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Part 1
Questions 1 – 8
Read the text carefully in each question. Choose the best answer A, B or C.
For each question, circle the correct answer A, B or C below.

Dear Ain,

Don’t forget our discussion tomorrow at 3 p.m. at the canteen. Please

bring along your notes.

Chee Seng

1. Chee Seng wrote the message to

A. invite Ain to a discussion at the canteen
B. remind Ain about meeting up the next day
C. explain why he wants to borrow Ain’s notes


Mum, please buy me a snack

plate from Teddy’s Fried
Chicken. Please change the
drink to iced chocolate. Can
you also get me a can of

4.23 p.m.

2. Ally is asking her mother to

A. buy food for her
B. order food online
C. pick up her order


Buy 2, Free 2
3 hours, 20 minutes and 30 seconds left!

3. On Black Friday, I can shop for

A. four items but only pay for two
B. fewer than three hours only
C. black items only

Futsal Club Practice

Days: Monday, Wednesday and

Time: 3 – 5 p.m.
Venue: Court 1

Check daily for any changes!

4. Futsal training is
A. for three hours only
B. available daily
C. at Court 1

Nobody likes to be hurt.

Think before you speak.

5. This message tells you to

A. speak first, then think
B. be mindful of others
C. respect your elders


Blood Donation Drive

Sunday, 10 May 2019
Any time after 9 a.m.
Pernama Mall

6. This campaign is taking place

A. every Sunday
B. near Pernama Mall
C. from 9 a.m. onwards

QRIO – A Japanese Robot

Made by: Sony
Height: 61 cm
What it can do: Walk, talk, run, dance, recognise voices and
faces, play ball game and surf the Internet

7. This robot
A. can do many human-like tasks
B. is taller than most people
C. was made in the US


Dear Adila,

I believe that all children should have a proper

place to live and receive affordable health
care. They should be able to go to school
without worries and pursue their dreams. I will
definitely be going to the charity bazaar at One
Utama. See you there!


8. Fadzillah believes that all children should

A. Study overseas
B. Eat at fast food outlets
C. Have a warm bed to sleep in.

[8 marks]


Part 2
Questions 9 – 16
Read the text below and correct the underlined errors.
For each question, write the correct word in the space provided below.

What a Load of Rubbish!!

It’s difficult (0) into believe that after years of people working hard to fight pollution and
take action on the environment, we still have a long way to go (9) during we succeed.
Oceanographers have discovered (10) the huge ‘plastic soup’ made from rubbish floating
in the Pacific Ocean. This island of rubbish has been growing slowly for over 60 (11)
year and is now so big it (12) go from California to Hawaii and nearly to Japan. It
contains everything you could imagine, (13) about plastic bags to children’s toys and
even plastic swimming pool!
The ‘Great Garbage Patch’ as it’s sometimes called, causes lots of problems. One of
these is the chemicals it produces in the sea. These chemicals and small pieces of plastic
are now (14) appear in fish, and obviously, this means the plastic-filled fish could get
onto our dinner plates!
It’s not all bad news though. At the moment, conservation groups (15) were
investigating if the 100 million of tons of waste can be turned into fuel and used in a
positive way.
Let’s hope they take action before the ‘plastic soup’ now (16) after it gets any bigger!

[8 marks]

0 to


Part 3
Read the text below and answer questions 17 - 24
Angel Falls

At a height of 979 metres, Angel Falls is the highest waterfall in the world. It is situated in
the Auyantepui Mountain in Venezuela.

Because of its location deep in the Venezuelan rainforest, nobody in the outside world
knew about Angel Falls until 1935. However, the local people called, the Pemones, knew
about it for thousands of years before that. Its name in the Pemon language is Kerepakupai
Merΰ, which means ‘waterfall of the deepest place’.

In 1935, an American pilot, Jimmie Angel, was flying his plane along the Carrao River
when he discovered the falls, but the wheels of the plane got stuck in the mud. Angel and
the three other passengers had to walk down from the top of the falls on foot. It took them
11 days, but people all over the world learnt of his adventure and the existence of the
waterfall. He became a legend and the falls were named after him.

Thirty-three years later, a helicopter lifted Jimmie Angel’s plane from the mountain and
today it is in front of the airport at Cuidad Bolivar in Venezuela. Sadly, Jimmie Angel was
hurt very badly while he was landing an aeroplane on 17th April, 1956 in Panama. He died
eight months later from his injuries. His ashes were scattered over Angel Falls.

Questions 17 – 24
Complete the following table.
Choose no more than three words and/or number from the text for each answer.

Angel Falls
Height 17.
Situated in… 18.
Location deep in the ….. 19.
Outside people didn’t know
about the waterfall until…..
Local people 21.
Name in Pemon language 22.
Name of the pilot 23.
Number of people in the plane 24.
[8 marks]


Part 4

Read the text and answer questions 25 – 34

A Young Scientist
By Sara Fateha binti Kamil

Let me tell you about someone I look up to. Deepika Kurup is currently an 18-year-old student at
Harvard University. She has been passionate about solving the global water problem ever since
she was 14, after she saw some kids outside her grandparents’ house in India drinking water that
looked too dirty to even touch.
Deepika’s research, which began in her family kitchen, led to a major science prize. This
teenage scientist developed a cheap a cheap and eco-friendly way to clean water. Recognised as
‘America’s Top Scientist’ in 2012, Deepika has won many prizes and awards. She was also
invited to present at the 2013 White House Science Fair. Early in 2014m she was honoured with
the ‘United States President’s Environmental Youth Award’ for her passion for the environment.
That same year, Deepika won the US Stockholm Junior Water Prize, a youth award for a water-
related science project, and represented the US at an international competition in Stockholm,
Sweden, during World Water Week. Recently, Deepika was named one of the Forbes’ ’30 Under
30: Energy’ and was the National Geographic Explorer Award Winner in the 2015 Google
Science Fair.
In her free time, she enjoys giving talks and writing articles to encourage students all
around the world to pursue science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), and to
increase public awareness of the global water crisis. Deepika has presented talks at school
around the world. Deepika is also a fan of martial arts and has black belts in both Shaolin kempo
karate and tae kwon do.

(Adapted from



Questions 25 – 32
Answer the questions below.
Choose no more than five words and/or a number from the text for each answer.
For each question, write your answer in the space provided below.

25. Ever since she was 14, Deepika Kurup has been passionate about solving ______

_________________________________________________________________. [1 mark]

26. Her grandparents live in _____________________________________________. [1 mark]

27. Where did Deepika start her research?

_________________________________________________________________. [1 mark]

28. She developed a ____________________________________ way to clean water. [1 mark]

29. Which country did Deepika represent during World Water Week?

_________________________________________________________________. [1 mark]

30. Deepika encourages students to be passionate about science, technology, ______

_________________________________________________________________. [1 mark]

31. She has presented talks at ____________________________________ around

the world. [1 mark]

32. Deepika is also a fan of ______________________________________________. [1 mark]

Questions 33 – 34
Complete the table below with a word from the text.
For each question, write your answer in the space provided below.

Meaning Word
33. not harmful to the environment [1 mark]
34. to give somebody support or hope [1 mark]
[10 marks]


Part 5

Questions 35 – 40

You are going to write an article about olive oil. Six sentences have been removed from the
article. Choose from the sentences (A-H) to fit each gap (35 – 40). There are two extra sentences
which you do not need to use.

For each question, write the correct answer (A-H) below.


No one knows when the Mediterraneans first fell in love with olives because it was before
people wrote and kept records. (35) _________________. The Mediterranean countries still
produce 99% of the world’s olive oil with Spain being the world’s biggest producer.
From ancient times until today, the basic process of producing the oil is the same. First,
farmers crush the olives. (36) __________________
Ancient civilizations used olive oil as money and medicine. They even used it during war –
they would heat it up and drop it down on the enemy! (37) _______________. It is also
great for making fish and cheese stay fresh. (38) _____________________.
One important study showed that Mediterranean people have the healthiest hearts in the
western world. (39) ________________________. Other studies have shown that using
olive oil and it isn’t an unusual thing to see on dinner tables outside the Mediterranean
region anymore.
Olive oil improves the live of people everywhere when it is part of a well-balanced diet.
(40)____________________. Luckily, the Mediterranean people are happy to share their
secret with the world.

A These days, it is still used in religious ceremonies as it was in ancient times.

B There are even olive oil lamps and olive oil soaps.
C Ancient people knew about its benefits and modern science has confirmed them.
D Twenty people come to help with the harvest and we pay them oil.
E However, there is some evidence that people began growing olive trees around the
Mediterranean Sea approximately 6,000 years ago.
F Then, they take the liquid and separate the oil from water.
G Many oil growers keep their ancient traditions and still harvest the olive by hand.
H This is partly to do with frequently using olive oil.
[6 marks]



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