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Clinical and biochemical characteristics of high-intensity functional training (HIFT) and

overtraining syndrome: findings from the EROS study (The EROS-HIFT)
Flavio A. Cadegiani, Claudio E. Kater and Matheus Gazola
Adrenal and Hypertension Unit, Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of Medicine, Federal University of São Paulo Medical
School, São Paulo, Brazil


The metabolic and hormonal consequences of high-intensity functional training regimens such as CrossFit® Accepted 27 November 2018
(CF) are unclear. Little is known about the triggers and clinical and biochemical features of CF-related
overtraining syndrome (OTS). The EROS study compared endocrine and metabolic responses, and eating, CrossFit®; high-intensity
social, psychological and body characteristics of OTS-affected (OTS) and healthy athletes (ATL), and non- functional training;
physically active controls (NPAC). The current study is a post-hoc analysis of the CF subgroups of the EROS overtraining syndrome;
study, to evaluate specific characteristics of CF in ATL and OTS. Parameters were overall and pairwise sports medicine;
compared among OTS-affected (CF-OTS) and healthy (CF-ATL) athletes that exclusively practiced CF, and performance; sports
NPAC. CF-ATL yielded earlier and enhanced cortisol, GH, and prolactin responses to an insulin tolerance test endocrinology
(ITT), increased neutrophils, lower lactate, increased testosterone, improved sleep quality, better psycholo-
gical performance, increased measured-to-predicted basal metabolic rate (BMR) ratio and fat oxidation, and
better hydration, when compared to NPAC. Conversely, more than 90% of the adaptive changes in CF were
lost under OTS, including an attenuation of the hormonal responses to an ITT, increased estradiol, decreased
testosterone, and decreased BMR and fat oxidation; the most remarkable trigger of OTS among “HIFT
athletes” was the long-term low carbohydrate and calorie intake.

1. Introduction Despite the popularity of these regimens, there are very

few published studies on the metabolic and hormonal aspects
The Endocrine and Metabolic Responses on Overtraining
of CF or other similar modalities (Nieuwoudt, Fealy, & Foucher
Syndrome (EROS) study compared the endocrine and metabolic
et al., 2017; Perciavalle et al., 2016). Additionally, although
responses (Cadegiani & Kater, 2017, 2018a, 2018b), and eating,
overtraining syndrome (OTS), a syndrome that results from
social, psychological, and body characteristics (Cadegiani & Kater,
an imbalance between training load, resting and nutrition
2018b) of OTS-affected and healthy athletes, and non-physically
and leads to prolonged decreased performance and fatigue,
active individuals. Interestingly, many of the healthy and OTS-
has been clinically observed in CF practitioners, its incidence
affected participants of the EROS study practiced a high-intensity
among HIFT athletes is unknown because of the lack of pub-
functional training (HIFT) regimen (CrossFit®), although no limits
lished studies.
were imposed on the sports practiced during recruitment.
This profusion of healthy and OTS-affected “HIFT athletes”
HIFT is alleged to improve overall physical conditions through
enabled a post-hoc analysis of the specific metabolic and clinical
athletics, weightlifting, gymnastics, cycling, running, rowing, and
aspects of CF. Our aim was to investigate specific endocrine and
swimming abilities (Haddock, Poston, & Heinrich et al., 2016;
metabolic responses and eating, social, psychological and body
internet data: “HIFT
characteristics of healthy and OTS-affected HIFT athletes.
athletes” (CF athletes) perform exercises in continuously chan-
ging combinations that enhance 10 currently recognized
domains of physical conditioning: cardiovascular and respiratory
2. Materials and methods
resistance; muscular resistance; strength; flexibility; potency;
speed; coordination; agility; balance; and precision (Tafuri, We conducted a post-hoc joint analysis of subgroups of the four
Notarnicola, Monno, Ferretti, & Moretti, 2016; internet data: arms of the EROS study: EROS-HPA Axis (Cadegiani & Kater, The increasing popularity 2017), EROS-STRESS (Cadegiani & Kater, 2018a), EROS-BASAL
of such regimens is a response to the monotony of exercise (Cadegiani & Kater, in press), and EROS-PROFILE (Cadegiani &
performed alone and repeatedly; moreover, the competitiveness Kater, 2018b).
intrinsic to group-based high-intensity functional training is We recruited participants for the EROS study using social
highly entertaining (Fisher, Sales, & Carlson et al., 2017; media. Candidates contacted one of the researchers (FAC)
Haddock et al., 2016; Partridge, Knapp, & Massengale, 2014). informing whether they would be initially considered as: a)

CONTACT Flavio A. Cadegiani Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism Department of Medicine, Escola Paulista de
Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, R. Pedro de Toledo 781 – 13th floor, 04039-032 São Paulo, Brazil
© 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

healthy athletes (ATL), b) overtraining syndrome (OTS), or c) The present study consists of a post-hoc analysis of the
non-physically active control subjects (NPAC). We performed EROS study using subgroups of athletes (healthy and OTS-
a preliminary e-mail analysis including age, sex, and approx- affected athletes) that exclusively practices CF (“pure HIFT
imate body weight (BW) and height (to calculate body mass athletes”, CF sub-groups), which were professional “HIFT ath-
index – BMI). If no exclusion issues were identified, we sched- letes” and tended to follow a same training plan (The CrossFit®
uled an individual interview with the candidate. training guide – Reebok CrossFit® Games Workout Series).
At interview, we verified BW, height, and BMI and evaluated Among the ATL group (n = 25), there were 22 (88%)
for the presence of any other organic or psychiatric condition exclusive “HIFT athletes” (CF-ATL subgroup), whereas in the
and previous or current use of medications or hormones. We OTS group (n = 14), there were nine (64.3%) exclusive “HIFT
required additional inclusion criteria from ATL regarding train- athletes” (CF-OTS subgroup); all 14 NPAC were also included.
ing patterns and characteristics of the sport modalities. We compared the three groups using statistical tools, and
We required NPAC to fulfill the initial inclusion criteria, be when statistically significant (p < 0.05), we performed pairwise
completely sedentary for at least three years, and present no comparisons. All sub-groups had similar age and BMI, while
previous history of exercise that would fulfill the criteria for both subgroups had similar training patterns.
ATL. We required OTS to fulfill the diagnostic flowchart criteria We performed non-parametric ANOVA tests whenever cri-
from the guideline on OTS (Meeusen et al., 2013), including teria for normality were not met, and post-hoc adjusted Dunn’s
the exclusion of confounding diseases (that could lead to test for pairwise comparisons whenever p < 0.05. When criteria
decrease in performance), coach-verified decrease of >10% in for normality were met, we used one-way ANOVA test, followed
sports-specific performance, and other criteria. Additionally, by Dunnett’s T3 and Tukey post-hoc analysis for pairwise ana-
The full clinical inclusion criteria for all participants, all ATL, lyses. We performed all statistical tests with the IBM-SPSS sta-
and OTS candidates are listed in Table 1. tistics version 24.0 software (IBM, USA). We described both
Remaining participants underwent biochemical evaluation to statistically significant findings and trends to avoid overestima-
exclude confounding disorders that could lead to altered basal tion of our findings due to the small number of participants in
and stimulated hormone levels, including inflammatory, muscu- each subgroup.
lar, and metabolic markers. In ATL, we performed biochemical A detailed methodology can be found elsewhere
tests between 36 and 48 hours after the last training session. (Cadegiani & Kater, 2017, 2018a, 2018b), and the raw data
After the selection process and sign of a written consent, can be accessed at
participants underwent hormonal responses to stimulation
tests, including a cosyntropin stimulation test (CST) and an
3. Results
Insulin Tolerance Test (ITT), salivary cortisol rhythm (SCR), basal
biochemical, inflammatory, muscular, immunologic, and hormo- Results of the 87 markers for the CF-ATL, CF-OTS, and NPAC
nal parameters, nocturnal urinary catecholamines (NUC) and its are described in Table 3 to 6, using means ± SD or medians
metabolites, analysis of body metabolism and composition, and and 95% CI, and in overall and pairwise p values.
evaluation of psychological, social, sleep, and eating patterns, in The direct stimulation of the adrenal glands through the
a total of 87 parameters analysed, reported in Table 2. cortisol response to CST showed similar responses among
groups of “HIFT athletes” and sedentary (Table 3); conversely,
cortisol response to an ITT was prompter and exacerbated in
Table 1. Clinical inclusion criteria for the EROS study. healthy CF athletes, compared to CF-OTS and NPAC, while
All subjects Male sex; 18–50 y/o ACTH was lower in OTS compared to healthy “HIFT athletes”
BMI: 20–32.9 kg/m2 (Table 3). GH response to an ITT was also earlier and optimized
No previous psychiatric disorders
Absence of use of centrally acting drugs
by three to four times in CF-ATL, compared to CF-OTS and
No hormonal therapy in the preceding 6 mo. NPAC, while basal GH was higher in healthy CF athletes com-
All athletes Exercise for at least 4 times/wk, and >300 min/wk pared to sedentary (Table 4). Significant prolactin response to
Moderate-to-vigorous training intensity (based on the Talk Test)
Continuous training in their sport modality(ies) for at least 6 mo.
an ITT, increased by two times, was only observed among
No interruption of >30 days healthy “HIFT athletes”, while unchanged in the OTS-affected
Be designated an athlete by a professional coach “HIFT athletes” and sedentary (Table 4); similarly, basal prolac-
Not undergoing a hypocaloric diet
OTS-affected Underperformance of at least 10% of previous
tin levels were higher in healthy “HIFT athletes” than other
athletes performance, as verified by a certified sports coach, or groups (Table 4). During ITT, time to hypoglycaemia was
loss of at least 20% in time to fatigue shorter in CF-OTS than CF-ATL and NPAC, whereas adrenergic
Prolonged underperformance not explained by conditions
that could lead to reduction in performance: infection,
symptoms during hypoglycaemia were less noticeable in CF-
inflammation, hormonal dysfunction, and psychosocial or OTS than in CF-ATL and NPAC (Table 4).
psychiatric conditions In the SCR, salivary cortisol (SC) levels were higher in CF-
Persistent fatigue (>2 wks), as a subjective feeling, further
confirmed by the Profile of Mood Scales (POMS) fatigue
ATL than in CF-OTS and NPAC 30 min after awakening, while
and vigor subscales similar at awakening, at 4PM and at 11PM. Cortisol awakening
(Self-reported) Increased sense of effort in training relative response (CAR), measured through increase (%) between awa-
to before OTS Exclusion of emotional and social
problems, by the evaluation of financial, professional,
kening and 30 min after awakening, was higher in the CF-ATL
familial or conjugal problems and NPAC than in CF-OTS (Table 3).
Decreased sleep quality, self-reported, compared to In regards do basal biochemical markers, neutrophils count
previous sleep quality
was lower in CF-OTS than CF-ATL; lymphocytes count was

Table 2. Markers of the endocrine and metabolic responses on overtraining syndrome study evaluated in this study.
Study/tests Markers
Response to an ITT Basal ACTH levels (pg/mL)
ACTH levels during hypoglycaemia (pg/mL)
ACTH levels 30 min after hypoglycaemia (pg/mL)
ACTH increase during an ITT (pg/mL)
Basal serum cortisol levels (µg/dL)
Cortisol levels during hypoglycaemia (µg/dL)
Cortisol levels 30 min after hypoglycaemia (µg/dL)
Cortisol increase during an ITT (µg/dL)
Response to a CST Cortisol levels 30 min and after cosyntropin (µg/dL)
Cortisol levels 60 min after cosyntropin (µg/dL)
SCR Salivary cortisol upon waking (ng/dL)
Salivary cortisol 30 min after waking (ng/dL)
Salivary cortisol at 4 p.m. (ng/dL)
Salivary cortisol at 11 p.m. (ng/dL)
CAR (%)
Response to an ITT Basal GH levels (µg/L)
GH levels during hypoglycaemia (µg/L)
GH levels 30 min after hypoglycaemia (µg/L)
Basal prolactin levels (ng/mL)
Prolactin levels during hypoglycaemia (ng/mL)
Prolactin levels 30 min after hypoglycaemia (ng/mL)
Prolactin increase during an ITT (ng/mL)
Glucose behaviour and related symptoms during an ITT Basal serum glucose levels (mg/dL)
Serum glucose during hypoglycaemia (mg/dL)
Time to hypoglycaemia (min)
Adrenergic symptoms (0–10)
Neuroglycopaenic symptoms (0–10)
Hormonal markers Total testosterone (ng/dL)
Oestradiol (pg/mL)
IGF-1 (pg/mL)
TSH (µUI/mL)
fT3 (pg/ml)
Total catecholamines (µg/12 h)
Noradrenaline (µg/12 h)
Dopamine (µg/12 h)
Epinephrine (µg/12 h)
Total metanephrines (µg/12 h)
Metanephrines (µg/12 h)
Normetanephrines (µg/12 h)
Biochemical markers ESR (mm/h)
CRP (mg/dL)
Vitamin B12 (pg/mL)
Lactate (nMol/L)
Ferritin (ng/mL)
Neutrophils (/mm3)
Lymphocytes (/mm3)
Platelets (*1000/mm3)
Haematocrit (%)
Eosinophils (/mm3)
LDLc (mg/dL)
HDLc (mg/dL)
Triglycerides (mg/dL)
CK (U/L)
Creatinine (mg/dL)
Ratios Testosterone:oestradiol ratio
Testosterone:cortisol ratio
Neutrophil:lymphocyte ratio
Platelet:lymphocyte ratio
Eating patterns Calorie intake (kcal/kg/day)
Protein intake (g/kg/day)
Carbohydrate intake (g/kg/day)
Fat intake (g/kg/day)
>0.5 g/kg of carbohydrate intake after training (% of athletes)*
Daily use of whey protein (% of individuals)*
Follow a diet plan? (% of affected individuals)*
Social patterns Self-reported sleep quality (0–10)
Duration of night sleep (h)
Initial insomnia (% of individuals)*
Terminal insomnia (% of individuals)*
Waking more than twice per night (% of individuals)*
Number of hours of activities besides professional training (h/day)
Self-reported libido (0–10)
(Continued )

Table 2. (Continued).
Study/tests Markers
Psychological patterns POMS questionnaire total score (−32 to +120)
POMS anger subscale (0–48)
POMS confusion subscale (0–28)
POMS depression subscale (0–60)
POMS vigour subscale (0–32)
POMS fatigue subscale (0–28)
POMS tension subscale (0–36)
Body metabolism analysis Measured:predicted BMR ratio (%)
Percentage of fat burning compared with total BMR (%)
Body composition Body fat (%)
Muscle mass (%)
Body water (%)
Extracellular water compared with total body water (%)
Visceral fat (cm2)
Chest:waist circumference ratio
*Not evaluated for statistical significance.
Abbreviations: ACTH, adrenocorticotropic hormone; BMR, basal metabolic rate; CAR, Cortisol awakening response; CK, creatine kinase; CRP,
C-reactive protein; CST, cosyntropin stimulation test; EROS, Endocrine and Metabolic Responses on Overtraining Syndrome; ESR, erythrocyte
sedimentation rate; fT3, free T3; GH, growth hormone; HDLc, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; HPA, hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal;
IGF-1, Insulin-like growth factor 1; ITT, insulin tolerance test; LDLc, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; POMS, Profile of Mood State; SCR,
salivary cortisol rhythm; TSH, thyroid-stimulating hormone.

Table 3. Specific features of Cross-Fit® in healthy and overtrained athletes – results of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis.
Mean (±SD) or CF-OTS (n = 9) CF-ATL (n = 22) NPAC (n = 12) Overall Pairwise
Median (95% CI) p-value p-values
Cortisol response to CST
Basal (µg/dL) 14.2 ± 4.8 11.9 ± 3.2 12.1 ± 5.7 n/s
30ʹ cortisol 19.1 ± 1.9 19.8 ± 2.4 19.7 ± 3.2 n/s
60ʹ cortisol 22.1 ± 2.3 22.5 ± 2.9 22.9 ± 4.4 n/s
Cortisol response to ITT
Basal (µg/dL) 11.8 ± 3.0 12.2 ± 2.9 10.9 ± 2.8 n/s
During hypoglycemia 12.7 ± 3.3 16.2 ± 5.5* 11.8 ± 3.1 0.01 * 0.02 vs NPAC
30ʹ after hypoglycemia 18.8 ± 2.8& 22.0 ± 2.9* 16.9 ± 4.1 0.005 * 0.001 vs NPAC
0.041 vs CF-ATL
Δ increase: basal to 30’ 7.0 ± 1.6 9.8 ± 3.5* 5.9 ± 3.9 0.019 * 0.002 vs NPAC
ACTH response to ITT
Basal (pg/mL) 19.4 (11.9–36.0) 17.9 (6.3–39.2) 21.4 (8.7–37.8) n/s
During hypoglycemia 27.9 (7.4–219.2) 54.0 (8.8–169.7) 29.5 (14.8–191.7) n/s
30ʹ after hypoglycemia 32.4 (9.9–80.4)& 74.8 (21.9–196.8) 51.4 (22.7–137.5) 0.014 &
0.004 vs CF-ATL
Absolute increase 10.6 (−15.0–50.9)& 79.3 (7.2–189.5) 38.0 (0.5–108.8) 0.023 &
0.002 vs CF-ATL
Δ % increase 79% 299% 200% -
Salivary cortisol rhythm
Awakening (pg/mL) 367 ± 254 342 ± 136 266 ± 149 n/s
30ʹ after awakening 314 ± 133 522 ± 162* 393 ± 149 0.004 * 0.03 vs NPAC
0.002 vs CF-ATL
4PM 186 ± 135 157 ± 85.1 130 ± 57 n/s
11PM 103 ± 47 98 ± 39 83 ± 11 n/s
Cortisol awakening response (CAR) 19% 69% 79%
OTS = Overtraining syndrome; CF-OTS = subgroup of CrossFit athletes affected by OTS: CF-ATL = subgroup of healthy CrossFit athletes; NPAC = Non-physically
active controls; CST = Cosyntropin stimulation test; ITT = Insulin tolerance test; SD = Standard deviation; CI = Confidence interval)

lower in CF-ATL than in NPAC; neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), free T3 (fT3), and insulin-like
was higher in CF-ATL than in CF-OTS and NPAC; eosinophils growth factor 1 (IGF-1) were similar among groups (Table 5).
count was lower in CF-ATL than in NPAC; and lactate was Total nocturnal urinary catecholamines (NUC), noradrenaline,
higher in CF-OTS than in CF-ATL (p = 0.025) (Table 5). and dopamine fractions were higher in CF-OTS than in CF-ATL;
Platelets, platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio, lipid profile, creatinine, conversely, total and fractioned metanephrines, the catechola-
vitamin B12, creatine kinase (CK), C-reactive protein (CRP), and mines metabolites, were similar among groups (Table 5).
erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) were similar among Although both groups of athletes similarly followed a diet
groups (Table 4). plan, OTS “HIFT athletes” ingested less than half the calories than
Among basal hormones, testosterone was higher in healthy healthy “HIFT athletes” and sedentary, owing to the CHO daily
“HIFT athletes” than in CF-OTS “HIFT athletes” and NPAC, and ingestion of less than three times among OTS “HIFT athletes”,
oestradiol was lower in OTS “HIFT athletes” than in the other compared to healthy “HIFT athletes” and sedentary, and higher
groups; thus, testosterone-to-oestradiol ratio was approximately daily protein intake in healthy “HIFT athletes” compared to OTS
two times lower in CF-OTS than in CF-ATL and NPAC (Table 5). “HIFT athletes”, whereas also higher than NPAC (Table 6).

Table 4. Specific features of Cross-Fit® in healthy and overtrained athletes – results of the stress test (Insulin tolerance test – ITT).
Mean (±SD) or CF-OTS (n = 9) CF-ATL (n = 22) NPAC (n = 12) Overall Pairwise
Median (95% CI) p-value p-values
GH response to ITT
Basal (µg/L) 0.12 (0.05–1.03) 0.24 (0.1–1.29)* 0.06 (0.03–0.47) 0.007 *0.002 vs NPAC
During hypoglycemia 0.40 (0.05–4.16)& 3.20 (0.17–34.64)* 0.16 (0.05–8.13) 0.005 *0.005 vs NPAC
0.016 vs CF-ATL
30ʹ after hypoglycemia 8.41 (0.22–14.35)& 14.20 (2.36–37.63)* 4.80 (0.33–27.36) 0.017 *0.012 vs NPAC
0.037 vs CF-ATL

Prolactin response to ITT

Basal (ng/mL) 6.9 (5.3–13.8)& 12.1 (7.1–23.3) 10.6 (7.9–15.7) 0.047 &
0.014 vs CF-ATL
During hypoglycemia 8.9 (4.5–56.3)& 17.0 (12.2–63.8)* 12.20 (7.2–15.9) 0.001 *0.01 vs NPAC
0.001 vs CF-ATL
30ʹ after hypoglycemia 15.1 (5.1–24.4)& 23.2 (10.4–68.4)* 10.5 (6.2–43.4) 0.004 *0.003 vs NPAC
0.024 vs CF-ATL
Δ response +3.8 (−0.6 – +12.8) +11.4 (−5.4 – +55.2) −1.2 (−4.8 – +30.5) 0.053
Δ % response +35% +91%* −12% 0.10 *0.032 vs NPAC
Glucose during ITT
Basal (mg/dL) 79.1 ± 5.5 81.0 ± 4.8 84.8 ± 6.4 n/s
During hypoglicemia 17.6 ± 11.6 19.1 ± 8.1 26.2 ± 12.5 n/s
Time to hypoglycemia (min) 21.0 ± 2.6& 26.2 ± 4.9 29.7 ± 6.8 # 0.003 &
0.0003 vs CF-ATL
0.004 vs CF-OTS
Adrenergic symptoms (0–10) 1.9 ± 2.1& 5.6 ± 3.0 6.0 ± 2.6 #
0.002 &
0.003 vs CF-ATL
0.003 vs CF-OTS
Neuroglycopenic symptoms 3.8 ± 3.5 5.2 ± 3.0 4.3 ± 3.0 n/s
OTS = Overtraining syndrome; CF-OTS = subgroup of CrossFit athletes affected by OTS: CF-ATL = subgroup of healthy CrossFit athletes; NPAC = Non-physically
active controls; ITT = Insulin tolerance test; SD = Standard deviation; CI = Confidence interval

Sleep quality was compromised in CF-OTS compared to CF- metabolic or hormonal aspects. Hence, the aim of this post-
ATL, while sleep duration was similar among groups. CF-ATL hoc analysis is to disclose endocrine and metabolic peculiari-
tended to worked less than NPAC and slightly less than CF- ties of CF, in both healthy state and under OTS.
OTS, although not significantly (Table 6). Self-reported libido Most of the findings of the EROS study persisted when CF
was higher in sedentary than in OTS “HIFT athletes”, while subgroups were analysed, for both CF-ATL and CF-OTS groups,
similar between sedentary and healthy “HIFT athletes”. despite the smaller number of participants, compared to the full
On the total and subscales of Profile of Mood States study. The persistence of the findings with a smaller number of
(POMS), OTS “HIFT athletes” scored worse than healthy “HIFT athletes reinforce the substantial differences between healthy
athletes” for total score, anger, confusion, depression, fatigue, and OTS-affected “HIFT athletes” and between healthy “HIFT
tension, and vigour subscales. Compared to sedentary, healthy athletes” and sedentary, eliciting the presence of multiple adap-
“HIFT athletes” scored better for all scales, while OTS “HIFT tations to CF, while these adaptive changes were lost under OTS.
athletes” scored similar. except for fatigue and vigour, in Similarly to the adaptive changes observed in overall healthy
which OTS scored worse than sedentary (Table 6). athletes (Cadegiani & Kater, 2017, 2018a, 2018b), healthy “HIFT
Percentage of fat oxidation compared to total basal meta- athletes” yielded earlier and enhanced cortisol, GH, and prolactin
bolic rate (BMR) was significantly higher in CF-ATL as com- responses to an ITT, increased neutrophils, lower lactate,
pared to both CF-OTS and NPAC, and measured-to-predicted increased testosterone, improved sleep quality, better psycholo-
BMR was higher in CF-ATL than in NPAC (Table 6). Body fat gical moods (in all its dimensions (overall, anger, depression,
was lower in healthy “HIFT athletes” than in sedentary, while tension, vigour, fatigue, and confusion), increased measured-to-
muscle mass and body water were higher in CF-ATL than in predicted basal metabolic rate (BMR) ratio and fat oxidation, less
CF-OTS and NPAC. Extracellular water was higher in NPAC body fat, more muscle mass, and better hydration, when com-
compared to both healthy and OTS “HIFT athletes” (Table 6). pared to healthy sedentary controls (Table 7).
However, we failed to find significant increase of total and
fractioned NUC in CF athletes, as an adaptation found in healthy
athletes (Table 7). Other specific findings in healthy “HIFT ath-
4. Discussion
letes” compared to overall healthy athletes were not able to be
Compared to other sport modalities, CF has unique patterns, found because the CF-ATL subgroup had almost 90% of the
as it requires multiple abilities, given the complexity and number of athletes of the ATL Group. Additionally, all the non-
irregularity of its activities. These characteristics may lead to “HIFT athletes” and the non-exclusive “HIFT athletes” practiced
unique or enhanced adaptive changes, compared to athletes both endurance and strength sports modalities, which even-
that exclusively perform endurance sports, such as triathlon or tually makes these athletes similar to “exclusive” “HIFT athletes”.
long-distance running, strength (or weightered), such as Finally, healthy “HIFT athletes” yielded optimization of hormonal
weight-lifting, or anaerobic and explosion sports. Previous responses, as observed through enhanced all the hormones tested
studies on CF presented data only on some orthopaedic and in response to an ITT (GH, cortisol, and prolactin), which demon-
psychological aspects of the CF practitioners, but not on strates the existence of an intrinsic and exercise-independent

Table 5. Specific features of Cross-Fit® in healthy and overtrained athletes – basal biochemical and hormonal results.
Mean (±SD) CF-OTS (n = 9) CF-ATL (n = 22) NPAC (n = 12) Overall Pairwise
or Median (p5 – p95) p-value p-values
Biochemical basal levels
Hematocrit (%) 44.8 ± 2.8 43.8 ± 2.4* 46.4 ± 2.4 0.05 *0.028 vs NPAC
MCV (fL) 85.8 ± 2.8 87.5 ± 4.9 88.3 ± 3.9 n/s
Neutrophils (/mm3) 2,898 ± 629& 3,917 ± 1,431 3,186 ± 847 0.048 &
0.032 vs CF-ATL
0.003 vs CF-OTS
Lymphocytes (/mm3) 2,502 ± 603 2,116 ± 646* 2,820 ± 810 0.039 *0.016 vs NPAC
Plaquets (*1000/mm3) 265 ± 40 231 ± 38 225 ± 63 n/s
LDLc (mg/dL) 109 ± 17 120 ± 70 104 ± 17 n/s
HDLc (mg/dL) 52.3 ± 6.2 61.1 ± 14.7 51.5 ± 8.7 n/s
Tryglycerides (mg/dL) 82 ± 28 90 ± 44 152 ± 87 n/s
Creatinine (mg/dL) 1.17 ± 0.10 1.17 ± 0.15 1.01 ± 0.10 n/s
Vitamin B12 (pg/mL) 529 ± 278 552 ± 197 442 ± 155 n/s
Neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio 1.21 ± 0.33& 2.10 ± 1.32* 1.27 ± 0.73 0.006 &
0.013 vs CF-ATL * <0.001 vs NPAC
Platelet to lymphocyte ratio 112.1 ± 34.2 120.1 ± 45.6* 82.4 ± 19.5 0.015 * 0.004 vs NPAC
Pairwise p-values n/s 0.004 n/s
Eusinophils (/mm3) 132 (55–459) 91 (29–375)* 193 (51–549) n/s (0.08) * 0.026 vs NPAC

CRP (mg/dL) 0.12 (0.04–1.79) 0.06 (0.02–0.49) 0.08 (0.02–0.23) n/s

ESR (mm/1h) 4.0 (2.0–12.0) 2.0 (2.0–12.9) 2.0 (1.5–6.0) n/s
Creatine kinase (U/L) 324 (122–1650) 359 (91–789)* 105.5 (80–468)# 0.005 * 0.006 vs NPAC #
0.005 vs CF-OTS
Ferritin (ng/mL) 190.1 (48.7–380.8) 171.0 (83.2–384.2) 229.4 (90.5–540.4) n/s
Lactate (nMol/L) 1.10 (0.79–2.00)& 0.82 (0.44–1.44)* 1.17 (0.57–1.57) 0.044 &
0.025 vs CF-ATL * 0.048 vs OTS

Basal hormone levels

Total testosterone (ng/dL) 412.3 ± 210.5& 541.8 ± 177.0* 405.9 ± 156.3 0.023 &
0.038 vs CF-ATL * 0.042 vs OTS
Estradiol (pg/mL) 39.5 ± 13.1& 28.6 ± 14.4 25.7 ± 11.2# 0.062 &
0.038 vs CF-ATL # 0.03 vs CF-OTS
IGF-1 (ng/mL) 181 ± 52 175 ± 54 184 ± 59 n/s
Free T3 (pg/ml) 3.2 ± 0.6 3.2 ± 0.5 3.3 ± 0.5 n/s
TSH (uUI/mL) 2.4 ± 1.0 1.8 ± 0.8 1.8 ± 0.9 n/s
Total catecholamines (ug/12h) 273 ± 203& 172 ± 66 133 ± 54# 0.016 &
0.05 vs CF-ATL #
0.014 vs CF-OTS
& #
Noradrenaline (ug/12h) 31.6 ± 10.3 22.3 ± 12.2 17.4 ± 9.1 0.018 0.035 vs CF-ATL 0.005 vs CF-OTS

Epinephrine (ug/12h) 3.0 (1.4–6.8) 2.0 (1.0–10.7) 2.0 (0.6–7.9) n/s

Dopamine (ug/12h) 237 ± 196 147 ± 58 114 ± 45 n/s

Total metanephrines (ug/12h) 284 ± 176 223 ± 79 221 ± 107 n/s

Metanephrine (ug/12h) 53.3 ± 37.2 45.0 ± 26.9 41.7 ± 25.4 n/s
Normetanephrine (ug/12h) 95.2 ± 59.1 86.6 ± 39.7 90.8 ± 48.2 n/s
Urinary volume (ml/12h) 1125 ± 466 1177 ± 776 1045 ± 656 n/s

Testosterone to estradiol ratio 10.9 ± 4.6& 21.8 ± 10.1 20.3 ± 13.0# 0.008 &
0.002 vs CF-ATL #
0.037 vs CF-OTS

Testosterone to cortisol ratio 38.7 ± 24.3 45.8 ± 15.9 39.6 ± 21.3 n/s
OTS = Overtraining syndrome; CF-OTS = subgroup of CrossFit athletes affected by OTS: CF-ATL = subgroup of healthy CrossFit athletes; NPAC = Non-physically
active controls; SD = Standard deviation; CI = Confidence interval; CRP = C-reactive protein; ESR = Erythrocyte sedimentation rate; IGF-1 = Insulin-like growth
factor 1; TSH = Thyroid stimulating hormone; MCV = Median corpuscular volume; LDL = Low density lipoprotein; HDL = High density lipoprotein.

conditioning mechanism of the hypothalamus-pituitary axes, at 2018b) demonstrated that OTS is triggered by a combination of
least when athletes practice sports that require multiple abilities. different factors, including excessive caloric restriction and cog-
In regards to the OTS features in CF, OTS-affected HIFT nitive activity. In regards to the type of sports practiced,
athletes apparently seem to be slightly less affected than although previous reports suggested specific clinical and bio-
overall OTS athletes, as CF-OTS tended to show earlier and chemical features of OTS induced by endurance and by
less flattened hormonal responses to an ITT, milder psycho- strength exclusive, findings were inconclusive because these
logical and sleep dysfunctions, and less affected body meta- studies used substantially different methods of assessments,
bolism and composition. Despite the attenuated changes and different type of athletes, in terms of sport modality,
evident in OTS HIFT athletes, more than 90% of the markers level, intensity, and volume of training, age, and sex.
of OTS revealed by the EROS study were still present in OTS Among the specific features of OTS in CF, we found a lack
“HIFT athletes”(Cadegiani & Kater, 2017, 2018a, 2018b). of increased CK (Knapik, 2015; Meyer, Morrison, & Zuniga,
Given the fact that OTS is a complex, multifactorial, and 2017, Murawska-Cialowicz, Wojna, & Zuwala-Jagiello, 2015),
challenging diagnosis (Meeusen et al., 2013), clinical and bio- when compared to healthy “HIFT athletes”, possibly showing
chemical markers of OTS, as well as its pathophysiology, were a less compromised muscle function, and faster recovery,
lesser known before the EROS study(Cadegiani & Kater, 2017, when compared to overall OTS, although lactate levels were
2018a, 2018b). For instance, unlike previous studies (, Meeusen still significantly higher than healthy “HIFT athletes”.
et al., 2013), in which excessive training was identified as the The higher catecholamine levels in OTS-affected “HIFT ath-
major OTS trigger, EROS study (Cadegiani & Kater, 2017, 2018a, letes”, when compared to overall OTS athletes, may aid the

Table 6. Specific features of Cross-Fit® in healthy and overtrained athletes – results of the psychological, eating, and social patterns, and body metabolism and
composition analyses.
Mean (±SD) or CF-OTS (n = 9) CF-ATL (n = 22) NPAC (n = 12) Overall Pairwise
Median (95% CI) p-value p-values
Eating patterns
>0.5 g/kg of CHO intake after training (% of affected subjects) 33% 55% n/a -
Daily use of whey protein 20% 55% 0% -
(% of affected subjects)
Follow a diet plan? 89% 86% 0% -
(% of affected subjects)
& # &
Estimated daily calorie intake per weight (kcal/kg/day) 26.7 ± 3.3 52.5 ± 6.4 54.7 ± 3.9 <0.001 < 0.001 vs CF-ATL
< 0.001 vs CF-OTS
Daily protein calorie intake (g/kg/day) 1.64 ± 0.62& 2.82 ± 0.86* 0.92 ± 0.49 <0.001 &
0.005 vs CF-ATL
* < 0.001 vs NPAC
# &
Daily CHO calorie intake (g/kg/day) 3.09 ± 1.53 6.95 ± 3.14* 9.85 ± 4.49 <0.001 0.008 vs CF-ATL
* 0.009 vs NPAC
< 0.001 vs CF-OTS
Daily fat calorie intake (g/kg/day) 0.87 ± 0.51 1.49 ± 1.27 1.29 ± 0.91 0.072
Sleeping and social patterns
Sleep quality (0–10) 6.6 ± 1.7& 8.2 ± 1.7* 7.0 ± 0.9 0.028 &
0.018 vs CF-ATL
* 0.05 vs NPAC
Duration of night sleep (hours) 6.0 ± 1.2 6.5 ± 0.8 6.7 ± 0.9 n/s
Initial insomnia 33% 23% 25% -
(% of affected subjects)
Terminal insomnia 22% 9% 42% -
(% of affected subjects)
Wake up more than two times at night (% of affected 44% 18% 50% -
Number of hours of work or study (hours/day) 8.4 ± 2.5 6.9 ± 1.5* 9.3 ± 2.9 0.026 * 0.009 vs NPAC
Libido (0–10) 6.2 ± 3.3 7.7 ± 1.6 8.8 ± 1.0# 0.047 #
0.017 vs CF-OTS
Total score +46.0 (+11.8 - -7.5 (-23.9 – +30.5 (-3.3 – <0.001 &
< 0.001 vs CF-ATL
(-32 to +120) +92.2)& +17.8)* +81.7) * < 0.001 vs NPAC
Anger (0 to 48) 17.0 (4.0–20.8)& 5.0 (1.0-15.7)* 9.0 (4.0–24.5) 0.023 &
0.019 vs CF-ATL
* 0.034 vs NPAC
& &
Confusion (0 to 28) 4.0 (1.4–17.8) 2.0 (0.0-5.0)* 5.5 (1.6–10.9) 0.004 0.003 vs CF-ATL
* 0.017 vs NPAC
Depression (0 to 60) 4.0 (0.4–16.6)& 0.5 (0.0-9.9)* 8.5 (1.6–19.9) 0.003 &
0.037 vs CF-ATL
* 0.001 vs NPAC
& # &
Fatigue (0 to 28) 17.0 (11.2–27.2) 1.5 (0.0-4.9)* 8.0 (1.1–18.8) <0.001 < 0.001 vs CF-ATL
* 0.002 vs NPAC
0.047 vs CF-OTS
Tension (0 to 36) 14.0 (5.4–23.6)& 6.0 (1.0-14.8)* 17.5 (11.0–25.5) <0.001 &
0.006 vs CF-ATL
* < 0.001 vs NPAC
Vigour (0 to 32) 10.0 (7.4–21.6)& 26.0 (21.1–28.0)* 19.5 (11.1–27.0) <0.001 &
< 0.001 vs CF-ATL
* 0.007 vs NPAC
Body composition and metabolism
Measured to predicted BMR (%) 103.7 ± 9.7 109.5 ± 9.5* 100.2 ± 9.5 0.026 * 0.015 vs NPAC
Percentage of fat oxidation compared to total BMR (%) 36.8 ± 19.7& 60.0 ± 17.2* 29.3 ± 14.2 <0.001 &
0.003 vs CF-ATL
* < 0.001 vs NPAC
Body fat (%) 14.9 ± 4.1& 11.2 ± 4.2* 21.3 ± 7.2 <0.001 * < 0.001 vs NPAC
Muscle mass (%) 48.8 ± 3.0& 50.4 ± 2.1* 44.1 ± 3.9 <0.001 &
0.021 vs CF-ATL
* < 0.001 vs NPAC
Body water (%) 60.9 ± 2.8& 64.6 ± 2.6* 57.0 ± 4.9 <0.001 &
0.025 vs CF-ATL
* < 0.001 vs NPAC
Extracellular water (%) 15.8 ± 9.8 19.5 ± 12.1* 31.7 ± 16.7 0.007 * < 0.001 vs NPAC
0.015 vs CF-OTS
Visceral fat (cm2) 55.0 ± 24.3 36.7 ± 20.8* 83.8 ± 41.8 <0.001 * < 0.001 vs NPAC
Chest-to-waist 1.26 ± 0.06 1.26 ± 0.06* 1.16 ± 0.07# <0.001 * < 0.001 vs NPAC
circumference ratio 0.004 vs CF-OTS
OTS = Overtraining syndrome; CF-OTS = subgroup of CrossFit athletes affected by OTS: CF-ATL = subgroup of healthy CrossFit athletes; NPAC = Non-physically
active controls; SD = Standard deviation; CI = Confidence interval; BMR = Basal metabolic rate; CHO = carbohydrate

optimization of an “overcompensation” process to maintain Although OTS “HIFT athletes” presented lower BMR, lower
the energy levels of OTS-affected athletes, which may explain fat oxidation, and higher body fat compared to healthy “HIFT
why “HIFT athletes” seem to be clinically and psychologically athletes”, these differences were not statistically different,
less affected (Choi, So, & Jeong, 2017; Kliszczewicz et al., 2016). showing a less compromised body metabolism and composi-
In regards to psychological aspects, the increased motiva- tion in CF. These could be consequences of the less affected
tion and reduced monotony associated with CF may also hormonal optimization and the higher catecholamines found
explain the less affected moods among OTS “HIFT athletes”. in OTS “HIFT athletes” compared to all OTS athletes.

Table 7. Summary of the findings of Crossfit in healthy and OTS athletes.

Specific changes in “HIFT
Adaptive changes in healthy athletes”
Tests Markers HIFT athletes (not observed in overall athletes) Features of OTS in HIFT athletes
Cortisol response to ITT Cortisol levels during hypoglycaemia (µg/dL) Higher than sedentary Both CF-OTS and CF-ATL Not statistically different compared to healthy HIFT
Only significantly increased in showed slightly higher levels athletes*
healthy HIFT athletes. than OTS and ATL,
Cortisol levels 30 minutes after hypoglycaemia (µg/dL) Higher than OTS HIFT athletes Lower differences between OTS and healthy HIFT athletes,
and sedentary but still statistically different
Cortisol increase during an ITT (µg/dL) Higher in CF-OTS than overall Not statistically different compared to healthy HIFT

OTS athletes. athletes*

ACTH response to ITT ACTH levels 30 minutes after hypoglycaemia (pg/mL) – Lower than healthy HIFT athletes and sedentary (statistically
ACTH increase during an ITT (pg/mL) lower than healthy HIFT athletes)
Lower than healthy HIFT athletes and sedentary (statistically
lower than healthy HIFT athletes)
GH response to ITT Basal GH (µg/L) Higher than sedentary Although two times lower than healthy HIFT athletes, was
not statistically significant*
GH levels during hypoglycaemia (µg/L) Higher than OTS HIFT athletes Slightly higher in CF-ATL Not significant increase in the early response
and sedentary. (3.2 µg/L) than ATL (2.5 µg/L)
Only significantly increased in
healthy HIFT athletes.
GH levels 30 minutes after hypoglycaemia (µg/L) Higher than OTS HIFT athletes Higher in CF-OTS (8.4 µg/L) than Lower differences between OTS and healthy HIFT athletes,
and sedentary OTS (3.3 µg/L) and in CF-ATL but still substantially and statistically different (almost
(14.2 µg/L) than ATL (12.7 µg/ two times lower).
Prolactin response to ITT Basal prolactin levels (ng/mL) - Significantly lower than healthy HIFT athletes*
Prolactin levels during hypoglycaemia (ng/mL) Higher than OTS HIFT athletes Non-significant increase.
and sedentary
Prolactin levels 30 minutes after hypoglycaemia (ng/mL) Higher than OTS HIFT athletes Slightly higher in CF-OTS Non-significant increase.
and sedentary (15.1 ng/mL) than OTS
(11.3 ng/mL), but still did not
increase significantly in
response to an ITT
Glucose response and related Time to hypoglycemia (min) - Lower than healthy HIFT athletes and sedentary*
symptoms during ITT
Adrenergic symptoms (0–10) - More important symptoms than healthy HIFT athletes and
Salivary cortisol rhythm (SCR) Cortisol 30ʹ after awakening (pg/mL) Higher than other groups
Cortisol awakening response (CAR) (%) More prominent differences (almost 3.5 times lower) than
healthy HIFT athletes
Biochemical markers Creatine kinase (CK) (U/L) Not different and actually slightly lower levels, when
compared to healthy HIFT athletes*
Lactate (nMol/L) Lower than OTS HIFT athletes
and sedentary
Neutrophils (/mm3) Higher than OTS HIFT athletes
Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio Higher than OTS HIFT athletes
and sedentary
Platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio Higher than sedentary
Hormonal markers Total catecholamines (µg/12h) Not significantly increased in CF- Slightly but significantly higher than healthy HIFT athletes
ATL compared to NPAC. and sedentary
Slightly higher in CF-OTS than
OTS (273 vs 257)
Noradrenaline (µg/12h) Not significantly increased in CF- Higher than healthy HIFT athletes and sedentary*
ATL compared to sedentary.
(Continued )
Table 7. (Continued).
Specific changes in “HIFT
Adaptive changes in healthy athletes”
Tests Markers HIFT athletes (not observed in overall athletes) Features of OTS in HIFT athletes
Estradiol (pg/dL) Higher than healthy HIFT athletes and sedentary
Testosterone (ng/dL) Higher than OTS HIFT athletes
and sedentary
Testosterone-to-estradiol ratio Lower than healthy HIFT athletes and sedentary
Eating patterns Calorie intake (kcal/kg/day) Higher than OTS HIFT athletes Lower than healthy HIFT athletes and sedentary
and sedentary
Protein intake (g/kg/day) Higher than OTS HIFT athletes
and sedentary
Carbohydrate intake (g/kg/day) Lower in CF-OTS than OTS (3.09 Lower than healthy HIFT athletes and sedentary
vs 3.76 g/kg/day), while
similar between CF-ATL and
Follow a diet plan? (% of affected subjects) Equally followed as healthy HIFT athletes.
(which was not able to prevent OTS)
Daily use of whey protein Less used than healthy HIFT athletes.
Post-workout CHO intake (> 0.5g/kg) Less used than healthy HIFT athletes.
Social patterns Self-reported sleep quality (0–10) Better sleep than OTS HIFT Better in CF-OTS than OTS (6.6
athletes and sedentary vs 6.2), but still worse than
Self-reported libido (0–10) Worse libido than sedentary, but similar to healthy HIFT
Work and/or study (h/day) Worked and/or studied less Worked and/or studied similarly to healthy HIFT athletes
than sedentary
Psychological patterns Profile of Mood State (POMS) questionnaire total score (−32 Better than OTS HIFT athletes Slight less fatigues and tension -
to +120) and depression, tenstion, vigour, confusion, and and sedentary – in all in CF-OTS than overall OTS.
anger subscales subscales
POMS fatigue subscale (0 to 28) Worse than sedentary
Body metabolism analysis Measured to predicted BMR ratio (%) Higher than sedentary Similar to healthy HIFT athletes*
Fat oxidation (% of total BMR) Higher than OTS HIFT athletes
and sedentary
Body composition Body fat percentage (%) Lower than sedentary Lower in CF-OTS than OTS (14.9 Similar to healthy HIFT athletes*
vs 17.0 %)
Muscle mass weight (%) Higher than OTS HIFT athletes
and sedentary
Body water percentage (%) Higher than OTS HIFT athletes
and sedentary
Visceral fat (cm2) Lower than sedentary Similar to healthy HIFT athletes*
Extracellular water Higher than sedentary Higher than sedentary
Chest-to-waist circumference Higher than sedentary Higher than sedentary
*Not found in overall OTS athletes.
ITT = Insulin tolerance teste; OTS = Overtraining syndrome; ITT = Insulin tolerance test; GH = Growth hormone.

Finally, in regards to eating patterns, CF-OTS had lower carbo-

hydrate intake compared to all OTS, while approximately three Healthy high-intensity functional
times lower than healthy “HIFT athletes”, despite the similar per-
centages of OTS-affected and healthy “HIFT athletes” that followed training (HIFT) athletes
long-term low-carbohydrate diet plans, once low-carbohydrate
diets are popular among HIFT athletes (Burke, Ross, & Garvican- Prompter and exacerbated cortisol, GH, and
Lewis et al., 2017; Escobar, Morales, & Vandusseldorp, 2016; Outlaw prolactin responses to stimulation
et al., 2014). Low carbohydrate intake has become indeed part of
the current sports culture, whose alleged benefits have been Higher testosterone
supposedly reinforced by scientific and non-scientific literature,

Adaptive changes also

found in other healthy
Higher neutrophils
despite contradictory findings (Chang, Borer, & Lin, 2017;
Heatherly, Killen, & Smith et al., 2017). Higher catecholamines
Low carbohydrate intake was found to be part of both

healthy and OTS “HIFT athletes” routine; however, healthy “HIFT Lower lactate
athletes” tended to have three times more unplanned high- Improved moods
carbohydrate meals than OTS “HIFT athletes”, which raised the
mean daily carbohydrate intake of healthy “HIFT athletes”; this Lower body fat
was found through a 7-day record of food intake (Cadegiani &
Better hydration
Kater, 2018b), that could be unnoticed if record was taken for
fewer days. The compensatory high-carbohydrate meals could Increased metabolic rate
be an unconscious protective process against starvation, which
Increased fat oxidation
may have been critical to prevent these individuals from OTS.
Low calorie and low carbohydrate intake, as a sort of “philoso- Higher muscle mass
phy of life”, likely played a central role in development of OTS
among “HIFT athletes”, may currently be the important trigger of
OTS in CF. Compensatory moments of increased carbohydrate Unaltered catecholamines

intake may be necessary to protect against burnout and to main-

tain constant and progressive improvement of sports perfor- Enhancement of the prompter and enhanced
mance (Outlaw et al., 2014; Webster, Swart, & Noakes et al., 2017). GH and cortisol responses to stimulation

4.1. Final discussion Figure 1. Summary of the adaptive changes in healthy CrossFit athletes.

CF and other high-intensity functional training regimens that

aim to develop overall physical condition are perhaps the most specific biochemical and hormonal responses to CF and specific
comprehensive sport modality because of the different skills features of CF-induced OTS. Finally, as subjects of the CF-OTS
required (Kliszczewicz, Quindry, & Blessing et al., 2015; Sprey and CF-ATL groups were smaller part of the OTS and ATL
et al., 2016). They may induce adaptive changes that are not groups, respectively, not all statistical tools could be applied.
caused by pure endurance or strength sports (Kliszczewicz
et al., 2015). Therefore, the findings observed in healthy “HIFT
athletes” may not be present in healthy athletes of other sports,
4.2. Practical applications
and require therefore cautious to extrapolate its findings30.
Conversely, OTS in CF seems to present the major findings of The present study brings some important applications for ‘HIFT
OTS, despite the less prominent differences between CF-OTS athletes’ and CF-related professionals: 1. A long-term low-
and CF-ATL, compared to the differences between OTS and ATL carbohydrate diet (with carbohydrate intake < 5.0 g/kg/day) for
(Cadegiani & Kater, 2017, 2018a, 2018b). The summary of the more than eight weeks, without compensatory high-carbohydrate
general and specific findings and in healthy and OTS CF ath- meals, may be a major cause of OTS, or even states of fatigue or
letes, and are shown in Figures 1 and 2, respectively. any unexplained loss of performance; 2. For low-carbohydrate diet
To our knowledge, this is the first study to analyse multiple enthusiasts, allowing free meals (i.e., uncontrolled for the amount
biochemical, hormonal, and metabolic features of CF, as well of each macronutrient) may have a protective role against OTS,
as characteristics of OTS in CF, and to provide unprecedented and may boost performance and beneficial adaptive changes; 3.
information regarding hormone physiology in CF, and aspects “HIFT athletes” may not notice early signs of OTS, including fatigue
of OTS in CF. We believe that studies on high-intensity func- and mood changes, as they are highly motivated by this sports –
tional training are important, because the growing number of as observed in our findings; thus, a more active search for early
athletes practicing high-intensity functional training regimens, signs of OTS may be helpful to prevent this condition; 4. Once
that may experience clinical and biochemical maladaptions. following a training periodization plan, excessive training may not
This post-hoc analysis involved a small number of partici- be a major concern for OTS; 5. Atypical signs of imminent OTS,
pants, although larger compared to previous studies on hor- including paradoxical muscle loss or fat gain, despite a restricted
mone physiology in sports and on OTS. Thus, further studies on diet, or the need for longer resting periods (due to prolonged
CF involving a larger sample size are warranted to evaluate the muscle recovery) may be important tools to avoid OTS; 6.

Overtraining syndrome in
high-intensity functional training (HIFT)

Specific alterations compared

Decreased neutrophils

to healthy HIFT athletes

Similar basal GH
Flattened GH and cortisol
responses to stimulation Less affected cortisol
responses to stimulation
Lack of prolactin responses
to stimulation Preserved metabolic rate

Blunted Cortisol Awakening Unaffected

Alterations also found in the OTS athletes

Response (CAR) creatine kinase

Decreased testosterone Similar body fat

Increased estradiol


Specific OTS aspects of HIFT athletes,

when compared to other OTS athletes
Metabolic rate Less compromised
metabolic rate
Increased body fat
Slightly higher prolactin
Decreased fat oxidation response to stimulation

Partial dehydration Slightly more muscle mass

and body water
Increased lactate
Higher urinary
Decreased libido
Slightly less depression,
Lower basal GH
fatigue, and tension
Decreased sleep quality Better GH and cortisol
responses to stimulation
Creatine Kinase

Decreased Muscle mass OTS = Overtraining syndrome;

HIFT = High-intensity functional training

Figure 2. Summary of the findings of overtraining syndrome in CrossFit.

Cognitive activities (studying or working) for more than eight carbohydrate intake > 5.0 g/kg/day, protein intake > 1.6 g/kg/
hours a day may be an outsider trigger of OTS, as recovery process day, working and/or studying < 8 hours/day, following the training
during the resting period may be impaired in case of excessive plan, and having good sleep quality will likely prevent almost all
concomitant cognitive effort; 6. Sleep quality, rather than sleep cases of OTS in CF.
duration, plays an important role for the prevention of OTS; hence,
sleep hygiene, including lights, smart phones, social medias and
TVs turned off, and relaxation exercises are useful tools for high
5. Conclusion
performance ‘HIFT athletes’; and 6. For an OTS preventive “HIFT athletes” disclosed unprecedented findings of multiple hor-
approach, including a calorie intake > 35 kcal/kg/day, monal, biochemical, and metabolic adaptations to sports, possibly

resulted from the unique patterns ot this sport modality, that Heatherly, A. J., Killen, L. G., Smith, A. F. (2018, Mar). Effects of ad libitum
requires multiple abilities. Conversely, “HIFT athletes” affected by low carbohydrate high-fat dieting in middle-age male runners. Medicine
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Kliszczewicz, B., Quindry, C. J., Blessing, L. D. (2015, Oct). Acute exercise
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