Grade 8 For Demo Cigarette Smoking

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Dagatan National High

School Grade Level 8

Grade 1 to 12 School

DAILY Teacher Michael M. Tapero Learning Area Health

LESSON Teaching
LOG Dates and January 21 Quarter Fourt
Time 7:30 – 4:00

I. Objectives
The learner demonstrates understanding of factors that influence cigarette
Content Standards
use and strategies for prevention and control.
The learner demonstrates personal responsibility in the prevention of
Performance Standard
cigarette use through the promotion of a healthy lifestyle
 The learner identifies reasons why people smoke cigarettes.
 The learner analyzes the negative health impact of cigarette smoking
 The learner describes the harmful short- and long-term effects of
Learning Competencies / cigarette smoking on the different parts of the body
Objectives  The learner discusses the dangers of mainstream, second hand and
third hand smoke
 The learner explains the impact of cigarette smoking on the family,
environment, and community
II. Content Dangers of Cigarette Smoking
P.E and Health Learners Module

Reviewing previous
lesson or presenting new
Video Presentation
Establishing a purpose Ask few students (volunteers) to share their insights about the video in class.
for the lesson
10 mins
Show pictures of students who smokes cigarette and the students will give
their reaction.

Guide Questions:
Presenting Examples/ 1. Based on the pictures, what are the effects of smoking on them?
instances of the new 2. What are their reasons on using cigarettes?
What do you think are the reasons why students engage in these kinds of

(5 mins)
Discuss gateway drugs (Cigarette). Discuss how this gateway drugs could
Discussing new concepts lead to the use of more dangerous drugs such as marijuana and shabu.
and practicing new skills
#1 (10 mins)

Practice Activity attached on the 3-Steps on how to ”Say No” on smoking and
Discussing new concepts
drinking alcohol.
and practicing new skills
( 5 mins )
Ask students to make a slogan about Preventing the Usage of Cigarette.
Evaluate their slogan by using the rubrics attached.
Developing mastery
Ask the students to make a list of other factors that contribute to engage in
(Leads to Formative
Assessment 3) this kind of activities?
(10 mins)

Ask students to List down at least ways on how to prevent smoking that
could lead to the use of more harmful substances.
Finding practical
applications How can influence your fellow students to avoid taking cigarettes.

(5 mins)
Analyze the implications of cigarette smoking and alcohol use on the
following: self, family, environment, community, and country.

Making generalizations In your activity sheet/notebook answer the following: Could anyone be
on the lesson harmed if I do it? How? Could it get into trouble? Would it make one
feel bad if I do it?

(5 mins)
Evaluating learning

( 5 mins )
Additional activities for
Analyze the impact of cigarette smoking in your community by interviewing
application or
your local leaders and community members.

No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
No. of learners who
required additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners
who have caught up with
the lesson
No. of learners who
continued to require
Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these worked?
What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
What innovation or
localized materials did I
use or discover which I
wish to share with other

Checked by:

Head Teacher III

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