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1160 IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 12, No.

3, August 1997

Capacitor Placement Replacement and Control in Large-scale

Distribution Systems by a GA-Based Two-Stage Algorithm
Karen Nan Miu and Hsiao-Dong Chian43 Gary Darling
School of Electrical Engineering Distribution System Planning
Cornel1 University NYSE&G Corporation
Ithaca, NY 14853 Binghamton, NY 13902

Abstract - This paper presents a two-stage algorithm tai- To this end, this paper presents a two-stage GA-based
lored for capacitor placement, replacement and control of algorithm to solve the capacitor placement, replacement and
general, large-scale, unbalanced distribution systems. The control problem. The algorithm has the following properties:
first stage of the proposed algorithm consists of a GA fol- e it attains a higher quality solution than heuristic meth-
lowed by the second stage which consists of a sensitivity- ods.
based heuristic method tailored for the capacitor placement,
it attains a higher quality solution than a GA alone.
replacement and control problem. The two-stage algorithm
is designed to take advantage of the merits of each tech- * it arrives at the high quality solution in a shorter
nique. The GA is employed to find neighborhoods of high amount of time than required by a GA alone
quality solutions and to provide a good initial guess for the e it solves the capacitor placement, replacement and con-
sensitivity-based heuristic. The heuristic uses the sensitiv- trol problem simultaneously.
ity of real power loss to reactive power to quickly and lo- it is applicable to large-scale unbalanced distribution
cally improve upon the solution provided by the GA with systems with comprehensive modelling of diverse dis-
less computation than by allowing the GA to continue. The tribution components.
two-stage algorithm was implemented in the C programming
e it demonstrates the need and effectiveness for a tai-
language and tested for a 292 bus unbalanced system with
lored optimization technique t o improve upon the gen-
single, two and three-phase branches and grounded and un-
eral combinatorial optimization focus of GAS.
grounded portions of the network with promising results.
e it demonstrates the potential of a two-stage algorithm.
Capacitors are widely installed in distribution systems for Capacitor placement, replacement and control can be com-
reactive power compensation for power and energy loss re- bined into a general capacitor placement problem and can
duction and voltage regulation. The extent of these benefits be formulated as a constrained optimization problem [9].
greatly depends on how the capacitors were placed on the
system and the control scheme designed for them. The gen- min f(x,U )
eral capacitor placement problem consists of determining the st. F ( o ,U ) = 0
locations, types and sizes of new and existing capacitors and G ( ~ , uI ) O
their control schemes, such that an objective function is min- where f(z, U ) is the cost function or objective function. The
imized while the load and operational constraints at different state of the distribution system is represented by the state
load levels are satisfied. variable x and the capacitor placement scheme is represented
Heuristic algorithms for the capacitor placement problems by the variable U . The desire is t o minimize the objec-
are fast, but they suffer from the inability to escape local tive function subject to equality constraints, F ( x ,U ) , and
optimal solutions. The genetic algorithm approach to ca- inequality constraints, G(z, U ) .
pacitor placements in distribution systems has been investi- 2.1. O b j e c t i v e Function
gated by many researchers, including [5]-[7]. Their results The objective for the general capacitor placement problem
demonstrated the viability of GAS for the capacitor place- in distribution systems is to minimize the total cost of the
ment problem; however, balanced tests cases were used and selected placement scheme. The total cost consists of the
capacitor replacement was not considered. The traditional cost of placements and the cost of real power loss and can
GA-based algorithm, however, may suffer from the problems be expressed as follows:
of convergence and computational requirements. Especially
with the increase in system size and expansion of the capaci- min f ( z ,uneW,
uTep) = Cost of placements
tor placements, computational efforts required by traditional + Cost of real power loss (1)
GA-based algorithms becomes enormous.

96 SM 489-5 PWRS A paper recommended and approved by the

IEEE Power System Engineering Committee of the IEEE Power
i = l p=a
Engineering Society for presentation at the 1996 IEEWPES Summer
Meeting, July 28 - August 1, 1996, in Denver, Colorado. Manuscript
submitted January 3, 1996, made available for printing April 23, 1996.

0885-8950/97/$10.00 0 1996 IEEE

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and 1 2 STAGE
nbus= # of buses,
, ~ P , P=
p = phase and n l o a d = # of load levels,
= the type and size of new capacitors at bus i, phase p , 1 ritKm 1 combinatorial
knowledge of
the problem
possible solution
in a reasonable
the type and size of replaced caps. at bus i , phase p ,
C n e v ( U : e w 7 P ) = the total cost of the new capacitor,
problems a t hand 1 amount of time
Crep(uSe*!P)= the cost of replacement, borhoods of high prove upon the to give Stage 2
Unew,l = the new capacitor. schemes vector at load level I , solution from a good
- initial
urep>l= the replaced cap. schemes vector a t load level 1, (1 quality solutions I Stage 1 guess
PL = the total system loss at load level 1, Goal quality speed I highest quality
!Z’l = the time duration, in hours, of load level I , soln given some
K = the cost of each kWh lost, in $/kWh. computation or
time limit
The total system loss is the sum of the loss calculated across
each component of the distribution system and is a function GA is employed to find the neighborhoods of global opti-
of the capacitor placements and control settings. mal solutions and to provide a good initial guess for the
2.2. Equality Constraints sensitivity-based heuristic which will quickly and locally im-
General distribution networks contain various types of sys- prove upon the solution given by the GA.
tem components such as single, double and three-phase loads
and transformers with different winding connections, such as S T A G E 1: A Genetic Algorithm
grounded Wye - grounded Wye, grounded Wye - Delta, etc. A GA is an optimization technique based on the theory of
Therefore, three-phase power flow equations are used in this natural selection, please see, for example, [lo] and [12] for
paper to accurately represent the equality constraints of re- more details. A constant size population of strings or individ-
alistic distribution networks. uals, representing the possible capacitor placement solutions,
2.3. Inequality Constraints are judged and propagated to form the next generation. It
The inequality constraints for optimal capacitor placement is designed such that the “fitter” strings survive and propa-
are the quality of service considerations and equipment limi- gate into the latter generations. The population is expected
tations utility companies experience. Two such examples are to converge to the “fitter” solutions, and, ideally, the algo-
the voltage magnitude and current flow ratings. rithm ends with a population consisting only of the most fit
Voltage Constraints string or the global optimal solution.
Voltage magnitude, IV;” 1, constraints are expressed as Some of the main components of GAS are:
1. Coding = representing the problem at hand by strings
IVAI Ilvpl I IVrnazI (2) 2. Initialization = initializing the strings
3. Fitness Evaluation = determining which strings are fit
for all buses k = 1,...,nbuLS, at each existing phase p and
4. Selection = deciding who mates
all load levels, 1 = 1,..., n l o a d . lVmtn/ and lVrnaz[ are the
5 . Crossover = exchanging information between two mates
specified acceptable voltage magnitude limits.
Current Rating 6. Mutation = introducing random information
Line flow, I:,’, constraints are expressed as 3.1. Coding
Each possible capacitor placement and control scheme is an
lL%nl i lI:vil Il&nazl (3) individual in the population represented by at least four sub-
strings. Please see Table 2. The substring codes are as fol-
for all buses k = 1,...,nbus,over each existing phase p current lows:
and all load levels, 1 = 1,...,n l o a d . IIrnmznl
and lImazl are the 1. An integer coded substring exists for new capacitor lo-
specified acceptable line flow ratings. cations. It is of a user input size nnewfor the maximum
possible number of new placements.
3. T W O - S T A G E A L G O R I T H M
2. For each load level, an individual has a multi-parameter
A GA-based two-stage algorithm is developed to arrive at binary coded substring representing discrete capacitor
a high quality solution in a shorter amount of time than sizes of new placements. Its size is a constant multiple
required by a GA alone, please see Table 1. of nneW.If the binary value is zero for all load levels,
Traditionally, heuristic algorithms are fast techniques to no capacitor is placed at the corresponding location.
find a better solution than the current state, but they suffer Control actions for new capacitors are determined by
from the inability t o escape local optimal solutions. On the the corresponding capacitor size for each load level.
other hand, GAS conduct multiple point searches to deter- 3. A binary coded substring of length ncqp,the number
mine high quality solutions; however, there is a high com- of existing capacitors, exists for replacement decisions.
putional burden associated with GAS. Also, in practice, the 0 = no movement and 1 = replace the capacitor to a
GA is not expected t o converge to one solution suggesting new location.
that a GA solution may have room for improvement. 4. An integer coded substring exists of length ncapfor re-
Therefore, a two-stage algorithm consisting of a GA fol- placed capacitor locations. If a capacitor is t o be re-
lowed by a sensitivity-based heuristic is designed to take ad- placed, the corresponding location is stored in this sub-
vantage of the good qualities of each solution technique. The string.

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For ease of presentation, it is assumed from this point on that 3.5. Crossover
capacitor placements will be made in a balanced fashion; i.e., Given a crossover probability, simple crossover is performed
capacitor placements will only be three-phase and balanced. for each substring; in effect, simple crossover occurs at mul-
This assumption is not necessary as node locations can be tiple points for each string or individual.
used in place of bus locations. 3.6. Mutation
Given a mutation probability, random alteration of genes in
Table 2: Coding for representation of the capacitor a string or values of a string may occurs. For a binary coded
placement problem string, a mutation represents a simple bit change. For integer
substring coding interpretation coded strings, a mutation represents a change in bus number
new location integer bus number to any valid location, including those locations not deemed
new caDacitor size binary binary code for size candidate locations by sensitivity initialization.
replacement decision 11 binary I yes/no for replacement
3.7 C o n v e r g e n c e / T e r m i n a t i o n of the GA
redacement location II integer
" ,I bus number
I 1 , J
When the user input maximum allowable number of gener-
ations for the GA is reached, the best solution found so far,
3.2. Initialization
i.e., the off-line solution, is returned and Stage 2 starts.
Weighted coin tosses or Bernoulli trials are used to initialize
all binary coded strings. S T A G E 2: A Sensitivity-Based Heuristic
3.2.1 Sensitivity Initialization After the specified number of generations for the GA, a
For, integer coded strings, sensitivity information of real sensitivity-based algorithm, using the sensitivity of real
power loss with respect to reactive power is employed to power loss to reactive power, is employed to, if possible, im-
limit the number of candidate locations for capacitors [6, 81. prove upon the off-line convergence solution of the GA.
In order to determine the sensitivity of a bus, solve for The sensitivity heuristic proceeds as follows:
% in the following equation, [ll].
1. First, capacitor replacement is performed on the solu-
tion returned from the GA.
2. Then, capacitor placement is performed on this new
Since the matrix above is just the system Jacobian relating
3.7. Sensitivity Replacement
nodal changes in voltage t o nodal changes in power, an equiv-
Starting from the best solution returned by the GA, the al-
alent sensitivity for buses must be determined from these
values. The maximum node sensitivity over each phase of a gorithm attempts to do replacement of existing capacitors in
bus is taken t o represent the entire bus sensitivity. the new solution The procedure is as follows:
For initialization purposes, the sensitivities are calculated Step 1: Calculate the current scheme's bus sensitivities.
for the system with no capacitors on it. The system with Please see Section 3.2.1 for sensitivity calculations.
no capacitors is chosen because replacement of existing ca- S t e p 2: Determine possible locations for capacitor replace-
pacitors is also considered in the problem. Thus, the integer ment. A user specified number of buses with the largest
coded strings representing bus numbers are initialized from sensitivities.
the determined candidate locations. A user specified number
of candidate locations are selected from the most sensitive S t e p 3: Capacitors are eligible for replacement only if their
locations in the network. bus sensitivities are less than the current possible new
3.3. Fitness E v a l u a t i o n location's. Select capacitors eligible for replacement to
All substrings are evaluated with the same fitness function. the most sensitive bus location available. Move the
The fitness function incorporates the objective function, i.e., largest available capacitor first.
the total cost of the proposed placement scheme with cost This process continues until a capacitor is accepted for
penalties if a string violates any of the constraints. This replacement or the list of all possible replacement ca-
has the effect of reducing an infeasible string's probability of pacitors or locations is exhausted.
propagating t o the next generation. If no capacitors are eligible, STOP replacement heuris-
The fitness function, f f , can be expressed as follows: tic: GOTO try new sensitivity placements ( S t e p 7.)
S t e p 4: Evaluate constraints.
ffi = fi - @ l ( Z , U ) - @ & , U ) - @3(5,U)
With this new replacement, the power flow equations
where fi is from (l),the total cost of individual i, $ 1 , @2 are evaluated for each load level. If a power flow solution
and $3 are penalty functions associated with the constraints, exists, then inequality constraints are checked.
where equality constraint penalties are larger than inequal- If there are no constraint violations,
ity constraint penalties. Then, the fitness function is scaled then, the real power loss is calculated.
by the individual in the current population with maximum else, GOTO Step 6.
fitness (or cost) such that
Step 5: Compare total costs.
(5) If the total cost is less than the previous scheme,
then the replacement is accepted:
The GA proceeds such that ( 5 ) is maximized and, concur-
rently, the objective function minimized. 0 Remove the capacitor from the list of possible re-
3.4. Selection placements;i.e, a capacitor is only allowed t o be
Remainder stochastic sampling without replacement is the replaced once.
selection scheme used, for a description please see [lo]. * GOTO Step 1.

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Table 3: NYSE&G capacitor costs
else the total cost is greater than the previous scheme, 1 $ofi I TvDe I Conn. 11 Size I Nom. 11 Total 1 Total 1
do not accept this replacement and do not move the
current replacement candidate to the current candidate
location. Try the next smallest available capaciter; i.e.,
GOTO Step 3.
Step 6: Do not move the current replacement candi-
date and try the next smallest available capacitor; i.e.,
GOTO Step 3.
3.8. Sensitivity Placement
After replacement is attempted on the current solution, if the
user specified maximum number of new capacitors has not
been met, the algorithm attempts to place new capacitors
on the system. This is done by choosing the bus with the
largest sensitivity after replacement or a specified number of
buses with the largest sensitivities and placing the smallest
available capacitor size on that bus. The procedure for new
placements is as follows:
Step 7: Evaluate the sensitivies of the new system. 0 4 yrs. - base case load
Step 8: Place the smallest size capacitor on the available 0 2 yrs. - 1.3 x base case load
bus with largest sensitivity. If no new candidate loca- 4. Genetic Algorithm Parameters
tions are available, STOP and EXIT. 0 popsize = 80

Step 9: Evaluate constraints. 0 pcross = 0.7

If the constraints are violated with the capacitor at the 0 pmutation = 0.005
highest load level, then the new placement is rejected. 5. Sensitivity Heuristic Parameter
STOP and EXIT. Else if the constraints are violated at Thirty buses are considered for possible replacement
a lower loading level, then a switchable capacitor type and placement.
is elected and the control setting is adjusted to satisfy
6. Fixed Capacitor Replacement
lower load level constraints. The real power loss for the
The test systems were operating at a given base load
system at each load is calculated and the total cost of
level and information regarding existing capacitor types
the new placement scheme is determined.
was unavailable. Therefore, existing capacitors are as-
Step 10: If the total cost is less than the total cost of sumed to be fixed and only replacement locations need
the previous scheme, then the placement is temporarily to be determined, if necessary.
accepted in lieu of repeating the process for the next
GA (Stage 1) Termination
largest capacitor size.
The number of generations for Stage 1, the GA, is a user
0 Repeat the process for the next largest capacitor input parameter. Depending on the user preference, speed
size. or quality, the GA can be terminated as desired. For speed,
0 If the next largest size has a total cost greater than a small number of generations for the given population size
the previous scheme, accept the latest placement may be used (here 40-50.) For quality, more generations
and GOTO Step 7. should be used (here approximately 100 or more). For
demonstration purposes, the GA is stopped after every gen-
Else if the real power loss has decreased but the total eration, up to 200 generations, and the heuristic is applied
cost has not, the next largest capacitor size is tried; else, to the off-line solution of the GA.
the next possible location is considered for placement. If Case 1: 292 bus system with no capacitors
there are no more possible locations, STOP and EXIT. The two-stage algorithm is applied t o a 292 bus test sys-
tem with no existing capacitors. The system experiences a
343.527 kW loss, a 1.35% loss with respect t o the substation
The two-stage algorithm for general capacitor placement was power. In the eight year planning period, this represents a
implemented in the C programming language. The results $1,485,854.10 kW loss cost.
presented in this section were obtained on an HP735 Work- Currently, the actual 292 bus system has 9 capacitors
station. The algorithm’s performance based on speed and placed on the system, representing a cost of $38,754 and
quality of solution are tested for a number of different GA experiences $1,424,998.02 in kW loss costs.
parameters. Results after applying the heuristic alone, the GA alone
General Case Scenario and the two-stage algorithm are reported in Table 4. When
For results presented in this section, the following assump- applying the heuristic alone, the solution places 6 capacitors.
tions and parameter choices are made. After 200 generations, the GA solution places 9 capacitors.
Then, applying the heuristic t o the GA solution, the result
1. Real Power Cost, K = O.O6/kWh Dlaces 10 caDacitors.
2. Capacitor Costs, please see Table 3. Results for the two-stage algorithm after a variable num-
3. Planning Period, 8 years, with 3 discrete load levels ber of generations are reported in Table 5. Figure 1 compares
0 2 yrs. - 0.7 x base case load the two-stage algorithm and the GA alone. It highlights the

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Table 4: Results on t h e 292 bus system, no capacitors Table 6: Two-stage algorithm for Case 2
1 #of 11 Cap. I Real Power I Total

, , ,
200 11 12,100 I 1,369,868.90 I 1,381,968.90 (1 43,029.12

Two-Stage Performance
1.46 ~

1.45- dotted = GA alone 1.405. .....

....... ..... ...
solid = Two-Stage Alg.

2 1.441, 1.4- . --_- -_=_heuristic

- - - _ _ - _ _ - - - - _ _ _-dashed _ - _alone
g : 2 dotted = GA alone
21.43 ; 0
z1.395- solid = Two-Stage Alg.
s ..
c " i
$, $ .......,
dashed = heuristic alone
1.421 _ ,, 1.39 -

I 1. I


20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 1.38' I
Generation 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 204

Figure 1: Two-stage algorithm performance for Case 1

heuristic improvements made t o the GA solution by the two-
stage algorithm. The heuristic always improves upon the
best solution given by the GA. This demonstrates that the
GA solution can and should be improved upon and, hence,
the importance and need for a two-stage algorithm.
Table 5: Two-stage algorithm results for Case 1
I # o f 11 Cap. I Real Power I Total 11 Total I
ken. costs LOSS Costs cost Savings
0 27,658 1,388,358.20 1,416,016.20 69,837.90
50 28,344 1,376,203.38 1,404,547.38 81,306.72
100 !I
32.106 , 1.368.739.48
, , , 1.400.845.48
, I
200 11 32,106 I 1,368,739.48 I 1,400,845.48 11 85,008.62
# of Stage 1 Stage 2 Two-Stage
gen. Solution Changes Answer
Case 2: An actual 292 bus system with 9 capacitors 1004 t 1170 1004 t 1170
Now, the two-stage algorithm is applied to the actual 292 100 1013 -+ 1278 1013 -+ 1278
bus system with 9 existing capacitors. The system experi- 1026 -+ 1262 1026 -+ 1262
ences a 328.274 kW loss, a 1.22% loss with respect to the 1063 -+ 1217 1063 -+ 1217
substation power. In the eight year planning period, this 1004 -+ 1170 1004 -+ 1170
170 1013 -+ 1278 1013 -+ 1278
represents a $1,424,998.02 kW loss cost. 1026 t 1262 1026 -+ 1262
After 200 generations, the two-stage algorithm decided to 1063 -+ 1215 1063 -+ 1217 1063 -+ 1217
replace 4 existing capacitors. No new capacitors are placed.
Results for the two-stage algorithm after a variable number Remarks:
of generations are reported in Table 6. Figure 2 compares the Typically, a GA experiences a sharp drop in the popu-
two-stage algorithm and the GA alone. Again, the heuristic lation's average cost after a few generations as it moves
always improves upon the best solution given by the GA, and from its initial population. Therefore, it is suggested
the two-stage algorithm returns a higher quality solution. that Stage 1 not be terminated until after a sufficient
In addition t o a higher quality solution, the two-stage al- number of generations, so that the GA population may
gorithm displays an improvement in running time over the settle down.
GA alone for determining the same quality solution. After The two-stage algorithm solution is always better than
100 generations (3 hours and 20 minutes), the two-stage al- the off-line solution given by the GA.
gorithm arrives at the same solution it returns after 170 gen- The two-stage algorithm solution quality varies with the
erations (5 hours and 40 minutes), but the heuristic starts GA solution the heuristic is given as an initial starting
from two different GA solutions. It took the GA over 2 hours point. For example, as Fig. 2 shows, the two-stage al-

Authorized licensed use limited to: The National Institute of Engineering. Downloaded on May 03,2010 at 11:59:10 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
gorithm solution after 20 GA generations is better than [2] A.A. El-kib, J.J. Grainger, K.N. Clinard, L.J. Gale. “Place-
the algorithm’s solution after 70 GA generations. This ment of Fixed and/or Nonsimultaneously Switched Capaci-
is because the GA population is moving towards indi- tors on Unbalanced Three-phase Feeders Involving Laterals,”
viduals with lower cost, but suggests nothing about the I E E E Transactions o n Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol.
104, NO. 11, NOV.1985, pp. 3398-3405.
search space locally. Thus, the individuals with lower
costs now may lie on a shallower dip than individuals J.J. Grainger, S. Civanlar, S. H. Lee, ‘‘Optimal Design and
before it. The sensitivity-based heuristic is a local op- Control Scheme for Capacitive Compensation of Distribution
Feeders,” I E E E Transactions on Power Apparatus and Sys-
timization technique and thus it will shoot down the tems, Vol. 102, No. 10, Oct. 1983, pp. 3271-3278.
shallower dip, resulting in a two-stage algorithm solu-
M. Baran, F.F. Wu, “Optimal Capacitor Placement on Ra-
tion that may cost more than if the heuristic had started dial Distributions Systems,” I E E E Transactions on Power
with an individual from a previous generation. Delivery, Vol. 4, No. 1, Jan. 1989, pp. 725-734.
Stage 2 allows some flexibility in the overall solution al- K. Iba, “Reactive Power Optimization by Genetic Algo-
gorithm. The sensitivity-based heuristic developed sys- rithm,’’ I E E E Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 9, No.
tematically exploits mathematical analysis of the sys- 2, May 1994, pp. 685-692.
tem; however, it may be replaced by other heuristics, S. Sundhararajan, A. Pahwa, “Optimal Selection of Capaci-
for example one based on operator experience. tors For Radial Distribution Systems Using a Genetic Algo-
It is noted here that the actual dollar savings over the rithm,” I E E E Transactions o n Power Systems, Vol. 9, No.
planning period is not substantial for the given cases. 3, Aug. 1994, pp. 1499-1507,
However, in both cases, the base system experiences G. Boone, H.D. Chiang, “Optimal Capacitor Placement in
only a small amount of loss; yet, the two-stage algo- Distribution Systems by Genetic Algorithm,” I E E (Power
rithm could still reduce system loss and yield $ savings; Engineering Series), 1992.
and in Case 2, it could make improvements without pur- A. Venkataramana, J. Carr and R.S. Ramshaw, “Optimal
chasing any new capacitors, only replacements of exist- Reactive Power Allocation,” I E E E Tmnsactions on Power
ing system capacitors were required. Thus, the results Systems, Vol. 2, No. 1, Feb. 1987, pp. 138-144.
indicate great promise for lossy systems. H.D. Chiang, J.C. Wang, J.T. Tong and G. Darling, “Op-
timal Capacitor Placement, Replacement and Control in
5. CONCLUSION Large-scale Unbalanced Distribution Systems: System Mod-
eling and A New Formulation”, I E E E Tmnsactions on Power
A GA-based two-stage solution algorithm was proposed for Systems, Vol. 10, No. 1, Feb 1995, pp. 356-362.
a practical formulation of capacitor placement, replacement D. Goldberg, Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization,
and control in large-scale unbalanced power distribution sys- and Machine Learning, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. Inc.,
tems. The two-stage algorithm combines the good qualities Reading MA, 1989.
of the general search technique of a GA and a fast sensitivity- H.H. Happ, “Optimal Power Dispatch”, I E E E Transactions
based heuristic. The two-stage algorithm consistently out- on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. 93, No. 3, May/June
1974, pp. 820-830.
performed the GA alone, in terms of both speed and qual-
ity. Thus, it illustrated the room for improvement in GA J. Koza, Genetic Programming, The MIT Press, Cambridge
solutions and t h e need for a two-stage algorithm. Signifi- MA, 1992.
cant speed up in the fine-tuning of a GA was made by the BIOGRAPHY
sensitivity-based heuristic.
The two-stage algorithm concept shows promising results Karen Nan Miu is currently enrolled in the Ph.D program in
and may be applied t o any type of solution algorithm in electrical engineering at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. She re-
Stage 1. For instance, simulated annealing, tabu search or ceived the B.S.EE, in 1992, and M.S., in 1995, from Cornell. Her
any other optimization technique could be employed in Stage research interests include power systems, distribution automation
1 with the same theme for Stage 2, a fast, intelligent heuris- and optimization techniques applied to power systems.
Hsiao-Dong Chiang received the Ph.D. degree in electrical en-
tic, t o be applied t o improve the solution of Stage 1. Also, gineering and computer sciences from the University of California
the two-stage concept may be successfully applied t o other at Berkeley. He is currently an Associate Professor of Electrical
distribution optimization problems such as network reconfig- Engineering at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. He was an Asso-
uration, reactive power planning, unit commitment, genera- ciate Editor of the IEEE ’Ihnsactions on Circuits and Systems
tion scheduling, etc. from 1990 to 1991, and was Associate Editor of Express Letters of
the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Fundamental
6. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Theory and Applications from 1993-1995. He was a recipient of
the Presidential Young Investigator Award (1989) from the Na-
The authors would like t o thank the NYSE&G Corporation tional Science Foundation. His research interests include the de-
velopment of theoretical foundations and anlytical tools for the
for their support and Yoshikazu Fukuyama, Assistant Man- analysis and control of physical systems, such as power and con-
ager at Fuji Electric Co. R&D., Ltd., for his helpful discus- trol systems, and the use of this work to achieve valuable and
sions. practical results.
Gary R. Darling received a Bachelor of Electrical Engineer-
ing degree from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY, in
References 1961. He is currently a Senior Engineer in the Distribution Plan-
ning Department at New York State Electric & Gas Corporation
[l] J.J. Grainger, S. H. Lee, “Optimum Size and Location of in Binghamton, NY. His current interests include distribution cir-
Shunt Capacitors for Reduction of Losses on Distribution cuit analysis, distribution system planning, load research and ge-
Feeders,” I E E E Transactions on Power Apparatus and Sys- ographic information systems.
tems, Vol. 100, No. 3, Mar. 1981, pp. 1105-1118.

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Discussion The problem formulation for capacitor placement, re-
placement and control is:
L L Lai (Energy Systems Group, City University, London
EClV Om, UK) : min f ( x , U)
st.F(x,u) = 0
The authors have presented an interesting paper. The
proposed GA-based two-stage algorithm has a potential for
on-line volt/var compensation. where the capacitor placement scheme is represented by
the discrete variable U . The variable U is chosen to be
The discusser has the following questions: discrete to allow for any manufacturer capacitor size
ratings. For the simulation results presented in this paper,
1, To determine the optimal size of the capacitor to be placed the chosen manufacturer’s sizes and associated costs an-
in the system, it is essential to calculate both the power and ticipated by NYSE & G are displayed in Table 3.
energy losses reduction. Therefore the variations of the daily The authors are glad for this opportunity to specifically
load should be taken into account to achieve the reduction of address premature convergence in genetic algorithms
the overall losses during the year. Have the authors which was not discussed in the paper. Premature conver-
considered this? gence, the convergence of the GA to a suboptimal solu-
tion, is an inherent quality in genetic algorithms. One
2. The capacitor size required to produce an optimal cost main motivation for the second stage of the two-stage
saving is usually different from the standard rating. Has this algorithm presented in the paper is to help improve the
problem been included in the formulation? solution that the GA returns. Thus, if the GA converges
to a suboptimal solution, Stage 2 is applied to try to
3. As reported in the paper, how could the GA-algorithm be improve this solution to a local optimal solution.
prevented from premature convergence? However, preventing the GA (Stage 1) from converging
to a suboptimal solution is a very interesting problem.
Manuscript received August 15, 1996. Multiple independent runs of the GA, where the GA
starts from a different randomly generated population
Karen Nan Miu and Hsiao-Dong Chiang (School of Elec- each time, can be made and the best individuals from
trical Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853): each run compared to determine the final solution. As
We would like to thank the discusser, Dr. Lai, for his discussed by many researchers, this approach can be used
interest in the paper and for his thoughtful comments and to minimize the effect of premature convergence.
We agree that daily load variations would affect the
calculated overall losses. The problem formulation ac-
counts for discrete load levels and their associated time [11 Jin-Cheng Wang, Hsiao-Dong Chiang, Karen Nan
durations; and the solution algorithm readily allows for Miu, Gary Darling, ‘Capacitor Placement and Real
any given number of load levels and time durations. Time Control in General Unbalanced Distribution
Therefore, daily load variations may be better accounted Systems: Loss Reduction Formula, Problem Formu-
for by a refinement in the discretization of the load lation, Solution Methodology and Mathematical Jus-
pattern and durations during a year. However, we do not tification,’ Presented at the 1996 IEEE/PES Trans-
envision the two-stage algorithm presented in the paper to mission and Distribution Conference, Los Angeles,
perform on-line control of volt/var compensation or con- CA, Sept. 1996.
sider daily load patterns. It may be more appropriate to [2] Jin-Cheng Wang, Hsiao-Dong Chiang, Karen Nan
Miu, Gary Darling, ‘Capacitor Placement and Real
reserve the daily load pattern considerations to the capac-
Time Control in General Unbalanced Distribution
itor control problem and decouple the capacitor control
Systems: Numerical Studies,’ Presented at the 1996
problem from the capacitor placement and replacement
problem. For an example of this and a real-time control IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Confer-
algorithm which is designed to consider daily load varia- ence, Los Angeles, CA, Sept. 1996.
tions, please see [1] and [21. Manuscript received November 1, 1996.

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