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Department of Education

Region I
Division of City Schools
Tandoc, San Carlos City, Pangasinan


4th Periodical Test

Name: _______________________________ Rating: __________

Section: ______________________________ Date: ____________

I. Let’s Find Mr. Right

Directions: Write the letter of the meaning which best fits each sentence containing the
underlined word. Choose from the list below.

a. Best or most appropriate for a particular situation

b. Correct in one’s opinion or judgment
c. Directly or exactly
d. Morally good or acceptable
e. Side or direction
f. True
1. I hope we’re doing the right thing.
2. Her theories were proved right.
3. He was right about Juan having no money.
4. Pedro was clearly the right man for the job.
5. Pablo was standing right behind her.

II. PAIRfect Match

Directions: Complete the analogy by choosing the word that best completes the sentence.
Choose the letter of the words that directly under analogy
6. empty : full :: awkward : __________
a. clumsy b. graceful c. helpful d. hollow
7. polite : courteous :: style : __________
a. design b. fashion c. nice d. pretty
8. cheap : expensive :: high : __________
a. building b. costly c. low d. tall
9. first : last :: most : __________
a. biggest b. late c. least d. more
10. rotation : earth :: spinning __________
a. can b. ocean c. screw d. top
11. sad : happy :: bored : __________
a. angry b. exciting c. gloomy d. tired
12. wing : bird :: fin : __________
a. bat b. duck c. fish d. frog
13. pretty : beautiful :: thin : __________
a. chubby b. fat c. handsome d. slender
14. push : pull :: give : __________
a. donate b. lend c. share d. take
15. awake : asleep :: difficult : __________
a. easy b. hard c. smooth d. tough
III. Stay Closer
Directions: Choose the letter that corresponds to the word closest in meaning to the bold word in
the sentence.

16. The police realized that the suspect was the killer when they found a receipt for the spade
he bought at the hardware store.
a. digging tool c. nail cutter
b. machine gun d. playing card
17. The omnipotent superhero always won his battles, unlike his weak opponents.
a. brave c. powerless
b. powerful d. small
18. Some people just dump their rubbish in the river.
a. clothes c. garbages
b. foods d. plants
19. Enrique finds himself bewitched by a beautiful pianist named Liza.
a. annoyed c. confused
b. attracted d. disoriented
20. Though durian smells nasty, it is actually delicious once you get past the scent.
a. fresh c. raw
b. unattractive d. unpleasant
21. She lives in an enormous house, with 8 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms and an indoor swimming
a. big c. new
b. old d. small
22. The blacksmith at the Heritage Village Site shows visitors how to forge horseshoes and
farm tools.
a. A person who makes things made of horses’ skin.
b. A person who makes things made of iron.
c. A person who sells different shoes.
d. A person who sells farm tools.
23. Kathryn took her time when she wrote in cursive, slowly making each word out of an
elegant series of arcs and loops.
a. beautiful c. handsome
b. chaotic d. polished
24. The dishonest cashier planned to forge an alibi for his actions.
a. heat effectively c. invent in order to deceive
b. imitate illegally d. move in order to proceed
25. A detective’s job is to discern who is guilty of a particular crime by evaluating the
a. call c. predict
b. foretell d. recognize

IV. Be The Real You

Directions: Determine whether each statement is true or false. Write HEART if the statement is
true and BROKEN if the statement is false.

26. The simple present tense of a verb is used to express a future event or action.
27. Ordinary present tense is formed by am, is, are + -ing form of the main verb.
28. The emphatic present tense is formed by does or do + base form of verb.
29. The ordinary present tense is formed by the base form of the verb except in the third
person singular where s or es is added to the base form.
30. The simple present tense of a verb is used to express a habitual action.

V. Hold Me Tight or Don’t

Directions: Fill in the blank with the appropriate idiom chosen from the box.
hold back hold off hold out

hold down hold on hold up

31. How long can a person __________ without waters for days.
32. The young man tried to __________ his hand to the old woman.
33. Manufacturers promised to __________ prices of canned goods until the year ends.
34. Mang Ambo was shot when he attempted to __________ the kidnappers of his boss.
35. Please don’t __________ any information. Tell everything you know about the operation
to the police.

VI. What’s Wrong?

Directions: Identify the main idea of each paragraph. Then pick out the sentence that destroys the
unity of the paragraph.

Like the ocean of water, the ocean of air knows no stillness. It is forever in a ceaseless motion. Though
there may not be enough wind to move a feather, the air is forever in motion. Air occupies space and
has weight. The whole atmosphere is a big and complex system of air currents and each lesser portion
of air has its own lesser circulation. One cannot lift his hand without causing a tiny breeze; neither can
one turn without producing a minute whirlwind. This is because every separate air movement draws
other movements in its train.

36. Main Idea: ______________________________________________________________

37. Irrelevant Idea: ___________________________________________________________

The cornfield is an oppressively hot place. The soil is hot and dry; the wind comes across the lazily
murmuring leaves full of warm smell drawn from rapidly growing corn. A flood of blinding object
drops upon the field over which the cool shadows run only to make the heat of the sun more intense.
Farther right, a scarecrow dried crisp mutely watches over the growing ears of corn.

38. Main Idea: ______________________________________________________________

39. Irrelevant Idea: ___________________________________________________________

I have a regular exercise schedule that helps me stay in shape. This exercise program takes much time
and effort but the good feeling it gives me makes it worth the trouble. On Mondays, Wednesdays and
Fridays, I jog. I start warming up with calm, easy stretching exercises. Then I usually run for about
twenty-five minutes and I cover about three kilometers during that time. After running, I always cool
down by doing stretching exercises. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I lift weights. I save weekends for
relaxing. The days in between give my muscles a chance to recover from the strain.
40. Main Idea: ______________________________________________________________
41. Irrelevant Idea: ___________________________________________________________

Glaciers are great masses of ice formed by snow. Snow collects on mountains for years then melts and
freezes. Each new snowfall supplies ice for the glacier as it packs, melts and freezes again. Glaciers
change the earth by pushing and moving rocks, soil and even huge boulders. Mount Everest, which is
the highest mountain in the world, has plenty of huge boulders. The rocks and boulders that are
pushed along by a glacier cut into the soil and wear away stone.
42. Main Idea: ______________________________________________________________
43. Irrelevant Idea: ___________________________________________________________

The Philippines has many folk festivals. The Ati-Atihan festival in Aklan, which commemorates the
historic sale of Panay and recalls the peace pact between the Negritos and the Malays who settled in
Aklan, is one of them. This event also commemorates the feast day of the Sto. Niño. The Sto. Niño is
well-loved in Aklan. Townspeople and their guests paint their faces and wear colorful costumes as
they dance the streets of Kalibo. A Sunday evening procession in honor of the Sto. Niño brings a
solemn end to the week of gaiety.

44. Main Idea: ______________________________________________________________

45. Irrelevant Idea: ___________________________________________________________

VII. What Can You Say?

Directions: Construct three (3) facts and two (2) opinionated statements based on the passage


George, the Chimp

George is a lovable, friendly little guy. Right now, the most important thing in his life is his blanket. If
someone takes it away, he stomps his feet, then lies on the floor, and throws a screaming tantrum. Some
people say that if you took George’s blanket away from him, he would cease to live.

George was born in a zoo and he is one of the most appealing little chimpanzees you will ever see. He
never fails to charm his many visitors. George lives in a temperature-controlled nursery with other
babies who began life in one of the zoo’s hospital incubators. As soon as these babies are able to leave
their incubators, they are moved into separate rooms. The public and the young animals seem to enjoy
looking at one another.

George needs care twenty-four hours a day. He needs bottle feeding, vitamins, baths, and when time
permits, some playful attention from the zoo keeper.

Other babies staying in the nursery at the present time, one of the zoo’s most popular and delightful
areas, include Thor, a grizzly bear who weighed only twenty-one ounces at birth; David and Daniel, a
pair of young lion cubs about two months old; a young chimpanzee named Charlie Brown; and a baby
jaguar, named Mr. Cat.

“Do something that your future self will thank you for.”

Prepared by:

Miss Myra T. Valdez

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