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Carbohydrate Availability and Muscle Energy

Metabolism during Intermittent Running

Institute of Food, Nutrition and Human Health, Massey University, Auckland, NEW ZEALAND; 2School of Sport and
Exercise Sciences, Loughborough University, Loughborough, UNITED KINGDOM; 3Sunderland Royal Hospital,
Sunderland, UNITED KINGDOM; and 4Centre for Integrated Systems Biology and Medicine, School of Biomedical
Sciences, Nottingham University, Nottingham, UNITED KINGDOM

FOSKETT, A., C. WILLIAMS, L. BOOBIS, and K. TSINTZAS. Carbohydrate Availability and Muscle Energy Metabolism during
Intermittent Running. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 40, No. 1, pp. 96–103, 2008. Purpose: To examine the influence of ingesting a
carbohydrate–electrolyte (CHO-E) solution on muscle glycogen use and intermittent running capacity after consumption of a

carbohydrate (CHO)-rich diet. Methods: Six male volunteers (mean T SD: age 22.7 T 3.4 yr; body mass (BM) 75.0 T 4.3 kg; V̇O2max
60.2 T 1.6 mLIkgj1Iminj1) performed two trials separated by 14 d in a randomized, crossover design. Subjects consumed either a 6.4%
CHO-E solution or a placebo (PLA) in a double-blind fashion immediately before each trial (8 mLIkgj1 BM) and at 15-min intervals
(3 mLIkgj1 BM) during intermittent high-intensity running to fatigue performed after CHO loading for 2 d. Muscle biopsy samples
were obtained before exercise, after 90 min of exercise, and at fatigue. Results: Subjects ran longer in the CHO-E trial (158.0 T 28.4
min) compared with the PLA trial (131.0 T 19.7 min; P G 0.05). There were no differences in muscle glycogen use for the first 90 min
of exercise (~2 mmol of glucosyl units per kilogram of dry matter (DM) per minute). However, there was a trend for a greater use in the
PLA trial after 90 min (4.2 T 2.8 mmolIkgj1 DMIminj1) compared with the CHO-E trial (2.5 T 0.7 mmolIkgj1 DMIminj1; P = 0.10).
Plasma glucose concentrations were higher at fatigue in the CHO-E than in the PLA trial (P G 0.001). Conclusions: These results
suggest that CHO-E ingestion improves endurance capacity during intermittent high-intensity running in subjects with high preexercise
muscle glycogen concentrations. The greater endurance capacity cannot be explained solely by differences in muscle glycogen, and it
may actually be a consequence of the higher plasma glucose concentration towards the end of exercise that provided a sustained source
of CHO for muscle metabolism and for the central nervous system. Key Words: INTERMITTENT EXERCISE, FATIGUE,

he benefits of consuming a high-carbohydrate exercise punctuated by periods of low-intensity exercise
(CHO) diet in preparation for prolonged exercise such as jogging and walking. The high-intensity periods last
have been extensively documented (31). Most of the no more than 2 to 5 s but are repeated frequently, often with
studies reported in these reviews used prolonged constant- short rest periods of only 20–30 s (25). A number of recent
intensity cycling or running to examine the efficacy of studies have examined the influences of carbohydrate
consuming carbohydrate before and during exercise. solutions on performance during intermittent exercise.
Although prolonged cycling and running are popular forms These studies are based on a shuttle running protocol that
of exercise, both as competitive sports and for recreation, requires participants to complete repeated periods (often
there is greater participation in sports that involve inter- 15 min) that include walking, jogging, running, and
mittent exercise, such as football, soccer, rugby, and sprinting for a distance of 20 m (21), often to the point of
hockey, and also in multiple-sprint sports, such as basket- volitional fatigue. The combination and timing of these
ball, tennis, and badminton. Participation in these sports activities are designed to closely resemble those in sports
involves a combination of brief periods of high-intensity such as soccer and basketball (21,29).
A number of studies using these intermittent exercise
protocols have shown that ingesting glucose-based carbo-
Address for correspondence: Andrew Foskett, Ph.D., Institute of Food, hydrate solutions immediately before and during exercise
Nutrition and Human Health, Massey University, Private Bag 102 904,
North Shore Mail Centre, Auckland, New Zealand; E-mail: a.foskett@
improves endurance capacity (19,29). It has been suggested that the improved endurance running capacity may be a
Submitted for publication May 2007. consequence of a glycogen-sparing effect. Nicholas and
Accepted for publication August 2007. colleagues (20) report that ingesting a carbohydrate–
0195-9131/08/4001-0096/0 electrolyte solution (CHO-E) during 90 min of intermittent
MEDICINE & SCIENCE IN SPORTS & EXERCISEÒ high-intensity shuttle running resulted in less muscle
Copyright Ó 2007 by the American College of Sports Medicine glycogen use, particularly in the Type II fiber population,
DOI: 10.1249/mss.0b013e3181586b2c than when a placebo solution was ingested. This was a


Copyright @ 2007 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
similar result to that reported for constant-pace treadmill Preliminary measurements. Subjects performed a
running to exhaustion, where glycogen sparing, after the multistage fitness test (23) to assess their V̇O2max. Subjects
ingestion of a CHO-E solution, was evident only in Type I performed the intermittent shuttle running protocol for
(28). However, those studies were performed on subjects 45 min (described in the Experimental protocol section) to
who did not carbohydrate-load before the trials and who, familiarize themselves with the running patterns and
therefore, had normal resting muscle glycogen stores. experimental procedures. They were first matched for
It is well known that a carbohydrate-rich diet after V̇O2max values and then, where possible, their sprint
prolonged exercise increases muscle and liver glycogen performance. This was undertaken so that the competition
stores and improves submaximal exercise capacity com- between the paired subjects would increase motivation,
pared with consuming a normal, mixed diet (2). However, especially during the latter stages of the protocol.
there is some evidence that the performance benefits of Experimental design. Subjects performed two
ingesting a carbohydrate solution during exercise may be experimental trials separated by 14 d, after carbohydrate
relatively minor when preexercise muscle and liver glyco- loading for 2 d. To eliminate any trial order effect,
gen stores are high. For example, Widrick and colleagues treatments were assigned randomly in a crossover design.
(30) found no improvements in performance during 120 On each occasion, subjects consumed either a 6.4%
min of self-paced cycling when their carbohydrate-loaded maltodextrin CHO-E solution (sodium 50.4 mLI100
subjects ingested a carbohydrate solution during exercise, mLj1; potassium 10.3 mLI100 mLj1; osmolality 115
mOsmIkgj1) (GlaxoSmithKline, UK) or a taste-matched

suggesting that endogenous body glycogen stores affect the
efficacy of exogenous CHO provision during exercise. placebo (PLA) free of carbohydrate (sodium 2.0 mLI100
Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the mLj1; potassium 11.1 mLI100 mLj1; osmolality 25
effects of ingesting a CHO-E solution on performance and mOsmIkgj1). Solutions were administered in a double-
muscle glycogen use during prolonged intermittent high- blind fashion immediately before the trials (8 mLIkgj1 BM)
intensity running to fatigue in carbohydrate-loaded men. and at subsequent 15-min intervals (3 mLIkgj1 BM) until
We hypothesized that a preexercise increase in the body_s cessation of the exercise. Previous unpublished studies from
glycogen stores may reduce the benefits of ingesting a our laboratory have shown these fluid volumes to be well
carbohydrate solution during intermittent high-intensity tolerated during intermittent high-intensity running.
running on both performance and muscle glycogen use. Ingestion of the preexercise bolus and the smaller volumes
every 15 min provided exogenous CHO delivery of approx-
imately 90 gIhj1 in the CHO-E trial.
METHODS Experimental protocol. Subjects performed a
Subjects. Six recreationally active male games players glycogen-reducing trial comprising 90 min of intermittent
(age 22.7 T 3.4 yr; body mass (BM) 75.0 T 4.3 kg; height shuttle running (21) 48 h before the experimental trials, and
1.8 T 0.1 m; V̇O 2max 60.2 T 1.6 mLIkg j1 Imin j1 ) they refrained from strenuous exercise, caffeine, tobacco,
volunteered, with informed written consent, to participate and alcohol during the recovery period (Fig. 1). After the
in this study, which was approved by the Loughborough glycogen-reducing trial, subjects were administered a
University ethics committee. carbohydrate-rich diet for 48 h (energy intake $ 55 kcalI

FIGURE 1—A schematic diagram of the experimental protocol.


Copyright @ 2007 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
kgj1 BMIdj1; carbohydrate $ 10 gIkgj1 BMIdj1 (70% of the cyanomethemoglobin method (Boehringer Mannheim
energy intake); fat $ 1 gIkgj1 BMIdj1 (15%); protein $ 2 GmbH Diagnostica, Mannheim, Germany) and microcen-
gIkgj1 BMIdj1 (15%)). Subjects reported to the laboratory trifugation (Hawksley Ltd., Lancing, UK), respectively, and
for the experimental trial after an overnight fast (Q 10 h), the results obtained were used to calculate changes in
and they voided before the measurement of nude BM. A plasma volume (9). The remaining whole blood was
urine sample was collected before exercise and at fatigue centrifuged at 4-C, and the plasma was divided into aliquots
and was analyzed for osmolality, using a cryoscopic and frozen at j20-C for later analysis of free fatty acids
osmometer (Osmomat 030). An indwelling cannula (FFA) and glucose, using commercially available kits
(Venflon, 16-18G, Ohmeda, Hatfield, Herts, UK) was (NEFA-C test, WAKO, Germany and Roche, R-Biopharm
inserted into an antecubital vein and kept patent by frequent GmbH, Germany respectively), and glycerol, using a
flushing with sterile saline. A resting muscle sample was method described in our earlier study (27). Serum was
then obtained from the middle portion of m. vastus lateralis obtained by centrifugation for 15 min at 4-C of coagulated
by needle biopsy. Subjects stood for 15 min before a resting whole blood; this was stored at j70-C for subsequent
blood sample was obtained. Resting heart rate was analysis of insulin (Coat-A-Count Insulin, Diagnostica
monitored during a 5-min period. Ten minutes before Products Corporation (DPC), Caernarfon, UK) and cortisol
commencing the main trial, the subjects consumed the (Coat-A-Count Cortisol, DPC, Caernarfon, UK), using
prescribed solution and completed a standardized warm-up commercially available radioimmunoassay kits and

and stretching protocol. an automated gamma counter (Packard, Cobra 5000,

On completion of the 90 min of intermittent running, a Pangbourne, UK).
second muscle sample was obtained after the subject had Muscle samples were obtained through separate incisions
been transferred to an examination couch in the laboratory from the lateral portion of the vastus lateralis muscle, using
adjacent to the sports hall. After this sample, subjects ran to the needle biopsy procedure with suction applied (10). All
volitional fatigue or until they were withdrawn by the incisions were made through the skin and muscle fascia
investigators, at which point a final muscle sample was under local anesthetic (2–3 mL of 1% lignocaine) before the
obtained. Subjects were withdrawn by the investigators start of exercise while the subjects lay supine on an
if they failed to maintain the desired exercise intensity (as examination couch. Each muscle sample was snap-frozen
dictated by the audio signal) or if their sprint performance in liquid nitrogen, and, at a later date, a 15- to 20-mg
declined to G 95% of the mean sprint time for the first fragment of muscle was placed in a freeze-dryer (Pirani 10,
45 min. Edwards, UK) for 24 h at j50-C and between j10j1 and
Exercise protocol. The intermittent exercise protocol j10j2 mbar. The freeze-dried muscle fragments were then
used in the glycogen-depleting trials and the main washed with 1 mL of petroleum ether to remove any excess
experimental trials was the Loughborough Intermittent lipid before each sample was reduced to a fine powder
Shuttle-running Test (LIST) (21). The LIST is a free- using an agate pestle and mortar. The precise quantity of
running exercise protocol designed to simulate the activity powder obtained from each fragment was determined using
patterns of a game of soccer (Fig. 1). Subjects ran the LIST an electronic balance scale (Mettler AE240, Switzerland),
for 90 min in six blocks of 15 min separated by 3-min rest and these powdered samples of dry matter (DM) were
periods. After 90 min, subjects continued with this pattern then stored at j80-C, pending later acid extraction and
of intermittent shuttle running, this time with no rest breaks, metabolite analysis.
until fatigue. Fluid was administered during the rest phases The mixed muscle extracts were assayed for progly-
for the first 90 min and then at 15-min intervals during the cogen, macroglycogen, phosphocreatine (PCr), free glu-
walking phases of the continuous protocol. cose, glucose-6-phosphate (G-6-P), and lactate, using
Heart rate was monitored every 15 s during exercise, methods described in our earlier studies (27,28). Muscle
using short-range telemetry (Polar Model 810, Kempele, samples were also analyzed for the purine nucleotides ATP,
Finland), and the mean was recorded for each 15-min ADP, and IMP, using a method previously described (12).
exercise period and the run to fatigue. Subjective ratings of Statistical analyses. Statistical comparisons of the
perceived exertion were recorded, using the Borg scale (4), physiological, biochemical, and metabolic parameters were
during the walk phase of the final cycle of each block. analyzed using a two-way (treatment  time) analysis of
Blood and muscle analyses. An 11-mL blood variance for repeated measures (SPSS 11). Mauchly_s test
sample was taken at rest, after 30, 60, and 90 min of for sphericity was used; where asphericity was assumed, the
exercise, and at fatigue, with 4 mL dispensed into lithium Greenhouse–Geisser correction was used for epsilon G 0.75;
heparinized tubes. From the venous blood samples, if not, then the Huyn–Feldt correction was used. Where
duplicate 20-KL aliquots were deproteinized with 200 KL significant F values were found, a Holm–Bonferroni
of 2.5% perchloric acid, centrifuged, and frozen at j20-C stepwise method was used to determine the location of the
for subsequent analysis of blood lactate concentration, using variance (1). When there were only single comparisons, a
a method previously described (17). Hemoglobin and Student_s t-test for correlated data was used to determine
hematocrit concentrations were analyzed in triplicate by whether any differences between treatments existed.

98 Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine

Copyright @ 2007 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
DM per minute) compared with the CHO-E trial (2.5 T 0.7
mmol glucosyl units per kilogram DM per minute). It was
not possible to attribute these changes in muscle glycogen
use to the individual components, because there were no
differences in the use of proglycogen and macroglycogen
(Fig. 2). There were modest correlations between muscle
glycogen content and muscle glycogen use for the first
90 min (r = 0.658; P G 0.05) and from 90 min to fatigue
(r = 0.656; P G 0.05). Interestingly, fatigue occurred at
similar muscle glycogen concentrations in both trials (~200
mmol glucosyl units per kilogram DM).
There were no differences between trials in muscle
FIGURE 2—Muscle concentrations of proglycogen and macroglyc- concentrations of PCr, G-6-P, and lactate. Similarly, there
ogen (mmolIkgj1 DM) for the carbohydrate (CHO-E) and the placebo were no differences between trials in the concentrations of
(PLA) trials. Data are presented as means for the component adenine nucleotides ATP and ADP or for IMP, the product
concentrations and SD for the total muscle glycogen concentrations.
of total adenine nucleotide deamination (Table 1). It should
be noted, however, that there was a short time delay of 38 s
Furthermore, a Shapiro–Wilks test for normality was used

(T 7) and 52 s (T 13) between the end of the exercise and the
to test whether differences in data were normally
time of muscle sampling for the 90 min and fatigue biopsy
distributed; if this was found to be significant, then a
samples, respectively. Despite the expedient and efficient
nonparametric Wilcoxon signed ranks test was used instead
sampling procedures, this slight delay was attributable to
of the Student_s t-test. Relationships between variables were
the time required for the subject to return to the laboratory,
determined by Pearson product–moment correlation
at the end of the run, from the adjacent gymnasium. This
coefficients. Null hypotheses were rejected at an alpha level
delay may compound interpretation of some muscle
of P G 0.05. All data are reported as means T standard
metabolite data; however, earlier studies from our labora-
deviation (SD).
tory have shown that muscle glycogen concentrations (both
soluble and insoluble fractions) are unaffected by recovery
RESULTS periods of up to 6 min (3).
Running capacity and sprint performance. All Plasma glucose and serum insulin. Plasma glucose
subjects ran longer during the CHO-E trial compared with concentration was maintained within the normal phys-
the PLA trial. They ran for 158.0 T 28.4 min during iological range in both trials, although it was significantly
the CHO-E trial and 131.0 T 19.7 min during the PLA trial higher at fatigue in the CHO-E trial compared with the PLA
(P = 0.028), representing a 21% increase in intermittent trial (F4,20 = 9.1; P G 0.001; Fig. 3). Although plasma
running capacity. The mean 15-m sprint times were similar glucose concentrations also seemed higher in the CHO-E
between trials (CHO-E 2.61 T 0.08 s vs PLA 2.58 T 0.08 s) trial at 30 min, this failed to reach statistical significance.
and increased over time, irrespective of treatment (F6,30 = Serum insulin concentrations were significantly higher
4.1; P = 0.004). throughout exercise in the CHO-E trial compared with
Muscle metabolites. There were no differences in PLA (F1,5 = 29.1; P = 0.003; Fig. 4).
preexercise muscle glycogen concentrations between trials. Plasma FFA and glycerol. There were main effects of
Neither were there differences between trials for muscle the treatments on plasma FFA concentrations (F1,5 = 10.3;
concentrations of proglycogen and macroglycogen (Fig. 2). P = 0.024; Fig. 4) and glycerol concentrations (F1,5 = 13.8;
There was a similar rate of muscle glycogen use between P = 0.014; Fig. 4) during exercise, with lower values
trials from before exercise to 90 min (~2 mmol glucosyl occurring in the CHO-E trial. There were also main effects
units per kilogram DM per minute) and a trend (P = 0.1) for of time, with concentrations of both of these substrates
a higher rate of muscle glycogen use from 90 min to fatigue increasing with exercise duration (F1.2,6.1 = 26.1; F1.6,7.8 =
in the PLA trial (4.2 T 2.8 mmol glucosyl units per kilogram 35.1; P G 0.001; for FFA and glycerol, respectively).

TABLE 1. Mixed muscle metabolite concentrations (mmolIkgj1 DM) before exercise, at 90 min, and at fatigue; values are means (SD).
Preexercise 90 min Fatigue
PCr 89 (5) 89 (4) 82 (2) 83 (5) 86 (8) 79 (5)
G-6-P 3.8 (1.6) 3.0 (0.9) 4.1 (0.8) 3.0 (0.8) 2.5 (1.0) 3.6 (0.8)
Lactate 8.3 (1.4) 5.2 (1.4) 11.6 (2.9) 10.0 (2.7) 10.7 (4.8) 9.0 (1.8)
ATP 29.3 (2.7) 26.5 (0.9) 26.2 (2.9) 27.5 (1.2) 27.0 (4.2) 24.9 (4.4)
ADP 3.49 (0.79) 3.30 (0.56) 2.51 (0.33) 2.63 (0.68) 2.75 (0.33) 2.31 (1.14)
IMP 0.09 (0.02) 0.09 (0.02) 0.11 (0.04) 0.19 (0.17) 0.23 (0.17) 0.10 (0.05)


Copyright @ 2007 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Serum cortisol. Serum cortisol was analyzed as an
indicator of physical stress during the trials. There was a
main effect of time on serum cortisol concentrations, with
values higher in both trials at fatigue (719 T 133 nM) than at
30 min (437 T 103 nM), 60 min (396 T 122 nM), and 90
min (407 T 115 nM) of exercise (F1.4,7 = 12.5; P = 0.007);
however, there was no main trial effect on this marker of
physical stress.
Blood lactate, heart rate, and rate of perceived
exertion. Blood lactate concentrations increased
significantly with the onset of exercise (F4,20 = 40.5; P G
0.001) from a baseline of about 1 mM to a zenith of about
4 mM; however, there were no differences between
treatments. There were no differences in heart rates between
trials, with mean exercise HR of 167 T 9 and 162 T 7 bpm
for the CHO-E and PLA trials, respectively. There was a
main effect of time, with HR values increasing with

exercise duration and peaking at fatigue (F7,35 = 485; P G

0.001). Similarly there were no differences between trials
for ratings of perceived exertion (RPE), with mean exercise
values of 13 T 1 arbitrary units for both trials. Again, there
was a main effect of time, with RPE values increasing FIGURE 4—Plasma FFA (mM) and glycerol (mM) concentrations for
significantly with exercise duration towards peak values at the carbohydrate (CHO-E) and the placebo (PLA) trials during LIST
to fatigue (mean (SD)). † Main effect of treatment (P G 0.003); * main
fatigue (F5,25 = 10.8; P G 0.001). effect of time (P G 0.001).
Changes in urine osmolality and BM. There were
no differences in urine osmolality before and after trials in
either condition. Subjects arrived at the laboratory with after the fluid ingestion during exercise. Furthermore, there
urine osmolalities within the range 500–600 mOsmIkgj1, were no net BM losses within or between trials.
and these were maintained by the end of the main trials.
There were no reported incidences of gastrointestinal distress
The findings from this study show, for the first time, that
after consumption of a carbohydrate-rich diet, carbohydrate
supplementation (90 gIhj1) in the form of a 6.4% CHO-E
solution during exercise led to an improvement in high-
intensity intermittent running capacity, but it did not affect
muscle glycogen use. Although fatigue occurred at similar
muscle glycogen concentrations in both trials, the subjects
were able to run for approximately 21% longer in the
CHO-E trial (158.0 T 28.4 min) compared with the PLA
trial (131.0 T 19.7 min). This enhanced endurance capacity
was achieved in all subjects and was associated with
higher serum insulin concentrations throughout the CHO-E
trial and higher plasma glucose concentrations during the
latter stages of exercise. These results show clearly that
ingesting a CHO-E solution improves endurance capacity
during intermittent high-intensity shuttle running, even
when participants have high preexercise muscle glycogen
concentrations. Therefore, this does not support our
hypothesis that an antecedent CHO-rich diet may negate
the ergogenic efficacy of CHO-E solutions ingested during
this type of exercise.
FIGURE 3—Plasma glucose (mM) and serum insulin (KIUImLj1) The dietary and exercise CHO-loading protocol used in
concentrations for the carbohydrate (CHO-E) and the placebo (PLA) the present study was effective in increasing muscle
trials during LIST to fatigue (means (SD)). † Main effect of treatment
(P = 0.003); * difference between treatment at this time point (P G glycogen concentrations to similar values before each trial
0.001). (CHO-E, 533 T 77 mmol glucosyl units per kilogram DM

100 Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine

Copyright @ 2007 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
vs PLA, 512 T 102 mmol glucosyl units per kilogram DM). and CHO trial, respectively). However, in their study, the
These resting values are higher than those obtained in an rate of glycogen degradation decreased towards the end of
earlier study using the same sampling and exercise (LIST) exercise, whereas in the present study there seemed to be an
procedures (350–400 mmol glucosyl units per kilogram increased rate of glycogenolysis in the PLA trial. The rates
DM) and a similar group of subjects as used in the present of glycogen degradation during the first 90 min of the LIST
study (20). Interestingly the muscle glycogen concentra- were the same in both trials, but between 90 min and
tions at the end of 90 min of exercise in the present study fatigue, the values were 4.2 T 2.8 and 2.5 T 0.7 mmol
are similar to the preexercise values reported for subjects in glucosyl units per kilogram DM per minute (P = 0.1) for the
the study by Nicholas and colleagues (20). In that study, all PLA and CHO-E trials, respectively. The apparent trend for
the subjects managed to complete the 90 min of the LIST, a faster rate of glycogenolysis in the PLA trial may be
both in the CHO-E and PLA trials (20). Therefore, if simply a consequence of the significantly shorter run time
endurance capacity during intermittent high-intensity shuttle compared with the CHO-E trial and similar glycogen
running was dictated solely by preexercise muscle glycogen concentrations at fatigue. The double-blind, randomized
concentrations, it would be reasonable to expect the crossover design of this study precluded a comparison of
subjects in the present study to have completed an muscle glycogen concentrations at the point of fatigue in
additional 90 min of exercise. However, this was clearly the PLA trial with those at the same sampling time in the
not the case, because in the PLA trial the subjects ran for CHO-E trial. Nevertheless, the fact remains that the

only 41 min beyond the 90 min, and in the CHO-E trial glycogen concentrations at fatigue were similar (~200
they only achieved an additional 68 min. This, coupled with mmol glucosyl units per kilogram DM) in both trials, and
the observation that a substantial amount of muscle yet the time to fatigue in the CHO-E trial was 21% greater
glycogen was still present at fatigue, suggests that factors than in the PLA trial. One possible explanation was that
additional to muscle glycogen concentrations may contrib- there may have been different amounts of pro- and macro-
ute to fatigue during this type of exercise. glycogen used in the two trials. However, analysis of the
In contrast to the results from the present study, we two pools of muscle glycogen revealed no differences
previously have reported a greater net muscle glycogen use between trials in their concentrations before, during, and
with placebo when compared with the ingestion of a after exercise (Fig. 2). There was a greater rate of
glucose-based CHO-E solution during 90 min of the LIST, degradation of proglycogen than macroglycogen in both
using subjects who were not CHO loaded before the trials trials, which is consistent with the earlier studies of Graham
(20). This muscle glycogen sparing was suggested as one and colleagues (11).
possible mechanism to explain our earlier finding that the Another possible explanation for the results in the present
ingestion of a CHO-E throughout exercise increased study is a differential use of muscle glycogen between fiber
endurance capacity during the LIST (19). Similar improve- types. It should be noted that in the study of Nicholas and
ments in endurance capacity have been reported by other colleagues (20), although glycogen sparing was apparent in
authors (8,29), who also have suggested that the ingestion both Type I and Type II muscle fibers after ingestion of a
of a mixture of glucose–fructose and sucrose-based sol- CHO-E solution, reduction of glycogen in the Type II
utions throughout prolonged, intermittent, high-intensity muscle fibers towards a previously described critical level
shuttle running was a consequence of glycogen sparing. (14) ultimately seemed to determine the point of fatigue.
However, the results from the present study do not show Although no single muscle fiber analysis was performed in
glycogen sparing during the first 90 min of the LIST. the present study, because of the similarities in exercise
Indeed, there were no differences in muscle glycogen protocol and subject characteristics, it would be pertinent to
concentrations between trials at 90 min, nor were there suggest that there may have been a glycogen-sparing effect
any differences in the rates of muscle glycogen use during in the Type II fibers in the CHO-E trial in the present study.
this period (~2 mmol glucosyl units per kilogram DM per The elevated plasma glucose and serum insulin concen-
minute). Furthermore, there were no differences in the trations in the CHO-E trial (especially late in exercise) in
concentrations of G-6-P and other muscle metabolites at 90 the present study could have contributed to enhanced
min of exercise. Therefore, an antecedent, CHO-rich diet glycogen synthesis in these fibers during the low-intensity
preserves the ergogenic effect of glucose-based CHO (walking, jogging, and resting) components of the exercise
solutions ingested during high-intensity intermittent run- protocol, as has been previously reported (15), and this may
ning, without affecting muscle glycogen use. explain the tendency for reduced net muscle glycogen use
These results seem similar to those of Coyle and in this trial late in exercise.
colleagues (7), who also used subjects with high preexercise The plasma glucose concentrations were within the
muscle glycogen stores. They reported no differences in normal range throughout exercise in both trials. However,
muscle glycogen use during prolonged continuous exercise in the CHO-E trial, plasma glucose concentrations were
to exhaustion with or without carbohydrate feeding, in the higher at the point of fatigue, as were serum insulin
form of a glucose polymer, but significant differences in concentrations, suggesting a greater availability of glucose
cycling times (3 h 2 min vs 4 h 2 min for their placebo trial than in the PLA trial. The results from studies on cycling to

MUSCLE METABOLISM DURING INTERMITTENT RUNNING Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercised 101

Copyright @ 2007 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
fatigue, in which subjects had high preexercise muscle improved exercise capacity by 30% compared with a
glycogen concentrations, suggest that the provision of placebo. Although muscle glycogen concentrations were
exogenous carbohydrate improves endurance capacity by similar between trials at the point of fatigue, the authors
preventing decreases in plasma glucose concentrations and note that muscle IMP accumulation (a marker of adenine
carbohydrate oxidation (5,7). However, even in that nucleotide loss) was significantly lower in their CHO trial;
exercise modality, it has been shown that once fatigue is they conclude that CHO ingestion attenuated muscle IMP
impending, the delivery of exogenous glucose, either orally accumulation and increased exercise capacity through an
or by infusion, cannot sustain exercise at a high intensity improved muscle energy balance. This is consistent with a
(9 75% V̇O2max) (6). This suggests that when muscle study from our laboratory that provided evidence that CHO
glycogen concentrations are reduced to critically low ingestion during prolonged, submaximal running offsets the
values, the uptake of glucose from the systemic circulation development of fatigue by reducing the decline in oxidative
cannot occur fast enough to maintain contractile activity at ATP production (as reflected by sparing PCr and glycogen
the required rate (13). Therefore, the metabolic and degradation) (26). In the present study, however, there
performance consequences of a reduction in plasma glucose was no evidence of a reduction in IMP accumulation after
concentration during prolonged exercise may be closely CHO-E supplementation. Furthermore, there were no
associated with the availability of hepatic and muscle differences in muscle PCr, ATP, and ADP concentrations,
glycogen stores. For example, a modest reduction in plasma suggesting that an energy imbalance is probably not the

glucose concentration early in exercise, when carbohydrate reason for cessation of exercise, although consideration
stores are adequate or well stocked, may have little impact, needs to be given to the timing of the muscle biopsy
whereas when these stores are running low, the same samples, as detailed earlier.
reduction in plasma glucose may become a significant Because there were no differences in muscle PCr and
determinant of the onset of fatigue, operating through lactate concentrations, it is reasonable to rule out the
changes in cerebral metabolism (22). possibility of fatigue being caused by insufficient PCr
It has been postulated by Rauch and colleagues (24) that resynthesis or acid imbalances within the muscle between
chemoreceptors constantly monitor the carbohydrate status the two trials. Some support for this speculation is derived
of the muscle during exercise, by what the authors have from results of the sprint performances. Although there
termed a glycostat, which continually updates the brain. were decreases in sprint performance over time, there were
When carbohydrate stores are severely reduced during the no differences in sprint performance between trials at the
latter stages of prolonged exercise, the threat to cerebral point of fatigue, nor at the time point in the CHO-E trial that
metabolism may be prevented by discontinuing exercise, by coincided with the point of fatigue in the PLA trial.
central rather than an entirely peripheral mechanism (22). In summary, the results from the present study demon-
This teleoanticipatory approach to the complexities of strate that in subjects with high preexercise muscle
fatigue is further expanded by Lambert and colleagues glycogen concentrations as a result of dietary CHO loading,
(16), and it is likely that during exhaustive, high-intensity, the provision of a 6.4% CHO-E solution immediately
intermittent exercise, volitional fatigue is a multifaceted before and during exercise can significantly increase
consequence of peripheral as well as central mechanisms. endurance capacity during prolonged, intermittent, high-
However, the extent to which this mechanism operates intensity shuttle running. This ergogenic effect cannot be
during the performance of the LIST protocol, in which the explained solely by differences in muscle glycogen and
subjects are not able to self-pace, remains to be determined. muscle metabolite concentrations at the point of fatigue.
Another possible contribution to the onset of fatigue may However, plasma glucose concentrations were higher
have been the ‘‘energy balance’’ within the working towards the end of exercise in the CHO-E trial, and they
muscles towards the end of exercise. McConell and would have provided a sustained source of CHO for the
colleagues (18) exercised participants to volitional exhaus- central nervous system in addition to an increased contri-
tion at 69% V̇O2 max and found that CHO supplementation bution of CHO to muscle metabolism.

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