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UDC 621 826.


Hot Coiled Helical Springs

JIS B 2702-~87

Translated and Published


Japanese Standards Association

Printed in Japan

,Hot Coiled Helical Springs B 2702-1987

1. Scope
This Japanese Industrial Standard specifies hot coiled helical springs of
cylindrical form made from material with circular cross section as against the
typical compression or tension springs for general use. Springs of which special
characteristics are required shall be excluded from this Standard.
Remark: The units and numerical values given in { ) in this Standard are
in accordance with the customary system of units and are
currently the criteria in force.

2. Definitions
The mcxmings of principal terms used in this Stantlarti shall (:onform to .iIS
B 0103.

3. Spring Characteristics and Tolerances

3.1Specification of Spring Characteristics As spring characteristics ( 1) or
( 2 ) of the following shall be specified.
If particularly required, (3) also may be

(1) Height under Specified Load Height under specified load ~ t l m

be 30
determined that the deflection at that time will be between 20 and 80 %
of the deflection under the test load.

Applicable Standards:
JIS B 0103-Glossary of Terms Used in Springs

JIS G 0558-Methods of Measuring ~eoarkur!-Led D e p t h for St--=,

J I S G 0565-Methods for Magnetic Particle Testing of Ferromagnetic

Materials and Classification of Magnetic Particle

JIS G 4801-Spring Steels

JIS Z 2243-Method of Brine11 Hardness Test
JIS Z 8401-Rules for Rounding off of Numerical Values
(2) laad under Specified lleight 1,oad under specified tieight shall he so
determined that the deflection a t that time will be betwccrr 2 0 and 80 I%
of thc tlcflcction urttlcr thc: t.c!st load.

(3) Spring Constant Spring constant shall be detcrmirlcd from differences i n

loads and deflections a t two loaded points between 30 and 70 % of thc
d e f l e c t i o n under t h e t e s t load.

3.2 Tolerances on Spring Characteristics The tolerances on spring

characteristics for compression springs the free height of which fulfills three
conditions, i.e. not exceed 900 mm, not exceed six times the total deflection, arid
not fall below 80 % of the mean diameter of coil, shall conform to t h r ~ followrng.
The tolerances on spring characteristics for compression spring5 and tension spring:
outslde the above limits shall be agreed on between the partic3 ~ o r l ~ ~ ~ r l t d .

( 1) ?'olerutlces on i-leight undcr S p e c i f i e d Load

t c1.5 mm + 3 % of designed deflection ( m m ) under specified load ] ( m m )

The minimum value of t1.5 rnm t 3 % of designed deflection (mm) under

specified load ] shall be I % of f r e e height. I n this case, the figures
shall be rounded off to the minimum l i m i t of 0.5 m m in accordancr: wi:!!
JIS Z 8401.

(2) Tolerances on Load under Specified Height

+ 11.5 rnm + 3 X of designed deflection (rnrn) t o specified hcight] x sprin);

constant ( N { kgf 1 )

[1.5 mm + 3 % of designed deflection ( m m ) tu '

specified height
or 2 x 100 %
Designed deflection ( m m ) to specified height

In this case, the spring constant shall be obtained from the following

where k : spring constant (N/mm C kgi;rnrn: )

G: modulus of transverse elasticitj1

( N / m m 2 (kgf/mm2 1 )

d : diameter of material ( m m )

D : mean diameter of coil (mm)

N, : number of active coils (number of free

coils for compressio~~springs, and total
number of coils for tension springs)
The minimum value of (1.5 mm + 3 % of designed deflection (mm) to
specified height] shall be 1 % of free height.

(3) Tolerance on Spring Constant

For springs for which accuracy is required from the chhracter of use, closer
tolerance up to t 5 % may be specified.

4. Hardness

Hardness after tempering shall, as a rule, be HBW 388 to 461 in Brine11

hardness (diameter of indentation being 3.10 to 2.85 mm).

5. Dimensions and Tolerances

The dimensions of springs shall conform to the relevant specification, and the
dimensional tolerances to the following items:

(1) Free Hei ht ( ' ) Where the spring characteristic is specified, the free
be considered to be informative values, and where spring
characteristic is not specified, the tolerances on free height shall be F 2
% of the free height.
Note ( I ) For tension springs, the height given below s h d l l be decrned i l l (
length, which indicates the inside to inside length of t h e hooks.

(2) Coil Diameter Tolerances on coil diameter shall be specified either for
inside or outside diameter depending on the purpose of use, and the value
shall conform to Table 1.

Free height mm Tolerance ( )

+- 1 % of mean diameter of coil, minimum

250 and under +
being 1.5 mm
i 1.5 % of mean diameter of coil,
Over 250 to 500 incl. being 1.5 mm

Over 500 Determined by agreement between

parties concerned.
Note (2) The tolerances when required, may be specified for one side only,
in which case the whole range of tolerances given in the Table
shall be alloted to that one side.
(3) Total Number of Coils Where the spring characteristic is specified, thc!
total number of coils shall be considered to be informative values, and if
the spring characteristic is not specified, the tolerance on the total number
of coils shall be t 1./4 of a coil for compf.ession springs, and as for tension
springs, the total number together with the tolerances on opposite angle of
hook shall be decided by agreement between the parties concerned.
(4) Inclination of Outside Face of Coil For the compression 'spring of which
the end face has undergone tapered working and grinding, the permissible
limit of the inclination of' outside face of coil shall be 0.05 HO (see Fig.
1) (2.9"). The limit, however, may be restricted to 0.02 H, (1.15") for
springs for which it is particularly required from the character of use that
the, outside. face is at right ang\rs t n the, nnd f acc I - \ I ~ ~ ~ - J Y . t ~ n F ~ ~ ~. ~ '
a1;1 s l : ~ , ' ~

(5) Ununiformity of Pitch For compression springs of uniform pltch, when t n e

spring is compressed by an amount of 80 % of the total deflection ( 3 ) , none
of the coils shall be in contact with the adjacent one excluding by the end
coils. f, -.
Note (3) The total deflection herein means the deflection from free height
to solid height.
(6) Solid Hei ht The solid height of spring shall not be specified, as a rule.
IIowever or spri~igsw i t h approxilncltely 3/4 of the coil taper worked 01.
ground on both ends, if the solid height is especially required, the value
obtained from the following formula shall be specified as t h e maximum
Ha=Nt X d max

where H, : solid height

N, : total number of coils

dmax: diameter d of material when the maximum
value of tolerance is applied to it

6. Appearance

Springs shall be free from harmful defects such as rough surface, flaw,
decarburization, etc. on their surfaces.

7. Materials

The materials of spring; shall be as prescribed in JIS G 4801. However, when

materials other than those are to be used, the materials shall be agreed upon
between the parties concerned.
8. Manufacturing Method

8.1 Forming Temperature The heating temperature to form springs shall not
exceed 950°C. A ..

Further, the temperature for taper working shall not exceed 1000°C.

8.2 Heat Treatment After forming, the springs shall be uniformly heat-treated.
Heat treatment involves quenching and tempering.

8.3 End Face Working When the seat of compression spring is sul~jecteilto
taper working or grinding, the length of tapered part or ground part shall be
approximate three-fourths of a coil and the thickness of the top part ir;volvetl shall
be about one-fourth of the diameter of material.
Further, when taper working is conducted, the end face shall not r;eneri~lly
be ground.

8.4 Shot Peening When springs are subjected to shot peenjng, their working
conditions may be agreed upon between the parties concerned.

9. Test Method
9.1 Spring Characteristics Measurement of spring characteristic shall b c made
usually after the test load is applied once to the spring.

The test load in this case shall be the load which will produce the surface
stress given in Table 2. If this load is greater than solid load, the solid load shall
be deemed to be the test load.

Table 2. Surface Stress under Test Load

SUP 6, SUP 7, SUP 9, SUI.' 9 A, SLII' 10

Division --- SUP 11 A, SUP 12, SUP 1.Z
N/mmz 736
{kgf/mrn2} {75} .
N/mm2 490
{ kgf/mm2} (50)

Reference: The sllrface stress under tegt load of compres~ion

spring may occasionally turn out higher than that
given in Table 2 a t the time of shot peenlng be cause
,the hardness after tempering is greater than HBW 461.

Calculate the test load from the following formula:

where p : test load ( N i kgf ) )

o : surface stress of spring

f-!/mm2 ( kgf/mmz I )

d : diameter of material (mrn)

D : mean diameter of coil (mm)

9.2 Hardness Hardness shall be tested in accordance with JIS Z 2243.

9.3 Dimensions Dimensions shall be measured by direct measurement, limit

gauge or other methods.

Further, the inclination of the outside of compression spring helical coil with
its end face taper worked or ground shall be determined by measuring tlie
inclination ( e ) of coil outside face to the axis perpendicular to each end facc of
the spring under no load as shown in Figure. When the end face is not subjected
to taper working and grinding, the measurement shall be agreed upon between the .-, @
parties concerned.
Figure Measurement of Inclination
of Coil Outside Face

H , : Free height

9.4 Appearance Appearance shall be inspected by visual observation.

Further, if ilecessary, magnetic particle exarnii~alio~~
specificrl i n J1'; (; 0565
and decorburization test specified in JIS G 0558 shall be carried out.

10. Inspection

Inspection for springs shall comply with the following.

The sampling plan for lot-basis inspection shall be as agreed on between the
parties concerned.
( 1) Spring Characteristics Inspection of spring characterisr ics shnll be
performed on the specified items out of those provided ir; 3. in accorr'ance
with 9.1, and the results shall satisfy the respective requirements.
(2) Fiardness Hardness shall be tested in accordancf; with 9.2 all( the e s ~ ~ l t s
shall conform to 4.

(3) Dimensions Inspection of dimensions shall be performed on t h e specified

items out of those provided in 5. in accordance with 9.3, and the results
shall satisfy the respective requirements.
(4) Apperance Appearance shall be tested in accordance with c ) . ~ nnrl tilr
~ c \ c \ \ \ t s\\I:\\\ I - o r ~ nrm
f 1 o 6.
B 2702-1987
Edition 1

Japanese Text

Established by Minister of International Trade and Industry

Date of Establishment: 1956-10-27

Date of lievision: 1987-03-01

Date of !>ublic Notice in Official Gazette: 1987-03-01

Investigated by: Odpanese Industrial Standards Cornnilttee

Divisional Council on Machine Elements

'I'cchnical Colnmittee on Coiled Springs

This English translation is published by:

Japanese Standards Association
1-24, Akasaka 4, Minato-ku,
Tokyo 107 Japan
(C JSA. 1987

R i n v d in Tokyo by
Hohirunsha Co.,L.ld.

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