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No, V(A)/12l2/Pers'R1/NTRO/2019. .l \ I ?
Government of lndia
National Technical Research organisation
Block-lll, Old JNU Campus, New Delhi-110067

Dated, the 0V August 2019

Sub: Filling up a vacancy in the grade of Deputy Director (Admin) in NTRO on

Deputation basis.

A Recruitment Notice is enclosed herewith inviting applications to fill up 01 (One)

vacancy in the Grade of Deputy Director (Admin) in the pay scale Level -12 in the Pay Matrix in
National Technical Research Organisation on Deputation basis.

2. lt is requested that this recruitment notice may please be widely circulated amongst the
eligible officers of your Organization/Department. The applications duly filled by willing and
eligible officers in prescribed proforma (Annexure-l) with Certification by Employer/Cadre
Controlling Authority (Annexure-ll) may be fonruarded through proper channel along with
attested photocopies of APARs for the last 05 years so as to reach on the following address:-

t Director
National Technical Research Organisatio
Block-lll, Old JNU Campus (Room No.204
New Delhi - 110067

3, lt is stated that incomplete applications and/or those received late and/or not
accompanied by supporting certificates/documents in support of qualification and experience
claimed by the candidates would not be processed for determining the eligibility of the
candidates for the selection. No correspondence in this regard would be entertained.

4. The last date for receipt of application is 30 days from the date of publication of
advertisement in the Employment News.

Encl: As above.

A -t)
Distribution: As per list enclosed.

Applications are invited from officers of the Central Government Ministries/Departments

to fill
up 01 (one) vacancy in the following post in National Technical Research
Organisation on Deputation

S, No. Name of the Post t_I11frade

No, of Vacancy*
lt P

0 Deputy Director (Admin) Level -12 in the Pay Mi

Subject to increase / decrease.

# ln addition, Special Allowance @ 20% of Basic Pay will be admissible. However,

Deputation Duty Allowance will be paid,

2. The essential eligibility criteria are as under;_

(l) Deputy Director (Admin):

Officers under the Central Government:

(a) (i) holding analogous post on regular basis; or

(ii) having five years of regular service in level-11 in the pay
matrix; and

(b) Possessing the following educational qualification and experence:-

(i) Bachelors degree from a recognized university; and
(ii) Ten years experience in dealing with Administration and
Establishment in supervisory capacity, out of which at least
05 years
experience in dealing with Deparlmental Enquiries under ccs
(CCA) Rules and vigilance cases/matters in respect of Central
Government Officers,

Note'1: The Deparlmental Officers in the feeder category who

are in the direct line of promotion shal
not be eligible for consideration for appointment on deputation,
Similarly, deputationists shall not be
eligible for consideration for appointment on promotion,

Note'2: The period of deputation including the period of deputation

in another ex-cadre post helo
immediately preceding this appointment in the same of some
other organization/deparlment of the
central Government shall ordinarily not exceed four years,

Note'3: The maximum age limit for appointment on deputation

shall be not exceeding fifty-six years
as on the closing date of the receipt of the application.

Contd... P/2

3' How to apply - The applications duly filled

in by willing and eligible officers in the prescribed
proforma (Annexure'l) with cerlification
by Employer/cadre controlling Authority (Annexure-ll)
fonruarded through proper channel along
with attested photocopies of ApARs for
last 05 years so as to
reach on the following address :_

National Technical Research Organisation

Block.lll, Otd JNU Campus (Rojm No.204)
New Delhi . 110067

4' The last date of receipt of application is 30

days from the date of publication of adverlisement
in the Employment News' The detailed recruitment
notice is also being uploaded in the ntro,
website' The extension of last date of receipt
of application, if any, will be notified/uploaded
said Website, in the

5' Attested copies of educational qualifications,

experience and other certificates should
enclosed with the application in support be
of their claim against the requisite eligibility criteria.
candidates may be required to produce original
cerlificates for verification at the time
interview/selection. of

6' Incomplete applications andlor those received

late and/or not accompanied by supporling
certificate/documents, would be summarily
rejected. No correspondence in this regard
entertained. would be

7, on appointment, the officers are liabre to serve

anywhere in India,

B, Canvassing in any form will disqualify the

{Deputy Director (Admin)}page 1 of 5


(Please affix a recent
passportsize colour

Reference No :V(All 121 2lP ers-R1 /NTRO2O 1 9 Post applied for: Deputy Director (Admin
Name and Address
(in Block Letters)

Contact No :
Email lD :

Date of Birth (in Christian era)

i) Date of entry into Government service

ii) Date of retirement under Central/State-

Government Rules
Ed ucational Qualificatrons

Whether Education and ottrer- qGNicatr,ln

required for the post are satisfied. (lf any
qualification has been treated as equivalent
to the one prescribed in the Rules, state the
authority for the same)

ttre --
Qualifications/Experience requireU as Q-ualifications/experience possesseO
mentioned in the advertisement/vacancy officer (to be mentioned
by the applicant clearly)

Officers under the Central Governmenl

(a) (it holding analogous post on regular
basis; or
(ii) having five years of regular service in
level-1'1 in the pay matrix; and

(b) Possessing the following educationar

qualification and experience:-

(i) Bachelors degree from a recognized

university; and
(ii) Ten years experience in dealing with
Administration and Establishmenl rn
supervisory capacity, out of which at least
05 years experience in dealing with
Departmental Enquiries under CCS (CCA)
Rules and vigilance cases/matters in
of Central Government Officers.
{Deputy Director (Admin)}page 2 of 5

Please state clearly whether in ttre light ot

entries made by you above, you meet the
requisite Essential eualifications and worK
experience of the
Note: Borrowing Department
experience possesses by the candidate (as indicated in
the Bio-data) with reference to the
Details of Employment,
glg-n-a!-Ue, if the space below is insufficient,
Office/institution Level in the Pay Nature of Duties (in
Matrix of the post detail) highlighting
held on regular
experience required
for the post applied

*lmportant: Level in th
Lever in the pay Matrix of the post herd on resurar
::'j|"n::: T::j',:'.lli
be mentioned therein. Det lll. ?q.l:j1?r:,^olry basis io
ils of ACP/MACP with present Levet il i;;;;;y Mroii',r,.,".
been drawn by the Candidate, may be indicated as below:

Office/institution Level in the Pay Matrix

under ACP/MACP Scheme

Nature of present employme-t G. Adhoc or

Temporary or Quasi-permanent or
In case the present employment is fretO on
utation/ contract basis please state-
a) The date of b) Period of appointmnnt on c) Name of the parent d) Name of the post and
initial appointment deputation/contract, office/organisation to pay of the post held in
which the applicant substantive capacity in
the parent orqanisation.

Note: In case of officers atreaOy such officers

should be fonvarded by the parent cadre/Department
along with cadre
Clearance, Vigilance Clearance and Integrity certificate,
Note: Information under column g(c) & (di above must
be given in all cases
where a person is holding a post on deputation outside
the cladre/organisation
Q.ut still maintaining a rien in his parent cadre/orqanisation,
lf any post held on Oeputation in tf,e past Oy tfre
applicant, date of return from the last deputation
and other details
{Deputy Director (Admin)}page 3 of 5

Additional details about present

Please state whether working under (indicate
the name of your employer against the relevant
a) Central Government
b) State Government
c) Autonomous Organisation
d) Government Undertaking
e) Universities
f) Others
Please state whether you are workingrn the
same department and are in the feeder qrade or
feeder to feeder qrade
Are you in revised Scale of pay? lf yes, give tfre
date from which the revision took place and also
indicate the pre-revised scale.
Total emoluments per month now drawn

Level in the Pay Matrix

In case the applicant belong

the following details mav be enclosed.
Hasrc Pay with Level of Dearness pav/interim Total emoluments
Pay Matrix and rate of relief/other Allowances etc.,
increment with break-up details)

(A) Additional information, if anyffiu

applied for in support of your suitability for the post.
(This among other things may provide information with
regard to (i) additional academic qualification (ii)
professional training and (iii) work experiun.u ouur
above prescribed in the Vacancy Circular/Advertisement)
(Note: Enclose a separate sheet duly signed, if the
space is insufficient)
(B) Achievements:
The candidates are requested to indicate information with
regard to:
(i) Research publications and reports and special projects
(ii) Awards/Scholarsh ipsiOfficial Appreciation
(iii) Affiliation with the professional
bodies/institutions/societies and ;
(iv) Patents registered in own name or achieved for the
(iv) Any research /innovative measure involving official
recognition (vi) any other information,
(Note: Enclose a separate sheet duly signed, if the
space is insuffi
iDeputy Director (Admin))page 4 of 5

Please state whether you are applyingTaneputatron

(STC)/Absorption/Re-employment gasis "
Centra/State Governments are onty etigibte
I^O"n,.:f ilde,r
"Absorption". Candidates of non_Coil;;;;
ltqg[rationr are eligiblryr short Term Contract)
# (The option oi 'St
available only if the vacancy circurar speciaily'mentioned
recruitment by "STC" or,,
Whether betongs to SC/S76BC

I have carefully gone through the vacancy

circular/advertisement and I am we, awafe
information furnished in the Bio data/curriculum that the
Vitae duly supporled by the documents
in respect of Essential
Qualification/ work Experience submitted by
me will also be assessed by the selection
of selection for the post' The informationi committee at the time
details provided by me are correct and
knowledge and no materialfacthaving a
true to the best of my
bearing on my selection has been suppressed/withheld.

(Signature of the candidate)


{Deputy Director (Admin)}page 5 of 5


The information/details provided in the

above application by the applicant are
and correct as per the facts available on
records, He/she possesses educational
qualifications and experience mentioned
in the vacancy circular, lf selected,
he/she will
be relieved immediately,

2. Also certified that:

i) There is no vigilance or disciplinary case pendinglcontemplated


ii) His/ Her integrity is certified,

iii) His/ Her APAR dossier in original is enclosed/photocopies

of the ApARs for the
last 5 years duly attested by an officer
of the rank of Under secretary of the
of India or above are enclosed

iv) No majo/ minor penalty has been imposed

on him/her during the tast 10 years
or A list of maiorl minor penalties imposed on him/her
during the tast 10 years
(as the case may be) is enclosed,


(Employer/Cadre Controlling Authority

with Seal)

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