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1. Write an article in 150-200 words on how we can make India a carefree and enjoyable
place for women when they can go wherever they like to without any fear of being stared at,
molested or discriminated against. You are Mohan/Mohini.


by Mohan

India is that celestial music which can be heard in every corner of the world. From the heights
of the Himalayas in the north to the vastness of Indian Ocean in the south, from the desert of
the west to the hills of the east, India has the potential to be a tourist's love. India has its own
unique culture, be it the dances of Rajasthan or the coast of the south, be it the beauty of
Kashmir valley or the sunbath beaches of Goa.

The tourist industry today is seeing a new thrust in its promotion. However, internal factors like
lack of security, patriarchal mindset and violence in the society are some problems which
hinder the growth of tourism industry. The international view of Delhi is the 'rape capital of
India' and the instances of 'terror acts' and 'instability in Kashmir Valley' are reasons for lack of
tourists in our country. But the failure of the system is also one of the factors to impede the
promotion of the rich cultural and geographical diversity of India. The government, first of all,
needs to provide internal security to the tourists and improve the international image of India.
It should also allow new reforms to take care of natural and monumental heritage of our
country. The tourism ministry needs to create projects which provide rich experiences to the
tourists and not just the sightseeing spots. More investment is needed in building the
infrastructure, like roads and access points.

The most important factor that the government needs to work on is an aggressive tourism
marketing strategy. There is no doubt that a promising tourism industry also helps in improving
the economy of the country. We need to capitalize on India as a destination where the Royal
Bengal Tiger, common labourer, a few millionaires, religious dichotomies, exotic culinary
treasures and some of the most expensive spas of the world co-exist.

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