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How to

calculate your
own macros
@Chillinwithtj @Chillinwithtj
the tj macro guide

Here’s my free guide I created to help get you guy’s…and girls

get started!
First off, I want to say thank you for downloading this guide and I promise the
information throughout will have no unnecessary complex jargon. The aim of
this mini eBook is to help you understand macros/calories and how to apply
them to yourself during your own personal journey, whether it being; gaining
muscle mass or weight/fat loss.

Without further ado… let’s get started!

Why you should avoid online calculators…

There are many online calculators that may help point you in the “somewhat” right
direction to figure out calculating your macronutrients. However, these are not always
completely accurate! This is due to these calculators not being person-specific, they are
meant to be used as a general indicator.

What you need to do…

The correct method would be to personally learn why it is necessary for your body to
consume a good level of macro-nutrients (and micronutrients). Having this knowledge
will make it more likely for you to continue eating correctly rather than blindly following
an online calculator, which is what I aim to teach you in this guide!
@Chillinwithtj @Chillinwithtj
the tj macro guide

Macronutrients aka Macros

All foods consist of carbohydrates, protein and fats. These are what make up
the calories in food, which I will break down and go into further detail below.
A key thing to note is, of the three of them the most important macronutrients
are the protein and fat.

Our bodies essentially needs protein to grow and repair body tissue, the key one most of
us ‘fitness heads’ care for being...MUSCLE tissue.
• Per 1g of protein contains 4 calories
• E.g. 50 grams of protein will equal (50grams x 4 calories = 200 calories)

How much should you consume?

This varies as everyone requires a different amount as we are all not the same, but
research says the majority of people can follow an amount of 0.8-1.2 gram per pound of
bodyweight for optimal muscle growth.

Despite popular belief fat is actually essential for our bodies. It is used for energy,
absorb vitamins, protects vital organs and also for body growth and development.
Besides that, fat is also good at satisfying our hunger keeping us fuller for longer.

• Per 1g of fat contains 9 calories

• E.g. 40 grams of fat will equal 40x9 = 360 calories


Carbohydrates are used as our main source of energy. There are two main types which
we refer to as simple carbs (e.g. white potato) and complex carbs (whole wheat foods).

• Per 1g of carbs contains 4 calories

• E.g. 50 grams of carbs will equal (50grams x 4 calories = 200 calories).

Note: Everybody responds to certain macros and foods differently, this is where
you will need to find out what works best for you by experimenting over time.
@Chillinwithtj @Chillinwithtj
the tj macro guide

A Quick Macro Breakdown / Food Examples


1g = 4 calories 1g = 4 calories 1g = 9 calories

Sweet Potato Chicken Peanut Butter

Oatmeal/Porridge Lean Beef Fish

Whole Wheat Pasta Turkey Whole Eggs

Brown Rice Fish Various Nuts

Low Fat Popcorn Egg Whites Virgin Olive Oil

Whole Wheat Bread Milk Coconut Oil

Cereal Low Fat Pork Avocado

Fruits Greek Yogurt Full Fat Milk

Vegetables Protein Powder

These are just examples of the categories of certain foods, be sure to look into the calories of
each item before adding into your diet using a
fitness app such as myfitnesspal.
@Chillinwithtj @Chillinwithtj
the tj macro guide

How to calculate Your Macros!

Finding how many calories you consume daily
Before we can move forward and create the right macros for you. We need to first find
out the amount of calories you currently need to keep your weight the same, this is also
known as your maintenance calories.

To do this is simple; all you have to do is using a food tracker such as ‘myfitnesspal’.
Begin to track all the foods and drink you consume daily for 5-7 days and then simply
find the average daily amount of calories that allows you remain the same weight and
that will be your own personal maintenance calories, which we will now use to start
calculate the correct macros to apply to it.

Note: remember to weigh yourself each day at the same time and if possible after
“going to the bathroom” and also eat the same food as you have been up until
this point to make it more accurate. Do not change the diet yet!

Example time!
Now let’s say your average is 2,500 calories and you are 170lbs.

Based off studies we require about 0.8-1.2g per lb of body weight dependent on how
much muscle you have. If you have say over 20% bodyfat, aim for your lean body
weight number so subtract 15-20% from your total bodyweight).

For this example let’s go with 1g protein per 1b of body weight.

This means now you’re eating 170g of protein per day.

170 x 4 (calories per gram of protein) = 680 calories per day from protein
@Chillinwithtj @Chillinwithtj
the tj macro guide

We need 0.35-0.45g per lb of body weight. The higher or lower end is going to depend
on your gender and how your body reacts to it, over time you will learn what amount
works best for you.

Let’s go with 0.4g of fat per 1 lb of body weight (170lb x 0.4 = 68g).
This means now you’re eating 68g of fat per day.

68 x 9 (calories per gram of fat) = 612 calories per day from fat

Now to figure out carbs we need to work backwards which I’ll explain below!

Remember the total daily calories we are working with is 2,500!

This leads us to the following calculation...

2,500 - 680 (protein calories) and 612 (fat calories) = 1208 calories left over

To calculate the carbs we now divide the 1208 calories left over by 4 (as 1g
of carbs = 4 calories), this now leaves you with 302g for the amount of carbs
to consume (hopefully you followed that :)

the final macros become!


302G 170G 68G

The macros above are now more accustomed to you, but to make them more accurate
what you need to do is follow them for a couple weeks and see how your body responds.
Be sure to take progress pictures to help you measure the results.

If you find that your body is more sensitive to carbs, simply adjust the macros above but
ensure the daily calories still equal close to the 2,500 daily amounts you need to sustain
your body.

Well guys…and girls I really hope this helps you on your journey!
If you find you would like further fitness advice/help be sure to browse the
other online guides I have available at
My other online fitness guides
This ebook is a complete fitness
guide covering how to begin
training efficiently to build muscle
and/or lose fat, along with
providing 3 complete bodybuilding
routines/splits. You can then
choose to follow whichever routine
fits best for your lifestyle.

The principles within the book also

provides you with the knowledge
to even create and structure your
own training plan to suit your

more services on
Terms & Conditions
If you do not agree to be bound by these Terms & Conditions, you must NOT use this
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stitute for professional or personal medical care and / or diagnosis. TJ is not a medical
professional therefore none of the routines or information from or in
this book should be performed or otherwise used without clearance from your physician
or health care provider first. If you have chosen not to obtain a physician’s permission
prior to beginning a program from this book then you are doing so at your own risk.
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before attempting any exercise specified in the book. You understand that exercise may
be a risk to your physical health and safety if not done properly. As with any dietary or
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@Chillinwithtj @Chillinwithtj

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