Task 2 Trial 1

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Smoking rates increase every year by year which negatively harms both the smoker and

the whole community. Therefore, many people believe that banning smoking in public
places is a must while others suggest other alternatives to minimize the problem. I totally
believe that restricting smoking is totally against human rights and definitely there are
various applicable methods that minimize the problem.

In the one hand, many argue that government should delegalize smoking in open spaces
that widely used by different age group of people. In another words, smoking in open free
places such as parks, public transportation and hospitals is greatly harmful for non-
smokers' health. Recent research proved that the significant increase in number of people
with heart and lungs diseases because of smoking in unrestricted places.

On the other hand, smoking should be prohibited through various effective solutions
according to some. For instance, awareness campaigns are a practical solution for
minimizing smoking. Using multiple resources such as flyers, short advertisements and
programs have immense effect on quitting a bad habit through visualizing its catastrophic

Finally, limitation such an individual activity should be achieved through wide spectrum
of solutions rather than laws. Government should create doable solutions which motivate
people to quit smoking. In my opinion, law will create an immense load on government
in terms of creating free smoking areas for smokers and hiring people who collect
consistently fines from smokers. Accordingly people may accept the penalty instead of
deserting their habits.

In conclusion, the government role is highlighting the drawbacks of smoking in order to

safe guard the public health. Nonetheless, rising people’s awareness about smoking
drawbacks is highly beneficial in achieving this aim.

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