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By Ghita bidah
• Introduction :

A horrible story of life and

death, the modern
Prometheus, Frankenstein
is enormously important as
a prototype for science
fiction, life and death can’t
be reproduced only god can
make life.
The story began when captain Walton took his ship
to the arthirical ocean, he’s ship get stranded for
few days and cheats of ice all around ,he saw a
man chasing another one, the monster was
terrified and death of exogen, so he took him a
board ,he gave him warm clothes and some food
,after few minutes , when he felt better he started
to tell his story …

My name is Victor Frankenstein ,I growth in

Geneva, I came from a wealthy family , where I
met Elizabeth my wife , a beautiful girl , creative
artist , however ,I loved science and wanted to
discover more about secrets of life ,a storm who
destroyed a whole tree next to our home , I was
impressed ;so I moved to Ingolstadt to one of the
best universities ,I was impressed about my
professor and his experiences , so I decided to do
an experiment , I took a dead body made it alive by
electrifizing it with a big force of electricity , I was
horribly choked by the result it was a hideous
creation, with black frizzy hair, and yellow eyes ,
and old death skin .

Stranded Left aground on a shore

It run out of the house looking for a better place to

live, while I was throwing things at it, I turned ill of
my creation, and imagining it everywhere.

Few days later, I became better, I noticed
really bad news that my brother William was
murdered, I knew that Justine was acquitted,
even if they found my brother picture on her
hat, from a distance I saw the monster!
I knew everything, and I rushed after him, he
stopped me and said:” wait, Victor
Frankenstein, I have something to tell you.”
-you can talk? I said!
-yes, listen to my story and you will
After all, I am he’s creator and I’m responsible
for his happiness and sadness.

“you gave me the ability of life, you

created me in a cruel way, you abandoned me
easily, the life was hard for me, I used to steal
food from villages ,no one wanted to be my
friend , I went closer to the delaycey family ,a
wife and her husband their pretty girl and a
blind men ,the delaycey family was full of love
, I heard them speaking next to their houses ,
therefor I learned how to speak, I didn’t steal
food from them because they were pretty poor
,I brought them wood everyday to keep them
warm ,one day, I decided to enter their
house, they thought I was a monster too , I
saw the little Frankenstein that I killed, I want
you to suffer , so I can damn for the murder I
committed , I hated everybody , but the most
was my creator that didn’t gave me love that’s
why I want a female , as ugly as me , where I
could feel love and live happy with her , I
promise that I won’t commit any murders
anymore .”

Acquitted: free (someone) charge by a not guilty

from a criminal verdict of not guilty
I accepted his decision , as I moved to Ingolstadt
to create a female , he was there too, he was
watching my work , I was tired that I fall asleep , I
had a really bad nightmare, that the monster and
his female are murdering people , I waked up and
destroyed the female while the monster entered
the room and said angrily :” stop! stop! my female
Victor Frankenstein I am going to have my
revenge , I will be there on your wedding night .”
and disappeared in the dark.
I returned to Geneva, and found my best friend
Henry death, I saw him in his grave, I was sorry for
what happened and I cried, that my eyes can’t
support anymore.
The day came, when Elizabeth and I will be
married, it was a beautiful day, that I will.
Never forget, I went to bring some wine from
the kitchen, I heard a screaming voice from
the upstairs, I rushed to the room .I found her
laying on the bed , I was so angry , I
remembered his words :”I will be there on your
wedding night”. I run out chasing him with my
sledge, but I couldn’t chase him back. Victor
said:” I want you to destroy him … “
At his word, Victor died of depression,
the monster entered the room and said: “who
killed him?”
- “You did”. said Walton
The monster started crying, Walton didn’t
kill the monster, the monster took Victor far
away, no one knew about him, after all it’s a
creation, not a monster.

Life and death can’t be reproduced only

god can make life.
The End …

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