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Know how. Know now.

Baking Bun Fun

Have More Fun with Your Buns!

Amy Peterson MS RD
Extension Educator
University of Nebraska – Lincoln Extension
Polk County

Nothing taste better than something made with
butter, sugar, and cinnamon…..

Cinnamon rolls are a sweet
pastry commonly eaten at
breakfast, but delicious any
time of day!

Yeast bread dates back to around 1,000 B.C. in ancient Egypt.
Cinnamon dates back to 2,000 B.C., where it was imported
from Egypt to China and was so highly prized that it was
regarded as a gift fit for monarchs.

Is It ALIVE????

 Yeast is a living substance that is in

the air, on the leaves of trees, in
their bark, in the skin of fruits, and
in the soil.
 In baking, we use a cultivated yeast
that is dehydrated.
 Dissolving it in warm water brings it
back to…. LIFE
 Yeast then feeds off the flour to give
off carbon dioxide and alcohol that
makes the dough swell and rise.

Butter dates back to 2,000 B.C. and is written
about in the Bible. Butter was mass produced
after 1860, where previously it was hand
churned by farmers’ wives.

Sugarcane originates from what is now called
New Guinea. Sugarcane was first cultivated in
the United States in the 18th century and the
first refinery was built in New York in 1689.

Where do we get our

sugar from now?

Sugar – sucrose – is a carbohydrate
that is present naturally in fruits and

Of all known plants, sugar is most

highly concentrated in sugar beets and Sugar Beets
sugar cane. Sugar is simply separated
from the beet or cane plant, and the
result is 99.95% pure sucrose (sugar).

The sucrose from sugar beets and

sugar cane is not only identical to one Sugar Cane
another, but each is the same as the
sucrose present in fruits and

SOURCE: The Sugar Association


According to historians, due to the spice trade into Europe,

Cinnamon Rolls and Sticky Buns probably originated in England,
with influences from the Dutch and the German. Others may say
Sweden. Regardless, perhaps in the 18th century, these sweet buns
rolled up like a Swiss roll were documented in history!


Cinnamon rolls are known in Sweden as
"kanelbulle." This word literally means
cinnamon bun. Other than kanelbulle,
cinnamon roll and cinnamon bun, they are also
known as sticky rolls and sticky buns.

The name variations for cinnamon rolls may

change the ingredients. Sticky buns or rolls
may not necessarily contain cinnamon, which
will drastically change the taste.


Cinnamon Rolls made EASY!
 It takes time to make the dough from
scratch. Learn how to shape your
dough using these easy recipe options!

 Bread Machine Cinnamon Rolls

 Frozen Sweet Bread Dough
Cinnamon Rolls

You will be relaxing and

enjoying these buns in no time!

Do you have a bread
machine at home that is
sitting around collecting
dust? Wipe it off and make
some cinnamon rolls!

Bread Machine Cinnamon Rolls
 Bread machine
 Greased 9 x 13" cake pan
 1 c warm milk (110F/45C)
 2 eggs
 1/3 c butter, melted
 4 1/2 c bread flour
 1 tsp salt
 1/2 c sugar
 2 1/2 tsp bread machine yeast
 1 c packed brown sugar
 2 1/2 tsp cinnamon
 1/3 c butter, soft
 3 oz cream cheese, soft
 1/4 c butter, soft
 1 1/2 c confectioners/icing sugar
 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
 1/8 tsp salt

1. Add 1 c warm milk, 2 eggs, 1/3 c melted butter, 4 1/2
c bread flour, 1 tsp salt, 1/2 c white sugar, and 2 1/2
tsp yeast to the pan of your bread machine. Some
machines require you place dry ingredients first, so
follow the order outlined in the machine's
instruction manual.
2. Select dough cycle and press start.
3. Once cycle completes, it should have doubled in
size. Turn out dough onto a well-floured surface.
Cover with a towel and allow it to rest for 10
4. While that rests, mix 1 c brown sugar and 2 1/2 tsp
cinnamon in a small bowl

5. Roll dough into a rectangle, approximately 15" x
6. Carefully spread 1/3 c softened butter over your
7. Sprinkle with brown sugar mixture.
8. Roll dough lengthwise and slice at 2" intervals
(approx. 12 pieces).
9. Place rolls in a greased cake pan, cover with a hot
wet tea towel in a warm spot. Allow to rise, for
approximately half-an-hour, until they have
doubled in size again.

10. Preheat oven to 350F/180C.
11. Place cake tray in oven and bake rolls for
approximately 18-25 minutes until golden brown.
12. While rolls are cooking, make your icing. Using a
hand mixer, beat together 3 oz cream cheese, 1/4 c
softened butter, 1 1/2 c icing/confectioners sugar, 1/2
tsp vanilla extract and 1/8 tsp salt.
13. Check your rolls halfway through cooking. If they
appear to be browning too quickly, cover with foil for
the remainder of cooking time.
14. Remove your cinnamon rolls from oven. Carefully
flip your rolls over, so that they will be well-coated
with the cinnamon/butter/sugary filling. Allow to rest
for 10 minutes.
15. Spread icing mixture on rolls. Serve warm.

Easy Cinnamon Rolls
 1 cup brown sugar, firmly packed, divided
into 2/3 cup and 1/3 cup
 1/4 cup water
 4 tablespoons butter, softened and divided
 1 lb frozen white bread dough, thawed
 2 teaspoons cinnamon
 1/2 cup chopped pecans
 flour, for dusting


Prep Time: 50 mins
Total Time: 1 1/2 hrs

1. In a small saucepan, combine 2/3 cup brown sugar

with the water and 2 tbsp of butter.
2. Cook and stir until sugar has melted and the
mixture is well blended.
3. Spread all but about 3 tbsp of this mixture in the
bottom of a shallow 9 inch baking dish.
4. On a lightly floured surface, shape the thawed
bread dough into a rectangle.
5. Roll with a rolling pin until you get a 10x16
rectangle, letting the dough rest a few minutes if it
is resistant to rolling.

6. Spread remaining 2 tbsp of butter over the dough.
7. Sprinkle on remaining brown sugar, cinnamon, and
pecans, and drizzle with remaining caramel.
8. Roll dough up jelly-roll style, starting at the long end.
9. Pinch the seam together tightly.
10. Using a serrated knife, cut the roll into 12 equal pieces.
11. Place in pan, cut side up, and allow to rise for 30
12. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
13. Bake for 30 minutes, until buns are golden brown.
14. Let sit for 5 minutes, then invert onto serving platter.
15. Serve warm.


Dough Sculpting 101!

Dough Sculpting 101
 Yeast dough for shaping will:
 Have a silky texture, be properly
developed, be elastic and moist but not
too tacky or sticky.
 Be fermented, punched, and rested in
 Be relaxed, extensible (can be rolled out or
extended without springing back.

SOURCE: A Baker’s Dozen – Home Baking Association Lab 12

Dough Sculpting 101
 Develop the gluten so the dough cleans the
sides of the bowl or counter when mixed or
 The dough should be soft but elastic,
cleaning the bowl or mixing surface. The
temperature after kneading should be 78 – 82
F so it will not raise too rapidly. This will help
it from becoming too gassy or tacky and help
the dough be easier to work with.

SOURCE: A Baker’s Dozen – Home Baking Association Lab 12

Dough Sculpting 101
 Divide the dough among how many pieces
are needed to shape your rolls.
 This makes them even in size.

SOURCE: A Baker’s Dozen – Home Baking Association Lab 12

Dough Sculpting 101
 Allow the dough time to relax after punching,
dividing, and rounding.
 This makes the dough easier to shape.
 The dough pieces will be more extensible
and will not “bounce back” when rolled out
or shaped.
 Keep the dough covered during resting time
so it doesn’t dry out.

SOURCE: A Baker’s Dozen – Home Baking Association Lab 12

Dough Sculpting 101
 Do not over flour or grease the shaping
 This leaves a coating of flour or grease on
the dough surface and affected the flavor
and appearance.
 Proof bread until ¾ or nearly fully proofed
before egg washing or slashing of the
 Preheat oven 5 – 10 minutes before egg
washing or slashing.

SOURCE: A Baker’s Dozen – Home Baking Association Lab 12

Dough Sculpting 101
Single Knot Rolls
1. Cut a one – 1 ¼ # dough piece
into 12 even pieces. Roll each
piece into a log 4 inches long.
2. Tie the dough in a simple knot,
leaving one end in the center
on the top and tucking the
other underneath.
3. Place on a lightly greased or
parchment lined baking sheet.
Cover, proof, and back as

SOURCE: A Baker’s Dozen – Home Baking Association Lab 12

Dough Sculpting 101
Double Knot
1. Cut a one – 1 ¼ # dough piece into 12 even pieces.
Roll each piece into a rope 8 inches long. Make a
loop with the top half of the dough, giving the closed
end a half-inch overlap of the dough.
2. Turn this loop over so the long piece is on top. Wind
the long piece behind the overlap, and bring the end
back up through the loop to make a figure 8.
3. Place on a lightly greased or parchment –lined
baking sheet. Cover, proof, and bake as directed

SOURCE: A Baker’s Dozen – Home Baking Association Lab 12

Dough Sculpting 101
Butterhorn or Crescent Rolls
1. Roll 1/3 of the dough into a large 16 inch circle, about ¼
inch thick.
2. Spread thinly with softened butter, cut like a pie into 12
even wedges; roll each wedge up, wide edge to point;
place rolls a couple of inches apart on greased baking
sheet with point underneath. Cover and let rise until
double in size. Bake as directed.

SOURCE: A Baker’s Dozen – Home Baking Association Lab 12

Dough Sculpting 101
 Cloverleaf Rolls
1. Shape one – 1 ¼ # of dough into a log about 3
inches thick. Use a dough cutter or knife to cut
log into 12 even pieces.
2. Divide each of the 12 pieces into three small
pieces and roll these into smooth balls.
3. Place the three balls together in a greased,
medium-sized muffin cups. Repeat for 1 dozen.
Proof and bake as directed.

SOURCE: A Baker’s Dozen – Home Baking Association Lab 12

Dough Sculpting 101
Cinnamon Rolls
1. While the dough is rising, lightly grease
two 9" round cake pans. Transfer the
risen dough to a lightly greased work
surface, and pat or roll it into a 16" x 12"
2. To make the filling, whisk together the
sugar, cinnamon, and flour.
3. Brush the dough lightly with milk.
4. Sprinkle the filling evenly over the
dough, covering the entire surface.
5. Roll the dough into a log the long way;
it'll stretch to about 20" long as you roll.

6. Using a serrated knife, slice the log into 16
slices. In order to cut down on drag, it helps to
rinse the blade in hot water, and wipe it off,
between slices.
7. Space eight rolls in each of the prepared pans.
Flatten them gently.
8. Cover the pans, and let the rolls rise till they're
noticeably puffy, about 1 1/2 to 2 hours; they
should spread out and start to crowd one
9. While the rolls are rising, preheat the oven to
10. Bake the rolls till they're brown around the
edges and beginning to turn golden brown
across the center, about 20 minutes.

And EAT!!

So what happened…..if it just
didn’t turn out right?

What to Look For What Happened Why

Uniform size Uneven shape Improper shaping

Attractive shape Uneven time in oven
Rising time too long or
too short

SOURCE: 4-H Foods Judging Guide, 2010. A. Peterson

PHOTO SOURCE: A. Peterson 34
What to Look For What Happened Why

Light in size Heavy Underproofed

Low grade flour
Poor yeast
Under kneaded
Too cool while rising

Poor Volume Underproofed

SOURCE: 4-H Foods Judging Guide, 2010. A. Peterson

PHOTO SOURCE: © Catherine
35 Murray -
What to Look For What Happened Why

Blended flavor Flat Too little salt

Slightly sweet and nutty
Richer than bread Yeasty Raised too long
Too warm while rising
Poor yeast or flour

Sour Raised too long

Too slow baking
Too warm while baking

SOURCE: 4-H Foods Judging Guide, 2010. A. Peterson

What to Look For What Happened Why
Uniform Streaks Poor mixing
Golden brown
Drying of dough at top Adding flour at last
Dark crumb
Too cool oven
Stale yeast
Too slow oven
Too little sugar
Too much salt

SOURCE: 4-H Foods Judging Guide, 2010. A. Peterson

What to Look For What Happened Why

Tender, crisp Tough Under proofed – not

Smooth crust raised enough
Low grade flour
Too much salt

Cracks and bulges Over handling of dough

Not raised properly in
Cooled to quickly

SOURCE: 4-H Foods Judging Guide, 2010. A. Peterson

PHOTO SOURCE: © Diana Taliun
38 -
What to Look For What Happened Why
Tender, elastic crumb Thick Too slow baking

Slightly moist Crumbly Soft wheat flour

Too little kneading

Fine cells, soft and Compact at bottom Not raised enough

velvety Under baked
Steamed by cooling in
Coarse pan

Poor yeast
Low grade flour
Raised too much

SOURCE: 4-H Foods Judging Guide, 2010. A. Peterson

PHOTO SOURCE: © Giuseppe Parisi
39 -
4-H is a learning

Make it a positively
delicious one!
Know how. Know now.

Baking Bun Fun

Have More Fun with Your Buns!

Amy Peterson MS RD
Extension Educator
UNL Extension


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