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Copyright © 1975 by the American Psychological Association, Inc.

VOL. 82, No. 4 JULY 1975

A Schema Theory of Discrete Motor Skill Learning

Richard A. Schmidt
Department of Physical Education, University of Southern California

A number of closed-loop postulations to explain motor skills learning and

performance phenomena have appeared recently, but each of these views
suffers from either (a) logical problems in explaining the phenomena or
(b) predictions that are not supported by the empirical evidence. After
these difficulties are discussed, a new theory for discrete motor learning is
proposed that seems capable of explaining the existing findings. The theory
is based on the notion of the schema and uses a recall memory to pro-
duce movement and a recognition memory to evaluate response correctness.
Some of the predictions are mentioned, research techniques and paradigms
that can be used to test the predictions are listed, and data in support of
the theory are presented.

The field of motor behavior has become the individual that enabled him to perform
extremely interesting in the past few years, or to learn the motor task.
probably as a result of some rather severe Since 1960, however, there has been a
changes in the way in which researchers considerable shift in emphasis in motor skills
have tackled their problems. Prior to about research. Motor behaviorists have begun to
1960, the area seemed to be dominated by ask questions about the kinds of processes
the "task-oriented" approach (Pew, 1974). occurring as the individual performs and
This approach emphasized "global" motor learns the motor response. The tasks used
learning theories, such as that of Hull have tended to shift from those that could
(1943), or emphasized no theories at all, only be scored with global measures to those
and the area was dominated by experiment- that enabled the isolation of various pro-
ers who were testing the effects of a large cesses and strategies and provided informa-
number of independent variables on the tion about contributions of various subsys-
overall learning and performance of motor tems. A number of researchers took the
tasks. Scoring was usually in terms of some lead from the new directions provided by
very gross index of responding, such as time Fitts and his colleagues (e.g., Fitts, 1954)
on target for 30 sec, and there was little concerning the processing of information in
concern for the events that changed within skills. Examples of these new concerns were
Appreciation is extended to my colleagues who the time to process visual information (Keele
provided many useful comments on an earlier draft & Posner, 1968), the development of error
of this paper: Jack A. Adams, Sheila Henderson,
Ronald G. Marteniuk, Karl M. Newell, Richard detection mechanisms (e.g., Schmidt &
W. Pew, and H. T. A. Whiting. White, 1972), and the locus of attentional
Requests for reprints should be sent to Richard requirements in simple movements (Ells,
A. Schmidt, Department of Physical Education,
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, 1969). Questions such as these were not
California 90007. popular under the earlier traditions.
A part of the reason for this shift in em- posedly representing processes in motor per-
phasis has been the inadequacy of the earlier formance, with connecting arrows, and a
theories in providing reasonable explana- new model is born. What has often resulted
tions for motor learning and performance; are models that are not tied to experimental
this is well documented by the controversy data for their formation and that do not
about Hull's (1943) theory that raged in provide ways for conducting tests of them.
the late 1950s and early 1960s (see Adams, The result is a diagram that is useful per-
1964, for a review) and finally resulted in haps in visualizing what might be happening
an almost total loss of interest in these points in skills and learning, but which has little
of view. The lack of adequate theories for basis in fact and cannot be verified (or, more
guiding research in motor behavior caused properly, disproved) by experiment. This
motor behaviorists to reach out in other di- kind of model building has been taken far
rections for explanations of motor learning. too seriously by students of motor behavior.
Of course, an important event in a number A notable exception to -this statement was
of fields was the arrival of the information the closed-loop theory proposed in 1971 by
processing and cybernetic ideas that led to Adams. This theory was generated in a
closed-loop theory, and the application of way quite different from that of the earlier
these notions to psychology and motor skills closed-loop ideas. First, the original focus
was welcomed with great vigor. was an existing body of carefully controlled
Of the closed-loop theories, some were basic research in motor learning—that deal-
quite old, for example, Bernstein (1967) in ing with the learning of slow, graded, linear-
essays originally published in 1934 and 1957, positioning tasks. Focusing on these data,
but there have been a number of widely dis- Adams attempted to explain the various
cussed recent additions. The closed-loop findings with the aid of closed-loop notions
models of Sokolov (1969), Anokhin (1969), of error detection and correction. Most im-
and Konorski (1967), plus the work of portant, Adams ensured that his ideas would
Adams (1971) and Laszlo (1967), were be testable by providing operational defini-
most recent additions to the thinking in this tions for all of his constructs, by suggesting
area. While these theories differed a great experimental variables that, when appropri-
deal from one another, they had the essen- ately manipulated, should produce certain
tial features of closed-loop theory in com- changes in particular measures, and by sug-
mon : There was provision for the receipt of gesting experimental paradigms for testing
feedback, the feedback was checked against various aspects of the theory. The results
some reference of correctness, any discrep- of this effort were seen immediately with
ancy resulted in an error, and the error was the appearance of approximately 20 articles
subsequently corrected. testing the Adams theory in the first two
As many closed-loop theories as there years after it was introduced—already more
were, it was surprising that there were so than for all of the earlier closed-loop the-
few serious attempts to test them against one orists combined. Clearly, the production of
another experimentally. It is not because a theory that was so easily testable by re-
the theories did not produce an interest searchers was appealing, and the Adams
among the workers in the field, because these theory became a most important article for
ideas have been used as explanations for the field of motor learning in a very short
various experimental results by numerous time.
authors. Rather, it is because most of these
theoretical ideas are not strictly theories, but THE ADAMS THEORY
are more properly termed models (see Lach- Adams' (1971) theory proposes that there
man, 1960, for a discussion of the distinction are two states of memory, termed the mem-
between models and theories). Often, such ory trace and the perceptual trace. The
models are very easy to construct, as seem- memory trace, analogous to recall memory
ingly all one needs to propose a new model in verbal learning, is a "modest motor
is a few appropriately labeled boxes, sup- program" responsible for initiating the
movement, choosing its initial direction, and Empirical support for constructs. The
determining the earliest portions of the processes postulated in Adams' theory are
movement. Its strength is developed as a all known processes, in that there is con-
function of knowledge of results (KR) and siderable evidence, either directly from
practice. The perceptual trace, on the other motor behavior or inferred from other re-
hand, is analogous to recognition memory in sponse classes, for each. This has not been
verbal tasks and is responsible for guiding the case for many of the earlier positions,
the limb to the correct location along the in which processes were proposed without
trackway. The perceptual trace is formed either behavioral or neurologkal support.
from the past experience with feedback from Adams' approach has been to insist that the
earlier responses and comes to represent the model postulate only those kinds of pro-
sensory consequences of the limb being at cesses or mechanisms that have a reasonable
the correct endpoint. During the movement, probability of empirical reality.
the subject compares the incoming feedback Simplicity. The Adams theory is quite
(from the eyes, ears, proprioceptors, etc.) simple, postulating a minimum of hypothet-
against the perceptual trace to determine if ical states to account for the learning of
the limb is in the correct final location; if positioning tasks. Some of the earlier mod-
it is, he stops responding, and if it is not els are extremely complex, with many times
(i.e., an error is signaled from the percep- more states postulated, and it is encouraging
tual trace), he makes a small adjustment to think that motor learning might be ex-
and the comparison is made again until the plained by fewer postulations than seemed
limb is in the correct location. With in- necessary before.
creased exposure to feedback and KR, the
perceptual trace is strengthened, and the in- Some Criticisms of Adams' Theory
dividual becomes more accurate and confi- With all of the research and thinking that
dent in his responding. has developed since Adams' theory was pub-
lished, it is not surprising that some short-
Some Strengths of Adams' Theory comings in the theory have appeared. Some
Adams' theory has a number of character- of these result from logical difficulties with
istics that are generally considered desirable the theory as stated, and others result from
attributes. Some of these, in each case rep- recent data that do not follow the theory's
resenting improvements over early closed- predictions.
loop theories, are as follows. Limitations to positioning responses. Al-
Concern for learning. Almost every one though this is not a serious criticism, some
of the early closed-loop theories has dealt researchers are worried that positioning re-
with the processes thought to occur in the sponses are not representative of the wide
performance of already-acquired skills. In range of behavior that one would like to
addition to this concern, the Adams theory term skilled, and that the theory cannot ex-
is directed toward the learning of novel plain the learning of other types of re-
motor tasks, which was not a consideration sponses. It should be reiterated that the
in the earliest work. theory was deliberately limited in scope be-
Reduced scope. Adams has begun mod- cause of the lack of good evidence in other
estly, attempting to limit his theoretical pre- types of responses, but it would be a desir-
dictions to the body of data dealing with the able goal to have a theory that predicts per-
learning of linear positioning. Thus, the formance and learning in other tasks as well.
theory is very close to the data and attempts Specifically, the generalization to more rapid
to explain them with the theoretical con- responses (e.g., kicking and throwing) would
structs proposed. To be sure, the theory be important, as would attention to open and
probably does have applicability to response closed skills or to skills in which the ma-
classes other than linear positioning, but a jor goal is other than accuracy (e.g., pole
limited focus provides the most solid begin- vaulting). The author and his colleagues
nings for further theoretical developments. (Schmidt & White/1972; Schmidt & Wris-

berg, 1973) have attempted to extend thought his error was (in the units of the
Adams' theory to simple accuracy tasks re- positioning task), and was then provided
quiring rapid movement (approximately 30 KR. The measure of the error detection
cm in 150-200 msec), but the theory was mechanism was the correlation, computed
not specifically designed to handle these within subjects, between the actual and
tasks and tests using such tasks are not judged error on the last 20 trials. The high-
strictly tests of Adams' point of view. Some est correlation was .40, and many of the rs
revision seems clearly necessary in order to were negative, with the average being .21.
extend the theory to more rapid movements. Had there been a strong error detection
The error detection mechanism. The ma- mechanism operating after the movement,
jor feature of Adams' theory is that it pro- larger correlations, similar to those found by
vided a means for the subject to determine, Schmidt and White (1972) for a rapid
in the absence of KR, his error for the re- movement task (r — .90), should have been
sponse just produced, to use this informa- found. The Schmidt and Russell findings
tion (termed subjective reinforcement) as a agree with the prediction that there should
means for maintaining performance, or even be no error detection mechanism after the
to continue to learn without KR. The au- movement in slow positioning.
thor has argued before (Schmidt, 1974, Learning without KR. Another impor-
Schmidt, Note 1) that learning without KR tant prediction of the Adams theory is that
does not follow logically from Adams' the- later in learning, when the perceptual trace
ory. Theoretically, the subject uses the is well established, the subject should be able
perceptual trace and feedback during the to continue to learn without KR. There is
movement to guide the limb to the proper no evidence that individuals can continue to
location, and he moves to that position he learn positioning tasks after KR withdrawal,
recognizes as correct; thus, the movement and the best approximation seems to be that
endpoint is that position for which the error they can maintain performance reasonably
signal (the difference between the perceptual well after KR withdrawal (e.g., Bilodeau &
trace and incoming feedback) is zero. After Bilodeau, 1958). But in spite of the lack of
the subject has removed his hand from the evidence, the theory cannot predict this no-
lever, how can he generate an additional KR learning. If, on the first no-KR trial,
error signal that is sensitive to the differ- the movement is not perfect, the perceptual
ence between the position on the trial and trace will be degraded somewhat because of
the correct position? The answer is that he the feedback from that response. The next
cannot. When asked what the error was on response will be less accurate because the
that trial, the subject can provide a guess, perceptual trace has been slightly weakened,
but that guess is probably uncorrelated with and the perceptual trace will be degraded
the actual error for the trial, because his further, and so on. Eventually, the per-
error signal at this point is necessarily zero. ceptual trace becomes increasingly weak,
Thus, it would seem that the theory cannot with a corresponding decrement in accuracy,
provide subjective reinforcement that would and performance is increasingly inaccurate.
enable the individual to continue to learn Clearly, the theory cannot predict learning
without KR. without KR for positioning responses.
In a study by Schmidt and Russell (un- Generalisation to rapid responses. While
published study, 1972),1 subjects were given the Adams theory was not intended to be
100 positioning trials, with KR after each explanatory for rapid responses, a number
trial. A paradigm was used in which the of experimenters (e.g., Newell, 1974; Newell
subject responded, was asked what he & Chew, 1974; Schmidt & White, 1972;
Schmidt & Wrisberg, 1973) have used
Requests for information concerning this and Adams' closed-loop ideas to generate predic-
other unpublished studies citedi in this article should tions for this response class. The reasoning
be sent to Richard A. Schmidt, Department of
Physical Education, University of Southern Cali- was that in slow positioning responses the
fornia, Los Angeles, California 90007. memory trace and perceptual trace become

experimentally confounded, with positioning defined the criterion location, while Group
tasks not providing measures that could be IR (interpolated random) moved to 16 ran-
ascribed to the variations in the memory- domly ordered stops (not at the criterion
trace strength. One solution was to use location), after being told that the criterion
rapid movements, usually the movement of location was in the center of these positions.
a slide for 10-15 in. (25.4-38.1 cm) with When subjects then attempted to move to
a goal of 150-200 msec, where the move- the criterion position without the stop for
ment would be carried out by the memory 20 trials without KR, the absolute errors
trace (in this case a motor program without (see Figure 1) for the two groups were
feedback involvement), with the perceptual nearly equal on the first block of 4 trials;
trace strength evidenced by how accurately also Group IR maintained performance over
the subject could guess his movement time blocks, whereas Group TO regressed sig-
after the movement. nificantly. The finding that subjects who
Many of the predictions that seemed to had never experienced the correct location
come from Adams' theory were supported. (Group IR) could move as accurately (and
The strength of the error detection mecha- maintain accuracy more effectively) as those
nism (the perceptual trace measured as the subjects who had the conditions necessary
within-subject correlation between actual and for the development of the perceptual trace
judged error) increased as a result of prac- (Group TO) is very damaging to Adams'
tice (Schmidt & White, 1972), the error position.
detection mechanism was sensitive to the The storage problem. Most existing the-
amount of experience with feedback stimuli ories, whether they stress the open-loop
(visual and auditory) present in the task (programmed) aspects (e.g., Henry, 1960)
(Newell & Chew, 1974; Schmidt & Wris- or the closed-loop aspects of movement con-
berg, 1973), and ratings of the subject's trol (e.g., Adams, 1971), implicitly postu-
confidence increased with practice as well. late that for each movement that is to be
But there were some instances of nonsup- made there must be either a motor program
port. Shea (unpublished study, 1972) failed or a reference against which to compare
to confirm that the interresponse interval feedback (depending upon the type of the-
was a factor in development of either the ory), and that there is a one-to-one mapping
memory trace or the perceptual trace. Also, between stored states (either programs or
Adams states clearly that the delay of KR feedback states) and movements to be made.
should not be a factor in the development of This presents problems for the central ner-
the perceptual trace, and yet a study by vous system in terms of the amount of ma-
Schmidt, Christenson, and Rogers (in press) terial that must be stored, as discussed
indicates that delaying KR by 25 sec versus recently by MacNeilage and MacNeilage
5 sec caused a drop in the correlation (from (1973) in the speech production area and
.92 to .61) between actual and judged error; by Schmidt (in press) for motor skills.
the interpretation was that KR delay re- They estimated that for the English lan-
tarded the development of the perceptual guage, considering inflections and accents,
trace. there were some 100,000 phonemes required,
Perceptual trace development. Adams' and thus the same number of stored states.
theory holds that the perceptual trace is When we add to this the nearly countless
formed from feedback traces associated with additional ways (other than speech) in
having moved to the correct location, and which individuals move their musculature,
that without this experience at the correct the individual must have a nearly countless
location, the perceptual trace cannot develop. supply of either programs or feedback states
Williams and Rodney (in press) had sub- in storage. While this may be possible—
jects practice a linear positioning task under and there is no evidence that it is not possi-
a variety of conditions, and two of these ble—it would seem desirable to postulate
conditions test this prediction. Group TO mechanisms that do not require this level of
(target only) moved 16 times to a stop that storage. Recently, a number of attempts at




FIGURE 1. Absolute error (AE) in linear positioning as a function of
variability of prior experience (from Williams & Rodney, in press). Ab-
breviations: TO = target only group; IR = interpolated random group.
alternatives to the earlier program or feed- THE GOAL OF THIS ARTICLE
back theories have been proposed that do
not require this volume of material to be The research and thinking that Adams'
stored, such as the MacNeilage (1970) tar- (1971) theory, and other closed-loop the-
get hypothesis and the use of reflexes by ories as well, have generated in the last few
Easton (1972). years has revealed a number of shortcomings
The novelty problem. A companion to —both logical and empirical—as outlined in
the problem of one-to-one storage of pro- the previous sections. The goal of the pres-
grams or feedback states is the problem of ent article is a theory that contains the
how the performer produces a "novel" move- strong points of the Adams view but is con-
ment. It has seemed clear to investigators siderably different in a number of important
for many years—for example, Bartlett ways, so that it will be consonant with the
(1932) and Bernstein (1967) in essays experimental literature. The theory attempts
originally published in 1934 and 1957—that to deal with discrete tasks, that is, those that
when we make a motor response in a game, have a recognizable beginning and end and
for example, we do not execute the move- are usually quite short in time (e.g., less
ment exactly as we have made it before, and than 5 sec in duration). A number of types
this is borne out by recent biomechanical of discrete tasks are considered. In addition
analyses of movements (e.g., Higgins & to the linear positioning responses with
Spaeth, 1972). If the response is to be pro- which Adams dealt, the theory is aimed at
grammed, for example, the sequence of mus- rapid "ballistic" tasks with very short move-
cle commands would be appropriate for only ment times (e.g., less than 200 msec), tasks
one movement, beginning with the body in a that are "open" as well as "closed" (Poul-
specific position, and with an identical goal; ton, 1957), tasks that demand accuracy, and
and it is probably true that the same re- tasks that have maximum speed, height, etc.,
sponse is never made twice when one con- as goals. Tracking and other continuous
siders the number of possibilities there are, tasks are deliberately excluded from this
for example, in shooting a basketball. There- article because of the rather complex simul-
fore, motor-learning theory must be able to taneous interaction between sensory input
account for the generation of such novel and motor output, although there is the
movements to overcome the shortcomings of possibility that the ideas presented here will
existing theories in this regard. be useful at some future time for tracking

(see Pew, 1974, for an up-to-date review of the programs used by the machines; Henry's
the tracking literature). (1960) "memory-drum theory" was such an
idea, using the notion of the memory drum
THE THEORY element in the earlier computers as an anal-
In order to correct for the shortcomings ogy to the human system. One of the more
of existing open- and closed-loop theories in recent statements is that of Keele (1968),
accounting for the recent motor learning and who defined the motor program as a se-
performance data, a somewhat marked de- quence of stored commands that is "struc-
parture from these original points of view tured before the movement begins and allows
seems essential. As with any new theory, the entire sequence to be carried uninflu-
there is probably not very much really new, enced by peripheral feedback" (p. 387).
with many of the ideas borrowed from The primary evidence for the motor pro-
earlier points of view. Such is the case here. gram notion has been that the processes
As the theory is explained in the next few involving the generation of sensory error
sections, it will become obvious that the information, perceiving it, and initiating cor-
lineage of the major ideas can be traced to rections in response to those errors was
Bartlett (1932) in terms of the notion of the quite slow, requiring from 120-200 msec
schema, to Adams (1971) for his application (about one "reaction time") to initiate the
of closed-loop theory to learning of motor corrections. While it is true that there is
skills, to Pew (1974) for the suggestions some variance in the speed with which the
about the application of the schema to motor various sensory channels operate, with pro-
skills, and to Lashley (1917) for his lead in prioception being fastest, at about 110 msec
characterizing man as controlling his move- (Chernikoff & Taylor, 1952), and vision
ments centrally with "motor programs." It being the slowest, at about 190 msec (Keele
is to the open-loop control ideas and the & Posner, 1968), there is still the problem
motor program that we turn next. that many movements can be carried out in
far less time than is required for the feed-
The Motor Program back loop to operate. In fact, the strongest
The idea that the human being has a set human evidence for the motor program no-
of stored muscle commands ready for action tion seems to be that subjects can initiate,
at any time has probably been with us for carry out, and stop a limb movement within
a very long -time, but the first important 100 msec, implying that decisions about
documentation that movement was centrally when to stop the movement must have been
controlled was provided by Lashley (1917) made prior to the initiation of the movement.
in describing the movements of a patient These results have provided a serious di-
with a gunshot wound in the back. Because lemma for the closed-loop performance the-
of the wound, the patient had lost all sensa- orists, and have provided the support needed
tion from his lower limbs, but had not lost for the program notion to become popular.
the efferent pathways that enabled him to The idea of the motor program is largely
move. Even though he could not feel move- a default argument, as pointed out by Pew
ment in his leg, he was nevertheless able to (1974). There is really no direct human
position it with surprising accuracy, not un- evidence of a motor program; centralists
like a normal control subject. This finding reason that there is no other known means
led Lashley to argue for a position in which of producing the movements; thus programs
movement was controlled centrally, since must be the explanation. Actually, it should
there was little possibility that the wounded be shown either (a) that feedback is present
patient could have been using feedback to in movement but is not used, or (b) that
guide his movements. feedback is not present and movement can
This idea has been restated many times, still occur. Strictly, neither of these two
both formally and informally, and with the possibilities has been shown experimentally.
advent of the electronic computer the cen- There are, however, data from subhuman
tralist notion became couched in terms of species that provide support for the program

notion. The most convincing is the report These generalized motor programs are as-
from Wilson (1961), who totally deaffer- sumed to be able to present the prestruc-
ented the wing musculature and related tured commands for a number of movements
joints of locusts. When a ganglion near the if specific response specifications are pro-
head was stimulated electrically, the locust vided. Thus a motor program for throwing
would produce movements of the wings a ball could be modified by specific instruc-
closely resembling flying (although the tions to throw fast or slow. These specifica-
movements were decreased in amplitude tions can be thought of as parameters that
somewhat), and these movements would can be varied before the movement begins to
continue for an extended period of time enable the execution of the program at a
without further stimulation. Thus it ap- different speed, a different force, and so on.
pears that there are motor programs, and Thus, the performer's problem in choosing
that they are capable of carrying out move- a movement is the determination of the re-
ment in the absence of sensory feedback. sponse specifications that will modify the
Similar data have been collected by Notte- existing stored motor programs.
bohm (1970) with birdsongs. The limita- According to the current literature in the
tion of these findings for human motor be- neurological control of movement (e.g.,
havior is that these subhuman motor pro- Granit, 1970), the output from the motor
grams can probably be considered innate, program consists of two sets of signals. The
and as yet there are no data showing that alpha efferent signals innervate the extra-
learned acts can be programmed, as we fusal fibers in the main body of the muscula-
would like to believe in terms of learning a ture, while the gamma efferent signals in-
program for kicking a football. Even so, the nervate the intrafusal fibers in the muscle
notion seems to have sufficient direct and in- spindles. Through the servo-action of the
direct support to warrant its inclusion here. muscle spindles, the alpha and gamma ac-
The motor program notion is modified tivity is coordinated, so that minute varia-
slightly in the present situation, however. tions from the intended spatial-temporal
The original form of the motor program pattern of movement are corrected very rap-
implies that every movement must have a idly—within 30-50 msec—via the rapid, spin-
separate motor program associated with it, dle-initiated feedback loops. These servo-
and such a postulation brings in the storage type corrections control for unplanned varia-
problem mentioned earlier. The notion has tion in the fatigue state, unexpected forces
therefore been changed somewhat to mean occurring in the limbs, etc., so that the
that there are generalized motor programs movement takes on the intended path (i.e.,
for a given class of movement. For ex- the path intended when the program was
ample, there might be a single program for chosen). Thus, strictly speaking, it makes
the many ways of throwing a baseball. How little sense in view of the evidence to claim,
wide this category of movements governed as Keele (1968) and Schmidt (1972b) have
by a single program might be has been the done, that movements with durations less
subject of some debate, as some would hold than 200 msec take place "without involve-
that the movement category is quite narrow ment from peripheral feedback," because the
(e.g., Henry, 1960), while others, referring spindle system operates much more quickly
to the "overarm pattern," imply that the than this. What is meant by this definition
program might govern all movements in of the motor program is that when the pro-
which something is propelled overhead (e.g., gram is initiated, it carries itself out as
Broer, 1973). How big the category ac- planned, correcting for deviations from the
tually is does not matter a great deal, how- intended path of the movement, but that if
ever, as long as it can be postulated that something happens in the environment that
there is not a one-to-one match between the requires that some new movement (a new
program and each specific movement that the goal) be planned, the performer cannot ac-
individual can produce, in order to avoid the complish any such changes until the pro-
storage problem. gram has run its course for approximately

200 msec. Thus, control is open loop be- tered on a screen, that there was a shift in
cause stimuli from the periphery cannot ini- control from closed-loop to open-loop con-
tiate a new program until the present one trol. Schmidt and McCabe (Note 2) also
has run its course for one reaction time (see found less feedback involvement in a discrete
Schmidt, in press). timing task with a 750-msec movement time,
Actually, the time over which a program using the index of preprogramming dis-
must run its course without change is prob- cussed by Schmidt (1972b).
ably far longer than the lower limit of 200
msec usually specified. If the movement The Schema
time is only 200 msec, any signal that the
subsequent movement is about to be incom- The notion of the schema is not a new idea
patible with the environmental conditions at all, as the first formal statement of the
must occur very early in the movement; idea was made by Head in 1926, and the
being able to correct for errors occurring ideas were subsequently modified consider-
this early seems unlikely, because the initial ably and presented in a book by Bartlett
portions of the movement must usually be called Remembering (1932). The idea, usu-
made in order for the subject to perceive ally stated with respect to perception, is that
that it is going to be incorrect. Depending in order to perceive a set of visual stimuli
upon the type of response, it is reasonable to (e.g., a dog) and to classify these stimuli
believe that the program could carry itself correctly in the category "dog," we need not
out for nearly 400 msec before it could be have previously received the particular set
changed. The amount of possible feedback of stimuli in question. Through our past
involvement in a movement longer than one experiences with seeing dogs, we store these
reaction time is probably dependent primar- stimuli in recognition memory and also ab-
ily upon the movement time, and seems in- stract these stimuli into a concept related to
dependent of the movement velocity so long dogs for additional storage. This concept
as the movement time is constant (Schmidt forms the basis of a schema, or rule for deter-
& Russell, 1972). mining whether a new set of visual stimuli
A primary focus of the present theory is should be classified into the category "dog"
on the development of motor programs and or not. Thus to recognize an animal as a
their response specifications, an emphasis dog, we need not have ever seen that partic-
shared by a number of motor skills research- ular animal before, and with the use of the
ers. Perhaps this point is made best in a schema for dogs, we correctly identify the
passage from a recent article by MacNeilage animal's category. This rule for determining
and MacNeilage (1973) : the category membership of a set of stimuli
forms the basis for the definition of the
The need for peripheral sensory feedback can be schema, as defined by Evans (1967b) :
thought of as inversely proportional to the ability
of the central nervous system to predictively deter- A schema is a characteristic of some population of
mine . . . every essential aspect of the following objects, and consists of a set of rules serving as
acts. (p. 424) instructions for producing a population prototype
(the concept), (p. 87)
Because of the lags in processing feedback,
the subject becomes less and less dependent Thus, given the schema for "dog," which
upon feedback for performance, and the em- consists of a set of rules for determining if
phasis shifts from feedback-controlled, jerky a set of stimuli should be classed as a dog
performances to the smooth execution of or not, the individual comes to the deci-
almost completely open-loop movements. sion about the category membership of the
Thus, the problem for the subject in learn- stimuli.
ing motor skills is to develop these open-loop While the notion of the schema has been
programs for his movements to free himself in existence for a long time, it has been
from feedback involvement. Pew (1966) limited in its usefulness theoretically because
has shown, in a task requiring alternate there have been a number of ways of think-
finger-tapping movements to keep a dot cen- ing about the same idea (e.g., Head, 1926,

versus Bartlett, 1932), the ideas were some- stored abstraction to recognize the prototype
what too "mentalistic" for the behavioristic pattern when it was later presented. A sub-
leanings of psychology until recently, and sequent study by Posner and Keele (1970)
there have not been attempts to operation- showed that when the transfer test was pro-
alize the concept so that it could be tested vided 1 week after the original learning, the
experimentally. Recently, however, a num- recognition of the prototype did not decrease
ber of researchers have invoked the notion over the retention interval, whereas the rec-
to explain nonsense pattern recognition, and ognition of previously seen distortions of it
Evans and his colleagues (Edmonds & did. This implies that the schema for the
Evans, 1966; Edmonds, Evans, & Mueller, dot-pattern classes was retained nearly per-
1966; Edmonds & Mueller, 1966; Edmonds, fectly, while the actual patterns seen pre-
Mueller, & Evans, 1966; Evans, 1967a, viously could not be stored as effectively.
1967b; Evans & Edmonds, 1966) and These data clearly suggest that subjects
Posner and Keele (1968, 1970) have pro- store both the patterns seen and the schema
vided strong operational definitions and tests (the abstraction) of the pattern (although
of the concept. The descriptions of the at different strengths), and that the schema
Posner and Keele studies indicate how the allows subjects to recognize the prototype
schema has been tested for pattern recogni- pattern without ever having seen it previ-
tion tasks. ously. These data, in addition to the Evans
Posner and Keele (1968, Experiment III) experiments cited previously, provide an ex-
presented a series of random dot patterns on perimental paradigm and rather strong evi-
a screen to subjects. They had three basic dence for the schema concept, at least for
9-dot patterns (the "prototypes"), and they stimulus recognition. The next sections deal
produced variations (called "distortions") with the extension of the schema to the area
of these prototypes by randomly moving the of motor response production and motor re-
dots in the original patterns. In training, sponse recognition, respectively.
24 of the distortions were presented, and the
subjects learned with practice and knowl- The Motor Response Schema
edge of results (KR) to categorize them Bartlett (1932) discussed the notion of
correctly (Edmonds, Mueller, & Evans, the schema as a means of solving the storage
1966, have shown that KR is not necessary problem for response production and as a
for this categorization to occur). The orig- means of generating novel responses. He
inal prototypes from which the distortions was quite clear that some such mechanism
were created were not shown. Following must exist, as evidenced by the following:
training, a transfer test was given, consisting
How I make the [tennis] stroke depends upon the
of the 3 original prototypes (not seen pre- relating of certain new experiences, most of them
viously), 6 distortions shown in training, 12 visual, to other immediately preceding experiences
distortions not previously shown, and 3 new, and to my posture, or to balance of postures, at
unrelated, random patterns. the moment, (p. 201)
On the transfer test subjects classified the Then, after one takes in this information
distortions they had seen previously most about the present state of the body and en-
accurately (13.0% error), but they correctly vironment, Bartlett says,
classified the prototype patterns nearly as
well (14.9% error). Classification of the When I make the stroke I do not, as a matter of
distortions not previously seen was not as fact, produce something absolutely new, and I
never merely repeat something old. (p. 202)
accurate (26.9% and 38.3% error, depending
upon the degree of distortion). These data He was not very clear concerning precisely
indicate that subjects can correctly classify how the schema would operate and how
dot patterns that they have never seen before, learning would be handled, but recently Pew
implying that they generated an abstraction (1974) has provided some additional think-
(a schema) of the dot patterns of a given ing about the schema. While the views ex-
category, stored it, and were able to use this pressed in this article are not exactly like

Pew's, they clearly had their origin in Pew's success of the response in relation to the out-
thinking. come originally intended. The desired out-
The notion of the schema as an abstrac- come (or goal) of the movement is poten-
tion of a set of stimuli requires some mod- tially a verbalization, such as, "throw the
ification to allow application to response dart very hard at the center of the target"
production. Basically, when the individual (although the desired outcome need not ac-
makes a movement that attempts to satisfy tually be verbalized), and the response out-
some goal, he stores four things: (a) the come is in these same terms, such as, "you
initial conditions, (b) the response specifi- threw 23 mm to the left." Thus, the actual
cations for the motor program, (c) the sen- outcome of the movement is stored, not what
sory consequences of the response produced, was intended. This outcome information
and (d) the outcome of that movement. The arises from information the subject receives
next section explains each of these con- after the movement, and consists of KR
structs. (when present) and subjective reinforce-
Initial conditions. A number of writers ment that the subject obtains from other
(e.g., Keele, 1968; Pew, 1974) have indi- sources of feedback. The accuracy of the
cated that in order for the subject to move outcome information is thus a direct function
effectively, he requires information about the of the amount and fidelity of the feedback
preresponse state of his muscular system and information, and a subject without any feed-
of the environment in which he is to move. back information does not have outcome in-
The initial conditions, then, consist of the formation to store.
information received from the various re- Schema formation. The above four sources
ceptors prior to the response, such as pro- of information—initial conditions, response
prioceptive information about the positions specifications, sensory consequences, and re-
of the limbs and body in space, as well as sponse outcome—are stored together after
visual and auditory information about the the movement is produced. When a number
state of the environment. After the move- of such movements have been made, the sub-
ment, the initial conditions used to plan the ject begins to abstract the information about
movement are stored. the relationship among these four sources of
Response specifications. Since the motor information in a way suggested by the dot-
program for generation of the muscle com- pattern discrimination experiments. The
mands is assumed to be rather general, with schema notion requires some extension from
variations of the basic pattern possible by the original pattern-perception idea, how-
changing such important elements as the ever, in that in the motor case it is the re-
speed with which it is run off, the forces lationship among the arrays of information
involved, etc., the subject must specify these that is abstracted rather than the commonal-
elements before the movement can be run ities among the elements of a single array.
off. After the movement, these specifica- The strength of the relationship among the
tions are stored along with the other infor- four stored elements increases with each suc-
mation received after the movement. These cessive movement of the same general type
serve as a record of the specifications of the and increases with increased accuracy of
movement produced. feedback information from the response out-
Sensory consequences. The third type of come. This relationship is the schema for
information stored after the movement is the movement type under consideration and
the response-produced sensory information. is more important to the subject than is any
This information consists of the actual feed-
back stimuli received from the eyes, ears, one of the stored instances, which, according
proprioceptors, etc. Thus, the sensory con- to Posner and Keele (1970), are forgotten
sequences are an exact copy of the afferent more quickly over time than is the schema.
information provided on the response. Figure 2 diagrammatically shows how these
Response outcome. The fourth source of sources of information are associated to form
information stored after the movement is the the schemata.









FIGURE 2. The recall and recognition schema in relation to various sources of information.

Response production. When an individ- cause the specifications may have never been
ual is required to make a response of a type used in exactly this way before, the move-
for which he has a schema already devel- ment that results may be novel, in that it
oped, he begins with two inputs to the may, strictly speaking, never have been ex-
schema: the desired outcome for the move- ecuted before.
ment and the initial conditions. From the Response recognition. At the same time
relationship between the past outcomes and that the subject uses the schema to generate
response specifications (the recall schema), the response specifications, he also generates
he determines what set of specifications will the expected sensory consequences of the
achieve the desired outcome. The subject movement. Because the schema also con-
need never have produced those specifica- tains a relationship between the past out-
tions previously, because they are deter- comes and the past sensory consequences,
mined from a combination of initial condi- given the desired outcome, the subject can
tions and an outcome that might never have generate two types of sensory consequences,
been present earlier; nevertheless, with the modified by the particular initial conditions.
schema rule between the outcome and re- The first expected sensory consequence is
sponse specifications, as modified by the the expected proprioceptive feedback, which
initial conditions, the specifications can be should result if the desired outcome is
determined as interpolations among past achieved, and which consists of the antic-
specifications. When the specifications are ipated feedback from the various proprio-
determined, the subject executes the motor ceptors in the muscles and joints, as well as
program with the particular set of specifica- the anticipated information from the vestib-
tions, and the movement is carried out. Be- ular apparatus. Second, the anticipated ex-

teroceptive feedback consists of anticipated (e.g., Anokhin, 1969; Bernstein, 1967; Pew,
vision, audition, etc., of the environment and 1974; Sokolov, 1969) in which the expected
of the limb and the objects moved by it. sensory consequences are of the movement
During and/or after the movement, each actually chosen; such expected sensory con-
of these expected sensory consequences is sequences can provide information about the
compared with the respective inflow of sen- extent to which that movement was carried
sory information (the proprioceptive and out faithfully, but can provide no informa-
exteroceptive feedback, respectively), and a tion about whether appropriate response
resulting mismatch in the expected and ac- specifications were selected. A major differ-
tual sensory consequences produces an error ence between these theories and the present
that is fed back to the schema, providing one concerns the way in which these ex-
information (subjective reinforcement) as to pected sensory consequences are chosen.
the outcome of the response produced. These In the present theory, the subject begins
processes are symbolized in Figure 3, in the process by selecting a desired outcome
which the recall and recognition schemata and by noting the initial conditions at the
are combined (i.e., the "motor response time. The relationship between actual out-
schema") to increase the clarity of presen- comes and sensory consequences (the recog-
tation. nition schema) allows the generation of a
Since the expected sensory consequences set of expected sensory consequences that
are dependent upon the developing relation- represent the best estimate of the sensory
ship between the response outcome (as de- consequences of the correct movement. Also,
termined by KR or other subjective rein- the relationship between actual outcomes and
forcement) on previous trials and the sen- response specifications (the recall schema)
sory feedback actually received, the strength permits the generation of the response spec-
of the recognition memory should increase ifications that are the best guess as to how
as a function of both KR in initial practice to achieve the desired outcome. With this
and the quality and amount of feedback re- method of selection, even though the ex-
ceived on each trial. This portion of the pected sensory consequences and response
schema rule is the basis of recognition mem- specifications are strongly associated, there
ory for the movements of the type governed is no necessity that they be isomorphic, as
by the schema. This recognition memory with the earlier theories, because the recall
is assumed to be analogous to recognition and recognition schemata are separate. While
memory in verbal learning—including the the two schemata do share the initial condi-
assumption that it is independent of motor tions and actual outcomes as variables, they
recall memory (i.e., that memory associated are separate because the recall schema is the
with the response-production portion of the relationship between these variables and re-
schema), even if some of the variables (e.g., sponse specifications, whereas the recogni-
KR and subjective reinforcement) are sim- tion schema is the relationship between these
ilar for the two memory states. two variables and sensory consequences.
An important point should now be made Further, it is possible that the subject may
about the nature of the expected sensory choose inappropriate response specifications
consequences generated before the move- on trial n, recognize his error, update his
ment. In order for the subject to be able recall schema, and produce different specifi-
to receive information about the correctness cations on trial n + 1, even if the initial con-
of the movement in relation to the desired ditions are identical; even though two sets
outcome, he must be able to compare the of response specifications were generated on
actual feedback with the feedback expected the two trials, the expected sensory conse-
if the movement achieved the environmental quences could have remained constant be-
goal, and thus the expected sensory conse- cause the desired outcome did.
quences must represent the feedback conse- In the earlier theories, however, the sub-
quences of this correct movement. This is ject first chose the particular movement pat-
in contrast to a number of earlier theories tern and then chose the expected sensory






FIGURE 3. The motor response schema in relation to events occurring

within a trial (recall and recognition schemata are combined for clarity).
Abbreviations: KR = knowledge of results; EXP PFB = expected proprio-
ceptive feedback; EXP EFB = expected exteroceptive feedback.

consequences associated with that response; (1971) successfully avoided this problem in
here the expected consequences and response his theory by insisting that the perceptual
specifications are necessarily isomorphic be- trace (the expected sensory consequences)
cause one was specified first and the other be developed through past experience with
was chosen as a function of it. The limita- the correct movement.
tion in this system is that if the recall
schema is weak and the subject chooses in- The Labeling of Error Signals
appropriate response specifications, the move- The present theory proposes that the er-
will be incorrect, but he will have no way ror signal generated by the comparison of
of detecting his error, since the expected and actual and expected sensory consequences
actual sensory consequences, being of the exists in two possible states: (a) the raw
movement chosen, necessarily match. Adams sensory signal that arises from the compar-

ison of expected and actual consequences, Producing a Movement

and (b) this raw signal after it has been
labeled and converted into a reportable form. Given the notions presented in the pre-
This notion is certainly not new, as Bartlett vious sections, it will be useful to describe
in 1932 said, how the schema operates in producing a
motor response by explaining the steps in
Perceptual processes, in fact, involve two different, the movement in the order that they are
but related functions: (a) that of the sensory pat- thought to occur. Figure 3 shows the move-
tern, which provides a physiological basis for per- ment process, beginning with the specifica-
ceiving; and (b) that of another factor which con-
structs the sensory pattern into something having tion of a desired outcome and subsequent
a significance which goes beyond its immediate determination of the initial conditions. From
sensory character, (p. 188) the relationship established in past responses
between outcomes and response specifica-
While this raw signal can be used by the tions, new specifications for the motor pro-
subject, most notably in those situations gram are selected. Also, at the same time,
where the subject makes a series of adjust- the relationship between outcome and sen-
ments in order to reduce his error signal to sory consequences allows the selection of the
zero in positioning tasks, it is the labeled expected proprioceptive feedback and ex-
error signal that plays a role in explaining teroceptive feedback. When these processes
learning. The labeled error signal is termed have occurred, the movement can be initi-
subjective reinforcement and can serve as a ated by running off the motor program.
substitute for knowledge of results (KR), Immediately following the initiation of the
providing outcome information that can up- motor program, the impulses begin to flow
date the recall schema. Subjective rein- out to the muscular system with all of the
forcement is less accurate than is the perfect details of at least the first 200 msec of the
KR, and so the subject will probably use movement specified. As the movement is
KR to update the recall schema when KR carried out, sensory receptors in the body
is present, but when KR is not present, the provide information about the movements
subject can resort to the less accurate sub- occurring. For convenience only, these re-
jective reinforcement for his outcome infor- ceptors are classed into two groups—pro-
mation. prioceptive feedback and exteroceptive feed-
The error labeling system is proposed to back—although it should be recognized that
be another schema, in this case a schema for this classification does not represent any
labeling sensory signals. It is assumed that meaningful differences in the way these feed-
past sensory signals have been stored along back sources are assumed to operate. The
with the actual sensory consequences (based feedback information is fed back to the ex-
on KR), and a schema rule is built up over pected proprioceptive and exteroceptive feed-
time that relates the KR received to the back states, respectively, and the discrepancy
signals received. When this schema is well between these anticipated and actual states
established, it enables the subject to receive represents an error in responding. The raw
error signals from the expected-actual com- error is fed back to the schema so that in
parisons, and to attach a label to these sig- positioning movements, for example, addi-
nals according to the KR-sensory-signal re- tional adjustments can be made to reduce the
lationship. Thus, in later practice, the sub- error to zero. This error is also fed to the
error labeling system, where the subject as-
ject can attach a label to a new sensory error
signs a reportable label to it, and this result-
signal that he has not experienced previ- ing subjective reinforcement is then fed back
ously, and the result is subjective reinforce- to the schema as subjective information.
ment. Of course, the essential ingredient for The final source of error is the informa-
the error labeling system is KR, and without tion that the experimenter or teacher pro-
it subjects cannot develop the schema for vides for the subject after the movement,
labeling new errors. termed KR. It arises from the measured
outcome of the response ("the ball missed tasks that are either open or closed (Foul-
the target by 20 cm to the left"), and is ton, 1957) and either rapid or slow. In
already in a form that is interpretable as a addition, a type of discrete response not fre-
deviation from the desired outcome. The quently discussed is one in which the per-
KR information, in addition to being fed former continually strives to do "more of
back to the schema for updating the schema something," such as moving faster, jumping
rules, is fed to the error labeling system to higher, or producing more force, and this
enable this system to improve its accuracy type of task does not have accuracy, in the
in labeling future error signals arising from traditional sense at least, as a goal. Fur-
the deviations of proprioceptive and extero- ther, the theory has the capability of explain-
ceptive feedback from their respective antic- ing novel movements that may not have been
ipated states. produced previously.
Learning is possible by feeding back the Open-versus closed skills. Poulton (1957)
essential error information to the schemata. defined open skills as those in which envi-
The response specifications and initial con- ronmental and situational characteristics can
ditions are stored when the movement is change as the subject plans or performs his
selected, and the actual proprioceptive and response, such as the response that would be
exteroceptive feedback are stored as the required of a wrestler attempting a take-
movement is progressing and as these sources down. Closed skills, at the other extreme,
of information are generated. Finally, the are those in which the goal and environmen-
actual outcome is stored, based on KR when tal conditions are relatively constant. The
it is present, but based on subjective rein- important distinction between these two
forcement if KR is not present. These types of movement was recognized by Gen-
sources of information can then be used to tile (1972). Essentially, with closed skills
update the schema rules and provide revised the performer need only learn one movement
estimates of the expected sensory conse- that satisfies the goal, whereas with open
quences and response specifications on the skills, the environmental conditions are
next trial. The traces representing these never constant, and the subject must plan
sources of information are hypothesized to his response to meet the anticipated situa-
be relatively weak, so that rapid forgetting tional demands of the enviroment. The
of them can be expected over time. How- question of the novel movement is partic-
ever, the traces are assumed to be held in ularly important for these open skills, since
store sufficiently long so that they can be performers must make movements never be-
used to update the appropriate schemata. fore made if the environment is not exactly
The schemata, on the other hand, are as- the same as for previous movements.
sumed to be stored far more permanently, Theoretically, with closed skills the sub-
although some forgetting of them over time ject develops the schema rule so that he
could be expected. makes finer and finer predictions on the
basis of the rule, and the expected sensory
SOME DISTINGUISHING FEATURES consequences are more and more accurate
This section concerns some of the impor- estimates of the consequences of that one
tant ways in which the present theory differs movement. This is much the same as Adams
from earlier points of view. In this discus- has it (but the mechanisms are different, of
sion, the ways in which the theory can deal course). The schema rule produces increas-
with the problems and shortcomings of the ingly accurate estimates of response specifi-
other theories are discussed. cations and expected sensory consequences,
and the movements become more and more
Applicability to Various Response Types accurate as a result. With open skills, how-
The present theory extends the notions of ever, the problem is similar, but it is com-
Adams' (1971) theory to response types plicated by the fact that the subject must be
other than linear positioning, and can handle able to produce novel responses. He does
the learning and performance of discrete this by again strengthening the schema rule

between outcomes and response specifica- In slow positioning movements, the schema
tions and between outcomes and sensory rule determines the expected sensory conse-
consequences, as mediated by the initial con- quences for the end of the movement speci-
ditions. When a new environmental condi- fied by the desired outcome. Then the sub-
tion arises, the subject can generate the ject moves along the track and compares the
response specifications and the expected sen- response-produced feedback with the ex-
sory consequences on the basis of his per- pected sensory consequences. He continues
ceptions about the state of the environment moving as long as his errors (the discrep-
(and what that state will be when the move- ancies between feedback and the expected
ment is actually carried out). consequences) are being reduced, and then
The present point of view, contrary to finally homes in on the target location by
Gentile (1972), does not see open and closed reducing his error to zero. Even though the
skills as being fundamentally different. subject is moving actively and some (e.g.,
Closed skills are those movements in which Marshall, 1972) have termed these move-
the subject does not have the problem of ments "recall," the present position is that
environmental uncertainty as he plans the the subject is using feedback compared with
movement. Open skills, however, can be a recognition state, and hence the subject is
regarded as closed skills with environmental moving to that location that he recognizes as
uncertainty added. The problem for the being correct. Such slow responses are de-
performer in these open tasks is to determine pendent on recognition memory and the rec-
what the environment will be like when the ognition portion of the schema rule.
movement is finally executed, and to plan What about error detection and the deter-
the movement accordingly. However, be- mination of subjective reinforcement after
cause of the reaction-time lags in the motor the movement? Clearly, since the subject
system, there comes a time in every open has used the comparison between expected
skill where the individual must execute the sensory consequences and response-produced
program associated with the best estimate of feedback as the basis for determining the
the changing environment, and at this point endpoint, he will have subjective reinforce-
the movement becomes "closed" for the sub- ment that is zero, reflecting the fact that he
ject. That is, given his temporal limitations, moved to that position for which the error
he executes the movement and cannot change signal was zero. He can, therefore, have no
it for at least 200 msec, and it is exactly as further estimate of his own error with re-
if the environment were fixed in that state spect to the target on that trial unless he
predicted by the subject when he planned receives KR. He cannot, therefore, continue
the movement. If the subject was incorrect to learn these movements without KR, be-
in his estimates of the environmental state, cause he requires KR and/or subjective re-
he would, of course, have produced a re- inforcement in order to strengthen the re-
sponse that was inappropriate given the en- sponse-recognition schema. If the subject
vironment, and he would have to initiate lacks this information, the schema remains
corrections after the motor program had run stable, and the subject maintains his per-
its course (or on the next movement if the formance. If the level of practice is low, and
response was very short in time, e.g., 200 the schema is not well developed, he may
msec). regress in performance after KR withdrawal
Rapid versus slow responses. The pres- because of inappropriate guesses about out-
come being paired with the sensory conse-
ent theory extends Adams' (1971) theory
quences, to the detriment of the accuracy of
dealing with slow, graded, linear positioning the schema rule.
responses to movements that are too rapid to Now let us consider rapid responses.
allow feedback to be used while the move- Since the time required for exteroceptive
ment is in progress. Theoretically, these and proprioceptive feedback to circle the
two types of responses are controlled and loop and result in subjective reinforcement
learned in very different ways. is great, rapid movements (such as a task
in which the subject learns to move 30 cm independent, for they are hypothesized to de-
in exactly ISO msec) are completed before velop using some of the same variables. The
the subjective reinforcement can begin to recall schema depends on the actual outcome
have an effect. Even if it cannot act on that (KR or subjective reinforcement), the ini-
trial, however, the subjective reinforcement tial conditions, and the response specifica-
is present nevertheless, and still signals the tions, with the rule updated after each trial
extent to which the expected sensory conse- by an integration of this new information
quences and response-produced feedback into the existing schema. By contrast, the
matched, and hence the subject has an esti- recognition schema develops using the initial
mate of his response correctness after the conditions, the sensory consequences, and
movement has been completed. This is fed actual outcome integrated into the existing
back to the schema as actual outcome, and recognition schema. Thus, while some of
the rule between outcome and response spec- the variables are different, both schemata
ifications is strengthened. If KR is with- are clearly dependent on the actual outcome
drawn, the subject has information about and the initial conditions, and both schemata
response correctness from subjective rein- will develop according to the experience the
forcement based on proprioceptive and ex- individual has had with these variables. On
teroceptive feedback, and performance can the other hand, they are separate in that the
be maintained. If sufficient KR practice recall schema uses response specifications
precedes KR withdrawal, the subject should and the recognition schema uses obtained
be able to continue to learn without KR, sensory consequences. The degradation of
since subjective reinforcement can provide a feedback when KR is present should have no
substitute for the actual outcome information effect on the recall schema, since KR is used
that KR, when present, provided. as the estimate of actual outcome, but should
Tasks not requiring accuracy. Many tasks have detrimental effects on the recognition
in daily life require one to attempt to do schema.
more of something, such as throw harder or As was pointed out earlier, Adams' (1971)
jump higher. Theories such as Adams' have theory has difficulty in explaining how one
difficulty with response evaluation in such could continue to learn a positioning task
tasks, since the perceptual trace is the rep- after KR had been withdrawn, or even how
resentation of the "central tendency" of past one could simply maintain performance
feedback states. While it is possible that without KR. The problem was that if the
the perceptual trace can provide information subject ever made an error, the perceptual
about the success of a new jump that is trace would be degraded somewhat, he
higher than any done previously, accuracy would consequently make a greater error on
of the subjective reinforcement will be quite the next trial, the trace would be further
low, because the feedback from the new degraded, and so on until movement had
jump is so different from the average of the become very inaccurate. For the slow move-
past attempts. However, in the present the- ments, the schema notion cannot predict con-
ory, the subject can generate expected sen- tinued learning without KR since subjective
sory consequences for such responses on the reinforcement always indicates that the sub-
basis of the recognition schema, and these ject has moved to the correct location on
are not tied to the central tendency of his each trial. The present theory can, how-
past consequences. The result is a some- ever, predict that performance in slow tasks
what better estimate of the extent to which should be maintained, since in order to
the subject achieved the goal when it lay change the recognition schema the subject
outside of the range of responses previously requires the pairing of actual outcome and
executed. the sensory consequences. Of the two he
has only the sensory consequences after the
Two Compartments of Memory movement, and hence no changes in the
While there are two states of memory schema can occur. In the cases where KR
postulated, they should not be seen as totally is withdrawn after very few KR trials, dec-

rements in performance might occur because performance in tasks demanding accuracy.

of incorrect guesses about the actual out- While the issue is certainly not new (e.g.,
come, with inappropriate updating of the Woodworth, 1938), Schutz and Roy (1973)
schema resulting in the performance decre- have reopened the argument, advocating the
ments commonly seen (e.g., Bilodeau, Bilo- use of constant error and variable error as
deau, &Schumsky, 1959). measures of accuracy, arguing that absolute
In rapid movements, however, the KR- error should not be used because it is con-
withdrawal effects are somewhat different. founded with constant error and variable
When enough practice with KR has been error. It is appealing to have measures that
provided so that the subject has an accurate are independent within subjects such as con-
recognition schema, if KR is withdrawn the stant error and variable error, allowing var-
subject has the capability to store all that is iable error to represent consistency and con-
necessary for continued recall schema devel- stant error to represent directional biases,
opment : the initial conditions, actual out- but it can be argued that absolute error is
come (from subjective reinforcement), and to be preferred as a measure of performance.
response specifications. Hence, if the sub- First, having two dependent measures in one
ject makes an error, it does not degrade experiment can allow opposite conclusions
the recall schema mechanism, but rather to be drawn about the processes that they
strengthens it, since in an error response are thought to estimate (e.g., Dobbins &
actual outcome and response specifications Rarick, 1975), leading to equivocal findings.
will be lawfully related in the same way that Second, absolute error has a solid history of
they are in more nearly correct movements. use in psychology and motor behavior, prob-
The result is that the recall schema is at ably because it is intuitively meaningful; it
least maintained in strength, and is perhaps is the amount by which the subject was in-
increased in strength, with KR withdrawal. correct in his movement. Third, one can
Of course, the recognition schema remains imagine the performance of an individual
stable because it requires the pairing of ac- who is told that he will be financially re-
tual outcome and sensory consequences; in warded for reducing his constant errors on
this case the actual outcome and sensory a series of trials; he will probably move on
consequences are redundant, since the for- trial n to cancel out a constant error made
mer was computed on the basis of the latter, on trial n — 1, and will not attempt to
and no updating can occur. achieve a correct movement. It seems that
individuals try to reduce the amount by
SOME SUPPORTING EVIDENCE which they are incorrect in the task (i.e.,
This section provides some experimental the absolute error), and measuring constant
evidence that is taken as support for the error and variable error when the subjects
various hypothetical processes assumed to are not aware of it could provide misleading
occur in the performance and learning of data. For these reasons, the use of absolute
discrete tasks. In addition, independent var- error as a measure of recall-schema strength
iables that are hypothesized to influence the seems justifiable.
various processes are mentioned, and experi- In some of the experiments cited in this
mental paradigms for subsequent tests of article, variable error is used as a substitute
these ideas are suggested. Before turning for absolute error, and it can be argued from
to the evidence, however, a discussion is Schutz and Roy's (1973) analysis that the
necessary concerning the dependent varia- variable error and absolute error are prob-
bles assumed to be indicative of the pro- ably measures of the same state or process,
cesses and states proposed. since the constant errors in such tasks are
nearly zero. Finally, Henry (1974) advo-
Dependent Variables cates the use of the total variability of the
Motor recall. Recently there has been subject's scores around the correct value as
considerable debate about which of many a measure of overall accuracy in responding,
error scores should be used as measures of and this measure is probably highly associ-
ated with both absolute error and variable The objective-subjective correlation is to
error under conditions where constant error be preferred, because it is clearly sensitive
is nearly zero. to the direction of the subject's guesses. It
Motor recognition. A number of research- also counters a strategy employed by some
ers (e.g., Newell, 1974; Newell & Chew, subjects whereby they guess the correct
1974) have argued that the appropriate sta- score (e.g., 200) on each trial of a 200-msec
tistic for the estimation of recognition mem- task. In such cases the correlation is zero,
ory strength is the absolute value of the reflecting a total insensitivity to the size and
difference between the objective and subjec- direction of the error, whereas the difference
tive error, and that the within-subject cor- score is minimized (especially if the constant
relation does not indicate the extent to which error is zero for that subject), making him
the subject is incorrect in his judgments, appear to be quite talented in predicting his
only that he is sensitive to the direction of score. As a measure of the strength of the
his errors. They argue that he could be in recognition schema, therefore, the correla-
error by a constant of 100 msec (i.e., his tion statistic is to be preferred, but could be
average guess might be 100 msec too large) supplemented with the average objective-
and yet this fact would not be represented subjective difference to be certain that there
by a drop in the correlation. While they were not large constant errors in guessing.
are correct on this point, there are a number
of reasons that the correlation is to be pre- Support for the Schema Notion
ferred to the difference score.
First, there has been negative reaction to The most important portion of the present
difference scores (e.g., Bereiter, 1963; theory is the schema, and this section deals
Schmidt, 1972a), and the objective-subjec- with experimental and other evidence for it.
tive difference score is not free from unde- The recall and recognition schemata will be
sirable effects, which include (a) an extreme considered separately.
correlation with the minuend, which in this Recall schema. Strictly speaking, very
case is the absolute error (r = .80 in Schmidt little published work supporting a schema
& White, 1972), (b) probable nonlinearity for response production can be found. How-
of relationship with the construct (in this ever, there are a number of studies sugges-
case, the recognition-schema strength) that tive of the schema's existence, and there is
the difference score attempts to measure, subjective-anecdotal evidence as well.
and (c) statistical unreliability due to the Anecdotal evidence for the schema is that
summation of errors in measurement for the subjects can produce sequences of move-
two components. A further difficulty for the ments that they have never performed be-
present theory is the fact that the objective- fore. A classic example concerns handwrit-
subjective difference and the absolute error ing, in which a person's signature can be
theoretically are measures of separate states recognized as his regardless of the size of
of memory; however, the method of com- the actual marks produced; one can produce
putation of these two statistics allows the the same signature on a check or 10 times
inclusion of absolute error in both measures, larger on a blackboard (Merton, 1972, p. 4).
leading to a strong correlation betwesn these Of course, quite different musculature is
two scores, even to the point that the plots used in these two signatures, with the move-
of these two scores over trials yields nearly ments confined to the fingers and perhaps
the hand in small writing, and the entire arm
identically shaped functions. In such cases,
in larger writing. The schema notion ex-
it would be possible to show that a given plains this by saying that the movements are
experimental variable influences both the all run off by a large motor program that
recognition and recall measure identically needs to have certain specifications in order
because of a statistical artifact, leading to to produce a given movement sequence.
the erroneous conclusion that recall and rec- When the specifications are that the move-
ognition were not separate. ment should be small, rapid, and slanted
slightly, the program can carry out these ously; an example is the basketball player
movements as planned. Of course, a motor who shoots from various places on the floor
program theory such as that of Henry with great accuracy. The notion is that the
(1960) cannot handle these findings, since varied previous shooting experiences led to
it postulates that the movements are the increased schema strength, providing a basis
result of a specific motor program, with a for generating novel movements of that same
different program needed for each movement class. One important prediction is that in-
"style." The fact that individuals can do creasing either the amount or the variability
this seems to be evidence directly in conflict of such previous experiences lead to in-
with such one-to-one program - movement- creased schema strength. These predictions
style ideas. suggest a test of the schema notion in terms
Pew (1974) adheres to the idea that the of transfer of learning.
movement is programmed rather generally, Experiments testing this idea have been
and then the movement parameters are spec- conducted, and some of them are quite old
ified before the movement is initiated. In a (e.g., Crafts, cited in Ellis, 1965; Duncan,
study by Armstrong (Note 3) a sequence 1958). For example, Duncan used a task
of lever movements was learned in a number in which the subject had to position a lever
of sessions. An important result was that into one of 13 slots depending upon which
the timing in the sequence appeared to be of 13 lights was illuminated, with the move-
generalized, in that when the movement was ments being done as quickly as possible.
done too rapidly the entire sequence was The task could be varied to produce 12 sim-
speeded up, keeping the temporal relation- ilar versions, and subjects received either 1,
ships among the various submovements ap- 2, 5, or 10 variations in a training session,
proximately constant. The implication that with the total number of trials held con-
Pew (1974) draws from these data is that stant. Duncan found that the amount of
timing is one of the response specifications transfer to two novel variations of the task
that serves as a "parameter" of the motor was a positive function of both the amount
program.2 Also, Glencross (1973) found in and variability of training, especially as the
handwheel cranking that the movements variability was increased from one to two
were very similar in terms of the timing of tasks. While this study supports the pre-
the onsets of force application even when dictions from the theory strongly, it could
resistance was added and the radius was be argued that what was learned and trans-
changed; he labeled the phenomenon "gra- ferred were cognitive-conceptual relation-
dation of effort." It is as if there was a ships related to which light went with which
program for cranking, and that changing the slot, and the findings may not tell a great
quality of cranking (i.e., less force, more deal about the existence of schemata for
speed, etc.) provided a situation in which producing movement. To support the recall
the subject still used the program, but with schema idea, a task should be used that in-
a different set of specifications. While the volves primarily motor learning, with min-
present article does not attempt to deal with imized cognitive aspects, so that transfer as
such continuous responses, these findings at a function of response variability could be
least suggest that a schema-like process attributed to the development of schemata
could exist in discrete movements as well. that define the response specifications.
However, the most impressive kind of Schmidt and Shapiro (unpublished study,
evidence that could be generated in support 1974) used Duncan's design with a task that
of the schema is that subjects can produce could be considered more motor in nature
movements of a given class that they had, than his light-slot task. The task involved
strictly speaking, never performed previ- moving the preferred arm and hand to knock
over four small barriers in a predefined
See also Brooks (1974), who found that timing order, and minimized movement time was
appeared to be a parameter of alternating hand
movements in monkeys. the subject's goal. The task was varied by

changing the locations (but not the orders) sets of stimuli seen. This is different from
of the barriers, so that four tasks with the present situation in that the recognition
slightly different movement-segment lengths memory for, say, a novel ball throw may not
and intersegment angles were defined. One represent the central tendency of all balls
group performed three tasks (40 trials of previously thrown. To have it represent the
each with KR) while a second group per- central tendency would provide a recognition
formed one task (120 trials with KR). state that would not be associated with a
When subjects were transferred to a fourth new response, that might not be near the
novel version of the task, there was some central movement pattern, and that would
tendency for the group with high variability not provide recognition for novel move-
(three tasks) to perform more quickly than ments. Rather, what the schema represents
the group with low variability (one task), is the relationship among a number of
with these differences increasing somewhat sources of information stored on each trial,
over subsequent practice with KR, but the and in the motor recognition case, these are
differences were small and did not reach the actual outcome and the actual sensory
statistical significance. consequences. Hence, the schema notion is
The failure of the Schmidt and Shapiro extended from becoming the central tend-
study to support the schema notion does not, ency of a set of stimuli to the relationship
of course, disprove it, as there are a number between paired members of two sets of
of alternative explanations. First, the task stimuli.
involved the preferred arm and hand with A second and less cautious extension of
college-age subjects, and it is possible that the recognition schema notion is to types of
schemata for movement production had al- stimuli other than the visual patterns studied
ready been developed throughout extensive by Posner and Keele (1968, 1970) and
previous movement experience with that others, and it is assumed that such abstract-
limb. This suggests that future work along ing processes can occur with auditory, tac-
these lines should use limbs and movements tile, and kinesthetic stimuli as well. There
that have not been used extensively, or is some support for recognition schemata
should use younger subjects in whom the with kinesthetic stimuli in a report by Wil-
schemata have not been developed. Also, it liams and Rodney (in press). As men-
is possible that the variations of the task tioned earlier, blindfolded subjects attempted
did not produce movements that were suffi- to learn a criterion position along a track-
ciently different, or produced movements way in two different ways. Group TO (tar-
that were different in the "wrong" ways. get only) moved 16 times to a stop at the
Recognition schema. As was mentioned criterion position, whereas Group IR (inter-
in a previous section, there is considerable polated random) moved to 16 randomly or-
evidence in the dot-pattern recognition stud- dered stops that surrounded the criterion
ies for the existence of schemata. This evi- position; Group IR was instructed that the
dence indicates that subjects not only can criterion position was in the center of the
store the individual patterns seen, but also 16 positions presented. The critical transfer
can store some abstraction of the patterns. test (see Figure 1) showed Groups TO and
This abstraction is the schema and consists IR performing with nearly equal absolute
of a set of rules for determining whether a errors on the first block, but Group IR
given new pattern is or is not a member of maintained performance over subsequent
the class of objects described by the schema blocks, whereas Group TO regressed sharply
rule. As strong as this evidence seems to in its performance.
be, there are two essential ways in which the The interpretation in terms of the schema
experimental situation dealing with dot pat- theory is that the 16 practice positions per-
terns differs from the motor recognition formed by Group IR enabled subjects to de-
schema in the present theory. velop a recognition schema for the locations
First, the schema in the dot-pattern work along the trackway; the reduced variability
represents the central tendency of the past for Group TO did not permit this schema
development. Then, on the transfer trials, usually larger than were recall measures, but
Group IR subjects could generate the ex- that this difference, in and of itself, did not
pected sensory consequences associated with necessarily mean that the processes under-
the criterion position (even though they had lying recognition and recall were different.
not experienced this position previously), If it could be shown that a given experi-
and could then move so as to match the in- mental variable influenced recognition in one
coming proprioceptive feedback with the ex- way (e.g., increased it) and influenced re-
pected proprioceptive feedback. The recog- call in another way (e.g., decreased it), this
nition-schema strength was approximately would provide evidence that the two memory
maintained over the five blocks for Group states follow different laws. If two systems
IR, but for Group TO the traces associated have different laws, it makes little sense to
with the criterion position apparently faded, maintain that they are the same system, and
resulting in less accurate responding for finding that some experimental variables
these subjects. The important point is that (e.g., intentional versus incidental instruc-
Group IR subjects could recognize the cri- tions) affect recall but not recognition has
terion position without having experienced been used as support that recall and recog-
it previously, and they could recognize it as nition are separate systems.
effectively as Group TO subjects with ex- Motor recognition and recall. The recog-
perience at the criterion location. While the nition-recall issue had not been studied in
experiment does provide support for the motor skills until Adams (1971) proposed
schema theory, it is perhaps more important the independence of these states in his the-
because it provides strong contrary evidence ory. Since the introduction of this theory,
to the prediction from Adams' (1971) the- however, there have been a few attempts to
ory, which says that Group TO with prac- show that certain variables influence recall
tice at the criterion position should have and recognition differently in motor skills.
greater accuracy (due to increased percep- One such attempt was made by Schmidt
tual trace strength) and should maintain et al. (in press), who sought evidence for
accuracy longer than Group IR. These find- the independence of recall and recognition
ings provide considerable difficulty for using KR delay as the main independent
Adams' position. variable. In Experiment I, subjects learned
to recognize lifted weights, a performance
Separate States oj Memory reasoned to be based on recognition memory.
There is considerable evidence in the Increased KR delay (25 sec vs. 5 sec)
verbal learning literature to indicate that caused a drop in the correlation between the
there are two separate states of memory, one actual weight and the subject's guess from
for recall in which subjects must produce .75 to .46, supporting the conclusion that
the response term, and one for recognition KR delay is a variable in recognition mem-
in which subjects must only say whether the ory. In Experiment II, the authors used a
item has been seen before. (See Under- rapid ballistic task (as with Schmidt &
wood, 1972, for a review of this issue.) The White, 1972), attempting to show that KR
same view is presented in this article and is delay was a factor in the recognition mem-
in general agreement with Adams (1971). ory for the task (as it was with Experiment
Under this view, recall memory is the state I) but was not a factor in the recall memory.
that produces the movement, and recognition The task in Experiment II involved a par-
memory is the state that determines whether adigm wherein the subject was asked to
the subject can recognize that the movement learn to move a horizontal slide 30 cm (with
was correct. While there is strong evidence follow-through permitted) in 200 msec. The
for this view in verbal learning, what is the subject made a response, the experimenter
evidence for this contention in motor skills? asked for his guess about his error (subjec-
A research strategy. It was realized long tive error), and then the experimenter pro-
ago in verbal behavior that recognition mea- vided KR in terms of the actual (objective)
sures (in terms of number correct) were error. The experimental variable was again

TABLE 1 found that increasing KR delay had no sig-

RECALL AND RECOGNITION MEASURES AS A nificant effect on recall measures (constant
FUNCTION OF DELAY OF KNOWLEDGE OF error or variable error), but had significant
RESULTS IN ACQUISITION detrimental effect on the recognition indi-
Delay interval
cant, the objective-subjective correlation.
Measure 5 sec 25 sec As can be seen in Table 1, the 5-sec delay
group displayed correlations of .92, whereas
Variable error 18.6 msec 20.4 msec
Constant error" + 14.4 msec + 16.3 msec the 25-sec delay group showed a correlation
Objective-subjective of only .61, representing a significant drop
correlation .61
in the error-detecting sensitivity of the long-
N 20 20
delay group. Therefore, KR decay appears
Note, From "Some Evidence for the Independence of Recall to be a variable that causes decrements in
and Recognition in Motor Behavior" by R. A. Schmidt, R. recognition, but leaves recall unaffected, and
Christenson, and P. Rogers, Journal of Motor Behavior, in press.
Copyright 1975 by Journal Publishing Affiliates. Reprinted by these findings are in the direction predicted
Positive values are overshoots. by the theory.
If it is true that KR delay is a variable in
the delay of KR. The rationale was that if the development of the recognition schema,
KR is delayed and the proprioceptive feed- then the learning of any task dependent on
back received from the movement fades with the recognition schema should be retarded as
time, the actual consequences (based on well. One such task is linear positioning,
KR) cannot be paired effectively with the which, according to the theory, is dependent
faded sensory consequences, and hence the on the match between the expected sensory
recognition schema will not develop effi- consequences (generated from the recogni-
ciently. Recall, or the production of the tion schema) and the incoming propriocep-
movement, is dependent upon KR and the tive feedback during the movement. The
response specifications (which, it is assumed, difficulty with all this is that there is ample
do not fade with time as rapidly as the sen- evidence that linear positioning tasks are not
sory consequences), and hence the theory affected by KR delay (see Bilodeau, 1966,
would predict that the measure of response for a review). One possibility is that the
production would not be influenced by the evidence on linear positioning has used pro-
delay of KR. cedures that prevented the matching of feed-
Subjects were given 50 trials, with KR back and the expected sensory consequences
provided either immediately (after 5 sec) or because of the time constraints usually placed
delayed for 25 sec, and then practiced 30 upon subjects, and one could assume that
additional trials with no KR. The measure subjects may have switched to a strategy
of recall in this task was the accuracy in wherein they program the movements. In
terms of the 200-msec goal, and either con- this case, the production of the movement
stant error or variable error was the recall would be dependent upon recall memory and
indicant here. Recognition concerns the ex- the recall schema. Schmidt and Shea (un-
tent to which the subject can detect his own published study, 1974) tested this idea by
errors, and the objective-subjective correla- insisting that subjects move very slowly and
tion was used as the indicant of recognition carefully, encouraging the subjects to "hunt
memory. The test of the strength of the around" for the correct location and prevent-
recall memories was carried out on the no- ing programmed movements by varying the
KR trials in which the level of the inde- starting location; but KR delay still had no
pendent variable (KR delay) was equated effect on learning in this task. Newell s has
across groups, in keeping with the estab- pointed out that it is possible that KR delay
lished paradigms for determining the learn- does not affect the recognition schema, but
ing versus performance status of various ex-
perimental variables (e.g., Schmidt, 1975). 3
The author wishes to thank Karl M. Newell for
The experiment supported the indepen- providing this suggestion in a personal written
dence of recall and recognition when it was communication, October 1974.

rather affects the development of the error- have shown this quite clearly. In the
labeling schema; if the subject could not Schmidt and White experiment, subjects
label the errors effectively in the Schmidt were given 170 trials of the ballistic slide
et al. (in press) study, we may have incor- task, with a target movement time of ISO
rectly come to the conclusion that the recog- msec. Subjects provided subjective errors
nition schema was impaired. More work prior to the experimenter giving them their
will be needed to resolve this question. objective errors (i.e., KR). The correlation
Even if the Schmidt et al. (in press) study increased steadily over the course of prac-
may be inconclusive concerning the recogni- tice, as can be seen in Figure 4, with the
tion-recall distinction, there are other data correlations being quite low (around .20)
that provide somewhat stronger evidence. in initial practice and rising to around .90
The same basic strategy was used by Newell in later practice. These data show clearly
and Chew (1974) and Schmidt and Wris- that subjects increased their sensitivity to
berg (1973), but here the independent var- the direction of their errors with practice,
iable was the amount of response-produced and support the notion that the schema
feedback. In both studies, the presence of for response recognition was increasing in
combined vision and audition was varied in strength.
the rapid, ballistic task (Schmidt & White,
1972), and they showed that vision and au- Error Labeling System
dition had no effect on response production What is the evidence for such a labeling
in terms of absolute error. But in Schmidt system? Subjectively, it seems rather ob-
and Wrisberg (1973), when KR was with- vious that such a system must exist, since
drawn, subjects with vision and audition subjects clearly transfer information from
regressed far less in performance than did the neurologically coded sensory input to
subjects without these feedback sources words about the error, and they can do this
present; the interpretation was that vision rather well. Schmidt and White (1972)
and audition enabled subjects to generate found objective-subjective correlations of
accurate subjective reinforcement via the .90, and subjects were able to guess their
comparison of the feedback with the ex- errors within 7 msec of the actual time
pected sensory consequences from the rec- moved on the average. Thus it seems clear
ognition schema. Also, Newell and Chew that subjects can estimate their own errors
(1974) showed that eliminating vision and quite well.
audition in a transfer test increased the dif- However, additional data arguing for a
ference between the objective and subjective separate status of the two error signals (sen-
errors, a measure taken to be sensitive to the sory errors versus subjective reinforcement)
strength of the recognition schema. were presented by Newell and Boucher
The conclusion from this section is that (1974). They asked blindfolded subjects to
variables have been isolated—the quality of move a linear slide 20 times to a stop, then
feedback and perhaps KR delay—-that in- to estimate the movement distance verbally,
fluence the recognition memory for motor and then to move to the designated position
tasks but do not affect measures of the recall once without the aid of the stop. One group
memory. This, plus the evidence from the estimated the distance in millimeters and an-
verbal learning literature, provides support other group in inches, with all subjects hav-
for the hypothesized separation of recall and ing had more experience with the inches
recognition processes in motor skills. scale. The guesses in inches (transformed
to millimeters) displayed nearly half the
Increased Error Detection With Practice error of the guesses in millimeters, while
One of the main predictions of the theory the accuracy in moving to the target was not
is that error detection will increase with KR significantly different between groups. The
practice, and Schmidt and White (1972) interpretation is that the sensory signal aris-
and others since then (Newell, 1974; Newell ing from the comparison of actual and ex-
& Chew, 1974; Schmidt & Wrisberg, 1973) pected feedback was identical for the two


9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17
FIGURE 4. Mean objective-subjective (O-S) correlation as a function of
practice. Abbreviation: KR = knowledge of results. (From "Evidence for
an Error Detection Mechanism in Motor Skills: A Test of Adams' Closed-
Loop Theory" by R. A. Schmidt and J. L. White, Journal of Motor Be-
havior, 1972, 4, 143-153. Copyright 1972 by Journal Publishing Affiliates.
Reprinted by permission.)

groups, but that the more efficient schema supported by a number of investigations
for labeling in terms of the inches scale re- (e.g., Bilodeau et al., 1959), and the evi-
sulted in a more accurate report of the dis- dence has been summarized by Bilodeau
tance. These data, then, provide some sup- (1966). This is entirely consistent with the
port for the idea that there exist two states present theory, since the sensory conse-
of error: raw sensory signals and labeled quences of the correct response are required
subjective reinforcement. to strengthen the recognition schema, and
the subject has no way of learning the cor-
Learning Without KR rect location without the guidance provided
by KR.
The predictions of the present theory for
Adams (1971) suggested that subjects
no-KR learning differ considerably for rapid
could continue to learn these responses with-
tasks (i.e., with movement time less than
out KR after sufficient KR practice was pro-
200 msec) and slow positioning tasks. The
vided, during which the perceptual trace
categories of movement are discussed in
(the expected sensory consequences in the
Positioning tasks. The theory hypoth- present terms) was strengthened. The pres-
ent theory does not predict this, and there
esizes that the subject develops a recognition
are no data to suggest that such should be
schema over the course of practice with KR,
the case in linear positioning tasks. Theo-
and that he uses the comparison of actual
retically, after the recognition schema is de-
feedback and the expected sensory conse-
veloped, withdrawing KR provides a basis
quences generated on each trial as the mech-
for continuing to respond with the former
anism by which he arrives at the correct
location. The evidence is quite clear that level of accuracy, but any improvement, ex-
without postresponse error information in cept by accident, is not possible. Subjects
the form of KR (and without presenting the use the recognition memory to produce the
correct movement on each trial), no learning movement, attempting to match their current
can occur without KR; this conclusion is feedback with the expected sensory conse-

quences, but as discussed earlier, their sub-

jective reinforcement indicates that they had 2-
moved to that position for which they re-
ceived a match and for which the subjective
reinforcement was necessarily zero. Hence, VE1-
their subjective reinforcement is not capable (cm)
of signaling their actual movement distance
on that trial, and the substitution of subjec- o-
tive reinforcement for the withdrawn KR is
ineffective. Hence, after the movement sub-
j ects have the actual sensory consequences to 0-
store for use in the updating of the recogni- CE
tion schema, but they do not have the other (cm)
essential ingredient—the actual outcome. -1 •'
Therefore, no further development of the
schema can occur, and learning does not 1-6 7-12
continue after KR withdrawal. These pre- TRIAL BLOCKS
dictions are upheld by a number of separate
investigations reviewed by Adams (1971). FIGURE 5. Mean constant and variable errors
(CE and VE) as a function of practice. (From
The reader should take cautiously the con- "A Note on Improved Motor Performance With-
clusion that if postresponse error informa- out Knowledge of Results" by C. A. Wrisberg
tion in the form of KR is not available in and R. A. Schmidt, Journal of Motor Behavior,
such tasks, learning cannot occur, for there in press. Copyright 1975 by Journal Publishing
are two studies that show clearly that learn- Affiliates. Reprinted by permission.)
ing can occur without KR under certain con-
ditions. Solley (1956) used a motor-driven all that is necessary to acquire the correct
tilt-chair that the subject could operate by a movement.
two-way finger switch. The subject was Wrisberg and Schmidt (in press) dupli-
firmly strapped to the chair and the head cated the Solley study with a linear position-
was immobilized with a bite-bar. He was ing task. They presented the correct loca-
powered to the vertical position, whereupon tion on each trial by having the subject move
the experimenter said "vertical." Then the to a stop, and then waited either 5 or 50 sec
experimenter tipped the subject 30° to the before having him attempt to move to this
left or right, and the subject attempted to position without the stop. Subjects repeated
replace himself in the vertical position with this trial sequence of the correct movement
appropriate switch movements. When the plus an estimation 12 times to the same
subject had achieved what he thought was target, and KR was never provided as to
vertical, Solley "randomly" moved him the response correctness. The results of the
about to disguise the relationship between study are shown in Figure 5, where the con-
vertical and the position to which he had stant errors and variable errors are pre-
actually moved, and then finally moved him sented for two successive 6-trial blocks.
to vertical again and again said "vertical." Both constant error and absolute error (not
The subject was then tipped 30° and at- graphed) decreased significantly with prac-
tempted to again replace himself in the ver- tice, with less undershooting as a function
tical. Over the course of 30 such trials, the of trials; variable error decreased as well,
absolute errors in arriving at vertical de- but the differences just failed significance.
creased markedly and significantly, and this These two studies provide evidence that sub-
was achieved without ever providing direct jects can learn slow positioning tasks with-
error information. The crucial difference out postresponse error information, provided
between this study and those referred to that the correct location is provided on each
earlier is that the correct location was pre- trial. Adams and Dijkstra (1966) pro-
sented on every trial, and apparently this is duced similar findings in linear positioning.

The present theory can handle these find- improved performance in dart throwing
ings quite easily. When the subject is pre- without any KR or other feedback infor-
sented with the correct movement, he stores mation.
the sensory consequences along with the de- After sufficient practice with KR, the sub-
sired outcome, and the recognition schema ject not only should be able to continue to
begins to be developed. Then when he at- perform effectively under KR-withdrawal
tempts to reproduce the movement without conditions, but also should be able to con-
the stop, he moves to that position he rec- tinue to learn the movement. This predic-
ognizes as correct. On the next trial he tion, however, has been quite difficult to
receives the sensory consequences of the cor- support because of a number of methodolog-
rect response again, further updates the ical problems. In order that the task have
schema, and reproduces the second trial with strong recognition memory, it should pre-
greater accuracy than the first. KR is not sumably be simple enough that the recogni-
necessary to learn because subjects received tion memory can be developed within the
the appropriately paired sensory conse- time constraints of the typical experiment.
quences and desired outcome (the latter be- However, with such simple tasks, the im-
ing a constant) on each trial, and this is all provement in performance is quite rapid,
that is needed for development of the recog- with nearly asymptotic conditions reached in
nition schema. very few trials (e.g., Schmidt & White,
Rapid movements. The predictions about 1972; Schmidt & Wrisberg, 1973). If KR
learning without KR in rapid tasks are is now withdrawn, subjects have no room
somewhat different from those in position- for improvement, because errors are already
ing tasks. Theoretically, the movement se- at an effective floor in the task. Thus, at-
quences are carried out totally open loop tempts to demonstrate continued learning
in the rapid tasks, with recall memory hav- without KR have been almost universally
ing a major role in movement production. unsuccessful. An example is the Schmidt
Recognition memory and the resulting sub- and White (1972) study in which KR was
jective reinforcement occur after the move- withdrawn after 150 trials in a 150-msec
ment, since these feedback loops are con- movement-time task; while there was some
sidered quite slow. Therefore, in such tasks indication of a continuing downward trend
there is the capability of detecting one's in absolute errors, the effect was very small
errors after the movement so that correc- and was not statistically reliable.
tions can occur on the subsequent movement. However, an alternative approach has
Even so, however, considerable initial proven useful. Schmidt and McCracken
practice is needed in order to strengthen the (unpublished study, 1974) allowed subjects
recognition schema to the point that it can to perform 200 trials of rapid movement
provide subjective reinforcement of sufficient with a 200-msec movement-time criterion
accuracy to be of advantage to subjects in with KR on one day, and then brought
the absence of KR; hence, the theory cannot subjects back 1 week later, providing 20
predict learning "from scratch" without KR, additional trials with no KR at any time.
except perhaps in the situations where (a) Through the forgetting that would occur
the correct movement is presented in a way over the 1-week interval, subjects could re-
analogous to the method used in the Solley turn to the task with elevated error, allow-
(1956) and Wrisberg and Schmidt (in ing some room for subsequent decreases, and
press) studies, or (b) the task to be learned thus the study investigated relearning with-
is a member of a highly practiced class of out KR. The 20 trials on the no-KR period
motor responses for which a strong schema were grouped into blocks of 5 trials and are
has been previously developed. There is presented in Figure 6. The decrease in ab-
apparently no evidence concerning the for- solute error was significant, but there were
mer situation, but the latter possibility has no significant changes in either constant er-
some support from Henderson (1974), who ror or variable error. While these down-
showed (with experienced darts players) ward trends were significant, the error at the

end of this period was considerably larger 37

than it was at the end of initial KR practice, 36
and whatever relearning took place was quite 35
slow and rather incomplete. Nevertheless,
these data do suggest that relearning can
occur without KR when initial KR practice 31
has been provided (although, strictly, a 30
warm-up interpretation is possible), and Z9
they support the theoretical expectations 28
about no-KR learning. .27
The interpretation is that the recognition 26
and recall schemata were retained to some 25
extent over the 1-week layoff, but that they 0 1 2 3 4
both suffered considerable weakening. The BLOCKS OF FIVE TRIALS
error on the initial no-KR trial was quite
large, suggesting that the choice of the re- FIGURE 6. Mean absolute error in relearning
without knowledge of results (from Schmidt &
sponse specification was degraded by for- McCracken, unpublished study, 1974).
getting. Even though the schemata had
undergone forgetting, it appeared that suffi- however, there are a few studies that link
cient subjective reinforcement was available feedback and error detection.
to allow improvement over the next 19 trials. Within the framework of Adams' (1971)
Further work needs to be done using more theory, a number of authors attempted to
extensive practice with KR, and with more show that error detection and error correc-
no-KR trials to determine if this prediction tion were enhanced by the enrichment of
might hold more strongly if given the feedback and practice. Adams & Goetz
chance. (1973) showed that providing vision, audi-
tion, and increased force cues in linear posi-
Response-Produced Feedback and tioning (as compared with no vision and
Recognition audition and minimized force cues) in-
creased accuracy in detecting and correcting
The present theory hypothesizes that the errors. Practice was effective in increasing
development of the recognition schema, and the recognition processes as well. Adams,
hence the capacity to detect errors either Goetz, and Marshall (1972) have provided
during (slow responses) or after (rapid re- similar findings. The interpretation is that
sponses) the movement, is dependent upon the recognition schema uses the propriocep-
the pairing of the actual outcome (based on tive information to form the rule, and that
KR) with the sensory consequences of the enhancing this information renders the rule
movement. Attempts to manipulate proprio- more effective.
ceptive feedback in motor tasks have been With more rapid movements, Schmidt &
fraught with difficulty arising from either Wrisberg (1973) showed that eliminating
unknown effects of direct degradation of vision and audition had no effect on per-
feedback, as in the "cuff technique" (Laszlo formance when KR was present, but that
& Bairstow, 1971), or by the confounding when KR was withdrawn after 20 KR trials,
effects of changing the dynamics of controls the groups without vision and audition re-
(e.g., Bahrick, 1957). If the manipulation gressed in their performance to a greater
of feedback can be argued to change the extent than groups with these information
movement required of the subject, then one channels present. The implication was that
cannot be sure that degraded error detection KR practice when vision and audition were
after such treatments was due to the effects present permitted the establishment of a rec-
on the recognition schema or due to the fact ognition schema based on these channels,
that subjects had been attempting to learn and that no-KR practice then allowed sub-
a different task. Given these limitations, jects the opportunity of using subjective re-

inforcement based on vision and audition; recently by neurological evidence that such
groups without vision and audition in KR pathways exist (e.g., Chang, 1955; Li, 1958).
practice regressed more because of less ac- From this basic idea for visual perception,
curate subjective reinforcement. An inter- a number of other versions of the idea were
esting finding was that while earlier experi- created, and the application was made to the
ence with vision and audition had strong perception and production of movement.
effects on KR withdrawal performance after One major problem with the idea of effer-
20 trials, there were no such effects after 75 ence for movement control is that the same
trials, suggesting that the channels of infor- term has been used to represent a number
mation used by the recognition schema may of very different ideas. There are at least
change somewhat as practice continues; vi- three ways that the term has been used in
sion and audition may have been important the literature.
in earlier error-detection performance, and Efference as a feed-forward process. The
perhaps proprioception had become more im- most general, and perhaps most widely ac-
portant later. There is certainly more room cepted, version of efference copy is that it
for experimentation on this question. consists of information that is fed forward
before or during a movement that prepares
ROLE OF EFFERENCE COPY the system in some way for the receipt of
An important line of thinking in motor various response-produced feedback signals.
skills research today is the notion of effer- The feeding forward of gamma efferent in-
ence copy. There are a number of points of formation to the spindles so that the move-
view about how it might operate and the ment is carried out as ordered, and the in-
issues are definitely not settled. The role formation fed forward so that accurate vi-
of efference in the present theory, therefore, sual perception can occur are examples of
is somewhat unsettled also, and this section this kind of idea. Generally speaking, such
attempts to review some of the important processes are thought to occur at a number
issues and to explain the thinking that led of levels within the central nervous system.
to the present position taken on efference. There is no necessity that the information
Space does not permit a thorough treatment fed forward be a literal copy of the motor
of this area, but for reviews consult Gyr commands sent to the musculature, as with
(1972) or Jones (1974). the following two models.
The Hoist idea. In the original statement
Evidence for Efference of this model, a literal copy of the motor
The notion of efference copy began with commands sent to the eye muscles is fed for-
the eye-movement work of Helmholtz (1925) ward to modify the incoming visual informa-
and later Hoist (1954). These writers ar- tion from the retina (Hoist, 1954), enabling
gued that for accurate visual perception it the accurate interpretation of the visual sig-
was essential that the central nervous system nals. The idea has been extended to move-
have information about motor commands ment control by assuming that an efferent
sent to the muscles that move the eye. copy of movement commands is compared
Without this information, the visual images against the inflow of proprioceptive feed-
are ambiguous, in that the organism cannot back, with resulting mismatches represent-
know whether a shifting visual image means ing an error in the movement. Jones (1974)
that the eye was moved in a stable environ- has termed this idea the "inflow model" be-
ment or whether the eye was stationary in a cause it depends upon the inflow of proprio-
moving environment. This finding led Hoist ceptive feedback.
(1954) to propose that an image of the One problem with this inflow model is
motor commands (an efferent copy or corol- that the proprioceptive feedback and effer-
lary discharge) is "fed forward" to modify ence copy are in different "languages," with
the incoming visual sensations to compen- proprioceptive feedback coded in terms of
sate for the fact that the eye was ordered to the movements of joints, and efference coded
move. This contention has been strengthened in terms of the commands to the muscula-
ture. With the information in different findings. These concern (a) the learning of
codes, how, strictly speaking, could these movements in deafferented animals (e.g.,
two states ever match? A solution often Taub & Berman, 1968), and (b) the correc-
heard is that massive receding must exist tion of movement errors in less than one
throughout the nervous system, but this begs reaction time (e.g., Angel, Garland, &
the question, as it does not provide testable Fischler, 1971).
assertions about how such recoding is ac- Taub and Berman (1968) used monkeys
complished. that were deafferented from the head down
A second problem, though, concerns the in a shock-avoidance experiment. They pre-
fact that such a mechanism cannot provide vented the animals from seeing their limbs
information to the subject about the extent by the use of a large collar extending out-
to which he has achieved the environmental ward from the neck, secured them into a
goal for the movement; it can only signal chair-like structure, and taped a pneumatic
the extent to which the chosen movement bulb into the palm of one hand. When a
was carried out as planned. As discussed shock was administered to a normally af-
earlier, this type of model cannot account ferented portion of the head, the animals
for the evidence dealing with the detection learned to turn off the shock by squeezing
of errors in movement (e.g., Schmidt & the bulb. The fact that the animals could
White, 1972) or the relearning without KR learn a hand movement without any feed-
(Schmidt & McCracken, unpublished study, back from the periphery was surprising to
1974). many theorists, and the leading interpreta-
The Jones idea. Largely because the in- tion has been in terms of the outflow notion.
flow model depends on proprioception, Jones According to the argument, (a) feedback is
(1974) rejected this notion and argued in essential to learning, (b) there was no sen-
favor of what he terms the "outflow model" sory feedback, (c) outflow or efference copy
where a literal copy of the efferent com- could provide information about the com-
mands is monitored centrally without com- mands issued, (d) therefore, outflow was
parison with proprioceptive feedback. Ac- the mechanism that mediated learning.
cording to the argument, knowing what the The second line of evidence has used two-
limbs were commanded to do (and knowing choice step-tracking tasks, in which the sub-
that the limbs will carry out these com- ject moved in one of two directions to a
mands) is sufficient information to be able target as quickly as possible after a stimulus.
to determine where the limbs are after the Occasionally, the subject would make an
movement. Hence, this version of efference error, in that he would initially move in the
has been used to explain the perception of improper direction. When this happened,
limb locations in space. This basic idea, he was to reverse his direction as quickly
however, came from the eye-movement work as possible, and move back in the correct
where the loads on the eye musculature were direction. Angel and his colleagues (Angel
nearly constant, permitting one to have in- et al., 1971; Angel & Higgins, 1969; Hig-
formation about the eye's location from gins & Angel, 1970) and Megaw (1972)
knowledge of the efferent signals (e.g., found that the latency of these corrections
Festinger & Canon, 1965). But the loads (the time from the first movement in the
on the skeletal musculature are not nearly wrong direction until the subject began to
as predictable as they are in the eye, and it correct his movement) was sometimes very
is difficult to imagine how limb location short (from 60 to 90 msec), clearly less than
could be sensed solely from the record of
one reaction time. Because feedback from
the efferent commands.
In spite of the argument concerning the the periphery is too slow to cause these cor-
unpredictability of limb loading, some recent rections, it was reasoned that subjects de-
evidence has been interpreted in terms of an tected their own errors before the movement
outflow model, because of the apparent dif- was begun through monitoring of efference
ficulty of feedback models to account for the copy.

Efference Copy in the Schema Theory the cessation of the shock. On the next
shock trial, the many response specifications
The present theory sees efference copy as related to the desired outcome were ex-
necessary to provide two kinds of informa- ecuted, and eventually the hand squeeze oc-
tion. First, the subject must know that he curred again, strengthening the relationship
has executed a motor command so that the between the response specifications and the
information he receives from the periphery outcome. Hence, the animal could learn
can be interpreted as resulting from active without direct feedback from the limb, be-
rather than passive movement. Without be- cause he had the essential ingredients on
ing at all specific about the details, we as- each trial to form the schema rule: the ac-
sume the existence of some central mecha- tual outcome and the response specifications.
nism that records that a motor program has The logic presented here is similar to
been run off; no literal copy of the muscle Guthrie's (1952) notion of stimulus-re-
commands is assumed to be stored. Second, sponse contiguity. The notion of efference
the notion of efference as a feed-forward copy as a central feedback loop indicating
process is assumed in the present theory. the limb movements is not necessary to ex-
Before the movement, the expected sensory plain these findings.
consequences are generated from the recog- The error correction studies can also be
nition schema, and this information is fed explained by the present theory without in-
forward so that the incoming response-pro- volving efference. In these studies, the re-
duced exteroceptive feedback and proprio- action times for correct responses (the inter-
ceptive feedback can be evaluated properly, val from stimulus until first movement) was
resulting in the detection of error. In addi- greater than for incorrect responses, sug-
tion, the motor program output is thought gesting that subjects were anticipating on
to contain gamma efferent signals that are error trials. Theoretically, on an error trial
fed forward to the muscle spindles, prepar- the subject incorrectly guesses the direction
ing the local musculature for reflex-based of the upcoming movement and initiates re-
corrections that ensure faithful execution of sponse specifications in advance, with actual
the program. Further involvements of ef- movement not beginning until after the stim-
ference copy are not proposed in the present ulus. Before the program is initiated, the
theory. The evidence cited above apparently subject generates the expected sensory con-
supporting the outflow model (i.e., learning sequences, which include the expected (if
with deafferentation and rapid error correc- the guess is correct) vision from the stim-
tion) can be handled with the present theo- ulus array. When the (unexpected) stim-
retical structure. ulus comes on, the incorrect program is al-
In the deafferentation studies, the mon- ready being run off when the subject re-
keys had all that was necessary to learn the ceives a mismatch between the expected and
avoidance response without efference. When actual sensory consequences. When the mis-
the shock came on, the animals began a match occurs, a visually based correction
series of random movements in an attempt begins and the program for the correct
to escape. Eventually, quite by accident, the movement is initiated. However, because
animal squeezed the bulb and the shock the first (incorrect) program must run its
ceased. According to the present theory, at course for one reaction time or longer, the
this time the animal had stored both the re- beginnings of the incorrect movement occur
sponse specifications (for the random move- before the correction. This explanation pre-
ments ordered) and the actual outcome (the dicts that the time from the stimulus until
cessation of the shock). Which specification
was associated with shock cessation was not the first movement in the correct direction
clear, however, since many responses were should approximate one reaction time. These
being ordered at nearly the same time, but values were 367 msec (Angel & Higgins,
the schema rule notes the relationship be- 1969), 292 msec (Megaw, 1972), and 285
tween the various response specifications and msec in a recent study by Gordon (1975),

all of which are well within the normal range presumed to be governed by the same motor
of reaction time. program share in temporal and spatial orga-
Thus, the present theory uses efference nization (e.g., Glencross, 1973). The notion
copy as a mechanism that informs the sub- Oi the schema is clearly essential to the
ject that a motor program has been initiated, theory, and it seems logical that the cred-
and represents various feed-forward pro- ibility of this idea should be strongly tested
cesses. Feeding forward the expected pro- initially.
prioceptive and exteroceptive feedback is es- It is possible that it will be difficult to
sential for the accurate detection of errors, demonstrate schema learning in adult sub-
and the generation of gamma efferent signals jects, and perhaps a more profitable popula-
readies the musculature for subsequent ac- tion would be children. Many researchers
tion. There is no place in the theory, as adhere to the view that most of motor learn-
presently stated, for efference copy as a ing occurs in children and that adult learn-
mechanism that can allow the subject to ing is merely a recombination of the old
determine errors in terms of reaching the habits; it would therefore make sense to
desired goal, because the current evidence study the acquisition of these new skills at
can be explained without resorting to such the age when they develop most rapidly.
a notion. Failing to demonstrate schema learning in
adults does not necessarily mean that sche-
POSSIBLE FUTURE DIRECTIONS mata do not exist, since the schemata for
While the present theory can solve a num- certain classes of highly practical activity
ber of problems with existing theoretical (such as throwing) could have been devel-
points of view and has strong empirical sup- oped years earlier.
port in some areas, the evidence for it is Another important prediction made by the
weak or generally lacking in other areas. theory is the possibility of learning rapid
There are numerous directions in which one tasks without KR after some initial KR
could move, including asking about individ- practice. This has not been shown clearly
ual differences in schema formation, how so far, and additional work should be con-
developmental influences are manifested, and ducted with longer KR practice periods,
how large a given schema might be in terms with tasks in which complexity is higher
of the range of movements encompassed by than in the simple slide-movement tasks, and
it. But the answers to some essential ques- with more extended no-KR practice periods.
tions should be sought first to determine In addition, the predictions about tasks in
whether the theoretical ideas presented here which accuracy is not a goal, as well as the
are worthy of further work. This section predictions referring to open and closed
deals with some of these questions. tasks, need to be tested.
First, we need stronger evidence for motor A final word concerns potential applica-
recall and motor recognition schemata. We bility. While the theory was certainly not
might take comfort that the schema notion developed for application to the teaching of
seems acceptable enough for the visual pat- motor skills, the predictions seem to have a
tern-recognition literature, but motor skills great deal in common with the notion of
researchers have been embarrassed before by movement education. While there are many
taking the work in verbal learning and ap- branches of this idea, one of the important
plying it to motor behavior without a serious thrusts is that children should engage in ac-
research effort to determine whether the ap- tivities stressing variety in movement pat-
plication is reasonable. A number of meth- terns (e.g., jump over an object in as many
ods of testing the schema notion for motor ways as possible). Movement education
behavior have been mentioned, including evi- people do not talk of schemata, of course,
dence that transfer from a variety of experi- but one interpretation of their method is that
ences to a new instance of the same class is it develops schemata in children. These
high, that increased variation in practice schemata will then be useful in an open-skills
should increase transfer, and that responses situation where a jumping response is re-

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