Reflection Paper - Rotary 4-Way Test - Ronan Villagonzalo

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Ronan Y.

Student No. 11894768

Markkula Framework and the 4-Way Test

I was once a member of a Rotary Club. And even before that, I have seen the 4-Way Test along sidewalks and
highways featured under the Rotary Club logo. For a Rotary club and its members, The Four-Way Test is the
cornerstone of all action. It is the basis for the things we think, say, or do. The guide questions are as follows:
1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Masid-Danas (What?)
With the introduction of Doc Kit of the Markkula Framework for Ethical Decision Making, I could not help but
compare it with The Four-Way Test.

The Markkula Framework gives six (6) decision criteria which are as follows:
1. Utilitarian Approach
2. Rights & Duties Approach
3. Justice & Fairness Approach
4. Human Dignity & Common Good Approach
5. Ethics of Care Approach
6. Virtue Approach

The four (4) questions of the Rotary 4-Way Test may be matched with the six (6) approaches of the Markkula
Framework as follows:
The Four-Way Test Markkula Framework
 Virtue Approach
1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Is it FAIR to all  Justice & Fairness Approach
 Rights & Duties Approach
3. Will it build
 Human Dignity & Common Good
 Ethics of Care Approach

4. Will it be  Utilitarian Approach


Suri-Nilay (So What?)

Most members of Rotary Clubs are businessmen, entrepreneurs, and professionals. With that, it is evident that
the study and application of ethics have been used in business, trade, and practice of profession. This is a
confirmation that we should not separate business with ethics. Ethics is an essential ingredient of a sustainable
business venture.

Taya-Kilos (Now What?)

When I joined a Rotary Club, I was a private school science teacher. The teaching profession required utmost
level of ethical standard. Society did not question nor had any doubts that teachers should model the highest
ethical standard among the professionals as they stand as parents to the youth in the classrooms.

In the case of business, ethics may be regarded by society as not central or merely accessory. However,
several case studies says otherwise.

It has been observed that ethical business are successful and flourishing businesses. And I plan to trudge this
ethical business path in the near future.


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