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The 555 Timer Astable Oscillator.

NAME ________________________ STUDENT ID # ____________

Prelab Questions:

1. For the circuit shown, calculate the value of upper and lower thresholds. Show calculations

V(ut) = _____ v

V(lt) = _____ v

2. Calculate the time required for the capacitor to charge from V(lt) to V(ut). Show calculations.

t1 = _______ sec.

3. Calculate the time required for the capacitor to discharge

from V(ut) to V(lt). Show calculations.

t2 = _______ sec.

4. Calculate the frequency of oscillation.

5. Calculate the duty cycle of the output waveform.

6. Repeat the above calculations for steps 2 through 5 if R1 is changed to 33k.


1. Solve the circuit (power switch) and, using the BUZZER

output, make a rough estimate of oscillation frequency.
(time ten cycles using a stopwatch?)

Freq. is approximately __________ Hz.

2. Use the scope to observe the waveforms at the output and

across the timing capacitor C.
(It is convenient to set the scope to pause after each
screen (see Analysis - Analysis Options), and then expand the
scope to full screen. The cursors may then be used to
make accurate measurements.

Measure all parameters calculated in the prelab questions.

a) Which waveform shows the upper and lower threshold

voltages? (output or across C) Explain.


Measured V(lt) = _________ v. V(ut) = ___________ v.

b) Which waveform shows the charging and discharging time for the capacitor? (output or across C) Explain.

Measured t1 = _________ sec. t2 = ___________ sec.

c) Measured frequency of oscillation. Show calculations.

f(osc) = _____________ Hz.

How does this compare with your rough estimate from step 1. ?

d) Measured duty cycle. Show calculations.

Duty cycle = ___________ %

3. Change R1 to 33k and repeat measurements of 2 a)

through 2 d). Show measurements and calculations where





4. Change R1 to 1k and connect a 10k resistor from pin 5.

the CONtrol pin, to ground.

a) PREDICT the effect on frequency and duty cycle.

and explain your prediction briefly.

Frequency will _______________________________

Explaination - ______________________________________

Duty cycle will ________________________________

Explaination - ______________________________________

b) Solve the circuit, measure frequency and duty

cycle and compare with your predictions.
If there are major differences, explain!

Measured - Freq. _____________ Hz.

Duty cycle ___________ %





To run the simulation:

1. Select Run/stop under the Simulate menu (or click on the ON switch)
2. Another option is to press the F5 key to start the simulation, and press the F5 key again to stop.

To close the description:

From the view menu, select Circuit description box or click on the X on the top right corner of the Description

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