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imprint An analysis of

philanthropic giving in
Jackson Hole.

Dec. 4, 2019

High-dollar donors’ contributions are tied
more often to social or personal cues
than empirical need. Page 8.
2 - IMPRINT • JACKSON HOLE NEWS&GUIDE, Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Imprint shows impact

of your philanthropy
hilanthropy is a cornerstone of giving reflects our community values.
Jackson Hole. In “Inequitable Philanthropy,” Imprint
There are many sectors of Editor Tom Hallberg blends yet-to-
our community that wouldn’t func- be-published research from “Billion-
tion well, or at all, were it not for the aire Wilderness: The Ultra-Wealthy
millions of dollars donated to various and the Remaking of the American
nonprofit organizations across the West,” a book that focuses on Teton
valley. County, and interviews with local
Being such an important industry, nonprofits to explore where our big
this year we’re launching Imprint, a bucks go — and how our community
publication that explores the impact is affected by this dispersal of donor
of philanthropy in our community. dollars.
We chose this word because of We hope this section is one that
the nod it gives to impact, which is informs, sparks ideas and provokes
so much of how we measure philan- conversation.
thropic giving. It’s not just the dollars
372614 donated, though that is admittedly
sizable in Jackson Hole. It’s the impact
of the money. How does your philan-
thropy — our philanthropy — imprint
on our community? That is the central
theme we seek to explore in the sec-
tion. Imprint Editors
This year readers can explore
some of the basics of philanthro-
py — do you know what all of the
501(c)s are? (page 4) — and dive
deeper to some philanthropic
events that are well known and well
loved (think: Old Bill’s). Reporters
also tackled stories about the im-
pact of small donors (pages 5 and
14,) and industry giving trends, in-
cluding grocery store giving (page
11) and matching grants (page 12).
But the cornerstone story of this
inaugural edition explores how our

Special supplement written and produced

by the Jackson Hole News&Guide
J SINGLETON FINANCIAL Publisher: Kevin Olson

is excited to announce – Judy Singleton, a longtime Associate Publisher: Adam Meyer

supporter of the Grand Teton National Park Foundation, Editor: Johanna Love
has pledged her continued advocacy by recently joining
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their Resource Committee.
Imprint Editors: Melissa Cassutt and Tom Hallberg
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by
Layout and Design: Andy Edwards, Samantha Nock
what we give.” – Winston Churchill
Cover Illustration: Ryan Stolp

Photographers: Amber Baesler, Bradly J. Boner, Ryan Dorgan, Rebecca

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Copy Editors: Jennifer Dorsey, Cherise Forno, Mark Huffman

Writers: Chance Q. Cook, Cody Cottier, Allie Gross, Tom Hallberg, Rebecca
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IMPRINT • JACKSON HOLE NEWS&GUIDE, Wednesday, December 4, 2019 - 3

Through Old Bill’s, the Community Foundation makes
giving smarter, nonprofits more effective, and our
community stronger.

OLD BILL’S 2019 Co-Challenger Match $3,464,002

Designated gifts $10,917,189
2019 Total $14,381,191
Lifetime Total $173,720,537

4 - IMPRINT • JACKSON HOLE NEWS&GUIDE, Wednesday, December 4, 2019


Pups socialize and stretch their legs in the Animal Adoption Center’s courtyard. The adoption center is an example of a 501(c)(3) organization.

Nonprofits: 501(c)(3) and beyond

These groups are in fact allowed to make some owners associations.
The centerpiece of the profit beyond basic operating expenses (for ex- The important distinction for (c)(4)s is that
charitable world is just ample, to maintain a reserve fund). The word re- they can engage in political activity. These
fers to the fact that they cannot contribute to the groups don’t face the same restrictions when
one of many designations. monetary gain of private individuals. it comes to supporting candidates for office, so
“Tax-exempt” also needs clarification. 501(c) long as politics don’t become their main focus.
By Cody Cottier organizations are not free from all taxes, only More specifically, they can’t spend more than
from federal income tax on the income they gen- 50% of their money on politics. But they can

he word “nonprofit” has become basically erate through activities related to the purpose for still influence elections, often through advertis-
synonymous with “charity” in popular us- which they were granted tax-exempt status. ing. That allows nonprofits like Shelter JH, for
age, but that is an oversimplification. It’s Wyoming has the fewest nonprofits of any example, to maintain tax-exempt status and be
true that 501(c)(3)s — the bastions of philan- state, with about 3,600, according to the Na- able to “help keep great housing champions in
thropic giving — comprise the bulk of the non- tional Council of Nonprofits. But with roughly six office,” as it proclaims on its website.
profit universe, but the category contains a long for every 1,000 people, it has the third most per However, donations to (c)(4)s usually aren’t
list of lesser-known cousins. capita, behind Montana and Vermont. tax-deductible in the way they are for (c)(3)s.
The 501(c) prefix, which introduces various There are exceptions, but they typically also
kinds of organizations under the Internal Rev- 501(c)(3) rely on membership dues. They may be required
enue Code, signifies that an organization is ex- Odds are this is what you think of when you to disclose to members how much of their dues
empt from paying federal income tax. The kind hear the term “nonprofit” — foundations, food are going toward political campaigning, or pay
that happens to end in (3) is certainly the most banks, churches, museums, amateur sports a “proxy tax” on political expenses.
prominent, but there are also 501(c)(1)s and (2) leagues, animal welfare groups. The list goes on.
s and (4)s and (5)s, all the way up to (28). Most 501(c)(3)s are by far the most common non- 501(c)(5)
are obscure and hyperspecific: The status (c) profits, comprising nearly 75 percent nation- The most common kind of nonprofit under this
(21) applies to black lung benefit trusts, and (c) wide, and they are generally defined by a chari- category is the labor union: a group of workers
(13) to cemetery companies. table, educational or religious purpose. In Teton in a particular industry who join together to ne-
“If you look at the tax code,” said Karen Coleman, County they range from the Jackson Cupboard gotiate for better pay, benefits or working con-
chief financial officer at the Community Foundation to Teton Youth and Family Services to the Off ditions. Some agricultural organizations with a
of Jackson Hole, “there are a lot of other types.” Square Theatre Company. similar goal also belong in the (c)(5) section.
To be clear, not all nonprofits automatically Coleman, with the Community Foundation — Like (c)(4)s, these groups can campaign politi-
fall into one of these categories of tax exemption. which facilitates charitable giving by assisting cally to advance their members’ interests, but politics
State law de- other nonprofits and donors — explained the cannot constitute the bulk of their activity. Again, as
termines non- philosophy behind (c)(3)s: There are certain with (c)(4)s, donations are not tax-deductible, and
profit status, needs, in Jackson Hole and everywhere else, they operate mostly on membership dues.
“Most charitable whereas the that government programs and commercial
businesses can’t or simply don’t meet. 501(c)(6)
giving is driven Internal Rev-
enue Service “Philanthropy fills a niche for society,” she These groups essentially exist to promote busi-
said, “by providing services that would not be ness. The category is largely comprised of trade
by a personal desire grants federal
tax exemp- sustainable on a for-profit basis, because the associations formed on a regional or national scale
individuals or the groups that benefit from them — including the ponderously named National As-
to cure an ill or tion, and the
criteria are do not have the means.” sociation of Associations — but the Jackson Hole
One crucial difference between (c)(3)s and oth- Chamber of Commerce is one local example.
address a need.” different
each case. The
er nonprofits is that donations to them are tax-de- Chamber President Anna Olson was familiar with
ductible. Donors can subtract most of the money the more common nonprofits when she switched
— Karen Coleman two almost al- they give to such causes from their taxable income, out of the for-profit sector, but this strange new
COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF JH ways coincide, lowering the amount they pay each year in federal designation took some getting used to.
as reflected income taxes and incentivizing charitable giving.
in colloquial “I remember I came to the chamber and
Nevertheless, Coleman said, these tax ben- they’d say, ‘Now you’re a (c)(6),’ and I didn’t
speech, but that is not necessarily true. efits aren’t at the front of most donors’ minds know anything about it,” she said. “That’s why
What unites all these groups is, broadly, a com- when they choose to sign a check. we have a finance manager.”
munity-oriented mission. For-profit businesses “Most charitable giving,” she said, “is driven by Though they work to further the interests
operate with the sole aim — more or less — of a personal desire to cure an ill or address a need.” of businesses that do turn a profit, 501(c)(6)s
providing financial benefit to their shareholders, Another common misconception of (c)(3)s is themselves do not. Besides, Olson said, the eco-
but nonprofits exist to further a cause or supply a that they cannot lobby. They can’t take partisan nomic boost chambers of commerce foster is a
need. Essentially, they must serve either the general stances, for example by supporting any particu- boon to all, not just the businesses in their mem-
public or their own membership without concern lar candidate for public office, but they can advo- bership. She noted that the Chamber’s member-
for the bank accounts of private individuals. cate for certain rules and policies. ship includes many other nonprofits.
“There are services that the community deems “A lot of things that take place under the
important enough to the collective good,” said 501(c)(4) umbrella of a chamber are often for the greater
Sharel Lund, executive director of One22, a re- Likely the next most common after (c)(3)s, good of the community,” she said.
source and advocacy center. “One way that gets (c)(4)s are civic leagues and social welfare or-
demonstrated is through nonprofit status.” ganizations. Often that includes everything from Contact Cody Cottier at 732-5911 or town@
The term “nonprofit” is a bit of a misnomer. Rotary Clubs to volunteer fire stations to home-
IMPRINT • JACKSON HOLE NEWS&GUIDE, Wednesday, December 4, 2019 - 5

Diverse donors are the secret to success

Smaller Jackson organizations
rely on a plethora of givers
to fill their coffers.
By Emily Mieure

ometimes children walk up to Marty Anderson
and hand him a few dollar bills they know will
be used to help other kids during the holidays.
The Santa Claus Fund treasurer then makes sure ev-
ery penny goes toward that mission. He said those dona-
tions add up to make a difference in other people’s lives.
Large financial contributions also help, but they
aren’t the only ones that matter.
“We get $5 donations, and we get $5,000 dona-
tions,” Anderson said. “It’s all across the board.”
The Santa Fund buys toys and clothes for children
from families in need. The organization’s hundreds of
volunteers (or elves) help make sure all funds raised
go toward gifts.
“Each kid chooses exactly what they want, and we
buy it,” Anderson said.
Nonprofits in Teton County collect all types of do-
nations from all types of donors.
The budgets of the community’s nonprofits vary
widely. The Santa Fund makes do with a $45,000
annual budget, while the Jackson chapter of Par-
ents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, or
PFLAG, works with about $4,000 a year.
“Our average gift is $40 or less,” PFLAG facilita- BRADLY J. BONER / NEWS&GUIDE

tor Mark Houser said. Mark Houser, facilitator for the Jackson chapter of Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, said his organization
is funded through private donations and works with a small budget supplemented by volunteers who give their time. Like
Houser said he receives gifts as little as $10, but it most nonprofits in Jackson, PFLAG also benefits from Old Bill’s matching funds.
all helps.
“Every dollar we have gives us monies to put into The Santa Fund and Jackson PFLAG, along with community’s ability to raise undesignated matching
programming because we are a volunteer organiza- most nonprofits in Teton County, rely on Old Bill’s dollars is incredible.”
tion,” Houser said. Fun Run to meet their annual fundraising goals. The bulk of donations to many Teton County non-
Jackson PFLAG celebrates diversity and ensures “We have tremendous support in this community,” profits goes through Old Bill’s. But contributions are
Jackson and the state of Wyoming embrace people of Houser said. welcomed any time of year and in any form.
diverse sexual orientations and gender identities. The Community Foundation of Jackson Hole’s Old If you’d like to donate to or volunteer for the Santa
The organization hosts support group meetings, Bill’s fundraiser is an annual event that matches indi- Fund or Jackson PFLAG, visit or
brings educational speakers to the community, puts vidual donations.
on movie nights and advocates for equal rights. “It’s an extra $15,000 for us,” Anderson said. “We Learn more about Old Bill’s and other nonprofits at
Houser said PFLAG’s donor base is mostly private also have a donor that, if we fall short, they are always
individuals, but some Jackson businesses give their willing to step up to the plate.”
support, too. A small budget works for the nonprofit “Old Bill’s is unique,” said Karen Coleman, chief Contact Emily Mieure at 732-7066 or courts@
because it has volunteers who give their time. financial officer at the Community Foundation. “Our

Every year 1 in 5
OF us will experience a
mental health







6 - IMPRINT • JACKSON HOLE NEWS&GUIDE, Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Old Bill’s is a tradition that spreads cash

a professional triathlete, former NCAA Di-
The original match vision 1 runners, even an Iditarod veteran
in 1997 was $500,000, or two were among the field of more than
600 participants who turned out for Sat-
and the yearly event urday’s charity race.”
has grown from there. The concept was, of course, the brain-
child of Mr. Old Bill himself, the anony-
By Chance Q. Cook mous figure who, along with Mrs. Old Bill,
donated a matching grant of $500,000

that first year and every year since. This
he Sept. 17, 1997, edition of the year, the 23rd edition of the event, began
Jackson Hole Guide seemed with that contribution, raised roughly eight
to have some reference to Old times what the first event brought in and
Bill’s in every section. shows no signs of slowing down.
The lead editorial — titled “Jack- According to the Jackson Hole Com-
son Hole run for funds shows heart” munity Foundation, the unique event was
— boasted the success of the inau- born in Mr. Old Bill’s brain while he was
gural campaign that was closing in on on a run in 1995. He was involved with the
$2 million. foundation and presented his idea to its
“In the era of $100 million NBA con- board. One board member asked, “What if
tracts, $52 million property purchases and we throw a party and no one comes?” Old
$30 million motion picture deals, $2.2 mil- Bill responded, “Have you ever heard of RYAN DORGAN / NEWS&GUIDE FILE
lion seems like petty cash,” the editorial a party where money’s being given away Participants of the 23rd annual Old Bill’s Fun Run for Charities gather Sept. 7 at the Town
read. “More than 600 people summoned and no one comes?” Square. The event draws thousands of people, and not just runners.
up the compassion and pledges to raise Old Bill was right. All told, the first run
that much … at Saturday’s first-ever Old netted $1.8 million for local nonprofits and services to those in Teton County who the Community Safety Network
Bill’s Fun Run and Walk for Charity.” has only grown in the two decades that can’t afford them. One22 has only been “I remember the first Old Bill’s, and we
A story on the cover of the sports sec- have followed. around since 2016, but came as the result kind of couldn’t believe it, like it’s just too
tion took a look at the fun run itself, read- Sharel Lund is the executive director of the merger of three nonprofits. When good to be true, and I still feel that way ev-
ing, “Former Olympians, Olympic hopefuls, of One22, a nonprofit that provides human Old Bill’s launched in 1997, she was with See OLD BILL’S on 7

How it works when you give money to the Old Bill’s campaign
The Jackson Hole Community Foundation said the name “Old designated to participating nonprofits is paid to that nonprofit. The match percentage is calculated based on how many designated
Bill” itself can be traced back to Mr. Old Bill’s childhood memory of The second is the match pool. Mr. and Mrs. Old Bill, whose dollars the community raises, how much money the co-challengers
riding his grandfather’s horse, “Old Bill.” annual challenge of $500,000 has become $11.5 million as the 23 and Friends of the March raise, and how many nonprofits reach
“What a marvel at age 11 that the horse could carry the weight years have added up, lead that charge. Co-challengers and Friends the $30,000 threshold. In 2019, the match percentage was 45%.
of all his siblings at once,” the foundation said. “It seemed fitting of the Match make gifts to the match pool, as opposed to directly to Therefore, nonprofits that raised $30,000 or more received an
that one event designed to benefit every nonprofit in the valley be nonprofits. The match pool then funds the partial matching grants additional $13,500. Nonprofits that came in under $30,000 received
a marvel of even great magnitude and a special tribute to those that participating nonprofits receive. Individual and business co- a 45% matching grant on whatever amount they raised.
childhood memories.” challengers give between $25,000 and $250,000 without designating In 2019 the average gift amount for a donor, not including co-
The weight of the event is anchored by Mr. and Mrs. Old Bill, but where those funds will go. In 2019 there were 69 co-challengers challengers, was $2,739.57. The median gift was $300.
the breadth of giving is what has allowed it to be at the center of who, coupled with the Friends of the Match, raised $3.46 million. Nonprofits apply to participate in Old Bill’s each May. To qualify,
charity in Jackson for more than two decades. The amount each nonprofit receives from the match pool an organization must be a local 501(c)(3), government entity or
There are two buckets for proceeds raised during Old Bill’s. The first fluctuates from year to year. For nonprofits, the first $30,000 they faith-based organization, or be fiscally sponsored by a qualifying
is direct donations to nonprofits. One hundred percent of all amounts raise on their own is partially matched by the Community Foundation. organization.

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IMPRINT • JACKSON HOLE NEWS&GUIDE, Wednesday, December 4, 2019 - 7


Representatives of community organizations gather Oct. 21 during the annual Old Bill’s
Awards Party. The Community Foundation cut checks to 210 organizations.
a beat!
OLD BILL’S “Going on adventures, going on hikes
and skiing, it’s really the foundation for Get the stories you
want in your inbox
Continued from 6 this town and community,” he said. “Ac-
ery single time,” she said. “The idea that an cidents are going to happen, and it’s up
unknown donor would match, it was such to us and our team to be ready to go,
a leap of faith for that donor to do that.” have the training and equipment that al-
In 23 years $173,720,537 has been raised lows them to go and respond to emer-
for nonprofits through that leap of faith. gencies. And we need that funding to
“The goal of Old Bill’s was to make phi- make it happen.”
lanthropy a defining force for the commu- Nonprofits are quick to point out that
nity, and it succeeded,” then-foundation the success of Old Bill’s is the giving na-
Executive Director Clare Payne Symmons ture of the Jackson Hole community, but
said. “When I see young adults who grew there’s a special intrigue to the event itself.
up here, I know Old Bill’s had an impact A big part of that is the identity, or lack
that will be felt far into the future and thereof, of Mr. and Mrs. Old Bill, who’ve
around the world.” managed to avoid the limelight the past
Consider the range of nonprofits two decades and remain the faceless
whose funding depends largely on Old keepers of a Jackson cultural icon.
Bill’s. Teton County Search and Rescue, “In a small town, keeping anything a se-
which has participated since the incep- cret is tough, but Mr. and Mrs. Old Bill are
tion, led the 2019 edition in individual committed to anonymity,” said Annie Rid-
contributions with 633. del, the fun run coordinator. “When people
Those contributions account for 34% ask us at the Community Foundation, ‘Who
of Search and Rescue’s annual funds, ac- is Old Bill?’ we like to say, ‘Old Bill is the
cording to communications director Matt spirit of philanthropy. We are all Old Bill.’”
Hansen, who said they are the backbone
of allowing the nonprofit to serve Jack- Contact Chance Q. Cook at 732-7065,
son’s outdoor tradition.

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8 - IMPRINT • JACKSON HOLE NEWS&GUIDE, Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Inequitable philanthropy
High-dollar donors’
contributions are tied
more often to social
or personal cues
than actual need.
By Tom Hallberg

ighest. Richest. Wealthiest.
Most generous.
There’s an oft-repeated trope
about Jackson, and Teton County as a
whole, that it is one of the most phil-
anthropic places in the country.
“This place probably has more
nonprofits than any place I’ve seen,”
Center for the Arts President and
CEO David Rothman said. “It seems
to me that this is a pretty incredibly
rich environment.”
Wealth is an inextricable piece of
Teton County’s fabric, but what effect
do affluence and its related generos-
ity have? From a bird’s-eye view, it’s
hard to argue with the assertion that
Jacksonites are generous. Old Bill’s
Fun Run for Charity raised nearly
$14.4 million from 4,000 donors,
which correlates to roughly 17% of
Teton County’s population.
By almost any measure that amount
of money can do serious good, but
the benefits of giving are not spread
evenly, and the trends that guide giv-
ing in Jackson reveal a community
that places value — and philanthrop-
ic might — more heavily on certain
sectors. Philanthropy is by nature a
personal act, and donor desires and
feelings, rather than empirical social
needs, often drive it.
Yale University sociologist Justin
Farrell spent several years with the
ultra-wealthy of Teton County con-
ducting research for an upcoming
book, “Billionaire Wilderness: The
Ultra-Wealthy and the Remaking of
the American West.” He found people
in Teton County often donate for rea-
sons ancillary to the mission of the
organizations they support, and focus
their giving on two main sectors.
“Aside from private foundations,
the most economically powerful non-
profits include organizations broadly
related to environmental issues, such
as the Jackson Hole Land Trust and
the Teton Science Schools,” he wrote,
“as well as arts organizations such as
the National Museum of Wildlife Art,
the Community Center for the Arts
and the Grand Teton Music Festival.”
That environmental and arts non-
profits receive the bulk of philan-
thropic giving is not ultimately sur-
prising, nor inherently bad. However,
when those sectors receive a higher
percentage of the giving, human ser-
vices organizations are left with a
smaller piece of the pie in what is one
of the most economically inequitable REBECCA NOBLE / NEWS&GUIDE FILE
places in America. Interpreter and client services specialist Marcela Gonzalez, left, works with parent volunteer Laura Becerra at Hole Food Rescue
An uneven pie to prepare lunches for 20 to 30 summer campers.

The need for exorbitant amounts ing supply, high prices and the need tions that align with their moral and disparity seen in individual incomes.
of philanthropic giving arises in for people to commute from outlying philosophical views or their personal Environmental and arts nonprofits
large part from Teton County’s communities are tied to the high eco- experiences. In a place like Jackson, generally have higher annual revenue
economic inequality. Data that Far- nomic disparity. which draws tourists and residents and more assets than those in other
rell collected for his book shows In Farrell’s estimation, wealth, in for breathtaking scenery and untram- sectors, though that doesn’t apply to
that the top 1% of earners in Teton part, has created the need for phi- meled landscapes, those proclivities every organization.
County make 233 times what those lanthropy, but the related giving is in favor environmental nonprofits like In general, more money means
in the bottom 99% make, the high- no way tied to those needs. Instead, the Jackson Hole Land Trust. more stability. The Grand Teton Mu-
est income disparity in any county donors with the ability to shape in- “We are a tangible aspect of this sic Festival, for instance, pulled in
in the country. dustries give for social, cultural and place that has drawn them here and roughly $8.7 million in 2017, mostly
In real dollars that means the top personal reasons. has real meaning in this part of the through contributions, sales of as-
1% make an average of $28.2 million “The real reason is that people give world,” Land Trust President Lau- sets and program revenue, accord-
annually, mostly through investment because they want to,” the Center for rie Andrews said. “It’s really front of ing to IRS Form 990 financial filings.
income. Wage earners who pull pay- the Arts’ Rothman said. mind.” After spending $3.7 million to put
checks from hourly or salaried jobs Freedom of giving is an inher- Left to their own devices, donors’ on its programming, which includes
make an average of $41,052 a year. ent part of philanthropy. Farrell’s re- tendency to give to organizations like a multiweek summer classical music
That income inequality, Farrell ar- search (as well as the News&Guide’s the Center for the Arts or the Land festival in Teton Village and several
gues, creates some of Teton County’s conversations with nonprofit leaders) Trust has created its own kind of in- wintertime concerts, it had a net in-
socioeconomic issues. Lack of hous- shows that donors give to organiza- come inequality analogous to the See HUMAN SERVICES on 9
IMPRINT • JACKSON HOLE NEWS&GUIDE, Wednesday, December 4, 2019 - 9
being a heavy-hitting donor, like hav- sense of accomplishment to donors.
HUMAN SERVICES ing one’s name put on a building, can’t
to provide the level of assistance
“The notion that we solve our hu- community members need don’t have
Continued from 8
replicated in those fields. man service dynamic is oftentimes the cushion of millions of dollars in
come of almost $5 million that year. Farrell categorizes the avoidance of flawed,” Lund said. “You might help assets or general funds that substan-
That windfall is not always the such “buzz-kill” issues as a willful at- Client A reach the finish line, but Cli- tially roll over each year.
case — the festival ran a deficit of tempt to maintain a view of Jackson as ent B is right behind them.” “All of us try to have reserve ac-
$600,000 in 2016 — but that high a paradise. One22 Executive Director Whatever an individual donor’s counts,” Teton Youth and Family Ser-
level of fundraising makes it possible Sharel Lund said it also has to do with reasons for choosing organizations to vices’ Cavallaro said. “But it can’t take
to weather the lean years. In looking the nature of human services. Even support, the disparity in giving cre- a $700,000 hit.”
at the Center for the Arts, a similar in a massive capital undertaking like ates a tenuous perch for human ser- All the nonprofit executives who
trend emerges. In 2017 the Center’s the Land Trust’s Save the Block cam- vices organizations. A nonprofit like were reached for this story — re-
overall revenue was almost $2.8 mil- paign or the Center’s drive to build its the Grand Teton Music Festival can gardless of sector — were quick to
lion, with more than two-thirds of that downtown facility, many arts and en- weather its $600,000 shortfall in note their gratitude to the Jackson
coming from contributions, while its vironmental fundraising efforts have a 2016 because it has years like 2017 donor class. But Cavallaro said it can
expenses were just under $1.9 million. distinct finish line. that replenish its coffers. still feel as though human service
Again, surplus is not always the Human services are an ongoing en- Human services organizations that nonprofits catch short end.
story at the Center. It ran a deficit of terprise, so they can’t offer that same are already stretching their budgets See HUMAN SERVICES on 10
$58,535 in 2016, which Rothman said
is to be expected.
said. “That’s why we’re nonprofits.”
But some nonprofits are more equal ASSETS AND REVENUE OF SELECTED NONPROFITS
than others. The Center and the music
festival garner big-dollar donations $30 million
and have compiled large asset hold-
ings, particularly in real estate, but CFTA (A)

many human services nonprofits func-

$25 million
tion with revenue that doesn’t come
close to $1 million. Between One22
and the Community Safety Network,
two prominent social services non- $20 million

profits, in just one year between 2013

and 2017 did one of them make more
than $1 million (the Safety Network in
2017). $15 million
The disparity between the arts
and environmental sectors may come
down, in some part, to a general feel-
ing of connectedness. $10 million
“A lot of people come here for the GTMF (R)

idyllic lifestyle that Jackson is, and it JHLT (R)

is a great arts community,” said Sarah
$5 million
Cavallaro, executive director of Teton
Youth and Family Services. “It’s hard- CFTA(R)
er to sell human needs, harder to sell CSN(A)
hunger and abuse and neglect. CSN(R)
ONE22 (R)
“They want to be away from that.” $0 JHCA (R)
ONE22 (A)

The ‘buzz-kill’ factor

While Farrell was researching for $-5 million
his upcoming book, he conducted ex- 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

tensive interviews with ultra-wealthy

lived here full time and others who (ASSETS) (ASSETS) (ASSETS) (ASSETS) (ASSETS) (ASSETS)

split their time between Jackson and

other places. His aim was to under- CENTER FOR THE ARTS
ONE 22

stand what motivated them, particu-

larly philanthropically. He asked about
their lives and their giving tendencies. 2018 NONPROFIT REVENUE BREAKDOWNS
He found they were keen to discuss
the environmental issues they valued
Sales of
gration patterns — but less inclined assets Program Other
to discuss socioeconomic ills. Investment
$1,210,308 Contributions
services 7.2% Contributions
Program services
“In addition to the inability of hu- income
92.0% 12.0% 88.0%
man and social service organizations $413,502
to offer the kind of social prestige,
fun events and connections to power,”
Farrell wrote, “they are associated
with what one Teton County employ-
ee called ‘buzz-kill issues.’”
As Cavallaro and Andrews noted,
many people move here because of
a connection to the natural world.
Farrell writes that the environmental
stewardship that flows from that cre-
ates social networks with status and
intangible benefits. services
Putting conservation easements on $227,160
land, of course, does carry tax and 3.2%

financial benefits, but being able to

point to a tract of land and claim re-
grants a kind of social capital. The Sales of assets
Investment Other
events that come along with being income
in the donor class, from private din- Contributions $281,135
Contributions Program 1% Contributions
ner parties to concerts like the annual $1,375,283
3.2% $6,747,831 services $1,883,371
100% 77.7% $839,445 68.2%
Center Benefit or the Land Trust An- services 30.4%
nual Picnic, are part of the way do- $567,098
nors integrate into the community.
To be uninformed or disengaged is
“Among all these issues, environ-
mental topics carry the most social
weight,” Farrell wrote, “and to be
ignorant is to risk embarrassment
among one’s peers, or to be exposed
as an out-of- touch carpetbagger.”
Poverty, hunger, trauma, the main
issues at the heart of human services,
don’t have the same cachet. Some of
10 - IMPRINT • JACKSON HOLE NEWS&GUIDE, Wednesday, December 4, 2019


The Center for the Arts, according to its 2017 IRS Form 990 filings, has about $27 million in assets. CEO David Rothman said most of that is the value of its three-story facility, which
sits on town-owned land in the heart of downtown Jackson.

Continued from 9
“I would love to see human servic-
es be as important as wildlife and the
environment. I love to see a [specific
purpose excise tax] for $10 million for
human services,” she said. “I think our
humans are as important as our ani-
“It’s easier to look at the moose
sometimes than it is to look at each
A new kind of donor
Last year sociologist Farrell spoke
at the 22 in 21: Philanthropy summit
that Jonathan Schechter hosted at
Spring Creek Ranch. Something he
said rankled a few of the high-dollar
donors in attendance.
Farrell drew a distinction between
old and new money in Jackson. The
older, more established families, he
said, are more likely to spread their
money across a wider swath of the
community. Newer donors — wealthy
individuals and families that recently
moved here — fall into the trends he
notes in his book.
He said they are more likely to use
their giving to develop social capital
and pursue passion projects. One22’s
Lund said Farrell’s research holds true AMBER BAESLER / NEWS&GUIDE FILE

Ana Castro, 12, and Kelly Vilchis, 11, put together a CPR dummy during the baby-sitting skills unit of the after-school program Teen
but that the trend is due, in general, Power in 2018 at Jackson Hole Middle School. The students will earn their CPR certifications and learn other life skills through the Teton
not to donor selfishness but to unfa- Youth and Family Services program.
miliarity with the issues that confront
the community. rent, groceries and other expens- “Those donors that help us have con- run programming, are a special breed
“I think in many cases people buy es cost in Teton County for those sistency and predictability in our — people who genuinely care about
or build a mountain getaway in this working hourly jobs. Once they have budgets and the future. They make it those who make the community func-
pristine beautiful place,” she said, steeped themselves in the community, so we can invest in staff.” tion. But they also pointed out that
“that doesn’t look to have the same it becomes harder to engage in the ig- Human services leaders pointed to human services organizations every-
social problems or despair of their old norant bliss Farrell described. those kinds of donors as the ones who where have the same struggles.
community.” Judging just by give to their or- Funding for counseling, interpre-
Once they get to know the commu- the numbers, an ganizations year tive services and other assistance for
nity, that obliviousness dissipates. organization like after year. Lund low-income families is always hard to
“After a few years of participating the Land Trust said developing come by, no matter where you live.
and being part of it, going to church, would seem to be “It’s easier to look relationships with Though Jackson donors do funnel
going to the grocery store and re- much better off, those donors more money to arts and environmen-
lying on someone to shovel their but Andrews said at the moose shows them the tal causes, they still keep organiza-
driveway and roof,” she said, “they her nonprofit is good their dol- tions like One22 and Teton Youth and
start to notice those individuals as not immune to sometimes than it is lars can do and Family Services in mind when they
individuals.” the struggles. A demonstrates her open their checkbooks.
The new donors Farrell pointed campaign like to look at each other.” clients’ needs. Cavallaro is thankful for those who do.
to didn’t grow up in Jackson, don’t Save the Block Doing so, she “We have affiliated programs
have family ties to the original set- seemingly brings — Sarah Cavallaro said, “takes time,” around state that can’t provide the
tlers, haven’t seen the town as it has out every large- TETON YOUTH AND FAMILY SERVICES and that donor is
same breadth of programming,” she
evolved over the years. Convincing and small-dol- more likely to be said. “We are grateful for living here
them to give their dollars to human lar donor Teton someone who has and having the philanthropic commu-
services, Lund said, is simply about County has, but lived in the com- nity we do, regardless if we’re not the
education. funding day-to-day operations takes munity for at least a while. biggest part.”
Her theory is that donors are “fi- its own kind of benefactor. Lund and Cavallaro said the do-
nancially astute” people who know “It’s hard to say to a donor, ‘You’re nors that return to them yearly with Contact Tom Hallberg at 732-7079 or
what they pay for services and what keeping the lights on,’” Andrews said. donations, or give their time to help
IMPRINT • JACKSON HOLE NEWS&GUIDE, Wednesday, December 4, 2019 - 11

Grocery shoppers help out by rounding up

Care as the sole recipient, she said.
Jackson Hole grocery “He recognized that without people
store customers we don’t have a business,” Dietrick said,
“and just felt compelled to honor hu-
support local charities man services charities for that reason.”
and nonprofits. Lucky’s Market is a grocer in the val-
ley with charitable checkout systems in
By Mike Koshmrl place that give shoppers the ability to
elect where their 10-cent credit for ev-

ackson Whole Grocer customers ery reusable bag goes. Customers are
have not one but two opportunities given a wooden dime for every bag,
to chip in and support human ser- and can opt to drop it into a bin for one
vice organizations every time they of three nonprofits, the recent choices
step up to the register. being Cultivate, Teton Adaptive Sports
Regardless of whether shoppers are and Jackson Hole Children’s Museum.
“At the end of every quarter Lucky’s
buying two weeks of groceries or just
doubles your donations,” Regional
enough for a meal, cashiers customarily Marketing Specialist Sarah Greengross
ask them if they’d like to donate a nickel said, “so really that 10 cents is 20 cents.”
earned for every reusable bag being Greengross, who oversees the “bags
filled up with groceries. At the end of for change” program, said the bins typ-
the transaction there’s another chance ically return anywhere between $500
to give, that time by rounding up to the and $1,400 each quarter depending on
nearest dollar and donating the change the season.
to good causes. MIKE KOSHMRL / NEWS&GUIDE

Lucky’s Market gives shoppers a choice where their 10-cent credit for every reusable bag “It’s really exciting,” she said. “Espe-
goes. Customers get a wooden dime for every bag, and can opt to drop it into a bin for cially in light of the bag ban in Jackson,
one of three nonprofits. Recent choices were Cultivate, Teton Adaptive Sports and Jackson it’s a nice way to help people remember
“It’s a nice way to help Hole Children’s Museum. their bags when they go shopping, and
help the community in the process.”
people remember Grocer front end manager Monica
Dietrick said. “Our customers are the
make a major difference to local non-
profit organizations. At Jackson Whole
Albertsons has gotten into the
checkout giving fray as well. The cam-
their bags when they most generous people in town, they
really are.”
Grocer, around $10,000 was gener-
ated in a recent quarter.
paign this fall is called “Turkey Bucks,”
and it’s fitting of the season. While at
go shopping, and The concept of checkout fundraising For a long time Whole Grocer would
cycle through different hand-picked
the checkstand, Albertsons shoppers
campaigns for charities is nothing new, since mid-October have had the op-
help the community and the practice has permeated even charity and nongovernmental recipi- portunity to donate to Jackson Cup-
the largest of big-box stores and gen- ents every month, but for the past board, which in turn used the donated
in the process.” erated hundreds of millions of dollars year or so one entity receives all the funds to assemble Thanksgiving din-
nationwide. A 2012 report by the Cause funds: an organization called Systems ners for the valley’s neediest residents.
— Sarah Greengross Marketing Forum determined that 63 of Care, Dietrick said. It’s an group Many dozens ultimately benefited this
LUCKY’S MARKET large retailer checkout campaigns col- that donates to other human services past holiday.
lectively brought in more than $358 charities in the valley. To name a few: “This Thanksgiving, 92 full holi-
million. That’s around 1% of the overall Central Wyoming College, the Good day meals will be donated to Jackson
By and large, Whole Grocer shop- charitable giving that occurred in the Samaritan Mission, Habitat for Human- Cupboard,” Albertsons spokeswoman
pers opt for philanthropy rather than United States that year. ity of Greater Teton Area, Hole Food Kathy Holland said.
saving a few cents. The handful of Jackson Hole charity Rescue and Turning Point.
“When they’re asked, the majority checkout campaigns that are built into Whole Grocer store owner Jeff Rice Contact Mike Koshmrl at 732-7067
of the people say yes,” Jackson Whole credit card readers in the valley can made the call to switch to Systems of or


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12 - IMPRINT • JACKSON HOLE NEWS&GUIDE, Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Match and challenge grants pay dividends

to secure the matching gift. But this time
Community efforts around, the donor was clear he wanted to
rally donors large see a high volume of contributors.
“That donor was really inspired by
and small, helping the concept of quantity versus qual-
nonprofits reach goals. ity,” Wolfrom said.
Three hundred people, not just 100,
By Allie Gross donated by the deadline. The success
of the first challenge shaped the rest of

aced with the daunting task of the campaign: The Land Trust reached
raising more than $7 million in its goal by introducing a series of chal-
just a few months last summer, the lenges that encouraged a high volume
Jackson Hole Land Trust decided to try of donors.
a new strategy: the challenge grant. “In this town, wealth is a little over-
“It was a totally new concept for whelming to smaller donors,” Wolfrom
us,” said Jenny Wolfrom, director of said, “and this campaign was all about
advancement and community, and
engagement. getting everyone
In late April to rally around a
2018, the Land “When you approach specific cause. Hav-
Trust embarked ing those quantity
on an ambitious somebody who has versus quality gifts
campaign to raise
the capacity to give a was really excit- BRADLY J. BONER / NEWS&GUIDE

The historic cabin that houses Healthy Being Juicery is part of what is known as the “Cafe
the millions needed ing to people. They Genevieve block” in downtown Jackson. In late April 2018, the Jackson Hole Land Trust
to preserve a his- very large gift, and you felt even if they embarked on a fundraising campaign to preserve the area from development. Through a
toric downtown were donating $1 or series of challenge grants it brought in more than $7 million from more than 5,700 donors.
block, affection- have those significant $100 it was making
ately known as the a difference.” tion for them. It strikes a different chord.” a gift to be 100 gifts,” Wolfrom said.
“Cafe Genevieve numbers of supporters Donors contin- There was Million Dollar May (1,000 “Everyone was really trying to be cre-
block.” At the start, ued to be attracted gifts to secure a $1 million donation), ative and figure out how they could help
a donor, seek- behind it, it’s a to the fundraising $4 million by the Fourth (another 1,000 us get to the specific number of gifts we
ing to contribute model. gifts for another $1 million donation), and needed, within their capacity.”
$100,000 to kick- different motivation “A lot of the phi- the Last Chance, Last Challenge (1,500 Other nonprofits use different ap-
start the effort, ap- lanthropy in this gifts for another $1 million). All in all the proaches to the “match” or “challenge”
proached the Land for them. It strikes a town is carried by project raised more than $7 million from grant. For example: For the past two
Trust with an idea: the really wealthy,” more than 5,700 donors. years, One22, a nonprofit focused on
He would provide different chord.” Wolfrom said. At each party and event to raise funds helping the Latino community, has con-
the gift if 100 other “They get pulled in to “Save the Block,” people inquired about ducted challenge grants in the spring,
donors contributed — Jenny Wolfrom a lot of directions. how to help meet the challenges. Small providing a fundraising boost during
by a deadline. DIRECTOR OF ADVANCEMENT AND High-capacity do- donors were encouraged that all contri- what’s traditionally a quieter philan-
The donor, ENGAGEMENT AT JACKSON HOLE LAND TRUST nors are asked over butions made the same dent toward the thropic season in Jackson.
Wolfrom said, and over again by challenge — whatever they were able to One22 Executive Director Sharel Lund
wanted to be sure the nonprofits for give — and the common goal created ca- said matching grants and challenges
his money was going toward something gifts. When you approach somebody who maraderie. Many donors gave repeat gifts. are used in a variety of strategic ways,
the entire community was excited about. has the capacity to give a very large gift, “We were getting calls from people whether to bring more supporters into
Often, “match” or “challenge” grants re- and you have those significant numbers of asking if they could donate a roll of an organization, meet an urgent need
quire a certain dollar amount to be raised supporters behind it, it’s a different motiva- pennies and have each penny count for See GRANTS on 13

IMPRINT • JACKSON HOLE NEWS&GUIDE, Wednesday, December 4, 2019 - 13

Continued from 12
or build sustainability into a funding
plan. One22’s first time using the model
was spring 2018, when it launched a
$100,000 challenge grant over the
course of about a month.
Then, in spring 2019, five families
agreed to give One22 $125,000 a year
for three years if the nonprofit could find
additional donors to commit to a match-
ing three-year gift. That means the non-
profit, established in 2016, can count on
$250,000 each year through 2020.
“For a new nonprofit like ours, which
relies on individual donations for more
than 90% of our annual operating budget,
this sustained funding is hugely beneficial
to our ability to plan ahead and deliver
services with confidence,” Lund said.
Christina Kuzmych, general manager
at Wyoming Public Media, said the radio
station conducts “match” challenges on
air during fund drives. Usually a donor will
provide a gift of, say, $10,000, and stipu-
late the gift should be matched in a partic-
ular time frame. Kuzmych said the model is

“For one, the donor actually puts some The buildings that now house Healthy Being Juicery, front, and Cafe Genevieve are seen here in 1938.
skin into the game, and then, everyone
likes a ‘challenge,’ especially if it’s happen- more peer-to-peer fundraising and us- for the donating family. Lund said do- geted news desk or a new facility.
ing live on their radio and they can hear it ing challenges and matches to say, ‘This nors placing their name on a grant Wolfrom said the Land Trust would
being made,” she said in an email. “People person is giving, you should too, and means a lot, because it demonstrates a consider using the strategy again for
like to see success, and they like to be a that will increase your impact.’” commitment to the nonprofit and en- “the right project.” Challenge grants can
part of that success. They also appreci- Martin said trends are showing that courages the donors’ peers to join in be useful for funding projects on a short
ate the donor who put up the money for smaller donors are giving less, so it’s supporting it. timeline, Wolfrom said.
that challenge. I often hear from people important to encourage volume of giv- “It’s a real gift to the organization “It keeps people interested; it keeps
reminding me of so-and-so’s great chal- ers. “Being able to say you have 10 $5 when an influencer in the community is people engaged,” she said.
lenge, and how much fun it was. Or, if they givers instead of one $1,000 giver dem- willing to put their name on something,” Buying an easement on a large ranch
missed the end, they’ll ask if it was met.” onstrates a lot more community buy-in Lund said. might not garner the same kind of wide-
Tory Martin, director of communica- and a lot more culture of philanthropy in As for the amount of the match grants, spread support and engagement as sav-
tions and engagement at the Dorothy my community,” Martin said. Lund said, it’s important to set a number ing the block, which drew community-
A. Johnson Center for Philanthropy, said All the Save the Block high-dollar do- that’s ambitious but doable. wide support.
match and challenge grants have always nors chose to remain anonymous. Wol- “That’s part of the art of putting it “If we have maybe a project that the
been a “tool in the tool belt of nonprofits from said they wanted the campaign to together, is making sure that it’s a chal- community was really passionate about
and community organizations who are be a community effort. lenge, that it’s a stretch, but it is impor- again, and we knew people would really
looking to drum up increased support.” “They didn’t want to be the person tant to meet it,” Lund said. get excited about, we would probably
“With the rise of online giving in the that saved the day,” she said. Kuzmych said that to run a large grant try to mimic that model,” she said.
last five or so years, especially things like Other match donors are named. number like $200,000, Wyoming Public
Giving Tuesday and Facebook birthday One22’s 2018 drive was titled the Carole Media would need to secure a specific Contact Allie Gross via 732-7076 or
fundraisers,” Martin said. “you do see a lot and Jack Nunn challenge grant, named gift tied to a specific purpose, like a tar-

Human Services Council collaborating to provide essential human

services in the community for 30+ years

Emergency financial aid totaling more than $120,000 was mobilized to assist 114 households
163 individualized therapies
struggling with rent, transportation, and other critical expenses this year.
for kids with special needs
Providing early childhood services to 1,000 kids a year 600 free developmental screenings
Over 1,000 individuals and
families received quality and affordable Head Start/Early Head Start program for 88 200% increase in income for participants and their children.
mental health services with more than children of at-risk families
20,000 hours provided. 449 students received 32,769 hours of free literacy support
Single moms and their families double or
triple their income after completing free 24 hour support for 30 community members with
Over the past 5 years, over 400 parents
job skills training intellectual disabilities
or guardians at risk of abuse and/or
neglect were able to build skills Provided over 13,000 hours of service to seniors
and never abuse their children 6,950 safe bed nights with homecare.
provided annually for survivors + 72 Individuals completed Substance
83% of youth served in the last of gender based violence. Abuse Treatment last year.
5 years at the crisis shelter stayed out of
the juvenile justice system. 1,000 students participated in
substance abuse prevention programs
Adventure, sports, the arts, and
academic enrichment was provided 534 meals a day (home cooked
to deserving local kids through 123 breakfast, lunch and snacks) for kids
youth scholarship awards Provided over 25,000 meals to seniors.
in 2019, totalling $64,900.


By donating to these organizations,
you CAN make a difference!
14 - IMPRINT • JACKSON HOLE NEWS&GUIDE, Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Small donors convince big givers to join

Small gifts energize
the bigger donors,
community campaigns
and the fundraisers
By Rebecca Huntington

ooking solely at the dollars, it’s
easy to discount the value of
small donations. But seasoned
fundraisers say pint-sized gifts can
still pack a punch.
Jackson economics analyst and writ-
er Jonathan Schechter looked at 2017
tax returns to get a sense of who is giv-
ing and how much. What he found is
The bulk of reported charitable giv-
ing in Teton County — 96% — came
from 13% of households with incomes
of more than $200,000 a year. In raw
terms those households accounted for
$224 million of the total $232 million re-
ported for Teton County.
“We don’t know where those dona-
tions were made,” Schechter said. “They
could have been made anywhere in the
world to any tax-deductible nonprofit.”
Yet despite that “sheer math,”
Schechter said, “the importance of
smaller donors isn’t necessarily in the
dollars that they give.”
Indeed, fundraisers stress that small
gifts can lead to bigger ones and enthu- REBECCA HUNTINGTON / NEWS&GUIDE

siastic donors bring energy to a project Brenton Reagan hands out raffle prizes at Cowboy Coffee on the evening of April 3 during the “Let’s Keep Grooming Snow King”
— no matter the size of their gift. fundraiser. The event made its $3,000 goal and kept the snowcats going.
Shawn Meisel, a fundraising con-
sultant who has worked for a variety They had the capacity to give more and cause it’s less expected, she said. The passion of individuals giving
of Jackson Hole organizations, recalled eventually did. Bigger donors are also quick to ask small amounts — with some pitching in
how during her time at the National “They’re dipping their toe in the an organization how many donors they more than once — powered the trust’s
Museum of Wildlife Art she connected pond,” she said. “They want to see … have overall, according to Jackson Hole recent Save the Block campaign, which
with donors who started giving in the will you talk to them at $50 or $100.” Land Trust President Laurie Andrews. raised $7 million from roughly 5,700
$25 range. She reached out to thank A personalized thank-you can mean “The small donors’ energy gets the single-dollar to million-dollar donors.
them and invite them on a museum tour. more at a $25 to $50 giving level be- big donors excited,” Andrews said. See SMALL DONORS on 15


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IMPRINT • JACKSON HOLE NEWS&GUIDE, Wednesday, December 4, 2019 - 15

Continued from 14
All the gifts showed the community
was invested, literally, in preserving the
character of the downtown Cafe Gen-
evieve block, Andrews said.
Modest gifts can also mean a lot to
the fundraisers themselves. Jackson
Hole filmmaker Jennifer Tennican relies
on fundraising to produce films about
the Jackson Hole community. Her latest
film, “Hearts of Glass,” features the early
stages of Vertical Harvest, which, along
with providing year-round produce, of-
fers meaningful employment for com-
munity members with disabilities.

“The small gifts,

they all have stories,
and they motivate us.”
— Laurie Andrews

“It’s meant a lot to me, with the film

about disability, is there have been a
number of people, self advocates with
disabilities, who have donated to the
film, and maybe they’ve donated $5 or BRADLY J. BONER / NEWS&GUIDE

$10,” Tennican said. Those advocates Jackson filmmaker Jennifer Tennican fundraised to make her documentary about Vertical Harvest, “Hearts of Glass.” She said donations
typically have extremely modest in- from the produce grower’s employees, many of whom have modest incomes, were especially powerful.
comes, making their donations espe-
cially significant to Tennican. people a way to belong to something.” matched their enthusiasm by donating a contributed the rest.
Likewise, Andrews said: “The small People can also pool small amounts fourth week of grooming. For Reagan each raffle ticket sold at
gifts, they all have stories, and they mo- to do more good than they can do on Exum guide Brenton Reagan led the the grooming fundraiser counted as a
tivate us.” their own. charge by organizing a raffle at Cowboy vote of confidence in the new spring
There’s also value in making a contri- Last spring, with abundant snow re- Coffee, where people packed the house. ritual.
bution for the givers themselves. maining on Snow King Mountain well “I saw so many different types of “It took the people to do it,” he said.
“Everybody wants to belong to into April, uphill users banded together people,” he said. “The demographic was “We the people did it 5 bucks at a time.”
something,” Meisel said. “When you live with Exum Mountain Guides to raise outstandingly all over the place.”
in a town like Jackson, sometimes the $3,000 to pay for grooming — priced By the end of the evening, raffle Contact Managing Editor Rebecca
price of belonging is pretty high. Mem- at about $1,000 a week — even after tickets netted $2,805 while beverage Huntington at 732-7078 or
bership for low, basic donations gives the mountain closed its lifts. Snow King sales brought in $150. A single donor rebecca@

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16 - IMPRINT • JACKSON HOLE NEWS&GUIDE, Wednesday, December 4, 2019





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