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Write your answer in about 100 words on your

answer sheet.

This is part of a letter you receive from an English

This is part of a letter you receive from a British friend penfriend.

I went to a great restaurant with my In your next letter, please tell me all
family last night. Which do you prefer; eating about your favourite TV rpogramme. Yhy
at home or in a restaurant? Tell me about do you like watching it? What’s it about?
your favourite place to eat.
 Now write a letter, answering your
 Now write a letter to your friend penfreind’s questions.
 Write your letter on your answer sheet  Write your letter on your answer sheet

This is part of a letter you receive from an English friend Your English teacher has asked you to write a
For my homework Project I have to write about a special day story.
that people celebrate in your country. Which special day Your story must begin with this sentence:
should I write about? What information should I include?
Jo looked at the map and decided to
 Now write a letter to your friend
go left.
 Write a letter on your answer sheet
 Write your story on your answer sheet

This is part of a letter you received from an English friend. Your English teacher has asked you to write a story.
I’ve just seen a brilliant programme about This is the title of your story:
dolphins on television. Which programmes
have you enjoyed recently? How much Walking in the rain
television do you watch? Write your story in about 100 words

 Write your letter, answering your penfriend’s

questions in about 100 words

Write a story that begins with this sentence: This is part of a letter you receive from a friend:
I wanted to buy a t-shirt this morning but I had
to go food shopping instead, which I hate. Do you
Dennis wanted to earn some money during the
like shopping? Are there any good stores near you?
school holidays so he asked his uncle for a job.
 Now write a letter to your freind answering
 Write your story in about 100 words the questions
 Write your letter on your answer sheet.

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