enable you to refine lectures, class as challenging as it may sound. It is about
discussions, comments, illustrations, and realizing the ways that some students may be
activities so that they are more effective misjudged by peers and instructors, and how
learning experiences. References to student this affects them. Treating students with
interests, backgrounds, knowledge, and consideration and interest, and encouraging
even anxieties can make the class seem them to treat each other likewise, will improve
more personal and the material more the quality of life at your university. Education is
accessible. the beginning of your students' professional
lives. Now is the time to make your words and
example count.

 Connect the content with the students’ lives.

By connecting the content with the students’ lives, you are
focusing on what students know rather than what they are ignorant
of. From the learner’s standpoint, there is quite a psychological
difference in dealing with what is familiar to him rather than what is
 Use students’ responses in the lesson
As the exercises you develop take form, plan to make use of
the responses of students. Have the students note similarities and
differences in each other’s reactions or experiences and refer to
them in processing the activity. Since the students will be sharing of
themselves, utilise what they share by asking the class questions
relating to what has been exchanged in the interaction
1.1Classroom Rules and Regulations
1.3Classroom Discipline
1.4 Hypothetical Chart Plan for Students from Varied Backgrounds

Submitted by:
Mary Grace Candano Nabor

Submitted to:
Prof. Flor A. Jenkin

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