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ADAME Date: January 27, 2020

School: Esperidion F. Encabo I Memorial High School
Subject: Science 9
Grade Level: Grade 9 Amethyst

Subject Matter:
Topic : Uniformly Accelerated Motion: Horizontal Dimension
Time Frame: 3-4 hours

General Objective: Describe Uniformly Accelerated motion qualitatively and quantitatively.

Specific Objective: Solve problems related to motion with uniform acceleration in horizontal

1. K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum for Science Grade 9- S9FE-IVa-34
2. Science Links 9 by Estrillita Madriaga
3. Science Learner’s Module

Values Integration:
Team work; Focus; Honesty

Materials: Learning Module;

Board at least 100m length; timing device, protractor; meter stick/ruler
Empty can; stocks of books

Strategy: Demo/Experiential/Collaborative Method

Preparatory Activities:
A. Prayer
B. Checking of Attendance
Posting of Objectives:

Unlocking of Terms:
Distance vs. displacement
Speed vs. velocity

Motivational Activity:
Have students describe the picture of a plane running on the runway in your book at
page 233. Analyze how fast the plane is running. Describe the motion, its direction, etc.
Ask students what could be the acceleration of the airplane
Lesson proper:
Let students explain acceleration.
To further understand its concept, let student do the Activity on the book on page 233, “Roll
Roll and Away!”
Class is divided into 5 groups. Students proceed to their group.
After students do the activity, let each group a representative to present in class their findings.
Discussion along the way as report presented by each group.


The simplest kind of accelerated motion is straight-line motion with constant

acceleration. In this case, the velocity changes at the same rate throughout the motion.
Uniformly Accelerated Motion occurs when a velocity increases by exactly the same amount
during each time interval.
EVALUATION: Activity Notebook
Solve the following problem. ( Show your solution)
1. An airplane from rest accelerates in a runway at 5.50m/s2 for 20.25s until it finally takes
off the ground. What is the distance covered before takeoff?
2. A jeepney from rest accelerates uniformly over a time of 3.25 seconds and covers a
distance of 15m. Determine the acceleration of the jeepney?
3. A Train accelerates to a speed of 20m/s over a distance of 150m. Determine the
acceleration (assume uniform) of the train.

Study about uniformly accelerated motion: Vertical Dimension

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