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1. Mr. Carter purchased a used car on credit for a sum of $9500. The bank calculated his interest at
13.75% compounded annually. Flowchart a solution which would print out the dollar amount of
interest and the total cost of the loan.

2. Flowchart a solution which would total the first 50 even numbers, from 2 to 100, and print the
final answer.

3. There are 28 students at J.A. MacDonald High School in the grade 11 computer science class.
For each student there is a student record which contains the student's name and mark in
computer science. Flowchart the solution which would calculate and print the class average.

4. A cosmetic company which sells products door-to-door pays its staff a percentage of the total
sales for the month. The company keeps a record of each person's name and their total monthly
sales. If sales are under $1000, a 2% commission is paid. If sales are $1000 or more, a 4%
commission is paid on the sales over $1000. Flowchart a solution which would read in the name
and monthly total for each person, and print a complete list containing the name and dollar
amount of commission for each seller.

5. There are 1770 students at Riverdale Secondary School. The office has a card for each student
containing the student's number, code(1-female, 2-male), and average mark. Flowchart a solution
which will print out a list of all girls who have obtained an average of 80% or better. The list should
contain both the student's name and average.

6. A finance company has just provided Mrs. Taylor with a $60000 loan at 12.5% per year
(calculated annually). Flowchart a solution to show the annual interest for twenty years, if Mrs.
Taylor plans to pay $20000 each year. (Note: The finance company will calculate the interest first
and add it on to the balance before subtracting any payments).

7. A Halifax trust company uses a computer to calculate interest on customer deposits. If the
interest is calculated twice a year on term deposits, flowchart the solution which shows the sum of
a deposit after ten years. The final answer should contain principal and accumulated interest.

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