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LOSS OF POSSESSION from which he had been ejected by the city of Manila.

the order of the municipality was illegal, and that the
possession was improperly lost, Mangaron should have
(79) Bishop of Cebu vs. Mangaron, G.R. No. 1748, requested assistance of competent authorities to recover it
June 1, 1906, En Banc (plenary action).

Facts: Mangaron filed petition. SC resolved a relevant question

of law in deciding whether to affirm the decision of the
TC (availability of accion publiciana)
Mariano Mangaron’s parents and brothers had been in
possession of a tract of land in the district of Ermita until
about the year 1877 (possession of at least 20 years). In
1878, they vacated the land by virtue of an order from the
municipality which declared that the land was included Whether after the promulgation of the CC, accion
within the zone of materiales Fuertes (fire zone) and the publiciana, which had for its object the recovery of
houses in which they lived upon were of light materials. possession in a plenary action before an action for the
They vacated said land without objection. After the land recovery of title could be instituted, still existed.
was vacated, Parish Priests of Ermita Church fenced the
land and cleaned the same without any objection on the
part of anyone. In 1898, Mangarons entered upon the land Held: YES.
in question and built thereon a nipa house and continued
to live thereon without the consent of the parish priest of
Ermita Church or the Bishop of Cebu. Roman Catholic Available actions:
Church, represented by the Bishop of Cebu filed an
action to recover possession of said land; amended o Accion interdictal – recovery of physical
complaint for said land to be declared property of the possession within 1 year from the time of
Catholic Church and that it be restored to the latter. dispossession
Property had belonged to the Catholic Church from time o Accion publiciana – better right to such
immemorial. Mangarons occupied apart thereof by the possession brought after lapse of 1 year
mere tolerance of the Catholic Church. Mangaron, o Recovery of ownership – action for title
Claims to be the owner of the land by inheritance. He was
the legal owner when he was unlawfully ejected by the If Mangaron instituted the accion interdictal within 1
Bishop of Cebu in 1879. He had a right to re-enter; time year from dispossession, he would have been restored to
for prescription has not yet expired since he was ejected. the possession; 1 year period has already elapsed so such
summary action for possession could not be maintained.
But even after the lapse of 1 year, he still could have
Trial Court ruled in favor of Bishop of Cebu and ordered brought an accion publiciana that involved the right to
Mangarons to vacate the land, the occupation of the land possess; based upon the fact the he, having been in
by Mangaron in the year 1898 was illegal. If he thought possession for 20 years, could not lose the same until he
he had a right to the land, he should have filed an action had been given opportunity to be heard and had been
with the court to recover possession and not proceed to defeated in an action in court by another with a better
occupy the property; if the Church acceded and right.
voluntarily returned possession and acknowledged that
the property belonged to him, there would be no necessity Doubt arises whether accion publiciana is still available
to file an action; but in this case, Church has objected to from Art. 460 CC
the occupation which necessitates a filing of a proper o Possessor may lose possession:
action. (1) Abandonment
(2) Transfer to another for a good or valuable
(3) Destruction or total loss of the thing or by
The possession held by Mangaron in 1898 cannot be
the thing becoming unkmarketable
added to the former possession which was interrupted in
(4) By the possession of another, even against
1877 by the order of the municipality. Art. 466 CC: “a
the will of the former possessor, if the new
person who recovers possession according to law, which
possession has lasted more than one year
is improperly lost, is considered as having enjoyed it
without interruption for all the purposes which may
o Questions: Which is lost, possession de facto or
redound to his benefit”
also possession de jure? In the first three, both
may be lost, so it would be strange if the fourth
merely referred to possession de jure. However,
It cannot be ascertained that the possession enjoyed by
ownership cannot be lost under the fourth;
Mangaron was improperly lost. It has been lost by virtue
owner may recover ownership, and is only
of an order from the municipality and no proof to the
barred by statute of limitations
contrary was presented. Impossible to say what was the
nature of possession prior to the year 1877—whether it
Evidence that accion publiciana still exists: Possession
was held by right or by the mere tolerance of the Church.
constitutes a right, a right in rem, whenever it is exercised
Acts of violence or secrecy or mere tolerance cannot
over real property or property rights; where there is a
affect the right of possession, Mangaron could not have
right, there is a cause of action. It is sufficient that the
lawfully done what he did—to re-enter upon the land
right existing, there should be an action to protect it. No
necessity of any special declaration in CC. It is
impossible to conceive that a person has a right which
need not be respected by others, and such respect cannot
be exacted unless the law provides a remedy for its
enforcement. If a person has a right over any kind of
property, such right would not be complete unles sit
could be enforced as against the whole world. The action
is a recognition of the right; it is a weapon for its
protection. The right does not arise from the action; but
vice versa. Accion publiciana exists, nor for the sake of
equity, but because it must necessarily exist or can exist
as provided in Art. 445.

Action brought by Catholic Church to recover the

possession which was unlawfully deprived by the
defendant can be properly maintained.

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