Interview Lovendino Samantha Nicole A.

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Lovendino, Samantha Nicole A.


1. Think about the phrases "babae kase", "haligi ng tahanan", "pakipot".

How do these words communicate patriarcy?

Male dominance in the society is one of the most popular forms of human
inequality since time immemorial. Theories and assumptions have immersed in
belief that sexual inequality has an origin, and one of these was the assumption
that biology is destiny. In reference to our primate heritage, human sex role
patterns and inequalities can be illustrated by a baboon: Male baboons are twice
as large as female; this sexual dimorphism is related to differences in both
function and status, whereas they defend the troops and maintain order within it.
The belief of male supremacism over female was carried on for centuries.
Questions remain, Are there biological barriers that prevent women from attaining
equal power? Or, is there something built into the human male that makes it
more natural for him to command and rule females? On an article published by
Marvin Harris, on November 1977, titled "Why Men Dominate Women" stated
that in the 19th-century, women were in great eagerness to disprove male
dominance, in which they tried to resurrect theories about golden age of
"matriarchy". But no sort of either historical or contemporary evidence supports
the existence of the said societal golden age of women. And on those epochs,
women were degraded as only servants of men and child bearer.

As the time goes by, through evolution of technology and innovation,

females are given chance to prove the irrelevant reasoning of biological
reductionism, whereas males are naturally stronger and born ruler of the world.
Women are continuously empowered in different fields, such as religion,
government, sports, education, and such. Thus, it is still inevitable as of today for
patriarchy to be still patronize across the globe.
Popular phrase such as "babae kase", can be traced to humilate a woman
who, probably unable to do a task, or unskilled on certain things. In which, it was
believed to have been considered "ayos lang" because they believed that women
are naturally born weaker than man. "Haligi ng tahanan" on the other hand, was
a Filipino term used to describe father of the family. "Haligi" stands for foundation,
therefore the father is the foundation of the house, which in the absence of it, the
house will unable to stand. Does it mean that the absence of the mother will only
cause blackout? "Pakipot" is a famous word that offends a lot of Filipina, it
became a trademark that a woman is naturally pakipot, well in fact we just weigh
in everything, even consequences of actions before deciding upon it. That was
simply objectively thinking. The phrases was quiet reflection of inequality and
patriarcy that until today carried on by societies. The system of society in which
the father is still the head of the family, and so as for government, still do exist. It
is a tradition that impaired centuries and degrade women. Nevertheless,
feminists still believe that a day will come that men and women will be equal in all
aspects of life. Well, in accuracy sex and gender does not even matter as long as
tasks are fulfilled despite of roles, but still in respect to gender roles of every
human being.
2. Interview people from different age groups (2 adolescents, 2 adults, and
2 elderly) and ask them what they think of when they hear the word
"gender" and "sexuality" then ask them what influence them to have these


*What do you think when you hear the word "gender" and "sexuality"?

*What influenced you to have these thoughts?

[Note: The question and answers were translated into Filipino language, and so
then presented English, as required.]

Adolescents (10-19 yo)

1. Althea Mae Caseda, 12

*For me, gender and sexuality are the same. It is just the classification between
men and women. Like what is written in the birth certificate.

*We haven't studied any lesson about gender and sexuality in school.

2. Mary Ace Estapia, 17

*As far as I know, gender and sexuality is different from each other. You can
change your gender but not your sexuality, that's why there are transgender

*Those are just things I heard from school, and it is an issue of today related to
Adults (18-55 yo)

1. Kristine Lovendino, 39

*Gender and sexuality are two different things. When we say gender, we talk
about roles in the society or gender roles. Sexuality, on the other hand is the
biological differences of male and female.

*I'm a married woman so it is necessary for me to know that, so I shall know how
to perform my duties as a wife and woman in the society.

2. Cholo Oasan, 37

*When I hear gender and sexuality, I already know that those are two different
things. Sexuality is is your sexual orientation or how you present your sex in
society or in your own self. Gender is the biological difference of male and

*Ive seen a lot of people of different sex and gendel, as well as how they present
themselves to others.

Elders (56-and so)

1. Efren Lovendino, 64

*Gender and sexuality just simply describe the difference between men and
women, and so based on that men are more dominant, because of their gender

*I'm a man of age, I've seen events on how men dominate women, and how
gender rolesgiven important since our time, that's why I'm aware of it.
2. Jardeliza Oasan, 60

*When I heared of gender and sexuality, it came across my mind on how men
and women differ in role in the society. Im not completely aware of the difference
between the two, but I know that it is something that describes the roles of men
and women.

*I've heared it on news and read on newspaper about issues with regards to
gender and sexuality, and how does a lot of people defend their sexuality.

3. In relation to number 2, reflect about their answers. How do they affect

your own understanding? What could be the implications?

Gender and sexuality are not just mere topics about the difference
between genitals of male and female, or how the traditional roles of men and
women are divided. Those are topics correlated to race, class, experience,
power, authority, political, and medical discourses. Sexuality according to studies
is the biological difference between male and female, or for better understanding:
A woman having ovaries, and man, testes. Femaleness and Maleness It is basic
differentiation between two sexes. It is only classified into two: male, and female.
On the other hand, gender is the sexual preference of male and female. Or how
they carry their gender roles. There are approximately 81 types of people differ in
genders. This is where LGBTQ stands for.

Gender differences walked through different stages on how it was created,

diminished and reinforced in the society. Gender and sexuality are socially
constructed concepts that vary across the life course and different social settings.
It is also interrelated to mentality of human. As of today, the male dominance is
not the only issue when it comes to gender and sexuality, the rampancy of
growing number of LGBT people has raised new awareness in regards to gender
roles. They are given liberty and freedom to express themselves and voice out
how they wanted to be treated in the society.

The answers presented in number 2 was imperically observed and surely

based on how the interviewees answered the questions. Personally, I think they
are lack of better understanding with regards to topics about gender and
sexuality. But they certainly have ideas about gender differences of man and
woman. Their opinions did not greatly impacted my belief about the topic. Some
of the interviewees still believe that men are more dominant than women until
today, and they proved that women are really inferior in history. But, based on my
firm claim and stand about the issue of male dominance, every women must also
be given chance to prove their ability to do things, that was once believed only
possible to be done by the opposite sex. In terms of its implication, I learned
throughout the making of this assigned task, that as the time goes by, doors of
opportunity for different sexes and genders, to voice out their opinions have been
opened wider. The fight for equal rights is going a good battle for the fighters.
And it will all be possible through awareness and freedom campaign, that will
surely make everyone of us knowledgeable about the true essence of gender
and sex equality.

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