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Online Learning Day 1 – Monday, February 3, 2020

Social Studies
In Social Studies, we are starting our unit on Communities in the Past
(1780-1850). By the end of this unit, you will be able to answer 3 big
• Who lived in early Canada and how did people get along?
• How are our lives similar to and different from people who lived in
the past?
• How did people meet challenges long ago?
Before beginning the unit, I’d like to see what you already know.
Draw and label a picture of what you think a classroom would have
looked like in Canada, 200 years ago. Important: Do not look at any
photos online before drawing your picture! This is not a test. I just want
to see what you already know J
Here are some questions to guide your drawing:
• What objects are in the classroom?
• How are the teacher and students dressed?
• What tools are the students using to learn?
• What are the students learning?
In Mathematics, we are still working on Unit 2: Patterns in Addition
and Subtraction. Today, we will be learning to subtract 3-digit numbers
using base ten materials and a place value mat.
Please watch the video posted on Seesaw and answer the questions
posted on our class website (Weebly).
In English, we will continue our unit on poetry. Before Chinese New
Year, we were learning how to write Cinquain poems. Let’s see how
much you remember.
A Cinquain poem has 5 lines. Here are the rules for each line:
Line 1: One word – the subject of the poem. This word is a noun.

Line 2: Two words – describe the subject of the poem. These words
are adjectives.

Line 3: Three words – describe what the subject of the poem is doing.
These words are verbs.

Line 4: Four words – a short phrase or series of words that express a


Line 5: Another word for the subject. This word is a noun.

Please write 2 Cinquain poems about two different subjects. Don’t
forget to include a picture with your poem (Colour in the picture

In Health, we will begin our unit on Substance Use, Addictions, and
Related Behaviours. Today’s lesson will be about legal and illegal
Read through the following information with a parent or guardian:

• Things that we buy and put in to our bodies can be sorted into 3
• LEGAL: This means there are no laws against buying or using these
things. They can be bought by any person at any time. Examples:
energy drinks, coffee, and medicine that we can buy at the store
• SOMETIMES LEGAL: Some things can only be bought by people
over a certain age. Examples: alcohol and cigarettes. Some
medicines are legal, only when a doctor has given a person a
prescription for the medicine.
• ILLEGAL: These are harmful things that are against the law to buy
or use. Example: dangerous drugs or prescription medicine taken
without a doctor’s permission

• ABUSE: When people abuse any of these types of substances, it

means that they are using something too often and not for the
right reasons. Abuse can cause a person to become very
unhealthy and may negatively affect the lives of their friends or
• ADDICTION: This is when a person uses a substance, legal or
illegal too much and too often. It takes up a lot of their time,
energy, and money. Addiction is harmful and unhealthy because a
person who is addicted to something is hurting their own health
and it might be difficult for them to care for themselves or others.

After reading through the information above, sort the following list of
items into a table, like the one below.
medicine from Illegal drugs Cigarettes energy drinks
a store
alcohol prescription Coffee

Legal Substances Sometimes Legal Illegal Substances


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