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Review of Orai as Speaking Application

Orai is an application that can use to record your voice and after you are3 done, gives you
some information about your speech. This app provides you white instant feedback. It gives a
report on your clarity, use of filler words, pace, and vocal energy. It records how many fillers
words you used (along whit which ones), how clear your speaking was (enunciation), how fast or
slow you went, and whether you had enough vocal variation. In addition, this application
provides a transcript of what you said. You can play back the recording of your speech and you
can press on any words of the transcript to jump to that part of recording. This app was created
by Drexel University engineering students Danish Dhamani and Paritosh Grupta.
This application has some advantages such as; this app is easy to use. People just need to
download it at play store and they can record their voice without any limit of time. However, this
app provides some features which can help the user improve their speaking ability. The features
are Freestyle which can use to record your voice, My script which can use to add your own
script, Lesson which provides some exercises such as power of pause, correct pacing, and vary
your energy. Moreover, this app shows the recording and give the explanation about the quality
of our speech, whether it is clear or not, whether we talk to fast or too slow, show us the filler
words, and vocal variation. In addition, this app is free, so you no need to pay fee if you want to
use this app. Event though, this app has some advantages, it also has disadvantages. The
disadvantage is that this app will does not work if there is no internet connection.
Although, this app has advantages and disadvantage, this app is an appropriate app for
teaching speaking. Students can record their voice every time they want as long as there is
internet connection and they can see the results. By using this app, students can improve their
speaking ability.

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