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First Quarter Examination

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A.Y. 2019 – 2020

Parent’s Signature
Name: _____________________________________ Date: ________________ ___________________
Teacher: Ms. Jaschen Clarette V. Campo

I. FILL IN THE BLANKS (20 points)

Instructions: Read and understand the following sentences to determine the diction. Choose from
the following choices the appropriate word that will complete the sentence. Encircle
the letter of your answer.
1. This medicine is __________ from a tropical plant.
A. deprived c. derisive
B. derived d. deriving

2. The new law will __________ the entire community. Everyone will be affected.
a. impact c. impress
b. impedes d. impair

3. My co-worker was fired for accessing the manager’s computer without his __________.
a. consent c. consensus
b. concern d. contempt

4. Rossel’s idea was good in theory; there were just a few problems with the __________.
a. implantation c. implication
b. imbedding d. implementation

5. As a teacher, my primary concern is the __________ of my students.

a. welcome c. well off
b. welfare d. wealthy

6. Jamie’s performance __________ my expectations.

a. exceeded c. except
b. excelled d. expelled

7. Senator Joel Villanueva is an __________ for a higher minimum wage; he says everyone
deserves to make a fair living.
a. advisor c. adversary
b. advocate d. advocacy

8. If you don’t stop overspending, you’ll __________ run out of money.

a. inestimably c. inexhaustibly
b. inevitably d. enormously

9. Fortunately, the storm caused only __________ damage to the building.

a. minimal c. minimum
b. maximum d. minimize

10. Julie wasn’t feeling well, so I was __________ to go to the party.

a. reliant c. relinquished
b. reluctant d. relies

11. Shane always says she’ll finish the project but she never follows __________.
a. in c. through
b. out d. on

12. Jen forgot to pick me up at the airport. She really let me __________.
a. over c. down
b. in d. off

13. Raul bought a new pair of shoes then went out to show them __________.
a. off c. through
b. around d. on

14. Justin had a great interview but he was turned __________ for the job.
a. up c. over
b. down d. under

15. Leila is known for having a good reputation and indisputable __________.
a. principle c. prime
b. principal d. source

16. “Do not go gentle into that goodnight. _______, _______ against the dying of the light” – Dylan
Thomas, “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night”
a. Protest, protest c. Rage, rage
b. Storm, storm d. Come, come

17. “Candy is __________ but liquor is quicker.” – Ogden Nash, “Reflections on Ice Breaking”
a. dandy c. superb
b. excellent d. amazing

18. “Things __________ the centre cannot hold.” – W.B. Yeats, “The Second Coming”
a. fall apart c. break up
b. are deteriorating d. prick

19. “Whose __________ these are I think I know.” – Robert Frost, “Stopping by Woods On a Snowy
a. lands c. woods
b. tress d. waters

20. “We paused before a house that seemed a swelling of the __________;” – Emily Dickinson,
“Because I could not stop for Death”
a. ground c. earth
b. floor d. surface


Instructions: Read and analyze the statements. Identify the word being described by the
statements. Write your answers in capital letters.

__________1. It uses literary techniques to write about facts, actual events and people.
__________2. It is a fiction written to be performed.
__________3. Form of prose that depicts imaginary events and people.
__________4. It is called brief novel or long short story.
__________5. It is the straight forward and ordinary language people use in speaking and writing.
__________6. This type of fiction deals with human experiences through connected series of
__________7. It is the flow of the story.
__________8. The one who carry out the action in the story. They are giving life to the story itself.
__________9. The place where the story happened.
__________10. It gives thrill and excitement to the story. Without it, the whole text will be boring.
__________11. It is the oldest kind of literature.
__________12. It considered an art form. It is writing uniquely.
__________13. It explicitly states a comparison. It uses “as” or “like”.
__________14. It is the direct comparison of two things.
__________15. A word or phrase is substituted for another that is closely associated to it.
__________16. An animal, object or abstract idea is given human attributes or characteristics.
__________17. Refers to a statement where the intended meaning is different from what was
__________18. Refers to an incongruity between what the reader or audience expects to happen
and what actually occurs.
__________19. A gross exaggeration to achieve an effect.
__________20. A part of something that represents or stands in for the whole.
__________21. It is the emphasized syllable. Its symbol is “/”
__________22. It substitutes negative description for a milder and less harsh way of stating it.
__________23. Refers to a situation where the reader or audience knows information that
characters in the story do not.
__________24. It is the language we commonly use – the language of everyday communication.
__________25. It is the type of syllable wherein you pronounced it the normal way. Its symbol is


Instructions: Read and analyzed the following words. Indicate the stressed and unstressed
syllable. Use their designated symbols.

1. Joyful
2. Shampoo
3. Bamboo
4. Settle
5. Appropriate
6. Balance
7. Loneliness
8. Creative
9. Killing
10. Forest
11. Never
12. Mournful
13. Hemlock
14. English
15. Writing


Instructions: Pick one of your family member and write a 3-paragraph creative non-fiction about
their life. Remember to use the different features in writing a creative non-fiction

The rubric for evaluating your creative non-fiction is as follows:

 Content (10 points): This includes the accurate and truthfulness of your subject.
 Organization (10 points): This includes the appropriate use of transitional
markers; correct use of paragraphs; the logical flow of ideas.
 Language (5 points): This includes the use of vocabulary words to heighten the
reader’s experience; the use of wit and creativity.
 Mechanics (5 points): This includes the correct use of grammar; spelling,
punctuation, and sentence sense.

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