English 4 k2 2

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Text Analysis ‘Look at the reading to ansre these questions. HA 1. What does each ofthe folowing refer to? INES WORDS REFERENTS 1 is ‘ them a » soother a one 2. Which connective word in the reading Is sed to summarice information? >. Which connective phrase inthe reading is wed to usta a point? HEX 4. Dwo terms are used to show const lines 17 and 31). Find the terms and ‘copy them below. Then write down the concep that ae being contested, concerts sense conrrastEn ~~~ bre cred 5 Inline 24-32, thee types of accountants axe discussed What ae they? Ls at least two characte foreach typeof accountant + —1yP8s OF ACCOUNTANTS———~cHARAGTERISTCS 4 ted es 126 and ten wate oma eons or blac esa Brotaceo man = reatiig acer SEER cass C)S cami, aay ‘Look at the reading to nswer these questions. TE 1. What does each ofthe folowing refer to? LINES WORDS REFERENTS ‘ thers w another 2. Which connective word in the reading i sed to summirice information? 2. Which connective phase ia the reading i std to state a plat? ‘4 Two terms are used to show contrast (lines 17 and 31). ind the terms and ‘copy them elo Then wate down the concept that ate beng contrasted. ~~ CONCERTS BEING CORTRASTED —————— 5: Innes 24-32, three types of accountanis are dscused What ae they? isto least two characteristics foreach ype of ecoantant rns oF xccOUNTANTS ‘CHARACTERISTCS pe cnae > Sorkin te 6 Read lines 16-26 and then write form definitions jor balance sheet and Teer cae OU rembengdeinct + vate > cas > {2} > axtaon aaa 74 pent 0 Hi as a ae PONE MBSSBNCE OF ORDERS 2 XONES Vocabulary Exercises ‘A. Substitute appropriate tems fo the Halied words o phrases in the sentences Delow. status, agencies monitored maintain independently procedure fee Rie figorous solely 1. Many accounting depareents have sri entrance equiemens: only the most, qualified applicants are allowed to enter these programs, "BOP ‘The particular method used to process employee insurance clsims may vary from company company. — 9. Me tock mst ci wid vey day “4. Rather than expind into foreign lnes, the des shop manager chose t0 deal crwth doen tion designe. Abou the constant’ char fr vier mas gh, he gance and adc is ‘he nant enor o company rele ins foal semen 5. 7. When the business began to expand, a second bookkemer was brought in to help ep the books. —_ 8 In the United Sues there are numerous erwin ht provide rvs atthe Joc, satan aon evel ———— EEX. Complete the sentences with the noun verb ad adjective forms provided. 1. communications communleate!communicative 4 Supervisors should stve for two-way —

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