How To Answer Bar Exam Essay Questions Impressively

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Atty. Ruben C. Talampas, Jr.

The then Chairperson of the Committee on Bar Examinations, Madame Justice
Ameurfina Melencio-Hererra, submitted a report to the Philippine Supreme Court
her observations on the 1980 bar exams.
According to her several examinees have made very unsatisfactory showing to
such an extent that there is one who obtained a grade as low as 7% another
obtained a grade of 11%; still some others obtained grades of 12%; 16%; 17%;
18%; 19%; 20%; 21%; 24%; 25%; 26%; 27%; 31%; 34%; etc.”
She pointed out the general weakness of the bar examinees. She said: “The reason
for this high mortality rate, may be attributed to several factors among them in the
opinion of the undersigned, may be due mainly to the following: . . . inadequate
command of the English language”.
She further emphasized: “The examinees inhabiting the lowermost rungs of the
grading scale manifested not alone an appalling lack of knowledge of the
fundamental principles involved in the examination questions but also an inability
to logically string their thoughts together compounded by an almost incredible
deficiency in language skills.”
It was less than 35 years ago but still her remarks seem to be true at present.
The following are actual questions and answers of some examinees which
demonstrate their lack of knowledge of the fundamental legal principles and
inadequate command of the English language:
Question No. 6(b) – “An accused was found guilty of double murder and was
meted out two sentences of reclusion perpetua. How would the accused serve the
Answer – “Both penalties must be served by the accused, and he was
electrocuted and died then it washes out the remaining sentence to served by the
Question No. 11. – “Patrolman Cruz, acting under orders of the Municipal
Mayor, Who wanted to put a stop to the frequent occurrence of robbery in Sitio
Masukal, patrolled the place. At about midnight, seeing three persons acting
suspiciously in front of an uninhabited house and entering the same, he arrested
them without warrant and took them to the municipal building where they were
detained in jail for about five hours before they were released. Patrolman Cruz
was accused of arbitrary detention. If you were the Judge, would you convict him
of the crime charged?”
Answer – “No. considering his possession as peace officer by the higher
authority to patrol the place where robbery are frequent. The one responsible for
this is the Municipal Mayor who order without warrant of arrest and the act of
the patrolman are in good faith believing to be a robbery entering a house. So
the proper party liable is the Municipal Mayor.”
Question No. 17 – “AA” was the owner of a jeepney for hire. When his driver was
hospitalized, he hired “BB” as driver on a temporary basis and entrusted to him
the vehicle for transporting passengers from Quiapo to Baclaran with a
compensation of P30.00 a day. “BB” never returned the vehicle and after search
the vehicle was found in Tarnate, Cavite, about to be sold. “BB” was charged
with Qualified Theft and was convicted. Appealing the judgment of conviction,
defense counsel contends that “BB” may have committed Estafa but not Qualified
Theft on the theory that the possession of the vehicle was obtained with the
consent of “AA” the owner, and therefore, there was no illegal taking. Decide the
Answer – “The defense counsel of the accused contention in untenable
assuming now that there is no illegal taking of the jeep from “AA”. The owner
but “BB” a temporary driver hired by “AA” failure to return the jeep such
vehicle as now ready to be sold by “BB” have an intent to gain is theft cases as
an element.
Our aim, of course, is not to ridicule and immortalize these Bar answers. Our
aim is to remedy, correct, and supplement the aforesaid deficiencies for
future bar takers so that they would not suffer the same fate.
By far the most important tool that the bar candidate could equip himself with
which to tackle the examination that is inherently personal to him is command of
written English. The examinee who has a fairly good command of English,
assuming that he is prepared in all other matters, stands definitely with a much
better chance of passing.
Not all the BAR tips I will be presenting here are mine. I believe they are the
collective ideas of past bar examinees, bar topnotchers, bar lecturers and law
professors who want to share their experiences and have the desire and
concern to help future bar takers. I will try though to present these in a more
comprehensible and effective way.
A bar examinee’s answer should be a total “package”. Meaning, it contains
all the necessary ingredients. This is when the 4Ls come in: law, language,
logic, and layout. His answer should be legible and neat without the irritating
erasures observing the proper margin and space between paragraphs with
correct composition, grammar and spelling coupled of course of the
knowledge of the law principles and its application to the given set of facts
responsive to the issue or question at hand.
The examiner will be looking and expecting for the following from your
1. Proper understanding and appreciation of the facts, particularly of the
components or details that can be material in resolving the given problem;

2. Appreciation of the applicable laws that may come into play;

3. Recognition of the issues posed;

4. Resolution of the issues through the analysis and application of the law to
the given facts; and

5. Presentation and articulation of answer.

In essence, your answer should clearly indicate:

1. the relevant facts;

2. the applicable law;

3. your analysis; and

4. your conclusion.

To expound it further, a Bar examinee’s answer should clearly demonstrate:

Your answer should demonstrate your ability to identify correctly the problem(s)
and issue(s) of law presented in the question. Your answer should demonstrate
your ability to articulate and classify the problem presented, that is, to state it in a
lawyer-like fashion and to place it in its proper category or categories of doctrine.
Your answer should demonstrate your knowledge of legal principles and your
ability to repeat them accurately on the examination as they relate to the problem
presented by the question. You should state concisely the principle(s) and rule(s)
governing the issue(s) presented by the question.
Your answer should reveal your capacity to reason logically by applying the
appropriate rule or principle to the operative facts of the question as a step in
reaching your conclusion. This involves making the correct preliminary
determination as to which facts in the question are legally important and which, if
any, are irrelevant.
The line of reasoning that you adopt should be clear and consistent without gaps or
digressions. This is the most important element in your answer and, therefore,
carries the most weight in the grading process.
You should address yourself to the task that the question asks you to perform. For
example, if the question calls for a specific conclusion or result, such conclusion
should clearly appear in your answer and should be stated concisely and without
An answer that consists entirely of mere conclusions unsupported by any
statements or discussion of the rules or reasoning upon which it is based is entitled
to little credit. Clarity and conciseness are important, but make your answer
complete. Do not volunteer irrelevant or immaterial information.
Articulation is expressive of the following basic fundamentals: good language,
impressive presentation, logical reasoning and substantial background knowledge
of law and procedure. Impressive answers showing the candidates reasoning
faculty is what the examiners want to read in your examination notebooks.
Your answer should demonstrate your ability to analyze the facts presented by the
question, to select the material from the immaterial facts, and to discern the points
upon which the question turns. It should show your knowledge and understanding
of the pertinent principles and theories of law involved and their qualifications and
limitations. It should demonstrate your ability to apply the law to the given facts,
and to reason logically in a lawyer like manner to a sound conclusion from the
given premises.
You must also be aware that the Bar questions are not all “case or situationer
problems”. There are other types of Bar essay questions you ought to know so you
will be able to prepare and answer them properly in case you encounter one. The
usual types of Bar essay question are enumerated below:
1. Enumeration;

2. Distinction;

3. Definition;

4. Reason behind the law/concept/principle; and

5. Case Problem.

This type comprises an average of 80 – 90 percent of the questions in every
subject, hence, it is imperative that you are well-versed in answering the same.
Given that you know already the law; that you know how to apply it to the set of
facts; that you write legibly enough; left you with one problem – that is how are
you going to present or articulate it in an impressive manner.
A ready outline or structure of your answer will tremendously help you to answer
faster without missing an important part. By constant practice in answering this
type of question with the outline/structure in your mind, you will be amazed how
it easy for you to start outright and tackle the question and come up with an
impressive answer.
Below is the suggested outline/structure of your answer for a “case/situationer
problem” question:
1st Paragraph – Positive/Negative/Qualified Answer
2nd Paragraph – Applicable Law/Jurisprudence
3rd Paragraph – Correlation of the Law/Jurisprudence with the Facts of the Case
4th Paragraph – Conclusion (this may be part of the 3rd Paragraph)
Okay, you already have an outline but isn’t it boring for the examiner to read in
your answers the same words or phrase at the beginning of your paragraphs? For
example you will use these words in every answer: the contention is untenable; the
law provides; therefore. The examiner will spot this and might not be impressed to
you at all which will result to a lesser points.
You will agree that the hardest thing to do is to start. We want that the first
sentences or paragraph we will write will impress the examiner and more often we
cannot find the right words to start. Would it be easier if just like the outline you
have already a pool of words waiting to be used?
Knowing “First Liners” or introductory words will greatly help you to quickly and
smoothly string your thoughts and effectively convey your answers. The following
“first liners” or introductory words can be used interchangeably to begin every
paragraph of your outlined answer.
The following “Useful Introductory Lines” are mostly taken from the article of
Atty. Rey C. Tatad, Jr. with the same title.
1. The petition is meritorious.

2. The contention has legal basis.

3. The case will prosper.

4. The argument is proper.

5. The provision is perfectly applicable.

6. The action is tenable.

7. The motion should be granted.

8. The Judge is correct.

9. The petition is impressed with merit.

10. Yes. It is a (i.e. patent violation) of the

11. There is merit in the petition.

12. The petitioner’s contention is sustainable.


1. The decision is not in accord with law and jurisprudence.

2. The decision is erroneous.

3. The contention is totally misplaced.

4. The doctrine of….. does not apply in this case.

5. The petition is not meritorious.

6. The evidence presented deserves scant consideration.

7. The contention has no legal basis.

8. The argument is bereft of merit.

9. The petition is devoid of merit.

reliance on the (i.e. doctrine of…) is inappropriate.
1. It is a futile gesture on the part of the respondent to invoke the rule on…

2. The theory/argument has no ground to stand upon.

3. The contention has no leg with which to stand on.

4. The position of the petitioner runs counter with the doctrine of…

5. The case will not prosper.

6. The case is not tenable.

7. The act of the accused in… is of no moment.

8. The assertion lacks substance.

9. The (i.e. respondent) cannot rely on (i.e. mere alibis) to aid his cause.

10. The court cannot countenance the (i.e. inconsistent postures of the

11. The testimony that…, cannot be given credence.

12. The evidence presented has no probative value.

13. The allegation is belied by the fact that…

14. To put it otherwise would be to render the law on _____________

1. The actuations of the accused in (i.e. fleeing and hiding) negates (i.e.
1. While it is true that _______________ is a (i.e. constitutional
guaranteed right

of a person), it does not, however mean…

1. It is not correct to say that…

2. It is not proper to state that…

3. It is not accurate to conclude outright that…

4. A contrary conclusion would erode the rule that provides in part that…

5. To sustain the contention would be to render the law on ____________

1. It would be absurd and incongruous to sustain the argument that…

2. It is not enough that…

3. The fact that … is immaterial since…

4. The fact that … is irrelevant since…

5. In itself, mere …… is not sufficient (i.e. to warrant conviction)….

6. The petitioner cannot give any additional meaning to the clear and plain

language of the law.

1. The Supreme Court, in several cases, has struck down the (i.e. defense of

2. The attendant circumstances of the case are contrary to the petitioner’s

1. The evidence does not support the theory of the petitioners.

2. There is no cogent reason to disturb the ruling of the (i.e. Court of Appeals)

3. The claim for (i.e. moral damages) must necessarily fail.

(But if the facts are complete in itself, do not attempt to add facts or assume
1. We must distinguish. If… (or As far as the __________ is concerned)

2. It depends. If…(or As far as the __________ is concerned)

3. The question requires a qualified answer. If…

4. I will qualify. If…

5. On the assumption that…

6. My answer must be qualified.


1. No less than the (i.e. 1987 Constitution) provides for the…

2. The (i.e. Rules of Court) substantially provides in part that…

3. Under the broad principles of (i.e. due process clause)…

4. Under the all-encompassing doctrine of (i.e. incontestability clause)…

5. Under the law…

6. According to the (i.e. Family Code)…

7. The law is explicit on the matter.

8. The law explicitly expresses in part that…

9. By express provision of law,…

10. By operation of law…

11. As a matter of law…

12. Worth remembering is the rule on _______________ which provides in

part that…
13. Decisive on the matter is the pertinent provision of the (i.e. Law on

1. The law prescribes certain rules on…

2. By legislative fiat…


1. The Supreme Court in one case, had the occasion to rule that…

2. In a long-line of cases decided by the Supreme Court, it has always been

(consistently) held that…

1. In a litany of cases decided by the Supreme Court,

2. In a long-string of cases decided by the highest court of the land,

3. According to several cases decided by the Supreme Court,…

4. In a series of cases decided by the Supreme Court,

* Do not use the words series, litany or long-line if there is only one
decision/jurisprudence for that topic.
1. In one case decided by the highest court of the land, it was held that

2. In one case, the Supreme Court ruled that

3. It has been said that…

4. In a recent case, the Supreme Court has laid to rest the issue of whether or

5. It is well settled in this jurisdiction…

6. It is well settled in this country…

7. The Supreme Court has steadfastly adhered to the doctrine which states

1. In a case with similar facts, the Supreme Court ruled that…
2. In several notable Supreme Court decisions, the highest court declared

3. The Supreme Court has often stressed that…

4. In the landmark case of _____________, (if the case is so famous) the

Supreme Court laid down the doctrine which substantially provides that…
1. In the leading case of …

2. As enunciated by the Supreme Court in one case,…

3. The court has repeatedly ruled…

4. A case in point is a case already decided by no other than the highest court
of the land, where the Supreme Court held that…

5. There is likewise an array of cases in this jurisdiction where the Supreme

Court has consistently declared that…

6. Deeply rooted is the jurisprudence which provides that…

7. In one case, the Supreme Court was emphatic when it ruled that….


1. It is hornbook doctrine in (i.e. Civil Law) that…

2. Immortal is the rule that…

3. Well settled is the rule…

4. Well entrenched is the principle that..

5. Elementary is the rule that..

6. The cardinal rule in (i.e. labor law) is that

7. It is a familiar canon in (i.e. political law) that

8. By well settled public law…

9. Basic is the rule in (i.e. Criminal Law)…

10. It is an elementary principle in…

11. It is a fundamental doctrine in…

12. Well accepted is the rule that…

13. It is axiomatic in (i.e. Civil Law) that

14. Enshrined in the 1987 Constitution is the rule that (i.e. no person shall be
deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law)

15. Consonant with the rule on…

16. It is a recognized doctrine in (i.e. Civil law) that…

17. It is a basic tenet in (i.e. Commercial Law)

18. Consistent with current jurisprudence

19. It is a legal presumption, born of wisdom and experience, that …

20. It is an oft-repeated rule that…

21. The Philippines adhere to the principle of…


(correlating the facts with the law/jurisprudence)
1. Applying the said law/doctrine in the instant case,

2. From the facts given, noteworthy is the …

3. From the facts of the case, it is readily observable that…

4. In the instant case, it may be observed that…

5. It is crystal clear from the facts presented that (i.e. the crime of treason) is
present (or was committed).

6. In the present case, it is immediately noticeable that the element of

__________ is wanting (or lacking).
1. Under the circumstances, the proper remedy would be…

2. The case obtaining indicates a case of (i.e. B.P. 22)

3. It logically follows…

4. It goes without saying…

5. Even assuming arguendo, for the sake of argument that…

6. The situation in the case at hand…

7. The situation presented evinces a case of…

8. The facts sufficiently indicated …

9. In the given facts, it is immediately apparent that…

10. It is evident that…

11. In the same token…

12. Under the facts stated in the problem,…

13. In the case under consideration,…

14. Worth stressing is the fact that

15. Worth emphasizing is the fact that

16. The facts would reveal that…

17. A careful perusal of the facts of the case would reveal that…

18. A careful scrutiny of the actuations of the accused would reveal that…

19. A careful reading of the (i.e. Deed of Absolute Sale) would reveal that…

20. A cursory examination of the…

1. From the gamut of evidence on hand, it can be gathered/deduced that,…

2. Taken all together,…

3. Finally, …

4. Hence, …

5. Therefore, …

6. From the foregoing, it can be deduced that there is really (i.e. a violation

7. From the foregoing, it is now safe to conclude that….

8. Lastly, …

9. Consequently,…

10. As a necessary consequence…

11. The logical implication is that…

12. At any rate,…

13. In view of the foregoing,…

14. As an inevitable conclusion,…

15. In the light of the circumstances,…

16. Undoubtedly,…

17. Indubitably,…

18. Clearly, the case at hand falls squarely within the purview of…

19. Verily, he/she has committed…

20. For this/these reason/s, it is unavoidable to conclude that…

21. Based on the facts obtaining,…

22. In this light,…

23.This being the case…

24. Clearly therefore, applying the aforecited ruling in the case at


25. In light of the foregoing, it is beyond cavil (doubt) that,…

26. There is no doubt that…

27. To the unprejudiced mind, the actuations of the three, when analyzed and
taken together, leads to no other conclusion except that (i.e. conspiracy

among them existed)

1. Inescapably, therefore,…

2. All things considered,…

3. It follows therefore that…

4. As a logical result…

5. In sum,..

6. In view of the fact that…,

7. All told,…

8. Given the prevailing facts…

9. Having stated the foregoing premises,…

10. One final point,…

11. Accordingly,…

Using the outline and the “first liners” above, make a format or model of your
answer and use what you deem is applicable in a given question. You may make
your own models as many as you want but it is suggested to have at least 10
models. Here are some examples (taken from my 2007 Bar Tips to NEU and INC
Bar Examinees):
No/Yes. He can/cannot…..,
The law provides that/The Supreme Court has held in a line of cases……
In the case at bar…..
Hence.. …
X’s claim is not meritorious, hence the case should be decided against him
According to the law/The Supreme Court, in many cases, has ruled that….
Based on the facts of the case…
Therefore/Consequently… . . .
The. . . . is proper/tenable/untenable
It is a well settled rule/As provided for under the
Moreover . . ..Hence/Therefore
Under the provisions of RA/Constitution/Law/Statute. . . .
On the problem at hand..,..Consequently
On the other hand….
As such it should be ruled … …
The real secret in remembering the matters contained in an enumeration is the use
of keywords. Make your keywords on enumerations you consider important.
Never leave a blank in an enumeration! However, if you use the letters a, b, c, etc.
for numbers in the enumeration, so much the better. Ten to one, the examiner may
not count his fingers. Make the first four in the enumeration definitely good.
If you can enumerate all, write it in bulleted or numbered form to highlight the fact
that you know all of them and for more convenient-reading
If you cannot enumerate all, write it in paragraph form so that it would not easily
be noticeable that you missed something.
1. In capsule form, the following are the elements of the crime of _______

2. In a nutshell, the following are the elements of the crime of _________

3. The following elements are generally considered in the determination of

the presence of (i.e. employer-employee relationship)

1. Among the (i.e. defenses/remedies) available to (i.e. Mr. X) as provided for
by/in the (i.e. Civil Code) are:

1. The following are the requisites for…

2. In order that a case for (i.e. B.P. 22) to prosper, the following elements
must be attendant/present:

3. To constitute (i.e. homicide), the following requisites must concur:

4. (i.e. Legal compensation) requires the concurrence of the following


5. To establish a person’s culpability under (i.e. estafa), it is indispensable

When being asked to distinguish, do not state its definition. If you give its
definition, you are in effect asking the examiner to extract out the differences of
the two [or more] from your definition. Do not also give their similarities. You are
asked to differentiate and contrast, so similarities are not included. The number of
distinctions you will give must also be proportionate on the points allotted for
such. If it is only worth two points, do not give 8 distinctions. The examiner
cannot give you 8 points for that. For a two point distinction question, perhaps,
three would be enough (four is not too much).
1. The (i.e. two) may be distinguished from each other in the following

1. In the first, it is necessary that there be….., whereas in the second it is
sufficient that there be ….

2. In the former, … while in the latter…

3. The former requires … while the latter…

4. … on the other hand ______________ is…

1. ________________ is a comprehensive term used to describe

2. _________________, in its generally accepted sense, refers to ….

3. … It is a safeguard and guarantee provided by the 1987 Constitution..

4. … It is a kind of relief granted to a ______________ by the …

5. ________________ is a branch of public law (or private law) which

deals with..

6. It pertains to…

7. It connotes a ….

8. … is a doctrine in (i.e. Civil Law) which refers to…

9. … is a principle in (i.e. Criminal Law) which states that…

10. It presupposes…

11. Its principal identifying feature is..

12. It is akin to…

13. The function of which is to…

14. The office of which is to…


1. The purpose of the law is…

2. The law is designed to…

3. It is intended to shield …

4. It is primarily aimed at protecting ____________ from unwarranted


5. The rationale behind the law is…

6. The spirit of the law is to the effect that…


1. Finishing is the key. Many fail the Bar exam because they don’t finish the
exam. They spend so much time on an early question that they can’t finish
the later ones. Or they work on all of the questions at once, but without
finishing some or all of them. Either way, these Bar candidates are writing
too slowly, and it costs them their ticket to a law license. Focus on one
question at a time. Don’t bother or think of another question while
answering one.

2. Budget your time according to the number of questions and length of

problems. Check the point percentage allocation for each question. This
will be your guide on how much time you will spend for a question. Of
course, you will devote more minutes to questions with a big or higher
percentage (i.e. 5%; 10%) than questions with a minimum point percentage
(i.e. 1%; 2%).

3. Set a time schedule. It’s easy to waste time by getting carried away by a
single question or by getting stuck on a question that’s giving you trouble.
Make a general allocation for each question and adjust the time depending
on their percentage weight. Monitor your pace so that you stay calm and
will be able to answer all questions on the exam.

4. If the question is lengthy, read first what is required at the bottom of the
question. By doing this, you will be able to determine what facts do you
need and what facts are immaterial. This will save you time from re-
reading the question. You can also start formulating your answer in mind
while reading the question, thus, it will be easier and faster for you to write
your answers since you are already guided by your earlier analysis. It will
also minimize errors and erasures.

5. Be reminded that one of your tasks while preparing for the Bar exam is to
become an expert fact pattern reader. So what do you do if you aren’t very
good at reading facts? You need to experiment with different ways to get
better at reading facts. Practice answering past Bar questions as many as
you can. Analyze the suggested answers and take note how the answers
used the facts in the problem. Remember, you won’t get all the possible
points if you don’t understand what the Bar examiners are asking you. You
must become an expert fact reader in order to write a complete exam

6. Before answering, formulate on your mind what will be placed on your

first, second and third paragraphs. Mentally apply your outline. The first
paragraph normally contains a one-sentence direct to the point answer to
the question. The second paragraph commonly contains legal basis
(provision of law in point, jurisprudence, co-relation of the
jurisprudence/provision with the facts of the case and application). Third
paragraph normally contains the conclusion. When you are already
decided of your answer, write it according to your thoughts. In this
approach, you will not only be avoiding unnecessary revisions and
erasures, you will also maintain the cleanliness of your booklet. Bear in
mind that, a dirty booklet is irritating to the eyes of the person checking the

7. Use logic or common sense when you do not know the answer. Ask the
question, “What is the best solution or resolution for this case?” or “If I
were the examiner how do I want the question answered?” Do not just
guess, make a smart guess. Your best guide is to think what is most just
and equitable since these are the purpose any law seeks to achieve.

8. If you really have no idea on how to answer a really difficult question, or a

borderline case, or you do not know what the answer is, the use of inverted
pyramid of answering question may be helpful. This may be done by
inverting the usual answer format. Initially, present your knowledge of the
law and/or jurisprudence, then make your smart guess. With this, you may
be able to show or convince the examiner that you know something about
the issue but you were merely incorrect in your conclusion, you may get a
credit for your answer.

9. Number your answer accordingly. Don’t make the Examiner search for
your answers. Make your answer look professional. Don’t use textspeak
and don’t abbreviate. Answers which look professional, are well organized
and which use paragraphs and indenting where appropriate make the
Examiner’s job easier.

10. An answer to one question in one problem requires a separate page.

Answers to sub-questions may be presented continuously in a page
separated by space/s. It is suggested, however, that even answers to sub-
questions be presented on separate page, unless your answer is very short,
so that in case you want to change any or in case you have missed a sub-
question, you can still insert your answer in the remaining spaces of the
11. Don’t submit your test booklet too early. There’s no prize for early
finishers. Budget and utilize all the time allocated for you to: (a) compose
good answers; (b) review your answers; and (c) write legibly.

12. Practice, practice, practice. Practice is vital to your success in the Bar exam.
You must get used answering Bar essay questions. The only way to know if
you can (or if you know the law) is to practice. Answering Bar questions
regularly will help you learn the law as well as become a better tester. There
are many sample bar exam essay questions and answers available on the
internet. You may also find the Q&A published by the UP Law Center

13. The key to success in any endeavor is preparation. Familiarity with the
structure of the essay questions and how you respond to them will go a
long way in alleviating your anxiety on test day. You job is to practice the
approach we’ve just outlined so that it becomes so automatic by exam day
that you move from one step to the other without missing a beat.

14. At least twice during your bar prep (ideally four), do a simulated Bar exam
day. Do a mock version of it. The key is to practice under conditions similar
to the actual Bar examinations. This will make you mindful of time
constraints and more comfortable when you approach the real test, the Bar

15. Finally, PRAY!

The task ahead of us is not as great as the Power behind us.

May the Force be with you!!!

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