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Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9

Author: Brandon Neff
Editor: Mark Plemmons
Art Director: Mark Plemmons
Graphic Design: Steve Johansson
Cover Illustration: Ben McSweeney
Cover Colors: Scott Kester
Interior Illustrations: Joe and Rob Sharp, Kevin Stephenson
Project Managers: Brian Jelke, Mark Plemmons
Production Manager: Steve Johansson
Kingdoms of Kalamar Design Team: David S. Kenzer, Brian Jelke, Steve Johansson,
Jolly R. Blackburn, and Lloyd Brown III

Dedication: To my brother…

Table of Contents
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Basic Game Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Advanced Game Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Other Systems Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9

Brothers in Blood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

Pre-Generated Character Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76

Quick Reference Charts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76-77
Opponent Statistics (d20) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77
Advanced Game Character Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78
Random Dice Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79-81

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Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9

your first time playing a solo adventure, use the rules outlined
Introduction in the Basic Game. On your second play, you may want to
Welcome, brave reader, you who hold the key to unlock a use the Advanced Game rules. Experienced solo game book
world of intrigue and high adventure! In the pages of this readers may, of course, opt to jump straight to the Advanced
book, you are the hero, and the outcome of the story depends Game.
upon your actions and choices. You choose which door to
open, what to say and how to respond to certain events. You
see, this solo game book is divided into numbered entries.
What Is Kalamar?
These entries further the story, present traps and foes to Kalamar, more appropriately known as the Kingdoms of
overcome, and provide you with important information. At Kalamar, is a vibrant campaign setting for your HackMaster
the end of each entry, you may be prompted to make a (or any other medieval fantasy) roleplaying game, alive with
decision. Once you choose your course of action, simply turn rich characters, imminent danger, complex intrigue and
to the entry number associated with that decision. exciting adventure, all awaiting your shaping hand. It is a
For example, you always begin the story with entry #1. robust and detailed world filled with many cultures, both
After you finishing reading entry #1, you will see three human and demihuman. It is also a world rife with adven-
ture possibilities, where fantastic creatures roam the wilder-
options. You may walk along the streets, enter the sewers or,
ness, evil clerics worship evil deities hellbent on destruction,
possibly, take a third option that depends upon your
and the dead rise again to spread terror throughout the
Wisdom. (Be sure to read the rules chapter for more infor-
world. Here, complex political alliances mix with marauding
mation about Wisdom and other attributes!) If you choose
bands of humanoids and technology and industry come face
the streets, you turn the pages and begin reading again at
to face with magic and the fantastic.
entry #457. If you choose the sewers, you turn to entry #120.
And so on. Do not read an entry unless the text tells you to In the Kingdoms of Kalamar campaign setting, dwarven
do so. warriors carry the body of a fallen leader deep into their
underground mountain city, passing the tombs of kings dead
Yes, the conclusion of the adventure and the survival of
for some thirty dwarven generations. Wandering Dejy
everyone involved rests upon your shoulders! Of course, if
nomads explore the ruins of a fallen civilization deep within
you take the wrong path, you can always play again! Even
the massive Vohven jungle, and awaken a power none could
after you complete a game, feel free to try again because this
expect. Bold adventurers set off into the Khydoban desert,
book has more than one ending! Some endings are good, and seeking a country populated with undead and ruled by a
some endings are bad. If you come to a bad end, simply play powerful lich lord. Barbarian horselords war among each
again from the beginning! other for control of territory, while Slennish cultists kidnap
To play the Basic Game, you need only this book, along the innocents left behind the lines. Xenophobic elves patrol
with a pencil and some paper to make notes, for they will be the Lendelwood, guarding their ancient city against a threat-
helpful in your journey. ened human assault. These adventures and more are yours
For a more Advanced Game option, discussed in more when you step into the Kingdoms of Kalamar.
detail below, you may also want to have some polyhedral dice. If you are interested in learning more about the Kingdoms
If you do not already have these dice, you should be able to of Kalamar campaign setting, be sure to visit the Kenzer and
purchase them at your local game store – possibly the same Company website – as well as your
place where you bought this book! friendly local game
Polyhedral dice come in a variety of shapes (polyhedrons),
their name referring to their number of sides. These include
the four-sided die (d4), six-sided die (d6), eight-sided die
(d8), ten-sided die (d10), twelve-sided die (d12) and twenty-
sided die (d20). You will be asked to roll them in certain
combinations or to add modifiers. For example, 2d6+3
means you roll two six-sided dice and add 3 to the result.
One exception, however, is the percentile roll (d%). This roll
generates a number between 1 and 100. You may get a
percentile roll by rolling a hundred-sided die (d100), or two
ten-sided dice, designating beforehand which die represents
the tens digit and which represents the ones digit. You can
also roll 1d10 twice, placing the second number after the
first. For example, if the rolls were a 7 and a 6, this is 76%.
If your first roll is 0 and your next roll is 3, you have rolled
03%. If you roll a zero both times, that’s 100%.
2 To begin, we must first discuss the rules that govern your
success or failure as you progress through this book. If this is

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9

have specific numbers associated with them. Be sure to write
THE RULES down the numbers in case you need to know them later! You
To play this solo game book, it is important that you read might also find treasure! Like EPs, you should keep track of
and understand the rules of the game. New readers only need the amount of gold you find, and use it to compare scores at
to read the Basic Game rules. If you are familiar with solo the end of the adventure. Though many of the opponents
game books, or have already played one or more Basic Games you defeat will leave weapons behind, there is no need for you
with this book, you may wish to try the Advanced Game to keep track of these, as your own sword is as good or better.
rules instead.
BASIC GAME RULES You may want to draw a simple map of your path and
The Basic Game rules describe how to read the entries in surroundings as you make your way through the adventure.
this book and the terms associated with them. You will also This can save you a great deal of time and frustration (and
learn how to use certain abilities and skills, how to make keep your character from walking in circles!). The map does
attacks and cause damage to opponents and creatures, and not need to be fancy, just something to help you keep track of
more! which doors you already opened and which way you turned.

Rolling the Dice Actions

If you already have a set of polyhedral dice (see the At certain points in the story, you have the option to take
Introduction for more about dice), you may use them an action. Many times, you can simply do it and other times
whenever the text asks you to roll a particular die. However, you need to roll the dice to determine the outcome. For
if you do not have dice, or you want to use this book example, if you want to walk down a hallway, it is assumed
somewhere that dice rolling would be difficult for you or you can do that without any difficulty. On the other hand, if
distracting for your neighbors, simply use the tables in the you try to run along a tightrope while dodging a hail of
back of this book. arrows you have to put your trust in the dice. Die rolls fall
For example, when the text asks you to “roll 1d6,” simply into certain categories: Ability Checks, Skill Checks and
turn to the 1d6 table in the back of this book. Next, close random rolls.
your eyes and use a pencil or similar object to point to a spot
on the table. The number you picked is the number you
Ability Checks
“rolled.” If your pencil lands on a line, or not on the table at You make an Ability Check when you attempt to do
all, simply close your eyes and pick again. something out of the ordinary, like lifting a heavy log or
holding your breath for a long time. You have six different
Time abilities: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence,
Many of the entries have a Time value associated with Wisdom and Charisma. Which ability you use depends
them. In the Basic Game, you can ignore this entry. If you upon what you have to do. For example, lifting the heavy log
have to make a choice based on how much time has passed, requires a test of your Strength, while holding your breath for
always choose the option associated with the least amount of a long period requires a test of your Constitution. Your abili-
passed time. ties are listed on Appendix A: Pre-Generated Character
Sheet. Each ability is followed by a number. To make an
Experience Ability Check, roll 1d20. Your roll must be less than or equal
Besides the Time value, many entries have an Experience to your ability score in order to succeed. If you fail, you must
Point (EP) value. This is a measure of your success, just like pay the consequences described in the text!
keeping score. Keep track of how many EPs you earn during
your adventure, and compare your score with your friends or
Skill Checks
use your score as a goal for the next time you go through the At times, you may need to rely on the thieving skills that
adventure. your character honed through years of practice. For example,
moving silently to sneak past a vigilant guard, or using your
Equipment lockpicks to open a treasure chest, all require a successful
You begin the game with a fine suit of leather armor, a Thief Skill Check. On the Appendix A: Pre-Generated
deadly long sword, two daggers, a sap (a pouch full of lead Character Sheet, you can see that your Thief Skill score is
weights used to knock out an unsuspecting opponent), 45%. When you are asked to make a Thief Skill Check, roll
thieves’ tools and minor items such as flint and steel, a small d% and compare your result with your skill percentage. You
black stone, and a tiny polished metal disk. During your must roll less than or equal to your skill score in order to be
adventure, you might find additional items that can aid you successful. Any failed roll is considered permanent. For
in your quest. Be sure to keep track of these items on a spare example, if you are unable to open a lock, you may not
piece of paper. Some of these items may affect how you roll attempt to open that particular lock again for the duration of 3
the dice so record that information as well. A few items may the game.

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9

In the Advanced Game, your character has scores assigned Damage Roll
to individual skills. Perhaps you would prefer to be excep-
You have a razor-sharp sword that deals 1d8+2 points of
tionally skilled at picking pockets but not very talented when
damage with each successful attack. Every time your
it comes to hiding in shadows. In the Advanced Game, you
Combat Roll is successful, roll for damage and subtract that
can customize your various skills. For the Basic Game, we
many Hit Points from your opponent’s total. The type of
assume that you are a well-rounded thief!
dice your opponent uses for a Damage Roll against you is
Random Rolls listed in the text. Combat continues round after round until
one of you runs out of Hit Points and dies (if that is you, the
This type of roll is for everything else. The text may ask game is over!).
you to roll a certain die and turn to a particular section
depending on your result. Sometimes it is better to roll high Critical Hits and Fumbles
and sometimes it is better to roll low. You never know what Critical Hits and Fumbles can easily turn the tide of a
will be better, which is why we call it a random roll! battle. Suppose you make your Combat Roll, and you roll a
Damage 20. (You must roll a ‘natural’ 20; rolling a 19+1 does not
count.) Not only does this mean you have hit your opponent,
Sometimes your character may suffer a wound as the result but you have scored a Critical Hit! Roll 1d10 and refer to
of a failed check (for example, dropping that heavy log on Table 1-3: Critical Hits to see what special action takes place.
your leg is going to hurt!). Your character has a certain As you can see, it is possible to defeat a mighty opponent
number of wounds he or she can take before passing out. with just one attack!
These are called your Hit Points, and they are abbreviated as If you Fumble, it can be equally devastating, except you are
‘HP’. Keep track of your Hit Points on a piece of paper, and the recipient of the effects! If your combat roll is a 1, you
add or subtract as the game dictates. When you run out of have fumbled! Roll 1d6 and refer to Table 1-4: Fumbles.
Hit Points, the game is over! In the Basic Game, you have
38 HP, as noted in Appendix A: Pre-Generated Character In the Basic Game, the hero (you) can make both Critical
Sheet. Hits and Fumbles. Opponents can only make Fumbles (if
your opponent rolls a natural 20 on his or her Combat Roll,
Healing treat it as a normal hit, not a Critical Hit).
Besides the two healing potions you start with, you might
find other items that can restore your Hit Points. However, Table 1-3: Critical Hits
your HP can never be raised above their starting level. For 1 The tip of your weapon digs deep into your opponent!
example, in the Basic Game, you start with 38 HP. Now, Add 1d4 points of damage.
2 You spot an opening and slice through your opponent’s defenses!
suppose that after a fierce battle, you have only 30 HP. Later,
Add 1d4+2 points of damage.
you find a vial of healing potion that restores 12 HP. You 3 You parry your foe’s attack and slice your weapon across its arm!
drink it, and heal back to the original 38 HP. The other four Add 1d6 points of damage.
healing points are lost. 4 Blood sprays from your foe’s leg as you drag your weapon along its
thigh! Add 1d6+3 points of damage.
Combat 5 Your foe howls in pain as your weapon slices deep into a joint!
Add 1d8 points of damage.
Think of a fight like the rounds in a boxing match, only
6 A lightning-fast thrust drives your weapon into a vital organ!
each round lasts for a few seconds and there is rarely a break Add 1d8+4 points of damage.
in the action! During a round, both you and your foe get a 7 Your devastating attack splatters blood into your foe’s eyes!
chance to attack each other and cause damage. In the Basic Your foe automatically misses his or her next combat roll.
Game, your character always attacks first, followed by your (You attack twice in a row.)
opponent, unless otherwise noted. Then you attack again, 8 You deliver a gut-wrenching groin shot to your opponent!
then he attacks again, and so on until one of you has been Your foe automatically misses his or her next combat roll.
defeated. You use the dice to determine whether or not you (You attack twice in a row.)
hit your opponent and how much damage is done. This 9 Your foe collapses in pain as steaming entrails spill from a nasty gash
in its abdomen! Combat ends.
involves a Combat Roll and a Damage Roll.
10 You cleave your foe’s skull, putting an end to any fighting spirit it might
have had left. Combat ends.
Combat Roll
To make a Combat Roll, roll 1d20+1. If your attack is
Table 1-4: Fumbles
successful, you proceed to make a Damage roll. Otherwise,
1 You lose your footing and stumble during your attack! Your opponent
it is your opponent’s turn to attack! When your opponent may add 1 to its next combat roll. 4 – You wince in pain as you pull a
makes a Combat roll, roll 1d20 for him (do not add +1 for muscle in your back during your attack! Take 1d4 points of damage.
your opponent’s roll). If your opponent’s attack is successful, 2 You are momentarily stunned as you lose control of your weapon!
make a Damage Roll against yourself. Your opponent may add 2 to its next combat roll.5- Your attack
4 bounces harmlessly off your opponent and slices open a wound in
your leg! Take 1d6 points of damage.

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9

3 You are baffled as your lose total control of your weapon! You lead weights. A well-placed blow on the back of the skull can
automatically miss your next combat roll. (Your opponent attacks render an opponent unconscious. If you would rather quietly
twice in a row.) neutralize your opponent without taking their life, use your
4 You wince in pain as you pull a muscle in your back during your attack!
sap instead of your sword when backstabbing. Your sap deals
Take 1d4 points of damage.
5 Your attack bounces harmlessly off your opponent and slices open a 1d6+2 points of damage.
wound in your leg! Take 1d6 points of damage.
6 You rush at your foe and manage to trip over your own legs, striking ADVANCED GAME RULES
yourself! Take 1d8 points of damage.
The Advanced Game uses the same rules from the Basic
Game, with a few additions and alterations. The main differ-
Multiple Opponents ence is that rather than use the pre-generated character, you
create your own!
If at any time you are faced with multiple opponents,
simply fight them one at a time. Combat continues until you Character Generation
run away, defeat all the opponents or fall in battle.
In this book is a blank character template. It is similar to
Encountering the Same Enemy Twice the Appendix A: Pre-Generated Character Sheet, except all
the relevant scores have been left blank. I recommend you
It is possible that you may retrace your steps through
copy the template onto a blank sheet of paper rather than
certain areas. If that should happen, ignore any foes or obsta-
write in your book. If you do write in the book, be sure to use
cles (including locks and traps) that you have already
a pencil!
The hero of any good story needs a name. This could be
Special Combat Rules your own name, or any name you want - the choice is yours.
Two special combat circumstances work to your advantage. Write the name in the first blank. Using dice rolls, we now
These are the Escape Roll and Backstabbing Roll. If you find determine your character’s skills and abilities.
them too complicated, then do not use them! However, they
can be very helpful for you, so think carefully before you Abilities
decide not to use them. Your abilities represent your character’s physical and mental
attributes. Abilities are measured on a scale from 3 to 18,
Escape Roll with a score of 11 being average. A higher score indicates a
If things start to look grim, it might be in your best interest higher level of development. The scores are not listed in
to run away and fight another day. Instead of making your order of importance. In general, for this game book, you may
Combat Roll, you may attempt to escape. Your opponent has want to assign your highest score to your Dexterity. To deter-
the opportunity to block your escape by making a normal mine your scores, roll 3d6 six times and record the results on
Combat Roll. If your opponent succeeds, you suffer damage some blank paper. These are your scores. Next, read the
as normal, and you may then attack or try to escape again. If descriptions of the six different abilities. You must decide
your opponent’s Combat Roll is unsuccessful, then you have which ability receives which score.
managed to slip away!
Strength (Str)
Backstabbing Roll Strength represents your muscular development and your
If you can sneak up behind an enemy without being ability to use it. As a thief, Strength is not necessarily your
detected, you might be able to strike it in a vital area and highest priority. However, if you want to be a great fighter,
inflict a tremendous amount of damage! If, during the course you might want to be sure that Strength is your second
of your adventure, you are given the opportunity to attempt a greatest ability. A high Strength score gives you a better
backstab, you must do two things. chance of striking your opponent and causing damage! In
First, you need to make two successful Thief Skill Checks the blank next to Strength, write one of your six scores.
– the first check determines how well you hide in the Using the following table, note any bonuses or penalties that
shadows, and the second check gauges your ability to move correspond with your Strength score and write them in the
silently behind your foe. If you fail either of those two rolls, appropriate blanks.
your opponent spots you, and combat begins. If you succeed
with both Skill Checks, then you make an immediate Strength Score Combat Roll Modifier Damage Roll Modifier
Combat Roll, adding +4 to your roll. If you succeed, roll two 3-6 -2 -3
damage rolls and add them together! Not only is your 7-9 -1 -2
opponent a sitting duck, but you just might take it out before 10-11 0 0
it knows what hit it! 12-15 +1 +2
16-18 +2 +3
Besides a long sword, you are also armed with a sap (often 5
called a blackjack). This is a leather pouch filled with heavy

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9


When you make a Combat Roll or Damage Roll, you from life experiences. A high Wisdom score helps you avoid
always add or subtract the appropriate Strength modifier! dangerous situations. Assign one of your remaining scores to
this ability.
Dexterity (Dex)
This is the bread-and-butter ability for a good thief. For a Charisma (Cha)
thief, this is your Prime Requisite - the most important Charisma represents your leadership abilities and how
ability for your particular calling in life. You should assign others perceive you. A high Charisma score helps you get
your best score here. Dexterity is a measure of your agility your way when dealing with others! Assign one of your
and coordination. A high Dexterity score grants you a better remaining scores to this ability.
chance of avoiding an attack aimed in your direction and
allows you to react more quickly in any tense situation. Any Hit Points (HP)
thief worth his salt must have a score no lower than nine. In the Basic Game, we said that your Hit Points represent
Choose one of your remaining scores (it must equal to or how many wounds you can endure. A thief typically avoids
greater than nine) and refer to the following table to record fighting whenever possible, and your Hit Point score reflects
your results: that fact. A few of the opponents you may face in this adven-
ture may have more Hit Points than you. Thank goodness
Dexterity Score AC Modifier Reaction Modifier for your shrewd ability to backstab!
9 +1 +1 Each character has a minimum of 26 Hit Points, plus more
10-11 0 0 2d6 Hit Points, plus or minus the number of Hit Points
12-15 -1 -1
indicated by your Constitution modifier. For example, let us
16-18 -2 -2
say that you have a Constitution of 14 (which gives you +4
HP). Your total Hit Points equal 26+2d6+4. If your 2d6 roll
You might have noticed that a high Dexterity score results gives you a 3 and a 5, then your character has a total of 38 Hit
in negative modifiers. That is not a misprint. The lower your Points (26+3+5+4 = 38).
Armor Class, the more likely you are to avoid being hit in
combat, and the better your Initiative Roll (see below) will Armor Class (AC)
be. This is a combination of the armor you wear and your
Constitution (Con) Dexterity modifier. The lower your AC, the harder you are
to hit! In this adventure, you wear finely crafted leather
Constitution is measurement of your fitness, health and armor. While it does not protect you as well as a full suit of
ability to withstand stresses to your body. A high shining metal armor might, it allows you to move quietly.
Constitution means that you have more Hit Points at your Leather armor grants you a base AC of 8. Apply your
disposal. Write down your score and refer to the following Dexterity modifier to this, to determine your AC. For
table for your HP modifier: example, if your Dexterity modifier is –2, your AC is 6 (8-
Constitution Score Hit Point Modifier
3-6 -6 Thief Skills
7-9 -4 In the Basic Game, we said you were a well-rounded thief.
10-11 0
Now you have the chance to specialize. Instead of a single
12-15 +4
16-18 +6
score to represent your many talents, we assign individual
scores to seven specific skills. You begin with the following
base scores:
In a moment, we will determine your Hit Points.
Remember to use this modifier!
Thief Skill Base Score
Pick Pockets 15%
The remaining abilities do not have corresponding Open Locks 10%
Find Traps 5%
modifiers. That is certainly not to say they are not important,
Remove Traps 5%
but for the sake of this game, they do not require modifiers. Move Silently 10%
Intelligence (Int) Hide in Shadows 5%
Detect Noise 15%
Intelligence represents your education, memory and
problem-solving ability. This helps you to overcome a mental
challenge! Assign one of your remaining scores to this ability. You have 135 percentage points to add as you see fit to each
skill. However, you may not add more that 60 points to any
Wisdom (Wis) one skill. Perhaps you envision yourself to be a lock-picker
6 Wisdom is a measure of your common sense and judgment. extraordinaire? Just add 60 points to your 10% Open Locks
This is not knowledge you learn from studying books, but base score. You now have a 70% chance of picking open a

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9


lock. Perhaps you would rather be a silent assassin, lurking in Actions

the shadows? You will want to add the bulk of your points to
The Advanced Game incorporates the same rules regarding
your Move Silently and Hide in Shadows skills. Assign all
actions as explained in the Basic Game. When there is a
135 percentage points and record the scores on your character
chance of failure, you are asked to make an Ability Check, a
Skill Check or a random roll.
Ability Check
Just like the Basic Game, you begin with a fine suit of
The rules regarding Ability Checks are the same in the
leather armor, a deadly long sword, two daggers, a sap (a
Advanced Game. Roll 1d20 and compare the result with the
pouch full of lead weights used to knock out an unsuspecting
pertinent Ability Score. Your roll must be less than or equal
opponent), thieves’ tools and minor items such as flint and
steel, a small black stone, and a tiny polished metal disk. You to your Ability Score to be successful.
also receive extra items as you discover them during your Skill Checks
adventure. Some items you find may have a specific number
associated with them. Record this number beside the item, When you must perform a Thief Skill Check, roll the
for you will need to know it later. appropriate thieving skill based on the text. Roll d% and
compare your result with the pertinent score. Your roll must
be less than or equal to your score in order to be successful.
Congratulations! You just created your very own character! Any failed roll is considered permanent. For example, if you
However, before you begin your quest, we need to address are unable to open a lock, you may not attempt to open that
some changes to the rules as set down in the Basic Game, and lock again.
explain new rules used in the Advanced Game.
Random Rolls
Rolling the Dice
The rules regarding random rolls are the same in the
As in the Basic Game, you may use polyhedral dice, or the Advanced Game. Roll the required die and turn to the entry
tables in the back of this book. For example, when the text indicated by your result.
asks you to “roll 1d6,” simply turn to the 1d6 table in the back
of this book. Next, close your eyes and use a pencil or similar Damage
object to point to a spot on the table. The number you picked
The rules regarding damage are the same in the Advanced
is the number you “rolled.” If your pencil lands on a line, or
Game. Subtract any damage you sustain from your Hit
not on the table at all, simply close your eyes and pick again.
Points and do the same for your opponents.
Just as in the Basic Game, you may want to map your
progress on paper. In the Advanced Game, you are up The rules regarding healing are the same in the Advanced
against a time limit, and a good map can make the difference Game. Items that allow you to heal damage can never raise
between success and failure. your HP above their starting level.

TIME Combat
In the Basic Game, we ignored elapsed time. In the In the Basic Game, your character always attacked first. In
Advanced Game, the amount of time that passes can have a the Advanced Game, you might not be as fortunate. Before
drastic impact on the outcome of the story. Many of the text your first Combat Roll, you must determine who attacks first.
entries are associated with a time value. It is important that This is called the Initiative Roll.
you maintain a tally of the elapsed time. You should use a
calculator or a piece of scratch paper to track your time. You
can also mark elapsed time on your character sheet. You determine Initiative (who attacks first) by rolling 1d10
Since the elapsed time is so important, it is advisable that and adding or subtracting your Dexterity reaction modifier.
you do not explore every room or open every door. Plan your Roll 1d10 for your opponent. The person with the lowest
moves wisely and do not to linger too long in any one area. score attacks first. This attack order remains until the battle
is over.
Combat Roll
Just like in the Basic Game, entries with an Experience
Point (EP) value are a measure of your success, just like To make a Combat Roll, roll 1d20 and add your Strength
keeping score. Keep track of how many EPs you earn during modifier to the result. Compare this total with your
your adventure, and compare your score with your friends or opponent’s Armor Class (listed in the text as AC) and refer
use your score as a goal for the next time you go through the to Table 1-1: Character Combat Table. 7

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9


Table 1-1: Character Combat Table one at a time. Combat continues until you escape, defeat all
If Enemy’s AC is: the opponents or fall in battle.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2
Encountering the Same Enemy Twice
then You need:
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 It is possible that you may retrace your steps through
certain areas. If that should happen, ignore any foes or obsta-
cles (including locks and traps) that you have already
Find your foe’s Armor Class along the top row and then overcome.
read the corresponding number on the bottom row. You need
to roll this number or better in order to successfully hit your Escape Roll
opponent. For example, your enemy has an AC of 4. You The rules regarding the Escape Roll are the same in the
need to roll a 14 or better on the 20-sided die. If your attack Advanced Game. You may attempt to escape instead of
is successful, you proceed to make a Damage roll. Otherwise, making your Combat Roll. If your opponent scores a hit on
it is your opponent’s turn! its Combat Roll, it blocks your escape and you suffer any
damage caused by its hit. If your opponent misses its
When your opponent makes a Combat Roll, you roll 1d20 Combat Roll, you escape without suffering any damage!
and refer to Table 1-2: Adversary Combat Table.
Backstabbing Roll
Locate the Hit Dice (HD) of your opponent along the top
row and cross-reference it with your AC. Your opponent In the Basic Game, you had to make two successful Thief
needs to roll this number or better to score a hit on you. Skill Checks in order to attempt a backstab. In the Advanced
Game, you must specifically make a successful Hide in
Damage Roll Shadows and a successful Move Silently skill check. As per
the Basic Game, if you are successful, make a combat roll and
Instead of rolling 1d8+2 to determine how much damage
add +4 to the result. If that results in a hit, make two damage
you inflict with your long sword, roll 1d8 and apply your
rolls and add them together.
Strength modifier to damage. Write this number down next
to your long sword on your character sheet. If your opponent still has Hit Points remaining after a
backstab, roll Initiative and begin combat as normal. If you
Critical Hits and Fumbles fail either one of the Thief Skill Checks or the Combat Roll,
you have lost the element of surprise. Roll Initiative and
In the Advanced Game, both you and your opponents can
begin combat!
make Critical Hits or Fumbles. If the 20-sided die comes up
a ‘20’, that counts as a Critical Hit. If you roll less than 20, Besides a long sword, you are also armed with a sap (often
but your modifiers raise it to 20 or higher, that is considered called a blackjack). This is a leather pouch filled with heavy
a normal hit, not a Critical Hit. A Fumble occurs the same lead weights. A well-placed blow on the back of the skull can
way. A die roll of ‘1’ is always a Fumble, just as a natural die render an opponent unconscious. If you would rather
roll of ‘20’ is always a Critical Hit. Whenever you roll a ‘20’ neutralize your opponent without taking their life, use your
or a ‘1’ for yourself or your opponent, refer to the Critical Hit sap instead of your sword when backstabbing. To determine
or Fumble table in the Basic Game section. the damage you deal with your sap, roll 1d6 and add any
Strength modifier to damage.
Multiple Opponents
If at any time you face multiple opponents, roll Initiative This completes the Advanced Rules section. If you want
for each opponent. As in the Basic Game, you fight them even more complexity, you may disregard the Advanced


YOUR AC <1-1 1-1 1 1+ 2 3 4 5 6
AC 9 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
AC 8 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3
AC 7 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4
AC 6 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5
AC 5 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6
AC 4 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7
AC 3 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
AC 2 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9
AC 1 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10
8 AC 0 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11
AC -1 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9


Rules and use the standard HackMaster rules as outlined in Skill Checks – Most of the skill checks you need to roll are
the HackMaster Player’s Handbook (available at your at DC 20. There are, however, a few entries that require you
friendly local game shop or bookstore). If you are a fan of the to perform a more difficult task or to perform it during a
current Dungeons & Dragons game rules, this gamebook stressful situation. If you are asked to add 10% to your Thief
works with that system as well. Skill Check, assume a DC 25. If a situation should arise that
does not have a DC associated with it, assume DC 20.

OTHER SYSTEMS RULES Advanced Game Skill d20 Skill

Pick Pockets Pick Pocket
Open Locks Open Lock
Using the HackMaster System Find Traps Search
The Basic and Advanced Rules in this gamebook are fully Remove Traps Disable Device
compatible with the rules outlined in the HackMaster Move Silently Move Silently
Player’s Handbook. This combination provides you with the Hide in Shadows Hide
Detect Noise Listen
ultimate gaming experience. Use your own judgment to
resolve any conflicts that might arise. Roll up a new 3rd level
Thief or Assassin character (or use an existing character of
comparable level) and begin.

Using the Dungeons & Dragons d20 system

For the most part, you should not have any difficulty
adapting this solo adventure to the Dungeons & Dragons
d20 system. You may roll up a new 3rd-level rogue character
instead of using the Advanced Game character creation
system. However, a few modifications are required, and some
of the more difficult rules to apply in a solo game book (such
as multiple types of attacks, attacks of opportunity, or effects
that last over a period of time) may be, or have been, omitted.
Use your own judgment to resolve any conflicts that might
Armor Class (AC) – Using these rules, a higher AC is
better than a lower one. Your leather armor gives you AC 12,
plus (or minus) your Dexterity modifier. If you find items
that improve your AC (such as a ring of protection), your AC
increases by the indicated number, rather than decreasing.
Combat – You will find usable d20 combat information for
each opponent in Appendix D: Opponent Statistics (d20),
referenced by the text entry number. Use any d20 rules that
exist for Critical Hits. Ignore Fumble results. Use the d20
sneak attack rules in place of Backstabbing.
Initiative – You determine Initiative (who attacks first) by
rolling 1d20 and applying your Dexterity modifier, plus any
other abilities (such as the Improved Initiative feat (+4 to
initiative)). Roll 1d20 for your opponent and add his
Initiative modifier, as noted in Appendix D: Opponent
Statistics (d20). The person with the highest score attacks
first. This attack order remains until the battle is over.
Combat Roll - To make a melee Combat Roll (known in
d20 as an attack roll), roll 1d20 and add your Strength
modifier, plus any other bonuses. If your attack roll is equal
to or greater than your opponent’s AC, you proceed to roll
damage. Otherwise, it is your opponent’s turn to attack!
When your opponent makes an attack roll, roll 1d20 for him
and add his attack modifier (noted on Appendix D:
Opponent Statistics (d20) as “Atk.”) If your opponent’s
attack is successful, roll damage against yourself.

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9


Hoist the mug of foamy ale! belt. One well-placed hit is all it usually profits. This obviously did not sit well
For we’ve braved the stormy sea! takes, and this time was no different. with the Shadowed Fist.
And behold, we did not fail, You spend a moment to study the Although you are still a mere cutpurse
door your fallen opponent guarded. working your way up the ranks, your
So pass the buxom wench to me!
Your hand slips into another pocket brother holds a position of leadership
and retrieves a small metal pick and a within the Fist. In fact, he frequently
Merry voices fill the tavern, as the flat pin. Seconds later, the door lock is sits in council with the Guildmaster.
warm light of the fire gleams in a sea of sprung. You dribble a few drops of oil Through him, you learned that several
smiles and spilled ale. The cheers of from a flask onto the hinges and gently Blade spies were seen recently in the
the patrons swirl around the hall while ease the door open. You hear not a network of sewers running under the
the crew of the Griffon toast the portly sound as you make your way across the city. Apparently, the Blade spies were
innkeeper and begin the next verse. room, lit only by the light of the moon discovered north of the Devil’s Fork, an
Their vessel docked earlier this evening streaming in the window. You stop at a underground river used to convey the
and, after unloading the cargo, the crew chest on the floor near the foot of the sewage out to sea. This places them in
quickly swarmed into the Boar’s Tusk bed. The sleeping form in the bed Fist territory. It seems that the Blades
tavern to enjoy an evening of revelry. continues dreaming as you open the are becoming very bold, indeed!
With all the commotion and laughter, chest and search through the contents Both the Fists and Blades use the
no one seemed to notice the slender inside. You slip an ornate amulet into sewers from time to time to travel to
figure slowly ascending the stairs to the your pocket and pause before closing various locations in town, and even you
sleeping quarters. the chest. Your contract was for the have used them once to complete a
You have treaded these stairs count- amulet and nothing more. You take difficult mission. In fact, your guild
less times, both as a patron and on your one last longing look at the wealth of headquarters lies in a subterranean
own private business. This night, it was valuable items inside and close the complex, connected to the sewers by
the latter. As you mentally navigate the chest. This is guild business, and you means of a concealed entrance. Your
stairs, you take a deep breath to block have been a member of the Shadowed brother occasionally alludes to the fact
out the noise from the activities below. Fist thieves’ guild long enough to know that the Blades have a similar arrange-
You choose your steps carefully, that guild business comes first. Had it ment, but you have never explored far
avoiding disastrous creaks that would been your decision, the sleeping man beyond the dank sewers of your own
betray your presence. would awake in the morning to guild. After all, the sewers can be
discover his chest completely emptied. dangerous places, and more than one
You cock your head to one side,
But, as they say, there is honor among member of the Shadowed Fist guild
listening intently as you reach the
thieves. has entered and never returned.
landing at the top of the stairs, then
retrieve a small disk of polished metal You slip back down the stairs You cling to the shadows as you
from your pocket and carefully angle it unnoticed and mingle with the throng approach Fiddleback Lane. You glance
to see the reflection of the dimly-lit still toasting one another’s bravery at down the street and notice a few
hallway around the corner. You nod as sea. You stop at the bar for a mug of ale members of the City Watch heading
you see the subtle movement of a figure and raise it towards your two allies, your way, their blue cloaks swirling in
gently swaying to the music below. You your other ‘eyes’ during the mission. the gentle breeze blowing in from the
put away the disk and pull your soft They hoist their mugs in return and bay. Wisely, you duck into the shadows
cloak over your head. One guard – just smile as you step out into the night. and wait silently for them to pass. Due
what the Guildmaster expected. You carefully make your way west to the impending feud between the two
You inch into the safety of the along the Dock Road towards guilds, the Watch has orders to arrest
shadows and creep towards the guard. Fiddleback Lane, keeping a wary eye any suspicious persons found roaming
Utilizing this slow and methodical out for any signs of trouble. Lately, the streets at night. After several tense
approach, you stop only a few paces tensions have been rising between your minutes, the four chainmail-clad
away. Your fingers dig silently into one guild and a rival thieves’ guild known as members of the Watch pass and you
of your many pockets and produce a the Black Blades. The Shadowed Fist head north down Fiddleback to
small black stone. You flick it past the controls the northern side of Zoa, Trader’s Crossing. You turn left and
guard and down the hallway. As the including the port and the profitable arrive at the Greater Good Warehouse,
stone clatters on the wooden floor, the smuggling trade that passes under the a front for Shadowed Fist smuggling
guard turns toward the sound and dock master’s gaze. The City Watch is operations. You rap your fist on the
reaches for the hilt of his sword. aware of the guild presences in town, door, giving the appropriate cadence for
Suddenly, darkness falls upon him but bribes go a long way to ensure the the entry code. A reply knock is given
before he can draw his blade, and his prosperity of both parties. The Blades and you respond with two more quick
unconscious body begins to fall. You seem increasingly eager to expand their raps. The door opens and you scurry
10 ease him gently to the floor and stuff own territory, south of Harbor Road, inside. You head to a back corner of the
your trusty blackjack back into your and claim a share of the smuggling warehouse and lift the lid off what

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9

Brothers By Blood

appears to be a storage crate. Inside is are with your brother, barely clinging to “Orin would do the same for me if
a ladder leading down a secret shaft to life. our roles were reversed. Our bloodline
the Shadowed Fist guild. “Tell me, Fellik, have you determined binds us together stronger than any
After a quick debriefing, you place the extent of his wounds?” you implore oath of allegiance. If I can save my
the amulet in the hands of a guild boss. of the thief caring for your brother. brother’s life, I will gladly accept
He claps you on the back and pays you whatever punishment the Master
“Orin has been badly wounded. We deems appropriate!” you reply.
a handful of coins for your trouble. You can stop the bleeding, but I fear that we
thank him and head towards your are dealing with more than that. His “Very well, then. At least, I can offer
brother’s chambers, eager to tell him of wounds bear the bitter scent of poison! you some advice. All I know of the
your successes. When you open his It appears that his foe’s blade was Black Blade hideout is that it lies to the
door, your mouth drops open in horror dipped in cirenten, a rare and powerful south, beyond Narrow Lane. If you
at what awaits. Your brother, Orin, is mixture that incapacitates its victim take to the streets, avoid the Watch at
lying on his stomach, a pool of blood before draining his life. Orin is not all costs. Any lengthy delays may cost
forming beneath him. In the corner of dead, he is merely unconscious. your brother his slim chance at
the room lies what must be the now- Nevertheless, there is little hope he will recovery. Once you cross over Harbor
dead body of Orin’s assassin, your survive the night. His only hope is to Road into the southern part of town,
brother’s sword thrust cleanly through receive a dose of the cirenten antidote,” you are in enemy territory, so be wary of
his ribcage. You cry for help and rush he explains. Black Blades as well! The sewers might
to your brother’s side. You roll him over prove a faster route, but also more
“Where can I find the antidote?” you dangerous. Should you manage to gain
and see, thankfully, that he still draws
plead. “Do we have any here in the entrance to the Blades’ hideout, you can
breath. However, he is unresponsive
guild?” identify the antidote by its scent and
and bleeding badly from a deep gash in
his stomach. “Alas, no. This is not a poison used by appearance. It should smell bitter, like
our guild. The Blades specialize in rare this poison does now. However, the
“Send for the Guildmaster!” you cry
toxins. If the Blades use it, thy must poison is dark blue, like the sea at noon.
as two members of the guild come to
also have its counter-poison. I am I believe the antidote will be a clear
your aid. Within moments, the
afraid the only place you are likely to liquid. It is a good thing you are still
Guildmaster and several assistants rush
find the antidote is in the Black Blades armed, for you have no time to retrieve
into the room bearing healing
stronghold.” provisions. Here, take these healing
ointments and bandages.
“Master is making preparations to potions. I have a feeling you will need
“What happened here?!” he cries. them. Go now with haste and courage
raid the Blades tonight! We can collect
“Master, I came to see my brother and the antidote then!” you excitedly reply. and fare well!”
found him in this state. His assailant Fellik hands you two cloth-wrapped
“Yes, that is true. However, your
lies in the corner!” you reply, pointing at vials of healing potion (heal up to 10
brother may have but two hours to live
the dead assassin. HP each), then holds his right hand in
without the antidote. I expect the
The Guildmaster walks over and Guildmaster will not strike until a plan front of his chest, fist clenched, and
examines the slain intruder intently. is set and preparations made, and this places his left hand on top.
Finally, he raises his hand and a silent may take several hours in itself. I dread You place the potions in a pouch and
hush falls over the gathering crowd at to tell you this, but I am afraid that repeat the sign of the Shadowed Fist to
the chamber entrance. Orin’s condition is beyond our help,” your comrade, nodding in thanks. You
“This man wears the garb of the laments Fellik. pause for one last glance at your
Black Blades. Those disgraceful dogs “Then I will waste no more time and brother, lying lifeless on the floor. You
have brought war to our very gates. set out now for the Blades hideout - take a deep breath to steady your
Brothers of the Shadowed Fist! Their alone if I must. If they could sneak one resolve before embarking on the most
actions this night will not go unpun- of their own into our stronghold, surely dangerous mission of your life.
ished! Everyone be on their guard. I one of us can sneak into theirs and Record the healing potions on your
will hold council with my advisors and pilfer the antidote! I have no other character sheet.
make preparations for a raiding party to choice!” you whisper, tears welling in If you wish to examine the assassin’s
repay the Blades with wrath and death. your eyes. body, Go to 456. If you do not wish to
This night we strike back!” bellows the “Don’t be foolish. You do not even waste this time, you hurry towards the
Guildmaster. know where their hideout is! Your streets or the sewers.
Cheers erupt from the men in the brother’s life is at an end. Do not throw If you choose to go along the streets,
room as they scatter to spread the news yours away! Besides, the Guildmaster Go to 457.
throughout the guild. The will see you swiftly punished if you
Guildmaster, machinations of revenge should return. You run the risk of If you choose to enter the sewers, Go
coursing through his mind, storms out tipping our hand to the Blades and to 120. 11
of the room. However, your thoughts spoiling our raid!”

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9


2) Time: 6 minutes whispers “Are you certain? Was there After 40 feet or so, it opens up enough
This long corridor runs north and any marking?” that you can walk upright. It is far too
south. To the north, it turns west. You You emphatically shake your head dark in here to see where you are going,
hear the faint sounds of running water ‘no,’ sensing that perhaps this informa- and you must slowly grope your way
to the south where the passageway tion might spare your life for the time around the sides of the cave.
continues into the darkness. If you have being. “Is that all you found? Not all Your hand brushes something small
been here before, and succeeded in your thieves adhere to the branding code, and waxy. You hold it to your face to
Intelligence Ability Check here, Go to although your guild, as well as our own, take advantage of your other senses and
199. Otherwise, make an Intelligence follow its precepts,” states the catch the scent of beeswax. It is a
Ability Check. Guildmaster, exposing his own arm and candle! You retrieve flint and steel from
If you succeed, Go to 90. the black dagger permanently inked your pouch and strike a spark to light
there. “I can assure you that we did not the wick. Within seconds, a soft orange
If you fail, Go to 199.
order your brother’s death. Certainly, I glow illuminates the cave.
would know if one of the Blades
Make an Intelligence Ability Check.
3) Time: 1 minute attempted such a thing.”
If you succeed, Go to 389.
The door is locked! You must pick Go to 437.
the lock to open the door. If you fail, Go to 441.
Make a Thief Skill Check to open the 6) Time: 1 minute
lock. 10) Time: 1 minute
The door is locked. You remove your
If you succeed, Go to 454. tools and try to gain access to the room. This 30-foot-long passageway runs
If you fail, you stamp your foot in You peer inside the lock in hopes of north and south before turning east at
frustration and head back to the inter- seeing the tumblers. each end.
section. Go to 286. Make a Thief Skill Check to find a Make a Wisdom Ability Check.
trap. If you succeed, Go to 52.
4) Time: 1 minute If you succeed, Go to 203. If you fail, Go to 323.
Standing near the western end of a If you fail, Go to 463.
70-foot-long corridor running east and
west, you see three doors in the south 11) Time: 5 minutes
wall. 7) Time: 1 minutes You stand at a four-way intersection
To open the western door, Go to 186. This corridor runs east and west between Fiddleback Lane, running
approximately 40 feet. To the east is a north and south, and DockMarket
To open the middle door, Go to 205.
four-way intersection. At the western Lane, running east and west. You know
To open the eastern door, Go to 51. end, you see a small lever near the north that following Fiddleback Lane to the
To head east down the corridor, wall. north reaches Trader’s Crossing, also
passing the doors, Go to 304. To head east to the intersection, Go heading east and west. To the south,
To go west and follow the corridor as to 321. Fiddleback Lane ends just after it
it turns south, Go to 36. To pull the lever to the west, Go to crosses Harbor Road.
161. While you are contemplating your
5) EP: 2 If you already know the secret of the options, you slink into a darkened
north wall at the west end of the corner and wait for a Watch patrol in
“Wait!” you cry, “I care not for my
corridor and wish to use it, Go to 247. the distance to depart. When it is safe
own life but I would do anything to
to emerge from the shadows, you
save my brother. On my way here I
continue on your way.
found something that is of interest to 8) Time: 1 minute
the both of us!” The Guildmaster again To head north towards the four-way
beckons for silence and allows you to This door is locked! Make a Thief intersection of Fiddleback and Trader’s
explain your findings. Swallowing hard, Skill Check to open the lock. Crossing, Go to 402.
you compose your thoughts and explain If you succeed, Go to 66. To head east along DockMarket
what you saw. If you fail, you mutter a curse and put Lane, Go to 275.
“I examined the body of the assassin your tools away, and Go to 28. To head south towards Harbor Road,
before I left. I am not certain he was a Go to 322.
Black Blade as he did not have your
brand on his arm!” The Guildmaster 9) Time: 6 minutes To head west on DockMarket Lane,
12 seems surprisingly interested in your Crawling on your belly, you manage Go to 306.
comments. He leans in close and to make your way through the cave.

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9

Brothers By Blood

12) Time: 3 minutes refreshing water! You drink heartily difficult missions. Inside the chest, you
This corridor runs north and south (heal up to 5 HP). find a carefully wrapped piece of dried
about 30 feet. To the north, the sewer Go to 71. meat and a Ring of Protection. While
turns and heads east. To the south is a you wear it, the ring lowers your AC by
three-way intersection. Other than the one, making you more difficult to hit in
15) Time: 1 minute combat! Be sure to record this on your
constant drip of sewage trickling down
the walls from small drains in the This small room measures roughly 10 character sheet. If you are playing the
ceiling, this corridor seems rather quiet. feet wide by 10 feet long. You see a Basic Game, you may subtract 1 from
door in the east and west walls. your opponent’s combat rolls. If you
To continue south to the intersection,
Go to 53. To open the east door, Go to 28. want, you may eat and rest here for 10
To open the west door and return to minutes to heal 5 HP.
To head north and turn east, Go to 36.
the main corridor, Go to 232. When you are ready to leave, return to
the northern intersection, and Go to 86.
13) Time: 10 minutes
16) Time: 2 minutes
You slowly step into the charred
remains of the building, now nothing The door is locked. You realize that 20) Time: 1 minute
more than a blacked skeleton of stout you should try to find traps on the door This small room looks nearly
beams and stone. The air is very still – just in case. identical to the first, but with a door in
and solemn. You continue searching for Make a Thief Skill Check to find a the east and west walls.
several minutes, unsure what you trap. To open the east door, Go to 24.
expect to find. Just as you decide to
If you succeed, Go to 44. To open the west door, heading back
leave, a sharp pain pierces your thigh.
You clutch your leg in pain and are If you fail, Go to 37. to the entry room, Go to 200.
shocked to see a black-shafted arrow
quivering in your flesh. You look up, 17) Time: 3 minutes 21) This must be the ‘blob’ the Orcs
estimating the direction the arrow came
This section of corridor runs north feared! What was it they said would
from and see two shadowy figures atop
and south for probably 60 feet. To the prevail? Of course, fire!
a stone wall, slender bows clearly visible
north is a four-way intersection. Some If you have the magical flash pot, Go
in the moonlight. You struggle against
30 feet south of that intersection, you to 245.
the pain in your leg to draw your own
see a door on the western wall. At the
blade and prepare to face the If you do not have the flash pot, Go
far southern end, the corridor turns and
ambushing thieves. to 67.
heads west.
Rather than descend to engage you in
Make a Thief Skill Check to detect
swordplay, the men greet you with
noise. 22) Time: 6 minutes
another hail of black arrows, which you
avoid with a dodge as they clatter If you succeed, Go to 64. You trudge through the waist high
harmlessly against a soot-covered If you fail, Go to 41. waters for several minutes. After about
section of an inner wall. Suddenly, a 120 feet, a large portcullis, designed to
shrill whistle breaks the still night air. keep sea beasts from accessing the
At once, your assailants disappear into 18) Time: 2 minutes sewers, bars your progress. The bars are
the shadows. You follow their lead and You follow the Ivory Crawl to the as thick as your arm, but several of
roll backwards behind a low wall, the west. In the distance ahead, you see the them have been bent and twisted out of
now-splintered arrow burning with western wall of Zoa, with its many position. Beyond the bars, the river
every breath. You sit quietly, hoping guard towers. You decide it is better to continues a short distance before split-
the Watch will pass by you unnoticed. head back. ting into three separate streams. Each
Lose 6 hit points from the combat. Go to 196. stream then enters directly into
Go to 477. Reanaaria Bay through a cave worn in
the rocks. Squinting your eyes, you see
19) Time: 2 minutes EP: 10
the moonlight reflecting off the waves
14) Time: 2 minutes EP: 2 The lock is no match for your skills! of the sea through the central cave.
You place both hands on the wall and You carefully place your tools back into Rather than trudge out towards the
push. At first, nothing happens. Then, your pouch and head into the small cool night air, you turn and fight the
once you overcome the initial resis- room. There is a makeshift cot against current back to the sewers.
tance, the section of wall easily slides the east wall and a small chest in the
inward to reveal a hidden chamber! corner. This must have been a hideaway Go to 30. 13
You peer inside and discover a cask of for Fist members using the sewers for

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9


23) Time: 4 minutes EP: 10 there. It certainly serves as a reminder of damage. The Snake has 30 Hit
The faint but unmistakable creak of for you to avoid the Watch this night. Points.
rope to the southwest draws your atten- It is not proper for a thief, even an
Advanced Game Combat: Snake (AC
tion. You carefully work your way enemy, to be displayed in death like
6; HD 2; HP 30; Damage 1d4)
around several buildings and do your this. Drawing your blade, you hack
best to avoid stepping on any loose through the stout rope and ease the If you defeat the Snake, Go to 46.
stones or refuse that might betray your body to the ground. If you escape, Go to 20.
presence. In the moonlight, you discern Make an Intelligence Ability Check.
the source of the sound and you inhale
If you succeed, Go to 455.
sharply. Not far away is a tall tree near 25) Time: 2 minutes
a guardhouse. Swaying from a limb If you fail, Go to 405.
You are at a four-way intersection.
high above the leaf litter is a dark form,
his neck caught in the hangman’s noose! Bone Alley heads north and south, and
24) Time: 2 minutes darkened alleyways branch off to the
As of late, the City Watch has not
This 10-foot-wide (north to south) east and southwest. The sounds and
been tolerable to the Zoan underworld.
While public beatings were common- by 20-foot-deep (east to west) room smells of the harbor come from the east.
place, hangings were not. Perhaps you contains various excavating tools
To head south on Bone Alley, Go to
knew this thief! You approach covered in what seems to be several
cautiously and examine the body. By years of dust and grime. Aside from
your estimations, he has not been the tools, this room contains a very To head north on Bone Alley, Go to
hanging here for more than a few hours annoyed Snake! 299.
and probably died before nightfall. A Basic Game Combat: You attack first. To head southwest through the
dark brooch, shaped like a small dagger, Roll 1d20+1. You must roll a 12 or unknown alley, Go to 494.
binds his cowl. It is one of the Black better to hit the Snake; if you hit, you
Blades! To head east through the unknown
deal 1d8+2 HP of damage. The Snake
Even though this thief is an enemy, it must roll a 9 or better on 1d20 to hit alley, Go to 516.
could have easily been you dangling you; if it hits, the Snake deals 1d4 HP


Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9

Brothers By Blood

26) Time: 2 minutes guilds. To the south is Black Blades 35) Time: 2 minutes
This small room contains long picks territory and, somewhere within, their This four-way intersection does not
and other implements used to clear hideout. The river is only a few feet smell as foul as some other corridors
obstructions in the sewer. Judging by deep and the current is very mild. you encountered. To the north, the
the fine coat of dust that blankets To head north into the sewers corridor ends at a solid wall after just 20
everything in sight, it is doubtful that controlled by the Fists, Go to 116. feet, a steady trickle of water and
any work crews have braved the sewers To head south into the sewers moonlight dancing down the stones
in years. You quickly rummage through controlled by the Blades, Go to 227. from a small grate in the ceiling. To the
the tools looking for anything useful, west, you see another four-way inter-
To try to wade upstream to the west,
but nothing catches your eye. section some 30 feet away. To the east,
Go to 117.
the corridor ends after nearly 30 feet, a
Go to 412.
To wade downstream to the east, Go rusted portcullis standing guard in the
to 22. southern wall. Looking south, the
27) Time: 3 minutes EP: 15 corridor ends after about 20 feet,
You examine the lair of the 31) Time: 3 minutes turning west through an archway.
vanquished Otyugh and find several You continue your progress down To head west to the next intersection,
items that it did not care to eat, Goodfellows Lane. Suddenly, you Go to 162.
including 35 gold coins and a potion of notice a shadowy figure to the west. It To head south and turn west through
healing (up to 10 HP)! There is seems to be darting down a side street the archway, Go to 209.
nothing else of value here. not far from where you crouch in the To head east to the portcullis, Go to 204.
You head south and turn west, and darkness. Perhaps you are getting close
Go to 132. to the Black Blades hideout!
To head east, Go to 221. 36) Time: 1 minute

To head west, Go to 216. As you round the corner, you notice

28) Time: 2 minutes several spiders, some with bulbous
This 40-foot-long corridor runs abdomens the size of an egg, scurrying
north and south. There is a door in the 32) Time: 2 minutes along the ceiling. They scuttle around
center of the east wall and two doors in This 40 foot section of corridor runs for a moment and then disappear into
the west wall, one at the north end and east and west. The eastern end turns various cracks and crevices in the walls.
one at the south end. and heads north. At the west end, To go south, Go to 12.
To enter the eastern door, Go to 128. several metal rungs in the wall lead up
To go north and then east, Go to 4.
to a large sewer grate.
To enter the northwest door, Go to 8.
To head east and turn north, Go to 112.
To enter the southwest door and head 37) Time: 2 minutes
back towards the main corridor, Go to 15. If you decide to climb through the
sewer grate, you scale the rungs and You peer inside the lock and every-
emerge into the brisk night air, as you thing appears to be safe. You insert your
29) Time: 2 minutes Go to 196. lock picks and start coaxing the
You head west down Harbor Road tumblers into position. You are quite
until you notice a City Watch check- surprised when a stinging spurt of acid
33) Time: 1 minute sprays out of the lock! Make a
point erected in the street. This is one
You pass a large shop, shutters locked Dexterity Ability Check!
of many, set up recently to question
tightly over the windows. If you succeed, Go to 195.
people traveling the streets at night.
Roll 1d6 for luck. If you fail, Go to 183.
You decide it is safer to head back,
and Go to 327. If you roll a 1, Go to 517. Otherwise,
you choose your path.
38) Time: 1 minute EP: 5
To head east on Tallow Alley, Go to 398.
30) Time: 4 minutes The footsteps are coming from the
To head west on Tallow Alley, Go to 160. rooftop of a candle shop! You look up
The subterranean “Devil’s Fork
River” stretches out before you. It is just in time to see a Black Blade Sentry
here that the sewers converge, and the 34) Time: 1 minute leap at you, sword in hand!
waste meets the currents and is carried You hear footsteps from somewhere Basic Game Combat: You attack first.
away. To the east, the river flows out to nearby! Roll 1d20+1. You must roll a 12 or
Reanaaria Bay through three coastal better to hit the Black Blade Sentry; if
Make an Intelligence Ability Check.
caves, spewing their contents like a you hit, you deal 1d8+2 HP of damage.
watery trident striking the sea. This is If you succeed, Go to 38. The Sentry must roll an 8 or better on
also the mid-point between the two If you fail, Go to 74. 1d20 to hit you; if he hits, the Sentry

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9


deals 1d8+2 HP of damage. The Sentry 41) You stand in the corridor, the streets at night. It would be unwise
has 34 Hit Points. pondering your next move. to go that way, so you head back.
Advanced Game Combat: Black Blade To head south and turn west, Go to 304. Go to 216.
Sentry (AC 6; HD 3; HP 34; Damage To open the door in the west wall, Go
1d8+2) to 355. 46) Time: 2 minutes EP: 75
If you defeat the Blade Blade Sentry, To head north towards the intersec-
Go to 423. The Snake strikes at your leg and you
tion, Go to 121. meet its head with the edge of your
If you escape, Go to 56. blade, carving out a large gouge.
42) Time: 2 minutes Turning the blade in your hands, you
39) Time: 2 minutes EP: 10 slide down through the neck, decapi-
This section of corridor runs north tating the Snake. Seeing nothing of
You press your ear against the door and south approximately 30 feet. To interest in the room, you head back the
and hear a deep, rumbling voice the north, the corridor ends and you way you came.
barking orders at someone. may only turn east or west. To the
south is a four-way intersection. There Go to 20.
“How dare you pathetic dogs disobey
me? Give me your tokens… Look, a is door on the western wall of this
blackened fist. You are supposed to be corridor, approximately 10 feet from 47) Time: 2 minutes
on the other side! It is nearly time and the northern end.
This corridor runs north approxi-
you lot need to be in position. Go To head south, Go to 214. mately 40 feet before ending at a stone
where you have been ordered and send wall. There is a mound of stinking
To head north, Go to 76.
a runner to report back to me if you see refuse piled up against the northern wall.
anything suspicious.” To open the door, Go to 109.
If you already encountered the
You hear footsteps approaching the
mushroom Shrieker, Go to 27.
door! You quickly duck back into the 43) Time: 3 minutes
hallway and slink into the shadows. Otherwise, Go to 48.
This dark stretch of Guardsman Road
When the door opens, two broad- is lined with imposing statues dedicated
shouldered Orcs rush through and walk to law and order. You keep to the 48) Time: 3 minutes
towards the northwest corner, shadows in order to avoid being seen.
muttering to one another in their own As you near the mound, you detect a
language. Before the door closes, you Make a Thief Skill Check to detect faint shimmer of movement. You
spot a cloaked figure standing in the noise. If you succeed, Go to 23. freeze instantly, hidden in the shadows.
room, his back to you. With a deep Otherwise, you continue on your You see a small stalk with two bulbous
thud, the door closes. journey. eyes rise up from the mound and scan
To head north, Go to 196. the piles of garbage. Suddenly a long,
If you ambush the two Orcs before thorny tentacle lashes out and pulls a
they exit through the door in the north- To head south, Go to 327. scoop of garbage towards the eye stalks.
west corner, Go to 336. A huge dagger-filled mouth opens and
If you would rather wait silently for 44) Time: 2 minutes EP: 2 engulfs the rotting meal. You have
the Orcs to leave, Go to 63. heard of this beast over mugs of ale
You peer into the lock and see a tiny
with your friends. It is a terror of the
spring near the last tumbler. Clearly,
sewers known as an Otyugh!
40) Time: 4 minutes this lock is trapped!
Fortunately, it does not seem to
This corridor runs east and west You may make a Thief Skill Check to
notice you as it continues feeding. It is
approximately 50 feet. To the west, the remove the trap.
a very formidable foe for a lone thief,
corridor turns and heads north. To the If you succeed, Go to 59. but does not appear to be fully grown.
east, the corridor turns and heads
If you fail, Go to 37. You just might be able to sneak in and
south. There is something suspicious
If you would rather not risk it, go to backstab the foul thing!
about the east end of the corridor, just
where it turns south. If you already the northern intersection, and Go to 86. If you decide to fight the Otyugh, you
know the secret of the east wall, Go to may attempt a backstab on your first
328. Otherwise, make a Thief Skill attack. Whenever the Otyugh scores a
45) Time: 2 minutes successful attack roll, subtract any
Check to detect traps.
You head west on Goodfellows Lane damage and then make a Strength
If you succeed, Go to 340.
for a short distance until you spot a Ability Check. If you succeed, proceed
If you fail, you shrug your shoulders City Watch checkpoint in the distance with combat. If you fail, the Otyugh
16 and continue, and Go to 468. ahead. This is one of several, set up engulfs you with its tentacles and
recently to question people traveling constricts you for an additional 1d6

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9

Brothers By Blood

points of damage. Combat then open and find what appears to be a penetrates the creature, but seems to
continues as normal. mummified Hobgoblin! The wretched, have done no damage!
Basic Game Combat: You attack first. shriveled beast appears to have been
If you listened to the Orcs’ conversa-
Roll 1d20+1. You must roll a 15 or dead for quite some time. Behind the
Hobgoblin’s remains, you see the dried tion, Go to 21.
better to hit the Otyugh; if you hit, you
deal 1d8+2 HP of damage. The corpses of several rats and what you If you did not listen to the Orcs, Go
Otyugh must roll a 5 or better on 1d20 guess was once a thief. Suddenly, you to 330.
to hit you; if it hits, the Otyugh deals realize that what you thought to be
1d8 HP of damage. The Otyugh has wrappings are actually thick webs! This
41 Hit Points. is the work of a Giant Spider! Perhaps 53) Time: 2 minutes
you should leave quickly. You stand at an intersection of three
Advanced Game Combat: Otyugh
(AC 3; HD 6; HP 41; Damage 1d8) Go to 4. corridors. To the east, the corridor is
If you defeat the Otyugh, Go to 27. very dark. You cannot see more than
52) Time: 1 minute about 20 feet. To the south, the
If you escape or decide not to fight
corridor ends after 30 feet and turns
the Otyugh, you head back south and You have a strange feeling that you
turn west, and Go to 132. are being watched. You scan the east. To the north, the corridor
corridor, but everything looks calm and continues for 40 feet or so before
normal - then you think to look up. turning and heading east.
49) Time: 2 minutes EP: 2 Clinging to the ceiling is an enormous To head south and turn east, Go to 315.
You grip one of the rusted bars firmly green-yellow blob! Suddenly, a plump
and brace your foot against another, pseudopod shoots towards you! You To head north, Go to 12.
willing your muscles to overcome the roll out of the way, as the Ochre Jelly To head east into the darkness,Go to 309.
resistance. You struggle and strain for a splashes down behind you. As you
moment and then a few flakes of regain your footing, you hurl a dagger
mortar crumble down from the ceiling at the blob, hoping for
around one of the bars. You have the best. The
shifted them enough to slip through! dagger
Go to 204.

50) Time: 2 minutes

You see that this 50-foot-long
hallway runs east and west, forming a
three-way intersection at its midpoint
with a corridor heading north towards
a four-way intersection some 15 to
20 feet away. Looking to the east
and west of the corridor in which you
stand, you see a door at each end.
There is also a door at each end in
the north wall.
To open the door in the east wall,
Go to 232.
To open the door in the northeast
wall, Go to 222.
If you enter the door in the west
wall, Go to 126.
To open the door in the northwest
wall, Go to 308.
To head north, Go to 181.

51) Time: 4 minutes

This door does not have a lock, nor 17
is it completely closed. You push it

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9


54) Time: 3 minutes EP: 5 in this section of the square, many of 62) Time: 1 minute
It seems strange that an empty room which specialize in exotic perfumes and This sewer corridor runs east and
would be locked like this, so you give tinctures and the fragrant breeze west for about 20 feet. The west end
the room a more thorough search. You wafting though the area is revitalizing. turns and heads south. The east end
tenacity pays off when you spot a stone Roll 1d6 for luck. If you roll a 1, you has a large iron portcullis in the
that looks out of place with its must Go to 349. Otherwise, you may northern wall. In the ceiling near the
surroundings. You slide the stone out travel north or south. portcullis is a trash chute that leads to
of the wall and discover a secret To head north towards the center, Go the City Watch jailhouse. With all the
compartment! Inside you find 5 gold to 146. recent troubles, it would be foolhardy to
coins and a bandage soaked in healing try to climb to the surface using that
To head south, Go to 144. particular chute right now. On the
salve (heal up to 5 HP). You stuff the
loot in your pouch and leave. other hand, you might be able to bend
Go to 28. 59) Time: 2 minutes EP: 5 one of the iron bars enough to slip
through the portcullis.
With sweat beading on your
forehead, you carefully compress the Make a Strength Ability Check.
55) Time: 1 minute
spring. You insert a second tool into If you succeed, Go to 49.
Judging by the enormous pile of the lock and manage to block the If you fail, or if you would rather not
decaying foodstuffs and the sealed spring. With the trap out of the way, bother, you shrug your shoulders and
portal above you, this small room you attempt to open the lock. head south, and Go to 127.
appears to be a dumping ground for
Make a Thief Skill Check to open the
whatever building sits above you.
If you would like to examine the food 63) Time: 1 minute
If you succeed, Go to 19.
pile, Go to 197. You press your back against the wall
If you fail, you shake your head in and stifle your breathing to remain
If you would rather leave this room,
disgust and head to the northern inter- concealed. The Orcs seem too preoc-
Go to 297.
section, and Go to 86. cupied to notice you and they head west
through the door. After you are sure
56) Time: 1 minute they have moved on, you weigh your
60) Time: 2 minutes
You stand in the streets of the Artisan options.
This small, dark room is filled with
District, pondering your next move. To enter the room, Go to 472.
the sickly sweet stench of death. In the
Looking around again, you see a three-
corner, you see the skeletal remains of a Otherwise, to enter the northwest
way intersection. Running east and
large creature. You are not sure what it door, Go to 8.
west is Tallow Alley. To the north is an
is, but it must have been here for some To enter the southwest door, Go to 15.
alley heading to Narrow Lane.
To head east on Tallow Alley, Go to 244.
To examine the bones, Go to 475.
To head west on Tallow Alley, Go to 33. 64) Time: 2 minutes EP: 2
If you would rather leave, Go to 418.
To head north through the small You hear a faint scratching noise
alley, Go to 257. coming from the side of the door. You
61) Time: 8 minutes press your ear up to the door and listen
for a few more seconds. Suddenly, the
57) Time: 2 minutes EP: 2 Groping your way through the
scratching stops.
darkness, you travel roughly 10 feet
Besides the darkness, you also notice before the corridor turns and heads Go to 41.
that the sounds of trickling water are north. As you slowly trudge north, the
barely perceptible here. Stretching your blackness feels as though it is reaching
hand out towards the trickling sound, 65) EP: 5
out to encircle you. You take a deep
you feel that one of the walls seems breath and step forward another 20 feet. “Wait!” you cry, “I care not for my
plugged with some sort of wispy Your hand brushes against something own life but I would do anything to
material. rough and sticky, like a taut strand of save my brother. On my way here I
Go to 325. rope. You quickly retract your hand, but found something that is of interest to
the vibrations have already betrayed the both of us!” The Guildmaster again
your presence. You sense a large shape beckons for silence and allows you to
58) Time: 3 minutes shuffling slowly towards you. explain your findings. Swallowing
This section of Artisan’s Way hard, you compose your thoughts and
Make a Dexterity Ability Check! explain what you saw.
connects with the southern border of
18 the Artisan’s Square. There are pleasing If you succeed, Go to 334. “In my pouch you will find a letter. I
aromas emanating from the buildings If you fail, Go to 470. found it on my way here. I do not

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9

Brothers By Blood

entirely understand the meaning of it, To head east along Trader’s Crossing, With a look and a gesture, the
but it is signed by my Guildmaster.” Go to 402. Guildmaster orders a thief to empty the
With a look and a gesture, the To head west along Trader’s Crossing, contents of your pouch and hand him
Guildmaster orders a thief to empty the Go to 387. the letter. The Guildmaster studies the
contents of your pouch and hand him letter very carefully before rendering a
the letter. The Guildmaster studies the decision. “This letter seems to indicate
69) Time: 1 minute EP: 2 that we are not to blame. I can assure
letter very carefully before rendering a
decision. “This letter seems to indicate By the look of things, there may have you that we did not order your brother’s
that we are not to blame. I can assure been a brawl or a robbery here. Any death. Certainly, I would know if a
you that we did not order your brother’s minute now, the Watch may send a Blade attempted such a thing.”
death. Certainly, I would know if a patrol your way. You decide that being
Go to 437.
Blade attempted such a thing.” caught is certainly not in your best
interests, so you decide to wait for a lull
Go to 437. in the City Watch movement and leave. 71) Time: 1 minute
Tavern Alley runs to the east and This short corridor runs north and
66) Time: 2 minutes EP: 2 west, while Artisan’s Way travels north south approximately 30 feet before
You have a tough time getting the last and south. Because of the guards, you turning to head east at either end.
avoid the northern path.
tumbler into position, but as soon as it To head south and turn east, Go to 150.
slides into place, you turn the lock and To go west on Tavern Alley, Go to 376.
To head north and turn east, Go to 81.
the door opens! At first glance, this To go east on Tavern Alley, Go to 305.
small 10’ by 10’ room appears empty. To head south along Artisan’s Way,
Make an Intelligence Ability Check. Go to 136. 72) Time: 1 minute
If you succeed, Go to 54. The corridor runs east and west about
50 feet. The eastern end turns to the
If you fail, you find nothing of 70) EP: 5
north, while the western section ends at
interest and Go to 28. “Wait!” you cry, “I care not for my a solid stone wall.
own life but I would do anything to
save my brother. On my way here I Make a Wisdom Ability Check.
67) Time: 2 minutes
found something that is of interest to If you succeed, Go to 107.
Without fire, your best chance at the both of us!” The Guildmaster again If you fail, you find nothing of
survival is to run! The Ochre Jelly beckons for silence and allows you to interest and head back to the northern
blocks the corridor to the north, so your explain your findings. Swallowing hard,
only hope is to run south and turn east! intersection, and Go to 114.
you compose your thoughts and explain
Go to 426. what you saw. If you already know what is strange
about the west wall, Go to 173.
“I examined the body of the assassin
before I left. I am not certain he was a
68) Time: 4 minutes
Black Blade as he did not have the 73) Time: 3 minutes EP: 35
You stay close to the buildings lining Thieves’ Brand on his arm!” The
the sides of Trader’s Crossing. Most Blood pools around the twitching
Guildmaster seems surprisingly inter-
everyone has closed up for the night corpse of your fallen foe as you sheath
ested in your comments. He leans in
and the comforting shadows help your blade. You search the room and
close and whispers, “Are you certain?
conceal your determined progress. You Was there any marking?” find a few scraps of inedible food and 3
pause every now and again when you gold coins!
You emphatically shake your head
hear voices in the distance, fearful of ‘no,’ sensing that perhaps this informa- You decide to return to the intersec-
running into the City Watch, but your tion might spare your life for the time tion to the north, and Go to 86.
luck holds out and you find yourself all being. “Is that all you found? Not all
alone. A darkened street branches off thieves adhere to the branding code,
to the north. Then, a wooden sign 74) Time: 1 minute
although your guild, as well as our own,
advertising a barrel maker’s storefront, follow its precepts,” states the You are not sure where the footsteps
swaying gently in the gentle breeze, Guildmaster, exposing his own arm and are coming from, so you whirl around,
catches your attention. You remember the black dagger permanently inked sword in hand. Unfortunately, you turn
that, just north of this building, is a there. your back to the Black Blade Sentry
small east and westbound alley known crouching on the rooftop of the candle
“Wait, that is not all. In my pouch is
as Split Barrel Alley. a letter I found on my way here. I do shop. He dives at you, his sword leading
To head north through the alley not entirely understand the meaning of the way! 19
towards Split Barrel Alley, Go to 445. it, but it is signed by my Guildmaster.” The Sentry gets a free attack!

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9


Basic Game Combat: The Black Blade To head south on Coin Lane, Go to 119. 20 feet. You cannot see very far to the
Sentry attacks first. When you attack To head west on Tavern Alley, Go to 322. east, for it is quite dark.
the Sentry, roll 1d20+1. You must roll To head east, Go to 280.
a 12 or better to hit the Sentry; if you
hit, you deal 1d8+2 HP of damage. 78) Time: 1 minute EP: 10 To head west and turn south, Go to 71.
The Sentry must roll an 8 or better on A sudden calm falls over you and your To go north and turn east, Go to 106.
1d20 to hit you; if he hits, the Sentry sincerity is rewarded with a sense of
deals 1d8+2 HP of damage. The hope. Swelling with gratitude, you 82) Time: 3 minutes
Sentry has 34 Hit Points. silently offer up your thanks before you Something about the wall at the east
Advanced Game Combat: Black Blade continue your quest with renewed haste end of the corridor seems strange. If
Sentry (AC 6; HD 3; HP 34; Damage and vigor. You may subtract 20 minutes you have been here before and know
1d8+2) from your elapsed time, or regain 2 Hit the wall’s secret, Go to 97.
If you defeat the Sentry, Go to 423. Points (you may only choose one
Otherwise, make a Thief Skill Check
If you escape, Go to 56. to find a trap.
Go to 105.
If you succeed, Go to 131.
75) Time: 1 minute If you fail, you shrug your shoulders
79) Time: 2 minutes and head back, and Go to 315.
You carefully push aside the grate and
emerge from the dank sewers into the This dimly lit section of sewer runs
brisk night air. You pause for a moment north and south. If you heard a noise 83) Time: 2 minutes EP: 5
to ascertain your location, grateful to coming from this section of the sewer,
You carefully trace the wire back to a
breath in the fresh air. Go to 415. Otherwise, you decide to
small wooden box. Inside, you see a
head south or north.
Go to 274. barbed dart resting on a compressed
To head south, Go to 125. spring. With tools in hand, you press
To head north, Go to 365. the spring in until you are able to flick
76) Time: 3 minutes the dart out of the way. With the trap
This corridor runs east and west, and disarmed, you continue on your way.
seems to be approximately 70 feet long. 80) Time: 2 minutes
Go to 212.
To the west is a four-way intersection. You push open the door to this room
In the middle of this corridor’s and are startled to see a Hobgoblin
southern wall, probably 40 feet from 84) Time: 2 minutes EP: 2
sleeping in the corner! He jumps to his
the western intersection, a passage feet and grabs his morning star as you You manage to move the grate cover
branches off and heads south. At the unsheathe your sword. With a aside and peer into the dark sewers. An
far eastern end of this corridor, 30 feet menacing snarl, he attacks! iron rung ladder leads down into the
further along, you see that this corridor stench below. You descend into the
Basic Game Combat: You attack first.
turns south. murk while your eyes adjust to the
Roll 1d20+1. You must roll a 13 or
To head west to the intersection, Go darkness.
better to hit the Hobgoblin; if you hit,
to 121. you deal 1d8+2 HP of damage. The As soon as your feet touch down on
To take the south passage, Go to 42. Hobgoblin must roll a 10 or better on the slimy tiled floor, you hear a low
1d20 to hit you; if it hits, the growl to the south. Your reflexes take
To follow this corridor east and then over and, in a split second, your long
south, Go to 218. Hobgoblin deals 2d4 HP of damage.
The Hobgoblin has 25 Hit Points. sword is out. Suddenly, a Hobgoblin
warrior rushes at you from the shadows,
Advanced Game Combat: Hobgoblin swinging a hand axe!
77) Time: 4 minutes (AC 5; HD 1+; HP 25; Damage 2d4)
You are at an intersection where Basic Game Combat: You attack first.
If you defeat the Hobgoblin, Go to 73. Roll 1d20+1. You must roll a 13 or
Tavern Alley, heading west, meets Coin
Lane, heading north and south. From If you escape, Go to 86. better to hit the Hobgoblin; if you hit,
the east, the smells of the Zoan harbor you deal 1d8+2 HP of damage. The
assault your senses. You wait patiently Hobgoblin must roll a 10 or better on
81) Time: 1 minute
in the darkness while a City Watch 1d20 to hit you; if it hits, the
This short 30-foot-long section of Hobgoblin deals 1d6 HP of damage.
patrol heads your way.
sewer runs north and south. To the The Hobgoblin has 25 Hit Points.
Make a Thief Skill Check to hide in north, the corridor turns and heads
the shadows! If you fail, Go to 477. If Advanced Game Combat: Hobgoblin
east. To the south, it connects with
you succeed, the patrol passes and you (AC 5; HD 1+; HP 25; Damage 1d6).
another corridor running east and west.
20 continue on your way. Peering down this second corridor, you If you defeat the Hobgoblin, Go to 123.
To head north on Coin Lane, Go to 521. see that to the west it turns south after If you escape, Go to 79.

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9

Brothers By Blood

85) Time: 1 minute To head south along the eastern side Knowing that the Watch could be
As you enter this room, you spot a of the square, Go to 395. anywhere, you squat behind a rain
small image of a fist carved on the door. barrel and scan your path again.
Clearly, someone from the guild has DockMarket Lane heads east and west.
88) Time: 4 minutes To the south is a darkened alley.
designated this room as a Shadowed
Fist stash. While the dusty room This corridor runs north and south Make a Thief Skill Check to detect
appears empty, you suspect that it has a approximately 60 feet. At each end, the noise.
false floor tile covering a secret stash. corridor turns east. If you succeed, Go to 110.
To search for the floor tile, Go to 465. To head south, Go to 132. If you fail, Go to 264.
To leave without searching, Go to 412. To go north, Go to 297.
90) Time: 4 minutes EP: 10
86) Time: 1 minute You find a crumpled piece of parch-
89) Time: 4 minutes
ment on the floor. You unfold it and
You are at a four-way intersection. To With the moonlight as your guide, read the following:
the east, the corridor runs 20 feet before
you carefully maneuver through the
turning to the south. To the west, the The situation is ripe and the time has
shadows along DockMarket Lane. You
corridor also runs 20 feet and turns come to claim sole control of the town. The
south – at that turn, you also see an iron soon cross a main boulevard known as
final step is to drive them into frenzy by
portcullis in the western wall. Some 30 Artisan’s Way, where you see a City
assassinating one of their own. Make
feet to the north is another four-way Watch patrol to the south and the them feel vulnerable and they will be quick
intersection. To the south, the corridor north – you immediately realize it is to act! This will set the stage for the
runs 30 feet to yet another four-way better not to use that particular road, assault. Go now and earn your wage.
intersection. Before the intersection, and continue. ~Veloon
there are two doors in the southern
corridor, one on either side.
To head west and examine the
portcullis, Go to 224.
To head west and turn south, passing
the portcullis, Go to 118.
To head east and continue south, Go
to 142.
To head north to another intersec-
tion, Go to 214.
To head south to another intersec-
tion, passing the doors, Go to 114.
To go south and enter the east door,
Go to 16.
To go south and enter the west door,
Go to 80.

87) Time: 4 minutes

This corner of Artisan’s Square
connects the northern and eastern
sides. The ground in front of a master
sculptor’s gallery is filled with marble
statues. The statues depict many of the
former magistrates and rulers of Zoa.
You laugh to think that these statues
should be toppled and the image of the
Guildmaster of the Shadowed Fist
erected in their place!
To head west along the northern side
of the square, Go to 397.

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9


Veloon. That name is very familiar To skulk back into the shadows and Therefore, I can assure you that we did
and dear to you. Now the name tastes head north to the four-way intersec- not order your brother’s death.
like ashes in your mouth. Rather than tion, Go to 162. Certainly, I would know if a Blade
calling Veloon by his given name, you attempted such a thing.”
have always opted for a more respectful Go to 437.
93) Time: 2 minutes
title: Guildmaster.
You stand at the intersection of
You read the letter repeatedly, trying
Trader’s Crossing and Quickstep Alley. 95) Beads of sweat drip from your
to understand the implications of what
You see a few sailors stumbling to the brow as you kneel to study the flash pot
you read. Presumably, the assassin left
east towards Trader’s Cove, one of the frame. You tried this sort of thing once
this letter here before he entered the
seedier parts of the dock where many before, and everything went smoothly,
Fist hideout. Could your own
sailors spend the time drinking and for the most part, but that was with a
Guildmaster be behind your brother’s
gambling under the open stars. deactivated pot. Any wrong movement
fate? There will be time for questions
Fighting the instinctive impulse to now could result in disaster.
later. First, you need to find the
relieve them of their valuables, you wait You gently twist and tug and the pot
antidote! You fold the letter and place for them to pass. If they spot you, they
it in your pack. comes free! You breathe a sigh of relief
might raise a commotion - something and begin to stand. Then, just before
Record “Crumpled Letter” on your you certainly do not want. Fortunately, you hear the click, and the pot reduces
character sheet along with the number they pass by without incident. your face and upper torso to ash, you
65, and then Go to 199. To head north on Quickstep Alley, notice you had been kneeling on the
Go to 137. live end of the trip wire. Ironically, you
91) Time: 1 minute EP: 2 To head south along Quickstep Alley, did the same thing when practicing
Go to 167. with the dud, only this time the result
With manual precision honed
of your failure is a fiery death.
through years of practice, you flick the To head west along Trader’s Crossing,
dart free from the spring and extract it Go to 189. Your quest ends here. Why not try
from the lock. You then turn your again?
To head east towards Trader’s Cove,
attention to the lock itself. Go to 96.
Make a Thief Skill Check to open the 96) Time: 5 minutes
lock. You head east towards Trader’s Cove.
94) EP: 2
If you succeed, Go to 178. By day, this part of Zoa is a bustling
“Wait!” you cry, “I care not for my
If you fail, you mutter a curse and head market on the edge of the docks. By
own life but I would do anything to
back to the intersection. Go to 181. night, it becomes a den of debauchery,
save my brother. On my way here I
serving a bit of everything to the pirates
found something that is of interest to
and sailors here on shore leave.
the both of us!” The Guildmaster again
92) Time: 1 minute As you skulk forward, you hear a loud
beckons for silence and allows you to
You push against the door, which is explain your findings. Swallowing hard, voice, followed by an even louder crash,
slightly ajar, and peer into the small you compose your thoughts and explain from around the corner of a building up
room. Two Orcs sit on the floor, their what you saw. ahead. Two bodies roll into your view,
red eyes glistening under their war trading punches as they grapple
“I found a brooch belonging to a
helms. Cruel looking hand axes lie on together. One of the combatants, a
Black Blade on the assassin’s body! If
the floor near their legs, and both Orcs dwarf, bites his foe on the forehead,
you look, it is in my pouch. You tell me
breathe heavily. From the looks of much to the delight of a gathering
that your guild is not responsible, yet
things, they are recuperating after a crowd. This is sure to alert the City
how can you deny this?”
battle! In your entire life, you have Watch, so you decide to head back to
never heard any reports of Orcs in the With a look and a gesture, the the west before they arrive.
city sewers. Fortunately, they have not Guildmaster orders a thief to empty the
Go to 93.
noticed you. While your grasp of the contents of your pouch and hand the
orcish tongue is crude, your dealings brooch to the Guildmaster. He holds it
with half-Orc pirates have given you a close, carefully examining the black- 97) You know that the southern end of
few words of their guttural language. ened clasp. After a few tense seconds, the east wall is actually a secret door!
his voice breaks the silence. To head east through the door,Go to 132.
If you want to talk to the Orcs, Go to 381.
“This is not one of ours. We etch a To go west down the corridor, Go to 315.
If you want to sit back and listen, Go small identification sigil on the back
to 194. and this has no such sigil. I fear it is a
22 To charge into the room and attack, forgery. If the assassin wore this, then 98) You know that the southern end of
Go to 177. he was not a member of this guild! the western wall actually holds a secret

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9

Brothers By Blood

door! Pondering your next move, you Therefore, I can assure you that we did into your soul, your instincts take over
look around again to note that this not order your brother’s death. and with a feeble voice you cry out,
corridor runs north and south approxi- Certainly, I would know if one of the tears streaming from your eyes.
mately 60 feet. At each end, the Blades attempted such a thing.” “I am here to save my brother!” you
corridor turns east. Go to 437. cry from aching lungs.
To head west through the secret door, Go to 138.
Go to 315.
100) Time: 2 minutes
To head north, Go to 88.
Mindful of the voices you hear on the 101) Time: 2 minutes
To head east and turn north, Go to 47. other side of the door, you peek This corner of Artisan’s Square
through the keyhole rather than barge connects the eastern and southern
99) EP: 5 straight in. This large hallway is filled sides. There are pleasing aromas
with thieves. By all accounts, you would emanating from the buildings in this
“Wait!” you cry, “I care not for my
wager most of the Black Blades have section of the square, many of which
own life but I would do anything to
gathered in this one room, facing your specialize in exotic perfumes and
save my brother. On my way here I
direction. With his back to you, a tall tinctures and the fragrant breeze
found something that is of interest to
dark-haired thief is addressing the wafting though the area is revitalizing.
the both of us!” The Guildmaster again
crowd. His rich voice seems to demand
beckons for silence and allows you to Suddenly, the smells are the last thing
attention and everyone is hanging on
explain your findings. Swallowing hard, on your mind, for stepping out of the
his every word. Judging by his stature
you compose your thoughts and explain darkness is a stout dwarf! Judging by
and demeanor, he must be the Black
what you saw. his torn robes, he might be some sort of
Blades Guildmaster! He seems to be
“I examined the body of the assassin cleric or even one of those mysterious
calming the group, assuring them that
before I left. I am not certain he was a arcane spellcasters. His rag-like robes
they are safe and that he has made
Black Blade as he did not have a are splotched with blood and dark cuts
arrangements to deal with a “new
Thieves’ Brand on his arm!” The and bruises adorn his dirty face. He
threat,” whatever that means.
Guildmaster seems surprisingly inter- reaches out to you, as if asking for help.
ested in your comments. He leans in With little warning, the door
If you decide to give the dwarf some
close and whispers to you. “Are you suddenly opens as the Guildmaster
bandages or a healing potion, Go to
certain? Was there any marking?” turns to leave. His eyes meet yours
312. Otherwise, you ignore the dwarf,
through the doorway and every muscle
You emphatically shake your head and he walks away slowly.
in your body tenses, ready to run. Yet,
‘no,’ sensing that perhaps this informa- when you call upon them to act, your To head north along the eastern side
tion might spare your life for the time muscles do not respond, frozen with of the square, Go to 395.
being. “Is that all you found? Not all fear. Helpless, you stumble to your feet To head west along the southern side
thieves adhere to the branding code, as two strong guild members rush of the square, Go to 144.
but clearly your guild, as well as our through the door and pin you to the
own, follow its precepts,” states the
floor. You struggle mightily against
Guildmaster, exposing his own arm and 102) Time: 1 minute EP: 2
their hold, but they prove the stronger.
the black dagger permanently inked You hear footsteps far to the west.
The sea of strange faces staring at you
parts as the dark-haired Guildmaster Go to 165.
“That is not all. In my pouch is a stands above you, contemplating your
Black Blades brooch, taken off the fate. His eyes, wizened beyond their
assassin’s body! You tell me that your years, seem to judge you like a wolf 103) Time: 2 minutes
guild is not responsible, yet how can might contemplate a wounded hare. You are at a three-way intersection.
you deny this?” Each second seems a lifetime and the Harbor Road runs east and west while
With a look and a gesture, the loud sound you hear is the crashing Bone Alley branches off to the north.
Guildmaster orders a thief to empty the thud of your heartbeat. Anything south of Harbor Road
contents of your pouch and hands the Unblinking, your eyes never look belongs to the Black Blades. You had
brooch to the Guildmaster. He holds it away from his. A hush sweeps through best be on your guard for more than
close, carefully examining the black- the crowd like a gentle stream as they just the City Watch!
ened clasp. After a few tense seconds, await your judgment. The Guildmaster To head north on Bone Alley, Go to 25.
his voice breaks the silence. raises his right hand and makes a single
To head east on Harbor Road, Go to
“This is not one of ours. We etch a gesture, slowly dragging his finger
small identification sigil on the back across his throat. Nodding in agree-
and this has no such sigil. I fear it is a ment, one of the thieves holding you To head west on Harbor Road, Go to
forgery. If the assassin wore this, then down reaches for a blade at his belt. As 279. 23
he was not a member of this guild! the terrible fear of failure sinks its fangs

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9


104) Time: 6 minutes If you fail, you shrug your shoulders 112) Time: 1 minute
This large room measures 30 feet and return north to the intersection. This 30-foot-long section of sewer
Go to 114. runs north and south. There is a door
wide (west to east) by 20 feet deep
(south to north) and is filled with huge on the western wall. A wall of rubble
piles of crates and casks of water. As 108) Time: 4 minutes blocks the north end. The south end
you approach, you hear what sounds turns and heads west.
You carefully work your way west on
like several rodents or large insects Narrow Lane. After a few minutes, you To open the door, Go to 276.
scurrying towards the back wall. spot a City Watch barricade in the To head south and turn west, Go to 32.
To examine the crates, Go to 184. distance. They have been set up
recently to question people traveling
To examine the casks, Go to 155. 113) Time: 3 minutes
the streets at night. It would be very
If you would rather leave, Go to 325. unwise to head in that direction, so you Ahead, where Artisan’s Way crosses
turn around and head east. Tavern Alley, you see several men
105) Time: 1 minute Go to 236. dressed in the garb of the City Watch
milling about the entrance of a partic-
Four paths stretch out from where
ular building.
you now stand. Harbor Road runs east 109) Time: 3 minutes
and west while Artisan’s Way runs Make a Wisdom Ability Check.
You carefully push open the wooden
north and south. door and find yourself in a dirty room, If you succeed, Go to 69.
To head west on Harbor Road, Go to originally used for storage when the If you fail, Go to 175.
493. sewers were built. It is unlikely anyone
has been here in many years. A pile of
To head east on Harbor Road, Go to 114) Time: 2 minutes
small, broken crates litter the western
wall. The door in the middle of the This is another four-way intersection.
To head north on Artisan’s Way, Go east wall leads back to the corridor. The corridor to the east and west both
to 495. There is also a door in the middle of run about 20 feet before turning to the
To head south on Artisan’s Way, Go the south wall. north. The corridor to the south runs
to 58. To enter the south door, Go to 241. about 50 feet into the darkness. The
corridor to the north runs about 20 feet
To enter the east door, Go to 42.
to another four-way intersection.
106) Time: 3 minutes To examine the crates, Go to 326. There is a door on either side of the
This corridor stretches east and west northern corridor, about halfway to the
approximately 70 feet before turning 110) EP: 5 next intersection.
southward at both ends. It is very dark Your keen ears detect the faint scrape To head south, Go to 72.
down here, and you slow your pace in of boots in a darkened alley to the To head west and turn north, Go to 118.
case something lurks in the shadows south.
ahead. To head east and turn north, Go to 142.
To head east along DockMarket
To head north to the intersection,
To head east and then turn south, Go Lane, Go to 306.
passing the doors, Go to 86.
to 185. To head west on DockMarket Lane,
To head north and enter the west
To head west and then turn south, Go to 130.
door, Go to 80.
Go to 81. To investigate the sounds to the
To head north and enter the east
south, Go to 292.
door, Go to 16.
107) Time: 5 minutes EP: 5
You notice that this wall seems to be 111) Time: 3 minutes
115) Time: 15 minutes
lacking much of the slime and muck This corridor runs about 70 feet east
that coats the other surrounding walls. and west. With the aid of moonlight After you slip through the secret
Perhaps this wall is not as solid as it falling through small grates in the door, you descend quickly down a
appears! Finding the entrance to a ceiling, you notice several footprints, all pitch-black cave towards the sound of
secret door is much like finding a heading west. running water. The cave narrows at the
concealed trap. end and, crawling on your belly, you
Make a Thief Skill Check to detect
squeeze through the small opening and
Make a Thief Skill Check to find noise.
find yourself on the subterranean banks
24 traps. If you succeed, Go to 102. of the Devil’s Fork River, flowing east
If you succeed, Go to 188. If you fail, Go to 165. towards the sea.

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9

Brothers By Blood

You follow the Blades as they enter To head east on the Ivory Crawl, Go 122) Time: 2 minutes EP: 5
the river and swim under an outcrop- to 523. You offer the wounded fellow one of
ping of stone that blocks the path. To head west on the Ivory Crawl, Go your healing potions. He reaches out
When you emerge on the other side, to 320. his hands to accept the wonderful gift,
you ride the currents until you see two but as soon as his hands touch the vial,
sewer entrances on either side he vanishes into a fine mist. You take a
emptying their contents into the river. 120) Time: 4 minutes step back, shocked at what you have
Your guild lies to the north, and that is You quickly head towards the rear of just seen. You glance all around for the
the course you must take. the guild stronghold and the exit that dwarf, but you are all alone. To the
Go to 139. leads into the sewers. There is normally south, the sounds of an approaching
a guild member stationed near the patrol spur you onward. You place the
door, and you are surprised to find it potion back into your pouch and head
116) Time: 4 minutes unguarded and unlocked. Perhaps this back the way you came.
The passageway heads north and explains how the assassin gained Go to 244.
south for over 100 feet. You can hear entrance! It seems odd that the
the Devil’s Fork River to the south. Guildmaster would leave it unmanned,
especially with all the recent troubles 123) Time: 3 minutes EP: 35
To head south, Go to 30.
between the two guilds. You pull the You wipe the blood from your sword
To head north, Go to 2.
door closed behind you and scurry into and step around the slain Hobgoblin.
the sewers. It takes a moment for your You have no idea why a Hobgoblin
117) Time: 8 minutes eyes to adjust to the darkness. The only would be roaming the sewers, but you
source of light is the moonlight that are glad this one no longer poses a
Fighting against the current, you
filters through the occasional sewer threat. You pause to catch your breath
plow upstream. After 120 feet or so,
grate. The floors have a shallow and then examine your surroundings.
the ceiling above you narrows so that
channel running down their length. To the south, the corridor ends at a
you have to crouch with only your head
This channel conveys water and sewage slimy stone wall. Several rusted rungs
above water. You eventually reach a
towards the Devil’s Fork River that lead up to a sewer entrance, which you
large stone blocking your path. You
runs under the city and empties into can use to exit onto streets above.
might be able to hold your breath and
the sea. If you have had enough of the sewers
swim underwater to the other side of
the large stone. Judging by its size, you You follow the raised platform along and choose the streets, Go to 451.
estimate you would have to swim the wall, doing your best not to slip into If you choose to take the corridor to
underwater for about 20 feet against the muck and slime that lazily flows the north, Go to 79.
the current. through the channels, as you head
south down a short corridor.
To try to swim for it, Go to 156. 124) Time: 3 minutes
Go to 121.
If you would rather ride the current The door to this room proves difficult
back to the sewers, add three minutes to open but, after a brief struggle, you
to your time and Go to 30. 121) Time: 1 Minute manage to push past the door. When
You are standing at a four-way inter- you enter this small room, you see why
118) Time: 2 minutes section. Your guild lies a short distance the door did not want to move; leaning
to the north. Unless you have the against it is a lifeless corpse dressed in
This 40-foot corridor section runs the black garb of a thief! There are no
antidote, there is no reason to go back
north and south before turning east at markings to denote which guild this
to the guild. You see that the western
each end. There is an iron portcullis in man belonged to, and what remains of
corridor seems to travel 30 feet before
the west wall near the northern end. his face is beyond recognition. You
turning south. The eastern corridor
To examine the portcullis, Go to 224. seems to have two passages branching examine the corpse and discover several
To head south and turn east, Go to 114. off to the south. You could also go nasty sucker-like wounds on his torso
directly south from here by using the and large bite marks on both legs. It
To head north and turn east, Go to 86.
southern corridor. seems he barricaded himself in here to
escape whatever attacked him and
To use the southern corridor, Go to 17.
119) Time: 3 minutes eventually succumbed to his wounds.
To take the western corridor, Go to 180. You give an involuntary shudder and
You are at a three-way intersection.
To use the eastern corridor, Go to 76. leave his remains in piece.
The Ivory Crawl runs east and west,
connecting with a small alley known as If you are returning with the antidote, Go to 297.
Coin Lane, running north. Go to 303. 25
To head north on Coin Lane, Go to 77.

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9


125) Time: 1 minute To head south and enter the door in 128) You decide to open the door, and
You cautiously head south and see a the east wall, Go to 50. then decide to pause for a moment.
Hobgoblin blocking your way, his spear To head north to where the corridor Make a Thief Skill Check to detect
at the ready! turns west, Go to 284. any noise.
Basic Game Combat: You attack first. To head west, Go to 169. If you succeed, Go to 39.
Roll 1d20+1. You must roll a 13 or If you fail, you open the door and step
better to hit the Hobgoblin; if you hit, 127) Time: 2 minutes inside, and Go to 170.
you deal 1d8+2 HP of damage. The
Hobgoblin must roll a 10 or better on This 30-foot-long section of sewer
runs east and west. The east and west 129) Time: 1 minute EP: 5
1d20 to hit you; if it hits, the
ends both turn and head north, the
Hobgoblin deals 1d6 HP of damage. You examine the coins more closely
walls slick with slime and muck.
The Hobgoblin has 25 Hit Points. and see that one of them is not a coin,
During your one previous foray into the
Advanced Game Combat: Hobgoblin but a token! It is inscribed with the
sewers, you used this route and you are
(AC 5; HD 1+; HP 25; Damage 1d6) symbol with which you are intimately
somewhat familiar with your surround-
familiar - a darkened fist. You have
If you defeat the Hobgoblin, Go to 123. ings. After the western end turns north
never seen such a token before, but
you will find another short east and
If you escape, Go to 79. mercenaries are often given such tokens
west corridor with a portcullis on the
to serve as a reminder of their loyalties.
northern side of the east end. It was
But why would these Orcs be working
126) Time: 2 minutes here that you once crept through a drain
for the Guildmaster? Surely, he would
in the ceiling to gain access to the City
This 60 foot corridor runs north and have made the guild aware of this
Watch post on Tavern Alley, and freed a
south. At the north end, the corridor arrangement. At the least, he would
fellow thief being held for questioning.
turns to head west. There is a door at have told your brother and Orin would
That was the first and last time you had
the south end in the east wall. In the most certainly inform you. What other
braved the sewers, until now.
center of this corridor, a three-way secrets might the Guildmaster be
26 intersection is formed with another To go east and turn north, Go to 180. keeping? You decide it is best to move
corridor to the west. To head west and turn north, Go to 62. along so you place the token in your

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9

Brothers By Blood

pouch, and then head north to the talented thief disarmed this trap. How where you completed an important
four-way intersection. long ago, you cannot discern. mission, earning the respect of many of
Record “Fist Token” on your If you would like to remove the flash your peers. Reminiscing, you fail to
character sheet along with the number pot from its stone frame and take it notice the City Watch approaching. By
202 and Go to 162. with you, Go to 158. the time you see them, they are walking
right towards you! Fortunately, they do
To head west to the four-way inter-
not seem to be aware of you yet. You
130) Time: 2 minutes section instead, Go to 35.
curse your carelessness and quickly
You are standing at the intersection of To head back through the rusted head south back to the intersection of
Guardsman Road, stretching to the portcullis instead, Go to 62. Quickstep Alley and Trader’s Crossing.
north and south, and DockMarket Go to 93.
Lane heading east and west. 134) Time: 4 minutes
To head north on Guardsman Road, This corner of Artisan’s Square
Go to 154. 138) The Guildmaster reaches down
connects the northern and western
and halts the thief from delivering your
To head south on Guardsman Road, sides. There are pleasing aromas
killing blow. A hush falls over the
Go to 317. emanating from the buildings in this
gathering throng. You ignore the harsh
section of the square, many of which
To head east on DockMarket Lane, gaze of dozens of eyes burning your
specialize in exotic perfumes and
Go to 89. skin as you silently plead with the
tinctures and the fragrant breeze
To head west on DockMarket Lane, wafting though the area is revitalizing. Guildmaster. Finally, his voice breaks
Go to 298. the silence.
Roll 1d6. If you roll a 1-2, Go to 349.
“I would speak with him first. Bind
To head east along the northern side him and bring him into the meeting
131) Time: 2 minutes EP: 10 of the square, Go to 397.
You discover that the east wall is a To head south along the western side
secret door! You locate the small pedal Go to 500.
of the square, Go to 373.
near the floor that allows you so slide
the door open enough to slip through. 139) Through the fetid muck of the
135) Time: 5 minutes
To head east through the secret door, sewer corridors, you cautiously work
Go to 132. Along the great harbor wall your way northward. Every now and
surrounding the Sinking Bay are several then, the group pauses to investigate a
If you would rather not use the secret small homes, rooming houses, and a few
door just yet, Go to 315. possible trap or listen for foes around
shops. All are closed at this late hour. the corner. Fortunately, your journey is
To head southwest along the wall, Go rather uneventful. Perhaps this is the
132) Time: 2 minutes to 244. calm before the storm, you think to
This corridor runs east and west for To head northeast along the wall, Go yourself.
about 25 feet before turning north at to 273. Suddenly, a thief gives a hand signal
each end. If you already encountered the that something lurks in the corridor
Shrieker mushroom nearby, Go to 190. ahead. Two skilled bowmen step ahead
136) Time: 2 minutes
Otherwise, you must choose your path. into the darkness, while you wait
You are at an intersection. The path silently, wondering what it could be.
To head west and turn north, Go to 88.
known as the Ivory Crawl runs east and Your mental query is soon answered by
To head east and turn north, Go to 47. west and Artisan’s Way runs north and
the hissing twang of crossbow strings,
If you want to investigate this south.
followed by the guttural death cry of a
corridor’s western wall, Go to 153. To head north, Go to 113. Hobgoblin.
To head east, Go to 320. Moving on, several of the thieves and
133) Time: 2 minutes EP: 5 To head south, Go to 397. the Guildmaster confer from time to
Your keen eyes spot the remains of a To head west, Go to 295. time, discussing which passages are
broken trip wire. The Fists laid correct. You know that ultimately it
numerous traps throughout the sewers will be up to you to show them the way.
to ward off any intruders. You follow 137) Time: 4 minutes You have only been down here once
the wire to a flash pot concealed in the You travel north along the alley for before this fateful night, and even then
stone near the floor. Anyone triggering some distance, passing several familiar you had not gone very far before
this would be caught in a searing spout businesses on the way. You have been leaving through a grate in the ceiling.
of magical flame and cinders. The pot down this road many times in the past You hope that when the time comes,
is still quite active, but clearly, a few months. Not far from here was your knowledge will be useful.

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9


After a few more minutes, you arrive 143) “Jaaril,” you speak, recognizing 146) Time: 3 minutes EP: 5
at a familiar intersection. Assuring the the thief, “I am not alone. Please inform At the center of Artisan’s Square is
Blades that your guild is a few yards the Guildmaster that I present him the intersection of two of the great
ahead, the Guildmaster and two of his with a visitor who seeks council. I am roads of Zoa. It is here that Harbor
men follow you while the others remain honor bound to this end.” Road meets Artisan’s Way, the gateway
back in the shadows. Approaching the Jaaril peers over your shoulder into to the Artisan District. A vast wealth
secret door, you give the entry knock. the darkness, at the three men standing of goods flows from this area. On the
After a lengthy wait, the knock is in the distance behind you. The tall street corners where the two meet are
answered and the door opens a few man in the middle opens his palms in ornate statues, welcoming visitors to
inches. A pair of dark eyes meets yours the sign of peaceful parlay. With his the Artisan District. One statue
through the door as you begin to speak. arms spread, the faint moonlight trick- features a long-deceased benefactor of
Go to 143. ling though small street grates in the Zoa, though your guild knew him as
ceiling flicker and dance over the one of their greatest thieves.
brooch fastening the cloak of the Black If you have already sought out this
140) Time: 1 minute
Blades Guildmaster. With a startled statue, Go to 105. Otherwise, you
You are standing at a four-way inter- gasp, Jaaril looks at you for answers. quickly locate it and, caressing the
section. To the east, the corridor turns You nod your head and quietly speak. smooth stone, you mentally plead with
south at 30 feet. There is a door along
“By my throat, I swear that they are the spirit of this thief to grant you time
the north wall, about 10 feet before it
not our enemy this night. Now please, and speed in your quest.
turns south. To the west, the corridor is
very dark and you cannot see more than hurry. There is not much time!” Make a Charisma Ability Check!
20 feet into the darkness. To the south, Go to 174. If you succeed, Go to 78.
the corridor ends at a three-way inter-
If you fail, Go to 105.
section some 30 feet away, with
144) Time: 1 minute
passages heading east and west.
Roughly 20 feet to the north is another You are standing at the southern end 147) Time: 2 minutes
intersection with a passage to the east of Artisan’s Square, a circuit of paths
You carefully trace the wire back to a
and, 10 feet further north, a passage to and alleys surrounding the intersection
small wooden box. Inside the box, you
the west. of Harbor Road and Artisan’s Way.
see a barbed dart resting on a
Using the square, you can avoid
To head north to the first intersec- compressed spring. With tools in hand,
entering the main intersection itself by
tion, Go to 185. you press in against the spring and try
traveling around it.
To head south, Go to 169. to flick the dart out of the way. Before
The Shadowed Fist controls the you can do that, the tool in your right
To head west, Go to 240. territory to the north of here while the hand slips off the spring, as the dart
To head east, Go to 284. Black Blades control everything to the flies out and lodges in your hand! You
To go east and enter the door on the south. If you venture south any further, pluck out the dart and feel the dull burn
north wall, Go to 200. you might have more than just the City of venom as you massage the wound,
Watch to contend with! hoping to express any toxic fluids.
To head east along the southern side After a few moments, you shake your
141) Time: 2 minutes EP: 2
of the square, Go to 101. hand in pain and continue on your way.
The door swings open and you glance You lose 6 hit points.
To head north on Artisan’s Way towards
inside the small room. On a shelf a few
the center of the square, Go to 146. Go to 212.
feet above the floor is a carefully
wrapped bandage (it can be used to heal To head west along the southern side
up to 4 HP). You place it in your pouch of the square, Go to 356. 148) Time: 1 minute
and continue. To head south on Artisan’s Way, Go One of the tiles you step on gives a
Go to 4. to 438. distinct click. Instinctively, you realize
the Fists placed this trap here to
145) Time: 10 minutes EP: 500 discourage intruders. However, it
142) Time: 2 minutes
cannot tell friend from foe. The barbed
This 40 foot corridor runs north and With deadly accuracy, you slide your
tip sinks into your leg and causes 5
south, turning west at both ends. blade deep inside the Otyugh and take
points of damage! You curse your slow
its life. You drop to one knee to catch
Make a Dexterity Ability Check. reactions and vow to be more vigilant.
your breath and to honor your fallen
If you succeed, Go to 171. foe. Triumphantly, you rise and To head south and turn west, Go to 114.
28 If you fail, Go to 148. continue on your journey. To head north and turn west, Go to 86.
Go to 132.

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9

Brothers By Blood

149) Time: 1 minute “By the gods, welcome back! I heard 156) You decide you want to try and
The door is locked! Before you can a commotion in the hall. Someone said swim underwater, holding your breath
retrieve your tools, you hear a great you had arrived with the Black Blades long enough to get past the rock.
commotion coming from the other side Guildmaster? You must tell me your Make a Constitution Ability Check.
of the door. Peering through the tale and leave nothing out! But first, do
you have the remedy?” asks Fellik. If you succeed, Go to 157.
keyhole, you see a large room filled with
thieves. Judging by the number present, Without answering, you hurriedly If you fail, you inhale a lungful of
you would wager that most of the guild hand over your brother’s cure. Twisting water and release your grip. When you
is inside. Standing at the far southern off the stopper, you pour the clear, surface, you choke for air and finally
end, a tall black-haired thief addresses bitter liquid into Orin’s mouth. There manage to regain your composure (lose
the crowd. His powerful voice demands is no response. You grasp your brother’s 5 HP). Dejected, you ride the current
respect and attention. Judging by his hands tightly and will him back to life. back to your starting point. Add three
stature and demeanor, he must be the Several tense seconds pass, but still minutes to your time, and Go to 30.
Black Blades Guildmaster! He seems nothing happens.
to be calming the group, assuring them Go to 449. 157) Time: 3 minutes EP: 10
that they are safe and that he has made
arrangements to deal with a “new You surface from the other side of the
threat,” whatever that means. You do 153) Time: 1 minute rock and continue heading west. After
not wish to be caught eavesdropping You suspect that there might be a trap about 30 feet, however, you come to a
out in the open like this, so you quickly on the western end of this corridor. large iron portcullis, with bars the size
move along. Make a Thief Skill Check to find a of your arm blocking your progress.
trap. If you succeed, Go to 176. If you Fortunately, several of the bars have
Go to 259.
fail, you find nothing out of the been violently twisted out of place. You
ordinary. would hate to think of what could have
150) Time: 2 minutes done that to the portcullis! You slip
To head west and turn north, Go to 88.
This 50-foot long corridor runs east through the portcullis and continue
To head east and turn north, Go to 47. west.
and west. To the west, the corridor
turns and heads north. To the east, the If you already know the secret of this Go to 282.
corridor ends at a stone wall. corridor, Go to 98.

To search the east end, Go to 187. 158) You attempt to retrieve the flash
To head west and turn north, Go to 71. 154) Time: 1 minute pot.
You are standing at the intersection of Make a Dexterity Ability Check!
Guardsman Road, stretching to the
151) Time: 5 minutes EP: 50 north and south, and Trader’s Crossing If you succeed, Go to 278.
Your blade slips under the defense of heading east and west. If you fail, Go to 95.
the last Orc and pierces his black heart. To head north on Guardsman Road,
His howl quickly turns to a whimper as Go to 256.
his dying body crashes to the floor. You 159) EP: 5
To head south on Guardsman Road, “Wait!” you cry, “I care not for my
search their blood-splattered pouches
Go to 130.
and find 10 gold coins! own life but I would do anything to
To head east on Trader’s Crossing, save my brother. On my way here I
Make an Intelligence Ability Check.
Go to 387. found something that is of interest to
If you succeed, Go to 129. the both of us!” The Guildmaster again
To head west on Trader’s Crossing,
If you fail, you pocket the coins, Go to 249. beckons for silence and allows you to
heading to the northern four-way explain your findings. Swallowing hard,
intersection, and Go to 162. you compose your thoughts and explain
155) Time: 4 minutes what you saw.
Roll 1d8. If you roll 1-3, the water is “In my pouch you will find a letter. I
152) As soon as you reenter your guild,
contaminated with sewage and
you beg leave to see your brother. found it on my way here. I do not
undrinkable. If you roll 4-6, the water
Sprinting as fast as your legs can carry, entirely understand it’s meaning, but it
is drinkable and you heal 2 of any lost
you bolt to his chambers. Flinging open is signed by my Guildmaster.” With a
HP. If you roll 7-8, you find a cask of
the door with all your might, you drop look and a gesture, the Guildmaster
incredibly refreshing water and heal 6
to your knees at the side of your orders a thief to empty the contents of
of your lost HP.
brother’s bed. Fellik, washing his hands your pouch and hand him the letter.
in a bowl, jumps at your sudden Go to 104. The Guildmaster studies the letter very
entrance. carefully before speaking. “This letter

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9


would seem to indicate that we are not this four-way intersection. To the west, You emphatically shake your head ‘no,’
to blame. Have you anything else?” the sewer ends after 20 feet, likewise to sensing that perhaps this information
“I also found a brooch belonging to a the north. Judging by your surround- might spare your life for the time being.
Black Blade on the assassin’s body! If ings, you must be at the northwestern “Is that all you found? Not all thieves
you look, you can find it in my pouch. end of the original sewer system. To adhere to the Branding Code, but clearly
You tell me that your guild is not the east, some 30 feet away you spot your guild, as well as our own, follow its
responsible, yet how can you deny another four-way intersection. To the precepts,” states the Guildmaster,
this?” The Guildmaster picks up the south, the corridor runs 20 feet and exposing his own arm and the black
brooch and holds it close, carefully branches both east and west. About 10 dagger permanently inked there.
examining the blackened clasp. After a feet to the south, in the west wall
between this intersection and the next, “I also found a brooch belonging to a
few tense seconds, his voice breaks the Black Blade on the assassin’s body,” you
silence. you see a door.
claim. “If you look, it is in my pouch.
“This is not one of ours. We etch a To head east towards the four-way You tell me that your guild is not
small identification sigil on the back intersection, Go to 35.
responsible, yet how can you deny this?”
and this has no such sigil. I fear it is a To head south, Go to 209.
With a look and a gesture, the
forgery. If the assassin wore this, then To enter the door in the west wall of Guildmaster orders a thief to empty the
he was not a member of this guild! It the southern corridor, Go to 92.
seems these clues indicate that the contents of your pouch and hand the
Black Blades are not behind the assas- brooch to the Guildmaster. He holds it
sination attempt, yes? I can assure you 163) Time: 1 minute close, carefully examining the black-
that we did not order your brother’s ened clasp. After a few tense seconds,
You are in the Black Blades hideout!
death. Certainly, I would know if a his voice breaks the silence. “This is
Roll 1d6 for luck. If you roll a 1, you
Blade attempted such a thing.” not one of ours. We etch a small
are spotted by a Blade Thief and must
identification sigil on the back and this
Go to 437. Go to 499. Otherwise, continue
has no such sigil. I fear it is a forgery.
If the assassin wore this, then he was
160) As you travel deeper into This corridor runs east and west not a member of this guild!”
southern Zoa, the hair on the back of approximately 40 feet. To the east is a
four-way intersection. At the western “Wait, that is not all,” you continue.
your neck prickles in anticipation.
end, you see a small lever near the north “In my pouch you will find a letter. I
Surely, you must be nearing the very
wall. found it on my way here. I do not
midst of Black Blade territory!
entirely understand the meaning of it,
You stand now on Artisan’s Way, with To head east to the intersection, Go
but it is signed by my Guildmaster.”
an inviting alley leading off to the east. to 321.
The Guildmaster studies the letter very
A worn wooden sign marks it as Tallow To pull the lever to the west, Go to 161. carefully before rendering a decision.
Alley. If you already know the secret of the “This letter does indeed bear the
Roll 1d8 for luck. If you roll a 1, Go north wall at the west end of the name of your Guildmaster. However,
to 517. Otherwise, choose another corridor and wish to use it, Go to 247. he is not the author. His name appears
at the bottom because he is the intended
To travel north on Artisan’s Way, Go 164) EP: 10 target! It would appear that whoever
to 233. attacked your brother was supposed to
“Wait!” you cry, “I care not for my
To travel south on Artisan’s Way, Go own life but I would do anything to strike your Guildmaster! Nevertheless,
to 527. save my brother. On my way here I this is not our doing. I can assure you
To head east on Tallow Alley, Go to 33. found something that is of interest to that we did not order your brother’s
the both of us!” The Guildmaster again death. Certainly, I would know if a
beckons for silence and allows you to Blade attempted such a thing.”
161) Time: 1 minute
explain your findings. Swallowing hard, Go to 400.
You gently pull the lever and a section you compose your thoughts and explain
of the wall opens up revealing a hidden what you saw.
cave to the north! 165) To the east, the corridor turns
“I examined the body of the assassin
To enter the cave, Go to 247. and heads south after about 20 feet. To
before I left. I am not certain he was a
the west, after about 40 feet, the
To leave the cave alone for now, Go to 7. Black Blade as he did not have the
corridor forms a three-way intersection
Thieves’ Brand on his arm!” The
Guildmaster seems surprisingly inter- with another corridor running north
162) Time: 2 minutes ested in your comments. He leans in and south. You can hear running water
30 There is very little sewer muck close and whispers, “Are you certain? to the north.
running through the floor channels in Was there any marking?” To head east and turn south, Go to 286.

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9

Brothers By Blood

To head west to the intersection, Go 168) Time: 2 minutes tiny hole in the wall. Fortunately, your
to 185. Judging by the casks of exotic wines reflexes prove faster than the trap and
To head north, Go to 227. and spirits, this must be a food store- the dart misses your leg and strikes the
room. Being somewhat versed in the slimy wall.
smuggling trade, you know that these To head south and turn west, Go to 114.
166) When he spots you working at
items are intended for the distant black To head north and turn west, Go to 86.
the lock, his eyes widen in anger and he
markets of Zha-nehzmish. Ever vigilant
reaches for a wooden club. You shrink
of your own guild’s interests, you use the
back into the cell, pleading for leniency. 172) Time: 5 minutes
tip of your dagger to make small holes
He grants you none. As the blows
in several of the barrels and smile as the True to your profession, you move
begin to fall, you know that he intends
profitable contents trickle out. with the shadows and pass unseen
to do more than merely teach you a
lesson. You cry out in pain and he kicks Go to 341. along the northern stretch of
you in the ribs for good measure. Fiddleback Lane. Passing several
Knowing that your life is now at stake, shops, boarded up for the night, you
169) Time: 3 minutes keep a wary eye out for any sign of the
you summon every ounce of strength
and drive your shoulder into the guard! This muck-filled corridor section City Watch. After meandering in the
runs east and west approximately 80 darkness for a few minutes, you spot a
He is knocked off his feet, and you
feet. You see a four-way intersection City Watch barricade to the north.
rush forward through the cell door
some 30 feet to the north. Some 45 Lately they have set these up to
towards the garbage chute. Grabbing
feet to the west, the corridor ends, but question anyone wandering the streets
your sword on the way out, you draw
there is a door there in the north wall. after dark. You wisely decide to turn
your blade in case you run into any
Some 35 feet to the east, this corridor around and head back.
more resistance. However, fortune
joins with another forming a three-way Go to 402.
smiles upon you, and you manage to
intersection with passages running
dive down the chute into the dark and
north and south. About 15 feet before
dangerous sewers beneath Zoa. The
that intersection, there is a door in the 173) You know that the south wall is
guard is not eager to follow you and his
northern wall. actually a secret door!
shouts echo down from above while
your eyes adjust to the darkness. After To head east to the three-way inter- If you want to use the secret door,
a few seconds, you are ready to continue section, Go to 126. enter and Go to 40.
your quest. You lose 10 HP after your To open the door near the eastern If you would rather head east and
fight with the guard. intersection, Go to 485. turn north, Go to 114.
Go to 62. To head west and open the door in
the north wall, Go to 406. 174) Time: 2 minutes
167) Time: 3 minutes To head north towards the four-way Barely a minute passes before several
After a quick walk through the intersection, Go to 140. armed Fist thieves appear at the secret
shadows, you are at a four-way intersec- door, your Guildmaster behind them.
tion where DockMarket Lane crosses 170) Time: 1 minute He stares at you in disbelief and anger.
Quickstep Alley. To the north, it ends “What have you done? You bring
You push the door open and step
at an intersection with Trader’s death to us all! You insolent fool!” cries
inside. In the center of the room, a
Crossing. To the south, the alley winds your Guildmaster.
cloaked man is arguing with two
through the maze of buildings. To the “No, Veloon. In fact, it is quite the
broad-shouldered Orcs. When you
east, DockMarket Lane winds towards contrary.” The deep voice of the Black
the Zoan port. It would not be wise to enter, the three of them look at you
intently for a moment. The man’s deep Blades Guildmaster comes to your
head towards the eastern docks at night
booming voice breaks the silence. defense. “If my men and I may be
as the City Watch maintains a large
“Well? What do you want?” You pause permitted safe passage into your guild,
presence there, keeping the peace
for a moment to consider the question. I can tell you of a sinister plot that your
between the many vessels nestled
brave thief uncovered. However, we
together under the eye of the dock Go to 476.
must make haste. I fear that an outside
force wishes to scour the city of our
To head north on Quickstep Alley, 171) Time: 1 minute EP: 2 presence this night and claim it for his
Go to 93. own. Here - I give you my weapon as a
One of the tiles you step on gives a
To head south on Quickstep Alley, distinct click. Instinctively, you realize token of peaceful negotiations.”
Go to 523. the Fists placed this trap here to “You are very bold to approach my
To head west on DockMarket Lane, discourage intruders, as you jump out doorstep, NightBlade. Certainly, you
Go to 521. of the way of a dart shooting out of a would not risk your life needlessly.

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9


Very well, by the Thieves’ Code, I If you return to the intersection the moment, you can think of little
accept your weapon and offer of instead, Go to 181. reason to go there.
parlay.” Peering south into the distance, you
Go to 152. 179) You stick to the shadows, hoping see the Sinking Bay, which houses the
that you can follow the thief and learn Zoan navy. You also see a dark alley to
more about this mysterious business. the south.
175) Time: 1 minute
Then, suddenly, he is nowhere to be To head west on Harbor Road, Go to
You observe the City Watch intently seen! His ability to evade pursuit must 103.
as you plan your next move. Suddenly, rival even your own. You shake your
a loud voice from behind you breaks To enter the alley, Go to 518.
head in disgust, and return to the
your concentration! corridor outside the room where you
Go to 477. encountered him. 183) Time: 1 minute
Go to 28. The last thing your left eye will ever
176) Time: 2 minutes EP: 10 see is a searing white light. You clutch
your eye to try to stop the stinging, but
You do not find a trap, but you do 180) Time: 5 minutes your eye is permanently scarred. Your
find the opening mechanism for a This dark, stench-filled corridor runs clouded vision will forever remind you
secret door in the west wall at the end north and south for about 50 feet. The of your failure. You take 8 points of
of this corridor! south end turns to the west while the damage. You must also lower your
To enter the secret door, Go to 315. north end turns to the east. Charisma score by 1 point. It almost
If you would rather head east and To head south and turn west, Go to 127. seems unimportant now, but you
then turn north, Go to 47. continue to try to open the locked door.
To head north and turn east, Go to 121.
Make a Thief Skill Check to open the
177) Time: 1 minute 181) Time: 1 minute
If you succeed, Go to 19.
As still as a whisper, you draw your You arrive at a four-way intersection.
blade and leap through the door. The If you fail, shake your head in disgust
Looking to the east, the corridor ends
Orcs snarl in rage and reach for their and head north to the intersection. Go
after 20 feet, but there is a door near the
hand axes! to 86.
end on the northern wall. To the west,
Basic Game Combat: You attack first, the corridor likewise ends after 20 feet,
followed by the two Orcs. You must and there is again a door on the north 184) Time: 5 minutes
roll a 12 or better to hit either Orc; if wall. To the south, the corridor ends Roll 1d10. On a roll of 1-3, you find
you hit, you deal 1d8+2 HP of damage. after 20 feet and forms a three-way nothing of value in any of the crates.
Either Orc must roll an 11 or better on intersection with an east and west On a roll of 4-6, you find 15 gold coins.
1d20 to hit you; if either hits, the Orc corridor. Some 40 feet to the north is On a roll of 7-9, you find 25 gold coins.
deals 1d6 HP of damage. Each Orc has another four-way intersection. On a roll of 10, you find 25 gold coins
24 Hit Points. To open the door to the west, Go to and a healing potion (heals up to 12
Advanced Game Combat: each of two 382. HP).
Orcs (AC 6; HD 1; HP 24; Damage To open the door to the east, Go to 6. Go to 104.
To head south, Go to 50.
If you defeat the Orcs, Go to 151.
To head north to another four-way 185) Time: 2 minutes
If you escape, go to the northern intersection, Go to 286.
four-way intersection, and Go to 162. You are at a three-way intersection
with corridors stretching to the east,
182) Time: 4 minutes north and south. To the north, the
178) Time: 3 minutes corridor stops after 10 feet and turns
To the east, you see the end of Harbor
This room measures roughly 20’ by westward. Some 20 feet to the south is
Road and the start of the vast Zoan
20’ and contains many cots and a four-way intersection. The corridor
harbor. Ahead is a steep cliff-face
blankets. It was probably once a stretches east for at least 50 feet.
leading down to the water. Directly
barracks for the sewer work crews, and beneath, where the land meets the sea To head north and turn west, Go to 106.
has since been commandeered by the are two dark caves. The Devil’s Fork To head south to the intersection, Go
Black Blades. Other than dirty blankets River empties into the harbor through to 140.
and other refuse, you find only a cask those caves, and one other just north of
with what appears to be water. To head east, Go to 111.
them. The river conveys the sewage
32 If you drink some of the water, Go to from under Zoa and exits those caves,
469. like a filthy trident stabbing the sea. At

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9

Brothers By Blood

186) Time: 1 minute you is little more than a giant round Your quest has ended. Why not try
This small room holds nothing more body with a gaping maw filled with a again?
than cobwebs and dust. row of dagger-like teeth. A thick stalk
rises above the mouth with several
Go to 4. bulbous eyes trained on you. It 192) Time: 1 minute
stumbles forward on three thick legs The door is locked!
187) You decide to search the east end and its two flailing tentacles, covered in Make a Thief Skill Check to open the
of the corridor. cruel thorns, slash at you. You have lock.
heard about this terror of the sewers
Make an Intelligence Ability Check. If you succeed, Go to 412.
before, and it has a name: Otyugh! You
If you succeed, Go to 370. draw your sword and prepare to attack! If you fail, you give up and Go to 218.
If you fail, Go to 467. Whenever the Otyugh scores a
successful attack roll, subtract any 193) A large bevy of beetles, each one
188) Time: 2 minutes EP: 5 damage and then make a Strength larger than your fist, are drawn to your
Ability Check. If you succeed, proceed scent. Their mandibles clacking in
Well done! You spot a loose stone with combat. If you fail, the Otyugh anticipation, you scream to try to
and gently twist it. A soft thud from engulfs you with its tentacles and frighten them away, but that only seems
inside the wall confirms that you have constricts you for an additional 1d6 to excite them! They begin with the
found the mechanism. With a push, a points of damage. Combat then softest portions, your eyes and tongue,
section of the wall slides to your left, continues as normal.
and you enter. before they peel the flaccid flesh from
Basic Game Combat: You attack first. your bones. As your life is stripped
Go to 40. from you, your final thoughts are of
Roll 1d20+1. You must roll a 15 or
better to hit the Otyugh; if you hit, you your brother…
189) Time: 4 minutes deal 1d8+2 HP of damage. The Your quest is at an end. Why not try
Otyugh must roll a 5 or better on 1d20 again?
To the east, the sounds and smells of
to hit you; if it hits, the Otyugh deals
the docks drift past your keen senses.
1d8 HP of damage. The Otyugh has
While not immediately convenient to 194) Time: 4 minutes EP: 10
41 Hit Points.
your guild’s headquarters, the docks
have always been the key to your guild’s Advanced Game Combat: Otyugh You settle back on your heels and
success. Sneaking past a small vending (AC 3; HD 6; HP 41; Damage 1d8) listen quietly to the two Orcs. You are
booth closed for the evening, you pause only able to understand a few of the
If you defeat the Otyugh, Go to 145.
to listen for any sounds of the Watch. words, but it sounds like they are
If you escape, Go to 88. discussing something they fought
You hear several prominent footsteps to
the east and you duck down, pulling nearby. One Orc keeps muttering what
your cloak around you, just in case. 191) Fellik drops his shoulders and you think is “pool,” but it might be
After listening more intently, you turns away, unable to face you. “puddle.” The other Orc keeps
discern that the footsteps are receding Choking back the tears, he struggles to insisting they need to find “fire” and
to the south. Once you can no longer find the proper words to convey his that “only fire will prevail.” They both
hear the steps, you count to ten, feelings. seem very anxious and frightened. You
straighten up, and continue. hate to think of what might have
“My dear friend, I am so sorry…so
frightened these two brutes.
To the west, Trader’s Crossing inter- very sorry. This is not the correct
sects Fiddleback Lane running north counter-poison. I am afraid your quest If you wish to talk to the Orcs, Go to
and south. To the east is another four- was in vain and your brother’s life is 381.
way intersection with Quickstep Alley, truly at an end. You fought valiantly to If you would rather attack while they
also running north and south. save him, but without the antidote, are still frightened and tired, Go to 177.
To head west towards Fiddleback there is nothing more that can be done To leave, go north to the four-way
Lane, Go to 402. for him. I expect he has but a few intersection and Go to 162.
minutes of life remaining. I will leave
To head east towards Quickstep
you to grieve with him.”
Alley, Go to 93.
Wiping away the tears welling in your 195) Time: 1 minute
own eyes, you run to your brother’s side You manage to turn your head before
190) Time: 1 minute and drop to your knees, clutching at his the acid lands in your eyes, but your
You knew that the Shrieker would arm. After all the courage you have cheek is not so lucky (you lose 5 HP).
alert nearby monsters to your presence shown this night, you can only Acrid smoke rises from the scalded
and now you have come face to face whimper softly as you watch your flesh on your face as you fight back the
with certain doom! The creature before brother’s life slip through your grasp. urge to scream. The scar will forever

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9


serve as a reminder of your brush with To head south along Guardsman Two more similar stokes and the
disaster! Road, Go to 43. strange Shrieker mushroom is
To head east on the Ivory Crawl, Go vanquished. You curse your foul luck
Make a Thief Skill Check to open the
to 295. and head back into the hallway.
To head west on the Ivory Crawl, Go Go to 297.
If you succeed, Go to 19.
to 18.
If you fail, you put your tools away in
To lift the sewer grate, Go to 473. 198) Time: 6 minutes EP: 50
disgust and head north to the intersec-
tion. Go to 86. You deflect a blow aimed at your head
197) Time: 3 minutes EP: 10 and follow it with a counter stroke.
Your blade sinks into your final
196) Time: 2 minutes You plunge your hand into the
opponent’s chest and steals his life.
decaying filth and choke back the urge
You find yourself standing in Exhausted, you lean against the wall for
to vomit. Other than decomposing
Guardsman Road, which runs north support as you catch your breath. After
matter, there is not much of interest in
and south through this section of Zoa. a few moments, you search the bodies
here. However, before you leave your
of the Orcs and discover two gold
A dark, inviting alley known to the eye is drawn to a dark purple shape
tokens etched with a dark fist. You
locals as the Ivory Crawl, for its hidden under several layers of table
pause in thought. Mercenaries are often
meandering path from the western scraps. You gently slide off the muck to
given tokens to serve as a reminder of
edge of the Artisan’s District to the reveal a large purple mushroom.
their loyalties. But why would these
Ivory Privy tavern on the eastern edge, Suddenly, a howling wail bursts out
Orcs be working for the Guildmaster?
leads off to the east and west. In the from deep within the fungus. Your
heart leaps into your throat as the Surely, he would have made the guild
center of the intersection is a heavy aware of this arrangement. At least he
constant screech echoes through the
sewer grate. would have told your brother, and Orin
sewers. Surely, this racket will attract
To head north along Guardsman anything lurking nearby! You draw would most certainly inform you.
Road, Go to 317. your blade and hew a huge chunk off it. What other secrets might the
Guildmaster be keeping?
You then turn your attention to the
slain thief. It is a common practice for
guild members to tattoo an identifica-
tion sigil on their arm. Your own left
arm is inked with a small, dark fist,
while the Blades brand their members
with a small dagger symbol. You
examine the body and find no such
mark. Disgusted, you head back to the
Record “No Brand” on your character
sheet along with the number 5, and Go
to 28.

199) You stand in the corridor

wondering which way to go next. You
hear the sound of running water to the
To head north, Go to 40.
To head south, Go to 116.

200) Time: 1 minute

This filthy 10-foot-long by 10-foot-
wide room has a door in the east wall.
A door in the southern wall leads back
34 the corridor.
To open the east door, Go to 20.

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9

Brothers By Blood

To open the south door and go to the You may make a Thief Skill Check to found something that is of interest to
four-way intersection, Go to 140. remove the trap. the both of us!” The Guildmaster again
If you succeed, Go to 91. beckons for silence and allows you to
explain your findings. Swallowing
201) EP: 5 If you fail, Go to 339. hard, you compose your thoughts and
It is a common practice for guild If you would rather leave this door explain what you saw.
members to tattoo an identification sigil alone, you head back to the intersec- “I examined the body of the assassin
on their arm. Your own left arm is inked tion, and Go to 181. before I left. I am not certain he was a
with a small, dark fist. The Blades, Black Blade as he did not have the
likewise, brand their members with a Thieves’ Brand on his arm!” The
small dagger symbol. You examine the 204) Time: 2 minutes
Guildmaster seems surprisingly inter-
corpse and find no such mark. The corridor runs east and west.
ested in your comments. He leans in
Record “No Brand” on your character There is a rusted portcullis on the
close and whispers “Are you certain?
sheet along with the number ‘5’, and southern wall at the east end. Some 20
Was there any marking?”
then Go to 396. feet to the west is a four-way intersec-
tion. You are not sure why, but You emphatically shake your head
something does not seem right here. ‘no,’ sensing that perhaps this informa-
202) EP: 2 You pause and carefully examine the tion might spare your life for the time
walls for any traps. being. “Is that all you found? Not all
“Wait!” you cry, “I care not for my
thieves adhere to the Branding Code
own life but I would do anything to You may make a Thief Skill Check to
but clearly your guild, as well as our
save my brother. On my way here I find a trap. If you succeed, Go to 133.
own, follow its precepts,” states the
found something that is of interest to If you fail, you just shrug your shoulders
Guildmaster, exposing his own arm and
the both of us!” The Guildmaster again and continue.
the black dagger permanently inked
beckons for silence and allows you to To head west towards the intersec- there.
explain your findings. Swallowing hard, tion, Go to 35.
you compose your thoughts and explain “In my pouch you will find a token
what you saw. To head back through the portcullis, that I took from those that stood in my
Go to 62. way this night.” With a look and a
“In my pouch you will find a token gesture, the Guildmaster orders a thief
that I took from those that stood in my to empty the contents of your pouch
way this night.” With a look and a 205) Time: 2 minutes
and hand him such a token. He
gesture, the Guildmaster orders a thief This door is locked! carefully studies it for several moments
to empty the contents of your pouch before rendering a decision.
Make a Thief Skill Check to open the
and hand him such a token. He studies
lock. “This is not a mercenary token, at
it carefully for several moments before
rendering a decision. If you succeed, Go to 141. least not that I am familiar with. We
have found similar tokens on a party of
“This is not a mercenary token, at If you fail, you place your picks back
Hobgoblins that strayed too close to
least none that I am familiar with. We in your pouch and vow to work harder
our back door. Your token bears the
have found similar tokens on a party of at your thief skills, as you Go to 4.
sigil of the Shadowed Fist, while the
Hobgoblins that strayed too close to tokens we found near our very gates
our back door. Your token bears the 206) Time: 1 minute bore the sigil of the Black Blades. No,
sigil of the Shadowed Fist. The tokens perhaps they are not tokens. I think
we found near our very gates bore the You are in the Black Blades hideout!
Roll 1d6 for luck. If you roll a 1, you they are troop movement markers, used
sigil of the Black Blades. No, perhaps to position soldiers. I can assure you
they are not tokens. I think they are are spotted by a Blade Thief and must
Go to 499. Otherwise, continue that we did not order your brother’s
troop movement markers, used to death. Certainly, I would know if a
position soldiers. Regardless, I can reading.
Blade attempted such a thing.”
assure you that we did not order your This small room is outfitted with a
brother’s death. Certainly, I would cot and blanket and several personal Go to 437.
know if one of the Blades had effects. You find 3 gold coins in a small
attempted such a thing.” pouch. You take them and leave. 208) Sweat pours down your brow as
Go to 437. Go to 321. you work your trade on the cell lock.
Your pounding heartbeat pulses
through your brain and your hands,
203) Time: 1 minute EP: 2 207) EP: 2 trembling with fear and excitement,
You notice a tiny dart resting on a “Wait!” you cry, “I care not for my lose their grip on the lockpicks and
compressed spring positioned at the own life but I would do anything to they tumble to the floor. With a curse,
back of the lock. save my brother. On my way here I you pick them up and begin again.

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9


However, before you can finish, the 212) Time: 1 minute 216) Time: 1 minute
guard rounds the corner. You stand in Goodfellows Lane, You are at a three-way intersection.
Go to 166. wondering which way to go. Goodfellows Lane runs east and west.
To head west, Go to 31. You also notice a small lane heading
209) Time: 1 minute south around the eastern side of a large
To head east, Go to 438.
This 50-foot-long corridor runs east
and west with a three-way intersection To head east on Goodfellows Lane,
at the center, heading north 20 feet 213) “I believe you came here with a Go to 31.
towards a four-way intersection. purpose, thief. You were prepared to
To head west on Goodfellows Lane,
Looking north towards the intersec- sacrifice your own life for a small vial of
Go to 45.
tion, you see a door on the western wall. liquid. In the process, you have quite
possibly saved both our guilds from To head south down the small lane,
To the west, the corridor ends and
utter ruin. Allow me to repay the favor Go to 236.
turns south. There is a large archway at
the east end and, beyond that, the and present you with your prize.”
corridor turns north. The Guildmaster gestures for one of 217) Time: 2 minutes EP: 2
To head east through the archway his trusted thieves to approach and listen You offer the wounded fellow a strip
and turn north, Go to 35. to your description of the wound and of clean cloth to bandage his wounds.
poison. With a quick nod, he dashes out He reaches out his hands to accept your
To head west and turn south, Go to
of the room, only to return moments gift, his eyes welling with tears. Yet, as
later with a small wooden box. soon as his hands touch the cloth, he
To open the door between here and
Go to 210. vanishes into a fine mist. You take a
the northern intersection, Go to 92.
step back, shocked at what you have
To head north towards the intersec- just seen. You glance all around for the
tion, Go to 162. 214) Time: 1 minute
dwarf, but you are all alone. To the
You are standing at a four-way inter- south, the sounds of an approaching
210) “In this box you will find the section. You see another four-way patrol spur you onward. You place the
antidote to the cirenten poison. intersection some 30 feet to the south. bandage back into your pouch and head
Administer the entire vial and hope To head south, Go to 86. back the way you came.
that the wounding can be reversed,”
To head west, Go to 337. Go to 244.
instructs the thief.
To head north, Go to 42.
With heartfelt thanks, you place the
prize gently in your pouch. Gathering To head east, Go to 365. 218) Time: 2 minutes
up your weapons and gear, you follow You are standing in a section of
the Guildmaster and his band of corridor that runs north and south. To
215) Time: 1 minute
thieves to a secret door. the north, the corridor ends and turns
You begin searching for valuables,
“It is too risky for such a large group west. To the south, some 40 feet from
overturning several of the broken
to travel above ground,” states the the northern end, you think you see an
crates. Suddenly, a crate to your left
Guildmaster to the assembled band, “so intersection. There is a sturdy looking
begins moving on its own! It rolls out
let us enter the comforting dark of the door in the western wall.
of the way and a Giant Rat attacks!
sewers! Once we pass through the To head south, Go to 365.
secret cave and down the Devil’s Fork Basic Game Combat: You attack first.
River, we must be on our guard. When Roll 1d20+1. You must roll an 11 or To head north and turn west, Go to 76.
we arrive, our friend will present us to better to hit the Giant Rat; if you hit, To enter the door in the west wall,
the Shadowed Fist. At that point, I you deal 1d8+2 HP of damage. The Go to 192.
want every man to sheath his blade and Giant Rat must roll a 13 or better on
stand down. Now, we must hurry!” 1d20 to hit you; if it hits, the Giant Rat
deals 1d6-2 HP of damage. The Giant 219) Time: 3 minutes EP: 5
Go to 115.
Rat has 11 Hit Points. You spring the lock and enter the
Advanced Game Combat: Giant Rat small room. On the floor near the
211) Time: 3 minutes EP: 5 western wall is a small chest.
(AC 7; HD <1-1; HP 11; Damage
You are able to disarm the device with 1d6-2) To open the chest, Go to 316.
your thieves’ tools. You carefully open
the chest and find 30 gold pieces! You If you defeat the Giant Rat, Go to To check the chest for traps first, Go
place the coins in a pouch and leave the 265. to 333.
36 room. If you escape, Go to 355. To leave this room, Go to 412.
Go to 412.

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9

Brothers By Blood

220) You find yourself alone, but “Did you see that?” one of them asks, 226) Time: 2 minutes
probably not for long. Working as uncertain. “Forget it,” replies the other, This section of corridor runs 30 feet
though your life depended on it, which “your eyes must be playing tricks on north and south, turning east at the
it does, you struggle to free your hands you.” northern end. At the southern end, you
of their bonds. The ropes bite your skin The two men slowly work their way see a door.
and blood lubricates your wrists, westward before turning south on If you want to open the door, Go to
allowing you to eventually slip out of Fiddleback Lane. Once they are out of 228.
the tight loops. You quickly untie your sight, you breathe a sigh of relief and
feet and begin to work at the lock. Your continue on your way. If you want to go north and turn east,
sword lies on a table beyond your reach, Go to 406.
To head east towards Coin Lane, Go
but the fools did not bother to remove
to 521.
your tool pouch. With a delicate pick
To head west to Fiddleback Lane, Go 227) Time: 6 minutes
in one hand and a small piece of bent
metal to turn the lock once the to 11. This at least 100-foot-long section of
tumblers give way, you pour all your sewer runs north and south. To the
will into the lock. You need to open the north lies the Devil’s Fork River. To
224) Time: 2 minutes the south, the corridor ends at a three-
lock before the guard returns.
The rusted bars run from the floor to way intersection with passages running
Make a Thief Skill Check to open the the ceiling and you cannot seem to spot east and west, the stench of the sewers
lock. a mechanism that would raise them and assaulting your senses.
If you succeed, Go to 269. allow you to pass. You tug on the bars To head north, Go to 30.
If you fail, Go to 208. and they seem to have a bit of give to
them. Perhaps you can bend one To head south to the intersection, Go
enough to allow you to slip through! to 111.
221) Time: 4 minutes
Make a Strength Ability Check.
You carefully work your way along 228) Time: 2 minutes
If you succeed, Go to 253.
this section of Goodfellows Lane. You The door is locked!
are in Black Blades territory now, and If you fail, return to the intersection
you try to be extra careful. After all, as you Go to 86. Make a Thief Skill Check to open the
you know how a Black Blade would be lock.
treated if caught wandering Fist terri- 225) You pardon the intrusion and If you succeed, Go to 329.
tory at night. You see three members of begin heading back the way you came. If you fail, you shrug in disgust, and
the City Watch approaching from the After a few steps, you turn and see the Go to 226.
west, so you duck into a small gap stout fellow following you. You stop,
between two large buildings. After the and he walks up to you and stares at you
patrol passes, you rise to leave. 229) You roll to safety, but several of
again. You take a few more steps and
the barbs sink into your legs and back.
Make a Thief Skill Check to find a he continues to follow.
Your heart racing in terror, you ponder
trap. “What is it you want?” you query. He your fate. The Fists had coated these
If you succeed, Go to 237. answers only with silence and watchful barbs with snake venom, capable of
If you fail, Go to 231. eyes. Having this dwarf follow you on paralyzing a man for hours. The
your quest is unacceptable. Even if you resident vermin would likely consume
ignore him and try to leave, he anyone unfortunate enough to be
222) Time: 2 minutes continues to follow you. Judging by the paralyzed down here in the sewers!
There are a few scraps of food on the damage to his leather armor, and the
Roll 1d6. Multiply the result by 10 to
floor of this room. Someone, or cuts and bruises on his body, others
determine how many minutes you must
something, was here recently. You head have used the blade to try to stop him.
lay exposed on the cold, fetid floors. If
back to the corridor. Perhaps you can just use intimidation
you are here for 30 minutes or less, your
to scare him away.
Go to 50. tense wait passes uneventfully (be sure
To threaten the dwarf, Go to 238. to record the time you spent here).
If you have a healing potion, and offer Finally, your limbs regain their
223) Time: 5 minutes EP: 2
it to the dwarf, Go to 122. strength, and you Go to 466.
You lunge to your left towards a dark
If you offer to bandage his wounds If you are here for more than 30
gap between two buildings and swirl
with a strip of clean cloth, Go to 217. minutes, Go to 193.
your cloak around you. The guards
take a few steps out of the tavern and
look in your direction.

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9


230) Time: 1 minute feet at a time, to avoid being detected To head west along Narrow Lane, Go
As the fumes seep into your lungs, by the Blade sentries that must surely to 108.
your eyes immediately begin to fill with be nearby.
tears and you feel the urge to vomit. Roll 1d8 for luck. If you roll a 1, Go 237) Time: 1 minute EP: 2
Sensing imminent danger, you turn to to 517.
Before you rise, you notice the
flee to the west. Otherwise, to head east on Narrow moonlight glistening off a thread-like
Go to 81. Lane, Go to 257. trip wire just a few inches from your
To head west on Narrow Lane, Go to right foot! You are not sure why the
231) Time: 1 minute 236. Blades would have placed a trap here,
To travel south on Artisan’s Way, Go but you do not intend to become the
You stand to rise, but your right foot next victim!
to 160.
catches on an unseen trip-wire. You
wince as a barbed dart lodges firmly Make a Thief Skill Check to remove
into the back of your thigh. You are not the trap.
234) Time: 2 minutes EP: 25
sure why the Blades placed a trap here, If you succeed, Go to 83.
With the determination of a stalking
but it must have been sound reasoning If you fail, Go to 147.
cat, you choose your steps and carefully
because it worked! Plucking out the approach the sleeping Orc. Oblivious
dart, you anticipate the dull burn of to your presence, you slowly draw your
venom that soon follows. Rubbing the 238) “Back off, or I will carve you up
long sword. You carefully position the
wound to massage out any toxins, you for the vultures!” you hiss as you draw
blade near his thick, muscular neck and
continue on your way. your sword and point the sharpened tip
gracefully pull the honed edge through
at the dwarf.
Lose 6 hit points, and then Go to 212. muscle and vessels. You grip his
leathery chin and force his mouth The dwarf looks at you with a look of
closed to silence his dying gasps as he utter sadness and then his form begins
232) Time: 2 minutes to shimmer in the moonlight. You
drops his spear to clutch at the gaping
This 60-foot-long corridor runs wound in his throat. Within seconds, drop the tip of your sword as the
north and south. At the south end, the foul business is at an end. Trying dwarf ’s shape begins to vaporize.
there is a door in both the east and west not to think about what you have just Suddenly it reforms into a nightmarish
walls. There is also a door at the far done, you clean the black blood from horror, and plunges a clawed fist deep
north end. There is a well-armored your blade and wonder why an Orc was into your chest! You fall backwards and
Orc standing in the middle of the guarding a section of the sewer? watch in agony as your life is ripped
hallway, gripping a spear. You freeze in Clearly there must be some reason. from your body. The terrible visage of
your tracks and pause to see if he the creature towers above your view, his
Go to 386.
noticed you enter the hallway. fiendish red eyes staring at you. Your
Did you recently kill a Shrieker pain is quickly brought to an end as you
mushroom nearby? If you did, Go to 262. 235) Time: 5 minutes EP: 45 feel an icy grasp drag you into the
You finish off the last of the three darkness that is death.
If you did not kill the Shrieker
mushroom, Go to 439. men. You have never enjoyed taking a Your quest ends here. Why not try
human life, but the life of your brother again?
If you have already dispatched the is at stake. You quickly run back to
Orc, Go to 386. Trader’s Crossing.
239) “Because of the attempt on my
Go to 68. brother’s life, the Fists are even now
233) Time: 5 minutes preparing a counterstrike. I left the
You are very close to the Black Blades 236) Time: 3 minutes guild in the hopes of finding the
hideout. Danger seems to lurk around antidote to save my brother and, when
You are at a three-way intersection.
every corner, as shadows dance along they find out I have been captured,
A small path heads north around the
the cobbled surface of Narrow Lane everything will be in jeopardy. I must
eastern side of a large building. A
and fill you with a sense of impending tell you now that I feel the counterstrike
signpost, printed in Merchant’s
doom. You soon reach Artisan’s Way, is not justified. Based upon what I have
Tongue, indicates that the lane heading
the name for the Zoan central road that found, I fear that my own Guildmaster
east and west is Narrow Lane.
traverses the Artisan District. A check- may have staged the assassination in
point to the north discourages you from Roll 1d8 for luck. If you roll a 1, Go order to stir up the Fists to attack!”
heading that way. to 517.
The sharp words of betrayal drip
Nevertheless, there are worse things Otherwise, to head north, Go to 216. from your mouth and pricked your
38 in the Artisan District than the City To head east along Narrow Lane, Go heart with guilt and anguish.
Watch. You move very slowly, a few to 233. Expecting a look of shock and surprise

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9

Brothers By Blood

on the Guildmaster’s face, you are Hidden Hand does not easily forgive or has apparently happened, he hoped to
instead amazed to see him calmly forget. His greed and hunger for power provoke you into attacking us!”
shaking his head. is legendary. Not content with his “And while the bulk of the Fists battle
Go to 242. stranglehold over the trade in the Vast the Blades…” you state.
Kalamaran Empire, he turned his
greedy eyes elsewhere. His vast “…he will crush the handful of men
240) Time: 2 minutes networks now reach across the land as left to watch over your own guild, then
You tread lightly as you make your he seeks to lay claim to Reanaaria Bay! sweep towards our hideout to destroy
way down this dark section of sewer. what remains of both guilds while we
I changed my name when I fled the
Suddenly, you hear a loud chattering wage a senseless war!” finishes the
Hidden Hand and came here for a
noise rushing towards you. You draw Guildmaster. “In just this one night he
fresh start, but now he is aware of his
your sword just as you are attacked by former pupil, and of the profits to be hopes to claim the underworld of Zoa
three Giant Rats! had here. He wishes to take what he for his own!”
Basic Game Combat: You attack first. feels is his, expanding his empire and Go to 246.
Roll 1d20+1. You must roll an 11 or crushing any who stand in his way.”
better to hit any Giant Rat; if you hit, Go to 243.
you deal 1d8+2 HP of damage. Each 244) Time: 3 minutes
Giant Rat must roll a 13 or better on To the northeast and south, you see
1d20 to hit you; if it hits, a Giant Rat 243) “How does that involve my the harbor wall around the eastern
deals 1d6-2 HP of damage. Each brother?” you query. Sinking Bay. A small alley, with a
Giant Rat has 11 Hit Points. “Ah, you see, your brother was the first wooden signpost marking “Tallow
Advanced Game Combat: each of casualty in a grand scheme that, thanks Alley,” heads west through the maze of
three Giant Rats (AC 7; HD <1-1; HP to your efforts, has been revealed! I homes and candle shops. You also see a
11; Damage 1d6-2) believe that Hew arranged the assassina- large rooming house on the edge of the
If you defeat the Giant Rats, Go to tion in hopes of misleading your Guild city. Something about it arouses your
324. to believe we were responsible. And, as well-honed thief instincts, but you are
If you escape, return to the adjoining
corridor and Go to 140.

241) Time: 2 minutes

The door is not locked, but it is diffi-
cult to open. You lean against it with all
your weight and finally force it open.
Inside, you notice a rack of masonry tool
and several cots. It appears that
construction workers once used this
room when building the sewer. You
rummage around but find nothing of
value, so you head back to the first room.
Go to 109.

242) “No, you are wrong, but I know

why you have been misled. You see, we
have been aware of an unnamed threat
against us for the last two days. Yet,
even with our mutual distrust and
animosity towards one another, we did
not think it concerned your guild.”
“You see, many years before you were
born, I served under Hew, a cruel
Guildmaster in Bet Kalamar, as a
member of the Hidden Hand. I will
not share with you my reasons for
leaving, but suffice it to say, Hew of the

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9


not sure if it is danger or profit that Otherwise, you step cautiously Make a Dexterity Ability Check!
beckons you. through the dark cave and arrive at the If you succeed, Go to 474.
To approach the building, Go to 290. banks of the Devil’s Fork! You slip into
the water and ride the currents If you fail, Go to 229.
If you have already investigated the
building, you instead choose to avoid eastward to where it receives the flow
the building and go another way. from the sewers. Add 15 minutes to 252) Time: 1 minute
your time and Go to 30.
To head northeast along the harbor Besides the dried footprints, you spot
wall, Go to 135. a muddy handprint on a certain stone.
248) Time: 1 minute Pressing gently, you smile as the secret
To head south along the harbor wall,
The passageway runs north and south door opens! You quickly step through.
Go to 526.
about 40 feet before ending at a stone Go to 385.
To head west through Tallow Alley,
wall to the south. You suspect there
Go to 378.
must be another secret door there.
253) Time: 1 minute EP: 5
Finding a secret door is much like
245) Time: 5 minutes EP:270 finding a hidden trap. Your muscles tremble under the
strain. Taking a deep breath, you pull
You quickly reach into your pouch Make a Thief Skill Check to find
with all your might and finally one of
and produce the flash pot. As you traps.
the bars succumbs to your will. You
unbind the leather strap, the Ochre If you succeed, Go to 452. slide your lithe form through the
Jelly slowly advances towards you. opening.
If you fail, you have no choice but to
With trembling fingers, you free the
head back through the cave and ride Go to 297.
pot and place it on the ground, aimed
the currents back to the sewers. Add 15
directly at your foe. Without a moment
minutes to your time, and Go to 30.
to spare, you tug on the tripwire and the 254) Time: 2 minutes
entire section of sewer is lit by the
Everything seems normal in this dark
magical flame that belches out of the 249) Time: 2 minutes
section of sewer, so you continue into
pot. You shield your face from the You follow Trader’s Crossing to the the darkness. Unfortunately, your foot
intense heat and smoke as the Ochre west. In the distance ahead, you see the catches on an unseen tripwire
Jelly is reduced to a pool of ash and western wall of Zoa, with its many suspended an inch above the floor and
acid. As quickly as it started, the flame guard towers. You decide it is better to you hear the gushing sound of noxious
abruptly dies and you wait for your eyes head back. gas seeping into the corridor!
to adjust to the dark. You breathe a
Go to 154. Make a Constitution Ability Check!
deep sigh of relief and continue.
To head south and turn east, Go to If you succeed, Go to 230.
426. 250) Time: 1 minute If you fail, Go to 268.
To head north and turn east, Go to You are in the Black Blades hideout!
255. Roll 1d6 for luck. If you roll a 1, you
255) Time: 1 minute
are spotted by a Blade Thief and must
Go to 499. Otherwise, continue This short section of sewer runs east
246) An audible gasp falls over the reading. and west about 20 feet. At the east end,
meeting hall as the words sink in and it turns north. At the west end, it turns
This small room is outfitted with a
fear begins to spread. Turning to face south. There is very little slime and
cot and blanket and several personal
the crowd, the Guildmaster’s loud voice muck on the floor here, as though
effects. You find nothing else of value
brings hope. “We have one course of someone had recently cleaned it.
here and decide to leave.
action!” Turning to you, he explains. To head east and turn north, Go to
“We must unite the Guilds. The Fists Go to 321.
and the Blades must join to defeat this
To head west and turn south, Go to 10.
common enemy!” 251) Time: 4 minutes
Go to 260. After a thorough scan of the corridor, 256) Time: 2 minutes
you feel confident that there are no
traps in the vicinity. You wipe the muck You follow Guardsman Road to the
247) Time: 1 minute north for a short distance, until you
off your hands and take a step back to
You slip through the secret door and survey your options. Your heel lands on spot a City Watch patrol heading in
into the cave. You can hear what must a slightly elevated floor tile and you your direction. You decide that, under
be the Devil’s Fork River to the north. hear a loud click! A barrage of the circumstances, it is probably wise to
40 To head back into the Black Blades venomous barbs fly out of slits in the head south.
guild, Go to 7. walls and ceiling towards you! Go to 154.

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9

Brothers By Blood

257) Time: 2 minutes “We must take the fastest route to Advanced Game Combat: Orc (AC 6;
You are at a three-way intersection, your guild, and you must assure us of HD 1; HP 24; Damage 2d4)
with Narrow Lane running east and safe passage and parlay. Can you do If you defeat the Orc, Go to 443.
west, and a side alley heading south. this?” questions the Guildmaster.
Roll 1d8 for luck. If you roll a 1, Go “Aye, although I may not be
263) Time: 10 minutes
to 517. Otherwise, choose your path. welcomed when we arrive. On my life,
I shall do my best.” Once you arrive, you are pushed into a
To head east on Narrow Lane, Go to 507. cell and the door clangs shut behind you.
The Guildmaster orders a contingent
To head west on Narrow Lane,Go to 233. “Call for the Captain! He will want
of twenty swift and deadly thieves to
To head south through the alley, Go ready their bows and blades in prepara- to interrogate the prisoner!” orders the
to 398. man who dragged you into the cell. He
tion for the sprint to the halls of the
flashes you a sneering smile and heads
Shadowed Fist. He also places the
down the hall to prepare the
258) EP: 5 charge of his guild in the capable hands
questioning room. You have been in
of his council, with orders to fortify the
You spot a small trap inside the lock. this holding cell before, but not as a
doors and prepare the remaining men prisoner. You were sent here several
Any attempt to open this chest would
for the decisive battle. Turning back to months ago to rescue a fellow thief
result in a spray of acid from a small
you, he speaks. being held for questioning. If you can
reservoir inside.
Go to 213. get the cell door open, you know that a
Make a Thief Skill Check to remove
trash chute in the adjacent room will
the trap.
drop you down into the sewers. That is
If you succeed, Go to 211. 261) Time: 1 minute how you gained entrance to the
If you fail, Go to 316. The grate is not very heavy and you jailhouse to aid your ally. Now that
easily manage to lift it enough to allow will, hopefully, serve as your gateway to
you to crawl under it. There are several freedom once again.
259) Time: 1 minute iron rungs heading down into the Go to 220.
You are in the Black Blades hideout! darkness. You quietly climb down and
Roll 1d6 for luck. If you roll a 1, you allow your eyes a moment to adjust to
are spotted by a Blade Thief and must the dark. 264) After several moments, you are
Go to 499. Otherwise, continue confident that there is no one else
Go to 281. around.
You stand in a corridor running east To head east, Go to 306.
and west for some 70 feet. The eastern 262) Time: 1 minute To head west, Go to 130.
end turns south, but about 20 feet The green-skinned Orc slowly turns To head down the darkened alley to
before it does so, you see a door in the his head towards you and snarls, the south, Go to 291.
southern wall. The western end also stamping his foot on the ground. He
turns and heads south. Some 10 feet grunts a few words in your direction as
from the western end is an archway in he charges. Your grasp of the orcish 265) Time: 2 minutes EP: 10
the north wall, through which you see tongue is limited to dealings with half- Your killing stroke severs the Giant
another passage running north for 10 Orc pirates that frequent the many Rat’s spine. After a few spasmodic
feet before turning to the west. taverns in town, but you are pretty sure twitches, you are confident that you
To go east and open the door in the you understand his body language well have bested your foe. You examine the
southern wall, Go to 149. enough to know that he means you crates but, sadly, find nothing of value.
harm. In a flash, your blade is drawn to You head back through the archway.
To head east and turn south, passing
the door, Go to 362. counter his attack! He steps back, Go to 355.
spittle dripping from his jowls,
To go west and turn south, Go to 321.
brandishing a battle axe.
To go north through the archway, Go 266) Time: 5 minutes
Any time you try to escape, he blocks
to 440. You find yourself in a small market
your path.
square off the south side of Harbor
Basic Game Combat: You attack first. Road. To the north, Harbor Road runs
260) Time: 4 minutes Roll 1d20+1. You must roll a 12 or east and west. Across it, to the north-
Your bonds are quickly untied and the better to hit the Orc; if you hit, you deal west, you see the entrance to
Guildmaster clasps your right hand in 1d8+2 HP of damage. The Orc must Fiddleback Lane. Also, across the
his, placing his left hand on your roll an 11 or better on 1d20 to hit you; market, but to the northeast, you see
shoulder. His firm grip is powerful and if it hits, the Orc deals 2d4 HP of the entrance to Quickstep Alley. To the
reassuring. damage. The Orc has 24 Hit Points. south is a portion of the great harbor

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9


wall, lined with guard towers, that death. Certainly, I would know if a channel in the floor seems to be picking
encircles the Sinking Bay. You feel only Blade attempted such a thing.” up speed as it heads south. The
a small twinge of caution about Go to 437. corridor runs north and south approxi-
standing here below the towers, since mately 30 feet. At the south end, the
any guards in them will likely be corridor turns and heads east. There is
watching the harbor instead peering 268) Time: 8 minutes a door to the north.
into the shadows where you stand. Thick fumes pour into your lungs and To head south and turn east, Go to 40.
Still, you resolve to be careful. you immediately begin to vomit,
choking back the poison. You stumble To go through the door, Go to 315.
To leave the market’s northwest
corner onto Harbor Road, Go to 274. to the cold, slimy floor and struggle to
To leave the market’s northeast regain your footing. Tears welling in 272) EP: 10
corner onto Harbor Road, Go to 279. your eyes, you fight back the urge to
“Wait!” you cry, “I care not for my
slip into unconsciousness. You roll into
To follow the harbor wall around to own life but I would do anything to
the floor channel and squirm in the
the southwest, Go to 525. sewage, desperate for a breath of clean save my brother. On my way here I
To follow the harbor wall east, Go to 488. air. Finally, you are able to belly crawl found something that is of interest to
through the channel to safety where the both of us!” The Guildmaster again
you lie still for several minutes, hoping beckons for silence and allows you to
267) EP: 2 explain your findings. Swallowing hard,
to regain your strength. You lose 12 hit
“Wait!” you cry, “I care not for my points. When you are able, you stand you compose your thoughts and explain
own life but I would do anything to on the platform and head west, away what you saw.
save my brother. On my way here I from this infernal stretch of corridor. “I examined the body of the assassin
found something that is of interest to before I left. I am not certain he was a
Go to 81.
the both of us!” The Guildmaster again Black Blade as he did not have the
beckons for silence and allows you to Thieves’ Brand on his arm!” The
explain your findings. Swallowing hard, 269) EP: 5 Guildmaster seems surprisingly inter-
you compose your thoughts and explain Sweat pours down your brow as your ested in your comments. He leans in
what you saw. slender fingers coax the lock into close and whispers “Are you certain?
“In my pouch you will find a token submission. Your fingers, trembling Was there any marking?”
that I took from those that stood in my with fear and excitement, nearly drop You emphatically shake your head
way this night.” With a look and a the picks, but you manage to retain your
‘no,’ sensing that perhaps this informa-
gesture, the Guildmaster orders a thief grip. Within seconds, the lock is sprung
tion might spare your life for the time
to empty the contents of your pouch and you bolt from the cell. You grab
and hand him such a token. He being. “Is that all you found? Not all
your long sword from the table and
carefully studies it for several moments thieves adhere to the branding code,
sprint to the next room. Fortune smiles
before speaking. but clearly your guild, as well as our
up you and you make it undetected. As
own, follow its precepts,” states the
“This is not a mercenary token, at you slide down the garbage chute into
the filth below Zoa, you cannot help but Guildmaster, exposing his own arm and
least not that I am familiar with. We
smile as you think of the tongue-lashing the black dagger permanently inked
have found similar tokens on a party of
the guard will get when the Captain there.
Hobgoblins that strayed too close to our
back door. Your token bears the sigil of arrives to interrogate you! “In my pouch you will find a token
the Shadowed Fist. The tokens we Go to 62. that I took from those that stood in my
found near our very gates bore the sigil way this night,” you say. With a look
of the Black Blades. No, perhaps they and a gesture, the Guildmaster orders a
are not tokens. I think they are troop 270) Time: 1 minute thief to empty the contents of your
movement markers, used to position This 20’ by 20’ room contains broken pouch and hand him such a token. He
soldiers. Have you anything else?” crates and casks. There is an archway carefully studies it for several moments
“In my pouch you will find a letter. I in the south wall. before speaking.
found it on my way here. I do not If you heard the scratching or discov- “This is not a mercenary token, at
entirely understand its meaning, but it ered the puddle nearby, Go to 289. least not that I am familiar with. We
is signed by my Guildmaster.” The If you did not, Go to 335. have found similar tokens on a party of
Blades Guildmaster studies the letter Hobgoblins that strayed too close to
very carefully before rendering a our back door. Your token bears the
decision. 271) Time: 3 minutes sigil of the Shadowed Fist, while the
“This letter would seem to indicate This area smells noticeably fresher tokens we found near our very gates
42 that we are not to blame. I can assure than the rest of the sewers and the bore the sigil of the Black Blades. No,
you that we did not order your brother’s stream of filth flowing down the perhaps they are not tokens. I think

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9

Brothers By Blood

they are troop movement markers, used To head west on Harbor Road,Go to 395. whip past your head and strike the
to position soldiers.” To head southeast into the square, Orcs, one in the belly and one in the
“Wait, that is not all,” you continue. Go to 266. groin.
“There is a letter in my pouch. I found To lift the iron grate and enter the Confidently, you leap from your
it on my way here. I do not entirely foul depths of the Zoan sewer network, defensive position and weave a deadly
understand the meaning of it, but it is Go to 261. pattern with your blade, knowing that
signed by my Guildmaster.” The Fellik will cover you with his crossbow.
Guildmaster studies the letter very Blood spurts from fresh wounds as your
carefully before rendering a decision. 275) Time: 4 minutes blade slashes at throats and knee
“This letter does indeed bear the This section of DockMarket Lane tendons. More black bolts rain from
name of your Guildmaster. However, runs east and west. To the west, behind you and, in a few moments,
he is not the author. His name appears DockMarket Lane meets Fiddleback your foes have fallen.
at the bottom because he is the intended Lane running north and south. To the
You turn back to thank Fellik for his
target! It would appear that whoever east, DockMarket Lane meets Coin
fine marksmanship, but instead see a
attacked your brother was supposed to Lane, also running north and south. In
very familiar face.
strike your Guildmaster! Nevertheless, between Fiddleback and Coin,
this is not our doing. I can assure you however, is the Boar’s Tusk Tavern, Go to 344.
that we did not order your brother’s where you worked your trade only
death. Certainly, I would know if a yesterday. How long ago that now
278) Time: 2 minutes EP: 5
Blade attempted such a thing.” seems! As you approach the warm
glow of the tavern, two members of the Beads of sweat drip from your brow
Go to 400.
City Watch step through the doors! as you kneel to study the flash pot
frame. You have tried this sort of thing
Make a Thief Skill Check to hide in
273) Time: 3 minutes the shadows. once, and that was with a deactivated
You find yourself with another choice pot. Everything had gone smoothly, for
If you succeed, Go to 223. the most part. Any wrong movement
of direction. A path along the harbor
wall curves northeast and southwest If you fail, Go to 477. could result in disaster. You gently twist
around the eastern Sinking Bay, and a and tug and the pot comes free! You
small path marked as “Narrow Lane” breathe a sigh of relief and gently bind
276) Time: 1 minute
leads through the buildings to the west. the flash pot with a strip of leather,
The door is locked! preventing any unwanted detonation
Both paths west and southwest place
you deep in the territory of the Black Make a Thief Skill Check to open the before you continue down the corridor.
Blades. lock. To head west towards the intersec-
To head northeast along the harbor If you succeed, Go to 310. tion, Go to 35.
wall, Go to 525. If you fail, you give up, and Go to 112. To head back through the portcullis,
To head southwest along the harbor Go to 62.
wall, Go to 135.
277) Suddenly, an enemy spear flies
To head west along Narrow Lane, Go through the darkness and narrowly 279) Time: 3 minutes
to 507. misses Fellik! He ducks though the
You find yourself on Harbor Road,
entry while you stop to drag three
heading east and west. You see a dark
wounded thieves inside, as another
274) Time: 2 minutes alley heading north, with a small
spear clanks into the stones near the
You are at an intersection with entrance. Desperate to help your allies, wooden sign marking it as Quickstep
Fiddleback Lane running north and you ignore the danger and pull your Alley. Only slightly southwest of you,
Harbor Road heading east and west. friends to safety. Once they are inside on Harbor Road, you see a small
There is a large sewer grate near the the guild, you draw your sword and square. Here, the daylight hours find
northern edge of the street. Only prepare to defend your home. tiny market stalls, busy merchants and
slightly southeast of you, on Harbor (hopefully) happy customers. At night,
There are four Orcs charging straight
Road, you see a small square. Here, the of course, it is deserted.
at you! You grit your teeth and brace
daylight hours find tiny market stalls, You also spot a shadowy figure on a
for the charge. You feel the whoosh of
busy merchants and (hopefully) happy
crossbow bolts flying past your head distant building to the south, obviously
customers. At night, of course, it is
towards the Orcs and silently thank traversing the buildings via the
Fellik for his good aim. Two Orcs fall, rooftops. You remind yourself that you
To go north on Fiddleback Lane, Go black bolts embedded in their chests. are in Black Blades territory now and
to 320. The other two stop and snarl, their you wait for the thief to continue on his
To head east on Harbor Road, Go to 279. courage suddenly tested. More bolts way before you continue on yours.

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9


To head north on Quickstep Alley, 283) Time: 2 minutes EP: 50 To head east and enter the door in the
Go to 523. You last stroke cleaves the Snake in north wall, Go to 3.
To head west on Harbor Road,Go to 274. two! With nothing else of interest To head north and turn to the west,
To head east on Harbor Road, Go to 103. here, you decide to leave. Go to 111.

To head southwest into the square, To use the door in the south wall, Go
Go to 266. to 241. 287) Time: 1 minute
To use the eastern door and return to You are in the Black Blades hideout!
the corridor, Go to 42. Roll 1d6 for luck. If you roll a 1, you
280) Time: 4 minutes
are spotted by a Blade Thief and must
This section of sewer is noticeably Go to 499. Otherwise, continue
284) Time: 2 minutes
darker than the rest. Wary of traps that reading.
might be set here, you carefully You stand in a dank corner with one
corridor heading south and another This 40-foot-long hallway runs east
examine the walls and floor as you
west. Looking west you see a door in and west. Some 10 feet from the
explore this 50-foot-long section of the
the north wall about 10 feet away. western dead end, there is a door in
Around 20 feet further west is a four- both the north and south walls. You
Make a Thief Skill Check to find can hear many voices coming from the
way intersection. The southern
traps, adding a 10% penalty to your roll door in the north wall. At the east end,
corridor, after about 30 feet, continues
due to the darkness. this hallway turns and heads north.
south or branches off west.
If you succeed, Go to 332. To enter the north door, Go to 100.
To take the southern corridor, Go to 126.
If you fail, Go to 254. To enter the south door, Go to 407.
To head west to the four-way inter-
section, Go to 140. To head east and turn north, Go to 362.
281) Time: 1 minute To open the door, Go to 200.
The sewer corridor runs north and 288) Time: 1 minute
south approximately 30 feet. There is 285) Time: 3 minutes EP: 35 You examine the east wall and it
also a door at the southern end. To the appears quite normal. You head back
north, the sewer turns and heads west. The Hobgoblin is no match for your
skill with a blade. A quick stroke nicks through the door and into the corridor.
Directly above you is a large sewer grate
his throat and blood pours freely from a Go to 226.
leading to the streets above. Several
deep gash. He drops his club to clutch
rusted rungs scale the wall up to the
his throat, and you end his misery with
grate. 289) Time: 2 minutes
a quick thrust between his ribs. What
To open the south door, Go to 232. business a Hobgoblin has in these You have a strong suspicion that there
To head north and turn west, Go to 418. sewers, you do not know. Whatever the is some creature hidden in this room.
case, he can answer questions no longer. Clinging to the shadows, your wait is
To climb through the grate, Go to 75.
You search his belongings and find 2 rewarded when you spot a glimmer of
gold coins. With nothing else of movement coming from behind a box
282) Time: 3 minutes interest in the room, you head back to of crates. The silence is broken by loud
the corridor. sniffing sounds as the largest rat you
This section of river is only about 50
Go to 315. have ever seen lumbers towards a
feet long. The east and west ends are
broken crate filled with dried meats. It
blocked by a huge iron portcullis with
seems so intent on its meal that it does
bars the size of your arm. Several of the
286) Time: 1 minute not notice you!
portcullis bars to the east are bent out
of position, allowing someone to slip in You are at a four-way intersection. If you would like to attack the Giant
and out. The bars to the west seem Looking east, the corridor ends after 20 Rat, you may attempt a backstab on
quite new as though they were recently feet, with a door on the far end of the your first attack. See the Rules chapter
replaced. Fortunately, you spot a small northern wall. To the west, the corridor for more information on special
cave in the south wall, just above the ends after 20 feet, but no door is visible backstab rules.
water, with enough room for you to – you note that it looks like an uncom- Basic Game Combat: You attack first.
crawl through. pleted passage. To the north, the Roll 1d20+1. You must roll an 11 or
corridor ends after 20 feet and turns better to hit the Giant Rat; if you hit,
To crawl through the cave, Go to 9. west. To the south, you spot another you deal 1d8+2 HP of damage. The
To ride the currents downstream and four-way intersection roughly 30 feet Giant Rat must roll a 13 or better on
return to where you entered the river, add away. 1d20 to hit you; if it hits, the Giant Rat
44 4 minutes to your time and Go to 30. To head south to the next intersec- deals 1d6-2 HP of damage. The Giant
tion, Go to 181. Rat has 11 Hit Points.

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9

Brothers By Blood

Advanced Game Combat: Giant Rat To head east along DockMarket If you already found the secret of the
(AC 7; HD <1-1; HP 11; Damage Lane, Go to 306. east wall, Go to 385.
1d6-2) If you would like to enter the door in
To head west along DockMarket
If you defeat the Giant Rat, Go to 265. Lane, Go to 130. the north wall, Go to 226.
If you escape, or would rather sneak
out of this room, Go to 355.
293) Time: 1 minute 294) Time: 2 minutes
This small room has a door in the You bolt into the corridor and start to
290) Time: 2 minutes head north, surprised that your foes
north wall and seems suspiciously clean
Near the darkened building is a compared to the rest of the sewer. have not caught you. Then, surpris-
plaque dedicated to sailors who have ingly, you hear the southwest door slam
Looking down, you spot several dried
lost their lives in the defense of Zoa. shut. You come to a halt and look
footprints heading across the room
The thought of your brother’s mortality around. The corridor is empty! It
towards the east wall. Strangely, there
resting upon your shoulders sends a appears that your enemy also decided to
shiver down your spine and you turn to is no door. You suspect there must be a
secret here. (Finding the way to open a make a hasty retreat!
leave. As you spin around, your jaw
drops in amazement! Standing before secret door is much like detecting a To re-enter the room to the east, Go
you is a stout dwarf! Judging by his trap.) to 472.
worn leather armor, he might be some Make a Thief Skill Check to detect To enter the northwest door, Go to 8.
sort of mercenary or other fighter. His traps. To enter the southwest door, Go to 15.
rag-like clothes are splotched with
blood and dark cuts and bruises adorn If you succeed, Go to 252.
his dirty skin. If you fail, Go to 288.
“Thought I was alone out here,” you
mutter, more to yourself than to the
The dwarf merely looks at you, his
bloody hands clasped about his middle,
making no move to speak.
Go to 225.

291) Time: 1 minute

You carefully head into the darkened
alley. After a few dozen feet, it turns
and heads east. As you round the
corner, the comfortable silence is
broken by a loud voice!
Go to 477.

292) Time: 3 minutes

Expecting to find someone in this
alley, you inch your way into the
darkness. Your efforts are rewarded
when you spot three members of the
City Watch standing near the corner,
gazing in your direction. You crouch,
like a cat ready to pounce, waiting to
see if they spotted you. After a few
moments, they turn around and face
eastward. Your luck is with you this
night! However, the alley is far too
narrow to allow you to slip past them
unnoticed, so you decide to head back.

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9


295) Time: 6 minutes Guildmaster picks up the brooch holds 300) Time: 3 minutes
You are quietly walking down the it close, carefully examining the black- This hallway runs north and south
Ivory Crawl when you spot a search ened clasp. After a few tense seconds, approximately 40 feet. At the south
lantern to the east! You quickly dart his voice breaks the silence. end, the corridor turns and heads west.
into the shadows and pray to Miazaar “This is not one of ours. We etch a At the north end, the corridor turns
that you are not spotted. You wait for small identification sigil on the back and heads east. There are several very
what feels like an eternity as the City and this has no such sigil. I fear it is a dead Orcs sprawled on the floor along
Watch approaches. forgery. If the assassin wore this, then most of the length of this corridor.
Make a Thief Skill Check to hide in he was not a member of this guild! Several of the corpses have deep acid
the shadows! If you fail, the City Therefore, I can assure you that we did burns on their flesh. Some are missing
Watch scans the street with their not order your brother’s death. limbs and in some cases, even entire
Certainly, I would know if one of the sections of their bodies appear to have
lantern and the light falls squarely on
Blades had attempted such a thing.” dissolved away.
your shadowy form, and you must Go
to 477. Go to 437. To head south and turn west, Go to 255.
If you succeed, the Watch passes you To head north and turn east, Go to 209.
by. Once they are long gone, you may
297) Time: 1 minute
continue on your way.
301) EP:5
This section corridor runs east and
To head east, Go to 136.
west for 25 feet, turning to head south “Wait!” you cry, “I care not for my
To head west, Go to 196. at the western end. At the eastern end own life but I would do anything to
is the portcullis. There are two save my brother. On my way here I
doorways in the northern wall, but the found something that is of interest to
296) EP: 2
east doorway is missing its door. the both of us!” The Guildmaster again
“Wait!” you cry, “I care not for my beckons for silence and allows you to
own life but I would do anything to To slip back through the portcullis at
explain your findings. Swallowing hard,
save my brother. On my way here I the east end, Go to 86. you compose your thoughts and explain
found something that is of interest to To head west and turn south, Go to 88. what you saw.
the both of us!” The Guildmaster again To open the west door, Go to 124. “I examined the body of the assassin
beckons for silence and allows you to
To go through the east doorway, Go before I left. I am not certain he was a
explain your findings. Swallowing
to 55. Black Blade as he did not have the
hard, you compose your thoughts and Thieves’ Brand on his arm!” The
explain what you saw. Guildmaster seems surprisingly inter-
“In my pouch you will find a token 298) Time: 2 minutes ested in your comments. He leans in
that I took from those that stood in my You follow DockMarket Lane to the close and whispers, “Are you certain?
way this night.” With a look and a west. In the distance ahead, you see the Was there any marking?”
gesture, the Guildmaster orders a thief western wall of Zoa, with its many You emphatically shake your head
to empty the contents of your pouch ‘no,’ sensing that perhaps this informa-
guard towers. You decide it is better to
and hand him such a token. He tion might spare your life for the time
head back.
carefully studies it for several moments being. “Is that all you found? Not all
before rendering a decision. Go to 130.
thieves adhere to the Branding Code
“This is not a mercenary token, at but clearly your guild, as well as our
least not that I am familiar with. We 299) Time: 3 minutes own, follow its precepts,” states the
have found similar tokens on a party of You are at a three-way intersection Guildmaster, exposing his own arm and
Hobgoblins that strayed too close to our the black dagger permanently inked
where the Ivory Crawl runs east and
back door. Your token bears the sigil of there.
west and Bone Alley heads south. To
the Shadowed Fist. The tokens we You continue with your defense. “In
the east, the Ivory Crawl ends shortly
found near our very gates bore the sigil my pouch you will find a token that I
after the Ivory Privy, a high-class tavern
of the Black Blades. No, perhaps they took from those that stood in my way
and bathhouse. You know that not far
are not tokens. I think they are troop this night.” With a look and a gesture,
beyond that building is the harbor.
movement markers, used to position the Guildmaster orders a thief to empty
Surely, nothing worthwhile to your
soldiers. Have you anything else?” the contents of your pouch and hand
quest can come of going east.
“I found a brooch belonging to a him such a token. He carefully studies
To head south on Bone Alley, Go to 25. it for several moments before rendering
Black Blade on the assassin’s body! If
you look, it is in my pouch. You tell me To head west on the Ivory Crawl, Go a decision.
46 that your guild is not responsible, yet to 523. “This is not a mercenary token, at
how can you deny this?” The least not that I am familiar with. We

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9

Brothers By Blood

have found similar tokens on a party of Within seconds, it is answered and the To head east, Go to 322.
Hobgoblins that strayed too close to door opens. A surprised thief peers To head west, Go to 113.
our back door. Your token bears the through the opening and greets you.
sigil of the Shadowed Fist, while the “What were you doing in the sewers?
tokens we found near our very gates The Guildmaster has been calling for 306) Time: 5 minutes
bore the sigil of the Black Blades. No, you. In a few moments, we march to You pad softly along DockMarket
perhaps they are not tokens. I think battle! He assumed you had run off to Lane, remembering that there is a City
they are troop movement markers, used grieve for Orin. He will be quite inter- Watch jailhouse not far from here.
to position soldiers.” ested to know that you have returned!” Naturally, you take every precaution as
“That is not all,” you continue. “In my “I have had no time for grieving this you make your way in the moonlight.
pouch you will find a Black Blades night, although if I do not hurry, my At one point, you hear something
brooch, taken off the assassin’s body! efforts may be in vain. I must return to moving to the west, so you slip between
You tell me that your guild is not my brother’s side!” you reply as you run two buildings and wait in the darkness.
responsible, yet how can you deny this?” past the guard and into the hideout. A soft crash to the west draws your
With a look and a gesture, the gaze, but still there is nothing to be
As you near Orin’s chambers, Fellik
Guildmaster orders a thief to empty the seen. Rather than risk being caught,
steps from the room with a bowl of
contents of your pouch and hand the you remain hidden for several tense
water and several towels. He nearly
brooch to the Guildmaster. He holds it minutes.
drops them in amazement when he sees
close, carefully examining the black- you approaching. Fearful of wasting any more time, you
ened clasp. After a few tense seconds, peer around the shop and see what has
“Well met, my friend! Tell me, did
his voice breaks the silence. forced you into hiding: a sleek, black
you manage to find the antidote?” he
“This is not one of ours. We etch a inquires. and white cat carrying a mouse in its
small identification sigil on the back small jaws, its feet padding along the
Go to 313. street towards you. The cat pauses and
and this has no such sigil. I fear it is a
forgery. If the assassin wore this, then stares at you for a moment, assessing
he was not a member of this guild! 304) Time: 6 minutes the risk that you might pose to it or to
Therefore, I can assure you that we did its dinner. You breathe a sigh of relief
This long corridor runs about 70 feet
not order your brother’s death. and give the cat an acknowledging
east and west. To the east, it turns and
Certainly, I would know if one of the wink before emerging from the
heads north. To the west, it turns and
Blades had attempted such a thing.” shadows while the cat continues
heads south. There are three doors in
Go to 400. the south wall. You think to yourself towards its home.
that this would be an ideal location for To head east on DockMarket Lane,
302) Time: 1 minute a good trap. Go to 11.

You push open the door to this small Make a Thief Skill Check to find a To head west on DockMarket Lane,
room and come face to face with a trap. Go to 89.
Hobgoblin! He grins wickedly at you If you succeed, Go to 338.
and attacks with a morning star! If you fail, Go to 251. 307) Time: 6 minutes
Basic Game Combat: You attack first. This stretch of Goodfellows Lane is
Roll 1d20+1. You must roll a 13 or lined with homes and shops. As you
305) Time: 5 minutes
better to hit the Hobgoblin; if you hit, pass one building, a dog begins barking
you deal 1d8+2 HP of damage. The You find yourself on Tavern Alley, so
from behind a wooden fence. You
Hobgoblin must roll a 10 or better on named because of the preponderance of
cannot see the dog, but he can certainly
1d20 to hit you; if it hits, the drinking establishments that grace its
smell your presence! You hope to sneak
Hobgoblin deals 2d4 HP of damage. path. The warm glow of fire beckons
by unnoticed, but soon hear the
The Hobgoblin has 25 Hit Points. from frosted windows. The taverns are
approach of a City Watch patrol to the
still busy at this time of night. If the
Advanced Game Combat: Hobgoblin west. You jump over a large rain barrel
situation were different, perhaps you
(AC 5; HD 1+; HP 25; Damage 2d4) and hide in the shadows as the patrol
and your brother would be sharing a
If you defeat the Hobgoblin, Go to 285. approaches. When they arrive, they
mug of ale next to the fire while you
recount the details of your mission. survey the area for a few minutes, and
If you escape, Go to 315.
However, tonight there will be no conclude that whatever startled the dog
revelry, not until you have completed is long gone. After they continue on
303) Time: 3 minutes EP: 10 your quest. There are a few people their patrol, you emerge from your
With a triumphant sigh, you wipe the milling about in the streets in front of hiding place.
muck from your face and give the several taverns, and you are careful to If you previously helped the dwarf in
knocking code on the secret door. avoid being spotted. the worn leather armor, Go to 331. Do

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9


not choose this result more than once, washed ashore and they answered our elapsed time. Perhaps good deeds do
even if you pass by here again. hails with arrows! So pass the word to have their own reward, after all.
Otherwise, to head east, Go to 525. the rest of the men to be on their Go to 101.
To head west, Go to 438.
One of the men trots off down the
street while the other two step back and 313) With relief, you hand an item to
308) Time: 2 minutes the man with the pouch comes to rest Fellik. Check your character sheet.
This small room is empty, save for a against a street post. From your If you hand him the clear, bitter-
few cobwebs. You head back to the vantage point, you can clearly see the smelling liquid, Go to 503.
corridor. pouch, holding the tokens the man If you hand him anything else, Go to 191.
mentioned, dangling invitingly from
Go to 50.
his hip.
314) Time: 1 minute
To try to steal the pouch, Go to 498.
309) Time: 5 minutes This door is locked!
If you would rather not risk stealing the
You slowly creep through the pouch, you slip away south to a dark alley Make a Thief Skill Check to open the
darkness, your hands feeling their wall running east and west, and Go to 494. lock.
along the wall. After 30 feet, you If you succeed, Go to 219.
notice a door in the north wall. The
corridor also continues to the east. 312) Time: 3 minutes EP: 5 If you fail, you are unable to open this
door, and Go to 412.
Make a Wisdom Ability Check. You stretch out your hand to the
wounded fellow, holding the item of
If you succeed, Go to 57.
healing in your hand. “Don’t worry,” 315) Time: 5 minutes
If you fail, Go to 325. you say. “I will help you.” The dwarf
This corridor seems to run about 55
smiles and, as his hand touches yours,
feet east and west. At the western end,
he vanishes into a fine mist. You take a
310) Time: 5 minutes EP: 5 it turns and heads north. To the east,
step back, shocked at what you have
Your skilled hands guide the picks to the corridor appears to end. There are
just seen. You glance all around for the
the tumblers and position them. With two doors in the south wall, each about
dwarf, but you are alone.
a flourish, you turn the lock and the 10 feet from either end of the corridor.
Then, as you step forward, your foot
door opens! This large room appears to To head west and turn north, Go to 53.
kicks a small, soft object wrapped in
have once served as a relief area for the To open the west door, Go to 271.
rags similar to the robes of the myste-
sewer crews, but judging by the fine
rious dwarf. You bend down to pick it To enter the east door, Go to 302.
layer of dust blanketing everything, it is
up. Unwrapping it, you find a strange To investigate the far eastern end of
doubtful that anyone has been here for
stone key. Taking the key in your hand,
some time. A quick search reveals a this corridor, Go to 82.
you begin to get dizzy. You stumble
sealed cask. You break it open, and find
against a nearby wall, sure that you have
it full of refreshing water. You may
been poisoned. Then, without warning, 316) Time: 2 minutes
spend 10 minutes here to heal 6 HP.
both the dizziness and the key vanish. Everything appears safe so you open
When you are ready to leave, Go to 112.
If you are playing the Basic Game, the chest. Suddenly a glob of acid
you look down to find a well-wrapped spurts out of the lock and lands on your
311) Time: 5 minutes bundle at your feet. Opening it, you hand! The acid sears your skin for 6
Keeping yourself in the shadows, you find a healing potion (heals up to 12 points of damage! You wince in pain
move closer to the men and listen HP). Record what you find on your and examine the contents of the chest.
carefully. character sheet. You may use the Inside you find 30 gold pieces! You
potion now, or place it in your pack for place the coins in your pouch and leave
“Aye, what you say is true! I have the later. You may only use it once. the room.
tokens here in my pouch!” exclaims one
of the men, patting a leather pouch If you are playing the Advanced Go to 412.
stuffed under his belt. Game, you may take the potion OR
choose to roll 1d10 instead. On a roll
“So it is true! I heard there were Orc of 1-3, you magically regain 10 minutes 317) Time: 6 minutes
mercenaries spotted in the harbor, but I on your elapsed time. On a roll of 4-6, Guardsman Road runs north and
thought it was nothing more than a you magically regain 15 minutes on south. Along the western side of the
drunken hallucination.” your elapsed time. On a roll of 7-9, you road, you spot a building that serves as
“Yes, I helped Aergaar dispatch two magically regain 20 minutes on your a barracks for members of the city
48 of the nasty dogs! We stopped them elapsed time. On a roll of 10, you militia. It would be very unwise to alert
for questioning when their small craft magically regain 30 minutes on your them to your presence. In a matter of

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9

Brothers By Blood

seconds, you would have a dozen or To head east on the Ivory Crawl, Go but there are two doors on the west wall
more armed men to deal with. As such, to 119. and one door in the east wall at the far
you move as efficiently and silently as To head west on the Ivory Crawl, Go end of that hallway. To the north, the
you deem appropriate. Twice you hide to 136. hallway runs about 20 feet before
in the shadows as men enter and leave turning to the east. Facing east, you
To head north on Fiddleback Lane, weigh your options.
the barracks. The going is certainly
Go to 322.
slow and you will be glad to be rid of To go east and enter the near door on
this place. You know that there is an To head south on Fiddleback Lane, the northern wall, Go to 359.
intersection to the south where the Go to 274. To go east and enter the far door on
twisting Ivory Crawl alley heads east the northern wall, Go to 206.
and west off Guardsman. 321) Time: 1 minute To go east and enter the near door on
To head north, Go to 130. the southern wall, Go to 318.
You are in the Black Blades hideout!
To head south towards the intersec- Roll 1d6 for luck. If you roll a 1, you To go east and enter the far door on
are spotted by a Blade Thief and must the southern wall, Go to 408.
tion, Go to 196.
Go to 499. Otherwise, continue To go south and enter the far door on
reading. the eastern wall, Go to 250.
318) Time: 1 minute To go south and enter the near door
You are at a four-way intersection. To
You are in the Black Blades hideout! on the western wall, Go to 447.
the east, the hallway ends after 20 feet.
Roll 1d6 for luck. If you roll a 1, you There are two sets of doors in both the To go south and enter the far door on
are spotted by a Blade Thief and must north and south side of that hallway. the western wall, Go to 388.
Go to 499. Otherwise, continue To the west, the hallway extends at least To head down the hallway to the
reading. 40 feet before appearing to end. To the west, Go to 7.
This small room is outfitted with a south, the hallway ends after 20 feet, To head north and east, Go to 259.
cot and blanket and several personal
effects. You find nothing else of value
here and leave.
Go to 321.

319) Time: 2 minutes EP: 5

You examine the gruesome remnants
and conclude that these are the remains
of a Hobgoblin warrior. While not
uncommon in other lands, you have
never heard of one roaming the Zoan
sewers. Worse, where there is one,
there may be others.
You decide to head back to the inter-
section, and Go to 214.

320) Time: 6 minutes

You stand at a four-way intersection,
with a long stretch of the Ivory Crawl
running east and west, and Fiddleback
Lane running north and south. You
hear a City Watch patrol approaching so
you scurry into a shadowy alcove and
wait for them to pass. After they have
gone past your position, you continue on
your way. There is a heavy sewer grate
cover on the south side of the street.
To open the sewer grate cover, make a
Strength Ability Check! If you succeed,
Go to 84.

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9


322) Time: 4 minutes To enter the door on the north wall, advancing! One of the blobs shoots out
You find yourself standing in Go to 104. a tentacle and strikes you for 12 points
Fiddleback Lane, heading north and To head east into the darkness, Go to 61. of damage! You wince as the acid secre-
south. You hide behind several rain tions burn into your flesh. You are
To head back to the western intersec- clearly no match for this foe. Your only
barrels while a City Watch patrol tion, Go to 53.
passes. After the men have passed, you hope is to make a run for it! The Ochre
emerge from your hiding place and 326) Time: 3 minutes Jelly now blocks the corridor to the
continue. You turn over several of the crates, north, so you head south and turn east.
To head north on Fiddleback Lane, looking for anything of interest. Go to 426.
Go to 11. Nothing much seems to catch your eye
except for the coiled Snake under the
To go south on Fiddleback Lane, Go 331) Time: 1 minute
last crate! The Snake hisses and strikes
to 320. Suddenly, out of the corner of your
at you!
To go east through Tavern Alley, Go eye, you think you spy the image of the
Basic Game Combat: You attack first.
to 77. armored dwarf fighter you helped
Roll 1d20+1. You must roll a 12 or
To head west through Tavern Alley, earlier. Still, you are not sure. The
better to hit the Snake; if you hit, you
Go to 305. figure vanished so suddenly you believe
deal 1d8+2 HP of damage. The Snake
it might have been a trick of your
must roll a 9 or better on 1d20 to hit imagination. Then, as you step
323) Time: 1 minute you; if it hits, the Snake deals 1d4 HP forward, your foot kicks a small, soft
of damage. The Snake has 30 Hit object. You bend down to pick it up.
As you head down the corridor, you Points.
are suddenly aware of a burning sensa- Roll 1d10. On a roll of 1-3, you find
tion on the back of your neck. You Advanced Game Combat: Snake (AC some healing ointment and bandages
reach back and feel a mucous-like blob 6; HD 2; HP 30; Damage 1d4) (heals up to 5 HP). On a roll of 4-6,
dripping onto your skin. Looking up, If you defeat the Snake, Go to 283. you find a well-wrapped vial containing
you see an enormous green-yellow If you escape, you use the door in the healing potion (heals up to 10 HP).
amoeba, at least 10 feet across, clinging eastern wall, and Go to 42. On a roll of 7-9, you find a well-
to the ceiling. Before you can move, the wrapped healing potion (heals up to 12
entire blob detaches and drops, covering HP). On a roll of 10, you find 20 gold
you in a shower of digesting jelly! 327) Time: 2 minutes coins and a healing potion (heals up to
You run forward, slipping out from You stand at the intersection of 12 HP). Perhaps good deeds do have
under the Ochre Jelly. As you regain Harbor Road running east and west their own reward, after all.
your feet, you hurl a dagger at the blob, while Guardsman Road heads north. Record what you find on your
hoping for the best. Instead, the dagger To go north, Go to 43. character sheet. You may use the
merely slices off a small chunk of jelly, ointment or potion now, or place it in
To head east, Go to 373. your pack for later. You may only use it
which seems begins moving towards you!
To head west, Go to 29. once.
If you listened to the Orcs’ conversa-
tion, Go to 21. To head east on Goodfellows Lane,
If you did not listen to the Orcs, Go 328) You know that the east wall is Go to 525.
to 330. actually a secret door! To head west on Goodfellows Lane,
To head east through the door, enter Go to 438.
324) Time: 3 minutes EP: 30 and Go to 72.
Warm blood drips from your blade as Otherwise, Go to 468. 332) Time: 2 minutes
you impale the last Giant Rat. After a Stretching across the floor like a thin
few dying twitches, you extract your 329) Time: 1 minute EP: 2 strand of silk is a tripwire. You trace it
blade and clean it on their coarse fur. back to the walls and find a tiny hole.
At the end of this 40-foot-long The lock seems rather difficult but You are not sure what sort of trap this
corridor, you spot the partially you finally manage to coax it open. might be and you decide to leave it
consumed remains of a Hobgoblin Go to 293. alone. You step over the wire and take
warrior. You quickly head back to the a few cautious steps into the darkness.
intersection. Suddenly your foot strikes something
330) Time: 1 minute firm and your body freezes in fear. You
Go to 140.
You draw your sword and slash at the reach down and examine the object you
Ochre Jelly, your stroke cleaving clean kicked to discover that it is the body of
50 325) You stand in the darkness, through its liquid body. Both halves a Hobgoblin! A sudden chill spreads
pondering your next move. quiver for a moment and then continue over your body and you think it would

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9

Brothers By Blood

be wise for you leave this corridor often given tokens to serve as a The Fists had a large store of venom,
before you find out what killed the reminder of their loyalties. But why capable of paralyzing a man for hours.
Hobgoblin. You quickly scurry back to would these Orcs be working for the The resident vermin would likely
the west. Guildmaster? Surely, he would have consume anyone unfortunate enough to
Go to 81. made the guild aware of this arrange- be paralyzed down here in the sewers!
ment. At least he would have told your You sidestep the trap and continue on
333) Time: 2 minutes brother, and Orin would most certainly your way.
You carefully search the lock and inform you. What other secrets might To head east and turn north, Go to 17.
hinges for any sign of a trap mechanism. the Guildmaster be keeping and who
was this man in the other room? With To approach the three doors, Go to 4.
Make a Thief Skill Check to find a
trap. your sword drawn, you quietly dart To head west and turn south, passing
after the two Orcs, whom you see carry the doors, Go to 36.
If you succeed, Go to 258.
hand axes. Before they reach the door,
If you fail, Go to 316. you are upon them!
339) Time: 2 minutes
You may attempt a backstab upon one
Even a skilled thief can stumble from
334) Time: 1 minute Orc. Because they are so preoccupied
time to time. You insert a tool to try to
You instinctively jump backwards just with their predicament, you need only
flick the dart out of harms way and
as a sticky strand of rope lands at your make one Thief Skill Check to see if
instead you bump the spring. The dart
feet. Even in the darkness you can you can move silently into killing range.
digs into your palm and begins to burn
make out the two rows of eyes staring See the Rules chapter for information
with poison! You lose 2d4 hit points.
at you as the Giant Spider attacks! on the special backstab rules.
At least you can open the lock now.
Whenever the Giant Spider scores a Basic Game Combat: You attack first.
Make a Thief Skill Check to open the
successful hit, make a Constitution Roll 1d20+1. You must roll a 12 or
Ability Check. If you succeed, the better to hit either Orc; if you hit, you
deal 1d8+2 HP of damage. Each Orc If you succeed, Go to 178.
Giant Spider deals damage as normal.
If you fail, you take an additional 1d6 must roll an 11 or better on 1d20 to hit If you fail, you breathe a deep,
points of damage from the Giant you; if it hits, the Orc deals 1d6 HP of frustrated sigh and head back to the
Spider’s poison. damage. Each Orc has 24 Hit Points. intersection, as you Go to 181.
Basic Game Combat: You attack first. Advanced Game Combat: Orc (AC 6;
Roll 1d20+1. You must roll a 14 or HD 1; HP 24; Damage 1d6)
340) Time: 2 minutes EP: 5
better to hit the Giant Spider; if you If you defeat the two Orcs, Go to 471.
You run your hands over the east wall
hit, you deal 1d8+2 HP of damage. If you escape, Go to 294. and realize that with the slightest
The Giant Spider must roll a 7 or
pressure, the wall shifts inward. You
better on 1d20 to hit you; if it hits, the
337) Time: 1 minute have discovered a secret door!
Giant Spider deals 1d8 HP of damage.
The Giant Spider has 36 Hit Points. The corridor indeed ends at a slimy, To head east through the door, enter
brick wall. On the ground, you see the and Go to 72.
Advanced Game Combat: Giant
Spider (AC 4; HD 4; HP 36; Damage grisly remains of someone who recently Otherwise, Go to 468.
1d8) met an untimely demise in the fetid
reek of the sewers.
If you defeat the Giant Spider, Go to 360. 341) Time: 1 minute
Make an Intelligence Ability Check.
If you escape, you flee out of the You are in the Black Blades hideout!
darkness and back to the intersection, If you fail, you head east back to the Roll 1d6 for luck. If you roll a 1, you
as you Go to 53. intersection and Go to 214. are spotted by a Blade Thief and must
If you succeed, Go to 319. Go to 499. Otherwise, continue
335) You stand quietly in the room,
pondering your next move. 338) Time: 4 minutes EP: 2 This short hallway runs north and
south approximately 20 feet. The
To leave through the archway in the Crawling on all fours, you examine southern end stops at a stone wall, but
south wall, Go to 355. the floor tiles. You spot one in partic- there are two doors on both the eastern
To examine the broken crates, Go to 215. ular that seems slightly elevated. A and western walls. There is a door at
quick search of the nearby walls and the northern end.
ceiling reveal a nasty trap indeed!
336) Time: 2 minutes Anyone, or anything, stepping on this To enter the near door on the eastern
Apparently, these Orcs bear a token tile would trigger a spring-loaded wall, Go to 380.
with the Shadowed Fist symbol etched barrage of deadly venom-tipped barbs To enter the far door on the eastern
on it. You known that mercenaries are from tiny slits in the walls and ceiling. wall, Go to 347.

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9


To enter the near door on the western We must abandon our home and take waiting for them to pass. The aromas
wall, Go to 168. those who remain of our once proud that permeate this area, once pleasing,
To enter the far door on the western organization with us. are now very strong. You clasp a hand
wall, Go to 367. Once the wounded are safely above over your face to hold back a sneeze
ground, we are honor bound to help our that would spell certain doom. In the
To enter the north door and return to end, your body’s needs overcome your
the main corridor, Go to 427. new allies, the Black Blades. If what
you say is true, they should be expecting will, and a loud sneeze erupts from your
the onslaught and will fare better than mouth. The guards turn at the sound
342) With the antidote in hand, you we have. If he still lives, I am certain and face you!
begin the treacherous journey back to our Guildmaster will listen to reason Go to 477.
your guild! Time is slipping away and and call off his attack on the Blades, in
with every lost minute, so is your defense against this common foe.
350) You know that there is a secret
brother’s life. Closing the door behind Times have changed, my brother, and door in the west wall!
you, you head back to the hallway. when this night is over and our enemies
To slip through the secret door and
Go to 287. are repelled, a new brotherhood forged
enter the Blades hideout, Go to 401.
in blood will own the shadows of Zoa.
Let us prove our worth this night, and Otherwise, Go to 369.
343) You ponder your next move. show both guilds what a few coura-
Looking around again, you see that you geous thieves can do!” 351) Time: 1 minute
stand at a three-way intersection with
Your quest has succeeded! Yet, more A split-second before you open the
the sewer corridor running south, west,
adventure still awaits you. Why not try door and bark your best orcish greeting,
and north. You see what may be a four-
again? you reconsider your decision. Quite a
way intersection some 30 feet to the
west. few of your attempts at small talk with
347) Time: 1 minute half-Orc pirates have nearly resulted in
To head south, Go to 79.
a brawl. Perhaps bursting into the room
To head west to the intersection, Go This room appears to be the private
and striking up a conversation with two
to 214. quarters of a high-ranking member of
agitated Orcs is not the best strategy.
the guild. Unfortunately, you find little
To head north, Go to 218. If you would rather listen to their
more than a cot, desk and personal
effects. After a quick search through a conversation, Go to 194.
344) “Not bad, little brother,” grins bundle of clothes, you head back. If you would rather let your sword do
Orin, bow in hand. You run and Go to 341. the talking and attack, Go to 177.
embrace him as you both share a joyous To leave them in peace, go north to the
moment of reunion. Looking into your four-way intersection, and Go to 162.
eyes, your brother silently thanks you 348) Time: 10 minutes
for your selfless sacrifice and you nod in A sudden spasm seizes your back and
acknowledgement of the fact that he you fall onto your side and begin 352) Once you arrive, you are pushed
would have done the same for you. convulsing. Every muscle in your body into a cell and the door clangs shut
contracts and it feels as though your behind you.
Clasping your shoulder, he speaks.
bones are going to shatter under the “Call for the Captain! He will want
Go to 346.
intense load. You begin coughing up a to interrogate the prisoner!” orders the
foul combination of blood and vomit man who dragged you into the cell. He
345) Time: 2 minutes EP: 2 and your world begins to grow black. flashes you a sneering smile and heads
You discover a puddle of warm liquid When you regain consciousness, you down the hall to prepare the
in the corner of the room. Upon closer are still on the floor, drenched in your questioning room. You have been in
inspection, you deem it to be recently own sweat. Lose 20 hit points. You lay this holding cell before, but not as a
voided rodent urine. You find nothing still for a few moments, grateful to be prisoner. You were sent here several
else of value. alive. When you finally regain your months ago to rescue a fellow thief
strength, you stumble out of the room being held for questioning. If you can
Go to 355. get the cell door open, there is a trash
and head back to the intersection.
chute in the adjacent room that will
Go to 181.
346) “I heard every word you spoke drop you down into the sewers. That is
about what happened this night. The how you gained entrance to the
venom paralyzed my body, but not my 349) Time: 4 minutes jailhouse to aid your ally. Now that
mind. More Orcs are coming, you can You spot an approaching patrol! You will, hopefully, serve as your gateway to
52 be sure of that. The Shadowed Fists search frantically for a place to hide, freedom once again.
are no more, but we may yet escape. crawling on your belly in the darkness Go to 357.

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9

Brothers By Blood

353) You strain with all your might, but 356) Time: 4 minutes 359) Time: 1 minute
the iron portcullis resists your efforts. This corner of Artisan’s Square You are in the Black Blades hideout!
The hiss and pop of acid behind you connects the western and southern Roll 1d6 for luck. If you roll a 1, you
spurs you on and you give one final sides. There are pleasing aromas are spotted by a Blade Thief and must
push. Suddenly, the ceiling above the emanating from the buildings in this Go to 499. Otherwise, continue
portcullis collapses! You are so section of the Circle, many of which reading.
exhausted by your efforts that you are specialize in exotic perfumes and
unable to dive out of the way before the This small room is outfitted with a
tinctures and the fragrant breeze cot and blanket and several personal
rubble crushes you. Oddly, the collapse
wafting though the area is revitalizing. effects. You find nothing else of value
does not end your life! You struggle to
free your arms, but they are pinned Roll 1d6 for luck. If you roll a 1-2, here and decide to leave.
beneath hundreds of pounds of stone. Go to 349. Go to 321.
You try to move your legs and they move Otherwise, you may choose your
freely! You praise this stroke of luck and path.
then you are seized with the horrible 360) Time: 8 minutes EP:600
To head north along the western side
realization that your legs are exposed to With a deft stroke, you sever one of
of the square, Go to 373.
the Ochre Jelly! The searing pain begins the forelimbs and the Giant Spider
almost immediately but your screams of To head east along the southern side crashes to the ground. Wasting no
dying agony are quickly silenced as the of the square, Go to 144. time, you twirl your sword around and
Ochre Jelly seeps through gaps in the cleave the creature’s head in twain. Hot
rubble to digest you. fluid splashes your legs as the Giant
357) You find yourself alone, but
Your quest ends here. Why not try Spider gives a dying heave. You
probably not for long. Working as
again? stumble backwards and lie there quietly
though your life depended on it, and it
for a few moments to catch your breath.
very probably does, you struggle to free
After a few minutes, you feel several
354) Time: 1 minute EP: 15 your hands of their bonds. The ropes
small spiders crawling over your legs
bite your skin and your blood lubricates
You dart your eyes back and forth, towards your torso. With a disgusted
your wrists, allowing you to eventually
seeking another foe, as the echo of grimace, you stand and shake them off.
slip out of the tight loops. You quickly
dripping water sounds nearby. Then, You do not care to encounter any more
untie your feet and begin to work at the
sure you are alone, you look around, spiders this night, so you turn and head
lock. Your sword is lying on a table
curious about the source of the echo. back down the corridor.
beyond your reach, but the fools did not
You look at the water trough, now red Go to 325.
bother to remove your tool pouch.
with blood, and see that a good deal of
With a delicate pick in one hand and a
water spilled over the sides onto the
small piece of bent metal to turn the 361) EP: 10
lock once the tumblers give way, you
Suddenly, you realize where that pour all your will into the lock. “Wait!” you cry, “I care not for my
dripping sound comes from, as you peer own life but I would do anything to
Make a Thief Skill Check to open the save my brother. On my way here I
under the trough and see a cleverly
lock before the guard comes back. found something that is of interest to
concealed drain! You pull the trough
aside and yank up the drain to see iron If you succeed, Go to 269. the both of us!” The Guildmaster
rungs heading down into the darkness. If you fail, Go to 208. beckons for silence and allows you to
You have found the entrance to the explain your findings. Swallowing hard,
Black Blades hideout! you compose your thoughts and explain
358) EP: 5 what you saw.
Go to 460.
You carefully tap each floor tile, “In my pouch you will find a letter. I
listening for any difference in pitch. found it on my way here. I do not
355) Time: 1 minute After a few moments, you locate the entirely understand the meaning of it,
This 20’ by 20’ room holds many correct tile! You run your fingers along but it is signed by my Guildmaster.”
broken crates. There is an archway in the its edge and gently pull. The tile lifts With a look and a gesture, the
north wall and a door in the east wall. out, exposing a small compartment. Guildmaster orders a thief to empty the
To walk through the archway, Go to 270. Inside is a vial of healing ointment that contents of your pouch and hand him
heals up to 8 HP! You may use the the letter. The Guildmaster studies the
To examine the crates, Go to 430.
ointment now, or place the ointment in letter very carefully before speaking.
To leave through the door in the east your pack for later. You may only use “This letter does indeed bear the
wall, Go to 17. this ointment once. You replace the tile name of your Guildmaster. However,
before leaving. he is not the author. His name appears
Go to 412. at the bottom because he is the

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9


intended target! It would appear that section at the middle of this corridor, explain your findings. Swallowing
whoever attacked your brother was with a hallway heading off to the east. hard, you compose your thoughts and
supposed to strike your Guildmaster! To head north and turn west, Go to 259. explain what you saw.
Nevertheless, this is not our doing. “I examined the body of the assassin
Have you anything else?” To head east, Go to 427.
before I left. I am not certain he was a
“I found a brooch belonging to a To head south and turn west, Go to 287. Black Blade as he did not have your
Black Blade on the assassin’s body! If brand on his arm!” The Guildmaster
you look, it is in my pouch. You tell me 363) Time: 2 minutes seems surprisingly interested in your
that your guild is not responsible, yet comments. He leans in close and
The mounds are a combination of
how can you deny this?” The whispers “Are you certain? Was there
animal and vegetable waste and you dig
Guildmaster picks up the brooch and any marking?”
uneasily through a few piles with your
holds it close, carefully examining the You emphatically shake your head
boot. In a darkened corner, you spot a
blackened clasp. After a few tense ‘no,’ sensing that perhaps this informa-
large purple shape that looks remark-
seconds, his voice breaks the silence. tion might spare your life for the time
ably like a mushroom.
“This is not one of ours. We etch a being. “Is that all you found? Not all
small identification sigil on the back If you investigate the mushroom, Go
thieves adhere to the Branding Code
and this has no such sigil. I fear it is a to 417.
but clearly your guild, as well as our
forgery. If the assassin wore this, then If you want to leave without investi- own, follow its precepts,” states the
he was not a member of this guild!” gating, Go to 181. Guildmaster, exposing his own arm and
“Wait,” you cry, “there is more. In my the black dagger permanently inked
pouch you will find a token that I took there.
364) You wait anxiously for the
from those that stood in my way this “I found a brooch belonging to a
antidote to do its work on your
night.” With a look and a gesture, the Black Blade on the assassin’s body! If
brother’s body.
Guildmaster orders a thief to empty the you look, it is in my pouch. You tell me
contents of your pouch and hand him If more than 120 minutes have
that your guild is not responsible, yet
such a token. He carefully studies it for elapsed since you began your journey,
how can you deny this!”
several moments before speaking. Go to 383.
With a look and a gesture, the
“This is not a mercenary token, at If you are playing the Basic Game, or
Guildmaster orders a thief to empty the
least not that I am familiar with. We less than 120 minutes have elapsed since
contents of your pouch and hand the
have found similar tokens on a party of you began your journey, Go to 434.
brooch to the Guildmaster. He holds it
Hobgoblins that strayed too close to close, carefully examining the black-
our back door. Your token bears the 365) Time: 2 minutes ened clasp. After a few tense seconds,
sigil of the Shadowed Fist, while the his voice breaks the silence.
tokens we found near our very gates You are standing at a three-way inter-
bore the sigil of the Black Blades. No, section with the sewer corridor running “This is not one of ours. We etch a
perhaps they are not tokens. I think south, west, and north. You see what small identification sigil on the back
they are troop movement markers, used may be a four-way intersection some 30 and this has no such sigil. I fear it is a
to position soldiers. These clues would feet to the west. A few beams of lights forgery. If the assassin wore this, then
seem to indicate that the Black Blades shine down from a sewer grate above he was not a member of this guild!”
are not behind the assassination your head and illuminate the muck- “Wait, that is not all,” you continue.
attempt, yes? I can assure you that we streaked walls. If you have been here “In my pouch you will find a letter. I
did not order your brother’s death. before, Go to 343. Otherwise, you found it on my way here. I do not
Certainly, I would know if one of the think you might have heard a faint entirely understand its meaning, but it
Blades attempted such a thing.” noise coming from the south. is signed by my Guildmaster.”
Go to 400. Make a Thief Skill Check as you stop The Guildmaster studies the letter
to detect noise. very carefully before rendering a
If you succeed, Go to 377. decision. “This letter does indeed bear
362) Time: 1 minute the name of your Guildmaster.
If you fail, Go to 343.
You are in the Black Blades hideout! However, he is not the author. His
Roll 1d6 for luck. If you roll a 1, you name appears at the bottom because he
are spotted by a Blade Thief and must 366) EP: 25 is the intended target! It would appear
Go to 499. Otherwise, continue “Wait!” you cry, “I care not for my that whoever attacked your brother was
reading. own life but I would do anything to supposed to strike your Guildmaster!
This 50-foot-long hallway runs north save my brother. On my way here I Nevertheless, this is not our doing.”
and south. At both the north and found something that is of interest to “Wait, there is yet more. In my
54 south ends, the hallway turns to head the both of us!” The Guildmaster again pouch you will find several tokens that
west. There is also a three-way inter- beckons for silence and allows you to I took from those that stood in my way

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9

Brothers By Blood

this night.” The Guildmaster scoops 369) Time: 2 minutes anti-venom that will cure your brother!
up the tokens and examines them for This darkened hallway travels north Pocketing your prize, you both sneak
several moments before finally and south roughly 30 feet. At the into the sewer entrance and head north
speaking. southern end is a ladder leading to the towards your home. You only hope that
“These are not mercenary tokens, at street above. To the west, the hallway it is not too late.
least not that I am familiar with. We ends abruptly. Go to 480.
have found similar tokens on a party of
To investigate the west wall, Go to 420.
Hobgoblins that strayed too close to
our back door. Your tokens bear the If you already know the secret of the 372) As you approach, you see the
sigil of the Shadowed Fist. The tokens west wall, Go to 350. lifeless bodies of many of your friends
we found near our very gates bore the piled up among the bodies of slain
sigil of the Black Blades. No, perhaps 370) Time: 2 minutes Orcs. You estimate the losses on both
they are not tokens. I think they are sides to be in the dozens. You rush
troop movement markers, used to The end of this corridor is filled with ahead and see even more armored Orcs
position soldiers. These clues would puddles of rotting waste. As you turn
charging the secret entrance to your
seem to indicate that the Black Blades to leave, you notice a section of the
guild. The bodies of several slain
are not behind the assassination north wall that seems to stick out
thieves brace the entrance open, spears
attempt, yes? I assure you that we did slightly.
jutting from their once lively bodies.
not order your brother’s death. If you decide to press on this section
Certainly, I would know if one of the Behind them, inside the guild, scores
of wall, Go to 14.
Blades attempted such a thing.” of thieves fire crossbow bolts towards
Otherwise, you head back to the the advancing Orcs. In a mad rush, the
Go to 400. west, and Go to 71. Orcs charge, accepting the stinging hail
of bolts, and plow into the valiant
367) Time: 1 minute thieves positioned near the entrance.
371) Time: 1 minute EP: 50
This room appears to be the shared Cruel axes cleave bone and flesh and
quarters of two high-ranking guild You advance towards the wizard like a
the wails of the wounded and dying
members. Under one of the cots, you cat stalking a mouse. Once you are
pierce your heart. Your companion
find a small, unlocked chest. Inside are directly behind him, you level your
begins firing bolts into the armored
several personal items and a pouch with sword and drive the sharpened blade
deep between his ribs. The blade passes Orcs as you rush ahead, sword in hand.
10 gold coins! Once you transfer the
gold to your own pouch, you slide the cleanly through his heart and he drops Go to 374.
chest back under the cot and leave. almost instantly, sliding off the tip of
your sword. You wipe the blade on his
Go to 341. 373) Time: 1 minute
cloak and instinctively pass your hand
along his waist, feeling for his belt You are standing at the west end of
368) Time: 5 minutes EP: 70 pouch. Artisan’s Square, a circuitous route of
Having felled one foe, you parry the With a confident tug, you relieve the paths and alleys surrounding the inter-
downward stroke of your last enemy dead mage of his belongings and drag section of Harbor Road and Artisan’s
and drag your blade across his wrists. his body behind a large cluster of rocks. Way. Using the square, you can avoid
Howling in pain, he drops his weapon You examine the contents of his pouch entering the main intersection itself by
and you deliver a well-placed kick to traveling around it.
and notice two vials of liquid, one dark
the knee, dropping your foe. You plant
blue and the other quite clear. The Shadowed Fist controls the
your sword hilt firmly against your
“Ah, cirenten and its counter!” territory to the north of here while the
midsection and drive the tip deep into
his chest. Blood gurgling from his whispers a voice behind your back. You Black Blades control everything to the
maw, the Hobgoblin whines in pain spin around and come face to face with south. If you venture south of here, you
before dying. the Black Blade that had spoken with might have more than just the City
you earlier. Watch to contend with!
Once you are confident he is dead,
you remove the blade from his ribs and “Fear not, my friend, I was sent back To head north along the western side
search the room. It appears your by my Guildmaster to make certain of the square, Go to 134.
surprised the two beasts in the middle that you delivered your message. Let us To head east towards the intersection of
of a meal. After one whiff of their go now before the reinforcements Harbor Road and Artisan’s Way,Go to 493.
food, you decide you would better not arrive!”
To head south along the western side
eat it. You find a total of 5 gold coins You stand silently for a moment,
in their pouches and head back to the of the square, Go to 356.
thrilled at your luck. Surely, this wizard
sewers. was the one who orchestrated your To head west on Harbor Road,Go to 327. 55
Go to 169. brother’s assassination, and it is his

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9


374) The Orcs charge into the guild- shutters, you see the gleam of candle- talking about the commotion you
hall and, in a flash, they encounter the light and the murmurs of some late caused.
last defense of the Fists. You had been night patrons – with probably at least Go to 384.
trained in the fine art of trap placement one City Watch member among them.
while serving the Fists and the flash pot The scent of cheese and onions, as well
had always been your guild’s specialty. as a powerful aroma of mead, drifts 380) Time: 1 minute
When an unsuspecting victim activated across your nose, and your stomach This room appears to be the shared
the trigger, the pot released a spray of mouth drools in anticipation. quarters of two high ranking guild
magical fire capable of melting iron. However, you have no time to waste, so members. You rummage through some
Judging by the intense flash and blast you decide to turn around and head personal items, but find nothing of
of heat, at least twenty flash pots had east, back the way you came. interest or value.
been set along the length of the hallway Go to 69. Go to 341.
near the entrance as a last line defense
against the invaders. Like a dragon’s
scalding fire, the abyssal furnace of the 377) Time: 1 minute EP: 2 381) Time: 1 minute
flash pots fills the corridor with a You hold your breath for a few You decide to talk to the Orcs. Make
brilliant light and reduces the forty or seconds and all you hear is the beating a Wisdom Ability Check! If you
so Orcs foolish enough to charge of your heart. You expand your senses succeed, Go to 351. Otherwise,
headlong into a thieves den into a pile beyond that rhythmic sound and hear a continue below.
of ash in mere seconds. faint creaking sound coming from the
darkness ahead to the south. You push open the door and confi-
The stench of burning flesh and hair dently raise your right hand in the
fills the hallway as you reach the Go to 343. universal sign of parley. Clearing your
entrance to your home. The few singed
throat, you stammer out your best-
and smoking Orcs that survived the
378) Time: 4 minutes known Orc greeting. The two Orcs
initial blast are quickly put to the sword
look at one another in amazement and
as you work your way through the pools You move along Tallow Alley,
reach for their blades! Before you can
of smoking remains. Your new ally pondering how much business these
finish complimenting the fierce appear-
places a comforting hand on your back candle shops take in, and trying to
ance of their tusks, they each hew their
and speaks. convince yourself that you have no time
blades into your outstretched arm,
Go to 375. for petty burglary, especially in the
severing your hand above the wrist!
Black Blades’ territory.
Warm gushes of blood pump rhythmi-
Make a Thief Skill Check to detect cally out of your fresh stump as you
375) “You must stay here and help the
noise. howl in pain. Before you can reach for
wounded. I will return to my guild and
inform my master of what has If you succeed, Go to 34. your blade, the two Orcs flay you open.
transpired here. I fear that there may If you fail, Go to 391. You stumble backwards into the
be more Orcs on the way. Fare well, my corridor, your entrails draped over your
friend.” legs like a morbid apron. The Orcs
379) With the skill and agility that stand over you and with cruel precision,
As your companion leaves, you sprint
have helped you through many they end your life. Before you slip
through the quiet halls of your guild,
challenges, you glide silently over the through the veil of darkness, your
desperate for signs of life. It would
floor tiles towards a sturdy wooden thoughts turn to your brother…
appear that your Guildmaster took
door at the end of a short hallway. You
most of the guild deep into the sewers Your quest ends here. Why not try
press your ear against the door, hearing
to attack the Black Blades. The thought again?
only the rapid pounding of your heart.
of the horrible waste of life weighs
You will your senses to filter out the
heavily on you. You sprint to Orin’s
sound and listen through the door. 382) Time: 1 minute
room and fling open the door. Fellik,
After several seconds pass, you push This door is not locked, but you can’t
standing guard over your brother,
open the door and slip into a long seem to get it open. You take a step
nearly drops his sword when he sees
corridor running east and west. back and drive your shoulder into it.
your face.
Thankful that no guards had been Make a Strength Ability Check.
Go to 410.
posted outside your door, you head
west. If you succeed, Go to 436.
376) Time: 1 minute EP: 2 Rushing down the corridor, you arrive If you fail, your impact rattles the
By the look of things, the western end at an intersection with a corridor door, but it does not budge, so you head
56 of Tavern Alley ends here at the Crying running north and south. To the south, back to the intersection, and Go to 181.
Coin tavern. Through the closed you hear the muffled voices of two men

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9

Brothers By Blood

383) You sit by your brother’s side, the south end, you spot the mechanism City Watch patrols and you quickly
waiting patiently for the antidote to used to activate a secret door in the decide against using that particular
work. After several minutes, his western wall. road.
breathing becomes very shallow with To open the door in the east wall, Go To head west, Go to 154.
excruciatingly long periods of silence to 440. To head east on Trader’s Crossing,
between each breath. You place a
To pass through the secret door in the Go to 68.
comforting hand on Orin’s chest and
west wall, Go to 293.
feel his lungs rattle with each inhalation.
“No, my brother, do not leave me. I 388) Time: 3 minutes
did my best!” you whisper, tears welling 386) This 60-foot-long corridor runs You are in the Black Blades hideout!
in your eyes. north and south. At the south end, Roll 1d6 for luck. If you roll a 1, you
there is a door in both the east and west are spotted by a Blade Thief and must
He takes in another slow, shallow
walls. There is also a door at the far Go to 499. Otherwise, continue
breath and it seems to almost instantly
north end. The corpse of the Orc you reading.
slip back through his mouth. His
killed lies in the middle of the hallway.
breathing continues this way for This room, filled with crates, has a
another minute or two, and then, To open the west door, Go to 50. door in the east and north walls. A
mercifully, it stops. Your hand, still on To open the east door, Go to 15. quick search of the crates reveals reams
his chest, can no longer feel his faint of cloth and bags of exotic beads, most
To open the door at the north end of
heartbeat. likely pilfered from a caravan that
the corridor, Go to 281.
Pleading with your brother for passed through Zoa. These items can
forgiveness, you witness his last few fetch an excellent price in the markets,
seconds of life. When it is finished, you 387) Time: 3 minutes but there are more urgent matters at
rise and leave his room, weeping Having spent years honing your hand, and you would need a pack mule
bitterly. ability to travel unnoticed through the to haul these stolen goods out of here.
Your quest ends here. Why not try streets of Zoa, you glide effortlessly To enter the east door and return to
again? from shadow to shadow. All of the the intersection, Go to 321.
stores and warehouses have closed for To open the north door, Go to 447.
the evening. Even as a child, you began
384) “Aye, he was after our poisons! I your craft here, begging for coins from
wish the master would let us flay him the travelers that frequented the many 389) Time: 1 minute EP: 2
open and cast him to the rats!” hisses shops. As your confidence and skills You notice several wet footprints
one man. increased along with your size, you heading south. Someone else passed
“Fortunately, the poisons are safe here were promoted from beggar to through here not long ago! You
in this room. Come, Nidus, let us pickpocket. You could stroll into a continue heading south.
return to the meeting! We must make crowd and come out with bulging
Go to 441.
preparations for battle!” replies the pockets. But tonight, the streets are
other thief, followed by the closing of a empty. Thinking back on those
door. memories sends an involuntary shudder 390) Time: 5 minutes
through your back; it was your brother
The poison room is near! Mustering A sudden cold sensation begins at the
who brought you into the brotherhood
your courage, you silently race across base of your spine and slowly travels
of the Shadowed Fist and helped train
the corridor and head south. Peering throughout your body. You lie down
you all those years ago.
around the corner, you see two doors, and begin to shiver uncontrollably.
one in the north and south walls at the Your early successes brought both of After a few minutes, warmth begins to
end of a short hallway. Stepping past you an incredible amount of praise, ebb back into your body and you regain
the north door, you hear the enough that your brother quickly your strength. You lose 10 hit points.
Guildmaster’s voice again, speaking to advanced in the ranks. You were both When you are able to stand, you leave
his men. Quickly, you stride towards still young and it seemed as though the this room and head back to the inter-
the other door and step inside. very ends of the world were at your section.
fingertips. Now, your brother’s life is in
Go to 489. Go to 181.
your hands and it seems as though the
world is crashing down around you.
385) Time: 1 minute With hope urging you forward, you 391) Time: 2 minutes
This fairly clean corridor runs north continue along Trader’s Crossing to While you are scanning the streets, a
and south approximately 30 feet and is reach Artisan’s Way, a section of the Black Blade Sentry, hiding on a
illuminated by oil lamps. To the north, Zoan central road that bisects the rooftop, leaps down at you, sword in
you see a door in the eastern wall. At entire city. It is swarming with nearby hand! The Sentry gets a free attack!

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9


Basic Game Combat: The Black Blade 394) Time: 2 minutes EP: 5 The Shadowed Fist controls the
Sentry attacks first. On your turn, roll Your hand finds the smooth panel territory to the north of Harbor Road,
1d20+1. You must roll a 12 or better to that opens the secret door! You step running east and west through the
hit the Black Blade Sentry; if you hit, center of the Circle, while the Black
through into a brick passageway.
you deal 1d8+2 HP of damage. The Blades control everything to the south.
Sentry must roll an 8 or better on 1d20 Go to 248. If you venture south of here, you might
to hit you; if he hits, the Sentry deals have more than just the City Watch to
1d8+2 HP of damage. The Sentry has 395) Time: 1 minute contend with!
34 Hit Points. To follow the square around to the
You are standing at the eastern end of
Advanced Game Combat: Black Blade west, Go to 134.
Artisan’s Square, a circuitous route of
Sentry (AC 6; HD 3; HP 34; Damage To follow the square around to the
paths and alleys surrounding the inter-
1d8+2) east, Go to 87.
section of Harbor Road and Artisan’s
If you defeat the Sentry, Go to 423. Way. Using the square, you can avoid To head north on Artisan’s Way, Go
If you escape, Go to 56. entering the main intersection itself by to 136.
traveling around it. To head south towards the intersec-
392) Time: 1 minute EP: 5 The Shadowed Fist controls the tion of Harbor Road and Artisan’s Way,
territory to the north of here while the Go to 495.
One of the stones in the wall is loose!
Black Blades control everything to the
You gently pull it out and find a secret
south. If you venture south, you might
compartment filled with 20 gold coins! 398) Time: 2 minutes
You place the coins in your pouch and have more than just the City Watch to
contend with! You are at a three-way intersection.
head back to the intersection. Running east and west is Tallow Alley,
Go to 286. To head north along the eastern side
home to exotic candle shops. You know
of the square, Go to 87. that to the north is another small alley
To head east on Harbor Road, Go to 274. heading to Narrow Lane.
393) Time: 1 minute
To head west on Harbor Road Roll 1d8 for luck. If you roll a 1, Go
You quickly compose yourself and
towards Artisan’s Way, Go to 484. to 517.
explain that you were told to report
back and tell him that all is well near To head south along the eastern side Otherwise, Go to 56.
the river. The man stares at you intently of the square, Go to 101.
for several agonizing seconds.
399) Time: 1 minute
“Ah, excellent work. It is nearly time, 396) EP: 2 With blood vessels bulging, you force
so hurry back and secure your position!”
You suddenly realize that the corpse’s your way through the iron bars.
You nod your head and turn to leave. cloak is clasped near his throat with an However, you also managed to cause a
As you near for the door, you hear his iron brooch, shaped like the dagger large section of the ceiling to collapse!
deep voice once again. “On second symbol of the Black Blades. You Stones and rubble rain down around
thought… I think you had better stay remove the clasp and slip it into your you as you roll away from danger.
here.” You hear the clear ringing of a When the dust settles, you see that you
pouch, before setting out to find the
blade being drawn. You spin around have completely blocked off the
hideout of the Black Blades.
and the Thief attacks! portcullis!
Record “Dagger-shaped Brooch” on
Any time you attempt to escape, the Go to 112.
your character sheet along with the
Thief blocks your way.
number 94.
Basic Game Combat: You attack first.
If you choose to search through town, 400) Time: 5 minutes
Roll 1d20+1. You must roll a 13 or
better to hit the Thief; if you hit, you Go to 457. “Please, may I aid my brother? You
deal 1d8+2 HP of damage. The Thief If you choose to go through the may ransom me if you like, although I
must roll a 7 or better on 1d20 to hit sewers, Go to 120. fear my guild will not pay for my
you; if he hits, the Thief deals 1d8+2 return.” The Guildmaster looks at you
HP of damage. The Thief has 41 Hit through narrowed eyes, and speaks.
Points. 397) Time: 1 minute
“Why should you say that?” he asks.
Advanced Game Combat: Thief (AC You are standing at the north end of “Every one of my Blades is dear to me
5; HD 4; HP 41; Damage 1d8+2) Artisan’s Square, a circular route of side and vital to our operations. In the
streets surrounding the intersection of pursuit of glory and honor, one must
If you defeat the Thief, Go to 432.
Harbor Road and Artisan’s Way. You not overlook even the smallest of
58 have often used this route to avoid contributions. Why should your
entering that main intersection. Guildmaster not feel the same? A

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9

Brothers By Blood

guild is a brotherhood and we look Shadowed Fist guild. You crouch north into another alley, unaware of
after our own. Tell me, why do you behind several empty barrels while you your location. You quickly rise and
deem your life worthless?” scan the streets for any sign of the City sprint southward, back to Trader’s
Since your first day as a member of Watch. It would be disastrous to have Crossing.
the Shadowed Fist, you knew the an unexpected meeting with a patrol
Go to 68.
Blades to be your enemy. Your hatred right now, so stealth is of the utmost
blinded you to the truth that they were, importance. Not wishing to waste
in fact, much like your own guild. anymore time, you start moving. 404) Time: 3 minutes
Staring into the Guildmaster’s eyes, To head north along Fiddleback You stand in a darkened east and
you begin to understand. You glance Lane, Go to 172. westbound alley, pondering your next
out at the sea of faces staring at you and To head south along Fiddleback move, when you spot a City Watch
notice that the furrowed brows of Lane, Go to 11. patrol at the far corner of a nearby
hatred and ire that only moments building! They seem to be quietly
To head east along Trader’s Crossing,
earlier had sought your death now hold conversing among themselves.
Go to 189.
a shimmer of tolerance. It would
appear that your sworn rivals are also To head west along Trader’s Crossing, To investigate what the men are
learning a valuable lesson this night. Go to 68. saying, Go to 311. If you already inves-
If you have found the antidote and tigated these men, you continue east or
With a nod of acceptance, you turn
wish to enter the guild, Go to 508. west through the alley rather than risk
your attention back to the Guildmaster.
your fate again.
His words still ringing in your ears,
your troubled mind weighs your 403) Time: 2 minutes EP: 2 To head east through the alley, Go to 494.
options carefully. After all considera- To head west through the alley,Go to 523.
You hide yourself behind two
tions, you feel that you have but one
dismantled crates, while the men turn
chance at freedom and life - not for
you, but for Orin. Inhaling sharply, you
pay this man the respect he deserves
and offer him a chance to avert disaster.
Go to 239.

401) Time: 1 minute

You are in the Black Blades hideout!
Roll 1d6 for luck. If you roll a 1, you
are spotted by a Blade Thief and must
Go to 499. Otherwise, continue
This 30-foot long hallway runs north
and south. At the northern end is a
door in the west wall. To the south, you
see what can only be the release mecha-
nism for a secret door in the east wall.
To enter the door in the west wall,
Go to 427.
To pass through the secret door, Go
to 369.

402) Time: 4 minutes

You are standing at a four-way inter-
section. The path known as Trader’s
Crossing runs east and west, and is
crossed by the north and south route of
Fiddleback Lane. On the northwest
corner where the two roads intersect is
the Greater Good Warehouse, within
which is a secret entrance to the

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9


405) Time: 1 minute This small 10-foot by 10-foot room is 411) The Thief cries out for help! You
Wrapping the body in its cloak, you outfitted with a cot and blanket and curse your black luck as your hear
press your palm on his chest and mutter several personal effects. You find a footsteps rapidly approaching!
a quick prayer to Miazaar to bear this small hunk of cheese and a half-eaten Go to 499.
thief to good company. piece of bread near the cot. You quickly
stuff them in your mouth and leave
To head north, Go to 196. 412) EP: 10
(heal up to 3 HP).
To head south, Go to 327. You enter a rectangular shaped room,
Go to 321.
running 10 feet deep (east to west) and
30 feet wide (north to south). There
406) Time: 3 minutes
409) The wizard, his spell completed, are three doors along the western wall.
You are standing in a dank section of steps back and signals for the four Orcs To enter the door to your left, Go to 26.
the city sewers. This corridor runs east to enter. The scout party advances,
and west a good 50 feet or so, turning spears at the ready. After a few To enter the middle door, Go to 85.
south at the western end. At the minutes, one of the dark cloaked men To enter the door to your right,Go to 314.
eastern end of the corridor is a door on orders the bulk of the Orcs into the To return to the corridor, Go to 218.
the southern wall. sewer. With grunts and roars of delight,
To go through the door at the east the Orcs march into the sewers,
end, Go to 169. thirsting for a battle. The full weight of 413) “It will take several minutes
what has happened begins to settle in before we will know your brother’s fate.
To head west and then turn south, Will you tell me what has befallen our
the pit of your stomach. This invading
Go to 226. guild?” You recount your entire journey
force will decimate your guild unless
they are warned! while keeping a concerned eye on your
407) Time: 2 minutes brother. His condition seems
The men standing around the tunnel unchanged and you begin to worry.
The shelves and tables of this large entrance begin shouting that the
room contain dozens of large glass and second wave is due at any moment, and Go to 364.
ceramic bottles filled with colorful they head downstream in one of the
liquids. One shelf is labeled with a skull wooden boats - probably to meet the 414) Without skipping a beat, you
and bones, the common symbol for incoming reinforcements. The one you lunge across the room and pick up what
poisons and venoms. You survey the identified as a wizard decides to stay is left of your belongings. The thieves
containers carefully before taking them back and rest. He stands near the river, left you with your set of picks and tools,
down and examining them closely. seemingly deep in thought. Sensing long sword, one dagger and an empty
One vial holds a sweet-smelling amber that this is your only chance, you pouch. You gird your sword around
liquid. Another is silvery and smells of emerge from the river onto the your waist and listen at the door.
an iron forge. You whiff the cap of an northern sewer ledge, intent on When you are certain that there is no
intense red liquid and the scent of stopping him from unleashing any one on the other side of the door, you
toasted almonds greets you. A bitter more spells. open it and duck into the well-lit halls
waft rises from a dark blue liquid. A Make a Thief Skill Check to move of the Black Blades guild.
clear non-aromatic liquid is next. You silently behind the wizard! Go to 379.
grab a small glass vial and remove the
stopper of a bitter-smelling pale green If you succeed, Go to 371.
potion. You next sample the bitter If you fail, Go to 487. 415) Time: 2 minutes
smell of a crystal clear fluid. The hazy Your keen sense of hearing has paid
yellow liquid smells like cinders and off! Expecting something in the
410) “Praise Old Lucky! I was about
burning flesh. You only have room in darkness to the south, you carefully
to skewer you, thinking you were an
your pack for one bottle. Record which scan the terrain ahead of you. After a
Orc come to finish me off! What has
vial (scent and color) you take on your few breaths, you sense that something
happened here?!” cries Fellik.
character sheet. large is lurking to the south. Chancing
“There will be time for explanations a few steps closer, you make out the
Go to 464.
in a moment,” you reply as you reach shape of a Hobgoblin! It does not seem
into your pouch, “but first I would give to be aware of your presence. If you
408) Time: 1 minute my brother this!” You hand Fellik the would like to head south and engage it
You are in the Black Blades hideout! antidote and a large smile erupts across in combat, you may attempt a backstab.
Roll 1d6 for luck. If you roll a 1, you his face. He uncorks the vial and Basic Game Combat: You attack first.
are spotted by a Blade Thief, and must administers the healing liquid to your Roll 1d20+1. You must roll a 13 or
60 Go to 499. Otherwise, continue brother. better to hit the Hobgoblin; if you hit,
reading. Go to 413. you deal 1d8+2 HP of damage. The

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9

Brothers By Blood

Hobgoblin must roll a 10 or better on see a door in the middle of the southern 421) Time: 1 minute
1d20 to hit you; if it hits, the wall. You attempt to hide between some
Hobgoblin deals 2d4 HP of damage. To head east and turn south, Go to 281. dismantled crates, pulling your cloak
The Hobgoblin has 25 Hit Points. over much of your body, as the men
To open the door, Go to 60.
Advanced Game Combat: Hobgoblin rush down the street, shining the
(AC 5; HD 1+; HP 25; Damage 2d4) lantern in the distance. Just as they
419) Fellik places a comforting hand pass your position, one of the men
If you defeat the Hobgoblin, Go to 123.
on your shoulder. “These things take draws his sword.
If you would rather head back to the
time. Let us hope that your efforts “Well, what have we here?! Trying to
north, Go to 365.
were not in vain. If you were successful, hide from the Watch, eh? Tie him up,
his breathing should deepen soon, but boys!” shouts the leader. You sprint
416) “Point me the way out or I will he will remain unconscious for several back to your feet and draw your blade,
end your life!” you hiss in his ear. The minutes. Once he is alert, it will take swishing it back and forth in front of
thief, wracked with agony, raises a you. The three men attack!
time for his strength to return. We can
shaky finger and points towards the do nothing more for him now except If you defeat the three Men, Go to 235.
south wall. You notice a small stone wait.” If you are defeated, you are not slain,
dial, of the kind used to unlock a secret but rather the men hold you down and
door. True to your promise, you sheath You nod your head in agreement,
bind your arms and legs. They then
your sword and head through the secret hoping that the antidote is working. As
escort you to a nearby City Watch post.
portal towards freedom. a few silent minutes watching over your
brother slip by, a messenger arrives at Go to 263.
At the eastern end of a long hallway,
a rusty ladder beckons. Sheathing your the door and calls your name.
“You have been summoned to the 422) Time: 1 minute
sword, you ascend the rungs through a
small shaft. At the top of the shaft is a council room!” As the Thief begins pacing away from
small grate. You push the grate up and you, you slip from the shadows and
Go to 509.
out of the way and wriggle your way attack! Attempt a backstab (this time,
through. Once you are free, you stand you only need to make one Thief Skill
and breathe in a lungful of the night air 420) Time: 2 minutes Check to see if you can move silently
before heading off through the streets towards your foe, rather than two Thief
Running your hands over the smooth Skill Checks).
of Zoa, anxious to return to your guild! stones, you hunt for anything that
Go to 398. Basic Game Combat: You attack first.
might activate the opening mechanism
Roll 1d20+1. You must roll a 13 or
for a secret door. Eventually, your
better to hit the Thief; if you hit, you
417) EP: 10 efforts are rewarded when you locate a deal 1d8+2 HP of damage. The Thief
particularly smooth stone, worn from must roll a 7 or better on 1d20 to hit
You approach the strange mushroom
years of use. With a gentle twist to the you; if he hits, the Thief deals 1d8+2
and kick it with your boot. Suddenly, a
right, the stone shifts in place and a HP of damage. The Thief has 41 Hit
blood-curdling squeal fills your ears.
portion of the wall slides free! Points.
You jump back in horror and realize
that the strange sound comes from the Peering inside, you see a well-lit Advanced Game Combat: Thief (AC
mushroom itself! As the shrill sound hallway running north, roughly 30 feet 5; HD 4; HP 41; Damage 1d8+2)
echoes off the walls, you realize that long. You also see two cloaked men If you defeat the thief, Go to 462.
any hungry creatures lurking nearby passing through a door in the west wall If the Thief is still alive after two
will certainly be aware of your presence. at the north end. You manage to hear rounds of combat, Go to 411.
You draw your blade and reduce the the last few words of their conversation
Shrieker to a heap of chunks. As before they close the door behind them. 423) Time: 3 minutes EP:250
quickly as it started, the sound abates. It sounds like they are supposed to be
You leave the room and head back to You hack at your opponent’s wrist
guarding the secret door, but decided to
the intersection. and his sword clatters to the street, his
slip away for a few moments to listen in severed hand still clutching the hilt.
Go to 181. on a meeting in the guild hall. You You swing a deadly uppercut and split
count to five after the door closes your opponent open from belt to chin.
behind them, then pass through the He falls backwards into a water trough,
418) Time: 1 minute
secret door and into the Black Blades trailing blood and entrails.
This section of sewer runs east and hideout!
west. To the east, the corridor turns Make a Wisdom Ability Check.
and heads south. The passage west is a Go to 401. If you succeed, Go to 354. 61
dead end, but as you look down it, you If you fail, Go to 510.

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9

Kalamar Quest

424) Time: 10 minutes If you have already vanquished the 431) Slowly, you approach the meeting
When you open your eyes, you are Ochre Jelly and would like to force your of sewers and river, keeping only your
greeted by a dull buzzing sound in your way through the portcullis, Go to 433. head above water. You sneak a glance at
ears and a painful lump on the back of the torchlight and see several heavily
your skull. You are unable to move your armored figures wielding axes standing
427) Time: 1 minute around a torchbearer. These certainly
limbs, and as you glance down to survey
your situation, you see that you are You are in the Black Blades hideout! do not look like any thieves you have
bound hand and foot. As your hearing Roll 1d6 for luck. If you roll a 1, you ever seen!
returns, you realize that the buzzing are spotted by a Blade Thief and must On either side of the group, you see
sound is actually a flood of voices. Go to 499. Otherwise, continue the entrances to the sewers, heading
Looking up, you see a large room full of reading. north and south. It is here that the city
men dressed in dark clothes. They stare This 70-foot-long hallway runs east waste trickles into the river and flows
at you, whispering to one another. A and west. The west end intersects with out to sea. The sound of the river
tall man stands in front of you. Judging another passage running north and dampens their voices so you carefully
by his stature and demeanor, you south, while the eastern end stops at a edge forward along the wall, out of the
assume he must be the Black Blades door. Roughly 30 feet west of that door range of the torchlight. Finally, you can
Guildmaster. When he sees that you is another door, but in the south wall. hear some of the conversation. The
are awake and aware of your surround- To enter the east door, Go to 401. voices are very guttural and animalistic,
ings, his powerful voice fills the large and your heart skips a beat as you
meeting hall. To enter the south door, Go to 341.
recognize the Orcish tongue. Having
“I would speak with the prisoner To head west to the intersection, Go dealt with a variety of smugglers and
now.” to 362. pirates, you have some passing famil-
iarity with this harsh language. You
Go to 500.
understand a few words and mouth
428) In one motion, you pivot on your
them silently to yourself as you work
heel and draw your sword. The thief is
425) The door opens into a short the difficult translation. In horror, you
caught by surprise! You may make a
north and south corridor. At the begin to piece together the conversa-
backstab before the battle begins. If
southern end, a thief stands guard. tion. Three words in particular are
during the battle you try to escape, the
With the speed of a viper, your sword is repeated over and over: thieves, blood
thief blocks your path.
out and lunging for his chest. He and death.
sidesteps the blow and draws his own If you defeat the thief, Go to 432.
Go to 506.
sword. The flames of rage and desper-
ation fuel your attack as you advance on
429) “Point me the way out or I will
your prey. Before he can raise an alarm 432) Time: 4 minutes EP:350
end your life here!” you hiss in his ear.
or call for help, you slash your weapon The thief slashes at you with his
The thief, wracked with agony, raises a
across his defenses and open a wicked sword and you sidestep the attack,
shaky finger and points towards the
gash in his sword arm. As his sword plunging your blade deep into his chest.
south wall. You notice a small stone
clatters to the floor, you rotate your With a shudder, he watches in agony as
dial used to unlock a secret door. True
hips, slamming the pommel of your his life gushes from the wound. You
to your promise, you sheath your sword
sword across his forehead. Helpless, lean back against the wall to regain
and head through the secret portal
your opponent falls to the ground. The your strength before searching his body.
towards freedom.
tip of your blade touches his throat. It is a common practice for guild
The portal opens into a small room members to tattoo an identification
Go to 429.
with a door in the north wall. You open sigil on their arm. Your own left arm is
this door and enter the dark, fetid inked with a small, dark fist. The
426) Time: 1 minute sewers of Zoa. Your guild is Blades brand their members with a
This 40-foot-long corridor runs east somewhere to the north and your small dagger symbol. You examine the
and west. There is an iron portcullis on brother’s life depends on your haste. slain Thief and find no such mark, then
the southern side of the east end. The Go to 406. head back into the corridor.
west end turns and heads north. Record “No Brand” on your character
If the Ochre Jelly is chasing you, you 430) Time: 2 minutes sheet along with the number 5, and
sprint to the portcullis and tug with all then Go to 28.
your might. If you cannot bend these Make a Wisdom Ability Check. If
bars and slip through, you are a dead you succeed, Go to 345. Otherwise,
man! Make a Strength Ability Check! you rummage through the crates and 433) Time: 1 minute
62 If you succeed, Go to 399. If you fail, find nothing of value. You plant your feet and throw your
Go to 353. Go to 355. weight against the bars. They begin to

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9

Brothers By Blood

move and you push with all your might! room is filled with putrid waste, 439) Time: 1 minute
Suddenly, the ceiling supporting the clumped up in large piles around the You stay motionless, hiding in the
portcullis crumbles! You roll forwards room. There is a small shaft in the shadows. Each second feels like an
as the rubble falls around you. When ceiling, probably leading to a refuse eternity, but the Orc gives no indication
the dust settles, you see that you have drain near an inn - or some other place that he is aware of you. After a minute
completely blocked off the portcullis! that would produce abundant food or so, you hear a soft rumble coming
Go to 112. wastes. The stench here is overpowering from the Orc. You listen intently and
and you cover your face with your cloak. then smile as you realize that the Orc is
To examine the large piles of waste, asleep! You decide to dispatch this
434) “These things take time, my
Go to 363. fellow before he wakes up and makes
friend. We have done all we can for
To head back to the intersection, Go life difficult for you.
him.” Yet, Fellik’s words offer you little
comfort as you notice your brother’s to 181. Make a Thief Skill Check to move
breathing deepen. silently up to the sleeping Orc.
You warn Fellik that more Orcs may 437) Time: 4 minutes If you succeed, Go to 234.
be on their way and there are likely The Guildmaster slowly rubs his If you fail, Go to 262.
wounded thieves that can use his
stern jaw as he contemplates your fate.
healing skills. He encourages you to
After a moment of intense thought, he 440) Time: 1 minute
join him, citing the fact that your
exhales deeply and passes judgment.
brother must rest to recover his This 20-foot-long section of corridor
strength, and your friends are in need. “By all rights I should have you runs east and west and is illuminated by
You do not wish to leave your brother, maimed and sent back to your keepers. oil lamps. The floor here is very clean
but your sense of duty compels you to However, it is in our best interest to and the walls are free of the muck and
follow Fellik. hold you here until after we deal with slime that normally coats every inch of
an impending threat. Besides, what the sewers. There is a door at the west
Searching your guild halls, you find a
you have shown me is very interesting end and a large archway in the south
dozen or so thieves that have not
indeed! I anticipate we will find a use wall, at the east end, opening into
succumbed to their wounds. Fellik
for you when the dust settles and the another well-lit corridor. You hear
rushes about administering healing
bargaining for territory begins.” voices in the distance.
potions as you carry them back into the
guild. After fifteen minutes or so, you The Guildmaster waves his hand, and “Have you heard the rumors? Beetho
hear the metal clank of something two thieves pluck you from your chair, said he saw an Orc patrol not far from
approaching from the sewers. dragging you by the arms down the here! Something strange is happening
hallway and into a darkened room. and I would wager the Fists are behind
Go to 277.
They heave you unceremoniously in the it all!”
corner and bind your legs with thick
“If there are Orcs in the sewers, they
435) The Guildmaster waves his hand, rope. Your captors place your sword
could be in here next! Could you
and two thieves pluck you from your and thieves tools on a table, laughing as imagine? Orcs finding their way into
chair, dragging you by the arms down they begin sorting out their share of our hideout?! We need to stay alert and
the hallway and into a darkened room. your belongings. Once they are content report anything suspicious!”
They drop you unceremoniously in the with their pickings, they leave, locking
corner and bind your legs with thick the door behind them. You realize that the Black Blades
rope. Your captors place your sword hideout is though the archway in the
Go to 502. south wall!
and thieves tools on a table and dump
your remaining possessions on the To head south through the archway,
floor, laughing as they begin sorting out 438) Time: 2 minutes Go to 259.
their share of your belongings. Once You are standing at an intersection. To open the door in the west wall, Go
they are content with their pickings Goodfellows Lane runs east and west to 385.
they leave in search of the implements while Artisan’s Way, the name given to
of persuasion, locking the door behind the Zoan central road as it traverses the
them. Artisan District, heads north and 441) Time: 2 minutes
Go to 483. south. A City Watch checkpoint to the The light from your candle leads you
south discourages you from heading south another 80 feet or so through a
that way. winding passageway, until you suddenly
436) Time: 3 minutes EP: 2 run up against a stone wall! You
To head north, Go to 144.
You slam your weight against the door suspect there might be a secret door
and it breaks free from whatever rust was To head east, Go to 307. here. Finding a secret door is much like
binding the hinges. This large 20’ by 20’ To head west, Go to 221. finding a hidden trap.

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9

Kalamar Quest

Make a Thief Skill Check to find indeed! For all I know you were sent end, hopeful that you can find a good
traps. here to assassinate me, although I place to hide yourself.
If you succeed, Go to 394. should hope to have earned enough Make a Thief Skill Check to hide in
respect and notoriety to merit a more the shadows.
If you fail, you have no choice but to talented cutthroat than one such as
head back down the cave and ride the yourself!” If you succeed, Go to 403.
currents back to the sewers. This takes If you fail, Go to 421.
roughly 12 minutes, and you must Go The assembled guild erupts in
to 30. nervous laughter and even a few cheers.
Pausing for a moment to allow the 446) You are standing in a short
mood to build amongst his thieves, the hallway heading west to an intersec-
442) You explore upstream and quickly Guildmaster turns to address his gang. tion. You tiptoe towards the intersec-
discover a large iron portcullis barring “Earlier this evening I told you of a tion, hoping that there is no one
your progress. Some 30 feet to the west perceived threat against our guild. I stationed there to guard your door.
is a similar portcullis, but its bars are believe this young cutpurse has verified With your back pressed firmly against
bent out of position, allowing you to that danger. Should we make an the stone wall, you slide sideways and
pass through them. You hear voices example of him and show the Fist that poke your head around the corner to
coming from the cave and you decide to we are not to be trifled with? Perhaps the north. About 30 feet away and
follow the course of the river in search we should escort this sorry fellow back walking briskly towards you are two
of freedom. After another 30 feet or so, to his home and inform our enemies thieves carrying a whip and several
the river runs under an outcropping of that the Blades will not be intimi- other implements of torture. They give
stone blocking your path. You slip into dated!” out a loud shout when they see you and
the current and swim under the
“No, please!” you plead, “May I be charge!
outcropping. When you emerge from
the water, you ride the gentle current to permitted to speak openly?” Go to 448.
the east The Guildmaster calls for silence and
Then, as you near the area where the turns back to you. “Do not worry,
447) Time: 3 minutes
sewers meet the river, you are quite young thief. While it is accepted
practice to take your hands as punish- Judging by the neatly arranged items
surprised to see torchlight ahead.
ment, we will let you keep them… we’ll on shelves and in chests, this must be a
Shifting your weight, you manage to
just take your fingers!” storeroom for the items that the guild
steer yourself to the wall and hold on
Go to 501. ‘acquires’ from travelers and merchants.
against the current. Slowly, using what
Many of the items are too large to stuff
little handholds there are along the
in your pouch, but you do find a stout
walls, you move cautiously forward. In
445) Time: 6 minutes bag of 35 gold coins that shouldn’t
all likelihood, the Blades are there
waiting for you! You head north between the build- weigh you down or make too much
ings, quickly reaching Split Barrel Alley. noise, especially if you stuff the bag
Go to 431. with a strip of cloth. Once you have
The eastern part of the alley seems to be
blocked by a jumble of broken crates helped yourself to the Black Blades
443) Time: 3 minutes EP: 35 and barrels, so you turn to head west. private hoard, you continue on your
With the faint glimmer of moonlight as quest. You see a door in the east and
The Orc lunges at you with his spear
your guide, you work your way south walls.
and you easily sidestep his attack. His
back exposed, you drive your blade deep westward along Split Barrel Alley. The To enter the east door and return to
in between his shoulders, severing his sounds of the busier nighttime streets the intersection, Go to 321.
spinal cord. With a squeal, he falls are absent here, and you take caution
To enter the south door, Go to 388.
forward in a dying heap. You search his not to alert anyone to your presence.
body and find 5 gold coins. You have Suddenly, the gruff voices of several
no idea why this Orc was guarding a men cause you to freeze in your steps. 448) Having never been particularly
sewer corridor, but clearly something The City Watch is headed this way! partial to torture, you bolt to the west,
important must be nearby. Peering around a building, you see straight through the intersection. Your
three men approaching from the north. own guild has employed torture from
Go to 386.
One of them holds up a lantern and time to time and you are well aware of
spots you! “Ho, citizen! Present the specialized techniques used to
444) Your statement causes a nervous yourself!” he cries. Your reflexes cause extract information from the unwilling.
chatter to fall over the assembled you to immediately duck back into the After your first panicked strides, you
thieves. The Guildmaster raises his shadows. With shouts of alarm, the realize that you are heading towards a
64 hand, demanding silence and speaks three men charge! Turning east, you dead end some 40 feet away! You curse
again. “This is a bold accusation bolt down the street towards the dead your cruel fortunes and bolt towards

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9

Brothers By Blood

the dead end. At least you will put up others! The Guildmaster is still inves- The task proves difficult at first, but
a good fight before the end. tigating the appearance of Hobgoblins eventually you manage to coax the
Go to 511. in our sewers. If they are using the back tumblers to slide into position and
door, we need to guard it!” release the lock. Satisfied, you put your
“Aye, I would wager the Fists have tools away and peer into the small
449) You wait anxiously for the room. Except for a few cobwebs, the
hired the foul things to try and muscle
antidote to take effect. room is empty. You think it strange
us out of town!”
If less than 120 minutes passed since that an empty room would be locked,
“You are probably right, so thus it
you started your quest, or you are so you decide to search a bit.
falls to you to guard this door tonight.
playing the Basic Game, Go to 419. Make an Intelligence Ability Check.
If you need any help, just ring the alarm
If more than 120 minutes passed bell.” If you fail, you find nothing of
since you started your quest, Go to 383. interest and head back to the intersec-
You have found a secret entrance to
the Black Blades Hideout! One of the tion, and Go to 286.
450) After Fellik leaves, you sit in the men wanders off while the other begins If you succeed, Go to 392.
still, quiet of the room, listening to your pacing up and down the hallway,
brother’s lungs draw in air as his chest whistling a tune to himself. If you time
it correctly, you should be able to slip 455) Time: 1 minute EP: 5
rises and falls. The tense seconds seem
to drag on for hours before his through the door and backstab the thief Any aid this fallen thief can offer
breathing deepens. Soon his eyes while his back is turned. You had better might help you in your quest. You
flutter and he opens his mouth, gasping finish him off quickly, or his cries will reverently pat down the body for
for air like a man drowning in the sea. alert the entire guild! anything that might prove useful.
He tries to sit up and you place a gentle If you choose to backstab the thief, During your search, something catches
hand on his chest to calm him. He Go to 422. your eye. It is not something that you
looks at you and a huge grin erupts see, but something you do not see; his
If you choose to head back through left arm is bare. You look at your own
across your face.
the cave and ride the currents back to left arm and study the small tattoo of a
Go to 453. the sewers, add 17 minutes to your fist. This thief should have a small
time, and Go to 30. dagger etched into the skin of his left
451) Time: 1 minute arm, but there is simply nothing there.
You scale the short ladder up to the 453) “Well, little brother, if I am not Record “No Brand” on your character
sewer portal and slowly raise the heavy, mistaken, you saved my life. While my sheet along with the number 5.
iron cover. Peering out into the quiet body was stricken, my mind could hear Go to 405.
streets of Zoa, you scan the area for any every word, and I know you risked
signs of the City Watch. Once you are everything to save me. Is there
content that it is safe to exit, you slide anything I can do to repay you?” smiles 456) Time: 5 minutes EP: 5
the cover to the side and emerge from Orin. Instead of rushing off to find the
the foul sewers and into the brisk night You see in your brother the same Black Blades guild, you decide that it
air. drive and devotion that carried you would be better to search here for any
Go to 320. through dark times in the past, as well clues that might aid you in your quest.
as the terrible challenges of this night. The assassin’s lifeless body is clothed in
He ponders his own question for a black, his bearded face frozen in a
452) Time: 2 minutes EP: 12 moment and then nods in total agree- painful grimace. His soft leather boots
You discover that a section of the wall ment when you voice your opinion. are crusted with muck. It is clear he
can slide to the right. You slide it open “We share a bond that can not be so must have come through the sewers.
and light pours into the cave. You easily cast aside. Not even an assassin’s Make an Intelligence Ability Check.
quickly extinguish your flame and peer knife can sever our blood-tie. You owe If you succeed, Go to 201. Otherwise,
through the crack. Standing a few feet me nothing, Orin. It was an honor to Go to 396.
away are two men in black cloaks defend your life,” you reply, squeezing
having a heated discussion. his arm. With a laugh, you continue,
Fortunately, neither one noticed you 457) Time: 3 minutes
“Besides, that’s what brothers are for!”
crack open the secret door, so you pause Sprinting through the Fist hideout,
to listen. You have succeeded in your quest!
you head for the stairs that lead up to
Still, more adventure awaits you. Why
“Listen, Caelin. It is your turn to the Greater Good Warehouse. As you
not try again?
guard the cave door. More than one pass the thief guarding the entrance,
Blade has gone missing in the past few you mutter something about “urgent
days and we cannot afford to lose any 454) Time: 2 minutes EP: 5 guild business.” He nods wordlessly

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9


and opens the door leading into the it out. They wanted your Guildmaster 465) Time: 5 minutes
brisk night air. to think the Blades slew your brother You kneel down and begin to examine
Go to 402. and goad him into attacking the the floor tiles. Finding the right tile is
Blades. similar to finding a well-hidden trap.
While your guild sought a false Make a Thief Skill Check to find
458) Time: 1 minute EP: 2 revenge and assaulted the Black Blades, traps.
You quickly compose yourself and these mercenaries would rush in and
explain that you were told to report destroy those who remained to guard If you succeed, Go to 358.
back and tell him that all is well near the Fist guild. Then they would send If you fail, you leave the room in
the river. reinforcements to the south and attack disgust, and Go to 412.
“Ah, excellent work,” he says. “Now, while the Fist and Blades were locked
it is nearly time, so hurry back and in combat with one another. They 466) Time: 2 minutes
secure your position!” As he heads for intended to finish off whatever was left
of both guilds! In one fell swoop, the You are very grateful to be free from
the door, the man turns his back to you.
Hidden Hand was taking over the the effects of the poison.
You may attempt a backstab.
Zoan underworld! To head east and turn north, Go to 17.
If you attack, Go to 428.
Suddenly, you hear soft splashing To head west and turn south, Go to 36.
If you want to leave the thief alone, behind you, to the west. You snap out To approach the three doors in the
Go to 28. of your reverie and see Blade pursuers southern wall, Go to 4.
If you would rather follow the thief, quietly advancing towards you!
Go to 179. Go to 514. 467) Time: 2 minutes
Besides puddles of rotting waste,
459) With the antidote in hand, you 462) Time: 1 minute EP: 75 there is nothing of interest here so you
slip out the door and back into the The Thief crumples under the force head back.
hallway. As you close the door behind of your attack. Easing his body to the Go to 71.
you, you can hear several voices coming ground, you quietly drag it through the
from the room to the south. Whatever secret door and into the cave.
is going on in there, it sounds impor- 468) You decide not to use the secret
tant. Perhaps they are preparing an Go to 163. door just yet, as you stand in the
ambush against the Fists! Your corridor pondering your next move.
Guildmaster would be keenly inter- 463) Time: 1 minute Looking around you again, you note
ested in any information so you decide Everything looks safe, so you insert a that this corridor runs east and west
to approach the door and investigate. tool to try to open the lock. What you approximately 50 feet. To the west, the
Go to 100. failed to notice, however, was the corridor turns and heads north. To the
spring-loaded dart concealed at the east, the corridor turns and heads
back of the lock. You poke at the rear south. There is a secret door in the east
460) Time: 2 minutes tumbler and instead you bump the end of the corridor, just where it turns
Not wishing to waste any more time, spring. The dart digs into your palm south.
you climb down the ladder. About and begins to burn with poison! To head south, Go to 2.
halfway down, you pause to allow your Subtract 2d4 hit points. At least you To head west and turn north, Go to 271.
eyes to fully adjust to this new darkness can open the lock now. To change your mind and use the secret
and to calm your anxious mind. You Make a Thief Skill Check to open the door to go east, enter and Go to 72.
have found the hideout, but in the lock.
scheme of things, this was the easy part.
Now you must do the unthinkable and If you succeed, Go to 178. 469) Time: 1 minute
sneak through the hive of your enemy If you fail, you breathe a deep, You drink several gulps from the cask
in an effort to save your brother. With frustrated sigh and head back to the and suddenly feel very light-headed.
a deep breath, you climb down the rest intersection, as you Go to 181. You stumble to a cot and sit to regain
of the way. your balance. Perhaps that was not
Go to 369. 464) You have achieved the first part water! You know that the Blades are
of your quest, locating the Black Blades proficient with certain toxins. Is it
poison stash! Have you discovered any possible that you mistook a cask of
461) You cringe in anger as the man poison for a cask of water?
special clues (items associated with a
gives off a hearty laugh. Suddenly it all Make a Constitution Ability Check.
particular number) on your way here?
makes sense. The Black Blades did not
66 assassinate your brother - agents of a If you have, Go to 459. If you succeed, Go to 390.
group called the Hidden Hand carried Otherwise, Go to 342. If you fail, Go to 348.

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9

Brothers By Blood

470) Time: 1 minute 472) Time: 3 minutes 475) Time: 2 minutes

You feel something grip your left You push open the door and stride The bones appear normal, and you
ankle. Reaching down, you discover it confidently into the room. The man estimate this skeleton has probably
is another thick strand of rope. standing in the center of the room turns been here for months. You mutter a
Suddenly, you are tugged off your feet! and you see that he wears the garb of a solemn prayer to the spirit of whoever
You struggle to regain your footing and thief! You stare at one another for an died here and head back to the corridor.
sense a huge shape directly above you. instant before he speaks. “What are Go to 418.
Even in the darkness you can make out you doing here? You should be in
the two rows of eyes staring at you as position!”
the Giant Spider attacks! Make a Charisma Ability Check. 476) Time: 1 minute

Whenever the Giant Spider scores a If you succeed, Go to 458. “I’m asking the questions,” you reply.
successful combat roll, make a “What are YOU doing here?” The man
If you fail, Go to 393.
glances at the two Orcs and draws his
Constitution Ability Check. If you
sword. The Orcs snarl in agreement
succeed, make the normal damage roll.
473) Time: 1 minute and raise their clubs to attack.
If you fail, you take an additional 1d6
points of damage from the poison. Make a Strength Ability Check! If you Basic Game Combat: You attack first,
Due to the thick web latched to your succeed, you are able to shift the heavy followed by the Thief and the two
leg, you cannot escape and must fight grate cover, revealing an iron rung ladder Orcs. You must roll a 13 or better to hit
to the death. heading down into the dark stench of the the Thief; if you hit, you deal 1d8+2
Zoan sewer network. Go to 32. HP of damage. The Thief must roll a 7
Basic Game Combat: You attack first. or better on 1d20 to hit you; if it hits,
Roll 1d20+1. You must roll a 14 or If you fail, you are unable to lift the
grate and decide to continue on your the Thief deals 1d8+2 HP of damage.
better to hit the Giant Spider; if you The Thief has 41 Hit Points.
hit, you deal 1d8+2 HP of damage. way. A dark, inviting alley known to
the locals as the Ivory Crawl, for its You must roll a 12 or better to hit
The Giant Spider must roll a 7 or
meandering path from the western either Orc; if you hit, you deal 1d8+2
better on 1d20 to hit you; if it hits, the
edge of the Artisan’s District to the HP of damage. Each Orc must roll an
Giant Spider deals 1d8 HP of damage.
Ivory Privy tavern on the eastern edge, 11 or better on 1d20 to hit you; if it
The Giant Spider has 36 Hit Points.
leads off to the east and west. hits, the Orc deals 1d6 HP of damage.
Advanced Game Combat: Giant Each Orc has 24 Hit Points.
To head north along Guardsman
Spider (AC 4; HD 4; HP 36; Damage
Road, Go to 317. Advanced Game Combat: Thief (AC
To head south along Guardsman 5; HD 4; HP 41; Damage 1d8+2)
If you defeat the Giant Spider, Go to 360. Road, Go to 43. Each of two Orcs (AC 6; HD 1; HP
To head east on the Ivory Crawl, Go 24; Damage 1d6)
471) Time: 2 minutes EP: 50 to 295. If you defeat the thief and the Orcs,
You make quick work of the two To head west on the Ivory Crawl, Go Go to 198.
Orcs. They seemed rather frightened to 18. If you escape, Go to 28.
during your attack. You don’t normally
instill that much terror in your enemies. 474) You roll to safety, but one of the 477) Time: 15 minutes
Perhaps they mistook you for the man barbs sinks into your legs. Your heart
inside the room? You search their “Halt in the name of the Watch!”
racing in terror, you ponder your fate.
pouches and find two tokens with the cries a loud voice. You have been
The Fists had coated these barbs with
Fist symbol etched on them. You place spotted by the City Watch! You leap
venom capable of paralyzing a man for
them in your pouch and continue. from your hiding place and make a mad
hours. The resident vermin would likely
dash, hoping to lose your pursuers in
Record “Fist Token” on your consume anyone unfortunate enough to
the shadows. Once the whistles begin
character sheet along with the number be paralyzed down here in the sewers!
blowing, you know that other patrols
202. Still, maybe one barb won’t be too bad.
will join the hunt. You make a heroic
To enter the room the Orcs came out Roll 1d4. Multiply the result by 2 to effort not to be caught, but in the end,
of, Go to 472. determine how many minutes you must rough hands grab at your cloak from
lay exposed on the cold, fetid floors (be behind and bear you to the ground.
Otherwise, to enter the northwest sure to record the time you spent here).
door, Go to 8. You kick at your assailants, but eventu-
Finally, your limbs regain their strength ally your limbs are bound and you are
To enter the southwest door, Go to 15. and you continue. dragged off to a nearby jail for
Go to 466. questioning. 67
Go to 352.

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9


478) EP: 2 and a strange token with the symbol of secret entrance and the clang of steel
As your enemies approach, you glance a fist etched into it! You have never you hear ahead.
to your left and see a small metal lever seen such a token and decide to take it Go to 372.
built into the wall. with you. You quickly scale the cliff-
face and head back.
If you reach out and move the lever, 481) Time: 2 minutes
Go to 496. Record “Fist Token” on your
character sheet along with the number As you reach toward the mage to
Otherwise, Go to 512. 202, and Go to 25. search him, the Blade bats away your
hand. “There is no time for that!”
479) Time: 6 minutes EP: 5 hisses your new companion, “we must
480) Time: 15 minutes
make haste!”
You do not spot any traps, but your Traveling together, you discover the
keen eyes detect a faint twinkle, just You quickly follow him into the sewer
corridor filled with dead rats. These
where the slope down to the water entrance heading towards your home.
must be victims of the wizard’s magical
begins. You stare intently at the spot After a few paces, he hands you a small,
cloud. After journeying for several
and you think you can make out a wrapped item and explains that it is
minutes, you hear the sound of battle
human shape! You swing yourself over from his Guildmaster. He knew you
up ahead. Your companion seems to
the wall and descend the steep slope would have a use for it. You open the
know this section of the sewers and
down to the body. When you arrive, cloth wrapping and find a vial of clear
whispers that you are very close to the
you see that it is not a human, but an liquid. The thief looks at it and softly
entrance to your guild. When you
Orc! Judging by his armor and whispers, “It is the cirenten counter.
round the corner, you begin to recog-
weaponry, he must be some sort of The master said you needed it.”
nize this section of the sewer from a
mercenary. You quickly pat him down previous foray into this stench. You Your heart swelling with hope, you
and find a pouch with 10 gold coins lead your Black Blade ally towards your place your prize into your belt pouch
and continue down the corridor.
Go to 480.

482) “Wait! We must hide his body to

retain the element of surprise!” you
whisper. You each grab an arm,
dragging the mage into the southern
sewers and hiding him in the shadows.
Your thief training takes over and the
urge to look through his pockets is
almost unbearable.
If you put your hands in the mage’s
pockets, Go to 497.
If you choose not to stick your hands
into his pockets, Go to 481.

483) Time: 15 minutes

Wrestling against the coarse rope
binding your wrists, you wince in pain
as your skin is rubbed raw, devoting all
your will to the task. Your nimble
fingers pick at the stout knot until, after
what seems an eternity, you are able to
loosen your bonds, ever mindful of the
fact that at any minute you could be
interrupted by a few zealous Black
Blades intent on breaking a few of your
ribs. Stinging drops of sweat coat your
swollen wrists and you are able to slide
68 free from the rope!
Go to 414.

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9

Brothers By Blood

484) Time: 3 minutes you are sure it does not bode well for One bottle contains a sweet-smelling
This section of Harbor Road your guild. You watch in awe for amber liquid. Another is silvery and
connects the main intersection with the several minutes while the swirling smells of an iron forge. You sniff the
eastern edge of the Artisan’s Square. clouds feel their way into the sewers. cap of an intense red liquid and the
There are pleasing aromas emanating Finally, the glow fades and the last of scent of toasted almonds greets you. A
from the buildings in this section of the the vapors fade into oblivion. bitter waft rises from a dark blue liquid.
square, many of which specialize in A clear liquid with no obvious smell is
Go to 409.
exotic perfumes and tinctures and the next. You grab a small glass bottle and
fragrant breeze wafting though the area remove the stopper of a bitter-smelling
is revitalizing. 487) You inch towards the wizard, pale green potion. You next sample the
your blade in hand. The wizard begins bitter smell of a crystal clear fluid. The
Roll 1d6 for luck. If you roll a 1, Go mumbling a few words to himself, and hazy yellow liquid smells like cinders
to 349. Otherwise, you may choose you think nothing of it. Suddenly he and burning flesh.
your path.
spins around and you feel a powerful Unfortunately, you only have room in
To head east on Harbor Road, Go to 395. field of energy swirling around your your pouch for one large bottle. Record
To head west on Harbor Road,Go to 146. body. Every muscle in your body which liquid (scent and color) you take
stiffens and you shout in horror as you on your character sheet. You decide
realize you cannot move! that you had best take your leave of this
485) Time: 2 minutes place before your captors discover that
“Well, well…what do we have here?
You push open the door to this room Perhaps you thought you would sneak you have escaped.
and come face to face with two up behind me and slit my throat, yes? I If you decide to go east, Go to 490.
ferocious Hobgoblins bearing morning think not! Yes, I believe I shall leave
stars. They growl out a war cry and If you decide that the west route is
you to the Orcs. They will be here in a faster, Go to 491.
attack! moment, and would like nothing more
Basic Game Combat: You attack first. than to practice their killing stokes on a
Roll 1d20+1. You must roll a 13 or real thief before they march into 490) Time: 3 minutes
better to hit each Hobgoblin; if you hit, battle.” You are not too concerned with how
you deal 1d8+2 HP of damage. Each Go to 505. you leave, so long as it is quick and you
Hobgoblin must roll a 10 or better on make it out alive. Your instincts tell you
1d20 to hit you; if either hits, it deals the quickest exit will be to the east.
2d4 HP of damage. Each Hobgoblin 488) Time: 1 minute Sprinting as quickly as you can, you
has 25 Hit Points. You find yourself at the great harbor follow the corridor back towards the
Advanced Game Combat: each of two wall surrounding the Sinking Bay, way you came. At the far end of the
Hobgoblins (AC 5; HD 1+; HP 25; south of a dark alley. You feel only a hallway is a door, and you slow your
Damage 2d4) small twinge of caution about standing pace, one hand gripping the hilt of your
here below its guard towers, since any long sword.
If you defeat the Hobgoblins, Go to 368.
guards in them will likely be watching The door opens into a short north
If you escape, Go to 169.
the harbor instead peering into the and south corridor. At the far south
shadows where you stand. Still, you end, a thief is standing guard. With the
486) Time: 10 minutes resolve to be careful. speed of a viper, your sword is out and
To head north through the alley, Go lunging for his chest. He sidesteps the
At that instant, one of the human
to 518. blow and draws his own sword. The
men steps towards the north sewer
flames of rage and desperation fuel your
entrance and four Orcs step forward To head west along the harbor wall, attack as you advance on your prey.
alongside him. He begins speaking in Go to 266. Before he can raise an alarm or call for
an arcane tongue, and you immediately
To head east along the harbor wall, help, you slash your weapon across his
recognize him as a wizard. A magical
Go to 519. defenses and open a wicked gash in his
aura begins to swirl around his hands
sword arm. As his sword clatters to the
and they soon glow with a sickly, yellow
floor, you rotate your hips, slamming
light. Suddenly, the light begins to 489) The shelves and tables of this the pommel of your sword across his
grow and drift away from the wizard, large room hold dozens of large glass forehead. Helpless, your opponent falls
thickening into billowing clouds of gas and ceramic bottles filled with colorful to the ground. You rest the tip of your
that seep north into the sewer entrance. liquids. A label on one shelf displays a blade on his throat.
More and more vapors flow from the skull and bones, the common symbol
mage’s hands and fill the corridor. Go to 416.
for poisons and venoms. You survey the
You do not know what sort of bottles carefully before taking them
mystical power is bound to the gas, but down and examining them closely.

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9


491) Time: 4 minutes tinctures and the fragrant breeze slopes downwards to the north towards
You are not too concerned with how wafting though the area is revitalizing. the sound of running water. After
you leave, so long as it is quick and you Roll 1d6 for luck. If you roll a 1, you crawling the last few feet on your
make it out alive. Your instincts tell you must Go to 349. stomach, you emerge from the cave
the quickest exit will be to the west. along the banks of the subterranean
Otherwise, you may go east or west.
Sprinting as quickly as you can, you river known as the Devil’s Fork, its
To head east towards the intersection gentle current propelling it ever
dart down the hallway and turn left.
of Harbor Road and Artisan’s Way, Go eastward.
Running northwards, you clutch the
to 146.
hilt of your long sword, prepared to Go to 442.
fight your way out if necessary. At the To head west, Go to 373.
end of the hallway, you turn left again
and head west. Your legs infused with 497) Time: 2 minutes EP: 10
494) Time: 3 minutes
excitement, you dash down the long In a flash, you retrieve a pouch and
corridor. Near the end is a large arch in This alley provides ample cover from head into the northern sewer entrance
the north wall. You bolt through the the prying eyes and ears of the City towards your home. As you make your
archway and into another short Watch. You wait for a patrol to pass way through the muck-filled corridor,
corridor, a door barring your progress to before you continue. you sift through the pouch and spot
the west. Drawing your sword, you To head east, Go to 25. two vials of liquid. One is dark blue and
throw the door open and charge ahead. To go west, Go to 404. the other clear. Your companion looks
Go to 425. at them and smiles.
“Ah, cirenten and its counter! A
495) Time: 3 minutes
492) Time: 4 minutes powerful poison indeed! You had
This section of Artisan’s Way mentioned to the Guildmaster that
“Wait!” you cry, “I am here by my own connects with the northern border of your brother was poisoned - perhaps
choice and not as an emissary of the the Artisan’s Square. There are pleasing this might help,” he whispers.
guild I serve. I am not here to avenge aromas emanating from the buildings
my kin. I only came to steal back my in this section of the square, many of Your heart swells with hope! With
brother’s life from the assassin’s dagger! which specialize in exotic perfumes and silent thanks to Miazaar, you place the
By Miazaar, I swear I mean you no tinctures and the fragrant breeze antidote in your own pouch and
harm!” wafting though the area is revitalizing. continue down the corridor.
Staring deep into dark eyes that seem Roll 1d6 for luck. If you roll a 1, you Go to 480.
to pierce your very soul, you silently must Go to 349. Otherwise, you may
plead your case before your sworn travel north or south. 498) Make a Thief Skill Check to
adversary. The Guildmaster slowly To head north, Go to 397. move silently towards the men.
rubs his stern jaw as he contemplates
your fate. After a moment of intense To head south, Go to 146. If you succeed, Go to 515.
thought, he exhales deeply and passes If you fail, Go to 477.
judgment. 496) Time: 10 minutes
“By all rights I should have you You slam the lever down with all your 499) Time: 1 minute
maimed and sent back to your keepers. might. A soft thud echoes deep within
However, it is in our best interest to “Intruder!!!” cries the thief, pointing
the wall and a section of the stonework
hold you captive here until we have in your direction. You immediately
slides open revealing a pitch-black
dealt with an impending threat that has burst into action, desperate to evade
tunnel heading north. You instinctively
recently come to our attention. In the pursuit. Looking back over your
rush into the comforting warmth and
meantime, you will be acquainted with shoulder you see several Blade thieves
safety that the darkness provides. You
the hospitality of the Black Blades. My chasing you, swords drawn. You round
run roughly twenty paces into the
men are quite good at extracting infor- a corner and run headlong into another
blackness and turn to face your
mation from the willing and unwilling group of thieves. You skid to a stop and
pursuers. They pause at the opening
alike! For your own sake, I suggest you consider your options. Like a cornered
and peer inside. Fearing a deadly blade
tell them what they wish to know!” dog, you prepare for the worst and reach
hidden in the darkness, they nervously
back away and call for help. You are for your sword. A blinding flash fills
Go to 435.
resolved to be far away by the time help your eyes and you drop to your knees.
arrives so you cling to the rough surface You look up and see a stout thief
493) Time: 3 minutes of the cave wall and proceed into cave. preparing to swing again with his black-
There are pleasing aromas emanating After several feet, the ceiling begins to jack. Covering your head with your
70 from the buildings in this area, many of slope downward and eventually you are hands, you wait for the blow to fall.
which specialize in exotic perfumes and on your hands and knees. The ground Go to 424.

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9

Brothers By Blood

500) Time: 5 minutes eternity, you are able to loosen your “Well, Orin is in your hands now. I
The Blade Guildmaster reaches for bonds, ever mindful of the fact that at have done all I can. I must take up my
your left arm and bares it, revealing the any minute you could be interrupted by position at the sewer door. After your
small dark fist tattoo you received when a few zealous Black Blades intent on brother regains consciousness, come
initiated into the Guild so many years doing you harm. Stinging drops of and join me at the door!”
ago. “You are a long way from home, sweat coat your swollen wrists, and you Go to 450.
finally escape your bindings!
little thief. Let me guess…you are lost?
Is that it?” questions the Guildmaster, Quickly, you lunge across the room
and pick up what remains of your 505) The wizard turns back to the
his ever-tightening grip clutching your
belongings. The thieves left little more river and glances downstream at the
left wrist.
than your set of lockpicks and thieves’ approaching torches. Suddenly, several
“No. I am not lost, sir,” you mutter, dark crossbow bolts strike his ribs, and
tools, your long sword, and an empty
wishing you were miles from this place. he collapses into the water, gasping for
pouch. You gird your sword around
“I am here for my brother’s sake.” breath. He climbs up onto the bank,
your waist and listen at the door.
“Tell me, then, who is your brother When you are certain that no one waits clawing at the ground in agony.
and why does it concern the Black on the other side of the door, you open Another arrow lodges into his spine
Blades?” it and duck into the well-lit halls of the and, as he dies, his magical hold over
Black Blades guild. you is released. You stumble backwards
“My brother, Orin, holds a high
into the arms of the Black Blade thief
position in my guild. This evening I Go to 446. that saved your life. You recognize him
found him in his chambers with an as the same one that you spoke with
assassin’s poison coursing through his minutes earlier.
system. The assassin was slain and my 503) EP: 10
brother left for dead. Yet, he might still “Most excellent! You have done far “My Guildmaster wanted to make
live if I can secure the counter-poison better than I could have ever imagined. sure you delivered your message to your
and deliver it to him before he expires. I only hope we are in time!” guild, and so I returned, hoping to be of
Thus I have come to your very assistance. Thankfully, I arrived in
Fellik uncorks the vial and adminis- time! Quickly, now, the Orcs are
doorstep, seeking not vengeance but a ters the antidote to your brother while coming up the river!”
chance at life, for the assassin and you kneel by his side, willing him back
poison both belong to your guild!” to health. His breathing remains Go to 482.
Go to 444. unchanged after several seconds.
If more than two hours (120 minutes) 506) Time: 6 minutes
elapsed since you began, Go to 383. You hold tight to the river walls,
501) Have you discovered any clues
(items associated with a certain If less than two hours elapsed, or you hiding in the shadows and watch as
number) in your quest to save your are playing the Basic Game, Go to 504. dozens of Orc mercenaries splash into
brother? If not, Go to 492. If you have, view, dragging long wooden boats up
add up the numbers for whatever clues the gentle current. Each boat seems to
504) “Fear not my friend, these things hold a dozen or more soldiers. From
you have found. Each number can be take time,” whispers Fellik, placing a
used only once (even if you found your vantage point, they seem to be
comforting hand on your shoulder. We gathering in ordered groups near the
multiple items with the same number, will know if a few minutes if he will
you still only use that number once). sewer entrances. The last boat contains
recover. All we can do now is wait several humans in dark cloaks, who step
If you found one item, Go to the patiently.” out onto the sewer platform and survey
entry number associated with that item. While you wait, a thief appears at the the troops. You estimate over 80 foul
If you found two or more items, add door. He informs Fellik that the raid is Orc warriors have assembled here.
up the numbers (remember, multiple underway and that he should take up a Steam rises from their warm bodies as
similar items are counted only once) guard position until the men return.
and Go to the entry number associated Seeing you kneeling next to Orin, the
with that sum. thief looks at you curiously for a
moment, and then nods his head
and offers his condolences. “I am
502) Time: 15 minutes truly sorry about your brother, but
Wrestling against the coarse rope tonight the Blades will feel his
binding your wrists, you wince in pain wrath. Fare thee well, my
as your skin is rubbed raw. Like a friends!”
drowning rat, you devote all your will to After the door closes, Fellik pats
the task. Your nimble fingers pick at
you on the shoulder and sighs.
the stout knot. After what feels like an

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9


they stand at attention, gripping their “I have had no time for grieving this 510) Time: 2 minutes
deadly black axes. One of the humans night, although if I do not hurry, my As you examine your slain foe, you
speaks, addressing the others. efforts may be in vain. I must return to fail to notice the footsteps, barely
“You see, Gaamlin, the way into the my brother’s side!” you reply as you run perceptible, sneaking up behind you.
sewers has been opened and we are not past the guard and through the secret Peering into the bloody water of the
expected. The Hidden Hand paid a stairs into the hideout. trough, you see the reflection of a man
hefty price for our services, and we As you near Orin’s chambers, Fellik standing behind you, a dark hood
would be wise not to disappoint. Our steps out from the room with a bowl of covering his face. Before you can turn,
spies report that the majority of the water and several towels. He nearly a blackjack crashes down on the back of
Fists marched south seeking drops them in amazement when he sees your skull and you sink face-first into
vengeance. Go now, take your force you approaching. “Well met, my friend! the filthy trough.
northward, and destroy whatever resis- Tell me, did you manage to find the Go to 424.
tance you encounter. Once you have antidote?” he inquires.
crushed the handful of men that
remain, hold their guildhall and send Go to 313. 511) With the shouts of your pursuers
what troops you can to the south. They spurning you onward, you run towards
can help the second wave finish off the dead end and spin around, drawing
509) Your entire being wishes to stay
whatever remains of the Black Blades. your honed blade in one fluid motion.
with your brother, but Fellik reassures
Even as we speak, their guild should be you that it will be some time before Make a Thief Skill Check to notice
under attack by the Shadowed Fist! anything changes, and that he will call anything (like finding traps).
Hurry now, the second wave will be for you as soon as something happens. If you succeed, Go to 478.
here soon!” Regretfully, you take your leave and If you fail, Go to 512.
Go to 461. hurry to the guild council room. You
are quickly ushered inside the warm
chambers filled with Fists and Blades 512) It is here that you make your final
507) Time: 8 minutes stand. With your back to the wall and
alike. As you take your seat, you glance
This section of Narrow Lane is eerily around at the myriad maps hanging your sword at the ready, you call to your
silent. The shadows seem to crawl from the walls and rolled in piles on a enemies and invite them to test your
along the buildings and walls. From shelf. You have been privy to those mettle. More than eager to oblige you,
your low crouch, you see a dark figure maps from time to time, but only when they wade into battle. The next few
on a rooftop to the east - probably a it concerned Guild business. minutes are a blur of sword strokes and
Black Blade sentry. You must be near counter-strokes. Beads of blood and
their hideout! You wait until the sentry Stretched out on the central table is a sweat coat your brow. The ache in your
moves farther to the south before you large map of the sewer complexes. A sword arm is becoming unbearable, but
emerge from your hiding spot and large portion of the southern sewers is you vow to fight until your last breath.
continue. incomplete and one of the Fist Soon, enemy reinforcements arrive and
members is scurrying to fill in the you know that your time is short. The
Roll 1d8 for luck. If you roll a 1, Go
blanks with the help of a sandy-haired last word to leave your mouth is your
to 517. Otherwise, you may travel east
Black Blade. Your Guildmaster, brother’s name, as you charge into the
or west.
Veloon, has a large smile on his face massing throng of Black Blades and
If you choose to go east, Go to 273. and seems pleased to see you. You had pray your demise will be swift.
If you choose to go west, Go to 257. been worried that Veloon wanted to Your quest ends here. Why not try
strip you of your rank and cast you out again?
of the guild for your actions, and so you
508) Time: 3 minutes EP: 10
are quite surprised when first Veloon
With a triumphant sigh, you wipe the and then NightBlade begin to laud 513) Time: 1 minute EP: 10
dirt from your face and give the your valiant efforts! Unused to such What a bold move! With nerves of
knocking code on the secret door. praise, you feel your face flushing as you steel, you slide a hand close to the man’s
Within seconds, it is answered and the receive their compliments. They both hip and pinch the bottom edge of the
door opens. A surprised thief peers inquire about Orin’s condition, fully pouch. With your left hand, you pick
through the opening and greets you. aware of the reason behind your efforts up a small pebble and gently toss it
“What were you doing in the streets? this night and assure you that his will is away from you. When the stone clatters
The Guildmaster has been calling for strong and he will soon recover. on the cobbles, the man turns to his left
you. In a few moments, we leave to do and the pouch glides effortlessly out
Go to 520.
battle! He assumed you had run off to from under his belt. You quickly cover
72 grieve for Orin. He will be quite inter- yourself with your cloak while the men
ested to know that you have returned!” step towards the sound. With their

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9

Brothers By Blood

attentions elsewhere, you easily make thoughts race through your head as you Your quest ends here. Why not try
your escape. Once you are safely consider your course of action. again?
hidden, you examine the pouch to find Somehow, you must get past the Orcs
15 gold coins and a token etched with and into that sewer entrance!
the symbol of a fist. You transfer the 518) Time: 2 minutes
Go to 486.
items into your own pouch and slip This short alley runs north and south.
away south to a dark alley running east At the north end, Harbor Road runs
and west. 515) Time: 2 minutes EP: 5 east and west. At the south end, you
Record “Fist Token” on your You have managed to sneak up to the see the great harbor wall of the Sinking
character sheet along with the number guards without being noticed! Bay ahead.
202, and Go to 494. Make a Thief Skill Check to pick To head north, Go to 182.
pockets. To head south, Go to 488.
514) Time: 5 minutes If you succeed, Go to 513.
With one hand holding fast to the If you fail, Go to 477. 519) Time: 1 minute
river wall, you use your free hand to
Ahead to the east, you see the vast
make the thief sign of friendship. You
then meet their curious gaze and hold 516) Time: 5 minutes harbor of Zoa, the waves lapping
one finger to your lips while pointing against the cliff face. To the north is
At the end of the alley, you see the vast
towards the gathering army. The two harbor of Zoa. To the north are the Harbor Road, and even further north,
Black Blades sent to capture you also docks and to the south is the Sinking the docks. To the south is the harbor
move quietly along the river wall, one Bay, where the Zoan Navy resides. wall surrounding the Sinking Bay,
hand holding a drawn blade. Nearby, you know must be one of the where the Zoan Navy resides.
“Fist! What is the meaning of this!” three natural caves where the Devil’s You decide to head back to the west
whispers one of the Black Blades, Fork River empties out into the bay. and Go to 488.
nervously eyeing the rows of Orcs. “Is The Devil’s Fork conveys the sewage
this some machination of the out to sea through three sea caves, like a
520) Your Guildmaster, Veloon,
Shadowed Fists?” filthy trident stabbing the sea.
explains his plan. Both he and his
You quietly explain what you heard, Make a Thief Skill Check to notice former adversary, NightBlade, have set
including your interpretation of the anything out of the ordinary (like into motion the preparations for a
facts. The thief swallows hard and finding traps). massive ambush. Even as they speak,
begins to whisper, his voice cracking. If you succeed, Go to 479. deadly traps are being laid throughout
“Yes, this all makes sense. Our master the sewers. Skilled archers are securing
knew that something terrible was Otherwise, you decide to head back
and Go to 25. key positions, and runners await at the
brewing, and this certainly bodes ill for Black Blades hideout to prepare a rear
both guilds! Listen to me, we must
warn the guilds or face destruction. We 517) What happens next is a blur.
must inform our Guildmaster. Can you A force large enough to challenge
One moment you are alone, the next
make it back to your guild ahead of both guilds could not simply march
moment two dark-cloaked men step
these monsters?” through the streets unnoticed and
out of the shadows right in front of you,
unmolested, therefore the attack must
You nod your head confidently, swords drawn. Your own blade whines
come from the sewers. Using small
although inside you feel a twinge of as you pull it from its scabbard. With
doubt creeping up your spine. The boats, a substantial force could slip
that, the two men attack!
thief places a reassuring hand on your under cover of night into the sewers
You manage to hold your own against through the mouth of the Devil’s Fork
shoulder and whispers again. the dark swordsmen, but after a few River. This location is central to both
“Consider yourself pardoned of your minutes, another arrives, and then guilds and is a perfect staging area for
trespass against the Black Blades. Our another. Soon you are overwhelmed, an assaulting force. Therefore, the
enemy this night is the Hidden Hand but still you fight on. Eventually, a guild will set its traps here. Quick
and their hired henchmen. Go now heavy net is cast over you and, as you runners will lure enemy forces down
with luck and speed. May Miazaar struggle to cut yourself free, the men blackened corridors towards a
favor us this night!” beat you down to the ground. You look murderous rain of arrows. As they
With that, the Blades quietly head up just as a blackjack slams into the attempt to retreat, they will be waylaid
back upstream. Once they are out of bridge of your nose. Fortunately, you by hidden attackers.
sight, you turn back to the large force are unconscious as the men strip you of
gathering near the sewer entrance your belongings and then bleed you Go to 522. 73
leading to your home. A flurry of there on the cold cobblestone road.

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9


523) You stand at the intersection of 526) Time: 4 minutes

Quickstep Alley, running north and You carefully work your way south
south, and the Ivory Crawl, running along the harbor wall. After a few
west and northeast. You also see a minutes, you spot a City Watch
darkened alley directly to the east. barracks in the distance, with several
To go east through the alley, Go to 404. guards milling around outside, playing
To head northeast on the Ivory cards by candlelight. It would be very
Crawl, Go to 299. unwise to head in that direction, so you
turn around and head north.
To head west along the Ivory Crawl,
Go to 119. Go to 244.
To head north along Quickstep Alley,
Go to 167. 527) Time: 2 minutes
To head south along Quickstep Alley, You head south on Artisan’s Way for
521) You stand at the intersection of Go to 279. a short distance until you spot a City
DockMarket Lane, running east and
Watch checkpoint in the distance
west, and the northern end of Coin
524) “My brethren and friends, for I ahead. Worse yet, you see several
consider you all as such, this night we persons dressed in dark clothes much
To head east on DockMarket Lane, like your own. It must be a meeting of
abandon our differences with the
Go to 167. the Black Blades and corrupt members
Blades. For far too long, we have
To head west along DockMarket quarreled over trivial matters, even unto of the City Watch!
Lane, Go to 275. bloodshed. There is strength and power Though your curiosity pains you, you
To head south along Coin Lane, Go in numbers as well as wise leadership. realize you would be courting certain
to 77. Tonight we face a common foe and we death to go that way, so you head north
are united! No longer are we opposing again.
Fists and Blades, but we are all Go to 160.
522) As the details of the plan are members of a mutual brotherhood. So,
worked out, you listen intently, ready your blades, my brothers. Our
knowing that you will likely be called enemy awaits! Like a knife in the dark, 528) You take your position in a
upon to defend your comrades and we will give them no quarter!” darkened corridor near the center of the
livelihood. Every few minutes, you hear sewers, unseen behind a secret passage
Clasping NightBlade’s wrist and
a large group of thieves passing by the that leads into the main corridor
raising both their hands in the air,
council room and heading into the Veloon continues. “We are brothers in heading south to the Devil’s Fork.
sewers. trade and brothers in deed. Tonight let Nearly thirty tense minutes pass as you
Eventually, Veloon and NightBlade us be brothers in blood!” sit motionless against the wall, waiting
rise and announce that the time has for the signal to tell you to slip through
Go to 528.
come to take their positions. They say the door and ambush the invaders.
they are honored to have you at their Craning your neck, you hear a very
side. Beaming with pride as you stand, 525) You find yourself at the western faint high-pitched sound coming from
the two men clasp you on the shoulder portion of the harbor wall. As you look the south, almost like a host of crickets.
and you head towards the secret warily at the guard tower nearby, you As seconds slip by, the sound grows
entrance to the sewers. On your way, notice a burned out building, victim to louder and louder. One of the thieves
you look towards your brother’s a recent fire. A small lane also branches quietly slides open the door and peers
chambers, hoping for news. Fellik sees off to the west. Its wooden sign reads down the hallway.
you and shrugs his shoulders. It is still “Goodfellows Lane.” At first, there is nothing to see, until
too early to tell. Bowing your head, you To enter the burned building, Go to a wave of rats comes scurrying down
focus on the mission at hand and 13. If you have already entered the the hallway, intent on escape. Soft
continue towards the sewer entrance. burned building, you choose to go yellow tendrils of smoke creep along
Before opening the door, Veloon south or west instead. the sewer floor, like ghostly fingers
addresses the large group of fearless To head south along the harbor wall, probing the darkness. As the wisps of
thieves, all of whom are prepared to Go to 273. vapor pass over a group of sewer rats,
follow him into the dark nightmare the fumes instantly kill them. The thief
To head west on Goodfellows Lane,
below the city. quickly shuts the secret portal and
Go to 307.
turns, making a hand gesture in the
74 Go to 524. silent language of thieves. You recog-
nize the gesture as ‘wizard.’

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9

Brothers By Blood

It seems to you that the invaders were hoping to cut off any more panicking the situation at hand and you rush to
trying to clear a path using powerful Orcs. pull your sword free from the dying
magic. Yet, the deadly cloud would When you arrive at the trap site, you Orc. Turning again to your brother,
soon dissipate. As soon as the air is safe find the floors littered with slain Orcs, you smile at one another before you
again, two of your comrades will slip many with scalded skin and some little both head off into the darkness.
through the door and act as bait to lure more than ash. You hear the sounds of THE END.
the invading force deep into the sewers. battle ahead and so your group
Once the invaders pass your position, continues on, hoping to join the fight.
the remainder of your group will begin When you arrive, you see two Orcs
your pursuit. gleefully chopping their axes into a
After several minutes, the door opens fallen thief, his broken bow lying at his
and two thieves slip into the corridor. side. Your comrades motion for you to
Within a minute, a hurled spear slams finish off those two Orcs, while they
into the corridor wall between the two take a side passage to the east.
cloaked thieves. They give a shout of Overcome with rage, you rush ahead
mock surprise before heading down the and drive your sword into the gut of
corridor. The telltale rattle of plate one of the unsuspecting Orcs. He lets
armor reverberates through the out a throaty bellow and backhands you
corridor as at least three dozen armored across the corridor.
Orcs give chase, their black axes
You lose your grip on your sword and
wielded by thick, leathery arms. This
slam into the wall. With the wind
may be merely the first wave, for the
knocked from your lungs, you gasp for
council anticipated five times this
air as your foe falls on his back, blood
number. Scoffing their attempts to
spurting from the terrible wound in his
take your guild by surprise, you stifle a
side. The second Orc pulls his axe from
laugh as your group slips through the
the carcass of the thief and turns to face
portal and begins your hunt, clinging to
you. You struggle to your feet, drawing
the protection of the shadows.
a small dagger from your belt. You
After a minute or two, you see a warm easily dodge the first axe stroke and
red glow flashing in the darkness plunge your dagger into his leg. The
ahead. It appears that the Orcs Orc lowers his shoulder and plows into
stumbled into a series of flash pots you, knocking you off your feet.
prepared by the Fists to decimate the Planting an iron-shod boot on your
advancing force. The howls of the chest, the Orc snarls in anger as he
incinerated Orcs are the signal the raises his axe. Your eyes remain
archers have been expecting. Black- defiantly open, waiting for the killing
shafted arrows fly from all directions blow to fall.
and pelt the disoriented brutes. They
Suddenly, a thin black line flashes
soon panic, hoping to escape the deadly
across the Orcs throat! The arrow
barrage. You spot six Orcs headed in
passes cleanly though and the Orc
your direction, oblivious to your
presence. Under cover of darkness, you drops his axe in surprise and pain. As
draw your weapon and await your prey. the Orc turns towards the direction of
the archer, another arrow thuds into his
As the first Orc nears, you swing your forehead and he stumbles backwards,
blade low and take him at the ankle. falling on to the floor. The arrow still
Your honed weapon cleaves through quivering violently, you can only stare
leather, skin and bone and the maimed in awe, amazed that you are still alive.
Orc falls in the muck-filled channel of In surprise, you turn towards the archer
the sewer floor. Thinking he had and see a very familiar face.
tripped, another Orc tries to help him
up but is greeted by your sword deep in “Pick up your sword, little brother. I
his throat. Hot, black blood gushes as guess this means we are even!” laughs
your aim proves true. Your comrades Orin.
then leap from the shadows and make Embracing your brother, you both
quick work of the remaining Orcs. You share a joyful moment of reunion,
all then sprint up the corridor towards grateful to be alive. The harsh sounds
the fading glow of the flash pots, of battle to the south bring you back to

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9


APPENDIX A: Experience Points (EP):


Race: Human Gold Pieces (GP):
Class: Thief

Strength 14
Dexterity 16
Constitution 13 Items Found

Intelligence 12
Wisdom 13
Charisma 11

Hit Points (HP): 38

Thief Skills: 45%

Long Sword (1d8+2 damage)
Sap (1d6+2 damage)
Leather Armor
Thieves’ Tools

Roll 1d10 and refer to the following table: Roll 1d6 and refer to the following table.

Table B-1: Critical Hits Table B-2: Fumbles

1 The tip of your weapon digs deep into your opponent! 1 You lose your footing and stumble during your attack! Your opponent
Add 1d4 points of damage. may add 1 to its next combat roll. 4 – You wince in pain as you pull a
2 You spot an opening and slice through your opponent’s defenses!
muscle in your back during your attack! Take 1d4 points of damage.
Add 1d4+2 points of damage.
2 You are momentarily stunned as you lose control of your weapon!
3 You parry your foe’s attack and slice your weapon across its arm!
Add 1d6 points of damage. Your opponent may add 2 to its next combat roll.5- Your attack
4 Blood sprays from your foe’s leg as you drag your weapon along its bounces harmlessly off your opponent and slices open a wound in
thigh! Add 1d6+3 points of damage. your leg! Take 1d6 points of damage.
5 Your foe howls in pain as your weapon slices deep into a joint! 3 You are baffled as your lose total control of your weapon! You
Add 1d8 points of damage. automatically miss your next combat roll. (Your opponent attacks
6 A lightning-fast thrust drives your weapon into a vital organ! twice in a row.)
Add 1d8+4 points of damage. 4 You wince in pain as you pull a muscle in your back during your attack!
7 Your devastating attack splatters blood into your foe’s eyes! Take 1d4 points of damage.
Your foe automatically misses his or her next combat roll. 5 Your attack bounces harmlessly off your opponent and slices open a
(You attack twice in a row.)
wound in your leg! Take 1d6 points of damage.
8 You deliver a gut-wrenching groin shot to your opponent!
6 You rush at your foe and manage to trip over your own legs, striking
Your foe automatically misses his or her next combat roll.
yourself! Take 1d8 points of damage.
(You attack twice in a row.)
9 Your foe collapses in pain as steaming entrails spill from a nasty gash
in its abdomen! Combat ends.
76 10 You cleave your foe’s skull, putting an end to any fighting spirit it might
have had left. Combat ends.

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9


COMBAT ROLL TABLES (ADVANCED GAME ONLY) If your modified roll is equal to or better than the required
Roll 1d20 and apply your Str modifier. roll, you’ve scored a hit! The rules regarding your opponents
roll will now depend on your AC. Roll 1d20 for your
Table B-3: Character Combat Table opponent and refer to Table B-4.
If Enemy’s AC is: Locate the Hit Dice (HD) of your opponent along the top
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2
row and cross-reference it with your AC. Your opponent
then You need: needs to roll this number or better to score a hit on you! If
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 the roll is equal to or higher than the number listed, your
opponent has scored a hit!


YOUR AC <1-1 1-1 1 1+ 2 3 4
AC 9 10 9 8 7 6 5 4
AC 8 11 10 9 8 7 6 5
AC 7 12 11 10 9 8 7 6
AC 6 13 12 11 10 9 8 7
AC 5 14 13 12 11 10 9 8


Entry Opponent Init Atk AC HP Damage

24 Snake +3 +4 17 4 1d2-2 plus 1d6 poison
38 Rogue (Sentry) +2 +1 14 15 1d8+1
48 Otyugh +0 +4 17 36 1d6
74 Rogue (Sentry) +2 +1 14 15 1d8+1
80 Hobgoblin +1 +1 15 18 1d8+2
84 Hobgoblin +1 +2 15 18 1d6+1
125 Hobgoblin +1 +1 15 18 1d8+1
177 Orc 1 +0 +3 13 15 1d6+3
177 Orc 2 +0 +3 13 15 1d6+3
190 Otyugh +0 +4 17 36 1d6
215 Giant Rat +3 +4 15 5 1d4 plus 1d6 disease
240 Giant Rat 1 +3 +4 15 5 1d4 plus 1d6 disease
240 Giant Rat 2 +3 +4 15 5 1d4 plus 1d6 disease
240 Giant Rat 3 +3 +4 15 5 1d4 plus 1d6 disease
262 Orc +0 +3 13 15 1d8+3
289 Giant Rat +3 +4 15 5 1d4 plus 1d6 disease
302 Hobgoblin +1 +1 15 18 1d8+1
326 Snake +3 +4 17 4 1d2-2 plus 1d6 poison
334 Giant Spider +3 +2 14 22 1d8+3 plus 1d6 poison
336 Orc 1 +0 +3 13 15 1d6+3
336 Orc 2 +0 +3 13 15 1d6+3
391 Rogue (Sentry) +2 +1 14 15 1d8+1
393 Rogue (Thief) +2 +0 15 13 1d8
415 Hobgoblin +1 +1 15 18 1d6+1
422 Rogue (Thief) +2 +0 13 13 1d8
470 Giant Spider +3 +2 14 22 1d8+3 plus 1d6 poison
476 Rogue (Thief) +2 +0 13 13 1d8
476 Orc 1 +0 +3 13 15 1d6+3
476 Orc 2 +0 +3 13 15 1d6+3
485 Hobgoblin +1 +1 15 18 1d8+1 77
485 Hobgoblin +1 +1 15 18 1d8+1

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9



Race: Human
Class: Thief

Strength ____ Combat Modifier: ____ Damage Modifier: ____

Dexterity ____ AC Modifier: ____ Reaction Modifier: ____
Constitution ____ Hit Point Modifier: ____
Intelligence ____
Wisdom ____
Charisma ____
Long Sword (damage: 1d8+modifier)
Hit Points (HP): ____
Sap (damage: 1d6+modifier)
Armor Class (AC): ____
Leather Armor (AC 8)
Thieves’ Tools
Thief Skills
Pick Pockets: ____
Open Locks: ____
Find Traps: ____
Remove Traps: ____
Move Silently: ____
Hide In Shadows: ____
Detect Noise: ____

Experience Points (EP):

Gold Pieces (GP):

Time Spent:

Items Found


Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9


Random d4 results
4 2 1 3 2 2 1 3 3 4 1 1 4 2 1 2 4 2 1 4
3 4 1 3 2 4 4 4 1 1 2 3 2 4 4 3 1 2 4 1
2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 4 3 2 1 4 3 3 1 4 4 4 2
1 4 3 3 2 4 2 3 4 3 2 2 4 3 3 3 3 4 2 1
2 3 1 3 1 3 4 4 4 2 1 1 1 3 4 1 1 2 1 4
2 1 2 3 1 1 4 4 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 4 2 1 1 1
1 2 1 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 4 4 3 3 1 1
1 3 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 4 3 1 1 4 2 1 4 3 3 3
4 1 4 2 4 4 3 4 2 4 2 2 1 2 4 3 4 2 1 1
1 3 4 1 1 2 2 3 2 1 3 4 1 3 2 3 4 2 1 2
4 3 3 4 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 4 4 2
3 1 3 4 1 4 2 2 1 1 4 2 3 1 4 1 1 1 3 3
4 1 2 3 4 2 4 1 4 1 3 2 3 3 1 2 2 1 4 1
3 4 3 1 2 1 3 2 4 1 2 1 3 3 4 1 3 1 4 4
4 3 2 1 3 1 1 4 4 2 2 3 3 1 2 4 4 1 3 4
4 4 1 3 4 4 2 2 2 4 1 1 2 2 4 3 3 1 3 3
3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 2 4 1 3 2 4 3 3 4 2 3 1
2 4 1 4 4 4 2 4 1 2 4 2 3 3 1 2 1 2 2 4
4 2 3 2 1 1 2 1 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 3 4 2
4 2 3 3 1 3 3 2 4 3 2 3 1 3 2 1 4 4 4 2

Random d6 results
6 3 3 2 2 3 1 5 3 5 6 1 1 2 6 3 5 2 4 4
6 2 1 5 2 4 5 3 5 2 5 4 2 1 1 2 6 6 4 6
4 2 4 2 5 2 2 2 4 2 6 6 2 3 4 5 6 3 5 6
5 6 1 5 3 4 3 5 6 3 3 1 2 6 3 2 1 4 1 2
1 2 2 6 4 5 2 3 6 4 1 5 3 1 4 2 3 1 2 3
3 4 3 5 5 5 5 1 3 2 4 5 1 3 4 2 3 2 2 1
6 2 2 2 6 6 3 1 4 2 5 4 5 4 3 4 5 1 5 2
3 2 6 3 5 6 5 5 2 4 1 1 4 6 5 4 1 5 2 4
3 2 5 5 5 5 6 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 6 5 6 1 2 1
6 1 3 1 5 3 2 5 6 6 3 6 6 3 1 5 6 3 2 1
6 4 5 5 2 2 1 6 2 3 6 6 6 5 4 6 4 6 4 1
2 3 1 5 5 3 3 4 4 5 5 1 1 5 6 6 5 6 4 1
3 3 5 4 6 6 2 6 4 5 4 1 3 6 2 6 4 5 3 5
1 4 3 6 6 3 4 3 5 3 1 2 2 6 4 1 4 6 6 3
6 4 2 4 4 1 5 2 3 6 4 5 2 6 6 3 2 2 4 4
2 1 6 3 3 5 1 4 1 1 2 1 2 6 2 6 1 3 5 3
6 6 3 4 5 2 5 3 3 2 1 1 5 2 5 5 1 2 2 4
1 5 3 3 2 4 5 6 2 5 2 2 4 4 5 4 2 4 1 1
4 6 3 2 3 6 5 4 5 6 5 2 2 4 3 2 4 5 3 2
3 1 5 4 2 1 1 6 6 4 5 4 2 5 1 1 6 5 5 1

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9


Random d8 results
2 2 1 5 5 3 4 4 7 5 5 3 5 3 5 8 1 8 6 5
2 8 8 8 5 2 1 4 7 3 3 4 5 6 7 4 4 8 2 6
7 1 2 7 8 4 2 6 5 7 2 1 8 6 5 2 2 5 5 1
7 1 8 3 7 3 2 7 6 1 3 8 3 1 8 2 8 5 3 1
6 6 2 7 8 1 1 6 3 8 4 7 6 1 2 2 7 1 1 4
1 2 2 2 8 2 5 1 6 2 2 5 4 3 5 7 7 7 7 1
5 4 4 1 7 4 2 8 6 3 4 3 8 2 2 8 5 5 2 2
7 4 5 2 7 8 3 4 2 8 4 5 8 7 4 1 2 6 3 5
1 3 3 1 6 5 1 1 1 2 8 8 3 6 1 5 8 8 8 4
6 4 3 2 1 6 6 6 5 3 1 2 3 6 3 5 8 1 1 8
8 8 1 5 6 3 2 5 2 4 2 5 1 8 8 3 3 3 3 5
8 2 8 8 4 7 6 4 2 8 7 8 7 2 8 2 6 6 3 8
5 5 6 8 7 8 3 4 5 1 1 7 3 6 2 5 1 4 7 7
8 5 5 1 5 2 3 4 4 1 5 8 5 5 6 7 4 6 8 3
7 5 5 5 6 1 8 4 2 2 2 1 4 1 2 2 5 4 3 7
7 2 6 1 1 1 5 8 3 6 6 1 3 4 5 1 1 1 8 3
6 3 6 6 8 5 6 7 8 6 4 5 5 5 7 2 5 2 1 7
3 3 2 1 4 7 7 1 3 3 3 3 5 8 4 4 1 7 7 3
6 3 7 6 3 2 8 5 4 2 4 5 3 2 4 6 5 8 8 8
3 1 1 4 1 8 7 2 2 4 3 6 2 3 8 4 4 5 1 7

Random d10 results

7 3 10 8 7 5 3 6 7 4 6 9 6 2 5 1 1 9 10 4
10 6 4 5 5 5 8 7 6 5 8 5 5 5 7 6 8 3 2 5
6 6 10 4 7 5 8 9 4 4 8 2 5 7 4 2 8 6 7 9
9 4 2 4 6 9 9 1 10 8 8 7 4 1 6 2 9 9 9 1
1 3 4 6 3 4 10 4 1 4 1 1 4 7 10 2 2 10 6 4
6 6 8 5 10 9 10 10 9 1 9 9 10 6 10 9 8 2 9 8
3 10 1 3 2 3 1 3 4 3 3 5 9 3 7 9 4 3 9 3
6 2 10 10 7 8 5 10 9 5 2 7 8 8 2 7 3 6 9 7
7 8 3 7 10 2 8 6 9 10 9 3 8 7 1 4 7 7 3 7
2 1 6 5 8 7 10 3 6 4 9 2 3 6 6 8 9 4 1 8
6 9 1 5 7 2 5 7 6 7 10 5 9 6 9 6 9 7 7 4
5 6 5 7 1 7 9 2 9 5 7 7 4 1 8 5 8 6 7 3
9 1 4 10 2 8 3 10 8 3 10 10 4 7 7 5 5 10 1 3
4 1 2 3 4 1 6 1 6 10 7 7 5 8 6 4 2 5 6 9
10 7 3 5 1 3 2 1 8 4 6 2 7 2 8 3 2 10 7 9
1 7 10 1 8 10 4 1 5 2 9 9 1 9 4 8 8 1 1 8
1 9 6 9 10 7 4 4 6 5 2 1 9 10 8 5 1 7 6 7
1 2 1 8 1 2 3 1 9 3 6 2 5 2 1 4 9 6 5 10
1 1 7 7 6 5 4 1 10 3 4 1 5 2 5 6 9 3 1 1
6 4 1 3 1 2 3 2 10 4 6 1 3 4 9 5 8 3 2 2

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9


Random d12 results

6 12 6 5 5 12 4 10 2 1 3 4 12 4 1 4 1 6 7 6
5 7 12 2 7 2 3 6 10 4 4 10 4 12 10 5 9 3 4 9
1 12 7 5 8 12 7 4 9 5 9 3 2 9 12 6 5 7 7 2
7 5 9 2 9 8 7 9 3 2 6 5 7 6 1 6 8 7 6 6
10 5 7 3 6 9 8 5 11 10 6 5 6 8 1 4 11 12 10 3
6 4 4 9 3 7 12 8 8 1 5 12 10 12 4 1 4 12 10 12
8 7 11 2 10 3 9 2 1 9 10 3 6 8 2 3 3 5 12 4
10 2 12 1 9 10 11 11 9 9 3 12 7 12 10 1 11 8 8 12
9 6 2 5 8 10 7 11 7 7 2 9 7 9 8 1 3 12 12 1
2 8 12 9 12 7 12 4 12 4 2 8 9 12 12 8 7 10 12 7
8 7 10 5 5 8 11 12 7 4 7 4 1 4 9 8 3 7 5 9
5 12 2 12 1 4 10 10 10 8 4 8 5 3 6 3 7 10 6 11
10 6 5 6 3 10 3 3 10 4 10 9 7 11 8 1 9 1 5 6
7 11 6 1 4 1 4 3 2 2 8 4 8 10 5 8 5 1 2 6
10 8 6 3 11 11 7 12 12 3 12 1 11 1 4 9 4 11 12 2
12 7 7 7 8 7 10 8 8 9 2 5 12 3 2 11 11 5 1 11
7 1 10 5 3 12 7 2 4 6 2 6 8 8 4 12 10 9 2 5
11 11 11 2 2 10 5 11 12 3 3 2 5 6 6 9 6 1 11 12
6 4 7 3 10 9 4 6 8 3 2 6 4 9 12 4 7 6 5 3
2 10 2 1 10 3 2 7 6 3 9 3 2 12 10 7 2 9 1 6

Random d20 results

2 10 1 16 17 10 18 13 10 11 3 3 3 10 17 14 12 17 9 4
6 9 8 18 17 4 8 18 13 17 6 1 15 6 13 17 5 3 8 15
19 15 20 3 3 11 9 4 20 7 19 10 1 12 7 11 4 19 8 15
19 9 13 4 1 11 16 9 16 3 20 17 17 3 13 11 13 12 17 7
15 6 6 19 19 19 15 17 16 7 2 4 5 9 1 15 17 6 16 14
12 1 20 6 14 2 8 16 16 1 19 15 11 14 7 13 5 5 1 6
1 5 6 18 2 4 8 19 4 12 7 10 8 12 9 2 4 18 15 12
16 13 14 14 4 17 11 20 20 12 4 13 8 4 11 19 3 4 18 20
10 7 20 16 18 16 5 7 20 8 14 2 3 9 12 2 4 12 19 1
19 1 5 11 6 5 10 9 11 19 8 13 15 4 12 19 20 9 7 5
11 1 4 4 4 1 6 4 9 14 10 4 6 7 19 5 17 18 5 5
10 6 12 2 11 16 5 7 7 19 11 12 14 1 1 6 16 2 19 17
13 5 2 10 3 16 3 5 19 15 17 19 11 8 5 12 13 11 1 15
3 1 5 12 4 13 14 8 14 8 3 17 16 16 1 20 7 5 8 6
10 12 10 4 13 19 13 13 17 1 5 5 19 20 9 6 2 2 8 6
13 17 4 18 11 14 1 4 19 8 1 9 3 11 20 18 2 11 15 5
7 4 20 6 7 2 15 20 4 1 17 17 19 12 3 15 16 10 16 12
18 2 16 5 16 2 8 17 18 20 8 15 12 5 17 14 17 18 9 19
7 12 9 19 1 7 9 13 20 2 9 6 4 6 3 15 6 3 10 11
13 4 2 3 2 3 13 9 16 19 17 17 7 14 9 14 19 8 4 15

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9

Brothers by Blood
by Brandon Neff

In SoloQuest – YOU are the hero!

In the bay city of Zoa, two deadly thieves’ • Basic and Advanced Rules! Along with the
guilds war over territory, striking against each basic play rules, this adventure also includes
other with threats, competition and swift, bru- optional advanced rules for more realistic fun!
tal acts of violence. You are one such thief – a • Pregenerated or Custom Characters! Use the
young member of the Shadowed Fist guild, and standard character in this book, or bring in your
enemy of the Black Blades. Fortunately, al- own rogue or HackMaster thief!
though you are still a mere cutpurse working • Dice Tables! Don’t have polyhedral dice with
your way up the ranks, your brother holds a po- you? No problem! SoloQuest works with or
sition of leadership within the Fist, and it is at without dice, thanks to the special dice tables!
least partly due to him that you have survived • Quick Reference Tables! Need to look up an
and prospered as well as you have. advanced or basic rule quickly? Simply turn to
Suddenly, after completing a routine assign- the easy-to-use tables and find the answer in
ment, you find your brother struck down with- seconds!
out warning by an assassin’s poisoned blade! As
he lies near death, you must seek out the anti- Although you need no prior experience with
dote to the poison, restore your brother to the Kingdoms of Kalamar campaign setting to
health, and revenge yourself upon his attackers. enjoy this book, it is utilized as a base for de-
Yes, your brother’s survival and the survival of scriptive text and cultural details. In this real-
everyone involved, as well as the conclusion of istic, dynamic setting, complex political
the adventure, rests upon your shoulders! For- alliances mix with marauding bands of hu-
tunately, if you take the wrong path, you can al- manoids, and medieval technology and culture
ways play again. Even after you complete a come face to face with magic and the fantastic.
game, feel free to try again because this book Whatever type of adventure you seek, you can
has more than one ending! Some endings are find it here.
good, and some endings are bad. If you come More information on the Kingdoms of Kala-
to a bad end, simply play again from the begin- mar campaign setting can be found in the King-
ning! doms of Kalamar Campaign Setting Sourcebook,
As well as many different paths for adventure, the Kingdoms of Kalamar Player's Guide, or any
this book includes: of our other fine supplements and adventures.

Sergei Posnichenko (order #3459149) 9

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