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Republic of the Philippines

Universities and Colleges

Buenavista, Guimaras




Carlo J. Delos Santos

December 2019
Background of the Study

According to Masud Rana (2019) it is absolutely true that, nowadays, technology has

been an integral part of our daily lives. People all around the globe rely on gadgets for

innumerable necessary reasons, such as communication, research, employment, etc. As

the world is developing, more gadgets are getting introduced, and more dependent people

have become on them. On one side technology has a remarkable positive role in our life,

but on the other side it has negative impacts as well. Though technology has brought a lot

of ease and advancement to humankind, the student section of the society has been

adversely affected due to it. The young population that is in its growing age gets easily

manipulated with the advanced trending gadgets. Our dissertation team has enlisted a few

consequences that affect the lives of students due to excessive use of electronic devices.

Society has always been worrying about the term „Drug critical area of concern in

the present era and can be Smart Phones, Tablets, Laptops and other electronic

gadgets is posing a threat to the social infrastructure in the future. Addiction is

characterized by inability to consistently abstain, impairment in behavioral control,

craving, adverse effects like physiological, psychological, social and emotional. There is

relationship between excessive internet use and loneliness, antisocial values and lower

emotional intelligence and depression games, video-sharing sites and gadgets, such as

iPods and smart-phone phones are now fixtures of youth culture (UNICEF, 2011).

The dependency of people on these technological gadgets and services provided by

these has reached at such a level that, without these, they are unable to think a step

forward in the direction of their growth. The degree of dependency is leading to

addiction of the tech-devices and services. Youth (15-24 years) is the most vulnerable

group among the population to be addicted to technology India‟s youth population

is 231 million and so provides a large market for gadget companies. The main concerns

are about emissions of radio frequency (RF) radiation from smart-phone phones and

base stations that receive and transmit signals. There are two direct ways by which

health could be affected as a result of exposure to RF radiation: thermal (heating)

effects caused mainly by holding smart-phone phones close to the body, and

possibly non-thermal. Extensive usage of gadgets especially smart-phones has an effect

on human’s upper extremities, back and neck. Studies in this area show a significant

association between the total times spent using smart-phone device each day and

relative health problems. Using internet through gadget has always been favorably

regarded as informative, convenient, resourceful and capable of producing economical

as well as social benefits. However, criticisms encircling its negative effects are

rapidly arising. Evidences from studies conducted revealed that excessive and

unmanageable use of the Internet is associated with social, psychological and

occupational impairment. The present study was done to assess gadget addiction among

the undergraduates and its impact on their health.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine mathematics software applications: its impact

to academic achievement in mathematics of grade 8 learners of Bo. Obrero

National High School for S.Y. 2019-2020.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the academic achievement of learners before and after being

exposed to mathematics software applications?

2. Is there a significant difference in the mathematics achievement before and

after being exposed to mathematics software applications?

Statement of Hypothesis

In view of the preceding problems, the hypothesis is advanced:

1. There is no significant relationship between the mathematics software

applications to the academic achievement in math.

Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored on the Distributed Cognition Theory. In Distributed

Cognition Theory, the student is afforded more power. In other words it is a

student-centered approach to learning where the learners participate in a

systematically designed learning environment that supports interaction amongst

its participants (Bell & Winn, 2000). This theory promotes learning in a

community of learners or a system where interaction takes place. It is through

this interaction where cognition occurs. Distributed Cognition requires sharing of

cognitive activity among the parts and participants of this system, which can be

other people or tools such as devices, technologies or media. These participants

distribute their cognition among other learners and physical or digital tools by

externally representing their knowledge. At times, by using these tools, a little bit

of the information might stick with the user, this is known as cognitive residue. It

is through interaction with other members and tools that progresses learning.

Therefore communication among all participants is paramount in importance

(Bell & Winn, 2000).

The role of technology within this theory is an invaluable part of the

system in which the learners are interacting. This interaction can either help to

distribute their knowledge, off-load certain amounts of cognitive work making

the cognitive load less and or help to scaffold new capabilities (Bell & Winn,

2000). For example, using camera to take a photo allows more time to learn

instead of writing it on a notebook. Also, in this theory, technology (gadgets) can

be used to help extend human capabilities. For example, calculator can be used

to solve math problem quickly instead of solving it manually. These gadgets help

students to make their learning more efficient. Another example of this is taken

from a case study that was conducted using robotics to produce solving problem

skills. In this case study, students were placed into small collaborative groups

and were asked to construct a robot, using Lego Mindstorm for schools kits,

which would perform various tasks. The groups were introduced to a tool known
as a flowchart. They used these flowcharts to map the programming instructions

they would give the robot to complete the given task. This allowed them to off-

load some of the cognitive work to the flowchart and then through its use, they

were able to solve harder problems (Chambers et al., 2007).

This learning theory supports the very skills needed by the 21st century.

Learners who are placed into a learning environment based on this theory would

be using their “knowledge and skills—by thinking critically, applying knowledge

to new situations, analyzing information, comprehending new ideas,

communicating, collaborating, solving problems, making decisions” (Honey et al.,


The Research Paradigm

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Mathematics Software Academic Achievement in

Applications Mathematics
Significance of the Study

The present study would benefit the following:

Administrators. The result of the study will provide teachers with

information about the impact of mathematics software applications to academic

achievement of learners. The impact of mathematics software applications can

provide educators with information that could most efficiently ensure learners

success. This information could prove to be invaluable to educators in providing

opportunities to meet the needs of their students.

Teachers. A better understanding to the mathematics software applications

could assist teachers in providing appropriate instruction in improving the

academic achievement in Math of the learners. Likewise, the findings of the study

will give insights to direct their instruction in a way that is systematically and

sequentially presented. In providing learners with such instruction, teachers are

facilitating opportunities for learners to succeed. Moreover, the results of this

study will guide teachers plan to improve the mathematical instruction in their

schools. Lastly, the results of this study also hoped to prove the need to

incorporate techniques for mathematics skills development in the Grade 8 Math


Students. The findings of this research will provide information regarding

the impact of mathematics software applications in their studies.

Future researchers. The result of this study contributes additional data

about the mathematics software applications that can serve as a reference for

future researchers in the field.

Definition of Terms

For purposes of clarity and understanding, the following terms are hereby

defined conceptually and operationally:

Software Applications.

Impact. This refers to the effects of gadgets on the respondents in their


Software Application. This refers to all different software programs on

a computer, such as applications and the operating system. These software

applications are can be downloaded to any android smartphones, tablets, Google

TV and other devices.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This descriptive research aimed to determine the relationship of

mathematics software applications to academic achievement in mathematics of

Grade 8 learners of Bo. Obrero National High School for the S.Y. 2019-2020. The

participants of this investigation were the selected Grade 8 students which were

selected through random sampling.

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