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INVISIBLE GOD Christ is the anti-thesis to the thesis that

-We look up to Jesus Christ as the ultimate man is perverse and crooked. The Gospel
revelation of the Father; who calls us to shares with us many of these accounts,
communion, and as the good teacher who andhere, we recall a few: The woman
leads us to the Father. caught in the act of adultery (John 8:1-11);
“No mission is activated and no identity is In his encounter with Zacchaeus the tax
clarified apart from Christ” collector (Luke 19:1-10), how many times
we should forgive (Matthew 18:21),
REVELATION OF THE FATHER b. Christ: Man, in a Divine Way
a. GOD as our personal absolute As man, He acts out his divine love in and
Because God has made us for Himself, our according to His human existence.
hearts can never find rest until they rest in Everything He does is an act of the Son of
Him. -Saint Augustine God, a divine act in human form; His human
love is the human embodiment of the
God is a personal absolute in whom is redeeming love of God.
found the reason for our existence, and
therefore, He is a being who gives absolute The humanity of Jesus is concretely
meaning to our lives. -Edward Schillebeeckx intended by God as fulfillment of his
promise of salvation; it is a messianic
God…freely created man to make him reality. Schillebeeckx, Christ the
share in his own blessed life. For this Sacrament,14.
reason, at every time and in every place,
God draws close to man. He calls man to “Christ, our redeemer, chose the Cross so
seek Him,to know Him, to love Him with all as to bear the guilt of the world and to suffer
his strength.CCC,13. the pain the world. So, He brought the world
back home to God by His perfect love.”
“To be a human being means to come from DOCAT,101.
God and to go to God.”YOUCAT,1
“The blind sees,the lame walks, the lepers
a. Christ: GOD, in human way are cleansed, the deaf hears, the dead rise
It is through the mystery of Christ’s again, the poor have the Gospel preached
incarnation that God came down to meet to them.”(Matt.11:5)
man in grace so that man actually lives in a
condition of active communication with the “by becoming like us, God entered into the
One who, in this relationship becomes the most abysmal sufferings of mankind, since
“living God” and this encounter with God then, no one can say “God does not know
takes place in an act of faith. Schillebeeckx, what I’m suffering.” Schillebeeckx,
Christ the Sacrament,4. ChristtheSacrament,
As human, Christ is the exemplar, He THE WAY, THE TRUTH, THE LIFE
represents what is excellent and perfect We, therefore, speak of Christ as the Way,
in us. the Truth, andtheLifebecauseitisonly Christ
who fully discloses to man the mystery of
the Father and the Father’s love, our Argument from CAUSATION OF
personal absolute. VS, 2. GS,22. EXISTENCE (causality)
-the first cause or uncaused cause.
SequelaChristi.This is an experience that -a thing cannot cause itself.
we find in the responses of the Disciples -there can be no infinite chain of causes and
whom Jesus invited to follow Him as fishers effects .
of men (Matthew 4:19); in Mary Magdalene, -there must be a first cause which is not
from whom Jesus cast out seven demons caused by anything.
(Luke 8:2) and who later became the - the uncaused cause is God.
apostle to the apostles(John20);and in Saint
Paul who became the apostle to the Argument from CONTINGENCY AND
Gentiles. NECESSITY (contingency and necessity)
-the necessary contingent being
Commandment: love one another as I have -something that exist was first non-existent
loved you. (John 15:12) -if everything exists then everything was
THEOLOGY AND FAITH (1) -if everything were not non-consistent,
-Idea of God posed by human mind; nothing will cause existence
universal curiosity for God, an ultimate -there must be being who is not contingent
concern, a divine longing. (does not fail to exist)
-the non-contingent being brings existence
Obedience Potency- the natural facility out of non-existent.
given by God to us, enabling us to know -The necessary being is God.
God. The human mind and knowledge of
God. Argument from Gradation or Degrees of
Perfection (gradation)
“Ever since the creation of the world, His -the absolute being or perfect being.
eternal power and divine nature, invisible -characteristics of objects come in greater
though they are, have been understood as or lesser extents.
seen through the things HE made.”- -object/someone lesser degree < maximum
(Romans 1:19-20) possible degree > greater degree.
- There is someone who has all
THE FIVE WAYS OF ST. Thomas Aquinas characteristics in the maximum possible
Argument from MOTION (motion) degree.
-The first mover or unmoved mover. -The absolute being is God.
-objects are in motion, that something that is
moving cannot move by itself and thus
require a mover. Argument from Intelligent Design (design
-a mover is also moved by another mover; and governance)
there can be no infinite chain of movers. -the intelligent designer
-there must be a first mover existing before - a conscious, intelligent mind brings a
all movement. being to its end or purpose.
-The unmoved mover is God.
-not all beings have minds, even without -morality is societal in origin; no one can
minds are able to reach the end or purpose. make value judgments on others, thus no
- an intelligent mind who designs and universal good, no universal evil.
governs those without minds such they ATHEISM- the belief there was once
reach their end or purpose. absolutely nothing, and nothing happened
-the designer and governor is God. to the nothing until the nothing magically
exploded, creating everything and
Ontological Argument of St. Anselm everywhere, then a bunch of exploded
-God is the greatest being thinkable: must everything magically rearranged itself, into
both exist inside and outside of mind. self-replicating bits which then turned to
-if he existed only inside the mind, he dinosaurs [they mock your beliefs].
wouldn’t be greatest thus have other beings
Man’s natural longing for God (Clive Staples Theodicy-justification of God, study of God
Lewis) using reason alone.
-there are many things that are beyond the Theology- theos and logos. Word,
capacity of reason. Confronted by things discourse, study, science.
beyond human control (e.g. death, Evangelization- the proclamation of the
calamities), man looks for meaning in a good news of salvation who is Jesus
higher power often called God. Himself
-History proves that people have a sense of .
Divine longing in which innate desire to “For we do not preach ourselves but Jesus
know God. Christ as Lord” 1 Corinthians 4:5.
-every innate desire has a real-object to
meet the end (thirst-water). Evangelization--->Catechesis--->Theology
-every natural desire has a real objective Evangelization-initial proclamation of the
means of being fulfilled (quenching of thirst- good news. Initial conversion.
drink) Cathesis- systematic and authoritative
-God is to satisfy the natural need of human instruction on the faith. Maturity in the faith.
(human craving for God). Theology- “Fides quaerens intellectum”.
Better understanding of the faith.
-our world came about w/o any cause or THEOLOGY
source; everything just happened. -the science of God, and his relationship w/
-the laws governing the universe developed man and the world studied through the use
w/o guidance or direction. of reason enlightened by faith.
-life on earth is just a product of -a critical reflection on history in the light of
randomness in a hostile universe. faith.
-man is w/o spirit, death terminates Witnessing- the first form and most potent
existence. means of evangelization.
-there is no plan for mankind, human “Modern man listens more to WITNESSES”-
existence is an accident. Pope Paul VI Evangelii Nuntiandi 41.
“Preach the God News, but use the words -Ethics
only when necessary”-St. Francis of Assisi -Ritual and Ceremonies
-Sacred Symbols
FAITH -Religious Experience
-theological virtue by which we believe in -Social Structures/Organized Structures
God and believe all that he has said and I – Iesous [Jesus]
revealed to us, because he is truth itself. X- Christos [Christ]
[virtue-a good habit] Θ-Theou [God’s]
[theological virtue-infused habits ordered Y- Uios [Son]
towards God] ∑-Soter [Savior]
-free response, human act, thus requires ---> greek word for fish served as an
the free will and clear understanding of a anagram for primitive Christian Creed.
>believing in God’s existence, recognizing
His words as truth, and accepting His word
as the rule and the way to salvation.
3 Dimensions
-faith involves the whole person
Doctrine-faith is knowledge, absolute
certainty. “How happy I am to see myself imperfect
Morality- faith is morally demanding, and be in need of God’s mercy”-St. Therese
incomplete unless it leads to active love. of Lisieux
Worship-faith grows when we listen more
and more carefully to God’s word and enter Supplementary notes
a lively exchange with him in prayer; faith •What if I told you that Jesus loves religion
gives us a foretaste the joy of heaven. •And that by his coming as man he brought
Integration faith- Believing, Obeying, and his religion to fruition •See this had to be
Worshipping addressed, the use of illogical terms and
Catholic faith-the belief that Jesus Christ definitions •He clearly has a heart for Jesus
revealed God in and through the Holy but its fueling atheistic opinions.
Catholic Church. •See what makes his religion great is not
-founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ, c.33AD errors of wars and inquisitions •It’s that
and began its operations in Jerusalem after broken men and women get to participate in
Pentecost. his mission.
-During the Apostolic era, it was referred to
•Clearly Jesus says I have not come to
as Church, later on described as Catholic abolish •I came to fulfill the law and I came
(universal) to mean the church that is to fulfill the prophets (Matthew5:17)
everywhere, in contrast to splinter group •And lines about building big churches and
and sections. tending to the poor •Sounds a bit like Judas
when the perfume was being poured (John
-Beliefs and Believers
-Sacred Texts and Writings
this is my body take and drink my blood for
you. •A New covenant you see, an act
connected to the tree, •Do this time and
time again in Memory of Me. (Mt 26:26-28)

•See His religion is the largest worldwide

source of relief •For the poor, the hungry,
the sick and repentant thief •Oceans of
compassion, opening wide the doors •For
“Fools say in their hearts: There is no
single mothers, widows and orphans,
God…” (Psalm 14:1)
married and divorced (James 1:27)
GOD- “Our hearts are restless until they rest
•We all detest hypocrisy, and empty show is
in Thee -St. Augustine of Hippo
just the worst •But blaming religion for
>St. Augustine once found himself in
contradiction •Is like staring at death and
search for a deep sense of joy. Though he
blaming the hearse. •See the teacher will
was extraordinarily intelligent, he realized
teach when the students are ready to listen
that his brilliant mind could not give him
•But those that choose to sit in the pews
satisfaction for anything. He lived a life of
and refuse the good news •Is not the fault of
vices and carnal pleasure, thinking that
happiness can be found in the world, but he
•And If I have the Jersey and I’m playing for
found himself mistaken. He searched for
the Bulls •There’s going to be some
meaning in different religions and
boundaries, regulations and some rules.
philosophies, only to be disappointed, until
•You can’t have Christ without his Church;
he finally became Christian, and realized
you can’t have the King without his Kingdom
that the only one who could give satisfaction
•Sins of the body and eternal treason will
to man’s search for joy and meaning is this
never ever make me leave him
Person we call GOD.
•And that Jesus said it is done, is absolutely
>Clive Staples Lewis
true •But he also gave us a mission with
many things to DO. •Jesus says if you love
me, you will Do what I command. (Jn 15:14)
•Go and Baptize in the name of the Father,
-Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin, as they
Son & Spirit in Every Land. (Mt 28:19)
journeyed back home from the moon,
•And on the night he was betrayed he took
beamed a TV program to earth, during
his men in the Upper Room •Take at eat
which Aldrin quoted verses 3-4 of Psalm 8:
this is my body take and drink my blood for
“When I look at thy heavens…Lord, the
you. •A New covenant you see, an act
work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars
connected to the tree, •Do this time and
which thou has established, I cry: what is
time again in Memory of Me. (Mt 26:26-28)
man that thou art mindful of him” The
•And on the night he was betrayed he took
his men in the Upper Room •Take at eat
Astronauts, out there in the vast space, Thomas Berry studied and was influenced
chose God, not chance by the work of Teilhard de Chardin and was
-The Apollo 8 astronauts: Borman, Lovell, president of the American Teilhard
and Anders, attributed to God the success Association (1975–1987)
of their mission to go beyond the moon, “The earth crisis is fundamentally a spiritual
which meant that they would be out of crisis.”
contact from earth for a full forty-five November 9, 1914 – June 1, 2009 a
minutes. Catholic priest of the Passionist order,
On December 24, 1968, the three cultural historian and ecotheologian,
astronauts gave a moving testimony of faith Cosmologist and Geologian “Earth scholar”
when they read in turn the story of creation
in Genesis, to which Borman added this “Science is helping us put a face on God.”
prayer: “Give us, O God, the vision which -Charles Coulson, Theoretical Chemistry
can see thy love in the world in spite of Expert
human failure. Give us the faith, the trust, -Coulson believed religious faith was
the goodness, in spite of our ignorance and essential for the responsible use of science
weakness. Give us the knowledge that we
may continue to pray with understanding “Science without Religion is lame. Religion
hearts.” without Science is blind.” -Albert Einstein

“To me, science and religion are very Without God, we cannot be.
similar. If we compare how great scientific
ideas arrive, they look remarkably like “Your image of God shapes your life” - Bo
religious revelation viewed in a non-mystical Sanchez.
way. The great scientific discoveries, the
real leaps, do not come from so-called IMAGES OF GOD
scientific method but by revelations which -Images of God are spontaneous,
are just as real.” -Dr. Charles Townes Nobel unreflected attitudes that influence our
Prize Winner for his work on the Laser and responses to God.
Maser -Images of God are not the same as ideas
about God. Ideas may be abstract. An
“While science is not religion, it is a religious image is concrete. It is a combination of
activity by its presuppositions, its methods thoughts and feelings.
of working, and its search for truth.” -Dr. -Our Images of God may not be the same
Wernher von Braun Leading U.S. Space as our doctrinal affirmation about God. One
Expert may profess that God is good, but in his
mind may actually think of God as a cruel
“Perhaps we shall end by perceiving that manipulator.
the great object unconsciously pursued by -Our images of God have a powerful impact
science is nothing else than the discovery of on our attitudes and behaviors even without
God.”-Rev. Teilhard de Chardin Jesuit our conscious awareness.
Priest-Scientist -Our images of God profoundly impact our
spiritual well-being. A distorted image of
God results in a distorted relationship with
-Our images of God are closely related to -THERE IS ONLY -THE GOSPELS
our images of ourselves. ONE GOSPEL: ARE THE
>That is why we need to check examine if JESUS CHRIST WRITTEN FAITH
we have a correct image of GOD. -HE IS GOD’S ACCOUNTS OF
“Revelation is God’s personal loving -HE IS THE experiences by the
communication to us of who He is and His SAVIOR OF THE followers of the
plan to save us all in His love. It is God’s WORLD. historical Jesus
reaching out to us in friendship, so we get to • Eyewitness
testimonies that
know and love Him.” -
were heard and
Catechism for Filipino Catholics 101 recorded
• Collections of oral
Avenues of Communication preaching
• First Christians’
experiences of the
Risen Lord.
Revelation as word of God (Hb. DABAR) JESUS.
-Events in Salvation History
-Message of God through the prophets - STAGES of Formation
Person of Jesus S1 The Historical Jesus--->S2 Oral
-Preaching of the Christian Faith General Preaching by The Early Church--->S3 The
Message of God to humanity Written Gospels
-The Bible
The Historical Jesus
JESUS: THE GOOD NEWS -The Gospels are based on the fact that the
“Reform your lives and believe in the Son of God became Man and walked on
GOSPEL!” Mark 1:15 this planet in the person of Jesus of
-The word “Gospel” usually refers to the Nazareth.
written record of Christ’s words and deeds. -The Gospels are rooted in the words and
-Etymology: Anglo-Saxon: “god” (good) works of Jesus, in his interactions with
“spell” (to tell) Greek : “Evaggelion” (glad people, and in the significant events of his
tidings) life.
The GOSPEL is the Good News of Oral Preaching by the Early Church
Salvation proclaimed by Jesus Christ. -The Early Church was a preaching church
-Jesus Christ himself is the GOOD NEWS. - more than a writing church. Writing the
Jesus is THE GOSPEL. gospel was not a primordial concern of the
early Christians at that time it was thought
that the end of the world was taking place to the world by establishing Kingdom of
soon. God.
-The Christians kept the memory of Jesus “Suffering Servant”- The description of the
alive by collecting his sermons, parables, Suffering Servant is found in the Book of
works and sayings. These were used in the Isaiah. The Suffering Servant is the
liturgy, in preaching, and in instructing the innocent victim whose unconditional
new converts. obedience pleased God and whose
The Written Gospels suffering became the source of healing for
-Realizing that Christ’s second coming was wounded humanity.
not going to take place any time soon, the The early church, after witnessing Christ’s
Early Christians wrote the Gospels for the brutal execution and his glorious
following reasons: resurrection from the dead, realized that the
•There had to be written texts against which suffering servant and the messianic king
oral preachings will be measured. This was that they were expecting were one and the
especially because there were teachers same person.
who preached doctrines that were against
authentic tradition and remembrance of According to MATTHEW (mt)
Jesus. •The apostles and other EVANGELIST: Author is unknown. Probably
eyewitnesses of Jesus were beginning to Matthew was used as a source. The original
die either through old age or organized text was a collection of sayings compiled in
persecutions. Aramaic by the Apostle Matthew.
The human authors of the Gospels are DATE OF COMPOSITION: The original
called EVANGELISTS. Matthew was written around 50AD but was
lost. The existing text is the Greek
THE GOSPELS translation written sometime 85 A.D. after
the fall of Jerusalem.
According to MARK (mk) INTENDED AUDIENCE: Jewish converts to
EVANGELIST: JOHN MARK- believed to be Christianity
the chronicler of Peter THEMES: Jesus is the New Law-Giver
DATE OF COMPOSITION: After Peter’s Jesus is the Messianic king promised to the
death, probably around 65 A.D. Jews.
Christians According to LUKE (lk)
THEMES: Jesus is the Christ Jesus is the EVANGELIST: Luke, the “beloved
Suffering Servant The Messiah and the physician”; the secretary of Paul
Suffering Servant are one and the same. DATE OF COMPOSITION: c.75 A.D.
INTENDED AUDIENCE: Gentile converts to
Titles of Jesus: Christianity
“Christ”- The Greek word “Christos” means THEMES: Jesus is for Jews and Gentiles
“messiah” (Hb. “masiah”) or “anointed one”. alike. Jesus is the compassionate savior
This title was given to Jesus by the early who identifies himself with the poor and the
Church as a profession of what they outcast. *The Gospels According to Mark,
believed about him – He was the one whom Matthew, and Luke are called SYNOPTIC
God has anointed to bring peace and justice
GOSPELS because they follow more or less tasks attributed to them. The Blessed Trinity
the same story line. is a perfect communion of Persons, distinct
but one, therefore They always acted as
According to John (jn) one.
EVANGELIST: Most probably the -When the world was created, the Son and
JOHANNINE COMMUNITY the Spirit were the Father’s co-creators.
DATE OF COMPOSITION: c.90-100 A.D. -GOD = HOLY TRINITY To say that God
INTENDED AUDIENCE: The Christian created the world is to say that the Holy
Churches in the Roman Empire; Christians Trinity is the creator of the world.
who were already familiar with the
Synoptics The Son is Creator, not a creature
THEMES: Jesus is Divine Jesus is the John 1:1-3, 10
center of all religious beliefs and practices - “In the BEGINNING was the WORD And
Jesus is superior to all the prophets the WORD was WITH GOD And the WORD
was GOD. He was in the beginning with
:The Precreational preexistence of the son -ALL THINGS CAME TO BE THROUGH
-As human beings, our existence began the HIM AND WITHOUT HIM NOTHING CAME
moment we were conceived in our mother’s TO BE…
womb. -He was in the world AND THE WORLD
-The Son of God, however, became man. CAME TO BE THROUGH HIM.”
This means that prior to His conception in •The Son (Word) is Divine and have been
the Virgin Mother’s womb, he had long been existing since the very beginning. •The
existing. Creator of the world, God, cannot be a
-JESUS speaking to the Jews: “Abraham, creature. •If the Son is creator, the Son is
your Father, rejoiced to see MY DAY, he not a creature.
saw it and was glad.” So the Jews said to Colossians 1:15-17
him, “You are not yet fifty years old and you -“He is the image of the invisible God, the
have seen Abraham?” Jesus said to them, firstborn of all creation. For IN HIM ALL
“Amen, Amen, I say to you, before Abraham THINGS WERE CREATED in heaven and
came to be, I AM.” John 8:56-58 on earth, whether thrones or dominions or
-This biblical text affirms that Christ existed principalities or powers, ALL THINGS
•“I AM” was a divine name in the Old FOR HIM. HE IS BEFORE ALL THINGS
Testament. This text not only proves the AND IN HIM ALL THINGS HOLD
preexistence of Jesus but his Divinity as TOGETHER.”
well. • To be the “firstborn of all creation” does
not mean “to be the first creature”. The
The Holy Trinity is the Creator of the World firstborn child is the one that gets the
-Creation is often attributed to God the birthright. This emphasizes Christ
Father, Redemption to the Son, and superiority over creation. • In later verses, to
Sanctification to the Holy Spirit. be “firstborn” simply means to be the first to
-This does not mean that each of the three be raised from the dead. • These verses
Divine Persons acted exclusively on the
again tell us that Jesus is Creator. The “I am the gate. Whoever enters through me
Creator cannot be a creature. will be saved, and will come in and go out
Hebrews 1:2-3 and find pasture.”
“In these last days, He (God) spoke to us John 10:9
through a son, whom he made heir of all I am the Good Shepherd
things and THROUGH WHOM HE “I am the good shepherd. A good shepherd
CREATED THE UNIVERSE, who is the lays down his life for the sheep…I am the
refulgence of his glory, the very imprint of good shepherd, I know mine and mine know
his being and WHO SUSTAINS ALL me.”
•The Son is “heir of all things”- this is the I am the Resurrection and the Light
reason why he is called the “firstborn of “ I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever
creation”, not because he was a creature. •It believes in me, even though he dies will
was through the Son that the universe was live, and everyone who lives and believes in
created – The Son is creator. •God’s mighty me will never die. Do you believe this?”
word brought things to existence. The Son’s John 11: 25-26
“mighty word” “sustains all things”. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life
“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one
I Am the ALPHA, and the OMEGA, the comes to the Father except through me.”
FIRST, and the LAST, the BEGINNING and John 14:6
the END. Revelation 22:13 I am the Vine
•THE SON IS ETERNAL: no beginning, no “I am the vine and you are the branches.
end. If the Son had a beginning, he cannot Whoever remains in me and I in him will
be “the beginning.” •ONLY GOD IS bear much fruit, because without me you
ETERNAL. If the Son is eternal, then the can do nothing.”
Son is God. •GOD IS CREATOR. If the Son John 15:5
is God, then the Son, while distinct from the
Father and the Holy Spirit, is Creator. I am the Alpha and the Omega
“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first
JESUS SAYS OF HIMSELF:THE MASTER and the last, beginning and the end.
SPEAKS Blessed are they who washed their robes so
I am the Bread of Life as to have the right to the tree of life and
“I am the bread of life; whoever comes to enter the city through its gates.”
me will never hunger, and whoever believes Revelation 22:13-14
in me will never thirst.”
I am the Light of the World YOU HAVE THE WORDS OF ETERNAL
“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows LIFE. WE HAVE COME TO BELIEVE AND
me will not walk in darkness but will have ARE CONVINCED THAT YOU ARE THE
the light of life.” HOLY ONE OF GOD.”
John 8:12 John6:68-69
I am the Gate

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