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Course: Grenada/American Sign Language (GASL) 103.04 - 3 Credits

Instructor: Domencia Casertano

Day/Hour Office: Tues & Thurs 9am-11am

E-mail: / Voice Phone: 202-861 2071

Office: VP/Email by appointment

Class/Time: Monday – Thursday / 6pm – 7pm

Location: SLCC 1302

Course Description
This course introduces students to develop communication skills in Grenada/American Sign
Language. The students will learn the sequence: alphabet, name numbers, calendar, and basic
vocabulary. The students will be able to receptive and expressive sign language. The students
will explore Deaf cultures and Deaf Community basically.

Student Learning Outcomes

Completion of the course, students shall be able to the following skills:

Language & Communication: Student shall be able comprehension of basic GASL period and
use Grenada American Sign Language to communicate effectively.

Critical Thinking: Student shall be able to sign with the hands smoothing and understand the
conclusions and solve the problem.

Knowledge & Inquiry: Student will apply to communicate competence in GASL, knowledge,
receptive and expressive, exchange the information.

Ethics & Social Responsibility: Student will be aware of Deaf cultures and community.

Materials Required

Students will be provided the following lessons and the dates. And more details in class.

Course Requirements
1. Participation (10%) – This course requires your thinking, your contributions in the class
discussions and questions. You will be allowed ONLY TWO unexcused absences. Each
additional absence will result in full grade lower. Excused absence is possible due to medical or
family emergency, but you must communicate with me in advance if at all possible.

2. Video ASL (30%) – Assignments will be given during the semester. They will be ASL video
every weekly no more than 2 minutes.

3. Two exams (30%/30%) Your Midterm and Final projects, for more information, will be in ASL
video no more than 5 minutes.

Language Weight

Participation ASL 20%

Video ASL ASL 20%

Midterm Video ASL 30%

Final Video ASL 30%


Instructor Requirements:
ASL Immersion Policy:
Attached to the back of the syllabus. It is critical for all students to follow this policy to respect
the Deaf Culture, teacher and students in class.

Syllabus & ASL Immersion Policy Quizzes:

You will take the Syllabus & ASL Immersion Policy quizzes to ensure you that you understand
the syllabus provide for the class

Student Workbook:
The Signing Naturally Student Workbook will be your homework and study guide in which you
will be doing throughout the semester. You will give answers for each unit on Canvas.

Video Presentation:
You will give three short presentation in a video base on the signs you learn in class. The video
must be between 1-2 minutes. Video presentation instructions will be given on Canvas to help
you prepare. Rubric charts will provide on Canvas based on your sign production, ASL grammar,
facial grammar, content, fluency & accuracy.

Midterm & Finals:

The midterm and final consist of both receptive and expressive. Receptive exams which is
written exam given out by your instructors in class. Expressive exams will be a video exam
through Canvas. Deaf Culture questions will be included with the receptive exams.

Final Interview:
Student will meet with the instructor for the discussion and interview. This is to ensure that you
are ready for GASL 2. You and your teacher will have a casual conversation in ASL base on
everything you had learned. Appointments will be set up later on Canvas through ConferZoom
during the week of the final online.

Policies and Procedures

1. Assignments: All draft and final assignments are to be submitted via Blackboard. No
exceptions. I will not respond to emails with assignments attached or links to videos. Do not
email me your assignments. I will not respond to last minute questions regarding your

2. Grading: Grading will be based on Context, Organization and Syntax. Assignments not
submitted timely will automatically lose points

Not submitted 24 hours past due -5

Not submitted 48 hours past due -10
Not submitted 72 hours past due -15

WARNING: Missing deadlines will cost you points as described above, no discussion.
Allowance may be made in the event of inclement weather or an unforeseen situation. If you can
provide a reason for late submission, above table may be waived.

3. Classroom Etiquette: Basic classroom etiquette includes turning off external electronic
devices that may interfere with class participation. Arrive on time for class, stay the entire
period, and avoid behavior that interferes with the concentration and learning of other students.
Attention should be given to the instructor, guest speakers, and fellow students.

4. Student Responsibilities: Students are expected to actively participate by attending class and
completing assigned activities, participate in class discussions, serve in groups, complete
assignments on time, respect diverse perspectives and opinions, and support opinions and
answers with reasons, explanations and documentation from a variety of sources.

5. Deadlines: Assignments are due before class. Assignments not submitted on time, will receive
a zero. When you submit your work on the due date it is final.

6. Peer Network: Each student is responsible for getting access to and understanding what is
expected of each assignment. Please form a network with your peers. If you need information
about assignments or class schedule, go to your course in Blackboard and ask other classmates to
learn about what you missed.

7. Communication: I welcome emails, Glide, any other avenue of communication, but will not
accept or respond to excessively colloquial register choices in either language. This is your
opportunity to practice ASL in academic settings, on a consistent basis.

8. Technology: This is a paper-free classroom. All assignments are to be posted on Blackboard

or as instructed. You are to upload all of your assignments to Blackboard including links to
videos. I will accept the following formats: .pages, .docx, pptx, and .key. PDF files are also
accepted. If you have technical issues with Blackboard you can contact HelpDesk.

Schedule/Course Outline

Week 1
Sept 3/5 Lesson 1

Week 2
Sept 9/12 Lesson 2

Week 3
Sept 16/19 Lesson 3

Week 4
Sept 23/26 Lesson 4

Week 5
Sept 30/ Oct 3 Lesson 5

Week 5
Oct 7/10 Lesson 6

Week 6
Oct 14/17 Midterm/Video

Week 7
Oct 21/ 24 Lesson 7

Week 8
Oct 28/31 Lesson 8

Week 9
Nov 4/7 Lesson 9

Week 10
Nov 11/14 Lesson 10

Week 11
Nov 18/ 21 Lesson 11

Week 11
Nov 25/28 Lesson 12

Week 12
Dec 2/5 Final Exam/Video

Week 13
Dec 9/12 discussion/interview /activity


Gallaudet University (2019). [Course Syllabus] Sara Gray Castro

Gallaudet University (2016). GSR 103 Syllabus [Course Syllabus] Dawn Croasmun

Gallaudet University (2018). DST 401 [Course Syllabus] Carolyn McCaskill

Gallaudet University (2018). DST 495 [Course Syllabus] Marvin Miller

Radford, C. (2019). ASL 743 [Course Syllabus] Curtis Radford

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